lttsncr, and heard Poke say ho was not mad at tho time ho struck Dornell. - A-wai rant had beon issued,- and put ,fnto the1 Son stable ofTjladison' hands; and l)okY oante in tho evening to giro himself up to me 'or tho constable, Poke's acknowledgments woro mado beforo tho commitment was served. . Cross-examined bv Prisoner's fin it faith , tf - " " . w vw. I cant iay positively that Poke said he in tended to kill Dornell. There was a largo company,. and much excitement. Mv im pression is that Poke said he hud sthtck Dornell, but did'nt intend 'to kill him. 7 illiam Aitchen, Esq. stVorn. I had convorsatioa with Poke in tho jail. He said it Was a pity it happened; that ho was not intoxicated when he came from Jersey- town; that Dornell had camo into tho kitchen, and that he hads'truck Dornell on the back with tho side of the axe. lie said he was not angry at Domoll, but that Re fell afraid 6f him. Ci-oss-examined by Prisoner's counsel. I am keeper of the prison. Dont know that I ever said that Poko ought to bo hung. Tho wife of Robert Dornell, son of tho deceased, is a niece of mine. I have told the prosecuting attorney what people would say m the cause. Jacob Turner, stborn. Poke came to my house on Tuesday morning about sun rise, and asked mo to movo up his family to Plymouth. Wc agreed partly, but not m lull. lie then told me what had hap pened between' him and Dornell; that he had struck Dornell with an axe; that his wife had dismissed him and his eldest son the night before; that she called him a mur derer, and that ho supposed he was n mur derer. 'Cross-examined by Prisoner's Counsel. Never knew any of Dornel's family un til yesterday. I hauled up Poke's family, and had some angry words when wc got up to Plymouth. James Masters, affirmed. Tho morning after Poke struck Dornsll, Poke came into the grist-mill wher6 I was between 2 and 3 o'clock. Ho asked 'mo whether I had heard that he had murdered John Dornell last night. IsaidI had not. "They say so," says Poke, "and I struck him with an axe." I asked him no questions. Ho said when Dornell came into the house he askod him how he was, reaching out his hand at the same time; that Dornell made no reply, but caught him by the hair and back of tho neck and pulled him over. In a fright he said he struck him with the axe, but did not know what ho had in his hand. He said ho was not in a passion; that he had nothing against Dornell. Poke htd a grist at my mill, and asked mo how soon it vould be done. John Armstrong, sworn. In 1834, Dornell came to me, and employed mo to help him to make shingles. I went with him. 1 first saw Poke he raised np while wo were talking about him, about 20 yards from tho road, from a white pine log, with a rifle. He jumped upon the log, with the rhlo in hands, putting the breach on the log. Tho first word he said was "Damn you, John Dornell." "Is that you," says Dornell, "Yes," says Poke. Poke asked him how it camo that his boy had taken things from Mr. Bitman's saw-mill. Dor nell said because he canght the boy taking tho board. He said Mr. Bitman had mis led an iron wedge and chisel, and that Bitman told him that bethought Poke took it. They then quarreled, and Poko got into a' rage & threatened to shoot Dornell, picking up 1his liflc. but not drawing it more thdn breast high. John Dornell had a rifle with him, which lie dreAv up in the same way, telling Poke to shoot away and be damn'd, that he had ns good a rifle'aa he had. They both set down their rifles, Dornell then Baid "Poke, what about your daughter X" Poke's wife then raised Up from the same place that Poke raised, and commouced a quarrel with them, and he threatened Domell. They quarrelled, and afterwards Dornell passed on. After lie went a rod or two Poke blasphemed highly, and said sometime or other he would kill him. Dornell replied, "kill away and be damned Pokey." I -saw tho boy car rying -away tho board. Cross-examined by Prisoner's Oourtsel. -'-We nrertho son 200 yards beforo we came in where Poke was. Dornell aslicd him where he got' the board. The boy tsaid he found It by tho dido df the road. I expect Poke heard what Dornell told the on. I hare seen Poke and Dornell togeth er frequently since 1831. I never since saw tl-om on bad terms. It was tho only wmo'i cvor seen them quarrelr ' .James Caninbcll. sworn. VftrtUlirt A.Yv. rel in T831, Poke said if Doniclt came out tlirough Jus cncldsuro with a IOad of shin gles, if ho did'nt go back ho would shoot an arm or log off of him. Novcr made threats beforo bt after. He said Dornell lmd Insult.. cd him. I have seen them together onco or twico since ; but words passed between mem, ami not on very good terms. I saw them at Millville once at David Evcs's, ami once at Masters. James McCam, stvorn. It hoard Poko make threats against Dornell three year's ago this last summer. Ho said Dornell had insulted him twice, and' if ho ever done the like again, ho would either blow out his brains or knock them out. Poko and Dornell have been together since. When Poke told mo how ho would serve Dornell. I did'nt think he was in earnest ; for soon alter ho said he always thought well of Dor ncll and liked to seo him about his house. When together since, Poke and Dornell Have never quarrelled. T' x - f m Tr oacou tr. iramer, sworn. I was searching for Poko on Tuesday morninir When I met Poke, him and his wife said that Dornell was a dangerous, man, and that no ought to have been killed lonir ajro, and Poke hoped he had gone happy. I went with him to 'Squire Thomas's, mid from thence to Danville that night. He expec ted us to go his bail; and when wo offered ourselves tho 'Squire refused. I live G miles from Pokes, on tho road to 'Squire Thomas's Cross-examined by prisoners' s Counsel. Poke was not at homo on Tuesday mor ning, but he came down the same night, and his wife and daughter were with him. I left word at Poke's house what I was af ter, and that if he would como down we would go his bail. Ho did not refuse go ing to 'Sqnirc Thomas's. ' Tuesday, January, 10, 1836. JoiiS'G. Montcomuky, Esq. one of the counsel for prisoner opened the defence in a speech of some leugth, in which he ad verted to the testimony upon which the commonwealth rested their case, lie did not deny that Poko had struck Dornell with the axo. nor that tho blow caused Dorncll's death; and he would only claim for the prisoner a verdict of either excusa ble or justifiable humicideon account of the provocation, and the act having been com mitted on the sudden impulse of passion, and in self-defence, lie alluded to the scene in Sproul's kitchen tho testimony of Stephen Sproul to Poke's fit, and tho subsequent treatment of Dornell by Poke and his daughter and to Poke's conduct previous to his going before 'Squire Thom as. Ho felt confident that even with no other evidence than was produced on the part or the commonwealth, no doubt could exist of the prisoner's innocence in the opinion of the jury; but he would now call witnesses to substantiate all lie had promised to prove, and after the arguments of counsel, and the charge of a correct, intelligent, humane and perfectly qualified court, ho would be perfectly willinir to rest tho cause in the hands xt a jury selected from the citizens tof this county, and per sonally known to him for their intelligence and probity of character. The counsel for the Prisoner then "called their witnesses, who severally testified as follows: Dr. Russel Parke. Stophen 'Sproul was examined at the inquest boforo 'Sauiro Thomas, but not on oath, wo having refu sed to, swear him for the same reasons for which tho court refused him Vostordsy. He staled pretty much then what ho did yesterday, excepting as to the blows; then tliat 1'oke had struck Dornell three differ ent times on the back, each blow it little highor than the other. Tho last blow he doecribed to be about tho top of the shoul der. Ttfllium H'olltvcr, sworn, I was on the inquest at Squiro Thamas's. Stephen Sproul said Poke had aiven Dornell llireo strokes, and that the last stroke was be tween the neck and shoulders. I havo seen Dornell and Poke foKCthor two or throe times sinco 1834 and never know they woro iin friendly towards ono another. I seen thorn talking together many times, I went up with tho constable to Pqke'son Tuesday morning, when the bay olid old lady 'came out, and told tin that Th'omaS was not at home. I told them what we caine for; that Poke had best give himself up, and aha allowed so too. We then went off, and that same evening' Poftc, and Ins wife 'and daughter came udwn )o jSquiro Thomas's TTho constable was not' at the office, hut being sent for, soon camo and took him. 1 told tho wife that if the 'Squire would take bail ho might havo it. David Eves, affirmed. I was at tho in quest at 'Squire Thomas's; Stephen Sproul told his story. Ho said there were tlireo strokes. He never stated that tho last stroko was on the head. I have often seen Poko and Dornell together since 1831 and they always appeared friendly. Poke brought me a great many shingles. Dornell has helped him to unload them since 1834 Have seen them talk together in my store friendly, on other matters than business. Frciman Poke, sworn. Myself, fathc and mother,, and a small child, went into a swamp to gather belcher tea; as wc were going homo wo seen a board laying by the side of the road. Father told me to pick it up it would make a good bottom-board to our littlo wagon. I done so, after going some distance tho dog treed something, and father and mother went to see what it was Then John Dornell came along in company with John Armstrong, and accused mo of stealing the board. My father said "dont abuse children, but me; I told him to do so." Dornell said "come on, by Jesus, I'll string you," and swung his rifle oifhis shoulder. Father said "you ate a stiinger by trade." Armstrong said to Dornell. "Como along John." They went on together father and mother came on to ino in tho road. We went homo together. The next time I saw Dornell and father together they ap peared to be good friends, which was tho following winter at Wm. Sproul's, in Mill ville. 'i'hey drank together in the evening; and father went to sleep with Dornell, but camo out again, saying Dorncll's breath stunk fo of liquor, that he could'n't sleep with him. Seen them often together after wards. Every time Do'rricll came to our house, my father asked him to eat, oi if at night, to sleep at our house. Jacob Turner and me had ill-words at Plymouth about a barrel of salt, and we also quarrelled the day before, because I would not treat him. After the quarrel in 1834, between Dornell and father, I never heard him say any thing about killing Dornell. He did'nt raise his gun at Dornsll. I havo seen father and Dornell frequently together at Millville. I hever heard cross words between them since 1831,, when they quarelled. Tniliam Sproul. I have seen Poke & Dornell together often since 1834. I nev er saw them, but when chatting together and lively. They have been together at my house since ,1831. They appeared to beon neighbourly terms sometimes a lit tle wafmi but riot quarrelling. They argu ed together. Betsy Poke, stodm. Thomas Poke and myself started from home with a load of shingles, and came to David Evcs's store in Millville, and from thened to Wm. Sproul's tavern, whore we met John Dornell, George Taylor, and Jesse Bobbins. Thomas Poke stood by the stove, and Joint Dornell sat on tho bench, and Thomas Poko went and shoo hands with him and said "How are you, John ?" Jesse Bobbins called for a treat and treated Thomas Poke. Then we went to Jeiseytown, and traded out our shingles, and bouglit some grain, and then returned to Millville, where I got out at Spioul s, and Thomas Poke went on to the mill. Ho came back, and wont to como in on tho porch, & as he stepped on the porch his creature run away with the wagon into tho barn-yard and upset the wagon. I went out and helped him to put the creature into the stable ; and then Stephen Sproul, Thos. Poke and myself came back to tho house, and when at the kitchen door, I heard a great noise in tho bar-ioom. I thought somebody was quarrelling the noise was great. Wc then went into tho kitchen, and set down by tho fire. They had but little fire, and Thomas Poke told Ihcm to make moro fire. Stophen Sproul put a picco of board on. Then Dprnollcame to the kitch en door, and wanted to get iin It was fas tcned. Then Dornell says, "by God I will lick you when I como in," but used no names, u hen ho camo to the door and ho said, " by Jesus Christ, I'll be in dead or alive," and kicked tho door in, When ho camo in, Thomas "oke reached his hand and said, "how arc you, John ?" Ho then clinched him by the hair of tho head, and jirecd him over, the chair backwards. Then he let go with his right hand, and clinched Thomas Poko by tho throat, nd said 'God damn yon,' and then, "by Josus, I'll fix you now." Then I went to strike him with a stick tomakohim leave go of Thos. Pokcf mill he knocked tho stick off. That lodscricd his right hand, but yet he held him with his loft hand in the hair. Then Thomas Poko caught the axe out of tho corner with the wood. I did nt see it be fore ho had it about half raised to strike Dornell. He pushed him with tho left and struck him With tho right hand. That broke Dornoll's hold of his hair, and as Dornell fell, I screamed out, ''my God, you have killed him I" He struck him betwixt tho shoulders with the broad side of the nxc ; and when I screamed he went to pick Dor nell up. Then ho took ono or two stcp3 back and fell down on the floor with a fit; Ho laid a good bit without stirrings and then, ho began to grasp with bis hands, and froth at his mouth, and his eyes turned hack in his hdad. Then when ho came to, he set on tho floor, and the first word he said was "Mam," (that is what ho calls his wifo.) I asked him what he wanted ? He mado no answer. Then he asked me to help him up, and reached his hand out ; and I helped him up, and ho stood leaning against tho mantle shelf. He trembled for a good spell. Then he wanted to help Dornell in, andll told he could not yet, for he could'nt walk good. John Dornell sat right in the door on his hands and feet ; and then Thomas Poke and mo went to Doincll, took hold of his arm, and he got up, and walked in by the fire. Ho sat down beforo the fire on the floor, and said he wanted to ay down. Thomas Poke told the children to get something for him to lay on, and they got a pillow; a while after William Sproul came home. When he camo in there was a little cotton coverlid over Dor nell. Wm. Sproul gave it a jirk off of Jnos Dornell, and said, "what's this doing here?" Then Sproul asked what was tho mattor, :ind Thomas Poko said ho could not tell what ; but told him to ask the children. Then Sarah Ann Sproul and Stephen Sproul told the story that Thomas Poke had struck Dornell on the back with the axe that he had struck him but once. Then Sproul said ho would go up to David Eves, and bring him down, and when lie went, Thomas Poke went along. They returned back, and Darid Eves, Andrew Eves, and Joseph Masters wero along. David Eves allowed it was a hard case. Andrew al lowed it was drunkenness. Then they wcnUout, David Eves saying " let us have a drink," and him and Sproul went into the ini-room, and Thomas Poke and Andrew followed. They then came out. David Eves, Andrew Eves, and Joseph Masters went off. Thomas Poke and Wm. Sproul then came iiito the kitchen, and Sproul al- owed it would bo a hard case. I went to bed, leaving Thomas Poko and Spioul With John Dornell. In the night I heard Thos. Poke going to bed in another room ; but William Sproul came up and told him to como down. After being down awhile, ho came up stairs, and told me to get up for company for him: I told him my head ach ed ; but I got up for all and went down, & set by the fire with John Dornell and Thos Poke. Dornell puked up liquor, as I tho't, and Thomas Poke wouid turn him over on his side, and wiped his mouth oil' with his hand. Wo remained thero till daylight. Thdnias Poke asked Dornell if ho was hungry, and ho answered "yes." He of fered him some cake ; ho shook hU head as if he did'nt want it. Thomas Poke then took a piece and put it into his mouth, arid he bit somo off. Dornell then asked father if he was angry at him; and he said "no;" and then Dornell said "give trie your hand." They shook hands together several times. I told Thomas Poko that he bothered him tod much. Do replied that ho wanted to make up and bo good friends. In the morn ing after daylight, Dornell asked for pepper and whiskey. The tavern keeper1 said ho gave it to him and that he had puked it up. Then Thomas Poko having found that the grist was done, we got it, and wont home. On Tuesday morning, about an hour 'after sun rise, Ph. Wolliver, Win. Wcllivcr, and Lewis Schuylor and Warner camo to our housci Phineas Wolliver askod moth er if Thomas Poke was at homo. She an swered "no." "Arc you surd of it," Bays ho. " You'd better comd and see," says she. Aftor a spell Phiiieas Wcllivcr came into tho house and looked all around for him ; and he told mother ho thought Thos, Poko had bettor como and give himself up. Sho said she would tell him so when ho camo homo. They wont away, and Thos. Poke camo homo about 2 o'clock in tho af noon. Mother toU him, and said ho must go a.nd gi ve himself up rightjuuray. Moth or and I went wlthdnni a$put six milcs.. Wq' woro going' io 'jersey town to the 'Squires.1 Mother stdjfpcdlo light her pipe, Thomas Poko and ino walked on 2 or 300 ynrds. Then lie sat down to wait for mo ther. When mother camo up, Warner was with her, and sho said "hero is a friend in deed, although a stranger." Warner offer ed to go Thomas Poke's bail. We went on together to Millville. Warner stopped at David Eves', and we walked slowly till "j he overtook us again, and when opposito Master's store, John Corson camo to us, and him and Warner went on before snmn-r 1 times 300 yards ah'oad. They walked so fast that mother and mo could'nt keep up, and Thomas Poke staid with us. Warner stopped at old tiilly Wclliver's; & Thos. Poke, mother and myself Waited until War ner and olo Billy came out. Then wo all Went to Caleb Thomas's. It was about 8 o'clock at night. Warner went for Phincaa AVcllivcr, tho constable, and he camo thero, and I can't tell what they talked about. I heard some ono asking Thomas Poke if he intended to kill Dornell ; and ho said no. Then we all started together to Jeremiah Wollivcr's, in Jerseytown, and got our sup pers, and mothor and me went home. Wc did'nt know of Dornoll's death, till told by those who called at our hoiue. Turner lives four miles from us. I was in company with Thomas Poko from Warner's to Jerseytown, all the time. Never heard Thomas say that Dornell was a dangerous man, and ought to have been killed long ago. arnor was with Thomas l'oke, Jt mother and myself to Millville, and from Millville 'John Coraon went with us to 'Squire Thomas's. Cross-examined by Commonwealth's Counsth There was only one stroke with the axe. They say I am a daughter of de fendant's. Dornel spoke that evening while Sproul was there. Sproul and him talked together after ho was struck ; sometimes ho conversed easily. Sproul camo into tho kitchen beforo day light. I am certain tho stroke Was with the axe in one hand, and that it was on the bauk. Just as father struck Dornell ho pushed him, and it loos ened the hold of his bain and as ho pushed him, it turned his face towards the door. I think his head fell against the door-check. Sarah Ann Sproul showed me to bed that night. The firc-placo is on the left hand side as wego in. Domoll laid right in tho door, with his feet in tho house, when ho fell. The floor of tho porch is made with pine boards. The porch is not lower than tho kitchen. The counsel for prisoner here closed their testimony for defence, and tho common wealth's counsel called tho following Wit nesses. TJ'm. Sproul before sworn. Don't re member that I was told that evening how many strokes there were. I am not certain that I showed Betsy Poke to her room that night. I think Dornell asked rac in tho morning for whiskey. I think I gave him somo whiskey, and its likely I put somo pepper into in John Mttori, Esq.hjftrmcd. I know Detsy Poke, have a little acquaintance; Her reputation in tlio neighbourhood for truth is not very favorable. Poke and I had quarrels some years ago. I never heard or knew that sho had been sworn as a wit ness boforc. Pcler Nephew sworn. I am not much acquainted with Betsy Pokc. I never heard the neighbours say any thing about her character for truth. Jlndrcw Eves affirmed. I havo seen Betsy Pokc, and that's all. I cannot say anything to impeach her character as to' truth. t , , David Eves before sworn. In con vorsatidn With Freeman Poke, the Monday after Dornell was hurt, at my store, ho in quired how Dornell was, and what people" cnifl nlwtlit If T cnifl T 11 mlnratnmt flint J t I Sproul's boy reported that ho had struck him 2 or 3 times with the nxc. Ho replied that if ho had.bccn in his father's placo, and had been used so, he would havo givon him ono stroko which would have hVorf enough. John Armstrong's character, for truth is good. I cannot say any. .thing against Jacob W. Warner's character for truth. Andrea) Eves. I have never heard . tho character of John Armstropgor Jacob W. Warner impoachod for truth. Here the evidence on tho part of tho pro secution ended, nnd cou iscl for prisotiot called the following w.tnewos:
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