El),e Yel2igt gegistcr. Editor and Proprietor I= ALLENTOWN, PA., OCTOBER 19, 1870 S. 11I.Petteng111 dzC0.,:17 Park Row, Geo. P. Rowell A Co., JO de, 41 Park Row, are our only authorized agents for the City and State of New York. All advertising contracts for this paper must be made with either of tie above firms or with the publisher direct. WHIT•k SLAVERY. The election of this year in Lehigh county has demonstrated one Met, which in' itself is worth all the labor that has been expended In bringing out the full vote of the Republican party, and elucidating to the people st `- the importance of voting for men Who upon sound principles of business—that fact is, the rousing of the people of the county to mile. penitence of action. Heretofore it has been the policy of the Democracy of this county to manage the nominations by rings and cliques, and afterwards to whip their men into traces by threats, or coax them in by promises. In this way they have been able to manipulate politics in such a way as to make virtual slaves of the honest men of their party, and so sue ces9lul have they been in many instances that men, honest of I , urpose,have steadily refused to listen to the t: nth, until, at last, the politi cal thraldom has become unendurable—so ut terly- corrupt have the ring leaders become, that the honest people resolved to bear the burden of political slavery no limger, and like brave turn they have shown their former leaders and masters that henceforth they shall loots to their own interests and that or their community before they will listen to the catch words of the party, and the personal abuse which has so distim_miihed some of its chiefs. The Met is plain that while the i people or thls county are to the principles which they espouse, they gill allow no 111011, or set of men to cinch the whip of slavery over their heads with impunity. They have long and patiently:cadmic,' the galling irons i d'unseru_ pulous corruptionbits, who have fattened and tilled their pockets not of the public fund, but they could 110 longer be cajoled and quieted by empty ' , roods' s, nor subilto d by vehement threats—Cm iaaple are far all declared llatl awl; arc f.-cr no 'I. as :11l evidence of forourr sl3tl• ,lippr,:jon it je, but ur eessary to r , ill Ropy Mika ne,' thc nem ot:ral !her, attach .0, t,,, pricai.. 11 , ; „ ( . oy, but through only Iwo hunt id mils are n:.n0 , .1 in nor,•altachs.il i.a n prrsnual illOllll to every 111011 who had the inornl shoninn 1.. rei,e the rigit of a free man. Tim day "I while slavery in this county is past. if turn hut dare to be free. • Tim ollichtt ret.nrits flora 31ontgontery county give Oliver only 6)01 votes:l,nd elver 7:110, ,Ito‘vi.4 a majmity (.1' S:111 Ibr the Doc tor. The Itemiblicans 01 that county are coy. (Ted Ivith Chaim.. They \VCR' urged to go to NVOlqi and ColllltUnlet ,mall majority tvhich would he given in thi., county for Aelier, and the moult shows. thw I . cl they valtte(lll.e , eap. peal , . they could bier Till. have nearly .11.111 v(fte:: in - Montgomery :Ind the :getting out of 7. - .110 of them could not have involved as notch labor as \vas apt nded in this county in getting out our vote. 7)00 mm, 11111 h: n . majority (.1 100 iu . .\lont2ottrty ;old :t major he' 19 ill the res,itt is due to the croak,..., of nnr party. y were tilt by the most experi enced politicians in this District that the Di ni ocraey could wit poll more than 7:i00 votes in The lien erns 1100(1 . (1:11. as I,re posterotts. Their reply WIIS that the Demo crats always went to the lions, when an in vestigation of the returns for the past twenty years must have convince,l them that tin sim ilar occasions, when OWN' teas 110 Mute or im portant comic ticket to elect, there has al ways Ii iii an 111111Sn:11 lidligit nIF of the vote. Norristown, Plymouth, Pott,town, :1101 Pottsgrove arc among tho few districts ii Ilich were awake to the importance of the importance of the contest, :til it not lien . for the effort there made the county would Lace given a heavier Deltic - KT - die majority than has het n given for several years. Too much praise cannot be bestowed upon the Ilepublicans who worked so mthly in our orvu uounty, though it is di,ln artening that it has not been crowned N 1 int butler re:tilts. The vote for 31r. Oliver compared with that received by our candidate for dory ('onunis stoner short's Le palled ;;02 votes from the op. po:ltion, which is a greater honor to him than the election of his opponent by a greatly re duced majorityis to Doctor Acker, as the litt ler centleman ran 1.10 behind his ticket in his MVII county, told polled 1107 votes Itss than were given thr Packer in )lontgonn ry, and 207'2 less in the District. The majority against 1)r. Martin, in this county, is only 5:1-1 ; against against Mt. Bute, .1511; against Mr. Young, 800 and against Mr. Kline Sill. The Be publicans of Lehigh may cMigratulate them. selves upon the result, and we urge Ilium to slick to the good work, promising them that in 1871, they can do still better on the gene. cal ticket. PHI:SIDI:NT GRANT has issued a proclama tion prohibiting the use of our harbors by armed vessels of belligerents as 'mints of ob servation or menace toward vessels in or about to enter our waters, or about to depart there from. The proclamation declares that tiny frequenting and use of the waters within the territorial jurisdiction of the rhited States by the firmed vessels of either belligerent, whether public ships or privateers, for the purpose of preparing for hostile operations, or :IS posts of observation upon the ships of tear or priva teers, or merchant vessels of the other being. ercnt lying within or being about to enter the jurisdiction oldie United States, must he re garded as unfriendly and otlensive, and in violation of that neutrality which it is the de. termination of this Government to observe. After Outoher no ship-of-war or privateer of either belligerent shall he permitted to make use of any waters within the jurisdiction of the United Slates as a station or a place of resort for any warlike purpose or for the purpose of obtaining any facilities or warlike equipment, and no ship of war or privateer of either bel ligerent shall be permitted to sail out of or leave any waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, from which a vessel of the other belligerent shall have previously'. de parted, until after the expiration of at least twenty-four home. All ships of War of either belligerent entering our ports after October L.?, will be required to depart within twenty.four Lours of the time a sa d, uni This move ment on the part ti the President will be en dorsed by citizens of all parties. It places the United States in a proper position, and one that must comnuind the rtsqiect of all the lead ingmations of the civilized world. Mum( the month of Se ~ pt,,ber patents were issued by the State fir laud to the amount of 70,003 acres, and 'warrants to sur vey and return, 2,838. IteeciptAir the mohth for patents and warrants, amounted to $12,- 224 84 ; total receipts - thus far this official year, $132,000. As the State will doubtless, henceforward, pursue a vigorous policy In relation to the unfinished business of the Land Mac, it would be well for the owners of im potence(' lands to complete their titles, nud thereby save possibility of having to pay ad ditional costs. Arrearages and fees on un patented lands . under the second section of the act of 20th May, bearing interest at six per cent. OFFICIAL RETURNS OF LEHIGH COUNTY, OCTOBER 11, 1870. DISTRICTS. Names of CanVates MEE= John 11. ollver /Lphraion 1,..1.•) Charlos 1.. EdWin --IMrillbt • ' Arr I sint.l. SIIIIIIIO A. 111111 Ed 1,1,1 Adam W.', v. Ilt rmol a 31. l', ( fer 1,1 SI, 1 . 0,1,11...N.14 50h , 311011 1:11111 11ni111r) j"" Str irl ' i . trrrol: or rUn I'o of John O. SAllnl`r JrTO, i:rdnl,lll Itli George Roth 1/. ichte ra Ira incr... At' churl., E. Bock 11 - 11...01; I'. lb btu 'l'itt,ruc , r ah'Tlll: AVAIPNIIr Alll,lll L. E. - Butz. Orr,/ J. ..11itrtilt Elf J. Salyer 11. art/ CONSOLATION The Democratic papers, not being able to put out an eagle this year, have indulged in the following spite-work : From thO Rep/OA/Va . ( I/ CO Or wea,,,a At the time we are going to press we are unable to furnish the result as to the Congressional elee- Usti of this District, but so much is certain, that on account of "scratching" and other bad mean; the Black Republican Candidate for Congress is running far ahead of his ticket. In this we can say that it is now high time for the Democracy or Lehigh county to exert its full power and thereby prove its virtue by striking from her list those vil lains and traitors who, under the mantel of Di - mocraey, for a considerable length of time; have Intrigued against our party and have continually sought its subversion ;—it is time that our party learns to know those persons who °roily prof,; to be Democrats, NIL in secret operate against 'our nominees, and on this account as a warning de serve to be placed in public disgrace. In title class of those traitors belong J. Allen Kramer and Tilghman W. Kramer who since they are playing the part of political Arnoltis shall not be acknowledged or dealt witqi as members of the party. Casting out must be their lot. May all Democrats in the future guard them selves front men of this character and let them go into the camp of the enemy, there as " white nig gers" to do the dirty work, and there finally to receive the deserved kicking, whether they have lent their services voluntarily or on [memo t of pay. • • From the It, clots Dem ,, prot Wednemlay. . It Is to he regreted that sonic calling themselves Democrats lent themselves to the enemy. It is true beyond emitrailictionk that there Ore some in our ranks who at any election have greater sati faction in opposing a Democratic ticket than in sustaining their political brethren.and the princi ples they profess in common—and none arc won e In this respect than Tit/11i. 11. and .1. Allen Krinne.., (former shin-hone leaders,) and we this day take the Illicit of openly reading them wand:the party. They Lori' linen playing into the hands of the, enemy clandestinely for sonic yearst-and we thikk It time that they he thrown overthaence entirely. The sooner the Democratic party is purged of th:s class of men, the better. The 'there ett:ieks upon private citizens will he more likely to cast disgrace upon their authors than upon the persons attacked. These genthmen were openly, not in the way of an Arnold, performing a constitutional privilege and if they are to be held up to re. proach in the public prints because they eke. tit and voted according to their print i pies, the work ought not to stop here. Go into all the towns and townships of Lehigh county and read all the Democrats out of the party whit voted for uliver . Gn , an d Ihru your wort: will lie complete. The game is played out, Messrs. Democrat and Repo/4i. tab( r. It is too late to keep your party to gether by black-mail. Von have cast an intim tation upon hundreds oryour kriends,who have worke,l tt ilh you tinder victory and defeat for years, 1"..11 try to use the too to keep tin se men front voting for WllO/11 1411' please, as they have a right to do, and the moment you make shout feel that they are looked upon a , slaves, living in fear of the disgraceful assm It you have made upon the Emitters, the spit . ). of litterty will actuate them in still further CN. cruising tlae privileges and 'rights of Anierie::.i citizens. Ii the Kramers can consistenry support the principles of the Republicans 1% can give them a welcome to a•party which it liberal 'lough for ever% body and which b..- Heves more in ;maranteeing the privileges i.f the Constitution to our citizens than in lion l ing again , t infringements imon that earn '1 instrument. (11:Nmt t. iiomu.•r E. LEE, the great rube. chieftain, died at Lexington, Virginnia, 310111 day morning, of paralysis. Gen. Lee was 6 , 111 in Virginia in 1808. lie had a line edu cation, and grolhtated at West Point in 1829, and entered the United States Army. Ile was made Captain in 1818, tool in 181(1 was appointed Engineer-in-Chic' to the army in In That w;u• he served gallantly, and Nva, , I . omoitua to a coloneley for his bravery at thapultepec. 1111852 he was made superinti neat or west Point, and held the posithin :11 1855. Ile served in the ( t ilted States ..I.inty till 1861, when he resigned and offered his SAVota toVireinnia, which bad just =reeled. Ili, subsequent career is b.° tt ell I,IIOIVII fur its to record, Gen. Lee was unilouluedly one of the ‘,e,-t generals of the a4e. Ile managed his campaign superbly; and with inferior numbers successfully battled the Cnion nerals for years. But the stain rests upon hint of having fought against the government to which he owed his education, and iu whose easy service he had passed his file. In all actions but this treason (which he justified by claiming that his first allegiance was due to his State), lien. Lee had the rept'• ration of being an upright, as he was ult. doubtedly im able and accomplished man. , 'rum preliminary plans for the observation and reports of storms by tellegrnph, and sig nals for the benefit of COIIIIIICFCC, under the military control, provides, aniong other things, for the stationing of observers nt point throughout the United Mates, selected by com petent authority, as those from which reports of observations will be most useful, ns indica ting the several conditions of the Mmosphei on the approach and force of storms, It has been in view to so locate these sta lions that the existence oftt slam at one a r more of them being determined, information may be had by the regular reports communi cated by telegraph in advance of its probabbi movement. Copies of all reports will he far• wished to the different helpers for publication and each report will be bulletined on the Board of Trade rooms, Merchants' Exchan ges or other conspicuous places, immediately upon Its receipt. Whenever experience has certainly determined what may be regarded for any section of country as premonitions of all approaching storms, signal stations will be established as quickly as the necessary am rangenents can be made, and signals will be displayed announcing the probable approach, with other information which may be possi ble. • A. NEI\ Youu journal makes the startling suggestior that the French vessels, which are now erusing near that city, are "a Ilea of ob• servation to telegraph to France the clearance of such Government ships as may put to sea." Arc Is e to understand that the fleet of Miser. canon grapples the cable somewhere out in the ocean, or that the French agents in New York'and elsewhere 7 -the Consuls for instance —don't know what German ships put to sett until the fleet of observation comes into port and tells them ? Tux President has issued another neutrality proclamation. Eis direct against the prepat , lug within the jurisdiction of the United States all military enterprises against Powers with ,whom we are nt pence, the collecting of money for the Caine, etc., and declares that parties hereafter convicted of violations of the nen trnlity laws will not be saved by Executive clemency from (lie consequences of their guilt. THE LEIEEIGH REGISTER, ALLENICOWN, WEDNESDA.Y, OCTOBER 19, 1870. g 3 :••••: :••:: . - 5 E: -3 : 4 -T-4 " • g •. • 21:1 '217 7.11 SAL 306 90-1477 MI 07 170 2.0 43 101 .27 7)1 IS2 21tS 100 341 27 '6l 20 171 174 70 34 112 CAS 27 177 141 211 28 . 2, 77 34 2,7 01 40 7)3 321 212 . 270 273 341 711 277 201 201 211 In 4 141 .7.3 42 47.0 201 210_219 :131 2:17 S9-1:119 :7 - 12. 111 119 . 3:1 38 12 SO 2111 17:1 100 .210 lid 2.7.1 346 187-110 87 183 7.1 IA GO 25 130 .2111 231 211 221 22.5 391.1 24;1 72-1341 253 64 134 31 20 174 77 211 173 177 103 IP6 SI NI 22S 115 121 72 3q 201 424; LIC; 27)3 291 371 1.71 73-1373 293 111 151' 33 4.1 159 GI 391 170 1711 132 1111 79 ui 212 11; 121 74 INKI 3222 4241 179; 20) 1331 250 210 172-193.2. its GI 16 171 CI 293 211 212 223 307 373 :320 2713 1910 211 241 2 , t1 3274 G3 13 3030 3333 1 . 12 2731 1710 172-11133 97 G. 3 35 74 4:I 1.49.1 342 192. 213 212 243 :11;1 272 . lu2 281 230 1331 101 1,2 43 4722 MWMMIZYMMI 272 1117 117-12 , 6 311 63 171 7 2 33 137 31 207 177 177 120 1112 77 111 227 141 1111 71 1134 2111 4118 it 1373 345 177-1331 12 70 ID 53 337 331 1 , ./3 7.11 :777 378 333 270 1.117 . 2.1 211 . 201 I , 60 toil 2tl. 213 21' 101 10 IS 358 21S 72-13111 .I1(4 153 32 38 157 RI 2011 1141 172 141 11 , 2 78 111 22S 147 .1111 71 18.5 201 1117 (4 2'32 311 17:r-I')."e2 •10 112 (41 10 72 211 • 711 217 201 311 372 321 270 2,40 2 , 2 211 311 1 8 7 tZI 7475 .21 , ) 21 It' 1.1.5 1 207 221 ^ 'll 357 240 71-13213 231 GI 155 :4/ 157 RI 204 171 170 152 111•+ 741 214, 115 11. ti FI VA 1 , 14 41 1 : 105 201 155 273 312 173-1.37 ill 03 37 co Cl 11.73 334 215 210 311 379 324 273 201 2141 •140 2,0 1,41 I)) 39' 511. 207 22 1 222 377 249 71-132; 251 01 12.1 :12 Ss 177 RI 217 1151 174 152 11 1 2 70 9:1 724 147 114 73 1.49 2444 4172, 27 214 217 377 241 71-131.5 292 114 173 32 39 15 , 1 200 173 173 151 19 . 2 74 ! , 3 lii lIS 73 101 3 , 2 1111 201 42 177-1:141 114 Cl 0 5 , 7.9 7.9 tlto 314 217 279 :541 474 524 279 :511 212 241 201 15s a 3 .50 205 , 4 1117 21 , 1 17:4 201 in 174-19'4 04 02 22 2411 714 214 2 , 0 311 177 124 279 211 252 241 204 ;0 51 •' 105 057 141 311 515 1715-1245 N, 42 0,9 Go 92 919 334 219 2441 31.1 177 124 279 30 , 1 792 211 204 11n 01 (II 555, EDITORIAL NOTES. Tiii colored troops fought wilily at the polls throughout the State on Tuesday. Every man of them showed his appreciation of the privilege given him through Republican pow er. •NEw ExoLANn is to have another excite ment. This time it is to be a National Poul try Show. The locality for the exhibition is Hartford, Connecticut, and the date is the first Tuesday of November. A. NEW Crystal Palace is projected in New York. The structure will be of monster pro portions, anti will be constructed entirely of Iron and glass. The capital orthe association which is to undertake the enterprise is seven millions of dollars. THE Venezuillan revolution is ended, the government of Guzman Blanco' being in ac knowledged supremacy. The difficulty with Holland has been adjusted, except that Blanco refuses to continue diplomatic relations with the Dutch Minister. • THE Philadelphia Evening Star is agitating a movement for the early closing of the retail stores which employ saleswomen. This move should have been commenced sonic time ago, and by this time it would have been on a firm footing. Philadelphians are always slow in mew enterprises. Tiii Usage Indians in Kansas may be consi dered pretty well off in a worldly sense. The tribe numbers 8,000, and has, after all expen ses are paid, one hundred . and sixty acres of land. to each individual and $6,000,000 in money, which is $2,000 apiece. Pretty good for Lo ! Tats Prussian Government has called upon ours to enforce the neutrality laws forbidding the sale of arms to belligerent powers. The Prussians have little reason to doubt the an of this Government to maintain its neu trality. If past assurances of ours do not suf fice, it is not likely that the action now ordered by the Government will be satisfactory. Thum: are now nearly half a of Good Templars in the United States and Canada. The total number or members in Pennsylvania is about forty thous:old, and rapidly increasing. As an organlzatii:n tiny number more limn all otter temperance or ganizations combined. Men and women are eligible fi n • membership, upon equal terms. A NEw non Tribune correspondent writ ing from I3erlin gives the minute official state ment of Prussia❑ captures since August 2, which, including Strasbourg, makes ittolal of one Marshal, 49 Generals, :3,810 officers, 123, 950 privates,' 10,000 horses, Sli eagles, 10 mitrailleuses, 1,057 field and fortress guns, over 100 wagons and trains, with magazines, railroad trains, ammunition, clothing, equip ments, etc., innumerable. Tint twentieth anniversary of the Mangum lion of the Woman Suffrage movement in thi. country will be celebrated in Apollo Mil in New York, on the 19th and 20th of October. The movement in England, as in America, may be dated front the first National Con vet Lion; held at Worcester, Mass., October, 1S;0. Lucretia Mott, Sarah Pugh, Elizabeth C. Stanton, Ernestine L. Hose, Samuel .T. AT:t and C. I. 11. ;Nichols constitute the Commit tee of Arrangements. AT the bureau for the payment of soldiers . pensions, 2,687 payments were :mule up ti Oct. t, ;:m ou lting lu $146,132 64. One loin Bred and thirty artificial arms have been pro vided, costing in the aggregate $0,300, ant sixty artificial legs, at it cost of $1,500. Tit whole amount thus paid out is $157,122 01 At the bureau for the payment of claims o soldiers' widows and other relatives, 4,05 pensions have been paid, amounting t 0 .5397, 572 00. 'fir grand annual council between the 'United States Government and the tribes of the Indian country is soon to be held. At this council live distinct nations will be rePre sented—the Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws and Seminoles. The council is fixed by lane, and was to have been held on the 26th of September, but it wins found im possible to collect tine head chiefs, who were out buffalo hunting, and without ratification treaties have no effect. Ton Directors of the Union League of Phil adelphia have called a meeting of the mem bers of that organization for the considering a proposed application to the Legislature for the call of the State Convention to amend the- Constitution of Pennsylvania. This movc , went is not any way connected with party politics, but is intended as a means of direct ing public attention to a subject of universal interest. We believe that the people of Penn sylvania, of all parties, see the necessity for certain amendments to our organic law—the representation of minorities being one of the most important. THE French Canadians of New York pro pose an organization to bring about a political union between the United States and Canada. Yesterday being the three hundredth and seventy-eighth anniversary of the discovery of America, they chose thatfddY for starting the movement. They held a meeting last eve ning, and appointed a committee whose busi ness:it Is to make arrangements for ,another meeting tin• permanent organization, on the second Wednesday of next month. This is a good move, and we hope It may terminate in something more than shadow. gentlemen from New York, who have proposed to Pestmaster43eneral Cresswell to establish an American line of steamers, have received much eneburagement from that gen tleman. lle stated, n few days since, that if they run the steamers on Mondays and Fri. days lie will give them a mail each day, or on either of those days ; but all other days-in the week the mails are taken by steamers With which the Department has a contract, and which lie proposes to continue. It is thought by Mr. Creswell that the line will be estab lished,' and that it will be a success. Fe is alleged that American youth exhibit every year less desire to become mechanics, and that the United States has to depend al most entirely upon workmen from the conti nent of Europe. Not oi ly ingenious handi craftsmen, but skilled scientific workmen are now furnished by the German States and by. France, and It is argued that the only hope of keeping American industry alive rests in combining technical instruction with the whole courseof education in the public schools.. Drawing, it is earnestly pressed upon the , itt: tention of school directors, should be taught at the same time with writing and the making of figures. The training of the eye and the hand in the use of the pencil, it is insisted,. cannot be taught to early, and a knowledge Of practical chemistry, it Is belleved,would also be highly useful. 172 174 IF4I 73 , 7 1731 141 121 73 137 342 4233 312 311 so) :79 311 z , 9 241 131 111 67 .1 , t 42 ~13 31 31 131 S 2 31 , 1 131 1 1 172 131 132 31 frl 231 141 111 73 1.7 93 4732 70 60 ni 237 2U 211 250 310 372 321 273 • 130 30 212 202 107 t 2 a 1 (0703 AMERICAN soldiers have good reasons to be proud over the compliment which Gen. Phil. Sheridan pays them. Ile has witnessed all the great battles between the Prussian and French forces during the present war, and he gives it as his opinion that neither the French nor the Prussian soldiers are equal to our own in Intelligence, skill and efficiency. As both Prussia and France train men especially for the art of war, while the battles in our recent war were fought by volunteers, the compli ment is indeed a strong one. Ihtelligence is a good basis upon which to build up an effi cient soldiery. Pr is reported that Secretary Cox has ten dered his resignation. We do not know of any good reason why it ought to be accepted, and we rejoice to believe that the President's hesitation indicates (lint he has no intentior to receive it. Mr. Cox has done good service in the Cabinet, and ought to remain at the had of the Interior Department until the new In dian policy, happily inaugurated under hisdi rcction, shall have been proved by results the best and wisest the Government could adopt, and shall have been established ns the fixed policy of the country for the future. THE official returns of the mortality of the country for the mouth of September shows a large decrease over that of the two previous months, nud a still greater decrease over that of the same period last year. This fact is at tributed to the remarkable mildness of the weather. IT is said the slate interests of Pennsylvania, Vermont and Maine arc becoming more than ever marked features in the business of the country, from increases in the demand made for American slate abroad. LOUIS NAPOLEON'S reign has been longer than any of his predecessors since Mi. LoNms, October 17.—The following is a resume of the negotiations which Adolphe as envoy of France, has undertaken Nvith the governments of Russia and Austria, together o•ith the representation trhich he made to induce mediation. On the part of Prance, in his interview with tLc Czar Alk ander and Count Gortschakair, t. Petersburg, Lc suggested there should be n Congress Of European powers of NV}lleil IZUSAIL Shoula 11101111.1 Cr. The reply of h a Russian govern ment Was,-'if it joined the Congress a revhdon of the treaty I ; 1 ? l o: t.e.m.rroe4 ..uss.an theta from the Black Sea, and imposing other re- strielions, must be counted upon . Thiers see ing the impossibility of zieg,olUttions, left for Vienna. In an intervie..v with Count Vint Ucust he represented to Au,tria that the Eu ropenn supremacy of Germany could he the result of the Went of the Prench in the pres• eat war, but his efforts to enlist Von Beast's ympathies, and nlso Count Tatruche find Pussy Nvere ineffective. the departure of Thiers from Vienna it. is understood that 'the Attstrhut gorcrinnent has shifted its alti Lode and now advocates the formation of a intimate alliance with the government of Ger nny, Von Bengt hayin dispatched several n otes to the government or (iernmny this tenor. The government iit Berlin etitlently does not desire to take very precipitate action o a this and restrains itself'. In the interchange or notes the Berlin government meet 3 the over tuxes or Austrin with allusions to Uhostile nttittele of Austria nt the beginning the emu Paign against Franc( A balloon from Paris conveying four I ravel• ers and a quantity of mails desconded at laarienburg on Sunday. Goddard, the aeronaut, says that Paris still I resents a bold front. Ile slates that a battle was fought on Saturday. The Prussians lost IIIHX) in this action. HAmnuno, Oct. 17.—1 n consoptcnce of the French fleet of the Island of Heligoland, North Sea, the sea coast defence have ordered the signals in the Estuary of the Elbe remov ed and the obstacles to the navigation of the alt cam restored. In consequence of this or de r the light vessels which were sent from thi s port have returned and the, port is (Ake tut illy closed. New obstacles have been sun il. and the torpedoes restored. The French flet A. has tieen sighted off the Island of lleliga lon d for n week post alternately standing off ant 1 on watching the arrival 'of Necv York stet Liners. BRUSSELS, Oct. 17.—Late advices from Me tr. are confirmatory of despatches received thri >ugh Prussian sources to the effect that Ma rshal Bazaipchas sent a prominent General of his command on a mission to the King of Pru ssia at Versailles. It is further believed that, he offers terms of capitulation. The name of the officer is Gen. Boyer. B unr-ni Oct.' 17.—The Prussian Govern, met it is now engaged in the transportation of one hundred thousand fresh troops to lie in cog .orated in the armies Lesieging Paris. T ono, Oct. 17.—A despatch from the Pre - feet of Lyons states that the 12045 made Snot her attempt to sieze the Prefecture of the Guy eminent of that city and ingloriously fail- ed. More arrests of noted agitators followed and the authority of the Republic is more item: ly established than before. EL %NANA, Oct. 17.—[ Special to the N. V. Pt al. ] Captain Ocn. De Dodos has issucil au i • • orac. liberating 2000 apprenticed negroes, ca9tt fired from slavers in the years 18:i5.0-7. Th e French mall steamer Darien was lost flftee n miles to the windward of Gunntanem. All ands sved. On Friday night there was a severe hurri cane on the bay. But slight damage was done: however, to vessels and property in the city. Trees were prostrated but no lions& In Um 3 country growing cane and, c_2llLe crops were damaged. TRANS-ATLANTIC ENGLAND PR USSIA BELGICH CUBA PthLADELPITIA, Oct. 17.—D0 Haven & 8r0.,. Brokers, No. 40 South Third Street, gh;.e the following quotettons up to 2 o'clock to•dny : Buying Selling. ........11.1 11.l' .......1123 1131.;, ..... 111 , ,t; .......11174 112 V, 11(11r; ........110?;110',11' 1101,1 5'F, 10-10's 106:31 106 30 year 6 per cent. Currency 1111.1 111?,' Union l'aelllc Ist M. bands 0:31 910 Central Pacific It. It 000 910 Union Pacific L. Giant It 775 715 U. 8. G's of 'Bl 82 CM= = D ,, a1l bll 11% whttrot & Cn W 11 1 .30. Finn r. roar bb1.... 'Wh..at, per 111.1,01 Eye Cora Oat. FlaxmaA Timothy Seed, per 1,1.1101 Clover Staal, • Wheat Flour, per Ityc ro.rn Ent! or, per Pound 1.:tr.1, • • " ii:1111. " Egg., por por 1.. er huxl)ol.'ll4,v Appl.,, phel. 11rit•LI ' • Iplair . Prorlorri• 11 iipket Extra Fatally l'annxylvanla Extra madl y Fancy Drawls Itya rloar Wo,tortt Wheat Choir., Mal., itye Vell , lw N',.-brit 1111 Oat. CloverNi•vd ThElothy .1451 tirao: t 4 1101VAIII) SANITAItY AID ASSOCI -- ATIIIN. —For the llellof add Cure pr the Errlnd and Linfortunate, Prineiples of (711rfdlliin E , asin the Error. , of A . " 0111,1001 the Follies of Au . .., 10 , relutPin Ma nut aid: and Soil.", Es' tl, iatnitur , n id for sent free, itt sealed Envelope, .1.1 now El, .yrprN„ lied p, I,Pa. gfeb 9-11. 1 .* ThOUPilliau q(' prauiaiilq yollthg. ot . both STYCR, (/0 ! - . down to untimely gravea i I'l,lll gewonl weal, ILI Wil. , lllloa lie . ,aviul by Lit Pig titel,ystainv with LI iron. The l'iirovltin Syrup to nn Iron Toole el es preody to MIA vilahrltur element, iii the only preparation of Iron that will :1,11,11101 , it iitied w:111 the BUSINESS NOT I ( 'ES Svpl,lllwr d. IS7II. IVe tar, taaaln 11 . 1 e, 1; r Wition N Metcloht , in our family; In con•Liat usii for 0000 !one! , yew, Lace dome a great deal of Loney wont: on 11. Love up away It 0 , wee,/ ;relit; of 111,1(r, ...fa we hare eye.; Ldwtd enrret with ii; my toil,. It. ;limo a great &aloof alio n..” I; on it ; hoe, ht.t op , one wofon if for pft rs; and Lae .' fiat tal it ea.). aim:twig°, And it haiil.:10 0 1 , satisfaction in vvory re-loot. It will la,t EIS 111011)" MOW year, .1. T. IL\ IZNITZ. Anent, No, Un Ea.; Hamilton street, Allentown, Pa. • Cancers, Tumors arid Swellings of all hind:: war ranted curet? tritbout mina: the knifo„ itala ar drawing blood. Si'.' t,tlnnatlals: TM. In to certify lint I had been tronbled for alt,tt flirt, yoars wlth a s‘volllng 111' 0111101 . 1111 ?dd. lorgo ot oty right hand, wltlrlt had been ottornted ,al atene untoith - oat any Inateln; lifter mitlolt thy , tuna.r rondnencod to grow and "Marge very fwd. I consultod Dr. 11. It. 1..,4- Libor, and wont untleChln treatment, by which thin inntor teen rontoved trlthout it-Ing the butte e, dr,vnat blued, and otta , lng me but little foconvoltan, Nvldltt and, troatitatt. I can front toy uwn experienco riiiionntoinil Dr.ileinga trcattnent to all pinions caliiitian tumors, cancers or any or chronic with tho Vssuritare that ill Illy Ivhich I totoilderiiii 110 trine, it ery painful operation hat . ing failed hi cure it.) lie auto perfect iiiatinfartliou and effected a con , lit a v01.,' iihott time. AS F. BUTZ. Lehigh l'a. Dr. 11, D. lamanko.r's .111, Sixth erred, la•Dvrou Ilahalton Nl'ali.lt., .1 Torpid ' ystehi.—Sometimus, without any an.ignahle cause, the phy:-Ical -trey and a •- nimal pirits ggive way, and a strange torpor fail, alike on the body and intellect. There is little or no pain per hap., but the nat ural vigor and elasticity of the nen nu. , and tan-cular 4) , teta seemshave departed. and an helilletene.• to the plea-ntre s u r , lift.. to anti even of Its grave re-pot.. Llliti• taken the place of that earne , t interest iu both u hich char acterizes every well balanced wain when in :t healthy coalition. Thin .tat,' of paitial cella p..' I. often Ih•• premetlitery rywplmne ef st•rbinn malady. It Indirat•••• ne e d,. takably that the vital powers aro latignishing and e 1 ,.,1 stitonlatit. lin mielt cases the effect ••1 1••tv •I••••••- 11,,. tctier•, Sb•madt Bitters Is weed, fully Imidiebtl. 'l' be great tenle Waketi up lhr ,Y,lOlll 'Flil secretions and the elrenlatl•itm••ceiv•• :1 0010 tupelos. TIt•• relaxed nerves recover their ela•litilt p under the epera• liens 1•1 1 the specific., like the sheikemsl ,tr•vcthufn ino.i. cal instrument In the pr••cess ••I truing. I.elhargY and debility are r•iplaii••ll by y and vigor, Ile—Tit-as and Ilfr almost .retied a harden 1111 t• the season et •I••• presslen lasted, liemene, ••••tie mere ••••••yahle. That s uch a radical change shetild pr.slitc•••l by a remedy entir•dy tleVt.,ll of the pverfitl •••I ens Ivel y used In modern i•railice, may s••••ta tarred. 11•1•• 1,, thine. who i•in heir faith en the medicinal 0111cary el active reisims,bitt If these skepties take the trouble meintre ef Nollo 1,11 . ..etiV.` and alt••mtiVe of the Biller, under the cdiettestatices described. tle•y hind the statement to Im tree' VIRGINIA LANDS, CITY PRORERTY, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC.—Good a: I lAnisberger, Real . Elate and Insurance Agents, have for sale .number of desirable city residences. Also, am/m -iler of choice Virginia land , . Cap for circulars. Conveyarcin done at reasonable pelves. BeSINESS CHANGE.—C. C. Bing:11111th has pnrehassd the barber shop or W. 11. Gross, Sixth Street, above Hamilton, where he in vites his friends and patrons to give Ii a Secs. money by baying good, cican coal from the Lett mimes, at Steitz kl , ner's coal yar.l, 1,eh1..41t Or.lerF. may be left at \Vein sheitner & Newlotrd.'s Store. JOIIN HILL} s :Igunt for the D.I/Li f.'///ON/CLE in Catasanqua. Send in your names to hint. Served every evening by carrier. II lor 1,111, lii. .1. 111 . vg,' I r. 110tit0,11..... itlll.ll/1111,11,1, ...ail.• irrltia,..l pat, and t... 1111 , ext.all:ll, .kr Ing Ole.. .111 '<mil,. 1011,t yi,•1,1 t.. 11,, , 5..1,1 by Iluttpakt•. C0NA1 , 11 . 11,. I.lranaytl, lia On di-v....m..1 the Th..l r03.111‘. r il i lr i. : ,,. tr: l „ l LTL l T ' l ' ;lg ul l ' l V e l l ' Ll ' v i r: ' l.. l l:Cl l . l 3 ' . ' f)l l .:!!. l ;; . . l : € :: . "i r.mnir. il:.%1 , . • 111 . . NI . I • lt fiat' .110 \VII.. ha,' net roairred Ith et lea-g one of Ow Soy therear, that ever yet foowl anything that ,vould el:rve -, not 10,1- rare — the.epalutol affliction.. Alley:oder i. fooot- ad. tor .•411 . 11 and ev , ry one .11 tie n .e . prey. Meat old col,. relieve- intantly, e-i -tively cure , every rase, Nyleo liaell accordia a le dile, [low, Tho.tonisiang 11r. Ilt .%11.wauter an a fatally Illedieitl4`, th all 0.1.006111,i list. 'l.' Is yit I. to hare:lie convinced. Sold by all 11ruaa1.y. ul +l, Mettle malting two quarts whoa diluted for w.e. Nidtvett.-11rnurt.' Alley:tutor has nleolubt control over all Nervous Inseast, y.told by John Moser, Jeseph Lento Schmidt , Latrall 31.1rtln, and Itrtutulsts evvrYWltere• CORNH. BUNIONO. NATI , ,A,.. — SIIII another trintaldt in thin inedieal art! l'lntusamb. Air their con gratulation:4 to Dr. Briggs for the astonishing •neeess ink Alleviator anti (!ttralive tint speedy relief and mire of Corns, Bunions, anti all diseases of the feet. no matter low Sl'Ve, ggra va the rune tatty be. The annliett• lion of these great remedial agents Instantly t•mithes most ditdreseing runes and rimitily effects a mire. Sold by Druggists. By mail, litigants earh. • Da. J. Bannis Ar Co., Newark, N. J. Tit experience of medical tnen Is that the phy sician Nilo, treats special disoa,es bag hotter succe.+ than those in general practice: It Is a fact worthy of r,0n.,- tiou thnt ulna-tenths of all new remedies discovered aro (rota won that practice and give their attention to a par t irular branch of the in ofession. The treatment of dis oases of females is a branch of the ...Meal that I have givenecial attention to or several years, and wouhl taly to la sp dies sulferifig from weakness, falling of the womb, chronic or acute Inflammation of that organ, ° suitor no longer. tip °ince hours daily from nit, in the 111013141 g till eight o'clock In the evening. . • • De. NV. A. HASSLER, Chew SL, bet..ith net eth,Alloet.,we The " ]'blebs Baker" Sal ye. 4Z-Ina years a secret.- 47, - Cares as by magic — All Cats, Burns, Braises, Sr,'o, llleerr, Caneor+; Sore Nipples, and Broken Breast+, Chapped LIN and lianas, Eruptions, Chilblains, litter or Stings of Ins..ets,. &r. .(GrA WONDERFUL CURE FOR PI LES.-4 - 4 JiirSOLD every where. "FIDEBE BAKER' " and take no other. ) "CoAar's" Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminators, ..(7o,tar'n" (liquid) Bed-ling Extey. "Center's" (Pere) insect powder. Coo tide ly pure)ltotect Powder for In Faro and for Bed-Rego. Itetecte. etc. "Co..tar'e” (only sure remedy) Coro 4.i.p.501.1) everyn here. trirAsir for “Centar'e" (and take...alter). id; 4.2. and k:) sires sent by en per.,. Addre.s "COSTAR" C0..13 'lowan) St.. N. Y. LAWALL & MARTIN. SCHMIDT it CO_ Adt,, Alien. town Pa. JOHN BLACK. Jr . Agent. Cate.auqua. ITORSE,II.I3I, ATTENTION .! • • • _ _ READ THE FOLLOWING ! • nr , onift 21 , 1 Intrtt, /MU, .lAstrtt Slit: I IA vt• 11.1:(1 Jr. Felix 11. Ma.relike'h Prusslan Lialmant uu a of 11.111 bad 111111i . 11.,, I nnctl 1.. 'Wilk With entire nuccoa, curiug her ...Weld y•' April li, ISCa. JUN.!. P. lI:EDELL. L11111111•Ill is 1.111 I.y Drlinnl?4+ Storekeepers. WI/010.111e J.I:SIES N. E. ror. of nth otnlSpring liarden I . lllladelphla. For salt In Allentown by L. SCIINIIDT llarA Ilntnlll to Str,,t, Dr. W. 11. lIAIINES St SON, LAWALL TIN and JIIIIN 11. MOSER. WORDS OF WISDOM FOR YOUNG 16.Y . ' NEN, on the Ealing P notion In Youth Early Manhood, with SELF IlEl.l' f or the...mug and unfortunate Font In healed letter envelopes. Cr,,, 14 Athlreel, II( 'WARD ASSOCIATION. Cox I' May 0 -/Y • • ir..7jr"' DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CA LI-CY TAinut treated with the utmost success. by J. ISAACS, M. D.,and Professor of Dinf,oses. ot The Eye' lad Ef , r. (hi 4,1.010(9) in the , ,Iff di,/ Collet:1r rtf Pe n Iron in, 1:1lleomf exprit ore,(forinetly of Leyden. 1101- Lisa.) No. NO Arch Street, Phila. Testimonials can be sen at his Mitre. Thn :Medical faculty are invited it, ac coempany their patients, as Ito Las no secrets In his prJo• lice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No rhos;., for examination. ESTABLISHED IN 1810. FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, J. & W. JONES, No. 422 North Front Sired, Ph thole( ph fa, Pa. Dye finks, Woolen nud Fancy floods of every descrip tion. Their wrieriorit)' of Dyeing nod (Joutleined Ciaraiiinte 10 widely known. Crape and Merlon tihow to dyed the most brilliant nail plain oohing. Cratallarel Me. vino Shawl., cleanced to look like new. Also. Oentlionen's Apparel, and Curtains cbianhed or ripilyed, Kid Gloves cleansed or dyed to lodk like new. rfrd - Call and look al our work before going eliieWliffo• any 7-2111 • 'l`kle - , ATE %X'o e COVE RY • D &bins 11fijo - ,; VEGETABLEi Rc' A Holor and Dressing that will not Burn the Hair or Injure the Head. It makes hair soft and fine, restoring its natural color without dyeing, by imparting a healthy and vigorous growth. - 1 i. II nt, I 111 inn) II a 1 I IT IS ALTOGETHER UNLIKE ANY OTHER. PALMED ONLY lit J. 11. Dunniss, 1 'I .• al .1.50 w, lliuc :I 75 " , .10 pitying 426 North Eighth St., Philada. Price ;ILK large bottles None genuine without my signature, and I put my name to no goods that are not or surpassing excellence. * I. - I 7 1 2 : I: I I ul 4 • Eittz()lzs ()F V UTll.—:lCcnticm:nwho y• It••to Norvot, 1101,11,1 y. It:soh:k m:, DoC.ly tto•I o• )orttltfitl loolit•cretton, WM. 101' Ilti , I Ili. 101111:111ity., •••:.1 fry.. tot all ,t• I t o to t• 11 it, 11., rot•th.• mot 411,16,11'0t . making tho hitt rehooly I,r t I.•m l. wr , contd. Sulfer , rt. tvlithitig to profit tltt• t•xtterit r.l by a.l- dng I.—,i inpurt, t •••1111.1.•t , , .1 , tIIN It I 111 ItEN, N.. 42 ro•tlar No•tr York. Pr:1 . 1 7,. .. , 151i1c1i1!i 1101,1 of Ilto it•-tto rsitr, :Ito making montlorful curt, or c.mroc,,Tt.oomr.. Uloors toy titult „,•,v A itt.tittlo•-+ trcattt•ltt, tot , 1 oifo, tot itltotor-t, horning. N T It o tototi r t•nt a C 7) • •••• ahlt• I tr,,.1 CANCERSI f ull , t t l flrouul•nt ii.cll,l/111 Ot 11111,'1 , 11- that thoy tlio ttiti•••,tr and mill to •I I•tt mr Ihoo• Of . 1151 , 1 C.lll r.iii 011 Ow Prott•-• or , 11,-101tion tt Dom', l'ohor-ity; I toltlt•••••. N. 511 Polo Strot 1. 1•1111,-1.1. MEMEII Tlii• r:eliilirateil medicine lia• tv•iti a ile•erveilly high riilllll.ltll.ll 11.1111 i of psin and s VI, of It 10coniii a 11011-010.1.1 the fact that It iwrioaileut reliet. It I, a 5 - 1111,10 Iron, Ilii• le, 11.1 .111.•. t Mal, tii lite in fury It i• •Iviiiri• and all t.iolay, atter a nul.rr hint iir thirty year , — the snerag , 111, 01 man—lt •hiiiila it , over the NV141...1,111.1. 1,1 large Mid , 0,1lIVI• vs . :donee its enduring' tante. tint 11111C11 iu its fa vur 11 , 0110 'lllOl 1.01110 trillll.l noire voile ince yiiii it...ale:ivy Ilan all the :Ovi tisviiirlit• in tho world. tilve it atio iair trial :tut! yid. would Ilia lie without it 11•11 111111 , 11, Ihiectl•on• c.11.1a Sala I.y all Urn TO C()NSLNIPTIVES.—'I'IIe advertiser Ii eJ ha vitm re:doted to health la a ridv rerrka, by vitry itintolt•rtaidly, Mod having .I.llsditil tii•vidal with tiovvit• Nita alltddittii, anti that dritail stotiptidn, It. aux itilt• to mato. k now aid 15• I lows sailltdttra ilto at 110 ,l , '. in , it, lot will itaild a rally tho 10.4' ~ r rut:moth with the thin- toil and u.ivg Ow -.auto, in 1111 . /1 Illity syill told a •Itto Ilrduchititt, olqn•et Ildv,ti-er in ...doling the l'otitarir, 1.0 bi . ll.lla , tort•atl Information ColirviVo , la in 111,, i11:11 , 1e; :1111/ 110 ..Very . null, rer ii iii try hi- niottaly, o.nt thida toilloiii Ida , it I'u ilia- svythoot the pro-cript ploato addrotta, 1...0W.5RD NVII.Si tN, t'd. THE DOUBLE-OVEN SUNNYSIDE COOK OF 1870 I: CON-TIO , T1:10 ON Nll \V AND ,CIENTIFIr PRINCIPLES. tvith SI I'lloN FLIT: gualattl.. , 4l t.. thotoughly heat two ovott-, anti •ost tt.tt 1i..1 t 1 ith two-11111tl. tho 1 . 1.1•1 11”:-..0,. t u Imo, Jai. 111:1,111 . .trturng ..nr long +lna r.v".I)IY BAELEY-SILEAF COOKING STOVE, i by Ow public hic pit , t TILL E UN! ATA, our meta tlttltlmheatitm . 'lt S'lrttV Int , beet, inuttli Improved And lemittltleti Ott. year. Where Itnown the merit,. of t *love nottl no ointment. rLV\]SII)E FIltE PLACE lIKA'I'I , ,I;S, antottg It. mane ottEtt t• al , ' carried oil tho 111 K. 111,1 at II ioatitot. nt H , rlli 1,11, i•tilipitittid to the tn., ~.Vera at the tootle or the 11.11ttittar.. Heater. the ooly trot• hot.ole fire. pia. , [loot, th the market. and like the regular built ii r hoator I no twat. l'or Circular+ awd hotintoolal.. STUART, PETI'AISON •op7.:ltn I'l 11 I.ADELPIIIA. For •ale by 0. 111 ==lll=fii= Iptly PIY tfitt:.vr MEPICINE , .—NViII two. , navel teats to I: nolr a dpeei,ol liver and on.“ 11 sere ~a rily ‘lnwaho entiro y+teni nlen.e, l'ilnlaide+ colnitwu %enno te3en and yet e aro Ilinelied+ tilt 0,11.311..113.1de:1, and roalinoo Iho coal .ok lie, loing+ them pi onnalnely Ole grano. I.lv i3 , tin meieril3 . c.. 111 1 ,1 , vorianre Avillk (lie law. el Wilma., Il inn, le • apparent lo all tnal, ',on, or Liter. oat aro tv tee. eita• hor-011. (lint tt ha ...Igo to eve..., in the u-a or very rich 4, Indica-4.1e rood or InloNicating drink+. Invariably ray. Ileac y penalty in the end. 'he Ina • Ionos di+ord.aed and rern+es to ay . .; llo k lint r tall+ perlorui it. , functions. ilyspepnla anti attendant ov iollew. and sunlit , nutterieg Intlivido• i-t ill clinging te the thoroughly explolloal idea, ef the pa ,t. medicine , an. recommended tna all losing -ura and certain relief ,vberever thoy t... , 1 d. clod, and all 11.1 1.4 necos,try tae e.- t.11.11•IL then repniallen every Iroinan In Ile land i , ala ff and ill/Partial trial them. I.oi th.o ,k4ptirat thi, point. lot have permitted lutere.ted per.o.• le Pre/ita , them tolall”..l the' , ttoW relelnated reniedle. for Coletintalan• rii.nAral lindr Pretit ate..., and La ttocto nett lip tile of ream en and rolllllll , ll ,en-e. II lie %y%lont 1 , disordered depend Ulna , it in tone c,,e, out of le Ile . ,eat aril ti will he follud ill OW . 40111.11 :Id n er. ' l ' d el. an+o and laVin ,, rolo the +tomarli and to +lnoulate die liver to heathy aCtlt)ll, he II ENCE'S Ali Ii dolly increas ing delnalld fvr pill, is tilt. vvideiton ,f their dal 'Phousand, upon tit...ands boxen urn bold daily. \VW' Simply berate,they net promptly nod lovtLlblm lily Ind Ilud conVolllent to rill ae Ilr. Sehenelt in poi non are Informed that full and complete threctious liar up, accompany each package of the 31.1\D HAKE PILLS, P1'1.51 ON IC SVIIIII• ANL) SEX- W CEP ToNlC.—These medicine. will cure consitiaPt 1010 unless the luaus are so far gone that di/el...tient Is entirely boyead the roach medical relief. It may be asked by those \VII. aro not familiar with tho virtues of these g real 11.111,1 i . ,, "holy de lar.6( 1 11 EN Cid 'S medicines .Meet their 5....11.1..1 . 1 it 1 C 11,4 of COnstllliptit. I" The an s wer in a simple 'Phry begin their work of re s t e ratien by bringing the stem:lull, liver and howeleinte an active healthy candition. It is bred that cart...thin for midable disease. SCIIENCIC'S .51.1 . 1 X 11.11!E tel on the liver and Ct....eh, promoting seeretiea mng the bilo and slim.. Which have resultea the itiartive. er terpid renditian el then...ea:a., and of the system generally. '1 state of the body, and the Collse.lllotit aCC11. 4.1 1110 utilwalttly sb. sta.. , named prevent the prep, digestien ef food, 1111 d, Itti it 1111E111,1 which result:. In prostration and finally in death. 11NC S`. IC vllll'l' find SEAWEED 'Pt /N -IL:, 11111.111111,1, tegularly, !Lough. with the loud, aid the digestive erg..., mak.. good rich 1.10,1, and as a natural consequence, give.tlesli alit strength to the Patient. Let the faculty say what it may, this is the only true 0111 . 4• fur consumption. Execrieurehle.pieved it laoyeed o r a d„ei l l. aro biota y and well who a few year.. situ, byre •regard...l as hepeless who e', llellieual to try Pr. „„a we, festered to fa.cminent health by their Ilne. m„.„, t h e bird scope the phyalcian should take milli a consinePtive patient is to Inv igalate the system. Now 1.„ 5 , i s this tu he .1.110 Certainly not by giving medicine. that exhaust find enervate—inedicsues that impair nistead o f Improve the functions of thealigestlve organ, Doctor SC 11 li's ...liclues cleanse the 5t.0111.11 and bowels of all substances spiel are calculated to irritate or then , TheY create all aPPollu — prouluto healthful diges tion—make good blood. and, 115 a consequent..., they in vigorate and streedthen the entire system. and 111000 es ti ~ , pai is which aro dlse....d. If this cannel lie done, theca the case must bo regarded fix a hopeless If the physician finds It impo,sllrle to inake a PATICNT FELL llux.el v, II llodismised Person ....not Partake of go o d ueurishing food and properly digest it, It is inilmssi ble that le, 01111g:tie lu ll...hand strength; and it is equally inipessible to bring n patient to this se long as the liver Is bardemal with diseased bile, and the stomach laden 5v ith in:health y slime. Almost the 111s1 nattiest made to the physician lay it cen• smptive patient is that lie will prescribe medicines that 501 1 1 retnove er allay the 1.11e.11, night sweets awl chill., schlch are the sure attendants ell C. 1411111141, Bat till. sh.ul,l net 6,10110, an the rough is only att ellort vt nature to relieve itself, and the night sweats midi:11111s are caused by tiled...a-ell lungs. T 11,0111,11.•. ueliuurily vie , Vribeti do Wore halm than good. They impair the lunetteun of the stomach, impede healthy digescen, :gel aggravate rather than “ire the disease. Them „ter all, nothing like facth Itifh which to nith 'tt le lad 11.1 , 11e01l 1.1.1 Dr.SCIIIII.IOIO. relies. Nearly all who have taken hln inediclues in ac cordance with Ilk direction , have net tally been cured of catioMPtin, but, Irma the Met that these medicines act ith wonderful tall er upon the dig...dive organs, patient.. bete. care , ) speedily gain C1.....ing the system of all dlalluritle, they lay the foundation tor a rolla, rub , It.,toring 11,1,0 Orgllll4 w 111.ilith they ere... au appetite The 10,11. properly assimilated: tllu quantity et 'deed 54 net wily ineseased, het in made rich and strong and in OW litre o: such a condition of the rye -101,1 nil disease 11111-t be Iminshed., It'ol I directions aceompany each ..f the modlefne„ xo that it net absolutely necessary that patients sleet Id sre 1/r. SCIIIINCIi tlyey desire to halo their lungs et9l For this curie. , Lo II fit his pd. cipal oaks., No. 15 North Sixth St., cern, of Commerce, d.hiLidelimm, every Saturday, ironi :lit. M. Mall 11'. 31. Advice is given ~'thou! charge, but fora thopaigh ainimition )111, 1 1...1 lespirometer the charge Is Price r 1 the Palimony Syrup and timpweed each. 5.1 Per bottle, er 57 de a hall dafen. 31amitake I 11.5 cents a box, kers:de by all druggists. Sm R. LEIGH'S IMPROVED HARD RUBBER TRUSS win retain and curt, the most dlelcult rupture.. Kutner chute to moisture. For cleattlineen end durstblllty It bat BO equal. 'rho lightest Truce ever tondo. Hupportors, Elamite Belle, Stockluite, n II kinds o. Truman Syringe., and ell other Inochnuleal rem. edlee. siteuded to hV Mrs. LEWD. Maroc, 1210 Chestnut etreet. uoxt door to tho cornerl Thirteenth street, luD etalrer. nto 0.1 1 Active of elth, sex for this neigh. borhod. Addre.. QPECIALTIES eepl4.ly C. M. .111 N ES. Wilmington, Del. IJ IN T III•: icoNnEr: tiot"rin: AGE! womA:cs. lamas 'WASHER PRICE ONLY TWO DOLLARS! W . J. EVERETT'S NEW PATENT SCAPULAR SHOULDER BRACE AND No ntrapit titnbir the artas. Perfectly comfortable, ann. °title ally tondo and logitly beneficial. , t 0 North 7th Et., tlow Arch Philadelphia. Trulitnin, Supporter.. Litwin toekinun, OCk CrUtril ai C.. 101VCSt Prices hi tho city. Lady ion tact. son ly • Utitclißf SOLO EVERYWHERE EOM Xotircs ED FR RE ! STRAP SUPPORTER Nth) atibrrtizeincnts. • ~. TIIA V 1-4.1.1-4', "P. S LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSCHANCE COM PANY, of Dartford, Conn. CashAmmte, id . i DU Grant, LIFE and ENDOW3IENT Pullet,+ of all approved forms. Matti° socu flip, low Tat,, Also insures agnUmt ACCI DENTS causing death or total disability. Ilan paid FOOper doll for Afx lertmr in benefits to 11°110'4101de.. __._ Q 9 r, A DAN' 2-10 NEW wricLEs for Agents. Samples free. 11. 11, 811 AW A Mod, Muhl, OI'AL lIAVANA LOTTERY.— ' I , Prizes cashed .01,1 Information forulohod by OEO. UPII AM, Providence. It. I. CENTS TO s l'Elt EVENING, AT !RIME ! We are prepared to furnish profitable employnient to Men and Women at their hows. Ona patio In each locality throughout the United plates, Can engage to this and at great wages. We send. men, full particulars and a valnable sample, SC will do to cionmenciArork on. Any person seeing this nonce. who wants pro table, permanent work, send um their addreim, withunt delay. E. C. ALLEN dr CO. Augusta Malue. $l.O t i o 1 1 ) ti A „ Y, 1 1 : "I FI `r ff' • ll . " \ S T I } ; ( ITig ' 615 N. AVOID 4111JACIES.—A victim of early In discretion, causing nervous debility, premature ikeay, Ate., baying tried In vain every advertised rein. solf,ore, ',Vidal he will t. 0.1 fre to hitt follow-so:fermi Address J. 11. TuTTLE, Na e ssau tareet, New York. Iliano,s GEOIWE STECK & CO'S PIANOS, GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT. Mason Itamlilt's Cabinet Organs, An Elegant Stock al Greatly Redurea Prices. GOULD & FISCHER, NerCE+Alollrl TO J. E. 1.101.1LD, No. 923 CHESTNUT STREET, 1018 ARCII STREET, nrp 21.1 i PHILADELPHIA QEVEN VE FIRST PRIZE MF 17 DA LS AWARDED. TILE GREAT //... 1 L7'l.lf ORE PIANO mANI,FAcToity. IVILLIAM KNABB & CO., G .1 ND, SQ HE AND UPIUG 717 MMEMMI BALTIMORE, MD The. , I l•trumeols burn been before tin' boblie fu ovorlo 'I hint). Yvan., und upon their 1•X1 . 1110110 I,llplireltrix,il pre rnitun ner,whlch pronounce them .6. goolloil. TONE g,at power, streetnexs, and lino singing quill ty. as well great purity tit intotiou, iiweetne throughout the suture scale Their my TOUCH Is pliant and ela , tlc, and entlmly free from tho nwme loud tli many pianos. IN AVORKINIANSIIIP they are unequalledomingneenelent the very bests wooled roothried, the large capital employed in our business en• aiding us to keep continually an immense stock of lum• Ler, Se. on hand. A2-All our Sqnore Pianos have our New Improved OvensYneso .SCAlen need den Agraffe Treble. au-We width! call special nitenflon to our lath Improve ments in GRAND PIANOS ow/ SQUARE ORANDS, I'AYENYan Auo. 14, 1101, which bring the Pint., nearer perfection thau has yet been attnined. Every Piano Fully Warranted for 5 Years We l u rro mat, arrangement.. for the Illa ; tt , r , ll/ ye ?ivy lor the mo,t.Celebrateit P. 151.014 ORI/ 1 % ,t 1 1 a .t a a t 11 - Eht/DEONS. which 100 offer Whole/tale and Rt. 11, Lowest Factory Prices. WILLIAM KNABE& CO. JAMMS BELLAK, Wholesale Depot. DS& 2,1 Booth .Ith St., Phila., l'a. cep 14.tiut , ..... CANDY AND FRUIT. GEO. W JENKINS I= Fr= SUGAR, MOLASSES AM) COCOANUT CANDY, FRUITS, NUTS, FIRE WORKS, IMEI GI I 11 ISTMAS GOODS IGI NORTII MIMI) STREET PII I I,ADELPIIIA d0c1.5-Ir MeCOV Tvsoy, No. I'2lo MARKET Street, Philadelphia I=l HEATERS, EANGES AND STOVES Carbon Reverberatory, Burlington Improved American and Benefactor hot-Air Furnaces. UNCLE SAM IMPROVED, DoVIILE AND SINGLE ELEVATED 0 VEN, AND FLAT TOP ItANCiES. CITY OF BURLINGTON, Con.titotlon, Pacific, Dexter Fashion and Empire Cook ing Star. and Empire Twofold° Hong, SAS-LISIIT U. 4 RUDA' STANDARD AND UNION HEl7'l'.." STOVES. Thu above nrilelex aro znaunfactured by Om AItBON STOVE WORKS BURLINGTON, N. J ALSO, 8188 A: CO.'S DIAMOND BALTIMORE FIRE PLACE HEATER. OAS OVENS and all other articles In our Sue. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. $lOOOO GUARANTEE. 9 BUCK Ll'Al) _ E""f•tli;'q 1 LEAllte` Porno Unrivaled Whiteners, 21. For its Unequaled Durability. ad. For Its 11nrurplumed Covering Property. Lastly, for Ito Economy. .111 - B -IT COSTS LESS to paint with BreN Lran than nn other Whitt, Lend extant. The 11a1110 weight covers Milli SI I IIFACE, Is mon, DURABLE, and pukes WHITE WORK. IJ L'CK LEAD fr the ,gleapest and Oro! $lO,OOO G UARANTEE. BUCK ZINC EtYiektcVt other 51. For Ito Unequaled DurnbilltY, For Itn Unrivaled NVOltenenn. For Ito Uunnromoted Covering ProPortY • Lanny. for Itn ()nod Econom. Lrlog tho Cif EAPEST, HANDSOMEST, nod ionnInDURA DIE White Paint In the world. BUY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Satisfactluu guaranteutl.by the Manufacturers BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared ..xpremily for Painting COTTA ES, OUT BUIL DINOB of every dencrlptiou, FENCES, he. THIRTY FIVE DIFFERENT COLORS, Durable, Cheap, Uulform and Beautiful shade.. Kemple cards emit by Mall If desired. Beaten.' Orders will be promptly executed by (ho man °lecturers. _ _ FII,LNOII, RICHARDSI & CO., N. W. COR. TENTH kt, MARKET STS., Ilk 19.1 Y PHILADELPHIA. or .10 by JOSE:1•11 STOFFLET Allentown Pa FLANNELS I FLANNELS! FLANNELS I Thla Department. I. Oiled black. WO. PLAIN and FANCY PLAID SIMI:NMI FLANNELS. PLAIN •nd FANCY TWILLED FLANNELS CHECK: and SOLID C 01.01114 HOME-MADE FLANNELS, RED, WHITE. YELLOW andailLllE WOOL and DOMET FLANNELS. COTTON nod SHAKER FLANNELS, all colors. OPEIIA FLANNELS. Your Inspection of our .p ectf °Mir oully Mock aolloltcd. Itc. E. S. SUMER & CO., 707 and 707 linmlltuu St.. Allentown. Pn. Jot Sale anti "go Let TO LET.-A ItEASONAIILE LEASE will be given on the Banton Slot° Quarry, eltuntod In Plainfield township, Northampton county, Pa., near Stackertown. It consists of number ono antoroln, Line, uover.fading Plato, fully equal to tbo well-known Chap. man Slat°, With a good waterpower and a full rigging of pumping and hoisting machines. Persons dent runs of at, opportunity of this kind will ploaso examine, (or them selves, anti apply to Reuben Koch, Sfackertown P. 0. litar3 li. L. SCHREIBER, President 421" BURIAL LOTS FOR HALF.--- The tifuler,lgned offer for an 437 now Cone- . . . Inn' lots Innedlutel) ndjoiulug the Uuluu Cometnry, uu tenth street. Tho lots will he xold by anbwrlptlon, and Itnniolllatoly after the whole number me disposed of they will be award ed lip lot In tho same 0111101er 101111 tho organization of tho Union Association. Plata or plans of tho prenthuna can ho 5000 at our office. MY 12 0001) HOUSE FOR SALE.-711E , SUR scriber niforx for 'Welds house and Jot sitnateda on SIXTH street. between TURNER and CHEW. In Om City of Allentown. Thu house Is complete with all the modern conveniences and la - handonmely papered throughout. The grounds are tastefully hold out and aro well stocked with Holt trees. An the furniture wax bought exnressly for this dwelling the subscriber would prefer selling It wall the house. For further Information, terms or a view of Ow hot.e call ou the aubacrlhor ou the prem. Iscs, between the bout. of 9 A. M. unto 31'. N. . U. W. HUDSON, North Gth 111. reel., nhove rural INE BUSINESS OPENING. STORE FOR SALE! A DRY (NODS STORE In tho City of Alletdown to .4% feted forsato upon advantagettun loon, The snub It tdoeked with a choice too... Meta of xeuxunnlde goody. and enjoys a very Ito run of trade. To a person of en ergy nud the proper Wolin... itnaiilleallonx tltlx ntfordx flue opportunity for securing a ready entabllybed aunt lu crative businetty. For particulars address Box 130 Allentowu l'a. nun 17. BUSINESS OPENING The utolorxigued offer their ENTIRE STOCK up DRY GOODS AND FIXTURES MEE= AD VANTAGEOUS TERMS. Lasted in the central part of tho City of Allentown AnlnY to SCLIREIBER ilx,gra Noticeo. NOTICE IS lIEREBY GIVEN that application has been made to the Connor Com m Pleas of Lehigh Connty to alter and amend the art!. cies of association of the LYON VALLEY NOUSE INSUR• ANC COMPANY OF LEIIIOII COUNTY. A copy of said li lt , ratlons and amendments hare been flied In the Prothonotary's °nice, and If no sufficient reason latshown to the contrary on or before the first day of neat term, the said Court will alter and amend the said articles as prayed for. RICHARD .1. KNEIIII, Pres'L ASHER F. FATZINOEIL ()'ricE.---NOTICE IN lIEIIEDII .t.:l (LI VEN to allrsons Indebted on the book, of (ho late Ii of Trex pe tiro,. dealers In Lumber, to make .....ttlement of the sumo to JOn, Trexhir Without further delay, at nor Mother other of Willoughby ILTroxler, at the corner or Tenth and Hamilton streets, and all person, having claims against Nald gnu will also please precept them—Jona , . Tregler :done being authorized to make tiet tleuteuts pertaining to .41 tiro. .10NAS TREXLEI2, WI L I.oli (I II BY It.'TnEXLEIL anl7-um E. \V. TILEXLEIL TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I_ UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. In I/o ratter nj WILLIAM M. KISTLER. linnk• ',pl. In Jinni, reptry. Node,. In hereby given that William M. NWMler, tbe above named Bankrupt, has petitioned for Ills discharge, out that a general meeting of all his creditors will be held t the American Hotel, City of Allentown, Lehigh Co., I I before the undersigned, Register In liankrnptcy, uu WEDNESDAY, the TWELFTH day of OCTOBER, at 9 o'clock, A. Si., when and where the Bankrupt will on. dorm, the LAST EXAMINATION preparatory to his dis• chatge. And on WEDNESDAY, the TWENTY.SIXTH of OCTO BER, 1579, at 10 o'clock, A. Al. said application will bo heard before the United Slates District Court aforesaid, it Philadelphia, whoa whomMOHO tally Ito shown, f any, why said Bankrupt ~honld not be discharged. HEORGE N. CORSON, Register lu POIhrOPMT. MEM N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR TILE EASTERN DISTRICT OF I'EZ)Z7SYLVANIA. S. In t j „l VI; C. 1 0:11.1111 and t a l 275 1 1, Hun krit And now, Se disc har ge 1570, it is ordered that a final hearing for the discharge o said Bankrupts be had before (leorge N. Corson. Register In Bankruptcy, at his °nice, Mnericau Hotel, Oily of Allentown, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12111, 1870. at In o'clock, A. N., where nay their creditors may ho heard• opposition to their din. charge. OEOROEN. CORSON, sep :N.St Register to Bankruptcy. AIIIIITOICS NOTICE. /of& Court of 0.101110)1/ IV Lehigh Courtly. No. :W. :Inuit/tare Doubt. la tile mutter Of thu account of M. 11. 1101111. Atodgueo of I. P. SLICKLY. Now, September 0. 1.570, the Court appoint 11. C. Iluun• Lerner. Coq., Auditor, to audit and renettle, and If neees bars, :nuke dbitributlou. From flat Records. J. S. DILLINGER, Proth . y. The under,,lgned will meet all parties Interested In the ahove account. at Isle otllcamecond floor of Post Ofllce Allentown, on I'IIUItSDAY, OCTOBER tiltb. ISM, at 0 o'clock. A. M.. to attond to the dutlet of the nLove appolutment. 11. C. IIUIiSBERO sep.2B.3t Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. .rtate of 11 A R THOLOME 2if ft RTA UG dec'd. Thoundersigned. appointed Auditor to audit and re settlo tho account of Julia Wilibung and Atom M. Mur laugh, adniluDtrators of the estitto of Bartholomw Mar laugh, 110CCIINlid, and to make distribution of tho bola.° In the hands of tho accountunts, will niect tho Barnes Bs , toreided, for thepu m rposes of his appointent. ou Tlll.lllB. DA E. OCTOBER Gth, 1870, nt II o'clock, a. to.. at the officio urn. Clay Ilionersly, Esq., In the Borough of Cala aiiituir• bet , 14.31 .1. - WINSLOW WOOD, Auditor. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Whereas A. F. KOONS,of tho Borough of Catatiau• qua, Lehigh Couuty, and PAULINE, his wife, by volun tary deed of assignmeut dated August 20, IS7O, conveyed to the subwriber all his stock, real, personal itud mixed , for the beuellt of his creditors. Notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to sold parties to mako payment to the subscriber within six weeks, and those having claims to prewut tho same, duly authenticated, withiu the same time. . M. 11. 11011 N, Assignee. Catanauqua, August 'AL Ih7o. rug it-Ott' HOKE\ID:►UQUA SCHOOL DIM THICT STATEMENT. Frain Collectar County Treasurer " State Sunda Cash sal baud front last year. Teachers wages Fuel and Contingencies Fens or Collector and Treasurer Yeeretary's salary Building Repairing and Interest Last Year's Debt Debt Dile by the District dep :It B y INDUSTRY WE TIIRIVE I We are giving a great deal of attention to our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, Always endeavor to keep It now and attractive. The very latent novelties of the season, from tho cheapen! ar ticles to the finest texture , or fabrics. We buy for ready cash silly, in consequence enables um to buy cheap at the bottom prices. Our customers always share in tho profile. Berme you snake your Fall and Winter purchases, do not fall to call at the MAMMOTH STORES OF E. S. SHINER & CO • 9 71'.5 and 707 Hamilton St.. Allentown, Pa. 1115 Hopkins' Philadelphia 1115 II001? SKIRT MANUFACTORY, N 0.1115 Chestnut St., (Girard Row,) Furnarly GM Arch St., Philadelphia. • A complete assortment of all the new Fall Shapes of Our Celebrated " Champion" Hoop Skirts, lu every length and size, together with our ow n• ;cake of 'Keystone . ' Skirts (second quality.) and full Mem of good Eastern mods Skirts, fur sale, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. at PRICES JUST REDUCED BELOW THOSE OP ANY FORMER SEASON. Our Champion Skirts nturo than sus tain their reputation fur superiority over all others. and aro now sold at such prices as will meet the clews of all, Mill are warranted lu every respect. CORSETS ! CORSbTS !I CORSETS Ill—Our assortment of Corsets contains .over 100 kinds and prices, and Includes every desirable kind, such as Thumson's Glove Fitting, J. Becket's, It. Werly's, Madame Foy's and Alrs.Moody "Putout Self-Adjusting Abdominal Supporting" Corsets In all grades, together with Aliases . and Children's, and every grade of Hum! made Corsets, ranging in prices an follows:-15c.. Mc.. 7Ac.. b3c., We., file . 91 00.41 11, 91 14, 40,19, 5126, &0., up to 07 00. PAN L lElt BUtiTES in 27 styles, from 33 cents up to V4N r i t T i Ta I VI Vet ro"rf.'S. In all n k t dLa o ri . d ., p r . atm from fi233 tosl3. (lured Muslin Skirts, os, lon g 73c.; 10 Tucks, hie. • L 5 Tucks. 111 2% Ate., p to $lO. Hoop Skirtm and eursets made to order. a l te r e d and re paired, at Manufactory and Sales Hoots., 1119 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Call or send for Circular , . sop IS.3m • WM. T. HOPKINS. FEED' THE HUNGRY, AND ULOTHE THE NAKED I You can be provided and be made comfortable at the MAMMOTH STORES Water Proof Cloth, Or ItEPELLANTS of all the different mixtures. CLOT lI,. CASERES. SATIN Errs, TWEEDS, A full line for BOYS' SUITS. UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. ALSO. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Olvo us a call before parchasing elsewhere. We will glllll.llt. It to be to , advantage. • & CO., 705 and 707 lieuillton St., Alleutowo, t'n. irIItAND EXPOSITION FOR TILE •.R FASHIONABLE WORLD. COMPLIMENTS OF MRS. N. A. BINDER. No. 1101 N. W. corner Eleventh and Chestnut street. Philsdelphia FASHIONS FOR THE FALL AND WINTER of 1870. Wholesale and Retail, which Paris and the first mutual's, tortes supply. Dresses. Mantles, Cloaks and Costumes for Ladies and Children. locos, A " o e ft d o I P ult r , t sT Pa t r?s r i T' a l t? l a n n i a n ta l :litt n lt ' 1 ,1 3 1' 1) ' Or . dozen. If you want a handsomelytlea, well-made suit, at abort notice, go to Mr. Binder's for tasteful trimmings and dainty stitches. Mourning. Traveling and Wedding outfits. Walking anti Fay Costume. DRESS AND CLOAK TRIM3IINGS, BUTTONS, ORNA• BENTS, comprising the latest Paris novelties in black and colored Friatien, Gimps Ruches Loops, Flowers, Gloves, Bridal•Wreatbs, ens, Itibisins, now shades in Velvet,Hatn and Taffeta Ribbons, Hashes, Neckties. MADE lIP LACE GOODS—GRAND DUHESSF. LACE FOR DRESS TRIMMING. —Pointe Applique, Valetta.. mune. Hamburg Fldgings and Insertions, Black Guipure and Thread Laces now In civilian and moderate lu price. CHOICE INDIAN ORNAMLNTS.—Pans. Birds, mats, Cushion. Mouchoirs, Canes and Fancy Goodn,,selected by hlrs. Binder ut Niagara. Elegant lino of Whitby Jet Goods, In sets, Breastpins, Earrings, Necklaces and Bracelet. Splendid lino of French Jet Goods, Coral and Franck Gold Sets. Charms, Sleeve Buttons, Chains, Sc., which for price or variety In style, cannot be surpassed. Strangers visiting our city are resPerlfelir Invited to examino. Pinking knd °offering. Cutting and Fitting. Also, a perfect systemof Dress Cutting taught. Patterns sent b y snail or express to all parts auto Union. 41113. 31. . BINDER'S, N. W. Cur. Eleventh and Chestnut Sic.. 11gep.401 .144) ha 00 611 (10 4fli 27 EMEI $lll2 (0 110 11 2al t 2 W 4112 81 vt 93 14i9 77
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers