a getiister. SOBT. lIKEDELL, la., JiLLENtOWN, PA., JAN. 81, Tug Iteptibllcatt Pennsylvania Central Committee have fixed upon the 101 b of April as the day for holding the Gubernatorial Con vention, the place of meeting being Harrls• burg. Tits Auditor General has very properly re fused to pay the modest little bill of $30,000, presented Tor repairs and decorations on the halls of the Senate and House of liepresenta• fives at Harrisburg, until the Items are rip. proved by the Finance Committee of the Legis. lature. The rumor that Tweed had been in Harrisburg originated in the presentation of this bill. GEN. JOHN EATON, the National Commis sioner of Education, takes occasion in his n anal report to point out the feasibility and ad vantage of a National Educational Convention is connection with the Centennial Celebration of American Independence at PhiladCiphia in 1870. The idea is a good one, and we hope it may be acted upon. Education, that is the education of the masses, is the great hope and bulwark of our republic, and whatever will in any way . advanco the interests of popular ed ucation in the United States is a matter of practical concern to every citizen. ONE of the "rank and file" of the Republi can party writes us as follows concerning the LEuson REOISTER:—"Your paper is deserv ing of patronage, being certainly the best one published In Allentown. There :s es en hope It will yet lead the victorious party in Lehigh county. Lett igh should be Republic in—its interests demands it. Republican, political economy has made it what it is for Democracy surely has not and, unless by a complete new departure, never can." How much better might the itEOI6TEIL t o made if 801/10 of our leading Republican iron kings thought the same as thisone of the "rank and file," who, when it was needed, even of fered his life for the cause. TUE adage that every dog has hlsday is for &Lily proven in the case of General Ilartrault. No officer in the army did so much lighting and received such tardy recognition of his ability and his gallantry. The history of his Career is one of the most interesting and re markable of the war, especially us it required the witnessing of his skill and daring by the President himself before a pair of r;tars were placed upon the General's shoulders. The people, hoivever, wt re not so slow to rccog. nizo his worth, and after two terms in the Auditor General's office lie stands ut the lead of the candidates for the Gubernatorial nom'. nation. In Mollgomery, Northampton, Len - Isburg, and wherever else a few of the sur viving veterans of the gallant Filly first reside the enthusiasm is particularly strong in his favor, while in Philadelphia a number of Hartranft clubs have already been organized PARIS has a new sensation. The proprietor ofone of the morning papers there, LeMond.•, has guspended his publications on Monday' mornings " out of respect for the Sabbath.'' Tills is certainly extraordinary conduct for n Fienchman, and it has naturally set the Pari• alma to talking and wondering. The bish ops and clergy are pouring in their cougratu• lations upon the conscientious journalist, while the less pious Frenchmen shrug their shoulders and wonder what the world is coin ing to. A good many American newepsio men would be glad to follow the example of their French brother, for journalists do not take special delight in-working on the Sab bath, but In this country the newspaper has become so closely and thoroughly interwoven with the social and business life that Monday would be practically a dies non without its newspapers. Our ancestors used to get throuli the world without daily newspapers nt nil. but we should find It pretty slow and dull work doing without them nowadays. THE SENATOUIAL D ELEG ATE. It has transpired that one of the Conteir es from Lehigh, manifested a willingness (not to bay eagerness) to cone( de the Senatorial Del egate to Carbon county, even before a formal •allot was taken. Upon what ground he dal this in the face of the expressed wish of the Convention in electing Judge Kistler, it is .1111 cult to conceive unless it was personal Ims ility. If personally opposed to Judge Kistler, hen certainly he Is not inn position to net as • conferee and in all honor should at once up Int a friend of Judge Kistler to act in Ids •toad. Lehigh has between five and six limn :and Republican votes, while Carbon has tin' wenty.two hundred, less than half that 01 ehigh. In all reason and fairness this Met :hould merit some consideration nt the hands f the Conferees from Carbon, and ih view ni he action of our Convention—claiming the :enatorlal Delegate—Carhon should pronipti oncede it. Let Lehigh have it this year, arbon the 2d, Lehigh the 3d, Carbon the-I'h. - chigkthe MI, Carbon the Oth and Lehigh he 7th, giving to Lehigh four and (•arbon ree of the seven years. To this we are .. entitled and we think it quite the ummi .ol3El sentiment of the Republicans of Lel i:h at our Conferees should accept n,.thing T 111F.F"rINICERING What the result of the winter's action in ongress upon the tariff will be it is' impossi le to predict, but there is reason to fear that .at it will be depressing, if not disastrous, to merican industry. Nearly every (MP Of 1111 . -called Revenue Reformers base pl m of his ••n In regard to the reduction of duties, bi t .ey all agree, In effect at least, in seeking to .11d up and strengthen foreign manufactim the expense of those In this country. flow icidal this policy is has been demonstrated •er and over again in this country in years tt, but the Free Traders scoff at all demon• °Bons and arc willing to let the future take eof Itself, provided they can gain what ey consider a present advantige by giving elgners the practical control of our markets. .e Free Traders say that they will be satis d with nothing less than the complete alio. lon of all duties upon coal and iron, and leave no meanie utnesor ea to to •ng about this result. The practical effect of ing the duty off coal will be to put money o the pockets of the Nova Scotia coal ope. ors and take Rout of the pockets of our own uminous operators. That does not seem to a desirable result to strive for, but there are n In Congress, some of them from Pennsyl .ia too, who are working night and day to ore the crippling of our bituminous emil in st. in regard to Iron they are equally un -onable and persistent. They allude to tile t that mew furnaces are being erected at vs .l3 points as proof conclusive that the bush sis Immensely profitable, and ns a valid u cut for taking off Uae duty from British rection of new furnaces, which employ additional Laborers and in a hin d ways enhance the value of property and ase the business prosperity of the coon. as it dirt , calamity, and they cannot con their eager desire to have. British iron se- the control of the American market. at kind of statesmanship is this, which en y watches for the manifestations of pros ty,in business thr the purpose of stabbing interest and jotting out Its 'prosperitj ould seem that Congressmen ought to er to encourage, rather than destroy, • !lean IndustrY, and If they can find noth else to do but to engage In Tariff tinker at Cite interest of British manufacturers oner they adjourn and go home the bet will he for the country. Ex SENATOR DOOLITTLE, Of Wisconsin, who has not been heard of since he was so badly beaten as the Democratic candidate for Governor of that. Slate, has woke up long enough to say that he is confident that the Democrats can win the next Presidential elec. EMI _872 tion by joining heartily with the Reform Hit publicans. • That may all be, but it occurs to us that the Reform Republicans can and will do better titan to help the Democrats ton vic tory. Mr. Doolittle doesn't seem to have looked at that side of the question at all. Tun New York Legislature la disappoint ing its friends. It was elected by a general reform movement, and it was expected that IL would vigorously carry out the manifest wish. es of the people of fir State. Bat so far little has been done in the direction of vigorous and permanent reform, and there is manifest danger that a splendid opportunity to fasten the State upon the side of litmub:icanism and genuine reform measure s will he carelessly frittered away. • %% hen a body of men is elect ed to do a specified thing it is about as well for them to lake hold fuel do it. a ESL•' hAL He eclat is again down on tl c President because he has not been appointed to General Gall, ek's old department. We think, if the President showed Hancock any favors whatever he would he doing a very foolish thing. W lien Hancock learns to show his superior racer then spier due to his posi lion it will be time tininuli to ask favors from the President. Hancock was a gallant olllcer and rendered invithvilile assistance in the war for the Union, but, unfortunately for himself, he doesn't know enough to keep his tent er and to check his tongue lie will never be President. THE Connecticut Republicans have rem - mt. innted the whole of their presmt State ticket,, headed by Marshal Jewell, and they mean to ratify their work at the polls. he party is well united and Elands it good chance of sea eves at the April election, but neither Repub licans nor Democrats can carry. Conn. cticut without a good deal of hard work. It Is it closely balanced State, and the pending Pres idential catitpaign will this year nerve each party to do its " level best." Th,. Democrats have not vet made their nominations, and there is some prospect or dropping Mr. English, who lots been their candidate for a number of years, and taking up a new man. Tut: Senate Postal Committee has reported favorably upon Postmaster General Cressw proposition to place the telegraph lines of the country under the control of the Post Office Depaitment. It is doubtful, however, if the measure will be passed by Congress. As set forth by Mr. Cresswt II the plan promises many advantages, but it scents to us that the Postal Service itself is susceptible of some lin provements, and that those improvements had better be made before the Post Master Gene. rat sighs tor other worlds to .oequer. When ihe• full capabilith s of the P, stet Service have been reached and when the Pest Offleo De partment has become sell supportin.,4, it will tie time to see Otont having the Government go into the telegraph im,lness. can rtspect the nivim ry of a rebel like Gen, Ewell, who left behind him an acknow• lodgment of his error when he made the moil. cut and sensible dirt (lion . that nothing that would roll on the United States govern ment should be placed upon his toml.btone. In strik'ng contrast with this e of Ewell is (1,, nolon of tlw fri,nds of Gen. Lee in eel, briding his birthday. In every.hicality where the Mice tens gotten up the occasion was marked by spent hes brimful of treas.m. In Savannah we have a fair specimen of the w Mile, in the speech of an et- Rebel General, which certainly show s ti.atilte day fir univer sd ainne,-ty Iris net arrived. 'I he rid said:—":finof latitude in space, 1111 epochs in the lupec of time, can elicumserihe the power of his lame. The pure, the good, the w ise from all the States will learn to - 161- low him. Hist ye up and follow him. Teach treat children toll your children's children to follow him. So shall they hill in line behind the glorious army which he led, behind tl e ragged Confederate soldier everywhere, whelln r moving still upon the iarth or slum bering in unknown graves,la ath it—iu the grand triumphal march." CONGRESSIONAL MoNuAv,,Tanuary 22.--Both hallSl a if cress were engaged in sharp detail( s, the Sim ate 'airing under consideration the amnesty bill, with Mr. Sunincr'e amendment, the civil rights till, and a motion by Garret Davis for itit tab ing up of his ri solution directing the Re r pediment Conimit tee to inquire into the aC lairs of the President. A short diseusshin on Alm latter, during which Davis displayed con sidelable insolence, resulted in is withdraw al, Ni action, as usual, was taken ~.11t he tint. al sly bill, an adjournment being had while the debate was proceeding. In the House the attraction was the diQcusston of it n. 40111110 1 ,, reported (rum tier m Committee on appropria tions, instructing the clerk to furnish funds with which In Oefiny the expenses or the Lon' siana Inv. stigating Committee. The final re . - suit was then:lola ton of the resohnii n. Sena• La' Blair introduced a joint resolution instruct ing the President to open negotiations for the c..scion of cubit. The petition or Mrs. Leo, Cie widow of the rebel Gent rid TAT, has again been lin seined. Mr. Fiat.=•a'. :11 the House offered a resolution instructing Inv committee for the District of Columbia to inquire into al legations against the Territorial government. A bill was passed appropriating $50,000 to defray the expenses of the Japanese embassy. THU w.DAy, January 25.—1 n the United States Senate Sir Morrill Thursday delivered an address in'favor ut the amnesty bill, and in opposition to Mr. Suniners amendment to Its civil lights bin The measure was postponed and made the special order for Monday—the final vote not to be taken till Tuesday. The [louse shortly alter meeting took up the bill to establish all educational hind, and to apply the proceeds of the public lands to the educa tion of the people. No decision was reached, Mr. folioed offering a resolution, which was passed as a substitute fur the other resolutions nulling on the President for information con cerning Wails in the Smith. In Committee of the Whole the legislative appropriation bill was considered tiller which the House ad journed. FRIDAY, Jan. 20.—Long and protracted dis cussions were the order in the Sennte, the en. tire, session tieing given up' to the adjourn ment question and apportionment bill. On the former nearly every member had something to SAY ; 51r. Morton's resolution fixing the 20111 cf May drawing out rumor:is from Mr. Summa, who urged and moved an amendment that the civil rights bill be passed before the adjournment take place.• The amendment was rejected, as was also one by, Mr. Trumbull lor the repeal of the duty on coal. Several other Senators made addresses. On the apportionment bill Messrs. Sherman, Fre linghuysen, Edmunds, Thurman, aid Patterson gave their views, and Trum bull explained the amendments reported by the Judiciary Committee. 'rite House, in Committee of the Whole, passed the legisla tive and pension appropriation SATltapAy, .Tan. 27—llepresentative Beck talked neatly the entire session of the House to it few members. and no doubt empty gal lerles, ns the meeting was only for general de bate.. Ills argumont was in opposition to the proposed union of the postal and telegraph systems. Be insisted that there was no de mand for a change by the public. Mr. Dawes replied, criticising some zultniEugans by Bock. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENIT SOME of the Washington correspondents figure up a pretty good show for Senator Wil son of AlassachusAts, as the next Republican candidate for Vice President. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia.. Illinois and Alabama are re ported as definitely seemed for his support, besides the New England vot'•, and if this es. limb! Is a comet ens it would give him gond strength to start with. Senator Wilson is a now with strong frierWs, and a man who well deserv. s the moll Icuce and support of his friends, and he would make a good man for the plate. GRANTN RECORD How the Admini.trat ion Denis with D fhwiters. It Is instructive to I ote the manner in which the present Administration deals with defaul ters. I will talc• all the prominent cases that have eve to the notice of the public dating C o rett two years, and whose defalcations cover nearly the entire amount set down as the net loss during that time. Marcy, Naval Pay master, defaulter at Mare Island, California; cashiered. Lockwood, Glean I, and Parker, Naval Pay masters, defraud, f 1 on distant stations ; cash. iered. J. Leper(' 110 ige, defaulter in Paymaster- Geeerars office ; in Albany Penitentiary for ten years. J. P. Bailey, defaulting Internal Revenue Collector, New York; fled the country to avol I arrest. Bowerman and W 'Win defaulting Deputy Coll , etors of Customs at Baltimore; convicted and in prison. J. W. Norton, defaulting Money Order Superintendent, ,New York ; nailer for trial. George 11. %Wellman, defaulting Deputy Collector of Customs at Savannah ; under in dictment. Internal Revenue Collector .Gould, and Supervisor Krzy z inn, ski, conspiracy to em bezzle, Georgia ; indicted•; former lied the country, the latter held for trial. Wm. Wiggan, defaulting Freedmen's Bu reau agent; convicted and sentenced to ten years' imprisonment. F. A. Mac nano , . defaulting Past Office Disbursing Clerk ; died in insane asylum be fore he could lie tried. C. E. Edwina, embezzling Treasury clerk; convicted an I in prison. F. A. Barden, embezzling Treasury Clerk' convicted and in prison. Scih Johnson, embezzling Treasury , Clerk ; under indictment and will certainly lie con vic e I. S. B. Kendig, defaulting Disbursing Clerk, Interior Department; convicted and in prison. The responsibility of the appointment 01 only four of the above- Seventeen cases rests upon i this Administration ; but it has inflicted punishment on all wh , have been tried, while two have fled the country. A CONTRAST LoSSES AND TEMPTAI lONS. Let us now contrast Ho, ba,411, so of the Government, for flirt e ikeal p with the integrity out the ;14.rt of its sulmrd Mates. The net revenue rece , ps and the exp. nditut s for that time are its follows Aggregate rice OA for three years t 1,165,523,10 A ggreg,te eAlhir!atir, for thr,e. )eats $.,090,i110,1U6 5 Now the oetu,.l net aseettaine.l losses caused I), the dishole•sty or th,vermnoit (new's dui Ina same time, 1110o:1111f w,.r. Wtd liavy clefaleatio .so mount $1,:1ir.96:1 64 which is barely etia4l to one sixteenth Or 1/111. percent. oil dollar. .knil we ad .1 to this amount of io•s by doll& iii u s every coat in jeopardy, for which the Government has brought suit --iimst will be recov• 'erect— the total would be $1,301,621 82, or about one-ninth id one ieT cent. on the dollar. Is there any private business in the world that can compare %%kis this ? Putting the . It4:spoithilalily % here it lietoults ord,r that the responsibility of Ouse hisses should be placed where it propel ly ho• kngs, %vhielt is the real object of this state ment, one More illustration is tweessary. Giant's Administration is charged with up pointing more incompetent and corrupt men to office than any that have preceded it. Let us take the Nital number of cases of r.cordea misconduct which 113ve been disclosed since it came into other, or of funds in controversy, with the aggregate amount of ninny Involv, ed, and the result is tints : No. of Como, 4114 . 1i1.1VoiTed App°lilted under Buchanan ... 1 $5,156 31 A pnointt d under lativolo 15 251,826 82 Appointed under Jolincom 137 1.066,310 80 Ippohited under Grant 32 32,1,108 91 Ul9,,eci , remained 'appointments ( war and nary) ................. 6 623,200 48 Now, perhaps, it mains little difference so far as the morality of the eve Is concerned, whether one sixteenth of one per cent. or six. n tier c nt. is embezzled. But when you come to discuss the quest.on as to who em bezzles it, it does make a great deal of . differ ence. And if this , article wee not already too long, the comparison might be carried back severe) years tc ith still more striking results. The point here demonstrated is that the charge that the standard of the great mass of the men in the civil service is not being improved Is false. When men denounce the civil service as "the worst the world ever s tw," it shows Unit they don't know what they are talking about—that they are chattering slander and mist epresenlation without investigation, or any regard for truth. No doubt list civil set*. vice cm be greatly improved, and no men have given a more effective 'demonstration of their intentionio improve it than these at present In power. In conclusion, I Invite the attention of candid people and 't reformers" also to the facts here set forth. If I have "set down aught in malice." I certainly- have ex tenuated nothing.— Wash. Cor. N. Y. Times. THE MAGAZINES The Atlantic Monthly for February fully sustains the character or Bile excellent maga zine. It contains additional installments of Mr Hawthorne's "Septimius Felton," Prof. De Mille's very amusing Comedy of Ter. rite," and Dr. Holmes' " Poet at the Break fast Table." , : awes Parton writes 01 " son a Student of Law," and Mr. Edward Atkinson discusses "The Visible and the In visible in Protection," to which we have al ready referred at length. " The Castlew•orth Tragedy" is a thrilling story of the old slave regime, and "Petronilla" is. a sacred poem by Miss Phelps. Scribncr's for F.'ebruary is au pxcellent The illustrated papers are: "The Won. ders of the West," by F. V. Hayden ; " The Mormons and then Religion," by R. 11. Seeley; " The Charities of the Fatherland," by William Wells. "The Fox Hunters" is a pretty illustrated - peein by S. 11. Barnes. An anonymous writer dbcus . ses some " Defects of the NaConal II inking System," Chariot Dully Warner gives wime of his charming " Back Log Studies ; Sixe Holm tells in a very graphic way " How One Woman Kept her Husband"; Mrs. Greenough furnishes "Christine Nilzon and her Maestro" and Louisa Bushnell has a beautiful little poem entitled "The Hidden Joy," and " A Ballad of Calden Water" ie a hitherto unpublished poem by Phoebe Gary. The serials by George. MacDonald and Mrs. Oliphant are continued, and the various editorial departments are well filled with timely and suggestive articles. "The National Sunday School Teacher," published by Adams, Blackmer IS) Lyon, Chicago, is an excellent magazine for Sunday School teachers, and it well deserves the large circulation it has gained. Its explanations of the " Uniform Sessions," prepared by Rev. Dr. John Hall, are excellent, and it also con tains a variety of other interesting and valua ble articles. We commend it to all live Sun day School teachers who want to keep abreast of their important work and up'with the times. Time price is $l.lO per ye4r, MRS. WHARTON ,SET FREE. The Pr...veiling/I II etheemlny —Reef eer of the Groat The jury in the Wharton case agreed upon a verdict Wednesday. The court room was epwded with people anxious to hear the re• suit. Judge Miller asked the audience to re. train from any demonstrations, and to keep the a one decorum as they had done through out the trial. Mrs. Wharton was taken to the prisoner's box on the arm of Mr. Neilson, and . Miss Nellie, on the arm rf Mr. Steele, stood outside of the box. The clerk asked the Jury if they had agreed to a verdict. They answered " yes ;" and then he asked " Who shall s wak ?" The fore man was then questi med. and, in a clear voice pronounced "Not Guilty." There was a lit tle murmur of approval. Mrs. Wharton seemed entirely unmoved, and there Has no demUnst rat len between her and It. r daughter. 96 quickly returned inside the bar, and the tab amen were discharged, but the regular panel was not. REVIRVI OP MM. lIA RTON ' tl THIA The trial has been the most memorable evert of the kind in that state for thirty or thirty five years. It is now one month two weeks and five days sines Mrs. Wharton's trial be- In the Court there. was arraigned In the Circut Court for Anne Arundel county De cember 4th, 1871, having been Indicted in Baltimore August 14th, 1871. Mrs. Wharton vas detained under [wrist In her own house, on the 10th of July last, and six days afterwards, the Grand .Tury having made a formal presentment, she was con veyed to the Baltimore city jail, where she re mined until the first of December last, when she was rem•ved to the Annapolis jail. She has, therefore, been in duress over six months, thought her imprisonment, owing to the devo tion of her daughter and ihe consideration of her custodians, has been deprived of much of the dreary disoomfort ordinarily experienced by persons under similar circumstances. Her trial has occupied forty.two days actually, in which time the theories of chemistry and medicine have been exhausted, as. well as the law and the practitioners of all three of these learned professions. Over one hundred witnesses have been ex amined for and against the accused, many of them from remote sections of the Union,inclu ding some of the most prominent army officers In the service of the government, ladies and others. Probably a more exhaustive trial, a more tenacious defence or vigorous prosecu• lion has never been witness.,d in Maryland, and it would be bad indeed if after all the trouble and expense of the case the jury had failed to agree one way or another, and neces sitate:another trial. It is estimated that the case thus far will cost the city of Baltimore fully $25,000. It will, it is understood, ruin the prisoner pecuniarily, for the charges she is at must be very great. EXEC U I'ION OF BOTTS. fflvor t r• /loth• Moog In Vrrr•rrrk for the 211teriler of ff I.•t' Ileth.frqd—Sreftem Of the Srafford. NLIW ARK, Jan. 26—Botts, the murderer of '• t" 11u!•tead, was hung here nt 11:30 o'clock. All the preparations nt cessary to carrying out the executiims were completed last even. ing. The cr. ss I earn o the s a T.4(1 was raised stout supports ith. ut thirteen feet high. riming!' a pull y in t he centre ran a stout rope, from the end of which 41.14 . 11 , 1 yd n. large sack filled with sand, weighing some 175 pounds. fhis was to test the sofilciency of the weight at the otter end of the rope, which, under the floor below, was to heist the victim In the air. There was some d ifflenlty in perfecting the arrangements at first, but the delcct was soon discovered and the scaffold was prepared for the execution. EMI Last evening Botts rt ceivrd the last cons°. Iltions of religion, while, within it few feet of his cell, and with distinctness, ha could hear the busy preparations of the men who were testing the scaffold on which he to day expl toed the awful Crime of which he has been c , nvieted. From an early hour In the eve ning he had been visited by sympathizing friends; two of the jurymen, with their wives had called on him, and tears were freely flow ing when they left. Mr. navel, a gentleman who ban taken a great interest in Botts, spent tie evening and night wall him at his own re fines:, nod Hey. Mr. Stinson Siegfried, of Pleasant Baptist Church, stayed till late In the night, preparing the unfortunate man for the final hour. All accounts of those who have been with Botts during the last two days agree in saying that he Is perfectly resigned to his fate, and has devoted himself exclusively to spiritual thouAhts. lie has been averse to speaking of the circumstances of the trial, or indeed of anything but the preparation for death A curtain screens his cell front view, anti by a very proper regulation of Warden Johnson, no one was admitted but suck as Botts himself desired to see. It Is pleasing to state that in his last hours he was not Intruded on by the morbidly carious who always swarm around on such an occasion as this. Ile passed a very restless night and bad but little sleep. Two hundred people were pres esti, and an immensti crowd surrounded the Jail. There was, however but little excitement The executioner was concealed from view by a black screen. The Rev. Mr. Siegfried was with Botts all the wading. Ills bne her John was also with hint up to the last mo. ment. The condemed man ate a light breakfast and imp, and cheerful to the last. The coffin was an el, guilt black walnut one, silver mount ed, with a plate upon which was inscribed, " George Golds aged 45 years." The prisoner was led out to the scaffold at 11.20 o'clock. Upon arriving there, Col. Da via read the death•warrant. Botts held the hai.d of the Chaplain, Dr. Weed, during the whole proceedings; even till the weight fell, when his body sprang up in the air, and, in a Inv seconds, I3otts was dead. LATE NEWS ITEMS Peter Ninninger, n Newark manufacturer, committed sUlchle. The Prince of Wales contemplates a sea voyage. M. Thiers opposes the creation of the office of Vice President. By a decision of the Turf Board of Appeals at New York "Goldsmith Maid" to entitled to the 2 17 record at Milwaukee. A new religious Journal lins been establish ed it; Home, rent Hyacinthe being one of the contributors. In necordanee with the direction of the lato Mr.. Peabody, five hundred houses under the control of the Peabody Fund in London, have been let to mull fbmillea. Spinal meningitis is raging among the hor ses In New York city. The hest constructed and appointed stables are visited by it, and a fearful death rate has been the result. A Conservative caucus at Raleigh, N. C., has nominated General Mat. W. Ransom, Democrat, for United States Senator, to Mille vacancy eau4ed by Yauce's resignntion. John Butcher, a colored boy, died at the Philadelphia Alms House, from the effects of a beating inflicted by Daniel Barclay, alsocol ered. Barclay has escaped arrest. Nice whoa:Bed a disastrous railroad nee': dent yesterday, a train being precipitated In the river by the giving way of a bridge: Four teen, persons were killed and wounded. It now appears that the charges against Postmaster General Creswell, and whiph the Rouse Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads are now investigating, were' made by a disappointed mail contractor. It Is mortal that the smell-pox Is raging fearfully at Thayer, lowa. The population is less (ban one thousand : Almost every person is the town is stricken down with the dlscap. No trains are allowed to stop there. WN. TgDNES Amlenble relations have been r o e established between ttie tier:and the Pppa. GenerrEaton's report on edue•ti . i.vn In the United kates appears to be :n gre t demand In all parts of the world, especially .itiong the Russians, several of whom have asked. for copies.. • 0216 Despatches to Washington from General Emory represent everything as qui. t at New Orleans. Ile announces that nearly all the members of the Legislature took their seats at the Stale Capitol on Thursday. Ont In Cadiz, Ohio, six prisoners, by dig. ging from one cell to another with iron rods have escaped from jail In leaving their oh. noxious quarters they used a bed cord, by which they were enabled to descent to the ground. Prince Bismnrck tells M. Tillers he mull lie sent to the immediate wit alrawal of the Ber. man Loops from the provinces, on condition that a portion of the indemnity be paid Into the Berlin treasury earlier than previously stipulated. Both houses of the Missouri Legislature have unanimously passe d a bill authorizing the city of St, Louis to Issue one million three hundred and eighty-five Moonlit(' dollars in bonds for the extension and protection of her water A Body and Mind Disease:—Such le dyepepeln. The stomach and the brain are too Intimately allied for the one to suffer without oho other. eo that dyspepela and despondency are Inseparable. It may be added, too, that irritation of the elomach Is &Italia luvarlably accom• Panted by Irritation of the tower. The Invigorating and tranquilizing .Perot'. of Floe. titer's Batas is most powerfully developed to cases of tn.:natation. The Gest effect of thle agreeable tonic le comforting and encouraging. A mild glow pervades the syatem, the chroulc unearth.. In the egion of the .to• mach le lessened, and the nervous restlessness which characterizes the dia.e la abated. This Improvement le not transient. It le cot ....led by the return of the old symptoms with nupersd led for., as le •,ways the Cone when nomadlostod stimulants are given (or tin complaint. Each dose seem. to impart a permanent ~c• COWua of healthful invlgorat'on. But this le not all. The aperient and aall•blllous prevent. ~f the prepare -11011 are ecarc•ty secondary In importance to Its tonic virtue.. if is au overflow of bile. the mecridlon 11000 brought within proper lindle, and if the b harp or• gun Is inert and torpid hle toned cad regulated. Tl.e . effect upon the discharaing organs le ennally salutary, and In ease. of constipation the cathartic action ilij Oct sufficient to produce the desired rewitt gradually awl without pain. Th•l Bitters also promote healthy evapo ration (roll, the surface, vi !itch in particularly dmdtable at thl, Beacon when endden spells of raw, unpleae sat weather are apt to check the natural perspirednn and produce congestion of the liver, cough., and colds. The best •afegunrd °Daiwa all ttleeneuts Is bodily rigor, and this the grist Vegetable Restorative especially pro. mot.. Dr. 11. D. Longaker ofTers Ids service to the afflicted, more especially to Nuns nuffering from Chronic Dineen°, Ile will be glad to see and talk with them. It IN bin practice to plainly declare a diatome Inctirttblo fr he believe. it to be no, to 00110 canon which he u,ident. ken be guarantees to do all that can be done by unwearied at tentloo and tho application of experienced skill, gut d by many yearn of practice In treating dlneano itn earl beennd most malignantrm. That lila nkill, may cot exerted In earn. manseoue certificate, that may bum neon at hie office, will testify. ' A few names aro selected for publicetiont which are known to ciVreon of this county. No feeling of egotino prompts their puhlicallue, but they ere published reliant...a an iev [dorm° that crony who bake deemed themmelveshopolasi.ly &filleted hayehy a proper appllcetten of the resos enjoymentedil potence, been rentorc.l to health and the of all Ito Won. slogs, rl_lruon Jane, Bethlehem. Cancer of the Lip. Pace. Ely (Um Ely). Allentown, Pa. Cancer of the J. J. Johnson, Allentown. Skin Dlee”e, Hilton O. Sansaman, !letterer. Chronic liroLchltin Fleur/ Unbriel, Allentown. Deaftlen, . Airs, O. lioaser, Catamanqua. Tumors of the Head. Nathan Eberhard, Bethlehem. Cancer. Mrs. both, Trealerlown. Cancer. Wm. Jameeon, Bethlehem. Pulmonary Catarrh. James Sloan. Bethlehem. Chronic Ithounnatieut. Mrs. J Harem, Salisbury. Scrofula. liartonhor Pl4l , ndolahla. Cesare' Tumor. Bars. W. E. Illnnich, Sallabery. }tern. and Eili• ' B7o7lU:flan. Lanark. Tumors of t h e [lead. • Abraham Mistier, New Tripoli. Tamar of the Nook. Mrs. E. fi, Sletterten. Porn. Com. Mrs. E. Weindout,Priedensullo. Cancerof the Catherine Amoy. (teetre•ille Cancer %Weer the race. John Loran. Siegfriecl'oßridee Polypus of the Nose. Aire. Poalerenme. Allentown. Cancer of the Breast: Thomas Bum llokendnuquit. Tumor. Sire. D. Krebs, Afahanoy City. Cam:worth° race. p..T. Shoemaker. Scpstown. Tumor.. Catharine Harman, Weatherly. Veneerer the None. Theaboye persona may all he referred tq, or cort Ideates may be aeon' at Dr. patigakeen ° Glee, Sixth street, be twe4nt llamtilon &Aid Walnut, Allentown, PA. works. Affairs baween the Government of the Uni ted States and that of Venezuela are std be rather critical. The trouble is the govern mont of Venezuela refuses to he responsible, or rather shows no disposition to observe its treaty stipulations. Nearly $400,000 worth ofproper y and stock was destroyed in Nashville, Tennessee, nu Saturday by fire. A wholesale grocery, a flour and grain store, a leather establishment, anti an agricultural implement warehouse wren destroyed. A Raleigh, South Carolina, special to New York says one branch of the Legislature has authorized a reward of ten thousand dollars for the arrest of Henry B. Lowry, and five thousand dollars for each of his gang of out laws; or thirty-live thousand dollars in all. Commissioner Douglass intends to cut down the expenses of the Revenue Bureaus as much as possible. His latest order is to the super. visors, instructing themto reduce the lowest possible standard the clerical force in the ot flees of assessors. Quite a new proposition has been blurted In Great Britain. The English Govonment is privately discussing the question of making Ireland a vice royally. It Is believed the sub ject will be brought 'prominently before Par liament when that b ly convenes on the 4th of February. In the U. S. Court of Cincinnati on Satur day, in the case of the United States aut. Peter Schwab and sureties, to recover $30.000 for alleged violation of the distillers bond in non• payment of taxes, a verdict was rendered in favor bf the Government for the sum of $22,- 843. Nearly every day the telegraph brings word from New York of the perpetration of some terrible crime. Saturday a Henry Hepner, while crazed with liquor, shot his only son, a youth of eighteen years, in a crowded tho roughfare, and then made a desperate attempt to commit suicide. Further prirtieuLars attie great storm in Western Europe represent the damage as ter rible. In the Valley of the Severn the devils tuition was extensive, the flood bein; wide spread. The loss of property and Intrrrop Gan of business in London was also quit, serious. Still another time have Cie woman suffra gists been defeated. Their memorials claim ing the right to vote have met with no favor by the Senate Judiciary Committee, who ex• press a unanim ins opinion that the late amend ments do not confer the rte ht of female cut frage. An alarming state of affairs exists at present in Utah, according to statements by the Dis trict Attorney of the Territory. He represents that all prosecutions of criminals are for the prtsrnt at an end, owing to the fact that the Territorial Legislature refuses to pay the ex penses attending trials. He also states thin anarchy reigns supreme, and appeals to Con gress to take some measures whereby crime shall not go unwhiPpr d of justice. MARKETS II ILA DELPIII A, Jan. 27 —De Haven 13r0., Brokers, No. 40 South Third Street ;iv'. the following quotations up to 3 o'cloc MEM Buylnv Selline Now U. S. i's of 1881 11014 110 , C. 8..1'n of 'Bl .... ...... 11514 1151 6", not called ' . .. 1103.; 1101 o 69. called .. 10015 .." 62, Second Ca 11...... .... 1 0% 4 I/0/ 110, . rr, ....... . ~... .... 11134 iti.) '5. ~,,,,„ . .. ..... ..... 1103, 110, `. 67...........112 112 h •• 68 ......... .... ..... . ....... 112!,4 1121 s's 3)-10 F .... ....... 1 ' o,','; 1101 h year 6 per cent. Currency 115 115! Gold .. . .. ............... 109 1001. Silver 11 6 I 07;. Colon I'aelllc let St. bonds— ....... . 1:1215 03 . :entral Paollle It. R... ...... . ..... ... . 102 102; Union Pacific 1.. Grant 8......... 8215 83 ..41//ettioirip Prodpee Market. Corrected natty et, ilretraffnesmer. Yeuus.,r , l,l Nbeht HuLir, V. , 1 , 1 ., .......... •••• ..... •• •' 1.7 5° " flilin Wheal. per 1.44414.11 1 41 puyloe •••• ..... ... ....... .1 PI) •• ;urn RI •• , late ... 70 .. ' Flftreee.l I 14:1 • • flpulthy Seed, per . 11 . 44•14e1 4 03 • • Clover Seed, U IX) " Wheat Floor ' per ow' 4 w p:tylnit Rye `` •• 4 i•k `• , lart. Dee% " Rimer, per Poa uJ Lard, tallow Hein, " Eggs, per dureo Delmore,. per bushel. sew Dried Apples, per imeLei• Dried Peisehee. BUSINESS NOTICES Y. J '-NUARY 31 Zbrrial Notsro GETTING HARRIED.—ESSAYS FOR u•cr 'Young Men. 1 , 11 greet SOCIAL EVILS not ABUSES which interfere with MA 'MIMI sure menus ot roller Eir the ErrinA and Iloeortnnele, dleesp.ed end dnhiL dittod. Addre..e; !BIWA RD ASSOCIATION, No. :Snuff Ninth str...et. Philadelphia. Pa -Or ERRORS OF YOUTH.—A hoffleman who suffered for yearn from Nervous Debility, Prema ture Decoy and all the effects of youthful Indiscretion grill, for tho sake of *offering houmnity, send trio to Rho need it, rho recipe and direction for looking the eve, ple moody ny which he wee cored. Sufferers wishing t, Irefit by the odverther's experience con do PO by ad. dressing I operfect confidence, JOAN II OGDEN, No. 42Codor St. Now York. pr .,.. r TO CONSUMPTIVES.—TI advert ised having been !Tableful to health In clew weeks, •ery elm Plo remedy, after having /ordered nevem! year. .villa n rower. , lung ntlectlon, rind that dread rilsearo, Con. gumption, leauxionn to ninke known to Id. fellow rintlerer• chi menus of care. Tool whorlealre it; he will mend n roe. if the proscription used (free of charge), with the .11 rer Boa. for preparing and Uning the rumor, which they will gnuonre mire for Connumption, Astlonn, Bronchitis, Are, neon', olneet of the adVortiner in moulting the Prearrili tinn In to lumen the nltileleil, and nprearl infortmitlon which he Ili...elven to be Invnivalde; rind he hopes eve,' inflernr will try hie remedy, nn it will cost them nothing and May Provo a lotenning. Portion whaling the pr tlnnwill plennenddrenn. Roe. EDWARD A. WILSON; AVillinmnburg Kingx Co. N. Y. N f 1001). —IIOW LOST. RESTORED. :V - Joel publlnbet new milt. lon or DR. cIOLVER WELL', CE LEH RA TED ESSAK on the radh.ra cur. of CI , It gill wenknenenn, Ihn fired, of Err.), and Atom, I early Ilfo. TO" relobrntell author In thin aillotrablo ne •ny. clearly domenntraten from n thirty ye ,• nocco•efot pract•c.. that the IJn uh K COUPIIIIIIIICOII of ouch error. oud nlm•en may be rndlcul.y corm) B• 11 11,1 , the d toocrene. Ise of lotortml tyke or Ilm NPIIIiC I{loll of the ; pointing not n MO to of ) urn 4) olico 0111. , T0. corral, elT..ctosl. by Inomug of inn lon every sufferer. no met., what Ills conolltl in row he, logy him s elf eioniol) .rlvittoly and raelleu 1 ly rffirThl• Lector , .heold he In UWIIIIIIII4 of every youth tn.l every loud In the I intl. yen , . mole ',bd. In 1 , 14111 eove'ope, nny oil Iress, posit/Wei, on r,c.ipt of six cents. or two pint slitinot. Also, lir. Colverwell's •'3ltrrlssu (1u11,,.' price cents. Aildress the Pith !shoos, CIIA , 3. C. 10.1 NE 127 lb ery, So e Yeik, l'o,l.olllre 330,7 4.: SO irtn2C7l-ly ~, ,L yp T IC WATER FROM DAVID'S The great DIURETIC, TUNIC and A LTF,IIATIVE rout ed,' of the All e,. holds in solution the Pro(, Ns of Iron sad other vol .111110 COII,IIOIIIIIIM, awl in being proved t.y tho onerriita test of repo itsd ip• one of th•• 1,0.1 RCNII 111 tin for Kidney , bvens,, iqmprpvier, NY I r , .n e *less, bitter Complaint*, Othirrhal AffectionAb Coa le/my/lion, In Ito earlyswai ' ' bite , (it, rolesliniti Dix on/cry, and Genera t D.bilitll: It purlfl•o• and enrich s the 1,100 incenses tho appetite pro notes ‘ 111 IeNilott• otitnalates the secretions and vitalises the nervous Ito to lt Is highly reentnnir wird by I'llyhtehins, .11 ilo• testimonials of Invalids reveal Its town.' powers. It IF , .lold at the I•iw prier. of +:I.00 per box of nun dozen qma , t bottles, delivered at Bristol, Pa., to 110 expressed to any point, ZW•Tho IIEALINO INSTITUTE at DAVID'S WELL Is designed hi MCCollllllodittO patio°, dorlox all soasons of the year, who prefer drinklug tho MYSTIC WATER frot h the W Er.L. D. S. CADWALLADER, 1001 Race St , janll3.lha TIIE CAINE AND (WILE OF CON. SUM PTlltrt —The primary reline of Connuniptien In leriegeinent of the digestive lagoon. Thin derangement prodncen deficient nutrition and annitnilation Ity nest . - 'intl.. 1 111,10 tll t pro es, by which the untrlmeat of the food Is converted luta blood. and thence into the solidi; of Lie body . Vernons witlrillgestion 'him linpitlro I. buying the allitlite`d pre , llapnnitleti to pulmonary (lissom. Jrtl they take cold, tt II be very Ilahle to have Connumptlen -if the !clings to 1401110 of Its forum; aud I hold that t will lie impossibie went any t.lioe trot restoring $ good illgestiou'illid healthy assimilation 'rho very first thing to he dime ix to cleans„ the stomach and bowels (rain ell illneased mecum and niline. which is clogging the-e organs no ;bat they cannot perform their , unctions, .11 the, rot,' up and restore the liver to a neeltliy notion. For this purpose the snre•tnd ben , remedy Is Schenck', Mandl:lke VIII.. These Plll a e clean the spun. h aud bowels or all the dead 'rid moriild slime that Is causing disonse anal decay la the whole system They w 111 clear out the liver of all discos. d toile that bus tecntnulated there, and row, it up too new anti health, action. by which natural end healthy Into Is seal - Lied Tito stomach. bowels...l Neer or. the...cleans airy tile 'too of •lotte,olt 'o )lanoreke ; but there remain, In the xlumnrh an excess of acid, tiro organ Is torpid and ,be appetite poor. 11l the 1/01,ln the lit•-lealo lire Weak. list requiring strength nod sun Port• it le in a L thin diet Schenck'n Seaweed Tonic proven to be the most vain:dile remedy ever discovered, It Is alkaline. and Its use will neutralize till ezre•e of acid, [nuking the ',tom tell sweet led fresh ; it will give permanent tone to this important organ, and create a good, hearty appetite. and Prepare the symion for tile :lost 1 ravens orit good diges tion, rind ultonately mane a good. licalihy, living blood. After thin prep:Pillory troatment, wirat remains to cure Mont 0100131 1411011X11.1p11011 1 , 11110(nm and pereverlng use of Schenck in Pohnunic Syr,P. The Pulmonic Syrup copal hen the syntein. Carillon the blond. Laud in readily .bset bed into the Mr:lllation. and thence dlntribuied to the din. used lungs. 'there It ripens tall morbid matter,. whether in the term of niewens• s or tither.; les, and then estate Nature to expel all the diseased matter... the form ;afro° expectoration. when once it r pone. It Is thou. by ihe great healing and purify Inn propertlee of echehek'e i - ultnonic Sirup, that all ulcers and curiae.; are healed up mound, .d toy patient 114 cured. rho ennential thing to ho done in curing Consumption Is to get op n good appetite nod n good digestion • no that she body will grow in deal; and get strong II o ro.ooo has dine tied comity or air-scoot; there.—the cavity cannot heal, the matter C , trout ripen, no long as the sys tem le be ow par. What in neeennary to .care o 110 W , order of thiags,-1 good ppetamap! nutrition. tlp• hody to grow in flesh mud gut fat ; then Nature Is helped. cavities will he sl.the mailer will ripen and be t ••own .If In large quo ntitien, null the pi roan regalia health a d sirmigth, tlio nun and Mily pl u to cure Con ;onion°, and If a ;pinion is very bail, if the lUng• are eat rely destroyel or even Irene laugh; entirely goo if tbs. I. cuou s h vitality left Huth,, other to heal up. here in hope. . I ha ea soi m any Perseus cured with only one mound sault• tine l eicl y life to it good old ego The to who, •eneark 'a Meilleiliea 1,11 do to cure Consunippon. 'rho .vale clean out tile mount., mar...ten nmlallellglllol4 It. t.t up it ghost dl.e-tion. .1.11 gin • Nature tie Os. st ince dm need', 10 e Par Iho Oct• 11l 01 all the illneane that Is In L oi lungs. ;eh ;lever the lone may he It in iipa•i out ihsi while a •ng scheeck's Inlet Iry e tre ahoui be exeicised not to tan., cold; keep to doors nco eaci eel. ;yowler; neon] 11141.1.111 and take out loor ugly in a genial aUll W.i1•111 WI-11 It nudirstood Ilia• onliell I 101111110.nd to be ul etrel In regard to taking cold, au 1-ing Illy Ido so lio hp.-clal r01t.1.1. a Mall Wlio hos but par. tally ors overeil iron etfecte of bpi .old Is tar mere 11.011.1 to a role) n Lima 0110 WI.O entirely cured; nod It in preelsely the 'sole In regard to uwpttuu. -u long In, Ell. Meg.u,u notPerfeCtlY honied, just so long Is there Imminent dang r of a full re pan of the disease. Ilenee it in that Iso sit enu.•osiy toe mililionary patients against exposing therti-eiVen le here that isnot genial aid plea..tilt. Coon retied s:oununiptives' lungs are. n Illass of 1,1r1.1., which the Ir.a t change ;It stlint.pm.o Will 101.1100. 'l' e gral.ll heeiet or toys .0... Willi My r tle lelne. eiimr , :t. 111 MI ability to 14.11.1111.1iti0n iusta.,d of profoking it. NA Mat" or •Ile faculty do. Au Inflamed long rann..l, w itli clo- safety the ',tient. bun oXpoiye to the hang bluets of or chilling well, of spring or Autumn. It should be eareltilly hltielded 11•011 i all lir toting intleencen. lit most caution shilocli be elperai d thln parico I iraswith nt It a cure under allitont 10 as 11111.0,- .I,lllty permit should be kept on in wholesome and notrlll ous diet, awl all the .110dIelliem 001111.1,1 Until body na• restoLed to tt the natural qualutity of flesh and I tv,in myself rureil by thin trentme. t of the trornt kind Cognatopoon, and h.ive lived to gel let nod hearty lutist. fogey yews, math omit lung obititlY'notiei 1 has , var.d toeniebiln ninety. :Li a very maul have been eared by Lois treat:omit whom I have never seen. A out lb , Hist of (regoher I e%pt, t to take tpop..nrx•lou of ill) . 1,1,1' 1 , 011.111,c .tt the .torthoust eorber SlXtti Ana .t rh ntrete. tvliele I .411 be pleated t i Nitre advice to all who way rte.,. It. Full dire moot aceompauyelltoy Eemedlett.. that it per ou la a uy 'me tort he world eartbe r.dily cured by d stilet obseryoure tte nom, ' J. H. SCHENCK, 31, H., 11 u. Prlce of the PultnotHe Syrup and 51.11W1 . 1.11 Tmnq 41 50 b Ittlo. ur $7 50 a dozen. Mandrake l'ills, (OX. For Atte h, all drileckle )11111 bit/UN:3ON, Ilt/1.1.0 WAY A COW HEN, CO2 Arch street, Idelt•hlan Wholee.ile Ageut... lut>'2:l•ly NEW DRUG STOKE I Ink° the pletootre of Informing toy notneronalte tripodn litld ill- hublto to teueral that I h.the Ot t rued WOK Shut , at NO. 735 HAMILTON STHLET, and n i a u with,n carifullv holect,d of Pure Drugs and Medicines PATE:NI' Al El ) I CIN 'o.lh OH, btrge 1-triol;1 Cf..' L O!,, LAN ps d A B UFIXTI RKS: • Choice Porfunn•ry mot toilet nrtlrle4. 114 the flied Ex tracts fur bandkorchlet it t lathing. llaie Ilulr In •Igornto, Find flub Dye,. An Inunnternlole nnxurt nail of Tullot 61101,14 fur tv.o•hing, .linv Int and urn*lng ula fa ur gnlnt. Tom!, nod Hair llrushug.uf ull grin IP lald Pocket flunks, Albunl4,l'nnx funk a, P“por rub, Pock. large v.irlety of ',helm.. Englloll .11.1 Oernt to rich Ilunkg nub 1nek14.4. In thorn uvury thing OKI ran tut 1 X1 , 0 1, 4 iu SE2BII First•Chiss City Deng Si ore, The Very Lowest Market Rates, WHOLE.' ALE AND RETAIL. PHYSIOIA , S' PRESCRIPTIONS will Lon hpoc'aPy 41111 will he (tiled day or night with the greatest punctual. Ity accuracy. Phys..tha . nd Storekeeper.. rupplied with everything In my lion at tho market rat.... Having had ex perience stare my childhood in the Drug loudness I wet confident that I can servo ull uho tar y favor run with call, to their untithartiou. E. W. DANOWSKY. Dr. WM. .DANOWSKY tat", ILin apaorloolly to !hook Lin nowrona friend+ I'o !mat f.varn nod VII ha of ILn Uru. Shiro of Ida aun t wall uo all who way &Hite h n medical vicm REMEMBER THE .?'[...4C.E, 74 1 jAJLII;t'( N STRE ET, net irre 61,r, nth and f jan:4- W JOILDAN HOES{E HOTEL AND RESTAURANT The Jordan Howie bay changed handy. The new land• lord will try to please ill who :nay 'm1.0.1111111 a call Ile Will Itueli• con.tant , y nn baud the beat of chide. Liquor. and keep the celebrated Bergner & Endo . , rein. I Philadelphia Lac, Boer. I u the Heitman ut he will keep oil the deilracie, or 010 Reason with 1110 be.t or ()poen. prepared lu all idyl., All who will give labia • call will go swap initialled that It la the beitplace In Al entown. A P NEFF Yoni;; , :iMovaer, N. W. Cot. Seroud . . n0y . 2.1.0ty Allentown Pa. A GItICULTIURAV. The twenty-Prot Attonul Meto tho 1,1.101 Connly Agrlcuttu.oYSoctott Wi11... hold O.II'OF:B9AT, the fOlt dhy of Ell 11A RN next. el 10 o'clock, A Y, lu .toe Court 11t041,1a the City of Allentown, Lehigh t'ounty, for the purp of olec lug Otlleent for next ear on tratootot All other tooduepit neually bronulo be y fore the tno. tlug Ity o der or 0. L. AL lilt Latin, Afloat :•••304,11's SIAM. Pe J.l.l.lthr SUNDA-SCIIOOL WORLD, 1812. 1 , 11 , 1'Y CENTS PER ANNUM. =1221=1 rev. Dr, 11.11,12 N EXPLANATIONS, OF THE UNIFOIO.I SUN DAY-SCHOOL LESSONS, IS NOW LEADY. • tliragte IKlnryrro Ffvo Ceniv each lI'BLUI?FD DT TUE American Sunday-School Union, 1111 Chestnut Street, Milled°ll,lll4, i41124 -11w • , 1872. !MEM - . Jan. 7, Iq7l, Balance 1n nand............. ........ ..9112.AS lutereai ou 50 1 1 0 en Veer 31 UP 'Fax received of t•ittifuni ntepnen. No. lAsven m entent :1:12 . Feb. 4. 1071. of U. Yodo?, Premiu 3.1 lvi .. April 'L'. 11,71, .'• 7. , 00 Aug. A, 1 0 71, ' 700 Iv.o • • 11ci. 14 1571, '• 2100 Jan. 1, 11 , 74 " '2.01 05 ~ Jun, 6, 1572, '' V Id 47 Aptll 2!. 1371, To ..TOll.lB Hoff man, Ore damage... $2,1 OC April 72 18;1, David 8 eplam. Ore damage._ 3110 ofdll "2, NH, Hubert Iredell, Jr., pradloo.... 21 00 Aug. 2. bavld Arnold, fire dunnage... 168 72' ;Nobel, Lutonomm ger, " 38 62 Oel 5. Ch. WWI... Pre damage.. 10 1U Oor 2, J . slob Kern. Pro darling,. 9,500 Levi ~ Licbleutvoliner, for bolding 0100100 ...... ... .... 1 50 Dec. 73. 11..ine• Si Hobe. piloting II 20 Hobert limle•I, Jr.. '. 14 25 Lol•mtrillif Trezler dt Co. do 31 . 0 • ... .. ..„._ -.. .........„ ... -. . ....... I. MO NS. p.hilug -- i 23 T. V Ithnadm,prlnllUa 111 60 Jau. 0. 1672. Illrector.4 l aervlcuu ' 181 U 0 - bi to. al Co.ul4ll{ao 47 '4) 11.44uuuJ Stamp,' lalli '.a 4li 00 4. filgutog Policia :: 41 4: Tro..u,r'.. 6ultiry TO 00 For Autlltlntr 400 fialsuro to hnutti of 1 renNurnr.. (10 41 . . API rovrtl Janttort nth, 1572.. W HA I I`. I, F I. O IA I. II I) 3 I4 I T IN I:I K 'I . IEN. Auditor.. REUUEN OACKENBACII. Account of llonnor lII° Yoder, Secretory of the Partners' Vt.. biol.! Fire lueurAuee Coutpani.ntTru.kulowtt. Penn., Jnn.A. ii,7l, Hoed Premium no 41t1 Now Pollrln, :14 I n0rra....1 volltion to J.. U. 1.572. . cru toner...llr fur cosh pn.d KS! :I?. Fri/ 4 IE7I, Ti Lowl I.lchloosrlliner,Trrn..,43.) (.1 April 22. " " 70 10 .. .. ,uu.n• '. " ::1101 Oct. 11. " .. .. '' .70 co Jan, t. 15:1 " • ..., . • " 2.90 Fi Jim. 11, •. '.' Id 4'? Approved .loutAary nib, ,a'^_.-- KU 32 SANI.ORD STF,PIIEN. W 1 1.1.1 AM MINN, } Auditor.. IiEIItIEN OACHLNDACII, - Jnol7. w SAMUEL CAMPBELL ti CO.'S LIST OF NEW AND ELEGANT PERFUMES FOR VIE TOILET AND HAN DEERCHIET. BOUQUET DE AMMER. an Imperleloade Perfume. BOUQ , 2DE COLOGNE. au Elegant Perfume. BOUQGRT LIE 10.0111 RA. an Agreeable Perform,. BOUQUET DE GERANIUM. it Ilefreehing Perfutne BOUQUET DE HELIOTROPE, • Durable P‘clame. BOUQUET DE LAVENDER. a Faehlonable Poefotuo, BOUQUET DE MILLEFLEUR, 4n Exardelte Perfume BOUQUET DE MOLL a Delicate Perfume. BOUQUET DE TOILETTE, °hake Poriume. BOUQUET DE VERBENA. a Popular PorDt too. BOUQUET DE VIO LETTS. a Fragrant Perfume.. These delightful Perfume.. for the duration of their Fra. stance and Surpa”lng Streetneae, aro acknowledged the Oema of the Toilet and have hecouto nolversal Favoritea for the Haudkerchlef. Half Piot Bottle. m.oni Plate *2 PR' • Prepared anlely by SAMUEL LA lit I.IIF. & CO,Phar maeentice, 911 Walnut Wool, l'hittidelphb , and cold wholesale Iml retail by • LA WALL & MARTIN, City Drug Store, jun.l3.eed , • Tiallamiltan St.. Allen ova. Ps. STitik WBRI Nix E & CLOTIT IER N. W. Corner Eighh and Market Streets. Are now offering for the FALL and WINTER TRADE an unutwally huge ttt t I. • • DRY GOODS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, BLACK ALPACAS, LINEN GOODS, BLANKETS, MUSU,NB, FLANNELS, SHAWLS, WATER -PROOF ULO:tKINGS We hare lately taken adenntagn of the low prices attendant on a tight mntkrt,anti BUYING FOR QABII, bare bet,' able to secure many GREAT BARGA INS. Sept 13 Om w• A IILTISEU3I- OF CERAIII O ART, ROI OH? OWN SELECTION AND IMPORTATIO.A CUOICE AND RARE NOVELTIES OF EXQUISITE STYLE AND WANT DINNER, TEA, DESSE R T AND TOILET SERVICE. BRo x, E. PA JUAN fSQ UP. LA VA, MAJOL/PA ✓ASPE • R, AGRA. CRYSTAL ✓AP.IA•SSE APP ( NESE WWI'S. 'AN INIMEN,E AiSoRTMr:CT • HOUSE FURNIsIIING WARPS! FIRST-CLASS GOOD'. LOWEST' CASII PRICES TYS ULE, MaCIIELL 707 707 CHESTNUT STREET, PH ILADELI'MA. IMEETI REM BONBRIGHT HOOD, Have REMOVED to Ilmr SPACIOUS AND SPLENDIDLY-LIGIITI:I) EW STORE., • (THE LARGEST IN THE CfTY,) NOS. SII, Sl3, AND S NOS. 800 SOS, 810 PHIDA They extend a cord) it invitation tc. their Wen and see their new establbliment, and to examine t Goods. gor Sale aitb 'Ea Let TO LET.—A REASONABLE LEASE will be given on the Banton Slate Qunrry, nitunted In Plainfield township, Northumpton county, Pc, neat "Stackertown. It counists of number one flat-vein, blue never-fading slate, fully equal to the well•knovrn Chap• man Slate, with n good water power and a full rigging 01 pawning awl hoisting machine, Perlman &Sir°nn of an .inPortunity of thin hind will please examine for them. nod apply to Reuben Koch, Stackertown P. 0. tuar3 'ea 0. L. SCHREIBER. President A. VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE The subscriber nffern a. palate • ale Ida Valuable Farm of one 11 ondrwl aid twenty-four acres sadulnety-s x pereill.ll of hoot sitiode In Diplom Tnwoehlo. Huck* conutr. Pa.. etlioinlog land , . II Campbell and Kratm r. lliatn S. Long. Dovol lotobAcli and Pet r Ldubst rho. ;arm I. ',Mated on the north nide of Durham Creek till bee a woo ni nu nl hero ..xptwurt• and Is one of the moat prndu tine and cooveniout.y located farm+ In tho upper land of the roomy.. Then, le algo on tin pretni.es excel ent water power of twenty five feet hood and fall having formerly been used for saw 'Mil purpose- The oh; a sof friary of Orb and Chestnut timber on the premkes for fuel. fenrlng and building tnateri lie ; and also a varhoy .4f nit trees. The Impravetnnots thereon ran-let or a double f,7,rf',. STONE DIV ELLIN() HOUSE, two stories high, 40 by .:t0 teet, with Stone kitchen a twin. , : I threA ntwy mono Barn. {l by tot feet atm. Corn Crib. Frame Sty, Frame Wllgoll Onus. , and other ont•buildtug, IM It neyer-fittllng well or water new the door and It ritonh,g .11.1.11111 at the li.lrn. The nolo In well fenced and convenitmtly dinirld into fields. filLlVelliPtll to mills' blacksmiths, •ehools and church s, and In sttna..l Spritglown and Shut. elsvllle nowo a miles frwn either. • Tettn,—Ationt of the Imre', i.e money In .11.1. II 1111 . 1 . 011111h11d, 10 ',HAIR in the iireinoes tho por 1o• [nay agree 01 , 4.114. JOIIN It ()UPI, Snringtown. Buck. Co Pa. DUB I. Ia! SALT: Or PERSONA I. a. I'ItOPERTIr.—W 111 be sold at public lotto at the lute relodeneo of John Peter, decraned. tu Iteuldberg Loh tub county. Tui SDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1872 (SHROVE: TUESDAY,) tt 12 o'clock, noon, the tdlolvlng petoonl.tl property of •old decedent, to wit • Tw•• he vy alld good tro•k lower., three d tolleh cowe. two ghon•es, ons twin 1;4! 1,11(011 and I , od y. otet•hotto• wgol• with hody, ooe•horse barns., g ,, , d one 81), of mottle ha room., with eivor•plated ntouottuga. low, harrow, 000 horse h ty ladder and pd meet, gouty cotter. aew J.anow•tor grain aod ,:row, need • otatoo, by the tin•hifl, bait West sh• ',taut ndlg. ono largo eau. hand-saw , . two grindstones, two borrels of Ito•gar, three half barrel+, Hod othsr bone's, maul aud wsdgo, pi on, ,hove'., Isg nod cow chat , it, leo grain bag , , two Ledo and boddlog,corner culdwird, wood ell,. and other chest, bureau,good gut, nod moor o.her artleh, too outuerous to menthe, Contl.tiou, will be sande known nu tho da7 of nolo by NATI' ANNA PETER, Aam Inistrai ors. ME= GIA RIZ MRS* [lli lON MUTUAL FIRE i 2 INSURANCE COMPANY, at Trexlerlown. Pa. Whole meant [neared last year, a 919,516.5.1. Directors : D. 11. U•ierlaN, V. P. NltekLar, 1.1,1 Liettve•wALNEgt, WILLIAM Mira. 4 )601111R la' Dtelti. SANFOttli ST. rare, (tannins Horn, hol.lnßn SAnIitiNUACR, Joithen italiMatt, SOLOMON KLINK. SinenE 3 ii.arLp.ll, Esq. Joint U. Scrtmovau. ItSstrtell La Lou. it. D. 11. BASTIAN, PriaNtrit. 311115 IL SiillMOY SR Treasurer, B ENNEYI I. LE YODEL, Secritary. Agents : Henry Kuntz. Esq., Slatitigton: r .Reubeu Shaer, New Ttipoll, 1,001 Werley. Weinoubdriz. Levi L. Snyder, bit tuerkville, Levi S Ltehteuwellner. Tresierb.wu. barley Kline, 4. alkLurY. fi , utuel NorthainFlou CoehtY• Reuben It. Kline, 31.meh.to Berke Coolly. 'llratri K. Cleaver, °ley, Moxiittlfitny 1..41 , Berke CO. Prey %Vann...ailed., All. Litown, Pa.,for Cs ben slimly. eteknototedgm. of Board of Director,. wool I Wo. der their th uk-Io 11r. Levi Inittenwalluer, Treasurer el the Company. for Ida fidelity and i,uueio tiny sedum ae • reallurer of the FArtners' But.. Mutual Fire luxuriates Co Levi Licht. it al' net, Tretto)er. le account 'Add, the Earmark' 111,10, Alutunt Fire lueuranco eutnual.y. ut Traxlerlown, Pa. EGIEBEI HILADELPHIA I=l LA DIES' • C L 0 AR INGS' BLACK ANTRA Cibi NS, - BLACK BEA V EBS, WHITE uUR B h'A ERS PLAIN WILI TE BEA VERS, BL UE CLO MS, IVIII7'E C lID 0 I'S, VEL h; TEA NS, _ STRAWBRII)GE .& CLOTHIER. N. V. cur. Eighth and Market, Strut Is, Phliadelpbtil A' A . 15 MARKET STREET, AND 812 Fl LBERT ST., ELPtIIA. de and tone Trade throughout the hi h 0,,,, to heir immense stock of Foreign and Dome, , tle 10-3 m iLeffal Notices. • ADM IN INTO ATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IN HEREBY GIVEN that the underslg hos takeu oat letters of administration In the esun PAN ILI. HUTH, decenned. Into' or Old South Boil hem. Hanover Riwiodoli. Lehigh enmity; therefore persons who are Indebted to said Estate, aro noloun to ni eke payment within nix weeks from the date her nod those having claims will present theta dilly 'oath.. cated fah nedlenient within the above specified Omen janl7.ilt w.l LEWIS SNYDER. Au'to AUDITOR' , NOTICE. t, /ivig,.. , e i v i r . iVruninsoia Pleas of Lehigh C(at II . F. J r . CharlAn T. Yerken, Er., Charle Yerken r nn Sllnn erktn . - • Iu equ ty In the to oter of the first account of thn Jo lio4 Torok...T. NOW. Jauuttly 12, 1872. C. 31. Runk. Erg . 614.14. od Auditor to ...tulle tutu rontatn tie account, 11 tern. r). end tuttkn dirtributiou. MM=M! DILLINUCV: Preill') The tit:decant...l iv 111 title 7.1 to tiie italic., Of los t peltittnettt In the nbove nese on FK 1.1.1 DAY, th e thy YE liltUA h 72, et 10 o'cifock. n. In.. nt h.. ten, f Alestnittiltota stteet, City of Allentown. Inhere nl e l t. cr. hits nod osier, toter, .tetl tun &onto of Tot ken at fit tin. oir ethos win- In the loud fur .11.tribution are muttl to attend. 1.1 ADM I N►writ ,vrous , NOTICE. N 0,1,0 In herebyven that le.tameme. having been granted fa t gi he Illidernlnned In the amath 031Ei II de. eaa.d, late or the cilY town. Lehigh county, iherefere all hereon. who hu thela,elyee to be Indebted to raid elate, a relit. clod . 1 0e p4,111 1 001,,,thi1l KIX ueek lroul Ike y dal• here lad cool. 01 . -to hayt , hay legal claims analtait avid Oil ,111 preneal them well aulueutleated for nrltlytc w tibia the ah.,a ..peclthl time. • sin titt:u loud jitul-GtiV] CIIAS. b. bUSii, AS' IGNEE'N NOTICE. Wherein, E. Moue and Anna, bin wlfo, cinder de of aneiguistent doled Nov. 13,71, for the tieuent of , redder. 111 lb., • aid E. Moe toodened all their rata real, pereonal and lard, nob , ; the ondereigued ; all thereto le, a non lug lheni.' Fri, to ho 11141.1,4C1.1 I Its raid , arm I.erehr tiotalee to make p•yris w tibia nix ;react; trout data nod haviug, Oita, will iireneul 010 intim w 1111111 111.) ,, cline to LLIAy /11ENTI Aemignori for E. Blues and w lfa EOM ECUTOR'S NOTICE. J2..1 Platten is hereby given that letters lasts rneutt Laying Levu s ranted to the undersigned In the estate Jt/11:1 Itr.S. ciecensed, late ol Wlt.hurqq 011 turn nblp Collin , Of Lehigh, Pelltln3lrulaht therefore perneus who ktb.se themselves to Is Indebted to an entate are regilt,t,l to !hake %lamest Withitt nlx ws, fro./ slate !wryer, and thus., 0 have any legal dal sgalust bald estate still preseat theta well sutheutic/A for sent...lett wlthlu she shove N peel illme. isallbato aASUr.L J KISTLER, Executor N°1'101.: IN HANILICUPTCY. Distrtet Court of 15.0 Dulled Hates for Eastern Di Met of Penns. In the wetter of W3l. 11. %VINT. 'bankrupt. Eeiyys District of I'oooo. A %V orrout 0 Sauk runicy lt, boon bowed by had eon In the &ditto of Willutut IL %Viet. of the t 00010 of I. !ugh mid 01010 of l'euay Iconic, In hold lilhlritt :gip, It been duly adjudged tt upon petite nu.l'hol Rah, and the pa, taut of nay aunto nut' Ilea delivery nay proper) belougiug enid o Bunk relit to.b.ltu or to li u•e, on.. the rosier of not) property by hint ore bele, den by low A meeting or the Creditor. of hold Doug,t, to pooch their dell, and clamxn ono or more Ahhigueco Lin F.-tote, mi ll he to Id at a Court of Haub ruptey to I holden 01 tho Ity of All. utolea In hold bleitslcb ou tl let day et Vehrtiory. A. D. 167 ot it) o'clock. A. the Ogee •,f lioorgo N. Corset,. tog at the A 111•1 it !tote!, in bald city. one of the Ifehlhtero In Bonk, tip.ry null Dint • JAMES N. MAINS, '.fitnl7-rov V. S. 51hrohal for hold lltstrt ay_ AN OICOINANCE TO ENILIDEItAG THE API•REIIENbION INetttipittlSlES. Ye., 1. no It urealued xO4 euacted by the tiesevl ne CollUelis lir the City ufAlleutuwn itod kt inner, torlillinPa II) Ihe nitiliority 1110 solo, hunuevc after tho none ul [h t. [llls unli..leo nt it aill warmly tid , ,prebend Ott) Plautus er urea., hu n'eall beau will, It Had tuadcluttnl) net lire to er Or 00010'0 10 eel Qr to or bury or who Ouch have atiled, mutinied ur hiurwr, nu) ity-tuis to .et lire to or burn ani dwelling You, kit lieu, boaiko hoary amp, burn, stable, at o[o bur. Inct ry, arehoune,tuill. or ycy other lunlilUng butldlugn, hile er linen or horde or oilier Intake, in lib lo the Iltuttn of the CII) 01 A Iletauwu, oath{ • ura couvictlu eve t y hornet, or persons' mph, eheuded, ho wattledl said receive a roar.. oi um, hutitituddeltars ior the 0P plebe, Ilion 01 any ouch per., u ur pulauun alto shall hay ynoa cOIIVICted tin alolent.ttl, • • . . Sir,.:. That II 011111 he Os duties of the CorundAtse of 81111111., Oil R uaY coucletlon as nforsald to iuckw:r whethei alsy. audit who to the Verson or peru s ss eh lrlli d to receive the above reward. aud It more. IlLsti on persou. Ikea lu w 'ml,ollloo the soudswisur sure ought le Le hald and to re, lily the (Owl, IVllth the 41111 e° .11 lA. On elnttneutw to the PrentiOol of (.440W0u who Is hereby directed nod en °toed uyOu the rece , pt 0 such 00(0110.10 (r iii the Cotaioltlees ill Falseee us slow. said. to linos Ills w tar/tut on the City Treasurer iu 01 the el... Ant or claim:LlN for the anionut so sort fled .1. L. hoEFllesN, Pras. S. C. UEORGE PRY, I'm. C. C. Attest :—Wm. J. Weiss, I kn... U: Itens, Clerk C. C. • ApproSed th.e lalli day of December. 1571, T. 11.1.10010, Mays, [ME Terror illoriler l ! Death II! RATS RA 8 RATS retie. , P ertat t ry e ) te. ellr Orate. ItATS oul. r Itiquarkable Preparation. RATS whi6h draws Rate. (n. I y mulct front their holes Bad hiding pieces. They •at 114Ilidavly wad An die lo u drolti reaceintu lu the open air. awls. to use. Culled BURT'S NEW I lIPIP NED VERMIN EXTERJIINATORI liner with muntlet(ur ounces. at 100 COlartagaMill. : acid other large If trio and Public In•titutlona lit Philadelphia and New Ynric city ; Bolton Doo.e. Ilartl.burg . • Unto Depot lintel. Plltaburg ; Herdic M 'une, Wllltitotaport, Pa.; t.. In fact. the only ar. Dole that will rot 100 of Dino pent, Cot tble. ad. vertlaement out awl Mho to your Drugging Or dr y ChnUt. if he In not supplied. /o. can get tor iti•l/ any Whole.nte Droottlet• 1 10 0 00 0 and Ref only, that alined E. DUET. Jr.. Philadelphia, Pw.. nu cacti D.r. 'fake o ether. ill moon at or Ai. tarn fur HI HI worth tr i ll uxorial/ don V0.4.11k work. MElte II AN re.—Hurt i a ow Improved will never Mirth,' or Chong.. %,) Mini) b niencon dawn. bout no loud of tower mak., Will ho mr• charmed. If detired l'ettelint Dental", in 2. Hoch Apron; N. E. 0.11000 Tenth ed Choctout SW, sod M. W. oar. nod !taro htteeng. Philadelphia Hol•I' by 01 wi t utea..:o Druggists. •Direet all latter.. to E. BRUT. Manufacturer of Ma Exterminator. Weal Philadelphia, Pa. 11.10.Utri w ENO TRIAL LIST FOR SPECIAI, TEICNE.. co3lmeNcitio moNDAy. V2BIII. I AIIY 120. /M. &SD TO CoNTINUId ONE WhICK. 1 !Ivory Matcher vs. Jsinos E. Kelly. et nl. & Jahu Hockey vn. Ectriu Burkhalter. • 3 Charles •Lautloolairger vs. Booboo Eagle man and Wm, llott. The Carlisle, 11spotIt Cu, an E.1.1a I. Young. ./ Soloman Walter vs Jaretili Walter. (lott vaJnintes W huller nod .14111•11 Klternett 7 Michas/ lier.hborger v•Sluhiu and Jacob libelee., Jana , . CULT vs. :towhee E. Murrell. et al. 'Claims« Limbach vs. Joseph Lau/itch. IU lltita•tt D. Krim, fil• Abraham Worm s. et a). I 11 lisorae 11st/sr vs Levi Ilse, /2 Willoughby Hoary and wily vs. 1 llama. Jatier. VI Soli/won 511auich..et al vs beau bell sad %KM,: 11 hon./ Beaton vs John C «slay. 11 Jnuo E. hlnitauus, aselgues. en. Tlt) KtopelloOlair 31111 CatapsaY• la holousun Koch vs. Marla Koch. 17 Etenus Imo Co. ye. Boom liotatustor. 15 Oriental Poutler oa. vs ilchrte & 19 l'arker & verrato Y. enure. 9 Jacob p. Moths: cad wife ea Jerry/. Stalllst. Cortgersbura Savluga Jaatilutlett vs. Slartle gm rearm ) &ocular. t Jitlllsei II utchlnnon vs. James McClellan and wife. 21 William Janina va. Vet, /larch, NJsuirs Wotrall vs. Chits. 31. Yawls and CI as. Sot -21 Alt aser &Comp y•. C..al a Si McKenna , i11i7.1• to J. li. DILLINOEU, CtolloilatarYs. Co I=!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers