filebiefrud. AT 722 A 722 Al 722 IS THE IS THE IS THE City Drug Store City Drug Store City Drug Store Or OF OF Lawallk Martin, Lawall &Martin , Lawall &Martin, S. W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF HAMILTON & HALL ST., HAMILTON & HALL STS.. HAMILTON & HALL STS., If you want Pure Drugs go there. If you want Cattle Powder go there. If you want Pure Medicinesgot 'ere. If you want Pure Spices go there. If you want Lubricating (ail [ro there. If you want Physicians' Prescrip tions put'up right go there. If you want anything a tall go there. If you don't want anything go there. If you want to be satisfied go there SURE. SURE. SURE. Remember the place, No. 722 Both of the proprietors are ready to wait on you: They are both practical chein ids ; you will find that. Lo be the case after giving them a trial. DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, S. W. Corner of Hall St City Drug Store. NO ( URE,N 0 PAY. DR. H. 1). LONG Ali Graduate of the Univereity of Pennaylvanitt, at Philadel phia, has been In anrceasfol practice fora number of years In Tenon• part. of the United titxten; will promptly at tend to all branches of hie prufeasion at his room, last side of Sixth street. bet. llansitton and Inehott ALLENTOWN, PA No Patent Medicines are used or recommended; the rem edies administered are those which will not break down the constitution, but renovate the system from all Intulles it has sustained front mineral medicines, end leave it In a healthy and perfectly cured condition. COMMIPTION, BRONCHITIS, DYSPEPSIA, and all & of the LOOOP. Throat, Stomach, and I.Iv• er, which yearly carry thoueauda to untimely gra YeA, Coo undoubtedly be cured. MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, that Mats of alienation and aberration of mind irbich ran dcrapersona Incapable of enjoying the pleasure, of per forming the &Mee of life. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, hinny firm or condition, chronic (warm°, warranted Cur able. Epileps77,. or falling rick none. and chroulc or club bora canoe of FEMALE DISEASES xnerdlly and radically rrno•ed; Salt Rheum, Skin Dlbenser (of) ) rars rtandiug) every darcriptlon of Ulerratlous. Eller and Scrofulous &d -e 1..., warranted cured. SirParticnlar attention given to private diseases of every description of both sexes. Ladies suffering from any complaint Incidental to their sex, can consult the doctor with assurance of relief. Cancer cored, and Tumors oral! kinds removed without tie knife or drawing blood. Phoneme of tbo EYE AND EAR es fully and effectually removed. sire ; D c r inVe u iags red 1 1 ij ILL . ; Vo t Pn.aTt lletanee If he. Mee sent with proper directions to any part of the county. Ogyton: Bad side of Sixth •treet, between lintoliton nod Indult Allentown. Pa. may 28-ly "A CaUM of the complaint. •I W . FOWLE & SON, Propectora, Boston Ilruggista and dealers ;operally. S , i4e genuine =leas signed 1. Burrs. PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS. PILES OF ♦LL KINDS perfectly sod wrinnuently ems, wititortt polo, dant,, cowlcs or luotro made. Ly • • • WM. A. hIcCANDLEB6, Id. D., 11001 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, Who ca., refer you to over 13:0 cases cured to Philadel phia alone. We desire to nay to thoso afflicted, there in peattively so deception to the cure of these DUMAS., It matter. not how long or how covertly you ova beim gplieted, we can cure you. We also cure Fistula, Fissure yrolapane, Strictures and Ulceration of the lower bowel. Cense y y et that are nfe r rl latr we will not deceive Von. We have patients from almost every State to tho Union sad from Europe. Have treated these diseases for twenty years without a (allure. nor 33-ly PHILOSOPHY OF 111,11111tIAGE.—A Slaw Coot., Or ',suntans, as delivered at the Penns Polytechnic and Anatomical aliment, Pan Clieetnut Bt., three doors above Twelfth,. Philadelphia, embraclug the subJects: Flow Age ive and What to Live for; Youth, The tartly and Old Manhood Conurully Reviewed; The sans, of Indigostion; Flatulence and uervoun Ithieupen accounted for; Marriage Philosophically considered. These lectures will be forwarded ou receipt of 25 coats by addressing: Secretaryof the PeONN• POLTTENINIC AND ANALSONIO•L laD•11C11. Cheetuut tit., Philadelphia, One 22.1 v ILTHEUGER'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are warranted equal to any made. They ere prepared from thefruite. and wilt be fouLd much batter than annoy of the hireracts that ore firirAsk your Gruver or Druggiet for Wiltberger' Extracts. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE • le, without doubt, the best arttelft le the 'market. for blueing clothe.. It will color more water th u four lime. the lame weight or tudiau, and much mor.. thou any other soden blue to the market . Thu only yentellie le that put up at , ALFRED WILTBERCIEIt'S DRUCI sTORE, No. 233 NORTH SECOND STREET, PIIILAD'A.; I'A The L•man have both WILTIIVIMItIeII Dames 011 them, all others are Cutinferfeits. For 8(110 &y moll Grocers and Druggists. WILTBERGEWS INDELIBLE INK Will be found an trial to be a auprrior art fele. Al tray, an hand fur pale at reaa .nable yams l'u e Ground moss, 0111:1[11. BIEDICIN E,Chatunle SPaugu, Toloci, Pearl. Sagod all article.. In the drug line. at ALFRED DEMI STORE, 113.6284 y No. =North Becuud at., Phila., Pa. HARTMAN 'ER DEPOT. ih Price Paid Fur Old Blank Books And Ledgers, Waste Paper, That are all wrltten over. Oran kinds. 0 d Pamphlets, &o. RAGA, Bora, 14.00111 G ana CMITAB 13011011 T. Coulaimenui from Countjry nualerb bundled. J. HAILTNIAIi. 611 Java ban.. PhilaPa, WASTE PA' The Highest Cas Old Newspapers Of every deeeription ifinaltrial. GIBABD SAVINGS BANK, (Organized under a State Charter). NO. EAST HAMILTON STREET, NEARLT OPPOSITS TITS COURT HOMIC. Monies received an deposit at all times from one dollar upwards. Pays SIX per cont. interest for six months or longer. Four per cent. on daily balance, subject to check at eight. Gold and Silver, United Slates Bonds and other Securities bought and sold. Interest collected on Govern ment Securitlee at fair rates. ' All deposits of money will be held strictly confidential, and may be withdrawn at any time.. Married women and minors have special privileges granted in our charter, having full power to transact busi ness with on In their own names. This Inatitution Is a legal depository for monies paid Into Court, and receives money in trust from guardians, dministretors. treasurers, tax callecters and others• irefIGNEI LOANED UN FAVORABLE TERMS• • PIIAON ALBRIGIiT, President II n . wrznm., Cashier. • DfrecturB—Phaurt Albright. F. Mina, Ti l l e ghman Mang David Weida. Aarou Erratum. l-3m MILLERSTOWN NAVING BANK MILLERSTOWN, LEIIIGII COUNTY. Thin Inkitution will bo opened on or before the Int day of April. Money will he Innen on depomit at nil limen ■nd In any num. from ono dollar upwardn, for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST Per orient,: will be paid. &optod is May La Withdrawn nt any limo Also, money nod out ou favorable terms. JAMES WEILER, President I,IIAIIfILIN SHINER, Comh kr. J. P.M. Shiffert, Georg Ludwig, Frederick C., Christ 1 K. Henninger, David Donner, ICillll cl ‘?aliday. I enue C Hebei, Gideon r'. ligner, Horatio T. liertrog . . - Boiljemin J. Eichmoyer. JLLI/12S Sinunutxter mArl6,4lm A LLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITU !1 TION. Organized as " Dimes Saving hodigution," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST 13:=1 VS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY ON DEPOSIT. Tins Institution, the oldest Saving Book In Eastern Pommy I vain, has horn In continuous and nnecensfal operation for ten yearn, and continues to pity MX PER CEXT. INTEREST en money for nue year, and npeelal rates of Interest for shorter periods. 1f!!...A1l deposits of money will be held etrictly confi dential. Executors, Administrators,Trustees, AMignees, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and mbar cnntodlana of public or private moneya, are of fered liberal ratee of Intere.t. • . MOrrherllalf, 14(11111rerir, nud all who have money to put on Interest for a long or short period will rind our lanlit ttlon nu agreeable and advantageous one in which to do Imslors, We esp. - Tinily Wilt° L•DIES to transact their banking loudness with ns. MARRIED WOMEN told MINORS hove special privi leges granted by our charter—having full power to trans act buniness with on In their own names. Money deposited with this Institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by nCnpitnl stock and surplus money curtly of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. and addition. the Board of Trustees have, as required lay t barter, given bonds under the ettrervlslon oi the Court In the mon of FErry THOLiSAA D DOLLARS Ichich hoods are regis tered In nod held by the (blurt of Conlin°. Pleas of !hie county for the security cof depositors. Our Iron Vaults lureof the most secure and extensive kind known in this country, es a personal luspectien will shew, 1111111.1 wbiell Wllll,lll l our friends mud cesiatners. We reter to this. believing 111111 safe Burglar Proud Vomits complete the safety el rellatillty of tonal Saving Bunk. LLIA Ai 11. AINEY Presldeut. CHRISTI AN ritrrz, 'ter president. REUBEN S - PAIILER Cashier. Tll. 1 . 1,11E81 Without 11. Mary, Charles S Bush, F,hrlatlan Pretc, John D. Stiles, E. Samuels, Bent. J.lingeoltuch; George Brobst, Himmel Sell, Nathan Peter. Btu 12-tf FARMER'S SAVINGS BANK, Incorporated under a Slate Charter of 1870 Fogelxville, Tipper 3lncangle township. Lehigh Co. This Institution bar been organlred and opened under a Mato Charter. MONEY will be token ort deposit at all (Imes and In any sum from 41 and upwards. for which 6 PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID. 2roPoo;',toreproltn l .t,hulr,7?„',„t,rn?iouper°,..,,.._ WILLIAM MOHR; President R. 11. FOGEL, Caßh ler. IIIt , TER, Dr. H. A. Saylor, J. 11. Stronb, Duolel Moyer, Doyld Prior, Jonas Hooch, Samuel Nohog, Daniel 11. Creltz, • Wlllhon Stein, William Mohr lnpr MO FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, Located at the corner of Hamilton street and Church alley, In Lion Hall, coot otory, opposite the Gorman Reformed Church, In the City of Allentown, In organived and ready for immlnems. If trill pull SIX per cent. In terve( on oil deposits P.lOl pf loot uree depoxite, for any verbal f to he eu len front the date of &poen. 'Fe secure which, the Treat.. of the lumtitutien have flied In the Court of Common Plea% of Lehigh County, under the direction of the Court. a bend In the rum of Twenty-live Thou/mint Dollarm, c on ditioned for the faith ful k commit and appropriation of all muchmums of money am shall he placed in charge of maid FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, whether an deposits, or she roe of stork. which bond lour be enlarged by the Court whenever It may be deennol 1100,1 Nary. lu edditlon to this. the Art of Incorporation maker the Stook holder, psrvonol fp / io/de 10 th. depoeitore ifs dou ble. the 11171101111 lir the Capitol Stock of the Hank. which In fifty thelmand dollars, oh liberty to increase it to one hundred and fifty iii.Plll.ll4i TLcxe prilvtaaith. will inpiko it a very dexirabla and safe place of depoalt. ww It mar he ' , nip., to alma that ilia dapaattii ha kept la v. Ow 01 n '0.4 and Ns! pr nheled rattles in Min city. Arrangements w 111 lie made to ftwuloli drafts on the cities of New York nod Philuitelnlda S. A. BRIDGES, President 3. Vise President .1. E. ZI3I3IEII3IAN. Gas/tier. Tref Mi. 11. Miller, S..A, Bridge.. Jelin Hellion. J. W William Baer, J. E. Zimmerman p. 11. ereitg, Peter Bross, Edwin Zimmerman. mar 30 THE EaEli SAVINGS BANK OF WM. L. YOHN, NORTH :SEI EN?H ST. , ABOVE LINDEN, ALLENTOWN, PA. This hook hoe been emtubll.4l.l ler the parpuse of carry ing on n general Banking lithdneim, and to offer to the .11110111/11rIl ICU Rh IN VESTM Mil' tor their money at home, or lii, not rut,. of intermit that It would command In New Turk or New Jersey. 511 N ET LOANED VUT 'IN GOOD SECURITY Pic Gold, Silver and Government Bonda bought and Hold. Drafts drawn on the prlcelpal ctnea of the United Kates In stuns to Hutt purehivisre. Colleen+us m im All seceeslble point., and proveedH promptly remitted at cui rout rotes. Fannon, Merchants, Leburere and all who have money to put out on lutereet for a long or Hilton period will And this Illntitatloll an Agreelolblo and advantage°u, one in which to do busine.. Interest allowed tin deposits at the following rate., to SEVEN PER (ANT. for tine year. SIX PER CENT. If left for thirty days and seder one veer. SO- It even. stomp. ..old et h diIICOULIt. Clan DI dew Dru boobs Announcement. Extraordinary 1 E. S. 811111Elt &, CO.'S DRY GOODS HEADQUARTERS! 703 AN 1► 707 HAMILTON STREET, =9 Latest Interesting Intelligence 1 PRICES TO ASTONISH THE NATIVES! OUR GOODS WERE BOUGHT BEFORE THE LATE ADVANCE AND GIVE THE AD. VANTAGE TO THE !BADE. 11/I}-01 , 11. LAST I'IZI('E LIST created groat havoc In the mike of 1111111 1 . 11101i1) Al`ola..i. They cou't nee how It to that we can Make Money and Sell Goods so Cheap ITEM "MAMMOTH- STORES." WE WILL TELL THEM • First. having MO stores, NVO lire able to buy Goods in large tote direct trout the manufttet own and Importer.. nod bout 10 to Al per soul. vheaper thou they do. Second, our lugs n.ties enable us to mak., money, oven though son stake but very little on any one article. And last lent nut least, We boY for rash and olknottot ull our bills, uhieh In the aggregate untountn to c,utoderable. No Mix, pre,ontations L. Eft ct Snits 1 t'rien nand Ilonl it it x arinrnntrrA heft rininol not / llncterßntd By Any uf our tionflutiture 1 DAILY AItRIVAI, Op Fall and Winter Dry Goods ! OCR STOCK Ix entirely Sat extensive to enumerate ar ticles and prlres. Weill", In stock a general assortmset of gouda usually kt tea 14st-clans aun well regulated store. Immense stork of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, &C. of ow. ry roPsilitodef•eriptturt uud Prke. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS ! PAISLEYS, BROCHES. BLANKET, nithEr autd STELLA SHAWLS Woolens for Mon's and Boys' Wear CI.OTIIS, CASSIMF.IIE9. TWEEDS, SATINETS, KEN, JEAAB, Ac. BLANKETS. 41,!,1 Gray Blankda, ra,cilts anti How y-como Qufftn FaneL W0,,1 thmerle's Flannels, Sheetlugs, Chocks; dee. CARPET DEPARTbIEN,T COMPLETE I OIL CLOTHS. WINDOW SHADES, • &C. E. S. SHIMER & CO., Niand 7n7 liamlllon 61., ♦llolowo, Pa. THE'LMIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, TREMENDOUS STOCK OF LUMBER ! GREAT PREPARATIONS FOR THE SPRING TRADE AT THE ALLENTOWN LUIII3ER YARDS ILLOTJGHBY R. TREXLER (SUCCESSOR TO TREXLER 8R05.,) Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Allentown, P. BE SURE AND LOOK FOR TOR WARIER OF SUPEDIOR QUALITY OFFERED AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES COME AND SEE ! ! Persona In need of lumber for largo Imlldlnge will Dud It greatly to their advantage to call, being conetantly ready o fill order. for all kind. of lumber uf.ed In large hull t ligge upon the met favorable terms, and at the ohm test notice. Every artlelo belonging to a Ilrat•claaa lumber yard le cen•dantly kept on hand. Thankful for pant favorn, I Invite my friend. to call and tuepect nay Mock. lan 2.5:51m 'Reenact full y. WILIMI.IOIIItY li. TREXI, II Harrison Safety Boiler. GROVER & BAKER'S F\VING ill AGfi 1 N E ! SHUVFLE STITCH SEWING MACHINES PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DESIRED FI:0151 ALL Wllo REQUIRE A SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE fN ANY BRANCH OF Manufacturing or Family Hewing To our NEW STYLES, which poseeps unmistakable adruntsKes over the NOISY and Cl.lbli3aCale styles of other makers. CALL AND EXAMINE. J. F. WIREBACK, Agent. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, opposite German Reformed Church, ■ay 11 -dam No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. _4 7 77744 re ' S 7,.:Q:vteo. xis e VEGETABLE SICILIAN BA TR ' ENEWER. Every yea, increases the impulari ty of thb; valuable Hair Preparation ; which is duo tcs nnerit alone. We can assure our old patron: that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfect : . ed preparation for reaming GRAY OR FADED HAIR to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The seal'', b y its use, becomes white and clean. It rAiinnyes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by it.: timic prop erties, prevents the hair from lidlieg out, as it stimulates Mid nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their noroini vigor, and will create a hew growth, eiwppt, its extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical HAIR - DRESSING ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A, Hayes, •31.1)., State Assayer of Massachuset ts, says, The constituents are pure, md care- Lilly selected for excellent ; and I consider it the BEST PREPA- IdYmov tbr its intended purposes." Sold by di flessuciste, and Deakins in Medicines. Prioe Ana Dollar. Buckingham's Dye, FOR THE WHIRRS/113. As our Renewer in many cases requires too _long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation ; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is . easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Vents. Manufactured by FL P. HALL, 6. NABUUA, N.E. FRUIT PRESERVING POWDER. HORNY'S TASTELESS POWDER preserves' all kind. of Canned Frail, Slowed Fruit, Fruit Batter, Preserve. and Tomatoes without being air tight, more elegant In beauty and taste than any tort:mess in the world. Thin trddl:rebfrfybeligopfuttleinUnnaltifto. f or tij"e yearn and now lt la ebeap, healthy and reliable, will furnish stpwed and pre.erved fruit. daily for the table ebesper 'ban sag other process. One Box coats 60 Cents pate up 40 quarts or fa pounds of pared frail. Fall directions telling how to prevent all mould 11111/1 the box. Bent by mail or mold by Owners and 4raggielt . . • Co .i rd no w . " Y e r n et i tt, i t i l eh% n gs i C J o h nson ]fella ° Kidder & Wetherell, Hew York, or onr:emem. ZARB. BOBBY & CO., July a..3m W 13111orth emona Bt., Plialad'a. WANTED. --A Girl to do g a l homework la amen family. Apply at 629 Chew street. "BLUE SIGN !" No. 1 Pine Boards, beet quality, per thousand $3l " 1 " Scantling, " 44 32 " 2 " Boards, 44 ~ 25 " 3 " " 12 Inches wide, " 10 " 3 " " all width,lB " 1 " Floor, 6 Inches wide, best quality.. 34 "-1 " " all widths, per thousand 30 " 1 Hemlock Flooring, 6 inches wide ..... ... 26 44 1 II " all widths 25 " 1 BprucoFlooring .. 30 " 1 Block Siding, best quality 34 " 1 German " .34 44 2 4, . 4 .... .......... ..... 34 54 Beveled Siding, planed. .................. ........... 20 4, " not planed 22 1 , /,' inch Common Pannel ....... ....... .. ... 40 114 " 44 ti 40 2 ,4 44 41 40 Hemlock Joist, Scantling, &c., all length 18 Hemlock Boards, 12 inches wide 19 " all widths 18 No. 1 24 inch Shingles, extra quality 15 4, 120 1/ 41 11 44 - 19 " 1 24 " " 11 41 14 3 feet Lathe, best quality $2.75 4 64 41 44 2.75 3 " Palings 13.00 3%" 44 ' 14.00 4 4, 14 4% 4.1 II it . 6.00 Fence Boards and Rails • OO.OO Posts, extra quality 30 els All other Lumber in proportion. . . ELASTIC LeOLK" STITCH FA MILS FOii EM BROWER T FOR RILA L )i QI?11:I'I.~: FOR Kt:NOUN/11 rpg TUCKING VOIc (tATliEltiNci FOR STITCH I Ni FOR CORDING VOlt FELLING: THE BEST IN USE ! ta~;w sTYtiEs FOR MANUFACTUTUNG FAST, DURABLE AND IMPROVED Is widely known as one of the most t(k effectual remedies ar \ IA:: ever discovered for t f ,!! cleansing the sys ti tent and - purifying the blood. It has stcyd the test of years, with *it co,y 7 stantly growing utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching JO to effectually purge out the great cor ruptioti ldpod, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic ciaistatid.otion. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked' In ti d y rystem for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, yf and all scrofulous diseases, 'Weeps, grgiptlpns, and eruptive ,dis orders of - the ?this Tultlrrs. Blotches, Bolls, PimpleS, , Pustu Sores, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipe, las, Totter, Salt 'Mourn, Scald Head, Ringworm, and internal Ul- Cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease. Female Weakness, Debility, and Leueorrhcea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and vtreAgth in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the deprec3l,yo and listless lan guor of the season. Lven where ny alAVirder appears, people feel better, And live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system 11101/VA on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PREPARE'? 21 Y" Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Ana/ytical Chemists. BOLD Air 414, DRUGGISTS EVERYWIIRRI: HUTTON 4 3,I 7 OO)TNELL 7 FURNITURE WAREROONIN. E NO. 809 MARKET STREET, Fr. . North 41Iefe PHILADELPHIA. PARbOita PINING - ROOM, 44 1 0 • CHAMBER FURNITURE, . Of the LANA Ryles and Deal Ilsaufactare. ALSO. Feather Beds and Mattresses. wallas 1r HAS BEEN IN PRArTICAL I , SE FOR MORE THAN TEN YEARS. 2J,000 ilt.riro-poorer lit Use. lalernatloanl Medal, London IF^'. .torerlcau lo•tttute Medal, 199. REND ron CIDCOLARO To HARRISON BOILER WORKS, P. llndelpfiln, Pa wESTON'S PATENT RIIFBRENTIAL PC L LEV BLOCKY. 7001 lu .0. Addr.ndi HARRISON BOILER WORKS, PIMA or✓u/LY A. COLEMAN, ALont, 110 Ruosnw AT. New Yang. and IS) Fnnnnu. Sr.. BONTON. MANS. Irr liimppronOmble Are Jneompa rable yer's Sarsaparilla Matebco aub 3tiviru. lEgAtuwEtt&C NO: 902 CHESTNUT STREET, JEWELERS. SILVERSMITHS ARE NOW IN RECEIPT' OF THEIR FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, =I PAWS BRONZES ! Clook Sets and Mantel Ornaments ! =1 PARISIAN STA TUAR 'I SOLID SI IN ER IV A RE! TASTEMLY ARRANGED IN CASES FOR WEDDING PRESENTS I=l Fine Jewelry, Watches:, Chains lectro-Plat ed Wares BAILEy&O 'Chestnut & 12th Sts., 'jewelers ano Silversmiths. FINE WATCEIES I FFtEridi C -OCKS I BliorizEs, PLkTED WADE. Qualitp ißuaranteeb. 'Boobs sent by Express on approval. Ir ma) IC —1) S IDBLE J EWE LEI - 1, 1124 Chestnut St. 1124 1U31!EMI!ILI!I ♦re Unexcel:ed NEW FALL STOCK Are Unequalled Compete Log Me hvg•nt suit wont varied ttevartmont they have ever offered. A re Se peels REI.TA BT,E WATCHES n see lalite. GOLD CHAINS, KEYS. SEALS, CHARMS, Re JE WELRY, entirely new deAgne. SOLID STERLING SILVER WARES, /re Lfuourpilsoci For pr,,,notation nod bou..ellold urn. TIN FIYEST ENOLI6IIS4ii AMLlttleffN Silver Plated Goods, Table Cutlery, 5•e., Brorixta, .4ffinfel rlo , ks and Ornament, Fancy Gowle in UM Bronze, Lruthrr, 'Wood. ,tc. Are Fa ti I des§ Salaried thin year in Enron°. Moderate Miro. , for ull tutted., n 111 In. tnit,lo 10Ajlitig n Al.l the STYLE AND CIITALITV. An Inweetion of [lto Store nod St.* in rettpectfully ttliciwtl rnnn hnr••rn no thane the City on plontwlt a. , w InE:E=ll KELLER at. BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., well regnlnted and warranted. All alma and prima, from upwardn. A larger tuntortment of 141)Lp 41g) SILVER WATCHES Mau can Co foung In any ,411,0 r acre la the city. JEWELRY OF ALL:KINPS, SILVER WARE .10very ihar - wmo.e. repaired on Short Notice. WATCHES, JEWELR Y, SILVER AND PLATED WARE CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. 23 East Hannlton street, opposite the German Re termed Church. Just rereived from New York and PhII adelphis, all the latest styles Ho has the larp,st hod hest asoritnent t.; Goj4 W.!aheel and at lower inicen than can he tonud ole:when.. SILVER WATCHES. He ham n largarand WWr a“artmaut of Silver •Yatcho than can bopurchatted anyw horn aluo. GOLD JEWELRY. Ha ha* the largent and he'd a/wort:newt or all klndo o Hold Jewelry. GILT ANI) PLATED JEWELRY. no 11. IL larger and hotter alwortmeni or all kin& or (ill and Plated Jewelry than cau he noun! elenwhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Ijokas a tirion.i W acuortment of Silver nod lilnted Ware. Artypersbn deelrina 50 . ,.,{1.4 filo fl ee can not ( oil to he salted. • • • • CLOCKS. A larger aesortment than nt any ells, e..tabli..ment. • mE,ODEoNS. • Id A o , ,T i 4;,Tr i l l A l . se•ortmosu of Melodeons, the bolo ACCORDEONS. A splendid assortment of all kinds of Aceordouns. fibs eetnlolishinent boa lately been fi tte d n p, nud in n ow second to noon la Nnw York and Vhfladelphla. and ahead of nnythingoithilde Um largo cities) Helds n forge: shock of fanklou Ode goods la hs line than all others In I,lllgh county combined. To COUVitICO yourselves of the KbOVe call and see MUMMUI WATO I Ex ANp JEWELRY, No. 1113 NORTH SECOND ST., mill. C 7 Iltrtuay, PUMA aan aallortment of %Velem., Jewelry,ridlltiet and Plated Ware constantly on hand, • Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended to. aro• .5-/• LARGEST STOCK I GREAT INDiJiiEMENTS To buy all your furniture at the largest furulturo store in HEIMBACH, HELFRICH & CON, 732 1141! TON ST., ALLENTOWN. The firm hare recently pat to it MAM MOTH ALL PLATE•OLASS FRONT.and have otherwise enlarged their facilities for; keeping on band the largest stock In the city. • I Their • ELEGANT FURNITURE is manufactured In their own establtshment. ander their own supervision, and is warrant ad tube the beet In the market. An inspection • • of their stock will convince buyers of the ad-- • vantage of buying from them Halrobach, Helfrich A Co. manefecture KITTLE'S PATENT SPRING BED, and aro sole agents fur that superior bed. Call and mote. Remember The Mam!pot Glass Front WATNOWN CELEBRATED EIRE r4t. AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. • - t•- • ,; 11 . ' ESTABLISHED IN 1843. THE OLDEST SAFE HOUSE IN PHILA DEL PHIA The only Safe with Irma Donee. • Qnsranteed Free (ruin Dampness. :4)io prices from 1e to N per cent. lower than o:hor relabre. • please Circular and Pricekt i t iN Late of Evans k Vi T aleYn 4 Van °ll oactnra.a, ansep-thn w No. W.3ll.•Yourth . St. l'biladelPhia, TOUIrIN- T6ItSSTS. CO.L. W. KOONS . are mannfacturtni a rlydratilla Cement Drain Pipe Chimney Flue and Ornamental Chim ney Tops. cheaper and more durable than. any other le market. They an made of pure cement and sand, baton powerfully compressed, well seasoned, and are in all practical respect.. g9IIIVALENT TO STONE. 01IpItIBT TOPS swam in 25 TO 65 00. Mad for • circular, or call aodexamlueat their eilloo Led roantfactory , corner of Hami lton strealand Lehigh Talley Rallir•LL Jane 14f PIELADELPEITA, AND IMPORTERS, Have now to Store Moir ALLENTOWN. PA. CLOCKS P9T , ,D WATCHES (Maim. =EI gin tierLabieo $4O mcor,'EAN n ,IOOPEIt $4O IMPROVED ELASTIC • „Ti.„ : , Lod Stitch Family Solviag ilnehilie The Ornt find rip napnKt In ninrk..l. pr.! 'h. Mt . lowing polntn: r7NEGVALED Sl3lpLic,T i. QUIETNESS OF OPERATION, EAsEol , MANAGEMENI, RAPIDITY OF EXECUTION. 'NON;LIAIIILITY TO DROP °TITI:IIER OR DREAt , THREAD. SIMPLICITY OF TENSION AND APPLYING ATTACH MENTS. And lt, rtltch 10. 11,1111 f. to rot , to to ,, or woo, thin th • 4 . Shnttlo" gtltch. ,1 min be Eno, r. lly taker mit Irdextrol. Tan >InLRAS s 110 )I I wlllslltch, Item, Pall, Tn cs Cord, Mod, 11.1. tr, Braid, F:allsrobler and Oath, I a molt arProv". l nr.."^r. MACHINES WARRANTED WM. BLOECKLY & CO., 1:=1 61% Oft MILTON ST., ALLENTOWN fid,ll.lvilnw WEED 11 ( IVA( N• HUBER k FRITZ, Agis., 13=1 BES7' 11177 TLP MACHINE or 7 That they mill omit. a Stitch alikeou both ' That they II kid ! FELL ! BIND Coal , ' BRAID! RUFFLE! VICE QUILT I II ENINTITCH GATHER AND SEW ON AT TII B SANK TI MI. EA Si Etil"f E P.M ! In addition to nil thin tit., urn Equally °nod for o Heavy Work. II U BER & FRITZ AGENTS FOR LEHIGH COUNTY may 25.3 m WHEELER it WILSONN FAMILY SEWING MACHINES Leave Pottsville at 800 a. m., and S3op. m. Herndon at 10 OU a. tn. blll.2okill ISt 040 and 11 15 a. m. Ashland 703 . 12 43 noon, Mahanoy City at '7Ol a. m. and 1 15) p. m.. Tamaqua at 835 a. m. and 210 p. m, for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Harrisburg, A,. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road at 815 a. m. for Harrisburg, and 1143 a. m. for Phie• grove and Treinout• Reading Accommodation Train leaves Pottsville at 040 a. m.• Plumes Reading at 730 a. m., arriving at Philadel phia at 10 . 53 a. in. Returning leaves Philadelphia at 615 P. to., passing Heading at 700 p. arriving at Potts ville 01 041 P. ta. Pottstown AccomModation Train 1 Pottstown at 630 a. lA. lieturuing,Jeaves Phtladelphia at 430 p. ta. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Heading at 720 a EU and 6 15 p tutor Ephrata, LIG:: Linclister, Culambla, Ao. Perklomeo Railroad Train* leave Perklomen Junction at 7 17, l• 0.5 U. 300 and BOUp m. Returning. leave Itch treukaville at 6 3U, 10 am, 12 50 noon and 445 p m, connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad, Colehrookda le Railroad train. leave Pottstown at 840 a m and 1 Matta ti 1.5 p m; returning leave Mount Pleasant at 7 uo, 1121 a no, and 3 litip m connecting with similar trains ou Reading R. R. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridgeport at 830 a to and 2 05 and Onpral returning, leave D.•iirtiington at UV a in, 12 4.5.aud 025 p m, connecting with •lutilar trains on 11e:tilled Railroad uu 6.ud.ia: leytve Railroad. at 500 ro m, Philadelphia at 800 am and 315 P (the lICM* 111 train running only to It. adios), leave Pottsville at 800 a to, Raffia burg at 210 a m aud 2 00 pin, Allentown at /'LS and 835 pm, Heading at 7 15 a ni aud 86U p ILI for Harrisburg, at 432 a na (or New York, at 720 a m for Allentown. and 410 p m fur Phila. delph la, Commutation. Mileage, Beason, School and Excursion'l-lekets, lekets, to and from all points, at reduued rates. lia•aagu checked through; 100 pounds allowed each THE AMERICAN WASTIER sAYES SIDNEY, TIME Peeomil'''. Y. soil 14 ly J. E. WOOTTER, AND DRUDGER Asst. Eng. Mach' rt .J irIATANA UA AND FOUELhVILLE R. R. OVER HALF .31ILLION NO {Y IN USE They twee wood the or twenty 'p.a.' Cl4e, and it 00 t xperitztent to Ito rch BOLD oN THE INSTALMENT PLAN. itt the saloAroom :ktitl ...aloe them, whether you to puroliao nC u.,t. PETERSON 61. CARPENTER OF:NEIt AI, AIENTS, 914 CHESTNUT STREET, OEM T HE AII ER ICA N WASHER Pi(I(E. $5.50 The Fatigue of Intr.hfht, Day no Limper Dreaded, but p'fliote 1/1 1 y, rnuf 1..11 11 111 Cl .lh big. Sure, nalllng nbllc attentlon to Mk little machine, a few or 7. p 10, , :,t0 ou dale, (not p,esessad by any other svasitlug mut pine int Invented.) are here enumerated. It Is the email. nt, 'lllOOl nenantat. 11,0x1 portable. Mort simple! In cobstractlon. neat easily operated. A child ten years old, wall a low bourn , practice. can Morons:Illy conipr hand nod effectnally use It. Thar,' is no adjuntlng, soretss to anny, no etylay In adaptlrg I Illp alsvayn reedy for ! It Is a porton/ Halo 'Yonder ! It In a nil, Inbate giant .I.du.: more Work and of a better quallty,(bau the 111. st elabaraw and Coolly. ono half of tho labor in fully milted Ily Its use, and [lin clothe!. Will[ ant ona•halt lona, than by rho old plan of the rub board. It will witith the litogoet blanket Three shirts at a time, thoroughly ! Inn srl rd too ablution of any fabric!, from a (lola to a Lace Curtain or (Inntbrle Ilatelkerehlef, aro ovitally 4711111111110 expkolly of ILI. LITTLE GEM I (Icon be lustenod to any tub and taken ~t 1 at will, . . . - . . No ...alter hew then rented a pre.jadtee mat - exist against Wlntlting slnet Ines, the nednent ti ne little tnschins Is 5090t0 perform to wonders. ell deulds or It s ch.,,nt, oflicycy and mild y on. 1..11.1.41, and the doubter nod detonator nt 0n.... !weenie the 1.-I rttlends of the machine, We have lestmaoulalle without end, seWnq forth lie en :mo.. nOvantogoa over all Other., and from hundreds Who have th,owit ~,d,p• the unwieldy, melees machines, who.l; 11,0 ni•'111.11) t to aeLotoplial. the object pie. j,, pr„go,,,, sou:1,110g lolverlLeinents. It in aa pornxt it shjibt 0/..\ - ik,l,o.rin fop }srlosi,sn• The prie•• another paramount Iteloveuieut top litchasbig, ha. been placed low that It I. within the rech .r OfSSY liou.ek..eoer th ro o snide of domestic economy will replay the small ill v..tillin•nt .11:5041. $5.50 All that I , t.t•led for r.. or CHEAT I , AIIOII/3AN'EIt. fair trl.l. W. tot.tronteo ouch loorltlott to co Ito work perfectly. • • • =I A. 11. FRANCISCUS & CO ., 513 Market St, Phihula., Pa. Tito linnnit and chadre t WOOUI N WARE HOUSE 1 Rid United S!.do, Cnub 3.1.3mw L un A lt 4 t )LE-ALE AND BETAIL 1 - I()FnIAN'S STEAM SAW MILL AND LUMBER YARD! KINDLING! BILLS OUT TO ORDER! OFFICE AT TUE MILL, FRONT AND LINDEN STS AID 11LACK OAK SAW LOOS wanted. for ohleh the hlghent market p:lce ylll bp ppld upon delly or. ,4-W July . 11-17 CHARLES L. HALE, UPHOLSTERER, AND MANUFACTURER OF VENITIAN BLINDS REM WINDOW SHADES, No. 984 ARCiI STOIEFT, PHILADELPHIA. VENITIAN 111,1111 , 4. ) WINDUW k; II •I;CM . 111•TTRENS68. ' Hada and Balmy.), Repaired. CCRTAI! CORNICE., OTORLI 811.1.11E5, 03. D o not forgot Ibo pineo. ARCH STREET UPIIOLS7ERY, ;1 9 .916 ti!tcrt STREET, oct 4_2,. .400dd00r Equw To*,sooh sa4. , IVOLVERTZ, CUTLERY , NO. 606 HAMILTON STREET, . ALLENTOWN, PA. Manufacture, and keens can•tently on kW a large as sortment of all kinds of Cutlery. Razors, Takla Knives and Works. Pocket Knives. liclesers. 6171- 1871. lEH M VALLEY Li RA U ILROAD. alt.jELriar; SUM MIR ARRANGEMENT.. Leave Allentown for Now York. ♦la Ceram! Railroad of Now Jersey. at 6 CO. TOP. OM and 11 65 a m. and 1510. 6 Nip. m. For New York. •la Morris k Essex Railroad. at 6 CO and 11 Mx m. aol 345 p m. For Maoutika (Blank and Belvidere at • 90 a to. and 6 85 For Lambertville and Trento% at 603 and 1166 a so, and 31pm. For Kat.t o at 86n 701 r, 800. 990 and 11 66 a m;l2 IT. 43. 61% 6 66 and 813 p m. For Philadelphia, via North Penn Railroad. at 6 CO. Fd 11 r 6 m. 636, 666 and 1313 p ra or Cattneanqua & Foglenvllle R. R., 63•5 •nd Fitr Coplay at 635 and 12 18 a m, 4 25, 6 (Sand 755 ri m. Fur Mauch Chunk at 636, 1007 a ut. 1218, 425 awl 765 n m. For Pittner!, at 835 and 1007 a to, 425 p tn. For Waverly. Owego, Elmira, Auburn and Baal°, at 007 a m I Ett prms Train.) For Manama 01045 and 10 01 azt, and 426 p m. Fur Andenried at 1007 a tn. For Mahaney City at 835 and 1007 a m, and 4 25 n m• For Mt. Carme t 035 and 10 07 • m. 'Claim, with a tin t l.') elan from Haat Penn Junction. R. H. SAYRE 809 . 1 A Eng. xq a ..~~ MORT 111 PEN NATI.-W k 2 , 1 K VANIA RAILROAD. PALL ARRANGEMENT. Passenger/Tor Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley R. R, tralon paaoing Allentown ate (U, 800 and 11 55 a. co., anti 635 and 8 12 p. m.. and arrive In Philadelphia at 8 50 a m, 215 81.5 and 1021p.m. Also Lehigh and Susquehanna }Nikon,' trains xi 2 Viand 1140 8. m., and arrive in Phila delphia at 5 51 and 916 p. m. LORAL SCHEDULE. Through Value Daily, Sundays Baceptlid.] Paeseeiter trains leave the depot Northwest corner Barks Cud American abeam. Philadelphia, For Allentown at SOO and 5 VI a, m., 1 M. 9'L), 4 00 and 4ln p m. Pala, core are attachrd to tho 6a. tn. train. For Doylestown alb 30 a. m., 290 and 4 90P m. For Fort Weehington at 7 and 11 • m. B Wand 11 30 p m. For Ohio 100 at 11') and 493 p.m. Fm Laimdole at 8 31.1 p. tn. Trains for PhiltodelPhia. Leave Bethlehem at 620, 8 20 a. m., 1214, 916, 800 and do p. m. " Doylestown at 835 a. rit., 300aod600P. m. I.nosdalo at 803 a. m. '• Fort Wuhingtou et 8:10, 1038 a. to., 115 end 91 m. • Abington at 2 15and 825 p tn. ON 811NDAlf . n. Leave Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 403 p. tn. Doylestown if 45 a. to. Leave Poiledelphia (or Bethlehem at 1130 a. m. '• for Doylestown •t Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia, 11 86. 200 p. w. 14101118 CLARK, Agent. A.LLENTowN PASSENGER RAIL WAY. ' TIME TABLE. Du and after SATURDAY. July lot, 1871, ears will run to all Dalt,. the Lehigh Valley and Lehigh and 11. Q . Philadolphia A Reading (gist Penn Junction) lirtilroadn, and to the Allentown Furnnee, lea•ing St., ti., 11.01 ton and Ninth streets, as follows: For L. V. L. &S• .6. l'enn. Furnace. Lone. Fur A 51 A. Si. A. AI A. M. A IL 330 735 If 10 900 910 ¢a 745 1145 10 Cal 1190 7.13 II At II 2.1 74/ P. IL P. M. • 01.5 I Di 1411 11 30 P. M. P. M. 3 Ni 1 10 2 15 110. 500 .3 3.5 P. AL 515 315 71.0 0 7 .411 2 55 500 3 15 SOO ---- 5 la Pay Day. & Saturd's a :10 ONLY 7 30 890 9 10 The above cars run to all the passenger trains on the above rondo. • Ibe 5 31 car takes passengers from the 003 P. M. tralt, and the 73) car runs lo Duffel° }lint.... (L. V.) 5 12 It. M. FA RE TEN CENTS. Children under ten years of ago, Five Cents. Tickets can be purchased of the cooductora on , he care, or of 0,,, rre,5,,,,,, In packages'of 7 for &Jets or 14 for 111. 'tickets it ceived only for pasoengers, not for trunks or pack II gas. 44-Paseugars are requested not to ride on the plat form t. when tip re us tuoto Waldo. R N G RAI L•as SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, MAY 15, 1871 ti real Trunk Linn from the North and North-Went for Philaie'ph., New York, Reading, Pottsville. Tamaqua, Ashland, Shainok In, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton. kph. rata. Lithe, Laucaxter. Columbia, &c. Trains leave ilarriaburg for New York a. follows: at 2.41, 810 a. m., and 2lXip, m., connecting with similar train. on Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 10 05 a. to., 3GO and 0811 p. m. respeethely. Sleeping Cars accompany tho 240 a. in. train without chant.. Returning leave Now York at 000 a. m., 1290 noon and 500 p. m.; Philadolphi• at 790. 980 a. m. and 990 p.m. Sleeking Cars accompany the 50)p. m. train from New York withoutehenge. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tarnattna, Mlnereville. Ashland bhatnogin, Allentown, and Phila. dolphin at 8 10 11. m.,§110 and 4 as p. m Wiping at Lelia. non and principal way stations; the {bs p na. train con. nesting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Cohambla only. For Pottsville, Bchuylkill !Javan and Aubcirn, •Is Schuyl kill and Susquehanna Railroad leave Harrisburg at S Rata Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Reading for Allentown, Elston and New i york at 4 32, 1095, a.m. and 40p m. Upturning, torso e'er York at 000 a. to.; 1233 noon and 5 00 noon. 2 15, 4 2.s°intl.3s°V. Alen town " 72° a. to., 12 25 Way Piwisanger Train I.lrea Philadelphia a. 7 80 a.m., connecting with train on East - Penna. Railroad; returning leave Reading at 820 p m., stopping at al/ 'ta lon.. . . . 13=1 ter APRIL THIRD. 11171J"Passanarer Tra qua A Fogelnaillo Railroad will run In Co n Lehigh Vatter Lehigh & diniquebano Railroad. as ro lowa. t Trains and 'ft ti t IthapA Lb ro , • N. the II th Sun I Tr th 646 666 702 7U 716 74 731 74 7 46 g Stu mot- Inn train Iraq leaves Catssauqua on thearriva L. V. It. Passenger train tram Mauch Chunk, I;lo6en;ltud /tit.y town: inodei;nlie4s'at4J.b.ct C tie with a train or, the limn Penneyireni• H.E. for Boad• ing, Pottaville, Ilarrisberg and Philadelphia. and also with a train for Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton. The morning trio Rant connects at AlbutPs who brake On E. It R. from Harrisburg, Pottsville }wading and Allootown, raid tit Cat...faunae with train on the Lehigh Volley Railroad for AlatieteChnnk, Wilkeeberre, licran• ton, Philadelphia and New York. 'I he P train Weal conneets•t Alhnrtle with train. on the hoot P 4111,1. Railroad Cur Beading, Potta•llle, Har risburg, Philadelphia, Allentown, Bethlehem, MILBIOI3. and New York; arrive in Philadelphia via Reading et 6 hi p. la. The Evening train hest hams Al-ligrtie On the arrival . of a train from Allentuwu and of • trete reeking connee• done at Reading with trains from Philadelphia, Berri. burg, hr., and connects with local psesenger train on too L. V. IL IL et Ceteeatique (or Allentown, Bethlehem and &talon. . . . Persons wishina toaro to Allentown can take the more log train West to Al•Uurtle, arrive at Allentown 915 a so and return by a train on the East Pennsylvania Railroad caving Allentown at 420 D. an. . . MIME pia i,,i!fASio co, CAPITAL, $1,000,000 JOHN S. BEESE & CO. GENERAL AGENTS OFFICE 12 sou'rn DELA WARE AVE PHILADELPHIA. spLppLE PACIFIC GUANO REDUCED PRICES. No fertiliser introdored to the farmers of the Ntddle and tionth.qu Smug hps given more genet.' and uhNonn not" Ishblion thou thia guano. The trade In it latusateadlly hammed until the consump tion now throughout the entire country far succeeds that of aur other tenths°, • Tho large capital Involved In Its production affords the serest enameled to its continued excellence. The com pany ha. a far greater Interest in the permanence of Its trade than any number of consumers can have • hence It le the highest Interest of the company to pu,.thelr beet 4rtlltrots la the Market. that their coma! facilities, aided y the beet scleuttdc ability, can prodice. hlsparry t r b uteL t o k at Iv . p i)l . x p i l it of thr gent had the E.211e7a Sias: l and It't 11/le . by" " ! "" JOHN 5, REESE 111: Cp., General Awls At. the Company JBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS I= Popular Prices for Dry Goods • AT RC E S 727 CHESTNUT STREET, • PHILADELPHIA, PA. SILKS, SHAWLS, • AND • DRESS .GOODS, IN GREAT VARIETY, AT 'WHOLESALE lakiD NETAIf t Stock unrivalled for extent, • ttttt y, and general Adap• tetlon to the svauts of buyer', and daily replenished with the cheapest and choicest offerings of this and other mar ket.. VISITORS will receive COiIIITIOOII.OIIIIIIOII. whelk er Ihoy porches:a or not. Coctil-Sm Itailorabo. Ina osl one°- , , •od CATABATIQUA, 963 .BEIPLE'B, 946 •JOHDAN BHIDOE, 939 BOTH'S 9 94 6 d t Lt% 29 9 19 9 07 8 'SOILING CREAK, 8 66 42 AL-DORM, 8 97 EMIR= C. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. and Knit Weer. Profcosionai CartiO. JAMES N. BIERY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 01Mee. No.lo 6. et narolltora meet, tarot& Moor of Ll. Hall, Alloatovro, Ps. (Special atterallo• gt•so to colltollo.). ttrir 11-17 JAS. P. Btear . F. H. Donley. JN. BIERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Mgr & DORNEY, •sp,llnat. INTL= AGMs,. •NO CONYRY•lielits, No. ectis Hamilton street,. second boor, Allentown, Pa. (Jy 10. dam Nvr D. LUCKENISACII, A'1"1 . 01t • NET AT LAW. ((formerly practiced In rube county). Omce, Itacallton Watt. second geor, soul opt Cite the Court House. Allentown. Pa. May b• co. salted In the (Jarman language SAMUEL A. BUM, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, No. CU Hamilton atrftt, over tichrol• bees Moro. ALLENTOWN PA. (davr MORRIS L. KAOFFIR AN. ATTOR NEY AT LAW. Office, second door of the Ping National Hank building, ALLENTOWN, PA. Collections mode In Lehigh and ad 101 fling eonntlen. Con be conanlted nate &Isaiah and 9ermaa languagee. 14-IY RUN K & BALDWIN, ATTOIEVEYN AND COUNEELLOIII3 AT LAW, Allentown, Pa. Mane. No. 64 East Hamilton elrest. . L§21.1t12 EJ. MORE, ATTORNEY AT LAN', ALLENTOWN, PA; Office, No. BO Etat PAtullton street. dea - Can be consulted In Osman. Jen 14 lor C. HUNNILEKGEIt A TTO It NE 1* Cl • AT LAW. R 41.11,11 to the Post Olin ' bol w. second door. ALL ENTO WN" PA. err 2111-1 s T , DIVIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. eight doors above the Court Hoe.. , AL. LENTOWN Lehigh eunetr. Pe. (eh 13-'l3l-1Y !7 FOR G E H. RUPP. ATTORNEY N.-A AT LAW. Ofßoo with lion. John D. &Has, Allan town. Pa ELIAS MERTZ. ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, f 1.5 'Sleet Hamilton St., Allentown, PA. 1111. S. YOUNG, Mt.. (warn At ATTORNEY AT LAW, iinom.l3. 13. If and 47, No IN WaulAngtou Street, Chi cago. June 30 "WILLIAM IL GLACE. ATTORNEIt v AT LAW, CATASAVQUA, LEHIGH COUNT"! may 10-11 MEM TOJIN OPN . SE I L I LIT ' A I T II LI Rot! 0 1 ,11 ) o l gg 6 1 r . nut street. Bbiladelphin. mar 14y EO RG II K. IV I LSON; ATTORN ET - 7 AT LAW No. aid Hamilton street, Prledenabota Building, opposite Lion Ilall, Allentown. Collections promptly made to Lehigh arid Northampton counties Du. c. c. IT. GULDIN, SUIWIF:ON DENTIST. Gilles, over Mrs. M. A. 0. Goldin . Trimming Store, So. 111 E,,st Ilstniltou street, Allentown Pa. LEvi ?MOYER, ATTORNEY AT JI—A LAW AIC D JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. MILLERS. TOWN. LEHIGH CO.. PA. Particular attention pale to Insolvent and decedent catches. • Jan 0-1/ THOMAS R. METZGAR, ATTOII- NEY AT LAW. ALLENTOWN. PA. Office. No. 62 East Hamilton street. may M-'6O GEORGE WHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, First door above Law Ailey. AL• LENTOWN, PA. may '4-6m EDWARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Odice. with lice. Samuel A. Bridges, ALLENTOWN, PA. may l-ly JOHN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Mica. N. B, Corner Oth and Hamilton Streets ALLEN TOWN. PA. may 1-ly ADAM WOOLEVER, ATTORN ti AT LAW. Otlice, opposite the Court Holm.. AL MOTOWN, PA. may 1-/1 RCLAY lIIA 111 ERSLY,ATTOUN EY • AT LAW CATASAUQUA PA. J. 14-'63-1f A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. W4M1214'13 oggs79ll!MAl VINEGAR BITTERS Iki Hundreds of Thousands 9 4 4'a • Igi 2 1 4 i 11 1 'a i 1 N. . ." . ig Z E 0 V .0!T Pt e J ll' 9 Fr : 4:d . 0 ''' 6'o 4 01,1 FKI .454 li O f fir g g . E 4 , TRAY ARE NOT A VILE "3 FANCY__ DRIN . K.I71 -2 1 ]hide or Poor gum, whiskey, proof eloirlli pod Refuse Liquors Coctorcd,oplood an fl aktedE Rid to piece the isle, 011110 a u TOOIOI,II . rAppCtiE: 01, 6 1' Restoreis," an, that lead the tippler On In Allnkenneas pad min, but pro a true Iledielne, Iliatig frotaana Native Moto and Herbs of Cattrortql, ging from all Alcoholic Stlmulanta, They 01l WI GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A LIV 4 GIVING PRINCIPLE a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring lam blood to a healthy condition. No person Coll take these Bitters according to direc• tion and remain long unwell. $lOO will bo given for an Incurable case, provided the bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, tr 0 'Hal orzans wasted beyond the point of reoair Sm, for Indamm.iairy non varoplo Ithoutuu, Mutt nod Gout, Dyspepsia, or , lodlatistlooi 1 Maas, Remittent and Intermlliedrlfirrits 'kitties of the Blood, Liver. 111.fopytheid4 loader, these Bitters Lazo peon rooeViipccen: 1. -- h c pplitt Dlaenace are esusell by Vitipied Plag4. which II generally prOglacCd by derlizif =MEI Of the /naval vo Orlin UN DYSPEPSIA Oa INDIGESTION. Dead gets, Pain In Doi Shoulders, Cough", Tighltical of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Dad tuto In the Mouth, Bilious. Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of ihe Lungs, Pain In the regions of tho Sidney', and a hundred other painful symptoms, Aro Um offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the tor. pid liver and bowels, which reader them of am quailed efficacy In cleansing the blood of all Impurities. and MiliFling nun life and vigor to the wholutystooi. 1. 7/011:43K IN Ertiptioniaelail, Suit OrfltSbee;SDOM: l'iMples;Peetnles,4lols, Fail fllug:Worins, Scald:Heed. dote Eyea,Pyislii elm, hob, lltyrfe, bispolormions of the e, and Direues of the bklo, of whatever nape or oaten % aro literally dog op :ard carried oat of the system in 'bort time by tbo sae of those Bitters. One bottle in such cans will convince the most Incredulous of Only curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find It, Impurities bunting through the skin laPtmples, lions or Sores; cleanse It when you ['oda obstructed and sluggish In the veins; clew° It when Ms fool, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. • ?IV, TAPE and other WORMS, 'loridag th Oritbro of , me many thoumnds, ere egeotualtr•deakiii Int and removed. tor' difibtf4s,lrdid ciridldt i r *a. circular around each bottle ' Irrinledih IbtErpgi! ifillkirefi—finfllah.Oercunn, irrikhldad puii • J. wAucun. Propriescr• li. A, moPoN4u) a 00., ' , MUM and Geo. Agents, BID Tranclihn ' !,, Ind ID and M Commerce Strad, Naw BOLD IT ALL DAIIOOI2III AND l' PARENTS TAKE NOTICE TUAT AT THE B ()TEN BOOK S'i ORE Toll WILL •LWATO FWD FOR SAL! ALL IMF o 1 A SCHOOL BOOKS, COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK, AT THE f,OWEST pRIC: The limo Is agate here for ehltdron to prepare for SCHOOL I And we hays on hind scd (or .a'a ay erythtos they ItAnt sod nand to the SCHOOL ROOM. OUR Pima* ARE AS LOW , ...,.. E .g. :zt e e lse, and . t ai e . at give them Just what they DON'T . YOROET, AND lINSIZEIDER 'MAT THE BOTEN BOOK STORE IS THE PLACE 70 BUT ALL KINDS OP School Books at the Lowest Prices, LETtapißlNg, TpEP , V; qq, l 6.51' Rataliton St.. LENIAISTRE & ROSS' eep]•tfd itockof WHITE GOODS. LACES AND EIIBROIDBN• lES are not excelled by any houee In the city, either la coropletenees, variety. quality or obeepesas. PIQUES Yerxcholee. New and moot desirable TRENCH MUSLIM) AND TRENCH NAINSOOKd. TARLA TANS. ell colors MOSQUITO 13h,T, IM yards. 2 and! yards wide. VICTORIA LAWNS • Aem love Doc SOFT CAM BRIC& SWISS BULLS, PLAIN, PLAID AND ELTRIP. ED NAINSOOKS, PLAIN AND DIRD•BY11 WHIN, LINEN LAWNS, CAMURICS, CUSEDM-MADBSEMET , BONTB. . , LACILli—a mod salsa stook of ailkinds of LiffA. A specialty le CURTAIN NETS and team:mum, NEW _MARBURG lIDOINCIS & INSERTINOB shoed daily. you cae alerlire tied a rood assortment here,cod at the lowest rates at which they cantle sold. . L AII IN W EN RITI T R LACEI 1 Iltf c l o N i C IB A . R R AND CCTV& The cheapest EMBROIDERED BATTU la the m arket One price. . . 212 North Eighth St., Philada. Dl= BLANK BUORS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers