4,e aCti?,iffij (igtctlistcr. =! ALLENTOWN, 'PA., JAN. 24, THE PASSIVE POLL v Tho strongest advocates that have yet ap peared for the "Passive Policy" on the part of the Demdcmtic party during the .pending presidential campaign are to be found in Mis souri. The St. Louis Republican, which, in spite of its name, is the leading Democratic organ in Missouri, has been urging the advan tages of making no exclusively Democratic nominations for several months past, and the leaders of the patty in that State arc endeavor ing to help the matter forward by issuing an address defining the position of the party and pointing out what was gained by the Passive Policy in that State at the last election. The results of the coalition with the Republicans they point out as dictated by wisdom and re warded by the most abundant success.' By the policy of letting slip worn-out party dog mas, a complete enfranchisement was brought about; by coalescing the purer, higher inter ests of the great parties, measures not men were given the ascendency and Missouri stands an illustration of a perfectly ruled com monwealth. They think that the policy which has wrought such beneficial results in the State may be adopted with equal wisdom and nobler achievements in the nation, and a rev olution effected restoring the old time honesty and vigor to the national administration. The address closes with a strong appeal to the na tional Democracy to follow the same policy, and making no nomination for the Presidency give the reform element a chance to carry the day for a better administration of law, and Hie complete re-establishment of order throughout the country at large. The Democrats will soon have to decide as to what course they will take in the coining campaign, for the sooner the questhm is de cided the better It will be for them. The Re publicans have already fixed upon the time and place of holding their National Conven tion, and the Democratic National Committee will soon meet to decide in reference to their Convention. A Washington dispatch states that the Democratic Senators and Congress men are generally opposed to the Passive Pol icy, and that they are in favor of going into the campaign as Democrats with Democratic candidates. As a matter of course the Demo crate themselves will be stronger with candi dates of their own than in endeavoring to eleCt Republican candidates, and the only hope of the Passive Policy people is to haven positive and decided disruption In the Republican party. There certainly is no such disruption at present as would make a Democt atic Re. publican movement successful, and there is very Wale prospect that there will be. There are a good runny men in the Republican party who are worthy of the presidential nomitut. lion, and there are a good many men in the party who, would prefer some other man then Gen. Grant as the next president. I3ut the Republican party will stand by the 'lamina. thins of the National Convention, and if Gen.- Grant is nominated at Philadelphia next June, as the indications now are that he will be, he will be supported and elected by the Republi can• party. The Passive Policy Democrats flatter themselves that they can secure enough Republican votes fur a bolting Republican candidate to secure his election, counting of course upon the united strength of their own party. There are some manifest falladies in . this calculation. In the first place the leading Republicans who would lend themselves to such a scheme for breaking up their own party are few and far between, and even if some ambitious man should consent to take a Dena. ocratic nomination under such circumstances ho would receive but very little support from the members of his own party. A Republi• can acting as the leader of the Democratic party would have no claim upon Republican support, and be would not draw perceptibly upon the strength of the Republican party. Neither is it to be supposed that the Democrats themselves would be in very great haste to elect n Republican, and we have no doubt that a great many Democrats would s!ay away from the polls if their candidate should he a .Republican willing to betray his own party for the chance of neuritic . offlee: The passive Policy may commend itself to sonic of the Democratic politicians, but it will never com mend itself to the Democratic party at large, and the Republicans are not so anxious to break up their own party that they will lend themselves to such a plan for detesting their own candidate... THE TARIFF ON TV PI Rowell's Newspaper Reporter thinks as fol lows: If the tariff on type used by the Ameri • can pricters were removed, type could be bought for about three-fifths of t h e present price. If it be claimed that type . founding is an American industry that is en titled to protection, we answer, so is printing . an American industry,hUndreds of times more important—employing hundreds,perhaps thou sands of times as many mechanics and as much of capital as type-founding. Printers are manufacturers of no small im portance, Any bounty or tax upon their tools and implements is a tax, tint only upon ono of our great industries, but a tax upon knot ledge and education. Tax on type makes the print er and spelling-book cost inure to all ch of the land, to say nothing of its being a clog upon all public and private libraries. It would be very agreeable for printers if they could purchase their type at three-fifths the present prices, but those newspapers which advocate protection against the pauper labor of Europe In other branches of manufactnte cannot consistently advocate ft repeal of the duty upon type. We presume that, if the statement of the enormous profits of type founders were true, there would be a larger • number of persons entering into the business and the competition In our own country would sufficient to decrease the price of type so touch as to afford only a living profit to the founders. While we would like to buy cheaper type, if possible, we cannot forget the advantages of keeping up our foundries 'to their present high standard. And then, too, when we run out of sorts it would be exceedingly inconvenient to send to London and await the return of a few cap R's or lower case c's, or something of that sort. THE Illinois Legislature has passed a law rcceraly mhlch will cause some consternation among the liquor sellers. It provides that no Intoxicating liquors shall hereafter be sold 1), Illinois without a license, and that no license shall be Issued until the ... party applying then , • for sliall give bonds In the sum of $3,000 with two freehold securities, conditioned that they shall pay nll damage to any person incurred In person or property, by his selling of liquor under said license, the penalty to be re..,,ver ed in the name of the State for the use of any person injured by the liquor sold by 'sin h licensed persons. ME Free Traders are gathering in force it Washington and they will spare no pains to secure legislation favorable to.ileir purposos, As the openihg gun of their campaign is poi. fon was presented in the Senate on Monday signed by u large number of citizens of cheater, N. Y., praying for the reduction of the Tariff to a revenue basis, and espt chilly for the removal of the duties upon pig iron, cool and salt. REPUBLICAN STATE COMM trrEi. The Union Republican State Central Com. ntittee will meet at the Loci/lel House, Harris burg, on Thursday, January 25th 1872, at 1 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of fixing the time for holding the State Convention. B. S. Levan,Esq., is the member of the Committee from this county. TUE Vllfill:LE AND TIM INVISI BLE OF PIt()Tr.CTISON. We are not nshrund to confess ourignorance of the residence of Edward Atkinson, but we know he is n contributor to the Atlantic Monthly and that is sufficient to satisfy us that such an intellect' would not he n'disgrace to any locality. ,Edward,in the February num ber of that magazine, immortalizes himself in it long article upon " The Visible and Invisi ble of Protection," in which he proves beyond controversy that figures will lie, though he in, tends to make it appear that they won't. Ile starts off with the hypothesis :dal a machine shop with $30,000 capital, paying $'20,000 for coal and iron nt the mines, $40,000 for la bor and $l,OOO freight on the coal and. iron, will make the cost of its productions sfel,f. 00. And if the machine shop sells its productions for $06,000, it will clear $ . 2,000, or ten per cent. upon the capital. (Ile forgot to add, providinglh. machine slop inu eta u 1 to TM loss es in the sale of its productions.) Now,neeord.- ing to Mr. Atkinson, if the railroad company charged $6,000 for transportation iiptead of $.1,000 and the manufacturers lid not charge anymore fur his productions,theahop would net clear a cent the works would be closed up and the capital would seek employment somewhere else. Which we can very readily believe. Ile then proceeds to say that " the import of for eign articles now bits about the relation or proportion to domestic production nil con sumption of $4,000 to $OO,OOO or four to sixty in each year. These foreign artists enter, to as great an extents they ist of railr.m.l trans. portation into Illy cost of all dorm stir prodne. MS _872 lion. The 9 ,2 foreign artic;e4 Ltx(..l forty per cent.," which, with 4 Ntr.L Were:4, etc., amounts to lirty per cunt. _titer ns , tning that this lax oper.ttrs ng,einst our in !uslrirc in the stone manner that the excessive freight of $2,000 op.'ratt , l ag:Litn't that itnalittnry ina• chine shop, he shows that the custom n c,ipts in a year are :?..200,000,000, althongh our t,,tal imp at, are only $7,00,000,00, ~r abdut «inal to the totandliry product,. of the c:.'o'didied the relatimt of the cost ol foreign imputs kith C st of ntlil: iu is carious fortes lie supposes the cost r ne s.,ary of life inereased by it tax liPy per c. nt, lie does this to lute this stibi , ,el of in. crease in cost by laxatiott right lodne to tl.e people's tables. Ills tt,z,umption is !dal tatlff upon iron, or cloth, or anything a thar a=es the cost of 11:050,atielt hby th 'amount or lit, 'RI in; and thirk'ng the peopt• nil! bet ter comprehend Mtn by taking milli an ex ample, lie shows them how awful it ‘‘ottl,l if milk and huller and clo use had a tax ol tilty per cent. added to them before they went into the mouths of the in.oph.. NVell,ir,ot is a little higher than it wits before the war. At the end of 1970 it was filly per cent. higher thou, it was at the end of 1990, n 1111,11211 the . duly not been inereaFed tiny per cent of its value. butter and elm( se %vete:lls') much high,r at the close of 1970 than' at, the ch butter bein:r at least one htindi,i per cent. higher, and this rise line r(sur, d a ithout the assistance of a tariff. No , only hatter, and elle. se are than hrfntr no. Plvseni tariff %vent into ( bunt everytilingels, that the tattler produce:4. \Ve cann , d, theret;.re, see with kind olltistice contro:s Mr. Atkin, son's molls., n he now tvishes - to inert use tlient in value, ll.ott,tll tuer.dy ni l by 11 tax of fitly p-r cent. are 11.11 V high proportionately a , anythitk Ile uses a great many more examples to show that we NI 0111.1 Itr 111 :my protection or any Woe: ~f taxation, tall many itntattet s in branches of industry with which we are unaerplainted. If li_tures NVl`rt. eot rect a wt. 1 y.. 1 ,11, 1 _ 9 . 0i i With 11i11111111t. nu taCtrand 1111 taxa;ion of 'illy hind would be very alr• hut an the r;ov• ernm, tit would lo:, all its revenue, we sttp• pose Mr. AlliillS.lll could C./111e to its r, sett, and show it it new means to ohlain funds 1,. 1 11 y its exlietts s. We rt.t very well with his article until 110 lit 1111011 pig iron and 1.11011 tee Clllll.l well believe that his burner lig- wring wig done as urs...mmilomly is ('oar mis-loner I,\'‘ !Is Alkil:S .11 Says. it . e , lllllOt 11111 pig mis inereas.al and maintained in prle , by the a duty, — It van ly• ,lenie 1, and Very' fully, too. 111 the hitter part of 1070 the Mity on iron was nine dollars per ton and the prie• ~f the article was hut $l5 per ton. the duty' is only sev.:ll dollar- , p^r bin mid has the prime deer, t ,vo ,'ethos a toil 00 the contrary, with a lower duty, it has since ri-en to $35 per toll, tints s;:llnviii4 that the htrilr has not nil to lii with the price, only that it prevents combinations of foreign manta whir. ers suddenly c verstoching the market and run. thing dawn pr . ces to such ruinous rates :is to c 1 the . clo. , ing up or American works. (Ia the subject of iron we give ,\lltiu remarks it ii.loth, as follows "The advocates or protee.lion delnand, the Secretary of th.• that till; shall he maintain, d for the 511 eilic and avowed plirp,se or maintaining the price. Inn recent Speech tfieVel:11111, tile of lh^ TreaSllty 111111'111S that it the cost of do. intistic iron were $l5 per toll at Cleveland, and the cost of h.reign iron only $lO per ton free of duty, lie and his associates would im pose a duty of over $5 iwr ton ; hot Ihr rev'e hue, since such a rate Wolin,' yield lint a del la' of revenue, Lot simply thht those men who are engitgral in making pig-iron in Ohio 01.2,111 not have ir wag , S reduced or he tiling. ii to seek other employment. Th's is a vague and glittering general . statement, in which ilie Sec retary assumes Ilia' it is the function of the governMent to regulate ivaga•s awl to 'provide employment, and also to tax the larger portion or the people for the support of the remount , r. Such an argument is „toletably side to make, and appears to he ,inly the a-sertion of a pater. nal control, until it is examined and analyzed, and then its Viek2in , charnel' r and tendency lire at once s;.' the Seerelary ot the Tre,sury Lad said the 01 . Ohio, • 'There are among you perhaps one handy, d men of capital, who em ploy lorty live hundred other men in dairy products; wft,propose ta give them a monopoly of the dairy Mediu s,h, and to tax your milk, butter, and cheese lorty per cent; not for the benefit or the United States treasury, into which tie do not expect to receive one dollar or the tax, but to pay the avails of the tax to the hundred men wiimown till the cows, in order that their forty live hundred employees may not have their wages reduced or he ob liged to seek other employment,' what would be the response 1 The effect or mien a propo. sal would be seen at once, and the public 0111. cer who should make it would lie driven from olllee with jeers. Yet what the people of Ohio do not see is, that the Secretary of the Treasury, OD 6rhnit of the advocates of a high tariff, said exactly this, no more and no less, at. Cleveland, on the stmt September, 1571, only he substituted a tax on pill-iron for a las on 111,11:, hurler, 111111 ell, ese. This we propose to prove. Ile advocated a tio, or over $5 per tint on pig-iron, in order that none might he imported. There are 2,700,000 people in Ohio ; the average consumption of iron in the United States was lately one hundred pounds per capita; we will call it one hundred an I twenty' pounds now ; therefore the people of 0111.1 now Ilse 102,000 111110 lii mitt in a year,. which, at the Secretary's mstuned price of $25 per ton Mr doinestic iron, 01111111 cost $.1,050,000, It' this iron lie considered all labor, and if no allowatire be made for the iti t...rest or prolits on emit:tribes Mted in 'nines and this slim would represent the labor.of just .1,500 men wet Icing three hundred days in a year at $3 per day. The exact aura, Ler or eniployilS is ant lia,,wn h, ti l e, b u t i t is not to he zit:sinned that mines and iron-works call average hiss than forty•liVe Melt to each establishment, and therctore there are not over one huuJred eniployers or iroin l iast e rs ill ()MO. The Secretary therefore says, on behalf of the advocates of protection, that if this 102,000 tons of iron could he had Inuit abroad lit $2O per ton, or at $BlO,OOO less than the cost or domestic, iron, he would Impose a tax of more than $5 per ton, or more' than $BlO,OOO, upon the people tit Ohio, and that he would pay this over to the one hundred owners of iron mines mid works, in order that the wages or 1,500 men out of 1,7(10,000 'iconic might be maintained art hie averagm rate of wages prevailing in Ohio. 'Phis is, in fact; an admission of the claim made' by the promoters of a high tariff, that the . owners of the iron-works are Infants needing guardian ship and requiring to be supported lit the pub lic expense, like oilier incompetent persons. They arc more astute than incompetent ; their real demand Is to lie made rich by law lit the Cost of the poor. In what does this propos'. THE LEHIGH RE lion differ• from our propasttion for toe on milk? The use of 'silk is no more universarand not so necessary as that of iron. This tax is demanded trader the pre tence that it Is for the protection of labor and that it all goes Into wages. II w much do the owners of the Iron min, s and works of Ohio and Pennsylvania pay their men above the average of wages in other employments which are not protem6l, hut which are equally arduous? Are they so free from self interest as to pay more than this :tveroge?" The number supooqed to he entpl. yed Ohio in the manufacture of iron is is little greater titan the number employed In the same branch in this coun'y. Supposing the tariff gives these men goal wages, Ants it not ii2so hen( ficially affect all the people rif thecounty ? If this large number (d workmen is thrown out of employment it embarrasses. Ind only the 4,500 iron workers, but all the 60,000 of our population, aml we believe th e Sant thing would be true or every other community in the State, whethr r their ebb , , m an ufacture is i iron, woolen or cotton :zoods, or machinery. IDurim, , the coal suspension and the comequent suspension of our furnaces, the peop'e bitterly experienced to what extent we are dependent upon the success of our man ufacturr s for our prosperity. It matte rod not to us, then, whether they sold Eturlidt cloth In New York at $1 or flve cents, WV were not cheerful unon!li to buy it. We do not contend that workers of iron ree,:lve higher aver age wages then bricklayers or carpenter, but although the buillcrs of houses are neither Immediately proteeted by at tariff or by din et taxation, they,too, share t'..r blessings of steady employ ment and wa;.!e:.: In iron-workers by an in.'reased demind and In Uer prices l'or houseP, mid our hrmers get tio in share in latter prices ati , l a near mar:set for produce. ,7.11 N T i:NNI.I =1 In tho CnIINC! of an article tip.nt American friendship for Rnssin , the Nal'on F:iys "cite .1, lay of the eartncipation of the by Fins sia nulil the y nir I Sfil our of the, disgra c.s nl civiliz Won, an I yet there is little doubt that it. teas flit 1,1111, in , Ip• main, of the frightfni n eelaiinn of the econ.tmical weak ite,:s of her s,e ;,1 orgattizA ion matte IT the Crimean star. That strum' fn' made it plain that all expansion to tit! F.:nit', %var.!, in the teeth or Western hos'ility, Witi lilt Or the question tedirait r dlroads unit free .gnu. The slave system went down at l-3,•ba..,i0p0 I under the 'cannon or th. , allies, an I the fir-0 step in the proceEs of " reelleillment" to whin, ac cording to l'ritice adrtchalaa IT, lius+ut then betook iters.df, wa; the creation, on her soil, of free litdaslrial soch ty, as the only source from which, in modern times, really formida ble itnil «plipped armies could bt tlrttwn. Luckily, however, Ilnv 11111,111'1! WAS perfected and went into operation just as the American people were trembling in the throes or the ex el:emelt!, pally patriotic, partly littrnanit,tri an, which led to and carried out the itbolition of slavery. To them ern meipation w tlii• realization a glorialla dream by whir!: tune gvia•rations had la as haunted--tip. ti , ln of a stiag:l.• 1::( . 11 lor girls yanra had clotaiol i ii cialan icVJil an i p •lltical Ilia count relit Et+ si wi i 11.1.4, tllutllc ( 1,111 4 ,,1 j: will rFAtrlCi.i'll 1,1010, A the final Nano% n! 11l reproach 1111.1.• r every Ainciitan inan lull W,111. , 111 had writ in for hull ,a a cltur,.. While in ill s ,usei ptid. frAme of mind It I 91.1 apps arvol oa the su.ic lIS fill ( . 111 . 111eilEt'tilt it Wait by no mean, aI , 111. Cz . ir for tire t irtu'nt= and 1 , 1)&1 . I motions ‘variiit tl the In art Lincoln. NVetren. then tr , :tted 6.r s , .vvr e irs to lii extra”rdinaly gip' clnclr of lii I . ” ioti, on :1 I iris of hiairtn. ta ri.lll :W . 111'11:1:111, of two govern:twill..., one w Lich wa, ;ill Iln enemies, L•yui, a,l le all we.tp,ots of olt '1r...., pr , C1:0.1111114 the li') •rly iisleeclt, thr,ll,olt, all" ILO., 111 , 11 id: races and conditions, while the other wits purs.ting unity throughout its pi' tosses whic't ean hardly be ea'led I..ss than derilesh, in which every one of the rights wors'iipp..d in .knieriet as inalien able werr ex' irp.ited with the bayonet. whit his for tilt! lest seven years been gAing gut n l'ortlqn.l an I the IS ti. ti.. provittc..s under the 'nowt oi; "ILls:itio ti,n" .. ezobrbly sit 'p isses in cruelly and bralal. ily (in ithiny the in w)e:ti hl3 & , ee seen, nod t here is perhaps no political plionotnenon nuiro curious and instructive Pilot the tray In trltielt the .I.inerie to public has been seduced for sin tittle back into refiiiin; to look u p to this "bloodiest picture in the book of Tnne." That this all but guilty connivence—or guilty silence—shoul I have born tertnin tted by the hand of a p iltry intriguer like ( . litacazy, and that the innnullate etre° of his toed fling tlioul l have been a desire on the pert of Rus sia to pri.vent the elos.. of a long-standing international quarrel by peaclul debate, has an appripri.itlices 10.)11t IL which MIC Cllll hardly evo'd adding proVitiellolli. ra."rirvi , il:l{;NG As wits stated in the Washington cortes pondence ef the New York Tribune Tuesday, the Senate Finance Committee have speed, upon numerous modifications. of the tariff in lieu of the !rinse bill passed at the :ast ses shun, to repeal the (Nth son coal and salt. A bill embodying these proposed changes was reported by Senator Sherman, yesterday, as a substitute fer the Moist , ball mewl mud, zind after some debate tuts recommitted. The, bill reduces the duty on coal to 10 cents per don, and that, on salt in bulk from 18 cents to 0 cents per 100 pounds. Tea, coffee and ;ice are reduced about.:324 per cent., and potatoes and some kinds of lumbar in a still greater ratio. The :'me list is very largely extended, the nrticics added to it being mainly those, it is claimed, which are not produced in this country. The duties on cotton goods, Wool. lens, silks, all metals except iron and steel,and on 1111 manufactunii or metals except pig iron and steel rails, arc reduced 10 per cent. 'rlw wisdom of such a sweeping and midis criminating reduction can scarcely be defend ed even by the plea that something must It' C.M.Ctqlild to the clamors of the file traders. The nou:si a of 'he .people do not desire free trade nor tariff tinkering of any kind, and it would be far better to meet this senseless agi tation of the subject by convincing, crushing arguments, as Judge Kelley Is doing in the Muse. There is no good reason, at any rate, for sc!ecting coal anti salt as the chief victims for the saei hike whicL is assumed 1.0 be necessary. True, these can bear it much better than pig iron, for instance ; hut it is demonstrable that consumors will not only , not gain, but in the end must lose, by removing the protection from any One of these important industries. The "horizontal" ten per cent. reduction on so many classes of g oods Callll4lt fail, if adopt ed, to trio k cultism asiment to niany industries. SOme might bear it, but others could not, with n t serious Inconvenience, if not distress. The motivcs or the committee in framing mid reporting this measure were undoubtedly good. It is doubtless considered by them me• pessary to prevt It a worse sacrifice of national intetetits. lint we believe that if the Senate will only stand arm fop the fullest protection, a few more years of our pment unexampled prosperity and rapid growth will turn the tide of public sentiment so strongly In favor of COO tinning the prott elide system unimpaired, that not all the machinations and missionary labors of the British free-trade manufacturers shall be able to prevail against it.— The Press. Tot: New York Wrald favors letting in all raw materials free of duty, because the presmit "system is fruitful only in the demoralization of merchants and pm:raptness of ofilcials.". Why not, then, remove all duties and abolish all taxes, so that no one could steal anything And why does not tl:e ileraldpublish Its paper for nothing and insert advertisements free, for fear sonic of its clerks might steal a portion of its ineome ISTER, ALLENT M 15. COL FAX AIS D'ritE VICE PRES- Ill] lliy ,% y . and Chancen I7roni ['forces Weekly.] Some time ago ft mivate letter from ti n t Vice President Was published, In which tie said to his friend that he intended, at the close of the (limy° rethe from public life. The exrression f this determ ! nat lon se as received with very great regrt by the Republican Party, which tins al Nays bound in Mr. Colfax a most faith. foi nod honorable rcpt, sentative. A man of what would he e.t ;It d singular good fortune, iota s very great persoml popularity, he has passed Irm point in point or honor in public lift• w hbout a touch of s. rious reproach or sus;ticion• of It simple, frank and generous nature,' but very shrewd and sincere, he is empha'ically a man of the people, who I 0 never lorteited the cook knee which he has once ttlasinetl. As editor, it presentative in Cone' et , s, Speak r the II .use and Pre:Odell. of Ihr S nate. his course has cotnmandtd uni versal approval, and even the shafts shot nt him by political hostility have I em very harm less. When he was taken suddenly ill in the Senate nt the close of the last session the ex• pression of sympathy in the country wan as el,Oll 11C MIS US it wan general and hearty, and there are vt ry few public men who are lii•day tter known or more trusted than M Colfax. He has, indeed, b. en often mentionid as a most "available" candidate for the Pt esiden cy, 101 l it was hoped at one time by those who are otmi,s. , d to the renomination of Gen. Grant that trouble at least:might he made by insieting upon presenting Mr. Colfax. He, however, very plainly and early declared for he renomination of the President as meat do strable foe the country and for the party ; nor has he ever eNpressi , d any desire that his in equation ret,•re from the public service should he disregarded. Indeed, there is no man who has a more grateful sense of the pop ular kindness Which lie has a 1..% ays rueeit cd, and of which his nomination to the Vice l'res idency was n striking illustration. It had bee nue a tonlition that the nomina. thins for the two chief °Mc( s should be deter mined Inv cotisiderations. It the Presi dent were taken from the the Vice Pre:4dent would be select d front the South ; or if one wr e I rom the West, the other would b.. , from the East. Indeed, this has gone so far that liner wet e from a free State, was tie u_4l.t only fair that the other should he from a slave State ; and in 1856, when Col. Fre mont, from California, and Mr., Dayton,from New Jersey, were nominated for the Presi dency and Vice Presidency, the ticket was denounced as " sectional." Itt 1868 there were emspicuous and able Republicans in all . the Eastern States, hut the Convention, sitting in CLicagoi nominated a President from Illi. nois and a Vice President from Indiana, and the it-sociation of the names of Grant and Col -1 iv was instantly and utliversally hailed as peculiarly fortunate Mal happy, mid now here more heartily than in New England. During his term or office the Vice-President Las c. Vainly not lost his 'mid up.n the respee n: the c•nwtry or the confidence or the part Al wap a devoted Repnitlican, and in ft sympathy with the mbst advanced Republican ideas, he hag the tact which disarms bitter .tiol the good common-sense which s iiu•aluable in the conduct of affairs. Al hough personable a friend of the President, Al deeming his re-nomination desirable, lie is not identified in any degree with eitivr side in the seam controvert!) , upon the subject. The New Volk Tribune, which judge's the President very rigorously, is always, and justly, most friendly to the Vice President. Ile is, in tact, one of the mast generally trusted men in the party. Ile owes too much to it to deny any honorable claim which it icily make upon him. Even his wish to re tire, sincere as it undoubtedly is, would, we are sure, yield to it conviction that his edit. tinuanee in public life was desired by tha pally for its.own harmony and f , r the pro motion of its principles. No man is readier than tie! Vice President to own that everything which he has honor ably desired of the party has been granted him, and no one is more swift to name the Republican eliefs who [night well be called to succeed him. Nor do we suppose that he is in the least blind to the fact that hls declared intention of withdrawal has naturally aroused expectation and hope in other quarters. In deed, I;; political leader more accurately ap prehends the situation, or is more honorable and generous In his feeling toward all his fel low-Republicans. lint as the time approaches for definite consideration and consultation in regard to the nominations, and as there is naturally the most general desire among Re publicans to understand precisely the feeling of the Vice President, we are very sure that we are not wrong in saying that if the Con vention should decide that a name so justly popular as his would insure greater harmony and promisii surer success, without asserting the slightest claim, and in grateful sense of duly to his party, he would . not refuse to yield his preference to II o wishes of his party friends. The Extent of our Iron Interest The Chicago Mail says: It is estimated that the number• of hands employed in the'primary production of iron in this country is 140,000. These with their families, constitute a fmilia lion of nearly 1,000,000 souls. It is nnether estimated that there are 800,000 hands engaged in manufacturing articles of iron, which, with their families,constitute a population of over 0,000,000, malting a total population of 0,000,- 000 of 'souls directly dependent upon the iron interests of the country. The total value of the products of the army of workingmen for the year past was $000,• 000,000. We all know how apt the unthink ing are in speaking of this matter, to talk as if the entire iron interest of the country lays in the hands of a few bloated monopolisls and manufacturers, while in fact there is nearly one-sixth of the entire population of the court try producing a still larger proportion of the wealth of the country, dependent upon this single branch of industry. C. rtainly, after such an exhibit, no fair minded man can say that the duty upon pig iron is for the benefit of any particular section or State, at the expense ()fluty other 'section. Suppose our iron was cheip ned by coming in direct competition with the *ported article, wages would have to be reduced. Imagine, then, this 0,000,000 of people supported by one-half the wages now received, don't you suppose it would lower the priced of the pro ducts of those farmers who advocate free trade because they have to pay so touch for a lock or a nail once in ten years I' • CONGRESSIONAL. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17.—1 n tho United States Senste yesterday the larger portion of the session was consumed by Messrs. Sumner and Frelinghtlysen in speecheson the amnesty hill and the civil-rights measure. Mr. Fro dinghuysen delivered a long speech on the merits of the bill, and Mr. Sumner addressed the body again on the subject, making another appeal to pass the civil-rights bill in its present shape, vie : as in amendment, to Vie amnesty bill. No action was taken, as the Senate ad journed shortly afterdhe conclusion of thy de bate.' A long debate took place in the House on questions perish:tint; to the tariff; arising from the repealing of a bill offered by Mr; Maynard, from tho Committee on Ways and Means, a hill permitting the importing of car loin machinery Into Louisiana free of duly, The bill was passed alter a long di: txusslan, participated In by Messrs. Maynard, Pinkolns burg, Dawes, Kelly. and Kerr. In Commits of the Whole on the state of the Union, Mr. Poland made a personal explanation In con nection with a resolution offered by him some days sincp fur thn pstablishment of a rule that w 111 refer to a committee all rqles pglllgg op the departmentp for lnformallop. A nmnbcr of pension hills were passed by the House, as were also two appropriation bills. OWN, WEDNIIS THE Cincinnati* Commercial can ace noili ing in protection; except a system which com pels "the workingman to pay thirty dollars or n suit of clothes," in order to "foster our nfatitile in lustries, and all that sort of . thing." According to the Commercial the empliiy merit if home Libor is a matt•r of no c inscquenec win t .ver. Our (march H and mhos, our fac torii s, furnaces and forges—the man fold pro- (NOM, industries and inter( sts of t .e country, with the millions of capital they pmploy, and the immense population they support—are of no moment, ir things can duly be bought at lower rates than at present. lint what beni fit is to he derived from merely cheapening Com modifies, if the workingmen have no money with which to purchase them ? "Twelve eggs for sixpence" seemed enticing to the Irishman only when the sixpence was in hand. Why does the English artisan who can get a ,u:t of clothes for filter n dollars at home, t migrate to the United Skier, where, accord'ng to the Commercial, he must pay thirty for the same articles ? Because Ale has compared the stand ard of European and American reinunerat'on, and knows that the prosperity which prince. tion gives to our industrial enli rprises will insure him wages with which he can not (Ally pay the higher rate more easily, but emit also save money beside. Did our contemporary ever hr ar of Anierean In( chanics emigrating to free•tratle Engtind in order to limo lit their condition ? - Pittsburgh Commercial. LATE NEWS ;TE;IS A messenger of the Metropolitan National Mint: was robbed of $65,000. One-half of the town of Montinelle, Drew county, Ark., has teen destroyed by fire. l'he body of T. P. Norton, the last victim of the City of New-Londe n disaster, was wash ed ashore at Grton, Conn., on Saturday. The Chicago police made a raid upon four gambliug•houscs on Saturday night,captueing IS of the inmates. All Were taken before a police maglstratr and held in $3OO tail each. In Lakeville, Mass., on Friday, Charles A. Leach, a dentist, while laboring under th lirum treMeus, shot Thomas Ilump„Tolin Capeless, I)an lel Swift, and Wm. Coomber. .The two first named are supposed to be mortal, ly wounded. A fire in New-Albany, Indiana, on Friday, destroyed the salt shed and hay warehouse of Col. Beta A. Kent, ti two-story frame resi dence, and partially burned the pork-packing establishment of McMahan, Goodloe & Co., ' which contained an immense quantity of pork. The loss is estimated at front $15,000 19 $?.0,- 000. The mother, wife, and two daughters of Dr. N. Klumb, living in the suburbs of Louisville were poisoned at supper Sunday evening' by eating some fruit put up In jars. 'they lay at the point of death for some hours, but the en. crgetic elrorts of physichins finally roused the victims from their stupor. There are now some hopes for their recovery. The Market Savings Manic, of New York, hag suspended, its deficit being placed at $lOO,OOO. The cause is attributed to the cul pable mismanagement of the Trensuier. The Eighth National Bank will mobably be able to pay its depositors fifty cents on the dollar. GLEANINGS AND GOSSIP The Boston Journal says n Society for the Protect ion of Children with bare legs, from the cruelly of mothers, is soon to be establish ed in Boston. The defence that Stokes will make for Fisk's murder, it is said, will be justifiable homicide, because Fisk kept hired assassins dogging Stokes' footsteps. The supply of India rubber is said to lie in exhaustible. Each tree can be tapped for twenty successive years, and yiel4on an aver age three fall - spoonfuls rt day. 'I he Washinß ton correspondents have had a hard time of it recently in getting up wars with Spain and Russia, but unfortunately , ap pear to have fulled in both tasks. Among the modern improvements we have Introduced into Japan is kerosene. Its ad vance in civilization wtl9 satisfactorily proved by n big lire at Yokohama, which burned up 400 houses. The correct present for a gentleman to make to the lady of his choice on his wedding day is a house in a good neighborhood, furn:shed, and a silver service, provided his pocket, hook will permit. The Indianapolis Journal announces thal 'Miss Nilsson, a young woman h o sings al most as well as Kellogg, and kicks a piano stool clear across the s t age apparently with little effort, is coming." Benjamin Franklin, in the Convention hid , framed the Constitution of the United Siati s, proposed that the Vice President be styled II is 'Superfluous Highness. Tyler, Fill more and Johnson . were not in Los category, however. Thurlow Weed states that the petition,with seven thous: All signatures, winch procured the passage, of a Bankrupt act under Presi• dent Tyler, had previously done service before the Legislature of Ne a' York "praying for n law Imposing a tax on dogs." A Kansas paper's cow obituary s.tys : "There is not n farm Wagon in in the country that she has not stolen something nut of ; not a gate in town that she has not Opened ; and the stones that have been thrc wn at her would make five miles of turnpike." NoT cEs A Body acid Mind hinase.—Seel) la dyrlmpalti. The stout:l.llmM the broth Ire too loti, o allied for the one to suffer without the o her. s r th tt dyspepsia and despondency are inseparable. It may bo added, too, that Irritation of the stomach In 1111110iit invariably Ace., ponied by irritatrou of the temper. The invigorating and trituaoiliting operation of Iles etter's Hitters is most poiverfully developed In once, of indigestion. The first, effect of lids agreeable tonic in comforting and encouraging. .A mild glow petrades the eyetoili, the chronic uneasiness In the . egion of the -to• mach is Imo•eued, and the nervous reeitieennexa tv latch characterises tho disease Is abated, Thislmprovenvott is not transient. It Is not nncceeded by the return of the old symptoms with superadded force, as Is it,ways tlo• calm when unmedicated ntitnulants aro gt•eu for the complaint. Each dose meetms to impart is permanent ac cession of healthful Invigoration. But this is not ail. The aperient and anti•billons properties of tire prepara tion 111 . 0 scarcely secondary In importance to Its tonic virtues. If there is an overflow of bile, the aecretion is s oon brought within proper limits, and if tho binary or gan 111 inert and torpid it la touentud regulated. The effect upon the discharging organs Is equally salutary.. and In cones of constipation the cathartic action is just autllcient to produce he desired result gradually and without pain. The Bltiiers also proznoto hualthY evapo ration from the surface, u bleb Is particularly deArable at thlc aroma when aiulden anent. of raw, unpleas tut weather are apt to check the natural rerspiration and produce congestion of the liver, .coughn, and colds. The beat ea s erguard tr)ialtarf al/ dtatases to bodily vigor, and this the great Vegetable Reatorstlvo especially pro. Motes. . _ Dr. IL D. Lonyaker offors his service to the fflicted, morn especially to thosn suffering from Chronic Diseases. lie will be glad to see and talk with them. It tx his practice to pialuly declare a disease Incurable if be believes It to be no. In those canes which he undertakes he guarantees to tin all that can ho dune by unwearied at tention and the application of experienced skill, gat.. d by many years ofpractice In treating disease". Its sari •OUS and most malignant form. That his skill, has not been exerted ix vain. numerous certificates, that may be seen at his office, will testify. A few tames are selected for publication, which are known to citizens of this * county. No feeling,uf egotism prompts their ImllDeaties• but they aro published rather as au vidence. that many who baro deemed themael yes hopelosaly afflicted have by a proper application of the resources of medical ecienco, been restored to health and mho enjoytuent of all its . bloa• Simon ll—Jenes, Bethlehem, Cancer of the hip. Mrs. Ely (Rev. Ely), Allentown, Pa. Catcer of the Face. J. J. Johnson, Allentown. Skin Disease. . . . . . Milton°. Sassaman, Hanover. Chronic lironchltin Hoary Gabriel. Allentown. Deafness. Mrs. 0. Yeager. Catasanque. Tumors of the Hand. Sirshan Eberhard, Bethlehem. Cancer. . (tech. Troxiortown. Cancsr. Wm. JillTlOStal, 130E111011M. Pulmonary Cat.trrh• Janie. INan. Iluthlplipm. Chrontir Rheumatism. Mrs. J Berner, Satisbnry. Scrofula. If A. Ilarlacher. IMPadelphia.. Cancia Tamer. A irs. ti. Salisbury. Fem. and Epl k r. T iVitttnan, Lanark. Tumors of the Head. Abraham Kistler. Now Trilndl. Tumor of theNock. 3trs. E. 11. Sorfass, Slatlegion. Vent. Co m. Alm. E. Woludout, Vriedenevlllo; Conced e of the Breast. Catherine Amoy, (Metros lily Catfter side of the Euro. John Levan. Polypus of the Nose. Tr Pa Buts. Allentown. Ganser of the ilruust. - h e. ema Buts. llokendanque. Tomor. Mrs. D. Krebs, Alshauoy City. Causer of the Vueo. P.S. Shoemaker. limustown. Tumor• Catharine Haromun, WeatherlY• 'Carta.r.rib. 54,00 • The above persons may all ho referred to, or certificates may be PeCLI at Dr. Lougalter's onleo. Sixth etfeel, b. tween Hamilton and Walnut. Allentown. l'a• 10. IIETT4NO AI4RRIED.—EBBAYS FOR Young kott. or. great SOOI AL EVILS and ABUSES which ininarp with M ANSI AV h e7 with spro realms of relief for the Etrlutt and Unfortunate, nod debit- Itoted. Address IiONVAND ASSOCIATION. No. :South Ninth street. Philadelphia. PaL AY., JANUARY 2 icTqt crs • ERRORS OF' YOUTII.—A gentleman who glider...l for liars from Nervoni. • Dora y xul all Ow elfeck Of youthfullmlixrrenuu will, for ilto 1,11 k., of poitforlau inaiiity, tiend from i1:1 who ioal it iho roolho 111111 .11rectiiiii for making tho ale roilioily iiy which ha cared. Safforerx syliihinu to profit lip Ow ox Podia.,can 1111 tresaing la perfect JOHN II ill! PIN, No. 42 Cedar St. N's York. L 5 To CONSUNII"FIVES.—The advcdtised Y haring been mitered to health In a rely weeks, I y simple reinedy, niter linvitct ,inhered neveral yearn with It •11,0,1 , Inns a IrCrtloll, 8,111 that dread Con telll3l,klltlNVll to hie fellow old . .. Tern the meaty , of car, ro all wilted...ire it, w iii send It 1,1:4 f the tweecripilon 11K1,1 I free of charge), with the c lions for preparing nail 1141. 00 .1110, which they will rod a sun• cure ter Amthina, 111 - ..achilin, Pc. The only object of the ail verti.er in 'eliding Prescrip. lion Is to benefit the afflicted, till spread informal.; which he conceive.. to ho lovalnal.le; nail he hole,' .101forer will try Iris remedy, an it will rest then; uotaiiir tuay prove n Partici , wishing the pre,rlrilleu 111 111 , 1111 P 11.111r01114. titan. EIIWA III) A. WI I.EION, N. V. MYSTIC WATER FIIONt DAVID'S Tho !Trost DIIIIIETIC. TONIC ontl A LTIIItATIVE rsin ty 1110 Atip, Itolds 1.. 401110.1 the Prof ...slots a ,I vsi ototthoon•ls. tititl Is poor.'tl I•Y I t o unerring 1•••1 of toptsitotl 10,10. its ~ 1 30 or Itit.t WH/1.1/ lity,ros .v t ., aoss. Flop firrloi .IjEsel ions. tf lon • lon pi ion, In Bs 'early si Igo., Pier fort v, 0 , 1 i - ord and qi nem it rIsrICII X 110 I,l'. Cot a.lpotltt., hr.", to. •Iltirtstioh, titatllst••s Iho,Crelloti anti vilithros norvolls sys. 111 reo !!!!! ;no by Phy• anti tho ••stlthnisls tit invalids rttvottl to ore! istivt•rs. It Is „IA in ti s o 011 paer b ix of otto ilozois tool Il 1 l'a., lobo expro•isoil hr tin/I 'Aut. gilftietTl• BEAM NO I SI•ITITI'TF, ttl DAVID'S WELT. Is losigthotl 1. totesoitno•lsto ittitionts thirlttt, sll sessonit ho t m0(0,1110;1.1; llo• MYSTIC front he \YELL. S. CA W ALLA DIAL lA/inner St , j FIEF: 4' %E MI: ANII) 411 , 1tE OF C(liti• —The prim:try r.tneeof tholeolooll .11 Is leres)ponetit of the .ha•-ti ve arg ,, a.• Th,it der' novtifent Irodure , delltnent nutrition ittftl .xllOllOlllOl. 11ya...1 , 11- .011. n 11,111 lb I pro , eese If) . tv (itch the nutriment of the food 1.011 verted Into 1110.01. 111.1 thence Ilito the mollils of the b far 1 . , r•one tv lilt 01g001..11 thu. ItninPro totvlntt th . e ligh . e•l pre lispwoti., to Intlinetinry dissev , e, or If they take roll, tt IT be very Ilahle to have Con...option ot tho 1.11.0 , lux me of ite torte..; 0,11 hold that t trill 1, 0 Imp...lWe to en 0 0111 . eit+o without 111 . -t restoritio 1 0,..1.110e510tt 0,1 lokiltify ifesluttlation. 'rho very lirst Op' to he flono it to Hen. , the etotnach 00.1 b front diso.,ed nniett. toil ellnio, which It elegizing the,' organs +o 'lint they Chunot imrf.aaa their ra,attaa., and rote tip :MI reet”re the liver to It healthy Artloo. For thte port.... the eerr-t tind beet thin Schenek's .I.ttnli tyke Ville. 1.111,4 flai 'ollllt , II 1.1.1 110 tvylw dyad 0101 Inorlild nllnte that I. cutli•rng ill.. fee atnl decay In the whole ey•lton. They tvlll Clear out the liver et nli di.eae. it hi . , th ft hilt :teentatCatett there. .11,1 row , It tip to • ketr .‘lOl healthy ae.ton, I.y which nntnral 1.11 , 1 healthy bile le s..er. led The .touts: h. liver ar ti by the nee of -eke rt.•. Man tr.. ke Pill. th e rol. the slotwirli 0r orizoll 1.• t,rpkl 01011101 oplwillo'por. 1 11 the lioWeln Ire lai'lral.• are u.iitka ant r„loirioefreo(tth 01.1 support. It is ill ':,lino' like ft.+ Ih .t Crle a , k', 10 be dio tutio Valuably rent,ly ever 411-tiov. roil. It It 11k 11-e Will 11111 Si 0: arid, mak Lot the stout ,l, ..Wl . el h.l froeh 0) . 0 monent tour to thin Import: fit erg 1t III; and Create 14,01. 10 .all• upp.tite. 0101 prep.ire the ..),.11.111 for the Ile,t I roue., 01 it 1100.11111,” niul tilt moldy tyros.. a r. 01.1. h... 1 1 ,1 0 ., ',tun 1.100,1. Alt, .story tr. ittinotil. Irbil( I,lloilli. to Cure C.1..1 . S 0: 1 : 011 ` 11 : 11 P 1 : 1111 111 1, 1 .1 .. a l / 1 1 Per.evet Inn Ilse Pultlioilie Syrup. Th.. Palm••atc Syrup to/ o I the ester,, polities the blood. and le teodtly 11,00001 Ihto the e'r.tll..flon. and llielwe )11.tfilmted to the .11. , needna. 10. There ft 111 1 .111- 0 1 1 ntttor.. heil.er tho tot lit of ,1114,04,... or oboronlet. 11,1 then eseis, N.,ture to..Xpel ~11the diet . .., I matter. in the form feeo ‘vlien °nee r pens. It I. th..0.1.y tho 150 tllng and p. r'l .PrePern. , I . olferfek 'e 1 • 111111 11 111 1 : S.) IP. that al; olcor• awl car 1110, are heeled up seund, :Ma icy potiout thing 10 10. d in curtly., Consumption is n o get In, agood apootio , and aga dmention : so that ho 10.1 y groW lu polo.'l get ntrong 1I :1 Imlnnoll Lax nit-ea.:oav it y oh:ctn.. , o.o.h—the cavity catin i/•• lho : r nand mreot no long 1, the sys too, ns he ale par. What is to.canary to cur,. Is a new ordsr tlinag..—a good .tionect n e, good natrltiou, the hotly to grow In denli and Cle fat ; Ira Nature fr helped, th cavnhen Nvlll he ththe manta:. a rd... ..11 , •t0.. , W.. "if in quintal:oh arid the po rnou regain health stsd sirengto. 11,10 11, Poe awl only plan to cur° GM, .111111..011. And 1/11 ..rson In very bad. If the langs aro I 1 ent rely dentroynd, P1,V1.11 liOun. th e In entirelr If there I. anon 5...1 I lly It ft 01 the other to heal up. there In hope. I have an ea many pen, cured with onlY 0 w hat live mot en.j .y lile to a good old age. This is what Selo , . k's )I, themes a.lldo to mine 1011,111111/11011. They wlll ir e out the shonnach, so tn•ten an.l ntrengthen it. get up a wood Ill,..entonth aml an,. Nature Jon as•intanco she inemln too ear theo,u, nyst. in alll the dinenso that Is in the lungs, whales . , the norm may bo. It in Important that while it-ing nclenck'n Medicines, care should he in vet cisod mot hi lane cola; keep In co.nl and damp weather; ntvold flight air. and hike out door exenche ouly in geonal and wartu sunnhimh 1 winli di.tlartly untisr-towl than NV I recommend A Pullout Itl be careful la regard to tabling cold. while usibg Mediclun s, I gla na lot a special reason. A man who has but par lolly re °vernal Irmo •lint effects of a bad cold in lilr 111,0 liable to it relinpse than one who has been entirely cure); tad It is precineh the •Alllt. In regard to Connumption. 1.010 110 the lungs la„ not pet . fectly lioaned, lent so Mug is there Imminent It.,ug I . of IL lull ro turn at the dinaane. Home It In that Ino M11'111,11.4 cull- iu Manton. )' path,. againat exposing them-elves to au Ittnias. here that Isola genial tuna pita:nail 1. Ctoullmuod ' Consumptives' litinga aro In 1111100 anon 0, tr Wish lilt' huh 01110100 01 atmosphere will indlatne. 'l'. e graml PLCCII'I of my stwouss w tiny Mt:oh:hes conol•t. , lu oil' alii 11 1 to -011110 11.114111111.11ikl I b rood 01 provoking It, as lien nc of Om faculty do. All iu 11.1un ,l 111111: IVIIII 010 surely to the p annul. be 1.01113,0.1 la 1)11111“ 1/1.1•A0 02 ‘Vtift, or Om chilling wools of spring tor Ammon. It should be carefully nkleltled Iron] all Ur ta 1 tig tinllntencos. The ut• most caution .litoula he observed 111 this particular:a...with out it a cure under altiinTnt any 011 1,1111,1.111C0S 1, /11l =pm, silnllity parson should be kept on a wholesome and nutriti ous diet, 111.1 lilt the Sl`tllCillen 01111111111 , A 1111111 Ole Ludy Mt, restated to lt Ito ualucti qualutity uf. Penh nod strength. I was inym If cured by thin treatment of the Worst kind of CP/L.lOl l llOll, allti have Invoil to get fat nod hearty tl, line 111/1111 . )'en fel, NV 11L 0110 Wag inontly gam:. I havo curt nl thona-nude since. and very 111,1 11 1' have baeu cured by 0114 treattneut lr loom I have /never neon. A• out tha first of tlettnlnsr 1 ex pm 10 take Intis+nalolt of looliding, at the Northeast corner of fingth and A ell street. obese I shall he Pleased L. , kilo adobe to on Velon rimy require It. Foil dire Con" nmeolopany it l/ly 1:V111 I,IIIIN, 1.001111 IL 041 Of the world can'bo read,' 3 ents,nl hy nil let 0b..: V 311, t/I lilt' nal., J. 11. Sill M, Philadelphia. l'rlce of the Pul mon ie Syrup and Sanaa - tont Tona l , id 50 bottle. nor Mandrake Pilln, nnts .1100. For salt. 1,1 all drug/to:is awl bit/lIN,t IN, 1 In)1,1.0NVAI" nt Cl/Wink:N. •02 Arch street, ide.lolll,t 10 . 11a1. nail` Akeull. lol!'J'7/./ NOW abbryttsrinnitz. FREE i 0 1;00K AGENTS: ~.n l :t [rook , in ,. pr..,,.,. • lir N. on I 1!. trabet bi , •1••• ,110111 , 1t.r.,,t1. to Any B ehn4G, .\*“( lona PubliPthing Cl/.. Plir a.. hi. BOOTS & SHOES MADE WITH Cable Wire Screw Will not Rill or Leak GREAT CHANCE to MAKE MONEY Ity Latina en ncrucr f..r TIIE 111. , ME OF GOD'S PEil. PLC.. Thelrl.t.t .114'1,1,4)11 /lOW leekr'y . 2ol hlexpilleext E 11,111. leek 114 nee er.ler4 In tett de 11x ym ether. ere 14.1 ...pi .1 y ite well 2 fxli Dollars .1... r itl. nillu re . ° I e In ide by the er tent lek• eorder ',eye? tr ,ver... The eh..uee to ke let eiicelart with t rine, etc. Extr mew...meet. offered. Add rein C=M= IbTORI 01' rile Great Fires. In C111CA , 41.1111 Ow WENT by R.,. E J. f004.017F.11, U. II 4.f f;hl. 4 .4,... (4.4.1 1,1.0ory• Sy., Paves Gd :r v 3111:, ..it I y Pr Ic.• 20 , V tiu• nt. Mi ENT , %VAN l'f 11. h. 1; , 10D,V77E.,• CO.. a N.•w bob BRIGGS & intoTii hit's Catalogue ofFlowei• and Vegtable E E 1) S, spmmE% FLoWEI:1:•13 FOR 1572 Nord roily. rorr.letrog of or or .a, 011 fo, toted foyer. with oirw. , "I 0 1, ...P0r0t0 rm.. Bee ts if al (:,,bor, rf I'lo. f Cover, /A ll' 111r.ful demo, in c010r... T i ler tie he-t Ceti logo...ger void —bed. send 21 C. 1114 for coopy, not on.- half tire volt.r of rite colored plater, In the Rod rode . nnooortlng to not It,a t111{114,1, the 'nice of tirrtalog,te Yfre. trill kr refunded it reed,' newcu•t , ornors pi .red n 11111.• (0 /11111, 1111 old Free to old runtomork. Quality ot da. slued par:kola, price:Amid uremia offered, make It 1.1111.• boo of all to purcitroo- a etttnl..gtne boo extraordi nary i114111e1 . 111 , 1115. Toll will 1111, It if 300 do no , a..e our Cetarlogne before ordering Seeds. lather 01 our two Ciur,oe.n (or .ire I:`,a2l—one a R. roer plate of itallienr'Pl'anta etrualarixg of I,rlr , s, Ste. —the other of 'Annual, °Lard and l'erenutni guArantrred the .11()S T SLRQ AST FLOR .1 I. R 0 .1f US over 'vaned In tills cotirirry. A ent , erb Parlor eroarrg'iri to I led. postgori.l, on receipt of 7,1.-t Who free, on con. ditto. apecitied in Catalogue. Addreari BRIGGS & BROTHER, tEa,,brio,ed ISO.] liocllo•ter. Now York WANTED, ACT! VK. AtIi:NTS to .d4ll the Finkle on I Lyon Manta.. tuning Co.'n Improved New Fully Sewing Maceme. "VICTOR" o..norAlt , lii, for PeuDrylvgal.:, Sew awl Del LLW re, No. 1227 Chestnut• St.. Phila. J. 1.. VEROUSON, 314, PROFITABLE BUSINESS • WI Ihe yen one r two per•telet, or either sex, 'in AL LENTOWN and attaining tow as. by which they 'nay real ize Dom OD t 04.1 Di In year. with but lilt to interiereeed with ordtuary occupatlon. in sellino HOUSEHOLD AR TICLES of root merit nod out vstsal oso. if the whole Moo is devoted in melt 'urger sum b • re.ilised. Cir rulers tree, vivito, complero tint of articles and commie ninon allowed. T. S. COOK St CO., Ilobokeu. N. J. (locorporatewlsoo.) Columbia Fire Insurance Co OrFICLItS A4l) DIREGTQRS. S. S. Dul . wiLmt, Pr..s . t• 11. DT. CRANE. le, 1'.041. VIM VATTIIN 11r.nu'r Troir, JA4. SCHROEDER. J. F. Fut , F.Arrr. Sect'. .1. S. srximn. J. II BA.'locoi, 31. N. Svticu LI. 'C. R.N. Fur Add , . 44 J. F. FIWEALIFF, Spey. Ph. SILVER TIPP - D BootsBhoes Last uslong ognin us atti other kind A 4.4 , ENTS ANTED.—Agentfl mtkernore 11 r t illif i t o ‘ r v;:r 3 k n. r , fl onf; non & to., Fine Art Publiihere, l'oknalr Slnla QA 9 A !Imp Ali-11140A. Er peureg raid. H. 4. SHAW Alfred, Malan. S2o 't "1r AND EXPENSES. Send e tamp to Sautily Maritifacttlring Co , ()ANCERS, TUNICItS, ULCERS, At ‘ tonleblea . eur.s liy Drs. hi line and Lindley, at the l'llll,'ollobia aLeer itadltute. till • arch Fe. Oda, l'a. 80/such talloon by hr. MeMleftel, al NI. Cleue•ea IW t, BA!, Aubnra, NN. Y Y. ; a n d by Dr. EVAIId. over 3A Wondertul Cancer Antidotes. Pap,, Fur Parf fcuh, re, ndf on or aJdreee either of the above. TPOTENCY.—VIctIme of. early Indlsere lin. gelf•abo.n. r 4aelog aervaqa .1.11;1111y . proma taro ke.. will and a mud Affeclual, aliroaudr 'lament cure by addra. , lllg. WU UN ÜBit,Pont-0111to, 4.,1872. sTRA W.BRIDGE & CLOTIFFR N. W. Corner Eighh ad Market Streets. Are now• offering for the FALL end WINTER TRADE no unntually large Etna of DRY GOODS, SILKS, DRESS 000DS, - DLACK ALPACAS, LIN MN 0 0 0 DS, BLANK ETS;--- 31 US LI A . S, FLANNELS, SIM WI, kJ, IVA TER-PRO OE CL 0. • We have lady taken advanlatto of the low• priers FOR CASH, have been a ( ; R 1.. AT BARG sept 1:1-Gm w 11iT8EUM OF CERAII1 0 ART, liffl OUR OWN SELECTION ,AND IMPORTATION. CHOICE AND ILARE 74:0VELTIES EXQUISITE STYLE AND TAS'I DINNER, TEA, DESSERT AND TOILET SERVICE. 11( 'NZ l'A R lAA'Uh', EA I'A, .IfAJOyAl k ; 1 1 V 0 11 , 1 R, AGRA. WI S T. 4 hJA PANESE AND VII A:‘ IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF 110I'SE FliliNllll WARES! FIRST-CLASS, GOOD.'. LOWEST CASH PRICES T \ N ME 707 ESTNU STRE.ET, PII ILA DELPHI A E AT A L . HOOD BoNBRIGHT. CO . Have REMOVED to their SVACIOUS AND SPLENDIDLY •LIGHTED E W STOR 14 1 „ T IN THE CITY,] 5 .1.. , 1 - 11R.E1 STREET, AND NOS. SOG SOS, 810, 812 FILBERT $ PUIDADELPHIA. [THE LARGE NUS 811, 813, AND 81 t , They extend a cordidi invitation to their friends and to the Trade throughout the Union, to ct and see their new establishment, and to examine their immense stock of Foreign and Domestic D Goods, J in 10-3 m iv iFor i';alc nnb Zo La. TO LET.-1 REASONABLE LEASE will Lai given on the Easton Slate Quarry, situated In Plainfield townshi, notpn county, near Stackertown. it cosists of number one tlat-vein, blue never-fading elate, fully equal to the well-known Ehap mon' slate, with a gaud water power and a full rigging 11/ pumping and hoisting machine, Pentium desirous of an o pportunity of this kind will please °gamine for then. selves, and apply to Reuben Koch, Stackerlown I'. O. misr3 'ti9 0. L. SCHREIBER, Brusldeat VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE ALE The subscriber offers at private I nle his VllllllO.lO Entail of one hnualred oust twenty-four acres said ninety•s perchvs of land situate In Durham Township. Bucks orunty. Pa.. ndjoining lands el Campbel andd Kramer. Wllllam S. Long. David Laubach and Pet. r bonbon!. Th. farm In situated on 010 north Ode of DM!. m Crock and has is warts southern exposure and is one Male most prods , live and convenienb located (gran+ la the excel- lentof the county. There in also on the premises excel lent looter power of twenty five feet head and fnll having formerly been used for sAw still purpose. Their In a suf • tiriency of Oakd Chestnut limber on the promises for having M building materiels ; and also a vario , Y off.nit trees. The improvements thereon consist of a double 2. S'T'ONE: DWELLING DOUSE. two stories high, (I by. 0 foot, with Stone Kitchen ttaclent ; t three story stone Barn. 40 by NI feet ; also, fern Ceti, Frame Sly, Frame Wagon noose and other out•lmlldings. Theft, Is a nover•falling well of water neit the door and it tanning stream At the Darn. The term Is well fenced and conveniently divided into fields. is cenventent to 34 , 0 , 04. stills, bind< 1111110 S, schools end rhurchen, and is situaied between Sprlngtown and Meg. ei.vllle shout 3 miles (rem either. Term- bent one-half of the purchase money idcAsh, and the remainder to reliant. In the premises n. the par de. may agree upon. JO 11:7110UPT, Jenfib.lau Springtow Bucks Co Pa. r O ARNIERS' UNION "rruAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, at Trexlertown. PA. Whole amount Insure.' lavt year, (919,5145 x. JOlre.nforn : D. 11 .11, , TrAN. F. P. ' LI,ITEIWALNER, (i..ttorLuDwlti. SAYYOHI , 81.11`11EN - . . .. • • • . lilioitoig Horn. ItlttrlifiN GAeIii:NIISCIT J0, , E1.11 ii•,31,... 501.i.4". li Lave. SAMCu6 J li:Armtut, Esq. Jolly B. tiviimoyeit. 13101:11,11.1.1, YOl, It. D. 11. BASTIAN'. Pret.thlent. doll N It. SCII MOYER Treasurer, IiENN MILLE YODER, Stertrary. fjelll4 : !leery gents, E14f1., Slatoortou, Pa. Reuben Stiller, New Tripoli, Pa. Levi Worley. %Velsoubaru. Loon L. Snytler, tilt niersvlllo. Levi S. Lichtenwa 'Crei,lettuNT.• charles ,allshory. Sonnet Lerch. Krohlorevllle. Northampton County. Reuben It. Kline, .Iloselent 1..... Berns County. Hiram K. Cleaver, Oley, Manstawuy I'. 0., Berko Co. • Acknotsfedyment—The Board of Directors would ten der their th,oliti to Mr. Levi Lichtenwalluer, Treasurer of the Compttay, for his tidollty and punctu silty w ill, acting as naval, or of the Farmars . Union Mutual Fire i11,.111.0 Levi Llchten walla,. Treasurer, In account with the Fartnets' Bulue Mutual Piro Insurance Company, at Trexiertown, Pa, EMI@ . . . J.. 7. 1871. Belence In hand $..(72..75 Inlereat 00N; 0 one veer iei 011 • Tax received of Hanford Stopheu, No. I Aedeesinent • 3 :12 Feb. 4. 1071. of 0. Yoder, l'rvnium 3. 1 1 110 April 't2, 1071, " 7,1 a) Aug. A, 1.71, " .. '4lO 041 • • Mi. 14 1 0 71 '• 6)10 ~. ~.... ........ Jae. 1, 1671, 2,1 8.1 . .. Joe. 6, 1072, • 10 47 EX IiFiNDITUREi• April ii, IP7I, To JOll4ll Hoffman, ilrodunage... VI CO April ?2. hill. Duvld 8 ephen, fire dutonge... .21 tO April 22, 1671, lloi,ort 44.84.11, Jr.. priullug.... 21 05 Aug. 5, DuvldAruold, Oro damage. 1811 72 Reuben Lulleuxpel gee, • 14 02 bct Cllll4 Whlttnati, fire ditinage.. 111111 Der 2, Kern, lire 371 03 Levi H. Llclitenwulluer, lot bolding tdecliuu ............. 4 AO Doe. 23. liniuue Ai - Dube, prlutlug 14 AO Robert Irodell, Sr., "14 lid . 1,1:-,, .. .•. •• r . Urillg,Trocle 4 co , do tii Fo C 40.”,, ',doing ...•• • ...... .I'. , ' T V Rtio,,ds, lit - luting I. 50 .. J.. 6, 1672, Dirvctoro • Servlcen ISIOU - -• ni Colnialtteo.,.... ........ 47 :AI - - • - -- ISM Stumps und uX .19 fl.O Sigulug Pyllele • 2:40 Tro °woes SAIKry :6 In For Autlittua . " ... , ........ Balance la hand, of rreanurer Apt rovtd Ja unary oth In7l. .rEpuEN, WILLIAM MINK. Auditorn. REUBEN 0 ACHENBACII. Account of Bonneville I" 7 oder. tiecretnrr of tbo Fttriners' Union Mutual Fire lunar.. Coutiotnyont Tronlertuvru, Penna. Jan. 5. 1071, Ree'd Prettily ui on .016 Now lacronsod Volition to Jun. li. Claoun credit for cash paid V.te 31 • Feb 4. 11.71, To Levi Llclitenwnllner.Treas.,l3.s April " 7O 00 Aug.& " • Via 03 Oct. H. " " so 00 Inn. t. 1573. " " 2111 S.l Jnu. 0, " " 1547 • - W.! 32 Approved Janunr7 oth, 1072. SANFORD STF.PIIEN, W i 1.1.1 AM MINK, Auditor, OACHENBACII, • innl7.u . Vb • JOItIDAN 111411 USE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT I The Jordan Hoorah. changed hands. The new land lord will try 0111.0 nII who Way patronige hire with a call Lle will keep constantly baud tint beet of choice Mutton and keep tho celebrated Bergner St Engle' s cole• bruted Philadelphia Lager Beer. to the Reetaurant he will keop all the deliraclee of the woolen with the host of Oyelere prepared In all etylea. All who will rive him a call will go away sutiafed that it lit the heat p ace lu lentown. A. I'. NEFF. J..thAU 110 V., N. W. Cor. Second St. Ilauilltion Ste., novZ)-tftv Allentown Pa. .A GiticuurunAi. Al The twenty-first Annnal Merit a of the Labial County Aerterthwiti lioelett will he holdon TUESDAY, the (Oh day of FElltt UAIIY• ottxt, at Ino'clock, , lit no Court Ilooso,tu tho City 4,f Alloutown,l.ohlith County, fur tho cure, o of oloctlug 011leern for next year an' transact all other business usandly boom ht before the Ine,lloo, By of der of 0. L. bUt lad LI hit, l'res't. • Atte. :—Jomiu• STAIILNIt, Sec'y. idult-Idtv REMOVED.. THEO. M. FOUST =1 .027 LIANItt,ToN STREET (Up SrAnta,) Upposlle Gert!lan. /Wormed I.liurdi doc4.3t wisrd A. LARGE ISTOVIR OF FALL AM) WINTER APPLES, YORK STATE AND WESTERN, • prtmo lot, 10 LEVI FENSTERMACEIERT, Tenth and Hamilton streets, Alleutoisro 0ct.90.2w d 1.1.1 w HILADELPHIA =I LADIES' CLOAKINGS' BLACK ANTRACHANS, BLACK BEAVERS, WHITE .7 CB BEAVERS PLAIN WHITE BEAVERs, BLUE CLOTHS, WHITE CORDUROYS, VELI'ETEENS, it toillant nun tight Ennik,t,uncl ~cure many. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. N. AV. cor. Eighth mid Market Streets, Philadelpbta Yre,ii ELL A LE, is, DOII ISTRAITOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the undersign ht.! token ont letters of administration in the estate PANIKI. nun, dec, abed, into of Old South Delhi hem, Haney, township, Lehigh county; therefore . peronii who are indebted to mild Estate. aro request to nmke payment within Six weeks front the date here and those [lnv Ina elahne will present them dilly authen email fur settlement within the above sllied time. janl7.6t Iv) LEWIS SNY tiee DER. Adltor. AUDITOIt'N NOTICE. In the Court nr Common Plen,rol Lehigh Coon Juno Tenn,7l. Dl°. 2. O. F. Martin ye. Charles T. Yorker, Sr., Charles Vrken, Jr.. and Silas erkes. Id equity in the miter of the Bret account of the 110 Jo-hue kinkier, recebrer. NOW, January 12, 1872. C. Al. Rook. Sea . Is abbot ed Auditor to resettle and restate the encoeut, If nece• ry, and make distribution. Fruin the Records. • J. 8. Do.menrcit, f'roth'y The underelgned will attend to the d olive alum t. poluttneut In le above Ciiht.,FRIDAY, the Sit day FEBRUARY, 1572..tt 111 o'clock, a. tn.. at Bandlton et root, City of Allentown, where all ort torn and other,. Intort.ted tu Inc Relate of betties& Sla tin. or uthetwled In the lund fur dlrtnbutien are notltl to attend. janl7-w td C. SI. RUSK, Auditor. 4 . 113111 N writ ATo s• NOI'ICE. Nutlet, Is hereby given that letters tottistnent. having boon granted to the undersigned in the estate JAMES 11. BUSH, [let vas. 41, late at tho City 01 Alit town, 'which tentuty, thoreforo till persons who lint themselves to be indebted to said estate, are requested mike pa potent within six weeks front the dots he, and such wan have any legal claims sitalust said 0.1 will present them welluthentic:tied for ssttlent pec within the abevs sified ti a ttle. kIAICCIIS KEMMERER,! Adtuluistintor. jaul.Gtts j CHAS. As'IGNEE's NOTICE. Where. E. Moen and Anna, hie wife, wider dt antoddoment doted Nov. 20, 1071% for tits benefit of Creditors of Mo. toild E. Mo.,tieelgued all their remrent, rent, pernonal Rod t,ixed,unto the undersigned .11 pi non., therefore, knowing theumelves to be luillebted the sold E Sloes, are hereby notified to oinks payn within six tth weolm from dote and tt.e., havloa clots will pretieut the etlllo Within Hold (IMO to ELIAS AIEETE. Aenlguee for E. Moen add onto TIONZ) Ow XECILITOR'S NOTICE. E Yolko t. hereby given that ilitters testament having been granted to the undersigned lu the estate Jitil N ILEX, deceased, late of Washiegion tow ship, County of Lehigh, Pentinylvania; therefore Pernons who know themselves to Lo indebted estate lire requested to make payment within nix wet from date hereof, and then • nuts o have any legal chit againstlinid estate will proseLl them troll authentic, for settlement within the above specified time. laulO.titw bASlllt.l. KInTLEIt, Executor OTICE IN BANILICUPTCY. LI District Court of the Culled States for Euler° D Blot of Penn... In the molter of WS. 11. WINT, Baukrupt, FAO,, District of Conon. A WHITIMI ill Bankruptcy has boon Issued by told Cot in tho Estate of Williittu 11. \Vint, of the Coanty of I, high and State of Penusylvaula. lu said District, who been duly udjudged a liattkrupt upon petul. n of his CIO hors, and the pai inset of tidy debts and the delivery utly propert) belonging to sold Bankrupt to him or to u•e, nut the trAusior of nay property by hint are fort/ doe by low. A 'mooting of the Creditors of a.tid Bank no to prove their debts mid °lmago one or more A.eltineo. his Estate, will bo bid tit a Court of Baulk 'Limey to holden tit the • Ity of All..utown. In paid District, on Ist do of February, A. D. IST:, '..t 10 o'clock, A. M., tho ogle° f lleorgo N. Cacaos, Esc' . at the Arnett.. Hotel, iti sold city, one of the tieglntern in Bonk runny sold District. JAMES N. Khitrit 4 , daul7.2.iv U. S. dlarshal .or watillhatrio. AN ORDINANCE. TO ENCOURAG TIIF, 41 , PuElv.NstoN toe INCENDIARIES. Sac. 1. be it orda i ned and enacted by the Select at Common Councils of the City of Allentown nod it la her by ordained by the authority or the saute. Mot whunoev after the lion/tag° of this ordinance shall pursue and a prebend any puroon evporsuun whushall have wilful and niailcionsly rot fire to or burn or cause to be not to or burn or who shall have aided, anointed ur procure ny minion to set tire to or burn non dwelling beam kWh., smoke house. Shop, barn, stable, store hour factory, warelieu oice, mill. or auy other building buildings, ur or tiller of boords or other lumber wit le the Motto of the City of Allentown, shell on convict, °revery perso re w ardrn apprehended, be for and receive 0 01 one hundred dollars tor the e welleciitou 01 nu) , ouch person or persons who nhull ha been convicted on atoms:dd. lino. z. That it shall Ins tho duties a! the Cemuillte of Finance Upon ally Conviction us ;Arcata to lnqui Whether any nod If any who Is the most. or Dern°en e titled to receive the above relear l. nod if mo ur 0 perhon, then in what prupottion the nald nu re m or sun ought to be paid nild to certify the same with the name k awned of olaitnouto le the t'tooideot of Conwilon Cuntse who Is hereby directed and em Mond glum tine teceibt nude certificate from the Committees of Finance teet afe wale], to draw Ilia wntrout en the City Trc ooo rcr into 0 d inn al titan( or cls f .utporoosc.arBt., U. liEtiltoE FRY, Pres. C. C. A trent :—W3, J. WEI., Clerk e, C. E. L Item Clerk C. C. Approved thin 1411, day of December, 1071. T. IL UUOD, Mnyor. 4 OJ ('lo 4 IMEI Terror ! Murder !! Dent!' 1 !I RATS m fr ` , ,„!;;;;; T o rl.,;"'" , RATS RATS Fanner, smuts your Orain• RATS RATS A Rt. tu r i ktl r e Y • P e r t e c lin ration. RATS which drawn state, (es hy magic) from their bolos and hiding pierce. They cat ravel:lonely nod ail die to u teauf certainty in the open mr. sare to nee. Called DUMPS. NEW 1111'lloV ED VERMIN EMTERMINATOR. ti d ed withtronde rho/ aucceati at the Cowrie usT•L and other hang II tale and Public Itotlintions In Philadelphia mud New York city i Bolton House, Harrisburg t Union Depot Hotel, Pittobtog t Bertha li ot tae, Williamsport, l' ; la. In fact, the only ar. here that will rid awl a. then° panto. Cut thin nil , vertkoinent out and take to your Druggist or Mer• chant. If he it. not oupplied, he can got it for yon of any Whobt•ale Drugglat• Be tore and get only that Jar.E. BURT, Jr., Dbilatiolphia, I'u., o for 111. Jar. Take no other. t 3 canto ajar ; ve lure lll. $1 worth lota ugunag don thorough work. TO MERCIIANTe.—Burt'a new Improved will never harden or change by ago. Alwaya In nice con dition. Lobe on hand of Fortner make will he ex changed, If &mired. Prloetpal (repute, 02 Arch otreet, N. E. corner Tenth nd Chestnut it,. , and W. cur. Eighth and Race Kona!, Philudelpido. hold by all Whoielosie Druggixtv . Direct all !Mora to E. BllitT, Manufacturer of Rat EXtermlualnr. Weil Philndelphla, Pa. (auto-Oat w pANCOAST MAULE, THIRD AND PEAR STREETS, PH fLADELPHIA, PLAIN AND a4Lyerth7{Eti \VROUGH'I' IRON TUBES Lap-welded Boiler Tubes, • Rum and hots Valve. nod Corks{ Fining. tarn. , &ea and Watert Rough and FlulAhed Braga Work a 0611 nud Itit.lll Toohi, Bulb Tubs nod liluka. Bath 11,111E , 1, IsnamPlied Walk 6taudio, etc., Collo of Tube; Steam Ratios and Trap.. . . • Pipe of all Sizes plea to Sketch. Socceesors to MOR R IS, TAMER At Co.. s. CONTRACTORS For the i li p e t aVng:f . lltllngto of all Climes with Steno; r bythe mold• •pproyed Erietlpd,r; Esfitnates Furnished Gratis. (AI -1r Lrgat Notices
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers