1 liavo sworn upon the Altar of Cod, eternal, hostility to evory form Of Tyranuy orcr the Mind of Man." Thomas Jtffstton. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED TiY JOHN S. INGRAM AND FRANKLIN S. MILLS. Volume I. BliOOMSBlTIBG, OOIiTOIBIA COTOTY, FA. SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1838. IViimlJcr 4L5. opinE or The democrat. Next door to Hobison's Staok Offioh The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Tivo JMlars Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged. 'A 1) VERTI SEME NTS not exceeding a square inill be conspicuously, inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nserl'ion. ICTA liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. SALE- T miMtmniTR of nn order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia County, will be .sold at Public Vendue, on saturuay, uic iuui uuy March, next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following described real estate, late tha nmnoriv nf Nathaniel Edprnr. lat of Hem lock township, deceased, a certain tract of E.AH35, situate in the townshisp aforesaid, Columbia county, containing TEN" ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Inane Shoe maker, Andrew Shoemaker, and others. The improvement are a HOUSE AND, HALF BARN. The land is of good quality well watered and fenced. Conditions at the timu of sale. MICHAEL STECHEll, Jldm'r. By the Court, Jas. Donaldson, Clerk. Feb. 17, 183& 43 4t SHERIFF'S BY virtue of a writ or Ven.' Exponas, to . me directed, will be cxposud to public sale, at the court-house, in Danville, on Wednesday the 28th day of February, at 10 o'clock, A. M. a certain TRACT OS5 situate in Derry township, Columbia coun ty, containing FORTY acres, more or less, whereon is erected A 5j6&; Hcrase AND The land is all cleared, and adjoins lands of David Dcrr, James Clark, John Springer, and others. On the premises is an APPLE a and a well of water near the dopr. Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the propeity of John Doalc. WM. KITCHEN, Sheriff. February 10, 1838. 42 3t WHEREAS, tho honorable ELLIS LEWIS President of iho Courts pf Oyer and Tcr rrlnicr and GoncralJail Delivery, Court of Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, and Court of Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court.ln tho eighth Judicial District, composed of tho counties of Northumborland.Qnion, Columbia and Lycoming ; and tho Hon. Wilmam Montodmkht and Lkokauu Ruviut, Esquires, associate Judges in Columbia county, have issued their precept bearing date tho luth day of February in dio year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, and to mo directed for holding A Court of Oyer and Terminer and Q il eal Jail Delivery', General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, IN DANMLLE.in tho county of Columbia, on tfio third M today of April next, (being tho Iflth 'davl and to continue one week. NOTICE is thtrtfurt hcrebu civtn to tho Cor- oner, tho Justices of tho Pouce, and Constables of if and other remembrancer to do those things which to their offices nppertain to be done. And those who aro bound by recognizances to prosecute ; "Vajrwnst the prisoners that arc or may bo in tho jail of said countyof Columbia, aro to be then and thero to proccuto against thorn as shall be just. Jurors aro ronursreu 10 uo punctual liuueir attendance, yJL said County or Columbia, that tney b then and .there in their proper persons, at ten o clock, in tho lh forenoon of said day. with their records, inquisition. I, jreoably to their notices. Dated at Danville, the 10th day of , February, In tho voar of our Lord ono thousand eicht hun dred nml thirty-aight, and in the 03d year of the inueponuanoo pt the United states of Airisr lea. WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Oflloo, Danville, ? Ksb. 10, 1883, 6t EliECTIOy. Tub enrolled inhabitants belonging to 'the Firm Baltallion 7,lst Regiment 1. M., are .hereby notified that an election will be held at th house of Alexander Hughes, in Or angevillc Columbia county on Saturday the 10th day of March next, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and six in tho nftor noon, to eleot. by ballot one person for Ma jor for said battullion in the room of Uzcl Hopkins, uoe u. DANIEL FOLLMER, Inspeotor 1st Brigade 8th D'iv. P. M. Limestone, Feb. 17, 1838. 43 4t WAS ffOSIWlJ, A THREE DOLLAR Shinplnster; the owner can have it by calling at this office, and paying tor tins advertisement. Blooinsburg, Feb. 17, 1838. 43 WATjE. THE snbscribor wishes to engage for one year, from the fint day of April next, the services ol A Wagon-Maker, such an one as can make Ono and Two Hsrsa Wa gons in n firm and substantial manner. A ho ; A SPJCK MOTJLDEB.3 for tho season, who can come well recommended as a good workman. Either of tho above will obtuin reasonable wages by opplying to the undersigned Henry yvtlls. Uloomsburg, January 27, 1838. 40-tf DISSOLTTTIOIT OF PARTNERSHIP. Jf Bi'SlIE partnership heretofore existins between IS tho undersigned, tradine under tha firm of Jocph Lemon, & Co. was rnirtually dissolved on llie lotli ol January, 1833. All persons havrng de mands will please to present them for settlement, & uiose .indebted to tho firm aro requested to mauo lm mediats payment. Joseph j,emon, William Lemon, Jonathan Ltmon, Isaac Lemon. January 27, 1835. - 4Wt THE PROPRIETOR of tho North Branch Lino of Mail Stjsgc3 would inform the trav elling public that he ha reduced the fare to TWO DOLLARS for through nassencers, and four cents a mile for way passengers. Leaving Northumber land daily at the arrival or the Harrisp.urg Stogc (TW',or seats at Northumberland, anolv at H. II isurrs Hotel. Returning leaving Wilkesbarr ovary morning between 8 and 9 o'clock j for seats apply at the Hotels of (J.' Korhcr and George P. oioeie, wiiKnuarre. William Robison. llloomsbarg, January 2T, 1838. 40 If. Ziook at TMs. SPIRITS, fr renewing mid cleansins Ladies & 3 Gontlenen'B wearing apparrcl, arid resloreing rnem to their onginal colour and bnalitncss. J his axcellcnt Renovator nevor fulls, no matter with whut artiole tho garment may bo stainod. It removes all grease from tho collarj 01 cotrts, spots and stains eaujou by lime, paints, tnr, on, &c. &c. for salo at x nutan s jjeallh Emporium. Bioomsburg, January 27, 1S38. 40 3t TJIE subscriber would respectfully inform th public that lie has taken his sou WILLIAM SNYDER into co-partnership in his Tannery, und that tho business wilt hereafter bo conducted undor the firm of Daniel fc William Snyder, at ths old established stand in Jlloomsburg. Daniel Snyder. Bloomsburg, January C, 183S. 37-tf F cood quality, and for sale at tho lowest nii ccs, always on hand at, tho old established Tannery, adjoining Snyder's Hotel, The subscri bers would respectfully solicit d continuance or the liberal customs hentafora enjoyed by tho s:nior partner. Darnel Snyder, William Snyiler. Bloomsburg, Januiry C, 1838. 37-tf Ah iipprentico fTS wanted immnicdiatoly by fhe subscribers, to jy, tho Talintng business. A boy between 1-1 and 7 yoars of ags will obtain sjood situation by ap- lying soon. Daniel Sntder, JHlliam Snyder. Bloomsburg, January 0, 1838, 37-tf JOB Pft'nTTIHG . Neaty 'exceuttd at the Demaerat ojtee. A general supply of FRESH OYSTERS may always be obtained during tho season, by ap plying at the Refectory of the subscriber in Blaomt- liurg. Jl'lltt if, .VJU1TSN. Desmber;, 18S7. NOTICES. IiL persons indebted to the subscriber by bond, note, or book account, or otherwise, aro re quested to call and settle the same lefore the Jini day vf April, next. He is determined to have ojd rnattcrs justly arranged; and thoso who neglect at tending to tins notice may rely on strict legal pro ceedings for tho purposes of settlement. There is UO mistake. . DANIEL SNYDER. Bloomsburg, January C, 1838. 37-tf WANTED. MPLOYMENT will bo given to 20 stone cut ters nnd masons, 20 drillers, 20 common la borers, 10 wood choppers, and 10 teams, at Bridge No. 1, Catawisua Rail Road, by the subscribers. Achuylcr, Iriek, Co. Catawisiii Furnace, January 0, 1838. 37-3t loTcr-Scctl. 1f(?4fffo "UPOSHELSOFCLOVERSEED sy?vjy 3 of a superior quality, just re cuned, and lorsaloat tho new and cheap store J. T. MUSSELMAN, Sc. Co. Bloomi,burg, Feb. 3, 1838. NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the subscriber on Bnolc account or otherwisn fhrnnnvmr lmpV. urn y : requested to make payment prior to tho 25th of .uarcu ncxi. , t LEWIS MEYER. Bloomsburg, Feb. 3, 1839. V 'ALlvER8HAMl"S Cough Sirup and Family i-iui, lor saio at. Tobias's Ifealth Emporium. THE tsubscriber Would respectfully inform, the public, that he his taken the slum riWntlu occupied by Mr. McDowell, in Oraligcville, and is now opening and receiving lrom ISew York ahd rmiadeipliia, a splendid nssortment ol all kinds o which ho will dispose of at the most reduced ririccs lor casn or country produce. Tho public aro inv ted to call and examine for thcmsclvev WILLIAM EAUX. Orangeville; Oct. 7, 1837 .VJ3H- aovvs. Cheaper than cheap ! rCnHE subscriber would respectfully announce w t' vjiw ui ..uu.uauuiy Iliiu vicinity, x to tho public in general, that hp has just returned n second time from the city, and is opening out his purchase, which, tourlhr r with lit fnmiir ctnt- comprises a neat and general assortment Consisting in part of an assortment of Cloths, Casiimeres, Saltinctts, Merinos, ,5V Merino Shawls e Handkerchiefs', Dress $ Bonnet Silks and Trimmings, Ginghams, Calicoes, Linnens, Muslins, Vesting, Stocks, Hosiery, f,-e. An extensive assortment of Hardware, Jlollotv-ware, China; Glass, $ Quccnsivare, Crockery, Groceries and Liquors, Oils, Paints, Salt, Fish, iyc. All of which ho offers for sjIc at his store room in Bloomsburg, on Main-strcot, directly opposito the Post o'u.;t, v!r tho pnbljp, are rcspcettnlly invited to call mid scoforthcmsolvoF; s.iJio intends selling his goods still a little cheaper than nny yet sflircd to the public, for cash or country produce. GEORUE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Dec. 30, 1837. Dr. Freeman's Indian Specific, OR the prevention and cure of colds, coughs, Asthmas. mnKimuilinnc. cniHinrr tf hlnrwl. and all disorders of the breast and lungs, for Bale at ue urug siorooi the subscruer, in JJloomshurg. S. Tobias. Rawant's Tonic Mixture, R Vegetable Vermifuge, a lasting cure for tho t ever and Ague, on hand nnd for sale by D. S. Tobias. Mead's Anti-Dyspeptic or Stomach Pills, juk innigesnon.orsourHtoniach, on hand, and M fnr mnln ft. ToMat1 ITrnhh Jtmnnriim. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1838. 38-4t MVEBRY AND EXCHANGE. TIic Subscriber RY respectfully Informs his friends and the public, that he has Always on hand, at his Li very Stable in Bloomsburg, for tho purposes of Hira or Exchange, a variety of Horses, Sulkies, GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS, which he will foel gratified to keep in readiursj for the accommodation of customers. Personal application can b made at his residence, whn avery means will bo used to render entire cut Ufaction of thoso who may give him a call. NOAH 8. PRENTI8. Bloomsburg, November 4, 188T. EDUCATION. From tho Lancaster Journal. THE SOHOOL-MASTEU. Tho vocation of the School-master, lias been less appreciated, and most illy reqult ted of all others. He has been looked up on by tho greater part of society as a se condary being, disqualified for any other pursuit, cons-quently only qualified to "keep school" hence it is obvious why education languishes and so little impor tance attaches to the common schools in our beloved state. Our eitizens have been in tent upon getting rich; their affections have been wedded to the world by the lust of unholy Mammon. The school has beer, neglected, 01 what is worse, been occupied by some stupid, debauched veteran of rum, corresponding in his character, to the esti mation set on the knights of the "Birch" by his employers. I say it, with mingled feelings of regret and indignation, that our ("armors in particular, have been more ea gerly bent upon the attainment of fine hor ses and fat cattle, than upon the culture of the minds of their children. The poor Bchool-master, and the rich farmer's child have been in apposition both secondary concerns. ' One, because he can do nothing else, the latter because ho has 110 work to do: thus as if to fill up a natural vacuum, ho is sent to school during the winter months; and by reason of his home educa tion, he thinks it a duty while at school, to treat his teacher superciliously and contemp tuously; to regard him as a servile depen dant upon the bounty of his parents, and a fit sublcct for tho scoffs and jeers of noisy urchins. Lot the history of our common schools be a sufficient voucher. At present, when a simultaneous effort is being made by the wise and good, to el ovate the character of our schools, the pe cuniary remuneration of teachers falls so far short of a competent salary, that few of tliose wlio arc quallitied will embark in the cause. No young man of good parts will for one moment think of devoting his life to teaching. With a salary of S20 or 625 per month, a young man can hardly subsist, Where then are there any inducement to uige him to perform the duties of ono of the highest offices? None, unless it be a dis interested I0V0 for the character ofhisfel lows. The toad to eminence and distinc tion-invites him through other professions ami few will be found willing to immolate themselves on the altar of a nation's neglect. He see3, and wiselysecs that his labours of love will not be appreciated, and that for the wear of his constitution, he will reecive no remuneration, and finally when his health is broken down by close application, he will be turned out upon the commons to die or end his days in a poor-house, subsisting on the forced bounty of the community. Have parents and guardians viewed this subjcot seriously? I trust not. I cannot be lieve they possess so little interest in the moral and intellectual training of their im mortal charges, No! a withering indiffer ence, a negligent disposition has settled up on tlit'iu. They reflect not upon the awful responsibility that rests upon them, relative to this matter. In this wealth seeking age, an incubus presides tho cursed love of pelf, vibrates on every heart-string. They inglonously fall down at the foot of Mam mon, their vows are paid, and at this shrine every duty is forgotten. Wide, deep, and desolating aro the ha vocks made upon tho principles of our go vernment, by cunning and dissigning dema gouges, who lend the great mass who aro blinded by ignorance and led captive by oily tongucd politicians, and who shout Amen! to all their designs. If liberty ever finds a crave tn the land of her Washington If anarchy ia ever rocked in the 6araa bed where freedom first drawned, 'twill be be cause the people,lQ whole people, were ig norant and uninformed. Educate tho youth of our land, and though commotion should lash the bloodstained ensigns of freedom. Though factious dom ajognes should arise, and with unholy hands commit sacrilege upon the' Star Spangled Banner its Stripes will still wave triumph ant its banners bedewed in the blood of .patriots will emerge from the destoyer's hand, beautified and resplendent in enafTable beauty. When time permits, I shall resume this subject: it is full of interest to all. In the meantime, it is to you, Mr, Editor, and your brethren of the press, that we look for tho greatest aid in reforming the depor able condition of our common schools. Will not the Press speak out? E. V. Mill Hall, Pa. Febuary 1, 1838, Stkanoe Story. It is 18 years since the commune of Laudum, in the department of'Gnrd,. was the scene ofa most bloody deed. A woman, the mother of several children, was murdered in the night, and her body was found buried in a field close to the house of her brother-in-law, upon whom many other circumstances conspired to fix the guilt of this crime. He was tried, found guilty, and condemned to perpetual hard labor. This man was in his 50lh year. The letters "T. P." (travaux a perpetuife ) were branded on his shoulder, but his last words to that society which cast him from it were, "I am innocent.'? . For 12 'years the unfortunate .Bertrand continued an inmate of that scene of herrors, a French bagne, aud during the whole of that time his conduct was calculated to gain for him the esteem of his superiors. He never ceased to proclaim his innocence, and his confidence that ono day the truth of his declaration would be acknowledged. At the end of the 12th year, of confinement, when he had entered his 08 th year as a re ward for his good conduct', tho term of his imprisonment was reduced to 12 years, thus affording him the prospect that in the 80th year of his age lie might bo allowed to turn his back on (ihc gates of his prison. Ber trand was not, however, satisfied; it was the vindication of his character for which alone ho wished to live, and to which ho never ceased to look forward with confident hope. On attaining his 70th year, Bertrand was excused from further labor, and confined to the Central House of Confinement in Ilennes. Abdul three weeks after a letter addres sed to Bertrand arrived from his native vil: Iage. It was written by an officer of rank, who had been his neighbor, andhad fre-' quently befriended him before the fearful stain had been thrown on his character. This letter informed trie prisoner that his " innocence would in a short time be openly acknowledged that by order of the Prociit reur-General aftcsh inquiry had been insti-' tuted and that there was no doubt that in a few days his (Bertrand's)innocenco would be fully established. "My poor Bertrand,',' said hie correspondent, ,"you will bo re stored to society, when I am sure you will , conduct yourself as in your happier days. Courage, Bertrand! you will behold again the mountain of Plauzolies, that of Saint Pierre, and my old Chateaude Be." It had bsqn ascertained that the , murder bad been committed by the husband of tho victim, and that he had buried ihcb'p-dy near Bertraml's house, to divert suspicion from himself. The children of the murderer were aware of tho truth, but during their father's life they had kept the secret invi olate. On his death, however, they be came less reserved; soino hints were at first dropped, and public attention having been recalled to the almost forgotten affair of Ber trand, an inquiry was set on foot, the result of which was a complete vindication of his character from tho horrid chargo that had so long weighed upon it. Poor Bertrand, howover, was not desti ned to behold again his; native mountains, nor his aged wife, nor his friend tho officer, to whoso zeal he had been mainly indebt ed for tho recognition of innocence. Tha formalities required by the French system of eontralization beforo tho order for tha prisoner's discharge could bo made out oc cupied several days, and when it reached Renns poor Bertrand had already been e mancipated from captivity. He diod on tho second day after that on which he received the letter from Ins friend, and hisjastworda were, "I knew the day would oomo at length when myinnoeence would be recog ntsed," French paper. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers