sstatoner 2 . WOMEN Make Your Homes Comfortable I! NOW WE HAVE IT TEE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF WALL PAPER IN TILE LEHIGH VALLEY, AT TOE OLD ESTABLISHED 'BOTEN BOOK STORE OF LEISENR I NG, Tit EXLER ALLENTOWN, PA. We are delling Pop, of all st>lvs at prier. to .tsit either 'beech or poor. IF YOU WANT WALL PAPER MN rearm do not fall to vivo am a call. We bay. now on hand the largAt .t.wic In O tt " yocv find can offer creator and hotter Ind...wont. than any other vatobll.tontot. REMEMBER i b t Tl i lt i ls p t7 you . j" tah r it ' lnV, OK Allentown, Pa. Clothing, ~ „--- THE VERB ' BEST' THE CHEAPEST, TTIE MOST BEAUTE AND MOST DURABLE CLOTHING, 1(1;YSTON LL! BAIA N .1(41,E Have the largest best and ebrapeet ',fork of CLOTHING ever got op In th in elty,and sell.:0o,IN In their line,suelt ne COATS, P \NIS, VESTS sod all other Chock rerioluiag to MEN'S WEAR FOR LESS MONEI = No Slop Shop muds Goods sold CLOTHING MADE TO WIDER We keep coast Indy on band a large not elegant nattert meat of 0001)0. (loin' winch ett-tome, ca. make their !micellenn and have I hem made op on short notice. WAII work warranted to be of the very boot. Call and see our new WISTER STOCK, received at the 'KEYSTONE HALL, NO. 21 WEST HAMILTON STREET, next door to the Gorman IZ.lormod Church. A I.LXN TOWN. PA. A fall assortment of (lento' Eartdoblug Gnob al trays on baud. AARON BALLIET. may 12-ff MO7NZI=E NEW FIRM! XEIV GOODS! CLOTHING ! C 1 .OTH ING GRASP PALI, AND It' INTER opr, xi NG. ORIVAT RED UG!TIO 21' IN PRICE- ! T. OS '!I 7 N CO Suer,“,, I :gar B A,-RGAINS GREAT CLOTH ING ENI POll lUM IS ItEDILIV,IOII.IONO. NO. 605 lin m li.ToN STREET, ALLENTOWN, I'A %Ito wwwlld Inform 11w elllzeng Allvnt•twn and the Au, rounding rout...) thaz wo nr, prcpar,d wlth a LtrAo Mock Of roods for FALL ANI) WINTLIt WEAIL aud our, Ilmin !Le publh• tit Who buy the, r aly• male, OW) :11,1 I opared offer BAIIIIAI N i. it . mord: Sr ITS .1 . 1. i Dr To I, RDKNI coATs, rim's AND vEsTs Cut au.l nutde 11.1 b) woakmen oritsTorKoT CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSBIERES Ix lurid r 0N.,, 1.1,, I t.t•ft.ll, at..l No itilon.l to roll RI 0.4.0 lA. I'lo Pt t 4, .tiol se toir co•tolOon. thy bent.- 111 of ottr 1,111,1111-,.• =1 NEC K I ES, CUFFS, CO LLA RS, I=l G E T' F II IV S IG. GOODS MES', , , EtIYS , and TUMMIES'S It E.\ WV-AI:11W )11[ING I=l fordt.: tit..No• CAI) 11.111110 h 4tret.t, third duhr :11..., Sixth str.rt.. 71:0011• scHOLI w,u 7I If PL,.MV PwcTs woRTH A DING. irge, well established and ful business, with an ex `e of more than twenty xs, enable us to offer tents to all who. are become purchasers of lEZE perien five y., induce about t Clothing-via second t no establishment in the count y. Our garments are all made f the best materials, carefully lected; nothing un sound or any way imperfect is made u at all, even in the lowest gra( sof goods. It is a well esta lisped fact among clothiers, th tour Ready-Made Clothing, it every thing that goes to ma a superior gar ment, is lit lualled by any •.•()el: of good in Philadelphia. Our assort`: lent is so large .I:,i varied th t every one can he fitted at one.., without delay. Our prices arc ; always guaran teed as low, or ower, than the lowest elsewhO NVe have also a fine as , ;or inent of tkj" Go.wis ru t e Piece,—Ga which will be inaLl in the best ma prices much lot usually charged made to order. Smml:s of gooc lists fir ;tII kinds forwarcled 'by mail when requested, w tions for self mealtil garments, either n or sele6ted from ol Made Stock, for ard', press, guarantee tl rectly. Persons not res . can when visiting call and have thei r gistcrcd on our b o that purpose, from v mews can be order) future time. BENNETT & CI T9wer Ha 11,5.18 Mark Half-way ha:win Pyth and Sixth' PHILADELPIHA iloot fatthero: R E NI 0 VAL. YOUNG & LENTZ'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE, nArt DORN orworn , TO TUR S. W. Corner of lIAMILTONand SIXTH STS. NOB: 38 AND .10, ahem they are now'preritred to receive their nations. THE WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT 11.1111 RACER TITP. LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS IN THIS VICINITY. A great (motility of tho work being of their own make and the bounce from the beet mitimfacturere In the coun try. TnE RETAIL DEPARTMENT he conducted on 111 . 1 . 1 . 10r0re. inns 30 MEE On and n( tln (at tut tl nt with th Ea .t l' nn I Tralnn IN a P.M.A II 9 19) 695 212 035 2IS 7 111 2:G 1 7 07 "7 12 49 720 " 91 730 ZEE late moving tr. In we. trance Cll.!" 413 ten the at rival of the L. V. It. It. Local Pannenger train from Panto.. Bethlehem and Alla town. and connect. at AI-Hurtle with a train on the Rant Pennavl ennui R. It. her Reading. Potts ville Harrisburg and Philadelphia, and alto with a train fur Allentown, Bethlnlietit, Ranson. The morning train East Bonn.-ow at AI-Bartle with train on P. P. It It. from Harrisburg. Reading and Allentown, und at Catananqua with train 1111 the Lehigh Valley nail. road fur Mauch Chunk, Wllken•Barre, Bcranton, Pialla llelpb la and New York. . 1 he 21/0 P. It. train Went convene at Al-lmrtin with • trait: on the Rant Penn. Railroad for Reading, Pottn•ille, Ilarrlnburg, Alla:Hewn, Bethlehem. Parton, ehilndelphla cud New h ark; arrive lu Philadelphia via Reading at 7 all p. m. The Evening train Pant leaven AI-Partin on the arrival of a train from Allentow a and of n train making conner• noun nt Reading wall wawa from Philadelphia. Harlin burg, Putt-villa. Ate., and cuuuccin with local pannenger train on the L. V. It. It. rat Catanauqua for Allentown, Bethlehem nod Eagan. Pernoun wishing to go to Allentown can take the morn• ing train Went to ALBurtin, arrive at Allentown 1)15 ate. an I return by a trillu en the East Peuusylvania. Railroad, le .vlng Allentown at 420 W. m. C. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. and Engineer. MIME VEIII6II VALI.I.EIi t kv.:' - 1,7-WL7 RAILROAD. Ou and after MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1610, (mine will run as follows: Leave Allentown for NewTork. via Central Railroad of New Jer6ity. at 010). 0 15, 6 8 00, 010 mud I 5.5 tu, nod 1210, 2 37, 2 lA' G 45, nud 15 6 p tn. For New York, out 51urrie J< iNotex Railroad, at 600 and 11 55 a at, und 3 35 p tn. For Mauunku Chunk and Belvidere at 9 10 a m, and 543 p }or Lambertvillo and Trenton at uOO ond 11 :.Sum,nod 615 p on. For Easton nl G 01, 61.5,• SOO, 910 stud 11 G 5 a M. 12 Pr 2 37, 2 ikt. 3 31, 5 45. 15 6 nod 710 p to. For Philadelphia, via North P.M Railroad, et 600, 890 ALLYI 11..5 a in, 237 and 5 45 p to TRAINS AVESTW MIR At 6 Maud 049 a ru, 12 18 and 4 20 p m for PRlttou, All Cal mei .d Atttt, Fast Express for TOWIII.III. Wil•erlY, }NMI. Audenried and Olt. Carmel, stop • plug utcly priummil aluipium, cordiectlim al Quiiiralm %Mill train au Ratan J.. Railroad for AVilliaiusprirt, nod nt 11'11i:oily whir train 00 Elio Railroad for Elmira arid 11011111 e. At ti 9 49 0 in. 4 'AL 618 ntJ SOO p m far CoploY. Ai 0 ati, 9 4, a, it, 2 li. 4 2.,ttiti E , V pte far Mauch Cliuuk. At 11 S p I/I 1111am-1 00 l• 'Lams with .tar ..tttrt from teal Peon JUOCIIOII. 11. C ' l'A :. LEV WWI/WIN, As•'t, (100'1 Rolm, 11. nap' I St hog. F= PENNSI - 1.-r - 7 vAN IA I:Al LIWAD. _ k WINTEIt ArtILAN(iEMENT. Pappepgatt for Philatlplplott tako Lottigit Valley IL It train, )1.1r4.1111( Allentowu at ti 00 h 110 111 Id Il r/j :toil 237 awl 5 45 p. Lllsti it , : lit PI/o.looosta at 6 55 a Pt, 2 rt. 5 0.1 /11/11 p. In. Alto, 1.. salt said Stp.qtteltutta Ita . lroad 1.100 at 2 50 p. alld tun," to Pllttadelpltla at 8 05 1,, • • . (I'lvo Through Trains !tally, Sundays Excepted.) Passenger Pawn leave the depot Not th we.t corner Ihtrks u Mart tuna vet., l'lttladosphia, hor Ilvutow aat 7 and 3hi a. in., and 1 43,320 and 5 “.) p / . 111' Itaytaqttu, at S23a.ut . 2 :t3 sad I. p. For Farr lot , at 1 7 Wild 11 tn., had II 3.1 p• For Matignon ill I In. nut hat 8 1,5 to. in. Pot Lau,dale ti p. In. I: BC th UM at 6ar,S 15 a. In., 1213.'3 co. 610 p. • • 11./ 1.-60 n 11 ai 6 a tn., 366 and 143 I. In. at 6 1t... no. W hivgto D3O, 1331 a. In., 221 p. m. • lotollon .111:13, ti or p. ON 61:NDA VS. Loovo 11,11.1, honk 1 05 rlnholelpino at p. la. Puy w n 71k/0. In. PiAI.oPO pout for Ilethlrhent at 930 p. in. " lor Po) nl2w 15. 1, Foro—Allentown to Ph ilau,ploo, +l4ll. t. Aleut. NOVEMBEI{ 21, 1870 tt teat Trunk Line from thtt North and North-Went for I•hml,de:pnia. Itttatithe. Ptttotrille. Tamaqua, A-Itland Shatituk in; lath tuon, Aliontown, Eavtou, Lph ra I,tttt, taithtatuttr. Columbia, hr. . • Trains 'ease littrrlArilrg for Ne . n' York an rollnws 110. B 10, I fin .1. tn.. sad '4 p. connecting with I it- trait, on lintinsyl.ania Railroad, and nrriv Inn at New York at 10 la n• in., 9;(I, n5l .1 till JO 03 1. tn. respectively Catt n. emnpany the 310 a. In. train without change. . . Returning I are N,w York at 910 n. m.. 120 n noon and p IRA ilailelphiti lit 815 m. anti 330 P. zn. Skop ing Cur- iterolopan) the SOA p. ni. Waal trout Now York a ithont change. Leave Ile, rodAtrg for Reading. I 'ottr. , lllo.- TaMiignn. Minute. v Hle, ok in, Allentoun, mud dolphin at 810, 2.'10 and 4 01 th tn., ntopping ut Lolia• non and prineipal we) , otatione t the 4US p tn. train con nortolo for Philadelphia, Penni:ilia and Columbia 001 y, For N111011;111 Ilevon and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and su-quebenue Railroad leave Ilarrinburg at 849 P. 111, IMEMET! haat Penniiy I van . . Ita train.; leave Rending for AlRatan . .. Rai... and Now Volk at 3 PO. 19 30, , 43 noon and lit tn. 11,01;1;11g, leavo Now York 9uo 12 On noon null 5 00 p. w., and Allentown at 7 All a. al., 12:IL /lOU, 2 4AI alit 4rop. in. NVay Pato...Liner Roan.. lilitluilelphis at 730 a. tn., connecting with 0111111 or train on bunt Penns. Railroad; returning !rare 'loaning al p in., stopping ut all Mu- linava Pottnrilli. zit and 900 a. on. and 310 p. m., Hero Ilan at 101.1 a. on. 001,o:wain at to 4o; and li'):. Ardo lana td 705 a. no. anil I_.o noon. Ntsolamoy City at lo• no. anti 1 3.3 0. no., rl/111.4111. ta 833 on. and '2 40 0. on. for l'lodatioddino, Now York, lioadtodo, Ilarrinhura, 3Er. !way, Volta. Ole Via Schuylk al and Susquehanna Had road at 8 1.110. no. for Harroaburg, and 12 03 lama fur l'itto grove and 'l'donount• Reading Accommodation Train learns Poltxr Ito at 541 a. m.. Reading a 17.10 a. in.. arriving at Philadel phia al hi 50 a. in. Iteturuing, leaven Philadelphia at 441 vill iii., t pau le sin gl,. lieudalit at 727 P.... arriving at Pott•- a am. Pottitow u Accammodation Train leaven Poitatowu at 7 (Xi a. in. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4 (01 , Columbia Railroad Trains leave Readtug at 7 LB a al and 811 p m ler Ephrata, Litix. Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. Peckham. Railroad Trait. lose,, Perklomen Junction at 711, 6UI a lit) aud 530 p in. iimuruiug. mono echa enkavilio at 70), P 111.‘ in, 12:0 noon al. 48)p connecting with similar trains on heading Railroad, Colebrookdala Railroad trains leave I'uttstotvu at P 40 a to and OW pmt returning leave Mount Pleasant at 7 00and II 0, a m, coui.ectitig wiut similar trains 011 Reading It. R. Chester Valley Railroad '1 rams leave Bridgeport at 800 a to and 2. i 0 anal 5102 p III; returning, leave It wailigiou at .55 aat 11 4.1 and 15 p ni, conuecting with hiniilar trains uu Rending Railroad.. . . . Ott cuntltty, leave New York al 1100 p rn, Phtladelphla 00 a ht and 315 p 111 (014, 5 UI a nn tratu ruuarbll ottly to Itradtogi, It eve Putt.ville 11l OW a or, liar:labor, al 3 10 at and 4 o.lp in, 44,, Allet,tutvo at it 4.1 p pt, iteadins trt 717 a ot twat lout p in fur Ilarrtnburg, at blon nr for New York, at 9 Pin at 411 d 1 . 17 p m Ito. PtoladellOtta. 1110eage. and Excursion. lick eln, to and front all panne, at rUdOCed rates. p. 1.1 . n . v:45 „ e r. checked WountrO; lOU lt , u w A ud zii str c ll , ..t u w i e A d each Nara Illy af 41,1 t SOlptri4tendGflt. A l.mNTonN PASSENGER RAIL- TIME TABLE. On awl nil, MONDAY. JAN. hitli, IF7I, earn will run Ail W.. 1,111411 \ Ailey itutl nun.. Jlll4ellt,b) iltld 1., 111 , Alb'. +WY FII , Wife. 11.i111.11001111(1 lEN . I' M. I'. 31 In , 1i) . 2.1 P. 31. M. ;1 ;41 4 111 Y I) . I 0 016 3 it LI :0 .) 24 7 111 7 45 y I I Pay Day. 414 naturtrn 0.74 L I', I 8a) 1. 10 Tbo shore ear. ritu to all the pan•anger tralui en the P M I 1 Le fi Lo P. Si.r,ir 1,114 Is Poe i.treo train on \ 11 . 1/ 411t1 FARE TEN CNN 15. Children tinder ten years of ligr, FiKo Cent, • up to order, ncr, and at ;.r than are All clil l A toe arrepyleg that may be sew...led Rlll .01,4rg• ii 1011 lure. r garments rennelted not to ride on lho plat form, w kon tit t o on. room I'or I . .ntro t At. it mi Ail turil.i K. mrs.lvto with price garments, t any time h instruc- v rr ATto N lent, and o order eady t,‘ll:d b ex it , ere, elp 'a, ale. re r ,k, • for Citizen. and strangers aro cordially. Invited (either as purcledsers or visitors) to cell and examine the tunny now and handsome patterns of Cart... Ooze; and Oil Cloths, of newly arranged colorings, OF OUR OWN 111 POIITA• TOTS. in addition to it groat variety of goods of American manufacture, executed In such a arcane r as to gratify all Interested in the proxya of home prodoctiothe R. L. KNIGHT & SON I I,r -t at CHESTNUT STREET. tiailoraDs AND LSVILLE It. R. talaWitl."Vil er 1070. Pitxrnueer Tr al in.k Focrlnvllle will run In en e Lehigh Valley. Lehigh St SLIMIlleilllllllll Wll . Ollll, on fill] n:— STATIONS EIEEI cATARAcQuji. 9 Mll •SEI PLR'S, 9 45 •.141111/ AN BRIDGE, 019 111 1. 111'6, 9 01 WALIIERT•S, 9'•J (111/O•MAN'S. 919 T REX LERTOWN, 907 1111E1 N RIMVILI.E. 809 •svitiNn CREEK, 8 42 AL•BURTIB, 37 =I =I I= I= =I L. &A. 11.! n. Furnace. Leave Fur A. 31. A. Al. A. AL A 31. Ni 9 • "0 4,1 W Z. II :4J :1J =itiaiM OM PHILADELPHIA. • D im • I A ' L-rx TREi E DOUS STOCK OF LUMBER! GREAT PREPARATIONS FOR THE SPRING TRADE AT THE ALLENTOWN LUMBER YARDS WILLOUGHBY R. TREXL R (SUCCESSOR TO TREXLER 8R05.,) Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Ilentown, • Pa. DE SURD AND LOOK FOIL VIE OFSiti , ELNOIt (O'.II.ITY oril:ltEn AT FoLLowizo piticlis COME AND and and 6 3 6 23 6 15 6 II 6 10 616 655 EE ! ! Fervour. In need of lumber for largo bolldlogo will Om to fill order. fnr all kind, or of lumber uyed lu large build!: Every tlcle belon aging to in firot-claYn lumber yard iv Thankful for Intl Inferno. Finvlto my (Merrill to cull a Jan 2.5.3 tn I:I ru G 0013,5 SEAM A IN• & TRA EGER, NO. 17 SOUTH MAIN ST BETHLEHIPM DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NonoNs HOUSEKEEPING GOODS 11'00DEN OIL CLOTHS, P . C; `tit T. in T j 6 Prrp Inrol .n..ortnient lu ev.•ry DEPARTM E N T. Gott Is I ought at Ih.• very LUWEST CASH PRICES, =MEM The public ore rettil , Rted to cull itio! SEAMAN & TRAEGER R.M. CO., . (Sum...ors to Wm. G. 31 ) ISIPOttTERN, MANVPACTrItiIIi H run:naming OP MILITAIY, CHURCH, 60CIETY, THEATRICAL GOODS, FLAGS, BAN- NEItS, BADGES, ETC! N 0.131 NORTH THIRD STREET, =I gurniturr F URNITURE:. WANTON, LIPPINCOTT &• SCOTT CABINET MAKERS, No. 113 WALNUT St., PHILADELPHIA. Onr C•ilibli.iiilll'ilt IS 0101 of the oldest In Plallarletphla, and front long experience and hopertor plinks tTo are PrlOnirell foraleh gotOl work at rest so outdo pricos. We Ilionllracltgro !Inv (nrnituro of .nto•ri..r qua 111 t tun .l large 1.10,k or / ktrulture alWay• on Ilitilti. Goods lin de to order. Counters. Stunk Work arta Ford ',re . fur Books. fur am( Store ed- to or4/4 r. Jon. •LTON. V). LIPPINCOTT Joo. 1.. IiCOTT - 9111 E SEC SEOND STREET FURNI A. 'IT RE STORE. 337 N. SECOND ST., PIMA The Old Stand et.tabllalted twenty yearti. triumph:la In FURNITURE. •. During lbe ;erect depresNion In buslire•g, we 1.0.1 In foi rash, chem.,' 11114 Ire•drb.owleil nine in ihe eilr• whir , weurn selling at rragonable pile.. New P•writ Sorg llod.roads wloch :natio a good bed at night, hair:dile for slokroorn or olllce., corrAos cod WALNUT (711443111 ER SrITH Straw, HuNk, Ezeolslor and Straw Mittrenme, •,ii - Parfor Sufis Upholstered tr. any :stple to suit purchasers. S D Sr N. 7 cl St. above Wine ( Nit a N old.) OS.. AL L ENTO W • BUSINESS COLLEGE, OPEN. DAY AND EVENING' • Inatructioo given to READINfj, WRITING % RPRLLING, DRAWING, COM. ORRES LA W, PON AR! DEN CE ne, BOOK KERN.NTIL E C, • ING, a IMIC I - 10 e:grm l aVd t glretro t' allet:Ir ° 11.1 1 47. "`" W. L. BLACKMAN, Allentown, Pa. 1 , 0 17 1 - ol ge Sire Portrait, made from Small Pltolowill, " Br,UE SIGN !" No. 1 Pine Boards, beat quality, per thousand $3l " 1 " Scantling, " a 32 " 2 " Boards," 25 " 3 " " 12 itches wide, " 19 3 " " all width, 18 " 1 ''Floor, 6 inches wide, be. quality.. 34 " 1 " " all widths, per th again! 30 " 1 Hemlock Flooring, 6 inches wide. ..... ... 26 " 1 " " all widths 25 " 1 Spruce Floating 30 " 1 Black Siding, best quality 34 " 1 German " 34 a 2 a a 34 !",'; Beveled Siding, p1aned......... ........ .... ........ . 26 " not planed 22 1 ti inch Common Panne) 40 ll: " .:. ...... ..... ...... ... ....... . 40 2 It 40 Hemlock Joist, Seantling, A:c., all length 18 Hemlock Boards, 12 inches wide 19 " all widths 18 No. 1 24 inch Shingles, extra quality 15 " 126 " " 19 a 1 2. 1 a a a IVI . 1.1 3 feet Lathe, best quality $2.75 4 " " " 2.75 3 " Palings 13.00 2.t . :; a a 14.00 4 " " ....- ............. ....... .............. —.15 oo I4!1" " 16.00 Fence Boards anti Rails 0 0.00 " Pots, extra quality 30 ate All othei Lumber in proportion. greatly to their advantage to roll, bring conotantly ready a-t up innilyon the k tnort on raba ud yttrablo term. and at the shortest notice. ept , M== wEED SE\. _ 'UBER & FRITZ, Agts., Allentown, BEST SHUTTLE, MACHINE OUT I Thal they trill make a Stitch Itlikoon both xtJoo ! That Y IT l FE!. I,! BI N D ! CORD' It ! RDFFI.E! TUCK QUILT it Ell STITCH I OATIIER AND SEW ON AT THE SAME TIME! EASIEST TERMS! LVSTAL7fE.I7 8 95 A MO2VTII TILL PAID In n.hlltion to nll thin they nro Equally Good for Finn or Hein.). Work. tirlY Iro.llli WHEELER it. WILSON'M SEWING MACHINES ARE THE CHEAPEST AND 'EEST, 11 A RE, IT /S NO EXPERIMENT To Bur A WHEELER WILSOS"S SEWING MACHINE. Over 450,000 now in use. They roxt less to keep in repair than any other Thew are linable of the widest rouse of work. They have hot ono tension to regulate. Th., make the Nana, stitch on both •Ides of the fabric Tory ore warranted three yearx and TERSIO 111A1,6 TO , WIT Al. t. Prtielf.,Ello. PETERSON d: CARPENTER GENF:RAh AGENTS 911.1 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA ALLENTOWN AGENCY, No. 28 EAST HA3IILTON STREET, Third door below Gorman Reformed Church. d roar 0.11 w mar 16.1 v LOOKS LOOK I I LOOK 2.! AT VOSTER'S NEW YORK STORE! THE BEST MACHINES IN THE WORLD! GROVER Sr., BAKER'S IMPROVED 1110IIEST PREMIUM SEWINO MACHINE Awarded the highest premium, "The Cross of the Le• glen of Honor," at the Paris Exposition. DIACHINE NEEDLES, THREAD and SILK WINT constantly on hand. - The people of Allentown nod vicinity are cordially Invited to cull at oar salesroom. . . . . Remombar the Waco, outho,Re tho Oorman Reformed Church N. B.—Full instructions given to any person purchasing Machine••. All Machines warranted to wive satisfaction. ME] E DWIN HALL, NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. I ov It,. ntteution to his stock of BLACK SILKS best make.. ?00a!ELI;i t 1 1 1 4 .41 . r i l , l i t S. ,Lade. PODDED & PLAIN Flt ENCII POPLINS. SF:IMES AND SATIN CIA ITIIs. PLAID POPLINS AND SERUES. 'The latest styles of Uretts Goods eoustautly receiving and for 2,41 u al 010 lutre•t prices. A full stock 01 MOURNING GOODS always on hand h ACA POP/JAW. 3.(0//A /RS out ALPACAS. SHAWLS! SHAW LS ! SHAW LS 1 ! 10 great variety ' • CLOAK VEL VETS, PURE SILK, Bost Goods Import° l. SILK PLUS' tits I SILK PLUSIIES 11 OEM WATER PROOF CLOTHE. •• CLOTHS POll LAMES WEAR. . VELVETEENS OP SILK FINISH CLOTHS FOIL MEN AND' DONS' WEAN Noble-Linens, No A kins, Shootings. Towelings,lrt• lige, Flannels, Blankets, Countort.anea. Plano owl Table tw d 0,. Embroideries Laces, White Wowb.. Moves, Sr. We eal In good goods, an d will hell at such pricea Re give ...Ist:triton. The Market and Chestnut Stteet Cars will convoy yen to - Ithlu a few dour: of the .ture• EDWIN lIALL o,t Who 2.5 South Second street Phll.l jj* D 1 NON. O. 21 N. EIGIITII ST., _Li • PH LADY:IA.IIJ 0. PRICES • O SUIT TRU TIM PE. RICH FANCY ARD TOILET GOODS. A ntattuillcout ereortment, otwortweeed for variety, eh gave., of etylo, nr tooth ration In prime, Fino Frrileil nit wet, for Jardiniere. lich Bobotalan aad Choi. 'NW, Si. and ('aces. Parlau 11.11. and Statuette*, Kilt mounted Curd Receivers. nod Finwor-Itoldore Bohr. Omina 0 how, Max, Lam Ptah. Marble. Broom and 011 t rnament.. Rich Per and Vienna Pane; Real Whitby Jet. Vulcan- Ito and French Jewelry; Cigar tend Tobacco Donee and Holden , " WritlnK Dealsi More. lloadkerchlef and Work Dozen, Dreaslng Cases, Tablet*, Paper Cutters; BILE, GINGHAM AND ALPACCA UMBRELLAS, CANES. ttc., With it thounandroller article.. , embracing nil that Is new or dtotiraide tor bridal, birthday or h Ilday preaetths annerior in quality nod moderate ha price. 11. DIEDN, No, 21 8. EIGHTH street, between Mark and Chentnut, cant side. . dee 6.Btdadee 7.9mw R. LEIGIIN IMPROVED HARD RUBBER TRUSS Will retain and mire the most difficult ruptures. Imper• r iOll/6 to Inot•turs. For cleanliness and d arability it Itula en equal. The lightest Trues ever made. Supporters. Elastic Baits, Blockiug.. Suspensories. all binds of Trues., Bruce.. Syringes. and all other mechanical rem. .dies. Lediee attended to by Mre. MOH. Offices. 12.10Cheatunt stree t , next door to the earner of Thirteenth West, Philadelphia (up Mimi. ma faly INTl:t e a.lB l lllt . Y R. TIZEX LEH for tic Labia; I= HUI3ER & FRITZ =II S. M. KEIPEIt, Agent, No• ID Eaut Hamilton AlloiatJwn, Pa =I iftattr.` RAND, PERKINS & CO., 124 NORTH. SIXTH STREET PIIILADBLPHIA, MANUIPACTURNIIII ♦RD DRAMS IN TIM WORT ♦PPEQYID BRICK SET AND PORTABLE HEATERS. • r yoi, - e - t • • .• 'The. Ileaterx f,r Durability, Sltopllellyand Econom o of Fool have no anyeriors. the radiating anrince in road entirely of Wrought Iron, and all aro guaranteed to give sttlsfa lion. We also tuanufactaro a variety of Flat Top and Side Oven Ranges, mode to heat additional rooms, Bath Bolles, Registers, Vontliatorn, &c &c. WM. G. RITTER, Agent for Allentown 4irSEND FOR CIRCULAR ESTABLISHED 1851 Iligheat Premium, Sliver Medal, !merited over all rem petittou of Merhaitice . Exhibit!. Boston, October, 'to) THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE SELF-REGULATING WROUGHT IRON, AIR TIGHT, GAS CONSUMING HEATER BUST SCREEN. ORATE BAR RESTS, WROUGHT IRON RADIATOR, /AID AUTOMATIC REGULATOR MEE=M=I COAL OR WOOD. t 0 sites for brickwork, and 2 bites Portable MANUFACTURED ONV DT J. REYNOLDS & .00., N. W. CUR. 13TH & FILBERT Sts., IHM PHILADELPHIA, PA These Ileatota are made of hoar>• Wrought Iron, well riveted together, and are warranted to be almointoly UAW and Liner Titter. The are the anti" Heaters that rue managed without any dampera, and In which all hinds of fuel can be burned without alteration. COOKING RANGES, For HOTELS, RESTAURANTS and FAMILIES Also, a FLAT TOP HEATING RANGE. FIREPLACE HEATERS, tillV DOWN ORATES, SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS, VENTILATORS. nimplaluts giriug full description, sent freo. to Anv nd OHS. jou° 22.1 y STOVES AND TINWARE! ELIAS MEYER tins opened the stovo and tin store httely occupied by Mut:toll and sou, IN COPLAY, and lin Invites the attention and pa toopago of those totalling Winds to lilt • , Ilia, Ills stock Is now and :mak:: Pi Lewill y t. 'l4 • Cheap for Cash Th.,,,kful for pa.,t patrinowin and favors. lie aollclls continual', sir Owsaine, awl will do Illidient to plea.nn ..“1.3" Jill patrons. • Ally one In want of anything in sly line will Is well to examine lay goods and prices hr. forepurchitAing. _ . _ ELIAS M EY ETIS. T. B—Tho ncrdunt+ of t h e kW Jinn of E. MEI'Elt SON can Le aottivil at tho atom for the next four week, and thore that are then unuettlod will ho Oared lu a Jab tice's hand, Jan 1:1-huilkw :sprctarlcs • SPECTACLES ! 'SPECTACLES ! ! EYE GLASSES, &c. A largo and cormalrateacasortmost of all kimli of Splactuclasa, Eye tHavases, Sac,, at, •fe9". CUAS. S. MASSEY'S,: NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, EA Having devoted a great deal acute and attention to the Spectacle itusitif,s for Ilse tact few years, I find that my business in that lino has increased f. tich that I hove de. termincd to inft!co It a SPECIALTY. There Is no article manufactured in which there Is so much deception twee tired en there Is In Spectacle Wass., Knowing that the Public have becu frequently himibuctred by parties pre tending to haven euporior article of I/lessee, sod clinrging exorbitant prices lor fhetn, thereby tr . /dicing Ilium rho tie cesaitioa and 111(411110ex of age, 1 hove taken pains to s lect a loran and complete aseortumut of the finest and bus e t Magee. over manufactured, Ilium affording all per.. needing lipectaclee au opportunity of Parcitaaltiii at rea• conab,o pricer, Per..ns having any difficulty to laqua milled elsewhere will do well to give tan a an I Teel coned. ut that nom. , will fail to bn curled. Remember tho old xtond. No. P 1 Seel Hamillon street, opposite the Vier. man Refottued Church, Allentown, I . n. juu 'es tf rprt3 anb Oil Clog) RICH AND ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C. S. C. FOUtK. NO. 19 S. SECOND ST., PHILA., (Mat Carpet Store below Market. East aide, ) Invites attention to his splend'd assortment of Imported and American CA RPM'S, %chi. to will bo sold at a very mall ;0va.... Clouds warranted na represented me that all can buy with confidence and aatisfactien. nor M-tr AN IMINENNE STOCK OF NEW AND CHOICE Hamburg Edgings and Insertings NEW NOTTINGHAM LACES for CURTAINS by the yard or by the Job tot unusually cheap. I. REACH RIUSLINA, l }urds wide, the bent wakes •t LU•,dksnd up. W SWISS MUSLINS to oil TARLATANS! TARLATANS!! TARLATANS!!! TUCKED MUSLIN+, all over tuel,ll, new cod very de. nimble. Alan NAI f,,r I of,,g A splendid 'line of LADIES', DENTS', MISSES' and 1101'S' lioN DKERCIII EFS. (tor own mike of SHIR I FRONTS, Warranted to Ofre EnfOtcneffort. r GAEL. 'mil STRIPED MDSLINS, PLAIN NAINAOOKS Rod FRENCH NAINSOOKS. cIIEAP—Job 1t of VICTORIA LAWNS. Every style goods suited for party dress or Infant wear, LoMAISTRE & ROSS, 12. NORTH STit STREET, PHILADELPHIA !eh I pA CO AsT 3IA LE, THIRD AND PEAR STREETS, RIBLADELPIIIA, PLAIN AND GALVANIZED VROUGHT IRON TUI3ES, Lap-welded Boiler Tubes, D. 11.1 and Iron Valet...nod Co, ks ; Fittings for 11101. Strum nud 'Suter; Rough tin.' Notl.he,l Brass - Work 1 Ose nod SICIII,I Fitters . Tools, etc. Bath Tuba nod tiluk A, Both Hollers, Kos Inelled Wash lituuds, etc., Culls or Mho; Steam Kettles and Traps. Pipe of an Sizes fitted to Sketch. Bocritoiorx to MORRIS. TASK ER & Co., no CONTRACTORS For t lot i W t oti v nz . o r f . 41 , 1 11 113 e , LrLo t cg r e o t i .,;..ntlSlttato or Estimates l'arnished Gratis. ' feb THE WONDER OF THE AGE WOMANS' RIGHTS WASIIER I PRICE ONLY TWO DOLLARS! ' DELIVERED FREE! bo ti c !nt . Ckn o v r a . :•ere Wanted of either sex (or Oils tellb T • Liberal. Add re. 11111p14-1/ C. )1. JONES. Wllminglou. Del, ixrTV J. EVERETT'S NEW PATENT • SCAPULAR SHOULDER' BRACE AND STRAP SUPPORTER. No strap. tinier the arms. Perfectly comfortable. •ti a waken, made and highly benenciaL SO North 7th St, slow Arch. Philadelphia, Tresses, Supporten., Elena.; looking.. Crutches!, dm. lowest prices In the city. Lady endatt. POP 17 Y, MARCH 8 1871. !. 4tlctiternll. NO CUR,NOPA Y. 1)R. 1-1. 1). T.ONGAKER, Oradmite of the Ilutrorelly of l'onnnylvaula. at Phlladel vitt., boa been lomareese fill ',tome fur a number of Yeats Its ions port. ,"r the Vaned .ltate..; taut promptly at tend to all broaches of Ills ptuferalon at ht. rooms, ;Tnet ehl, of Stout stro•l. fel. Hamilton and In,/ant, =I No Patent 31,11eltil, are nand or rovommendell; tile rim, colten adminlatered are whirl, will not brae down the conadtolloo. Ind renovate Om ayanon from ”II iwurtep It boa enaminod from mieertd inollelnea, and leaven to a healthy end I orient r mood condition. Co'SSI'MPTIoN, IIIIoNCIIIII9, ;,rail all 41 etl•e. or ii, fotee.. 'rlir:e.t. Stein ivh, nel f ir , - er, hlrli ly r 1114t,...t..1, t•p11111i.ely hr., v.., se.e utrioul , l•4l3. I e 311 , .1..1N011 01,Y that •t tte ••ralit•tuttiatt and 11,1 ••r atio•l tyll!, '1 1 , 11 ler- p••r••• , p. In ipal•h• ••reat••yht., pt ••.• 111•••• ..r p•r (maim,: Hp. datti••• ur Itr, IZIIEUNI.1:11S)1 ANI) In Ttny rry‘ or r,pli? hits. rltr.inle or acute. trar rant,' co,. ahlo. v. no] 1:4 .o.r.n.••+. I rloolos born rn‘o. of DISEASES -.lse oilly Mt, • SI. in 115-..3.., vi• tls' •i'tiding every nlo•orintloo of I; • or. t: 1'd,',..1•i•e1..1.11i011.11.• azi•l'dri,lll.,;mow: to r . iv.tte tli;•.1-0. or ovr oo rl gliom .m) Illtodon,l : tholr to.x. coo 1 , 111 , 111{ OW 4111 eV 1V r. .t • I hi. 1,1”, ILr I . 3ilre .f ,I.••• EYE AND EAU rir,tooly wil I .11Iy 111.- 11;r0ii ; 1,11110 y hitt, illy I arid wed with lit S.stli i•:, •Lii • 11,161,11,nd Wsliwit, A Iliintow NOSti: TESSi(O.l'l'. ate. inerliczne or tre , rhoent ran e.reel the pow cif euratire rower of DR. SI M M'S Whito Pulmonic Balsam MIMI It owes with a replan). tmegolilled by any other remedy offered for Throw and Lone ihroaxes. It rerommeuded • by over 2,110 111 Miro uglon, and hundreds In lititiniore and other rifle. and cominunitiee I.lll , l3Cliont ...airy. lir. Pennington, of VilnlioL ton. Il linot.. write. that there I. not (with a fow excep tion.) a family in that city who will be without it If Poe• ItMile to procnri• it. Such la He popularitY wherever It In tlown—und this popolardy arime from the fact that It imivermily corer ell who nee it. There is no fare of COI.IIS, SORE THHHAT. 'ASTHMA. RHOS. 111. 0 0D-51.ITTINti. IMAINENESS, and even PULMONARY CIINSUMPTION. where the aye. tem I. not br1 , 10 • 11 duyvn with the wear at the dime.. or pretended 'mullein... or luextteriennal (hat thin 11,11eille will 1,1 curd tic scantily natal, according to dl. teeth.... We anarantee it el Iwe repreeent it to be. and invite a trial fr.. the oElh:tett everywhere. Price. (0 cent, tned . twn sire nut rot fur large biro butting. Pro. pared only by • J. 11. SDIALS, M. 1)., PRACTICAL ORGANIC CHEMIST, No. 707 MARKET sr., WILMINGTON, DEL Philadelphia depot, Jtdottoto, llollutruy & Cowden, 602 Arch .tree[, dep.ll, S. S. Morn, 1114 Ihttlinoro !Oren. Fur sale by 316 , ,1te1im floalent 15-11 I:=OR=Z=4l , .• .. . 1 ' , •• 1 , = . ' , 3 7 - , : ••• •- • I „. " F -- ..1 -' ll sT ,, •''',:.• i':.• • ' , ' "l,.,;'•:;" l .; ' L• l : ' W • IL:. se., ellltilllMll. 0.. :.41 , i Dr. I: woo.. at Y. U., aro inak• , to, nArni•losot r . li roil 01, all \.o\ ,I d , t. s. u.„, ! - great .; ~ 1, ,: r ,.,.: 1 : ,, ..:., vo d r , ~ , , , , :i .t 1 . , .,, . , . , , , ,, , t . , ,. ..,v.ii`.lsllllolle , t -- 1, .-e n \ v k ,,,.. , 1: 1 .- 7 . to.. vrl. :I tol..•o iu ..1 0 t'i , U ' uO:,:lTto r O . . 1 . 0•••.111„,01 lloor V 3 \7 5 VI \ ' 1 ' ,. ' ...,:; ' ;.!... r :C. Moot, ...th0......0r '. VI 1 I A Eft \ a. 1,., lix e• wont,. No M 1..., ' P , 1 , 4.1...q1i3.:• :,, ,,..0.11.,r . :1:. al : . r , . 011..0::‘ , 1 . ir.......‘;.:1...,:e t tollt 1.1.3.“ ' . D U. FIZI"S 11)1iN1"1:11"11(' (1.711[1: war cure Riii , v.a .111,1,, Fick IL•adachr, Dizzittoss rondVonulitiv— WILL Ti,1,110•. the (11e.I.Palpitallon t' the Ileert. Be/e/titw ttf Irttet, Fted.lnettllt, and l'uln In the 5.11141'11 WILL CURE Heartburn. Water- Brash. So, 'Wrench. Mel Taste. Diagu.t for Food. and a feeling of Weak gess— W ILL CURE tied regulate Cro.tive earl Loose Bowels. Tors medic], Isnot 1113110 of peer lc,1111111,11(Vil liquor, Calltql Bitters, T 4 ,1111:, OW lV de.oroy nine°, 00.1 of We mowed. awl bowels hat is y vegetoble, prepared of the wolf. turd plants of oar nova native s 11. DR. FRY'S INDIAN VE6ETABLE SYRUP tho floral and best p,paralion for all di.rawia or the Thrwil. Logo nml 01,11; It will core when !111 other', such as Gough, Cold, aild Weak Lubt awl Chest. DR.FRY'S FEMALE STRENGTHENING PILLS it, the best rid only 'woody for Female Weakneo.k, Fail ion of ile Womb, Dearing down Valk. Weak 13,tck. Lou curl luet. Palpitation of the Heart aunt General Debillty. I'iepar,l owl -old liy Dlt. J. S. DRY, . 'LI south Eighth Street, l'ltlintleirtmt, And IttorgiAls ttt'tter•tilY• ttov =3.3 4/3 - 100 r a socrot • I • s as by tousle— / porsoos Erstify woltuds. strlforlus stouts • sielons uso and rocon.nond It— potsorderod dolly for !fossils's and public!. • etautio, par, of We U. S. 11 4 .41 ' • N • .41 'b Illiii'BE t AKER . 1 ALVE . For all Coln, ]turns, Itrulsm Soren, Ulcer's, Concern, So Nipple+, and Brokenllrenam, Clowned Lips and nand Eruptions, Mandan., Litton or Stings of inane., etc. 44 — A WON D REFOLiCURE FOR PILES."EtIt l'u up In For, birrnfnnd #1 pole fur fatullion). All drugglan , rcryo here bell It. DON'T BE ONE DAY WITHOUT IT • lii THE HOUSE "COSTAR'S" STANDARD PREPARATIONS, enST.lit , " RAT, EXTF:II3IINATOII9. COS r.%lt'N'' thiptid) ExTi.;l{. VoisTAlt pur..) . . . (INT.% 1..01i- I Co SoLVENT. die-SoLII ever, tt "A.k for ••i'l•cr (toke no miler). • tr.. 111 (. ' O: 4 TA 11.1%varl St., N. Y. L AW ALI, k NI A HT! N. Sill MI lIT Ad„. town. Pa. JOHN BLACK, Jo,. AL,..t. nisi y lyds.w lw..ntn L AUG EST 5'11 . 4141C I GREAT INDUCEMENTS T o 1,,,y Al your In twill. , at th.• fur ulturo ntore In town of HEIMBACH, HELFRICH & CO., • 732 11.11ILTON ST., ALLE:CTOWN. 71,0 aro, horn recently pot In n NIA3I• I,IOTII ALL EI.ATE•III..II, And horn othorwl/11 , enlareol their focilutom fir 4 kerning on howl the torment -lick iu the city. Their ELEGANT FURNI7'UItE In manufactured In noir "fru rstrlgishlow.'• under tholr own supervlnton, and •n warront• of t • 1••• the bend in (M. market An lunpeetum of their mock trill concha...boort of the ad. • Yigul.oge of buying iron) them 11011nbtch, 1101frIch & Co. coin of wham KITTLE'S EAT hFT SVRINCI BED. mud ore nolo umeuta for that nuperlor bed. Cull nod ' emt It. limmenther . The Mammoth Glass Front, WALKERS, LOOK TO Toyt TERESTH. L. W. KOtINR & co. are manufactoring a Hydraulic Cement Drain Pipe enimary Hoe and Ornamental Chun. ney cheaper and Inure durable than - ny other mantel. They are mode of pure content and land. helpo powerfudy commenced, well seaconed, and are In all practical respecte EQUIVALENT TO STONE. RUINS'S Y TOPS FROM 4125 TO *5OO Bend for a eitcular, or rail and foramina at their Once I,n a tol,tr i l i T , rl:. corner of Hamilton street an i d s LOlgh n el-fr LADIES' FANCY FURS - JOHN FAREIRA, 718 ARCH ST., Middln or the Block, bn. tweet] 7 tn end Sth Stteete. South I" P—oit,' tolpottor. 1111.nuterterer e, 4•`14 nIl 11. .Ittr In ell kludettutt 11.01,y of 14 t.‘ p„ FANCY FORS. . 1 1 . .“.A. , 11. ,, k , , n 1111,1 , 111N ; • 2,4P4 r;•••1•,.••'01. • :111.1 tl ley eh! -11 , 5 11.1 re. erelly knew. Fl' It - liMPttl/11 . 31. Mt vim: . %on y Imre Iltld 1 till/ 111001,10 111 rlll,l fren, lien.] • in e. anti hare lied them TIM lip 1 11 t 1 1,1, 14 1 0 6 .1 ,11,0 wor k. n„.n. w e nlA re., refit ly 111 Vi. Ot L.lllOl n. 4 ~,11 1.• 111 Coutiri•••i, etil ex 3111111, toy v•iry let go I A: Oen II• 11•••• 111 lie. r All I ‘Var- JIM'S NO. M2O MICH LA 1)1 ES' FA N,(,'l" Ft it CorNiKting of Iltv , ..lan S,iliie, II tElkon 11.1 y Sablo. Mink Sabi, no}l.l Emmy. lircbc, "ion!, AntrucluLtao, Stioll-0.1, &c. Chllitreo's Sett.. • . . . (leutleineuln Collare and Olocrv, Cartleao o I m e w, The latest sylem at lowest prices. All Purr guaranteed 1,1 represeoted. JOIIN A. STAMIIA.CII & CO., 826 Arch. St., 5 dooni below Ninth, Routh side, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Ull El,, AU the New Styles at the Lowest Prices. • RUSSIAN SABLE. RC) RR MI NE, 8 Tll .1 h".IN. Ili DSON 11.1 T .4111,E. • Together with a full hoe uf Intv priced timid, sollehle fur the Wholeenlo Trade Chlhlrets's Seto of ev e ry acriptlua, and every :mirk: guar/v.v. , ' au repre‘ented. ThOM iS M. FREF.I.AND, 91.; Arch St.. Phila. 11.11 1 , 1 ; 1! y. I. IX:I,. 6100 will ba given for an Incurable cane, provolt d the bones aro nut destroyed by mineral poison or other mca:•a, tho vital orgaua wetted bcyoLd thu point of repair, • For InClammutorr and Chrohie Rheutart. Clem nod Gout, Dyepepeln, or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers Diseases of the Blood, liver, lildnere. and Bladder, thew Bitters Lave been Inert rincetitti filil. buck Diaellt.tma arc cooled ley Vitiated Blood, which la generally produced 1 y derencement of the Digestlvo Orgnun, DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Head ache, Pahl In the Shoulders, Cough., of Itm Dlsaincaa, Sour Eructations of the Ftutnea, Dad taste In the Mouth, 111110. a At Cache, Palpilatir ti of the Leal% It.flanunation of the I.Unge, rain in regions of the Kldn:ye, nod a hundred other I.a symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepale. Thry Invigorate the Stomach and stimulato the i T. pld liver and bowels, which render them of unequal: 41 efllcacy In cleansing the blood of all impurities, 11,1 'meanie, tow life and vigor to the wholo system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Totter, Salt lihecm, Blotches, Boots, Pimples, Pontotoc, Dolls, Ccn Dundee, Iting•Worms, Sceld.llead, Sore Eye., Eryslp. clam, Itch, Scarfs, Diecoloretions of the Eldta, Humor. and Diseases of the Mile, of Whatever own or nature, are literally dug up and carded out of the system In a short limo by the use of these Bitter.. Ono bottle In such canes will COnailinCo tho most Incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Dlood whenever you dud Its impurities bursting through the shin In Pimples, Erup tions or Bores; cleanse It when you find It obstructed and sluggish In tho value; chianse It when It Is foul, sod your feelings will tell you when. Keep the plood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TA PE nod other WORMS, lurking In tho aystern of PO many thou.:lds, aro effectually destroy. 'ad and r.luove.l. toe full direction., rand carefully the circular emend' each bottle, printed Cu four lan. rr,:ueli and 5pur..161.1. J. WALNER, or. 11. 11. McDONALD a co., Drugg!st, .00 Agent.. F. no rahcPCO. ('cl„ and 82 and SI Commerce Street, New tort ID — SOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALLDS. 17)11.ES OR 11E11101t1t11011).1111, 31111:S. all kind.. positively, perfectly and neatly CUII,I by W. .1. MeI:AN .11. 1).. 1.V4 .111(111 1 denil. 1 . 1111..11M1.1•111 A. I'.l. re d u . e1..11.1. Intorual, wlth h anye !tl. ki n f it ll klllll deception of the enrol. perreet 11114 nn.l trl(tort• I/11 y then lu noir way. rnoro.. 1 Prolate... and the 10wer1...w..15. Patieut• 1110 IA VINIt lIIr. C 111 ut alt 11,1.0 enrol. If they 41*.+1,.. I'3ll r r over 1.11:hert..... curet' lu 1•111IntlethIlia alone. VA EDICCE 11 ETZG.IIt ,t NI) CIII.tS; 5111.1.1:1i, LEVI FENSTEMLICII E • (Suctonvor to Ell. Fenldednache,) Ile tiler lo Groin, Flour awl Feed Clove, Titled. and Flux Seed, Early Seed Potnton•, . Eudy Evalrlienpeck. Euriy , lleory. While Sprout, et, A Ft'Ll, ASSORT.RFST OF GROCERIES, PRO , VISIONS, QUERNS WARE AND SOT SS. .olligh County Cider Vluegar by the burrol or mailer •ex«ur«. • • I“l•ll ,, i.tiirk of Liverpool Sall, ht,t Nlarkerel In quar ter knil liolf Lorre', wholvoulo and retail. I t nrk Stole ApplenjOPl rOCIOVQIJ. mRs. Gui. R ms Ladies' Trimming Store, The trodo at till, old and well known entaldbdment le enontatttly Werra).log, owing to the (net .hat NEW 00)11)8 aro being connlantly rerelred of the I.ATF:ST tiTYLE)), and alwaym nallable •o the want» el her ounterou• canto mom People should Satrap) got where they are aura to t e salted at low figure.. Jou 113 51,000 REWARD ror aoy Coon or Blind. Bleeding or Itching PILVI that Da DlNG'S l'itAt Raynor fulls to rare. II has cured gaggle 0(511.m .tooting. Try It. and get old or the meal troatleaome disease Cosh le heir to. SoLD 07 ALL alit . ° 01878, Laboratory-142 Pre Orlin at., Baltimore Ma May 23-ly d UM 1011 N A. STAIII',ACII Ml=l MEE. gar tljc jfanurr For Pure Water, una this celebrated Pomp, ~,gtAl/x,„ entirely tasteless, n durable ant cella blel equal to the Gs geed old-lashluned • 0 . 4 . „ wooden Pomp, and .19" . eons less than hall the • k - „( money Easily arranged •,/ so an to bo non-teeming, and In construction so siniplo that any one can put It up and keep It In repair. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PUMP NOW MADE Rircbanicz CONSHOHOCKEN BOILER AND COIL WORKS, JOHN WOOD, JR., TUBE. FLUE AND CrLINDER BOILERS. RATH AND STEAM CIROULATINCI BOILERS. All klada of Wratiebt Iron fells, Tnyrra for Ilburt Fur nace. rlaarorneterm i Smoke Stack, Blast Pipe., Iron Wheel barrowa, sad everyteloc lunar Beller awl Sheri Iron Iltra. Al.. all kind. of Iron end Sorel For Amax oral Ithekatalth urark, MII4Pr.' Teola of all kinds. auch no Wham Buckets, Dicke, Drills. 311illeIrr i Slethlet.. &e. . .. .. . . Ilavhie a Ste.... 11, and set of teal+ of all klnda, and xkllled welkmen. I flatter myself Iliac I elm taro call ivork with protalaheaa and clh•Thcch, all at which thin be warrant...l to he 111-at-elm, l'..trittott Bollors, utttl rop.,lrlng gotterol4, stritqll nt ended to. at 0.17 A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALIIER'S VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands Bear tfrao r mto o t i nl . r c l t V ,., :4 E . WHAT ARE THEY ? \ :‘16:11,-•'.... ,• '; " ; ci aye 47:7:1 4 lE. .4 4 4 WV?. O • THEY ARE NOT A VILE iL6 tT: 1 2 • h .2 FANCV ludo or Poor Itum, Whitther, Prnuf ypiNln and Itrinso Liguori) doctored, spiced and sw:ct cucl to please the tustc, eel led"'l'cnlcs ; ""APPai, cm . "' Restorers," s, C. thr.t lead Mc tippler on to drunLenneas and ruin, bat, cro n truo Medicine, made from the tintlro Mute rtr.d Herb:. of Ct,lifornia, ire° from till Alcohol lc Stimulant.. Thcy ato tho GREAT BLOOD nod A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE n ratteet Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the Llood ton licalt,iy No person can take theta Bitters according to direr• lion and remain long unwell. ENID ('orner and Ilainiltan Strouls, ALLENTO P.I I= 1ic . 0.1r5 , 3i. , 111a1 grartis W11,13;1:11 N. °INC:. .111 A TTORNEY TLA W, REA DINC4, , PA. tly to co•llectionk In lierk. and 1111jUiLl In% 1 , 1111111 ,1 •. .111% %.5.111,1 1 . _ .1-4) , :itgN 1.. IC vrrolt ... NEE AT I. NW. offi r o ..orooo no., a 11, E1r..1 honk boildlon. A T.I.ENToNTN, PA. rcillootIon• mA•Ir 0n.111.1,1111, r Can 1.1. r0h.n1..1 In Ow :,1•1 4.,1n:,,, I • , T , 14.17 11 , .111 1 . y et, N Jolt, I , 0.1, f) . 01.%" ;11 - I'e• ' I .% •• t.. 1.1,1 ••••1111I` , .• I,lli 1:e :Ili, 3 .1119.11 11 UN St t'E"r4IEtNEYS • NI) • I 1 .1T I. I IV. All, I. xv I. Pa •• • 1 N . l I • A 1, 1 J. ISFUe;f:i . t'.' ILA, It A T•% Hr.. I. 4., I. Ia• •10 , . I ;:. Gel 1,01. 7 ., !r .. 15 . 1 . , r •r • , I 1.•.•71 ii..l!, All.• 1;• • , 1.11 , .I!,‘ W 1 r I, .ffivy, %Id, Alle d• d• wn. P.l. 1 4 ] 11 ‘N„ .'l.‘ 1011 I . Jun 14-If ( :1‘ 1 1.. 11 4 ' ° r 11 1 1 .\ 4 1c 3 . 41 „;111117. 1 4 .1,11,9 ti 31E01 9 37.. 7.18E117,l Ji J SI'ItV1:1'01: AND CtINVEYA NCH{ .1(.4.NT roic SAM: VI , I; r. lis•r.rrr I= ti \VS I.NON. virroitlN Eli 7 r .%1' r. A W.N.. 1741 H31101(0 F11`11.,10/11il• !, 0711•. itpl'omit 11:111. 11 c:Ion, proniptl) ! 11,1 N , ... 11111 Nonoti. 1 R. a . C. tit. 4.Z . 1.11)1,...5U1t.L15 , A)N nENT! , r.r .. NI. A. 11. ❑II,1111110.• Trin 11,1:1!1, .Ankt, T" Z:IF V '11"r0IiNB Al' \' A': .11',1 F. OF TIIE 1`1 , „%e I:, MILLERS. 'IOIV N. I. I' attontl.,” paid to 4,1 :,“11 I. t Jan II (1:11,t S B. :II Arrtor. NLY .Vl' LAW. .ILLEN9'''‘V l'A. Marc. Vi E.v.t 11;,1.1sIton •Irt.. I. tlluy 'Or - - BIEL A. ATTI(DICNET I.AW oak.; II iII. I'. \\'yrlioU. ~rposlte the Eagle .11.1.1:NTOWN, l'A. CHS•G BLATCHL,a 624 &626 1 . 1113E11T ST IEOIRGE u. NC21,11.1. ATTonsEl - Jr AT LAW. MN,. Fir“ IL•or ahoro Law Alloy. AL LEM W • l'A. . inuy T DIVA RI) IL% R V EV. ATTORNEY J LAW. 011 ire, NV ilk Ili u. F A , A u v i A. Bridgm MEM= TOWN RUPP, ATl'OltNen' AT LAW, el 004, N. E. ConierCtli and Ron Sireetx ALLEN. BUSIER2I t ~DAM. WOOLEVED. A'ETOR%EY AT I. °Cleo, oppoelto the Court It. o e. AL• MEM= ('LA lIA3IERSLY , ATTORI\E 11 • AT LAW CATAS.AUQUA PA. Pin 14-'6134( T 4-, DIN I N I,lllt IGIIT. A TTOHNEI AT LAY oiebt door. abi,ve the Cool Hot.,•, AL LENTowx Le 10 C 011111 3 .. Pa. feb 13-'l2l-1r "ElLitrl)rs ani) 3rinctru .1 E \N" ELLEIZS N(). 1)0'2 CHESTNUT STREET, II tvii. 1 r;, ly Incr. a•,.,1 Platcd Ware Department, I=ll M SILVER 11,.\TEI) GOODS, El ~11•.- .1 , it ..f Flue Wan. , of high :t ;.--..,11111‘.111i1i T A I ',LE' W . A iZ P .IT ED ON . 11711 Th _VET 1., =I Plaited Spoole:, Forks, Ladles, .Cze. 1 4 1 NE TABLE CUTLERY, Iv r. 1.111 • 110.. /111,1 forni-hril lu i•r in c.iinikh to •ti , , iip in 10,1,1 41.,1 or RESI irwrit , at f1x.,1 L.LI•IwIL ILI 1.1.‘111 ILL:1111 , tip Jan IS•IY yttc K. ST.II FIVER, ICATc7III4 AND JD:WM.I:Y, ==l Y. ..1 SA, r n1:11 NV.lre v. 11,11 Ily 3,4 ..5 Nl' .It.‘iglr KILLER RitoTunic, NO. 27 1\ I:s'l' HA MII,ToN ST., 1,11 regnlal,al and wal raidod. sires and In ices. from Itl upward-. A larg,,,ortineul. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can Le (nand In other store In the City. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, th , ,Cption. ‘. Short Notive Av.vreigEs, AEwEiratv, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHA I? ES S. MA SSE Y'S, Ne. 2t Iht•I .trees nityet , lte the Ciermatt tn, ferl !lett eh. Jest r......ivi•J (loan New ye t i, ut tt l ' , hit telelpht, oti tho 11110. i .tylt, 111, , ha. 11,.' r,r1 , 11), , t ••••orltrient ~f (101 , 11Vo•el,•• nu/1 at 1 ,, w, pr n Iltan cut) bo 1,1111/11,21,•whero. 110 1,. 3 I and 11 , 11,••••ort moot fillvvi Wlntelo, 11.1, 1,1.1 1..1,1;1,1/.1-v4 wq t,11..11. (;(?L1) \VEIAIY (D LT AND PLATED .11: ELM 1.1.. k I try , r h.9n•r....nrtn..• 11, rall k113.1A of 1;t1t aud than ca. b.. 1.1111.1 til I.V I AND I'I,AT El) W A RE. 11 , h... II War, it i• It call Ititt (.1 A lArg, •• ,, 11111 , •Iii than tit ally ollirr , •tal.ll. , !int, 31Ei.()1)E( /NS. A •111.,,11A n••..rhocill of l'rinco's th.• I In 11, =te=EMMIEM 1. ...t.0.11-hnini 61,1, lltio.l 1111, in 11,1%5 . nil tiilo. IThrk Phil:1.1 , 10 and nyflling"ut.l.l.• the largo lle ban zt large..hrrk full able gtimlo. In hi- lino. 011111,111 others in I...h m gh my combined. TO COLIVIIate yournclven 01 the tal.v., and be° PATENT ES .-• 1)\ r ._ 1)1) 7 ; 1;14 , . u:re , •r 1.1,111 ' - , - 4j, Fl UST PR UM I. LI Ai AMERICAN INSTITUTE FAIR, 1870 woe 15-01,14.• INIEMBIBEIN All"i'4l:t • 1`•”•‘ ,• CELE =till mug PH:LADELPIIIA, I= CLOCKS, SILVER WARE rHOMAS W. GAILY, artar of Watches,. f 00.11 Markul. St.., Plalladollaths, ,poet y cad . attcn.;, n to and selected stoe; vl. lES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, /Alter acal Plated Here, Sc. la yr. rla:, ,tra1...1 to all twatly &ca. .".• GOLD WATCHES SILVER WATCHES =1 (1))( liS ACCOIMEONS
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