Dru Gootifi. OUR !SOTTO QUIPIZ BALM ASTI) SMALL PROFITS ErEll MAMMOTH STORES! Bluiliets! Blankets !! WEIITR. BROWN and ORAT BLANKETS. Puaur• Fmid In quality and p.m. CHEAP! Nev. are lower. Cal l npectio la all wo a.. and you will convinced. at the moil Popular Place ■ u d 000. t Popular P.m at H. 811IMER St CO.. TO, add 707 Hamilton St.. Allentwau. l'a, J. lll. HAFLEIGII, tl. • • 101$ &ND 10114 CHESTNUT STREET, CE=I FALL AND WINTER • OPENING, MONDAY OCTOBER 3 1870 BLACK BILKS rO ,v to LOIDID EONS BLACK VELVETS, hc., at I , rle,m, PLINS, CASHMERES, SEROEI,DIAOONAL PLAIDS,In great •orlotr WHITE DODDS, LACES, and EMBROIDERIES, HAMBURG EDOINOS, vary cheap, X 0 d t I JOUVIN KID GLOVES, Co I o 6 Buttoun,Jnt racolve. Opening Monday, October 10th. Nab Stylea •ad great moveltle, to Porto WALKINO 11RFOEgk SAC,arKH. hlch the attendee of purrhe.er. I. lueltoil. Diore•--Speelhl attention Nth' to Country Tril.le. petkeee redueed ene•helf. and erret berenine nnti 1, of ared. ort 12.3u3 :\ WINTER ARE A 30411115 T. On and after MON PAY, OCTOBER .16, 1470. train. a RI run ax follow • Lent, Allentown for tine York. sir Central Railroad of New Jerf toy. 1), 1.0 10 and II :o:, 01. mat 1215.• 2 37. 5 45. nod 11 .( p to. For New York, sin Morro A 1144ez Ratimad, at 0 , / nod 11 55 10, n 0d:1 pm. For 111011ak. Chunk and li-141.1..rd at a 10 a in, and 5 41 I' V ' tM . Lambertelt:d anl Twat,. dt ...I II 55 nm, end 645 pm. For Eaton ri no, 4 alO nurt 11 3m. 12 2 37, 3 35, 5 11 915 . n lid 7 For Phikt lelphtd, Vt,,NI. tit ad, ctt, f at.d 11.3 a .n,: 37 nod 611 p u.l TRAIRR WESTWARD At ,; far Fitt,ton. Ilarl. ton and 51 , t'ng 11.0 i .5N4.nn,, Fast Exptemt Cr Tawnada. W Ip, 0,01• to, Ituttal, !Mead., Andell lad and 511 Cnono, 4top. mlr at prtiluipal ,r0i•411., 0n..1 vonileellog ttnult,lll, wlth Int,' 4. t xt i ;,uti Wnverly ltotUond tor Flour* nu, Hann h , . At S nt 00.1 I. .r IV.',4••••ht,r, todr.mu, fI. tan and M 1101.0 f t'itl'• 14 p Coplay USwP.llturh et.,,,, 11.237 p 111 fot IV it I.a got with .1 star stall Nod. E. I', 11.a . r5A LEY tioIIONYI, Itonene 11. SAI hr, I.lp l & K. • rI • - ( • PEN,:MI - No. MAIN ST FNI ItKY 61()()1)4, FANCY ('O WS, )( W OODEN \V XRE, OIL CLOTHS, t es ) f: r) = DEPAWI'II ENT. Goode bought Le Ihn ves, LOWEST CASH I' ICES, I=l like v+►llo are requomod to call god i.xamit, SEAMAN & .111tAIGli_Ji., B M..4:4IIHINNON A C4P =1 11=1 MILITA' Y. SOCIETY THEATRICAL GoODS, FLAGS, BAN BADGES, ET( (o. MI NORTH THIRD STREET =I jurniture MIME SECOND STREET EIERNI. ?ORB STORE. 837 N. SECOND ST., PHILA. • rt... 014 01104 entalillahe4 twenty years. triumph int In FURNITURE. Darla, the recent iloprore on In bnalneer, we laid In for .4.E, ebelap,.sl and heel ...sorted Moe t in the city. whien we are staling at reasonable price... New 1 , tont Sofa Eadstas4a which make a good bed at night. raltahln for " t it ig il aiit c rlALN UT CFI AMBER NL ' I'IP: Straw, Haat. Excelsior awl 'Straw Matt 44444 'S. PartOr rilitare rphotelerrit to any style to colt pmrolmArrt. IVINN 11X0M.. irr: 'la ht.. Auvo Via. (east Plilla FUR NITERF - ,10EP/1 \\ A IN( CABINET M A KERS, so. 113 WALNUT ST., PIIILATHr.LPHIA Our edt.""olllUl.h:gown . t ono e o n the P"ltk1"t" rl""eadWp hel,e Pe,r,red trrUilO7Horl Ple Vomootanctoro ono turnout., ~r . lio ro of operlor.qualltr. tams otoll turolturo slwaya on bood• Oood• toads to or k t,, Counters. Pat Work and Porn it It re for Fa nlor t offlety nod 'Row nip& ft . ..orde r , wo w. J.W. LIPP 1. +lt II .1 Grerttf. RI ETZ6 AR AND (l c % N • W 11 I,r,vi FENsTEitm.‘o . lll.:ll. Corner Tenth and Hamilton Strertß, ALir.vroWN, PA. lelattessor to Bum Fonstermuclu, Urals! la Orilla, Y il lzr it , l reed. Clq r er, Tpnoth and PpWWR Nerd. u ,. r ,747i,:gr.,:: . .!;:r.ty 4 FIVISiIOW,IFSigigN'ARFR ‘.OPDCEANIti:4.R issbles County Cider Vthelor b 7 tn.. hart, I or smaller mature. 1,4!1:1*;:lilagif .17;r Appler Jot r• ceired. mar _ . • l.ar • • IMPROVED HARD ROMER 'muslnrlMr Wilt Irdit.,ll Mid renZZl,7l4ll:l4hitsot Tor Te evar rnmds. tWO.°II4I rd"r1D.V.144;,4,' j el l 7 . gh 141,1=4, phibpalpule itstro: e wiry° R. E It 4i A' A L YOUNG & 1,14,\ AND RETAII 1300 T \ND Si-1()P S. W. Corner of h A MILTON nod SIXTH Srs whore they aro now th-I , oron THE 'WHOLESALE DEPAPTMENT LAROP.ST FITOCK or (loops Till, itn A diTIe ' : , XYX;V.Z% try THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT be conducted a% hercloCorc 1111117,9 A N D 7:7 roenu.svii.LE R. U. On and niter 3 OVEN IIER 21, 1979, Plo•enter Vol. on the Catonantion & Fogelnville Ilailrond will run In connec tion with the Lehigh Valley. Lehigh & kuortuohannn, and Knot Penn. Rnllrontl, Fl.. fOIIOWC— TATIOK.. Tritlng Kant. TralnA Weali P. X. &at. 1 A. X. Ib. x I 2 O.) 6;5 CAT An 5 l'itl . A. 212 II 55 •SEIPI.F.'S, ' l 'l ll IVI 11 •JoRD 13 11111 loth. 4an Ti 111 ''i l 1 4 1 13 7'41' 1: 1 ~,,,,,,,, WAI. 11 tlitT'n, 071 6lt . 1 , o• • ...1 b 10 2 &I. 7 20CHAPMAN'S. 719 6 171 5 25317 30 I Tlt EX LERT 954 1 OWN. 7 117 5 5 304 BREI N 1116 V MIT,. ' 32 t 737 l .BPR 8 1 INO CREEK. '42 1 5 45 1 5 19 325 17 4) 1 AL•BURTIS, 97 •Plag Stott... ' CONN ECTION S. Inn mar lug Min we•t leaven Catnoanftnn on the tol yeti of the L., V. It. It. Local Pnnsonger train from Eaotott, Bethlehem MO blip town And ronnecto itt Al- Bunk midi a train on the Kant Potinoylottnni It. 11.1. r lb ndlnu, Pogo v lite, Iltarinbaru •••••• Philn4elphin, and nine with it train ' for Allentown. IF thle`tem. Enoton. 'I he morning tr ~. tot.t. cola, cto lit Al•Ilurtlo with train on E. I'. It 11. from II nrrlobtarg, H.,1111/g and Allt•ntown. aad at entaouuttun tx MI train on Om eiligh Vnlley RAI- a t 0,0 for Mauch Chnuk, Wilk...Tho I r., !q.t.:on, Phil delphia nod Now York. 711020' 1 P. 51. train W 4.141 rout, cto nt Al-hurtle with a Walt, on the Enot Penn. Itnllroad for !booting, Poll'o'tile. Ilarrinburg, Allenlotvn, liellOnlient Eaotop, hibblelphin and New York; nrroe In PH1.1..114 119 Xi , 11 4 90110 g at 7 bo p. tn. The Evening OHM F.:,'t lenvot Al-Motto no the arrival of u train front Alltintown and of n train mal. luaeunt•c• Onto , . ttt Reotiont tvtill Italy. Iron, PhiLotelphl.t. 11 orrio• burg, Pottoville, &c.. tin I COIIIIOO4 with local poooonger Oulu on tie L. V. It. R. at Co bt•nuntt for Allentown. Bothlettem unit Ita•ton. • Peroono stoat.. 0, go to Allellie., inn tattoo the morn ing Hain Went to .AI-hurtle. arrive 01 oto o9C. n in. end return by a tram ui tho Earl Pennoy It ALII. It.ttlroad, loaning Allot:to , II Itt 4 .. p. M. C. W. CIIA A 'MA N. I It Ilg 10.1) l,upt. au.l Eu¢tn , •,r. kAIT,} )Ar. l; • ; ;EH, ; I eli,h I:. I trxlu+mivAlleati.ll at II L . , lisit ro IMI p. 1.1...10.14111%.• la Philadelphia S a 11114 ~11.11119.111.1 11n.1,.td tr , ilr. , 7:0 to.. 2 2 4.; awl 501 'lll. 111, 2 I:. . I Ti ••tin.l.o • 11,•••1'14 1 •/ Ira,•• .1.•,•• 1 N0i1h, ,, -t ..ora••r llrllt ad am , inc., •1 1'1,1100.0.1a, .111e1.1 , 1 , %il at' .15 nilu.da.l 1 4.5, 1:11 all ITi)10.1 1 tal 5 VP II .V and 4 1.11 1 . 111. I•Tht . 1' nil W. •111t1r.oal at 7 .1 , 11 1 al 11 3 1 V. in Yor Al 115. an, 5%51 h r• tn lot L0ti. , 11 , 1•• an 5151.1 I'l ... fa. 1'i.11.. , 1 , •1r10a • L,4V,ltollikho t;•!, 1.• 15 .s. 11115. :0...3 11, • iloll,ll, n ,VII zL I n.. aOO .m 41145 1, in • • .115 • • 1',.11 %V a.lllt,g Lim HI 5:1,. 1 , a. in.. 2.2' •• .%,tugt..n n•nl . .: •5, 62 , at..l su, I•2n 1151'6. 1;•11.:.11..no 14 , 0 6•l:.!Ph , • 1. , .v.. 1 ... 1,1.• 1111.‘ t.. 1 li. tlO.ll. rn I. tn. •• 1411. I/ .4I . 2 p• ." n ''''' EhA N. 1) 1 it All, 1 r \V 1 31'1.1t A ERA SC. F. 51 EN T. .Mt I ) tk Y, NI /V F. 14 21, IH7o. i:1 of Tr I. DO t 1... 351111 niut 77.4 Plol Pour Taste•itt A• 1.4. tut .4.5.051,0, Lee , mon, Allen ute 4.1 , [lll.l. Itun 5411 . 1. 1'510011.. .te Trienn r.r . 7...tv Yolk .r 15 , • • •• 3 10, It 110. I a)... '2 5.. p. rn. eontiocting with VIII .t .51 P.n....) I mule 1151.10.:1 nitil ut 11111. it at N. otjl, At I. t 1,1 1. 3u, 55. 1.101 10 1, pI,'.0"111.. 11 110 . the 3 In 1,, IT n. . ti t ain untie 11..tu1u.1... 1 nee Nette York nl 0 1 5 , v 1, 1 c. • p P0t15.1 1 11 41 in nt 15 A. iu nr..l p. SIP.. pt. 5 11. 11. ' l ll 11.11 10.11, y.. LrAVe. t el' 51...e1ni. 5....15.51, 01111 061, 311. - 110 , 0, 111,1 11,1011 01 N 1 . 11, 111 . 20 411,1 40; p. in prin.: te., pt .li. :1 , 11 y ti..• p 111. le WI . ..nting l'..ttivill.. 0151 .e.; Fut P 11.01111 . , Si:loon:11 1 nor. , and .101,11 • it,klll tu And niptp,44.nue 111.11 . 1,1.111 • 2 .tt P. tn. 4.5.11 Poen - yleutlia Esti. el ti t Ile 14..4,1104 Allent.itea. u... 1 New l • k ..1 1. , .1. 111 445 p. Heim utun, 1... Now Yotk 111 n. In., 1200 u0..0 110.1 51, P. ,51.1 1 All..ut ..4 7 , 12 . 25 /01 , 1. 400 40.1 , 13 p. W.iy 11.111 1...VC .. I i 1 .1.. 111111 x 1115111.1111 iela I /1 , 111 0114,, th nt p Lean - 'I .Pot ult . at :ma 9. 3 n. in. II 7, don 51 1015 . 11....1111 1 1 + 1 111111 II . ..I, , A.I. 14,2 Si 703 0. 111. tiud 12:54 .I'll 4 at 751 tn. I .15 1 1 . , C.. 01.10114 -1 t 3116 It) p. 111. lul 1.1.11..“...1.1.0i. 3.1 V Ytti ke.ol.og• llorittilp.ro. Leave v ••. nelpl7 .411 i ...Ad n • rI 15 5. to t , II 111111411.“ 1111,1 ....11/ ' 1 I'.lll l . 1 /1 .v' . MP' rielii.ik• “11.1./10111.Ar1,111111,,111 1 011 11.1'.11 .I,l'l Volt • it 5 VI u. 0 , 1.1.i.1 01 7.10 II 5141 i 10.4 pLlx itt I 0 1.5) 5 111. fit' 11(11,1111,• It 415 p. lorud r m.111111.111'.,11-- vine nt I. 14 p. P.40.,24...1 Act...tun...lsP 5. 'Viol.. 1...4. t Pint-tux nt 7 Pun. in. 1 • 11115 , 1 1 .40. • et 1 , P. tu• 11.1111 Aid Ttitlui. 111 7 it. 6 17 fa 1.1 lor I N.M.., 1,11.1, 1..1114... , 11. I :0110/111. &I'. Perk 1500, 111.11r.....1 leall.• 11,1 , P. Jut,etuto nt 7 43, 90. echo et tn. 3.0 mud p urn.... lease 1 o ,•nt 7N. 000.. In, 12 0 :Join nu.l I p [:'1.5"k•'11011.1in81.1.'..A1111.1. PI maw.' II 23 4. ni; 11 1 4.• Ntuunt PI u•eut 7 A 4,, II 01, ',mil., 11,1- 11 th.tnter V511..y it:111105d tau, 1111.1 u. p •it 1.0 p 1t•,.• wnie,,...7 Kt 054 in, 12 15 nod 51: •p will 'll5 1.111 ttalun ' Utl Iteadion 111.111,4 Liu h ale New look at :•tV 0111. Phlllt.lPiPlalll 18111x5tind 3 12 p tu (the Atil !hal 011I:11.: Il ''ol it.llo Sill 111. 10 113. 1l1.11.1 ) , 0:; tit. 1.411.. tow II 11 45 1. 111, lientl.o4 7 151 i in I.OIIIOK , 1.11 nt 50,0 1,,, 7,.„ I ' mk. ill 5 4 I x to alit! 4 ,5 p nn 1,11 L'emulutatiou. Bl. . lllll '1 icketn, to will 1t..01.11 puha., at renue..,l [slle. llannage ripteked tbluimb; 10 1 0 poutoin allown4 l'announee. 0. A. 510111.1,, D.pt ly Gfn , ral Soptr(rit. /lib lit. A 11.1.1:tiT4101. Ni l'.l!iFiEN . lilt 1". 13. • 3 1.- .c, WAY TIME TABLE. ou ~,,i 011 0r NW: DAY, MAY hilt, 1tt7.3 nor , . will run to ullnixtuttLi•litAll V tlr, nud to 1110Allt ) nud Loh Full nut! napytte. 1 1111114 nutintn AltnutJu n Fut aunt., lonvllut. Stall., 11..10 , 11110 AAA Tutu AlttAA., An lotion,: For L. V. For L. & 0. For Fur. Itnitytt Fur. A M. A. M. A. M A. M. 7 3,,, 3 . ..0 ti .0 0 I:1 6 10 7 5, It, 01 II in 9 io 119) • . 1110 1.. 91. I'. 9i. P. )1 0 9 ^ i) 1 4 r. • 1 40 S+o 5 z . 4 7•, ' 10 3 13 n 4: 7 2, 0 13 IC. i 3 . . The In p. tn. 1,1 mi.. In ennuettlon u 1111 tlot :: atl P. .. isupr.&. Et:prowl Trutt, on L. V. It. A. for nhilndelpbot sun :inn, fork. Tho 2 15 p.m. car runt: in COOLiMetitni with lien 2 47 Itnln on L• & n. 11. I:. (01 Phil.oldiphiat and Now 1 ark, The 5 3d rad run- In connortlon writ. Ott,: th p. 111. Min nn L. & 3141.11 Chunk and Intetnitdinto 04A• Intuit, nud op unto httnt I . lthudelptun run Sew York. FARE TEN CEN I t.t. =EI Children trader ten jeer .1 edr. rice Cent- ADVIIRTISINCi CPACI: AT VENT LIBERAL ItATCc. *TN' cracking I. •IloWed on the Inc.. end prt.sen go". are toquvoto.l no: to ride ou 0,1 pltainim win lhelr 1. Conic incido II linC111.111:Cli hup'l. TeleaTapia Illstrilet ion Department, T. moot the donlatid fur ohototero the oath, otg opened department, fintetramely fitted op, at a great ogpiql.e. %vol. ovory larlIlly•for teaching Toloa t hp. log. A Malted nualhor of told, Ida will rocrdved for the now cla•ed, ot lortrllctlon, 0w...100t/Ih, rod firod OTIItWU DOLLARS tirnduatos n ..Intel la obtain Pordtior ,— Threa , lahlog n volt thoto-ol vv. of Ita nd vaulafioa W 111 lustlndio/Mon la N Nvoni Engini er xnd Electricisu, No. I,S `sash sixth S., Hills., P. h. —Trilsgratili lours, 31111 I” cos• .tr sited 111...y part ti,e Violist stair, soil futuisisst 7..1111 l A A DIVAIt It .t OP :WAR OF 1812 AND' .IIEXICAN WAR. ""'"111 4 d ,(,',Trr'rfol;rolVi.',lllY.,;n7arg." l " l COLLECTIONS Tr33.131E . 33 ' 13 .. 3 " P""'• wbo N0,..1 1“tIK 1... with . .NlllKr to ftvrlri. the Were.. of Ow JuliN Itl"SIITON A; .11.. • IlahkPro mod doollill.ol tit., ES= THE )3oot itialurs 11.40 11eax itemorrn Tn T.lll. NOS. 34 ANO JO, =I MEM natlordos I • I\ Tl'C lIRAN.i IVO.IiNT ppin, t " 0111:S" ESTABLISHED IN DEvosiTs rtEcEtvED. THIGH REGIS ;s`tattoiletu. • W()MEN, ilfaia , Your 1101114 , 8 . (on►fortal►le 1 ! NOW WE RAVE IT! I'll LAIMEST CH EA P EST A N MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF WALL PAPER IN LEHIGH VAT,I,M, lIEM Ohl) F.:STA/11.181fED BOTEN BOOK STORE OF LEISENRING, TR ExLER & 00., ALLENTOWN, PA nre Pepet 4,11 +t) 1., n t pricer IA eult either the riell IF 1 . 01• WANT WALL PAPER thin 01`,011, tl“ not WI In ttlvo aa n tall. We 111,.. now on hand Ow tt go•tt storkstorkln the Valley, and Ti'r off, aren , er and bonr InduenutPnln than any 0111.9,...tahli•hnona. • REMEMBER. It will pay y.. 44 41 , 11461.• t • roirclutto m 411.• BOTEN 600 E STit It 4.. 414 1.1:151,N1N5 44 4 TICF:XI.EI4 34 CO., mar:lo44 Allontown. Pa. • Clothing, G REAT AT mu. rioN . ! NEW FIRM ! NEW GOODS! CLOTHING !. CLOTHING GRAND F. 414 AND WI STEN OPENING. OR RAT It !CD tIC N IN PRICE ! I'. 0S 113 N &C'o., 5000...,0,0 to m.tt: g or o*lpun• BARGAINS GREA T I' ULOTIIING ENII'OIIII'M IN I:EIMER'S 11111.111 Na. NO. 605 HAMILTON STREET I=l w oat.' inform the eitironi. 11 Allentown and the 0111- ioioling y th.it wt. ale 11,1 , 3,1 with a la rd• stock 01 good- for I 111 Atil) WINTER WEAR, and MT, Ilion" 1.. Ow public td price.. To thane who lot) , Ilto'r Ci•iitting r ioly•nido, did) aro Initiriared to odor 110101.1[N ,, • - 11 , 1 Id: SU/ TS MADE T.. e.RI) ER! ( . 0 ATS, P.\ NTS AND V Cot tintl me• 1•• In the late.. stylt., matt by the hettt nortt 11 ' It "tTOCK OF CLOTIIING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES Is larger thun ir 1 , 1.4.111wf0r0, 1‘ , .•1 sae Intend to es!' nt very t..1A1.1.1 . 11 4, F1'15• and IC v , our rosionlors 11.0 [woo lit of our nrelins , -• of (11,11 .11.ntitivw nita ‘mi , oti..• N I ES, CUFFS, COLLARS, • tn.' thin:4 In the ll', of ()EST'S FUR NIB.III .V( - ; (1001)8, MEN', S, , rrll•'. BOY , ' au.i ( 9 111.tREN • s (1,( rr lII\ G. =I EMM=II • 1 - ' • ;. ti•Pbr nlove .tr. T. i •I . n t I .T 111: V: Et% I; 1111.: TII E T I; 111.1:1 kNI) DUIZA.III.!. cLorrnING, KEY•I'()N I) 1.1,1 F. i;1.1; Hate the lorge•t, met ehrope.t teock 01 1•1.0 IN(1 ever got up to thi• et .01. • I. In their I.n•.•uchnn COATS. P.\ N'N, •Y EST and ;di "in, o..d+ L. 31 F. A • n E A R . FOR LESS MONEY than yon r tu buy el.etyb , re in ba•b•rn Peun•ylt ..V.) Mop Shop made Goods sold, CLOTIIINO M ADE TO ORDEN %Vt. keep ettt, sit httoti it Ito . , ..1. cut, tt••tort mend of • in wilt it rlt I.w , r• 11110, 11011,1011+ 111161 t 111 111.1 a.• 1140 - All w. rl tt a Ir.tolvd to b.. of ,to. ve, y h.,. CAI Rad ~ e .i. o ur 11,11. li Y )N E II ~ • NO. 2.1 WEiT lIANIILTON sTitp.}:T. next doot to the 13. , hot. llocoonod ehereh, TOWN. PA. A 'nil r..ornn•n! of 11Pntr' .J•.,1a.q•..0 tiALd. AARON BALLIET tn.o . 1-fr ?LAIN FACTS fI'ORTH rge,'weLl established and ful business, with an'ex e of more than twenty- I's, enable us to offer rents to all who are become purchasers of A succe perien five y induce about ti '--Clothing—act no establishment in y. Our garments are If the best materials, lected; nothing un any way imperfect, at all, even in the !s of goods. It is liished fact among It our Ready-Made every thing that a superior gar iqualled by any in Philadelphia. lent is so large I t every one can without delay. ialways guaran lower,, than the We have ent of second t the count all made carefully sound or il is made u lowest gra( a well esta clothiers, th Clothing, it goes to mai ment, is ur stock of goo Our assort and varied th be fitted at oni Our prices arcl teed as low, or lowest elsewhel also a fine assorl tiiia-Goods in t which Will be mac in the best ma prices much .lo usually charged made to order. Samples of goo.' lists for all kinds . forwarded by mail when requested, w' tions for self-meas garments, either A or selected from . Made Stock, for press, guarantee rectly. Person's not n can when visiting . call and have thei gistered on our hi that purpose, from ments can be order) future time. BENNETT & Tower Hall, 518 Mark, JAW -way between"Fifth and Sisal PNIZAD.ELPZIA• ER, AUX-NMI\ JTor tltr Labtr.s. 1115 Hopkins' "Philadelphia 1115 HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY N 0.1115 Chestnut St , (01r.mt Row,) Fmonfehl u2S .4 rrh St., Plitlrrelelph(n: A complete a.nortinent rf all he new Full Share , of nor Pelelwaled Clmtopion" Hoop Shirt., It every length and elm tog titer with onr own Skint., • rionlity.l and fall lbw+ of aond "E. , •ton , made Pk ~ for pale WHOLE: I ALE owl RETAIL 41 I 4 ' I^F.9 .I PST vEtw'rEn tiEt..m"^noSE Md. FOR511: 1 1 se.hqox. nor filmooron lit ill. More lb .11 .41.• loin their repotntioty for vormrlorily over tt othee, and now (old of Poch Priem. no ll r meet the \IOW, of all. kind pro POirroinl.4l In every re.pee•. C.11 7 .914T4 I POOR Tii ronsETA wolortnient of Per eta contain. over 100 Libel. and price., mei inclining. every Moir:tide kind...orb Thom...CA (Mote Fitting. J. Derkel'., H. Wetly', Madame F by'. and Mr, Alne.lit• •• Patent Self•Allio.ting Abdominal 9.ll.l.ortinv ' In all armie, together withrhildrou'A. and every area.. of Intel mothe rtmainv in uric •A a. follow.:-41r.. Ole.. Ole.. 75e., Sin., Sir.. Sr..r. 90e., PI, . ill 00. Al 11. 111 14. 41 111, 41 25. Ate.. op lola nO. PAN IEII Ill'aTl.E 9 in 27 .15 le.. Iran 31 rents np to 1051. be.. 11.... 11ader.flarroente In all kinds and wino.. flight Dre..e. Iron. Al fll to in Infant a IlreAtie.. lona tool eliorl. from v2111..1;11. floret! sln.lin fl Tara., 750. ; 16Tocit., 91e.; 111 Tuck., 41:12, kc., be., op to 4.10. Ilnop Hk illy and Corneta men in order, 1111,Ni and re• paired. et Ma ....factory and Sale. f00n.4. 1115 CheAlant 'tr. et. Philadelphia. Call or for Clreal oral; ern 2...9in ItAND EXPOSITION FOR TILE 1.14 FASHION ABLE WOlt P. CONIIM,IM 101'S 'IF MRS. M. A. BINDER, No.llol W. c 0.., KIPT.vh 1 Chmanut atirat .. Philadelphia. VASIIIONS Ftilt TUE PALL AND WINTER of Wholesale and a bloh Polio Una OW Or. noun He. toil,. purply. Cloak. and Conan loot for 1.a.11..i and Child ern. tor A il " nr..:( lal 11 ‘ , 1 ... EV. dozen. , If you %dant n haii.b.ornaly•tlitilio, wall-noon. roil, at nhnrt notion, go to Mr. Binder'. for 1,..1 , 11.1 trlintaleiga and dainty ntitrhen, Tra1. 0 11..11 11.1.1 W. 1.11.11 num.. Walkinn tin Fanny DuEss AND ‘ll.t/AN Tnimm NW:. BUTTONS, iIIINA -51ENTs. ,n,pl.lKllll, then at...t Paris t iovidtia. in black and colorad Cringe., Until, Rocha., Loop., Move., nil., new In Slain and l'ollata Neck 51 A BI: VP I. APE OOP P 111'4 . .11E:Sit.: LACE. FOR PRESS 1111 APP 11 .1...., Val...al cum, Ilainbitrif, 1.1.1 Thraati in .1...i0n nail ...I. an. in prio... CHOICE IND I IJI 1414.1. Mata. C Mourhoirs, Cam , and „1100.1., 001..cted by Mr.. 11l tiler at Niagara. Eleintut lini. of Whitby Jet 110.01, .ot., F. ...nip, Nankin. , and 5p1.011.1 11 00 of Frduch .let Coral and Prowl. (1.1.1 Sets, Cnarina. !Peas, Hult..t., Chains, sky., which prk,. nr ~,yloty In .tyle, rennet be ...nrpa...l Strang. , visiting au.' aliy lire anYitail to ..antnine. Plokinu and tt Voting. A1,.'.tl perfoct 111,10111.11 . Me...l'lllllllg 11.1b1. by moll or .:xprosa to ail cia MRS. M. A. BINDER'S, N. W. C..r. Eleventh and Chestnut St,. Phliada. 14..1.•4m '7111"1'1 * .% 1 • SHARE IN THE PROFITS: sShaWk! IlaWiS!! 'Shawls!!! I'R S DYPAR T. 111.7 NT UNSN7P.4SSEDI PAISLEY S'FIAPED SIIA IN I,S "';:i!.V: Y it'Vu . ,!:i : ','‘ . .:,'t",',l!'A Y ( . 7l . ri r it.T !MAW 01. M A MMO'FII STORES, E. S. sill \ IER iv. 705 AND 707 lIANIILTON STREET, WEE" MEE= SEWIN(; N Hi' HER FR ITZ. Agts., Allentown %El: WHAT CLAIM TII In WILL PS 7' SHUTTLE MACH/NJ?, O ('T HAIL! Thnt thry v. ill :u tkra Stlieli 4otlA Iv,' Thot y will II I. .'l' FELL lIIND I ! FFLE Tr , K ' ' • UATIIEII AND SEW ON AT 1 II E TI 31F INs r.u.3fE NTs pa. .1 MON 7'll TILL' P.. 1 11) In addltlon to nll th , y .n .• Equal:y •, ...I for Vhu , or Work. ii ['WIZ VI • Z l'l7, In) 2',.'110 LOO ! 1.4141 h ! 5,1; OK !! I AT FosTEws NE‘‘ volu:sToitEi TILE REST .IricIILVP 1 . 0 TBE 110BLB! GROVER Sr. BAKER'S ImpßovED lIEESIII'N MA( HINE A d vi, e rcl hight•-i ur,u‘unt, ••Tho erov. lho I o• gt of O. 31Al:111:, I'll I:1 , A .11”1 .11 HT..,1-ttit,t , ‘ w 1. 1.1 ha'. Iju 1.0..1.. Alt.utt..o 0 “n•I vu•iult) lu 4..1 t.• t... 1, ont IMIZIEBEI tli~• N n —Full lei. ritet e` , ak . rg All M A ,100,, ttiv.. -ut , .ratliots. S. 31. I(EIPEIt. Agent, No• F:a..l Ilntf lio) Al • All..ti tow, ESE WHEELER tiz. WILSON'S li, l ll l IN (; ARE THE CHEAPEST AND BEST, IT IS NO EXPKRINFNT It . WHEELER & WILSON'S SEII'IyaBINS Over 450,000 now in use. They reef lean to keep lu reptile than any other They' are humble fin roil, et tut. k. They have but ono t n-ton to rountato. They took° the haute htil elt nu both htdott of thu law! owed. They ern warrant. a three 'tuts :41311 Trfl. NIADR T. rer ALL PTIICIIA+I,I,.. PETER( )N R r ENTER E.vh:E.i .I()E.v Oil CHESTNUT ST.. PHILADELPHIA ....ILLENTO IVN G ENG Y. No. 2S EAST HAMILTON STREET, Third door below liermou Reformed Church. d mar ihly • x 1/11t1 13.10 e Piece,-tea • up to order, ner, and at r than are r garments GREAT ESCIT , E,III ENT ERY nut) \ CAN BUY A lIAT OR CAP E. E. Al AT I ENV S' OUR STOCK IS ALL NEW. PRICES NEVER BEFORE , with price garments, t any time instruc • ent, and • o order . ' eady . d e ex t ...r -eit • ere, ila elp 'a, me. re " . for i , ,r -it at SO CHEAP LOCATION CENTRAL. KNAUSS' BUILDING, 45 EAST HAMILTON STREET FIN.; DOLLARS FOR .1 SILK 114 T, 1.. THE OLD STAND OF YOUNG ,t; LFNTZ ALLENTOWN Cull and Pro otir .011141 and be ennvlnend. tharav tOnovlng ;cumin even If von .lo wll.ll b, buy. Jut mon and Fluglivb .pukun. E. it mitTnEws. TUE DAI Nl.l A LIVE NEWSPAPI.:II: ON I N TEN ()TS. A WEEK • geri,lln your nanois nh.erlllor, IREDELT, k SHIPLEY =I Wl{ CUSTOM . EltS =I EAsiEsi"rEitms! =I 31.!at5 anb Caps SIN('E 18(4) ALLENTOWN, PA TAWAi Styli, and lir+t Mak, N. WEDNESD AY 3ilcatcrs 0 I ;11.:1:41)1t Fitt 1 S7O . . The only Stan , that 11,11,14 net to In , •,-..—.._,.,1 whnt It I. repre.ntihnt to ho of 11Ani.: /,:-T11,,,:417,11,1: lIIIIIN NIS In tho mark.. fir ill J,....iA1 f & . ;,h.,',A linallil4 Milt olnr . thllit v. II In 0 ,1 .' - i-.- . ....,'.• ~,i k.:, • ty for lOU year, Moro .611‘1 In .....V. A11an,,,,,,, Ohio all ll,vo. Baru, Star' , ..r . - -- 71.t 7 nonsl.lnwl. Sold hr N. WIT,T,RM G. HITTEIi, MEE STOVES, II EATER'. /4 Fill!: PLACE HEATERS MIMI 'ZAN I'ERN NS& CO 1121 NOliTll SIXTIISTIII 4 XI' PHILADELPHIA, •.a, 1/P.A1.1:11. 4 IN 11, BRICK SET AND PORTABLE "II EATER S. 932 E ( r 11.1(.11 , ilit v. If 00 11.. r, The ,pt1f.811....ir iffi r roly "( , V 11., ,fre tt to i .1.41 ti lt iiWitl.l it , a rimy of Flat rtid Si ~• 0,11 liAlll . O, 111.111 P IA A hl,ll ..u.ll rut Wit. G. IHTTEII. A,,nt for Allebtown thi - SU.NP rolt i •LA EsTAßLisn ED Wit 11110,4 l'r• itoutu, , 1,1, relittot. nt M .• I=l sELI -IZEGI'I,.\ TING NvitouGHT moN, AIR TIGHT, GASCONSUMING 11E1TER m - sT NrizEEN. wzATE Ii tit Itt'STS nsn WINO:MIT Ai"roMATI , ItEnt'I.ATC.H BURNIN ,- ; ANTIIRA , ITP 'JR nfrrmixors roA 1, OR wooD. 1.1 .17 )1 left .it s Port He OWI V lit .1. ItEYNOLDs N. \V & FILBERT 81= 110..00010 •.r 111.1% TVl . oll2i.i 11,0. I l i A l 0 0 ,00 r. 00.1 ir .00.1 1.. 1.0 01111 nr T1..11r. Th., hi• —0 '0 /h•ifir4 thiit H'ilhooot 00.1 in ..11 4 Ind,. (1001 van .41 010.01 iili• COtIKINi; It r> an•t FAMII.IIO. A 1.... n FLAT Tot , HEATING lIA NOE. FIREPLACE HEATERS. AoW GOWN (1 It SLATE MANTEL , . REGISTERS, A' ENI I LATORS T",tinv•ll.l+ riving full wont fr S.pertactrs SPECTACLES ! SPFCTACLES 1 • E Y 1: E A large att , l .1!! k i l i r • eq3SpPetarlea. Eyo Av., 3t • ..' CIIAS. S. \I.V .-SI.:1"S NO. 23 EAST lIANIII.TON STI2EF.T =1 Ilxvl de,twl grwit deol altentiell . 1011 I il film my ill 111:11 illl ,l llll l, 1111 ii .e 11... 1,11 !hl I e de• ur NI tot hi , !t „ it I A 1:11'. There twt ele onfartn , .l n eit thew I- . tb.t ., 141,1 pro,. e tt il ,l It. •Iww I• lu nl•••t bfrle • tetwlnit 0.1 the letve het, trulowetty twtl by .rt•on pre. teliw4 to }wee., utste.et a I ffrle ttl:t-u, 11[10 eh:Arming r Item. thereby trattleing .t1 101,11 . °,1 e • ewwitle+ awl m 11 , ef lin' . . I 11.,1 1 )111111 , I\ lain.. eetitplete .•f ill ,. efw le -t itod •-t Nu..., 111•111111111,1,1 ,1 1, 11111 . • A . 1 1 1'11114/ 1,1,10111 .11, It • ree, Twit , um. I :1 , 1w; iuty .11111 lit belt it •ww,l el. %view , d *veil give hit . .• 111. 11. feel 11.111.1 nt l oinill , ill 1.111 , -It wit. .1 ihr . 1 41 At N.• 1: 111 et, tier mitts Itefol .I Cl/1111.11. 11111211 . 11, If Carpcts aull (011 lrlcitl) 'lllO.ll AS 1 , 111.1 . 1. • .1 :7 5e,11 ( h ..." . 1 . 1.01•11 SI tier. t I IPor tI (lieNt !111 1,1 , I'll I I.A II I:I.1.111 .\. 1., II I. 11. , 1 ,1 , 11 . , 111.d. I, 111. • 1,....• .rt•l ~,I1 •-• I. .In, • t ~ .1: o' ..•la C , ~.. 1,1,21.1 1 , ..111•••11‘ . a. t. ~ 1 2.11.0 e . z. • 1.) It .it 1.,1 .01..'.t .. .‘..... to ,•;.,,,,_. 1 , 1 .,,,,,... 1 II 11v. , .. i 1- I:2:., Ma-.. r.l .lo 1;•..1....\ .• . \l•. a I r. 1•• ' 4 .—.1 `'l'' \\*ART 1 , 1.1 . 1 . 1 . ir r,,•1 ;It 1 . •..; r, ~,), •• 1 220. t, bat It ith Ti ~til, D. 1.1) . rep 7.3tu,,,, G. B. Sxi W. F. BAKER. CARPETS: C cAterwrst \ )11'1'11.1, =I 111. u TIfS. MA TTINGS, 17;: 11"1.v1)fi II" .1//.1 I , T.I I a I: fIIPS, G. B. SNYDER & 34 SoUTII sEcoND rinLADELNIIA, N. B. -A t., ACTIPDN?:‘ tirlE.t It 1.011:13FIL THAN The Pudding . is Proved h}• Ealing! CA PET DEPA NI ENT Repteniahel avd otold at New fork and Philadelphia et .11 Arley, A 4 BIM% BRI'SsEES CAE PET. • • •• .4 4 TAPESTRY Btu! C A PET. i PI .Y PI , S.. AMITIPS TAPES' RV •• - %NEON •• INGRAIN CARPETS. ail attati••• 111 1 T1'11 CARVE. U. REM P CARPEL'. RAO RUGS. MATS .INP MATTING OIL CLOTH. and WIN DOW SHADES ii lN A 'lV l Ti a. lll'FF.(ilt.ll'. II RA B. 111:11WN ~utl GREEN 11. r. cifully. F.. S. & na.l 7 7 Ilntll 01,,n Si.. &11.. tit9wn. Po. CAE I ] INGS. 723 PEABODY & WESTON, 723 E. 11. GOI)SIIALK c.V., CO. Are. opruNe a fillf.a“rortztornt of F:tiglitilr In t l tr Brio:nein Taproitry, Threit•l'l)s, loan:4la*, Malt.. Rllll6 Oil 'girth*. etc.. °tr. Extra Itidaretneruttioff*reil. NO. 723 CHESTNUT STREET, .ep !..I.3en PII I I, OEl.l'lll A GREAT RUSH AT THE 0114) A I.LEN rows en IN A SToRg. • Low Prices Tubing People by Storni INTAILING AT W11111.1"051.11 NOW IS THE TIME to tiny Cheap at the Ind 'OWIIIO,I'II Chloe anti Sere, No. 611 IIASI• ILTON Morel, nearly 0000410 the 1101nlau Reformed Church. . THE LA DOICS T AND riIEA PEST TOOK nt China, Oluac and Crocker) ware lu Lehigh and ;Of olu tug eooulle+. - Now retelllug at thu folletclac Pike , Oond lucent PLATES al &crate ' 15 luceote 12coute 115 10 tW I.S 15reole " 11 mode .• In .1 cool. In MPOtS . cenie 10 Tl.l 51111.1111 S ric•oll• , II hereto Flue 1115111,ETA. 417.5 per der., 01. 15 .4110 oech 75 cent I,A SIPS, u 1 rciccute Every variety id qUe.OtikWare tub iila,warc cheaper Ihan the cheate,t. Al o, I.001:11er 01 Coffee Mill., Brllialleearli and Table Code, 10.00der street variety of .e6O itildninry erVclo.l loon 1111WI011. to teerilleu, belonelnalo e .1-rlaw. Mlle:, More. 511 klud ..o.frulfl4 l o.loosvord. fleneenluo Cl,,' 111.,r0, ell !lASI. ILTON STREET, weal)• oppo.ito the Oorluall Mhoteed Ouroh. I'. V. RRRNARRN . DECEINIBEII 7, . . NO) CURE, N() PAY. i)lt. H. I). If)N(; A K oto• Uolvtr,ll) . or Pollll4y Ivonio.of la•ru In 04111 . . 4 ,25111 0,1'0. , for N111111111..r of vorloo‘ port."( the 110100 l •tatos; rooms, ot. loud all al& protowttou ut hot rooms, East old, of Sixth sired. bd. Hamilton and AL ENTOWN, No rdlent Medicine+ tiro it.u , l or rocormnendud; the Tern ..dtua lultulnktered no , Mu, which wilt not brunt/ down tho conutilittlon. Ent fen°, me .yst ..... from nil Injuries. tt tu. so, allied Iron, mitteeal tnudlrlnou, and led‘e It ld ho...ltlty and , urlcutt) urv.l contlitton. C.1.4,1`.11.11./N, BOON(' II ITIS, DYSPEPSIA, 411 Ind of Loud.. IAT ,, which h,udrty eol)' , tool d.Oll tin 111111 , 1 Illy de rtirud. :%I.ELANCIII)LY A ilEiii{A..i . l()N, thnt-1.1114 all ,,, latlon aberultion ufinind which ten• der. lu•r•ust. u ooylud the ldcd , lrc. , or Put' fu inlnd Ow 'lulu , of Itfu. Flit IA: NIATiS AN!) I'.IItALYSIS, in 4tty Imo oceondillou, Ott m,lc warrontud Fii•ll , l;t r yi na kirk it soul chronic or mtnb• b rot ca.o , • VEIL\ I.li I/ ISF . ..‘SES nod rddlrolly tetouvidlt vlein tot y0.t., , ' y do•cripit ol t , I'll. , and met ofolutu. du. It rautud uncut 416-Purtu him sotcnoon eivrn ur plirnlo 111,a ,,, / , of I i loot, ouy compldlut Int:Muni:o thulr 405, fail iiiiii.lllllll4 , l4 , it it-unt am, of celled CALK., ,dired, and Tomo, of oil roznovud tvlthunt the knit. , or .I I: ll , caue.uf EYE AND EAIt . cod effectually r more I. I. o o,ker 11111 lucky rod!.ny dklonco 111.41; Daniiiiilliis•ii.) y woof n tiled• leti .lil3 with pro, cc .I.ruction.tu coy part of the cuuntY. 1 1'1.111:: 1111.111111 , 1 1104 Walcott, All^lll..Wil, 1.11. Inlay 03-1 y =I SEND FOR CIRCULARS ••• •04. 4 .. be ,p s 'OP ° 4 01 TS ,z 4/Awl- _ ' 591 Ba ohowAt (0. EARH.CL PHILADELpHIN E A IR „c. * , 5 , 3 mAR D icE-r o s 1 • • 19 DOANE 9T. COUli 114, SORE THROAT. ate. No medicine or tecom(nt can cx•el thr p)ic erfoil evrritire poircr of 1)1!.. SE\FAI'S IV lilt e Ptilnionie IZE 1 1,111. , IA 111“ r:11,11“ • iotlo r I , .n d ly ot l, I tor Ti, rtm• roomm ,th , r ons Ilaton, 111111 111111.1,th , ill 1901311.1,14., It ..thor and romahmltle:. j thr .n eh tl , O 1 , 0.11 v. 11, 1'..11111110.111. ‘Vlltrilnif• I too. flp•s. Is hot (with a few 11..11 , (wail, In Mal rile II h,l h 111 bo Ir that It If Imr• .41.1.. 1., pr, Slid/ I. It.. rsquil,it , ,sher.•Ver It Is p.,nsisr y all-es from tho fart that It toover-aliy 1 all ho ape It. Thor*. la 11.1 cameo( f'ol'.:llS, ,11.1. 11 r. in ANrwt• 1.1:111,. t"l'lNti. 110A11 4 E , ESS. ItY w hero the ry.• hholloino Ino mho If ...rofollY hhol. ar , of , lh.. ' l • n ‘ r .n i l :• "' o . rl ' o ' 1 ' 1 ‘ ; " ..1:1 " $ ' 11 ' ... "II 'o!t l on ' e r v?r; " h r l: ' :, Pt . 1" 1!1 " i * C.! ‘ , 1. 1 1 1 1 ; rent-, moot I nto -it , 0101 41 tor I meg. ' hottiva. Pre parocl ottly f. 11 SINIMS, 1) PRACTICAL ORGANIC CHEMIST, So. 707 MARKET sr., \VI 1,7%11 NOTON, 11E1 jo‘nnon, Ilnllo‘cls.4‘ Ca , vann. Aro!. .it. ot. H H. S. Ihinro, IoS IS ,Itirnare Airent. FOr Mol: , no D0..1 , r, nn10.. , 11Y• je 1.1.1 y MU I C~~'.I• .'.l I j r7-1 1 . < 3 r , ..„` ' 2 , -- , ,- ;:!7 - ,)1 ETP; 4 ) - -"*.. • i . ). .. • cc,),....„:., !„::„ ~,,,,.., ‘, •1. „ ~..., , ~ N:1 , '.,„ . j.._ l :"S.fr 1" 0 " t,-- , ,' -6-:. - 0 , gs T'r I ~I nnv 11 I j it ly 1'.1111;0 ' . 317 , 1=1L: .T.E.T,IIVItI, o , (11. '1,11 , .. r ph." Obi,' 1t,t0.0., ..11 A rvh ,t... Prf. Dalton. 11-, W. . Ith St.. Ciin,iiiiiiiii. U., and Dr. Gam,. 0 Cliarktte, .. Y. C. tro mak- nig sistenishing , ,,i 1 , 0 v „,l ,4 \ 1,, their great C a dn orAiithintiiii , t,. ... "", ,v, nitwit t tio ' It nfo or .ie \r, CA r. ~ d , „ in .. \ u„,,,,,i,,,.,,,,,,,h. 7, Q , rain. Eer,. rn.,t and Moro it ' CI l A_ n \ killed antrr,;- ra m ed. if taken in , v . 4 Q rl timeamican- 04 return Ilan - are , v . ,... „.,r, ~, el I,..gna Pr, .. lessors, nith their ‘'p "... lito In.nis .0.- '. ment, st , ,..iitni ...it. ~ (0 11l to advert i se ; meats. No otlwro '-- ... treatments. N , ino other sliniild eier be used. For particulars, send el, itlar. call, or attire's RI shore. MEM A NEW ERA IN IIEALTII-CAVING THE WONDER OF THE A(E! COM' . O1 7 X1) OXI:GEN In a peVI. ra ,on of that et otolorfill element whirl. hex th.• P. 0141 1 ,110 hop... of Ph th.o it. In. fOti , d n power ..14‘01.kti . 1..• rI.I . r .1 reap. ..roll,. or the ..too, A wookottio and .1. 1 1 1.1 ..1 oini•tratlon of it dating tom ...L.], hoot I, r 1.111 1.• boitsg the 1.1.1 TIIEA SIENT to incur .%N 1 Ell. sit. h iire rootlrmo Our IA 1 . 1 I'll r , \'. It ...TES. I , V.F.N A 111, V. 1 ATOltll 1 EA, It • •, 111 ,P1.1 ., 1 .1 0 , 1 I now,. an,. aro ...weal I}, 1. n. .l. f /Ill; (;irard Street, G I:. \oItN.EV, A. M. 11., =ill e-1.)) yt .tr• , `uir• a.• , .., id lo•l)(v .111.1 nnift g 11- 0,,.•44,) loolnordlrr d tlatly and public LS ...Mow... In nil imrt. c.f lhd U. h. . . • 4 ) . - ; AKEII bAbvE Nil.oil C Dome. at.ee, Sens. Ulcers. Fencer*, Foie rie not Wok., Chapp. d I.lct nod Hood., Eruption., Chilli at... Bite., or Sting. of I oneete, etc. *l'A WIN hEL. EFL CURE FOIL PILES. —WO Pn lop In rd‘r. , 11 pot , for farnlllool. All L 111401.1. • r.ryw hen , lion It. wintour IT IN THE HOUSE -tOSTARi • - AT ,Eq , TARS' ,24ig 'il!z4i • • • STANDARD PREPARATIONS, COSTAR' , " RAT, 110 AP 11. hr. EXTERMINATORS. COST irg" 0110411 88n•111711 EXT " CoriTA It to' body pore) INSECT ~ow DER. ("Illy .or.' remedy) CORN SOLVENT. n-r lILO erori /o.k for • (1.7. , t• Irk (,144,0 nther). 41, +2 0, h ml 00.7, ,, . , or.ler from COSTARIB Ilnward St.,N. Y. LAW ALL 01 N, MIDT & .. Allen town. Po. JOHN RTI SCJr.,H Ax..nt, rtito.nn t. o o n. may 7.l.lyd•lrt lwearn T 11E , IHUI." INSTITUTE Po t PSTOW.N,,VONTGIJNERY CO PA Enull , ol. Srtouttge, Artktic and Commerel•l I.nnttiou ndudruble. Tu , ntieth Anneal The address fur College or Fur Firen ar uddress lige. (1 E(t. F. MILLER. A. M. MFFEIIRNCES— Iteg• Dn. Mel.. 8,114.1 Pr. • Kraut', Sol-, Muller, etc., ete. Ilea, Judge Ludt. hooltottil Myers, J. h. Yost, R. 11. Boyer, Al. Hum , Thayer, etc., etc, July 21 • SEAN EN, PJ T • Pll(iTil(lltArilEß. (I.uto of PhllArlphl..), Inni taken the Clallery. No. 11 EAST HAMILTON STREET, F ortne r], Ly It. Laitrret whrm A P7Titta <mit pet El 851..A.M.:4 UFA- Ink. yt . m A• tiLE, vlitt•l g. trial L. All Mit neetlell to..ttlloly.••ery Cll3l K. ONE ! 11131 K A LI. If yt.o 150111•PltutO. 1 . 1.111., V. 5,11, PI olo•3lltittoltiret MelttNluty P.S. 1. <rul ype, ete, My. us .1. JRAISER. teeth . Lusaereox, AA CCOIRDIVAINN, NCEIt T N AN -CA Jew. Vtlingtrlng. of the Lest mmlity to C. V. Wnirerill'4 Mort, Nn. 11311, Untniltnn•nl.. ticiptolt I =II ,•• ".• .1.:(..11%,1111 DIM I rd ter =MEMO i• •• .• I 1.1 • •I .... r. no, ally 1=! DON'T BE ONE DAY coSTAR's" etmcatiunal 11=ME 1870. iLifc Eliffitranrc )1.110 AND TRIED INCORPORATED 1851. BERKSIIIIIE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSFIKLD. MASK Tifi•mas F. PIAINKnry, Pro..ldeal. JAM I:+ FHA NEN. Vire Pr,tdont. lIHNJ. CII iCKEIIINO, Sern.tiry and JACOII ItEEN E, li+ , 4l,4l)int ,rcrelarY Failure to Pay Premium doe. not forfeit the Policy at any Time; but the Polley trill be ran earnedu force coat`il the 1.1 , 171{“fl. already paid are folly nby the of onotranc... Should the inured die within the gieriod of continued Inure are, the full amount of the Polley will be paid, the eanne en If oil premium. hed been paid when due except that the Premium. , overdue nod unpaid will hr elnd th • Iton actually paid ander thin feature: Jame. Joyce, of New York, lonored for 41,1)01, died four •noutha after premium wax due and unp•ld. Amount cold, 41,00, le. One tietli I. A no tml Premium. 51rekel. of Claveland, 'mlted for 41,001. Mott nine months a ter hitt premium o a• due and unpaid. %mount paid, SI,OUO lens one premium. Samuel W. Ma-on, of Concord, tunured for 0,000, died thlrt,eu month+ after hit premluto wan doe sad unpaid. pall, 1,101, lets two premlumn. Thin of s ahaolutely ercured to the Polio -lotlder by x him Of IhOCXXIIIIOIIIXXxith of 3lopootellut•ottl. Guarantying Every Dtsy's liuttironre Pad For, = All the otionitn belong to the Pettey huldnro, and ore .Itvl led ttnnually nuntutc Pollicino In knee :wo yonor..— ItlVldentho rallduall In rash, ar ...a I. thereon ,. On uruoc Econonitnal tflilOngetnt nil Imre inve•tneonts; nrefnl me horn.° of hon..; ftrottnnt dud honorable oottletnottan; total condltlnns of travel and rtorloicnce. I= S. W. Con. ET,EVENTIT & CH EST U W H. GRAVES, DENERAL AM, A TTORNEY SarrOo. NT. W NT- . Appgr ~r go W 11. CODER. Moot. Alletitowo. For Or gam= For Pure Water, Ms celebrated Pm entirely tasteless, durable and calla. bin: equal to the good old-tanhlonet wooden Pinup, at con less than hal o money Easily art so an to be non-f and In construct!, that any one can keep It In repair. THE BEET AND C 511crliantr5 CONNI101110(7i EN'D CLAN' II A ERSE V,A11"1011t E N N jit • AT LAW CALM , . LAW .L PA. 3.111 11. ~, Af BOILER ANI)( •( I. \\.()RKs 1, ,tcunicaur, A'rIORNEI AT LAW, eluht doorx ahoy, tho Cowl LENTOWN Llthlgh coma, PA L.l, 11....0•1 JOHN WOOD. .111., I=l TUBE. phrß AND erI.INDER IMILERS, RATH! AND STEAM CIRCULATING BOILERS. I All k lode of Wrought Iron COll, Tuyere fur Tilnvt tiaantnetera. Snook. Stack.,lllantlron Wheel. 'onrrown, ',tot everything in the Boiler and Slie.t Iron line, hind., of iron nnti Steel Fora nee nod Bleekattlith work, Mioers' Tonleo ail kind., ow h as When) Buckets, Vick., Mallets, Sldges, S.ioto end Net of tool. conl kinds, and skilled workmen. 111 Ater myself that I torn rut work with protnntne.m and dispaiel), all of which will be ton rrent. to I' telling Sellers, and rerinlring Ronoro l Iy. vtrletly nt• tended to. stir 17 A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WAIIM:t'I3 01IXFORRLS Y NEGAR BITTE 4 , 3 4 Hundreds of Thousands 2 g,„ 7, ,--. ti 15 Dear tglic u ng h to . tgl e r e Lre oder. IE. 4 1 gel WHAT ARE THEY? SB 5`;:o . li';'2, 3 . ono t ! 4 . 1 V„ 3 tr ' o 9 i i i s eti nee 5' u 8 . 0... .g ..e.d ' Fr 0 n f e e n O iri' S i : a . r. 3 1. 4 ..:i Esi E v 1 i.l 1, , To; ...... . , a o'q 6 VIET ARE NOT A VILE . . 1 !T 41 ii a FANCY DRINK.; E lgrulo or roor Bow, Whloker, Proof Bairns nod Itofoso Liquors doctored, spiced and sweet ened to please the tonic, callod " Tonics.""Appotix. crs," " Restorers," ac., that lead tho tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a trim Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California. &co from nil Alcoholic kltimulanto. Thor aro tho GREAT lILOOD PURIFIBU and A LIFE GIVING PAINCIPLEo perfect Renovator and Invigorator of tho System, carrying off all poisonous mutter and restoring Ow: blood to a boalCry condition. No person can tako these Mora according to direa then and remain long unwell. 6100 will be given forum incurable case, provided. the Lone. aro not destroyed by mineral potion or other meas., and the vital organs waled beyond the point of renal, For Infinmmutorr and Chronic Ulmer:on. Item nod (lout, Dysoctlla, or Imilarestloo, Bilious, Remittent and lutormlttent Fevers Disease. of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Madder, these Bitters Lave been most success. NI. finch Discuses are caused I y V {tint od Blood, which la generally produced by derangement of the Digestive °M.D.. DYSPEPSIA Olt INDIGESTION, read ache, rain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightnesa of the Cheat, Dissiness, Sour 'Eructations of the Stomach, Dad Motu In the Month, Dille. a Attache, Palpitation of the heart, ILI:lam:allots of the Longs, Pain in the regime of the Kidney., and &hundred other painful symptoms, aro the offspring. of Dyspepsia. Th S invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the tor. pid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled erica/es In cleanning the blood of all impuriti“, and impartiny n aim life ar.,l' vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Totter, Sall rheum, Blotches, Spots, I Lupien. ruitules.l3ollo, Can boucles, ring.Wortns. Scald.llead, Sore Eyes, Erysip• elan, itch, Scarfs, Discolorations of the Skin. rumors and Diseases of the Lido, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in s shoo limo by the um of them Bitters. Ono bottle in such cases will convince oho moat Incredulous of their curative effect. . . Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its impurities burettes: through the skin In Pimple', Erop. Cons or Bores; cleanse it when you Ind it obatructed end sluggish in the veins; elegem it when It is foul. end your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure nod the health of the system will follow. TARE and other WOltltite, lurking in the system of so many thowsands, ere effectually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed ft; four lam gauges—Englislt,German, French and Spanish.' ' J. WALKER. Proprietor. n.ll. ItIoDOITALD & CO., Druggists and Geo. Agents. Ban Francisco, Col,. and 84 and 111 Commerce Street, New York wirsoLD DY ALL DAUGGIUITS ADD DEALEML :71" • Et z . / 4 5ZUS' AI: P,'"" 7) • 40 1 r . GC Bronzes, Fancy Goods. de. BIRtIIDAY, .BRIDAL, AND HOLiD.AY GIFTS. We vrunid e.‘ll the attention of our patronr and ft tend., to our LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS. Our Importationg of ibb. ...canna art }nit °mind, atul rwr-ent m ,uy NOVELTIES, width we feel cartiiiu will Order,. by mall carefully midi promptly aii , maiid to. ROBBINS, CLAIM & BIDDLE, JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS. No. 1121 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA Ell= JeKLIIIAII ROllllll. Nut D 2tu.w. 13111111.0140PF1V OF MARMIALGE.—A Ner? Careen or LIICTOI63, dellYol.l at the Peons Polytechnic and Anatomical Museum. itfr, Chestnut fit.. three doors above Twelfth. Philadelphia embracing II • subects: llow to Lien and What to Live ?or; Youth, Mat unity and Old Aga; Manitend Generally : e aßeviewed hi cause of Indigestion; Flainience and [wreath. Dnes eeeonnted for; Marriage Philosophirally conaidcred. These lectures will be forwarded en receipt of Vicente t y addreaona: Secretary of the Penni, Pontno:row ACD Al.“0141 1. •L Smitten. lawn Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Prune. one TI•ly W J. EVIFIRETTN NEW PATENT SCAPULAR SHOULDER BRACE AND STRAP SUPPORTER No Wit,s mider tbn arm.. Porfactly comfortable.. ins made., awl Wetly hanoacial. JO North lth et., .lovr Arch, Philadelphia. Trampe, tlapportom klastle at t.rotchea. 40., lowest prlCoa fn the c4t7. re ty W. 4 .e Hrotrsstolial Caro WILLIAM S. X - 1"1'01ZN EY 'I• \ • BEADING. PA. WIII nttontl prom; Ily to tin, to itn t t, nz nonntlom. (ti Trlnn M.ODILIS L. IiAII'I , IFNIAN. .Vlrrelft , NEV Al' LAW, MR,- Natlo.ll l lllk 1111111141 r. ALLgNToWti, l. n• m A ..k. HO, rounti., emt In it, Enrlbillnntl Oermtn Innualw, ••'111.17 \ V 11). ATT4bIlt• • )Y AT LAW. (fnrtn•rly prletle , 4 In V.1.n0 .onttly). lillir.. .prom {e• ItIP C..11'1 l'o. ? , 1:1) , I, rut, Inngual, _ --------- ---- ' CoN,ANTIRE 3. EMONAN. • iniim IL ow. Pt:. rit 11 , RS Ai N A: • LIVEM, 3,l•Tfilr. NEVA AT LAW. A T,T, NTOW N. PA. Collerti. i ,tendi,llo in limb nn ,1 ad WOK ~..t,c, rm. , . rt lleutloit given (null legal 1,11. 1 ne. , , , 11J ilt...ever ~ Consaltutious In FAO 1.31 nod Il• tot Au. Jon 155.17 ' PV K & 111 A ATTORNEVS ANI) COCRO'.I.I. ,, RS AT 11W, Alloot , wn. Pa. 011icr. N... 5' Eko.t 111.1.11 , 100 •iro,•:. C. N. Rt•Ng. Y. A. R. BA LMVIA - - Tr lIIENSBERGER ATTORNEY •-• • • AT LA W. Itolonv.•.1 In fh , . l'o+t onnonil floor, ALLENTOWN VA. npr 21-1 y FJ. MORE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, l . ALLENTOW °Men. Ennt 114,1111•:r. Ktrert. 113" •to nno.nltcd In 01,1 mm . .i•-n II T . . IiES S. Ell A TT4IIIIItN ET AT !Joy. No. .20 .It. , 11 porn: Lion Hall. Pu. nti,tiou elven r 17.11. (1 EOlt(41.: 11. 11.111', AT I. VW. nitlrr n ith 1i0n..1 1. D. Idw a, L.LIAS 311F.111TZ. ALDERMAN, JLIJ SURVEYOR AND CONVEY ANCEIL AGENT FOR TOE SALE OF REAL ESTAIII EL ‘V.EI Hamilton St., Allentown. N. H. sow ii)ir4r. virrtrlt v AN!) roUSIII.I.OIi AT LAW We. Co, ner of Ibmilton ore. en Nd tw all • with Rnle. town. I'u. ..I.: TAlt. 4'. C. IV. GI I DENTI,I% Ali, M. A. Tr S , . K.., I lomlllon Allownwn. F J EISR FOR REST, AirroitNEs AN! cro•NsEi.l..i: AT 7 - W. , 11,111- j.." 14-ti T S:111111TEIL, A'I"I"4IOICNET AT J LAW A': I , .11',TICL MILLEI Tow LEI! I.A. H. „ t o I,l4olVeut Jind n•I ,tea. Jan MUMMA z R. III:TM:AR, ATI OR NO' AT LA W ALLENTOWN'. P.A. Mit , . Ea•t tna1...2.•'04 SA7tIILTA. A. RI" z. .VVIORNE 'V AT LAW. 11111 rr m ilk I'. Wyck..if, 01'p..-11 , E.lght AI.I.ENT. O W:i. l'A. • - - IEORGE B. SCH.% I. .t1"11 . 4)1CN El" N -X AT I.AIV. 0111,. Fit tl••••r 31,•••••• .1110, 11 • LENTOWN, PA nuo EIZIVAIRI) lIIA AI"IrOILNEV " "I' T , VIN . I{I , UP P. AVl"l'MtNr.li.ll' E. •,11,1,1h , 11q1,111,..n ALLEN .1) . y 1 . . Ai..tmi WOOLEVEIt, .iET4IIIt NEV AT LAW 0tn e ,,,,,p....it. , %l reuit 11,, • AI. LENTIIWN, PA. Imo' I I) EZlntrbcs ant) :ficimirti . . .. . ER. . .. ISAAC R. STAUFF • wATC I. ES AND J EW ELM", NORTH, SECOND ST., colt. or (It, itT . An r7rtinent Wlf utelles. Jewelry. Silvio and eriltegiVt.:l'l'g"7 pr,ul.llll V :included to. un, 11.IY ITF:I.I.RR tt BROTHER, NO. 97 WEST.IIAMII,ToN =I CLOCKS it."t i v ,f . IT , 1,11.1 n.n. • GOLD AND SILVER 'WATCHES (bail ent be fouriti In any of store la the oily. .JEWELRY OF ALL I: I N DS. SILVER WARE evf.ry dtnti CtarWutroo,repaired) on Short Notiro THOMAS W. DAILY, f.mpQ , ete.o Qf Watelie.s t ( No. (.125 Market Bt., Inallodulplam, J tespec:lu , ly a attcr...n to now and carqlu.ly sell cied staca L,l WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, Miter aud I . lxlrd are, le. J I Rrpvlrltß proa,mly , 1 ueatly dote. 1 I I E ? YI CARD. A mikh !' t lE CALDWE • • 'Desire to invite particolar attention to their Fall Stock of SOLID SILVER %, AIRES, ar• ranged for WEDDING PRESENTS. com pr.sing a great variety of new, useful and ornamental articles in PLAIN, ORIENTAL and PEARL PIN Ili.' These goods, chile fly of exclusive design', N‘III be found at Mialerate Prices, and In very complete assortment from the inexpensive and prautical article Mr 'lWe use to the more elaborate and ornamental combinations for Dessert, !limier and Tea services. A cordial invitation is extended to all a tin may feel disposed to visit our Slum and ex amine this beautiful colli.cdon of Art tcurlt in Silver. 3. E. CALDWELL NO. 902 ell ESTNVT sTREET. PILLADELPHIA, jEWEII3tIi. SILVER A\l► PLATED 11 ARF OIIAIt L E M SSE No. liaxt Hamilton ntrout, thn llorman forme Ipd hurh. 3..4 rrrolvt..l I rot, N,‘ York I.lp. 1 adehl C n. n 1111... lotept • GOLD WATCHEs 111 , 111.1110 I,nd Leal nanortno•nt fP f fiold W0.. , 10 and at lower pokes than ran no fonnd SILVER WATCIIES Ilr hiu• largvrand litter nArorirbent of SUN, than can Impurch.ed Itriy‘r hero elm, GOI1) ,IE \ V EILRY 113113.10 n lorg..t and 1., 3443,311,111 01 311 Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Ile hal. a larger sud better aweortmentofall kind. of lil/t and Plated Jewelry lb. Call 1.1111111 • SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Ilehee nplandld itosiortylltat 4 . tillyer :,tk Plated 1%;31:. : Il u ttrzerduo de, nug liteuds4 in thin 111.10 run nut fell CLOCKS A larger atmrtment than at any other e,tabilnlne.it MELODEONS. A eplrodld atnorlment of Prltlen'n La the world. ACCORDEONS. A nplentild unnoritnent anvil kind.. of Arc...len , lIIn entublltilitoeut hue lowly. linen fitted itiol poW aecnwd to wine In Near York nod lihlhololultin. and itheitil of ut l ythlogiinteltle the loran cltire. Helm. n hake. vtotik of funlilonable good. lu hie line thou all 01101, In 1,141.1 county combined. To convinro yournelve• 01 the nl.O ee null and nen. CANDY ANII *imit. GEO. W'JEN.KINS, 10 lltl RICAN &8 Ll,Bl[B, .Van vslact 1, re r SUGAR, MOLASSES AlvD COCOANUT CANDY, APT, W 10,1,10141, t•1.•1.41t IN FRUITS, NUTS, FIRE WORKS, MIN 4 'II I{ ISTNIAS 1;001)S =I)=MIMI PI ill .AI)I;LYII IA d0e314, Mg ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers