di a IN IN yoio gegista. ROBT.IREDELL. Ja.. JOBlll.ll L. SHIPLEY Editors and Proprietor*. • ALLENTOWN, PA., DEC. 7, 1870 TO OUR ERIENDN We are grateful to the friends of TIIR REGISTER COI WS sympathy and support which they have given us In the past, and we respectfully solicit from them now not only their own patronage, but their kind offices in enlarging the list of our sub scribers. We mean to make Tun REGISTER for 1871 a better family paper than it line ever been before, for we believe In progressive journalism ; and every new subscriber gained will help furnish the means for carrying out the plans we have in view—Let- every subscriber and reader of THE REGISTER consider bituself or herself a specially appointed agent to obtain new subscribers, and with a very little effort on the part of our friends our list can be very largely increased. Any one who sends us five new subscribers anti ten dollars before the let of January next shall receive Tile Ramwrun free for 1871, and we hope that our friends will be disposed to help themselves and us In this way. THE REGISTER will be sent for the remainder of this year to all new subscribers who send us their names and money before January. Now Is the time to subscribe and get four extra papers free. We solicit hems of news from all parts of Le high and neighboring counties, and our friends can materially aid its by promptly forwahling us the facts In regard to any matters of prominent local interest. We,also beg to inform our friends and patrons everywhere that we have full . facilities for doing any and every variety of job work ; and we solicit their orders, feeling confident that we ens please them. Orders by mail will receive as prompt and careful attention as those given In person. We make gnu Job printing a specially, and our friends can be accommodated with anything they desire in our line at short noticeand at reasonable prices. & SHIPLEY. THE INTERNAL. REVENUE Commissionitr Delano's report of the opera tions of the Internal Revenue bureau for the past year has been made public, and the facts which It contains nre very interesting and im portant. it is gratifying to know that the estimates 1111111 y in his last miniml report of the probable receipts from Internal Revenue for the fiscal year of 1870 have been more than realized. Those estimates were $178,000,000, and the receipts for the lisral year ending with June 30 last funonnted to $185,238,8117, an ex- Cogs of over ten millions or dollars. The total receipts for the fiscal year of 18110 were'sloo,- 080,344, so that the receipts for the last fiscal pear show an increase id' $28,100,823 over the preceding year. When the reductions made in the taxes levied are considered, it is evident that the taxes levied have been carefully and efficiently collected. Mr. Delano says that he finds no insurtmmtiffible dilllctilty in enforcing our excise laws, anti that the prompt and cer tain collection of the taxes imposed can be easily secured by the employment of revenue officers who are capable and honest. Ile thinks that the revenue service would he im proved by discontinuing the employment of spies and inforniertt. :mil that the detectives should be continued hi s rale, under the de. Agitation of Assistant Stipiti The revenue from spi r its for the year was $55,581,1509, and )Ir. Delano repeats the re commendation made in his report last year that the rate of tax on spirits and its manner of collection be 101 as 111 111 , S1 - 111, ns ho regards it unwise and inexpedient to make any it, , ,W11. tial change in 1110 law in this respect. T h e receipts for the Jest fiscal year from tobacco were $31,380,707, and 1i r. Delano 'expresses his satisfaction that the only 1.1.1111,1 y for tile frauds Iu regardto the 1 itt I.itietto lax ii to make the fax on ail ileseripiiiitoi of tolince lie thinks that there is no good 1 . 1,15 , 11 l why ditlerent taxes should be played upon itrtieleA 1(111111 valne and priee. one is used fitr smoking and the other tor chew ing. 'rho .11,otion or Congress is caned to certain defects, ionlii.2nities end vonirinlietlinis the net passed lint duly, and It'll do well to give prompt attt whin to the mat. tern referred to by Mr. Delano. I.l. r'' I" , ottu'iiiing for llo•contl•mintion ul sll good citizen, in the fact brought out ut the conclusion of 31r. 1)elnno'; repot I in regard to lite etllci:ney of the revenue •erviet;, ender lie Administration or President Grant. During the last eighteen months of the Johnson ministration the aggregate receipts from In ternal 'Revenue amounted to $2l 1,320,765, and during the first eighteen months of the present Administration the receipts were $291,1112,827, an incre.tse of $49,(1.2,im1. I)n., ring this time the taxes hnyr 1 / 1 .1.11 l'l'ljilet.ti to line nomad of aliont filly millions . or dollars, so that there is really a dill . ..relict. of nearly or finite one hundred millions in favor of the Grant Administration. That certainly shows that economy and efliciency are carefully looked Idler by President Grant, and these practical arguments will not he lost npon the intelligent American people when we enter ninon the next Presidential campaign. GEN. SEIERMIAN'S REPORI The report made by Gen. Sherma» shows' the latest reported strength of the regular army to he about twenty•five hundred officers and thirty-five thousand men. Under the act passed nt the last session of Congress, the 1 number of officers will soon be reduced to about twenty-three hundred,ancl the c u mber of men to thirty thousand. There are four grand Military Divisions: that of the last, commanded' by Maj. Gen. Meade; that of the Smith, 'ccinunanded by Maj. Gen. flnlicek ; that of the Mfssouri, commanded by Lieut. Gen. Sheridan, and that of the Pacific, corn ' manded by Maj. Gen. Schofield. The General expresses the desire that the reduction in the number of enlisted men shall fall as lightly as 'possible on the troops of the line, because if the companies of cavalry and infantry which occupy the remote posts art) to() small, many of the present forts will have to be broken up. Gen. Sherman alludes to the use of troops in assisting the civil authorities in maintaining the penal mud collecting revenues, and says that If it is Licence() proper that the military should make individual arrests it should be so enacted in clear a n d distinct terms by Con gress. As It now is, the civil authorities often expect more from the soldiers than can be rightfully or lawfully done, and proper once „Aiwa to this matter by Congress will be of great service In preveuting any conflicts cif authority between the civil and military authorities. (lea. PAM:vies report upon the condition • pr the Indiana in this country for the past '-year Is a very encouraging one. There have been hardly any serlow outbreaks or hostile • tuovements, and the prospects are good for a continuance of peace for the future. Due credit is given to Red (loud for the efforts Which he made to induce the Sioux to become peaceful alter his return from Washington, and the President's plan of appointing Friends 'as Indian agents is cliniiiienduil by General Parker as having been prodnetive of most exc lent rest/its. There Is some progress toward Clvilleation among some of the Indian tribes, butt the condition of the Indians generally ie Wretched enough. In some li.s..ances they have lawn decimated by disease, and in others they are suffering, from Whine, an d there he • 'certainly abundant opportunity for the exist ,- • ' else of a great'dcid of kindness toward them the Government. The Government has spent money enough In caring-for the Indiana In previous years, but there have been few goodyMmits proceeding front the expenditure, and WV hope that Parker's of t ai of the beneficial effect of the luau. Onion of !je new. Dann policy will be ray . ..•,. • NATIONAL EDUCATION The report of Gen.. John Eaton, the Super-. Intendent of the National Bureau of Educe. • lion, gives some interesting and suggestive facts In relation to the cause of education in the United States. The annual expenditure for public schools, not including Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Oregon, South Carolina, TemaesSee, Toxasand Virginia, Is $61,000,000. .This is a large expenditure, and ought . th be productive of a great work in the interest of education. But even In those Slates which pay the most attention to education scarcely more than half the children attend school at all, and of those who do attend a very con siderable proportion are so Irregular in their attendance that they derive but little advan tage. Two great things, therefore, must be done In order to secure the full benefits of the large annual expenditure made for educational purposes. Something must be done to pre• vent the present great neglect of school priv ileges, and also to prevent tlo 7 irregular attend ance of those who are enrolled as scholars. In twentydwo States which contain 10,339,- 484 children, only 50:1,916 are enrolled in the schools at all, and the average attendance is only 1,377,069. These figures show the nn welcome fact that less titan one-third of the children who ought to bo in school, and for whose Instruction provision is made, regularly attend school, and at this rate it is easy to see that we shall soon have more ignorance titan educatimi. The amounts of money annually expended per head of the school population range front $19.17 to 110 y-eight cents, Ne vada standing at One extreme and North Carolina at the other. Pennsylvania. stands fifth in the list, s:erada, Massachusetts, Cali fornia and Connecticut preceding her, and our oxpenditnre is $7.86 per scholar. New York stands eighth in the list, and Ohio eleventh. Iu sane of the Southern States considerable progress has been made in educational matters since the close of the war, particularly in Ar kansas and Missouri. Tn Tennessee a very good system was started, but it has been seri ously crippled and almost destroyed by the act Inn of the last Legislature. The Carolinas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama are strug• gling forlight and advancement In reference to public education, but there is still intense jealousy of free schools there, and the progress throughout the Southern States will be slow and toilsome for years to come. The matter of education in the United States is one in width every good citizen has a practical in terest, for in the diffusion of education is cen tered all our hope for the future of our Ibpub. lican Institutions. Our native population must be kept ua•icr the influences it , the free schools which have already done so much for the United States, and those who tome to us I from other lands will he poorly prepared to take an active part to citizens :mil voters with ' out the moulding influences 01 one American educationai 4yslem. lien. Eaton well says: " Every new coiner to our soil should acquire knowledge or the English. language ; other w•ise we may not anticipate on their part an intelligent acquaintance is ith the spirit of American life, and consequently they can have no appreciation for it likely to secure adaptation to its peculituities." The hope of the country is in its schools, and how to in. crease their efficiency and how t•t extend their influence over our entire youthful population are questions of the greatest interest and are well worthy or the most careful attention. 'rm.; ruBL/c DEBT Secretary Bout well': statement or the con. tlition of the national tinanceA on the 1 , 1 01 the present month is us follows: I= Five per Celli. bonds Six per cent. 6i1,141-.. lEEE ITEITT TIEN lIINT. INTETIIENT IN TANTE'''. MONEY. Cart Illcat es at 3 per rent............i4:1,0110,000 00 Navy ven-lon Cunt al 3 per crut. 14,000,000 00 Ceti t at Ipr I . 1,111 . ..... 1178,000 00 Tula I ...... ....... . 50.725,0(K) 00 Intere,t ::04.:104 ':74 PrIIT ON {lllll'll INTFICE, , T II t!, MEM Amount um,•inudlu_ ..... ..... = Demand gird legal tendernotes.. $13541,102,:121 FraNilltin I eurrenvy :i9,106,010 OS Gold cerlltleatte‘ of , 1111.0.11 118=E=11 Total ont,landing Ihteru-i T. 1.1 deld .principal ond In dote. hicludlnv littcrek dII owl It n .1180881 in lLr 9'rvB,Bry—CBlB.. ,+'!17,"08,57781 Oirrenvy. . ..... '28,.1:13,290 6:1 111111111=E111111111111111 DOA 1),) 31111)111.1 111 Tri.it,1iry...82,334,309,404 65 Debt its Trea.,liry Novoillwr ...... .......... Derrea-e :luriue the past month $7,475,860 Decrease of debt since Niareli, 1, 1870 $104,019,082 52 Bonds brined to Paellle Railroad Companies, interest pa} able In lawful money, amount ma standing 64,618,832 00 Interent accrued and not yet paid 1,615,470 80 Interest paid by the United States 8,815,345 40 Interest repaid by transportation or mall Balance of Interest paid by 1' lllte•~I State.= These figures show a ,gtatifying decrealke in the amount of the public debt, and form one of the best and most forcible ammu•nts upon the economy which characterizes the present Administration. A statement lately prepared by Gen. ,pincer, United States Treasurer, shows that the Government has paid of the bonded debt nlr,ne, fr o m March 11, ISM to . November 11, 1870, in principal; interest, and premium, *182,042,787, equal to $:013.837 per day. The total ['remittal paid has been $21,• 817,490, and interest *2,035,540, ott the par• chase of *159,589,750 of United States bonds since March 11, 1809,. when the Secretary of the Treasury made his first purchases for the sinking fund. Thu est,mateawhid, Secretary Bout well will submit fin the next fiscal year in his annual report will be about twenty mil• lions of dollars less than the estimates in his last report. So much for a Republican Ad ministration,which believes fu economy and in keeping down the public expenditures so as to reduce the burdens, of taxation. T E PHILADELPHIA NT EA XI SHIP LINE. The Philadelphia merchants, manufacturers and capitalists held a public meeting on Sat urday to consider the proposition made by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for establish ing a line of steamers between Philadelphia and Europe. The Railroad Company pro poses to form a Steamship Company with $700,000 capital, with power to increase It to 45,000,000, and the solid men of Philadelphia are asked to furnish 4300,000 of the .$70,000. The advantages to Philadelphia of the estab meld of such a line of strainers would be very great, and the benefits of such an enterprise would by no means be confined to Philadel phia alone. The whole State would share in the Impetus which would Altus be given to trade and production, and we hope to see this enterprise pushed through at once. Ad dresses were made nu Saturday by John P. Welber'll, Mayor Fox, Frederick Fraley and Morton McMichael, and aconunittee of twenty was appointed to solicit subscriptions for the '5300,000 asked from the Philadelphians. Tom parties in Fall Lake City charged• with drilling contrary lo the Governor's proclamation, have been held in itond,7 of $2OO to 45000 to await the assepthligg n the grand Jury. tam P4rties were. afttirwardS serenaded at their residences, which shows the estimation In which t h e Vaite() SNiefl aliVtillineni ha 10.111 Iheri THE LEHIGH I{,F,GISr TUE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. The ennui], repot' of Postmaster-General Creswell shows that the revenues of that De. pertinent for the fiscal year ending June 30,. 1870, were $19,772,220 05, and the expendi tures of nil kinds, $23,998,837 03. Fir the year ending June 80, 1809, the ordinary reve nues were $18,844,510 72, and the expendb• lures, $23,698,181 50. The Increaseof revenue for the year 1870 over the year 1859 was $l,• 427,709 93, or 7.78 per cent., and the Increase of expenditures, $300,700 18, or 1.82,per cent., showing a net increase In revenue of $1,127,- 003 80. The Increase in revenue for the year 1870 over the year 1808 was $3,470,019 85, 21.35 per cent.; and the increase of expendi tures for 1870 over 1868 was $1,208,244 98, or 5.57 per cent. The increase in revenue for 1870, as compared with 1809, was less than the increase for 1869, as compared with 1868, by $624,109 90 ; and (lie Increase in expendi tures for 1870, compared with 1869, was less than the increase fur 1869, compared with 1808, by $060,882 72. There are 8861 mail routes In operation aggregating 231,232 miles lu length, and the wholo cost of transportation is $12,855,543. There were 8,071 cases of loss by mail tlepredations during the year, 1574 of which were registered letters. The losses in bonds, drafts and money by these fiepreda lions amounted to $1,893,768, a considerable portion of which has been recovered. One hundred and forty-three persons were arrested for violation of the postal laws, and fifty-four of them have been convicted. The free de livery system Is now in operation in fifty-one of the principal cities, rind there are now 1862 carriers employed at an expense of $1,210,979. There are 1004 money order ()likes, and the number of domestic money orders issued du ring the year Was 1,671,251 of nn aggregate • vrilue of $33,658,740. Mr. Creswell is so well convinced of the advantages of the money order system that lie recommends Its exten sion to the various sub-offices In the larger cities. The whole number of dead letters for the year was 4,152,460, 22,944 of which con tained money to the amount of $92,807, and $77,116 was returned to the owners. The number or letters containing hankchecks, drafts, &c., was 17,800, and the nominal value of their mclosures was $1,071,544, $2,068,400 of which was returned to the owners. Mr. Creswell renews his recommendation of last year in regard to the abolition of the franking privilege, and expresses his confl• Bence Unit the Department would be self sus• tabling it' no free matter WllB allowed to pass through the mails. lie speaks of the difficul ties which have arisen recently with' the rail roads in regard to the transportation of the mails, and expresses the opinion that the rate of compensation allowed by the hiss' of 1845 is too low, and that It should be advanced. " Our European mail service is now performed by the steamers of the Liverpool and Great West ern, Inman, and Cunard lines, and when the Getman steamer' , resume their trips he hopes to have a daily mail service between the United States sn l Em,p , , The ',commendation a 113 itsl your 1,11 an increa.3e of mail service 'loin monthly to semi•monthly trips on the mail steamship route from San Francisco to Japan and China is renewed, and the use of "correspondence cards," now infuse in Eng land and Germany, is recommended. Mr. Creswell is evidently anxious to make the postal service or the country as ellicient as possible. and in endeavoring to secure that desirable end he ought to have the helpful coo-peration of Congress and the people. NEW PUBLICATIONSi LIWITAT EVENTIDE is a compilation of choice reltgous hymns and poems. WhiChlii edited . by Dana Fetes and published by Lee & She pard of Boston. Some of the very finest reli gious poems in the language are included in this selection, and the book is well adapted to please the class of maters for whom it has been prepared.. Among the. authors rehire. settled In the load; are : George Ilerberi,Chas. Wesley, Mrs. Browning, John G, Whittier, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Gerald Massey, Lucy Larcom, Oliver Wendell Holmes a‘nd Edmund C. Steadman, and it may well be styled a collection of poetical gems. 'rhe volatile' is nicely printed on tinted paper and handsome ly bound, and sells at $1,:10. • 'rue Horst: tiN Witg.e.t.s It 11 pleasantly told and copiously and handsomely illustrated story of a boy who disobeyed his parents, and was stolen by the gypsies and carried about a long time in a house MI wheels, " is lln- hero of the story, and the adventures through which 110 p1i...1q1 will interest the boys and Orb:theme long winter evenings. The book is published by Li &Steep: rd ofliostoo 1 ' and it is so neatly and attractively gotten up that it will not want for purchasers. P 218,1177,800 00 1,724,774,800 00 $1,04:1,752,100 00 40,654,451 0; *3,341.087 :35 411t1,•fi.. ^ , '24 16,562,620 00 t 411,851,557 O $2,418,1173,044'43 . 41,457,818 05 :125,521,86S 43 LnrrEns EvEnrwit ERE is a collection of stories anti rhymes for the little fins, and the boys and girls who are fortunate enough to gen hold of it will certainly thank Messrs. Lee 6: Shepard for getting up for them so handsome and attractive a book. It has a story and n poem for each latter of the alpha bet, and there arc twvoty-eight full page illus• trations. The illustrations are very fine, and the hook will furnish a fund of enjoyment for the fireside. These publishers must Lac a warns place in the chldrens' hearts, for a large portion of their publications are especially adapted for the younger readers, and they evidently study to pab.ish , hooka which will instruct and benefit as well as amnse and in terest. V 2,341,784,375 65 .2,417,493115 $G,Z97,851 50 LITTLE Poiss ASTRAY is one of "Prudy's Flyaway Stories," written by Sophie May and published by Lee Shepard. Sophie May has acquired a national reputation among the little rums by her " Dotty Dimple" and "Little Prudy" Stories, and she needs no In• troduction to them. 'rids latest production of her pen is a nice little story irf two hun•ired pages, prettily illustrated, and the little "Fly ways" and "Top Emits" will certainly enjoy themselvrs over it. Tut; Democrats of the First Philadelphia Senatorial District have nominated IL P. Decimal for the vacancy caused by the late death of Mr., Watt. Mr. Diamond, who was the candidate against Mr. Watt last year, was not a candidate for the nomination at all, and Mr. Dechart's nomination is regarded as a strong one. The Republicans will hold their nominating convention on the 7th, and if they make a good nomination their success Is cer tain. Tor; newly elected Democratic United States Senator from North Carolina, Mr. Vance,is a native of that State and a lawyer by profession. lie served in the Thirtyflfth and Thirty sixth Congresses,and was Governor of the State from 18(11 to 1863. Gen. Abbott, whom Mr. Vance will succeed next March, was formerly n New Hampshire editor, and went to the war as Lieutenant Colonel of a New Hampshire regiment. ComittEss met at noon Monday. Nut much will he done this week besides receiving and disposing of the President's message and the Department reports. An adjournment will probably be made on Wednesday for the re. mainder of the week, and it is hardly probable that much business will IW done until alter the holiday recess. SECTIETAIIN Fish has been officially informed that Russia, Prussia, England, Turkey and Italy have ac reed, to a Conference nt London upon the Eastern question. This will probn. bly Insure the peaceful settlement of thedifll mines between - Russia and England. IT IS Hipted Unit the Deinocmtic members of be Legislature will ansipu4 1 1 . A. Mackey, a Prominent banker of Lock Haven, for Slate JEW,' .A:LLENT()W ANDREW JOHNSON The Tennessee Legislature last winter elected Edmund Cooper United States Sena- . for in place of Joseph S. Fowler. Andrew' Johnson was a candidate for the place, and he and his friends were very much chagrined at the election of Mr. Cooper over the ex al derman. Mr. Johnson now proposes to in validate the election of Mr. Congress on the grMind that the Legislature elected In 1869 had not the right to elect is United States Sen ator for 1871. But the act of Cooper relative to Senatorial elections provides that Senators shall be chosen by the Legislature " next pre ceding the expiration 01 the time for which any Senator was appointed to represent said State in Congress." Mr. Fowler's term ea• pires in March next, and the Legislature chosen this year in Tennessee will not meet until next October. And Mr. Johnson will hardly undertake to prove that a Legislature which meets in October 1871 can chose a United States Senator to take his seat in March of that year. The chagrin and mortification of his defeat, and the prospect that he could be more successful in the Legislature lately chosen, seem to have completely turned Mr. Johnson's head, and lie shows less than his usual acuteness in claiming that the election of Mr. Cooper was invalid. If the Legisla• Lure had not the right to elect a Senator, why did Mr. Johnson make such an effort to se. cure his election by Its members? Parson Brownlow's term will expire in 1875, and if the Democrats retain the power in Tennessee until that time, whlch they me not at all likely to do judging from present indications, Mr. Johnson can make another trial to get back into public life. Ile has successively and unsuc cessfully tried to be elected Senator,Governor, and Member of Congress since he went back to Tennessee from Washington, and it Is safe to say that his candidacy for public office will only cense with his life: Ile was a little mis taken when be announced that " the measure of his political ambition had heron completely filled," for his ambition in politics is one which is never satisfied. TIM IVAR IMPARTMENT Oen. Belknap, Secretary of War, reports ' that the total expenditures in his Department for the fiscal year ending with June 30 next will be $32 002,348, a reduction of $4,036,503 below the expenditures in the preceding lisutal year. The estimates for the next fiscal year are $29,383,908, a reduction of $3,518,350 be low the expenditures of the present fiscal year. Every possible reduction in expenses has been. made during the year, and the Secretary ex presses his determination to keep the expendi• tures of his Department down as low so possi ble. That lie has been able already to make so munch of a reduction in the expenses or the Department shows his fitness for the place he' holds and his 4preeiatiou or the work en trusted to hint. The system or pitying the army officers regular salaries instead of in the old way has been found to work well, and he recommends tit , • monthly payment of the men if It shall be found practicable. 13y the first of ' July next the strength of. the army will be brought down to 30,000 men, and recruiting will only be carried on sufficiently to supply the losses by casualties. ale iteommends the extension of the time for the discharge or super numary officers to July next, is many of those whoSe discharges will he necessary under the new law served both-In the war of the rebel lion and in the Mexican war. The Secretary speaks in conunenffiltion of the condition of things at West Point, and urges the impor tance of keeping the militia of the country ac quainted with the use of the best arms the Government armories can afford. Our no tional security depends upon our ability for putting a formidable force upon a war footing, and the keeping up 41m efficient militia sys tem is vastly better and cheaper than maintain ing a large standing army. PENNBYIXANIA'S population, according to the Census returns, is 3,4112,503, a gain of 586,388 since MO. Our Increase during the decade from 1850 to 1860 was 594,309, but considering the thousands of Pennsylvanians who gave their lives for the defence of the nation, we liter done very well in making a gain of over half a million since 1800. THE CENSUS. Eastern District of Pennsykan \l•c published some limo• ago the official census returns for the IVestern District of the State, and tee give below• the returns for the Eastern District : MEE Bork' Bucks Carbon. Chestcr Cumberland... 4a,SBJ 40,098 Dauphin . Delaware Franklin.. Lancaster LE= Lehigh Monroe 3iontgotnery Northampton 61,403 • 47,004 Perry 25,486 22,703 Pike 3,414 7,155 Wayne........ York Philadelphia 1,778,546 1,553076 1,555,076 'I otal Inerenee In tell year,. The complete poptaatlon of the St Me, there fore, is as follows : Dist net. 1870. 1860. Inc Per ct. Eastern 1,778,546' 1,553,076 225,470 14.52 Western 1,713,057 1,253,039 360,018 26.68 Toll' I 2,492,503 2,906,115 596,364 20.18 HORSEMEN, ATTENTION! READ TILE FOLLOWING Tacoul/2h! Word, Philo. JAY. 0. Wi1.1.0.-I)NAR SIR: I li * JOrtlanthl Dr. Felix 11. Mutschlteb, Praselan Liniment °llamas+ of mine, which bud n bud xplint, causing Interne., I used one bottle with entire mnuCta., curing her completely. April:lo, JtiNA. P. IREDELL Thin invaluable Linlinent Ix'obi by, Denggimim and Storekeeper , Wholesale by JAMES 0, WELLS, N. E. ear. of nth and Sprhig Oardon Eta.. l'hiladelPitia. For sale in Allentown by L. 50113110 T St CO„ East Hamilton Street, Dr. W. E. BARNES & HON, LAWALL & MAR TIN and JOHN IL MOSER. Spain Notices rrofe.sors BUCII•NAN DoWO of 1110 AlinflColl ou;dBT,".l7,,ygi'motarVll"iiln.der,'"'ey cures now discovery, A painless treatment no • knife, no plasters, no caustic burning. I The most - 2 • able effect ojaicEßs. of this 2 • treatment • rates the chemical elements of cancerous P lo u growths, so that they shrivel, die and flicte7Can ca on l d o w n i :LeVro r f e e t ss u o r rs ' llt A te l lugr k a town, University; or address, No. 1,14 Pine Street, Piffled. 111=EI , THE DOUBLE-OVEN • SUNNYSIDE COOK OF 1870 Is CONFITIICeitD ENTIRELY NEW AND SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. w ith y plioN FLITE. guarantoed thoronill , ily bent two /VPIIS and pot bolos. with two•tlittilii t Awl used In the 'shale liven Cook Storm We are ellll mauufacturlug our lour/ umi favorably known BARLEY-SHEAF COOKING STOVE, so highly esteemed by live public fen several yearA pant, ~ . THE JUNIATA, Otte great double•hedlp( PARLOR STOVE,. hen lieu much Improved and benutilled thin year, Where known the merite t,r thole move nerd no comment. fir celniarated SI;NNYSIDE FIRE PLACE IIEA.TERS, among its man y PlOOOlOO aim.) carried Off the Plant Par• • Meld at tho -Maryland Ins, flute at Brat lgnore, In Thai, although anbJecled to tho moat severe teat,. at the home of (ho Baltimore, Heater. Thle is the only true hot-air fire place Heater In the market, and like the regular built cellar heater loxes no heat. Send for Clrculara and teellmoulale. STUART, PETERSON & CO., Imp Bala PHILADELPHIA, PA. For Bala by 0. 110ITMAN, Alleutoern l'a• HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOC!. ATION.—For the Relief and Cure( the Ening and Pa ro cloacae on Principle.. of Chrlatlan Philanthropy. Repays. n the Ricca. of Youth. and the mottle, of At e, la relation to Ilanatana and SOCIAL Evict., irithaatillari aid r l t l i ire ,l l l 4W d. l4 ' ercVri e rd t i '11"V Pniarit) 4 • " rob Lay' N. \V EDNESii A:lr. TO CONSUMPTIVES.—The advertiser LP , " . hav log been vectored to health Inn few weeks, by a verysimple remedy, after having suffered overal yeurn with a severe lung affection, known his incense, Con sumption, in tingle. to plakit to hitt fellow cufferern the Meal. of cure. To all who desire it, he wi11...1n copy of the preset-Ill:10u used (free of eliarge), with lie direr; Ilona for preparing and acing the cme, which Iney will nig a a sure cure for emote:option, t‘ctltitet, &, The only object of the advertiser in mottling tho Prencrip. lion is to beuellt the unlisted, and &tinted Information which ho coorelvn to be Invaluable; nod ho hopes every sufferer will try hie remedy, Inn it wilt cost them nothing and may Prison a binning. • Parties wishing the prescription will plea... address, Rev. EDWARD WILSON, Willlatunbitc% Ning. Co. N. Y. , _HALL'S . T.l, 1it . 11.“.. nOIV 111 Its 21st 3,1 r. Is not oaly Ow I.tt r. vret. 111 xt mu? eh," pr xl, bat . by far Ills Idiegod-Cli - rn • 1 lofting Journed of Ihr rtruor ti/ 1 1 1 , It ' , rid! Zintloind . li ~,.i. ....-,,A, .', VEGETABLE. SICI ' FAIR - ,-:'", , • :•. •-, p p ATT ruirr ' Lim 1 . I . ' , bar i lrtor. Ably Faltbd. 'Sap rl 13 1111.11 i11..1.8tl Fib, .1, 131:ST A MEItIC A 1 , ; IV EEN I.N" It I• tho shin In rd .1..11. ,, ea0 ~o all la nacho+ or A• 1.11,1 .1,11'104 1101,1,11.111(1:, Av. A. n hittrory It Fon, .:• , . .... ._,._ • 1- ........„,„ ". , „ J R . ' 11,U Polar It I. a fa vorlte lit zootly or the lot•t fabilllea all oer thy 1:ttlon, l'unatla, Nr. Ind I 3(0.141: .,, lll'llAl. 1'1:11 Usti WTI° .111 E dill l'. hno• nn Rirn 1 in !Ix Sphe rt. and It. the Lnry , 4 llirt.. ' trated Journal nu thol'outlueut—earb bomber rout:tieing • 1 sial / o, ri,,co/rinin /' , Fr o (t 1.11.1! In.. +I, of most 'lll la.r.. their hair re.torra to it. 101 mat color. and II . PIM , . or Its att. , I It I. rht y, +or tor thr Ea•t. W.. , 1, Mx ritll , ll ollt, Crealo 11 lir NV Irlsolll, by its trte. NOrth ill South. lls Ibe hest lAllt lIIIESSINO In the w.. 1.1, in,.l;ing -- 1.,., -lull, brat-by hair. botillby, sort. aid Riot.) . 'Ora +1.151. For salt , by RH &IWO-I, 21 11. I'. 11A1.1. A C 1.., ZI:t•lola, N. 11., Pr,' 'FFIIIS, IN I/I:CEM ENTS, ETc, TERMS-4 , 3 lonr of .','J Numb , s, nod only .1 , 2:01 a Club* of TPII. Quarter•s 13 Numbers mud Filb.ll, ns olforrul • above. Our Clint, Indurotitultr for 1811 are unprectkuted. FItRORS OF YouTii.—A g , 'llllernlin who Speeltnow, Nominal I,lsts, ,ke., ..out toneing - •tutfored for years from Norvottx llrstna. and ae wont It rillkt Anent In •,..ry Town, tort Der.ty and all the ellfortn of youthful lualseretlon„ , D. T. t t 11 ,, w, N. V. will, for the thko of itutforlng humanity, vend (roe to all \[l/MU., 1 who l it, the resit.• and direction for making tlio slot-k . pie remedy by w bleb be was cured. Sufferers w lotting to I , profit by the adv.•rtlnor's ',knotholes can doso by ilia.. dressing lunsrfeet etthfidenre, JOHN II IiDEN, No, 42(ledor I. Net' York DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS ANI) CA •cl.-? 'PARTIN trente.l with the ntontet .nwee.s. by J. ACS, Al. D., null Profe , teor ef of the m , rend r, (him opee tatty) the .11e el fro, Vol lege of • Ora/lief, Linen rte e xperie tare.l forlornly of Loyd... llol and,) No. 80.5 Arch litteet, Phila. Tentintoulals ran be non att hie Oleo. The bletliehl month are Invited to or ompany their patient, to he he. , no .terrets in trio prac- Ice, Artificial even Int:Pried without ItAin. eintrne ar PXlllllllllltioll. wnt . 2:i• I y • 1)11. SCIIENCE. ADVISES C(NSUNIP- L.,=, TITEfi TO (1 TO 1' LOII IDA IN WI N'TEII. liaVltllt for Ow Ina ho. years dt voted toy ole I tittle and atteation to the xOl.lO 01 lona diseases all wh eon. sumptidn, 1 (1.0 thtit I underotand hilly the course that ought to lo• parsuccl to restors n Wier:Oily Im,l case of ilk eamol inn. , to hen lolly soutolues... first ...1 Roost portant stop for the patient to .Veld taking cold, and the hest 01 all places on this couldomt for !hit , ',moose In temter, is Flrida, well down 111 110 , Soto., tch..re ghe perature It regular. tilltl not Wibicti to sueli vartations , In mom, Northern latitudes. Palatka is 11,1,it I cnu recommend. A good hotel la kept More lip Poterman Ltott winter I saw oeveral Pero°na there whose Imago had been lolly dismised, lint who, under the healing intlneuce • of the climate anal my noslicineo, were getting yell.t One hundred 1011,•s fat thee down the Is n po tit which I would prefer to Palatka, at the temperature Is Too, Orval the ale dry and bracing. 31e1 1..1 Ile and kuterprise sro located there. I olionl.l tilve doeide.l preh react, 51ellouvIlle. It Is two mils trout river or, lake, and it seems almost inuto,sible to take cold there. • The tables in Florida nigh be better, 110.1 Patients 00111- plain ..t tan., bat that lan good sign, at It indicate.. aro- tarn of appetite, and Whet! this It the cos.! they generally mercast, In Both. and then the lump. must heal. • Jacksonville, Hibernia lioten Cove, nd many other placer , lu var.. parts ' of Flotatltt. mut b a e sit fely teem. mended to conothaptiVex lu winter. 51y ...slt. fot say- lug so are that patients are lots liable to take cold there than where there ix it lest even tomperatnro, alOl It is uot necessary to my that %chem.. constunlttive,l o 9......Pooe. himself to frequent cold. he is certain to do , shortly. Therefore my ittlelee IN, go well down loot the State Ma the reach of prevailing mod tvitols and Mg , . Jackson villa or aloud any oilier of the I..callues I hat, twined, n 11l benefit those who are troubloti Irak at torpol liver, tt disordered otouutch, deranged bowels, oto 0 throat ~r cough, but (or 11101' whoop lungo a node , southern pout lo earnestly recommended. For fifteenyear. prior. to OM., 1 tvllo profeoslottally hi New Fork, Boston, Baltimore and Plultitielphia every week, IV ben. I sow mid ult.ttotilcd on an average nye hundredwnek. A petted.. oa extenotve, et. • bractug ..very plot''' . of lung itno me to 00 ...land the fully, Itlol lily cannon I in regard to toklutt cold. A petrol may tabu vast gnat. I titles ,if "Schenck i s Plihoottie Syrup, Sell teem! l'outc and I Mandrake I'd,-.'' and yot die II 0.. W. , not 1,1 ,, 1,11,1:11,1 In Florida, Road) over) body to uoing seheitch• 51.1- ' drake Pills, tor the eltinate it mon. Ilk oty L.. phlto. hill• hullo than more northern latitude... It t- a ell • hinholted test th it .11 v... of Florida t aro II ills L.: e .0• mutual., t.si ~,,,,, thoso ol the soother. t. Ito ether Laud, in New to /land, oust 1.11.1, ot the giootilotloo Oto n ot thls tOcrtblo di.tot•e. 111 Ow 311‘1.11.. wols.. do, not pis, oil so 1..1 gely, -till Him , ar.. naanY Inolloands t.tsos there, What vaot perc.mtage ot lite teonl,l otdve.l e to-nowt,. 0 ..re ~o tat oly itlat•oted relpird 1,1 loklint,fre..l. cold us they ore About aunt fever, ottml, pox, s.c. But they aro not. They Lake a hat the,. ittgpt Odd, Ivltich they at e credal.. enough to believe w Mir oil in it him nays. 'They pay to. ttt• Walton 1.1 11. and hence It I,L) , the tottiolation to' :ooth, awl another ntltl, lintil o al , db....sett boy end all hope for cur" My advice to vol.°. who.. aabortedlungs re aborted olightty It, to lay in a stock 01 stmenck's l'utmonte Sy rup, tlcheurk' , boawet d'Foote and Schenck's 31notintke aud go o Florida. I yet . ..nu/wad these ' , art.:lll:a tuudlctuett bt ecnom I am thoroughly wlth their action. 1 {mote that whero they aroused tu owlet arm.rd antu• with my directions they will do tho work that re quired. Th. necompliobtal, nature tell! do lite rest. The ph) slCian Who prescribel for told, cougltur night•oWestl., and thea advises the Imtlent to le elk or Wile tint every day, a be sore to have a corpse', his hands honor, 1 . 9 01• plan Is to i.• lily throe litedleities, In ocrordolieo Willi the minted directions, except 10 ample eaten lettere a freer tiso of the Mandrake is ucCossary. objet IN to give , time to the otomuch—to get nit a good itprottite. it in ti110,1)s a good sign Wthelt 0 patent begins to grow have hopes of ouch. •NVitit rt.lish for food and the gratification or that relish conies good Mood, and with It more Josh, Which Is closely followed Ity Itealutg of tbc long 'Flow Inc cough Imoeun and abated. the creeping clolis and torn)'elon toi longer !ow, trate i n antotY. am' patient get , well, Promoted he Avoid. tato,: void. iill`ll . all. Ill:lily rill/S111111 , 16,.." 110 hit,. 1101 010 1111141lin 10 ill Florida. b.. asked, IS (bare to. hope for such Certainly there.. 5 t Y adviet , to ouch is, out! ever has been, to stay lu a \WIN. nt dur ing win., with a Lempehttthe ot :theta seventy do greco, which should he 1 , 01. 1 regolarly at that point, by !twat. 01 a thorlitontetOr. Let •11011 .1 patient take Ills exercise w Ohio the marl , 1 , 1 the Wont by walking up and down to notch .I . ollntil Wit! piil,llll, order to keel , up ,t healthy C 44 the blood. 1 hal e cored thou ottuds hy thts syotent, and eau do so again. Coustpaptlon Is as vastly ruled a, soy other tlinl,llk , If it to takenln time, and the ',roper kind ot treattneat Is pursued. The fact .muds untlioputodllo record iliac Setteuelt • s l'itintoulc Syrup, Alandrake Pills 1111 d lieltWoWt liort• cured very 1111114 01 1101/011...e. C. 1.11,1 of C. 111.1111 1, 11011. 0.1 where you will, you will be all m.rtttiu to find •..ine eonottlitlatve WllO lea. 1/0011 resolled Irom the miry Jaws ol death by their Ito.. So far u. the Mandrake Pills arc concerned. everybody niinnid a "WTI) . of them 00 hand. They act 011 the liver belt, taw calomel, aud leave no t' oi j,,ntf,,J lo• Mud. in tact they aro excelk,ut all where porgativelltedielltelo required. If )on have pa, taken out Ireeiy Id fruit and dlareltiva ensilw 4 , a ,lure andtakeo 11 I 1 1 cup , 3am. If you 111, 2.111/114 . 1 ill pick 111,11110/11, lake a dose of the Mouth:Ott. and they,wrlll retool.. you in two bon,. If you would obviate the effect of it change of Water, or the too free Indulgence In Hull, talce out. of Ow slattilmke• every night or ever) other night, and you inn then drink water and cat walertliel• ons, pears, nppies, Vlnmx, pearlt's or corn, without the eh*ltelug made a,lby Wont. 1111. y WIII proteettlitine Who In don. , sdlimtions against chills and fevers. trt y th em . Th. A r e I•••rft•etly harmless. They can 110 you good only. 1 have air...dotted toy proft.,loual visit, to Boston and New York, hut continue ill net, Ilail`ilir4lli tog tact', No, lft sl Street. Philadelphia, every Saturday, from 9A. 11, to 3P. M. 'I hoot , t, 11., w I•Il a thorough exotnin. holt w lth the ilesitit °meter 0 111 be charged Ilvo I'llo Ire Spiro meter derinrr+ 111, Colliiiiioll 4.r Ike kluge, told i•Atetto. emu readily I , ant 0 [tether they 010 curable or not. lint 1 desire it distint•tly untleroimsi that toe vitltto of toy teed 11 . 1110'' depends enttlely anon 1111.10 log taken t•ttostly ttroordlutz to diretutot, Ili cottelw•leth I Avail say tat hen Irvin take toy medicines and Bear s)••tems are brought lot:, healthy CUltdltion , they are not so liable to take cold, yet ao OUP 501111 diseased itptg• eau •t sudden'hang„of attottopliere u ithout liahli It) ol greater or leso halt. tio. Full dlrection• lu all languages art . .. Finally toy medi cines, 0.1 001.11011 111111 elateolly VALI use them without conoultotg me, and can lee Lotglel faun any drl - 4- stlst• .1. 11. SCIIENUIC, M. 1)., N... 15 N. 1.1 XTII rile 1870. 1860. 20,315 28,006 106,739 93,818 01,997 03,578 28,203 21,033 77,624 74,570 60,737 46,756 39,541 30,507 45,383 42,126 121,426 116,314 A %V I TT 31 Sin'vrs Prahly AND (.11' 1.\7•1 It 60,702 43,753 18,339 10,758 81,012 79,500 'l'. 13. LEISEN It ING • INSURANCE AGENT, FIRE, LIFE, AND 1.. V 109,325 89,510 83,210 32,239 76,217 68,200 657,526 565,529 WITTHIN & LEISENRINC, Real Estate Agents and Scriveners olesirlug anything lu our Hue will oho will to I colt. \~ , have roof uur hook+ x 1,.1 of th« moat tigurco, among wuich ore No. I. A tit...story brick howoo, awl lot ot iffouttol fou'l (foul iIY 230 deer. ou Ph atoll loctween Chew awl Gordon. street, Will be sold ehoulo • Nu It. twoo•stoory frame olwelliug loolop.oo and lotoof ground hi feet to lucheoo (pout by Vol feet drool, on Neu +t., loci% ecto Alton and hillorty. Price $17.00. Nu. IL Two-otory 'wick dwelling hooso and lot ..r grounollS feet (runt lot 1,1 toot &oil, oil North, Ilth +tree% lie. 'fooritoor. Term., e l o.ot. No. 7,A two awry brick dwelling h.... IS feet Which., front, nod lut of ground IS feet if lu front by Isideop, Lot lu flue order, out North 11th stool, weld Mild. Cheat , No, 10, Tur etiory brick hoouse, roultaille for lialioory or grocery, nu Moulton otreci lootween till moil fah, Loot Ni feet (rout E r i e 13U deep, Well ploutool with Wait ifo . t . iso grapeo ! etc, Prieto COW, No. 1 . 2, wouottory frame dwelling loons°, omit ki slawo 6 loot 11l by 12.1 boot . 225,470 • No. 13 Two-hlory frame house with 4 rooms, 01/ Went side of isirtv street. No. 12. The properly ou tie northeast corn, of.Sll, and Turner reeto. Mouse throe-iitory, al by 30, with brick kitchen well papers.) throughout, in good order hot Why 110 feet, vultiiblo for business lion., No. h. Yratuedvullluti . "-iitoryi by firi'i• 5 roomy sod basement. Lot 50 by :) l fret Vacant lots of ground situate in the billowing streets side of street, corner of Sib ndil Allen iitreels • west side of Lehigh {'alley lialirosil.Sisth Ward, price lc3 per foot. tonic. only Oil lots on 10th, Chew sod 00 chin streots,ll{.ol2 VW Moot rensouablu ten.; 10 lots on Tilghman unit Bth streets; Lot 64 feet front on 10th street, 114.1NV1.t.t1 and Linden. All very chest, nod tom. io.y • AO I 11111110 W clo.ing 1/It.lit.••-.11 .tor. I .' , AV Ore ilto h.( I wilt ;0 • 11 .lvk 111111ITg AND DRAWERS. (MOVES. Ste., below cost. All there who wlali to bur altaltD .Ilottld co i l 01 tlA , a 01 liAmivrox street, mad lake the gondtt away at the reduced prlrew, aa the alere will toolllvely be clotted on (to ['lett of February. 1671. • 1 tANKI.I I N XNATTSS 31.2rk Not ca 3 !!EIM N k) 'l' I E CLOTHING, .DECEiNIBfI 1-1:1;'.1 Yrhi (abincti,sriitrilts rriec tscs'.l' ittsi"lNDecEitENT's• ! ~..„tn!„...s I:I huittbor+ SENT rim; to nil •nbnrriltinq to.rot, 21, Lift. for next >oor'• ritt>.l tvo NlllllllO. of NIOORE'SRURAL NEW-YORKER, THE 4; I:EAT ILIXSTH %TED 'rlulla 'AND FAMILY' WEEKLY Fmt TOWN AND COUNTRY. A .1 - IIHIIT PAGE WEEKLY, No. di it. Eloventh Year,bli.bes Sermons, a serial Story for the Enmity. new Children' im . Story every work, Chat, with the Little Folks, Editorials hy the best Meth inliat writer. and other., Foreign and Do:nestle enrree• ondence, Nil Department. of Religious mood Secular In. n loillgere. Price a year. Liberal protalllllll4 or ealth commission. 111".111,11010114. Stlb,rlPi/011. commence at any time. For .penmen, on•lofte Iwo rent idamt. to pr ree epay pew t,, oro.k. THE METHODIST, NR.PII%I .tt, Y HOLIDAY JOURNAL FOR Is7l Cntalo+ Clirktnin. Story, Splendid Piny, Magic Spor O t , . Sie.;lB pad., sEN,IN'I'FREE iin rerdipt et OP 4t0.1, fo, Add..., A DAMS Puls 110,, "Vr ANON IC 110(1)90i.—.1gentm 'UlIt- A I Sund M A SON IC PUB. CI 132 • • AcHlt IST 33 S GIFT to nll Yearly SnlNerlboro t , , Appleton'. .lourunl, ymbllol.l wookly. Two Mont. Full.. .Owl. (111Aylw. The Mont. Novcollkor and DotooLot, gran. to 101 skb ,orllo. remitting fo nr 1h°1,71. elo.irn. Innkln¢ in Idol of Ow .lor sm. fir nne thy- Ilk, It, owl have It for TWO MONTH,. VI/ rolnlUlmi ue FIFTY CENTS. PICTUM:SQI, ALHIUr A, rouP.l.ting Or mplontllflli .axe tined v 4.11 , 1• of Amorlran Sookory, ronmeurrd overn bor. D. APPLET.N m Cu.. PubliOlvr, New York. (1 EN. ItlllEl'. E. LEE'S LlFE.—Near. lx Ir re:Lly for Publlclillot.. the Bloiouph) of ()EN. 1, oirr. E. LEE. by Jon,: Ear,,) Cook r, author of .• lAD or StonomilLJneksolt, ' • .• Wont) ID) the Itiey,•) etc. Onn yid., SVO.. I,o.lpag)o. 1t.1.1,1 . 1t ATIIII. TO 110 ...Id I.)'gplo ) , ottPlioti. MI ENT)) WANTED. I). APPLETON A. )')..l ) 111)1)411,•, New York. TTIAVELERS LIFE AND ACCILEN'I' INSIIII.kNCE COM PANY, of Dartford, Conn. Po-I) As.oto, 41,N00.1k0. (trot. , LIEE 101 l ENDOWMENT P01k)... °foil itvprovA)l Imp, A .14)10 ....cu rtl)', low rot), A 1.., Ino)r).-. r rair A ACCI DENTS rat”.DIA death or t, .1:11.1).11 1 / 1 1ity. Dm. pa1d,1470) per ,IllyA), Si) if fir, in 1...in.111. tu policy-holders. TION"r WAS'IrE 311 EA N D 114,1 t xo. +l.(' i.. I.ll'l'lN. wrr 6ANEWLI.I., PitiNlangl, Pit and tlmc will send lip•top I.:xi...snit:4o paid. Ilan' it dny loxst in nrlnillni: will dins be bayed. vE EMPLOYMENT. =I NON-EXPLOSIVE Metallic Kerosene Lamp. I. ultroplooly •Itre from explo-100 or lo , ogklug ; 11 1 17 VOlllOll, good or lt.] give. tw, light, uo wior, no l ONO/ /0• 1 0 1111. • 'fla• light I, la!nor than 14 proaurell by any tl.r lalap."—W. S. Clark. W ilis eal( starNarlnnw AgrS.olll.lll Co . • . . It in perfortly non explrwl v... given a belt, light and in noire economical thou any other In awn. '-IS. W. %Vella, NIP HUI,. Politic SCIIOOI, Chicago. Theupottlling dealt. nod then meow glann Plod lug and breaking create a grout demand for lilt hilly. It Ye 101 l It. sold by Call V 1.0.1., A gputm wanted evorl a here. Seed for circular and term. to MUNI (MM. LUC & ('I 1.. Cleveland, li., .1%! Barclay atreet, Neu' York. QG) :WEEK SALARY °wig • - I„QtPJ 111.11 local anti trityttllng pule twin. I will, ...tamp) It. 11. WALKER, II I'nrk 1. S3ODAV. SURE. LATTA Q CO., Pakbarich, AGENTS! READ TEDS!—We WLII pay Agenla n snlory of 13' per week and eXPelleeo, or allow ii largo roroullsolon, to FP II our now and wonder ful In•ouldou. Addrese M. %VAU3 ElI & CO., Marshall, Madan. • 1,82 _ 8 PUL ESE THE " VEOETABLE MON A BALSA 111•"1870 ho oldEEtrinclard moody for Cnoghk, 011114. Cl,lll4lllllp lion. "Nothing bt 11 er CUTLER BROS. SE Co., Bonbon. fiIIEE.RY PECTORAL TROCRES kuperior to all otimrs for Conchs, C01d... Asthma. Bronchial and Lung ditrculties. are exceedingly printable , , haven of that nauseating horrible Ctibeb taste, are very soothing thing and act like, a charm: Ministers. Singers. Bud Piddle Speakers will Lind they are especially adapted to the owe. Sold by Druggiots• Also RUSHTON'S (F. V.) COD LIVER OIL, I=l2 u - I.IIA YI'S 1/EPILATokiv POW.. DER omtom, .nportliton. Imlr in ire ul,t. wltltom lujury Ilse Sont Isy mull for fl.2i. • UPHAM'S ASTHMA CURE v i„,„„, paii•xy•in, Ii fire unnuL. and etreria n .pretly rum. Price N. by mall. • THE JAPANESE HAIR STAIN 0.1„r,. tlii whl,ltt.rs and Lair: lwatttlful r: or ',Row, C.lll , lkig or only prrparntinn. 7.1 nod., hy moll liddr. , / , S. PP/1 AM, NO. 721 Joy, %Ire.d. 1.1111m1 , 1 phi.. Po. I'd . cillor4 ,•ent fr. , . Sold by fll Prugghd.. - I? ()VAL 111 A V 11A/TTEK{V.— l a . I.y 41 . !' EGl4S.—llig Thing. 144911.1. G Itt . Circuit, to A. TII❑M.I WA-hit t oto, 111 . 00ki) V. Pllllo3lAN4'll".—Any lady or gen lii.lllllll ran rink,:61,9110 month, senro their own imppines, ;ma intiomovioneo, by DM li o ning PSYCHO. MAN(' V, FAsill NA'Z ' I IIN, or SOiIL.CHAHNIINO. .1.)0 page, cloth. Fell inalrtictiens to tat, thin power over 01...1 . II 11k111.114 Ut Will. laity to 3111,11 Write. become Trance or Writlug dlydinms, Divlntrtiou, Spiritualimn, Alchemy. of Oturne and Deem., Brigham lounge Ha rem, fluid° to Marriage, ,kr„ all contained in thin book kiv a tco..lai price by mail, In cloth +ln, paper co•erti Norter.—Any pot..on willing to art lot agent will receive tiample copy of the work free. As no enpitni to requlred, all dextrous of control emitloymont /Mould rend fur tho hook, mieltmlu couta for 'twang, to T. W. EVANS & 4I south g A cmit 16. A (11,gyntitn, while residing lu tenth Ainerira n. i lat. Monary, dineuvored a mato and simple remedy fur the '.iere of Norvotet Wrikue,i, Early Decay, Dien.. of the Ilritowy and Seminal Organs On whole train of die °Here brought on by baneful ' and vleinun habit, Went Otlllllo.l, have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by in de.ire to benefit the attlieted and nufortnuate, I will rend the reripe for proparing and tming One medicine, in Keitleil ca11 . ..10W.. to any otis who, IteM. Thin qt Clemwt. JosEp T, IN lA N, titation Bilifu House New Yuri; City la gal NOtI(TS • A SSIGNEE'S'nom. Wherett., Ald AN DVS FRANTZ atel hl. wife CAR OLINE. by voluntary deed of assignment, dated °ember 24. ir2e, conveyed to the undersigned all hit. e.tate, real, personal and mixed, for the benefit. vi hie creditors. No tice iv Lerel y given to all persons Indebted to multi Mann dun Fronts, to make payment to the undersigned within six weeksfrom dale, and thosebuvlng elainte, to present them duly authenticated within the above speoifina time, A. K. o WITTMAA, Assignee. Five doors 4.ltre Kramer'. Clllllor. , e l orlnd story. A1.1..12c0WN, October 21, ItS7O, nor 2-1110 DissoLur lON OE. PA ItTNEllt , 8 / 1 /Pi—Noll,'" Hereby ahem that the oidetofidie existing bete:vial SAMUEL hlellosE and OLIVER A. 'UTTER, uuder the arm mime of WHOSE & BITTER. w:l4 iikhniVi'd sill the first day of August, All person.. ludebted to the said firm are requested to make payment within six weeks (rim thedste horror, mud them, hnvlug eln:1110 will Present 11.1 a to the surviving ' , tattler with to the . ithove sheathed tllll, SA3WEI. :WHOSE, TU} BUSINESS Wilt be earrle'd oil by . SAMUEL MeMOE & SONSut the old 9 Noold. uov •0c INVITATION. Cltlzrom nod strati g , eiirithilly invited (either as Purchase: , or visitors) to c31111114..1111th , th, ms t i T new slid handsome liatteriet of Carpellni , and Cloths, of noddy arr,,tigo,l ciiiiirititto, or OCR OWN 1311 ) 01ITA• TION, In addition to n great variety of goods of American mminfitctorii, PXOCIII.I lu such a mtmusr i4l gratify all Interested lu iiii•pritaress of lion, production t. R. L. KNIGHT - & SON, lEM is 1I sr_NrT STREET, PI II LA DE L PIIIA WH. WRRIGHT•S r,►TENT AMERICAN INSTITUTE PAM, 1870 avulAkolAW , t ELI QM LA 111 ES' 1' Vl' KS. JOHN FAHL'IRA, 718 ARCH ST., Middle of the Bloat. lie• li\o 7th and Pik 4iireele, South 131de, Pin LADS! Pin t. Ilnporler, lifnnufateturet mind Dealer Wall Milan and quality of FANCY FURS, Pon k 1111V1111Z V111111 . 101.11.r.11;10t1- tt,ll. 11: elect and linprict rd 111 E uld 471 r3ll4raPAri''):lll•Fitlicl y. it. Iniporled yid) in7lo` nun "' *-1 - 1 ` .4" splendid lir...meta of all dltlerent kinds isi Yuri from first band. In El e. nod linre them wade op by the work • 1/0111, II 0111.1 'rid. et fully Invite Wendt, of Lehigh /11111 Countie., to ea It land .1101111140 111) very large nod beaullhil ol Fancy }ins. fon Lath,. nu) I 11 .11. I 11111 olstersilnea is sell ad m• .111 Is liet sto u) thor llon“. Is tills a•il) .511 Puts W 14 1 .• nailed PIO nil., pre.i.unidou rlfsci .HAIN FAHEIRA, 7 IS MTh rhii.t. ;: 1 ,0.44 , ,,, i • ii i“.1. 4 '0 " rtit';',, •!OLIN A. STAMBACH & CO., No. P 426 ARCH STREET, VIIII,ADELPOIA I=l LA 1)1 ES FANCY FURS Cot.lAtlng of Rio:Alan Sable, Hod.. Boy Soble. 51.1111: Sable, 103,1 Ermine, Oreho, Seal, A.traeliono. Soolrrel, Fuel, ar. Chtldrou's Setts. Oentlenteo'• Collo, and filoveg. eartlooe nod Shish flello• The loteoleyleA at lowest prices. All • Purr gourontoed Sr represented. JOHN A. STAMBACII & 826 Arch St., 5 doors barns Ninth, south side, =I WHOLESALE AND seETr:A II. F U. RR I Eft, All the,New Stylex at tie Lenr, Prima. rSSI.I.V NAJAF:. 110 TA I. ER MINE .1 I, .1 SJ: A S .48Th A K N, • HUDSON ILI SABI. E. Totten., wlti. n toll Il4e Of low priced II 14. aultahle for the Whelemale Trade. Children . .. hoo. of even• de. ...Hinton, and every article guaranlee.l Ins repro...Med. THOMAS M. FREELAND, • 14,...1 Wald Arch lit„ TIERS: FURS!! 'FUSS!!! Ea= The anllortlizne.l respectfully invitee theiittentlon of him (dentin. custoonern, and the public In general. to the (net that he 11:IN 1{1 . ./InVEll (room Inn Old stand too .friendNo SCII Street, and noow ready too snpply all - nod patrol.. With LADIES' ANI) CHILDREN'S RuK,u, nud 110110011 Bay Sable, Slink. Ermine. Chluchilla and all other NAM totally Burn. A 1..1, black mud white Aetriocatt COMP null Snots.. 11101111fuctlard troto and trimmed with the bent rlllllorilli HIV' 11111411 Pd in tilo•bl,l 111111o111.r. KIM ill ti to le littl.l4 th lintt ime, ! llollrl approved ntyles pattooneo, Price. , -.lt e Please rail loud Illy 1014,44 woo,: wher, or till. 111,1ey fn n,lyd. 4:4-Fo.• flit!) I. 1,110,1 30.1 00'1.'11 It, for i,611,1 HENRY ItASKE, M.. Ai eh .trv. P1.1110..10113 Dru Oorbs TiiO:llAS F 101 North Hll/11111 I•tr 11 i~N.~rlli P.I(; 11l II Stre..l, FIRST s'101:F. AlloVE ARCH. WEsT 1 offor the ("Moving IV Dam' uu.Dr‘ve..r, oup.l.Oug Lailloc, Gnu Mlusen'. belug uputiAlly utultor ontLetprte , I. A DIEs 31ERINO VESTS, ut ror Our Orke 51. LADIES' 3IERINO VESTS 0 *LW. to,IIICOII I rmo 51.91. DAIITWIMMIT S WARNER'S" MERINO GOODS, for Ludlou, Ounto, :C.0., and Boy, MEN'S MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, frump, up. A SPECIAL. LOTOI MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, HALF WOl l l.. 7fr.. worth 0.135, ONE LOT UP VERY FINE QUALITY OF MEN'S SHIRTS ) O. MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, FULL REOPLAR MADE, Quo Sl.ll.lup. BOIS' SIIIDT'S AND DRAWERS - . WHITE AND UOL. ORE)). MISSES' MERINO VESTS. BOYS' MERINO VESTS. MEN'S MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWER).. ' HOSIERY, HOSIERY, lIOSIERI. MEN'S HALF DOSE, FULL REDVLAR MODE, 2.'w. MEN'S HALF HOSE, FULL REGULAR MADE, 2h, MEN'S ENOLISH II ALI HOSE, PULL REO PI. 0 IL Me. MEN'S ENDUE!' BROWN MIXED HALE 1100)., I'III3AD, LADIES' HOSE, FULL REQULAR MADE, 21e. LADIES' RIDDED MERINO HOSE, 23e. LAMER' HOSE. FULL REOULAR MADE, DOUBLE HEELS AND TOES, Dc, t/ENUI NE IRON }TAME HOSE., Ina. REOULAR MADE, DOUBLE HEELS AND TOES, Mo. INFANTS' MERINO SOCKS. MISSES' HOSE, FULL REGULAR MADE, '4', MISSES' MERINO HOSE. CORSET,S, CORSETS, CORSETS I am selling thene very desirable French Ceresla, which ,uive the ladle, meat comfort and pleasure to Weal. 111 litO Old pricer. FRENCH WOVEN CORtiETB, WARRANTED WHALE• . BONE. pUe. TIIE NEW SEAMLESS CORSETS, VERY COMFORT ABLE FOR WINTER, Pee., cost q 1.3.; to make. FINE FRENCH RIBBED CORSETS. 41. FINE FRENCH CORNET, WARRANTED WHALE- BoNE, 3) DoZEN OF FINE FRENCH ERBIUM FREED COR SETS. ItLIP worth $2,75. %FEELEY CORSETS. THOMAS MOFFETT, WI North Smol t Wrp.t Store ttlywo Arch hire,!. treat SPECIA LTIEN FLANNELS! FLANNELS! FLANNELS! This Depdajscal Is filled alacka Idkth. PLAIN and FANCY PLAID SIIIRTINO FLANNELS, PLAIN Rod FANCY TWILLED FLANNELS, CHECK and SOLID COLORS 11031E•MADE FLANNELS, RED WHITE. YELLOW sad BLUE WOOL sod DOMET FLANNELS. COTTON and SHAKER FLANNELS, all clor, OPERA FLANNELS, Yam. inswllon (Amu culls., stock colleiled. Raapedfully, E. S. SLIIMER J.: CO., ;Wand 707 Hamill. SE, Allanbow a, Pa. INDENTRY WE THRIVE \'77l' Cre loving n ureut deal of uttentlou to our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, Always endeavor to keep it new and attractive. The very a t ones e t lties of the moo., fromthe cheapest ar• titles to th textures ar fabric.. We luny for ready cash only, to consequence enablea ur to boy cheap at the bottom prices. Our twit/milers always share fa llto profile. flam falle you make our Fall and Winter purchase, do not to call at they MAMMOTH STORES OF E. S. SHIMER & CO., l'etlikod 707 Hamilton St., Alleutowtt, E DWIN HALL, NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. luviteh uttrutlun to Lls stock of BLACK RlLKei,best zumkoo. COLORED SILKS lo all demlrable %bade% "PIM)" IRISH POPLINS. CORDED & PLAIN FRENCH POPLINS. %ENDES AND SATIN CLOTHS. PLAID POPLINS AND SEIVIES. ft•T`,2l,',i'taitg:!.tuag:3.""'"""`"" ""131" and .1 inll Work of MOURNING GOODS alwily , ou 111110. /ILA OK POPLINS, .31011 A IRS mill LY.WAS. SHAWLS ! SHAW LS 1 I SHAW LS !! ! lu g: vat vArkty. CLOAK VELVETS., PURE SILK, • lied t Impurle 1. SILK PUP.' HES I SILK PLUSHES . ! ! Iu all deplrable . WATER-PROOF CLOTHS. GLOTTIS FOR LADIES WEAR. VELVETEENS OP BILE FINISH. .CLOTHS FOR )TEN AND BOTH' WEAR. Table• Limos, Napkins, Sheetlnge, Tou;olltore. Shirt• Tam s Flannel•, Minket., Counterpanes, l`latut and Table Corer.. Embroideries, Laces. White Goods. Glove., Ate. We deal la good goods, awl will sell at ouch prlreo on will ere satisfaction. • The Market nod ettestont titte,t Car., will convey you to within a for Sours of the .tore. EDWIN HALL, eel Mut 28 Booth Second street, Philtola. D R. FRY'S DYSPEPTIC CURE Will or Bit Al Pick Ifeadaeb, Dirtlee., Nausea arol Vomiting— ht o f V t l h i e L l f ier C aVl l .Talt h i HP4,71,1 1 1 . 12::',LPZILl'it the Stomach WILL CURE heartburn. Water•Rraala. Sour gtontach. Bad Tate, Diegutt fur mood, and a feeling of Weakness— WILL CURE and regulate Costive and booee This medicine is not made of poor and adulterated liquors called Ritter,. Tonic.. he., that will destroy the mucous coat of the stomach and bowels t Lot is entirely vegetable, prepared of the root» and plants of our own nalltg di. DR. FRY'S INDIAN VEGETABLE SYRUP le the fluent and beet preparation for all dlneaneeof the Throat,. LII Kin and Chest; It will cure when ail others fail, quell as Cough., Cold., and Weak Lunge nun' Client. DR.FRY'S FEMALE STRENGTHENING PILLS In the boot aid only remedy for Female Weaknem, Fad. leg of the Womb. Hearing down Pain. Weak Back, Leu• corrhtes, Palpitation of the Heart and General Debility. Prepared and told by Dlt. J. 8. VHF Cor. Tenth and Arch threeti, Philadelphia, And Drustglobt generally. ' noi MIIE ANNUAL EXHIBITION .L op THE PENNSYLVANIA POCLPRI SOCI ET I' I=l ASSEMBLY ROOMS, 10TH AND CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA, From Dec. bit_until Deo. 7th, inclusive Entry Roan ere now open at the Room. of the "Plitt. ADELPIIIA SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING AGRICUL TURE," S. W. Corner NINTH and WALNUT Went., Arf.Alld Wry, entrance from Ninth Street, where the of prnuthisng. cerllficalea of eatry, and any for. titer luformntton can be obtliOrii. Addreae KINGSTON GODDARD, In., Correepoading SeJretarY, Aviculture' Room, Ninth ens Walont St PLO. flay Itti.te WHE LEHIGH REGISTER. • NOW arb TEE Tz.v.x. TO sußscitinE. • SIX NUNIIIERS SOK NOTHING is those evils en►d io th.tr o►mes, assompasleS money, baton. ass( Wodoud►), pRIOE, TWO . DOLLARS A YEAR to your order+. IREDELL & SHIPLEY Jar Salt . anb ro Rat 9[lo ItEASONAII LE LEASE A.. will be given ou the Eutdou Slate goat ry, Alluded 111 I'IRIp Geld townithlp, Northinuiptou cunty. PR., ear Plackerlowu. It counkto of uouilwr o o ne 'let-vein, blue, unvor-fudlou 'date, fully eltual to the well-known Char- RM. Slate, with a good winter power nod a full rigging of pumping and tinkling inuchluen. Pertouo cloodroli. .4 all opportunity of thin blind will ple•nse exitiolue 1 , 0 them • Karam, and apply to Iteolieu Koch, Stuelcertewo P. mart O. 1.. SCII Pne.inlenit 11011 - 01 USE FOR SA E.-,T E tit R scriber offers for sale Ills Tools.. nod hli. , lttlato•kl nn SIXTH xtrert. lietwisin 'll'llN Elt and CHEW. In the City of Allontown. The k + rooplete w ithya all the modern COo voillences and linuilsoinely ',spot oil throughout. The grounds err tastefully 'hid out out ale well ' , lurked with Trull trees. Millie furottoto w, nictiresilly for ibis dwelling the subscriber u 14 selling It with the house. For further luforititien. tort, or it view of On house 0011 on thetho prem ises. hotiviien the lion, of A. M. noII. d P. M. W. II North tali street. ahoy,. Tit root ME 42n BURIAL LOTS FOR SALE.- - - AJF The nuolereigned offer ror 4t)tnew hry lota liontedlaiely adjoining theYnion ltonviery, Tenth ' , lntel. The lido will be mold by eult,riPtion. of after the whole Uner 010 diepoaed of they it 111 he award ed by lot lu the ennie manner h. 111 the organizatiou lhr thliolMnorillt).l, Phi :4 or pinie..if the premium. e:.11 he 00 0 0 at our ogle , . toy 12 .... It Fury:um NA LE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. ri. 11.11,4111 , 1tottrt • ot %, kto•wii FARM, CONTAINING MI ACRES mote or less, of unsurpdaseil situation and lertilhy . situ ate near the bonnibtry of the City of Allentown, 1,1 bury township. The ti lode trot.: 6. level land. hounded 01l N1T... • sides by d nu bloc road, and cll. be lirontald, uP Into building lots, whiiih iu ionsiotneile of their ail vnutageour situation can ha readily ilispoied Tine beautiful and uovor.faillog Mott Creel: dews through the 1 meadow, and no Inenhattatiliiii bed ot the best found upon the laud, [linking It n very ile•iralile lora • thin for a furnace, being only norm fifty yard+ from the East Penn. Itailroad. The itnlirovehuiats thereon consi'd of a nor BLE TWO.STORT 111:11:1i1 nwEr.t,i.m r r , " with 'natant, bons. , a largo frame train, il:d2 curl nil other notesaary ontlitaldings. all la the beit,giain. condition; the hest spring whirr and 'lntern,. at. 11113 hottai• and barn, lin encelleat apple orchard an'il tunny other fruit trees, good feuriii,.ete This faro, Imo not be surpassed by any othdr In the county in quality. It borders ea the prililte road iendillg I , from All , ntowti to Elmo°, ,an Ih , . road lenillau from Alleu• town hr Tidbit town, nail en another public road, and ills • Philadelphia road leads at cdtiveutent place through the raft., low from the buildings el the City of Allentown and MI surrounilitur ciattity In :tetanal, makes this property, In connection with its elle, 4,1111111 f. (MOM., 010,4 an 11$041 The c.indltions r,l rode are easy; a :owl), y. arty Instalments, wltitiott interost. JOHN GRos:.: Clothincr EXCELLENCE OF FABRIC! PERFECTION IN STYLE! ECONOMY IN PRICE! Our stock is complete and in great, varictj• FtEADY-MADE CLOTHING FOR GENTLEMEN. Business Suits. - - $lB to $4O Dress Suits, - - $35 to $5O Fall Over Coats, - - $lO to $3O Winter Over Sacks of Freize, $4-0 (I " Petersham,sl4 Fur or Moskow Beaver, $2O to $55 Winter Surtouts of Frieze, - $l2 `" Petersham, $l6 " " other fabrics, $2O to $4B FOR BOYS Bismarck Suits, Other Fancy Styles, - $9 to $2O Metropolitan Suits, - $l4 to $3O CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. New Goods, of Fine Qualities and Elegant Styles. American Yoke Shirts, In stock and made to order. Inquiries 1)37 mail promptly answered. and System of Measurement forwarded when desired. Address Box 2256, N. Y. P. 0. DEVLIN & CO. BROADWAY, COR. GRAND STREET. BROADWAY. COR. WARREN STREET BUILDERS, LOOK TO YOUR . TERESTS. L. W. KOONS .4 CO. are manufacturing a Ily.lrantic Cement Drain Pipe Chimney Flu., and Ornamental Chim ney Tope, cheaper aunt more durable than ..thy ether to ruarael. .Tll6. are made of pure cement mud Aand, tieing powerfatly comprerned, troll eoned, and tor • in all practical reaper(' m o EQUIVALENT TO STONE. = bend for a rirrular, or mill nud eicoutinii nt their °nice and manufactory, corner of liniollum triou and loddoli Vatic). Railroad. tune 141 ; ,. THE WONDER OF TUE AGE I • WOMANS' RIGHTS WASHER ! PRICE ONLY TWO DOLLARS! DELIVERED FREE.' Active l'auvo.ono, Iv:mita of olthor .ex for Oa. 1..101 borhood. Term. Liirf•ro. Athlre.. Rep 14.1 y C. l JONE 6. Wllodugioo. Doi M 11031,104 :MOFFETT, . 1. 1.11N:•EI(IIITIS St. 104 N. EIGHTH FIRST' STORE ABOVE ARCH. WEST SIDE. I'HILADELPIIIA„ Headquarter. , for the gullet. JAPAN SWITCHES All the I..te•t utrt`eltlee lu CHI NoNS, ATI:111%11,1.S. TADS. LOo I'l BRAIDS, IN.AIR.I F, HAIR AND 1.1117 . A TB) REAL 11.1111 .1111.11.95 AND S 11'/ 2.l.lltiti. Ladle,. dealt.. or parrlataing ltval Hair Switch. , or lb. nest guallty trill gad a utiert, at altout tinit the u.ttni price• now charged. THOMAS MOFFErf, Fir.t Store above Arch Street, Wpm Sid RICH ANG ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL C LOTUS, tl•(' C. VOULK. NO. i 9 S. SECOND ST., (ri..t Ft ro bt•IIIS% c, Ea-t .hlr, nr attention le his nnlonll , l ennerteleut or laew•mletl ud American CA IIY lab, Whirh will be sold nt a very nAll adenine. (Mode warranted /14reprenented nu that II ran buy wllli count!. uc.. um' nntlslertion. Lev n• LA it G EsT sTot • K GREAT INDUCEMENTS '1•"1110- 311 ppm Intrillintre Ii II 13rip••11.10,..• .1..1.• owu or HEIMBACH, HELFRICH &. CO., 732 HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN Th.. firm lio rr wrontly put MA3I. MOTH ALL, I'I.ATE-O LASS FRONT. end ARV.. nlhrnrleo iul,rKed their rarihilea for kneplng 011 hand the hagnat atock la the chT. Thalr ELE(;:t.I4 - 2' FUR:II7'MM manufactured In their ten rain/WO/ow nt, un d er th e i r awn nuperviolon, and In warrant• rid lobe the Ar e( In the market. An toßpectlon of their stock will convince littyern of the nd. Inning.. of buying from them Ifelmbneh, Helfrich inaudfaclure PASANT !WILING lIKU. and are nide auenta for that auperhir bed. Call and pee I • . RPutentl.n. The Mammoth Glass Front, MEE Chinchilla, I '3. ' ii-,;'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers