ir Drp 600b0. Otis intriiro QUICK SALES AND SMALL PEOFITk AT THE MAMMOTH. STORES! • Blankets! - Blankets ! L agith,LEry .74 uag r aat irg r i'ler;A IMP 1 U tre 7 .; hms lower, At. l et ell we r•k, au.l ;nu will be coetylueod. Cell et the oao.t o ropuler Place slid at Popular Mee. at IL R. RIIIhIRR A.Cn . 7JO arid 707 Hamilton et.. A lent. wu. Pa 1012 " %MU T E LT.I ", 1012 GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE J. M. HAFLEIGIFB ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS EMBRACING Mr?. DREW gOOPS LIA RAH, 110 R ,_ GLu CBS, WU/ TR 01YinR. Z. C'Ed e.AD Ii.3IIIRvIDER IRS ALSO, Ladies' Suits, Sacques and Shawls, WILL BE SOLD WITIIOCT RESERVE AT GREAT SACRIFICE, FOR CASII, To Close up his Present Business. vrt 12-3113 SEAM AN & TRA EC. Ell, NO. 17 FOUTII MAIN ST BETHLEHEM DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOUSEKEEPING Gom)S, WOODEN WARR OIL CLOTHS, irs 191 7 1 ic . A j .bp c r ) l .f r , :,() I=l DEPARTM. ENT. I= LOWEST CASH PRICES, arid oohl chcap. The Pnl,lic are requested to ea!l and run:nine SEAMAN 4 TRAEGER R. M. ROBINSON 41: CO., (titteco.Por9 to Wzn 0. Mintier.) 13=I I+IILITAItY, CHURCH, SOCIETY, THEATRICAL GOODS, FLAGS, BAN- NERS, lINDGES, ETC No. 131 NORTH THIRD STREET, =I If urniturc rrin E SECOND STREET FIURAI. TURE STORE. 337 N. SECOND ST., PIIILA The Ala llnnd extabliebed twenty year, telainph.ota to FURNITURE. poen. , the ' , I'M .1."Tr•oo no In vre Id I in for rhegjicet and licit giivirted •tiie k In lig. city. white MP are owl [lnk xt r. t1....011. t• ' , eft. which make good hied gt night. •ultallio for nick newt or timers corr Ams and %VA fill A 1111 kit SUITS Straw, nook. Wcreledor wind S.r M air . • P arlor Sotto Upholetercl in any att.', to raft titrchawrrit. IVIN , Xl7 N. ':d SL. t , Vire I 1'1.11% FURNITURE. JOSEPH A 1:1 1 0N CO CABINET MAKERS, No. 413 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA•nt I•nn „ nf Ihn n1 , 1 , •.t In 1 , 11n010'1.111% and fr•nn long ngTnnignen nn .nn- riot/ • • prom . .lto furnl4 ¢0..,1 owl( 01,0 00.1+1.1e 0r , C..•• munotarium floe •11,11ture: •0.1.1 e .181.• furniture of nop.rlor q. 141117. A I. v. 1 , 10 It of .Itrultstre .p...y.,tu haw'. 11...,r14 Inxitto to. ord., • ifoun , rrs. hack Work nnft Furnitureft , " Banks.. Offices and Storrs mad JOP. W•LTOY. J. W. LIPPINCOTT Joe L Frwrr GEORGE . METZGAD AND CHAN MILLER, _ • „, wp LEVI FENST ERM CII E It, Corner Tenth'and Hamilton Stn ALLENTOWN, PA. . I=l Dealer 111 01111 . 0. Fl.lllr 01.0 Fendtlogror. Tlmob, ad Surly geed. Early •bw,i Pot a to., ooh o. Early 'Rope, Surly tospeck, Eµrlr 111.nry. White FIRfUR, R Villng .. .l " /TS 1 4( 9 /, ' O : Lehigh County C,der Pintas by the berry) or smaller Wash re. • 1.1110 most I.lverrool Salt, M se< erel, 10 011•0 s • tar sod half barwla. wholesale aid ruled. 1 ork pplee multi r. co, wed. mu 2Zble ID LEIGH'S Jui,• IMPROVED HARD RUBBER TRUSS Will retain and ears the moot difficult rupture,. Impan vital. to tuni.tnre. For el...alineae and durability it has pu equal„ Th. Ilantemt True• ever mud.. an cetera Kinetic Balta. Storktuatt.- 5.P.13.0r1... all kind. ..r Truett., Brae.. Syriac., and all .oloor nietbaninal rom. edit.. atteual.d to by 011otaL oloceonnoni envot. near door to_ the corner of Itkinoentn Ftaladelydda (ItiY stain,• tan W 3 77 • -3300 t• ittaltcro. .; R E ?II 0 VAL. YOUNG & LENTZ'S. WII - LESALE AND RETAIL BOOT ANI) SHOE STORE. nAs DEFT REMOVED TO TO. S. Ir. Corner of hi MILTON and SIXTH STS. NOS. 38 AND 10, where they are now . yrerored to reretro their Petrone. THE WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT EM It It •CEP LAKOEST STOCK OF GOODS It TIIIS tad the e hneuca t wont (ho r beet In ry. TILE 'RETAIL DEPARTMENT be rendueted en heretofore. lune SO •ro llailorabs T.t • A VD N►fj: k Iv! .mrm4,,V11.1.F. n. Ifflit_te&.ollo=W. on snit .Orr • OVEM HER 21. OOP. onn.nn en Tr .In• nt Ihallo •nntnan Vourlnvillo Onor ,fill non In <sonnet. Ono, with thnl..lllo 1 V •line. 1,11 1 10 & cin,qunhanun, nue KO.l Railroad, am hnlnx ICrxll STATIONS TrIIIII• rAT 19 1 I"QUA, 9 1.1 I 6 3 , • 4 61 1.1.6 . 6, 941 9 ?.. .J. , 11111\ 101100 E. 919 6 1 01,1'11•9. 9 3, 6 1 w 6 1.01:07-.. 929 6 1 t• 111 11A I'S. DIP R':4 THF:XI.6I(ToWN. 901 66' nitro s 1.1. vi LI E. t , m ..., VINO ratEk.o. 941 5 V AL•111.11T19, .97 6 4 llt I, !12 e IP 7 I tl 11 707 2' 1 7 12 it 17 111 7A/ .2 11 . i 11'77 4'21 1 ; 4. I •Flxt Mtettoos, CONNECTIW4B. - nrt tear lite I rnln iva• haven Cal a Mc tram t , the L. VU. Lee Pnieienger trite tram Ila• tan .I , llllelteeinuil All • nitro end eohol.:t. at tel.l .trclu an the Penteit Ivan el H. It. f r It• isocline. Poitt-. will., II irritibli, and Phila .d else with a train fur Allen! -to n. Bethlehem. Ea-tun. 'I he unirising tr In hivitetain ate at m.nortia with teal, no E It It. [nun Ilarrl.burg I•aullt and A Iranians ad at Hata•auqua with trip. nun tI *clinch [ Valley It ill. re i ad for Stench t•lttitik, W.lkes• Barre, eernuton, Phila. Aell•hla aull Aew York. 1 he 200 P. 31. train Wert cane eta at AI-N.114 with 3 trht. mg the En-4 Penn. Italirtat t tor Reenac t P.M.' Me. Ilareintamt, , 14111011 PM and N. a Yuri.; amyl, via Iten•lutcl n a 1 ••• JP. 111. TI i• E•eut ,, st trAln Ea-t leaven Al-Mullet on the nrrlva e trans trent Allentown awl ot a tram mai , Ingcnot C dim- at Redding with Hato- trollPhlkaelphla. II ...In nun, Potteetlie, Ar.. n 1 venture - te Ali local 11.1e1114 , ,rate 011 t.r L V. It. it. at CAtlllll4lltp.ll for Allentown thatileitem mut E.ll, t Perl.l3l. 5.331111 , 11, to /VP to Allentown c•nt tulle the morn lint train %Vein lu Al-14.1111,1, tactile at Aileen., 913 a lie Ul4 relllns by a trolls nuns the E.. Ih.1111,YIV•11.1, Railroad 1111,111 th; AllelatalW It al { _+ Mlle lOily) C. W. CHAPMAN, rapt. and Engineer. VIEli MU VA LLETbigr e LAILIWAD. WINTER ARRA%OEMENT. fto nod nflrr 310NDAV, RECESIIIER Id, IS TO. trains 4411 ruu Loavo Allontosr II for Non York. via Centr Railroad tl o l u t . Jo ..7. pl 6 10,• 0111 lo put' It At to, nun 6 , 4vsi.n & Railroad, ot 000.nd II 11.5 o to, ittl 51 1. 111. For 31aunnao uila and Llol vide. at U 10a. to, nod 5 4 P For I,a.oloortyllln nod Trenton nt 6N and 11 550 rn, vutl 3 .15 p tot ot 010, it 15, 1 0, 11111 nod 11 :5n in. 11 ltr 3% 3 .11. 111 ond 7 lo p For Naiad , loom,vm l'eav nt 6N, SLY nun 11.3 a 01, 037 and P m AINS WESTW A ltD A' AM and 9 49 it n., 19 lb .11.1 4 a p w for Pittston, Mt Ca rood mud ii..rlotoo. Ai 94 a Foot Fa prouu f Towanda, Waverly, Eltril• ru, Unita, Iluzleton, Aria• trill dud .It Carmel, utop• Iliallool) at priuripal vta lo l l 6 , cut COUUITting at win, train on eat., o 11 ,4 1, Million.' for uud at Waverly whit tralu.ou brlti Railroad ior Elwtr.. wan Ronal, Atli *, 919 1, in. 4 'lll. al9 nn,l SIP pro 1r Coplay. Al II 41 in. 2b4 land pi for Manua Unlink. Al p I ior ol•ani-1"0 , '1.11.101 *V h otxr fr •Is Rout Penn Jiviiiinn. LAS Av/.'t tiou'l 001) . 1. llotinicr 11. PAI ua, 0n p't a Eng. ivoirrn A. VAN RAILROAD. WINTE't AItRANGEMENT I....a..,engeee fee I.llll.gilelpllls 151, 1...11155 Vidley It. It treluy ...toy u att 11'11. flatland II 51 I% 111 ;WI 2:17 mei 5 15 P. P.1.1...1e0p5h5 nt 555 m al nue h 2.1. us. T oe, yu.l sitetple...uun 'r•ooitll'.111111 2 .r.r 1 ., 15•, nun nre ye 15 I . lthYdelehl.. n.slt. le. ,0 AL Sell ItIJUI.F. IFIvo 11,nnalt Tr •Ingly. nnu.luyn Etcropted. l'n•-•-•tnor unu. ..Sria the I . lJp. Not tit tvert orate/ llotk nun stlit...we .rt•. F.r . ul 7 .I', mod &h. Hull 1 L.. 3 20 nail L p F•• t• •)I....tnwn Ht 8 2.1 tn.. 23 • tutu 4in o . 1.• 7.. .1 . Mid II 3. p. 151 .r Illomtetli .t 1 I 5 . -1.3 815 p.• n. p. In. Tr fu. l'llll.idelphla I.Pnrollptltlplp nt ti 2., ts. 3 , 0. alo p. rn at .3.u. ul., 3 41 aud 44: , p. w. " I nn.nin ni .h ••• 1 . 1 4 *4' a-111.,•ataa al4O. 103 , . u. n ..i p. In. ••.L• 6'l. and au! p. ~5 a 1.45 • Lea vo 11.•thlolp•to rur I.lllladvlpipn. at 4 nOu .p. tn. 1,..,1,..,pw 7 a, al. pt.ia Il• 1111pliptn •t I. tn. • • • Int le-t•on.“ ill. Aii•oltowo to ft b.). 41.4.4.a1:LARK. Agent. • .A 1.1.11 \ I'OWS I'ASSENGICIE 1t.% 11, x. WAY. TIME TABLE. 0. owl tilt, MONDAY, 31.3 V 1001, 1,70, Curs Will run to atil liiita, tau law Ita laai t la 10111 1 3 4.41 tat•l• 0/ Altai .1 o•ii“. • altiita ttillitilial, ilitti 1.. ill. A lieu,. u iU. i.... lent:ll4 1 5taili•aaa. I 11.,111.11 0 14 :toil .1 ...IL ettreelat a at, ItititAV For 1.. V. hur 1.. & r• For Fur. Leave Fur. A ,i. A 11. A. 31. A. 31. 33 i 7 1.3) e 0 • I.i I 15 7 .... 1 ,35 11 15 9 LI 11 3.5 II Itl P. 5. P. 31. P 31. 1 ill 1 .1,1 ;1•U 525 391 ill •I hi. 2 in p. m. c lr run! In ConninAltlo n ills the 2 23 p. to. lit if Expreee 11,114 un L. 1 . It• A. for I 11111tUelnhan at. oen The 3:P in. car ilium in raillieflaUn With 0.42 47 trait et 1.• a 0. nt. fin i• d 1 0.1 . 0.. end Nen burn. Tteh deed! la.. Cnytn...,loll With Iliato. trait CU nt P. It. lot 51.IIinn Chum. and tunerfin..l.lnu ela•, trait tinnt l'ln•intelpdin mud New Volk. FARE TEN CEN l'S. Children under lot )odre et toe, Five Cent!. A D VF.ILTInING toI'ACE AT VERY LIBERAL RATES. .11PrNo.o o.oook lug la alloonnd (no tbs. enr, 'and pan•sowtoto. ern oo ques. sod nos to rode ou the Walloonswho. thaw is. wow osannlu 11. R. ebil LOI/Cl/ nun's. R ;v:. AItRAN•3EMENT MONDAY, NOVEMBER '2 1 , 187 rout Trunk 11.1ne from the North and North. Wrod for 1 , 6•1 Aelp.lo. Arlo•l.,s,doullt• tr. Pomo 111 e. Tutu:Nun, Aslskull ohm:4 •kia. lob tool, Allen owl, Lnstou. Lplt• rasa. 1. 114. latu uater. CllO, 111,11.4, It,. tviit Ilarnalturg tor No* Turk a. follows: . at 3 10, E. 10. I No. to.. and P. 111.. coonsollull .1111 I a trutu• ott l'ottuu4 It 1.14 Itat•4oo.l, alto atrrprolg ut Volk at 10 I.a. a.. 3 U. 3 3..1ml 100 p to. lenvrnllrrl). Slos•plug tarn accolup the 310 a. to. 10010 without clotugs.. Itettiroinu I are 3:40 , York at 104 a . t a,. I'W ono nnJ 60 , p. to.; 1.,014.101pItt• itt 613 1. ni. awl 3 p. ut. C 4 r.. a n,...apao tile !tt),, p. tn. Ira u trout Nett' York ilh4ulk6otto• f o r 1.6 , 11.,1,10, Tamagni, )1100 s•ills. 041.1411.1. 'do. °kb., A1.0.,1.1 11110 1 . 1.11 at d 11111 a t 10 u• to ,2 :0 utot 411. p. ntopptua at Laba• tam mud 1,4...14; .1 w ntat aunt 1 1 . p 111. Ir •au 1.0.111,1 far Pu.latlnlttlota, 1 . 01 aud t;aluiabla only. For tt to:Wolk"! 11 ,0 , •11 ZilAii Aulopu, Irbuy 1. Kul 50...41101141,134 itutlrund 1l 41n.burg ut 91 P. 1!.. " 4 , Pecos, - lynnla Ittitlroad tr Inn 1040. Handing for All .11,11,Y11. K.tatuo and dew Para atut 10 30, 0.10 ,12 4) 0. 1 ,0 1 , 10. lio,to tong. lot. tot 30w ore to 1.0. 1212,00011 Ulla p., at .1 Allautawu ;I'd a. . .2,7, Lawn. 2 61114 0 1 4.1 1 , 111. Van-nutter 41. tu leave. I Ittladelpltln nt 73') 0. In , couultrt u w a tuilw unto APO Lunt Iwuun. It411roa0: 1.500 Rt.. •igig 01 0 :3 1 ut, atottluutt EL an 1.10• el co, • • Lrnl Pattavlll , nt and CO, la. sod 1 10p. tu.. Ilerto dou ta 10 I 1 to. nu look to 111 310 and II . 3.1 A. al., anit 1.,t1.1 ut 05 M. 83. taut 12.01 O,POls. ollitoo, City ut 7.51 tu. 1 A:1 P. ol 111. 1,110 p. to. fur 14140w.p10a. Yon,. Ilradatu. 114 rrotburs, Sc. v 341111)'10111 "tat auaqueltattua 114.1. toad It 6174. 111.101 Itarrta...ura, uud 1,11.1 ktodu lan Pam- P4ai 1 . 1e1110111• . it1,06,1/1, et...tutu...lull. rain leaven 1 1 034villu ut ft 4u a. 111., Ittaa u. at 7 Id., tii...411,111, 3, a'1414.10t. 1110 ati 10 Ittdoratutt. l'hiladoda,.4l , pan•tud tteatt og at ;43 p. In , 1.1 Pout, rill , at 0 1.1.. la to c.otooudatlon Truitt l.,rea Pottatown nt 74.1 tocu, Irate. 1 . 61144.•tp10tt 111 4 up itt• 13 1 1111111, 014.,.. 104,1,1..00111g 0. , Ittaad ti 1.11.1. lan . pluatu. 1.1 I/. of, 1.01.1 Pcktoll,oo nailrattl Trad.a Ivan. Vet .11t,ctiou at 74„ au. 113 .1 111 al, t, 31 p untoutt. lax ellOt.olt,d Ole att 03. 111.1).• tu, U uuutt OW/ 4du p a1t....L.11.0 It.. 1 Mt 11. COO Ltraaaakt Cutl,do,, Is 111 4011 In two ;lip tut rutatut,µ e Atottat PL a-xlll itniauu 11 a ga, alto ...Wadi 13 IL, 011 011.00.0 .110 110.11..4.1 1 4.0 • 10.. Ilroltp Put u 1 031 11 to mot 5a .1 11 , 4 1 , 11 1, 4 , ~,, „ 1 „,,„„ 01. i 0 45 uuu s •p to, nuaua a..4a wols attn. tar Oli Idl 11 IWO), 11'40, o lark 111 1144 tn, Philadoliadu 00 11. 31. 1 1 1 1.11 1 . 10 tu 1410 1 114‘,1 Li,...) O. 11. Mil 111,, 1. to, Putt. ,11.• ut [WO 111, 0 tu 111. I.lllr 411.. too u 43 1. in, twading at 1 1 .2: 1 11.s 1 1 ! tr o t. t'.. i tlt d : , I: l o . a . tu tor 300 111011..11 1 110.. 4o .440, 0011.1.0 awl gACUrAOI/ T 0,11.1.1, 4 1 10 1 1 1141, PO. 11, , L 1 4cuors.l 011 ,. 0 0,d P at lowed each fin no rt. t. riritt mit nt d c 1.1, 12111110 vaTwrioN god .tea near• arr. cnr.ll3llr loolloil felth•r itt purchit•tiro or ri. to., to c 11l and entiatultot the loony tom Roil h0w1...t00 1,1•11.,11. of Coto. 0111;11 101 , 1 011 rlOl 11. c of oiively o rronvril color tor, try Mtn trW:i I MOOl!rg- Tit ON. 10 idil.tion to a am It variety of goo In or American nottittliirittry, , •nernW , l In leh R mrR. to grittily ill 10o:totted 11. the prove. of Itoruo proiortioot It. L. KNIGHT & SON OIL STNUT STREET. PIIILADELPUL . THE I;El-fi-61i:laii:iSt:ER,7.4tIV;NPWN;TcEgWp-AT:4:.„'F.EBRUAK,Y 1;:1871::: WOMEN, Nato Your comes Comfortable !! NOW WE HAVE IT 1 CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE WALL PAPEIt BOTEN BOOK STORE LEISENRING. TREXLER CO AT. L ENT° WN, l'A. We gee gelling rgitor anti giving of pr,n. to •nit °Mtn t to rich we pa Jr. WALL PAPER • thin •fooon, do not fall to tent , aa colt. W.. to t , now 1111 111111.1 tno Isva -lock In the Vapor . Ind ran tier tower nod better 11111111/111111111114 that. all ether e,,taultplittood. It trill pity yogi Joohl t roireliar• sit thr Hnoli •T LEIOLN HI NO. THEY LER Si C.'. HE „.... ..-..„.......„ THE VERY 11E.41" THE MOST BEAUTIFIT KEYSTONE HA LL! 13A LLIU NAGLE Ilevo tlo ittLd and r!.....1pe.t work or r1.01111N13 over got op lu Mu , city..tud k. 00.5. lu Lliett Ilu., cosh x. uonTs, • VESTS and all nth, Cowin p•rlsiniot to MEN'S WEAR FhR I,EsS MONEY than you c, a buy ol,ou bore iu EllidtrlIP,131,11,1(1111 ..Vo Slop Slop made Goods said CLOTHING 3IAI)E TO OltHEIt. No keen ennot .rdly on band a Lars, and ele.(ant nn•nrt in. moot/S. f din who It no.dont 1,11. ni that otl..etldt, HMI h t hem ttle p, noon, /GYMI w. rk wdry..uted In Ina of the curs beat. EMI= next door to the O.•rman Iterormnri rhurch, ALLAN ['OWN. l'A. A roil lv.omnor.. of G,ltn• I , ..rokhing rood. Ahrnym no nand . A A IMN I I iLLIET. m is 1241 =XIIIMEM - NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! CLOTH [NG ! CLOTHING GRAND F.11,1,1N1, 11 INTER OPENIXf7. ' GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE',! GREAT CLOTHING EM PORIUN We srntl , .l Inf. , rtn , Ite lip , nutyl , mr e.‘tintr) thai ,te 1110 IMT...A With n turn , stork .et gillor FALL Atilt WINTER AV EAT?, anol tiegn 1.. the yo` I , r rea..• , n1,1 , 1 •p• jr... T., Om. i„,iyrChlthing r ad y. made. they a e I. liA t• n 11'11 , 11.E SUITS .11.11)k Tr) ,, IIDER! coATs, PANTS AND VESTS Cut and =doh) thola,, • ty!d% an.l by tho b ! , t tro:k mr3 CLOTHING, CLOTIISANI) CASSIMERES tlntn l• ..nett Ptten to ni iit rSi 11.1. pi t ',Ft I S. nail ett-t..tner, the be., ef unr I .tv nr GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS VOUNI,'„ BOYS' and CHILDUEN'I REA DY-M ADE CIA rllll NG Don't rura.•t Waco. Bn. Mout otreet, third ithovu elm', -tr. .C. , 0 it. S. 11..1 OA 'yl (.1 is made p': , lowest gran. a well 'esta clothiers, th ' Clothing, ii i • goes to ma • , ment, is• ui lEEE Stattotterr. T:ZE LARGEST, STOCK OF IN TIIE LEIIIGII VALLEY; MID OLD ESTABLHIIED IF YOU WANT elotbina, TIIE CH ENPEST, AND MazT DURABLE C G, PA \ Tq, KEYSTONE lIA U., NO. 2-I WEST HAMILTON STREET, T. osNi ITN & co., Suro 8801,1 fn JI. fzUn r R ORni ri n • BARGAINS IN ItEIMEIV NO. 61H5 HAMILTON STREET A I.l,r.Nrow N, PA. = Great q 111111,11 6, ltu.l v n . rjel.... of N EC KT / ES, CUFF. 4, A nd ovrryt , ilnlt In the Inn. of I= FtlC7'S W0R771 d DING. A succe Lrge, well established and ;ful business, with an ex of more than twenty . rs, enable us to orTer cents to all who are. become purchasers of perien five induce about t Clothing no establishment in y. Our garments are f the best materials, elected; nothing un any way imperfect t all, even in the sof goods. It is ;ished fact among It our Ready-Made every thing that a superior gar ixivalled by any in Philadelphia. lent is so large it every one can without delay. Nalways guaran ower, than the We! have second t the count ` all made , carefully sound or 1 stock of goo, Our assort and varied th be fitted at'Orn Our prices aril teed as low, or lowest elsewhel also a fine assor dent of Grif • Goods in t e Piece, which will be mac in the best ma prices much lot usually charged made to orier. • up to order, ner, and at r than arc ~ ; . r garments Samples of goo( lists for all kinds forwarded by mail when requested, w' tions for self-meast garments, either rr or seleeted from Made Stock, for ah press, guarantee rectly. t any time h instruc ent, and o order o ' eady- Ire d ex t t • or s* it ere, iila e!p 'a, me• re r• )k. - for 1 . 1"- r.d tai Persons not 'r& can whe visiting I i cal Land-h ve thei 1 istered a our h of at pose, from N ments can be order) future time. EENNETT C Taber Hall, ,s'lB Markt l'Artkway between Ii?/?h and Sixth PHILADELPHIA. jut die Labico. WHEELER .1; WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES ARE THE CHEAPEST. AND BEST, IT IS NO P.PPITP/MART TO TV'T A WIIEELEA witsON'S .VACIIINti. • Over 450,000 now in use. Ina,. (4,1 in. to keep In repair then any ether 'roar ere ennble nr tne trident range of work. They belie has one t at.lon to regulate, Thew [rink° wo name nthch on both of the label. Teti ere werrent-d three yearn 110.1 TP.FOIX HAM, in 41/IT ALL PCIICHAAEBA. PETERSON & CARPENTER OESFRAh AGE.TTS 011 CHESTNUT BT., PHILADELPHIA. ALLENTOWN AGENCY. No. 2S EAST HAMILTON STR ART, Third door below Oormau Reformed Chord, d !mu Cbl3 , w und 15.1, I=l PURELY' MUTUAL 1 OUR CUSTOMERS SHARE IN THE PROFITS! Shawls! Shawls! ! Shawls!! OUR SIIA DEPARTNEST UNSURPASSED BROCIIE, PAISLEY. S I RIM) 511NV.1,5 l i ti t rA ' uri n ZA T CV . Til r l i cri:.T SHAWLS M thy STONES (() 705 AND 707 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, l'A. EDWIN lIALL,, NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, 113 , 111... atl‘ltion t. hip %to •k "1 /1 1 ,A 1,,,t C o.oot LKS Olade. 1.111•" 111,11 Poo!. %. 1 . COItDEI. a I FRP:NeiI POPLINS. H , l 11 111.1'.ATIN CLoTlls. 1'1..11 POPLINS ANIP 6EIOI ES. Thr lotnnt nty'or nl Dir. nom). CoustoUlly rOCTIVILII(Bri ~rt.,lrlit thu low. twice., lUII litock of BIOURNINCI 00011 S alw.ym on hand BLACK POPLINS. MOILIIIIS and el LP.W.I.S. -MAW LS ! SHAWLS!! SHAWLS !!! 10 ;rem variety CLOAK VELVETS, PURE SILK, flea o.lutlx Import, . MENEM iILE PLC- ! WATER-PROOF monis. Cl,Tils Poll LA Wes WEAR. VELVETEENS OP SILK CLOTHS FUR MEN AND DOTE' WEAR Napkins, Shrotinir., TMVOISLI., Shirt mfr., aii.l Tahiti t ,ver va..r.aaerio. White 0 akiti, deist ia riadr, anti will .11 at much Incas a. Tho Ilateket mud Chownut cuert Care will convey you to within a few door. of Out store. CIEMEI L OOK ! LOOK!! LOOK!!! AT FOSTER'S NEW YORK STORE! THE BEST MACHINES IN THE - 11 ORLI)! GROVER & BAKER'S IMPROVED HIGHEST PREMIUM SEWING MACHINE. A RIMINI the hlgheta prontum. The Cr.,. of thn Le. alms d Ilonnor,' al Ili- l'arno Expomition. MACHINE NEEDLEo, Inn HEAD and AUX Wl T rononsamly . anion. I h.• pe•pple AlloutoWn and v,ctnlty one a..rdially .1.1..1 C.. rain at Olir •A:011•041M. . • IP-pp./ober too place ituttructlona givuu to any POr.0111111rChlt•Oni 31.111. • Mt 31. n uum nu ranted u •utimfactlutt. S. M. Agrot, IOC:2 No• 19 Eumi. Ilainthuu St. Allen, awn. Pa• TIIE WONDER OF THE AGE! WOMANS' RIGHTS WAS11.1::11! PRICE ONLY TWO DOLLARS! DELIVERED FREE! Activo Cnn'Yennr. wanted of pith, pox for this nrlgh• borhood. 'forma Llborol. Ad dro4. naTI4•IY C. M. JONEI. Wilmington, Dell WH. WRIGHT'S PATENT F 1 R IU,\I .111'.111CA N INSTITUTE FAH?, 1870 with price garments, J. EVERETT'S NEW PATENT W. SCAPULAR SHOULDER BRACE AND STRAP SUPPORTER. • No strap. ntdor the Arm.. PnrfectlY romrort.hlo....- orolrelly mottle, ml,l ht¢ltly houoocl4l, NI Nor th,. 0100 . A rrh, PhllottelphiM. .••••• Mitopurte ktbt ?lb 9•ttr t Crutch.. &C.. lußedt price* 1u the city. totlaiut. err, Iy S TOVES AND TINWARE! • ELIAS MEYER the stove sod tio store lately occupied by h:ui.elt •ud ..ou, and Itnleet , ;Montino and pt• t uußgo of thos, win.ilt puwl. lie 1.1.4 Icon. lll..yock 1. unw rod choice. tied 110 14 Id 1401 •ot) Cheap for Cash Thnnicfnl forthnl natron•se nnd , stanro. %eche*. e Intl:in.., . 1 0 ,1 . 1 1 Id. n orlon, Any on. In ainint anythlux in Y n.. 111 do Well eX•iutidp my god/111nd prices br• forepurchn.lult• ELIAS 141 N. N.—Th. neennnt• of th. arta of II lIFVEN k SOY ran be settled at th. alolo R.r th next I .ne week., mod them. that are tbeu unsettled will be placed In.n Jas. ttoe'a bands. 3.wa 13.1z:dive • ' II =I S I,K PLUSHES !! =I EIIWTN HALL, 2S South Second •tro,c tho Elernmo neformod IN COPLAY, :1_ Meatcro &' ii 124 NORTH SIXTH STREET PHIL ADELPH lA, •AIO/ACTUIIIA AIM piALIRS IX in: Mna AireOvisil BRICK SET AND PORTABLE HEATERS. • ur Ilegtori4 f r,llllv. Fltnl lICIIT r tn . rn F Imvo, gm +op tin,. Tito nli dint, • . 4' ,.t ° 9.'" n ‘ nit Windy of ,V on. Iron, mid all 'try ~ot I . " g! P 1. 1 ., lion W.. 10.0 111/.11 nvtlry n v •rinlY n , Ft, , nd SI Oven Honor., Ininto to I ,t,t ttl'ilttuJl room lath liorttr, fvutitntor, WM. G. RITTER, Agent. for Allentown eirSIND FOR CIRCULAR ESTABLISIIEIIII ISSI Illghoet Prononm. Sliver Sledel, erded over all C , aruuou at EXllll,ll.lOu Ito.tuu, Octuiwr. •. I= SELF-REOULATING WROUGHT IRON, AIR TRIIIT, GAS CONSUMING 11EATER FATRNTROI DITST ORATE II tit RF.STS., Wltollollf IRON ItA 1 , 1 %TO It. AND AUTOMATIC 11E(II*LAT011 =n== tEMM=I El= MANCFACITIIED OSLT BY J. REYNOLDS CO., N. W. CUR. 13Ttr. & FILBERT Ste., I= Thom. lleotere are made of Wronal.t Trln. aril , leeted tegelle r. In] lenrennt.i to ehe .1.11• It tntl Prat Tinter. Th., s' the I r 11 on Clint mt. tril/tont any dent prow. and n V 1 bleb ell - kluth. ftiel en. be 1.ur...el wlthnen COOKINO It For 11 , TELSI. RESTAURANTS Kati FAMILIES Al.O. a FLAT TOT' II KATI:111 lIA \GR. FIAR Plea CFI ORATE:TN. 1100'N ult ITIN. ILATE MTN ['ELS. ItaGIaTEITS, 1 . EN I I LaTOl:9. Mitnphloto r!vlug full description, omit free in non .1 j ut , ...2 I p Sprrtarlcs SPE"A`p=Ty.LEs!! .•n•I ud4 f 111 ," 44 (c r • cIIAS. S. M.\SSEY'S,' NO. 23 EAS'f HAMILTON STREET, ALL . ENTOiVS 7 PA Having dProted a great aria of en, unol attnntion in the 11.1 a Ih .-1,.1 'ow 3. •.1,1.1 110.1IIu•41% I.,,tip•••lu 011ie 1111.1111. Pie,. era ti••li.ilta I haVt •I•• •rt P. rit Pt 'lir it a I.TY. Thy, l• co rtri pi...alai:metal It C., Ili-le I- .•• 11.1, di.opt,. pear. t i tier- Ix •portarl•• • • ia•-• -. K 11.1 1 ,114 Iblli .... tr.apir t itty a.lett 13•••1 toy p 4.. prr• ...Mpg to t•ti O x sa 11, rirtivir ..t pr Oat 11••Itt. 'tweet.) opoil .110 , 11, 1....10110.. HIM ..11.11/100 , pig t ••e• 1.11: a c 1111.1. • le a•-..r • flh , nod li•••4 111:111.114.11114.1. 1.1111, “li iirrtl.lig Pcl/011... 01.1.0 or pa vita% ag t... ..ipaii,t• Poe•tap. tau It, 01 111 ally 111 111, It 411 Wt.., %VIII 1.0 1111. •"•11. I 1..1 th4l bid .1... •ii te.i. Itropreollirr ihr 41 • 11.4.111 1 1. •,- litl mgn Itefoltavil Coa.:11. A litallOW ip. 1 ill. 2.'3 '65 if earprts ant: Oil Ciotti Rllllll AND EILEI3.IN7' CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C. 8. C. FOULI(.. NO. 19 S. SECOND ST., MI (Flint Carpet Store below Murk. t, Said oblo.) luirlton otrnilon to him ny'enit of f.porfrd and A.. 61( . 0 Co• b Win b nob] at o vnry .u•ael • rant, U•Arruul. ti 10, roprn.eutrd no aim all tint buy a Itb 4,111111 cud nutinforttuu nut M-11 A UTIONS SPE th LOUDER THAN womm The Padding is Proved' by Eating! CARPET DEPART AI ENT e l i Meol e!„ ti and null al New York and Philadelphia 61 801 EIRUSSF,LS CARPET. •` 3 4 •• 3.4 TAPESTRY lIRUSSELSCARPET. S PLY CARPI , S. ri3llTll'3 TAI'&SI RV I:fin/LIN CARPETS WS • INO I IAIN CARPETS. nil b. grad... 411)1. TCII lIENIP CARPI:P. HAG CARPET. = OIL CLOTH and IVINDOW SHADES BUFF,ORAY, DRAB. DROWN and GREEN Repr, WIN. RIUM'?R & Cr) 765 Awl 17 !Tamil'. Aarui... _ A. I nm now •lo.lna my beßtneton itt the AilentArtt store I heinhy give the 1.1.1 t N 0 'l' C that I trill melt all my atotit of CLOTHING, PIIIRTS AND DRAW Kith. 1.DV1.:0 /kr. holow en•c All 00 rt. A.ottl I ...II /it on.. 14 No.olll linvii.r"N %no “w 4v Illy mlnc vP , Il.r ',IV will 1.e.11l oly by closed 02 the flrot of February. 1671. Fl 2 lk boy V 3 lindbu..y:o•2lo,s 91110 VI 4 .1 morrt.vr. led N. EMI' ell St. bld V. EIOIITII ET. FIRST bTORE Alt.tvE MUNI. %V E.T PHILADELPHIA, Headquarter,. for the wittulun JAPAN SWITCHES. A't th• I ~,,, triveltio, In • emnsn,vß, WA *PRF.I I.r S. PARR. loop-UP BR,4lpg, 1eg..1.11.1 , 1? A .Vlll rios, REAL !/AIR 1154105 ANL , Sli'l rk,litat, TAM.. &Rim, rirporrhaalar TVs I Ilitlrftaltli, nr tbo will dad a oiparb aaaorttuout i lot about Lail the tumid prices sou cheresd. THOMAS MOFFETT. Illrstlitoreab ova Arch Street. Weal Side. f raicinml No CURE, NO PAY. 1)11.. H. 1). 1,0 N(;, A I( ER, ,ir,dit t °film ITHI,r•Hy of PPtHH,lvAnia, nt N. n In n. 1.0 pr "Hie , f H I •r..t yPs.. n rut., Hrt. Cr,.. rol.ed •Itolo• ; p ttt , tend In nti br.t .cl.e• M. nt 111. r.,0111., Ens! *lda u , Si.a4 &Irreg. bee• llama on and Walnut I=3 f.. Patent Medial... ere a e I ..r re ...emended; the tem• Ira mlosllll ler. .1 ...• ar lolelt a the rou•Iltoltiou telt th • eto • :mut .11 Inturie •t ha• rm.. now.. 11...1P 41 nut.le.tve It 1:31. be athy melee.) enool C.1.4•11..11. 11.1 N, 111.0 Nell rfs, 1/V.IPEPSIA, nut all a • o r 1..1 la s. rhro.l. lull, 1.4 I Iv• er. which ) 14.r moo 111111. ely ret. ...lot he mired. M 1;;LA NC 1101.1" that of alleeittion /Old .I.lll.lWaal. fen der ...r Ito+ 1,..51 f the p , e.lellrce of per• fu tu au the outte. of life. itti ‘I.I.IISM AND PARALYSIS, In xlq f en.. otic ow WAlrn,,lcur .1.1... y. II elek MI or t buy end r 'ore. Kee do. .1. In I. )1. 14 ' i•./l1 'ore. yJ . er .11 .n ..f 1..1••• alba d • ed•._ .•. ore e utml rer pher.arit hlor n10•11{.on vIVOII to Private J.x vixen o ea.. Add r. ..... an) c•onplel .t locelon•el to thel la, C &II C .... .11ii 4..1 ma 0. rel • r Caoc viire ao.l um k a LI rvloy,ed without kul.e Or .11,tv urn ml. 11 •eeeee I the EVE AND li.kle lip anti • Most u.; I y v . W, v dee al•oanee If de. • reel; c (.... teed d• t velth er 1• tr.o.n. ld me) Pe.l th nreu..e•t e• Xiii 11.1,0 ad Wit out. alit...own. Pa. may 111 ly OLA, UP, SORE TiILLOAT, No melietne or tee dmeht. eon excel the pow erfoicaratiee power f DR. SIMM'S White y uhnonic [Ba!sam lEZI It cut,. unth n rnpleny onnqnlll,l by any nthor rnmnrly one , 'or Tnr nit 'lt taltot t.tnnt, it , re °non ntil. r I.lsp tt,•toot In Witt. nston t nna lom Innis b Chlltt.b 11.1111nont xtol ahsr tin• nntl toenoptnit l o t C ' c.ot or,. 11r. Ibnitynstott. of ten 11g t.111. lll , nnb t writes tint 0..... Is not with excol . thol.) 6.1111', 10 1 1 at ..11v Who a 111 b• NIL/111 llt H 1./11. ,1 nas p '. nnrlt 1.4,-ovrr It n11,0011—.111 op 11, nri-t (row the fart that 11 nein , all ,11 4. ono 11. Tllntn in rswe 0. 'lttl.lT.' A sTII A t lATION 111111. 1 . CII• 111.. 1 1 1 1 - 4 11 11"11 Sll. lo' t•E • E • 1.: 44 'llll oven 1 1 1 1 1.A111N A IIV C i.rlllo. 1. 41,1,‘ ti W r 11$n 411. no. or d clns. ..r . 1110%, er .reol utrvlt r Cant gbh. 111,114,11i1. i 1,1 c. 0... II c .refully nrcurgllns to -I io stlont. %Vt. guarantee .11 r. pro...ei 11 to br, non 111v11,1n it •Itt 111 svert ts hers. , it•. mod ons 1.11,1 $1 tar /arse vita hotline. l'rnt pnr,d oulY by 1.1 I. fl I NIMS, M. 1)., PRACTICAL ORGANIC CHEMIST, No. 707 MARKET SF., \WILMINGTON, DEL Pllll.lll , lptillt tlrpot, Jo'ln4nn, pnlintrny St Cowden, 00'2 Arne -tr. tn. or , II rinpn, lus 14 Itimoro For M.•olie no I,oer. v.•u-rnlly. Jr 11-17, i 71771 IA THE LLCC.C. la .• 0 ^ , ot a., •1, , . ,- 11 7—xer. IN=l . 7 . I 1N , N10 , 1 , .. I rib; rot . . • .11. y i'mgrgiNti rrncrnllc• • lUll IJ FL . Ii T-• 2IV 3.2. . r ,. / , ,tl,r , , pAbt At, EI 1 W. 4 .... Ciavi enatl.,. end In. kimono. et Cher?, 111. 10 : . C.. %IV ,soy. ' Z,:le r „r7:::lt!. l 6 CI ., ' A c? .. ,, \ ':: . ij,'',7:: 6 :T.'„` ett. ~r ..a art: .-., ••••• ,at adletn e. \ lid e Ith hut Itttle 'Z. % eq. 1 intin Every 1... t ml n , .r.• . .e 0 .."._, 1.111.1 , 1 and re e.l. .1 tr,1...t, se ~„.. 0 71 tins,, cr e. mti, re Ileeure , i 3 7 3 ~.., .111. , ,4us l'r, re..., e Ith their it" Imeee truat, eteete. ..teollue t/i ull (fl ....1,,,, t I re• meet.. :,,, others treetosveta N , ,tie ..thrt should •ret be 4.1. F. , t pArIICIINI no, se ed tor ,ityule r. veil, or adolteos to above. -....-.............-........ ..,... MN= ' MUM trA - 10.1 " nil .Ir— ..tiy la .1 .WT,lngr tonal, awl%) .Irinn- 11.1 twol . nnoci 41.110 pot. , .roler .1 dnoly iot 11..111414 .1:14 PUbI:C la stitUlitn. ILk all parts a the U. 0. IWEBS ' l ' AKER SALVE Parr Ail Colt, flrPo‘. Cnnear...nre Nirnio,to Cl rind n( .IFTA WON Er FU CURE FOR VILE Co up in r,•,, dio-tood at pAs fur Eimilieo. All dr.rgi.t. • v•-ry w herr well 11. ' DON'T BE ONE DAY WITHOUT IT IN TILE HOUSE. r yTR. FRI'S DVSPEPTIC CURE WM crrr• Whore AIM ke, f Ick Dlzzloes. Volll WI 1.!,''1 - RE r Ti ./$0,0.• tti. , ll,tt.t . alplixtlno n , tl.e 110 rt. notching of ll' nd, meld Yalu lit Ow .m•e4 lell.l. tln'orsts ',I NT •lor Itraals. tsn , a .h. Bail Tatse. t Ger Y ....1 IVO a feeling .4 Lto . f , it K „•••1 en • n.lrr'n. Till.n.ed elite •4. d s ...anoe and allul.erettvglihrtan ealled fl I T Beill .1 will dn. r.ey ono aeon• et lahe 4111•11111, • IPI, V I.; 11• It ant y prune it... ro I • god 11114• Ii• of,ntr 11SVU native a 11. DR. TRIPS INDIAN VEGETABLE SYRUP the n ne.r need 11,4 r..p 1U for all illtna.e• ne thn Thrust. Lottig.,orrt! her: tt w van. sr% .11 all "(Apra fiat , an. at.....ssalia. Cold., and %Tea% I.ts set and Choat. DR.FRY'S FENIALESTIIENOTHENING PILLS 1at'.11 , 14 re ly Fir Finale Wea.a,Fnl Ina. f slot •• 'lull, bee., out . .1111. W• 11 1 ,1 11'c 1.a11• ads , I cc 1. Pals. teatime e.I tleee Il• art era! n • 1 .11 ty. ln pared and . ...Id y 1/11 . .1. S VST. it •?.5 Eighth Sirel s . 1.1,11.11 1p s. And Dmitnal anneealle. 1111 e 13x1 A61 17 Ak " 4 , 6 Y N .eBT ER MK.Atidtks "cosTAivs" STANDARD P EPA RATIONS, ••ermTAR• 4 •• ro I'll. ‘r. ~N TF.IIMINATOIIB. "1 . 11. tr • If'," 0,0411 111 , 1 EXTVIt, I,TA "0 „ 0 ton 0 N 4 j K , T • •!I,slf, .•ret:TAW.I , v ,y) N oLV ENT. A-1. roe • • 1'41.1 . ( .tko oth , t). $l. 4.2 -e or rr cormt ll..witrl SI.. N. V. T, ‘ w % LT. t M ,I7TIN. S(:HNIII,r y 1•... Ad,. Alton. low. Pa. JOIN BLACK. Jr.. .1,10, rn . otattor, 111,1) 2t- Ipla to wettert nlviv.vilrltS, I.IIOK TO J. T..111 , , , T, L. W. CO arecrtneac , nclner a llcAcao , lc • Ilr•tu 1'41 , ~•fot .1 Ch to. ;ley T chcac. r I a.. .f Tlocy arc t t wi ~,„1, t., powerra It c won neot•ou,d, and .r pr.ctLc.ll,..pc•cil EQUIVALENT TO STONE. (WINNE! ruts FR0:114123 TO +3 Co. sp n .l Zorn c3ll a•nl .vuntne et thotr ufUre c..rorr ut 114 in Ilya ntrvOl uud la. 1101 Ituitruml. Aloe I•if • LARGEST STOCK GREAT INDUCEMENTS To bay all your furniture. at 0..1.4,4% lurul:nre More to tow “ HEIMBACH, HELFRICH .& CO., .732 II A IILTO:s1 ST., A L LENTO W.N. • The dr- , rieenile pit. In •MA M mtvell Al.? FIMNT • nit , th. rw l., •ei V.elr recil'.tlfin •r 1,-rririruint. ri J the lorair .tuck 1011.0 oily. 1 heir 'EI.EGANT FURNITURE la rnannfActnro.l In Ihed- men esfnAllgAm•n . . under ..tre ~,, awl vrnerent- P Pl.*. ih• beet In the 11111,11• I Au 1.17.41102 "(their will ...I vli e • lei )ore el the itil• - •4111tagn 101%1. rto 11.. et mina 'etti.e PAT AT SIMII:14i MEP.•i2I n ogruin fur that itaperlor lord. peel . Ileum er • • Tl - e Mammoth Glass Front. ....-17 Life EnOttrancr OLD AND TRIED rsc(iurtniATED 1931. tERKBIIIIiE LIFE INSIIRA JOE CONIPANI I=l ItIttMAC F. PIO' .1.% 'IV, FHA \ Vire 1.r., it.... t •ry a I JAL'till L. II ItLS. , F. A. 1.1.4 tut FdllOrn th P.y Prniuldne doe. not forfeit thn T tn ; the Vold) wlll be reentdpind Ia rOl . ll. nut l'r. Inman nlnnply unit hilly en lend ley eh.. Coli • ~.bog,,,j tar lu,.nr , •dolie st Writs the p •••011111.11 Innordhen, 11p. lull sinedoll.l the 1 . 6.11,1 a 1111 enlel, lien -now nn It .11 yrenlielln- 111..1 lona p. 1.1 ale. eannpl that the Penttilelnin overdo,' awl adlls d n 1,.111 too 6YIIIII, le- - Clehuuuum MS Unfit under till. feature: Juno,. J °I .S• V oru, mired for $lOll.l. doul Ln toenotoo wit. duo to: uou id. A mono 31.00. Ire. ono ,•tati.Aniiil II l•reoouni. Max Mecuel..o Clevelood, oloirod for Yl.o , nu „. log IN p o K reooso unA duo slid 111, p.od. APO 1.•,. ONO :Intone! W. Mat•ou, ul Coorool. 000 ired for el OU.. di. on.eo mouth. alter lair jl,lOllllll M. due old tio .oloUld woo 0, , 010,, lent NI I ...W. sto...lio.ore obodonel) ...eure the I . .dley-loOd• o law ol the Common.. e tith of 31A+.110111.1•Il., qactrontreing Fberfr hay'i. •thice Paid Fu Punr.t. MIJI'L'A L All the prollt• brioutt to thu l'ehop Itold , rmottl .r 1.011e1. , tu toren :tvo 1.11110 it 41114 .41/1111aIlY 111 1,01. or tined tq tUCre.teU II m.titituro• rououtt.lenni.,•lll.ol; tore itirrAttu qtt.t ..ttrefttl •r le• 4r ,141 01111 Il.e11..1,111.• nellk ..... liln; II .4.10.1111.11I•011h of .r.e .01 11.1 re,1.10110... I=l W. Cote. ELEVENTH 4.k.; CHESTNUT W 11, GRAVES, ORNERAI. miENT AND ATTORNEY 40: •Gooll A.ONT, WANTED. Apply /tn Ahoy.. I Ar I. VODEIIi. AA.4I. Alleutnwu gor tlic garmcr. For Pure Water, 11,1scolobrated Put entiroly tasteless, durable nu.. relia ble: equal tc tho wooden 1 . 111111, PI s..t less than hal money Eadsh so as to I. ilon•lt nivl In ronntrurtlol that any one can keep It In repair. TF.2 CELT AND C Alrcliani C 5. . . . . . , CONS111)110CliEN 11011,ER AN I) (0!1, WORKS. JOHN WOOD, JR.: tnl . - ITltrx .or . T".;•5f,'.1TE:1:7),;17,r; UI 1,0% of Wrntrr' I Iron ro.ll, Tnyrra rtir 111 , 1/.1 10, "11.0.110 0 1, , 111.1 k. W 1 11 . 4,1 Itt ilt.• 11.11er.8.8!..8 Irmo 1 no.. ntl klntl.otr tut. Pin • ...••••1 NII. • r.' . r.t0t1•..1., 1 kloool, •it 1$ n. Ilticutl+, 11r111-. MAW.. /qt• en 11 mower not I et , .or NH k'n4. tnot .k111,•11work , . ton. 1 11 tr, n).”1( that 1 clin rorn tont 111. I rotoisti t t...... ntptl 411. p. cll. 01881,Olt will I. vrarrol.B (1 Ito I v isg. awl rrpalrlug ueuer.lll). Crirtly Xt• 1/ , MllO.ll In. ittn-17 glyim A GREAT MEDICAL MSCOVERY Dr. WAT Tr7.l7'S C.: LE6ODNIIS. VINEGAR BITTERS 4 'Lind:al:3 cf Mama:lds , P. Veg' • aa._. •? rP 1-7 1411 F. F"..5 0 U otly: g 4. 4: :A ,•• r4r3 , § THEY AIM Eat A VILE et o , e. FAIJCV 13111111:. ,111 ....I Snit 1.3 • Eitifitso !deo uro cloctor-d, cL Icon and szoca• t acd to LIMO CIO ULU, onlca,"“App:C., tau," Ecatorcru," Ica, C.ct lcod %Lc I.pclrr cn to ertnkenncss cod rota. Lot cm n Into Ma:lcicle, mci:o f:om Clo Nctra Loots cud Lotto ct Coll:orris, frco from till Alcoholic Stimulants. Tfcy etc thi • EAT IILOWS PER.II , I7dIC and A 13.1::: GIVING Ell.l NCI o InKcct Lentil star nod Invigorator cf taw System, carrying off all poisonous mutter and rectotlng too 'Ltood ton I t 01t..y condition. parson can Mho lbcac El.tors cccort:Eg to Cacti. Con and rcmclu long uon,:l. L 1L 0 givun fcrna locum: do cum provnicd tho hones era cot donroycil Ly tnincrol poison cr other cacaos, ond tho vital tagoco x 051.11 Lc yood polct of rends. Env I uflumnint cry cod Chronic Inctitcr.. tarn r.utl lima; Dycpconin, ur I nil:gest Icy, Eililucoo, old tttlttaau Fes . ct Morisco cf thu Mtn. ti, l.tvn, Merit, s. r.od Eilndecr. Coati flit tutul.VC boon 111011 somas- IL:. both Ctsccntu (CO could ly It tract! Elood, which 13 gcncmlly 1 rotii,cod I p Coranctnaiot of th. Dlgnat Ivo Orircue. DES"LIPSZA Ca IIC EIGESTION, Eccd ache, rain la tho Ll:outdo., ConsL3,".4;:a..cts cf C. 3 Chen, Dizziness, Lour Eructations cf 1:10 Lad touts L tho Louth, s Attncfc, I cipeot:, cf tho Luna, 1:-Cormsation cf tic Lucgo, Fain lit regimes of tho Lhlncys, and a Lundrod other syn.i.turno, Ira the crssrtogs of Epspopsia. y I..vigorct: Vac Stcinoch cod stimulato tad t. r. phi I.vcr LOU howdy, which render thenvof uncour.ll,l tf—' 13 Limits:nit Llood of c:I ImpurttleS, rat Untedthor Ilv I,re cod v!gcr to tam V.110:C 6: ; 11(2C1. YOU. nisrditzs. Eruptions, Tottor, rah • Elotchcs, (Lou * I In I Icy. I tit Mitt, EOl4l. ( cn honcho, Cing•WQ111:11, CC(.Ie4:CC(I, ECM ryes, clan, Itch, Lcorni, Liscolorclions of the 0:.1.., Emaci, and Ins.ascs c (Vic LLin, of whotevcr Loran or Lator:, Ira littray Cog 1:p and catch:it out of C.o cyst., le a short Crnu ty. tho ono of thou, Bitterer. Ono !Milo to such mice u El conv:cco tho mcia lama:loos of their curative erect. the VlEnted Llood whenever you and Ito Impurities bursting through the shin 13 l'lmples,Crt7. (lens cr Bores; cleanse It tt ht a you and it obstructed and sluggish 1.1 the velar.; c'eanso It when It lit (Jul, 'and feelings will tc:l you wiled. Ceen the blood put: cud the It altli of the tystcin wal PIN. :Vs ^ S not other , 9 MS. luranig In the syutew c f b.) su.thy thounaaihi. are effectually destrcy. el and r muted. lor 1..11 r.rul ear..runy the elrculcr around each bottle, piloted fa four rrcneli and :punish. J W.ILIZErt, Proprietor. .n. 11. McDCNALD tc CO., Drugglete and Gen. Agents. ban rranclreo, and and SI Cuumul.ce btrect, New l'or Pr COLD Dl' dLL DlltlGGlan .L.ND • SPECIALTIES FUNNELS! FLANNnIS!ITANNELS ! Thi. Dopirtmont 1. 1111,1 .t.r' hluIL PLAIN owl PA Nl' Y 1.1..110 Oil I lITINII "%ANNE:I.N. PLAIN 4101 FANCYTII 11. LF.II FL kNINIEL•L PII FICK 410 MK. ‘I All K VLANNI , LN It ED. 11'Il EL' OW .ntl WYK Wl.Ol. ...I lulllT FLAN N ELY CO rTIIN owl 311AIIIKIL FLAN:IF:LS. xi! color, OPERA PI ANNEI,I Your luopectluo or our emir...A uolIelled• BY INDUSTRY WE THRIVE: We no ;tiring n [rent dent of nttentlon to our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT,' Alwava endeavor to keep It new and attractlve• The very late. novel, et. of the •tottoet. !ono the eheat eat a r. Ile'e• to the note.' (extort.% or f•be'rth W. , lint !orid% only. cuu.ittenc.rntilt , •4 tut toloty rho. •Tt at the bo n ttom {lnnen. our rinore u.r., o“ mak. , your Fall nod Wittier Inarthagnm , du nut tall t o call at tbo IIAMMOTR STORES OF E. S. STIDIER, & CO., I= TT PINION. NO. 21 S. VIE IITH ST.. • I'll ILA pit triFit ...FIT Tlli TI F A •A Till I.ET A TI1110•0 emit (or varloiy. el. Wore .ty.r. on Fine French rnr no i j •nl bier. richßuh Inn gin . .. fl nx Toiler sot. and Tn.°, rind. nini Si inn tn.. kviaoriol exrd vet, Flownr•hlilo •1 Ithn. mit. Mi.+, Chino. Litok. Paris garble. lirtrogn mod (tilt O rostreni Filch PA rin and Vienne , Fon.; Rood Voickn- Ir. end Erni , gb 'no (*.cur 11 1r1.1./. ell 14.11,0• rind Holder., Writing firn.k• N.Y., did+. rnh mud Work Foxe, Dres•lok rintool, Tithlniii. BILK. 01NOHAM AND ALPACCA UMBRELLAS CANEI4. &c., With a thnaaand n her atelelea, anihrlnlng all that la now or , flentr.lln hlrttolar rh. Ilda) Droanuta, ational ln qnallty awl in 1 . 1 •.1* 10. No. 21 S. 11.1OUTIL nowt Inovrnen Nfarkat eud Cbeviamt, elde. dee 6.lltdbd•e 7-3mur ~':° 6 .~ 6 ~ o o ^-.• o °~~C v a ~~~~ n ~' 7 o ; E. S. Siii MEI? ( 1).. %LS 7u7 Hamilton Al.. A 11.1,town. I'm 13rofr54intmi 01%105 WILLIAM N. VOUNG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, REA DINO, PA. in reg...., "" b'to reflection , In Ilerkuo.d.eladowli . ATT4tie • NEE AT I. W °Mr., none. 11.110 !tank 11.0 IA I.I.F.NTIIW N. I'A'. Collool• nA I • I, •11,11 rontol•••.. e r,..,1••1$ 1.10 A •••••i• 11-ly \ n• It .4111. /4"rr4lit. • ;APT AT AW. Vorn...e, vr.rl , r... In earbnn • n nnwrly . tn (... All.nnn Mx) lie rou l' 11 OW 41...t00, 3. EA Dm AY .4.1 v AA. 1 - 4 , •4; ti":"Val"• NEN , AT A I.I.EVTOW l'A. rollomion% nand , n I al , lol Mho! 0111.. olle ..nnt'.l.• Pro" M tr0.,001. Lr,o • In lb.. A.•ver•l "owl, onAnltAli , .. In Enallo , Altol fi ro , nn. Jnn 14.17 r) I( A: IV. 1"14111111t NETS A Nit t'.ll , NcEt.l.O , N AT I.IW. Allent,trtt, l'A quer.. N... 1 t t. MEMO T Q'. IT I'V , 111 , 101:11t vuroitvin II • AT It ....... v.• r,. .h• Vont OM I. •rnn.l A I.I.ENTo tV N PA. APr ^1•ly T 7 J. If .1. lr F. ,t1"1 . 4)1t IF VAT LAIN, • A I.I.ENToW N. En tttlirn. 5,,. nn Enpt • reel. SW C.. I.t. rop•nittnt In Onrntnn. .i.n II tIJEu 11111111tV. ATTioit‘i V AT T LA •V, , v., 3. ~, ,ol•ton ••••ro I o• I. on 11,01, Al onto In. (A, MAI nit••• Von Ef )11 f: I ‘1 . 1 .4 11" T A r I. ‘‘V, N.• Ihmt'lron F- , 41.•,1•11., ~n ll A"✓ r Il C • , otop , i. 1114 I• lit N.,•11.11 o .e. ITGE RI T 1.%%& 0111 c • with It.. J 111 D. Stile., Al!. i••••••••- •• • ••• .‘ •••••• •-• AN. AEI/TET.IIt ANI. eIINVEYAN.I..E AOENT Volt TIIE EETATE, Po, II .lal tau A 1108 a.. cn, Pa I, l r 11.1 A 11 IT. .4b" IlitEN. votTon. T 'SLY A Nit , iII'N , ELIAIII AT LAW Ottiro, ro , - 1,..1" II ...Roo t ttv 1.1111 . , .toutst A.lOll- ntvu. P.t. 1 . • 1,0 7ior•of r•bei it rwr. ATTe IRNEV I .1 A Sit ri, , 'S.Fl.l .I , t AT LAW. W.., 11,.11• .ist hin•vt, Alloi.o.wr. pin '4.11 C. C. I!. (011.110q , .S113141:10N J' 1 , ENT1 , 44'. ..vrr Mr.. M. A G. Ilo'd In intiut St„rre, N 0.34 E.• 4 11.41at:r u bin et. Mletitown. TVI 5,114 1 V ,% 9 "1 416 1 e NI AT J I.AW A 31'.ricrlor TIIE PEACF. lows. I,mi it; ti 4 0.. I . A. l'arta War litivt.tlo.• pa 41 to 114. •14 n4.ti 411,411.,,4 4..1 44, 6-1 y rlll‘ol, l lz V'. NII , I 4 Z(ZAIt. ATT4IR t r sW, ALI.bNTC. :L.t tr. t. ItiMY 2..69 ANI Ur I. A. Burt. AllrOlt% EV AT `J LAW. Mere woh P. Wye'Autt, orpodite the Eagle Oetel, ALLENTOWN. l'A. FOICGE R. tillllll.l,L ATTolucEv (T AT LAW. uui Mintloor above Law Alley. AL I.ENT4.W A, VA. mayV•tlen T 4 DIVAS! l) lIA VEV. TTORNE% A T L A W. 11(11,, with 11.. Samuel A. lirldgem, ‘LLENToWN, Toll\ IC UP P. ,vrro R Sin' AT LAW, • N. E. Coiner 6E14 unt.l fitreet4 A 1.1. EN • l'A. u,uy 1.11 A DA II WOO LI A'sVeltN • V 1) AT to A W Coon may 1 ly n AN' ir :if 111 7 : 6 1.V.ATT411 1 WEN 11 • AT LAW CATASAUCWA, PA, Jun LI-liti-t( 17 DIV Al l' Bruirr. ATTOIEVI'V P AT Loy, eve the ~ :in AL• LENTOWN Lehigh nullity. Pe. frL 11-'1.1)-11. Zlintritrs rtilb 3rWrlrti Yi J 7 %• c 111&C I JEWELLERS, NO. 902 CII ESTNUT STREET, PII. DELPIIIA, Having. lorgn'y ncrea•ed their Platcd Ware Dcpae.mcnt, en!! tqlrolett titit , 'l.llon to their tort; of SII.VER I . DAnD GOODS, entrne,dry o•o.1 , 1no .1' Flee WArnft of high grdde., a otwhickpinpl. x.,eivitin TA 111• E WAP,E 4 , PLATED ON WHITE META 1,, rel'l.l.l • , n qn ollty. nud off.•r.a at excl erllngly low I rire4 A full 1i111...f Plated Spoons, Forks, Ladles, &e. ITEI FINE TABLE CUTLERY, 0 ,„„ 1 ,. th.•lr I and ftirol-brol In te , .. • r Int t , in loneuuod or All ud. d dri 31wir lArn writ. ut zed prime, ut t 111111. . LI/ I 111111.111e0. JIAls IS It .t. 12 K. h'l'A I I , FEB, ATC 1 1 S AND JEWELRY, No. Its MIIIIII FI CIIND ST.. cost. or QrAMAT Plll LA An /1••4 11110 I I lot Wretch., J. u • 113. 811vcr and I'l t.... 1,1.110 !IA . II ee. lio 1 01 NV ,tt Lee +u.. Jew rlt7 ui r 11 1,;1, to. KELLER 4.IiICOTIIIIIt, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., = CLOCKS. tv , dl rostaluted and a% arroni..d. Al: alien and prices, :raw e. 2 I.llWa I fin. A lamer ;8,.1.11511..nt GOLD ANH SILVER 'WATCHES than can he found In auy other ,tore In the city. JEWELRY Ul+'• ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE overy tif ,da'ntion. as NVittooo, repo tn.,' on Short Notice 111 /1-10 MAS W. GAILY, Cmportor cP Vstntortoc, 022 market Et. ; I:Nadal:111a, :Jould rosnoctfuoy nu eicrilo,n 17 his now and cat, y sole, tod stock LI WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAtIONDS, F.:llrt cod l'latrd T. art, I', n ti wtrito prompor otra.led to sot otatly doom wvrcliEs, JEWELRY, SI IN if,ll AND PLATED WARE. //A rL ES M SSE 1" S No. 73 F. 3 .t Ilemtll..n •ireet, 01111.1.1 w the Gen,. Re from \,•w York Aud PLII lid1.11 , hiol• tho fute.t .ty bee GOLD W ATCII ES hu• 11t , laremd ).11 boo ttipn , of Wald Watchet 1411111 41 Juicer price , thltu Le Gtmul olmisv burn. wA•reims lip 11a uI ir,r:itplipot , pppprityPtit of dilVer Wptcly. pnicho.pd Auysiliore :Ono. (;O L 1) 1.: v l / 4 ? Ersty. II tho,t L 4-4 of al Lto•l4 01 Oul I J.,“. ry. (JILT AND ' , LATE') JEWELRY. nl hn. n larnnr and Inver nrnnriment • , 1 .11 kinds of f lit nn I 1.1.a...1.1..“..1ry than 1,111. 0 10111.41,14.• SILVER AND PLATE() ‘VARE. Helix., of Ally., and I.l.lted Warn. Airy k tunirlug good. to this hut, Can out full to 1 , 0 nutt..ll. CLOCHq A larger str,.orttnent . thatt at au, other e.ttattlubtr.rnt ELM/EONS. A .p10nr11 , 1114 , 40131.1.1t ut l'rlortl'w Melodeon% lb. to. jut rho world. AccimEws:s A •plen.ll,lsortowt.l of nll ItIod• of A rronlonno. e.t..llll.h no owol 1.- lo tlito.Bl op, nod In tin,l ti. 1111 l 4, N.,* York owl of .4 0ph1w,...0..1.1.• the Inn 4.• rit Hobo.. n lora, Ato.• l / 4 .‘c g I. in lii• Ilan xll .ohern In I,llllli To r..uv:lice yutitnel yen of the above , .11 atoll •wr F IE1:1) TIlltr: lIIVNGItV. 4.1.11) CLOTHE TUE NAKED! Son e t a be autl be In.le coran,rtuble at rite 31.AM.N10'1'11 Water Proof Cloth, Or REPEI.I.ANTS of 01111 e diQernut ntluturer CLOTii. CiSSIm SATO' rrv'. TWFE , S, A ndl In for BOYS' SUITS UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. A LSO. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS n Ire •••• w cell M4.rc uttruhn•lng eloctvisert. tullt guurAutee It to be rtr y ur Itru•tuctrully. E. S: & 705 and 707 Ilasallt4n tll., Alloutowo. Pa. =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers