ADVERTISING RATES AD...Square rt4. lll l4Za r' re . a \ equ.res, . Clptirfrr Colnmu 11 :dr Column . Ose Cnitnnu Profeselnual Card per lit, per year, Administrator'. and Auditor', NII{ICO, 0.00, City Ni 1,,,. ceut. per ii., Ist lusertlun, 13 coot. per Inn each ne.ertion. Tea linen mote constitute a square. BOBER r IRE DELL, J R , Poralausn, 1 mu. 6 mop lyr. 1.90 1.7.1 3.90 0.91 12.00 3.00 7. In 6.90 9. 04.6 0 4.30 9.21 p.tX) 17.00 2..00 11.31 ,17.00 01.00 43.60 10.1.1 2000 40.00 10.10 a).00 0.07 10.00 110.0 30.00 60.09 110.00 260.60 I= coat anti Luntbrr. 4 FILRFMT. B. OTT.. 11. IC Orr°. 11. IT. RILLIIR ALBERT, OTTO at MILLER, I= IMLM WILLIAMSPORT. PA MILL ON CANAL, WENT or MAYNARD STREET or VICE Al' POE MILL W P CRANE •oura. 4 •og 70.1 t .TAB. M. RITTER, TNIA3. W. ABBOTT. OWEN RITTER JORDAN - J ; 17;!.% STEAM PLANING MILL, SA S 11, D:0 0 IL, AND. BLTND MANUFACTORY, Union :Brea, near Jordan Bridge, Allentown MIRMSOMI I=l ipebritte Minds. Inside Blind*, 3L,nad firyr Lr lialustrrr. Pick./s. Stair R.U.a N Itarl.sto Fmrrars, Mks,/ Wind.... !flock 11'4.1110 .Vuoildings. &r • FICHOLI..A W I TURN i PL.% BIA rcitiNq FIAPORINO and RIPPING =BE ALSO, SAIR RUILDINIJ douo autl II AND RAI LI NO timle to •mL•r II .ring now held Om. , three rehire' tliol.:A00041 Or rhO corn raided It oleno•t loelly en-th now, wed , Inpr..v eel nrholery the lotelugene lent e•C ...reel/cod teork• awn, we nro II weed to dory c oJtealtion (rola at bottle tool nleree eil, • hoth wpreen* noel %enroll melt p. Ito you contemn, nue lin I ih. C.til at one Factory and satin p yourtelf weth oneten•e, ttoch 0, • wing. for looldermt, ler eche., ' , moron for orna mental Wert , . c Amen nt ell t inee by calling nt not Wren dot Inhere oboe to the [milder clwerfolly noel freely, ley oiling oiling nt the Aeon, factory. Colo. ntreel. 11l the .lorel to Itrieltee Allen tow.- IN., or by letter thrrmlt Vol p "lac nui44 4 YI 1:1 V Chet, mitiorr At CO REVIVAL 'rho •otbdcrlhere he Ong len+ed the "Oki (lope Coal Tani." woolltl re•thentiully 4 , 11111.11/[0 Cu the eittgenn of alleatowh and tin public In geautel that they havoju.t lot • superior u•orlmett of COAL Cohnlatlngot!itove, R. Che.tout and Nat from the BUCK MitIINTAIN 31INCS. Order.. lettwith A. A. Huber, Sieger & ilottenoteln. II the Nagle Ilelel, :steps, !tolling er the listri, will be Attended to its BUSINESS c) Illtn mannor. Order. for Coll by OA° car fined, at Otort /10110 P the towed priced. Always on hand a large slosh of BALED HAY, which will be sold et the h.went market prlcom L. W. KOONS & CO rd the•' Old lore Cool Cara IlamIlto• Slrool. corner of Lehigh Valley linllro,l I= L. W hooxs uct FROW, JAAVHS =I ROUGII & WORKED LUMBER nowis AND BLINDS, " I= ea- Orion. from the trade eolleltml A NEW men AN, NEWT LUMBER YARD T 0 B 1 D E S ! MEXLhi, Elt Weit'il hereby to i.e public thnt they hill, itt t,n,eued n new Lumber 5 wil n the •iineieu• nee' r . m., •eri boor iitc.ip by TlthXl.bit uenr Teeth. oral .Id., where they are uew pretoreil with it roll n...smit,si e•orytistisx prirtalitiutt to 111 list/ 1 aLLOW PINE, Will rs I'IN E. in •Itt'Cti nod HEM LOCK EL'iiiKl Nil, Wil PINE tli II ECANTLIAIi end PLANK or of ellen mei ,veil TRAM:IO TIM i'Llt. 111011.01 CK JOIST and AC WI CEO AR. CVl . ltEss AND %VIII I'll PINK Ell INOLF.S eCtr.. lIESILIIrK I.I.A•TEIHNO end Sill:10- M Nil LA file, it Inn°. •. ss.s.•.r wx/rii ‘it .1— .ssr i.L A NK no d sr.% itrs .it ell tlitcNu•••m*, WiI:TE PINE and .1.11.1t1.1 I'A LINO. mid VICE ETA. ...owner to nwlHuua to 1.....1001,t 57111 TE 0 1.1 N E 4O 41:11 EShM I."Cts P FENCL KAI Ls, WHITE I'NLI O:IA, All ileidreit.ei perch:we. Loud., iii n. mood itilynntnge an Is offernie cc nny ether Fart 111 the rieedy. iire red s.el• Asi to cad] told ...tamale our Mock before tatictinniutt tilne• Aber, = Th.• tit. 1 hatelty thaaka fur .11. t ittvur• . h ta.ualau. aftha firm of 'Prett ier Illoa , awl ou.put.ttalit.-.0w.. a nom.. taro or 11111 alma, prataudtat to avply tualeavurn to reittlar mati•taelluu to all patrult• al kill. :law Yard It Kpautfully Eli. W. TREXL Llt. nuga.t it R EMO VA I, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! WILLOUGHBY H. TREXLER I= Hereby x nommen.. to thrl oublle Ot( hr hgg bought o t the Weßa sl,owm 1.0114:11 Y.% Illt tog and eg0...1...1 the snug• I" 11, g.lboulog, Kt lb. error ul l'eutb itliol whoro he will I. ade rtiugotutly or I o o ...poly Iltut M upou Mtn fit tht BUILIIING \1 ATEU[ALS' a the 10.. t gonllty. mid ut the lotrext mice, HIP Ptock COJPi-to In part .4 I'l F: nn.l 111011.0Cli 11 , t.tit11•1,nd 1.1. vg . wIIITE VINE g‘nd VEI.LoW PINE Nnfi 11F.N11,0"E, FItA3IIN(I J 01,0%, hull SWANTI,INCI. 'lntl length.. null rixAs MICHIGAN PANEL tllllllElt. InIPLAH. 0 TIC, WALNUT Led CIT, u tV LUMBEIVI 'dewed, Sheved x d CY IlltESi Iln),Td, and VG:HE:A. of all length" ROOFING end PLASTERING LA nis. Ac. DRY LUMBER trill h. maden eperlaitT. and a toll ettpply of all k hole couotantly kept on howl. Pereono In ee4l of I. error large 10111 , 1111 k. will Mel II 11,011 T i ntheir all viontune 1.. con, hoink rtt.tautl> ready to till order- for all k Pelo „f hunt., •teol In horn bultitink, upon them let favorable term, and 41 the ehort• eel notice. Every urtlrle helonelnk to a Ilret•clore lumber yard Iv ennetantly kept on It Ind. Thankful fen pour favor.. 1 Invite rny friend. to roll nod ...pert Illy. +lota'. Itoopertftally t • jnoe . I t. TABS LER rpul .%!: 3141 F I , ET r, J. 101 No ill Elan 101 A.o:li EIOIITII Stro•PL FIRST STOIII A WWI: A IC IL WEST till/r, IPA I offer the f ,Ttnif r 111.,1 rtvte.r, een.doln ! er fieniet, mat .y.', to, be UK under the ;market pr xi HUI X4l ghrg, 7"e , pe ettsl. 1, %111 Eh' et •I re.ince . froth •.(1A It l'W W.% 11E.41N0 6001)4, for m, stud II II th 8111::"I's AND DR %WEIN, froth tOe. S 1 '11"1 I,OTOF DEN•A -11 1 ET? AND DRAWERS, II AIS W 0 1., 41 '25. ONE 1,0 I' OF 4'3:al'. FINE QUALITY 0? AIEN•S 6111 DTA 0. MEN'Sy ItT AND DRAWERS. FULLREGULAR 31 11E. (r.5. 4(.1 1111 f 4' dill HIS AND DRAWER:I. WHITE AND Cul.. OM II. D, N 118 1 4EH O I( VE 1 S TA 31E W' IE 6NA 1151t1 111 All ItlB AND DRAWER , . 1104IERY. 1105IE1tV. 11041 RV. MEN'S 1 1 1104 E. 1 1'1.1. 111 ODI.A.t MADE. tr.% )11.1 . 4 lIA I I , 110,.E., 116.111'1AH ps.. EN.:1.1A11'11.4 1.1• 00,1, Fl'l.l. ILEGI'I,A It :11r. MEN S £lllll4ll SHOWN MIXES II I C 114 , 4 E. El' 1.1.'H 31 ADE. Tr. I.A DIE,' itl 11 FU D DIN.. 110-6., I.) IE , 110,11?. F'I'LL lIEGI . LA.(3IADE. D0W31.1..; A VI) r 06,4, I'l SON .110 , 6 6171,1, REDULAI , 3141. E, II 6111.511 EELS AN U 1 Me. I.\ FA 111.11 NII 'AI EA. 11" F. vt 1.1, HLOCLAR MAW , , Slc, MisSr.S . MERINO 04146. CI,IISE I's, CORSETS. consErs. I •rri v°l . l9¢ dm, very ilvvirsble Provvi, Corvvt•. 01,0 . a. 1113• so otlicit v49vr ,, rt atitl I , :vvv9ru zu West. at th- V ENCII WOVEN cOItSETS. ARILANTED WHALE. DON r.. 0 0e. TIM NEW .EJ1‘11.1i ,,,, Colt ET , TVA T COMFORT -1,1111 wIN TED, 9 l e, evivi 41.1 i• 411k°. PINE VIIEN 'II Itl:1) FINK V 9 vnli COtivEr. WA IL ItANhD WHALE- D 0.% E. 411 23. 20 VINE. TRENCH Eltltltol EItED CDR. TIMM AS MOFFETT, • 1 ,, North.Elollrti F st 01. •vo I A cipiott 11111-:01114 C Ai Elt T 111 A • ittnatwc". U.'tk.'lr.Yg.`:.iT.4"."ii.". r e2Yagittl, ll :4 l ,7 1° VOL. XXV ALLEVICOIVN SAYINGS lINN'WATL VON. Organized as "Dimes Saving rtudilution," SO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., OIRARLT OrPOAITE TIRE •lIRMIC•X 110751., PAYS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR .VONEY OAT DEPOSE'. • Thin thn oldant angina Bank In Fotatrrn l'onn-y1 vault, hit+ honn la to .thin anl 4nr<o.4l‘. .porntb.o rar too ynor, nnol amithanro to pay `II X r. I NTllltfla r • in oil«). r..• ono poor, and nnoalal 11S-All &mol,. or in oiler will bo hold ntrlttly lere.,ttora. AdminiAtratoris.Trailee*, Astignett, Trea.ourerx. Tar G',,lleet”o4, rind other ruebeliono or politic or Priy.te of 'or ol robuu .. Farmer, fotmr•,. ou.l oil who !vivo f:i.r.3.11;itini.1.1•,,,r..;h4;;rit‘.70r,:i.i.!..,irr0 1,1.1 which to let•no.o. r Wo o•poriollY invite bar.a trall•w . l their batik log 6.111 , *. With it, Ell WitllgN opreihi h - ifoo 4r..e.1 by oor ehorter—hovin WWl'll power to tr.. trt hgoloo.. with tb. lu , Moiiry with thim IS SAPP, AND IVEI,I, SECURED, by n Capital .dock nod ourpttb , money cority of .tvet XVV rd.titsAso noi.u.sitN,null • \11.11,1 u. the Mount Tru,tee. have, a. rettakrod by t barter. Ores 11..04 ruder ..w0ry....0l of the Court :u the stun ul VIVrV nwilsAst) bona. vie redly tore , ' tond held by the Court of Ihuntuou Neal of Lill y y fo a r the ...:limy of detto•ltora. Oar Irou Vault• are ~f the Ino.o nod extrusive a Ind bottles to this country. ne rt per... 10 1u•P0... •i t Ito l wit Invite awl ca. 11,.•,. We refer to this. hellenma Old safe r It' s Proot cumtoe the barely t,l ooltmbillty an in. of riot lux Bault. P WILLIAMdINgr, HIS riAs Vico Prusidont. REUBEN if A II hElt. Canhler. Tituirens:' IVllllam 11. Alrmy, Clinrl.../4 S Ilt.h, Clirt,tino 1 1 ,11, J.. 11 D. 5u1.... F.F.. illitinolt., 11..10..1. 11.tireubuch, George I .3robst, !Imam.' Sell. Nlllll. Peter. jan 12-11 M. 1,0 N SAVINGS RANK, • Ittoullton, between 7th and sth Stw , .tt• Lt6S2'OIV.V, PA. Moony taken no at nil Om, and to arty ...itn frout ono dollar upward. fur which SIX PER CENT. IN ['CREST wl.l So puol Dop.l4t. 11111 i be withdrawn at any dm, PorHoon do• . JJJJJ no theiry part of tho Vollod Sotto. Or Cart talus, will Savo 111.ltterM promptly uttoodell to. and without any root on. their part. ()old, 911yor. Coupon... Bond..and titer accarillo. SCIIALL, Prenld IV. tl, LV , PITNNWAILxr. Ciuhler. -op IVIELLEBSTOWN SAVING BANK, MILLERSTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. Thle Idatlttstloo will be opened on or before the lid day of April. Money will he taken on deposit at aII tuu••n NUJ In nay autts from out dollar upward.. for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST por annum will hermit]. Ilepoaite way lie withdrawn at any time Ala°, money muted out on iftvorable term.. J WEILER, Pre.blerai fIt•MIILIN D gl llE.a. Carhirr. 3. F. M. Sl:inert, George Ludwig. Fiederirk t!. Yoh.. elin-tmn K. Iteunlognr, lionid Dm..., wilhnm Sandny. lenne II ntthel, Gideon M. Eimer, Horatio T. Ilertsne, lienjumin J. tiotitimrer. Julssle dlngtuiwiter roar Itlettiw KUTZTOiIr'N SAVINGS BANK. (Organi.ed aniter State Charter In ISM.) MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT, and Oyer rent. to •rost will ho elbowed, Fur shorter periods special rare. will he paid. ' Also, .... uey loaned out 01l FAVORABLE TEEMS. 501. Houk Is loestod lu tbo tiny roue Ilon.e, to the borough 0 Nutstoteu. JOHN 11. FOOEL, Prosideut. in NA Au ilutriiNATlll4. M. Lb Cashier. F. .1. Slough M. 1.1 Ihtv Id VV. h. Fogel. hwunrd J. Knorr. E. E..TONAIJOTIET FRANKLIN SAVINGS BA:NIL, 1...C11114101 the corner of llArtillton etreet and Chore) iu Lion flail, exciinil 'dory, ofiptiene the Kerma., Reformed 13111/110. 10 Mr City ia A 11 1 ,1110 0 .11. I. tiripttillr. and ready for li...hie-ie. II toil! per// st.r p-r rent. to fermi , irpogitx e...Trep , het. 46 •1f."1f o r o r bee. to he c•tleutottelltr ,, ito the tirade , t r rowhirl., the ce er the .e•uteteet lion/ riled its the Court • of Cunneen Plea. of Lelokii County. urler the direction .if the Court. it bond Inthe rlllO to c weisty-li ve Dollar,, conditioned tor the (rich. CO keeping dial approprtatiou of ell etich ewe. of induct be placed to churn...lrma tl FRANKLIN 'IA VlNii• RANK, whetter the dopoeite, or altaree of ettiekd bond tiny be enlarged by the Court whenerer it u. 1.4). dee:oral ueceeaarY la addition to tile. the , Act of Incorporation trinket th. Apical:older. port' , Ily Ita tu lle to Ike d•p to ovire 14.1.1 re• 1 1 ' . ,14 1 i 4 h root and Ilfty thouentel dolls r.. Thee.. prior...tie will make It a curt deinrable and oaf, place of depoelt. !ideal. It our be proper to the i1e00414 will be kept in nor 01 the emfeert icatl bird protected con lie it, Kill ea', AirxIOOIIIrOPIWIII be mode to fui . alith draft, un tho ride. of A , :w liort anti i . 011411‘11101110. 0. A BRIM F.S, Ps P ft r. n ,.l. W. I IA" N. Tice , t ( •tent ZI3I.IIERAIA Canhirr. Trinkfri e : Deulel 11. Miller, k. A. Bridge.. John 11 , Thou. J. W WllOlllll B.stir, J. E. 71initiertilan U. 11, Croix, Voter Urea., kdarin Zitninet Luau MEE G IRARD SAVINGS BANK, NO. (Organized under a State Charier), EAST 11:01 I uru N ST 12 EET, =1 Alaolrr received on .1 , p0.1t nt VII those (rum One dollxi upwerd, l'oys SIX pet Cent. to 'gest fer six mouths to leeoer. your per coot. on daily costume., tuu check at eight. 0..1.1 pull mlluer. Cua...l 11. I. nu.l oth, n-enr.tio.• bonolut end euld. Internet cullected nu Uovutru• tionat oecutruties lit tour ruins. All .1/Two,. tut tuuuney will be hold strictly confldeutial. slid luny be woludlown xl Roy min, Marred weineu and minors. hue° speclol privileges ir.duted our eluartet. lotvleo roll PO lO l , in trouruoud butt. Soak, %Vali 11,114 Itivlr to ut legol depuedieri for m paten pull Inlo Court, sod recollron Moor% In ut. 1r.901 OUArdiou, r.111110,1, , t0rn, tren.liern. ton eittlet:t•.r,..4oo ottiern. Ng•ItkINLI LtrANED uuiS Vt ROMA: YEItAIo• I'll MIN A LBRIti l'resudent. II CK.lller. Jam. , .. F. lilts:ie. Tilglitlain Mei". U..e ld %Veld, Anruu F,eultort. FARMER'S SAVINGS BASK, TILOS. WEAVER Incorporated tinder a State Charter of 1.870 Pug.. Upptr 31Actingli•totrublalP, 1,1110 Co. Thlo I u.tittalon tern orilaulted mid opened MAN . Stat.. Clatrwr. will hi• tukvu tits at till awl to Rimy sum Crum,. 41 and upwarde, fur which 6 PER CENT. INTEREST Deposita may be velthdrawo aul Om , Alno money Maned out oh litVorignli. WI LLIA3I 3101111, President R. 11. VOGEI., Cushier. . . . Dr. 11. A. Saylor. .1. 11. Straub, Paulo] )toyer, D val Peter. 1.,14. Hunch, tititatiel Kohn% 1141.1101 11. Cr...ltt. Witham Stein. William Mohr WE OFFER FOIL SALE. AT PAIR, The New Masonie.Te: - nple Loan, Bearing 7 3-10 interest, Redremable after ire (5) and within tweuty•one (21), Interest,Payable March and September. Th. Bonds are reglatrred. and will lie issned la emus to EKAY & l el ROO • to SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Smear h 'night and iudd rnam.lnnloo. (lola and One enrol...of. 1..1.1 and a dd. Areonouiroce)and mad Inlnr eltull.V. d.. 19 0110 night braftn 14 66 TRIE 1111.1." INSTITCTIF PO TTSTO 11'N, MONTO'PNER Y CO , PA Ennl6.l), noihntifl Artlhtle and Coonmorhlhl rtl, Annual ti.h..hlon. nngli prrpnotdinu fhtfolk,h...r 11,1•I1 h•h, For rdrhhi h r, addict., 1444. GLO. F. MILLER. A. al.. .. 14hirlPil. • lIFFEHENCES—IIev• Ur•. M e l, Man, Knamb. Sol., Matter, etc., 11.. a. Judge , 1.101 IN. I.aouard 185.tera, J. S. Yoet, B. M. licyar, 74. Ttusyor etc., etc. ittiv t 7 Pll.l.:Pi OR ITERIOURIIOIDA I. TV.- all kind.. t PerfrnilY and lwrbii neatly curd by W. A. MillaYilil.SYS. M. 1)....1101 ARCM nTlt hit 111 ILA DELI•111A. I &nil... to ..ny to th u s tailwind with any kind of lutnruni. inrunl. 11111 d. 114441 oat or Itch ng, that thorn 1. cu pohltlynly no kind order ption I curs a We.« dly th• rt, 1. p.r•eet Run pnrouttnout. and withon. ti.. daitger. wilhout the lopip iry 11. flout it. wic way. and without can.t•c.. or aot•anot, a l His,. r o, yinin Flootran yrolap..u• and lilt...ration of lutreritoverk. Nit MO moot Will we cud end retool,. st su) bou.e till cured, If they desire, flan rote, you 1,. over Mb parllon• cured Iltiladylphla alone • El ginancial Ml= .1. D. Wannor, E.g., If. 11. SchwArtx, Erg DAL11011:1411, Jlliier MEI WILL BE PAID ebucational. zi , v , 4. 0 , .. :: rat • gJ, ~r it ' rt tit MeDirinal. THE KIDNEYS. The 1:11wse: are tie ) In nu•nher, Atuated at tillt ud.r•r P t.l if I 1 r 101'1, sari al.l by fat, nod at ottAti lig of throe I) trts. et& : tile Anterior, Cite Interior, :LIM the Es tenor. The anterior a')gnrlei. Interior c - an,lata of I In dor vela., w Ilea did-rye na it glop sit for the urlncand convey It to Ob. exlerba . The exterior it.lnn otabluct..r al, I. tenni lathe.; In it ailigh . "", Auld called tut, Ureter. Toe ureters are eunneuteu with the bladder. The liheltlot Is emu posed of or Nostra. illy Med Into perm, viz.: tile Upper,- the looOer, the NerV43ll., and the Mueottn. The tip •er expel+, the lower retains. 51any have a desire urltt,tle tv theta the ability; °thorn uri nate Ow to retain. Thin fre quently 114• MIN iti c•hlitlrea. vianos. H A ! ..LET, DAVIS us: Co., New & Improved Grand & Square PIANOS. B. SHONI XGER & CO.'S CHURCH & PARLOR ORGANS ',lTCTlterErZlirEtSreVfodr: purclataing . elpevelkare. mead for a Duarnial we Circe! r. \V. REDFIELD I HELPS & CO., (Second Idoor.) N'. 927 Mutant Street, PHILADELPHIA nor 2.6 m THE anAvr.a,. I pAirENT • T" ruin these nßl•el bins, we must bring Into +teflon the widen are engaged In their Vill'illllYrinictloilit. If they lire neglected, Grimed or Dropsy may The meter must i,lco be ovule aware, that how ever slight tuts' he the attach, it h.{ Mare to °free' the bndlly health awl powers, 144 oar flesh at :Tom these mare, GOUT, OR RHEUMATISM Paln nveut ring In the loin. Is Indicative of the ihnve dlnea+c•. l'hey aveur In penvona tllspo , etl up avid st,nnaah an•l chalky c •rutleuu. The gravel ellfUlf, from neglect or Imprope treatment of the kidneys. •these organs being the water Is not expelled troth the nut a llawml to reumin ; It I,Ot . OIIIVS feverhh, 111 , 1 SO,ilietent farms. It Is hum thisdeposlt thud Me stone Is formed, and gravel ensues. DROPSY n cnllvclinn 0f water in kin... parts of the body, I henry different nantes,neviirilitig,o the iii ,ted, viz.: soh. it generally ciltrused over the wily, It Is ...ailed .%ninntren : when of the ithilin tied. Arches; 1111.11 nt I lie 1,11,11, Ilylll.othornx. TREATMENT IL•htthold's Ii Ighly enneentrated compoutid :xtrnet I'' din Is deeldediy one or the hest rein - 'die, f it threnses of the .ILADDER, K I DN F.Ys, uRAVEI„ DROPSICAL 1.4 W NOS, ATIsNI AND UUL'I'Y A FFECTIONs. ruder thig heal we have arranged riVttliftlA, or difficulty end pain In pegging min ter; / n'AN or small 5101 frequent eilhell . lll . l4t • Nloi 4TRANt:UItY or stooping of watvr ; I EMA ILIA . .tr bloody tirlio.; I• ”11.1 It It El! TIsNI of the KIDNEY P, Wif limit Roy i•huttge 111 wool, Ity, hot tatvrtquo. to rotor, or dark %%Atter. It was always highly ree.ramonde.l by the late Or. In these a they ore unequalled. mom, nonelait the very bpAt Arapoont 4 rwst, tal Ow large capital ..inplov.4lsonic !main. K. en. Thi s 'lie rower of dinea- aillinu uc to t. 1.1., continually an linnienbe lock of lune 1011. 1111 , 1 eXCIII, It ale‘orben Is info 'wait I. a•'.• en •Xereine Isle watery er ettlearettua .1. - Sqletre Pinn. bay• oar Sep Irnprored aidns. inni all unnalnral culangeni, Ma, cell 1,4 pain and Intlattittattlan. are reduced..lllli • „„.. q u A xi ; Ito 11Y 111011.W011101 alid children. Direr- Pyrrarco Ana. lEd,, t•rohwit being list Viedin nearer .10118 fur tete old diet aueutitt.atty. le creation than tue• yet been attained. 1 . 1111. A 11E3.1 . 11 lA, l'a.. Feb. 15, 1867. :1.'1% 1 I, Intiggist Dear —I hunt . h...• 31 it alllll , rer. for upward of : ,voilly years, telih gravel, Id older 111111 kidney ,lire lota, during which time I liana 11801 vonl• otis 111.111 • Ii1111 1311111,11 a 10111.. nod 1111 11 under the reatment .if the 110151 41111114 . 11 E Physiviutis, ex. •erienellig bill little relive Having your preparallona extensively 01%1411,4.41,1 consulted with my tinnily physieltm u regard to uslins. your Extract Ituchti. I did this liecause 1 bad used till kinds of ittl ',ell keit relliedlea, 1111.1 1001 tatill.l t twin wordi ess, and s lilt quite Injurious; 111 fael.l despalr sl ever getting well. toloetermlned to use it, remedies ht.reatter unless I Itne..w of the bi trediesils. It wax thls tout prompted we to use ;our remedies. As 3 . 011 31.1c1•1113+011 (lint It %Via: 44111pm:ill Iniellu,ctibehs,llll.l.jur.lind . berries, II occurred to mental tny land y physi tau 101 tin •xvellent cumbluoliall, and with his tolvive,sifter ill P 2411111 11111.1 10.1 of the wain wall, (hi. 311111.a:15i, I en11(.111‘13.11 111 try 11. I •ominenced Its use about eight in., MID, ago, tit which time. I Willi r(11111 e 3 to my name. From ilie tlrsl bottle 1 wits astllnlshe,l andgiutifled at I ti benellehtl effect. an alter usitnt far three' Sins 111/10 lo %Vali: • 111. I It'tt murk Hite writlug you it 11111 nlillelll4 . lll of my case tit that time, 1,111 thought my 1111 I,loVellleal alight 01113 . 111111 Merriam emieltitlell 1,1 (1.41 . 1 . tail Nee If It would elteet to pet 1111111 , 11 f :Mania:: then It wouldof greater value to you, and More 5111 1,4111 . 1 0 1 . 3 . It 11.111 111,15 110.10 to report Ihut a ettre 18 elrce 011 r using the remedy I'm tine months. four Ihtobu be.a.g devol I tit nun tuipleasazd diste and odor, :t nice little and htivlgonuur ill he 111.11101 mean to ho without II wllOll - occasion may ientilre Its use lit such atter, tium. M.I(I2ORNHCK. • MEI • Should any one doubt Mr. McCormick 'a state mem, he refers to the rollawing gentlemen: Hen. ex-Gore nor, Hon. THOS. It. FEORENCE, It. KNOX, Judge, I.ll . llattlelplik, I 1011. I. S. lii,.%tls,Juilge, Ilnn. D. U. vonTER, e.,-(iovernor, Pen nsylva -11111. lien. EL .I L . I G S .IJSI, I Judge. Philnde ll l l hn. MM. .RIER IWA I ItI .. 171alli 51 11 Co urt. G. W. WOM H 0... W. A. 1 • l lit FEU, City Solleitiir, JOHN 1110 LEIT,ex-finvervor, Call fornin. Hon. E. It.%l\ll:S, Audi er 1011. Anil ninny others, if necessary. gold by all Dea66.lata and Ten'era everywhere. Beware of Imitations. Aak for lio other.iee-11.2.3 per bottle, or U boi •lea for 1.5.50. Delivered to ally tultireas. De scribe aympluius Addree. 11. T. )lIELMIIOLD, Drug and Chesil cal Wurehouee, WI Broadway, New Yo, k. None 111 . 0 (IPllllinPl4 . BB tlone up in steel enerneett wrapper, with a...attune rot my Client lent Witrettotete,atul slatted. 11. T. LLELIIBOLD f ue. s ALLENTOWN, PA., EDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1 871 itait ilentb3cr. Dobbins 371. VEGETABLE A Holor and Dressing that will: not Barn the Hair or Injure the Head. It makes [lair soft and finc, restothig its natural color without dyeing, by imparting a healthy' and vigorous growth.' 11 13 ALTOGETHER UNLIKE ANT OTHER. AAAAAA ID ostr or J. B Dolours 426 North Eighth St. : }tad/ Price 11.00, largo bottles. COLD EVERYWHERE None genuine without my signature, and put ray mime to uo goods that aro not of surpassing excellence. A / A RION PIANOS, Warranted to mama la tuna longer than nny other Plano In Um market• FOUR NEW PAT;. NTS ALSO, ESTEY'S CO TAGE ORGANS, Grout rcductlon rundA f, cdo,b. Hoed for a Prier [Ant E. M. BRUCE, NO. 18 SORT:! 7TH STREET, 11121012E1 SEVENTV-FIVE FIRST PRIZE ME DALS AWARDED. TILE GREAT I ..4 1 d1E 4771 : 4 5. BA L T OR. BPL NO t 7. .. r •i; T ' 'SIAM:FACTORY. 11'ILLIAM KNA lili & 0 , CRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO AI IM din ) S RT E. Theme Inntriiienete ',eye liven here, the pulilic rer nearly '1 hilt, and op 41 till' r excellence aloe.. at reinedrie uniiiirchearif pr c .eurbianer, which hroueuneee them u Their combines great power, •srestness, and fine atoning tlnltil• ty. as - ell great parity ett Intonation, and stiectness thtnusbnut the rutt, scale Thew TOUC [ Is pliant and slastts, and enlirely free from the stiffness fuu .d fu sn tunny Ptah. , " • 1N WORT:MA NSTITII Every Piano Pally Warranted for 5 Year& We Imre mode orraudotneuto for tin Soft Whatvile A gertro for tilt. gitoxt . plebriord PAH 1.0 II 11110 N• 71.011 EONS. which Ice .ifor Wholmodo And Utdatil, Al Lowest Factory Price, ‘VILLIAM IiNABE tt co. JAMES , . BELLAK, Wholmodo Depot, 1,5 at 151 South .Ith Pe. rep 14.110. 10.atrb ZEirar SA I. U. T If, ' 724 CIIEST\UT STREET, I N A (/vcoxm nona). PRACTICAL MANUFACTURER OF FINE SI LVER PLATED WARE, Weald re.peetfally ■nnonuee to hla patron", that ha han a full etetk of the lateet ogle. of DOUBLE AND TREBLE ELECTROPLATED WARE El= Plated on Nickel and White Mealy. nultablo roe family or city trade. An the q of plattha ran only be kn•wn both. pld m, ih• pm - mu.' rely ou the tuoutifecturee• •tate. en• t ILt re being NI I touch teurthleao a are lit the market. all n plexented a. treble plate, at price: unpusoiblo to be menu sutured. All hie mead. urn resulted "N. K. 831VT11•" REIMISMMii=I ni." 41 1...D WARE REPLATED.Aa may :..a• LADIES• FAT LY F'lliv. • from fl . pt huLtln of Kurd e. nod hues hod .hAm mode up 1 y U,e must +4llllul k• 1/,11. I would nod. worn.. fly frool• of I.ologh mutt "111' 1 t 1 1111111 CO, t. , <l I oil Oxolll 111 1 toy eery lent. ..thenttitilLl, wt., 111,1 OI 1.11 CY !tit, for Luollen .111 Chall,ll. • 1 alllntrrluwuu n.attli nt p. Inv 111,,w .y r.l.lnt.ulde llowu to Von edy All Furs War. (sum J. .do uttolou to .-frot s.. MEE FURS. 8,26. FURS.' JOHN A. STAMBACH & CO., NO. 826 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, )I•NUrACTCRERIS Or LADIES' FANCY FURS. Claintatirag of Bunn on Ruble. !Moon tloy Sal.lo. Mink noblo, lio) al Ermine. arra+. bra , . ',earache.. Squirrel, I lob. ae. q ltildreu'a Son, Collars and Glover, Corthno and 81100 A .y 1d..4 pH.... All Fur. nu...lived us n.pregnoted. JOHN A. STAMBACH CO., 826 Arch tit., 5 doors below Ninth, south side, no 2.3 m WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • FURRIER, AU the New Skies etc the Lowest Prices. , RUSS: 41 V SABLE. 80141, ALASKA 8F.41, ASTRA KA K. HUDSON BAT SABLE. Tototheralth n (4.11 lire or low priced .loud.:•uit•lde for tho Wholennle Trade Chi , drou.• Bete f eve 1.7 de• bcription, aud ovay•rarlo ausranoe..l KA TIMMAiet M. FttEELAND, Ile.aoted la Sill Arab Bt.. MIA. ott 10.1 m CM= MEI= JUBILANT I=l TONE pt. s JOHN F/iREIRA, 718 ARCH ST., Midi , et the flock, be• t weeu "im and hth d.reeh, South Rile, PIIIL•DIII.P/111.'eetorer De.ler In klhd4 nod Que. , ' or FANI'Y FURS. COD La.. Mei lIMILLIKEN . B wean. rialritlg • tilaritsd,r... 01- el. d and inps,v• .1 toy old and know° el EtiPoltivlit. Nod hwir intport.l I. veil I..gemod eldrucild,11 i 021,322=1 JulIN 7lth i-rcu ntl e++• (11'r tten for the Regteter. Sophia Todd's Four Proposals. I= Don't you never gn an' git married Till• : don't you nevergn an' jzit married—that'' , my advice,. and I pride mys“lion bein' an uncom mon woman in that respect: There ain't ninny wino n could hey withstood the chances to git married that I hey: ll' your poor motiwr Led nv took my mivier nhr wouldn't h.•v h rn I .ft n wi,blt.r will I wo children to In. Io”klie nrter and endue fur : not Ilea I hev nnyth'ng agin yon, Tilly, fur Lein' here, fur the ltiwt•s knows, c:iil I, I couldn't liev sot more by you of you was my own child than I I1(1V, ever since your poor mother left you to me. only it tillers kinder riled me that she should liev went so ngin my advice as to marry Tlllll B ilst on, `sperially nrb•r he lied Cunt(' ft ran its be did. I:rations nit ! it don't seem hardly more 'n yesterday since the night he 011111 1 10 tike Sallie on the sleighite potty. I uli , rs took it as a piece tiv imped•ince iii hi at askin' S tell' to go that night. Not as I cared fur gain' ; I never was much for gala' out on cold night. ; it idlers ilia give me 31 pain In my chest an' I s'pose he didn't care at oat 113% 1 111' 11111 refuse. Well, its I was sayin'. when Sallie run up stairs to git h-r wrimpins on, Tom coine an' sot down mete bench where I wits a Benin' n rimstin' some corn. Your grandfather 11,1.1 jest gone out to the barn to see that the emir. mills wits WI Bile for the night, our spotted heifer lied a habit tiv laittin" open the stable door, an' he tillers lied n rte.t, tiv gain' out aster tea s") as to Ito; his mind ant easy fur the night ; he was a mighty careful nvin about his anemia's, the deacon MO. Wl l ll. as I was snyin', ho come nn' gust right dawn on the bench close to where I wean settin. I knowed what was cumin' all the time, •' Sophy." viz "Soppy, I hope you lievit't wit nothin' aOn me cause I've alters liked you a heap." My face was awful hot ; I repose he thought I was a biteable', but I wasn't no skit thing', anybody with the sense tie a goose might hew knowed better thin that, when I was a sin tin right behind our big kitchen stove an' sick is draft as that stove lied ; I remember it was powerful lint kl3llllllt.minnit. " Tom," era I, lookin' straight down at the flier add the time, calve I knowed lie was treinblin` with anxiety an' I did tel n 101 uv pity for the N. ler ; tom," sez I, reachiti' nit my 11111111 an' layin` it on hie arm, "Tent, you needn't hey nn Burs about me havite anything agin you. I idlers thought we could get on ennitomitle tog. tiler." I lied my linnil a Inyin' nn Ids arm all the time, an' jest its I was Ilnishiti` what I was goite to say lie kinder started jest as et' it big grain nv the corn I wits rolistin` lied busted are lilt hint ill the rate. It has aikrs been my opinion that it did, cause I lied furgot ail about :Akin' It. "Soppy," s z lit, ititerruptin' pit itti" lookin' kinder skecreil, " afeereil you don't unuleraanul nm." I was jest a guilt' to tell him that I did understand him,, but he kept on Milan' hisself in that skeered kind uv H ay. .• Sophy," s, z he, "1 hope you mistinderstood me; I was a guilt' to ask you to help me a le, tie in ease t led , aeon shmthl ha set agin me ; I was areered ite—" j st then the deacon commenced shimpiii' the snow off his boots outside the 114 or. so Tom Holston 11 , 41 nip chalice to saw no more that night ; he looked a wlid no' skeened like. 1 s'pose he sew b y nie (listl bedo't 00..0it to gw, ....... Ale% WI/111.11i% bu no use tur hint to go on iiressin' uo•. I oilers could hen a powerMi determined look on when I teamed I". I was n stirtia' the corn awful hard w hen the deacon came in. I didn't limit at Tom nomutrt. that night. Ile waited in minn t arter Sallie came down, hl jiito' I'd look soon• one inra;etnent at him, but I wouldn't look at him no way. so oiler a spell hint : 4 11111e whit nut. The denc.m set were (Mire the tire (ail' roa:teil c.irn nn turnia it over with the pok. r to neighbor Duinkins came into lien a chat with the ilm - con about the en nin I odious, a. I hualled idr to Led, re. lin mighty put on'. Well, the n.txt mornlye it!rly when I %vac in the out kileh.•n, strainhe olf the cheese.;ie, come down ate aloof in the door. Soppy, '8 z atie, • ' •• I've 4ot soot 'thin' to tell you, an' I hope yon ain't gain' to be mad, at me nor Tom." " speak out" sez 1, "you'll never get it told by titalllllll' there like n Enatur.'• " %Veil, So - Ay," see. Wm. " coat has ached ale to marry him an' 1— 1" ''.ln' I s j,i' you're f.tol enmigh to tell him yes;" zI, " will I'm sure of gala aint got sense enough to know when tin y're well' oil it Mut'a fault but their own." But there wasn't no use nv talkin' in Sallie, I she was mightily sot on Tom, an' the deacon said It was the way uv the world ; birlds rat he thought wai a Ilk. ly feller enough. I just told him plain out that I didn't think he was a likt•ly filler at all. I never said ❑nthin' to Sallie about his askin' me first. ltwould only made mailers worse, you know. I was alters mlb.lity miff to Tom, though, I never could see bow a man could lisv looked me in the lace without leelin' ashamed uv hisself. Well, they got married, lin' went to live in the yaller house, jest beyond the schoolhouse ; that's where you was horn, Tilly. Well, One day liner Sallie hod been gone about nine months, I had been a bilin' hard soap that day in our big iron pot in the lilt kitchen. The deacon mostly kept out el, the ttny On snap.biliii' days. I never could bear to hey folks pokin their. Bilves around on soap•biliu' days. Yana know that to this day, Tillie, an' the deacon had an ill-munnered habit in sayin' 1 tailed nay tlispershion up at the same time. 1 't was Calla; I 111 . V no dinner in peraicular ton ahem days. Men tillers tare so plagued hand uv their stomachs. Well, he crane walkin in about supper lime tarter things heal been tidied up. t,ophy," sez lie, •• 1 nu•t neighbor Jt.n. kins nu my way up Iron :Sallie's, au . he was taskile meet I knowal where the ne•w school waster could get a place to board tat that's c 'min' here to tench the school h i ' tw o I've [teen thinkin' its kind, r lonely here now, claw tikillie'a been .gone, so 1 told him I [tonight 'Lit Int% onl.kely he might Had a place hen•." Vl ell, 1 didn't hey no objections, seein' the deacon was so 1101. utt it, Sol 1 put up the while curtains lu the spare room nu' lily very b, si patchwork quilt that I male Wits •my on a tithe hands, (the one nith the resin' sou on it, that's lidded up in the spare closet now, on the bed. IV well, that schoolmaster came tau' lived here in this very house nine blessed momlis it son' the white curtains an' wearin out the ris•a' sun quilt, an' limbo' all.the preserves eat up, an' a wiirkin' my anger ends unit keep things tidied up, be aides keepitehim company twice every Sun. day gine' to church, ceptin when that hold Nancy Drown hitched unto him, the iine •- wlththe ugly yeller hair that some folks lied no morebaste than to call goblin. I tinkle's hey seen no beauty In it el'lt And on been god. din, cause it's no nateral color fur a civilized beet's hair to be. To be sure you never sot eyes on her though au Its 110 sight missed. It's been well neigh sven years ago now since the squires' Milts moved ono Allentimn sn as to be near Nancy tt•ho was Hein' there then, an small hiss they was to the neighbor hood in my opinion ; they aliens was n bold set though some folks did make• a great talk about the Squire's Lein a loss In the Church. Well. as I was join to say, one afternoon nrter livin here In this h o use nine blessed months, jest as the school was about elnsin up fur the vacation, It was well nigh two hours inter than his common time gettin In arter shuitin up the school. I huh suspected he'd been a stopin in on them designin Squire's folks. " Sotphy," so z lie, " the time fur me to take my departure in approachln, I think uv !env in you in a day or so. I don't know how I kin ever repay you an the dencom fur all your kintine,B to me. Ise been very comfortaqe here an I am fvelitt very sorry &out leavin. I Lev become so much attached I—" I didn't want to hear no more fur I knowed 119 well what he was a gain' to say as of I lied uv let him saj it. so I jest Ihrowed my very arms around his neck hug ,In' him as tight us I could an' told him I knowed it all long age. t le di In't hey a word to say till he got hisselt loose nn` then he kept a sheikh.' hisself out like a wet dog satin' sonnethin' about it been the place he meant, that I coUldn't make not head nor tail uv, au' went a hurryin up Stairs with his filor as red as the bricks In 110_01160r di itkins' new lien 11.1119 P. I *eel Use excitement was to much fur his chicken heart. Well, arter aiv Wl.' tie came sneakin' down sayin' sontethin` alma Lavin' an en gagement an' not twin' certain about gettin' hack lit-night ; a gotta' out uv the dnor all the rode as alit. lied no mannern, which lily opinion he houlturt, and jest sot down an' APT, to myself you wont hey nothin metre in do with such an illinannered cusn," as jest to ,prink he walked straight down to them bold squire's folks an stayed there all night 'ILn the m•ct motrnin the puke sent his wagon up fur his box .8 an he 'never showed his lace here till night, when stopped in a minit will° deacon was at his supper an kept talkin all the time to the deacon about seein him some time or other an n littrryin away all the time. I let him see what I thought uv him, mess he didn't care about prolr.ngin his slay, for I was lookin powerful mad. " Well," so z the deacon, arter he'd gone, n smart chap,that schnoltnaster,nno sty as'll be likely fur to get to the leglslatur one these days," but the deacon afters hod a queer taste. I never seen no more uv him; he went arterwards an married that yaller•haired Nancy Brown ; folks Paid he arterwarda got to he a general in the army, but Gtr my part never believed it word try it. If there ie any folks I alters did hate it's rchim'masters. dont believe no ennui ever cornea uv' em with their wind; up ways and as fur his heirra gen- eral I dont believe there was a word uv truth in it. Th. n never was no use uv sayin so to the though ; he would heir believed any au,otint uv stuff about that schoolmaster ; 'pears to me men dent hey no manner nv circumspection. But of they flint geftrd with it I,spose they, cant help it. Et' I was born sniarler'n oilier people I °tighter be thankful, thou hi a body does get tried a mighty sight. Alleys hey your eyes open. Tilly, an keep a sharp look on them mil'eelin male genders ; ;hey lillll . t think no more nv brehldn a woe nit's heart in I dvitroyin Ater pence forever inn they do tiv atrppin on a spider. 1 rOtY the witnen that heyn't got no more i , n44e limn to tnnrry 'on and git made Oliver, tiv for life. Ef 34,11 ever git took in, Tilly, it won't be beentise I lievn't dont, my ditty in gon.l example. You're gettin well nigh growed up now. Gracious nee, how time Lbws slip. Let me see, you'll be sixteen comin the twelfth uv next April. Its been near thirteen years now since your father died. You wasn't quite three years old, I re member, an Tounny was jest completin his first yt ar, but uv course you don't remember nothin about them times. The deacon was b nt nn Navin Sallie come back here to lase with you and little Tommy, itm there wasn't no use uv talkie to her, she was sot 111 Hein in II lonise where Toin lied di d ; its my opinion she'd tev been livin yet el' site ha In't uv went on gel •yin an workin her,ell to death. So she kept on livin there' till ;trier little 'Pommy' died, and her health ibroke down. and then she brought you an come hack here to dive, lint site never got no better tater that, site Jest kept on gettin thin ner and paler for two years an then she died. It was while your mother was sick that par son Harris come a courtin me. You see he hadn't been in Splintervill , more'n six months afire Sally OW, an I as she wasn't able fur to go to church it was very easy fur hint to make a show of payin pasture! visits to Sallie an corneae 'twin me all the time. I knowed well enough what he was arter, and the laws knows 1, allure treated him well enough gettin up things fur tea. The deacon was idlers cemplainin about the butter an eggs heirs used up so makin cakes, he was powerial fond uv good (loin, that minist, r was. I never did see the like uv him fur catin hot biscuits an preserves. Miss Sophy,," he used to say, '• I never tasted no cookies like yourn." Laws now, Mr.. Harris," s-z I, •• don't you he-aflatterin me. cf you ruly think so 1 don't are uoqeasuu why you shouldn't allera I em." There wasn't a cal in the place that would n't Lev give her t•.vo eyes to git that man. Gracious me ! child, ef you lied uv seen the verygated slipmrs an the watch-cases that pour• d iu to that man when lie hedn't a watch to bless hisself with. To he sure the slippers weren't amiss, seein he had feet to put in em. but - them watch cases there wasn't no manner ue Sense in eat; but I knowed well enough what they WWI give fur; of there is anything I hate it's designing people, and it's alters been a satisfaction to me that no Splinterville gal got that minister. Well, he stayed here in Splinterville one year an k pt a cumin here all the time, and when hie emnethe lust time but one—l remem• her it was Saturday arterwam, and I lied Jest got the dinner things washed up an ti tied myself up—an he came mealkin in an sot down on the tee where I was asettin one mlin the deacon's swains. "Miss So phy," VP?. he. "I've left soniethin uv mine here that I can't well go aw•wty without,. that I shall hey to trouble you to find." '• Don't y i n trouble youre-lf no way, M. Ilarret." 8(.1.1, laving down a stgckin I was a mentlin an leanin against him, "cause you've got the very same thing ay mine.' t ~ G oo dness,'' sez he, jumpin up, " kin be possible that I hey your overshoes?" Now just as of any young woman could hey been thinkin etv overshoes at a time like that an I just Sett to myself as I was a On to look Mr them shoes,—which proper kind uv a man would be a I .avin behind him In other nab' houses-that ministers slat no better thou other folks. Ile idlers was a deal inn triflln In Ida ways though hi , wits mighty a nal t lint I idlers told the deacon that I was tilt the °Wuhan that he lied mistook Ills calliin an its my opinion to this day that he had. I over did care much fur folks that's idlers thinkm us their stemacks,. I've heard folks say that its 'tilers so with ministers, hut fur toy part I can't say se. In . ! never took olawr vation uv 'etn in general. an the laws knows I don't want rn more us cm' to come a cour tin mi . ., no morn I do widoWers. There Wivi Fquiri• Jones that lives nn Ipe hill how, that n courtin me three years ago. Ile didn't live on the hill then, he • r• ••• hedn't got stuck up till he went an got mar ried to a Mader from, the city with her file, cuntflaricated ways. Well, fur about six months arter Susan— that was his drat wife,--died he kept a drop pin In uv evenin's an taikin uv hie twin lonely an Ida children not bin ri4litly c trod fur. It waan't no bard mailer to see wit it he wile hintin at. "Squire," in z I , "why dent yon get a wife to cars for you an your children, why them three children uv ynurn are the three benutifulleat children I ever did see, nobody could help a lovin 'on; fur my part I Jut feel as of I oathd eat cm all tip, but I spne there's not many wimen could 'predate 'em as I do." " You've been very gond to 'cm," are he. " Laws now, squire," wz I, " don't Illy nothin about. my In in gond to 'fin. when the're as dear to tne as of they was my own ; that little Alexander be some kind uv great man one uv these daya. and them gals of they aint the puniest an peat test ones ev r lived thin I aint no judge nv human natnr." I seen he was a ti Igetln all the thug.. I knowed enough he was tryin to pi tick the courage to say somethin more, but I didn't let on an I apse he got off .nde.larter a while, Rn went out. Ile never come so often lifter that. I knowed he tell kinder crushed 'can't; I didn't say no more enconragin word tto help him out : he oilers was a shy man, but I nevi r hail the conscience to he givin people iqwiitt• ra count an then disappitintin em, so I slierp let em know at once that they ants refused. Fur my part I never valid see what per- Reseed gala to go a m volti in that'd evict their ages an el' the ::iquire lied uv went an married a women that was my an age sui table fur him %wouldn't hey looked so bad, hut fur him to go a bringin home that witting widder with lwr mory-attic frock au that long oyster feather in 'her butmet. Hut 'twern't no use fur him to be Hon up his mousetarches nn wearin light pants to make 11189011fmk young. Folks that lied any sort uv sa could plain enough that he wasn't a day under tfly. he's been ton grand since then to live on the 53111 V airth with common Folk.; he'd a heap better hey stayed In the old honk over the way. dont bey no ,manner tut lutu knee with folks that ca'iiebegiitiStfed (olive the way they was brought up. Why, gond gracious, yes to be sure, Tilly, that bread aint been t ut uv the oven pet, its well you hed wits enough to th:uk uv It, When I get started givin good advice to young people like you; Tilly, lberes no tell. tog when I'll gut buck to my common speur uv usefulness. Well I do declare of there nint lies Border grass colon i in at the (rout door. You Jest run along and see to tl.•at bread, Tilly. Well, now, Miss Bordergrass of I aint rale glad to tk e you. "ARTEMUS IVARD." I= In the beautiful town of Cleveland, Cain, ten year ago, I was introduced, one Sundae morning, to Mr. Cantles F. Browne, who bad recently acquired celebrity by his A rte• nine Ward letters, in the CIOVVIdlli:— er. lie was then 29 years of age, somewhat nl .nder form, but with ruddy cheeks and general appearance of health and vigor: Ile had the ready, cordial end offhandl;l:ll . ll..r of the members of the Western Pr. ss. Line other professional humorists, he was not par• ticularly funny m ordinary conversation ; on the contrary, he was less so limn Western editors usually are. I was far nom anticipat ing the career that was in store for him ; still less could I have fineseen the premature death of a young man who presented such an excep tional appearance of good health. It' he were al ve to.dey he would he only 110 years °fag,. • pc was burn ut Waterford. in Maine. where his lather was a surveyor. Ilis native village, as he says In one of his papers, -does not con tain over forty houst s, told; but they lire milkwhite, with the greenest of blinds, a for the most part are shaded with beautiful elms and willows. To the right of its is a mountain ;to the left n lake. the village nestles between. 0. curse it Lbws. I never read a novel in my life in wide a the villaze did not nestle. Villages invariably nestle." In tilts secluded nook of New En4land, he passed the first fourteen years of his life, dar ing which he aerpored sacit edue.oiun ns ai rather idle and sport-loving boy caul I aeu.: r • in the common and Wall scloo,i, to learn the printing business at a ni ighhor ing town, called Skowhegan. where, to the office ol' the Skowhegan Clarion, he learned to set type and work the hand press. T., the lest of his days he held this place in abhorrence. One of his ft lends has recorded that he te as accustomed "to set up a Imo I lit' derision" when ever its name was mentioned ; and that whenever he desired to express the last degree of contempt for any person or thingffie would I speak of them as worthy of Skawiwitan. How I many a boy has reaped a full revenge up.ia a teacher or an employer by turning out to he a genius,addcunsigt , in,; hint to universal ridi cule I At sixteen he found his way to Boston, where he obtained employment as a ettintiosi.. for in the office of the funniest periodical then published in Boston. the Carpeliag, to which Shillaber, Ilalpine, and Saxe contributed. As he set up, from week to week, the humorous contributions of those writers, the conviction grew upon him that lie too could write a piece that would make-people l at i .g n, I thi n k Le must .have been reading Franklin's nut ado. graphy, or the prelace to Pickwick, for in putting his talent to the tist, he employed n device similar to that used by Franklin and Dick , na in offering their first productions to the press. Having tt ritten his piece in a dis. cuised hand, he put It Tinto thc editor's lix, Great was his joy when It wax handed to gin, soon after, to set in type. This first piece,[ believe, lits in the slyM Major Jack Downing, whose letters, he once acid, had more to-do with making IMn is nuntorist than the productions *of any other writer. About this time he hnppened to read Ilayard Taylor's "Views Afoot," to witch that 'mu. I kr author gave an account of hie making the tour of Europe, and paying his way by work- Mg at his trade, widen was that n printer. Captivated by tide great examp'e I e started Mr the Great West. When hie money one exhausted, he would atop for a while in some I,rge tow n where there Wai n priming °ince and replenish his puree ; which done, he would continue his journey. Ile stopped short of China, however. Al the town of Tiffin, Ohio, lie °Millard a place es compositor and assistant editor, at four dollars a week. From Tan he removed to Toledo, where lie procured a similar place in the office of the Toledo C minierei 11, at five a.. - lars a week. It was upon this paper that his talent as a humorist first at'rncte l attention. and he was soon permitted •to devote lilt whole time to filling the local column with amusing abuse of the rival paper. lie nc (mired so much celebrity in Ohio as a writer of facetious paragraphs, that he was I.irvred at length - lb -1 9Aii - d local editor tithe Cleve. I nut Plaindealer, at a salary. munificent IA the lime and place, of twelve &Para a week. Moot of the noted humorists —and the great master of humor btmself, Charles Dickens— ROBERT I.IIEDP.Lt tJR Plain utb jaw) iob 19rinttr, No. 603 HAMILTON STREET, ELEOAN'T PIIINTINO I 11 T.ATBST . STT LIB Stamped Chrek•, fiords, Cl.nines, roper Hooke, Coast genus. most lir•lo. sohoolflatalowass, Bill Ileadsi 'elopes, lies.l• MIN of loading, Trs7 'exits awl shiptilsr may size, sic., ate., Primal at Short Notice NO. 5 have shown it particular fondness for persons Will/ gain !Mir liv.llhnrnl by amusing the piddle—showmen of all kinds anti grades, from the tunthier in the circus to the great tragi (Ilan of the day. In the performance of his duty as local t dit or, Char!es Browne had abundant oppOrtunity of gratifying his taste, anil he gradually le came mcputinted with most of the travelling showmen of the Wes tern country. Be ile'd4itteil to study thee habits. slid lit• tiqed to tell many a good story of their e Orms de,ices for rousing the enthusiasm of the puldie. Much ofthls show man's hire I e turned to account in the letters of Arnim's %Valli. There are dull times In a plaec: like Cleve. 11nd—times when the local editor is hard put to fill hls s colatims. No show, no court, no accident, no police report, no trotting match, no fashionable welding, no surprise pariy, nn titt thing. One day, In 1819, when the local editor of the Cleveland Ptaindeater was in desperate want Of a topic, he dashed open paper n letter from an Imaginary showman, which he atll xed the name of it Revolution ary General which had always struek him as 'wing laid, "..I.rtenitts \Vard." The letter be. the Edit)r of tl,e Mindenler : " Sin . iffiwring alon‘z—dmvti fords your 0w... .1 tenor you 'should wr to a I 11 •r, ,La% in b.IN R 1111. SlioW Vzinetqi in your 11'18(1. My slun al present consists of thre.• ue.ntl II tr. P. n Kangaron—a amotrzin little Ila , ka I; etn „ul.l 'mike put larr In tleth to ,et• ili.• IWe vu-g jump up unit squeal U. %I'.l , lllnoon, T Human, Dr. Dr. A'eleaer in net , •1 Minn' Ilr. Prnkilisoti, ip•slili.s several Mis. rrlhwcuß moral t. ax suclaus or eelebratttl ;drill. and inurd , rerso el., el:ailed by few and ext. I n0n..." 9 Ito showman proceeds to urge the editor in preparo the ‘vay tor his coming, nu I prom ises to have ill his handbills "dun et our 0111 95,." '• We must fetch the plll.l'e anmeltnw," Ito condone... We twist work on their fedi- I 4 —Ollll ,. the moral on 'on stra n d. ft* It's II temp-ranee contnitotity, tell in I blitned the aaeen minutes later Ise t orn. But, on the rary, if your pople take their tads, say that M ,ter Want is tts genial a relief RS . WI. CVl•l' 11144—n1n ot the convivhility, and the and s„h• or the sotlitil Ilned. Take, don't von !” Mr. %Vara ennele.l .s Pp' Ale by corn; • fling ifs whole meaning into a very ebt.rt p I , C: ipl " You scratch my back, and Ile scratch your Mick." This lei i c made a wonderful hit. It was Immediately copied into ninny !tumbril news. inipergoold was generally liken ns a genii• ine production oh a showman. Other letters illthe ninie vela followed, which car-ied the name of Artemis Ward and the Cleveland Plai”dealer to the , nd of the earth. For two or du ce 31 . 103 they ll4iired In the funny col• illicit of most of ilie periudle.tln in America, England 31111! A tid Bat ..xcept the reputation which the•lette r s gave, they were of lIIIIi ti leatittge to the au thor. His salary may have been Increased a few dollars a week, he a 1.1e.1 a little to his in eosin I.y cunt ri [anions to the comic papers of New York. No man. indeed, Is so cruelly plonderel as the writer or stout amusing pi. cep, zws'iy clipped an.l copied. He writes c .tillc piece for n tr'll tug s•.un. wlreh amuses 1).'11;11W !IV!! 1101111111 s or people, and nn ono compensates Mtn eac_•pt the original pur— chaser. There are, for example, comic dia— logues wide' have Mole s •reice for fifteen iai•ah every now make thousands or p... 0 • night rer which the author received three dol lar+. A rtemits Ward, 1111XiOliS to buy back the family homestead in which to shelter the rill age or his widowed mother, soon discovered that he could 'lever to it by nothing jokes, unless he cont.' s II them over and over again. So lie tried eantie lecturing. 'rhe first night the experiment was a failttre. A violent storm or 311 , 1 W. shit and %villa thinned the audience—in Clinton II ill, New York—to such a degree that the lecturer Itiat thirty dol. tars by the enterp•ise. A tour to New Eng. Lund, how •err, had [letter results. lie lec tured a h u ndred tii;lits, by which he cleared nearly 'gilt thousand dollars, anti Wan Senn slllO 10 sta!d WI ids anther In the comfortable village home in which he 4 119 horn. thought 1 iiit4hti not to c awtu•le this arts• ch• Moon lening the reader know why this bright and genial spirit is no longer here to I I to the wand's harmless mutts meta. \Yell • this I It- rems•nt : Wit rever he whei her itt New Isngi:n•l,•Cnlitnruin or I, uelon, there pens stir,: to be a knot or yo u n g fellows to g ather round Wm nth s hotel, order supper. and spend halt' the night in tilt• lag storms and till4ill4 13.111.9. TO any man this will he tatal in time ;Inn when the nightly cuvusc likllowA all evening's performance b - f re an audience, and is succeeded by a ruil •roa I Journey the next day, the waste of vital ity is fearfully rapiddlve years or finch lifetin -I+l I poor Charles Itr•owne, Ile flied in Lon lii 1853, asst ;la years ;an 1. Ile now lies buried it the home of his Iltoo I lo Jlair 6. It' was not a deep drinker. Ile was not a 1111111 strong sititiiliteS. IL Wits the nights wasted it, eonvi% iality %%veil his system need ed for si•ep, that wait him to his grave forty yeats la fore his tint Par men of his pr.. fessiiin and cast it it'chnntcter, fiir raitors, Itt erary no it and artists, there Is only one safely. —tet totalistn. Ile should have taken the t.l. vice eft stn le driver till the Plithlit, to whom lie once °died a one whiskey ; and I Cull. mend it strongly to the countless hosts who see lids paper every week : "I don't drink. I won't drink! And I d in't like to see anybody else think. I'm of theoph•don of those tun intsms —keep your bp cad. They've got snow. and I've got brains; that's all the e.ilference." • Ninety-six paper. 4 mills In this country WC!) 11 re- CI ari tig last year.' En c ;lanil has list snow storms this winter, accompanied by thunder and lightning. The L Ewa ilia IVestern Railroad Company is preparing to carry loaded fr. 1411 E cars the .N.,,rth their at New York on ferry -boats, just as the CrifilllCll Amboy Ines at Americans iiro. in 11141icr iiivor than ever in 'I he Czar seems to have a particular pr. iti,lice hi their favor. 'file artists of Paris have been really stuff •r -ers by the war. Six or s..ven and sculptors have Wen killed, na 1 at least thirty wunnded. • A Loudon journal pronounces Prim the al,leet or all the rovol.itionistil or sp tin, and the unto elle could leatit afford to spare at this Juncture. Ph lye+, the, English tragrall tu, at ono time very prominent on the London boards, is re. ported to be so broken in health that Ile curi um live long. • The wife of T. Buchanan 11 , 0, the pnet raint. r, Ii ore a Aril:in:: facial reaomblance to the %B ,rld•reooicued Venus de .Medici In the l'alatte. Lecturing in not always profitable In the -West. In oledo. Olibt, recently, a feuttulue orator took but $l5 at the dour, and the fever and age.. •it the hall. L tan. President of the New-Raver, 311 Idletovk it Witliounatie Railroad, other wise called ti Mite" route from New York to Boston, died at Ida residence near M dint tk/%111, Cone., Tuesday of typhoid fever. Attawrowx, PA. I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers