flaebteinal. AT, 722 Al 722 Al 722 IS THE IS THE IS THE City Drug Store City Drug Store City Drug Store OF OF OF LawallSz Martin., Lawall &Martin Lawall &Martin F'•. W. CORNER OF S.' W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF HAMILTON & HALL STS HAMILTON & HALL STS HAM LTON & HALL STS If you want Pure Drugs go there If you want Cattle Powder go there If you want Pure I\l..dieines go there If you want Pure Spices go tli , re If you want Lula.' catin! , Oil there. If you want Physicians' Proscrip tions put up right go there. If you want anything mall go there. If you don't want any thing go there. If you want to be satisfied go there SURE. SURE. SURE. Remember the place, No. 722 Both of the proprietors are read to wait on you. Th.y are both practical ellen-l ists ; you will find that Lo be the use after giving them a trial. DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, S.;W. Corner of Hall St City Drug Store NO f URE,NOPAY • DR. H. 1). LONGAKER, en ylvania, at Phllade p 14 u te l :g r eo th o e ln U :o l' o r ceen i Pa r l o p f r r aCtie n : for a number of yea tn Tarte. trill prte of the United Steles; is tend to all b r anc he s of his profession at h rooms, promptly at Bast *Me of Ststh street. bet. Hamilton nail Waint ALLENTOWN, PA No Patent MedicMee are need or recommended; the rem Itlee admlnlatered aro th orn which will and break dlowt constitution, but renovate the apnea, from all Int uric It bee austalned from mineral medicines, and leave It in healthy and perfectly cured condition. CONSUMPTION. 13110NCIIITIS, DYSPEPSIA, sod all dine... of the Lunge, Throat. Stomach, .. nd Lir er, which yearly carry thousende to untimely graver, ca undoubtedly be cored. MELANCHOLY ABERRATION gist state of alienation and aberration of mind whir dere persons incapable of enjoying tbe Plea , •ares tomb= the duties of life. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, Ablefora or condition, chronic or acute, warranted stab. Epilepsy,. or falling eichro,s, 11011 chronic or stub. born calms of FEMALE DISEASES speedily and radically removed; Saltlthein, Skin Diseit.es (of years' +lauding) raydescription of Ulcerations, Piles and Scrofulous die warranted cored. n - IPartictilar attention given to private diaeases o seen description of both sexes. Ladles angering from any complaint incidental to Mel sex, can consult the doctor with amsurance of relief. Cancer eared, and Tumors of all kinds removed withn the knife or drawing blood. Diseases of tho EYE AND EAR an ill! fitfully and effectually removed. Dr. Lomitaker will make vlelta any dlAlance If dr- We I can be addressed by tatter (confidentially) and med. Intro nant.wlth proper directione to any parlor tie county: OPPICII: East elde ofdlath street, between Ilantllbm tmd Walnut Allentown. Pa. luny ..73-1Y DICES OR HEMORRHOIDS. PILES OP ALL KINDS perfectly and psroutoeutly amp, without pain, damp r, caustics or Instruments. lit' WIC A. MoCANDLESS, M. D., Sad ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, Wlits can refer you to over MO cases cured to Philadel phia alone. We deelre to nay to those afflicted, there in positively so deception to the cure of these Diseases, It matters sot how long or how severely you t ave been gglicted, we censure you. We also cure Fistula, Fissure Frolepsue, Strictures and U Ulceration of the lower bowel. Gems you that are aunties, we will not deceive you. We have patients from almost every State in the Union and from Europe. Have treated these diseases for twenty year. without a failure. apr PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE.—A Haw l M oving OF LICTURNA,_aII delivered at the l'enne Polytectin o and Anatomical useum. lan Chestnut Si., three doors above Twelfth, Philadelphia, embracing the subjects: How to Live and What to Live fort Youth, Ma curtly and Old Age% Manhood Generallw ne rv o us ; The cause of ludigetitlont Flatulence and Disease. accounted for; Marriage Philosophically considered These lectures will be forwarded on receipt of 25 cool. by sddre..lag: Secretary of the Petala• POLTTRCHNIC halt , ANATOMICAL MC/IMM 1206 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Penns ono 22-ly ILTIBERGEWS --FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are warroated equal to soy made. They are prepared from the rota , arid will be found much better than many of the Eairact• that aro cold. • W it h your Grocer or Druggist for Extracts BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE 176,7Ziooltottght It beet I or g u el m le . t . h i e times the game weight of Indigo, and toucliaw the.. lint y other wash blue In the tweet . The 1... only genuine to that put up at ALFRED WILTBEROER'S D MIR STORE, No. 523 NORTH SECOND STREET, PIIILAD'A., PA The LsnaLs have bdth WM7II6IIOEIOI and RAut.otr's name, ou them. al/ others are counterfeits. For sale by ale,m rimers and Druggists. WILTBEROER'S INDELIBLE INK Wilt beountl on trial to ben Superior arliele. Always on han dfor sale et real .u.thle mice. l'u e (iround BPICIDI, Oeoulne MEDICINE. Chautohn SYlue, Spot.ge•. Tapioca, Pearl, Sage, e. d ell articles In the drug line, at ALFRED WILTBERUER'S STORK, • June May No. 213 North second et.. Pelle.. Pe • ilor A R T M A N'S WASTE PA' The Milled CAB Old Newspapers Of description Waste Paper, net aro ell written over. • Of all kind, 0 d Pamphlets, &o imagmceriClGlNO LID CANV•II BOUND, mar 141 r rilea rga i k. ' irJ7r 1 11. i' NEW ! NOVEL! USEFUL Philadelphia Sewing Machine 906 ARCH STREET Ira a eomblaallon of. "TIIRR A SEWING MAOGINES ZN ONIL" It [oaken the rettukr LOOK STITCH. alike on both STITCHe fabric: form t bout fol BROIDERY , in the of a spiral cord, With two thread., and Me LOOP ur TAMBOUR solicit. with a single thre•d. The changes are made instant , y and without any eompbcalloo or machinery. nitric tut it the most desirable marbine to the an Id fur fao.tly oar, AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. Call or Ad dress, Philadelphia Bowing Machin° Compa 906 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia. 111w!0•Prn w MILLERSTOiViii HAVING MILLERSTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY Thls Institution will be opened on or before the lot day of April. Money will be taken nn deposit at nil times and In any mums from one dollar upward.. for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST • per annum will bopald. Dermal. may bo withdrawn at any time Alen. money mined out on favorable terms. JAMES WEILER, President SAMMIE 8111111111, Cashier. J. P. M. Bhlßort, 0 orliff Lndivill, Frederick C. Yobet, Christ'', K. Henninger. David Donner, Willit r Bandar. Isaac °Hebei, Gideon O. Egner, Horatio T. liertrog, Benjamin J. Bcbmoyer, Jame, El namanter • mar 16.6 m A LLENTOWN SAVINGS INNTITV .L.S. TION. Organized as "Dimes Saving mammon,- NO. 58. EAST HAMILTON ST ♦RLY OPPOSITE rnz ♦XERIPAE HOTEL.) PA YS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOI, .3IONEY ON DEPOSIT. Vita Institutlen, the oldent Seeing Bank in Eastern Pennsylvania, has been In continuous and successful operation for ten years, and continuer to pay SIX PER CENT. INTEREST on money fur one year, and special rates of Interest for aborter periods. All depusitn of money will be hold strictly con& • deuTlal. Executors, Administrators,Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and other custodians of public or private moneys, are of fered liberal rater of Interest. Farmers, Merchants, Laborers, and all who have money to put en Interest fora long or short period will nod our lumtltution an agreeable and advantageous one to which to do business. We especially invite bantam to trammel their banking business with an. MARRIED WOMEN and Alll'lollB have special privi lege. granted by oar charter—having Nil power to trans act busters!. with us In their own name, Money deposited with this IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by Capitol stock andsurplns cnrity of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS,an addition. the Hoard of Trustees have, es 1(411111 . ndby t hatter, given honds under the .npery Dion of lie- Court in the ruin of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, which bonds are rout , tered in and held by the Court o f Common Pleas of this county for the security of depositors. Our Iron Vaults aro of the most secure and extensive kind known to thin country as a personal Inspection will Allow, and to which we Invite our friends and customer.. We refer to this, believing that Aare Rimier Proof Vault , c'""P"'uh'e""ll7ll,T,loa.lientV:l'4l,;.'iadvoi:ta. Book. • CHRISTIAN picETz, Vire Pre REUBEN STAHLER Cashier. sliest. • int' or Willie.) 11. Moo., Charles S 11.11, Christian Prot:, John 17. Sitter, F. E. Samuels, Beni. J. Ii egeubuch. George Brobst, Samuel Sell, Nathan l'eter. 3.12-1 FARMER'S SAVINGS BANK, Incorporated under a State Charter of 1870 Fogeinville, Uppgr Macungie township, Lehigh Co. Thin Inntlintlon ban been organized and opened under State Charter. MONEY will ho token on depoolt at al imen and in tiny nail! front 41 and opwardn, for which / .1 ) ( 1 1 4 . N T. I N 'l l I Intly hi. withlintWp eY huned I= TiII , TFRA: Dr. 11. A. SAylir, J. 11.*Strattly, llmilel 1.13... r. David I.Ptor. dean. 'lunch. Samuel Kohl. 1/.10 11. Creltx, Wlllttkln riteio \Vilnaln Melia • FRANKLIN SAVINGS DANK, al at the corner of Hamilton •treet end Church t Lion 111,11, second story, opposite the German Betortned Church. Iu the City of Allentown. Is organipai sod ready for lowineii. It mill pall SIX per rent. in terest on all deposits except bastnessdepoxils, for any period of time, he Clllettlated from the dale of ileposil. To secure which, tho Trustee. , of the Institution have tiled In the Court of Conittion Pleas of Lehigh County, under the direction of the Court. is bond In the slain of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, conditioned for tho faith ful keeping and appropriation of all much snots of money an shall he placed in charge of said FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, whether en deposits, or shares of stock. which bond may be enlarged by the Court whenever it may be deemed necessary In addition to this. the Act of Incorporation makes (i.e Stockholders persona/1y liable to the depositors in JOU ble the MI./21W of the Capita/ Stock of the Bank, which Is fifty thousand dollars, with liberty to increase It to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. These provisions wl.ll make it it very desirable and Bare place of deposit. Besides, It may he proper td state that the deposits w be kept In 'one tit the safest and beta protected vaults this ray. Arrangementa will be made Co furnish drafts on the ci of New York atol Philadelphia S. A. BRIDGES, Pres(dent J. W. W I LAON, Vice Preside .1. 6. ZINIAIERAIA N. Cashier Trustees : Daniel 11. Miller, S. A. Bridges. John Million, J. W William Baer, ' J. E. Zimmerman D. 11. Creltr, Peter Gross Edwin Zimmerman. THE ERIN SAVINGPi RANH ov WM. L. YO IN, VOETL( .sEIEN7II S7'., ABOVE LINDEN. ALLENTOWN, I'd Thlo hank box been entobllohed Mr the Dorm. , urinary g on a general Bouklum bunlnoom, and tooffer to tto amorality a SECURE IN VESTMENT for their money at to ai the ...al rate of Interest that It would command Netn York or New JeniVy . MONEY LOANED OUT ON GOOD SECURITX— , 1 Oold, Stlvor and Government Boude bought and old. Prato drawn on the principal ciaon of the United States o OUTDO to salt Purchasers. Collections made ton CI Rego...Fable point,, and proceed. tromptly remitted at current rodeo. Votronoro. Merchn!. lo.borornd all who hae Gad :o put out on inter a eot t 'for loono a short period ' will .his Institution an agreeable and advantageou- one It. which to do laholu , 00. lutoroot allowed !ou depoeito at the following reran, SEVEN PER CENT. for our year. SIX PER CENT. If kft for thirty drtya and an& r oar onr. si-R,vermr stall at n 4.l.count! On. 20 Jaw tnummeement Extraordin:tr3 E. S Sllllllllll &r. ()" 's DRY GOODS HEADQUARTERS! 5 AND 707 111,13111LTON sTREET Latest Interesting Intelligence PR I C ES TO ASTONISH THE NATIVES! OUR GOODS WERE BOUGHT BEFORE THE LATE ADVANCE AND GIVE THE AD VANTAGE TO THE I RADE. • I) , L.OUR LAST PRICE LI: , T created great biI.YOC llkg of 111011 PRICED fOREi. They Caul are Is that We elm :►ke Money au►l Sell floods so Cheap "MAMMOTH STORES.' First. having two store., we are able to bay ()nod., rge lots direct from the manufacturors and Importer rot 'from lob , 20 per cent. cheaper than thoY du. Second, or low, soles onablo no to make tanner, or iongh we wake lint very little on any one article. And last lint not lewd. %Ye whichivel neur o n. nd discount all our Wile. to the mounts to considerable. No 2lffrrrpreNenentinns In Vert Saler Priree and Qunittle. eionranterel I irrni (nol he 17nder,of By Any of Our Oulu, DtILT ARRIVALS OP Fall and Winter Dry Goods COMA OUR STOCK la entirely too extennlve to ernonerato ar- Sion and price, %Yuba , . In .tock a eral nnaorttn-nt f good. , ...ally k.pt to a first-clam, oud knell regulated tore. I nonetige nto,k of • DRESS GOODS,. SILKS, &O. of ,tv. , ry pua,lkle ,I,,eriptiou and price. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS AISLEYS, 151101.11 E.:. lI.NNKET, T I MM itud STELLA SHAWLS Woolens for Men's and Boys' Wear CLOTIIS, CASSI3FEEES T%vEEDS, SATINETS, KEN JEANS, &C., AC. White Brown. mid (7ray/llfolk./R : 70. • ER DEPOT h Price Pald For Flannels, Sheethags, Cheeks, ate Old Blank Books And Ledgers '.`ARPET DEPARTMENT COMPLETE ()IL CLOTHS. . • wiNDoW SHADES, &C. E. S. SHIMER & CO., MIIIE 11.1.1WgT1tATED LOCIICA I. JoUIINAL In Is every rawest a Flynt Clans hltgostue. Itn ar.• or the highest tuters4 t all. It tem:lies sr hat rye ate to 1111dIO the latent ourselves. The tufortnation it coolant. on the Lawsur Lao and Health is a ell trout. tho privet or the AlaVaDluo to every nuttily It w published 014.3.000 )(qtr. Ily arraugetnent we aro onablod tu lir... the Phrono -001006 J• urea) as 0 Preintuto tar five Dow subscriber. to the Latrion Ittnitteten. or tv 111 furnish the Lipton Ite.obb. run ud Phrenological Jourusi together for 43 se• We commend tho Journal to oil who Weill a 400 d Al praline. Addy...ill ostlers to ROUT. IitEDELL, JAL, Allentea . .. C F. WOLFERTZ, • NO. 606 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN, Idaristficturer of all k m . io lf i. C . l l t i l l e i t z r rl too el3P"llT:anle A uT ° ,l l n e s'l7 , La c s's° 00 1104 Cuss, Itss,,i 'ars Of . all kinds, K rowder. Shot. Caps, Tackle, d sta. July27.sr . THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN. WEDNESDAY. J NUA.RY 31, 1872. ffinancial. BAN K WILL BE PAID OEM Diu lit oub,s I=l LIMI ME WE WILL TELL 13 LAN KT ES. 7ir. and 707 llsaulltun St.. Allentown..l.A. TREMENDOUS STOCK OF LUMBER! GREAT PREPARATIONS FOR THE SPRING TRADE AT THE ALLENTOWN LUMBER YARDS WILLOUGHBY R. TREXLER, (SUCCESSOR TO TREXLER & BROS., Corr.er of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Allentown, Pa LUMBER OF SUPERIOR QUALITY OFFERED AT TILE FOLLOWINO PRICES COME AND BEE ! ! Parm. to need of lumber for largo buildinge will and I , 11111 order• for all kind.. of lumber tt•od in large building. livery article belonging to a Orat-clam limber yard lo co Thankful for pant favors. I Invite my fricoda to call and Harrison Safety Boiler. GEOVrit & BAKER'S NV N ACIIINE• 1211110 NEW STYLES. UTTLE STITCH SEWING MACHIN PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DESIRED E'RObiALL WllO REQUIRE. A FAST, DURABLE AND SHUTTLE SEWING To pi ?E A' STYLES, which possess unmistakable advantages over the NOISY end CUM BMA styles i . 3t.• r tkerg, ITA T. 4 S - 7770 , I,\\KvsN.93' VEGETABLE SICILIAN tSi'• HAIR - ENEWER. • yea the l opulari valo ilt'e flair Preparation; ,v !deli d , n• merit alone. We ••tti a ts... re It t • ill 'pat rons that it is ke ,,, I . to standard; ; 0, v Ih.lie;,tul perfect 'e,. e•oli t.I ft. te toting GRAY yo••tt I ..t . ! to its youthful color, si.l i• s , I`, I; t r and silken. , c •. 'ty ;?. 4 n becomes white it. l! ,entOves all eruptions , 11, and. by its tonic prop .• • elts the hair from falling • is it hi:Oates and nourishe s i . : r-g and.. By its use, the hair v , thither mot stronger. In • • it restores the capillary their normal vigor, and. .• • 'e a 1101 V growth, except in r • . • tl I a2:e. It is the most eco noutie.:: !I Alit DitEssiNn ever used, a.; it re e: fewer applications, and give. ;he It dr a splendid, _doss.). alpearatwo. .k. A. Ilayes, .M.D., hate A , ,:lyer of INlassachuset t s, says, “The t• 1:1 , l it !tents are pure,and care t sv!eeted for excellent (ptality ; •: , t.f I c nl i ter it the IlEsr l'nErA :: vr• for its intended purpwes." . j o/ nr, llg ;,b,,,rnt/ A,/ n,:11 Mt J binu , . Frico One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS. 1, our liellCWer in many rises requirvA (00 long 0 time, and too much care, to restore gray or lhded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation ; which will quickly, and effectually accomplish this result: It is easily applied, and produces — a color which will neither rub nor wash Off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Filly Cefits. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, & CO., NASHUA,. N.B. SOLD IN ALLEN, OWN BY W.. E. BARNES & BOOK AGENTS '4l76".:Altwalt'W.;' I Vo every rurally THE PICTORIAL FAMILY REGISTER la the only 'work extant which Ballades enti r el y l and lowntifol and striklng. combining an new eisgant FAMILY 1 . 1,10TOOR•PO ALBUM coll i e complete FAMILY 1111110 T. Exactly What the Ihave long w i r ,ed. selling rapidly. AOUNTII are dr , TADIF the old books to take hold of the npeful and bmattlfril 'knots w lets reports from Agent. tiro 11 to 7 d yet 3 le 3 dayslB In 1 week.—netting Ag ate gyz to gm p er week. Veil l particulars and Circniar. fr e Address OEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, „„,,L54 7 w' 715 Ratmona Street. Philadelphia; BE SURE AND LOOK FOR VIE " BLUE SIGN !" No. 1 Pine 1 , 31 6d l ii, hest quality , per thousand $3l 2 " 1 " Ling, ' " 2 " Boards, 25 " 3 " " 12 Inches wide, " 19 " 3 " " all width, " 18 " 1 " Flcor, 6 Inches wide, best quality.. 84 " 1 " " all widths, per thousand 30 " 1 Hemlock Flooring, 6 inches wide .... ... 26 llt 1 ac " all widths 25 " 1 Spruce Flooring 30 " 1 Block Siding, best quality 34 " 1 German " " • . 34 44 2 4t 64 34 ... % Beveled Siding, planed 26 " not planed 22 114 Inch Common Patine) 40 U,4 " IA 40 4‘ 2 4‘ 44 40 Hemlock Joist, Scantling,. c., all length— 18 Hemlock Boards, 12 Inches wide....... ....... .. ... 19 " all widths .. 18 No. 1 24 Inch Shingles, extra quality 15 "1 26 " " 0. t • 19 " 124 CC CC CC 44 14 13 feet Lathe, hest quality $2.75 lit 4 44 4., 2.75 3 " • Paling's 13.00 • 3 %44 44 14.00 4 44 " 4,5.. 44 Fence Boards and Rails .0.00 " Posts, extra quality 30 eta All °the' Lumberin proportion. greatly to their advantage to call, bng constantly ready a upon tho mo4t favorablo tonna, mud t a te h shortest notice. mstantly kept on hand. Inspect my stock. Rospectfally ß . 'WILLOUGHY R. TREAL Ft. ‘•-z". LAI I: FCII FAMILY F(1!: r.M BROWER'? Polt iiItAIDING • FOR lIEMMIsiti FOR TUCKING FOR OitTRERINO FOR STITIJ NG R£IR C iItDING FOR FELLING THE ,BEST IN USE ! FOR MANUFACTURING IN ANY BRANCH OF Manufacturing or Family sewing CALL AND EXAMINE. J. F. WIREBACK, Ago 'OE AND SALESROOM, opposite German Reformed Church, No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pe lAS BERN IN PRACTICAL USE FOR MORE TITAN TEN YEARS. 25,000 Horse-power it. Use. erantlonal Medal. 1 andon,lBB2. Awprlean 1 amlltate Medal, 18 9. REND FOR CIIKUL•Rd TO lAIIRISON BOILER WORREL Iled , lplits. Pa ESTON'S PATENT DU PERENTIAL PIIt.LEY B LOCHS. UO , In uge. Addro.n ARRISON BOILER WORKS, PhIlA or JOHN A. CO.T.RMAN, Agent. 110 DRUAIWAY. NEW YONIE Id 000 INE88•1. BT., BOETOII. EMAna. jyarl•lyw' int Q,UIL'I !NO ‘r. lltittpproachab IMPROVED MACHINE Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem and purifying the blood. It has stood the test of years, with a con stantly growing rep utation, based on its intrimic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching ns to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, ninny of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipe las, 'fetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other corn plaints to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female Weakness, Debility, and Leucorrheea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor ot the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed rigor and a new lease of life. i' -- -s9:. ~ 40 ( !F6 i\ ". il i . F 44 ti ;11 ,.. ' :'),‘ j .4. k 11 /X/ 1-1 s ~ .\. 1 „1 ---:, ' PREPARED EP Or. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass Practical and Analytical Chemists. LLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE BOLD IN ALLENTOWN BY W. E. BARNES & BON. D RS. JORDAN dc DAVIESON, Proprietors of the Gallery of Anatomy and Museum of Sean • : hO7 CHESTNUT ST., PHILA. , Have Jost published a new edition of their lectufe . i.con• tabling most valuable information on the canoes. conse quence., and treatment of - disease. of the reproductive eratem. with AAAAA ON LUNING' and the various ...of the LOON Or 111•111I001), with full Idstruetione far Ito complete reetoratto .t also a chapter at. •N AAAAAA IN• /NOTION. and the is a•n• or OCI.N. being the moat 005. PIZONN.IViI Woe. on the subject ever yet Putillehtel — Twenty pri -dye ma wens 6i 200 Page.. Mailed free to any address for .. • Address Drs.JORDAN & DAVIESON, CONEMILTINO MICR. 1625 Filbert Street, Philadelphia. NP '2/.17 diR agAtowEiat NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, JEW EL ERti SILVERSMITHS AND IMPORTERS, ARE AOW IN RECEIPT 1' TnEut FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, EMBRACING A bUPERB STOCK OF PARIS BRONZES ! Clock Sets and Mantel Ornaments , 116XNA FANO r GOODS ! PARISIAN STATUARY SOLID SILVER WARE! TASTI.FULLY ARRANGED IN CASES FOR WEDDING PRESENTS ALEO, AJ 11-ENDID ASSORTMENT OF Fine Jewelry, • Watches, Chains lectro-Plated Wares. BAILIVIke tthestnut & 12th Sts., HILADEL.pIiik 3ewelSrs anti Silversmiths. FINS wATdiEs, FREticii C -OCKS I BI ONZES I PLED i TED WAKE tQualitp ibuaranteeb. t&oobs sent by Express on approval. may 10 Ra p ni tt JEWELER, 1124 Chestnut 5t.1124, Are Exelualv Arc Unexcel:oc NEW FALL STOCK Are Unequaller Comprising the and most varied ae,lortmeut they RELIABLE WATCHES a neellality. GOLD CHAINS. KEYS. SEALS. CHARMS, An IS IVELR 1. entirely new dodges. SOLID STERLING SILVER WARES, Are Su perk k re Unsurpanneci For prrhentallort and household use. THE FINEST ENOLISII AND ASIEKICAN Silver Plated Goode, Table Cutlery, .5.e Are Fanlttem Bronsrn, 11Inntet (lacks nd Ornamrnic Fancy G'oods attt BrOllfe. a Leather. Wood. & Faa. Are Incorniarab Selected thin year la Europe. Moderate price., for all an a will he as lein a facture AND th QUALITY. An lonpecad g S tiou of the tore cad e ck Sto STYLE la renpectfully eollated from buyern, or those ting the City on platinum. Coct4-em w An A Einitrab INA/LC K. STAUFFER, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, No. 148 NORTH SECOND ST., con. or (loaner, PIMA An aaeortmenV of Watches, Jewelry. Silver and taPlated Ware constantly on hand. Kir Repairing of Wald.. and Jewelry p y r r omplly ;tended to. a h-ly KELLER. !lc BROTIIER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., • ALLENTOWN, PA. • CLOCKS, 4 ,;::;,izt d AapLrg.rxotAtnnilzo. and prices, from GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can he found in any other store In the city. - JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE ' f iligg)l i gceLi P r t e i gi . red on Short Notice. t !lIES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND. PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. 23 East Hamilton street, opposite tho German Ile formed Church. Just received from New York and Phil adelphia, all the latest styles GOLD WATCHES. • an i ra t egiV i e e r l iZ e L t ihlrattl haf'or=f,:•Uriev.. etches. SILVER WATCHES. • He has a larger sod better assortment of Silver Watches than can be purchased anywhere else. GOLD JEWELRY. He has the largest and best assortment of all kinds of Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY.. He has a larger and better assortment of fill kinds of Gilt and Plated Jewelry than can be hated ,•Isew bore. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Helms a splendid assortment o ('bated Were. person desiring goods this II CLOCKS. A larger assortment than at any otherestablishinent. MELODEONS. A eplendld assortment of Prince's Melodeons, the hest In the world. ACCORDEONS. A splendid assortment of all kinds of Accordeons. Hie esutbllshment has lately been fitted up. and Is now second to none In Now York and Philsdelphia, and ahead of anythingontside the large cities. ((oboe a large: stock of fashionable geode In his lino than all others in Lehigh county cmbined. To convince yourselves of the above call and o see MEM --- LARGEST STOCK I • GREAT INDUCEMENTS To buy All your furniture to aW n h:largest furniture store In HEIMBACH, HELFRICH & CO 732 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN. The Arm have recently pot ton MAM MOTH• ALL PLATE•t/ LABS FRONT. and hale otherwise enlarged their facilities for keeping on hand the lergeet stock In the city. Their ELEGANT FURNITURE • Is manufactured In Mae own establishment. • under their own seperrision. and Is warrant- v s__ s o c h o e b ir e stock w ill Cheb marCke buy e r Inspection - • vanage of buying from them • linimbsch, Helfrich & Co. manufacture KITTLE'S PATENT SPRING LIED. and are sole agent. fur that superior bed. Call and see it. Remember The Mammoth Glass Front. WATSON'S CELEBRATED FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF 111: SAFES. ESTABLISHED IN 1843. THE OLDEST SA PEROUSE IN PHILADELPHIA. The only Safe with lesion DOORS. Ouaranteed Free tram Dampness. maker prices from IA to 20 per rent. lower than other maker e. Plow send for Circular and Price last. T. WATSON & SON, • Late of Boons & Watson, Mann Worm. anal em w Nn. MS. Fourth Si Ithilstielphis. n u, IREIVw. LOOK TO °UK aft. TFRESTEL L. W. httuon & CO. are manufacturing a . flydraulle Cement Drain Pipe Chimney Flue and Ornamental ChM asp T o p s . cheaper and more durable than ay ether in mantel. They are made of pnre content and a and. being powerfnaly compressed, well seasoned, and are In all practical respects Sand for • circular. or call and examineat their en 4 tonenfactory. corner of Elsraillon atreetsr o d ne LeAlp Acidity Railroad. PIIILADELPTIIik. Here now In Store their (Onto. EQUIVALENT TO STONE OHINFRY TOPS FROM f 12.5 TO 11500. gar tide rabies 11 eLIKA •A aIOOPE•R *4O IMPROVED ELASTIC o :Tif- , • h ileh Family See ing The Beet end Cheepeet to nierkot, end er eying points: 'NEQVALED PIMPIACiTY QUIETNFSS OF OPERATION, EASEOp MANAGEMENI, RAPIDITY OF EXECUTION NON-LIABILITY TO DROP •TITCHES OH DREA TO RBA IL SIMPLICITY OF TENSION ANTNSD APPLYING ATTACH :GE. And Ile stitch lose liable to rap to neo or weer then th Shottle" ntlich. while It can bo more enelly token oat &tetrad. The MoLHAN St HOOPER will Stitch, Ilern, Poll, fool. uilt. Cord, Hind, Baqo, Wer.ald, Edobroldor and Oatho 12 a moat approved mann WALL MACHINES WARRANTED WM. BLOECKLY & CO., GENERAL AGEN7B 611 , 1 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN Sewing Machine. MANI; FAO] U RED EVERY MINUTE I Fen.orT Covers 14 Acres Employs 2100 Workmen ! OVER GY, , ,t03 SOIi! IOSAMtOR FAMILYUSE i h AN VN i. 7110:8 ENT INI II WORLD. TRY IT BEFORE PUECUA IsNO ANY oTHER. sod Yon will be Bar to bY. oy TERMS EASY-! PETERSON & CARPENTER ol I CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADEPHIA. .1. NV. ALTIIOUSE, Agent, 614 street. All.ntown Lt lll.lt. 1 LUMBER II 1 "11t ii.F>Al , l 4 : AND RE'l'A.ll. 11.0FFAIA..\ STEAM SAW MILL AND LUMBER YARDT KINDLING! BILLS CUT TO ORDER ! OFFICE AT THE MILL, FRONT AND LINDEN STS. WHITS AND BLACK OAK SAW LOOS wanted, for which the blithemt =tricot price will be paid epee delt !. rr. d-w July 1241 WOLFERTZ, CUTLERY - _ NO. 606 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. Bfaunfartare'a and kenos cutlet intly on hind a lame 111 , - ...rtment of all klodn of Cutlery, Razor, Table Kaline and Fork. Pnocket Rateee HCISNO. at Uely LADAIS FANCY FURS JOHN FAItEIRA. 718 Arch Street, Middle of the BlockP H bet l ween 7.1 i 111 Stn , South bide, L& DELP I, Importer,. f Manufacturer and''Doaler In all kinds and FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. Having Imparted a very large and aplen/11.1 a aortmeril of all the d fferent kinds or pu , • from first hands In Itti• rep and have had them made up by tho most akillfo' warkmen, would re.p Orally Wylie the reader. of 1111 . paper to call and examinee very large and I .eantifu a.aoltment of Fancy Fara. for Muth., and cchildren apeserd to sell at on low prices OR any a her ro able nln thls Ity , AIL Furs warranted. A', Crrepr. E/I f at (on to riff et salt, JOHN FABEIRA., 718 Arch St.. Phllad'a. ME3 pAvireAsT. crt. MAELE, THIRD AND PEAR STREETS, PII [LAD ELPHIA, PLAIN AND GALVANIZED VROUGHT IRON TUBES, Lap-welded Boiler Tubes, Brat. and Iron Valves and Cork," Flttlnra for Oae. Steam and WAIT; Haugh and Fdtklied Bronx Work; Oas . and ...team Flttere' Tonle, etc. Beth Tube and Sink+, Bath Hellen., Knemelled Wash Staudt., etc., Cella Of Tule; Steam kiettlos „ and Trans. Pipe of all Sicee fitted to Sketch. SateOfIRON to MORRIS, TASK.F.R & Co., se CONTRACTORS F " the tl i ON ,l .Ps a tel,e)l l .!°%‘ 4, I g l ::l7,l2r am Estimates Furnished Gratis MEI K. WITT3IVS. A. 'VOTARY PUBLIC AND CIVIL E4VGI.% T. B. LEISENRING NEIMAN CE AGENT. FIRE. LIFE. AND LIVE BTOO WITTMAN & LEISENBING Real Estate Agents and Scriveners 708 HAMILTON BTREET, (M)-Stalre.) Aare upon their books some very deeirable properte which will be sold at low prices acid on easy term among which are the following : • 1 , 12 N. Flevanth Strut. 321 N Fountain Strut. all Hamilton Stwt. 11{3 • • " hil North Tenth• Street 1418. Filth Street. Popular Prices for Dry Goods AT ' • RICKE e Y'S 727 Ch ESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SILKS,. SHAWLS, AND DRESS GOODS, IN GREAT VARIETY, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Stock uori•slied fur ostent, variety. sod 'general edit , tattoo to the wants of buyers, sail daily replenished with the cheapest sad Choiceet offerings of thin and other mar kets. VISITORS will receive COVRTBOCA ATTENTIOK, wheth er they Purchase or not' Vocal-Stn w A LARGE STOCK OF • • FALL AND WINTER APPLES YORK STATE AND WESTERN, a prime lot. et LEVI FENSTERMACHEWB, Tenth and Hainllton streets, Allentown 0et.90-2w d tiara w J RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Leave Allentown for New York. Cent:al Raßroad of New Jetwoy. at 5 51*, OM 815. and II 61 a tn. end 12 R . . • 30.. and 5.115 p. in. For New York, via Morrie k Reims Railroad. at 565*, Om ena 11 M a in. and 121p•._ 6:Y1•, and 5 51 p m. For Maur:ten Chnine nod Belvidere at 815 a in, and 5 Flll* I' For Lambeitvllle nod Trenton at 600 and 1155 a m. and 5p m. For Favton at 5 M., 8 ftl, 813, 985 and 11 55 amt 1210 • . 41, 67P. 686, 665 and 821 p m. For Philadelphia. vla North Penn Railroad, at BM, 815 00l 11 '5 m, 5 55, and 824 p m. For WamhinatoL, D. C • at 811 and 11 51 am, and 824 P Catananqua & Foglnavilla R. R, 6Ma m and 12 23 P F ur For Coplay alit 35 R. m. 1273. 1 25, 1393 and 801 For Manch Chunk at 035, 10 191221. 4 25 and 80'1 p For Ihttaton, at 835 and 10 1 ra, 125 p an. For Wavarly:aliarrga Elmira, Auburn and Buffalo, a la 11 a m (Ez proof. Train.) For Ilarlnton at 085 and 1010 a m, and 425 p m. For Andeurled at 1010 a to. For lilahanny City 41 ln 19 a m. and 425 p at. For 513 Carmel at 1110 n m. _ - Tiains with R Marl . ") ghat from East Fenn J Unction. U. STAN 1.8.5 r 000 P HI. Ain't Oral 80 E. 1W 1. SAYRE Sup't & Eng. 4j'll,llLllll I'ENNSI:II.-17Zira 1. VANIA RAILROAD. cies,. WINTER A RRAND EMENT. Passengers for Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley R. R trains passing AIIIMIOWO at 6N. 810 and 11 25 N. M. and 3IS and 824 p and arrive In Philadelphia at 8 fda to, 2 10, 810 and in p. in. Also Lehigh and 6..1ne1...a Railroad trains st 3 11 and A 44 p. tn., and arrive to Phlla lelphia at A (Al and 615 p. at. LOCAL SCHEDULE. [Six Thrvgh Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted.) PRA/MMIIR trains leave the depot Northwest corner Berk. , and American at , eetv. hdehia For Allentown at 800 and 145 a. at.. 2 00, 3 VI, 400 and 11e p RI PAM. 0 RIM KM attach , it to lit. Ba. m. traln. For Doylestown nt 8 35 s. tn., 2SO and 430 p m. For Fart %111:”MILIKIMI 7 and 11 R al. and II e 0 pM. For Ablintiain at 13 , , 530 and 615 p. m. Fm Lansdale at 6 30 p. m. Trains for Philadelphia. Leave Bethlehem at 6 al, 8 0 a. at.. 1215, 340, 600 and 430 R . m. • Doylestown at 13 3.1 a. to., 3CO and GOO p. tn. Lansdale at 0 15 a. to. Fort Wavhinaton at 830.1 0 31a. m., and 215 p • Ain egion at ON 2 15, 6 23 DAY .S9OO p. m. SUNDA Le, v., Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 410 p. m. Doylestown 7 111 n. m. Leave Polladelphirt for Bethlehem at 1130 n. m. •• for Ihiylestown at 2 00 p. at. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia, l ELL k IS CLARK. Agent. WONDERFUL A ( 101k11711 - OUEI,VILIA It. It. tin god otter APRIL THIRD, 1671, Pageeoger Truing no the Ceteininque & Fognisville NANPOPII Will MO to Cantle. :100 with the Lehigh Volley, Lehigh & titoetnehanott, and gieit Peon. itollroodi Prot. Went STATION'S P. N. I A. M. I WHEELER AND WILSON •.11. I P. ii 116 645 CAT ASACQUA, 959 1 0 127 669 •SEIPI.E'B, 945 .1 565 1A) 702 •JORDAN lIIIIDOR, 939 549 1 41 709 45 715 HUTH'S 934 541 . WA1,111:11T'S, 1131 69:1 AS 1724 CHAPMAN'S. PIP 690 !0117 34 THEXLSIITOWN, 907 620 2 .6 11113019 11l :WILLS. 856 235 741 •SPHING CHEEK. 842 613 2 4.. 17 46 ' AL-BURTIB, 837 608 •F1.t44 stallonn. •• • - The now fn g t rain we-t leaves Cat...qua on the at rival d the 1.. V. It. 11. Passenger train Irons Mauch Chunk, &Aston, Bethlehem:poi All.. towu. and connects At Mbar :is with a trAin on the East P•uusy tannin H. It for Rend us, Pottsville, Harrisburg nd Philadelphia And also mills It train for Allentown, It A othsehem, Easton. Ilse morning tr.,iu East eons:wets at s "nine .ts E. I. It R. from Harrisburg, Pottsville ading and NOli nt Catasampsn with train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad for Mauch Chunk. Wiliresbarre, Reran ou, Ihiladelphia *tel Now lurk. 1 he 1131' al train West connects at Alburtis , with trains on the East Pe.. Railroad for Reading, Pottsville, Har risburg, Philadelphia, Allentewn, Bethlehe Readingn, and New York t arrive in Philadelphia via at • 5 P.m. Th.. Eventog train East bear?. Al-Burtin on the arrival 0 . a (rain fruitstt nd a train making counec• tlona at Reading with tral Sind (rum I.lol.otelphla, Ilarria• barn. Potteville, Am, awl gunner , . with local totesengel train on the L. V. It. R. at Cataxanqua for Allentown, •lettilohnin and Ea-ton. Perm.. winhing to go to Allentown can take the mum mg train West to Al.lluirtis, arrive at Allentown 915 a rn and roar. by a train on the Rant Pennsylvania Railroad evening Allentown at 4 20 P. m. C. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. and Engineer. j 0 10-171 RE A1)1 N G It A IE-gagreejr.... ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, NOVEMBER - 13,1871. Great Trunk Line from the North and North-West for Philad phla, New York, P.eading. Pottsville. Tamaqua, Ashland. Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown. Easton, Eph rata. Litis. Lancaster. Columbia, Ac. Train, leave Harrisburg for New York no follows: at 2 45, 8 10 a. m., and 20 conecting with alinilar trains on Pennsylvanil:lap Railroad, n and arriving at Now York at 1007 a. m.. 342 and D 45 p. at. respectively. dleeping Care accompany the 245 a. to. train without change Returning leave New York at 900 a. to.. 1290 noon and 500 p. m..; Philadelphia at 74': 890 a. m. and 330 p.m. Sleeping Cars accompany the 6101 p. at. train from Now York w about change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Timmins. Minersville, Ashland, Shalook la, Alleutow n, and Phila. delph la at 8 10 a. pt., 200 and 4 05 p. m., stopping at baba, non and principal way stations; the 4 0.5 p m. train con. Denting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna Railroad leave Harrisburg at 34) p. m. East Penes Mania Railroad trains leave Reading for Allentown, kataton and New York at 4 34, 1040, a. m, and 03 p tn. Returning, leave New York at 900 a. m... 12 30 noon and 300 p. m.. and Allentown at 720 a. tn., 1273' noon, 216, 4'25 and 835 p. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia all 30 a. m., connecting with similar train on enna. ailroad returning I.V , Reading at ti p East stopping R at all sta ; tins. Amy° Pottsville at 990 a. in.. and 230 p. m. Herndon 10 00 a. m. shninokin at 640 and 11 15 a. tn., Aohland 715 a. m. and 12 2 43 noon. Muhanoy City at 761 a. tu. ad 191 p. in., l'ainaquis at 835 a. In. and 210 p. m. for 'hiladeiphia. - New York, Reading, Harrisburg, Ste. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road At B 15 a. m. fur II atrial/are, and 11 45 a. tn. fur Pint, grove and remont. Heading aceouitnodation Train leaven Potteville at 6 40 p m., past. Reading at 730 a. tn., arriving at Phliadel ulls at 11l Wit, M. Returning. leaven Philadelphia at 4 4 p, an., panning Reading at 733 p. m., arriving at Petti— s at p. in. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Putts own a 7004. m Returning, leaven Plitlaileiphia at 41) p. tn. C“luiania Railroad Trait. leave Reading at 720 in and a 15 p u, tor Mihrata, Lids, Lancanter, Columbia. Sc, ;re turning lea, LariCattert 13:8) a m, nod 325 pin, duo Columbia at 8 15 a tn. and 3 15 pin Pentium. Railroad Train , ItiaVe Porkiomen Junction at 721, 00i a in. 331 and i,4S p ta. Returning. leave tichwelikaville at 646, 8 10 a in, 12.x1 noon and 443 p m. connecting with anallar train, on Rending Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad trolls leave PLcuulxville at 910 a m, 31 5 and 555pw;t otUralug leave Byers at 116 J a, I. 43 tar., mid 2J 4 p in, coat:meting with aluntar I trains on Reatillia Coiebruukdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 940 el and 1 16 null 0 30 p In; returning leave Mount Pleasant at 7 11 26 tn, and 251 Pm conitecting with similar trains on Reading IL R. Chester Volley Railroad Trains leave Bridgeport at 630 m and 230 and 620 p ; returning, leave 1) Vaillogt. 010 55 12 50 Railroad. p connecting with ut trait. on Reading uundayat Inane New York at 6OU p m, Philadelphia gt 600 a ui and 3 15 p m (the 8 00 n to train Montag only to (Leading), leave Pottsville at 800 a to, Ilarriabiarg at 245 a In nod 2RI p to, Allootowu at 65) pat, Reading at 7 16 a in and 060 p 111 for Harrieburg, at 432 a inlor New York and at 9 4 atu and 4 for mPuiladoilthia. Commutation. Mileagls p e, Beanon, tichuol and Excursion rickets, to and !rota all polunt, at reduced rot., Baggage checked through; 1119 poundaallowed each eassenaer. J. E. woorrEN, ,pt 14 Iv .480.801,1.4 h Eng. Aftten'rlt. AII,ENTO INN PASSENGER RAIL yr/a. TIME TABLE. On nod after W EON 138 DAY, Nov . 2 , 1,1671, cars will ruo wall tralos un the Lehigh Valley nod Lelagh nod tiusqua• Inane, Philadelphia at !Wading ( hest Paoli Junction) Railroads, and to the Allaatowo Pomace, taxying ltd. lion, Hamilton and Ninth atom., as foltows: For L. V. L. &S. E. Peon. Furnace. Leave Far AXI A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. 5 30 7 30 6 no 9 00 940 6 05 7 4,51 145 10 60 11 30 7 4t5 11 30 11 25 7 41 P. M. P. M. 9 47 195 149 11 30 P. M. P. M. 315 35) 11 6.5 2 3) 3450 700 0.345 P. M. 6 16 3 45 7 03 793 • 5 • 600 Y 61 83,3 - 6 10 Pay Days & Ward's - 6 30ONLY 730 880 . 910 , The above cars run to all the passenger trains on the hove roads. • From Mauch Chunk. 1 From Easton. A NEW FEATURE. Dll uring th Winter months, all the corn on thin road wi Le comfortably heated FARE TEN CENTS. Children under ten years of age, Five Cents. Tickets eon be purchased of the conductors on the care, or of the received'l reacurer in peckagec of 7 for 60 cis. er 14 for 41: icket. only for passengers, not for trunks or pack ca.. 4/4-Passenge rs are ronnected not to ride the' plat form when lb, re us room PACIFIC GUANO 4. O. .CAPITAL, $l, 000,0. JOHN S. BEESE CO :122 SOUTH DELA \ ARE AVE. PIIILADELPIIIII. ZS N. Ninth Street. 4.18 N. Seventh Street, INS. Ninth Street. Vacant Lots In all Darts the city. No fertiliser Introduced to the ferment of the ?diddle and South•rn Staten has given more game al and uniform sat isfaction than his guano. The trade to it ban steadily increased until the consump tion now throughout the entire country far exceeds that cam"' other fertilises. The large capital Involved in its production affords the surest guaramee to its continued excelleeco. The com pany tine a far greater Interest In the permanence of Its trade than •ny number of consumers can have ; hence It in the highest Interest of the company to rat their heat lu the Market. that their n-ual facilities, aided by the hest scientific ability. can produce. Thin l uau., Is no at retail by beat agents of the rem pang throughout NCW Jersey, Delaware. Petinaylvania and the Southern Staten, and at wholesale by • General Agent, for Me Conkratay. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS august 2.3 m w REMOVED. THEO. M. FOUST has removed his gore to 627 HAMILTON STREET (Ur Sre(us,) oppwate Gerrium Reformed Church dec2d-dt w lwd OFFICE OF ALLENTOWN ROLL. INO MILL co.. • 121 Walnut Swot, Philadelphia, Jan. 15th, 1872. • The %none! Waldo' ur the igockholders, and an elec tion for .i..sen Directors for the twining year will be held at ,i, o ffic.of the Company. 121.1 Walnut street. Philisda.. on Wednesday the 91st day of Jann•iy_„lB72 at 12 o'clock . O. W. I.S•VITT. leollyand Treas. Jukl6-dttr EZ13233 11=9 GENERAL AGENTS OFFICE SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO REDUCED PRICES. JOHN N. REEVE profootontti earbo. TANIES N. MERV. 4TT , .IIINIET AT •A LAW. OtAce. No. 29 Ret II ern'lton Meet. second floor of Lion Hall, Allentown. Yr. (Special attention Jaen to collection/it. um 1747 Ml= M=lllliMiligla BIERIt a WINEY. COLLE . TION ran REAL RETATE AOIXTP t • ED rOIIO6TATIONE 4 . No Ilamlltoo utrest, recond alor, Allealowu, Lly 10 • dr tr D. LUCKENItACIII, itTl'f)lll • NM' AT LAW, (formerly practiced In ''erho ennoty). °lnce (latent.. street, eecood floor, uoarl mpoe to the Conk House, Ml.', ewe. P.. Moe he eno 4oltod le the .lornoto htnaoage cI.AXIIIJEL A. No. litiTZ, nilloo ATTORNET Neb IT ki LAW. OfEco, El 4 tho Wool o•or 0.. Noel. Moro. ALLENTOWN PA. rdieor O NEit AT ltit IS LAW. si Odle se. murEnA Iloo ' N r vr HA iv Plr . o t• o National Hank building, A 1.L . 6.44Tt I WN, l'A. Col:ectl made In Lehigh end adloinlugeountleo. Can to , runault d nibs Har4lll.l. and Unman IttIIVIIMEO,I, 1441 IL 4: ATTOR NI El 1., AND CONNHELLHS OATLA W, Allentow n. PY tNsa. No. 64 East Hamilton street. C. 11. firm F. A. IL B•Lnarta FJ. ATTOITNET AT I. 1«, • ALLENTOWN, PA. Oface, No. r.O E tot '.1.11, I lltun ttreot. ririrEan enurothed In Gorman. HC. MUNSBERGER ATTOKNEI • AT LAW.. Removed to the Pont OtAm boildlof tecond door. ALLRRTOWN PA. Atm 21-1 y CI EORGE H. RUPP, ATTORNEY VX AT LAW. office with lion. John D. litlinA, Allen lowa. Pa W3l. N. YOUNG., JR., (WITII KNOWLTON, PLUM 8 RCALER.) • ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooms 4t, 45,16 anti 47, No. 16 Washington Street 11, CM JUO 3O • litl".74l%fir,;N'n!ngl , ':Niz AGENT FOR TOE SALE OF REAL. ESTATE, 8.5 WeO IlionMos St.. Allentown, Ps. W 11.1.1,13 1 11. GLACE. ATTORN EI AT LAW. CATAAUQUA. LEMON COUNTY PENNA. may 10..1y EDWIN ALniraGirr, ATTORNEY AT LAW, eight doors nbove tlot Court Hon... AL• LENTOWN Lehigh county. Co. 13-'6O-13, JJOHN 0. U011,0, 1 1N. ATTOIRNI Al' D COT' N NII.I Oli AT LAW P,1:0 NA .1041. I 11,11:f. I MN. n , o , 1-7 (1 CORGI: K.WILSON,ATTORNEV %.1_ AT LAW, No. MS Munition street. poorly ono— alto the Court [Too,. Ailentowu. Collect too promptly mode tu Lehigh cud Northomptou counties C. GUERIN. SURGEON DENTIST. omrr, over Mrs. M. A. 0. liultlin • Trimming Store, No. 34 East Ilutnltton street, Allentown Po. LEI KRONER, ATTORNEY AT LAW ASD 3DSTICE OF TIIE PEACE. MILLERS TOWN. LEH IC II CO.. PA. Particular attention paid to Innolvenl nod demleut nettles. jau 04y T •- -•- 110 31 AS B. ETZG AIR , .- NEI' AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, No. 62 East Illoolltou room • !nay FORGE B. SCIIALL ATTORNEY N.X AT LAW. Office, Find door above Law Alley, AL LENTOWN, lA . may 2bleu EDWARDHARVEY , HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Mike, with Huh. Samuel A. Bridgeo, ALLENTOWN, PA. may 1-1 y 110 CLA VIIIMEIRSLY,ATTORN EV .a..t • AT LA CTASAUQUA PA. jao 14:'V,Af ,T,?fr,NN"Y P P. ATTORNEY AT LAW. r 4 .. E. Corner Bth and Hamilton StreetALLEN - TOWN! may 1-ly ADAM WOOLEVER, AVlOnme.if AT LAW. Office, opposite the Court Homo. AL LENTOWN. 1-1,7 RECIEV ED DT DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM ENGLAND 33 CRATES N 1 - 4 1 ,\V 'STYLE CHINA. & GLASSWARE! NOW FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT ENGELMAN'S CHINA STORE. NO. 706 HAMILTON STREET. ALLENTOWN, PA LSO, TEN .OAR LOA I►S OF TUE CELEBRATED 01110 STONE WARE! CROCKS, JUGS, POTS, &C., AR-Special bargains to Country• Storekeepers. ,WALL AND SEE .Yip MEE PARENTS TAKE NOTICE THAT AT THE TEN BOOK S ORE YOU WILL ALIVATO PIRA FOR PALE ALL KINDS `CIIOOL BOOKS, BLANK 13 OKS, COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK, A TOE LOWEST PRICES. The time to again hero fur children to prepare or SCHOOL And we have on hand a,l for ten everything they want and need in the SCHOO T. ROOM. OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW • anTnl: learn t V crc e , , ,l. on give them Jail what they DON'T FORGET, AND REMEMBER VI AT THIS BOTEN BOOK STORE IS THE PLACE TO DDT ALL KINDS OP School Books at the Lowest Prices. LEISENRING, TREXLER & CO., Cit Hamilton St., Alleutown,Ps. aepPlfd LADIES' SUITS! SILKS, DRESS GOODS ! HOSIERY, LINENS ! AND ALL ARTICLES FOR Ladies'. Dress or Wear. J. H. Hafleigh, HAVINO REMOVED TO 1105 CIIESTNUT STREET, Pill EA Is now prepared to sell the above Goode at lower prices than the same Qualities can be furnished by any other House. NOTE. J. .If. Ihyleigh begs to state that he has organized hti business upon a most economical basis, and will sell to purchasers out of the city at extremely low prices CM= C.tUTION. To familial who urn the Koreseue or Comhinalloo 01la. ReTOenno not safe oolong We from 110 to 120 degrees which you eon align) , find tithe well known China Store of WiMs 'R EIM ER 1 611 HAMILTON STREET, =I • Ale anything to the CHINA, GLASS or (WRENN WA , line at the eel y lowest rates, and always the very best ENGLISH WARE, warranted not to graze. N.B.—ln regard to the Combination Olt. whleltawints tell y ou I. ° •" °. ' "l°.l‘. 4 Inh'n" th arri h c i L i gt i t t o i r d ei:rolli;kiltinfirreenirin tgin g t7t, where the Comblnr. non t 26. dOn was In nee- oe F U. Dome), LACES GLOVES WM. REIMER,
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