eoril aub Lumber. Allentown. RrrrEk& ABBOTT, MANUFACTURERS OP Bath. Doors. Outside Blinds, Inside Blinds; Hauler.' tags, Brackets Balusters; rickets, Stair Rail. few. Window Nam., Door Framu. &o. :1101QLLIAWINA aL crllltSlw PLiNINU,_ • MATURING, FLOORING and - RIPPING, DOME AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. ALSO, STAIR BUILDING done and HAND RAILING made to ntder. living now had almbet flee 'years , po ..... lon of the Mill, reran:tinkled it almost wholly with new and Improv ed machinery, and having none but experienced work men, we are prepared to defy rorapAtition from at home and abroad, both In price and workmanship. Do you contemplate building? Call st our Factory arid .awry Tr:72f with personal k examination. for or a pempu r taTw g rk corolla fo r g "- °robot., can be wen at all times ity calling o aeour offico. P Any Information to the builder tarnished cheerfully and freely, by calling at the Moon factory, on Union street , at the Jordan Bridge. Allen town. or by letter through thejumt oft.. • aa[3./71 RITTER a ABBOTT. A 71 1111? OTTO. m. W. OTTO. O. W. XILLIR F LBER OTTO •Sic MILLER, MANSFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN LU`iVIBER, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. MILL ON CANAL, WEST OF MAYNARD STREET OFFICE AT THE MILL W P CRANE Aoma. 4 au( 70-IT Spectaelto. SPECTACLES I SPECTACLES II EYE GLASSES. &o. ega:rigtl=Vr:t""l of CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, NO. 28 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA • Naylor devoted a great deal of care and attention to the spectacle busier. for those last few yearn, I find that my buttons In that tine has Incresood no touch that I have de termined to make It a SPECIALTY, There Is no article manufactured in which there is so much deception prac ticed as there le in Spectacle Woe.. Knowing that.the subtle have beau frequently 'lambasted by parties pre tending to have & superior article of Glasses, and charging exorbitant prices for them, thereby traffl clog upon the ne oeseitlee and infirmities of age, I have taken pains to se lect a large and complete assortment of the finest and best gleam,* liver manufactured, thus affording all persons goodies spectacles an opportunity of purchasing at rea sonableprice.. Persons having any dtificeity In being milted elsewhere will do well to give me a call, as I feel melldent that no one will fail to be suited. Remember the eta stand, No. 29 East Hamilton street, opponite the Ger- Imaaßeformed Church, Allentown, Pa. Jon 23'68 tf ' • 3300 t iliatterfs. JOIN E. LENTZ WM. H. WEINSHEIMER JOHN REABOLD, JR. JOHN E. LENT? Sr,. CO FIECCESSORB TO YOUNG & LENTZ. The firm of Young & Lenin was dissolved by mutual cermet on Febru ry 18th. 1872 Mr. Young retirlog. Wm. 1. Weinsheimer and John Seabold. Jr., having token hie Place. Thelma, firm hot es to have the continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon the old limn. They will no their utmost endeavors to accommodate their Mronn with prom,lness and furnish BOOTh AND SHOES e the beet make and material, and will always have on hand a largeeamortment of the moat desirable styles, malted to the trade of thin section. The firm of Young & Lents having been dissolved, all parties Indebted to them are requested to make eattlement between title date and April lot next. The books will re main at the old eland. Either of the old partnere le au thorieed to sign in liquidation. fob .8.3 m OPENING LADIES' SPRING & SUMMER SUITS AND COSTUMES 1 EVERY DAY. • SLACK. COLORED AND FANCY SILK SUITS, KEENAN!. TAMISE ANN CASHMERE SUITS. PIQUE. LINEN. LAWN AND ORGANDY SUITS, AND SUITS IN EVERY VARIETY OF THIN MATERIAL FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. ALSO A PULL LINE-OP SACQUES, TALMAS AND LA- DIES - UNDERWEAR. LACE JACKETS, POINTS. dm., Bc. THE LARGEST STOCK EVER SHOWN IN THIS CITY AGNEW ENGLISH NO. 839 CHESTNUT ST., OEPOBITE CONTINENTAL HOTEL AND 29 SOUTH NINTH STREET, •Drt•w in PHILADELPHIA. FURNITURE I FURNITURE I 11. L. McCONNELL, IOOOIBSOR TO HUTTON & McCONNELL, Has on hind, at the old stand 809 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA A LARGE STOCK OF FINE Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room FURNITURE ! EMI Greatly Reduced Prices All Goods warranted. All old munomers wlll I, deal t will as formerly , and the patronage of the pillio. earaeetly solicited H. L. MCCONNELL, Iliaaareelarer ■ad Dealer in FURNITURE, stai27 Maw) 8 Market 6lreet, Pbll►delpbl►. GREAT BARGAINS FURNITURE. AVERILL BARLOW, NO. 45 S. SECOND STREET, bu Ms Jaime.° warerooms (.l stories) filled with a &eat •arl.ty of firet-elaee Furniture, and le offering it ■t Prices lower than any other Dealer in Philadelphia. Dolling the same class of goods Be has also a great •arlety of low•prlced work, which le le selling at reduced prices, either at whoiesalo or re• tall, including all styles of Cottage Furniture. Also, Agent for the Beckwith Sewing Machine. Pries 1110. [apr3.9mw LARGEST STOCK I DRAT INDUCEMENTS To buy all your furniture at the Wiest furniture store In town of GEORGE W. HEIMBACH 782 HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN tirrli llr AtL l Tl4Firteg' t pi t i o oN?:"Zi aye calmed e am e n their facilities for • t keeling on haat iltlilmAeit stock in the city. ELEG2IIFT FURNITURE . • • le manufactured In //Weems irefab/fahmene, Sit • ender their cern atißer vlsion ‘ and Is warred'. ed to be Me beetle cise market. du inapectton • : of their Mock will convince boron of the ad v ajgire e tif Ur I from hem ± en manufacture • RITTLR ; i3 PATINTAPRIbIu BCC.' and ere sole 010010 for that sunnier bliC ;Call m 14.0411. Remember • I;'PP • :•• The Alatiiribijth Glass . Hont. H A R,T N *&TE (PA I= Old Newspapers Old Blank Books ' °revery duoriPtios• And Ledgers, Waste Paper, That are all written over. oral Wads 0 d Pamphlets, &o. 14.01. More Beeenro AID TM'All 9017 , 0 1 1111: 1 oat sap ° raisin • JOSEPH MILLER dr, co. , s BANKING HOUSE, Fogetsvills, Lehigh County, Penny. MONEYS received on deposit and 0 per cent. Internet allowed on all soma remaining six month. or over. For shorter periods special rates will be paid. Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, 7 az-Collectors and 'other enilodlana of pnblie or private monoyn. are °Oared Ilharal rating of Intorpat Farmers. Merchants. Laborers and all who have money to pot not on stored fora long or abort period will find our Ins Mutton •n agreeablo and advantageous Olin In which to do onslnosa. Inatltullon 18 SAFE AND WELL SECURED. e3..a leo mope". loaned out on favorable term.. JOESPII . MILLER. .1. 11. LIOrtTENW ALNER, PRANK J. SLOUOII. Copr3-6m ILLERSTOWN SAVING BANK ' MILLERSTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. Thle Metelon will be opened on or before the Int day of April. oney will be taken en deposit at all times and any slims from one dollar upwards, for which BIX PER CENT. INTEREBT per annum will be pald. Deposits may be withdrawn at any time' Also. money owned oat on favorable terms. JAMES WEILER. President ,ISANELIN Emmen. OnaAter. J. F. M. BMgert, Georg Ludwig, Frederick C. Yokel. Christ 1 K. Henninger, David Donner, AVillit n , s,lllday. Isaac Orlobe!, Gideon C. Egner, Horatio T. Hartzog, Benjamin J. tichmoyer. James Sinamastor marll3.Bm ALLENTOWN SAVINGS iNsTITIG TION, Organized as "Dime, Saving Institution," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (NEARLY OPPOSITE. THE AMERICAN HOTEL.) PA YS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR This Institution, the oldest Saving Bank In Eastern Pennsylvania, has been in continuous and successful operation for ten years, and continues to pay SI X PER CENT. INTEREST on money for ono your, and special rates of Interest for shorter periods. deposits of money will be hold strictly confi dential. Executors, Administr.atore,Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, aad other camtedlane of public or private teener; , are of fered liberal wee of tetanal. . . . . Farmers, Merchants, Labc.rere, and all who have money to put on Interest for a long or short period will and our Institution an agreeable and advantageona one in which to do business. Wo especially invite Lames to transact their banking business with us. ' MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS have special privi• logos granted by our charter—having fol. power to trans act business with on In their own names. Money deposited with this Institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by a Capital .took andmirth:is money curity of over SIXTY TIMUBAND DOL LAIIS, and sddition. the Board of Trustees have as required by t hurter, given bonds under the supervision of the Court In the sum of FIFTY THOUSAIS D DOLLARS. which bonds ere retell tered In and held by the Court of Common Pleas of thin county for the security of depositors. Our Iron Vaults are of tho most emir° and extensive kind known In this country, as o urersonal inspection will show, and to which we Invite friends end costotners. Wo refer to this, believing that safe Burglar Proof Vaults complete the safety and reliability of a good Saving Bank, WILLIAM 11. /LIBBY. President. CHRISTIAN PRETE, Vice President. REUBEN STABLER, Cashier. . TRUSTEES: William H. .Alney, 'Charlee 13 Bomb, Christian Prat:, John D. Slllex, F. E. Sem.lx, Benj. J. llegenbuch George Brobet, Samuel Sell, Nathan Peter, FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, alle Located L at ion the Hall, s corner of Hamilton street and Church ,second story, opposite the German. Reformed Church, In the City of Allen town, in organised and ready for business. It will pay SIX per cent. In terest op nit deposits except butane , . dep.its, for ten period of time, to be on touloted from the of deposit. To secure which, the Trustees of the Institution have Bled in the Court of Common MCI. of Lehigh county. ender the direction of the Court. a bond in the sum of Twenty-live Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the faith ful keeping and appropriation of ell sorb .11111 of mouey as shall be placed in charge of said FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, whether asdeposits or shares of stock. which bond may be enlarged by the Court whenever It may be deemed necessary In addition to this. the Act of Incorporation makes the Stockholders personally liohle to the depositors (u.lon ble the amount of the Capifol Stock of the Bank, which is fifty thousand dollars, with liberty to increase it to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Those provisions will make it a very desirable and safe plac e e o of deposit. be ß kep d tt o l le m olth e e r :reVgif a to n e j a b t :A h i;r t o t t h e e ct ' e l it y ,, o 7,l, t 7t7l l this city. Arrangements Will be made to furnish drafts on the cities of NoW York and Philadelphia S. A. BRIDGES, President NV. WILSON, Vice resident J. E. ZIAIMERMAN. C P ashier. Trustees : Daniel 11. !filler, S. A. Bridges, John Rollout, J. W William Baer, .1. E. Zimmerman D. 11. Croft., Peter Gross Edwin Zimmerman. THE ERIN SAVINGS BANK OF WM. L. YOHN NORTH SEY R.V211 ST., ABOVE LINDEA ALLENTOWN. PA. Thle bank has been eatabllshed for the purpose of earry• lag on a general Banking imetnene. and to offer to the community a SECURE INVESTMENT for their money at home, at the same rate of Interest that It would caromed la New York or New Jenny. MONEY LOANED OUT ON 0000 SECURITY air- Gold, Silver and Oorernment Bomb, bought and sold. Draft. drawn on the principal cities of the United States In some to cult purchasers. Collections made on •Il accessible points, and proceed, Promptly remitted at current rates. . . . Farmers, Merchants, Laborers and all who have mono) ttient ont on Interest fora long or abort period will fine this Institution an agroeable and ads antageorth one It which to do boldness. Intorost allowed on deposits at the following rates, wit: SEVEN PER CENT. for one year. . • SIX PER CENT. If left for thirty days and cinder on. TORT. Afar - Ravenna slams so nt. Elan Ni dist M=Mig= NEW FIRM! NEW G 001321 CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GRAND SPRING AND SUMMER OPENING GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. "OSMUN & CO., GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM We would Inform the ctn.. of Allentown and the eor• rounding country that we arc prepared with a largo etecit or geode for FALL AND WINTER WEAR, and offer them to the poblle at reaannableprleeA• To tier off who er bayBAROAI their Clothing reudy•tonde, they are prepared • WHOLE SUITS MADE TO oRDERI COATS, PANTS AND VESTS tilt, el ex x e ly CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES la larger than It has been before, and , we Intend to tell very SMALL PROFITS, and giro our customora the ben. et atone low parch.... Groat onantlttes and varlet's. of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And everything In tho line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS MEN'S, YOUTHS', DOW 611 d CHILDREN 8 READY-MADE CLOTHING ' CONSTANTLY ON NAND. Don't forget the place, No. OD Hamilton street, third door above Sixth Street. T. 081.71 t. J ACOII II• 808OLL . MARTIN LT/IN M. 24. t A HANDSOME MOUSTACHE! i MOURTAV/11l PROF. ST. CROIX'S FRENCH COM WIt ISE ERti. POUND. the Great HAIR GROWER. %MIN. ACHE. .111 1 predu A n luonol ant MOUNTACII a WHISKERS. .r. s' , IlleK MIS on the ernoothent on Plen.ant to use. Sent to any addratts on receipt of I. Myllentit II T. BOND.CHEMIST. 'ENTII and CHESTNUT STS., PIIILA. N. B. Cor. T b21'72.19 w A. LOWED LOOKING-GLASSES AND FRAMES OIL PAINTINGS AND. CIIROMOS mayl.3 . 7l;Nr] PHILADELPHIA CONSHOHOCKEN BOILER AND COIL WORKS, JOHN WOOD, JR., • 11•NOVAOTORES OF TUBA N D STEAM CYLINDER 80, RA TL AND CIRCULATING BOI L ERS, All kind. of Wrought Iron Coils; Tnyers for Blast F.- ... Gasometers., Smoke Stacks,B . leat Pipe .Iron Wheel barrow., and everything In the Bollerand Shoot Iron Tine. Also, all kinds of Iron and Stool Forging. and Blacksmith 'work, !diners' Tools of all kinds, such ...Wham Hooke., Pick., Drill.. Mallets, Sledges, 11.1. a Steam Hammer end net of tool. of all kinds and skilled workmen. I natter myself that I con turn out work with prompt.es and dispatch, all of which will be warranted to he first-class. Patching Boilers, and repairing generally. strictly M ended to. one 17 A PROFITABLE BUSINESS! LionT EQUAL TO 0 AR.ATONE-ElOllll4l THE COSTI Cannot Sc esbaoded So chimney Or tOICI, Lees, MEN drat, 'or. PRFIT/ISLE SUSIE r.sFL can town, the EXCHAISIN E RIGHT for Um nolo of DYOTT'S I'AT ENT CAISSON OAS LIGHT HUHN ERN AND OIL, for COUNT/ES or STALES. Write (or Infortantion or canon • • • No. 114 SOUTH SECOND BT., PHILA. B.—CHURCHES furnished with CHANDELIERS and,LaslPE of every descrfptfon. 25 percent. cheaper than at any other establishment in the country, mar 13.3mw ER DEPOT. Price Paid For C F. WOLFERTZ, NO. 606 HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, Manufacturer of all kinds of Cutlery and dealer In Spon.mon's Articles, which het. selling at reduced pric e*. O'Dell, arid double barrel Ilantlag Cues, Revolver. to all kinds. Powder. Shot. Cape. Flatting Tackle, etc. IMYYPir ilinancid. MONEY ON DEPOSIT. Clothing, Succnirsors to Metsgar h 08mun BARGAINS IN REIMER'S BUILDING. NO. 605 HAMILTON STREET, • ALLENTOWN, PA. OUR STOCK OP I=l Largo 0000rtmont of MIN. Ninth St., above Arch, LiMU M. II THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, AUG-VST 7,1872. I NO. 21 NORTH 'FIGHTH STREET, • NO. 21 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MILLINERY AND DRESS TRIMMINGS. ADOLPH HELL ER, line now open the most complete stock of Pren.h millinery good. and dreg. trimmlon to be round In thin oily A fell deportment or rihi•one In all now abed.. 15) plsces colored .11k.. from II 25 to 2.ori per yard. 111. eCK BILK AND BATIK. All ehade• of turpuolee elin and corded Win crapes French dower,, ware good*. Dino.. gimps. lam, button,. 010. Ladles who will eve me it call rnay rely on getting now and good goode, at the lowest prime. ADOLPH HELLER, • mayl-Rmar] No.. 21 N.. Eighth . street, Philadelphia. SILVER-PLATED WARE ! N. E. CORNER NINTH AND CHESTNUT STS., DINNER AND TEA SERVICES, URNS, BUTTER DISHES, CAKE BASKETS, TUREENS, ICE PITCHERS, SALVERS AND CASTORS. EVERY VARIETY IN PEARL AND . 21fET.AL NANDI:ES, PLATED AND UN enrl7.3mw] PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS A SPECIAL! Y. GROVER & BAKER'S ELASTIC LOCK-STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES For Embroidery Ain tICIIIBIVe. For Brafding Are Unexcelled For Quitting Are Unequalled For Hemming Are Superlc r For Tucking ',Approachable For Gathering Ate Unsurpassed For Stitching Arc Fanlikes For Cording Ore Incomparable For Felling Are Admirable THE BE,T IN USE.! Now Style. Shuttle Stitch Sewing Machines For Manufacturing. To our NEW STYLES, which possess unmistakable advantages over the NOISY and CIIMBROUE styles o: c Cher makers. CALL AND EXAMINE. J. F. WIREBACK, Agent. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, opposite German Reformed Church, may El-drw No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. MEM MU 131Z3 N. J. KRAMER'S 'Corner Store NEW GOODS, Great Attractions STORE CROWDED DAILY CUSTOMERS ARE ASTONISHED ! LOW' PRICES --in sp i t o' T t i are o a f t advance of all kinds of goods Dress Goods for Ladies SHAWLS!' SHAWLS!!' SHA•WLS!! DRESS LINENS for Ladies' Suitings. OUR DEPARTMENT FOR MEN'S AND BOY' WEAR Parasols ! Parasols! Parasols !! What haa created the excitement among the Ladles 4—Every Lady wants one of those BEAUTIFUL PARASOLS HALF THE BARGAINS CANNOT BE ENUMERATED elf - All aro Invited to call and get posted on the change In prices mayl6.lf w 3 4 ~ ~ 4 MEAD & ROBBINS MANUFACTIIRER3 OF PHILADELPHIA CUTLERY ! ~ ( h~ Q I~' LIVE HOUSE OF ALLENTOWN. CHEAP To see how complete his Stock is, and at such ontains all the L atest and Choicest Novelties. ALL THE NEWEST PATTERNS ALL THE POPULAR SHADES I IS CORIPLETE. NEVER BETTER Have also a large and complete Stock of Vory Respectfully, Particular attention In de aired from all who require FAST, DURABLE Shuttle Seising Machines IN AIIT BRANOO OF Manufacturing FAMILY SEWING II OODS, M. J. KRAMER. Matebco anb 3ebulrg. BAILEYke !Chestnut & 12th Sts., jewelers anti Silversmiths. FINE WATschEs f FRENC I I C -°" 8 1 BRONZES, pLATED WkRE. !Duality Guaranteeb. !boobs sent by Express on approval. . w ma, to ISAAC K. PoTAIIFFEIZ, WATCI ES AND JEWELRY, N0.14R NORTH SECOND ST.. con. or QUAtIIIY, Anloo,ortment Womber, Jewelry. Silver and Plated Wore conntontly on band. •o• ra-liopalrlog of WIWI. and Jowolry promptly Bonded to. 5-ly KELLER It BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, PA. CLOCKS, 02 we upwall regulated and warr ass anted. ortment Alt alien and prices, from GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can ho found In any other store In the city. JEWELRY OF AL KINDS, SILVER WARE 4 17-"C i t7„%,',: P r l „ i p"A'red on Short Notice. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. HASSEY'S, No. in East Hamilton street, opposite .thn Oormitßs do Phil ormed Cre Iphin h tholl. e latesJagt receive from Now York , all t style.,' GOLD WATCHES Fie hall the tangent and boot asnortment of Gold Watch" ad at lower rick. than can he found elnevrhere. SILVER WATCHES Ile can a larger and better asoortmant of Bayer Watcher Ilan can bopurchassd auywhors else. GOLD JEWELRY - - He ban the largeet nod best axeorttnent of all kind, of Gold Jewelry. • _ _ GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY• Hahne a larger and better assortment of all kinds of Gilt and Plated Jewelry than can be Sound elnewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Any i 11Vst:Pdle7111girg,lroldirg of Bilvcr and t gi 7:3 nulled. CLOCKS. ♦ larger assortment than at any other estaifflehment MELODEONS., to ital w on or d l ig . assortment of Prince's Melodeons, the best ACCORDEONS. A splendid assortment of all kinds of Accordeone. secondtablih has lately been fitted up. t ad In now to none Ir. Ness York and Philadelphia. and ahead of auyibingoutside the large cities. Ile has s large, stock of fashion able goods lu his line than all others in Lehigh county combined. To convince yourselves of the above still and see jltowEitga NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, A few doors west of the Continental Hotel JEWELERS SILYERSMITHS IMPORTERS OF WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FINE BRONZES, FANCY GOODS, EUROPEAN NOVELTIES Have nose in store, and are constantly . receiving, an extensive variety of tine Ooode appertaining to their EMI= Peapectrully Invite persons vatting the city to free them with tt visit froinlrlee and orders by mall promptly attended to fed7-ly got Hjc iLabics. WPC GULDIN'S Ladies' Trimming Store, ALLENTOW2V. Pd. • The trade st this old nod well known establishment b constantly increasing, owing to the fact ,hat NEW GOODI are befog constantly received of the LATEST STYLES and always suitable to the wants of her numerous view veers. Pople should always go where they are sure s t b' united at e low figures ATTENTION, LADIES! REAL WHITBY, JET JEWELRY, FRENCH JET AND VULCANITE JEWELRY. FINE 1'I,1TE1) JE IVELII 1, Perin and Vienna Fan, Hair Phis. Fancy Leather Goode, Fancy Ornament... s army Bonet Desks Dreesing Cane, Toiler Duals. . I hdlg. Own and Alpaca. AD guarna rod atteeriur In quality and H. molar DlXON...eta prices. , apHim H N 71 South Eighth Street. Philatia. MADANIE STEEL, 1313 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Has received from Paris the Intent tiering style, POLONAISE BUSTLES AND CORSETS. La Victorian Kangaroo & Milken BUSTLE SKIRTS for train null promenade drosses. Perla Werly & Children's Cornata.all at popular prices. mot 201 y TEMPLE OF ESTABLISHED 1517. MRS. M. A. BINDER, • 1101,N. W. COIL 11Th CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA, Importer and Designer of • Paris and London Novelties, • Elegantly Trimmed Paper Pattern, of Latest and moat reliable Style', fur Ladle , ' and Children's or- es Ladles' Mesa Trimmtngs. Heal aud imitation f acre. Glove.. Finn, Two, Fredi Jewelry, Fancy Goods. DitHaS AND CLOAK MA NI NO in the nwst isms fel mei elegant et sneer. A Perftel Solon of D RES S T TI,NrI Tong!!. PATTERNS,.Hnitite 111/ISEIWR 82000 PER ANNUM CAN BE MADE IN SELLING THE NEW WHEELER & W ILSONS'S SEWING MACIIINE. A few active, rellabla busineee men of good babitc and eddroze, wanted In desirable territory et present unoccu pied. Wage.; tarnished ; Seenrity required. Bend for Information, or call on '2ETERSON & CARPENTER, Gen'l Agt's, 914 CIIESTNUT STREET, pniLensenie. W. ALTEIOUSE, Agent, ^.-tv 614 11 million etreet, Allentown. ESTABLISHED IN 1810. Fancy Dyeing Establishment JONES, J. & W No. 412 Forth Fronf Street. Philadelphia. Pa. DVS 811 km. Woolen and Peery 0.1114 of every deecrip. tins. Their 0u5...el rite of Dyeing Ladino' and Orel!, nion's Clermont,. In widely know n. Crape and Morino Shawl. dyed the moot brllllne and plain colors Crape and Merlon sh•wls c;enunoe to loon like new. Also. o.ml-teen's Apparel. on' Certain, cleansed or ro.dynd. Kid 9 , oyea cleansed or dyed to leak Ilk , new. Ca and look at nee work before going elsewhere. .it•oe l 6 omen. nor Bluth and Vise at.. Capr3-2aow THE IMPROVED FLORENCE. • The Bent Newlin: Machine Made. The Ally Machine that makes Four of Stitches I The only Idechine that feetens the node of Seams I The only Machine that will move the work in any direction desired 1 and the only Machine that hue tinting tension. These advantagen combined with the Rase. Rapidity, and Quietn4.B of Ile motions, together with the papal/ and (ittattry of it. too k with MICIIIATII.- P.OMIIXT• render it ohr mold deeir.bin, durable and Best Family Sewing Machine in the World. Good Agents Wanted in every County. . Wilson & Pennypaoker, Managers. J 153 Chestnut btreet. Phitada. riwPl4-9m w apr24.Bm WI fliebiciuttl. Z C) II = p- . ,... !.• 1 :?4 t=t 1-t t=l ':. '-i W O 1 .. t't O t'l )-ml I=l a I NEW DRUG STORE I take tho pleaanre of loformlog toy uamnnma trleodx and th. public In general that I have totattool a clew Drug fltbro at NO. 735 HA MILTON STREET, and filled It with a carefully aelected stock of Pure Drugs and Medicines PATENT MEDICIN ES, COAL OIL, and n largo variety'!" COAL OIL LA lII'S AND FIXT URNS Choice Porfnmery and toilet mrticles, an the lineal C. tine's fur handkerchief oat bathing. flair Ode, 111.1 r I virowituie mod lino. Dyes. An Innumerable nes, one of 'Pellet lionpn for washing. iihnvion and ersclue or paint. Tooth Brutal. and Hair Brushes or :.11 anti nod prices. Pocket Brooks, Album•, fans Books. Paper land Pei Pockst KtliVtii rind itaxers, large variety of the Englinh nod Germ. Fish Henke and Tackles. le oho everything that can he expected in • First-Class City Drug Store, MEM The Very Lowest Market Rates WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS will hoe specialty sod will he filled day or night trith the greatest punctual. ity so accuracy. Phys‘cians :nil Storekeepers supplied with everyth , o4: in ley tie at the lowest market rates. Mottos had ea patience ski's., my childhood to the Drug business I feet confident that I ran nerve all who way favor too with a call, to their satisfaction. E. W. DANOWSKY. Dr. WM. DANOWSKY taken fhln otinortunlty to thank Ills uninerons frlend, past favors aud lio at iho Dr. Store of s nun wall on all who mousy desire his medical s e r vic e s. REMEMBER THE PLACE, 735 HAMILTON STREET, Between Seventh and Eighth /1=1:1 PARENTS TAKE NOTICE THAT AT THE BUTEN BOOK STORE TOO WILL ALWAYS WIND TOR S•LN ALL 01000 SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. The time to a g ain here for children to proper° fur SCHOOL 1 :d j: , : j g e tll ) : hand and for eale everything they went SCHOOL ROOMS OUR PRICKS • ARE AS LOW , "111121`.. ) ,!,% . 1T2.1V." 4 " them ju" what they • DON'T FOKOET, AND ItEHEMBER THAT TILE BOTEN BOOK STORE HI THE PLACE TO BUY ALL KINDS OF School Books at the Lowest Prices. LEMENRING, TREXLER CO., 631 Hamilton 13L. Allentown. Pa. aepl•tfd AGENTS I QUICK IgY' ' ''r i t i ' l r ' r 7lr'e ry. (there e rush (or on DIO LEWIS' bun and greatent Rork. DIGESTION, OUR or, MY JOLLY FRIEND'S 9HORE7'. it f. by odd. the most taking and eatable book to the geld. llt is ooa vitally lemons.' eubject. 2lt It AMUh a'. most popular writer on health. 3lt to lor tbe prier,. the largest and band.omeht book ever cold by pub... Wipe, •geota, the p eop l e are nor for eucb book, st d w il l Urge you to bring It to them. Writ° for , tree. • GEO. MACLEAN; Publisher. Maass* Sired. Philadalphlii. movl/447 W MOUTH PENNSVIL-WkWa VAN IA RAILROAD. '4M 0 1A Ov3 81321 MER ARRANGEMENT.' Nimmons for Philadelphia take Lehigh Tana) R. R trains palming Allentown at 015 and 81.5 a. m. 1201, 3(0 8 28 p. m.. and arrive la Philadelphia at 8 02. 10 41 a m 2 15, 82 , and 10 30 p. to. Also Lehigh and Phiequohanna Railroad (mien at 813 a. to 325, 5Ad and Slap Arrive in Philadelphia at 104.1 a. tw, 015, 040. 820 ano lON/ p. ni. LOCAL SCHEDULE. (Six Through. Trains Daily, Sunday. Excepted ] Pa...atter traine leave the depot Northwest corner Berk. Formian el• at Philadelphia. Allentown at 830 anti CI 4S a. In. 1 30, 456 and p m. Palace corn urn attached to the $3l a, to. train For Doylestown 018 45 A m.. 2 40 and 4 30 prn. • For Fort Waxhinnton at 7 41 and 11 a m. 8 and 1130 p at. For Ahluaton at 7 . 130, and 5300. m. Fut Lanedalu at 6:30 13. Trirlos for l'llllwlelphlit Both Whom at 090, B h ) a, 111„ 1216, 98.., 010 nod Leave 4 P . m. • Dorlesturro at 7eo a. m., 300 and 600 p. m. Lanadale at 005 a. tn. •• Fort Washington at 8.15, 1020 a. m., and :I6 and 0.) p w Abington at 7 17 a m dl7 end 6'25 p. m. ON 811N6AYti. Leave Bethlehem t'or Philadelphia nt 4 PO p. m. Doylestown C 41 a. in. Lelve Fare—Allentown to Phih for del 4PEO. ELIAS CLARK, A ge DI . • 0? - 04 1 , ?) ' 4l A:fi 4 ; • • . .EIIIGIII VALLEYw:uIII LA RAILROAD. , 151 . 1 . V. . W " !SU nIER ARRAN° EMENT. Leave Allentown for New York. via Central Railroad o' :few Jer6 , y. a' ', 615, and 815 x In, and 1201, 12 IV. 40°.nd 5 60 p. m. For New York, vie Morrie E. 0 1 ,31 Rallroad.m. 55*, anal 6 IS a of, and 1211, 12 I?. 540', and 5'41 p tn. For Altionnka Chunk and Belvidere at 815 a M. end 5 40. pm, For Lambertville awl Trenton at 615 a m, nod 12 01 000 SAO tn. For Ellgtllo at 5 55., 6 15,815 and 10 10 m; 12 012 12 11.. 310, 5 4 , t.:5 7 4 )ntol . 28 111. For l'idadi•iplita. via 510. th Penn Railroad, at 15. 816 am, and 12 .1, 0 fo, and 20 t to. For WaktitnittoL, D. C . at 815 a on, 12 01 and 828 p m. For Cataknotoo v 1110 It. It, 041 ato nail 12 20 p nt. Coplay 0111 4111 m. 12:0, 4 0 4, 821 and 824 p fn. For )land) (Man at 044, 1047 a 10. 12.11, 4'14 .80 8 2 24 on,. For Wilkvnbarre and l'atstou, al 044 and 10 47 a 01, 1231, 4 34 p 111. WiLYI Owego Elmira, Auborn and Buffalo, ai It 47 a t 1 preen 'Frain. )all ' 122)p. 11,1131 oaltU llnod 10 47 a In, and 4344 M. For Andaarind 01 1047 • al. For Aliflotro,y City 841 .1.11 1 , 47 a In. and 431 p fro For Mt. l. at 644 lid 10 47 a 111. l i. lll.lllii Will[ .tor I", Mart fro, Lit.l .111.11,11,1. 11. STANLEY GOODWIN. don't (fool Sup't. R. 11. eA PILE Supt Sr Eng. ( - IAT Az;iii7iPll A ANklll7r, rrtn FO(IELSVILLE It. It.flarAl4.4•ZsP''..AM“ . - no and lifter JUNE Till Itt), 1872, l'asvonver Trottn on tho Catolottuints ; 1 / 4 Fo4iginvllle Itallrond will run In rounrr. tlon with I h.• Lehigh \Miley, 10011,0 I , huxqucwmnn, nod Eaxt Itallruatt, In foil..w*:— fralux \Next STATIONS, P. M. I A. I 7 IA 7 41 I 7 1' 14 1 19 7 46 7 71 g Sta. In g train weA I envoi entanangua on the arrival It. It. P.i.m.uger train from E.".t.m, be.• t•- ... town. nod ...north Allatrtlx with a Craw The more I of the L V arm end All . o. the East Ptinony N o I. H. for Itiotilins, . ilorrlsburesod Philaiielphoo and also with train for Allen G.w u, Bethlehem and Etodou. The morning train East connects at AllaniM. trio, .ialti• in E. I'. It It. from Harrisburg, l'intro ills Isratling and Allentown, and at Cata-atottot with train on thu Lehigh Valley Railroad for Maack Chunk, Wilkesbarre, Scran ton, Philadelphia viol New York. The 115 P kl train %Vest counrcts at Albania with trains on the East Penn. Railroad for heading, Pottsville. Har risburg, Philadelphia, • Alleutewn, Bethlehem. Easton, and New York; arrive lu Philadelphia via Rending at Tito E n front East leaves Alburtis on the arrival it a train front Allentown and of a train making connec done at Reading with trains front Philadelphia, Harris unt, Pottsville, tkr., and connects with local pa..01/0/ train on the 1,. V. R. R. at Co for. rillitutown, tiotithihein and Easton. flak soda and Gupta, •'7111111r7. 11 ;', 11 , 11 ", .77; ..14 ; =„ , wog r - - .; Persons svlshiug to go to Alleutt.wo Coo take, the inert, tug train West to Alburtis, arrive at Allootu‘vo 916 a to cud retorts by a train on tho East Pennsylvania Railroad. leaviog Alleutoivo at it D. to. C. W. CHAPMAN, Soot. soil Engineer. IRE= READING U.AIL-W i ggric f zrrimr , 7 ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1872 Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as follows: •at 500, 910 n. in., and 2010. in., counectiug with annular ruins Pennaviv unlit Railroad, and arriving at Now York at 12 10, 950 and 040 p. m. respectivoly. Returning b•av Now Yarn at O ru a. in., 12 0 uoon and p. tn.; Philadelphia at 7 A'. 830 a. m. and 90 p.m. Lunen Ilarrkburg for tionalug, rounville, Tatuntioa. ilinorsville. Ashland, Shatooklu, Allentown. and Phila. lelphlu at 5 Ott ;tad 910 a. In., 200 awl 0,511. m., mopping at Lebitoon aud principal tray stations; the 405 p m. train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Cola.. only. For Pottsville, Schulkill Haven and Auburn, b insv chuylkill and Susquehann y a Railroad leave Harris. burg at 9 4.• 11. In. East Penusy ivaulit Railroad trains leave Reading for ilimitown, Seaton and Now York at 7 (X), 10 40, a. m , and 105 p en. Returning, leave Now York at 900 a. ni., 12 15 ;loon and OPo p. In., and Allentown at 775 a. tn., 122! aeon. 2 15, 41)101)932 p. In. Way Passenger Trait; leaves Philadelphia .1 7 30 a. Ita, aluminum with similar train on East Penna.. Railroad; returning leavo heading ut 01011 tu.. stopping at all sta tions. . . • . Leuve Pottaav 1110 at 530 awl 900 x. at.. anal 230 p. In.. &rowan at 10 00 a. to. bhuattoklu at fl 40 and 11 15 at. la., nulalund at 705 n. it. and 12 p Slultanuy City at 151 It. an. nod 120 p. to, Tnulaqua at 817 x. to. and 210 p. In. tot Phlladolphln. Paotv lurk. R 0411114. liurrluburg. Ye. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Suequettartna Rail road at S 13 tt. m. for Ilarrmburg, and 11 43 a. m. for Pint, trOVO and Tremout• Pottsville Accommodation Train leaver P3160/1110 at 5 to., I/anelo2. Reading at 7 05 a. m.„ arriving at Philadel phia at 03. i a. at. ROlirrhlllg. loaves Philadelphia at sto p. tu.. panning Reading at 740 p. m.. arriving at Putt, 40116 at 0 At i t . at Pottstown Accommodation Train leaver Pottstown at OW a, to. ltetut lilac loaves Phtlituotphitt (Muth and lat 4 30 p m. • Columbia liatlrouti Trait. leave Reading at 7 Al a m and 15 pia for I.phrata, Littt, Lancaster, tiolatubla, stc,;re nrulug late. Lancaater as Sl.k) and p and Columbia at S 13 a 0. and 3 13 p to Vtoroilarioaa Railroad Trait. leave Perklomen Junction at 73.1, 553 a tn. 5.1 and 540 it to. Itokutitiutt. leave biretta Lana at 01 5. 111. 12 3. sad 4bJp m, CULAIIOCIIIIII with trams ou Handing Railroad. Puckering itotilrooad trains leave PLroglxvillo nt 9 [to a 11l and 3:AI to aut.ar wog leauc llyera at tt A 111, 1.45 ro/011, and 41.1 it to, eimuemarg with altutlat trams en Renato,'p Itallroad• eule l / 1 00killtlo Railroad trait. leave l'uttatown at 9 111 a on Had I Ai. 11'25 auo 7.15 p to; retitrumg leave Blount Plea , t. at at 000, aO4 di. II 'l5O 0 , and 211 p C0...1 -11, ll, trial'' oa Heading • Chester Valley ra l'lu, leave. 13r1dgeport at 534 ta and 2 1.1 aad 1131 pal; tolartnag, leave Ll wulugtoa Ll (5 “in 17 3 ) alal 44 1 p la, coullocaug wall vaunt. rani,. on Itearaug Railroad. tin ililidayr, leave Now York al O. 0 p la, Philadelphia .1 00 alu 4.1 315 p to ltho 6UOa al tram filtailai oily 4. Reading a, leave l'ott.,lllo at all° nto, lint at 5110 in nail 21/l/p all.a.towo al 435 toi :135 p , Read - tug 7 1.5 a and I , pto a rtoler for Ilim, ..V7 inl / 1 101 Volt York, at a la for Ailoutowu gad ,tlO 4 , 4 a m aud 115 p Iu liar l'all.aloiplaa.. CoilllOULatiun. Mileo.ge. :Season; School aud Exeuntlut, ricket, to and trout all t otal,, ut reduced tut.. Bagg4go checked Llll,ugh eammouK,r. Mal A LLENTOIAN PASSENGER RAIL L - 31. WAY. TIME 'FABLE. nu and after MIN DAY DONE N. 187 . 2, care will run o all trains on the Lehigh 1, , alley cud Lough cud bll ,, tille• tl.lllll. PfililtddPilia 6i Rending (East Dent, Junction/ :lath oddn, nud to the Allot...ten Furnace, leaving Ott. lou. 11111111W/11 cud Ninth etreets, as foltiova; For L. V. L. &A. E. Peon. Furnace. Leave Fur A Al A. Yl. A. M. A. it. A 11 5 40 7 41 ii • NO 9 :11 LI 1,1 8 15 10 .0 S 40 11.2.1 II A 5 7 4'r 11 iIY 11 LO 9 4) 111 10 1 95 • P. M. P. M. 11 .'4l 1 (5 1 41 I. M. 3 AO 3 0 . 121 A 11 A DI . :t f,O 7 40 910 _ A 21 . 7 10 . . Pay Una i S , E l _4elnrd'. 741 840 9 2 i . •Tho 419,99 core run to all the Imola:l9er trains on the %hove ro.ols. FARE TEN CENTS. CHL , Isno nutior leo years or age, Five Cents C . F. WOLIFERTZ, C UTLERY 4 NO. 605 31AMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. Manufactures end keep, con. tautly on band a large es aorltoool of all klndo of Cutlery. dims, Tat],, Halve• and Forks Paockot hutvee balssors Clty t ALLENTO\VN Rolling Mill -Coo, Successors to THAYER, ERDMAN, WILSON & CO., Manufacturers of STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, BRIDGE CASTINGS, RAILROAD TURN TABLES; MILL GEARING, SHAFTING, Furnace, Rolling Alin and Mining Work, • &c., Sec., &c. N. 13.—AM work guarantred and delivery prompt. L. IL GROSS, Sup't. august l•9m sal IMMiUSINiZZMN . . _ _ .AND BURGLAR PROOF 11 ,. , i t SAFES. , -T.- 4,, - . - ESTABLISHED IN 1843. THE OLDEST SAFE !MOSS IN PHILADELPHIA 'MP only Sale with leetun Dorm. Ounrantreditres tram Datopoess. . Also prices front 13 to 20 Per cent. wer khan other makers. Please send tor Circular nod Primo I tat. T. W ATHON , & SON, • Late of Eye. & WHIP.. Mann adorers, No. Ni e. Fourth 81, Philadelphia. M. S. YOUNG & CI., Agents, nue=d•emw7 ALLENTOWN 11-IM 1 tJ I I LOCIMAI. JnURNAL is every respect a Pirst• Class Magazine. Its iirtniira ere the highest ititereet to all. It teaches whet we ore h to make the most of ourselves. The infornintion his or tams on the Lowe of Life and Health is well worth the wire of the Magazine to ovary WWI) , It is published at arvi 0 year. 8r.% special arrangement we are enabled to offer the libretto. °sleet Jour.' en 6 Premium for rite DOW F ob-tribe, t o the Lennon ilvitiarsa. or 1.111.611.01 A the [Anton Rum. yea and Phrenological Journal ther for Cl he. We commend the Journal to all who wan ts nOnil Unionist Address all orders to liOllT. 111.1 i A DELL, J ig. lleotAw. Pt • UT D. LUCKENBACII, ATI•on rY • NISY AT LAW. (formerly prim(leed lu Club(' ,paupty), ODlee, Ihmulltqq a elrett, second floor..nearl :Paint% Wrgai l z ° l3 . kn i al l e nio Pg . b 6 cua Itailrottbs. Train. En t A. Y. I CAT ASA 11QUA, 9 .53 *NEI IM.F.'S, 94.5 .J.IItI)AN BRIDGE, 9'4`l (11 , 1'11'S, 9;44 NV ALBERTS. 9 '29 I i EX 9 19 TREXI.EItTOWN, 907 1119141N1440V1L1.E. 0 .: , I •SPHING CREEK. f, 42 5 (Y 4 A14•111.114TIS. 6 s 7 5 L 0 I= • • • ••• IW puunde .11losvoll encl. J. E. WOOrrEN, =MM22M2 P. M. P. M 1 10 1 (01 3 00 3 30 5 00 5 35 7 U 0 72Q Iprafcsoiortal, eartio. . Ll J. NI 01{EVATTORNET AT LAW; I • ALLENTOWN; PA. (Mee, No.to East Ilamllten street lora. he counnlted to Oerman. Jan It UN It dc It A L DIV IN , ATTORNEYS LL AND , CORNSELLOHti AT LAW. Allentown. Pa. .Itnco. No. At soot Hamilton alrooL 0. M. HUME. F. A. IL B•LDWIN • 14 RIM I. ICI E 1 AT LAW. °nice, .1.011 flour Of we First ...opal 'lank bantling, ALLENTOWN, PA. Collections .110 hi nod aniolniog counties. Can be contiolind .the Lot/Itch .Lud tserioaa tassaagoa. nap 1447 L, lIUNSBERGER AT'lnalltNEY Li- • AT LAW. Itotuovott to toe Post Ottice bottdtu g. cooed Door. ALLENTOWN l' A. coo 21-I ELI AS MERTZ. ALDERNIAN., SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR TUE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, Wost Hamilton Ht.. Alleutown. Pa EORGE 11. RUPP, AT'T'ORNEY Or AT LAW. 0111 to with Hutt. Johu D. Stilts, Allett town, P. VORIS ALRRIGIKT , ATTORNEY 1.14 AT LAW. ilabt data, above tho Court Haase, AL LEZiTOWN Labfah atonal.. Pa. fob Ii•TIMY ("1 ED ICGE K. WI LSON, AT'll'Olt N EY 1.3 . AT LAW, No. hIS Hamilton street. nearly oppo din COI. 111.11., promptly IMO, In Lehigh sail Northampton counties Dn. C. C. H. GULDIN.SCRGEON DENTIST. Mire, over Dire. M. A. 0. Clulillu s Trimming Store, No.:II Euot 'huntltou etreut. Allentown T EVI SOON - ER,. ATTORNEY AT LJ LAW AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, MI LLERS TOW N, LEO IG II CO., PA. Partteular attention polo to Insolvent ul d oecedeot estates. ion u•ly W Y OU N G. 1V 1 - 11'.4i:, j 1 . 1.t11N IR B " :1711 & BCA j . ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROOMS 41. 45. 46 and 47, No. ICA Waphingtou &r. ot. Chl j[lllo3o 'Ton N 0. BOW M AN, ATTORNEY t 1 AM) COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Room 0, No WOW nut alrert, roar 1.17 TIIOMAS R. lOETZGAR, ATTOR. NEI' AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Ofllco, No. 62 East Hamilton stmt. laity 2i.4'69 CIEORGE B. WHALE ATTORNEY VA AT L.W. Office, Flret door above Law Alloy, AL LENTOWN, PA. may 111.00 J,ia S. BEERY, vitr RN EV AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ~,coo flour of NI. J. Krx mer'n et opnox.to tno Eaglo Hotel, Allentown, Pe. SEIM DIVA R D 11 ARV EY ' ATTORNEY 1.14 AT LAW. Office, with Bug. Sumuol A. Bridges. =MMM! JOAN RE P P, ATTORNEY AT LAN, otn,. N. E. Corner nth awl Hamilton Stroelii ALLEN TUNS I'A. may l-Iy ADAM WOOLEVER, ATTOII:vGIr AT LAW. Unice, oppimito tho Court Houma, AL LEyro wz; PA. may 1-ly 1,17 I LEL( )1 U. GLACE, AIrOItNET AT LAW. CATA,II.:QUA, LEUILiII COUNTY PEN NA. mny 10-1 Y ('LA" 11,111ERSLY,ATTORNEY AT LAW CATASAUQUA PA. Jau (fl arpct3 anti Oil C,lotij CA It PET ING WILLIAMS SL DALR, I=l 832 MARKET STREET, PIIILADELPIAIA, Donlon , In t: aitl'ETS, 011. CLOTU,t. MATTI:3S, eta ,' We have j ronu red for tho Spring tr.do a loran nnW hand. , ono unnortno•ut of now owl I.eautlfoi .trlenio Bru•• nois, lourolon. tiotttmo. Oil Cloths. Window Shade., ear ot 111 of Wiwi, wn mill nt too ion ent cash price,.. Wo Invite .11 to Call nod sou UR, and examine our .rock before cur bantog elnewhere. WILLIAMS & DALE, 532 Market tit.. Platlatielph la MECO RICII AND•ELEGIANT CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C. S. , C. FOULK. NO. 19 S. SECOND ST., PHILA., (First Cnrpet Store below Market. East side.) Invites attention to his splendid assortment of Importer 4.1 American CA ItYSTS, which will he sold at a yen o.lllllllWlarlitited WI represented so tha all can buy with confidence and satisfaction. no' 73-tf CARPETS I CARPETS I ALSO, OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS, WINDOW . SHADES, &C., G. B, NY DER & CO., 31 BOUM SECOND ST., PIIILADA., Weal Bld% below Market N B .—A ltbernl discount to Church,' and Clergy. 111 Apra Una ill etc ( sizE leasautt wet atime. PELLETS.eVietaS: . Or Sugar-Coated, Concentrated, Hoot and. Herbal Juice, Anti-13111one Granules. THE "LITTLE CATHARTIC, or !Militant In Parvo . Physic, ! The novelty of modern Medical, Chemical and Phan' macentical Science, No use of any longer taking the large, repulsive and nauseous pills, composed of cheap, crude, and buihy ingredients, when wo can by n careful application of chemical science extract all the cathartic and ether medicinal properties from the snort valuable roots nod herbs, and concentrate them into a Inlnnuf Liranule, scarcely larger flints n. mustard seed, that can ho readily swallowed by those of the most sensitive SIMMICas and fastidious tastes. Each little Purgative Pellet aproents, in a most concentrated form, as snitch cathartic power as is embodied in any of tits large pills found far sale in the drug shops. From their wonderful cathartic power, In proportion to their size, people who have not tried them are alit to suppere that they are harshh, or drastic in effect, hut such is not at all the case, the different active medicinal principles of which they aro composed hieing so harmonized and modified, ono by the others, as to produce Si most searching and thoreu.h, yet gently said kindly opera.. ling cathartic. $5OO Reward la hereby offered Uy the proprie-1 for of these Pellets, to ally chemist who, upon an-, alysis, will find in them any Calomel or other forms ,t m urcury or any other mineral potion, Being entirely vegetable, no particular erne is required while using them. They operato without disturbance to the constitution. diet, oroc-, collation. For Jaundice, Headache, Con. stipation, Impure, Blood, Pain in the Shoulders, Ti Fittneml of 1110 Cheat, Dix- ZineeS, Sour Eructations of the Stome molt, bad taste in mouth, Bilious attache, Pain in region of Kidneys,, Internal Fever, Bloated feeling aboutl Sto.naeh, Bush ood to llead,High. Colored Urine, Unsociability and Gloomy Forebodlnge, take Dr. Pierce's P Pleasant Purgative etiole. In (I:plans-I lion of the remedial power of my Purgative kolletsi over so great a variety of dbanmes, I wish to say that, their action upon tho animal econo. my is milvere.l, not a gland or tissue' escaping their sanative Impress. Ago does not impair them; their sugarcoating and being enclosed in glans bottles preserve their virtues unim paired for any length of time. in any climate, so that they aro always fresh and reliable, which is not the case with the pills found In the drug stores, put up in cheap wood or pastmboard bones. - Recollect that for all diseases where a Laxative, Alterative or Purgative is Indicated, these little Pellets will give the most perfect satisfaction tool! who use them.' They aro sold by all enterpriming . Druggists at 25 conts a bottle. Do not allow any druggist to Induce you to take' anything else that he may pay is Just as good as my Pellets because ha makes a larger pro fi t on that. which. ho recommends. If your druggist cannot supply them ,llro enclose 25 cents and receive them by return ul 22. V, .P.1.13.11 . CE, 21 D., Prop'r, • BUFFALO. N. Y.i • ._ m.T 1 %vt( REMOVAL! REMOVAL! S. R. Engelman & Bro.'s CHINA STORE. ETAS BEEN REMOVED TO No. 740 HAMILTON STBEEIr, (Walker's Old Stand,) ALLENTOWN, .PA SPECIAL ANNOUNCE Al ENT FOR THE SPRING TRADE. TIM FIN EbT AbSOitill ENT OP TABLE WARE, as, Cologne Sots, Figures, Smoking Sets, Mantle Ornaments, and PANCYA lITICLEB, aver offered la thia alty.tairathii er with a large Stock or FINE CUT GLASS WARE. march 9 imEn 5 n. 11. SNYDER W. F. ll•xea. 11==1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers