rilli fOIUJMY IHHOUm. 1 Vii nine 'sworn ufion tut Al'tat oV" Cod, eternal nobility to tvcry Term of Tyranny ovfcV tno Ktihd ot iviali" PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGHAM-. tefcOO&SBfcrjkfc, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA SATURDAY APlfcifc, "29, 18& Volume Otf'FlCE OF THE flEMOCftAT, jMhxt dooh to CaW. D. GnoSs's Hotm.. fferms of Publication. TWO DOLLJMS per anm(m p'aijhbte half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars $ fptfty Cents, if not paid within the year. JVb subscription will be taken for a less period than six months ; nor any discoiv kinuancc permitted uniilall arrearages are discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding Vi square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar -for the first three insertions, and TwaMy-fivc cents for every subscyrtcM insertion ICF-ft liberal deduction Made to those who advertise by the year. Fori the CoitfififciA br.Jjo'efciV. Sweet i wft ray's Iady ar As down the blushing check i lloXti., Fond Love must BUtcly mingle there As morning dews o'crchargo the rose. When I.ovc firtt sought on earth to find A mate, his joys and griefs to share, Sweet Pity flew, with raptured mind, And bade him fix his mansion Uriic. Yliis union dear beguiles each pain, And soothes the soft endearing hour; It bids the sorrowing heart cbmplaiu No more, of Love's capricious power. Thcn Pit-, hail I endearing charm! Sweet L'ovo and you that bosom Wrm, "Whence Hows tho tender briftthing sigh, And tear, tint gilds Maria's eye. piny baa-, tKty must have learned it at a mmwn rwmcciion wmcn claim, m these pay Vb'tiim the tribute of c happiness m tittJ feoffors home." What a Mrikinglcsson to parents? reigns among them, and the sensible tliller- utility to man-. i. .:.. : ., ...:. I tn h.u.--stfhV iMiiMmn rm lnd rjrnmnln 1m ences "which charafctcrist. i'rt a clear! You ill Wot 'sV. Yon the Columiiia Democit bW with thy r.vcrmiling face, Come heavenly nymph of birtli divine; tn future scenes gay joys to trace, And clrccf tho soul of grief, is thine. "When sorrows press tho sinking heart, Forsaken, lost, without relief, Vhat soothing sweets thy smiles impart! The drop thai sweetens bitter gricl. Bull leading OnWard, thou dost say "Soon shall wo reach tho promisd joy; "A few more steps pursue your way, 'And Uis is your's whhoUt alloy." Gentle Hope! thou dear deceiver, Paitakcr of our cy'ry care; From misery our mild reliever, Kind saver from lost wild despair. So whtn tha golden age was Med, . Tho charmer peace from earth was drlv rt, And joy was lost then, in its stead, Hone flatt'ring hope to man was glv'n. EMMA. 1 r ; 1 i 1 : - ossing all tliat they require, or finding neighbours, arid found ..unhealing a young only advanced in proportion as these cabi- Finally, if you are desirous of sludyinsr what they sought, arc still discontented. child most tinmcrciiuuy. wnatarc yon nets nave been enlarged. Why did not this the -animal kingdom, of knowVr h'ds6 in- Yct with what hypocrisy do wc sec bout Wcighbotlr! Why I am. b'caling the science make the same progress in tlfc fast divWtrits Yhfch have the nearest tfescm- men act in this struggle b6twcen hope and devil out of this child. Yes, and for one, age as mo present? Because rcpositonea bianco to man, m the scntfment'of existencer, discontent! Ask Probus if ho is virtuous; you will beat out, "you will beat seven in. for the various productions of nature, were you will find new sources of ensure, tho very question marks a doubt, ohd you Tho man was so Btrtfck with the remark) much fewer and lest extensive. If you have One while you will admire tn6 hnmwtfus oflend him. Ask him if he is avaricious, that his rrtml was in a moment arrested, , your choice, I should advise yoli ro begin family 'of b'ir ds, 'with whds"6 Hen pftrniago and he js angry. Tell him his riches arc and he never aftlfcrwariR attempted this your studies in that repository which is the the Indian decorates his body, and those sufficient to procure all that can gratify rca- mode of correction." I largest, and where the objects are arranged majestic tufts which now adorn the heads yf sonablc desires, and he shrugs his shorn- Much mi3clnef has been done in the as much as possible according to the system I our females; at another, the swarms of but- dcrs and replies he is poor. Tell him how wOrld by a misunderstanding of wise say- of nature herself. There y"Ou. will find de- terflics whose brilliant colours seem to irC- much you envy his happiness, and he ings. Many proverbs como from eastern j tailed and in order what the universe pre-1 suit our flowers, and who agreeably dissi- snaKcs ins neau, Hanging ms eyebrows to nations, who always use a strong anu ng- sents to you m a mass ouch a useiul col-j pate that in which the bee knows how to a lrown ho wants sometmnff: What w it! urativc mode of expression. It is loo gen- lection, where the productions of nature find honcv and war to enrirri h. Tr?n Only to be intimately acquainted with mis- erally something wrong in the parent, that are displayed, and where art has known you will fix your astonished looks on tho cry fot -a. while! leads him to use corporal chastisement to how to di3tributc them, will become a text grandeur of the elcnhanh destined tn iron. It is truly wonderful with what industry reclaim his child. book; an elementary treatise, ever open to port the greatest weight: then upon the el Vncn become the artificers of their own mis- The wise woman above 'Alluded to, made t"0 assiduous observer. Cgant fortn yf0 ),0yse, t,orn ror thprnnrR?i lrov WVuTuoVfeiy ttiey hltcr sorrows this additional remark: "My children have From this book you will learn to acquaint and for combate, ftn'd Yte iteo of the ox . .. V . I - " . . l If Til il - r 11 l ... . . lor MrcmtelVtifi DWW thte SuttfbUndance not been off our farm; if theV have CVSYned yoursen wun me organization 01 an cica-j called to Wtar tho .Yoke arid -Win vMl t. m ihcirin'eam H liartixcsls-. rh'c p'ooi- HlAfti ui iiiu uiiuiuiii iiiu iiiia 111 iru t iiiik ! ' ' , it I wi- avu rv 111 uy j or ostentation rhangc their conditions, and o be What tlfty ought to be. The Preciso manner, according to their gen- find out the most interesting particulars of experience holds but h ieiniJorary influence n a literal sense, would, I am pcrsau- ut;r anu "pccics. m exposition, my uear their history, and theadvahtages human in over their passions; they look back to their Jed, never be wanted, ifthts were the case; fnem, likc this' of cvcry material being dustry has draVn from them, Their man- former state, and are yet more unhappy, hut while parents give way to passion, wlllcl1 c world toniains, in lixing upon crs, their character, and their mode ofliv They were taught alike to consider wealth children will imitate them; and tlrtfi, I 'our A the pnnciples of the science, ing. The threcKingdoms thus studied with as the only foundation of happiness. They know, that, if we spare the rod we spoil w' cenaimj oner io your ?yu buch a mag- order, will enrreh your -mind with knowl- were never t3iit how it can be Irt nrndiir.n hanninnsa. At what nnnPSr,U I am well aware, that the trencral cxcla- How many foUies wiu not lhx5iie be prcser- Cuse the desultory Writs 1 have offered. 1n A Ho Tvho seously reflects that a Htcdium mation will be, "What are wc to do? How ved fr0I" wno arc oncc captivated with the season of greatct leisure, you shall heat of sixty years is Iftrhaps the courae of his shall we keep our children in order! Have Mantra W nurei l Know 01 no cnarac- fr0m me again t. ,i,. ;r ! i. we not authoritv to do itl" Yes mv friends, tcr that may not convert this fcharming stu iaiu iuiyi) iut4iiy uiiu n nw J iio I j s i i . f t a..a n f Uii Mm i im luit if vt umhIi in V m I dy into means of utilityt Arc you a philos 1 . . . . I T. -..ff VA.i u.:. ikvwA ... . . . . . . k . i i .: i i z i : i l miiit- rs- iiii iniiv 1 1 . i : itiiiiliiii i ii.ili: ivilii will perhaps consider hentth ntid tnCCtlul- your c.mureu in oruur, cU u oruer your- - - -- ----- " . '"V "" have often had bcexMon to rmnrlr U ... i ... k. . i :r ...... .1 i. i anvamaire me amcr oi inosu nrouueuons i . ttess as supcrwr to vanity and riches. ut, , u w- - . -o. . vAfc M . , . fortitude with which women sustain the 4S . . . A .ft ... . I IZ 1 C.1I TA.I M.ft'nWM 1. I 1 1 l.l 1 1I.ILU1I: 11(1) ouivii uili tiio llilq lltll 1 alasi there arc rev tr.uictu Wiro can adopt nm m a uu .u... .uu- most ovenvhcmin!r Tevcrse8 of -..., ... . . . i Ur.i nfrntm r .,n i ui u iui tea trial iiuiiiisuiicics it is nuiu yuui a kjk simple, lor tnc.r measure 01 em .v . V.timw ..1 These disasters which break down tha sm sion anu 01 iuv; ior. uciictc mc, you wiiii J u j o nr n w 1 . ... ... -1 1 t . u.n A .1 V ismrn tnnflnt Artha Ahn mAn t ntUI 1 lio.'i I UV1 OUUilVU UI Ul viUUa aiiaiL I i . .moicn, nowevcr, is one 01 incse. 11c ' " " - L , , . . , seem to all forth all the enennes of thA limn mi' iiinf'.-iii.'nr't ill mi" iiiviiniv. mill n 1 i ,. ...... , 1 softer sex and mvi ourTi inWantAUxr 'r,A ... . . . 1 1 - .1 .i.i- 1 now niimnrniis ar inn oniecis wnicn are a ....... most tnv,al occurrences, into the means of ZT : cr,ed for his narticular eniovmen, It is Novation to their character, that at W ft p1Cuure. .e couua upon e.gmy years 01 - -t,- .M1,.:n ; 1 :ml. approaches the miiffiltV. 1 . ni,, a a i,,,)!,? T. ;, Nothing can be more iouclurifr lliaft t8 tUt lV-lVSII'-t J TUU l I UVbltVI u . W , It 1 1.1 rL r 7 ulnljt .... ... . 4 .1 here that you will first feel a desire of ma- uu"om a E0U "n' icmwe, no halt kimr a collection of simikrf curiosities, 'and ,becn a11 weakness and (Iep6fid6nce Jnd "... wffll iness. They know, that, if we spare the roil we spoil rotKU1"J uuhiuu(cjc waiamj- oruer, win enrrch your -mind with knowl- ie Employed cAiVif; that is, wc cannot keep them in sub- nificcnt, expensive attd dfilightful view, as edge and afTord you pleasure, of which you it is when lectin without using it. cannot fail to interest and warm the heart, would otherwise have no conception. Ex IT .ll? lt 1 it . V 11 . a . k. 1 THlbi Wi3?Ev bt wisurxoTox lavrvii. existence, of which he has spent fifty with out bodily affliction: and this rare good for- tuno he altribtUtS to an early resolution which he formed ,to be always cheerful Plain and clcarily in his person, he neither apes tho fopfrcry oflhc billy, hCr the stiff ness of the aistcrc The errors of which ho Is V'llftcS) he gtntrally attribute W Ah'y thing but natural disposition; and though he will not countenance errof, hC will not blame the child for the vices of the parent. It is his way to laugh folly out of euuntc nance, rather than rebuke it; because it is so much allied to prejudice, that to ctposc it would be only to confirm it the more itself. D. Vo nt iQxxoenlT. NATUftAI. HlSTOlir. "L4l.. ... . .. , . . , e i.w -j j ... .... 1 U. iV.- , t,-..-. -5: 'altve to every trivial rouchness. while treadi 1 nBTC.iong ieii aim CAprussuu my asion-1 cuauitu mv. jiiiunicujjc juu uS;.,i. , . ishmcnt that courses of Natural History quired, to describe th6 tiches of those coun- l,dUHU""ci suuucmy havc not been More generally introduced tries through Which you my fafes, The B mental force td be the coMfoftc into places of education, the particular cfcmitt will, by aKgttlilf cXatttihalbn of die fd PPorter bf h'ef husband under mlsi facts which Compose It, art the elements various materials presented t6 his view, (lis- foHun"' and ab'd'' ,th unshrinking finA nr.ilnnrlrnnw1n.1m.. Tl,v nltravi. nlo cover TiriBclnlea which maV iruide him ii ncss the most biUcr blasts of adversitys " f" J -j- tr ' A-.t...:vi . or agitate the mind; they WoUldk I am per- his researches. The drMf will learn to " .Mi..8ineu ns igracc ,ndml. excite the livelv MteHUott Bfboth cmnlov the riches of natufc aficorainir to ful fdliage around the oak, alld been lift.d by - , --0f ,l.r.t.n r.,l fnrm Uo wnnbi nf Bocietv. The farmer, to mn!. u lnto suftshifle, will, when the hardy Ol-AtO IU llllv L.lVUkVr UU1U11IUKW "- I ' J ' J ' I . . 111 , . t s D c I . . i . .... I nlont la Vt (ti It r 4II A tl riTM1l ..:- l orb habits of thinkin.r and reading as tiply and ameliorate thostt species of am- 'Sa would prcHervo the more advanced from mals which qipcar most important for the und l W1 ,ls KaYcSslng tendrils, and listlehs indolence and debasing seiMlnlity. support and enjoyment of life. Indeed I tind p ite shattered boughh; so it w beajV a j . tt . i . ., tirillUf rilHarrrf rlnHHrt. 1aI 4U m 4 1 A l Foil the ColumMa Dr.JlOCltAT. liAri'lNilss. "With Pleasure, and his laughing train, DancO lrv tho moonshino of the brain." How few'are there to bo found who are If he observes 111 the dcpoftmcnt 01 the ,,.. , T . . V hnn, nni , ,;nn. frnm t.rt . tifS t'fuy ordered by Providence, that WoiflaH k - - . . .! IIV I III 111 III, MtmiUI II 1 lltUll Ik AllUlll- I ri ...w ... w . . w , .w . . , , conscious of happiness. There aM beings young and gay of either sex, an hilarity 1 ' .M.L(i1,1y,i.taiW. tlmt wnnl.1 nnt .W-a who is tho mefe dcliend&m hhd drnflirieill - w 1 . . 1. . . i.i 1 pnin 111 vii;iLihi:r ciiiu -tiuL liim uiuibiai 1 fcv uuj . w w -,.. . . , , ... In this world Of ottrs, wha Understand the mixed with mir h, he docs not lrown with 1 M & q cxten, of man m Ms happie? houfs, ahbuld BaJM ... .1 1 !f .... L ..1: I lliHHf in I FV..n..v nrl MlnHn fl til MAvm.nItll1 r.P- I ' I . " . i. k I .-..I r.Ali.i.fl im1.a Jumlffun Ulllt l)MJi.t th pnere, the earth, and an tno pnenome na Jii . s ty vledgd of calamity! winding Wself into Hid . Mfud Willi UI ""J , . . . . IT . 1 FT. . . ... .,... ...11. ... ...I.-, the agents 01 nature i airt msiory is recesses oi nis nature, xenaeny supporu.. tho Bclefi-o of tho fatts of natdre; The the drooping head, and binding up the mo arfa arc only nature copied, or employed ken llcarl. matter so little, that if you fcqilird thorn to severity and chide with moroscness; be- balance tncir accounu, - 6 which happen in the World. vrm uc loununottu ... vu ...u ,u ,u - moat ilfthOttant branches of this science is let of an hour's happ ncss to a thousahd restraint of the natural tdnipcr tho means ",U31 l i.'m. itroi aii nuui 'M . . man. because aft a5qUamtance with his IlOUrS 01 VUXailOIl. X IIUVU UlUill 1 uy tTlllUll UlU Y i IVJ imwiw v. -...... .. on the generality of this disposition, and duplicity tire produced. frame and character, l most intimatoly con- i" uumicuy wre ijiouuucu. 1 . , , have oaen sought for tho occasion-of it, This perhaps h the eifect of the 2SLn, yi tion of Emolen, but ir it renders mm hap- ., is as ex- according to the wants and pleasures of so- I was once congfalulatirtg a fncrid, w htJ cicty. had afoufid him a blooming family, knit 16 Should you cmbfdCC 1110 study ol miner- ether In thd strongest alTcctlont "I eafl k t . J t - lt. 4 .1 A A multltUUe 01 Causes Iluvu uiuv iuuuuuutf nun Ul jiuuiuu, uui a u ituuuij iiii i4- - . ,1 ... . I .. j io . . , V but education, and the habits of Society, Ly, superior even to riches or poverty, if h'e as nature itself .since .(a. you mu A Log;y yo will know those materials which wish you no beUer lot said he, with . urbtllcnt anil V 1 ..-...v nunnau HBiiuincawiui tioi; u.iv. i musiasm, "man 10 nave a wne anu ciui- ihey isl that which docs evcv vlnS Dl;"t3 "uv.a uu m 1.1-u ui mcrce draws tno universal anu uucnangin Uifirc they are to comfdrt y tend to produce it most. It is t .. 1 a naii ft .4 is education renders lite free lrom those turmucni that principally induces this sentimental restless misery. How rarely do disinterestedness, monsters bnd that morality winch points out the fleet- at least be preferable to life free from those turbulent and nave seen; compreuunu. not omy mo buu- furnish instruments lor every an, anu muui- muslasm, "than to have a wife and ch: de-kms which produco so- many sanccs which compose the earth, but also ply the resources of industry; be acquaint- uren If you dre in pfosperity, thfi5 ill the plan of hu education mUSl 6,1 tho org5'""1 bodIcs which inhabit it, cu whh thoso minds fttHl wheneft com- ar5 tb share ybilr prosperity, if othef tvis V nrofnml,1r. m that which docs every living bBilig that rtlOVbS on the face of mcrce draws tho universal and unchanging tl,6rc U,cy are to comfdrt yoiii" . .1 .1... n.. : I . . I.. - ...1 .L- r..i I ... - . . .... '. 1 .1 W nature of ot r existence, enter into the Lot exempt men from tho influence of in- l "'7 -i" sign 01 its wean .; irom wnei ce mdfied, I flaVB observed, that ft '"o "aiul ' . . 1 .Armament, and such as have their habila- lmsTinni mm i!.nvM ibfinlniio-h-shareUhleh Ij :a u n: isja .rMri. li .1 nract cal lessons of our lirancy; and how constant passions and insatiable uesircs- 01 - --7 , , ., -o mam.u ... .w j( nuy are the most sordid sentiment, hopes that m never realised-of pa J0"1;; fftC ,CCan; 13 t0 opens and fertil.res the earth, and the be- morc apt t0 rctricVc his sltdal oft fa Ad vu.-3uu.wy mi; I . . i. 1 lliie cnluoii. Ihnt Ihrt fill null nil ni mm hris I .u.i cii U. rH l.lm tlm I ... 11., .V.i. L-j-jc.-h. 4. a the most divine, that supcrsedo activity by dcliUllllg uie -------- -- worm man anngie one, pari y; occauao u a lint nroihicc constant " ' v nurvuai. wiiuuiu. juu i-umi.vt ...... , 13 morc sumuiaica to exertion ay tne no- 1 1 ,ch rom precept Hint the sensds-of prejudices that produce Constant bc particularly called within these last harvcst. Should you connect with the mill-. h m6 ,ml,Md W erdw b)r ffie sibly debauched, as by irritalion-i.d hatreds, that render soeicty Hfty years. Its utility ,. now more gene- oral the vegetable kingdom, at the same , cCssitieS 6f the helpless and belbvea bcirtgs enters into action before more horrible than the caVofnn of beasts of k, , !i i T varioU8bc,nS8 that you perceive how both man and brute who depend upon him for subsistence,' but t ,7 n. ,w,,lno. Lv - arc mol-o acetirately developed, and promise Hvo on Its favottts, yott behold with ad )llduy bGeadsc his spirits are relieved by 4- i-nnheelcd with nrccopts But it is not so much from precept Ihttt the senses of prejudices that produce Constant mind is thus insensil the practice that us, and which strikes tho understanding, prey without tho laboured abstraction that is no cessarv to instruction. How frequently do parents enliven the spirits of tho young by holding out the flattering delusions of hope. How rarely but ........ 1 . 1 . . . . i 1 .... ... 1. ..1 . 1 ' . i 1 . . jj to untom to iuiure generations sucn a view miration how mucll this reign contributes jomcst,c endearments, and his self-respect of the unbounded goodness 01 tno cause ot t0 satisfy our teal wants, find gratify our M.eni ai!vri bv finding that thoUtrh ftllabfoad- all causes as will infallibly diffuse a spirit taste. Tho wood unites with the stolid arid j6 darkness and humiliatioiij yet there is. of gciidrosity, of gratitude, tt pliilartlltfbpy, lrick, t6 form the lowly cottage of the poor, stiu a Httlc world of love at home, of whiwh 1.. 1 .1... M.!i. tut id wiu 111uiiaj1.11. Hints t PAitEN'fsii "Snare the Itod. and spoil tha Child." . .It..-. ., 1 .. ... I,,.., ,1 . . . . i .i .. . , 1 . - . ii,n o.niifii' nr nnd 01 ciiccriuiness tnrouirii every uranciu nnrt thn most sniendia worKs 01 arcnitec- i..i..!.J.L1.... f Hum llntv rnrnlv I I lln not KuOW Wliuai uu ......... . .. . " . . l .. A natieri T,. ' n ,t.,; ' 1.. Imt I am sure that a literal of the great family of mankind, are thevtaui'niioviowauiiaHiiui.iiiiu..,, , - ... f .,.!... f,f m aim h .,1. ... ..u..,. r..Uf. :uur...i,..A. " .. ... , . , 1! iPii ...ill ..i iiiit 1 i I' frnnii anu t 111 u ouuj-n i .".ii 1 mc cuiisirucuuu ui uui luiimuiu iui uivvuii for disappointment, anu to sc app, . .. which Undertakes to dcvelono all the f life. Of the oak ahrl the Zu. . .J .iZ L"i . 'a . vi f.if no value on the obstruction Of tho unsettled much miscnici. a iuw H : ' r , ..... :.,.. ..... . , ,.uu.uu, .u or unreasonable desires, - . . 1 1 , .ir ta . AVA A ABB 11 DiinmiiHii. I I Idir... -- II ... I w--, . 1 . I. . YU uiiu nuuuiia iiiuiu U. .-....fc, - - . ... . -.,- ,l, Arhniialloflfi r..i i.ti-..).U. TC,-1i rr,t.H fnm i uttMS! y the grain 0r seed, that a galo of wind wafted td The most foolish thing in the world TS know Lome plain or on the top of some'oftymoihv bow to the rich till you are unable to stand re nasi taint arraigni oerorc an noncsi msi . T 1.4 . .1. l. o .A.i mninnr wuiia 111 iibv u igi v t . j tUoy never nnu;'anu muse wjiu jiui-"vi. " i .. i ... . . ... !i Ii.nnnintd rnhon wan a Ifflll IOVC yuan ui 'B "w ,""""""" Cdl,y these nau.uides; out our own Bu. u,y 3 'ad beauties of rialufdf 1 anSwer-Stud generally may bo. found to consist of two W ,Wcr Sget My cabinets df mtural history, for wS IXmTZX of heyr thatthoscienceof the history of natu, . ,t'BBSC 4 . . "--nVfBai.BBBBMSBBBVlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS
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