POETRY. FAME. To ilie and leave behind -j, Nought of surviving fainc, ( Of tho divine, creating mlntl xTo trace no single name; To know no deed, no word, Onr memory to restore, ' . But that when gone, there shall be heard Of us no mention more, N av mock not 'that thou Im.ir'ut mnmuli: fy Friend! this is indeed to die. But to live on and on, Afno'ng the grcat'tho gba, Eternal station to have won 'Mid the high brotherhood; Deep in the hearts' of men Enshrin'd 'to lie; . To shine u beacon to the ken Of far posterity: Who would not days for ages gWcl "Who would not die, sucA'lifo to Ilvo ? AVhatidlo words are theirs, Who bid us bound our powers To passing, pleasures, present cfcres, Brief as tho flcetinpr hours 1 So deemed not they I ween, The great of other day's, Whoso brows still wear the living green, Whoso lamps still brightly blaze; 'So deemed nt'thcy,vh6. struck tho lyre With Milton's truths, with H&mcr'afirc. fro! from a fount divino These restless longjng8t comer-1 Thishopo in hohor'd light 16'smrto Abovo the cold dark tomb, Oh! when from life I part, Let mo not wholly die; "Still with sweet song to charm the heart, Or raise with musings high, "Still fiVo in the rcrncnittar'd line Oh! might this glorious meed be mine. From tho New York Mirror THE MUFFLED PRIEST. Tho isles of the chapel, lately thronged "with fnany worshippers, were silent:- The sounds of prayer which had echoed through the grained roof, were hushed. Thcassciribly which had knelt in sdlcmn, but erroneous, devotion, had disappeared; 'and the stone image the senseless object of their adoration smiled grimly in the gloomy loneliness; as his chisscllcd fca lures displayed themselves in the temple erected by superstitious wealth td Ills ser ried. But one individual remained, along robe of sbmbre hue concealing his person who leaned, as if in deep thought, against the pedestal on whidh stood the deity. He was the deity Alongshadow was cast oil the fibor, and instantly afterward a tall gaunt figure ap peared at the door. A mantle of spotless white overhung his shoulders, scarcely concealing his broad and ample chest. The directness of his carriage, the dignity of his attitude, the fire of his eye, the boldnes of his step, and the proud curl upon1 his lip, proclaimed him to be a man of rank and "ambition A contemptuous sneer played upon his countenance as he cast his eyes about the sanctuary, ho glanced toward thd stem deity itself, as its deformed features seemed to assume an expression of indignation at lhq,audacity of the intruder. The' stranger thon turned toward the altar on which, in a golden vaso richly studded with jewels, ! burned an offering of frankincense, emitting a pale blue smoke which rose arid festoon 4 cd from pillar to pillar, disseminating its perfume through the adjacent space. None ,'of these, however, seemed to produce cither awo or respect in tho mind of the Roman; for, striding past the shrine, he cried, 'Priest! dost sleep?" The individual whom he addressed- slowly turned his head, muttered, "'tis hoif' mnn urawunr ms ruuu muru ciusuiv uuuul . i ,i - i I. . i . himr answered ; "No IsIccp not. The priest of this dc ity is not-aa other men, he needs no sleep.' 'Cease this folly," cried the senator impatiently! ""Well I know all tricks and Jugglers or thy craft savo thy precious ' .... a ... irasn 10 cose mo vulgar reserve uicicc- . nn rVi ill rt fnra t.rltvf frrwiftt n- fK t'tr 1 1 1 1 V V if stonel" "Beware! rash man," returned the priest,- ,'how, in tho sanctity of his house, you tita vntifroinw llinn -1(in fill, j 41d bllQUUItUU . . .. t . MIUU llllltHV.I tone may" possess power to strike terror to ven thy stubborn heart." Forbear this idle' talk," exclaimed the .1 uicr. ' "Idle talk!" repeated the' priest, with ;ep solemnity 01 manner, "ODauraie as tou art, this deity, through me, can dis- ose what would make ttieo tremble! "I would fain witness theskill ot which' ou vauntest," daid the senator, in a more riotls nUnricr, for lie' was unconsciously bibinjf1 a portion of tho awe which per iled tho place'.- Thou shalt be gratified," rot'urnod the pHBT;" mm I ji63T1llp tlioTniithlt'st buried jii thine own bosom,-unknown by others; if I disclose it to thec, doubt not. that ho who presides here canrcad the hearts of alt whblippro'ach lnm, whether to cor ship or to scotT." Proceed, proceed," encu tine other. Twenty years since, Armenius, thou Were a -general, tho commander of a le gion 'Well dono for the omniscience of 'thy god," cried the Roman jceringly, "My niariy triumphs have chronicled the truth Of 'thy "remarks in tho archives of the republic. s this thy wonder1!" . 'Interrupt me not," answered the priest calmly; "when I 'finish, speak what words thou'st mind till then, listen. Twenty years sinco when tlibu Wert a general thou hadst a friend ha! start'st thou now! Twenty years sinco I too had a friend, but I do not tremble. Thy friend loved thee, served thee, and shared his all with thee. Through his high influence, when accused beford the senate, thou saved thy name, thy hondr, and thy life. Although thy junior, thou soughlest him foradviccj and using it didst bind thy brow with lau rels of victory. When surrounded by bar barians, and the pilum, taken from one of thine own band, was hurled at thec, his buckler warded off tho well directed blow but, "and his manner became iriorcim pi'essivc his voice more melodious, "that friend, alas ! loved an Italian girl, soft, pure, arid lovely as the sky which arches over her native landsee, thou start st again! did I not tell thee I would make thee tremble? Yes, he loved the girl not with the vile feeling which tempted thee to ga'zc upon her charms, and admire her for them alone. His fondness was fdr herself, her rich an gelic mind, more than even her dazzling beauty. Treacherously thou strov st to supplant him in her affections by the splen dor of military rank, knowing, as he had confided to thee, that their vows had been exchanged. Thou found'st thy arts useless and did'st chanse thy love to hatred. The girl became thy friend's wife when thou, falsely accusing him of crime, didst use thy power to tear him from her arms sell him into bondage confiscate his property and strike his name from the list of citizens His wife survived her miseries but a year, while thou didst return to the capital loa ded with the spoils of the enemy. Yet with the red hot hand of guilt giaspingthy conscience, and even now, proud and 6s tentatious before the world, the god tells me in thy chamber thou'rt a coward star ting, in alarm, if the least noise breaks on the midnight." "Who art thou that dost know all this?' cried the Roman, in evident alarm. "I am the priest," answered the other "of the deity who can unnerve even the Roman senator!" A paleness overspread the face of Ame nious,, as he looked iirst on tlie graven image and then on his oracle, hut; by a vio lent exertion, resuming his wonted carelcas ness of demeanor, ho said, "Well, if it is so, let it rest though 'tis all false, as thou hast said, yet here is a purse; I present it to thy god or thec; I suppose it's tho same' thing I will to-inor- row add another. He may be all thou'st represented hrmr, but I believe neither in stocks nor in stones however, I have an object; but Arst, priest canst thou keep a secret?" 'Why ask, have I not formerly done so for theel" "Tis true! but this is of more ifrfpor tance." "So shall my Hps' be' surer guarded." "Priest, I am rich!" "Thy gift to me ha proved' it." ' "I am bountiful!" "Yonder jewelled vase attests it." "Well, then, I will trust thec; serve me well and I will erect a sanctuary to thy ; deity the proudest in Rome." "Affr ears are open and my heart prepared to m6et thy words," said the priest.- t "'Tis this," continued AmortfdiisV "Tl proud Augustus, our new censor, is about to make himself pnnco of tho senate, and I would thwart him. I have no lino of rfobfe ancestors On whom to base niy claims; it is superstition that must aid rac that thou canst cfimmarid. Thy temple is tho resort' of tho rich and the poor of the city of tho high and the low; by thy aid nnd that of yonder stone, my desires may be accompHshod,if thou wilt, and I suc ceed in my designs, I swear to keep my p'roihfsol" : . The priest Cbhsefifpilj wliffh' the two, hanlf coiiate formic further ancc of their scheme,' the aspiring senator withdrew: while the priest, drawing aside a veil, entcre'd an inner apartment, an'd the shades of night cnvclojicd'thc capital o the 'world. Tho multitudious noises of tho gay mc- liopolis had subsided the twilight had passed away, and tho moon shone bright ly in the cloudless firmament 'twas mid night. Each pillar reared its graceful capital distinct in tho silvery flood which illumin cd the earth with nearly the brilliancy of sunshine, savo where its rays were caught and reflected back by the palo marble which roso in tasteful intercolumination, rirodnd the princely 'mansion of Arme nius. One object oilly gave animation to the scene, and even he appeared scarcely liv ing, for in the darkness of a deep shadow ho stood as if transfixed, and made no mo tioh"; save nbw and then the hand, Which was laid upon his breast', would contract, as if with nervous action. Another figure is added to the scene she glides on tip-toe, and rapidly flies to meet tho youth; she throws herself into his arms his lips meet hers tho sudden transport 'Of delight the impassioned cm brace declares them to be lovers. Stealing noiselessly into the deeper shade of an adjacent Wall, they are con cealcd from every eye save that of Him who cannot look upon such love, so pure so fervid, and so disinterested, but with pity on the sad fate which .separated them; "Agricola; ldvc," wispcred tho maid, "have I lingered too long from thee? thou wilt forgive me; it was to avoid detection that I tarried." The youth seized her tapering fin gers in his own and pressed them to his Uosom: "No, love'," he cried, pressing her hands to his lips, and bathing them in the sea of agony which was rushing from his eyes. "No, alas, thou hadst not lingered long enough: would that thou hadst never come!" "Say not s'd, Agricola. Wherefore dost thou weep thus?" she inquired, sooth ingly: "Because," ho replied, "this is the last time that we meet, Sylvia, and may I not consecrate it by a tear as one of fond re membrance?" ' "The last, Agricbki!" sobbed the tender girl. "Oh name it not, wo never will part again." "Alas! what wouldst thou?" "Live with thee; die with thec; Sylvia would be thy wife." "No, no!" exclaimed the youth, as pang of grief darted through his soul, "no Sylvia, it may riot be!" "Then," said she reprovingly, "thmi dost not ltivc me, or thou wouldst not cast me off." "Love you!" cried he, "it is that I love well, too" "Then why not listen to my prayer?" "Alas! it is that I love too deeply." "No," cried tho girl, "no, Agricola didst thou love like me; like me, adore thou wouldst cast aside these fears." " Fears!" repeated tho youth, dropping lus hand and flashing a fire from his eye. which illuminated the space abtfu't them "icars, oyivia: mou dost not Know me to me fear is a stranger. 'Tis not that which influences me; but recollect, girl Agricola is a slave!" The momentary sternness which he had assumed did not, however, damp the ar dour of tho girl: it seemed to render him still dearer to her. She placed her fragile arm about his manly ne.-k, and in a tone of gentle reproach. Rebuko mo not my love, she said, "thou knowest Agricolais a slave Sylvia would share bondage with him. Herlovo should make his slavery sweeter fa"f than freedom." "Desist, I pray thee," responded tho youth, encircling hefr waist with his arm, with respectful tenderness, and softening his tone, "remembering your father is a Ro man!" "I know it well," she an'swored, eagerly "yet still I lovo theo?" "I know it, Sylvia; alas, too well; but were I to wed thec, it would draw his in dignation on us both. For myself I care not; but for thee tho gods know, sooner would I give my head to the executioner than those bright eyes should lower before tho lrown ol sn angry father. Sylvia, it must iip'lS?;" .ai?d rclasiig"; ItlKhaffllttt agony', luT added; "let mo ..remain a slave, though the . worthy daughter of a Ro man." - , .. 'Cruel as thou art I still will lovo thec, she whispered through iiis ears; "none but 'ice I livo or caro for. My latners wrath I heed pot, so that I possess tliec; i care " 'Hist.' said her lover, as ho carefully leaned toward the spot they had just quit ted, 'when last wo met 1 heard a noiso like that which just struck upon mine ear Sylvia, awayl' 'Never,' cried the girl, illicit witn love s desperation, and clinging more closely to him, "never, till thou'st promised, l win die with thee Agricola, but will not loose thec!" A faint noiso resembling a foot-fall broke on the silence. As Agricola strove to dis engage himself from the virgin, who twined her arms wildly about his neck. 'Begone, Sylvia I bc3ceeh!" 'Till you promise never!' she articulated, nearly choaked with emotion. Again the noiso was heard if they were discovered ruin would befall the idol of his heart, and he bo degraded by the lash. A moment more; it would be loo late; he put his lips to her 'car I promise.' In the next instant the light form of the maid Was lost among the columns, and her lover, looking hastily about saw the shad ow, evidently that of a man, cast on the pavement near him, but so instantaneous was the disappearance that it had vanished ere ho was fully aWarc of the reality. He kneeled and placed his car on the stones, but all was silent savo tho short beatings of his heart; The immoveable features of the pagan idol wero dimly visible in the breaking day that stole through the portico of his temple, while equally inflexible; the priest sat at its feet, his face hid in the ample folds of his mantle, presenting only the undeftned outlines of a man. As the gray haze of morning yielded to the strengthening tlawn, the senator, with a deep frown settled on his brow, walked in and saluted the priest who rose to re ceive hint: 'Why here, and so early?" domanded the latter. 'I could effect nothing in the short pciiod since we parted yesterday." "'Tis not for that I sought thee," an swered the visitor. "Then why this visit?" returned the priest. "For vengeance!" "Thou shall have it," replied the priest, gathering his robe about him." "Thou knowest not what I mean, foolish priest." "Still thou shalt have vengeance;" and a dry cough, like a death rattle, sounded in the throat of the priest it might have been a laugh. "Silence," said the senator, sternly lay ing his clenched hand upon the alter, "the new made laws have deprived us of our innate right to punish our slaves' with'dcatl yet 1 have a slave must die!" An invdofitary shudder passed over tins heathen priest, but he pulled tis robo more closely about him and the start passed un observed. Am'emus continued. "I have a niece, my brother's daughter. Sho lives with mo, my adopted child. I his slavo has dared to love her. I could let that pass, but she, tho daughter of a frecborn son of Rome, forgetting her birth, returns his passion. I heard her swear it to him at the last midnight That seals his uoom, and the slave shall d'ro! Wero it not that suspicion resting on mo might blight my brilliant Hopes, tins hand had done tho deed; but I am unused to tricks, I leave it to thee; thy trado is craftiness, and thou canst lull suspicion. That's but mv fee: he said casting a bag of gold upon the altar, "my reward shall make theo rich!" 'Tis well muttere'd1 tho piiest, 'how call- est thou the slave?" "Agricola." mi ii . . i ne suuuon start and half word which l.i escapeu mo priest, caught tho other's atten tion. Why startest thou?' hn ilnmr.n.i-,1 'I started!' answered the priest, recover- mrr htmofilf nml 1-..1 p .1 " w""i ""filing lortn an arm much withered and shrunken, "because this hand was novcr dipped fn blood." "A wise priest," said tho senator, scorn uuiy, -i see my object; well, he it so, and ho throw another purso upon the alter. 'Thy words must bo my law; said tho l-nuai inaiovtonc--l)ut, away! the pep nlfi COmn tn u-nruliin J plo come to worship. TlftTTgriator 'etStTfeemclihitr .Me, ftn the muffled face of-tho priest, ho drew hh robe about him, and casting a disdainful obk on the throng which now commenced kneeling about the image, left tho chapel. When tlie worsnippcre nati concluded their dcvolicns they rclircd, nnd soon the priest was left alone with one person itbo still knelt at the altar. The priest having carefully fastened tho doors, tho devotee rose, and, casting aside the gray manlle which disguised him, exhibited the fine form of Agricola the slave. Father," said he, "I crave thy blessings. Thou hast been ever kirld to Agricola; but he is poor, and all that ho can return ho now presents to thee, ihc love that springs from his heart." "'Tis all I ask," cried the priest, casting aside his mantle and embracing him, "the love of tho good is the greatest treasure. But, my son, thou hast failed in confidence to mo, and dangers bc3et thy path ranged thicker than tho pikes of the Macedonian." Agricola blushed and sank his head upon hitf Lrcast. "It is true," he replied; "that I have not told thee all but now 111II1U lb IlUb I1U A 1I!UV Ull, 111U t:...i : ... ....... i i. n." .i. youth glanced incredulously into his face, . when the priest taking his hand, continu ed, "yes all thou lovest thy master's a- dopted daughter, artd sho returns thy love. Is it not so?" "Alas! alas! too rightly hast thou said," answered the young man despondingly. "Say hot alas!" cried tho priest, his eyes brightening with delight, "she shall be thy wife!" "My wife!" repeated Agricola, retiring a few paces, regarding the other with aston ishment, "and I a slave!" "Fear not! if thou wouldst ho happy obey me; At midnight fly hither with thy bride and I will unite thec." "But, remember," said the youth, tor tured with many conflicting emotions, "tho populace will slay tHce if thou dost tiiitte a slave to a free-born girl!" "Leave that to me. Obey my instruc tions. Now away! return at midnight." At the same hour as on tho previous morning Armenius repeated his'visit, but the priest met him at the altar, and, as ho was about to speak, said in a bolder tollc than he had hitherto need. 'The deity has again , spoken of thee!" "Hast thou pdnts'lfcd the slave?" de manded Armenius eagerly; "First must I rclalc the words of tho god I serve, then to my question?" "Be speedy with thy fooleries!" said Armenius haughtily, "I have weighty bd siness lo-day, and a few moments to spare. 'Last night," said the priest, "the god spoke to his servant, and said, the friend Atticus, whom Armonius exiled, yet lives! Start not, senator of Rome Aniens yet lives and in disguise has returned to" Rome, found proof of thy baseness, and received honors from Augustus. He has learned, too, that before her death hi, wife was de livered of a child that thou didst scizo the infant, and didst bring him up as thy slave, that thou mightest feast thy hellish hale in seeing the son of thy rival eat with thy bondsmen." "Hast thou ended!" aaked tho auditor "I have," answered the priest. "Then know thy god or thou speakest false, for of a surity I know that Atticus is long sinco dead. Now answer mo, hast thou slain the slave?" "To satisfy thyself how faithfully I havo executed my commission," said tho priest, "raise yonder veil and behold his body." The senator strode fn his direction point ed out, and drawing asido the curtain beheld Agricola, with Sylvia in his arms. He re coiled at first, bux in an instant exclaiming, "Wretch thou hast deceived me!" un sheathed a jewel-hilted dagger from beneath' his robot and was bounding forward, when tho priest caught his arm. "Hold, murderer!" he cried "nor daro to shed a freeman'u blood!" "He is not free. He is mv slave," cried I he senator, striving t0 fre0' ,imseif frorn the priest, who held him with an iron grasp, while ho exclaimed, '"Tis false he is my son, then casting asido his robe, ho dis covered his person decked in full senatoriar costume, while he added, "and lam Aiti--eus, a Roman Senntor," then wresting tho dagger from his hand, ho throw him from urn with gigantic strength, crying, ",y treason has reached the ears of Aligns us. Uuatds, scizo tho traitor!" , As if by magic tho chapel filled with lc g.onaries, wly, tearing his robes from the cros fllon Armenius, conducted hi n ,o a "o.ghbonng piison; while tho now senior res ored to al his power and estates " with s ,w twi-i- oi Augustus,
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