Jebfeinal. AT 2 AT 7 2 2 Al 722 IS THE IS THE IS THE City Drug Store City Drug Store City Drug Store OF OF OF Lawall&Martin, Lawall&liartin Lawall &Martin, S. W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF HAMILTON & HALL STS., HAMILTON & HALL STS.. HAM L LTON & HALL STS., If you want Pure Drugs go there. If you want Cattle Powder go there. If you want Pure Medicines go there. If you want Pure Spices go there. If you want Lubricating Oil go there. If you want Physicians' Prescrip tions put up right go there. If you want anything atoll go there. If you don't wantanythi ug go there. If you want to be satisfied go there SURE. SURE. SURE. Remember the place, No. 722 Both of the proprietors are ready to wait on you. They are both practical chem ists ; you will find that Lo be the case after giving them a trial.. DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, S. W. Corner of Hall St City Drug Store. NO( URE,NO PAY. DR. H. 1). LONGAKER, Graduate alba University of Peennylvania, nt has been in auccesefel practice for a number of yearn in various parte of the United States; will promptly at tend toll branches of his profession at bin rooms, East std. of Sixth street. bet. Hamilton and ;robust 'ALLENTOWN, PA No Patent Medicine. are need or recommended ; the rem edies adminikered are the.° which will not break down the conetitetion, but renovate the Imam from all Injuries It ha. sustained from mineral medicines, and leave It in a healthy and perfectly cured condition. CONSIMPTION, BRONCHITIS, DYSPEPSIA, and all discus. of the Long., Throat, Stomach, and Liv er, which yearly carry thousand. to untimely grove;, can undoubtedly be cured. MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, that state of alienation and aberration of mind which lien. dors persons incapable of enjoying the pleasures of per. forming the duties of life. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, In any firm or condition, chronic or acme, warranted cur. able. gyillep•iy„ or falling sick ness, and chronic or stub born cases of FEMALE DISEASES speedily and radically removed; Balt Rheum. Skin Diseases (of years' st.diug) every &inception of Ulcerations, Plias and Scrofulous dis cuss, warranted cored. gliriParticular attention given to private dineasee of every description of both sexes. Ladles suffering from any complaint incidental to their sex, can consult the doctor will, assurance of relief. Cancer eared, and Tumors of all kinds removed without the knife or drawing blood. Diseases of al° EYE AND EAR effectua lly """ fnl" : rTA • qirLonl rvil: a y Meteleo if d e sres; einoeaddresaed by letter (confidentially) nod met lane sent wi th proper direction.. to soy pert of thvou Orgies: East side of Sixth etroot, between llom toe h id may 21-1 y Walnut Allentown. Ps. • haws Or the eomplalnt. w. I , ov/ix. & SON, Proprietors, Boston • ^ Mugslsla and dealers ^morally. .mulne unless signed 1. NAT& 'VOILES OR HEMORRHOIDS. PILEI OP ALL KINDS perfectly and Permanently Cm.. without pain, damp r. caustic, or Inetrumonte. by WM• A. MoCANPLESS. M. D., • Will ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Who eau refer you to over IRO canes cored to Phllsdel- DMA alone. We desire to nay to those •Micted, there le poeltively no deception to the cure or these Disa•sen, It matters not how long or hnw several/ you , aye been Ceded, las t 7 TIM= you. a e r Alton core lower v h l :47) e . cme you that are mitering, we will not dreetveyou. We lave !W ro ants from almost every atet e In the Uulou sad from upe. Have (coated theso dittoes. for twenty TOM Wit Mg a tallore• nor 26-ty • 13111LOSOPilir OF 111 ARNO AGE.—A Nsw CONROE Or LIICTUREII,_IIB delivenal at the Penns Polyteshnic awl Abateralcal . Museum. IMO Cheatrint lit.. three doors shots Twelfth. Philadelphia embracing the aubJects: How to Live and What to Live for; Youth, Ma nutty and Old Age; Manhood Generally ile•lewed; The owl. of ludineationg Plat Philos o phi c allyous Ohmage. accorutted fort Marriage considered. The.. lectures will be forwarded on receipt of ZS cents by addreesing: Secretary of the Pell[lll. POLTTRCIINIC AND ANATOMICAL Mossy, 1225 Cheatuut St., Philadelphia, Peas. one 22•1 y WILTBERGER'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are warranted equal to Ray made. They are prepared from the/mails. and will he found much bal., than tautly of the Eistrne , s that are mold. Ex airtrac dtrk your Grover or. Druggist for Wiltbergsr's ts . . BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE 1., without doubt. the Seat nritel. to the market. fir biasing ctolhes. It will color Inure water th a I.ltr times the lame weight of Indigo, cud mach more then toy other wash blue in the mentut. Thu may pentane le that pat up et ALPRED WILTDERGER'I3 DRUO STORE, rte. 233 NORTH SECOND STREET. PUILAD'A., PA The Lenses have both WILTIINIIIII.OIend Ileat.nw•o name. them. all others are counterfeits. For sale by most Grocer. and Druggists. - - WILTBERGEWB INDELIBLE INK s wilt befound on !Hat to be a •uperfor art kir. Always an band for salvo At sable takes Dn a Ground SPICES, Genuine MEDICINE, Chamla Skins, Sponge:, Tiptoes, t jute/84Y No, North Second al., Phila., Pa. HARTMAN WASTE PA' The Illshed Cal Old Newspapers Old Blank Books Of overt demerlptlon. • And Ledgers, Waste Paper, That are all writtem over. Wall kinds. 0 d Pamphlets, &o. t in, 'HO/ 2 1. 11aaaiwo men 0017017 ) - 11/1/:'= ""' f'3.macnitgAßlAWATtt..rbusr... GIRARD SAVINGS BANK, NO. (Organized tinder a State Charter), EAST HAMILTON STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE TUE 0008 T SIOOSE. Monies received on deposit at all times from one dollar upwards. Pays SIX per cent. Interest for sit months or l arelNt . Poor ggeifitgdtlsnnirergnicces'alesclntod'Alfel Securities bought and sold. Interest collected on Govern. r moot Sanritlee at fair rates. All deposits of money will be held strictly conadentlal, and may bo withdrawn at any time. Married women and minors have special privilege. asgran.ted I wit n ou In r charter, ha vinge. full power to transact host h us their own Thin Institution is a legal depository for monies paid Into Court, and receives money in trust from guardians, administrators. treasurers,tax collector. and other. irelloNEli LOANED 1 - ZIFAVORABLE TERMS• P fl AON ALBRIG lIT, President• It .1.1 - Lumu.a , cuhiu• ormfora—Plnon Albright. demon F. Kline, Tilghman Mertz. David Weida, Aaron Eisenhart. lal-3m MILLERSTOVIN SAVING BANK AULLERSTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. Thin Institution will bo opened on or Wore tbn lot de lanApril. illoney will ba taken on deposit nt all times au. , In any BUMP front ono dollar upwards, for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST per annum will be Paid. Deposits may ho withdrawn at any limo Also, money oanod out on favorable terms. • J AMES WEILER, President 111L•ICKLIN 811111E11, Cashier. J. F. M. Miffed, Georg Ludwig, Frederick C. Yobst. Chrial . .1 K. Henninger. Day Id Donner, Willia m 9alidaY• Dome (I riebol, 0 ideon d. Egner, Horatio T. liertrog, Benjamin J. tichmoyer, James tilugmanter mar 16.6 m ALLENTOIVN SAVINGS INS TION. Organized as "Dimes Saving Iniiitution," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (ae•RLT OrPORITE Tile AMEnIcAN 11011110 PA YS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY ON DEPOSIT. This institution, Rio oldest Saving Bank in Eastern Pennsylvania. has boon in continuous and successful operation for ten years, and continuos to pay SIX PER CENT. INTEREST on money for one year, and special rates of Interest for shorter periods. RrLAll deposits of money. will be held strictly cool- Execatora, AdministratorB,Trutares, AsaigneeB, • Treasurers, Tax Collector.% and other custodialns of public or private moneys, aro of fered liberal rate. , of interest. Farmers, Merchants, Laborers, and all who have money to put on interest for a long or short period will And our inatitntion an ngreeable and ativontageons onein which to do Imetines, We especially invite LADIES to trammel their banking buslness with us. MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS - have special privi leges granted with us our chart e thei r— r o ha wn v names. ing full power to H, an act bushman wit in Money deposited with this Dilution. IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by II Capital sleek and carping money entity of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS,and addition. the Board of Trustees have, am required by t harter, giver bonds under the sopervision of the Court In the num 01 FIFTY TIIOUSAND DOLLARS, which bonds ore reglo. tered In and hold by the Court of Common Plena of Hilt county for tito security of depositors. Our Iron Vunitt. are of the most secure and extenslyt kind known in Olio country, an pernooal inspection wit Kerr, and to Which w a ilielte our friends and easterners We refer to tido, believing that safe Burglar Pruitt Vault. complete the soVittitAraitiliiilliAu,goord, Saving blunt, complete P oddeut. CHRISTIAN PRETZ. Vice President. REUBEN STABLER. Cashier. Wilituto 11. AlneyT O"T'ES ilitarles 8 Boob, Chrixtian Pratt, John D. Stiles. Y. E. Samuels, Benj. J. Hagenbuch, George Brobst, amuel Sell. Nathan PettSey FARMER'S SAVINGS BANK, Incorporated under a State Charter of 1870. Fogelavllle, Upper Blanangle township. Lehigh Co. This Institution hat. been organized and opened under a Mete Charter. MONEY will andaken on deposit at all times and In any earn from $1 upwards. for which 6 PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID. Deponite may be withdrawn at any time. Also money loaned ouWILLIAM favorable terms. MOH R, President R. H. VOGEL, Cashier. TRUNTECA • Dr. A. A. Sayler, J . Straub, Daniel Meyer , David Peter, Jonas Rauch, Samuel Kuhns , Daniel H. Civil:, wilii.m mo nilliam Stein, • __ _ ERPT 6-6 U FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, Located at tho corner of Hamilton street and Church alloy, In Linn Hall, Cityory, opposite tile German Reformed Church. in the of Allentown. in organised and ready for huskies, It relit pay SIX per cent. In terest on all drp.ftS 4.1,C1at hl.lll/81, , 11.r.itlf, for any, period of !tete, to be en Imitated frorn the dote of depot To secure which, the Trustee/. of the Institution have filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County, under the direction of the Court. a bond In the ,ntn of Twenty-five Thonmand Dollars, conditioned for the faith ful keeping and appropriation of all such same of money or Pll3ll be placed in charge of said FRANKI,IN SAVINGS BANK, whether an tleptiaits, or shares of clock. which bond may he enlarged by the Court whenever it may be deemed necessary In addition to ti. the Act Id Incorporation maker the Stockholders Iwo.. .tally liable to the depoodt form bit the ftal/10.111 f the Mopital Stook of the Bank. wh In fifty Ottoman.dollars, with liberty to therm.° It to t hUndrod nod fifty thousand dollarn. These pros will make It a very desirable and a plan of drposit.p r o state that tho deposits v be kept IU n it er o ' l 7 tre T :f e t;:/t ' sf and t hest protected eon tin Unto city. Arrangements will be ramie to tarnish drafts on the ell of New York end Philadelphia S. A. BRIDOES, President J. W. WI I.SON. rice Proffitt J E. ZIMMERMAN. Cashier . Trustees : Daniel 11. Miller, S. A. Bridges, Jelin ilolhen, William Biter, D. it. Creits, J. W J. E. Zimmerman Peter Gross, Edwin Zimmerman THE ERIN SAVINGS BANK OF WM. L. YOHN, NORTH SEVENTH ST, ABOVE LINDEN, ALLENTOWN, PA. Thin bonk ban been eionbilebed for the purpose of carry ing on a general Banking Minim., and to offer to the community a SECURE INVESTMENT for their money at home, at the mime rate of interest that it would command In New York or New J0r11...9. MONEY LOANED OUT ON 000 D KgCURITY -_- Gold, Silver and Government Honda bought and sold. Drafts drawn on the principal cities of the Milted States In 13,11.1 to null purchasers. Collections made on dl eccensible points, and proceeds promptly remitted at cut rent rates. Farmern; Merchants, Li.borera and all who have money to put out on tutored (Or a long or abort period will Ana thin I toditutlon an agreeable and ad vantaltemsx one In which to do busineen. Interest allowed on deposits at the following rates. to SEVEN PERCENT. for one year, SIX PER CENT. If .left for thirty d►ye and under one Year. WRoronne ',tamp. hold at it dinconnt. [Jan 21 d►w Announcement Extraordinary ! E. S. lIIMER &Co 6' DRY GOODS HEADQUARTERS! 705 AND 707 HAMILTON NTRLET Latest Interesting Intelligence PRICES TO ASTONISH THE NATIVES! OUR GOODS WERE BOUGHT BEFORE THE LATE ADVANCE AND GIVE TIIE AD VANTAGE TO THE TRADE. 111.11..0U1t LAST PRICE LIST created great havoc 112 the mho of 111011 PRICED STOREd. They cads ace how It In that we can Mahe Money and Sell Goods so Cheap First. having two stores, we ars able to buy Ooods le Ltrge lots direct from tiro ulnae...users and Importers, sad fto,o 10 to per cent .4 . heaner Own tinny do. Rec..nd. One hag. sib , cloth's Ile tin tmlte money, even though we mans but very 111110 111 auy one erticle. And last but wit islet, We bay exclusively a (or cant and discount all ear Utile, which to theaggregate llittlMlN to cousiderable. Xo *if i'r 7r r ft . ;;Yt ' 4 l ll " (7r 4 t , !l ' it l l l . l . '‘.4 L ' r ' ri ' 7l cd DO,rbitrat,i not to be linotrron ft .11y Any tf Our (tont', D•ILY AIIRIVALB or Fall and Winter Dry Goods. OUR STOCK le entirely too r xtru.lvo to enumerate ar- Heln and mice, We lance In 'dock at general nesurtmont of good. nomally 1,0 In di - et-clues end well regulated store. Immenee etork of. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, &C. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS PAISLEYS, BROCIIES. BLANICgT, TinuEr and STELLA SHAWLS Woolens for Men's and Boys' Wear CLOTHS. CASHMERES, TWEEDS, SATINETS, KEN White Brown, and Gray Blankets, Marecalcs and Honey-Vont() Q n(lfe. Fancy ll'o.11;ouer lots Flannels, Sheehings, Cheeks; ike. 'ER DEPOT h Price Paid For CARPET DEPARTMENT COMPLETE! OIL CLOTIIS. WINDOW SHADES, &C. E. S. SHINIER & CO., Sinancial. Din eciobo = IBM "MAMMOTH STORES.' WE WILL TELL THEM afar, ry passible daacrlption aud price EI!M=MI BL AN KTES. 705 and 707 ll=lllou St., Allentown, pa. TREMENDOUS STOCK OF LUMBLR! GREAT PREPARATIONS FOR THE SPRING TRADE AT THE ALLEN TON W LUMBER YARDS ILLOUGHBY R. TREXLER (SUCCESSOR TO TREXLER & 8R05.,) Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Allentown, Pa DE BORE AND LOOK FOR THE LUMBER OF SUPERIOR QUALITY OFFERED AT TIIE FOLLOWING PRICES COME AND SEE ! ! • V.T.006 In need of lumber for large buildloge will find It greatly to their ndventarre to toll, being eon•tatrry reedy • fill order for all kinds of lumber need In large bulldinge upon the !mom favorable term, bud at the stwit. •t notice. Every article belonging to N. firm-clues lumber yard in conetantly kept on hand. Thenkful for pool (acorn. I Invite my fricudi to cull and tetra toy clock. WII,I.OP(I HEY It. TRF XT. E 'an 2.3.3 in Harrison Safety Boiler. CM GnovEß & BAKER'S ICTIC T.WCK Si CH FAMILY F WING MACH INES ! ME NEW STYLES SHUTTLE STITCH SEWING MACHINES PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DESIRED FROM ALL WHO REQUIRE A SHULTTE SEWING MACHINE To our NEW STYLES, which poesees unmistakable advantagee over the NOISY and CUM BROM styles of other makers. 1,--` , . ....HA Lrs .. ..,,... --: 7 7.-.„., ~!,,k,..t..(- ~,,,.. c , VEGETABLE SICILIAN - ta4Ak / *A" HAIR 7.M• 4 ,`,.' . C ..‘.; 'RENEWER. E. , . cca increases the I,opulari ty of I hi. valuable I lah: Preparation; which i; due to merit alone' We can a , sure our old patrons that it is kept titllj up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable Lnd perfect ed preparation for EC , toring GRAY Olt FADED HAIR to its youththl color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop-, erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker • and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical HAIR DitEssiNG ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, MD . ., State Assayer of Massachuset ts, says, :.The constituents are pure, and care r. Illy selected for excellent ytality ; and P I consider it the BEST REPA RATION. fin' it 4 intended purl a:cs" s•da /,;/ olt Dm:of:lo,4lM Dealers in .If,rEciatif. Buckingham's Dye. FOR ,THE WHISKERS As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore 'gray or faded 'Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one prepgration which will quickly and effectually accomplish his result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off: Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, & CO., NASHUA; N.B. BOLD IN ALLEN I'OWN BY W. E. BARNES &, SON FRUIT PRESERVING POWDER. NORNY '8 TASTELESS POWDER preaerves all kind. of Canned Fruit, Stewed Fruit. Fruit Butter, Preserve. and Tomatoes without being air tight, more elegant In beauty and taste than any protean in the world. Thi. Powder has been In public oar for three years and I. now need In every State of the Union. It Ls cheap, healthy and reliable. will furnlah stewed sod preserved fruits daily fur the table eheeper than any other tomes.. One Box costs PO Crate pots or 40 quarts or (0 pounds of pared fruit. Pull direct ions telling how to prevent all mould with the box. Bent by mall or sold by Grocers and drturilats• '• The wholesale trade supplied by Johnson, Ilalloway & Comae, French. Richards & Co , Philadelphia, Kidder St Wetherell, New York, or oorsolvno. ZANE, BOOBY & CO.. • • 109 North Feeond 81. Phliad'e. jilly 8.9 m w "BLUE SIGN !" No. 1 Pine Boards, best quality, per thou.: nd tt3l " 1 " Scantling, " 44 32 " 2 " Boards, n 44 25 " 3 " it " 12 , ches wide " ' lit. 10 I "3 . " all width ' 18 " 1 .‘ Floor, 11 Inches wide, best qu..lity.. 34 " 1 " " all widths, per thousand 30 " 1 Hemlock Flooring, 6 Inches wide . ... 20 if 1 16 " all widths 25 " 1 Spruce Flooring 'lO " 1 Block Siding, beat quality ............ ........ 34 IC " 1 German " 34 n 2 CI ilt '34 % Beveled Siding, planed 26 ill " not plotted 22 It' Inch Common Fennel 40 11 5 .1 . t 2' " 44 , 10 40 Hemlock Joist, Scantling, tic., all length 18 Hemlock Boards, 12 Inches wide 19 all widths .. No. 1 24 Inch Shingles, extra quality 44 12 6 44 .1 (it 1 24 i" It $ feet Lathe, best quality (I. 4 CI 3 " Palinga 3:6 4 44 4 44 44 .. 4 1 4 " Fencel extraand q, Ra ls 7 t v ...... ... All other Lumber In proportion TnE BEST IN USE ! FOR MANUFACTURING ! FAST, DURABLE AND IMPROVED IN ANY BRANCH OF Manufacturing or Family Sowing CALL AND EXAMINE. J. F. WIIIEBACK, ,Agent. OFFICE AND UcLEBROODI, opposite German Reformed Church, No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa Prioo Ono Dollar BIAS BEEN IN PRA , TICAL "SE POl THAN vES 25,00 C Mr:4,lw •nr reie nl.p.netl. 1 Medial, I g01.1..n. 5,2 liolitPle 11 .51, 15 P 111 . NO FOIL CM - CLARIS'. IIARRISON 1301Lnit w1 , 111:6, r• rat:, wESTON't 4 PATEN r DI , F. '•; TIM 111.c'4 7.5,00) In n•.• HARRISON 0011,P,11 phii„ = iirloAMS, T. FtV V 0111( and ISO FRI ER•I, Sr , Huaru....^.A.x. jr'X'7•l, w Fri:; 1:11 BItOIDERT V. •t; ‘i Nci 'I, FOlt UENt G FO V, TI:CKiNG Arc U na pproachable FOR i; ATII VOR STITCHING FOR CORDING FOR FELLING Ayer's Cathartic Pills, . . .• suffering's prevents rat by their timely Ilse; and every fluidly should have them on hand fur their protection mid relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be Pie oafs test, surest, and best of all the Pill. with which the market abounds. By their °erosional use, the Wood is unrifled; the corruptions of the ova. Ism expelled, obstructians removed mid fin whole machinery of life restored to I ts healthy :u•ti vit v. Intermit organs which become ciiigged sluggish use cleansed by A ge . C . F Plll, nail stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease is changed into health, the value of which ei.'ise, when reckoned on the vast multitudes %via, enjoy it, can hardly be complied. Their sugur coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserve: their virtues unimpaired for any length or time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they ore mild. nod orerato without disturbance to tho constitution, or diet, or cremation. Full direetions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them en n Family Physic, and for the following complaints, which ;hose . Pilln rapidly cure : For Dyspepsia or Indigent ion, Liiio ems nes.. Languor and Loss of A portit,. they should be taken moderately to stimulate the ••totn tell, and restore Its healthy tone snit online. For Miser Corn ducatand Its various • yelp toms, Dillous Headache, Nick !Liu,. ache. Jaundice or Green Madness. dill. lons Colic and Bilious Errors, they -houlit be judielously taken for each ease, to correct the diseased action or restore the obstructions which can, it. . . . For Ilytentery or Illarrharon lint one t,:11.1.10 -e I: generally ropilred. For llthew," ttttt n. Gent, Gravel. Eittati tttt of the 11 vat 11, Pain in the I.lli, Ditch awl Loin.. they should Dr ~•.atin taken; as rentilred, to change the ill•cased •:11 . 01111 or the system. With such change those rompinints disappear. For Iliropty unit Ittropolcal they should be taken In large and frequent doses to 111,11litre the effort of n drastic purge. I. or Supprestion,n largo dose 0101114 be Ulkell, Ile it produces the desired effect by -yin. Aq it Moller PM. take one or two Nits to pvtlitiote dizestion anti relieve the stomach. An orvasintint dose stimulates the 'tone+ and biocide, restore.; the appetite,nnd Invigorates the system. Hence It Is often advantageowi v here nit “olotts derangement exists. One who feels' tolerably well otter Occur that n close or these I'lf !NI:lot:es , him feel decidedly better, Nom their cleansing mid renovating effort on the dlge.dive apparatus. ritEPAIZED Br I), J. C. IYFIi.D CO., Practical Chem ist LOWELL, miss., U Y 4 =I BOLD IN ALLENTOWN BY W. E. BARNES & SoN 8001/ AGENTS Vrchlogil`Willt°.lVll every family THE PICTORIAL FAMILY REGISTER le the 0131 V work extant which nineties tide want. It is boantiful tot striking. coinhiniog no sotireiy new nod elegant Pity= ?nominal.. Annual with a complete FAMILY Ulm .Y. Exactly w-nt lye ' , entail Mtge 'ong whited. selitoa rapidly. Aantern aye dr pylori lb- old book. to take bold alba ocelot and PI in ti.ol Luu eon." A fear late reports from Agent , sr- : 11 lu 2•• ye; 13 lu3 days ale In 1 week.—mill - ug Ag •tit. 10.3 io Ire per week. Moll partirnisrs and Cliculsr fr Addreße GEO. MACLEAN, Pillillsher. w YID Sansont Street, Philadelphia. barttcbco rinb 21cindru. ißtowat&C NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, 3 EWELERS SILVERSMITHS /sOW IN RECEIPT OF THEIR FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, EMBRACINO A StlPEltli STOCK OF PARIS BRONZES ! Clock Sets and Mantel Ornaments ! VIENNA FANCY GOODS PARISIAN STATUARY I SOLID SILVER WARE! TASTFFULLY ARRANGED IN CASES lOlt WEDDING PRESENTS ALSO, A SPLI:IiDID ASSoItT3IniT OF Fine Jewelry, Wat eh es, Chnins. 1 leetro-Plated Wares. BAILEYke F 2.75 2.75 13.00 14.00 15 00 4.00 20.00 SO els tthestnut & 12th Sts., 3ewelers anti Silversmiths. FINE wATcliEs, Eticii o c..ocks, BR9LIEEs 7 PLATED WARE. QuaMl) tSuaranteeb. iboobs sent by Express on approval. ISMEII Trj Y': " 4111 4• 0 440 . 11111 A JEWELERS, 1124 Chestnut St. 1124 Are Exrlnalvt Are Unexcel:eii NEW FALL STOCK Arc Unequalled re ComP L r , tff the Ittrivet etud meet varied I.Portment they ever ffered. Are Superis lABT,P.WATCIM ''re l liti llATOlS. 001.1) C1141N13. KEYS. Sk.AL J h E Xl. entirely new do.lgne. SOLID STERLING SILVER WARES For rre•ontnllno nod hnnwrllold non. TIIIiFINE,T ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Silver Plated Goode, Table Cutlery, 6.e. Bronzes, Nante , 'looks and Ornament, Fancy Good to Bronze, Leather, Wood eke. Are Ungurvalased Are Fa ultleaF •re Income n rabh Selected Ws year in Europe. Itledertite prices for all articles tt ill be tondo a• leading a footure an th , STYLE AND (WA LITT An lumportbot of the Store Anil St Tic respectfully solicited (rout buyers, or them , visiting the City on pleasute. roet4-3m w Are Admirable KELLER It BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., well regulated and Warranted. All rilea and prices. from 42 byword.. A larger a 4eortuient GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than Call he found In any other Atom in the city. JEWELRY VE OF ,ALL KINDS, SILRRE •fevery dri.. !titian. Salr-Wateluoi repaired on Short :retire. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED \VARA, CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, • lined; East Hamilton received oppevite thn Genoa° th Church. Ja.t received room New York tad PIO dolphin. all the latioit ntyluk • He has the large4t nod heat arrorttannt or (told Wetelte. atl at lower wkua thaw ran he loud elitewhera. SILVER 'WATCHES. • lie beg It larger end better ototorteettit ur Silver Wald, boo cue be pert:hexed nny when• el,. - • mss n•drw - - lio hits thy (argent unit host im.orinu•nl of all lands Unlit Jewelry. GILT AND pLATED JEW ELRY. " r O" SILVER AND PLATED WARE. lichen it Aplendld a+mortin.!nt of Oiler and A 5 3 , 131,1,11.1 duolmts goutlx la thin tille not fall to CLOCKS. For the relief and • cure of all dm nog& meets hi the stout. nch, liver, owl bow• els. They are a mild aperient, and an excellent tutu tditive. Being purel) vege• table, they ~•ntaln no mercury ne mine. rut whatever Much serious sicktu,s and A larger al.surtmoot than at any other eslohll.hoteut MELODEONS. a A t ull. , :t o u r l i tA.l . nnsortmeut of Prince'e steh n dron, the hoot ACCORDEONS. A splendid amaortment of all klud4 of ACOll'll,llO. eatablinliment has lotoly been fitted up, and la BON necond to none In New York and Philadelphia, and ahead of onythingoutalde the large cltite. Helm, 3 large. 'dock Of f.1111 , 114111P gouda In hi,,1100 than 311 others in Lehigh comity combined. To convince yourba‘von of the ale— call and ova "ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATC I ES AND JEWELRY, ' N 0.146 NORTH SECOND ST., coo. Or Quasar', 1.10114 A 6Ao assortment of Watches, Jewelry. Silver nod , Plated Waro constantly on hand. Oirltenalrlug of WAICIIOB and Jewelry u pr r onlytlY tended to. p 11.11. Qttairo. LARGEST STOCK I GREAT INDUCEMENTS To buy all your furniture at the largest furniture store in town of HEIMBACH, HELFRICH & CO., 732 HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN. Tits Arm have recently pot in a MANI• MOTIF ALL PLATE-I/LASS FRONT. cud have otherwise enlarged their facilities fur k. eplug un hand the largest clock In the city. ' Their ELEGANT FURNITURE Is manufactured In their oton establishment, under their own StliterlatiioO, 111:14i warrant• 1 6 _a ed t. be the heat In the market An inspection ; • , of their ateek will convince buy era of the ad- • mining° of baying 'rote them ileimbacik Helfrich At Co manufacture KITTLE'S PATENT isPRINO MID, and •ro sole agents for that superior bed Call and see it, Element her The Mammoth Glass Front. WATSON'S CELEBRATED FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF 34 SAFES. ESEIBLI:iIiED IX 1 843. THE OLDEST SA FE HOUSE IN PHILADELPHIA Th • only Ante with bomb DOORA. Guaranteed Free Iron, Gammon, lon Mien. from 15 to 20 oer rent. lower than other maker, Please send for Circular owtd Primo List. T. %V ATBII St HON, Lath of Evans St arturera ana23.oto w No. MS. Fourth tit. Philadelphia. TOPVILDEIVL LOOK TO TOUR IN- TeKEbTN. L. W. KOONS & CO. are manufacturing a flydraulic Cemnm Drain Pipe Minna) Fine and Ornamental Chim ney Teps, cheaper and more durable than up other ig marcet. They are made of pare cement and acid. %elan powerfully colopreseed. well cud Al , nil practical reapecta Send for a circular, or call and examinent their office etanufectery, cornet of liatoiltott •troatalei vgaiirr d• inn. 141 IMPORTERS, PHILADELPHIA. Ilneo now in Storo their ALLENTOWN, PA. CLOCKS GOLD WATCHES GULL) .1E W El, WV E6JIVALENT TO STONE OJILIINEY TOPS FROM 61.23 TO 000 Far tly $4O IlleLEAlli iiOOPEIt $4O IMPROVED ELASTIC Lock Stitch Family Sewing Machine The fleet and Cho,,ne.t In nilakel. awl mete In the fol wing point,: UNEQUALED SlMpLicil QUIETNEss OPF:RATION, EASEoF NIANAOF.MENN. RAPIDITY OF EXECUTION. NON-LIAIIILITY TO DROP -TITcIIES OH BMW , THREAD. SIMPLICITY OF TENNIoN AND APPLYI:qG ATTACH MENTE. • 1.1001 le , q , IIAI,IO to rti , Inn or weir Ono It. "Shuttle" otttrl, whllo It con ho utoro o.lly token on If desired. Tho3 , IOI.EAN N 110.trEit a tll , tlrn. Hem, Foll,Tork Quilt. Cord, Mod, 11,-te, llndd, F:o.broldnr and (fiataw Ia • most approrod ou.n6er. 4/31 , A LL MACHINES WA I: It A NT ED WM. BLOECKLY & CO., I=2 61% HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN lo•11,Inw wucn i . r v .[•..a _~--~—_ 4 ? r,,, r 11 r i i _ 0 LUBER : 1 / 4 . I'IIII . Z. A :r.l ova YEI: ii lIAT IV P. CLA T:1:".1' WILL DO JNYT ' 4 111_771,E 3LI I:111NR OU7 Tlint tbny Stsc'l 31i3,311310. ,hlo. ! Thal 01. y m3ll ITEM! FELL ' SINS Coln , ! BRAID! ri , LE! Trui: griur um' sTrrrit ti AT IlEit AND SEW ON AT TOE SANE TINE EA Si ES".l"f ER ALS ! In addition to tit..y aro Equally Good ror Ftnr ov Heavy Work. H 1111 & FR,IT% AGENTS FOR lAIIIIOII COUNTY !EMI THE AIIIEItiCtiN WASDIEIt. 1 3 1 - ti('E $5.50: THE AMERICAN Wha , l Elt -AYES MONEY, TIME AND KRY. The Fatigue. Ir,r•hitig flap m, romanor Dreaded, but ECOTOtny, E.ffichliry. and ,'fern Cb thing. burr. In rolling nubile tot• ntion to thin Milo machine. a few oft 'lint , qu ditto, lit, pu......ncti by any'other wanhing tan. bane )et invtuLtul.) to horn enumerated, It In the einall•nt, to.u4 man at% ont portablo. most qfflpie In co„etructlon. tumt • t.tly opereted A child ton pr.wlier. can th..routWY comps head nod wiecttbaly non It There Is 1:10 no ecrtmee to a..nry, no clay a IMAM, a! It In always ready for ono ! 'lt isue rect tore omier ! It la :t miu• .ntarel‘llllll..lolll2 11.0te work and Me 1 , 641411. /131 HI nlabor t e nukl ha , f of th+ labor In fully moved 11, It , Us On Chillies will bon nue-half I. ger lion -110..1.1 of Ilse r•tl , tom rd II wilt wanit the I.lanketnhirt. ut n time. washing thoroughly ! In word, t ot e abiltibm itf Ant fabric. from a Quill to it Inc.. Curlitlii 01 C,,11110.1e ll.dketchleL are equally wlttiln tint cqut i. LIT LK (IL3I I Henn Inn o,lolled 10 Oily tub and taken oif tit will. N„ otter a. tooto pitt e !nay t‘Xiet agninet W.hitta Mac 0,11,0, , 111,11111 innelllo4.ln 10 tterlorm It. n tottit , rs nil a Mon of I cleaning otlimmY ono mil ly tro WWllntl ty donl.l, nod detractor at e hecomn the fa [ l ll ett. ot h [Tie into 1,,.,. Wd , linvo Irml.111.0dol• cud. st•t Inc forth it. an• Motollti AdVniang ,, "Vvr n,ll,( root hundreds th own annio thc non It-111..st1..coluen, 1.1111-sVo .Iguall, I .ileL to um it Pt...object p. tit mined In prominent aml no .11. it ii "1 , •1IIK ,, O.•11‘.• Ito, perfect c annt ter • gnr L. for wrivalng. The ',Lire emitting. 1mm0... Immt t , •nl to ['urchin... • lint born pinned nto timi I , te reach of every houtuaeoper mai It, to ot trio ,'nine economy that will replay the Metall r 0 t ' ' ' 5050 All that le mkt tur t it MC ABM:. NAVER, In LID trl I. Wc au., nice .n.ll 1.,. hi.', to. okm work perfectly huge. Ass is Yon lt. srArr.e. A. 'll.. CO., 513 311urlivt .11'1111:14131.. Pa. Tho lArifrot u cheap, t W ~N WA RE ROUSE la ho Hutto., (nog 3 :how Lcsincit Ll1l•s.Gt:l1 WHOLESALE A NI) RETAIL! HOFFMAN'S STEAM SAW MILL AND LUMBER YARD ! KINDLING! BILLS CDT TO ORDER! OFFICE AT THE MILL, FRONT AND LINDEN STS WHITE AND BLACK OAK SAW tons wanted. for which the blghent. market Imo! will lie pH I hi upon deity -11,1111712.1Y CHARLES L. HALE, UPHOLSTERER), AND MANUFACTURER OF VENETIAN BLINDS CO No. 930 ARCM! STREET, vrewrim, ) WINDOW SHAWN, RIATTRIOURICI,IiIi A r gil n d . CURTAIN CORRICEN. STORE ISILLUNS, *3-Do not Wet tho pIo o, ARCH STRIZE7' UPIIOLS.7 EBY, No. 030 Ancn STREET, Socooddoor telow Teuthoonth aide opt 4-2ok C.`'. ROLFERTZ. CUTLERY, NO. 600 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENToWN, PA. Bisporaetores and keel. 4 e tintly on Imol Ostia RI. •011131001. of all kludx of Cull. eY• Table flag ? . mod Yorks Paco:kat }Came. lichooora. ate. 2 1871. VALLEYanapla 1.4 RAILROAD. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Lovers Allentown for New York. via Central Railroad of New /alley. at 6 00. 705, 800. and 11 55 a m, and 1110, 535 D. m. For New York, via Morrie A Reeez Railroad, at 600 and 1165 a m, and 9410 m. For Mannnka Chunk .and Belvidere at 9 30 • m, and 535 P IPOr Lambertville and Trenton at 603 and 11 1141• in, and 5516 m. For Easton at 600 705. 600. 990 and 1166 • my 12 ltff. 945, 695, 6 fa and 813 p m. For Philadelphia. 655 a •la nd 8 North 13 p Penn Railroad. at 660; and 11 (5 a W. 5, m For Catasouqua & Fogleeville R. R., 6 35 • in and pm.. Coplay at 6 35 and 1218 a m, 4 25, 6 CO n d 7 53 D m. For Mauch Chunk at 6 330007 • m. 12U3, 425 and 7668 m: For Pittman. at 635 and 10.7 a 25D M. For Waverly, Owego, Elmira, Au burn and Buffalo, at 1007 a m (Enure , . Train.) For 11441e10n at 635 and 1007 a m, and 415 p m. For Andeorled at 10 07 o m. For Mabaney City at 6 35 and 10 fd tn. and 416 p ra. For Mt. Carmel at 635 and 1007 a m. Ti al us with a minor (.9 start from East Penn Junction. H. H. BATHE 8061 & ltnn. V - 08TH PENNSYL.aic i amm . VADIA RAILROAD. Pll4l.eogOnt ror Philadelphia take Lehlgh Talley R. R. train. ple.lng Allentown at 6 00, 800 and 1.1 C 5 a. m.. and 585 and 8 12 p. m.. and arrive lu Philadelphia at 8 50 a M, 2M.8 15 and 10 21) p. m. Alen Lehigh and Bitedneh•nua Railroad trait. a , 245 and 5 b p. tn., and arrive in Phila delphia at 5 22 and 016 D. m. LOCAL SCHEDULE. (Six Through Train!, Daily, Burtdaya Excepted. ] Pacsouger trains leave the depot Northweelea met Dark, Anil American Ai eels. Philadelphia, For Allentown at 800 sod 9 45 a. re., 2 00, 3 V, d 00 and to p m Pala , a cry are attached Iv Ow Ba. an. intim. I'm tea all 30 a. M.. 2 30 and 4 Sup m. For Fort Waahlugtou at 7 aud 11 In, g le and 11 90 p at. For ',bingo. at *4.9laud 1330 p• ca. Foi Lautalltio at 030 p. m. Leave Bethlehem at 020, 620 a. tn., 1215, 312. 6 IS) and 8 30 p. to. •• Doylestown at 831 a. tn., 300 and 603 p. m. '• Lansdale at 60 a. m. • • Fort Washington at 833, 1030 a. m., 913 and 91 P`• ob Al In t n at " I'i( ri and 6 25 m suDec's. Leave Bethlehem 'or Philadelphia at 400 p. m. Doylestown 645 a. m. Leave Poiladelphis for Bethlehem at 930 a. m. •• for Doylestown at 200 9. ta. Fan—alluntown to Phi ladelphia, *1 95. 61.Llti CLARK, Agent. 1) I RoAD. IN G RAIL-aitaitiega • (treat Trunk Line from the North and North-West for 1'1i,i,..1 1.1,18, New York. Reading. Pottsville. Tamaqua. Ashland Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton. Eph rata. Lill:. Lancaster, Colamb... kn. Trams leave Harrisburg for New York as follows: at 2 hi, 810 a. to. ,and 200 p. to., connecting with similar train. n 1015syan Railroad, and arriving at New York At m 3.'.11 l and r 0 Al p m. respectivelY. Cord ACCOlitritilY the 240 a. to. train withunt change Returning leave New Yolk at 001 a. m., 1290 noon and 00 p. to.; Po dadelphla at 79. 8311 a. to. and 3 30p.m. SieiylLlA Caro accompany the 6 p. m. train from New York wAV. . Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Potts•ille, Tampa. 31 mei suing, Ashland. Sha• okin, Allentown, and Phila delphia at li 10 a. m.. 200 and 405 p, m. stopping at Lelia • non nod principal Way six Lone; the 4 05m. train rou fleeting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Colombia only -00 I , ..usville, Schuylkill Hinson and Auburn, vladrha77l kill .d tillell.ll.llA Railroad leave Harrisburg At 3en n• E.lllli Pennsylvania Rialto id trains leave Reading for Ali a , unu, Easton and New York at 4 32. 10 NI, a. m, and • 1 p in. Returning, lade New York at 900 a. to.. 1290 mem Bud 6 °tip. on., and Allentown at 720 a. tn., 122^ neon. 2 15, 125 and 3.5 P. m. W.,y Passenger 'Perin leaves Philadelphia at 7 93 a. m., i connecting with similar train uu East Penna. Railroad', •pt,q,ulug'l4oBo Reading at 6al p 111., tilt/Pining at all sta l.h. Leave Pottsville at 910 a• m., and 230 0. to. Herndon At Pi on A. on. oh..tnek in at 4) and 1116 a. m., Ashland t 7 0.5 0. M. and 12 43 noon. idahanoy City at 761 a. m. and 1 :Sip. Tiomiqua at 835 A. M. and 210 p. tn. for Zit, York. Rending. Harrislnurs, &a. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and linsquehanna Rail road m tl 15 u. to. fur Harrisburg, and 11 45 a. m. for Pine grove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train leave. Pottsville at 610 a. passes Read , ng at 730 a. m., arriving at Philadel• pinta at 10 20 it. m. Returning,leavea Philadelphia at 515 p i un., pass to ing Reading at 765 p. m. , antenna at Potts vlle at p. in. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pottstown at 630 0. m. Returning. leaves Philadelphia at 430p.m. Columbia Railroad Trait; leave !leading at 720 a m and 015 p an for hphritta, Lids, Lancamer, Columbia, Am Perkhonon Railroad Trains leave Perkionnen Junction 91 t 717• 05 a to. 300 and 600 to in , Returni leave cShweakeville at 6, 10 a to, 1230 noon And 4 ng. 45P m. mourning with similar trains on Reading Railroad, Colebrookdale Railroad tralna leave Pottstown at 940 a m and 115 and 6 45 P m; returning leave Mount Plaaaant at 7(A 11 W. a ni. and 3 00 p m connecting with similar train. n Reading R. R. Cheater Valley Railroad Train. leave Bridgeport at ft 91 A DI ittld 2 06 and 632 p m; returning, leav• I),erningtort at h4O m, 1245 and 625 p in, connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. On !Sundays: leave New York at 6 (0p m, Philadelphia at 860 a m and 316 p to (the 800 a m train running only to Reading), leave Pottsville at 121 a m, Harrisburg at 240 a on and 2 00 pro, Allentown at 4 25 and 532 pm, It“ding at 715 a m andin for Harrisburg, at 432 a in r New York, at 720 a m p for AllentOwn. an d 416 p m fo f r o Phila delphia. Commutation. Mileage, Simon. School and Exennion Tickets, to and from all point., at reduced rams. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. .1. R. Wt./OTTER. 0.101. 14 lr Asst. Supt.& Rug. Afaclerlf. lATAroALQUA AND aJ FOUELSVILLE It. R. =I nd aft tnan Ith lb n Woe timer lion • 6.t Train P Y. 741 7 46 g The mor ain`train west leaves estuar:lna on the al tient of the L. V. R. it. Posoenger trait; from March Chunk, Easton, Bethlehem and Alla- town. and connects at Albor tin with a train on the East Pennsylvania M. R. for Read ing, Pottsville, ilarriaburg and Philadelphia. and also with a train for Allentown. Bethlehem, Easton. The morning limn connects nt Albutt's wtta brain@ on E. I'. B. • it. front Harrisburg, Pottsville Leading and Allentown and at Cata-augua with train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad for Mauch Chunk. Wilkenbarre, Scran ton, Philadelphia and Now York. The 115 P train West connects at Alburtis with trains on the East Penn. Railroad for Reading. Pottsville Hsr risburg, Philadelphia, Allentown, Bethlehem, Elston and New York; arrive in Philadelphia via Reading al 5 15 p. m. The Evening train East learn Al-Bruit. on the arrival of a train from Allentown and of a train making connec tion. at Reading with trains from Philadelphia, Harris burg, Pott,•llle, dm, and continent with local passenger train on tee V. It. R. at Cats/magus for Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton. Persons wlahlug to go to Allentown can take the morn. lug train Went to AI-Hurtle. arrive at Allentown 915 a m, and return by a train ou the Haat PoolllllriVlll3ill Railroad. oaring Allentown at 1 20 p. m. C. W. CHAPMAN, Sept. and Engineer. COMM ALLENTowN IPANSENGER'ILAILL WAY. TIME I'ABLE. On end after t , ATURDAY, July 184_1871, care win run 1.0411 train s on the Lebuth Yelley end Lehigh and Salmon. nenun. Philadelynie & Reading (East Penn Junction) Railroads, and to the Allentown Furnace, leaving tite• tide, lientlitun and Ninth streets, no follows: For 1,, V. 1.. &8. R. Penn. Furnace. Leave Vim A 71 A. M. A. M. A. M. A M. 0 SO 795 6 40 000 940 6 00 745 8 45 10 10 11 30 I 4...! II 30 11 25 .P. M. P. M. 1 MI 140 P: M. P. M. 9 30 4 10 2 15 110 5 00 ...5 SS 5 16 , 945 7 (70 5 00 .7 35 800 ES • To •ray Dan k liaturd'a 6 , ONLY 7 • . 890 910 The above cars ran to all the passenger trains on the above romls. . • the 695 car takes passengers from the 606 P. H. train, and the 7 3', car run to Buffalo Lepren (L. Y• 1 6 17 I'. 71. FA.ICE TEN CENTS. krtilldren under ten years of age. Five Cents. Tickets can bo purchased of the conductors on the can, or of tl.e i rwnurer, lu pack.,ges of 7 for 60 cta. or 14. ford. ic..ets received only for passenger., not for trunks or packages. iirl'assengers are requested not to ride on the plat form whim t. , re room Inside. peoul FIC GUANO cO. JOHN S. REESE & CO.. 122 SOUTH DELAWARE AVE., SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO • No fertiliser Introduced to the farmer. of the Middle and Bentham States hae given more general and unlforin sat- Israelian than hie guano. The trade In it hae steadily increased until the consomp. lion now throughout the entire country fez enomds that of env other (entitle, 'rho large capital Involved to its production afford. the Comet autumn ee to its continued encelleoce. The com pany hag a ter greater interact to the permanence of its trade to an any number of consumers can have t hence it I. the highest interest of the company to put their Mel !milli . ..oil lu the Market. that their venal faefllllee, aided by the beet acieutid: ability can produce. TIII4 ammo In mod at retail by local agent. of the corn • and t h e New Jeteey. Delaware. Penneylvania aud the Southern State., and at wholesale by General Agents for the Company. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS anguit 2.3n3 w Popular Prices for. Dry Goods WINDOW SHADES RICKEY'S DRESS GOODS, AT WHOLF.ISALE AND RETAIL. Stock unrivalled fur extent, variety. agd gem.i slot tattoo to the wants of buyers, and daily rsplantalsod with the cheapest and cholceet offerings of this sad other mu— hate. VISITORS wUI receive C0U11T101711137111110,8. whetb• er they yurahaee or not: NA* ilr ;Ailorabo. FALL ARILANOKIINAT =1 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, MAY 15, 1871 ter APRIL THIRD, 1971. P Trains on ono & Fogelevllle Railroad will run In.:ounc:- a Lehigh Valley, Lehigh & Boaquehanna, and Railroad, an followa: STATIONS. 'rains Hut CATASAUQUA. 969 6 •SEIPLE'S. 916 606 ...M B EDAN RIDGE, 999 649 GUTH'S, 961. 644 WALBSET'S, 929 0 99 CHAPMAN'S. 619 637 TREXLERTOW2. 907 669 SKEIN lOBVILLE. 8 66 oSPILINO CREEK. 842 fl 13 AL-BURTIS. •87 609 . tions. CONNECTIONS. CAPITAL, $1,000,000 GENERAL AGENTS OFFICE : PHILADELPHIA. REDUCED PRICES. JOHN N. REESE & Co., 727 CEIESTNRT STREET, pRILADELPIIIA. PA. SILKS, SHAWLS, IN GREAT VARIETY, proftosionai (Tutus. CLEORGE U. RUPP, ATTORNEY VI AT LAW. 0111. c, with lion. 101 l D. SUDm. Allith tow.. PA. HC. HUNNUERGER ATTORNEI • AT LAW. Rato•••11 to the Poat Ole. bultdlalt a a•eond door, ALLENTOWN PA. apt ILIT I' ; • • AT LAW, ;right doors above the Court Hom., AL LENTOWN Loblah county. Vs. fob 19-'OO-17. ELIAS MERTZ. ALDERMAN. SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR THE BALE OF REAL ESTATE, Hi West Hamilton fit., Allentown, P. "(AMEN S. MERV. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ONes, No. 10 11,st Hamilton street. second door of Lion RAIL Alfellows. PA. (Spools] atlantic. ewes to collsetions). tsar 174, JA..13..13te5i. 7. H. DOIIIO7. JS. BIERY , ATTORNEY AT LAW. • BEERY & DORNEY. COW-10MP AND RIAL EIBTATI second AIM CONVIIT•Ilellti. No. 026 111.1911t01l second Actor, Allentown, Pa. UT 10- dam UT D. I.UCKENIIACH, Avrion • NET AT LAST. (formerly - practiced In Carl. county). Odle°, Ilemllton street, second ROOT'. ed mposlte the Conn Ilonse, Allentown. PL. May b ento salted in the Oormen SSAMUEL A. RATTZ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ocoee , No. es 4 Hamilton 'treat, over Schrei ber's store. ALLENTOWN PA. (dew MORRIS I. KAUFFMAN, ATTOR• 11117 AT LAW. 0111ce, second flrmr of ibti Viral National Dank bulldlna, ALLENTOWN, PA. Colloctlone made to Lehlab and ad wining counties. Can be consulted nibs Runtish and Derman lanittsges. sap 14.17 PP UN K aC BALDWIN. ATTORNEICA AND COUNSELLORD AT LAW, Allentown, PR. Office. No. 51 East Ilatullton street. C. IC Rona. 1. A. R. BALDWIN .1. trionE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, _au • ALLENTOWN. PA. Meek No. CO Eget glamllloo meet.. Akirc.o be consulted In (lemma. wltl. R. 1101ING. JR.. (wire KNOWLTON. SUIT/ A SCALIA.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooms 43, 15.48 and 47, 3io. 108 Wa4hington Strept. M ew. June 90 WILILIAR IL GLACE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, CATASAUQUA, LEUIOU COUNT! PENNA. may la-ly --------- • T 011 N O. BOWMAN, ATTORNEY GP AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Room 6. Nolllo Wal nut Woe, Philadelphia. mar 1-17 EORGE R. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 116 Hamilton street nearly oppo site tbo Court lion•.e. Allentown. Collections , promptly mete in Lehigh and Northampton comm., DU. C. C. . H. GIJILDIN.SUIRGEON DENTIRT Offire. over Mr.. M. A. O. auldin a Trimming Eller., No. 34 But Hamilton Went, Allentown VI SINOYER, ATTORNEY AT LLAW ADD JUSTICE OF Tin PEACE, MILLERS TOWN, LEIIIGtI CO., PA. Particular attention paid to Insolvent and decedent WAWA Jon El-ly rf4IIO7IAS B. METZGAR, ATTOR. NET AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. °Mee, N. 61 East Hamilton street. may 33-'en' GEORGE B. SMALL ATTORNEY AT LAW. Once. Ylret door above Law Alley. AL LENTOWN. PA. may. 2P•em EDWARD lIARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, with lion. Sanwiel A. Widnes. ALLENTOWN, PA. may 1-1 y JOHN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Once. N. B. Corner tith and Hamilton litreeta ALLEN TOWN. PA. may Lly ADAM WOOLEVER, AIMODAr..i AT LAW. Office, °inmate the Court Home , ' AL LENTOWN. PA. may 147 RCLAY ITANIEBNLY,ATTORNEY •AT LAW CATASAUQUA PA. Jan 14-'6B4f JUST RECEIVED DY DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM ENGLAND 33 CRATES NEW STYLE CHINA & GLASSWARE! NOW FOR SALE WHOLESALE.AND RETAIL AT ENGELMAN'S CHINA STORE. NO. 788 HAMILTON SMELT, ALLENTOWN,.PA • ALSO, TEN CAR LOADS OP THE CELEBRATED OHIO STONE WARE! CROOKS, JUGS, POTS, &0., WSpeolat bargains to Country Storekeepers. CALL AND I=lB PARENTS TAKE NOTICE THAT AT THE BUTEN BOOK S FORE TOO WILL ALWAYS }MD 105 ALL XIII P SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. .The time is again here for children to prepare for SCHOOL And we have on hand acid for sale aaaaa Wog they wank end need in the SCHOOL, ROOM. 00R PRICES ARE AS LOW • ~7where else, and we Can .lu, them just what they have to learn to school. DON'T FORGET. AND REIIIIMBER THAT THE BOTEN BOOK STORE IS THE PLACE 10 BOY ALL RINDS OF School Books at the Lowest Prices.. LEISENRING, TREXLER & CO., MS Hamilton St.. Allentown. Pa. ,epl•lfd LEAAISTRE dr. ROMP Stock so t H GOODS. LACES AND EMBROIDER.. 118 are excelled by say house ID the city. either lir iwitaplateaess, variety. gamily or asepsis.. VIQWES vet pisholce. New and moat desirable TRENCH NUSLINS AND TRENCH NAINBOOKi. TARLA• TANS, all colors MOSQUITO NI.T. IM yards. Saud 5 yard@ wide. VICTORIA LAWNS • sew_ Invoke._ SOPT__CAM 101C14181atilBOURILU L P I A I P . N. ? "' 54teW EA U !Tit LINEN LAWNS. CAMBRICE. CUSTOM-MADE Mr .1110NT.i. LACES—st most select Web of all blade of Lame. • mmelalty la CURTAIN NETS and LAC' CURTAINS. NEW HAMBURG 1001808 A INSIRTINOS almost at . lo wes t an always Sad • amid assoHms rat here, and at the ratsit se which they can be sold. All WHITE TRIMMINGS. LINEN and LACE COLLARS AND CUYII/8. The cheapest EMBROIDERED SETTS In the market* Mae mice. 212 North Eighth St., Mirada. THE NEW HAVEN IMPROVED LOW-PREEIbIIRE STEAM - HEATING APPARATUS • has ben In annessfni operation dulat Walnut GIZ nitit year. and experience his proven that the method dw.l • . MOST EFFICACIOUS, AND ECONOMICAL. Those who have used It are unanimous to their tent• many that it require. bens ttention. produciono dusk ..... more coal and nun !Itoroughlir than any other heating apparatus, and neb improvements ban• ben made In thole radiator.. that they are great additione• to the ornamentatioa uf fine dwellings. and are beautifal substitutee.for Mantels. m us es In f use o :—Jo w n f W th oo d ny W' ho A n MA a o v v e tDs, a pe r . . Geld. Conshohocken t Nathan Eleholleld, Merles Goble, Philadelphia Georgolitelnmen. Eton. Charlie rt. Btins son. Wm. Mahler. George Mesas. Dr. 1 . P. rains NW ristoWs. • • A. T. COLT, 194 Bsoswwsr t Nsw Yogi. :Axis spins, Sap% Aerrtetowa, er address SO. 'pease at lisle Hotel. Alleatawa. aastr.d WANTED. Twenty-lire or Thirty Laborers. i n t ut ia. ALutinvwx 1111111" WOW.; 0
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