AFTER. CANVASSING THE MARKET AS PER DIRECTIONS IN • • - .1n "0 lINER STORE," LAMES' WHAT YOU WANT IN WOOLENS Guarantee Prices to be so as not to be undersold by any House TREMENDOUS STOCK OF LUMBER ! GREAT PREPARATIONS FOR THE SPRING TRADE AT THE ALLENTOWN LUMBER YARDS ILLOUGHBY R. TREXLER (SUCCEBBOR TO TREXLER 8R05.,) Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Allentown, Pa. BEMIRE AND LOOK FOR TIIE LUMBER OP SUPERIOR QUALITY OFFERED AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES COME AND SEE ! ! ra.olll fa aced of lambor for large building. will God It e 1111 order* for all klod• of lumbar u".ed to large build lags FIT( f a :j i g:ran: 'logri.orlriTticgy”firl=rtrgilli:‘•:l AN IMMENSE STOCK ! HOUSE-FURNISHING CHINA, GLASS & CROCKERY-WARE, Parisian, and other Granite Wear, Cut and Moulded Mass, Decorated Dinner, Tea and Dessert Sets ITRBT CLASS GOODS. NDALE, MITCHELL & CO., 707 TY . 707 CHESTNUT STREET, Spectacles. ,SIM4'Af %Fr •L'ITEETIN.LEN I ♦ lentntml , : ta as . lr s !mr of all k I I. of Bpee• CHAS. S. MASST,Y'S,. No. 9$ EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA - Ravish devoted a great deal of care sad attention to the I :Cr 1 1 !Vi t a= e i tia l s gir m ers t e f d e s w o ru a g . t Illt a ih u a% :117. termlned tom itt* It trICULTY. There is so satiate lii:lepectittcr Irlis ' . ° 4 l . 4 l. 4 ll°, ` Paifi r M; • pablie have bees frequently hnutbusied b r' y parties pre ..trrgartNrlrsif!rlitrtiNtiefghllirailli7l4.goithtnhVe, sash nod ingmalthle Of espe,"/ have taken Wu. to se. loot a large and teMplete xesortment of the Ones& sad best Vallee* ever mumfactured, thole affording all persons • In■y~aatttttYsea Tgigy°l: t bori sralts tilseWhere will do well to girt. me a cell, as I feel otteMellt one will fall to ho banal. Remember the et* Waal. Lo. lid East Hamilton street, opposlte the leer t•Ysefoiaed Church. ♦lleatowa, Pa. Jan 99 , iss tf ' Extitos, LAT! EN Real Whitby. J. le.wo ty..Vroooh . .Tot ad Vol .lowellt.r. Floe Plitett oolvelr2r. Kano Rod Vi.rins U i clr rhop. Fancy Leather Uuoula. Puny Oros oboe* mom Moos,. Dash, LlrtmeinC Ct.!.., Toilet tra ran itZZlr i f_la u fligte: jg a trt7 r.. A/1 q 7 • H. No. 9 South Wok Street. THIS SHEET, YOU WILL FIND AT J. 1(11 MEWS The Choicest and Most Attractive Stock of FOR MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, "BLUE SIGN !" No. 1 Pine Boards heat quality , , per thousand $3l 1 " Scantling, " . 32 " 2 " Boards, ‘‘ " 25 " 3 " " 12 Inches wide, " 19 " 3 " " all width, 18 " 1 " Floor, 6 inches wide, best quality.. 34 " 1 " " all widths, per thousand 30 " 1 Hemlock Flooring, 6 Inches wide......... 26 " 1 " " all widths 25 " 1 Spruce Flooring 30 1 Block Siding, beet quality 34 " 1 German " 84 0 2 0 at 84 % Beveled Biding, planed 26 " " not planed 22 vx inch Common Funnel4o I‘ , / , 14 61 0 " 40 2 it 0 " 40 Hemlock Joist, Scantling, ttc., all length 18 Hemlock Boards, 12 Inches wide 19 all Width's 18 No. 1 24 Inch Shingles, extra quality 15 0 1 26 0 0 0 0 19 ig 1 2 4 til " II 0 14 8 feet Lathe, best quality... ..... ..., .......... . . . . —.42.75 4 It di 0 2.75 3 " Palings 13.00 3% 4, . 0 14.00 4 " Id 15 00 . 0 4 ., ~ 16.00 Fence Boards and Rails 20.00 Posts, extra quality 30 eta All °Chez Lumber in proportion. greatly to their advantage to call, being conetattly ready upon the most favorable tonne. vadat the shortest notice. • stantly kept on hand. Inspect my !Hock. Respectfully. WILLOUO LIU! R. TREXLER. We solicit an examination of our Wares and Prices PHILADELPHIA filectanico. CONSIIOTIOCKIEN • BOILER AND COIL WORKS, JOHN WOOD, JR., 11•110FACT011111 OF TUBE. FLUE AND 617.1NDER BOILERS BATE AND STEA# CIRCOLATINO BOILEitS. • All kinds of Wrought Iron Cotl.,_Tuyers for 131. mt Var. mice. tiasumetero. Smoke Stack. Blast l'ques,lron Wheel. borrow., and everything In d m Holler And Sheet Iron Ilne. Also, all kinds of Iron and Steel Purpose and Blackentle work, Miners' Toole of all kinds ache Wham Buckets, Picks. Drilla. Moneta, Sledges, an. o Steam Hammer and set of tool. of all kind. and .killed workmen. I dotter myself that I eon tort out work with promptnem and dispatch, all of which will be warranted 801 l nrat-cloom. Patchingers, and repairing if ooo ngl7. airiellY at" ended tu. nor IT FURNITURE! CIIRAP, RELLAR I ,, AND WARRA II NTED AS REPRESENTED! IVINS & BROTHER, (SECOSID STIR SST 111111170111 MIL) • No. 337 North Second Street. PHILADELPHIA. .ms 2341 m DRESS GOODS THE MARKET AFFORDS, in the . Valley. LOWEST CASH PRICES. AS ALSO CUSTER'S PATENT CARRIAGE GEARING ! This Mode of gearing Is far superior to any yet invented for beauty, slinplielly and durability, and does not require a genius to attach It to any kind of spring carriage or wagon, and will answer all the purposes that platform gearing will, with ahem, one-fourth tho labor. The braces support the body so that it cannot move backward and forward. It prevents stralaing the spring-bolts and ears of spring. It rides much eteadwr. It answers for all kinds of carriages and spring wagons. It Is much lighter. It Improves the appearance of a carriage. It takes leas skilled abor to construct one. It Is much easier washed and kept clean. It Is especially adapted to carriages and wagons where short turning Is required. It Is much stronger and less liable to get out of order. State, County and Shop rights for sale. For further Information, address IJS'I'FR & apr 20.3mw Trotlertown, Lehigh Coui.ty, Penne 707 mar 15.2 m NEW STYLES SHUTTLE STITCH SEWING MACHINES • PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DESIRED PIIOIII ALL WIIO REQUIRE A FAST, DURABLE AND IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE To our NEW STYLES, which posseee unmistakable advantages over the NOISY and CUMBROUS 4tylea of other makers. TO COACHMAKERS. ADVANTAGES OVER ANY OTHER GEARING GROVER & BAKER'S ELASTIC LOCK STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES ! THE BEST IN USE ! FOR MANUFACTURING ! • IN ANY I3RANCII OF Manufacturing or Family Sewing CALL AND ILXAMINE. • ' d. F. WEINBACII, Agent. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, opposite German Reformed Church, may s•diw No. 628 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa, FOR EMBROIDERY FOR BRAIDING FOR QUILTING FOR lIENINIING FOR TUCKING Are Unapproachable • FOR GATHERING FOR STITCHING FOR CORDING FOR FELLING NTOWN. 'WEDNESDAY, JUYL 5 Wiatcbto ard3 scb3elrg. Chestnut and 12th Ste., PILADELPIIIA, JEWELERS & SILVERSMITHS, Have completed arrangements with lead ing Makers In Europe, by which they are now enabled to offer Fine Watches, At very moderate prices. Satisfaction guaranteed In all cases. Goods sent by Express on approval. Strangers aro cordially Invited to visit our establishment. Watches. w may lo —ly ISAAC H. !writ CFEEII, W ATC I 'FS AND JEWELRY, No. 11A NORTH SECOND ST., con. or Ort.totnY. PHIL A ~,,iiArlll,4alwoipergecentio.tntf agba ; lowelry. Silver and Ala Repalrlng of Wsiebee and Jewelry promptly attended to. epr 15-ly TICELLER it BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., • ALLENTOWN. PA. • CLOCKS, well regulated and warrented. Al! eiree sod prices, from il2 upwerde. A larger eamortmeot of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can be (noodle any other stern In the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE f every d ..... W e inn. 111 - 4 - WR tem, rpaired on Short Nalco. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED 'WARE, CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. Zt Revd Hamilton nireet, oppoelte the German Re ,nrined Church. Java received from New York and Phil. idelphin. ell the [Meet r e cei ve d GOLD WATCHES. He ha, the lg g t t ndbe rTVf?‘X W a t ches . and at lower Asiancal VoiII:tIe. SILVER WATCHES. TM been larger and better anaortnicut of Silver Watcher than can be purchased anywhere elso. GOLD JEWELRY. He has tho largest and best 'assortment of all kind, of Gold Jowolry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Ho has ti larger and better annortment of all kinds of 0111 aud Plated Jewelry than eau be toned einowliere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. • Hoban a eplendid assortment of Silver and Plated Ware. Anyperson desiring goods in this lino can not fall to be .ntte CLOCKS. A larger assortment' than at any other establishment. MELODEONS. • - Aal= l i A l . ansortmcnt of Prince's Melodeone, the bent int ACCORDEONS. A eplendid assortment of all kinds of Accordeone. Hie establieliment ban lately been fitted op. and la now 110.1141 to none In Now Verb and Philadelphia. and ahead of anythinglintside the largo Mien. !fella* a large: stock of faehion able goods In him line than all others In Lehigh county combined. To convince yourselves of the above call and Imo ESTABLISHED 1851. Highest Premium. Sliver Modal, awarded over alt corn pattttoa at Mechaalre' Eghthtttoa baton. Untoher.'to THE ORIGINAL AND OKIIIINE, SELF - REGULATING WROUGHT IRON, AIR TIGHT, GAS CONSUMING HEATER DUST SCREEN. ORATE BAR RESTS, WROUGHT IRON RADIATOR. ♦No AUTOMATIC.REOULATOR FOR RURNING G O AL O W NTIIRA R OITR OR BITUMINOUS OOD. .0 Alarm for brickwork, nod 2 at., Portable. MANUFACTURED ONLY DT J. REYNOLDS N. W. COR. 13Th & FILBERT %a., Throe limitern aro made of Ileavy Wrought Iron. well riveted together. and ar.. warmotell to p be almolut.dy tlgo manageor Tlittrr. They are the only Motors that are ed toffhout ant, dampers. and to which all kind§ of fuel can ho burned without alteration. COOKINO For HOTELS, RESTAURANTS and FAMILIES Alno, A FLAT TOP lIRATiNO RANGE. FIREPLACE DILATERS, LOW DOWN ORATES, SLATE MAN rELI. REGISTERS, VENTILATORS Pamphlets Fairing fall description seat free to yan IYad ° `4• ANS. - - - HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION CHAIRS! CHAIRS ! ! CHAIRS ! I REUBEN SIEGER. The old and well-known CRAM In Allentown. hereby atmouncos to the public that he hne now the larsmd, thu fluent cud • the elmapni.t assortment In thin city. at Ills i -Mad. No. Bn2 tinion stret. dlr. ctly polite Ilageoboch's Now ()pen .tuck onual•ts of the following •orlatles—all .if him own tumult nctute—.u. It as BTI Elin iif. va tons styles nod Peitera., all k tide of ROCKING CHAIRS. C•.AIIN tions elylna all kind.. of AlOl nn .I CII AIRS. CHILI/11E20B CIIAI AB, he Fin (role cooliblont that an far as worAm .n• dnrnblllly of bin tnanu'xcturen ore concerned tie v cannot be ex. ict any t o auor actry Ive ry nt.. and all of which Mt el In i trilling to sell at o the lowest prices. /Gran Inepection of hie clock and prices Is Molted be fore porcha.oe aie made el.ewitoro. 4firTnatikful tor the liberal pa•rnnage heretofore re ceived, he hopes for It of thu favors of Me old blends cud the public. apr 6.9 m LARK EST STOCK ! GREAT INDUCEMENTS • To buy all your furniture nt the largest furniture store In town of HEIMBACH, HELFRICH & Co., 732 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN. The firm have recently put , In x litAM 010T11 ALL LATE-OILARS FRONT. and have otherwise enlarged their facilities flr ; II I . keeping on hand the largest .cock lu the city. Their EL KO ANT FURNITURE In mannfactored in Mel , own establishment. ander their own supers islou. nod w warrant-%v.—. g --v ed 5• he the beef in the market An Inspection of their muck will roost ...haters of the ad. witutxgo or buying trum them lielmliveh, Helfrich & Co. mane 'More RITTLE . 9 FATi.NT SHUN() LIED, and Rememberagent. for that superior had Call and Neel,. The Mammoth Glass Front. Are Exclusive Are Unexcened Are Unequalled Arc Superior Are Unsurpassed Are Faultless Are Incomparablo Are Admirable Pb Mov. A L . • YOUNG & LENT2A'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE, HA. BIM. REMOVIMTO TOO S. W. Corner of ErAMILTONaruI SIXTH STS. !NOB. 38 AND 40, where they are now prepared to iooelce their patron, THE WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT IMERAMITUE LAROBST STOCK OP 000DS IN THIS VICINITY. and A !nag:l=lTX the he beet b alli g a al t o t!ephre ir own make to the coon- 117 THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT be conducted a. beratoro I one 30 'Si D. R. NLIFEIR, FITTUN I'I'UItE W A H. Eh 09MS, No. GO NORTH SECOND STREET. F" l "ff e l gt, m 2C l " 4 " 11001 Nom, ru Brant.. PHILADELPHIA • =rl 3tUatero. I= ME PIIILADELPIIIA, PA elpirs NEW wnoLssius AND RETAIL lirtilorab.s. AILQUa AND=ru"wp. LsVILLE R. R. lIMILIIIEr-Viall'Aal riATA A.-I FOOS ter APRIL THIRD, 1871, Passinwer Traina on qua & Fonalavllle Railroad will run In eannee e Lehigh Valley. Lehigh & Susquehanna, and Railroad, as follows: • On and aft the Cat Ram tine what tin t Penn. 'mina Weal lc I • . Trains 11551 •.x. O. 14 CATABAUQUA, 9 111 811 .8611,1.6'51, 949 9M *JORDAN BRIDGE, 999 649 017111'8, 991 644 WALOP,111”8, 9 A 51 CIISI.9IAN'B, 919 531 TILEXLERTOWN, 907 520 BREI7IIIISVILT.II. 866 •8.'11.1N11 CREEK. 847 619 AL-BURTIB, 5 37 508 ME= IA 6 4L7 17 660 33 701 41 709 48 715 69 724 01 794 16 22.M1 741 2 4 • . 746 •Plug blit, „Joao. CONNECTIONS. rho mow in g I rain WA. t 11.1t1(10 th.." 1.0 the V. li. If, Peonenger trots ton hlnneh rhank, ta.ton, Hell,lebnm nod All. town owl eounozin nl A 11,.,,. WI.II n triloon tiro Snot Porwyloonlit It II for Read• Ina. Pottnyille, II orriobury and and ale. with x train for Mlentoo n, Botloohetn, Canton. The morning tr in Sant noun. eta nt at,,, Aaiun olt P. It It. from Illarlnborg. Polta•ille ail i ng awl Al n lontowu..ll rat Cnto•omitoi with trout n Bin Lehigh tonVoly le Railro llodelpitinad for Mooch Chunk, Wilkenbarre, keron. , Pli *nil New York. he 1 I.IP kl bolo Weeielion 'teatc Alburtin with traine an the Sint Peon. /tolirowl for Repoli., Pottatillie. liar rintiors Philadelphia, 0110111 , wu, 814111010 M Elt,llo. and New York; limy° In Plillodelphlo vie. Heading al 5 p. Th.. Evening trnin knot letllten Al-11111111 , on the arrival of a train from Allentor ti nod of moo wok lug noun,. Clone'; Hooding tritium f r burg, Pottnville, Ate., owl comma, with local paimengot train on toe L. V. R. It, at CottionUqua fur Allentown, Bethlehem sad Santos Perrn.; ar halloo toga to Allentown can take the morw Ink train Went to Al-Burtla, arrive rat Allentown 9 Li a in, and return by a tr alu on tho Sant Manny lvonia Railrood, leaving AllentoWn at 4 IX/ p. tn. C. IV. MIAMIAN, Supt. and Engineer. MEM READING RAIL- 4 Wwri .1 4 ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, MAY 15, 1871 • 17 real Trunk Line front the North and North-West for Phildlo%plat., Now Yet lc, Reading. I...amain, Tamaqua, Ashland Shamokin. Lobstiu, Allentown, Sallton, Eph rata. Litt:. 1,11.11.0a141 - . Culla lob.. etc. Trains lease Harrisburg for New York an follow's: at 4.1, 810 a. m.. and 210' p. m., counseling with simtlar trains on Fenno:l.lmin Railroad. and arriving at Now York at 10 05 a. tn., 350 nod 9.k. p m. respectively. Sleeping Cara accompany tho 240 a. m. (rata without change. Returning leave New York at 9 WI a. m., 1290 noon and' 500 p. tn.; Ptolndelphia at 7 3 . 8311 a. tn. nod 330 p. m. Sleeping Cars accompany tho 500 p. m. tram from Now York withAut change. Leone it A rri g ba, (or Reading, Pottsville, Tamarina. Bitue.ville Ashland, and, Annum. et. and Phila delphia at B'lo a. 2t 0 4 dlp. m., stopping at Lebs• non and principal WHY 0101 one; the IUS p us. tin eon het mg fur Philadelphia, Pottsv ills mud Columbia only. Fur Pottsville. Schttylkul Haven and Auburn. via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna Railroad leave Harrisburg at 3 4 p. m. Sad Pettus ylVania Railroad trAna leans Reading for Allentown, htutton and Now York at 4 32. 1030, a. m and 405 p to. Itetututug, leave Now York at 00.. to.. 12 31 noon and 5W p. to.,nod Allentown at 7'lll n. m., 12 25 noon, 213, 4'25 and 3.5 p. m. Way passenger Tt leases Philmielplda at 730 tt. in:, connecting w i smth, dis ou bast l'ouus. itAilroad 1111'01w, kane th Itenolu i ir at a 6 1.1) tn., stopping Mt eta. dO.. 1. , 0Ve l'Ult.,lllo at 900 a. tn., and 2 kip. tn. Herndon at lit di a. 0,. 00..tooklu at4o end II 10,_ t 0 5 a. to. mud 12 gt noon. AiallattO) eaY 731 and 191 p• m. V.ditaquA at ltl a. tn. and 1 0 p. m. Philadelphia, ' Neu York, Reading. Horn/a..4, dm. Loatto V01t...41110 010 otlloytkill mosittothouun Pine ,r•ad a, 6 III: tor 110rrosourg, autl it 45 a. to. la goo o and reosont• itondlutt Accounuodallott Train leaven Pottamllo at 540 tt.". tu.. Komi.. at 7.10 a. in., array Mg At Philadel p la at 111310 in. Rotund., haven l'lnlndelTllll al .02 n • • too leutidg at 7 p. tn., arr.vaig at Putts ,villa at 9 41 p. .......minudittiou Train leaven Puitatowo at oa/ a. c•.' .. ~ullia t Iva v, • 1 • 1111...•11.1.11t at 430 p at. rl alum Icara Irradwit al 7 a tit and 13 pin Cur ..plirtita. Laue.oilcr, Utsinliana, Al SC. reran/men itaiiroad Tram. 1.1.0/0 Junction at 7 17, 6111tu. 3W rd Owl p no. wattle. leave mil auk., ille at 3d. lionin, 12 it anon nod 4 4.5 pm, c onnecting to nit tin Reading lithroad, Colobrmatdale t • Lunar Pottstown at 040 a m and 115 aua 61.5 put; teturulav leave Slouut Plaiteaut at 7 Uki, 11 'Li a to, nod 3 OLP p u. ColllloCliag crab similar trains on Reading 11. Chester Talky Railroad Train. leave Bridgeort at 8 SO ain and 2 it. and ISO p return..a. len,. 1 1 wolokioti tramnu 41) In, 12 45 52, ,p rn, With similar uu on iteadius Railroad, autidaya: lent, New York at 500 p m, Philadelphia at 1100 is m and 315 p m (the Bde a tu train miming only to lava l'olteVillel at 1300 n 10, llarrienur,t at lid A tn atio 240 pm, Alt.:awn , at 4 2.5 mid 833 put, Reading at 7 I.lis to two 6 W p m tor liatriaudrea at 43'2 a m I . or Nen York. at 7 21a m for Allentown. and 4 le p m fur .Phlla depn. Miltortge. SOASOU, School and FaCtlrciOu rlekci.s, to laud Innnt all poluls, nl reducod ratan. 'Manage cuecaud thmaati; 1W .1. poituda WOO wed gy allo ach h. talll ly dog. Eno. Nue/Cry. - =-. RAILiwAD. BUMMER ARRA:VOEMENT. Leave for Now York. via Central Railroad of New denser, at OM 7tG•. BW. and 11 65 a — oll and 12 11.), 833 p. w. boa to York, eta Morrie & Digo: Railroad, at 000 and 11 ron en, dud 345 p tn. Fur BIKUULIIIII.CLILLUIL and Belvidere at 9 10 a In, and 83.7 p Fur Lambertville and Trenton at 000 and 11 65 a M. Rad 63, p m. Fur Minton at 600, 7M•, 860. 910 and 11 65a 1210', 345. 355, 6 tilltud 811 p Ilittadelpata. vta North POW] Railroad. at 601, 8 W tad 11 .5 a nt, 6 3 663 AIM 813 p Can...auuaB Futiletit , tll4t 14. IL, 0 31 it m and 12 18 P m• F,r Coplay at 633 and 12 18 4 to, 4 31. 693 and 751 p in. Fur Mauch 0444. at 6 f.l, N 41 a ul. 12 le, 423 and 7G,PW Fur 1.31.100. al 3.1 aud 944 4 ut. 4 w. tor Waverly, Owego. Eitrilrit, auburn and Buffalo. at 9 44 a w thaplu.a Tram.) Fur ea.lowa AL 6 ad and 9 44 a m, and 4 25 p m. • Fur AUdeurted 441144 a al. Fur 51,411,411. y Cuy x.6:33 and 9 14 a m. and 423 P in• For am Carmel 0.0 34 dud '9 44 a. 01. name wall a star 01001 (rola bast Penn Junci.lon. R. U. SAICILB. sup't dt N I'ENNSVE-ilagi .LA VAN IA RAILIWAD. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT • • • raoaeogern fur Philadelphia I.l[o Lehigh Valley R. tram , pna.ilug Alleultilau at 0.0, 80U audl 53 a. sil•, Oft 633 toil 8 p. iu.. .10 Aril., cit. CO n in, 2 Li, 8 I, outs 0. Arno Lealah nod ballillhillalilhl Railroad rralue 213 awl 640 p. aud.rriVo lu I'Lilla• dulphia 012 24 utul 8 Lt p. m. LOGAL 05111311RLE. • tSIX 'Through 'redius Untly, Suadaye Excepted.] Pan...agar tripes Irate the doput leurthwonicuruer Bark. Lad matt Liam eel, For Alice...ea at 7 dd nett B'L+ a. to., 2 0), 3 20, 403 0110 0 13 p so Fat Iluyle.tuwu nt 8 11 a. Le.. 2 Wand 1 3 )p Fur Pars Wanhihaluu at 7 and II a ui. 8 to dud Il 30 p m. For alatiatou at 1 3 00 , 1 030 P. rut LnUednlo 15562 J 1/. w. Tramp Co. Bethlehem at 6 3i, s 13 a, In., 12 1.1. 9 IS, 6 00 and Loavo 83,1 p. ut Dorlealowo at 11:11 a. m., 301 dull If 00 p, m. Lauetlit.ti at 'JO t. au. Futt WitelituKtuu At el 30, 10304. m., 215 awl 01 • Ablugton at'Ll 4 s n a o u t.l l, :l ,„ l.l A l . e.. m. Leave Bethlehe m 'or l'hlltlulp hi* *t 4 (0 p. tn. Do) lueLowe ti 45 a. m. Le.ive I'.ll,l.lolpula lor Bethlehem tt e 3u J. ID. •. for Dop lo..tuwu et 2DO el• Fero—Allentown to PluPpleiphm. *18). ',ARK. **net. tinfAisi•itc at ROSS. 212 NORTH BTu STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Off, e.peet I .LLrn•llonn this Bprl a 18 lho W.)" of PIQI LI ot shwr..w. imporintin. w boo Min MN be •old reg. , lqrly; and in the r,i/jullest rot tett, and neteent ;(terns. VIC rUirld LAWN.. Chill. Good,, Very Chaep. FE= UnFT , CAMPRI , S, NAIN.DDER. LITULLIANTS .d TUCKED altrLitis for I t. , nut.' Wear, nucl up. • A SPECIAI,TY. Norm, No lIAM owl CURTAIN LACE by ha yord• A bitgo job La, loto.Dolf at Itaporteni prlro A hill Duo FRENCH AND SWI , I %I USIA Nq, PLAID AN D SIR PED AIIISUOK ,aud PLAID AM/ ealllPho °ILIA • DIES, I.IA.VNURG EDGINOS AND INSERTINOS. N. u , ctior our champ, eau bo found In the city, N. titter 1.4 coo ink lu Pools , mood• bon..• non& out. Ail now 'l' RI hIMINUS. BIIFFLINiIo nod I'OCKINGA Particular uncut no paid so LIMO MIIIIIIIIIO for lufoute4' LACE and I INF.N DOLLARS AND lIANDFCFIRCUIF3. of Oue'Pric, Whole -011u tnld W E N lako Your llomes Comfortable !I NOW WE HAVE IT I TIZE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND HOST COMPLETE STOCK OF WALL PAPER IN THE LEHIGH VALLEY, E!MB3 OLD ES 7'.d.BLISIIED BOTEN BOOK STORE LEISENRING, TREXLER & CO ALLENTOWN; PA. • We Pre selling Paper • 1 stylae at prices to atilt:either the rich er pour. IF YOU WANT WALL PAPER this season, do not fali to give on a call. • We hewn ones ou head the !erg at stock in the Valley and can offer greater and bettor loducomente thee anl other eatablivhetent. REMEMBER It wlll pay y" 41" t1. WPM: Titrk LTIT t B ).? 01C Allootna a. WIILELER.t WILSON'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES Altl i 11E i)EST I OVER HALF MILLI° .V NOW MT USE! They have ■ ood the te.l of twenty pure' eve, sod It Is uo expentuout to porch to • ono BOLD (IN . 1 HE INSTALMENT PLAN. rail at thn salesroom stud exam,mo thorn, whether you wl.h t.ipurcussa or a t. PETERSON & CARPENTER, 0 Ii:!ERAI. 014 CUESTNUT STREET, =EMI WOTICE.—PEO•ONS WISHING TO /NI not stall• le ihe ISt alt." , lion n alll nproli to the oodereigued, oho•te authotit.Tl MS t t • di on.e , 12 ,f t he lame , , 11. AUCIOUTITh KHMER. Committee, Jonel7-1w Clothing, GREAT ATTicAcTioN NEW FIRM/ NEW GOODS! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GRAND SPRING AND SUMMER OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! T. osNiuN & co., Suceeßsoro to Metspar k Osmun• BARGAINS GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM ro REIMEIV.TIPILDI ,I O. NO. 605 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. We 11011111 Inform the eitigene or Allentown an the eta. notating country that we are prepared with larg long t 'tootle for SPRING AND sTnimER WEAR,. nd olfor them to the pnithe at rettannahloPrlClM• Tollolll' I Ito hay tholr Clothing rt atlyonade, they nee prepared to tier 13A hrlA I :la. 11'1101,1i SOfTS HAIM TO 0n.1)6R1 COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cut and made la the latest kyle, and by limbed workmen CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES I. tar than It ha. hero Wore, and we Intend to roll at very Sourer MALL and g‘ye our eueletnera the bone- At of low porch... Great ronntilles nod variation of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And everythloo to the Hoe of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS' nod CHILDREN S READY-MADE CLOTHING, CONSTANTLY ON HAND Don•t forgot the place, No. NXt Hamilton .treet, third door above liixth Street. S &COD 11. SCUOLL. MA.rUf Lrim T. OnmrN. [my 24 If N 0 CURE,NO 1)R. 11. 1). LONG A 1( ER, flradinne of the thilv.rally of Vonooylvaata. at Philadel phia, h In •nrc , lodul practice tor ottinber of years In vartoos Tam. or Ow Memo; will promptly at tend to all ranches of lila mores/non at his room.. rinse side of Sladh stead. bet. Rand/ton and IVaintd. No Patent linoHnleenoo one noel oen recommended; 010 rem -011 tultli•ten d Jiro duce, whirl] will not hrealc down the colloidal.. but renovate the +yeti,. from all inlurlen it boa atin.olned from mineral medicines, and leave It In a ho.ilcby nod perfectly cured condition, CO.4SIT:of I'TION, BR ONCH ITIS, DYSPEPSIA, and nil d me•ve. of the Loom Throat. Stomach, •ud Pr. which yearly entry Chunacnoil to unclad,' IfraVov, CAD undould.dly he ruined. MELANCIIOLY ABERRATION, that et an of alleuallon and alcerration of mind which yon der-p•r-ons ItieNpnliio of enjoying the Weldon,e of per ch. taloa the duties of 11 fe. ANI) PARALYSIS, In Noy f inn or conditio. chronic or acute, warranted car oda. Ballets- y, roll rut idea rcot, and , hronin or amb it of F I,E DISEASES apcmilly and radically curio `colt ;thorn, okln likea.ett lot yen.. -binding) ova r y w de•c .irran ripti ed ca r on of II coratlona, Pilo. and Scrofula. the ca.ol!. 4Z - Partlenlar attention given to private dlainteall of over , ttti of hoth aege, Ladies pull•rh g from amp complaint Incidental to their nen. can the doctor with molurnoce of relief. Cancer twed. and Ttimore of all kind• removed sailboat the knife or drawing blood. Dlimatirm of the EYE AND EAR eucentolfnlly nod effectually removed. rcpt D , r wn f an:M r e e r m mull makeV o t n a d n a t r r a atrg d If lei .ent with proper direction,. to any part of tine eonnty: FA•t 41.10 of Sixth etreet, between Hamilton and Walnut. Allentown. Do. may '2S-1y . , ~ a t nt 1110 eotoplslnt. •• roxVI,F. & SOS. Proprietors, Boston • szists and dealers zenerally. 'mine unless signet' 1. Burrs.. PIIIII.OSOPII V OF. fil ARRIAGE.—A New COURSE or LECTCRRN, EN Oath/TEM at the Peons Polytechnic and Anatomical Museum, VOA Chestnut Ht., three doors above Twelfth. Philadelphia, embracing the flow to Lien and Whet to Live for; Youth, Ma tartly and Old Age; Manhood Generally Reviewed; The CoUNT of Indigestion; Flatulence and nervous Mamma accounted fort Marriage Philosophically enneldered. These lectures will be forwarded on receipt of 21 cents by addtveting: secretary or the Penna. POLYTECHNIC AND ANATOMICAL kicenua, 1313 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pettus.. - nue 22-ly A OREAT MEDICAL DISOOVERY Dr. WALKER'S 02.LIFORNIA. VINEGAR BITTERS 4 , ' Hundreds of Thousands 2 4 Bear testimony to their Wonder. tf, o NI Curative Effecte. RE A WHAT ARE THEY? F, ft a o 0 3 ebb LI 18 e a c ne f, a .T 1 t 0 p r.; ;1.6 - d g 3 ;> g ! . .2 4 E P 1"1 a P:4 7 F 11 I °, R • g E E TREY ARE NOT A VILE a g :3 FANCY DRINK.Pki Mum or Poor UM", Whiskey, Proof Spirits and 'Refuse Liquors doctored, spiced and sweet ened to plesso tho tmtc, called "Tonies,”"Appetts cm," Restorers," that lend the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but aro a trop Medicine, made from the Nativo Mots and Herbs of California. free from nil Alcoholic Stimulant.. Thor aro the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A LIRE GIVING PRINCIPLE a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of Oho System, carrying elf all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take thceo Bitter* according co direc tion and remain long unwell. 1:11,0 willbo given foram Ineurablo cue, provided the bones aro Oct destroyed by mineral poison or other mout, e s vital ort;am wasted beyond the point of repair V". For Inaiumn....ory nun vorunio Itheumn than mid Bout, Dyopepoin, ur Indltientiou. Bilious, Remittent and lutormit tent Foyers Ditense• of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, nod Bladder, these . Biggers Love been most success ful. Such Pleraers aro canted 14 Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DIVISDIEPISIA OIL INDIGESTION, Brad ache, Polo la the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Cheat, Dlanneas, tour Eructations of the Stomach, Dad taste la the Mouth, Bilin.s Attache, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Puln to the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other 01:13:01 symptonill, ore the offaprings of Dyspepsia. Th y invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the tor, philtre; and bowie, which render them of unequalled efficacy la cleansing the blood of all Impuritice, and imparting n iw life and vigor to the whole system. FOR EIKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Colt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimple., Pustules, Dolls, Can bunches, tlog•Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysip etas, itch, Scarfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Mamies of the bidn, of whatever name or nature, are literally dog up .rd carried ant of the system In short time by the use of these Diners. Ono bottle la Inch ones will convince the most inereduloue of their curative effect. Cleanse. the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its Impurities bunting through the skin in Pimples, Tamp. Com or Bores; cleanse It when you and it obstructed and sluggish to tho veins; cleanse It when It la foul, and your feelings will toll you when. Reap the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN. TAPE and other WOII3IB, lurking In the system of so many thousands. aro effectually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, road carefully the circular around each bottle, printed fa four lan. guage.s—Engllsh,Gennan, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. MIL IteDONALD & CD.. • ggista and Gco. Agents, Ban Francisco, rd„ and CI and St Commerce Street, New To. .r SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DI • For Pure Watt tide celebrated I entirely teetotal durable end roll ble: equal to lb good old•Gehloe wooden Pomp, eat less than tv mono, EnallY so as not and In construct that any one cc keep It In repel EMILE STAR GLANS WORKS, NORRIST2WN, PA Theme works are mauoracturlng A SUPERIOR QUALITY OF WIN DOw MASS! BOOLE AND DOUBLE BTRENOTG, PHOTOGRAPH, COACH PICTURE. CORRUGATED AND DENCURED GLA+4, ROUND, bODA DN. AND OVAL:SHADES, Ate. (Equal L, Eur"pnAtt.ofaike.) I= Prom the beet tueterldssed, tunklec whiter. liner member and tough , glens lu .u au say other made to the lialted eta.. - •• • •• WARRANTED NOT TO STEIN J. M. ALBERTSON ITIEEM VIM I=l farbtrina I. =I gar the garintr. I)raft,ssionai (garbs. IkirOVIRIS 1.. KAUFFMAN, ATTAIM. IVA !IRV AT LAW. Mo. 'wenn,' Boer of the Pleat !kilt:mat Bank buildin ALLENTOWN, PA. Collections mode In Lehhth and adjo g, ining eanntlPe. Coo be consulted In the Harnett and Berman limonite.. Pen 14-17 WP. LUCKENIII,IIOII, ATTOR • NET AT LAW. (formerly practiced In Collar county). °Thee. liamllton street, second lloor, near! opponite the Court House, Allentown, Pa. Hay be con stilted in the German language BUNK dr BALDWIN. ATTORNEVN AND CONNRSLLORB AT LAW, Allentown, Pe. Office. No. Al East Hamilton street. C. N. RUNE. Y. A. R. BALDWIN vai r C . RUNNBERGER ATTORNEY a a. • AT LAW. Removed to the Poet Oates bolldlot. .tteoud door. ALLENTOWN PA. TARES N. lIIERY. ATTORNEY AT • LAW. ONlra, fin. TO Ral Hamilton atm.!. ,•toad door of Lion Hall, Alleotowo, Pa. (Special attantloo alven to collections). war 17-17 QAMUEL A. 'MUTE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Onion , o. 1134 Hamilton street, over Prhrel• ber'• atom ALLENTOWN PA. Cdaw • 1 4 jL1AS RIERTZ. ALDER', AN. SURVEY•O4 AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR THE BALE OF REAL EBTATB, 63 Weld Health., EL, Allentown. PA. F.II.IIIORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • 4' INTTOW N. PA. Odle°. No. 6O Emit Y& lltoe street. f'si'A.Osst be consulted In Oermnu. ten II IEOAGE 11. RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW. °Oleo with lion. John D. &Item. Allen lowa. Pa. MIDIVIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. eight doors above the Court noose, AL. UPTOWN Lehigh couritv. Pa. febl3-110-ly N v 117 11.111 ARI IL GLACE, ATTORNEI AT LAW, CATABAUQUA, Lhllloll COUNTY PENNA. may 10.17 TOM 0. BOWMAN. ATTORNEIC PJ Li D COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bourne, No 630 Wal out Waal, Philadelphia. mar 1.17 ri EORGE K. WILSON. ATTORNEY x T AT LAW No. Nti Hamilton street. Yrledensbote Building. opposite Lion Hall. Allentown. Collections promptly made to Lehigh and Northampton minima DR. C. C. H. GULDEN, SURGEON DENTIST. Oflire, over Mrs. M. A. Q. Ouldin's Trimming Store, No. SI East Hamilton street, Allentown, Pa. T EYI ?MOYER, ATTORNEY AT A-4 LAW AND JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE, MILLERS TOWN, LEHIGH CO., PA. Particular attention paid to Insolvent and decedent estates. jan 6-17 rriIIONIAS B. NIETZGAIR, ATTOV. a. NET AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, No. 62 PW It. *I reel. 1.1k7 GEORGE R. SCIIALL ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offico, PIM door above Law Alley. AL LENTOWN, PA. may W-6m FDWARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, with lion. Samuel A. Eridote., ALLENTOWN, PA. may 1.17 TOM RUPP, ATTORIVW AT LAW , •N. rn Coor 6th and Hamilton Streets ALLEN TOWN. F A. may ADAM WOOLEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, opposite the Court Hoes., AL- LENTOWN, PA. rosy 1.17 RCIA V 11A M ERNIX,A TTORN EY . AT LAW CATASAIICIUA PA. Jan 14-Taa gar tly 'Lab tro $4O ➢IcLEAN 4t HOOPER $4O IMPROVED ELASTIC Lock Stitch Fad* Sewing 'Machine ! The Beet and Cheapest in market, and excels In the fol lowing points: UNEQUALED SIMPLICITY. QUIETNESS OP OPERATION, EASEOF MANAGEMENT. RAPIDITY OF EXECUTION. NON•LIABILITY TO DROP D STITCHES OR BREAK THREA. SIMPLICITY OF TENSION AND APPLYING ATTACH MENTS, Awl its stitch leas liable to np in one or wear than the " Shuttle" stitch. while it can be more easily taken oft If desired. The MoLEAN & HOOFER will glitch, Ham, Fell,Tnek gnilt. Cord, Rind. 8.1.0. Braid, Embroider and Otherin a moat aPnroved unmoor. WALL MACHINES WARRANTED WM. BLOECKLY & CO., I= 618 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN feblo•lsdaw WEED SEWING MACHIENS. HUBER & FRITZ, Agts., Allentown. BEE MUT WE CLAM TWIT WILL DO BEST SHUTTLE MACIIIINE OUT I That they will tielFe a Stitch !diktee both eta. ! Thatt E hzwa li LL BIND CORD! BRAID! RUMS! TUCK ! QUILT I HER STITCH GATHER. AND SEW THE S AMETIM X EASIEST TERMS! INBTALJIEhT 3 65 A MONTII TILL PAID In addition to all this they are Equally Good for Flo*. or Heavy Work. . HUBER & FRITZ AGENTS FOR LEIIIOII COUNTY may 25-sol Qtarpct3 alai Oa mat!). b B. AIR PE'ICS ! CARPETS! CZE P Alli s i A FULL ASSORTMENT • ALSO. OIL OMll e l fiv III i t i r A TIZZO 4 MOCI R OLT i II :a. UGH, G. B. SNYDER & CO., MI SOUTH SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA, (weer MID& azeow r.) 14.13.—A liberal discount to Churches and Clerrymen. mar Iti4in RICH AND ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C. S. C. FOULK. • NO. 10 8. SECOND ST., PHILA., (First Carpet Store below Market. East side.) Invites attention to his splend'd assortment of Imported od American ()ARMS, writ. h will b • sold at a eery all advance. Goods warrunted as represented mu that •- II cau buy with cuuddrtice and satisfaction. noy 27•tf 1871 • SPRING. 1871 NEW STYLES OF CARPETS; OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, WINDOW SHADES, 'ttc. LOWER 'THAN EVER! Glee as a call and examine for yourselves, of E. H. GODSHALK,. 832 11t BRET STREET, PHILADELPHIA . mar 22.3mw DEIBERT de goonNBLAzER. No. 248 North AVM, corner of Chew, Are prepared to soppl • ICE CREAM, of All Flavors, FROZEN FRUIT IN REASON. And all kinds of mild and refreahlng drhalta. jel7-Itr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers