Nebteinal. ATAT 722 722 A. 1 722 IS THE IS THE IS THE City Drug Store City Drug Store City Drug Store OF OF Or Lawall Martin, Lawall &Martin Lawall &Martin S. W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF HAMILTON & HALL STS -HAMILTON & HALL STS HAM LTON & HALL STS If you want Pure Drugs go there. If you want Cattle Powder go there. If you want Pure DL. dicinesgo there. If you want Pure Spices go there. If you want Lubricating Oil go there. If you want Physicians', Prescrip tions put up right go there. If you want anything at all go there. If you don't want an V th ing go there. If you want to be satisfied go there SURE. SURE. SURE. Remember the place, No. 722 Both of the-proprietors are ready to wait on you. They are both practical chem ists ; you will find that Lo be the -ease after giving them a trial. DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, S. W. Corner of Hall St, City Drug Store. NO . ( ITRE,NO PAY. DR. H, 1). LONGAKER, ihradneta of tbo suc cess fulf Panneylvanla at Philadel phia, sae been in practice for a nuinber of years In varlet.; parts of the United States; tviil promptly at tend to all branches of his profession of life rooms, Snot side of Hall (true. bet. Hamilton am/ Wo/not ALLENTOWN, PA Pro Patent roistered a re need or recommended ; the rem eiles administered are those which will not break down the constitution, but renovate the system from all Injuries It ties enstained from mineral medicines, and leave It In a healthy and perfectly cured condition. CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, DYSPEPSIA, and all Mamma of the Langs. Throat, Stomach, and er, which yearly carry thousando to untimely grease, can undoubtedly bo cured. MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, I#at Oath of alienation and aberration of mind which ten re persona Incapablo of enjoying the pleaoures of per arming the duties of life. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, ta any tumor condition, chronic or acute, warranted cn r- AC EpllCP._yy_,. or falling sleknrmi, And chronic or KWh barl2 cases of FEMALE DISEASES npeedlly nod radically removed; Salt litteum, Skin Diseases (of ))earn' ~ t andinto err description of Uicerationn, Piles and Scrofulous din- Warranted cured. Particular attention Overt to private diseases of emery description of both sexes. Ladles suffering from any complaint incidental to their eel, can consult the doctor with assurance of relief. Cancer cured, and Tumors of all kinds removed without the knife or drawing blood. Diseases of the EYE AND EAR ecyftstrilly and effectually removed. Dr. Lonnaker will make visits any distance It de nim ; can be addressed by letter (confidentially ?and med icine seat, with prover directions to any part or county. OPIICZ: Meet Sid° of Sixth street, bettvnoe liamllb.n and Walnut Allentown. Pa. may PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS. PILES OF ALL KINDS perfectly and permanently "VIM, without pain, dAngtr, caustic. or lodtrutoeuteb by PM. A. McCANDLESEI, M. D., 1001 ARCH STREET. PHILADELPHIA. PA, Who can referyou to (morn:10 cases cured in Philadel phia alone. We desire to say to those afflicted, Shore Is poeittvely no deception to the cure of those D 1813.1., it matters not how long or how severer, you • eve been ;deleted. we can cure you. We also cure Fistula. Fissure Pbolapsus, Strictures and D lceration of the lower bowel. Come you that are suffering, we will nut deceive you: We have patients from almost every Plate in the Union and from Europe. Have treated these Memos for twenty veal. without a failure. err 13111LOSOPHT OF MARRIAGE.—A New Coutes or Lscroass, an delivered at the Penne Polytechnic and Anatomical alusemn, 1315 Chestnut St., three doors above Twelfth Philadelphia eminueing the aubjects: How to Live and What to Live for; Youth, Ma unity and Old Age; Manhood Oenerally Reviewed; The cantos of Indigestion; Flatulence and nervous D1.1.01$ accounted for; Marriage Philosophically considered. These lectures will be forwarded on receipt of 25 cents by addressing: Secretary of the Penna. POLTIICII7IIO AND ARATOIIIOAL Musson, 1200 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Penns nue Philadelp hia, WILTBERGER'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are warranted 'Spent to any toads. They are prepared from the/rafts, sod will be found much better than many of the Extracts that aro hold. . . . Ex trac 4fardsk your Gruver or Druggist for . IViliberger's t,. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE le, without doubt the beet article to the market, for blueing clothes. It will color more water lb a four , ' times the same weight of Indigo, and much more than any other mash blue In the market. The only genuine Is that put up at ALFRED WILTBERGER'S DURO [MORE, No. 253 NORTH SECOND fiTRRET, PIIILAD'A., PA The Lions have bath WICTIIKIIORK'S and BAILLoW's names on them, all others are counterfeits. Fur sale by most Grocers and Druggists. WILTBERGEWB INDELIBLE INK writ be on ilia/ to ben superior article. Always On band for gale at rots enable mires Pu o Oroood SPICES, Oetioloe MEDICI: , It, Chamoin Skins, Spongo, Tiptoes. Nail. tElage•,d all articles in the drug Hoe, at ALFRED WILTBERDER'S WWII STORE, Jure 2411 N 0.219 North Second nL. Phila.; Pa. • HARTMAN WASTE PAPER DEPOT. • The Highest Cash Price Paid For 001 d Newspapers Old Blank Books Of description. And Ledgers, Waste Paper, That aro all written over. Of .11 kinds. 0 d Pamphlets, &o. tie.l4Cl,Pag ' ggutT4 c egrt " Tg, l ). J. HARTMAN. oi l J s avar et.. Ithilara NEW ! NOVEL! USEFUL ! Philadelphia Sewing Machine 906 ARCH STREET is ...tombMello:tot "TIMER SNIPING MACHINES zr ONE." It make• the regular LOVA. HTITeiL alike no both aids. of the to a mo•t beautlel EH. BROIDRRY BTITOM, the form of a antral curd , ng two thread.. and the LOOP AMBOUR Mitch, with single thre•d. The chang es . made Instantly and without any eompl.eation of machinery. making It Mammal at...triable machine to the world for family oar, AGENTS WANTED IN BYBEE COUNTY. Call or Ad dle... Philadelphia Sewing. Machine Company 906 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia. • w ,ff inancf al. MILLERNTOWN HAVING BANK AULLERSTOWN, LEIIIGII COUNTY. This Inntltollon will be opened on or before the lot day of April. Money will be taken nn deposit at all times and In any sums from one dollar upwards, for which BIX PER CENT. INTEREBT per annum will tonal& Deposits may be withdrawn at any time Also, money mused out on favorable terms. JAMES WEILER, President Irit•NICLIN Brtrrtaa, Cashier. - - J. F. M. SlaWert, 0 enrg Ledsr IR. Frederick C. Yobet, Christ ` .1 K. Henninger, Dnvld Donner, WIIIII ro 9.+lldny. Isaac Orlobel, Gideon F. Enner. liorallu T. Ilertzog, Ilen,inmln J. dcbmoYer. James tilegtnnsler war 16..6m A LLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITE TION. Organized as "Dimes Saving institution," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (NEARLY OPPOSITE TIIR AMERICAN HOTEL, ) PA YS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY ON DEPOSIT. Thts Institution, the oldest Saving Bank In Eastern Pennsylvania, has been lu continnons sod successful oporstlon for ten years, and continues to pay SIX l'Elt CENT. INTEREST on mousy for ono year, and special rates of Interest for shorter periods. deposits of looney will be held strictly confi dential. Executors, Administratora,Trustecs, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, • nod °the' cnstodlens of Witte or private moneys. are of fered liberal rates of interest. Farmers, Merchants, Laborers, and all who have money to pot on Interest for a long or short period will find our Institution an !Agreeable and advantageons one in which to do business. We especially Invite LADIINI to transact their banking business wlth /MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS have xi - wrist privi leges grunted by our charter—having full power to trans act business with us in their own names, Money depoelted with this Institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by a Capital stock and gamins mono molly of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, and addition. the Board of Trustees have, no Inquired by t hurter, given bonds smiler the sorry Dion of the Court in the num of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, which bonds are regin. toted In and held Icy thin Court of Common Pleas of thin county fur the oecnrity of depositors. Our Iron Vaults urn of tho most nocure and extensive kind known to this country no 0 personal Inspection will IItIONV, and to which wo invite our friends and canto - liners. We refer to thin. believing Hint safe Burgher Proof Vaults complete the mart y and reliability of it good Saving Bank WILLIAM 11. Al NEE, President. CHRISTIAN ritwrz, v leo President, REUBEN STABLER Cushier. TRUSTEE:B: William 11. AinoY, Charles Rush, Christi. Preis, John D. Stiles, F. . Samnein, Benj. J. Hagenbuch Oeorgo Brolmt, !bonnet Sell Nathan Peter, iItMER'S SAVINGS BANK, Incorporated under a State Charter of 1870 Fogeltorille, Upper sfaccingle township, Lehigh Co. This Institution has been organized and opened under a Stato.Charter any will bo taken on deposit at all timer and in sum front and upwards. for trill ch 6 PER CENT. INTER EST WILL BE PAID. 111 , p,01n may he irlOolnovn Any moon}lpaned .po fitypral.lPlPro, WI 1.1.1 AAI 510111 i, 11.11. FOG F.L. Mod. fPr. Dr. 11. A. Saylor Daniel Moyer, .Ton. Rituch, • Dlll/1 . 1 ll.Crelir, tVllllatti Mohr FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, Located at-tbe corner of llnmilton street and Church alloy, In Lion Hall, second story, opposite the German Reformed Church. in the City of Allentown. in organised and ready for busier.. It Intl, pay SIX is, cent. Th. trrest on oil deposits except lot. 'nest? dtposits, for any period off time, lobe calculated/rani (Sr the date drpoSit. To secure which, the Truntees of the institution have flied In the Court of Common Plena of Lehigh County, under the direction of the Court. a bond In the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollurn, conditioned for the faith ful keeping and appropriation of nil such+mu of money as shall be placed in cluage of said FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, whether asdepositx et+ shnres of stock. which bond may be enlarged by the Court whenever It may be deemed neren.iry In addition to thin. the Act of Incorporation maker the Stockholders personally liable to the dep o sitors In don- We the amount of the Capital Stock of the (look, which in fifty thousand dollar, with liberty to lucre:lna it to one • hundred and fifty thountind dollars. Thome provinions will make It a very desirable and nitre place of deponit. Bexiden, It limy be proper to NNW that the deposits wIYI bn kept in one 01 thin safest anti best protected vaults in this city. Arrangements will bewail+ , to furnish drafts., the cities of New loch and Philadelphia • S. A. BRIDGES, President J. W. W 11,110:1, rice Prssident .1. E. ZIMMEICIIAN. Cashier. Trualcerr : Daniel 11. Miller. S. A. Bri.laen, John llolben, ' J. W Wilson, William Baer. .T. E. Zimmerman D. 11. Creitz, Peter (.: rola, t. thy in Zimmerman. • THE EIRE% NAVINGS HANK OF WM. L. YOHN, s.EYEN7 H ST., ABOVE I:;INDELY, ALLENTOWN; PA. Thin hank hoe been established for the purpose of onrry• log on a general Banking businses, and to offer lu the community a SECURE I N VESPSI ENT for their money at home, xi the satme rate of interest that it would command In New York or Now dernt•y. MONEY LOANED OUT ON 0005 SECURITY Ould, Sliver and Oevernmont Roads bonghl and sold. Draft, drawn on the principal titian of the United States In sums to snit purchasers.' Colleen°. outdo on ell ...slide points, and proceed. promptly remitted at current rated. Farmers, Merchantn, Laborers and all who have money to put out on interest fors long or short period will End thin institution an agreeable and advantageea• our in which to do baste nn. Interest allowed on dolmen, at the following rates, to SEVEN PER CENT, for one year. hi X PER CENT. If loft for thirty days and ❑ader 0. rear. SW-Ravennr stamps enl.l at x disconnt. (inn 21 data Dru eoobz Announcement Extraordinao ! E. 8 SIMMER & G" Pity GOODS HEADQUARTERS I- 705 Atill 707 HAMILTON STREET ALLEN TOW N. P. 4 Latest Interesting I PRICES . TO • ASTONISH TIIE NATIVES ! • - OUR GOODS WERE BOUGHT BEFORE THE LATE ADVANCE AND GIVE THE AD VANTAGE TO THE i RADE. , 09..01TR LAST PRICE LIST created great havoc In th rank. of MOO PRICED STORES. They eine' nen ho R 1. that ae can Mahe Money and Sell Goods so Cheap ESZM3 "MAMMOTH STORES." WE WILL TELL TIIE3I First. having two stores, we ore able to buy 000 tin large hots direct from the manufacturers anddinpurte nod (torn tutu ..31 per coot. cheaper than they do. Second. Olin large ?isles °noble us to make money, O - though we make lint very little nu any 000 article. Aad last but not least, Wo hop exclusively fore: nod discount nll n r hilly. which In the eggreg IttllOUUttl to ColllltdOrablO. Fo ,altereprreentrithine to Effect Satre I Prteen and Quantify nuarantred Determined not to he Undersold By Any f Our Conlin (flora • DAILY ARRIVALi OP Fall and Winter Dry Goods OUR STOCK IN entirely too extensive to enumerate nr- Ileles and prices. We have lu stock is generdl assortunmt of good. usually k•pt lu n first-clans and well regulated store. Immune stuck of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, &O. of er,ry pna,dblv def cription and pried. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS PAISLEYS, BROCIIES. BLANKET, TBIBEY 11011 STELLA SHAWLS Woolens for Men's and Boys' Wear = El= EMMMI BLANKTES. 11 1 / 4 lte Brown. drirt (7rap 31..1.4411ex ,t rift limary•Ceinal, gottlM, • Nancy ll'u ,/ Cover Flannels, Sheetings, Sc 'ARPET DEPARTMENT COMPLETE • OIL CLOTHS. WINDOW STTADES, &C. E. S. RIMER & CO., 703 sad 701 lianalllon St.. Allentown. Pa. TIIE 11.LUFTILATED PIIRENO LOGICAL JOURNAL Is to every respect • Hirst. Class Magazine. Its articles are of Iho highest 'Memel to all. It teacher , whet we are and how to make the moat of ournelvem. The information it colonies on the Laws of Life and Health Is well worth the priceof the Magazine toevery Family It in published at $.3.0) a year. Bra gdecisl arrangement we are enabled to orbit the lihrenn "gloat Journal as a Premiere for One new enbaorthers to the Lunn"! Iteoterra. or will furnish the Lenten Rune von and Phn nologleal Journal together for gi GC. We cominend the Journal to all who want a WoOfi Mattallne. Address all orders to ROUT. IIiIiDELL, Sit., Allenteau. Pa. C . F. WOLFEILTZ, NO. 606 HAMILTON BT., AI.LENTOWN, Manufacturer of ell kinds . of Cutlery end d.elor Sportemerrs Article., which he Is eelliny at reduced or 443;.1.11 Stogi e itiud uglwde4,llth barrel :11X1 X'F'a";lll:7 Itovot, Jnl]T7•W THE LFATIGH REGISTER, ALLENToWN. WEDNESDAY, J NUARY 24, 1872. (TREMENDOUS STOCK OF LUMBER EE ! ! Promos In need of lumber for largo buildinga will find I Everrd for all kind. of lumber dln large building Every article belonging to firm-class lumber yard Is co Thankful for past favors, I Invite my frlcadn to call and Jon 2.5.3 m MEE .1 11. , traill ‘1 I l' .1 r, tr ni I I: nhu MEI To our NEW STYLES, which possess unmistakable advantages over the NOISY and CIIMBROW styles of other makers. Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair "its natural Vitality and Color. color, with the glues and 'freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always. cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied" and decayed; but such 'as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new• growth of hair, is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi.: ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its.occasional use will prevent the hair ,from turning gray or falling off, aud consequently prevent baldness, The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from't hose deleterious substances which Inaba some preparations.dangerolis and inju rious co the hair, the Vigor can . only benefit but not harm it. - wanted merely for a IT AI It DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it do , s not soil white cambric, 'and vet In ts lopg on the hair, giving it a rich, e•sy lustre, and a grateful perfuMe. • BOOK AGENTS°A:rth'?„-iiiw:vd.,°.Wit's; every &mile' THE PICTORIAL FA-MIL Y REGISTER la the only work extant which eatieflee thin want. It le boauttful and striking. combining .an entirely new and cement FAMILY Puoroonarn Atnon with a complete FAMILY hero. T. Exactly what the rennin have long wished. selling rapidly. /Weill, are dr•opplag the old hooka to take hold of the onolul and beautiful "Rama TER.' . A few late repor from dient• are •11 in dare; 9 In 9 day. t 10 to 1 week.—netting Ain me 175 to WO per Week. Pull partleulare and Circular , fr. e Address OEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, w 719 Annum Street. Philadelphia GREAT PREPARATIONS FOR THE SPRING TRADE AT THE ALLENTOWN LUMBER YARDS WILLOUGHBY R. TREXLER, (SUCCESSOR TO TRERLER & BROS., Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Allentown, Pa. DE SURE AND LOOK FOIL THE " BLUE SIGN !" LI7MBER OF SUPERIOR QUALITY OFFERED AT TILE FOLLOWING PRICES COME A ND Harrison Safety Boiler. .! . P.OVVIZ iliskKEß'S FLASTIC Srrreti FAMILY 1 . 1 it j T(7 C' I • .11 1 :1-,%,) r 1 . 1-''' . lo.-1 , -... ,-.,, __. .... r'.lt tII . II.IING . .. ) FOR . I E M NI I . G i‘i , l , ( .4 ( \. 6 1,. ~..,..> FOR G ATI I F.IIINC j--,,,k 1 - '...).1 - ..-P - -7 1 .1.... gr,:. -r TIV- 44 FOR STITCHING -t".... - ". " Til E BEST IN USE NEW STYLES 811[111'LE STITCH SEWING MACHINES FOIL MANUFACTURING I PARTICULAR ATTENTION. IS DESIRED IrIZOM ALL WHO REQUIRE A FAST, DURABLE AND IMPROVED SIPITTLE SEWING MACHINE Manufacturing or Family sewing CALL AND EXAMINE. • J. F. IVIREBACK, Agent, OFFICE AND SALESROOM, opposite German Reformed Church, No. 629 Hamilton Stroet, Allentoivn, Pa Ayer's A dressing which is :Lc once agreeable, healthy, ati effectual to preerving the Lair. I 7 snarl restores fiuled or g reqj hair to its original Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical eltrinkte LOAVIELL, MASS. SOLD IN ALLENTOWN BY W. E. BARNES & SON • No. 1 Pine Boards, best quality, per thous \ al $3l " 1 " Scantling, " • " .32..- " 2 " Boards, II It • 2 5 . 3 " " 12 Inches wide, " 19 " 3 " " all width,' " 18 " 1 'i Floor, 6 Inches wie, best quality.. 34 " 1 " " all widths, per thousand 30 " 1 Hemlock Flooring, 6 inches wide .... ... 26 w 1 " " all widths 25 " 1 Spruce Flooring 30 " 1 Block Siding, beet quality 34 " 1 German " 44 34 " 2 0 0 34 ~ , I,' Beveled Siding, planed 26 w • " not planed 22 ' 1 1 , Inch Common Pannel 40 1 . 14 " 46 40 12 " w w 40 Hemlock Joist, Scantling, etc., all length 18 Hemlock Boards, 12 Inches wide ... 19 all widths .. 18 No. 1 24 Inch Shingles, extra quality 15 " 126 " " ce I c. 19 " 124 '" " 14 3 feet Lathe, beet quality... .......... ....... .......... .$2.75 ~ 4 ce c, 2.75 3 " Palings 13.00 2 , , , 44 0 14.00 4 64 0 ........15.00 414" " 6.00 Fence Boards and Rails 0 0.00 " Posts, extra quality 80 eta All calm Lumber In proportion. (Chestnut & 3.2 th Sts., r ipLA,DELpipi k , 3ewelers ano Silversmiths. FINE WATCHES; COOKS, BIIONZES I PLATED WARE. Quality Guaranteeb.. 'Boobs sent by Express on HARRISON BOILER WORKS, approval. Y. Iln&lphia, Pa. W Wthy —IT t greatly to their advanlego to mill, being conatantlY randy upon (ho moat favorable term, and at the shortest notice. instantly kept on band. Inspect my stock. \ Respectfully. VILLOU011131( R. TREXL HAS DERN IN PRACTICAL lISE FOR MORE THAN TEN YEARS. 11..7,000 llorso-pnerer in flag. uteruntional Medal, london, 1882. American Institute 31editi, 18 9. "ESTON'3 PATENT DIFFERENTIAL IPULILEY BLOCHN. 1.00.1 In WIC. Addro.n I= 11011R..ADWAT. NEW YORK nil Iqo VREEII,II. Sr.. BOSTON. Mono }T3l'7-lyw FO I.:V[34OIOEIU l!! %MING Full TUCKING FOR CORDING FOR FELLING lk. IN ANY BRANCH •OF flyer's Cherry Pectoral, For Disoaaos of tho Throat and Lunge, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. "ItAmong the great ° r, discoveries of modern , ~0 .._ science, few are of ? „,. more real value to fili 4 i:/ . ' mankind than this of ), • fectunl remedy for all • diseases of tho Throat and Lungs. A vast :14 ' ' trial of its virtues, 0.. throughout this nod .!1:# P\ ' , • . other countries, has shown that it does surely and effectually control them. The testimony of our best citi zens, of all classes, establishes the fact, that CHERRY PECTORAL Will and does relieve and cure the nfflicting disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous affections of the Pulmonary Organs yield to its power; and cases of Consump. non, cured by this preparation, are public ly known, so remarkable ns hardly to be be- Bored, were. they not proven beyond dispute. As n remedy it is adequate, on which the public may rely fur full protection. By curing Coughs, the forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, and an amount of suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con vinces the most sceptical. Every family should keep it on band as n protection against the early MI unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which aro easily met at first, but which become incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Ten der lungs need this defence; and It Is unwise to be without it. As n safeguard to children, mild the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, CHERRY PECTORAL is invaluable; for, by Its timely use, men tudesNore rescued from premature graves, nod saved to tho love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily and surely against ordinary colds, securing sound nod health-restoring sleep. No ono will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain ful Bronchitis., when they know how easily they•can be cured. . . Originally the product of long, laborious, and successfuLchainical investigation, no cost or toil is spared in making every bottle in the utmost , possible perfection. It may be confidently re lied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures as memorable ns the greatest it hes ever effected. Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chembta. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVRRYWIIRRR. SOLD IN ALLENTOWN BY W. E. BARNES & SON D RS. JORDAN it DAVIESON, Proprietor' of the Gallery of Anatomy and Mtl4eUrn of &ienee, 807 CHESTNUT BT., KULA. If Brained pnbliebed a new edition of their lectures. con. teintos moat velnableinformition on the menses. cones. QUeOOOS end .treatment of disease. of the reproductive system, with 111 AAAAA on 11APRIAOS end the various canoes of the Lon or liA1.11601). - with full Instructions for Its complete restoration 0.0 • chapter ou AAAAAA ►nano., and the MEANS o► earl, being the moot COM rannser.iVrt worm on the .object ever yet published— comprising 200 Donee. Mailed free to any address for T wenty-tive cents. Address Drs.JOItDAN &DAVIESON, 00111317LTINO OFFICE, 1625 Filbert Street, Philadelphia. = El Are P;iclueht Are Unexcelled i Are Unequalled Are Superic Art Unapproachable Are Unsurpasied = Arc Incomparable Are Admirably my /3-daw PREPARED DT Eflateijes ant scinclro. WowEtat} NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, JEWELERS , SILVERSMITHS IMPORTERS, ARE NOW IN RECEIPT rr THEIR FALL AND HOLIDAY 'GOODS, EIIIIRACI.NO A SUPERB STOCK OF PARIS BRONZES ! Cl , ook Sets and Mantel Ornaments! ~/ NNA FANCY GOODS I PARISIAN STATUAR I' 1 ‘4OLID SILVER WARE! 'FAST; FULLY AIIItANOED IN CASES FOR WEDDING PRESENTS ALSO„ A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Fine Jewelry, Watches, Cl►nins Electro-Plated Wares. BAILEYstk JEWELERS, 1124 Chestnut St. 1.1 24 PHILADELPHIA.. Have now In Store their ..• NEW FALL STOCK Comprining tho larest and most varied aenoetment they have ever offered. RELIABLE WATCHES a npecialct y. GOLD CHAINS, KEYS, SEALS, CHARMS, Ste. JEWRLR Y. entirely now designs. SOLID STERLING SILVER {WREN, For presentation and honnehold one. THE FINEST ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Saver Plattd Goode, Table Cutlery, Bronzes. j inflf ' Bronze " I: l eaVe;, m o:a,lT Y Goods Selected thin year in Enron°. Moderate price., for all articlesbe made leadng a feature as the STYLE AND QUALITY. An Inspectionpn of tho Store and Stock a respectfully solicited from buyer., or those vinitina tho City on pleasure. Coct.l-3m w ISAAC K. STAIIiFFER, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, - - • - - - No. 118 NORTH SECOND ST.. coa. or QUAURT. PHILA amnortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Waro cenetantly on hand. Sir Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly aendod to. KELLER d: BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN. PA. CLOCKS, well regulated and warranted. All slres and prices, fro V. upwards. A larger assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can be found In any other store In the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE ' f .;;;;Vt e c 6 =o l gired on Short Notice. WATCHES,'JEWELRY, • SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No, 23 East Hamilton street opposite the German Re formed Church. Just received from Now York and Phil. adelphia, all the latest styles GOLD WATCHES. • anleg,TeerlNros.t:huadnbc7l assort ment ei of N . V etches. • SILVER WATCHES. He has a larger and bettor assortment of Silver Watches than can bepurchaned anywhere else. GOLD JEWELRY. He has the largest and best assortment of all kinds of Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Hellas a larger and better assortment of all kinds of Oil( and Plated Jewelry than can ho toned elsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Helms asplendld assorfment of Silver and Plated Ware. Any person desiring goods In this line can not full to be stilted. CLOCKS. A larger aimortment than at any other establishment. MELODEONS.. In A ti :niglasstirtmcnt of Prince's Melodeons, the best ACCORDEONS. A splendid assortment of all kinds of Accordeons. Hle establishment has lately been titled up, end Is now second to none In Now York and Philadelphia, and ahead of anythingonislde the large cities. !lobes a large: stock of fashionable goods In his line than all others In, Lehigh county combined. To convince yourselves of the above call and see eb aim. LARGEST STOCK ! GREAT INDUCEMENTS To buy all your furniture et the Urgent furniture elore In town of HEIMBACH, HELFRICH & CO. 732 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN Popular Prices . for Dry Goods AT • RICKEY'S ' 727 CHESTNUT. STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PA. SILKS, SHAWLS, AND DRESS GOODS, IN OREAT VARIETY, • )F AT WIIOLESA LE AND RETAIL. - • Stock unrivalled for extent, variety, and general adap• Dillon to the wants of buyers. and doily replenished with 1843. the cheapest and choicest offerings of this and other mar ,Plll4. kete. VISITORS will receive COURTEOUS ATTILATION: *bah.- otho ar they purchase or not' ' - focti-Sm w st. Late of Evan. A . LARGE STOCK. OF w No. NM Fourth St, Philadelphia. The firm have recently put In a MAM MOTH ALL PLATR-OLABS FRONT. and .. • have otherwise enlarged their facilities for keeping on hand the largest clock in the city. 11 11 Their • ii ELEGANT FURNITURE ' . 0.-- , •-•-- . Is manufactured In their own utablishment, under their own supervision, and Is warrant- I ed to be the best In the market. An inspection % of their stock wilt convince buyers of the ad vantage of buying from them Heimbach. Helfrich & Co. manufacture KITTLE'S PATENT SPRING BED. and are sole agent. for that superior bed. Call and see It. Remember The Mammoth Glass Front. W TMON'N CELEBRATED FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF • 0° • SAFES.. " ESTABLISHED IN 1843. THE OLDEST SAFE HOUSE IN PHILADEDPiIId - Tha only 800 with lame Doom OnaranWed Free from Dampness. Also prices from hi to 20 per cent. lower thaw othe makers. Please send for Circular and Price lost. T. WAT . OON At SON. BiViLDEIRS. LOOK .TO YOUR IN. THRUM L. W. KOONO & CO. are manufacturing • Hydraulic Cement Draln Pipe Chimney Floe and Ornamental Chim ney Tope, cheaper and more durable than . my ether In Marcel. They are made of pure cement and sand, being Powerfntly compressed, well aeasoned, aml are In ill practical reapecM EQUIVALENT TO STONE. OHINNST TOPS PROMIIS 25 TO SAM. Send fora circular, or call and examinant their nd manufactory, corner of Hamilton alreatand Lehigh allay Railroad. ~ lane I-If For tlic Labir.s. 40 McLEAN at HHOOPER A L IA 4 -u'k• Loch Stitch Family Sewing Mach lel The Best nod Cheayent lo mnrk,•t, nod excel. In h. (ol lowlniCpolotc UNEQUALED SIMPLICITY QUIETNESS OF OrEItATION, EASE OF HADAR ER ENI, RAPIDITY OF EXECUTION. NON•LtABILITY TO DROP .TITCH ES OR THREAD. SIMPLICITY OF TENSION AND APPLYINO ATTACH RENTS. Arid Its stitch loss italic to rip to coor wear than “Hlstittle" stitch. while It coo bo nor oeasily tskco out I r doers& The IIicLEAS 3 nnoren wilt Stitch. lien, Foil, Tuck Quilt, Cord, Mud, 13:14to. Braid, Embroider and mo.i approved manner. WALL MACHINES WARRANTED WM. BLOECKLY -& CO., =I 61ri HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN 10.1,1 m, Sewing Machina. MANUFACTURED EVERY MINUTE! FaMory Covers 14 Acres ! Employs 2100 Workmen ! OVER 6)(VO) SOLO ! 10,1,.(01 MORE FOR FAMILY USE THAN ANY OTHER. Tilt: BENT THE WORLD. TUT IT BEFORE PILRCHASINOANX OTHER. nod you w tt . ur, to buy It. TERMS FART ! PETERSON & CARPENTER 914 (11ESTNUT STREET, PIIILADEPIIII J. W. ALTIIOUSE, Agent, 614 U oUtou .treat, Allentown MEE LUMBER I LUMBER ! \ 1 ki.l-A1,14: AND 12b PA IL HOFFMAN'S STEAM SAW MILL EMI LUMBER YARD ! KINDLING! BILLS OUT TO ORDER ! OFFICE AT THE MILL, FRONT AND LINDEN STS WHITE AND BLACK OAK SAW LOOS wanted. for which the highest market price will he paid epee defte r . d..w July 12-1, C. F. WOLFERTZ, CUTLERY „ NO. •006 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. Mannfactarea and keens constantly on hand a large ar footmenl or all kinds of Cutlery. Razors, Table Knives and Forks Paocket Knives Scissor. dm (jely LADIES' FANCY FURS! JOHN FAREIRAS • 718 Arch Street, !diddle of the Illock i, larv.72l„mfith Ste., South hide. Importer, Manufactnrer and Dealer in all kinds and quality or FANCY FURS • FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. Raving Imported a very large and splendid a aortment of all the d trereut kinds of Furs from first hands In Re cop and have had them made op by the most akillful workmen, would reel, orally Invite the reader. of this paper to call and examine 11 very large Children.ul am .sortment of Fancy Furs, fur Ladles and delorlElllll.llo .11 at us lota prices as arty otter re apectable liou.r. In this ..lty. All Fors warranted. No marepreasalatton to effect sales. JOHN FABEIRA, nov 1.3 w 718 Arch ht.. Philad'a. pANCOASVW MAULE, THIRD AND PEAR STREETS ) PIIILAD ELPIIIA, PLAIN AND GALVANIZED WROUGHT IRON TUBES, Lap-welded Boiler Tubes, Braes and Iron Valve, and Corks, Fittings fora,,, Steam and Water; Rough and Finished Braes Work; flea and Steam Fitters' Tools, etc. Bath Tabs and Sinks, Bath Boilers, hnotnetted Wash Stands, etc.. Culls of Tube; Stearn Kettles and Traps. Pipe of all Sizes fitted to Sketch, Successors to DI SKIS, TASKER & Co., gie NT ACTORS For lb eranlof Buildin g ,:flClaa e: Steam i V aer.,, 44 uyo l:,V Estimates Furnished Gratis. • • • A.. li. WITTMAN, VOTARY PUBLIC AND (71711, ENO./A hf /. T. B. LEISENRING NM:MANCE AGENT, FIRE, LIFE, AND LIVE ETOCF WITTMAN & LEISENRINO Real Estate Agents and Scriveners, 70S HAMILTON STREET, (Op-Stalr4•) Ha vs epee their books some very desirable prepense which will be told at. tow prices and on easy terms &Moog which are the following : . • 7.19 N. Ninth Street. CS N. Seventh Street, • 110 S. Ninth Street. Vacant Lola to all parts the city, 142 N, Eleventh Street VI N. Fountain Street 841 Hamilton 8188 841 WI North Tenth Street. 141 8. Firth Street. FALL AND WINTER APPLES, YORE STATE AND WESTERN, • prime lot, at LEVI FENSTERMACHER'S, Tenth and Hamilton streets, Allentown oetllo.2w d tJaul w • Il.lllllill A-1 RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Leave Allentown for Now York. via Central Railroad of Non. Jeracy. at 555•,, 600, 815. and 11 Ma in, and 12 10, (.N(, and fl 3.1 p. m. For Now York, via Morris & FAROX Railroadott Co 55., 600 and 11 55 a m. and 1210'. 530', and 531 p m. For Idanunka Chunk and Belvidere at 8 15a tu,and 590 . P For Lambertville and Trenton at 600 and 1155 a m, and 535 p m. For Food. at 855., 000 815, 935 and II 55a mi 1210'. 9 41, 5 951 1 . 595, 655 and 8 21 p m. For Philadelphia, •la North Penn Railroad, at 600. 815 mid 11 !An m, 835, and 824 0 in. For WashingtoL, D. C, at 815 nut 1165 a m, and 824 p Fo m. r Calananqua & Fogleaville It. R, 035 n m and 1229 pm. For Copia). at 675 a m. 1271 425, 6 al and 801 p to. For Mauch Chunk at 635. 1019 a tn. 1221, 425 and SO)p m. For Paha., at 035 and 1014 a m, 425 p tn. For Waverly, Owego El mien, Milian and Boffalu, ai R 19 a HI tExpre.ol Train.) For Ildrioton at 615 and 1019 a in, and 4 2.5 p tn. Fur Andeurlud at 10 19 a in. ' For litahanoy City at 10 19 am. and 425 p no. For Mn. Carmel at lo ID it tu. Ti minx with a afar (*) mart from East Fonts Junction. 11. STANLEY 000DWIN. Ato.'t o..n't Bu t. R. 11. SAYRE Sup't & NOR'FU PEN \ST 11.-= VA N to RA I I.ltOA D. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Pganeagers for Philadelphia take Lablgh Valley R. train. paniiing Allentown at 6 00, 810 and 11 f. 3 a. as.. and 535 and 8 2411. tn.. and arrive In ploludelphia at g m, 215, 8 15 and 10 30 p. tn. q Also Lehigh and Sunuebaana Railroad trail. at 314 sad 011 p. to., and arrive In Phila• dolphin at 6 153 and 81.5 p. In. LOCAL SCHEDULE. [Blx Through Trak.; Daily, Sunda), Excepted.] Pannenger Hai. Innen the depot Northwest corner Becks and American at pets. Philadelphia, For Allentown at 8011 and 9 15 a. Tn., 2 (0, 3 551, 400 and 5 lop m. Palare corn are attacit , ..l to is Ba. as. resin. For Doyleatown at 8 3.5 a. In.. 2 30 and I Sr p m. For Fort Witellingtou at 7 and 11 e m. and II so p m. For Abington at 130, llhr and 815 p. tn. For Lunadale at 6 30 p. tn. Traina for Philadelphia. Leave Bethlehem at 0 2q 80 a. in., 1) 15, 310, 610 and 830 • Doyleatown at 83.5 a. m., 300 and 500 p. as. ••• latuatiale at ti 15 a. m. •• Fort Wanhington sit 830, In 39 a. m.. and 215 p • Abington ut 2 15, 6 25 and 9 W p. m. • ON SUNDAYS. Leuvo Bethlehem eor Philadelphia al 4 PI p. tn. Boy lentown 71515. as. Leave Polladelphin for Bethlehem at e3O 5, It, •• for Ito le.down at 210 pi 555. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia, 41 FE. h1b1,15 CLA RN, Agent. WONDERFUL ATASA iQUA D , lJ FotiELsVILLE R. R. On And erten.. APRIL TIIIRD, 1571, Puerenner Tralus on the Ilatioututota & Pogehivllle Railroad will run lu count, tlon with the Lehigh Valley. Lehigh & SUNQUI.hBI:II3It, end line' Peon. Roil road, fIliloW11: rntl. West STATIONS P. n. I A.ll 'WHEELER AND WILSON nu ; 7 ,2 7 09 7 15 24 781 2 16 2L 2 •Fl 7 41 7 46 CONI , I ECTIONS 'rho monolog train 401,4 leaven Cataaa666 6 on 111. 61 r 1 the L. Y. 11. 11, Ihr...won train from Mauch 4111 LlZti==M2ll2l===o . • . . tin wiLla n trdin on the En I , nneylvanin H. H for inn, Platteville, Ilarriaborat and Philadelphia. an. with n train for Allen.. u. Bethlehem. Hanlon. - • , The morning 1.1..111 East concocts at A !hal—. wt. ;mina to E P. It R. from Harrisburg, Pottsville h. anion nod Allentown, and at Bata-au/tux with train on the Lehigh Volley Railroad for Mauch Chunk. Willtesbarre, Scran ton, Philadelphia sod New York. 1 he 115 If Si train West connote at Alburtis with train. on the East Penn. Railro Allentownding, tat/mills, liar rialmrg, Philadelphia, Bethlehem, Easton, .d New York; naive In Philadelphia vin Reading at •3 lS p.m. The Evening train Estst IOW!. Al-Morrie on the arrival of a trait; from Allentown and an train malting connec tions at Heading with trains from Philadelphia, Ifarris• burg, Pottsville, &c., and COLIMICIP with local p.senger train on the L. V. It, at entacatiqua fur Allentown, Bethlehem mud So-Otto. Vermont, wishing to go to Allentown can take Um morn lug train West to AI-Hurtle, arrive at Allentown 915 a In and return by a train on the Kant Pennsylvania Railroad evon Allentown at 4 At p. to. • • - • • EMEM fIEADING ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1871. Great Trunk Line from the North and North-Went for Mind utile, New York, Reading. Pottsville. Tamaqua. Ashland. Abamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Eph rata. Lancaster. Columbia. rte. Trams I t;a;re ilarrisburg fur New York ae follows: at 24, 6to a. m.. and 200 p. m, connecting with similar trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 101,7 a. to., 942 and 043 p. to. respectively. Stooping Cars accutupau the 245 a. m. train without change. Returning leave New York at 0001 a. m.. 12 90 noon and 00 p• tn.; Philadelphia at 7 30. 690 a. in. and 330 p.m. Sleeping Cars accompany the aOO p. to. train from New York without change. - . Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqna. Hiners•llle, Ashland, Shamokin, Allentown, and Phila delphia at 810 a. m., 200 and 405 p. m., atopping at Loba• non and principal way stations; the 4 0.5 p to. train con. necting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. For Putts•ille, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna Railroad leave Ilarriaburg at 340 p. Emas. t Pennsylvania Railroad trains leavo Reading for Allentown, Banton, and New York itt. 4 34, 1040, a. m , and 105 p m. Returning, leave New York at 900 a. m., 1230 noon and 5 00 p. at., and Allentown at 741 a. m., 1226 coon, 215. 425 and 835 p. Way Passenger Troia leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 a. m., connecting with similar train on East Penna. Railroad; returning leave. Reading at 6'20 p m., slopping at nil ela tion.. Leave Potteville at 900 a. at., and 230 p. m. Herndon at 10 00 a. m. Shamokin at 640 and 11 15 a. at., Ashland at 7 05 -a. tn. and 12 43 noon, Mullaney City al 751 51 a. no. and 1:11 p. m.,Tatnitqms at 835 a. tn. and 2 p, in. for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading. Harrisburg, Am. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road at 815 a, m. for Harrisburg, and 11 45 a. in, for rine• grove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train leave. Pottsville at 640 p. m., passes Reading at 730 a. m., arriving at Phlladel ahla at 10 A/ a. m. Returning leaven Philadelphia at 44) . at pas 92J sing Reading at 7 3 3 p. m. , arriving at Protta- ill° p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts own a 7CO e m Returning, leaves Philade.phia at 415 p. m. Columbia Railroad Traina leave Reading at 7 A/ a at and tl 151, m for Ephrata, Lftir, Lancaster, Colombia, Aro, ;re turning leave Lancaster at 835 a in, and 325 pui, and Columbia at 815 a m. and 3 15 p at !Witham. itailromi Trains leave Porklomon Junction at 723, 905 a in. 300 and 043 p 711, Returning. leave tichwoukavllle at 645. 8 10 a tu, 12 511 noon and 4 45 p connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad, Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave PLmulxville at 910 a tu, 9a6 and 552 p m ; returning loans Byer. at 060 a in, 1, 45 noon, and 4 'Ai p au, connecting with similar truing on Reacting Railroad. Culebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 9 40 a at and 115 and 0 30 p nit returning leave Mount Pleasant at 7 16, 11'25 a in, and 51 p m connecting with similar trains on Reading R. R. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridgeport at 830 am and 206 and 620 returning, leave HoWnington at n 65 AL ,12 fAI d 6 gad. p tu, connecting with similar trains on Reading Railr_ On Sundays: leave New York at 600 p m, Philadelphia at 13110 n m and 3 15 p m (the 8011 a to train running only to Reading). 'nava Pottsville at 800 a In, Harrisburg at 245 am and 200 p m, Alloutown at 535 inn, Reading el 713 a in and 950 p no for Harrisburg, at 432 a m for Now York and tit 94 am .d 415 p m fur Philadelphia. Comututatlon, .1111eaKe, Bantam, School and EXCartilati Tickets, to and from all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through; MO pounds allowed each Pannone°, J. E. WOOTTEN, Bevil{ I.v 4.81. Supt.& Lag. Africh'ett. ALLENTOWN PASSENGER RAIL WAY. - _ TIME TABLE. On and after W EDN ESDAY, Nov. 2),1871, care will run to ull tralha on the Lehigh Valley and Lehigh and !league henna, Philadelphia & Reading (East Venn Junction) Railroad., and to the Allentown Furnace, leaving Sta tion, Hamilton anA Ninth Weeny, as follow.: For L. V. L. &S. B. Penn. Furnace. Leave Fur A 111 A. N. A. H. A. AI. A M. 690 7 9:.' 060 900 940 6W 745} 640 1060 11.30 7 95 11 30 11 25 P 7 45 P. . 45 1 00 140 11 30 P. M. P. M. 3 15 3 0) 11 65 2 95 140 600 696 P. hi. 5 16 3 4.5 700 796 9 15 6 00 3 45 Pay Days & Ballad's NLY 830 O 0 10 The above car. run to all the passenger trains on the abo•o road.. • Prom Mauch Chunk. .1 From Easton. Daring tho Winter months. all the 0.1111 On this road will be comfortably boated FARE TEN CENTS. Children under ten years of age, Five Cents. Tickets can be purchased of the conductors on the cars, or of the Treasurer, in packages of 7 for PO eta. or 14 for $l. Tickets received only for passengers, not for trunks or packages. afgrPessengers are requested not to ride on the plat• arm when th, re is room Inside. pAciFic GUANO a.O CAPITAL, $l, 000,0. JOHN S. BEESE CO., 122 SOUTII DELA. VA. RE AVE., PHILADELPIII4. ' SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO No fertilizer Introduced to the farmers of the Middle and Southern Staten ha. given more general and uniform sat isfection than , his guano. The trade In it has oteadily increaned until the connump- Non now throughout the entire country far exceeds that of any other fertiliz u e , . The lan. capital Involved in its production •ffords tho tweet guaramee to Its continued excellence. The com pany has a far greater Interest In the permanence of Its trade than nay number of consumers can have t hence it ia the highest interest of the company to im their vet fertilize,. to the hiarhet. that their nettal &Milne., aided by the beet scientific ability, can produce. This guano Is told at retail by local agents of the com peny throughout New Jersey, Delaware. Penneylvania and the Southern State.. and at wholesale by JOIIN N. REEVE & Co., General Agents for the Company. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS august 2.3. n w REMOVED. THEO. M.FOUST has removed WI store to 627 HAMILTON STREET (Ur Siems,) ODDor@e German Rsformed Church dee°.D•3t a ;vrd OFFICE OF ALLENTOWN ROLL. MO MILL Cu., MO Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Jan. 1511, 1871 The %none' .lleating of the htockholdere. mod an else uon for netren h Ireetare or the ensuing year will be held at ' Ple c ta l e:/4 1i iri 9 ' lTt P ,ll . por " ' 6 ° r b !' • on .a r ‘ r t TAn i dv. lock. y end Treat" Jenlo•dtm Ilailorabs VA LLEV Tr th. Pant •.Y. 111 CATASAVQUA. P 5:1 •SEIPI,E'S, 9 43 .30111) AN 1111100 E. 9:C9 (ll)Tit's 9 31 WALBEIIT'S. 929, CHAPMAN'S, 919 THEXI.EHTOWN, 907 1111EINIOSV11.1.1i, 8 !A •81.1tINCI CREEK. S 42 AL-HUHTIB. • 8.17 C. W. CHAPMAN, Sept. end Engineer. ■ A NEW FEATURE GENERAL AGENT:i OFFICE REDUCED PRICES. Profeoftional Carbo. _TAMEN S. BIERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Olden, No. 20 6nt Han)III a street, eecond door of Lion Hall, Allentown, Pr. apeclal attention CVno to collections). mar 17-17 EZI:=I2 J . N. MERV, ATTORNEY AT LAW 131612 r a HORNET, COLLII,IOI. AND REAL ESTATE &MINTS% In Con•nyAnnutis, :so. eau Hamilton lame', locoed b oar, Allentown. Ito. (jy 10- .14w D. LECKENRACII, ATTAR VY• MIT AT LAW. lfranterly practiced In Carlo, e,nnty). Mace, —.Hamilton street, second nOtle,nsarl .postte the Court HOMO. Allentown, Pa. Mn, tu. con salted in the German AMITEL A. BUTZ, ATTORNEY A'r S LAW, (Mica, No . 134 Hamilton Wool, %meet %tore. ALLIVITOWN PA. LlA,r ATOIRItIS L. ILAIIFFNIAN, ATTE:n -l/1 NP.Y AT LAW. °Men, an, o.,•1 floor, or the rant Nallounl flank building, A LLENTO INN, PA. •on made In la.hlgh and nandnln coonllen. Cno conanl , d oho English and o.lertnan Ignngungen. n UN 11 atc BALDWI N. ATTORNEYS A AND CONN:4EI.I.ORn AT LAW, Alimitown. 1.,. Oalcs, No. Al Eliot Hamilton .beet. a=2!ll LAJ. 31011 E, ATTORNEY AT LA It, • ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, N 0.61) Eitel Id.tnlituc Iltif - Cen be conceited In (termer,. ice N HC. HUNSIBERGER ATTORNEI • AT LA W. Removed to the Pont Office bull4thE loco.' Boor, ALLENTOWN PA. hpr2Ll7 EORGE U. RUPP, ATTORNEY NT AT LAW. Office with lion. John D. MD., Allen lawn, Pa WNI. S. YOUNG. JR.. ovum ICYIIWI.TON. SMITH At SCALER.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooms 43, 13,16 and 47, 710. 1.30 Washington Street; CM cago. Jon° 30 ELIAS 'MERTZ. ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL. ESTATE, • 85 Wed Hamlllon St., Allentown, Pn. W'WAR! GLACE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, CATASAUQUA, LEHIOII COUNTY PENNA. may 10-17 VIDWIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY J AT LAW, eight dooni above the Court !loupe, AL LENTOWN Lehigh county. Tn. fob 13•'lb-lf TOON 0. BOWMAN, ATTORNEY eJ AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Room 0. No too Wal nut street, Philodelplito. m6rl-17 EOILGE K. WILSON, ATTORNEY %If AT LAW, No. MS Hamilton street, nearly oppo site th ln L e Court lions,. ohigh and N Al o l rthampton °anoentown. Coll nym ection, promptly mmle DR.C. C. 111. GITI.DIN, SURGEON DENTIST. Mire, over Mrs. M. A. 0. Onldin e Trimming Store, No. Itt Bost Hamilton street, Allentown TEVI SHOVER , ATTORNEY AT 1.1 LAW AND JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE. MILLERS TOWN, LEII IC 11 CO.. PA. Particular nttentlon paid to Intoivenl and decedent emtAtes. „ Jan 64y rirliOMAS B. BETZGAR. ATTOB. /. NET AT LAW. ALLENTOWN, PA. Oltire. No. 62 Ennt Hamilton i.trent. tan), EORGE B. SCRAM, ATTORNEY ‘ll AT LAW. 011 Ice, First door above Law Alley. AL LENTOWN. PA. ro,iy 2..141m EDW'R D HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 001ce, with Hog. Baum"' A. Bridge', ALLENTOWN, PA. may 1-ly RCLAY 11A MERSLY,ATTORNEti . AT LAW CATASAUQUA PA. D. 1.1.'68-tf JOff i I e INRUPP,ATTORNEV AT LAW , TOI C: IN. e N i,A. . E. Como , n o d Hamilton Streets ALLEN - way 1-1 y ADAM WOOLEVER, ATTODAEN AT LAW. ()Mee. opposite the Court House, AL LENTOWN. PA. may 1-14 . JUST` RECIEVED BY DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM ENGLAND. 33 CRATES N STY.L E CHINA & GLASSWARE ! NOW FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT ENGELM AN'S CHINA STORE. NO. 706 HAMILTON STREET, • ALLENTOWN, PA. A LSO, TEN CAR LOA DS OF THE CELEBRATED OHIO STONE W ARE ! CROCKS, JUGS, POTS, &C., *Special bargains to Country Storekeeper.. /011 - CALL AND /REPO? sop2s-tf PARENTS TAKE NOTICE THAT AT THE B! ', TEN BOOK S ORE YOU WILL ALWAYS non FOB SAL! ALL KINDS SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK 13' OKS; COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK, Ai' THE LOWEST PRICES. The lime le again here for children to prepare :or SCHOOL And we have on hand aid for ea's everything they went and need lu the SCHOOL ROOM. OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW an where have to l e e l g; t:l i zi , org give them just what they DON'T FORGET, AND REMEMBER THAT THE BOTEN BOOK STORE IS THE PLACE TO BUIf‘ALL RINDS OP School Books at the Lowest Prices. LEIBENRING, TREXLER & CO., Eli Hamilton St., Allentown,Pa. seplitfd LADIES' SUITS! SILKS, LA CES • DRESS GOODS HOSIERY, GLOVES, LINENS ! AND ALL ARTICLES FOR Ladies' Dress or Wear. J. H. Hafleigh, lIAVINO REMOVED TO 1105 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Is now prepared to sell the above Goods at lower prices than the same Qualities can be furnished by tiny other House. NOTE. I. M Hotteigh begs to state that he has organized his business upon a most economical basil, and Will sell to purchasers out of the city at extremely low prices. oct4-3112 w CAUTION. To families who one the Kerosene or Combination Oils. Hormone Oil is not sato sinless We from 110 to 120 degrees which you one always SnO at the well known China Store of WM. REIMER, 611 HAMILTON STREET, ALCENTOWN, PA Also. anything 'to the CHINA. GLASS or QUEENS WARR line at the vet,. lowest Wee. sad always the very but - - - - - - ENGLISH WARE, Warranted not to grate. N. regard to the Combination Oil, which 11,10. t• tall you uon.exploetre. have thoroughly Wand It and I nay It le gsatosioe and Dangerous. I can refer to the a:plosions In o e week In this t.ity where the CEmbina- LLon was In nee. onl3o- d • ERNIE/. I= I:=1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers