EH DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS, s MOULD rcccivo a preference over all Pills now in existence: i'irst Because thev ore composed of Vcectable extracts, frco from minerals; and may be taken nt nil times with perfect safety by young ami old, Willi. out restraint from occupation, temperate living, or fear of taking cold. Second Uceatiso tlicv arc composed nf such medicinal extracts, as liavo been employe by all the most celebrated and rcspcctablo Physicians for more than a century past, m purifying tue Illooa and Animal fluid of tht hotly. Third Dccausc they may bo employed o a mild or active purgative, according to the quantity taken, and their operation will not bo attended with griping of the bowels, sickness at tho stomach, prostration or the system, etc., rs are prouuecu uj other tiill- Fourth Because they possess a combined action, not pos??ed by any other pills, mixtuicor prepar ation whatever. Their first cll'cct is in correcting all impurities with which the blood mid fluids of . . j . t , . .1. .1 !.. tlie hoJy may lc ull-cieu, anu ny uieir rkiiu oimii- IIVO CUCCl, lllg BUtll mijiuilkjvii iiwiii tern. Fifth Because they arc the terror of Quacks and Imposters, for most persons are obliged to take the Sarsaparilla Blood Fills, after Inking their vilo and destructive nostrums, to counteract and prevent their mischicvons and baneful cftects. Sixth Because they arc the only pills in which Physicians havo sufficient confidence to recommend to their patients, and employ in their practice, as they know they nro Ami Quack, Anli Mcrcural. Anti Billious as well as a good and safe purgative and nunfiff of the Blood and Animal luuls. Seventh and last But not the least important, be because they arc prepared by a regular Apothe cary and PlnsicUn, attcsteJ ny Drs. Physic, Hor ner, Chapman, Dcwees, James, Gibson, Jackson, Coxe. Hare, &c, &c. which alone is surhcicut to entitle them to great confidence. Certificates and Recommendations from Physi cians and others accompany the directions around each box. ICFPrice Twenty Five Cents a IJoxJLA Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. LEIDVS Health Emporium, No. 101 North Second st,, a few doors below Vine street, Philadel phia, also, sold by J. Gilbert & Co., North Third street above Vine. G. S. Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st. J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next the Red Jjion, and nil respectable Wholesale and Retail .Druggist's in Philadelphia. They are also sold by: J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Rohrcr, do do "YV. Ebermail Litiz. J. W. Oakly, Reading. J. B. Mozer, Allcntown. P. Pomp, Easton. And the principal Merchants and Drugists in the Uniied States. For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg hy D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. 1 1. COMMUNIC Vi'IONV-ilow few they are that happen to be afflicted with Coughs or Colds pay attention to them. How many thousands from auch neglect shorten their days, and hasten their fi nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil dren, and thus form the founuation for Consump tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their own children to the grave, having died from some affections of the Breat and Lungs, which weue neg lected in their first stages. Coughs and Colds, whether existing among young cr old, ought at all times lie attended to early, and Hot to continue any length of time, for the Lungs once afleclsd.discasesoon makes rapid strides, ending in the most fatal of all diseases, namely Con sumption. Dr. BSCHTER'S PULMONARY PRESER VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catairhs, Influenzas, Shortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in the Breast or Side, ell affection of the Breast and Lungs, and arrest of approaching Consumption, is the most popular medicine used throughout all Ger manyis becoming equally popuUr in te United States, and has established for lfolf a imputation not possessed by any other medicine for the same class of diseases. (See certificates and recommen dations from Parents, Pliy su-ians, and others, accom- paning this directions.) It is a preparation perlcct ly safe and harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may be chen to the youngest infant. It is warranted free from mercury and the minerals, and U a prepar etion of a rczular Apothecary and Physician, attes ted by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Gibson. Jackson, Horner, Dewecs, Coxe, James, &c. a circumstance lone sufficient to induce a trial of it Dr. N. U- LeiJy, Proprietor of the above medi cine, confidently recommends it to all, and assures all most positively ihst it is an invaluable medicine end would not himself recommend it, but for it, known efficacy. ( Prepared only and for saloWhoIesale and Retail at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North Second street a few doora below Vino street, Phil, adclphia also, sold by J. Gilgert & Co., North Th'rd street ahove Vine. G. S. Clemens, do 3d do doWoot' st. J. R. Smith & Co. do Sd do next the lied Lion, and by all respeetiblo Wholesale and itctai Druggists in Philadelphia. They are sold by: J. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, J. W. Rohrcr, do da. W. Ebcrman Litiz. J. W. Oakley, Reading. For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg fcy D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. DR. PHEM'H'S Compound Tomato Entirely Vegetable, A new and invaluable Medicino for all dieseases rising from impurities of the blood moibld secre tion of the liver and Btomach. Also, a substitute for calomel, as a chathartic in Fevers and all billious diseases. These popular pills combining a newly discov cred Alkaline substance extracted from tho TO.MA TO PLANT, with other vegetable snb&tanccs which have been found to modily and ililluse its ef fects, are believed to be the best Alterative and Ca thartic Medicine ever discovered. For ordinary family physic they are uni versally approved, as the best ever offered. A full account ol (his Aiedicire, anu nu merous certificates from physicians and ethers, accomnanv each box. Just received and for salo at the new jiug Stor by J MQYER, Jlgtnt. - UZ. 17. TJIE RESUIIRECTION OR, PERSIAN PII1I4S. ScrtntortTo TnEHinEAX.BnAXDETn'sTAw's Ixmax Poiioativk, tho Mvrciitrss (priced) Saxative, or any other pills or compound beforo the public, as certified to by Physicians ond others Let none condemn them until they hate tried, them, and then we are certain they will not. It is now a settled point with nil who have ued the Vegetable Persian PilU thnt they ore prc-emi-r.cntly the best and most efficacious Family Medi cine that has yet been used in America. If every family conld become acquainted with ibfjr Sovcr r igu power over disease, they would keep them and ba prepared with a sure remedy to apply on the firs appearance of dircasc, mid then how much distress would be avoided and money saved, as well as the lives of thousands who are hurried out of time by neglcctiug disease In iu first stages, or by not-being in possession of a remedy which they can place de pendence upon. 77ie Resurrection, or Persian Pills. The name of these pills orginatcd from the cir cumstance of the medicine being found only in tho ccmcUrics of Persia. This vegetable production Icing of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to ita medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a cen tury it liccamo on established medicine for the dis eases of that country. The extract of this singu lar production was introduced into smne parts of Eu rope in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated Physicians in curing certain diseases, where all oth er medicine has been used in v.iiu. Early in the year 1792, the extract was combined with n rertiin vegetable mcdicino imported from Dura Baca, in the East Indies, and formed into PilU. The admir able rllecl of this compound upon thehumn sys tem, led physiicans and fumilic into its general ui-c. Their long established character their univer sal and healing virtues, the detergent and cleansing qualities of their specific action upon the gl.indular part of the system, arc such as will sustain their re putation and general use 111 the American Repub lic. CERTIFICATES. I certify that I have, by way ol experiment, ud the Hygcan, and most of the various kinds ol Pills, in my practice, which have borne the highest repute in the public estimation, that have been ollered for sale in this vicinity fur the last five yeais, including those called the Resurrection or Pcrsairi Pills; and the public nuy rest assured that none among the whole catalogue has answered n belter purpose, a3 an easy and remedy, than the Resurrection or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease. Cium.Es Backvs, M. D. Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837. TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Chue (c Co. Gents. Hearing much said about the extraoidinarv effects of the Resurrection or Persian fills, upon about to become mothers, we were iuduttd to make u trial of them. Mv wife was at tint ti:t:c the mother of five children, and had suITeied the most tedious and cx- cruri itui pains during and after her uient of each. She had tried every and taken much medicine, but found little or no relief, bho cnmmrrufd taking the J'er-un i'itlt about three mouths U fort her tont'iivii.cnt (her hcidth being ve ry poor about this length of time previous) and in 1 short time she was enabled by their u.-eto attend to the cares of a mother to h :t family until her con finement. At tho timj she comnu-.-tccd taking the Persian Pills, and fur sever-jl weeks pi ctiou), she was afilictrd with a dy hard cough, nnd fiequcut fccveie cramps, which the use of the Tills entirely removed bcloro ueing hull a box. It 11 Ttilhthe greatest confidence that vt advi ie all those about to become mothers to m.iko uo of tl.u Persian I illi. All those that have taken them in our neighbor hood have got along in the :rnr-casy, and are about the houe in a few dtys. 1'heiu dors not appear to be hilf the danger of other danger r tting in after confinement, where these Pills uri taken. We unitedly sjy,lct none neglect taking t'.icm, for they arc in the reach rf thepojraj will ai the rich. Wu are truly thankful that there is a remedy which females can easily procure which tends to lessen the world of sutlcring, which many of them have to bear, and peihaps save the lives of thousands which would otherwise bo lost. Rochester, May 14, 1633; corner of CaliiJonian square, EJinburg street; fc: futthcr particulars sec subscribers. S. RoncrtTj, Axx O. RuutnTs. RociiESTEn, Sept. S-3, 1633. Messrs. E. Chase Co. I think it my duty to Ut yon know what a great cure your PilU luvc pciforrcie.l on me I In J Lren tick a'jout 7 ycirj- al.otit 3 years ami a half con fined to my U?d. I hd br :n given otr at inrurable, with Consumption, by Uclve phyiiciiiiKof the f.rst stsndinrj; my luiigi were seriously ailccled; I had 3 ulcers Gatlier an.l break; my rough was dry and harsh most of tho; my liver ivn much swollen, and my stomach very dv hiK-i tic. I had chills, fi-vcr. a'ld night sweat, ac-ompanicd wish nxt.crsiu in'.t.i btoit'iia of the nervous evtcai. and other diiTioiiliies whuh I Orbcar ti in-Mitiou. Aftor I was j;tven our. l wed 1:111031 an iiiLszianes wiiioti were n-lvcili.-cj, but to no advantage, until I tried your Vcjrt ible Peisbui Pills. I begin lo gain in n short liuio atlcr I comrMiiceit taiiiT them; a.iJ, to bo briiT. befjro 1 took 3 boics, I uat able to ride out and to taknron MderiMe ctcre'ue, and at thii tim lenjjygaol health, and am uM to do good dty'swoik. If any noo wiMies a innro iiitiory 01 my Miller ings, he may call 011 me, at tho corner of .Main aiii Clintou-streiti, Rochester. RUBY ADAMS. Fits Cuntn The undenigncd hereby certify, that we are the Parents of two children who h.ue peen strutted with fits more or less from their infi.n cy,and that we have spared no pains or expense in endeavoring to effect a cure, but without any bene ficial effect, uritil hearing of the Itcsurrcction or Per sian rills, wlien uur toxs wc;o immediately procured, and before three boxes were taken, the (its had abatrd in frequency, and tvciy sym torn much improved, and now we aro happy to state that our rhildien by the use of the Persian Pills, with tho blessing of God, are entirely cured, and have no symtom or appearance of fits, will find in the Persian Pills a sure and perfect cure. JOHN fe MARTHA JOHNSONt Canton N. Y, Dec. 10, 1837. The ilvovo pills may be had of tho following a. gents John Moycr, Bloomsburg; H. Miller, Ber wick; J, Cooper & Sons, Huzelton; C, Hortman, Bspeytown; John Sharpless, Cattawissa; Lyman Sholes, Danville. Ezra Taylor, agcrt for 'he Stats of Pennijlva nia residing at Rochester N. Y. to whm si orders as ks bUtcssccI TO THE FtmLIC. LEGIST.A TIVEKEYSTOKE. During the approaelung session of the leglsh ture, the Kktstoxe will, as usual, bo published twice x wi.kk, and contain full reports of tho pro ceedings in both branches of the legislature, inclu ding the speeches of members, legislative reports Ac. For this purpose, the editors will have com petent reporters in both Iioumm of our legislature, awcll as at Washington city, thus enabling them to furnish not only a complete report of the proceed ings of our own legislature, but also of tho ap proaching Ffssion ofCongress. Having made, am ple arraugements for tho bestowal of ixciieaskh attention to the legLIalivo 'department of their newspaper, they cherish tho conviction, that they will render entire ealUfadtion in this rci-prct not only to the members of the legislature, but to the reading community generally. As it is more than probable, that the oll-cngross-ing subject of the derangement of the currency un der which the community t now laboring, and the condition of the several banking institutions (if our state, wtll constitute topics of speedy legislative action, the proceedings of the approaching cession will by fraught with unuual interest, and render a paper published at tho government, which be stows upon them constant attention, a vehicle of intelligence "most devoutly wished!" We would al-io coll to the iniuds of our readers that the great Presidential contest of 1640 is ap-pro-icliing with sapiJ stride, which is to decide, whether our National Government shall continue to be administered upon the truly republican prin ciples of its present illustrious head, Martin Van Burcn, or whether tho reigns of power shall le committed to the bands of ultra Federalists and friends of a great and blighting monopoly in the shape ef a National Bank. Tho Keystone, being indissolubly wedded to the support of the republi can cause, will in this niomentuous conflict, battle manfully cn the side of Van Burtu and a Con stitutional Treasury, and contribute its mite to the advancement and ultimate triumph cf the demo cratic cause. We shull continue unrr.ii-inly to expose tho dangerous heresies of the Federalists and advocates of an overpowering moiiird monopo ly, and sparo no exertions, to render the "Key stone" an effective weapon in the hands of the Democracy of the State and Union. Grateful for the liberal patronage hitherto bes towed upon them by the community a patronage, which hai given the "Kej stone" u circulation be yond that of any other paper at the peat of govern ment they look forward with confident e to its continuance, and will spare neither time nor labor to mako it doscrved. TERMS. For the Keystone yearly, twice n wrefc, dnrins; the session of the Legislature, and oucu a week for the rcrn limit r of the je.u $3,00 During the iirssion of the Lrg'ulatura twice a week 3,00 All Postmasters, and other Democratie ritizens are requested to rocievc and forward subscriptions to us. "The lift of tht flesh is in the Uoo.1, so sad a the scriptures. Leviticus c. XVII. VII. R. LEIDY'S BLOOD TILLS. What I t!cr thin crii turc testimony can we have of the libs of the ile.'h drxciidti'tx liiton ll.e conditi.ri if tho lloodl If impure or disi'Uvfd, the fljVi m;t of ourse Le dUecd tlisrchy, and I'ni wWc tern partake of such di;;e. If ill.1 1! Iri'iv Iruo, and there is n?t a do.ibt m it (i: it i a f tct t-i ce ded t by oil, thtt the scrii tnrt, n.o Iruo ! 4 yr.i.l :i doult,) tk n it U hooves 1.9 l puarJ :i.ii:..t t!; contequenrcs cf surh imj uiiiic, an 1 t)n. ccnr t!ie tleah liciihhy. If tho Soli l ht.dlhy, comli tuthrj us it does the lincipV. i-oriion of tlii hurii.r. yoly, then must iho whole Us liL'i!:!iy. In vegetables onlj ctrt. we f.n-ilh-ji.tcdl-.iuc where by all impurities o! the blood nuy Le re;o.v.l. Upwards of one lnm.heJ je..r experience of the nio?t relcbrated, thewiw-'i a't 1 lo.t p!ym-im !,e proved ceitain vegtt !! to pojjc.13 urifyir.g pnp cities. Thc?e ve tvhlei will not l.tre le iM.nrJ, and Dr. I.cidy wiihe t.i reinui.t rate hiiim-lf, arid profit by the long, Ktioriom, and cor.tly experiments necessary to -i inide, that the active principle cf those vegetables might be n traded and reduced to suc'j fjrm as makes them easy, safe and pleasant to Lc taken. These vegetables are contained in the justly cr.l- cbralcd Blood PilU, mamifanttirrd onljr by Dr. N. I.cidy. a regular Dmggiat arsd Pl.yainan," n'.tctted tiyUrs. I'hysic, Ltiipnnii, JucMik , ilorntr.uibaoii IJewccj, Janu-s, Hare, Cos, fit. I he above I ills nuy be cmpbiyrd as a mild nr active purgative, i heir nction ctv, and may bo employed by all pcr.orn under all circuniMjin c'i. 'i'hey will at nil times lc f,nnd serviceable, vihin tho least ficl;ncr.i ii prccr.t. They rrqutie no chnnjo cf dio', retrain! from o'Ciipntion, or of takuigcolil from tacir u. 1 hey are. daily pnscriiv -d by numerous phyricians; rrrtit:e;ites ot the fatt iici-ompany thr directions. Thy arc the m?t aXei tivo punllcr nf the Lbod and other fliiid.1 of tho hu man body ever discovered. Persons hiving oner useJ, will ever after, ai occasion may acijuire, have rci'ourfo t.i tiiem. Price Twenty J'ive Cents a box. SoU by all rrspcttV.iV Drug;it nnd Merthanst t.irougliuiit llio Uiii-in, nd In this city c;ilr st Dr. Lcidy's Health Emporium, Scconl iircct be low Vine. J. 11. Smith & Co.'s Ii st. ttrsr the Red Lion. J. (iilbeit C'rt.'aaJ above Vine. O.f'lomciw .'o;i!i tld iiboye WojJ. r.Kletfn 2d and CV.'.o-.vhill. J'or talc ot tho Health Etnpivinm Bloomsburg by V. i. TOBIAS Ag' nf. BJoomsburj July, 13, Ib'J'J. 11. MARSH'S SUPERIOR THKHB Tiusscsnre iiiniaiiy parlicular, on an entirely new plan, and their advantages over all other Trusses, have been attested not only the most respectable of the inrdicul furultv. but by the actual ctjcrimcutof tho?c ufHiclcd with tho disease wbuli they are intended to alleviate. Tho most eminent Physicians upon an examination of this Truss, are so derided as to its superiority, that they havo cheerfully and voluntarily given certificates to me proprietors to be Ism beloie public. 1- or sale by u. o. jotnas Jtgcni litullh Juiporuiin. MILES' COMPOUND EXTRACT OF TOMATO, A valuable Medielne, for which the sub scriber has just received tho agency. A mall supply for sale at his establishment. JOHN R. MOVER. Doc. W TO THE PUBLIC. fleral-tVcckly Stato Capitol Gazette. The proprietors of the State Capitol GnMtte em brace this opportunity to return their sincere thanks to their friends and thr public, for the very ibeial patronage which thev arc pleased to have it ill their power to say. has thus far been extended towards them, nnd I'spectfullv announce that the future I courtc of their journal shall Lc such as they trust will continue to rcccivo tho confidence and support of the Democratic parly. They assure the public that no exertion on their part shall be wanting to cfl'cct this object, and they (Utter llicmbelves that they will be able to render their paper such a vehi cle of usefulness and Information, m will not fail to pivo entire satisfaction to every friend of republican principles. The approaching session of the Lrg'ulnlurc, will unquestionably, bo one of gtcat and unusual inter ctt. There has not, perhaps, been a Tunc before,, when tho oltcntion of tho public was so much en gaged upon any one subject as it is nt present upon the derangement of tho currency, nrrising front the abuses of banking; and ns the'deliberation of the ensuing Legislature, will in all probability be main ly directed to th'11 impoitant t ubject, it ennnot ba othcrwiso than that every thing which transpires at the teat of government in relation thereto, will be eagerly sought after. With thcao considerations in view, the undersigned have made ample arranpe mcnti for laying before their readers full reports of the proceedings iu both branches of the State Lc ijisjiiture, together with the upcechea of members, reports, and other matter which they think will be interesting. In addition to thU, it is the intention of the undersigned to employ uble correspondent at the scat of the general govcrnmeiitjby which means, they will be able, nUo, to place iu their tcmi-week-ly sheet early reports of tho deliberation of Con grcs. The presidential contest of 18-tO U rapidly ap proaching. The fi iii at our mast-head indicates fully the couroa we intend to pursue in the relation to thU great question; and ai v c h ive already given our opiu on nt Icnglh, on this sulject, in u former proipeclui, : dum iu needless at pre-rnt to tire out mdcis, by K"i'C over the same ground. Suf fice it to say, U:t wc h ill give our united support .and energies Inwards the re-elcclion'of prcn-ntablo Chief Magistr.1t.10f the Union, and our huml Is aid i.i behalf of establishing a Constitutional Treasury- AND Threading Iflacfcsine, AND MANUFACTORY. 35 rjT'HTl 9jbJcrilrM take th'.smel'iod of informing Ihtir fr!.iJi, l' it thf y rwitinue Manufactur irV; '":n-i'il:e VirU:un ud i'mlf.ttW JIcr.n S'n :i .'rv, on the mvl improv.'d 1jIm, nude of tho let Hint. i i!i r.ii.i in tho tat wa'ki'MiiJit loan iur, and ).ich ihcy will warren! ti str.nd with fare ti nf.A m.l injuw the prairi by breaking it. Tl.ry have iiirfiK.-rd nil olhira where they have bt'eii'ir.trikJiiccl, in PcniHylvania, Virgiub and Tioith Caroliin. PvaiVa Fntcwl Sj3im$ OR, I.tiprovt-il. An nrtiile of great utility to . Jillf rs for clean ma thi-srwu for i paring it for s'oiiririg. I ltc:'e machine are ni.ini;!r.c.ii!til ot ratt riul wrought Iron, nnd ?:e suppled to L,t an hundred ThtvA.'riii ci-nrrl u:cirithe state of New Voik and iii pint cf nnylvariia. iET- ft try AND and all V.indj of JIatl.t.ury, cert and fitted up.snd all sarts of MGIsIiOW WAKE kept on Innd, nnd sold I y wholc.a!e. All of which will Lc sou ou tlie moat rcivotiRbtr ttrms, I-y U:V1S II. MAUS ,;C(i. Woomsburi,, May '-'j, 1323. Sin I w f7.H TJ TS I 1 0 IZ) f Ivnd Itiiig in rishin.'; rrcck township, Co luiTibi I'caunty, tho rttate of William Park, late of county, Ohio, d ceased, will ba sold at private sale. Any pcrsnii widiin-; to punh-ii-e w ill cirjuirr of the subycribcr, in .Ma Jisoti township, who it duly cnn.tilutcd agent of the heirs of eaid d?cci:rd, far the purposo vi making sa!o cf the same Also, Adjc:iiins the above, is offered for sale, to gether with the above, or rcpara' may suit. Indisputa ble deed j will Lc made. RUSSEI. TARIC. Jersej town, Oct. 5 I330. 53 WBaat9 My AND AND Will be constantly kept'on Iinnil, and so'.d at Retail. JOHN R. MOVER October 2 C STURGEON OIL. For healing horse llesh, tho best remedy over cotno beforo the public for swellings, bruises, and soieness of horses and cows (Sic. For sale at Tobiaa1 Utollh Emporium Bloomtbur LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Oflico aiBloomBlarg at the end of tho quarter ending oa tW 31stday of December, 1830. Allen John, McArtncy Daniel, lllockslcdge John lllddciibanter John, Rrve Iirnjamin, Cornilison Isaac, MOUm bntnucl u. Merrill Uenjimln, Ntingcsser Jacob, Palmer Daniel, Palmer Margaret, Piner Isaac, Reedy Simon, , Shipman Jacob, Slater William, Snow Willard, Smith Horace, Sticker Michel, Snyder Daniel, I Thornton Phcbe, Thornton Savina, "Williams David,. "Worncr Jacob, Worlcra Anron, Weir Thomas, 'Wildowcr Susannah Willits Martha, Wells Sedgwick, Winner John, Wright William, Wcrtlo Chrr. D. RUPERT. P. M. Crivilinpr Andrew Coflmnn Mosrs, Cornclison Mary U. Colo Elisho, Clymcr Ilenjamin II. Doan Jane, r ry John, ilartmnn ueorge, Hindbock Henry, Hcslct Adam C. llartman Jocph, Krrag Auijestus, Krootz John, Kahlrr Chnrlcs Esq, Keller Miiry, IChIih Isaac Cnpt. Krei.ler Lnsper, I.cight Mr. Lciby Jacob, Moycr Suscann, McCIurc Joseph, Jan. I, 1340. Tlione inqtiirine for nnv of the nboyn lc ters will please s:iy it i3 advertised. MILES COMPOUND EXTRACT TOMATO PILLS-, For Sale at Tobias'' Health Emporium MW rOO$ls2 J;isl Kcceivcd at (he BLOOMSBURGr ARCADE 'J'llE .Sll))?cribcrs rc.oneetfnllv nnnmm.. . , , I J ".iiiukhi,. to their friends ami the public gcneially, linn nicy nave rceeiveu anu arc now open- ug, a Kpicniiiu ami cxicnsivc assortment of l;5all & Winter Goods. which with a slork on hntul,cmbraees a va rifty of scssonablc Merchandize for the ac commodation of town and Cotinlv. 111 me j;ry uoou line, Hiey Imvc nil tho varieties of conrsr. fmn At. mmm-ftnn Pi,.ii.. Casimers, Salinelts, Mcrinots, Silks, Cal icoes, Shawh, Ribbands, Luces, Linins, Mousclineilc Lain, Muslins, Veilings, Stocks, Umbrellas, Lady's lionnets, JJonnfl Silks. Trimmings; Furr, Cloth and Seal skin Caps; Boots and Shoes, Socks, ,yc. ej-c. S'c. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF AND Sitcar, Coffee. Teas. Snirr. nfolai. fiiamly, Cjn, Rum, Wine, &c. fc. assorted in prieo and quality. Hardware, Saddlery, iron, ticci, IS ails, Stoves, Stove pipe, Tin Ware, Cedar Ware; CHINA, GLASS,. AND QUEENS WARE, Crockery-Ware, Salt, Fish, Oils, Duo Stuffs, Paints, .J-c. ee. ,J-c. and almost every other article that can bo called for in a country store all of which having been carefully 'selected and oblainetl at the lowest prices, wid be offered airmail profits iu exchange for cash or country pro duce. RUPERT & RARTON: Dlnomsburg Nov. 23, 1830. 30tf. 2Jt boxes hunch Raisons. '2'X boxes clusters low price Rations. 20 boxes European Currants. Ji? boxes bunch Kaisons expressly for fam ilies for SI, 121 per bos. tO boxes Ilrrriiijr. "500 do soft rhcll Almonds. SOO do. Filberts. 800 do. Kimlish Walnuts! B J do. ock Candy. ,'0 Frunes best and cheap, baps Cround Nuts. Sugar stick of all kinds. Shaving boxes. Sliavin;: liritslics. different kinds of shaving soaps. All for sale at Tobias' Health Emporium Important to Farmers- URYAN'S PATENT MILLS, MANUFACTURED UV 3 AUSTIN & MYERS, Selins Grove, Union County, Pa., WILL be kept constantly on hand, for sale by CHARLES DOEBLER, Eloomsburg. 'Jhc ubovc Mills arc a superior article of the kind and no farmer should be without one, Several far mers in Hloom township will testify in their favor from actual use, August 3, Christmas Gift. STORY HOOKS for a Gift t Christ mas, for sale at Tobias' Health Emporium VJ'ttnavouirX
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers