THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. "XKUTIl WITHOUT t EAH " s.ituhb.jy, nacn.nnr.R as, lean. f' PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 1840. Foil President, IVIAItTIN VAN BUREN. Foil Vice President, RICHARD M. JOHNSON. AND THE 'CONSTITUTIONAL TREASURY. CONFERENCE. The Gth Confercnco District of llie E vangtlical Lutheran Synod of Pennsylva nia, will meet in Caltawissa, on thu 1st day of January next. Service in the Eng lish language may bo expected on New Year's Eve, and also on the two preceding days. WILLIAM J. EYER. Dec. 14. 1839. U. S. SENATOR. A number of gentlemen have been named for tin? h'nrh anil important station, by their respective friends, in almost every portion of the statr. All of them good sound democrats, and many of dtcrling talents. It will, of course, be one of the first acts of the Legislature, which meets on tho 7th of next month, to make the appointment, and we hope and trust that tho honor will fall upon pome onu of tho most talented members of tho party, as at tho pre sent tiu.e, particularly, tho interest of the state and nation require that wo should be well and ably re presented in that body. It is true that wo now have a Senator (Mr. Hnchanan) who is not inferior to any other member, but yet it is necessary that wo should havo another who can stand side by side with him in defences of tho democracy of the coun try and tho rights, of the people. We have many Euchmcn,&wc hope and trust, that tho Legislature will not disappoint the expectations of tho people. (Tj'Tho Warren Advocate in extracting the pro ceedings uf tho November Danville meeting, pub lishes the resolution relating to the Harrisburg pa i pers, as u part of the adopted p ocredings. If tho -i!. ...mi c ......... r. . .I.J.I. I. ..,!, CUUUr wit' luitr lu Dili fuji,;. nuui i.ii.iu uu luun tho proceedings, ho will find that wo silted that tho resolution referred to, did not receive tho counto nance of the meeting, but was voted down. Will the Advocate, in justice to the Democracy of Co lumbia county, make tho correction. They do not wish to bo considered as having passed a resolution calculated to do injustice to n highly respected de mocratic paper merely to gratify the personal feeling of tho" Chairman of the Committee." Wc arc much pleased tu leatn that at an election held at Washington, in this county, on Saturday last, our friend, JAMES McCOIl.MICK.was elect ed major of that Baltdllion ot Militia, by a very handsomo majority over his competitor, Mr. Fulraer. The votes wcro For McCormick, 253 Fulmer, 190 Majority, G2 ' Winter has commenced in earnest, snow having fell on fiunduy last, eight or ten inches deep, which gavo us fine sleighing for Christmas. Wo learn by tho papers from tho south that tho snow storm was much more severe, rendering tho roads almost impassable. Forty mi!e3 north of us, but little fell. On Friday, the 20th inst. Henry Koblcr Mussel man was executed in the goal yard, in Lancaster, for tho murder of Lazarus Zcllcrbach. Ho declared his innocence to the last. rX5Tommy bawls lustily for " MORE HOPn." Wo would ndviso him to takp n trip to Northum berland county, ho can there find one that the Courts of that county cut in twain to cnablo him to leave for his present location. It is said to be hiigthy, and in the possession of several poor people, who .would be glad to exchange It for something mori tangible. They do not want the body, for that (would be dead iveight. In New Yotk a few days sinrr, Judge Edwards, in sentencing John Smock to rdeath for the murder of his wife, stated, that f Within the last nine years eleven men had been arraigned before him for murdering their wives 10 of whom, likn tlm prison er now tinder sentence, were drunkards. J Judgo Edwards gavo it as his opinion, that i . i.... c i.. r .!....! : luiuc-ii'uitiia ui mo rimiva i;uiiiuimcit in this country were from intemperance. Tho surplus wheat of Michagan, Illinois and Indiana is estimated at 10,000,000 bu shels. Two or th reu millions of bushels are now in the hands of farmers in the plate of Michigan, which cannot be shipped till tiox (spring. From ibaN. t. Commeroial of Tuesday. SEVERE SNOW STORM. Those who wcro nt the fire in Cedai street, on Saturday night, will long reccol leer the deluge of rain which fell until after midnight. As we supposed, while the rain was pouring down in this city, there was a severe snow storm at no great dis tance from us. The steamboat Swallow, which left this city on Saturday evening, was unable to proceed finlher than Hudson whence she returned this morning, without any mail. The pilot of tho Swallow, who has been on the river for many years, informs us that the snow storm on Saturday night was heavier than any within his reccoflectian. At Hudson and its vicinity the snow fell 18 inches on a level. The river was not fro zen over, but there was too much (foaling ice between Albany and Hudson to rcnJe" it safe for the boat to proceed farther than Hudson. She will go up to-night, but will probably not be able ro proceed farther Mian Catskill. At tho Eastward, the snow fell in prodi gious quantities. We are told that it lay two feet deep on the ground at New Haven- The cars could hardly be dragged upon the railway, with all the power of sieam tnai count ue raised, so that three hours were require J to work their way to Meridan. Within twenty miles of this ci ty the snow represented to bo from eighteen inches to two fect in depth. Since the above was in type another boat haw arrived and brought the mail. We copy the following from the Argus of yes- uiruuy. THE WEATHER AND THE MAILS. bnow began to (all at about 11 o'clock on Saturday night; and continued falling, without intermission, during all yesterday. oo mat nt night it was, at an avcr.ige, of great uepin, anu in some streets and places, owing to the drift impassable. As it had not ccasen snowing wnen our paper was put to press last night, it is impossible to predict mc euu oi ii. Of course the mails were impeded in ev ery direction. JNouc arrived duiing the day, by rail load or steamboat, or from any quarter. It is supposed that the steam boat Iia3 not ventured above Hudson, and tnat tlm roads ate little better than impas sablo between that place and this. Our latest dales, therefore, fiom Washington. are of Wednesday, and from New York of T rid ay. DESTRUCTIVE STORM, AND LOSS OF LIFE. The Boston papers of Monday evening me luui uiiorni us mat, mat city and the neighboring towns were, on Sunday nishl and Monday morning, visited with the most tremendous ale that has occurred hi that section of country for many years. The destruction of properly was immense, and it is already ascertained that more than FIFTY LIVES WERE LOST. Of 00 vessels in the outer harbor of GIou ccster, 21 were driven ashore of which latter, only one was not a total loss. Three sunk, and the ctews are probably lost. A letter in tho Mercantile Journal, dated Cape Ann, says : " At the commencement of the gale, a great many coaslcis entered the harbor, and the most of them were compelled to anchor at the entrance. About 20 of these coast ing vessels wero driven ashore, of which 10 went to pieces, and many of the indi viduals on board, probably a fourth part, were drowned. Our informant saw 17 dead bodies lying on tin; beach; among them was the body of a woman, found lashed to the windlass bilts of ;i Castine schooner; two of the crew of this schooner were lust. " The scenes which occurred during the violent gale yesterday, where truly heart renderiug. Tho vessels which drifted a sliore lay within 30 yards uf terra firina, between which and them dashed the formi dable waves, breaking with great fury, in somuch that assistance by means of boats could not be rendered. Some wa3 washed ashore and escaped with life and other on rafts, or by ropes, reached the shore much exhausted. Eighteen or twenty sail of vessels, by cutting away their masts, rode out tho gale. At Sandy Bay, a schooner, name un known, loaded with flour, struck on a reef, while entering the harbor, and went instant ly to pieces. It is thought that all on board were drowned." Cheap Living. A Virginia paper slates, that it is the intention of the hold and boarding house keepers in Richmond to charge $18 a week for board during the en suing session of the Legislature. Remarkable Death. Jacob Snyder, Jr. was found dead in a house in Hudson Street, New York, and what was singular ho was standing erect, and held in hU death-grasp a bottle of whiskey, which was extricated with difficulty. He was a victim to intemperance. The coronet found his subject standing, as ifiu mock ery of tho levelling powers of the "Bottle Imp." The scene must have been curi ous. A disgraceful riot of about 100 blacks came oil' in Philadelphia on Sunday last. One of the rioters named lllako, has been committed in default of $1000 bail, for as sault and battery on officer M'Lcan; while endeavoring t rusk neact, By the Pillsbure Advocate and Emnnr'i- tttn wo learn that a gentleman of Zanesvillo, uruo, a lew days ago offered 1020 bis of Flour, at two dollars nnd soventy-five cents per barrel, and could not find a purchaser. .A lad, fourteen years of age, was recent y brought bcfoie the police of Boston. and sent to the House of Correction as a common drunkard. Boys take warning. lE'srsasssniEjo MARRIED By the Rev. D. S. Tobias, on the 20th inst. Mr. SIMON REKDY, to Miss SUSAN FREY, both of Hemlock township, .Columbia co. In Berwiok on Sunday last, bv the Rev. I. Bahl, Mr. ABRAHAM ERWINE, to Miss MARGARET MOSTELER, both of Briarcrcek. OBITUARY- DIED In Derry township, Columbia county, on Monday the 10th inst. ISAAC HENDEKSHOT, aged about 72 years, a respeclablo resident ol this county for fif ty years past. TO liUMBERMEHS'. PROPOSALS WILL be received by tho subscriber ufr til sun set of Friday, the 10th day of Jan nary, ioiu, ai me nouse ot u. jjoeuicr, in Bloonisburg, for the delivery of the follow ing bill of Timber at Lock No. 4 in Blooms burg, North Branch Canal. IJ'hitc Oak. 1 picco square, 10 by 12 inch, 40 feet 2 inch long U uo. do. 10 by 12 do. 40 do. 2 do. do. 8 do. do. 10 by 12 do. 01 do. 2 do. do. While Oak, Pine or Hemlock. do. flatted, 10 bv 12 do. 40 do. do. 37 do. do. 31 do. do. 33 do. do. 42 do. do. 51 do. do. SI do. do. 54 do. Oak. do. 51 do. do. 22 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do. 10 by 12 10 bv 12 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 10 by 12 10 by 12 10 by 12 10 by 12 10 by 12 White do. squared 10 by 12 do. do. 10 by 12 do. do. do. do. do do. do. 8 by 1G 8 by 10 8 by 16 19 by 19 19 by 19 10 by 19 4 4v l: 12 by 13 10 .V 10 10 by 10 10 by 10 do do do do do do do do do do do 22 do. 4 do 10 do 10 do 11 do 11 do 11 do 22 do 22 do 5 do 11 do do. do do do do do do do do do do. do do do do do dn do do do do do do do do do do do do 8 do 8 do 8 do 8 do 3 do 8 do COO feet Lineal measure Whits Oak Scant ling, 4 by 0 inches. 4.025 feet 3 inch White Pine Plank. 0,400 feet 2 inch White Pine Plank. 2,000 two inch boards. 4 Ballance beams 12 by 12 inches at one end and 18 by 18 inches at the other end White Oak. 8 piecc3 Gquarcd 12 by 12 inch, 9 feet 9 inch long 12 do do 10 by 10 dn 9 do 9 do do 12 da do Oby 10 do 3 feet Ion' 2 do do 12 by 15 do 14 fect 3 inchs long 2 do do 12 by 15 do 13 feet long 2 do do 12 by 12 do 17 feet 6 inchcslomr 2 do do 12 by IS do 10 fectO inches long 00 feet 2 inch white oak Plank. The white oak Timber to be Sound, free Troni Sap, bhultes, or other imperfections. JACKSON McFADDIN. Dec. 25th, 1839. WHEREAS, the honorable ELLIS LEWIS resident of tho Courts of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, and Court of Common fleas, and Orphan's Court, in the eighth Judicial District, composed of the counties ofNort!iumbcrland,fJiiion, Columbia and Lyroining ; and tho Hon. William Moxtbomkuv nnd Li'.oxaiiii Jib-pEirr, Inquires, associate Judges in Columbia county, havo issued their precept bcaiing date the 23th day of November n tho year of our Lord one thousand ciht hundred, nd thirty-nine, and to me directed for holding A Court of Oyer and Terminer and G il eal JaU Delivery, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, IN DANMLLE, in tho county or Columbia, on tho third Monday of Jan. 'next, (being tho 20th day) and to continue two week. NOTICE is therefore hereby given to the Cor oner, tho Justices of tho Peace, anil Constables of the taid County of Columbia, that they bo then an there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in tho forenoon of said day, with their rccordj, inquisitions and other remembrances to do thoso things which to their oflices appertain to bo done. And thoso who aro bound by recognizances to prosccuto against tho prisoners that aro or may bo in tho jail of said county of Columbia, ure to bo then and there to prosecute against them ns shall bo just. Jurors ro coquetted to be punctual in their attendance, a givcably to their notices. Dated at Danville, tho 20th day December of in tho year of our Lord ono thousand eight hun dred ami thirty-nine, and in tho G3d year of tho independence! of tho United States of Amer ica. WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff1. Sheriff's Office, Danville, ? Dec. 20lh 1839. $ STURGEON OIL, For healing horse flesh, the best remedy ever come beforo the public for swellings, bruises, and soieness of horses and cons &c. Fur sale at Tobiat' Health Emporium Blomiburg, Christmas Gift. STORV BOOKS for a Gift at Christ mas, tor sale at Tobias1 Health Emporium MILES COMPOUND EXTRACT TOMATO FILLSj For Sale at Tobias'' Health Emporium IS HEREBY GIVING. TO all legatees, creditors and olhtr Der- sons interested in the estate or tlm live decedents and minors, that the adminis tration accounts of tho said estates have been tiled in tho Office of the Register of the county of Columbia, and will be pre sented for confirmation and allowance to the Orphan's Court, to be held at Danville in and lor the county aforesaid, on Tues- day, the 20th of January next, at 2 o'clock, r. ;i. 1st. First auplcmentarv account of Sam- uel Carpenter, Exccuter of the last will and testament of Reuben Lundy, late of Green wood townsinp deceased. 2d. Tbe account of Daniel and Jacob Messerschmidt, administrators of lb e estate of Daniel Messerschmidt, son., late of Li berty township deceased. cid. 1 he account ot John and Daniel Boycr, Executors of the last will and testa ment of John Boyor, sen. late of Roarimr cicek township, deceased' 4th. 1'irst supplementary account of Al exander Mears, executor of the last will and testament of Daniel Haino late of Cattawis sa township, deceased. 5th. The account of Michael Sanders and Jacob Scchler, jun., executors of the last will and testament of John Sanders, late of Mahoning township, deceased. Gth. Tho account of James McBride, administrator, &c of the estate ofDem nick McBride, late of Derry township, de ceased. PHILIP BILLMEYER. Register. T . ... o- unoisTEK s uffice, Danville, Dee. 13, 1839, For January Term 1340. Nancy Rohr vs. Nicholas Kindt Alexander Montgomery vs. Jonathan Lodge C. A. Probst vs. David Williams Geo. Gilbert vs. Joseph Gilbert John Jones vs. Daniel Mtisselman'.i Admr's Jacob Jones ct al vs. Joseph Robins John Rhodes vs. James M. Jones William Miller vs- Micheal Orner et al Win. McCarter vs. Robt. Montgomery Archibald McCall vs. A Gouhlerctal A. McCall vs. Samuel Mcllenry et al Thomas Shore vs. Henry Rittenhnusc Samuel Headley's Admr's vs. J. Cooper Litdwig Leight vs. Geo. Muchler Caroline Weidlo vs. John Krider Same vs. Same Joseph II. Seal ct al vs. A F. Russel et al E. D. Cooper vs. J. Cooper et al Peter Miller vs. Adam Dcitrick Charles Craig vs. Wm, Dalo .Tamc3 Comclison vs. S P. Kase Henry Jonson vs. Dimmtck McBride Same ct al vs. Same C. B. Fisher et al vs. B. W. Wapples Same vs. Same John McHcnry vs. Robert Eager Jacob Gelling vs. Peter Miller Daniel Frazer vs A. Cummiugs Philip Kline vs. John Ale Daniel Mostcller vs. Geo. Longaberger Wm. Learch ct al vs. James Fnck et al Cavcner vs Musgrove's Admr SEVERAL thousand first quality of Brick for sale at the old establishment in Bloomsburg. Nov. 30 1839. Estate of ANDREW SEYDERT, late of Bloom township, Columbia county, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters testamentary have been granted to tho sub scriber upon the above estate, All persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, to present them for settlement, duly authenti cated according to law, to HENRY 1). LONG, Matr. Dec. 14, 1839. 33 School Teachers Wanted. Wanted immediately in Madison School Distnct, 4 or 5 School Teachers. Good wages will be given to good Teachers, up on application to SAMUEL KISNER, Secretary. Madison, Dee. 7, 1839. MILES' COMPOUND EXTRACT OF TOMATO, A valuable Medicine, for which the sub scriber has just received the agency. A small supply for tale at his establishment. JOHN U. MOYER. Dec. J. THE Subscriber offers for Bale the TWO STORY FRAME DWELTANQ) tiOVSE and lot on which he resitlesi situated id Market street in Bloomsburg. There is a small barn on the premises, Possession given the first of April next. JOSEPH STOUFFER. Bloomsburg, Nov. 30 1839. 31 if. TOlfS. China single end double birds on trees China flower pots, China ladles &c,, rattles for children, German smoke pipes, Mon keys on trees, mouth organs in apples, pin cushions, ecliele capes, screw cushions, gees and fish in the watct, large and small dolls, conversation cards, Wood and other combs, ladies work boxes, salt spoons, silver tooth picks, emery bags lor sharping needles. For sale at Tdbias Health Emporiumi 3ml Received at the BLOOMSBURG ARCADE THE Subscribers respectfully announce to their friends and the nublic that they have received and aro now open ing, a spienuiu anu extensive assortment of Fail & Winter &oods, which with a stock on hand,embraces a va rietv of seasonable Merchandize fnr thn nr-4 cornmodation of town and County. in me ury uoou line, they have all tho varieties of course, fine & superfine Cloths, Casimers, Satinclts, Mcrinocs, Sillc3, Cal icoes, Shawls, Ribbands, Laces, Linins, Mouscline de Lain, Muslins, Veslings, Stocks, Umbrellas, Lady's Bonnets, Bonnet Silks, Trimmings; Furr, Cloth and Seal skin Caps; Boots and Shoes, Socks, $c. i$c. S'c. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF AND LIQUORS, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Spices, Molasses," Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wine, &c. &. assorted in price and quality. Hardware, Saddlery, Iron, Steel, Nails,' Stoves, Stove pipe, Tin, Ware, Cedar Ware; CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARE, Crockery-Ware, Salt, Fish, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Paints, $c. $c. $-c. and almost overy other article that can bo called for in a country store all of which having been carefully selected and obtained at the lowest prices, will bo offered at small profits in exchange for cash or country pro duce. RUPERT & BARTON: Bloomsburg Nov. 23, 1839. 30 -tf. 24 boxes bunch Raisons. 24 boxes clusters low price Raisons. 20 boxes European Currants. S2 boxes bunch Raisons expressly for fam ilies for $1,12. per box. 12 boxes Herring. 500 do1 soft shell Almonds. 100 do. Filberts. 00 do. English Walnutas lii do. Rock Candy. do. Prunes best and cheap. 4 a5s Ground Nuts. Sugar stick of all kinds. Shaving boxes. Shaving brushes. different kinds of shaving soaps. All for sale at Tobias' Health Emporium. 9 Acre f land lying in FUhing creek township, Co lumbia eountv. tho estato of Willinm Port late of Brown county, Ohio, deceased, will be sold at private sale. Any person wishing to purchass will enquire of tho subscriber, in Madison township, who is duly constituted agent of the heirs of saiil deceased, for tho purpose of making sala of tk same Also, Adjoining tho above, is offered for sale, to gcthec ...lit. l..... . . , im u.u uiivte, ui bi-jiurtUUjUa irnxy ami. muispuia- blo deeds will bo made, RUSSEL PARK. Jcrscylown, Oct. 5 1839. S3 GLASS. Window, Clock and picture glass of, all kinds and sorts; also, vials and.bottles of all descriptions; and best earthen jugs, for sal cheap, at the Health Emporium by D, S, Tobias in Bloomsburg.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers