goat anb tumbet. Unwn Street: near' Lehigh Valley Depot, Allentown. RITTER.& ABBOTT, MANUFACTURERS OF, Sash, Doors, Outside Blinds, inside Blinds, Mould tows, Brackets Balusters, Pickets, Stair Rail. fags, Window Frames, Door Frames, dm SCROLL SAWINo, TURNING. PL AI ANING, ATCHING, FLOORING lii U A RTIN°, DONE AT TEE SHORTEST NOTICE. ALSO, STAIR BUILDING dono and HAND RAILING mile to Order. •• • • • • Having now had almost live years' poesenelon' of the Hill, refurnished It almost wholly with new and Improv• ed machinery, arid having none but experienced work men, we are prepared to defy competition from at home and abroad, both in price and workmanship. Do yen contemplate building? Call at our Factory and satisfy yourself with a personal examination. Drawings for buildings, brackets, patterns for orna mental work, recoils for porches. can be seen at all urea calllpg at our office. Any Information to the builder famished cheerfully and freely, by militia at the Mann fsetery, on Union Street, at the Jordan Bridge, Allen town. Pa., or by letter through the post aim. sag 9-Iy] RITTER St ABBOTT. A MUIR? p OTTO. U.N. OTTO. 0. W. MILLER F LRER r, OTTO dc puLrEn, mANCIFACTI7III2IIB AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, WILLIAMSPORT, PA MILL ON CANAL, W BAT OP M M AYNARD STREET OTHE ILL W P CRANE Aosprz. 4 atm 704 y Spectadeo. SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES!! EYE GLASSES, &O. spilt:A:::'ii;',;°3ll2o:',"V:7?`°"" kin" ofif&-- CHAS. S. AIASSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA flaying devoted a great dent of care and attention to the Spectacle hnnineen for levee lent few yearn, I find that my basin.. In that line hen Increased no nch that I have de termined to make whi ch SPECIALTY. There IN no article Wanufactured in there In no much deception prac ticed ha v e to le Spectacle Olannes. Knowing that the To Mlbeen frequently humbugged by par r ha h ;r v ic e r Tfi l e " in r • g:t%, " y r t i r j all ' ar n o o p a n ' o b tat n e! eswilles and infirmities of age, I have taken pain. to tie led a large and complete asnortinent elf the fined and best elesses .•gr manufactured, thus affording all persons Weeding Spectacle. an opportunity of purchasing at rea 'Mahal. Prices. Perim. having any difficulty in being matte elliewbere mitt do well toe ive me a call, a. I feel implldent that no one will fail lobe nulled. Remember the fl otmd. If o. 23 East Hamilton street, opposite the Oar. allawrlsiormed Church, Allentown, Pa. Jun 23 '6B tf Boot Alaimo. JOHN B. LENIZ JOHN sEAB N O ?I ,. . , BI. a WEINBLIEIBIER JOHN E. LENTZ Sz 00 '7 SUCCESSORS TO YOUNG & LENTZ. The firm of Young & Lenin was dissolved by mutual consent on Pebro ry loth. 1572 Mr. Young retiring. Wm. H. Welosheirner and Jolla Soabold. Jr., having taken bin place. The new firm bon es to have the cuntinnanco of the patronage so liberally bestowed anon the old firtn. Tu.) , gge r s a w l i h t gl p r r u em tm . o t s o Le s n e d n er f oj r s ni t s o h accommodate their BOOTS AND SHOES of the best make and material. and will always hut, on handa Isrge .....1111101.t of the most desirable styles, t0.....1111101.t, suited the trade of this section. The firm of Yonne & Lentz having to. en dissolved, all parties Indebted to them ore requested to make settlement between Ibis dab and April Ist next. The books will re main at the old stand. Either of the old partners la au• 'bonged to align in liquidation. feb .8-3 m • • OPENING OF LADIES' SPRING & SUMMER SUITS AND COSTUMES EVERY DAY. BLACK. COLORED AND FANCY SILK SUITS, TAMISE AND CASHMERE SUITS. PIQUE LINEN. LAWN AND ORGANDY SUITS, AND SUITS IN EVERY VARIETY OF THIN MATERIAL FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. ALSO A FULL LINE. OF SACQUES. TALM AS AND LA DIES UNDERWEAR. LACE JACKETS. POINTS, A,,., &c. THE LARGEST STOCK EVER .110 WN IN THIS CITY AGNEW ENGLISH NO. 839 CHESTNUT ST., OPPOSITE CONTINENTAL NOTEL.. AND 29 SOUTH NINTH STREET, apr2l-w PHILADELPHIA. FURNITURE FURNITURE ! H. L. MCCONNELL, BUCCE.BOB to HUTTON & McCONNELL, Hae on hand, at the old stand, $O9 .MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. A LARGE STOCK OF FINE Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room FURNITURE ! —AT— Greatly Reduced Price& All.goeds warranted. All old customers will ho dealt 'with as formerly, and the patronage of the public Is earnitatly aollcited L. MCCONNELL, Manufacturer awl Dealer In FURNITURE, anar27 Scow] 800 Market Etreet, Philadelphia. GREAT BARGAINS FURNITURE. A.VERILL BARLOW, NO. 45 S. SECOND STREET, %as his Immense wareroomn (air stories) filled with a .real variety of first-clase Fornitare, and to offering It at Prices lower than any other Dealer in Philadelphia.., --Illag the same class of goads. tie hen also a gieat ♦arloty of low-priced work, which to is gelling at reduced prices, either at wholesale or re- Including all styles of Cottage Foiniture. Ileo, Agent for the'lleck with Sewing Machine. fries Cser34llaw f AUG EST STOCK ! —DRAT INDUCEMENTS ' 8.- • • tiny all yoiniltirallara at the largest farollure store In • lowa of qEORGE- W. HEIMBACH 732 HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN. • The Arm have recently put toe MAN. • „ Tll ALL PLATE•OLARB FRONT, and we otherwles enlarged their facilities for rd%•• ploy on hood the largest stock to the city, t. II • , sur • , ELEGANT FURNITURE .1 I •• , artorseturetl I o their °ton calabliehment, et th tilt own supervision, cud l• warrant t•be Me best In the market An Inspection • • 3 ,eir stock will convince hovers of the ad- • • ...IMO or buying from them .tonrga W. 11.411331nd), manattetare RITTLE'.3 I urgwr spitirro I3ED.and are cols agents for that •.1,..11i0r bed. Call and eon it. Remember The Mammoth Glass Front, 1 1A TK A N'S • WASTE PAPER DEPOT. The Highest each Price Paid For Old' Neifemapers " Old Blank Books Of ...r; description. And Ledgers. /sate Paper, That are .11 written over. . • Will Mods. 0 d Pamphlets, So. a • kcal IlAantrte AINZi VITAS BittONT. Aria l eati tliltra ifinancial. JOSEPH MILLER d: CO.'S BANKING HOUSE, Fogelaville, Lehigh County, Penny. MONEYS received on deposit sod 0 per coot. literest allowed on all alms meshing six months or over. For shorter periods special rates will be paid. Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax. Collectors •od olbor on•lodlsoo of poblic or privato money,, aro oflAred , lhoral rm.. of Intorext. . . Farmer.. Merchants.Laborera and all pe r iod e Inane) tonne out on Interest for a long or shortwill nod oar limitation an agreeable and adVantageons one In which to do nuttiness. . . Mean,' depoelted Intl& Inelitnllen IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED. 110L.A Inn, Tenney loaned Quinn favoreblo term, JOSEPH MILLER.. J. 11. LICRTENW ALDER, FRANK J. SLOUG R. Cepr3.oln w MILLERSTOIVN SAVING .BANS MILLERSTOWN, LEIIIOII COUNTY. Thin institntion will be opened on or bolero the tat day of April. Money will tin token on deposit at nil times and •n toy name from ono dollar upwards, for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST per annum will bopaid. Deposita may be withdrawn at any titan Also, money oanod out on favorable terms. JAMES WEILER, President Ica ?MIMI Sul URR, Cosi, fee. J. F. M. Shilfert, Geer, Lndwig, Frederick C. Yobol, Christ I K. Henninger, David Donner, Willi, r Isaac Griebel, C. Enner, Horatio T. - Merl:nu, Benjamin J. Schmoyer. James Siontnaster mar 16.6 m ALLENTOWN SAVINGS INNTITII TION, Organized as "DiIIICS Saving Itatilation," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (RSAI:LT OPPOSITE. Tub AMERICAN HOTEL.) PAYS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR IIONEY ON DEPOSIT. This Institution, tho oldest Slicing Bank In Eastern Pennitylvanln. has been In continuous and suceessfnl operation for ten years, andcontinues to tiny SIX PER CENT. INTEREST on inoney for ouo year, and special rates of Interest for shortor period:, • • dentia L 02L•All dovonito of looney tr ill ho held k•lriclly coo!' Executors, Administrators,Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and other custodians of public or private money', aro of fared liberal rnton of Interest.. Farmers, Merchants, laiharers, and all who have money to put on interest for a Ions: or short period will Sod our Institution on agreeable and advantageous one in which to do business. Wo especially Invite Lgui us to transact their banking business with on. • MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS have special privi leges granted by our charter—having Dili power to trans act business with an in their own nitrites. Money deposited with this Institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by a Capital Meek and sarplue money rarity of over SIXTY. THOUSAND DOLLARS. and addition. the Board of Trustees have. an required by t barter, given bond. under the napery Won uf the Court in the mon of FIFTY TIWITSAND DOLLARS, u Web loonda are regis tered in and held by the Courtof Cononou Pleas of thin county for the security of deponitorg, Our Iron Vaults nre of the most annumand extensive kind known in this country, s oara ersonal Inspection will show, and to which we invite friends and easterner., We refer to thin, believing that mare Burglar Proof Vaults completothenalety and reliability of a good Saving Bank. WILLIAM 11. AINEY, Premblent. CHRISTIAN PRETZ, hire Prealdent. REUBEN STABLER. Cashier. TRUSTE:6R: . . . William 11. A Iney, Charlet. S 11.11, Chrtellan Net:, John D. Stiles, P. S. Sl\lllooll, Benj..% Ilagenbneb. George lirohnt, Samuel Sell, !lath. Peter. Jan 12-tf FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, Located at the corner of Hamilton otter) and Church alley, in Lion ( lull, second story, opposite the. German Reformed Church, in the City Of Allentown. is organised sad ready for business. II trill prig p. rent. In terest on all eleposilN exeept boxerr.xx,/cpoxila, for et ny Period oftint be t h e frroni 'bile of deport,. To secure which, the Truster. of the institution have filed In the Court of Common Pleas Of Lehigh County, under the direct'on of filo Court. a hond In the sum of Twenty•live Thousand Collars, conditioned for the faith. (al keeping and appropriation of all sorb antms of money as shall ho placed In charge of said FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK. whether 1.1 depiisit, ur ..littres of stock. which bond may ho enlarged by tho Court whenever it may ho deemed necessary. In addition to title. the Art of Incorporation makes tho Stockholders Per , ortrr (bad,: fo iitposilorx h..tott• the th e amount of the Crtpilnl Stork of lia r Bank, which Is fifty thousand dollars, with liberty to inertiaso it to one hundred and fifty thinii.and dollars. Those provisions will make it it very desire!. and sofa plac o e u. of . d . eposit... be keptin On t o u ? the pence t o r t i t' n ' tPb t o ‘ al h ;r t r t „ t ircO t :l P e " r " r i t t itsil l t! (tastily. Arrangements will be Blade to furnish drafts on the cities of New York and Philadelphia S. A. DIU DBES, l'remirb nt li. W. W I LS.. N. the Prexident J. E. ZIMMERMAN, Cushier. Trusties : Daniel 11. Miller, S. A. Bridges, John Holhen. .1. IV Wilson, • William Baer, J. E. Zimmerman D. 11. Creitr, liter lino's, Edwin Zitnnierinon. mar 30 THE ERIN SAVINGS BANK OF WM. L. YOHN NORTH SEP EN2B ST., ABOVE LINDRIV, ALLENTOWN, PA. Tub bank bite boon eatablished for the purpose of carry• Mg on a general Banking booth., and to olfer to the commnuity a SECURE INVESTMENT for their motley at home, at the came rata of intermit that It would command In New York or New Jeraey. MONEY LOANED OUT ON GOOD SECURITY ... , . Uold, 811wer .d Ouvernmout Bonds bought and told. Drafte drawn on the principal ninon of the United States In annn to malt purchasers. Collections made On all acceseible pointe, and proceeds promptly remitted at CUrrelit rateis. Farmers, Merchants, ti.borere and all who Lase money thist out on Intermit for a long or short period will find Institution an agreeable and advantageous ono In which to do hominess. . . . . Interent allowed oa deposits at tha followlag rates wit: SEVEN PER CENT. for ono year. SIX PER CENT. if lilt for thirty daye and tinder ono Year. aii-Raveriao Manne so at. Uan 2) di,. WILMINGTON AND READING RAI.LROAD SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, FREE OF TAXES We are offering the Second hlettgagu 13uotin of thin Couto:to• AT SO AND ACCRUED INTEREST, hifrrest PoutiPob Jmauttry July =1 I,ooos, 500 s and 100 s And can be REO !STURM) free of expenee. The teal. relecellaneun, freighte nod iinegenai, tel are eon niaotly ineirasiug The inrrea , .n for nine id. ending All.ht 1, 157 . 2. ;,..r the nine (D) months ending August I. Iti7l, woe V..f. '2,11 di. Benda, Pamphlets and illforlllllll. CALI be obt.iiiied of DE HAVEN & Bib., Fiscal Agents of the United States, 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD I=l (nothing, • GREAT ATTRAC'IIIOS I NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! CLOTHING! CLOTH IN GRAND SPRING AND SUMMER OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! T. OSNIUN & CO., Succeaaora to .3fel:gar it 08111 U n • BARGAINS AT•TIIH GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM IN REIMER'S BUILDING. NO. 605 HAMILTON STREET, ALT.ENToWN, PA. We world Inform (ho slate. of Allentown and the eur• roondiug country that we are prepared with a large stock of goody (or FALL AND WINTER WEAR, and alter them to the villain at roaeonable prier. To there who buy their Clothing ready•ubide, they arc prepared to offer BARGAINS. WHOLE SUITS .11.1115•70 WIDER! COATS, PANTS AND N ESTS Goland =dein rho Intent style, and by the bolt workmen. ' OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMEHES le targer than It hay been before, and we intend to sell al very biSIALL PROFITS, and give our customers the bene• di of our low purchunen• Great quantities nod variation of NECKTIES, CUFF'S, COLLARS, And everything In the line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, MEN'S, YOUTHS'. BOYS' and CIIILDIIRN B READY-MADE CLOTHING, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. d4 D o ri . ' l l , .4o o r t imt o Lh , :i tr ltce, No. Uri Hamilton street, third T. (Mimi, I SCOB li. SCUOLL MARTILI Lynx • 014/ 24 4 ME= 'LIGHT EQUA I. TO (I AS, ATONE•EIG lITII THE POST! Minna be xplmlcrt ehintril 1/ nr miek latra. MEN desiring • I'OOFITA ithE lIUSI N t,t 4 . 'wenn the EXCLII6IIrB IlltiliT (or the node or lawri..s PAT. BHT CANNON GAS LIGHT WHINER , AND HIL, for COMITIES or STATES. Writ° for lufoinsittlon or call.. 31. B. BY0'1"1' No 114 FOUTII SECOND ST. PHILA. N. B.—CHUECIIEi Inrul.he.l CIIANDNI.IERS Rod LAWN! of every neecription..2.3 per cent. rhenper Mu atmy other eetabllkhment In the country. rear is.arnw REGISTER,, ALLENTOWN; WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1872. GROVER & BAKER'S ELASTIC LOCK-STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES For Embroidery kid frachalve For Braiding Aro Unarcelled For Quitting A r•• Unequalled - - For Hemming Aro Superior For Tucking Ac, I...ppproachable For Gathering Are Unaurpaasod For Stitching Are Faultless For Cording Are Incomparable For Felling Arc Admirable THE BEST IN USE! New Styles Shuttle Stitch Sewing Machines For Manufacturing: To our NEW STYLES, which possese unmistakable a dvantages over the NOISY and CUMBROUt styles o! cthcr makers. CALL AND EXAMINE. J. F. WIREBACK, Agent. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, opposite German Reformed Church, may S•daw No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. THE LIVE HOUSE OF ALLENTOWN. N. J. KRAMER'S 'Corner Store NEW GOODS, Great STORE CUSTOMERS ARE ASTONISHEDI LOWPRICES 'i" spite ok r t ( l3 . k . re o a f t advance of all kinds of goods Dress Goods for Ladies ()Mains all the Latest and Choicest Novelties. SHAWLS!' SHAWLS!!' SHAWLS!!! DRESS LINENS for Ladies' Suitings. OUR DEPARTMENT FOR MEN'S AND BOY' S WEAR Parasols ! Parasols! Parasols !! What has created the excitement among the Ladies ?—Every Lady wants ono of those BEAUTIFUL PARASOLS ! HALF TIIE BARGAINS CANNOT BE ENUMERATED tr M r M o.)ls•ttw i ALLENTOMIN Rolling. Mill Co., finccesnors to THAYER, ERDMAN, WILSON & CO., IHortufActurers of STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, BRIDGE CASTINGS, RAILROAD TURN • TABLES, MILL GEARING, BRAFTING, Furnace, Rolling Mai and Mining Work, &c., &c., ‘tc N. B.—All work guaranteed aud delivery prompt. L. H. GROSS, Sup't =1 A HANDSOME MOUSTACHE 1 i MOUSTACHE PROF. ST. CROIX'S FRENCH COH NPR MMES. I'OUND, the Great HAllt GROWER, Milli!: I'ACIIE. will produ e n luzurl int IttOIIsTACII it WHIBEEItIi. -I. Ns IIIr•RERSn the smoothest face. Plea•ant to nee. Pant to nor address on receipt or I. Ifty Cents H T. BOND, CHEMIST. %NTH rind CHEiTti UT STet„ PHILA. N. B. Cor. T NI 72.1 r w CHEAP GOODS, Attractions CEOWDRD DAIL Y To see how complete hie Stock is, and at such ALL THE NEWEST PATTERNS ALL THE POPULAR SHADES! IS COMPLETE, NEVER BETTER Have also a large and complete Stock of Very Respectfully, i GETTING MARRIED.—ESSAYS FOR Young slen.. great SOCIAL EVILS nod ABUSES which Blotter° with MARRIAUE—wIth now mom. of roller fur tho Errlue And Uororhowle, Mgt.:ll,lAm! MAI- Hated . Addreeo HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. Hooth Ninth .Ireet, Philadelphlnax. Particular attantiou Ie tic aired from all who maim FAST, DURABLE Shuttle Sewing Machines Manufacturing FAMILY SEWING Ii M. J. KRAMER Matrijos anl3 3eincirg. AI ma !Chestnut & 12th Sts., ripIADELHIA,, 3ewelers anb Silversmiths. hie WATcliEs y REIM!' C..ocKs, BRONZES, • FL? T ED w k F t E. Quality ibuaranteeb. !Boobs sent by *Express on approval. w.ylo -19 • ISAAC K. STACFFER, WATC I 'ES AND JEWELRY, N 0.145 NORTH SECOND ST., coo. op Drama, PHILA. n ri to o, assoronent of Wwtellem, Jewelry. Silver and t I Wile constantly en bond. of Watches and Jewelry promptly ,ended to. R"' arrti-ly KELLER at: BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, PA. CLOCKS, well regulated and warranted. AU elsea and prig.., from $2 up mr xrd n. A larger aexortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can be toned in any other ntore in the city. JEWELRY OF WARE ALL KINDS, SILVER 'revery dem !piton. 4Gir Wale.. repaired on Short Notice. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. 23 Eaat Hamilton etroet, mini - mite the German Re formed Church. II et received from New York and Phil adelphia, all the lateen styles GOLD WATCIIES lie has the largest and beat assortment of Oold Watches and at lower prices than can he found elsewhere. SILVER WATCHES He has a larger and bettor assortment of Silver Watches than can be nurchatied anywhere else. GOLD JEWELRY. Flo ban the largest and boat assortment of all kinds o Gold Jewrdry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Ile has a larger and better assortment of all kinds of Oil and Plated Jewelry than can he found elsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Bohan a splendid annortment or Silver and Plated Ware Any pernon desiring goods In this lino cart not Nil to b nulled.. _ _ _ CLOCKS. A larger assortment than at any other establiehment MELODEONS. A splendid aSsortlncut of Prince's Melodeons, the bee In the world. - - - - - - ACCORDEONS. A splendid annertntent of all kind, of Aecordeone. His establishment line lately been fitted np, and in now second to none In New York and Philadelphia, and ahead of anythlngontelde tlu• large eltlee. Ile hex a larger stock of fashionable anode In Ills line than all others In Lehigh county combined. To convince yourselves at the above call and see jyAtowEttkt NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILADELPHIA, A few loom west of the Continental Hotel JEWELERS SILYERS.AIITIIS IMPORTERS OF WATCHES; DIAMONDS, FINE BRONZES, FANCY GOODS EUROPEAN NOVELTIES Have now lu store, and are constantly resolving. a. •xtonnive variety of Lino Ooodo appertaining to that Pespectfully Invite persons visiting the city to favo them With it vibit Tomtit-lee and orders by moll promptly attended to. fed7-ly gor the lidtbirs. GULDIN'S Ladies' Trimming Store, ALLENTOWN. P.A. Tho trado at this old mid woll known entahllehment Ir conotsolly logroaalng, owing to the fact that NEW GOODS are bolag conotaotly recolvod of tho LATEST STYLES tod always suitable to tha wants of hor ortmerons roar, Tors.should always go whero they are aura to Its nutted at low figures . an ATTENTWN, LADIES! REAL WHITBY, JET JEWELRY, FRENCH JET .AND VULCANITE JEWELRY, FINE PLATED JEIV ER i Paris and Vlonna Fans, Hair Plum, Fancy Loather Mil 0.. in FAucy Or:anent.. ncy a. Dreaming CUP.. r..lipt Clouds U brollaa I Stlk, 01. gham and Alpaca. All guttran cod superior lu quality and 1110 int, Into uric. DIXON, api3-w] N , . 21 South Eighth Street, Phllada. MADA RI E STEEL, 1313 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Ilas received from Paris the latent Spring styles POLONAISE BUSTLES AND CORSETS. La Victorlen lianuarno .Nillsoo RUSTLE SHIRTS for train and prom wade dresses. Park Werly Sc Childrou's Curnets,all at popular prices. mnr2o ly w) TE" I'LE OF FASHION. ESTAULISIIED 16 - 17. MRS. N. A. BINDER, 1101, N. W. CUR. 11TH CIIE§TNUT BTB I) ELI'II I A, Importer nod po4lgoer of Paris and Lodnon Novelties, Kieranllo Trimmed Vapor Patterns of Latest and moat reliable Style... fur Lath. a' and Calldruu l a Dr as Ladles' Dress TrltenunßA, Real and I [Mutt!. aces, Mures. Fun, Proe, Ju‘ethy. F. cr fined, DRESS AN U CLOA K MAK IN hla the roost taste ful and ulegant manner. A Perfect System of DRESS VIITTINtS Tattyht. P;TWilirt2l,lVPlllitE:SirtijrDllEVAnd"'ythilrlnv 82000 PER ANNUM • CAN BE MADE IN SELLING THE NEW• WHEELER & W ILSONS'S SEWING MACHINE. A few active, reliable bunter,. men of good habit. and address. wanted In deelrable territory at present no leen. pled. Wagons furnlehed ; Security regulred. send (or Information. or call on ?ETERSON & CARPENTER, GenTAgt's, 914 CHESTNUT STREET, rutLADEPHIL. J W. ALTHOUSE,-Agent, ^e•ly til4 II .mitten 'area. Allentown. =I Fancy Dyeing Etalanlislininnt _ _ _ JONES, J. .5.. , IV 4.32 Forth Front Street. riabolcrPilf o . Pa. • DYE Silks, Woolen and Faury 0 .ods of every. desprip•• Non. Thelr auperi alto of Dyeing Ladles' and Gentle -010100.1. In widely knot, o. Crop° and Merino shawls ed the moat brillinu and plain colors (Nano and Merino oh .wls clnanaoo to loon liko new. Al.. oen Ltnen 'a Apparel. 1.0•ICLItt.111, rlo.llod or ',l yell. Kid Sloven cleansed or dyed to look like sow. 11111-Call and l . ook at our work loooro oing elsewhere. Oracle °Oleo nor. Ninth and Vino at, g . (apr3.2mw THE IMPROVE]) FLORENCE.' The Beet Scullin; Machine Mude. The niy Machine that makes Four different Stitches I The only Machine that fe.tene the ends of Sentna f The only Machine that will move the work in any direction desuagd I and the only Machine that low a Arli.adtuatinti ten These advantage« combined with the Knee. Rapidity, and Golan.. ails motion/I. together with thn and Qualify of It. k with Rimer, ea raweltalattto render it the moat d...irgitte, durable and BeG Faintly Seng Machine in the Wor/d. Good Agents LOW•led in every County. Wilson & Pannypaoker, Managers. Lisa Chestnut Street, Phl/eidai Cieptllan w faebicinal. z c) 1 = p,,.. )-.--1 h- cf-) ottl /:- 1-3 c C=) tt o ~ = Pa t-' NEW DRUG STOitE I take the pleaenre of Informing nly nulnerong Mende and tho public la general that I have opened a new Drug Stbro at NO. 736 HAMILTON STREET, and tilled it with a carefully selected stock of Pure Drugs and Medicines PATENT MEDICINES, COAL OIL, and ri t IAge F ripp R I s STAL OIL LAMPS Choice Portal:nary and toilet articles, as tho finest E. tracts for haudkerrhlel arid bathing. lialr o,ls. II air It vlioratms mad Hair Dyes. Au Innumerable al-sOlllllO of Toilet Boafia for washing. allay ins sad ”ii. or paint. Tooth Brushes and Hair Brushes of all or, I and prices. Packst Book.. Album+, Pass Books. Pal', :11141 • Pen l'ockst and Razors, a. largo varied) or Ow Boallah glad German Finli Books and Tackles. lu abor everything that Carl ho expectodla • First• Class City Drug Store, AND AT The Very Lowest Market Rates WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS will boa bpschilly and will be filled day or night with the greatest pooctuel- Ity an accuracy. Pbymciane od Storekeepers sUPPlied with eversible': In nay Ilue at the lowest market rates, H seine had ex • parlance slave my childhood in the Deng hominess I feel confident that I can serve all who may favor me with a cell, to their satisfaction. E. W. DANOWSKY. Dr. WM. DANOWSKY takes Me opportunity to thank ble onmerone friondx fo post favor. and will he •t the Drum Slim, of his sou t wall on all who may desire tun medical nor rice, REMEMBER THE PLACE, 735 HAMILTON STREET, Between Seventh and Eighth lan2i• w PARENTS TAKE. NOTICE THAT AT TUB BOTEN BOOK STORE TOO WILL ALWAYS FIND FOB PALS ALL KINDS SCITOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. The time Is again here for children to prepare for SCHOOL! /V W ige t at hand and for sale everything they went SCHOOL ROOM. OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW an ave l e e n V o va l nan give them Jnel whe t they DON'T POROHT, AND REMEMBER THAT THE BOTEN BOOK STORE IS TUE FLAGS TO BUY ALL RINDS OF School Books at the Lowest Prices. LEISENRING, TREXLER CO., 101 II am Mos St., Allentown, Pa. sepl•tfd AGENTS! QUICK for you of w e ill ll'i•B choice rrito rr. M.!, l a a rush for MOO DIO LEWIR' last and greateet tvut OUR DIGESTION, or. itir JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET. It le by d the moat taking and• eatable book le the geld. 1 life oo • • Hall? Imoortani aubjant. iis A inerl..'• 11:10.1 popular writer on hem Ith 3lt ta tor tho prh-o. the I i oil liaudsomo , t book ay, cold lir . b . 0 , 1 0 0u. w r the people are • lifer loi.lloll • I. •nd ill rye 100 to bring ig to thew. Writ° for terms. it ,tree • OEO. MACLEAN, Publisher. 799 Bawol➢ Street, Phlladolphis. novl/1•17 w 01ItT11 PIENNSIVL-g VANIA RAI A LROAD. 44,..wEzA a~~.... _ p ~, ~ ~~1.. w~', 1i SUMSIERARRANOEMENT.I Pemeengere for Philadelphia take Lehigh Vitller R. R •raina paesing Alleuinwo at oli mod 815 m, 12 R. 5 tt S 78 p. tn., and !arrive to Philadelphia at 8 65, 10 43 n 115, 81 , and 10 :Op. m. Also Lehigh and Suaquehano• Railroad train. mi 81.5 h.m.. 8!5, 540 and bl 5 p 01 arrive in Philadelphia at 1045 a in., 715, 540, 8 tx) not 10 11l p. ni. . Throngh Tralna Dolly, tiunglayx Excepted ] rita.enger tralni learn Inn depot Northweat corner Berk and American .4 eeto. I'hllxdelphl x, For Allentown at 830 4k a. go.. 2 10. 3 :41. 1 00 on 4n p or. Polnee ear. rea rob .d to Ih- 831 a. m. train For Poyleetown at 8 OS. .a 240 nod 430 p For Fort Waablooto4 g g and 1/ a to. 8 and 1130 por For A 4/ •gon al 7 m. 1 30. aria 530 p. m. Fog 1.1 na de at 8 p. tn. Tralna for Phil/044010. Leave Bethlehem at 830. 890 a. ru., 1218, 99.5, 8 10 and 910 p ; to. I , ) :r, l l a , l i e o va 611.5 a 7co.. m., 300 and 1503 p. m. •• Fort Woeh a logton • ~H t 81., 1090 a. tn., Hod 216 arid 9 00 p w. • Abington at 711 it ot, 215 and 615 p. m. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Botblebem 'or Pbilatit . lpitta at 1 03 . p. m. 6 a. m. Do r i""" forll I ton at 010 a tn L ti y° P" I"‘:lPhl' trlh ' ,.;.l7,4own at 1;00U. to. Faro—Allontown to Philaaolpnla, 11 Fn. ELLIt6 CLARK. Agent. •.* Ti 1 ! itr 141 4' ,A ° 74 -It EADING D.A11.-r= R ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1872 Trains leave Harrisburg for New York an follow,: al POO, 810 a. tn., and 200 p. an contiecting with similar trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 1210, 350 and 0 40 p. tn. respectively. Returning isave New Turk at 0111 a. to.. 1204 noon and /I Oa p. Philadelphia at 7'k, 830 a. in. and 3:41 p.m. Leave Rarrinlowii for Reading. Pottsvllle, Tamaqua Minors,' ille, Ashland. nhaoaik in. Allentdp a, and 111111a delliblit .it aOO tool 11 10 a. ni., 2111 and 4 It; in., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations; the 4 p to. train ronneetlng for Philadelphia, Pott,llle and 00111111- th Only For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Aaliurn, via Stilotylkill and Susquehanna Railroad leave Harris hunt 111 a 4 p. nt. East Pomm . y yania Railroad trains lama Reading for Allentown, Eantoo and Novl York at 7 (a). 10 4a, a. in , and 4115 p in. Returning, leave New York at fl 00 a. m., 321 noon and 011 p. and Allentown at 725 a. cu., 12W aoon, 2 15, 31 and 9:15 p. m. Way Passenger Train leave/. Philadelphia at 7:41 a.m., connecting with similar train on East Penna. Railroad, returning leave Reading at ti i p stopping at all uta• [ions. Leave Pottnvillo nt 533 and 910 a. in., and 210 p. Herndon nt In 04 a. in. :11.611101:1u at 540 itud 11 15 a. Ashland at 7 02 .t m. nod 12 41 p , Mullane) City al 751 a. tis. and 1311 p. tn. fat Philadelphia. SOW York, Reading. Ilurtinburg, &e. 1 . 1. 0 . 11 lei l y 6" ' •., Leave via Schuylkill and Somaneleauuo HMI rued at 8 15 a. In. for Harrisburg, and 11 45 a. In. fur flue ofave end Trawunt• . l'ott+vlll4. AceotapPul.ttion Train lea v., l'ottsvillo at 6:1 116 ailing at 7 01 a. tn.. arnvlug at l'hilxll,l phla. at 3 . 3 u, 11616n/tag, least, Phllacl6lplll.. at 61. o.ta.. pa..lu4 Roading HI 7 .10 p. ut., arriv4pg at Put. al p 111 Tontitown Accommodation Train leaves Potintown t 14.anconta, leaven i'Llladonalia Muth and urePu,)ul4 30 Columbia Railroad Trains leave Roadluiz at 7 ;N:l a tn and 15 p ni for Ephrata, Lim, I.itucacter. Columbia, dtc, ;re turning lea, Lancaiiiter 825 4 in ; and 325 p m and Colunibla at 51. at M. and 3 Is t to. l'erkloonin Ilitilrond litre Purklomen Junction 44 735, 555 a to. 155 and '42 V tn. Rewriting. lent, 0 you Lot , at 15. to, 173,a ad 4 1 , 30. connuctian will) trait , on Itioldlnii Railroad. • .. . . Pickering Valle, liallreda trains leave PLierilvvllle nt 010 a in. aloud 5.5 g pm ; ietutning leave Byers at :15 a ni i I. 45 noon. dud 4in pat, connecting with ciwllar trains on Redoing ltdilrood. Culeloookdale Railroad tralnd leave Pottstown at 9 40a Pand Iy, 0 7.5 mum 7 15 p m; returning lenvo Mount leasant at 610), Slll and II 25 ant, and 3 . 25 p in, connect ing multi tritiii• on Reading R. H. . . . Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridgeport at 890 a in and 240 and 533 p tn; returning. lent, 11.itrologlou at ti 55 am 12 33 and 540 p m, cutatecting with aitullar trains on heading Railroad. , On Sundays : leave Now York at 600 pm, Philadelphia at SOO a mand 315 p m (the SOO a in train running only to Rending). leave Pottsville nt SOO x m, Ilarrialinr i i at 500 a to and 2 ot) p in, Allentown at 4 35 and 931 p in, Read. lag at 715 II m nod hi 55 p in for Harrisburg, at 7io a to for Nets York,nt 72,t a 211 for Allentown and at 0411 urn and 415 p ni for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excarsion Tlcketn, to and from all points, at reduced rates. Baggage clinched through; 100 pound nIIOIVOII each J. E. WOOTTEN, anal Is I AM. Supt.& Rite. Jbieh .IEIII6II VALLEI .11-1 RAILROAD. •),/ .a SU WIER ARRANGEMENT. Leave Allentown for New(ork. via Central Railroad of Now Jamey. at 5 15, 1 816 a tn. and 12 01, 12 10. 5 40 1 % and 550 p. m. Fur New Yurk, is lifortle f & Emus Rallroadott 655•, awl n 15 a to, and (201, 12 IP. 540•, and S:A p m. For 51anunka Chunk tad Belvidere at 815 a to,aud 540• pm. Fur Latobertvillo and Trenton at 611 m, and 12 01 and 5 dip m. Fur Eaxton at 541, G IS, 815 and 10 10 a m; 1201. 1215•. 3 10, 6 4. 1 511, 741 and 828 p tn. For Phliallelphia. via 510 , th Penn Railroad, at 816, 815 a In, and 12 01. 550, and 829 r to. Fur IVA/Mini/tot., D. C . at 815 a R. 12 01 and 8 2S p tn. For Catasauqua & Fegloaville It. R. Odium enu 12 30 pm. • • Fur Coplay at 841 a m. 12 20. 4 . "4, 67.1 and 821 p m. Fur Mauch Cbunii at 644, 11147 a 10. 1 . 2 al, 4'14 rod 824 p m. Ear Wilkenliarre and l'ittiitou. 016 44 and 1047 a in, 1221, 4 34 p m. For Waverly, Owego Elmira. Auburn and Buffalo, at 47 a in (Exrom For Hazleto p n t 641 awl 10 4 A 7 a in, and 434 p m. For Audourled at 10 47 a in. For Slahattoy City xt 644 rd 10 47 a to, and 431 pMi For Alt. Carmel to 844 and 16 47 a in. Totitia with a al ar 1•) -tart (root Emit Penn Junction. H. STANLEY GOODWIN, Axel Oval Supt. R. H. SAY 103 Sup't & Bag. AND FOCIELSVILLE 11. It. rter JUNE. THIRD, 1872, , Passenpror Trains on qua & Fogolsvillo Railroad will run In conirec. o Lehigh Valley, Lehigh & Suennohniana, and Railroad, as follows: t IITATIONS. On and a the Cu 11880 lion with lb Bit t Penn. Trains Wea CATASARQUA, 063 • SEIPLE'S, 9 45 R B •Jo DAN RIDGE, 9: 0911I'S W , 9 34 WALOIT•11, 9 :51 CHAPMAN'S, 010 TREE LERTOWN, pO7 • BREINIUSVILLE, 806 •SPILING CREEK, 842 AL.BORTIS, 837 lons. CONNECTIONS. 7 4G 7 51 g tita The mornin I; train west [envoi Calgetinqtm on the arrival Of tho L V It. H. Passenger train front Kanton, beta e 'remand Alley town. and COW:IOCA. at Alburt. with train in the East Pennsylvania 11.11 for Reading, Pottxville, Harrieburs and Plalndolplaa nucl also with train for Allentown. Unthrehent and Kristen. The morning train E.1.1./11110Cle, sexton An E. I'. It. from Ilarrisliarg, Patsy Illn heading mad Allentown, rata At Cataarincinn with train on tho Lehigh Valley licalrond for Munch Chunk, Wkenbarre, Scran ton, Philadelphia and New York, I he 11:, I' 31 train Went conmccts at ANtafrils with train. on the Enact Penn. Itralricita for Heading, Pottsville. Ha, rinbrug, Phandelphia, Allentown, Bethlehem. Canton, slid New York; arrive is Plaladoll'hin vita Bowling nt p. no. The Evening trnin East leaves AllAirtle en the arrival ot a train front Allentown nuct of n trAin inalc tug eccuttec tionsrat Renting with Bain. from Philadelphia, 11nrrls burg, Pottsville. connects with local onsnenger trots on trio L. V. li. It. at Ccit.llll9ll,l Jar Allnutown, Bethlehem nua llokoodaurina and Conine. Persons wishing to 1k(110 Allentown can take um morn ing train West to Albuitin, tam no at Allicutown 913 a tn, and marts by x train 011 the Emit Penunylvnula lictilrond, leaving Allentown at 435 p. C. W. CHAPMAN, 10-Iyl Supt. and Engineer. ALEIVI'O WN l'A NG SSEEIt 'CAM IL WAY. MR== On and after 910 7) DAY. JI'SE 3, 1872, care will run well trains on the Lohlth Valley and Lenigh Ind Suetple. henna, Philadelphia • Reading (Euet Peen Junction) ttnilroadtt, and to the Allentewn Furnace, leaving Stn. hip, Hamilton and Ninth etreete, at, follow, For L. V. L. 4S. E. Penn. Fnrunce. Leave Fur A 31 A. M. A. M. A. 71. A 31 6 45 7 45 6 60 (t 3/ 1, Ot Ii 1.6 10 '0 A 40 11 . .1) /I ft) 7 45 11 35 11 70 9 41 P. M. P. M 10 10 1 10 1 50 II 36 P. 81. P. M. 3 00 I) 30 11 .'.l) 2 Aro 1 40 5 00 6 35 I '. DEL Ale 16 6'. AL 360 3hi 700 720 10 3 'A) PO 740 070 6 7 IA 7 40 The above ears run to all the pal Rho TO road, FARE TEN CI Children under ten yearn of e GRAND OPENING CARPETING S. Largest Carpet Room • AND LARGEST STOCK IN THIS CITY AND VALLEY' AT THE "MAMMOTH STORES'j E. S. SIIIMER & CO 705 and 707 Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa. 5 Frame Eng. Body Brussels Carpet, Best Eng. Tapestry Brussels do Three Ply Carpet, "Smith" Tapestry ingrain Carpet, "San ford's" do do do Extra Super do do Super do do Common do do Damask do Venetian do Bag, List and Hemp Carpet, CAh2:OY, COCOA and CAVE MATTI.VG, FLOOR AND TABLE OIL CLOTH, DRUGGETB AND FLOOR CLOTHS, HASSOCKS, DUOS AND MATS, WINDOW HOLI,.INDS AND SHADES CURTAIN LACES, &o A D'ORD OF ADVICE ❑1 in need of env uoode in thin line : Buy Now and Buy Right Hero, an 00.10 la tali. Itelotrtineat will he mold at Pria•it • ..18101thih iht thoy woro ordered from the tfauttfacturrts told I tuporto,a to ldlo ihe Into advance to wool Tho largo automat analog within ILn lore fn inth i n 'h t . oorticular broucb of out Waitro. in ill- very faint ladles lit of tho app ~.ototlou of our exteuolvo and +link ow arices. a pt.! lita pig E ILLUPTIRATID PHU ENO a. T.OO ICA I. JOUTTNA L oy rrtlp ctn Ph 0. . lilsgitzlon. Ito lirtirlen Iwo the high...l Ihtsirost tai all. It leach.. what we ale .ni! h At to took.. 00111,1 of oupiselTo The infortoutben tic tr Nos. on the Lye, of Life 5. d Health la worth of to. 31altotitio to 00017 ...idly It IN published at 43.0.1 a soar. Ils .pvoll.l neranKeineld ,10 coo enabled 1,,,,gre. the Plano... oglcs. Journal as a Pr.un No 'or 800 now ouloctilwr. to limo 141.1,M 11.{111110 . T.C. or will f notch the Lenn.o 111 egg and lihronoloslcol J0..11 toiwoher (or We euilVeentrthil Journal to all who w. th n g0...1 tlugnsluo. Address all orders to 11.011T.J0.. Alloutow I. VIrCCU. E N ii. 14.11, A'S"I'4I:IL • NEI' AT LAW. tionn.rly orActicrA le Curbo ::"r.ma, ' ti lte d u in the German 'august' teat roans LOCAL SCHEDULE Emit ♦.Y. P.ll 669 5 LO 5 4 6 '44 9i 6 9 6 6 16 Puy D I A iS . r v iio turd 'a 810 821 saongor train, on the I NTS. age, Five Ceuta. WM IllrotrsSional' 6,ar00. • EJ. MORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . ALLENTOWN, PA. No./10E1st ilamllion ' , trent. 411-CAO conAulted In OermAn. jenll BUN R at. BALDWIN, ATTORNEYS 1.11.. AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Allentown, Pa. 011 Ice. No. AI EA.t thou plea Ikea. C. H. Rom F. A. R. DALTWIK TT C. RUNSBERGER ATTORNEY L.,•.• AT LAW, Itfunoved to the Poet 0111 re bulldlAL erund fluor, ALLIKNTWfi PA. .ur 21-IT ELLts :911Arrz. ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, ftt We.it Hamilton SI. Allentown. Pei faEOICCIE 11. RUPP, ATTORNEY VA wt AT LAW. (Alice withlluu. Joint D. Aillos, Allem ALISR.IGHT, ATTORNEY &II AT LAW, eight doors utioyo tho Court 1i0n.., ,AL LENTOWN Lehigh elllllll, Cu. tub lIGE K. W I I.SON. ATTORNEY lir AT LAW, N,. Ll< Ihuuiltun mtreot. nerdy oppo •lIP the Cottrt How, Allentown. Collections promptly made In Lehigh mai Northampton criminal+ VrORRIN L. KAUFFMAN durroot ..A. NEY AT LA W. Otflee, APcon.s dio ' ir of the Pleat Notional Book building, AbI.tiNTOWN, PA. Collertion• made in Lehigh and tulloiningrountlee. Can be consulted nilie and Berman lougn Igo+ , ntoi 14.1 y D n. " c. GULDIN, SURGEON DENTIST. MID, ,v,r M. M. A. 0. 040dIrt Erszniolug So.ro, N 0.34 E3st Nue., AllontOwu TEVi SOONER, ATTORNEY AT 1-1 LAW AN I) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, MILLERS TOWN. LEHIGH CO., PA. ParueolAr Attentiou Pala tU inmol v,/t Lind d,crdent 0 , latex, jao tkly " • 14. 11: 1h. : TAT!. 31 1 N I t el;;IT .F PrALPS,) • ATr It NEI' AT LAW, noon,: 13, 15, P;a11 47, No. No Wxxlilugtoo Stroet, Chi cog, juno33 J OAN 0. BOWMAN, ATTORNEY AI)N COP N5F.1.1.01: AT LAW, Room 11. No. W• not , t 1%11;1..1101h, Mar i./7 MBOBAS B 1 NEI' AT LAW, Ea,t Ilan/111.i M ATTOII. ALLENTOWN, PA. Mice, No. 02 may -'O9 fIEORGE B. WHAM. ATTORNEY VA AT LAW. Other, First door above Law Alley. AL LENTOWN, PA. nosy 2d-era T►,llE%l. Ili ERE, Avir 4) RN IE I( AND el co ilNsEt, LOR AT I. A IV, op anonor M. Kra st. ..ppio to tuo Eagle irote;, All'eutuura, mar 17-in VOWA Rll HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Miro, with lion. Samuel A. Bridges, AILENTOWN, PA. mug I.ly TOIL RI - PP, AVIORNET AT LAW, ft/ N. E Corner tith and 110 tot wm Street. ALLEN TOWN, l'A. may I-1y A DAR WOOLEVER, AITORN it;N Al. A r LAP:. °Mee, apposite the Court ilzar l . -I A r L. u LcroWN l'A. . . IV I ALTLL'N'i!.,I4.I,,ILEuIf.T. 1 .'"I'MY PENNA. may ELIT CLAV I. MERSV,AVIORNEY xt •AT LAW CATASALIQUA PA. jau 14,684 f earpct3 anti Oil elot1). 1% G 'ILLIAMS & DALE, I= 832 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, thder- in I:n !WETS, OIL e'e r Wt. n•ceivod for Ow Spring id., a largo. Rud haul s :issortal-at of new and beautiful Brus• role. uarai.is. , ti ci. , th, Window Shade!, oto . all of wh,,h we will olfer it the lowest Cash invite nl to cell arid sou us. and 11112.0tir block boforn par hos i ng elsewhere. .1" WILLIAMS & DALE, =I 51 . 2 Nlarket St.. Phllndelphla • RICH. AND ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL CLOTIIS, &C. S. C. FOUIA. NO. 19 S. SECOND ST., PHILA., (Firxt Carpet Storo below Market, East hide.) Invite, attention to hiti mplendid miNertment of Imported and American CA Itt'l Ft 4, whien trill be sold at a veil small advance. Geed,. warranted ax repreNeuted No tbs. ill eau buy with confidence mud NatiNfaction. nay 'M-tf CARPETS CARPETS! ALSO, OIL CLOTHS, AND 3IATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, &C., G. B. NYDER & 0„ 31 SOUTH SECOND ST., •PHILADA., Weld 8110, below Markel X. 8.-4 liberal diecolint to eliurcheß and eiergy. mt. IL Car-3111W - ,-; % - y. -- , ••i, , •. 2 • 70..2, ) c _ ALT. ExT' ... 0 i Ilitil 0 djCi Pi§ i 1 ~„ --- ' i., ‘ ,..4, ~1 AT,,,, , i ii i ~i11ii1i, 1 0 , ,, . 1 . ,,, , , , , , k,, 11 ,.. ~,,, , i 44,/fd• \ A 1 ,q . i ' 1". T., - •'' * I% ? ..,',), i'• ~.i tt' .:,!l.,„ . fi'ii, , , ,—,- t; ,.,, , ,,, 7 . _ > l c • 4, / , ? •., p:t , ?,,1,.4., - : :,„.v.. x , 'I !(,'t' ..'.',:, 1 . tl-77.) CURES DISEASES Opp THROALLIING3,LIVER In the wonderful medicine to wh h the aMleted are above pointed for relief, tit discoverer he- Heves he has combltted in /gar, any more of Na tare's most •sovereLzo curative properties, which God has inntilicil into the ve , dahle kingdom fur healing the sick, than Wort! .er helot° combined In one tut Heine. The ay . Immo of thin fact In flaunt in the great variety of most oindinate din. eases which it ban been and to conquer. In the cure of itronehlt , Severe C 0111.11.14, and the early rut:, o CO not 011)11011, It has artouldied the inedi al faculty, and eminent phy 81e1,1.4 protium., i the greatest medical dhcove ry of hit nra ‘VI oit cures the severing Conelin, it stren,ditena t o systent nod' purifies Cho blood. It; i gru it awl. Ittoromtll blood purify- In, [trotter" iv It ear, all if 111114,ra, front the wont Se rof lit In a 00111111011 Motels, Pint. pie, or Et te MI I'll. Mt, aria! tllsettete. Mine rat poinow, an I thole .meek, are ertullealed, and V120,111r1 1100111 anti a mood 1 . 111124111111011 .11114% li•llitti E fret poi a+, Salt Itheutn,l , cc er Sorer, N my Or It ought Mr In, In short, all the 1111 ,1.111 Ili,ti•tes tritii,l by bad blood, are compo. c , l by this powerful purifying and In vigoratim; medicine. • If you fool dull, drowse, debilitated, havOsallow color of shin, or ycM.tridt 111 . 011 . 11 soap. 1111 hare or body, frequent head lid, or dir;tincra. had taste In mouth, internal Ito IL is chill , alternated with hot flushes, low spirit-. and ulttu aty forebodings. Ir. rextilar appLeite, an 1 touttito coaled, you tiro stiffer la; from 'torpid Liver or i , ltilloults cows." In twiny canon of , l. Liver Coin plaint ss only part of these svmptoma are expe rienced. An it re wcly for all such cares Dr. Pierce', Golden Medical Discovery boa no equal, as It effects perfect cares, leaving the liver strength cited and healthy. For the core of Habitual Constipation of the bowels It Is a never fall• but remedy, and thane who have need It for thin purpone are load in 114 Mille. • The proprietor' offer. $l,OOO rowan! for a medl• clno that will equal It for the cure of all the 1.118• cases for which it Is recommended. Sold by dribrzktn at Si tier bottle. Prepared b Lt. V. Norco, M. D., Sole Proprietor, at his Cherr y cal Laboratory. Ma Seneca street. Baltic', N. IC. „ Bend your addreas [Or a pamphlet. may 1 a -If - REMOVAL! REMOVAL! S. R. Engelman & Bro.'s C I FINA Sq ORE HAS BEEN REMOVED TO No. 740 HAMILTON STREEr, (Walker's Old Stand,) ALLENTOWN, PA SPECIAL ANNOUNCE MENT FOR THE SPRING TRADE. THE FINEST AbeiUtt. i ENT OP TABLE WARE, Vases, Cologne Sets, Figures, Smoking Sets, Mantle . Ornaments, 4nd FA NCYAIHT IC L ES. ever olleted ha city.logeth r with • laro OC k FINE CUT GLASS WARE. march 2 sa. 11. Spremni i W. F. HAKIM. CM= LOW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers