ffinancia $0 of the : Poke and Ohio Railroad Co, vitutngov and nttrnellons or Int% DIAN. for Invert Move., aro many nud important 0110 of the (heat TIIROVO II LI TWISP.II ritr, SEABOARD ANI I Tin: WEST. ob`ECURITY Is AI:READY CREATED. thogrente art of Ito lino Lohot lo soeres.fol no: • e Loeal 'tett Ille, e re 3/ YE ,4 (Pie twat egloan mart teen ow/ Owl depoxittr suljacent, be lorae nul 1113,, IMlionT AST CoNi•lai•liiirei AND iniTmgara (lona lli Slairr of Virginia and \Vumt MEE 1111.14.1" tit.' 11.11041,111:,lit .01 rlllrlr ut tint IV E. 1.1 El!==6 . . . .r Ito CAIa.V CW41'1.01(0, mid ....CV ,. fli I Operation 40 1111.14 11.1,1 ..Itlll.l 111 COUPON OR REGISTERED fowl: they hnr,• thirty vont , to run, tooth princip. nut! 1u1er...t14 , 11 , g 1 ,, YA 1 . 10 in V." 1,1 •lo.y aro of of : 1000 ; :)0() A N 100, I.a>al , la May 1.101..1 Nav.ailla.t.b.i ith Ilm alfilit , I I. ia,•, Ft% t. red , t ( 11.1. ~; !fl! 111 OM AIVI{L'FI) INTEUEST IN Il'ltltENCi i , lll , t , . • I' ISIS MATCH, 5 NASSAU ST., N. 1 G ittaT I . , :xl'ErcmENT ! Evl.;ltii;()m CAN IWY A lIAT OR CAP nr E. 11. T Al ATI! EW S 01;B STO('I IS ALI, NEW l'lstloES NEVEIt I;EFOIIN 80 CHEAP ! 1860 LOCATION CENT IL\ I KNAUSS BUILDING, 45 HAsT II A LTON STREET ALLE:sTTOW N, FIVE DOLLARS 1'01? ,S/ //AT, I= OLD STAND OF YOUNG LENTz, AI.I.ENTONVN. Call Lind bl.O 0111.1:00i1411,111 1..1,110111,i. NO 1.113t . g0 rot rammi goml , to bay. tien, n tti Li ud 1:1/1:11 , 11 E. H. .)1.1.'1111,1V5. C,17 DV AN 110 Flt Uri GEO. ,1 PAK INS, I= = SUGAR, MDT. A StiES AND CDUDA N 1.71 CANDY, FRUITS. N UTS, FIRE WORKS, BE (moI):-; lfil NOIVI'tI THIRD STREE'I PHIL\ 1)E1,1111.\ MEE R EM ii V A LUMBEU ! ! WILLOUGHBY R. TREXLER liert•by ft itilotioo , I . ooldir thol a• ail ate well.kilown 11111,1: V I:1i .if I: EN 1.1:1: 11:0 tiod ox ‘1..• 111P.11211,. Tl] etirnrr of 'f rt3ol owl II ,” 10.10 runxlnntls rf.•pf •of ply :111 and. Il,al I 11.1 ). I. opttle Upon lilto In the ~y 131511,1)1N(1 of the best ganllty,.oA c opristr. 1n Pert of WHITE 11E311401,1u BOA MY , and N WIIII% PINE 111:N11.0Cli all.l PINI; I'l NE and lj ! • Tim ia:11, • JO', IS 11ii it'd S'I'LISu • .01 lengths .....I sizes; MU:111011N PAIIEL LUMBER, I'OPLAR, tiAIZ. I und I.l'3lllElt Sewed, Shaved CYPRESS SO INGLE , RAILS. and ROOFING and PLASTERING 1.1.N1V.k.8,:::1i1.1.11.."'"' DRY LUMBER • n will beUT~ker apeel i lty d: and a fall anpply of all kinds of Tim' • for large lotildlogn Ind it gw itly to their adv•ntag rAll, blo!, rotodantly raisßly All erdors for all kludx of Intobur n.ol LI/ baru buthillig, upon tbe WWI favorable term., and .et the alturt• Oa notice. ‘IIIVOIII article belonging to a flrad.clarn lamb., yard Is tn ntly kFlot ou baud. . Iva Irmfulltoor4ant favorn.ll,7pl:eapuyilriendt. to .11 and lo.rY • W.A. TRY% LER. Boot fliaiter,g. RE in 0 V A YOUNG &LENTZ'SI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1300 T A N 1) SHOE STORE HAS vEnx REMOVED TO THE S. W. corner HAMILTOY a,ul YI3TH STS., NOS. 3S AND 40, where they ore DOW preprira to receivo their patron The WHOLESALE. DEPARTMEN T 151110..F.F1 TIIR LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS IN T 11 1 .6 VICINITY A great quantity of the work being of their own mako and the balance from the best wanufartorers in the country. THE RETAIL. DEPARTMENT \VIII be culhneted'as bereleforel 5 urniturr. rrll SEC4IN D sTREIET TR RE STORE. :137 N. SECOND ST., I4IILA 'rho 01.1 Swit' csti...l.lb.licil t‘clinly yenta. lin , Inn Iln roccul ilipriirolou In h0.10r4, sgnigl4 ro r ...lock In lb.. city. cri• nen'. te.a,naldo Nciv E f t 10:11,. good 1..1 it night. suitable for nick room nr. ..111cem AIiEIIIIII Strow. Exal•on . l , l , l Parlor Svlts fa 'My x(1/!r Cir' p”re•brisr rs. r is ICA I'll'lCE. OSEPH WALTON & CO . CABIN ET MAKEIIB, No. 113 WALNUT ST., PIIILADELPIIIA. Our lrook loog is p liment r .l ie 4 ure t dlllic. to into prep:11,11o. luroo./1 spool Stork at 11.11.011111111 . prices. %Vt. Polottlociore liar aiol also 11/Iqlllllll-I , rieell forolloro -op d urPir go:1111y. arge stock of !mutton! aps on hoo. mule A l ortlor. Coo/obi , . Ih.k Office Furniture for limas, Wtir,, '1;14 SleorrN. moth. Irs ord. r. oe. .1, W. I.ilTiNVOrr. jOa. L. Svorr. J rein 941 ailro abs. • NT, OVI El PEN L-14, pr,p,:44,7-..V-47; .11:EASU1':)IEN'r . . .3-, .3. et • lal 1•13313333•11.1ita take Leh ey I: 333- 3 •••ar A 11.333.3 1 ,1/ al 00 It. 111.. Al:3oa Hi. atal i I . , and arrive la . 1 . 1,93.13•113hi1l at a f 3.5 it. Ii ilwlr :33 Vial.... 3, I. 331 333 215 anti a 5 13. an. 3 ...a . - 1.3.. y e-tewn take Irian' , leavlag . 11, 111 33,.3 333. 1 33.1 a 11 in. 33 , CA I 3 II IPi iFlll , llgli T.IIIIMI Suinlaya Excentlid. 1 t leave the depot ZiarthAwist corner Heil, and .1 Philadelphia, 1, I lenniii al 7 3 mill 94a a. and I 1 , , :1 '2O nod r Sl i 11 2 30 1 11 1. .1 .p. it. II 1 ~ II p. iii 11. glop ;II I 1,, :1 :NI, 5 p. ..11‘1.• ;II 2‘.1. Tl.lllr. for l'lliluIli•II~II In. 11011.1..1 . 1,1 11 211, ,C 1 n. 1,., 12 11 1 , 301 :lu.l 010 p. "' 1 , -3 I. ~.‘1 id 0 30 a. 01., 1100 o nd n ,„. .• ut 01a. 111 • • /../ \\':l,l/111It1 11/ 30 a, 0.. and 220 010. Ahitadon all, 1 25. allot 111 it, SU.NI./.51 . 5. 11. ildoll,ll fat 11101.01.11.1d11 ulllll Itt It 311 a. la. t lo,l\ I VI ilotl.ll/111.1 11. 1 1111 1 111 1 1111111 1 3110. 111. • • Al . 2 ,kr p. in. 10 1 1 , 1 n, I, F. 1.1.10 1 1 1. A In:, An. Id. L i 11 i ! , 7, 1 , 11 ‘ bTAZTE: I= M11:111.11 1 , MAI" Will, 1 , 711, trains m ill r. I; 111% :ro . . 910 and 11 .10 .112 Ili,' 2 .1 :1:), 1:1•itial 7 11 . t .... For S. ,s • , ~f N.qv .1.,y • o 00, II 1111,1,1( 1,,,* 2 33, :e 42:1.16 p. M , ro ttl Ii 1.11 .411.1 11 .rot to. o :1 tit. \..1'1 1' It •lr 1 nl t' •11111 ""; 9 ILI a. Pt., 4,1.1 1 I Tr..tit..ll and 1'1...11.11.'11 , 111.1. rlu It. I. E 11 t.t , 1 41 p. I= At. 15, I. r 1 . 111•1..11, 1111,10,11 Old MI. Carlll.•[. AL 4 . W.tvelly, El -11. 1itc.1.11... nti•p• .5: 151 Itir.p.Ll r.... and 1./10 Itoil.ad Elutir.k au, * .\t 1 _ , 11•. Wllko.ll, 11,1 , t01t ant • L'5L, l• IN 1,111. ht. ‘',.play. ,g , Nl.lllcll'llullk. 'l'rati- .11 I fr.!. PPIIII .1 ut3rlllol. 11. ,F.\ 1.1,1: )0 IVIN. (;..LCI 11=ME=M IAT %5.% !AVE.% .t 1,_ , F , §1:1:t.,v LLE It. U. 4411.41.1 \44\' E31141:14 1 , 40, 11.4. 4',11,•.111.,113 Ille /::liirtllid run in runner 114.1. 4, 1411 41 , 1.4.111u1l 14,4411.uttl uutl i'vott. Rut' road, u• MBE/ = 1{1:11)li 1. I'll I'.IIIMINIMIN. ',PI: I l'it LEK. !~E 4 : = . I : • on the arrlva 1:. Ws. from F.:tsion lIT.hl. I.e. , I .!11.. it , uud t.....e1s it Al-Mull I' . It. for Rending nu nn,l Plwiallelphin, ...lair... with . I.•. hasten 11111 i New York 'I .1011 Eat canuart. at Al•llartitt WI “ w• a l'. !. It. Ilittratbartt, /1 0 0 , 1 111 g 1 11 1. 1 A llO 100 II .01 1 with tram an ilia Lehigh Valli 11,,,,D.d.1 ottatic.l Chau k, 1'1.d.010 1 1.1.1 Nw Vak. 'Ow 2.ttl I'. )1. tam! Wt.., canaet:lN at Al-Burtlx The Ilvonoin train lil.l 10:1‘71. A1..110r11. on the arrly ot a ...in Iron, Allentown and of n trot. nniking coune , lion-1.1 licvolmg tvnll tluiu. 1.1111 Phihidelphtit, Ilurrl 111111, &c.. 11 loollect.. ivith local ettl: [tam on Ow V. , 11 It. at for A illoo. lit:Ill.,' Itl~t 1111 in 1i .111 1:1-II:11. 1 , g.. to Allentown run take the late In:: Ilan! NV., I...11.1;111th. arrive at Allentown Mato mei t. .1 oln ant. L.1.+1 at 4.20 C. W. CHAPMAN, 1)..c.".•11'1 Supt. uud Eugiuevr. R, E..t . 1 .,r G It I IL -gam ,I7MMER ARRANGE:III:NT. .)1()N1).1. - Y, :MAY 10, 1870 ,;lem Ttril; I. fro,. the North uud Borth-We4t I'l,l New 1 . 101.1 i. Puttsville. 'l'n iiiitil , •11.11111iii111, 1,4410011. A I I.'lliollll HaMtl.ll. k. 3,1.5 e. . I 1.1,11.. . ye 1 arrn.cturt: for Natl . llk an follows: at s a tn.. 1 1 24 a. la.. 2.2k1 I. canneettng with •111111..1 1.113 , 1113 1 . 1 . 1113 , 1V11111i1 and anntVlttlt ut N. n . rat!: at 12.1.111111111, .1.50. 11.01aild 111.1 k 11. In. rititynt ,•ly, slattata t t ear- a tanatty the 54 a. nt. anti I 1.1.Tt tt. at. tilt., n ttlattit rhanno. . . LI, app.: I..,tve Vot I: Pi. 12 00 !loon nodp I . l.lmlolplim IP S. Ito a it ;Lip] 3.30 p ni, Sleop• l'At• :11 0.11:j1:111S . 'OW 9,011 It 111 nod .111 m Intim. from Nt. w or% 1, • t0.1.0,t for 11.001ing, Tittnatit M 01 , , A .111,001, 51i.%00.1,10, lon. Grove, 01100,0. HI 1,111, 2.10 and .1.10 it no. ik pm: war ,44ttIonr.: the 1014, t tam t.m010,.10: rot 1 . 101.0101100. l'ott,oollo 1001 Coln 1.1,, •oly. I'ol 0,01, 0,1 nylklll 11,0:00 and Aube 03 l 6 ill antl O.OlOlOOmA 11.,111,0td leave Ilur 1.0 , 0 .0 3 ..0 1.. 11.111r..;01 trallo, 11..0,110 011001„u 0, 6.0000 uul New York at 7 171, 10;11,,.In., 11 111. it1 : 1111111114. Yjrit at 1.0 II 00 1.. 111.. tIIIII,AI/I . lltOWll ii 7 Di u. 1NZE223102 _ . It•ave• nt 7.:413 italic ll iilk liaLts un Ea.! I'vntm. It 1: 0 .14/111g 11.3.1 io rvl,lpplug It 1.11 .t 111 5.111...M1111R Pt asttl 2,50 p m, flortt. .1..5 at ,11.151..1.11t at 5. 4 , 1 and 10.40.4 in Aslilmol aI a fit... 0 112..1,0, MU/14110y City 517 51 it. 1. , I: 1.. , 1..11 a 111 Ii it Illr 1'1.111.101. 11.i5 toil . I t.•, 1'..11,111.. t... 11.014111 alai Itail• 1.1...1 .111,1 111 I•.I / g. 511.1 12.055..5n for 1 1 . I' 7.ti . 0 atl. o :ltlttl- 1 a In. 1111 n, I'ltlln ,loll , ' 1 0 1 1 1111,. 11111 1 . ..1 r atlot 1.,111..t I .Ila, - 1.113.101p1t b id I,M p MEMEASENIKIREMEIMMEEMEM I .. 0.. 1.0 LIILCII•0 . 1 . , C. 41111 0 ,1, &C. i'‘ 1' ...11i. i.1./0..111.41, Iva,. Pu Juno .00 at ..,1 111 ; 14. t at mug, Irravt.Schtverrktr• .11..... 1... 1'2.4 r 0000. 111111 4.15 p in, rotturretrug tr ..10: • VO .0,00 lit P. 401.0 10 100110101 IVA,. i • lit 7.00 illO.l lu. 01114 .00.11.1 r 1ta1..... 00 Soling It It. . I . lli \ ./ . 1:111, I. o Bridgeport at olio '2 16 .111112,1 , 2 p n roomed, leave Itut\'ulu 101 l id 111. 1 . 2.-1.111.1 , 111 .11111 i. tiouolieting with ii•lll.- 11.11110.111. • N..tv Votk tt 5.00 put, l'llllatllphltt ILI ttln. h.q.:l in train running tonly In lv. u-v.llr at on a In, Ilarrnanitu at .1,15 t Ptt .1. , Alltultnn ti at 7 2.1 tit and 8 4.1 p .ttett at ; a in and p in lor 11 arrinLurlt at a In at 4 45 p In fur Allettintytt. nnd at u. 4••:: tt....... I pu, 1.. r I'L datL'll~lun. ,dl6l. 3...un.b. vac U A it .1 • 1,11 Notp• rl,ifr liolco‘f IMIIINIONi 1'11104:G11 TICKETS v I A 14; 1 E •11 A 1 I,ll' A I', T Xi. d.da Fall, Cleveland, Toledo, 11el CIIR'.IUO,ONIMIA, SAN FRANCISCO, 17inebtuutl. Indian:l,llß St. Louis. bifil All PH , lcll.ll 1'10.•• \ e-t, :1,1 the Superb and I.uxu day 404111011 um...tre IM:wiled lee'.' I.s pr....- Irani. F..r lewd all lubbrumilull op. pl) IA b. .11 SR.\ 1.E1111.111 VALLEY 11. R. N'S • uPr ATIt1t , 11:1'11.1)11% TAKES PLEASURE ;til ;Lod n od porttNtlar A tl l c il i . to Iter I x t t x , tottui.ot l'AltAsth.S LADIES' t.l SACIKS. 43 EAST ItAMILTOti'STREET. - - 0 6 ./0 ET STREET IS ‘THE • PS.I awl boot Once to buy Choice Tobacco •nd Met., by b MDI. airs Nov y, and Joueg thlleK Tobacco always on ban° al low 1111., Meel•011i11111 Pap,. itt . ttr. French, and ollier.otyleo can b , hod cult en..tolllcrx, eitheror retail. JOHN LEES. Rh mole and retail Jobbing Homo and' Manuiticturer o gore 032 DI *Mita lit. tuoYl7- THE tEtrIGIf'REGISTER;' ALLENTO Established COMPETITION . DEFIED ! BY INDUSTRY WE ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER Til AN WORDS Jour 1 't. SPRING - AND SUM NI ER DAILY. ARRIVALS ! MAKE YOUR HOMES COMFOR,TABLE YOII Call Select from the Larg,est, Cheapest and Yost Complete Assortment AT SMASII-DOWN PRICES, EN NOS. 5 AND 7 WEST HAMILTON STREET, AIIENTOWN, PA. CROWDED FROM THE DAWN OF DAY TO LATE A'l' NIGHT CALL AND BE CONVINCED! A PERFECT RUSH STACKS OF " GOODS 1 •• Panic Stricken Itlerchands Stand Down the Old Fogies, Slow Machines and AIL', • • We preilltrvii to furnish and ly the tvant , "inn, nt tli.• very lowest prices td cor respond NVIIII ill , I Ina,. Is :1 exandie• our stoelz, widen 1... v....10.1e In every de. (me (I v ens ere p.,1i..• ping rendy (Nimbi 11111 i give pelves. It then ',mon. Inr : .feel.le. '('lore he tic, till-repro •4.111:tilon to elieet ...ales. It 4..4111.'0y : nll oil Runds, and ice tolide •Jr the 'eluting nil lrlr., sorb Its • WAMsrl - rA cA1.1(1).P1 w; rent, jr. Yard, . 11 1 EAvr YAIII , W I Dl': , -i I I I.n . ItErrEitc.‘i..icont Fowl In .rots, . TANDARI, .1., 14, itEsT PALicii ltt 1•2 1 ,: cents, 111.1 ST .1,. ..,.. 111,1,A(111.:11 YAlil-1111 1 1 . : AII'SLIN 111,4,15, 1 FINE .1.. III•11;Elt di, (1.1 12 1 ., ...•111,1 Itl.l-1'111:1.'iN1-1.1. .1.. ANIF.HI4 I .%N 111 , . 1.A1N1 , .s 1• 1 .,.•(.1,1...0n.1iii.m.... 1, . , • Tlu• nblive Ilrtli.lt y ore Irosh, hot sobstooilol ;I,lllls BrOW'n Stigma ad 61-1 nd 14 2 veldt.; per 1 .... el Sgar 81 111 cents, H While 0 410 1 1-2 cents,. `While do 13 cen u ts. 111(1 COFER at 22 aml .25 cents, SYRUP MOLASSES at 10, 16. 20, '25 cent , per quart. Al.!. oTtimt Gooos pnororaioNATELy Low! ',AIN I11..\('1: sII.1:1-1 el ,•very .111,1111 v :,,n , l 14:14 . e. • ' .‘NrY C4)1.(1111.11,m1,1 BLACK NII,II.WZS .1 8•,i1 illtolit 111111 i lilt . .‘7l\llNl 11111.111111.113.‘11.‘ :1;111,1•11,11•KS 11 11 1111 1111 :CY v014,111E1) 111111•11,$11:411.1:S,I4, ,1,, ANCr C(11.411.11 . :1 , sim: 1.‘,r1,1>:.., ,1" A Nry uni,1)111.:1) \\11•:111(.\N 1111111. INS ,144 4141 ANCY (1)1.1)11E11 Willi, DK lAINKS .144 414, 41,4 V 4:M ANIIAME! \ 11.111.1N.‘ I,ltEss, Gunn!: de ,wNs I , l4;itrA I.1•::4 CIINWIA 11.4 4 &,,,‘ll. 1111 1111 111.11111111.14(1s, TicKIN(; , , I•IIEcKS, il,'l - I'TtIN T.‘III.v. in ‘1 1 1 , 11:- 1.1 \‘' I'N 'I 1 . 111. I: 1.1,k PN114 6 ; Ili \VI•II.s, 1,1111.11 , 154 N.%1.1:1N5,111 I . ll'll; ‘Nizi l'S..... \ .:*p. Ni.ot:--111.t.Es ,i' I I'l'.-, I j, , ..: 1: ) , ()NIB 1•. Cloths titid Clissiiiiell‘s (tl' every descript 1011, titittlity and price. 1..\ 1.11.:5' SACI: IN(1S, V.% Nt'N' .111,1 lg. ‘t I: ,I l \ W 1,4.1. \I; \ :- 4 , ., - i.•. ,1' , 4 1\ 1 1•1:1.1.1..kS, the ery Ittlvni 114, \*,•1114. , of nit. ,i,im,ll. . MEE I . I ks 11l Ile I IkL4 ill I 4 I 1 , 41 3-4 and 5-4 CROSSI.F.Y'S BEST 'I'APESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS. SMITH'S TAPETIRY INGRAIN CARPET, SANFORD'S TAPESTRY INGRAIN CARPET, HARTFORD BEST TIIREE-PLYS, INGRAIN of ail qualities and prim: I-2, 5.8, 3 4 and -4 VENETIAN ICARPETS for Stairs and Halls, HEMP and WOOL DuTcn CARPETS. OIL CLOTII AND WINDOW sit:\ DES pE.kni., BituwN, GREEN and Burr CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. NEW STOCK AND NEW PRICES. LIVE GEESE HAW ERS. GROCERIES, TEAS AND SPICES. I'd: s, every pnrtlettlAr, we sit 1811,111 h.•fiwe 1/1111 1 11111 1 111g Is 'WIWI , W.` Will 111.11.11111t.i. It In your 1111,111111111 1 . 1111..itKADY 1/a\t 111111.1 lIOUNTILV PRIMUCE 11141 . 11 In exelntoge tor fiontl , . Itententher the pho:e—F.Sl`.lltl,l,,lll.:l) IN 1 1 23. WE ARE IVO7' TOSSED BY TILE WIND—HERE TO-DAY AND ELSE IVIIEBE TO . ..4foßllo W. th k ktpon rail mina. t lull you trill cull II the where you run get Me most sMI 111-NI 1411 1 / 4 1 , for the 11101 t 1110111 ,1 . 111111 111111 111 1110 ithl E11411111111:111 1 11 :11111 1:111.W11 SO/re or E. S. SHIMER t 70., mot 7 West Ilnitillton Stledt, .\llenlown. GENERAL UrnoLsTEav CHARLES L. (TALE, 936 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Offers for the Spr Trade a nplrudid amtortutent NOTTINGHAM AND REAL LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW BLINDS add SHADES, In the nrwod color 4 and tlintlgus. " na " t I SPRING AND lIAIR MATTRESSES nc~~,n r„r w„ r~u~or amhwr snrl~,a a,~a, ~..a r,~r u„~ I'nreut SPrina Fl>nirr rar W ludoa Shndr+. Cwst'~'u _ . Cir.E;,llVg: 31 ET zG ER D l'lll,lti WITH LEVI FENSTERMACIIER, Corner Tenth and Hamilton Streets, ALLENTOWN, P.I. • ISuccom.or•to Fenctorgoncher. I Dealer In Grain, Floor owl Feed, Clover, Tlonolly and Flax Seeil, Early Srog Potatoe, lo EnrlY II••••••• Early ticapeck. burly Henry, Spront, Etc. • A 1 , 111.1. A SSOII T.III:NT OF 0 ROPE VISIONS, Q trErNS IVARR ANO No VOA'S. Lehigh County Cider Vinegar by thy barrel or nnialler enolre• m A largo stock of LiverpoolSolt. beet Mackerel, In gonr• her and•lodf barrel.'. w bolowalo nod retail, lo Y ur IN ork • State Apples jowl recejved• li• I and ur r.I tilt • . A NEW EITA t\ llEAtlrlt-Ia~'IAC. THE WONDER OF 'PIM AGE. COMPOUNI) OX Y(4 EN 1,. a preparation of that wonderful elemmit whirl, has at la: t realized all the eatignitte hopes of Philo•oplier ,, and Phymielana, that in OXIIIEN tronid be found poWer atlegnata to the tillyhienl regeneration of Ose A aciestillc and skillful ad ministration of It during four yeast, liar fully establialied Ilx claim to being the most p'4ill'af,', l l7anti'l t :411'`,'1‘?•171ingN TREATMENT will PULMONARY corisuMPTION. DIARY:FES, OZEN A OE OFFENSIVE CATARRH, and SPERNI ATO HRH EA ti autism, DYSPEPSIA and minor alltneuta are at lily cured. Send for a atatement of Ita mode of naiad and reoulto 1116 Girard Street, Philadelphia Between Chmtunt and Alarket Sts., • • G. 1-I:.•STA.RKEY, A, M., M. D., • SOLE PRACTITIONER. MABLE KNIVES, FORKS. SPOONS COFFEE HILLS, &c., at 0. F. WOLFSIITZ'S Store Ca Haat Hamilton Street. Imp le.l, 1870 1823 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION NEEDFLA, MAMMO'I I II s. SHIMER (;(;o1) ('OIISI TS ;II r)() ',ills ;1 S I) II White Goods-- lor r CARPET DFP rm - FN t . A decline of :tliont 25 per cent., and unusually complete in et cry pail icular CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. MADE TO ORDEIt THRIVE! DAILY .IIIIIIVALS I AT THE STORES 4 ♦ ) S J. • G 0 0 -Stool: Complcic RAND, PERKINS & CO 124NORTII SIXTH STIt Err, P L I ILAD ELPI II A, 1!ISBCE1=11 BRICK SET AND PORTABLE HEATERS. TliEsE REATERS rou orit.thiLiTv. SIMPLICITY AM/ EcoNOMY or VI I EI.IIAVE NO si'vEltloßs. THE RADIATING SPRFACE Is 31.‘1 , E ENTIRELY GP witormiT I RUN. ANDLI. kRE q r RAN rEEo TO GIVE sATisrArTIoN VE mANPEARTIIRE A VARIETY OF FLA'I"I . OP AND SIDE oVEN RANGES, MADE TO ituvr A IMITIGNAL IiOO N. BATH UOIL• EltS, REGISTERS, VENT' LAToRS, &C.. &C. WM. G. RITTER for Allentown FOR CIRCULAR R. LEIGIVS IMPROVED IIAILD RUBBER TRUSS Will retain and cure the most difficult myna., !roper vim. to.oisturo. For Cli,lllllll , S and durability bas no equal. The lightest 'fru.s ever tomb.. Hopporter. Elea. e Belt, Stockings, Sio.eousot lel. all kinds of Trusses, Braces, Hyringel, and all other mei:lll.3lml rem edies, atteutled to by Alri. I.EIOII. °Mem Chentl3lll %WM, tleXt stir to the corner of Thirteenth street, Philadelphia (lip .tairo.• mn 9-/7 tam Kir 100 year. a secret 41(firCurom as by magic— Ararbettl pontoon tehlifY— las. wounds. and muttering °ease— iffirPhyslclans man and recommend U— AW-V.OO puts ordered dolly fur hospitals :md public In tillltlollll In nil parts of dm U. ti• • • HERE , AKER zESE .1' .„ • For nil Cuts, lino., Bruises, Sor, Pfeers,'Canrers, Sore Eruptions,nd lirokon Cliappea Into , 1111 ii , Chilblains, Bites or Stings of Insects, Pte. .OZ - it WONDERFUL COLE FOR PILES. - IPR Put Up (A)c, sixes (and e sell polo for ['ninnies), Ail drnggluts overywher wrritouT IT IN THE HOUSE STANDARD PREPARITIONS, "COSTAR'S" . RAT. ROACH. Ao. E N.yi - ons. "COSTAR'S" (liquid) ENTER "COSTAR'S" (only polo) I N•Er'l . roW 11CR. •.cosTAR•s" y soi rono dy)CoRN SOLVENT. Air - SOLD ovo.rv,rhoro. • A ,, k for .• COSTA It'S' (ink III• labor). •EL'olsloraor fr.oo cosTA CA )., 13 11owtad Si., N. Y. LAWALL & MAI:TIN, SCHMIDT A: CO., A A', Anon own. I'll. may 21- I y tIA w I wellot Olt 11E11 Olt lt H IVA I. 3IOIS. INTERN dI. :1.1 I.:Nis:I:N.M. RIJN 1/, lILEED I N(1 and p•—it vdy, ntd lonnvialy GUILE! , without 1.0 lii , trontont - caustic, by W. A. Nn (I.lltlll IN PH I 1..‘ I) l'A.. Who con refer pin ovor Itto,olnd of o lok citizens of Plilladolphla. 10. lot vo roo,l. A Oro , - 11(0 of rhweri VW, Us .1 npr hat y in 115$• ,11,•••eRe with.tit (allure, it•firrants a ill in nllooo lob '.11.1y NO CURE, N 4) PAN DR. H. D. LONGAKEIi, Gradual(' or the 110v...i11y l'enn.ylvuntn, 01 I'hilndo.l - has horn In suer..-slot pritcllce torn ntitobor or years Invarious parts or tb. , 5.t.,.; tend to brattrlten of hl. prore ,, inti at Irk I'o,ll, Rees! stele e t f Si.rlA Ntre i. bet 1im44111.1 noel 11'n In of CO., No Patent IdeiNelms are 0,...,1. : the ethos a hid, te het Itteltle !lOW II the constitution, lint renovate the i.y•ieui from all Immirs It has sustained roan mitten!! :aid leave It lit a healthy and rairrect I y cored tie It. lilitlNt'll I Tie. DYSl.l.l . l.til and all diseasea or the Lund.. The11:11. Sh.llhll . ll, 111,1 1.10- or, Nehleit yearly carry thou,and , to mainly!) . g. ave.+, eon undoubtedly ho cured. MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, t stale or ulienallon and NV1,k11.... 4 Ow 14.1 which Jon per.. Iticapahl , ul ,1:1")1.114tIn 1 , 1.,+t,"•. ur forming the dutien of 111, liIIEU.MATISAI AND I'ARALYSIS,• any form nr condition. chronic Or 11,111.0, wan:mimic°, tie. Epilepsy. or halm); sickness. and eliriinie or stub: mu cases of k LIMA LE DISEASES apeedily and radically inoved; Salt Rheum, Skin Diseases lot years' standing) err descriptionof Ulceration.. Piles Errofnimm seik warranted cured or no pay. ifs-Particular attention given to private disease,. o. 'ery description of hulk •elieN. Lading mitfering from any complaint Incidental to thel can consult tho doctor with assurance of relief. Cancer cured, and Tumors of all kiwi. removed trillion ie knife or drawing blood. DiSl,OO, of dm EYE AN!) EAR, atter...fully Ruff effectually routoved ur no l'lnago mole. 4i Or. Itunuttker will make ',kit.. y dt•tauctt II do aired; eau bouddremmul by kw, trouiltlentlally) and total lelue Koff with properillectublun ally purl tho cututty Orrice: East NitiOur Sixth avert. homey. 111.11111. n au Walnut Allentown, :ta-ty INII, 10 centn, IV., cents 15 e..nty, 111 vents, 12 1 , vents ;--- dopogIETS k • ' cltlV: .1 °'.llZp k4tL._4,'.,,,.. 1 ,4;6 IL „ve(ORK; . .4.• •,: . :;T" o `,< l, eNe S9l BROADWAY, tfAik4'oWirAP, ?HILADELPV-0.,' nr, EA3 MARk ET S ' EEARATIkCIIIIIC 4.44*..-- ..--'. • ..,.ik.'s+,l•l DOs Toro 19 DOANE ST. SEND FOR CIRCULARS COUGHS, SORE TRROAT, att. No media:id or treatment ran excel the row • erful curative polar of Viiite. Pithuollic It cure. I. :in) ni1..., ictinnlY oSer,,l.er Throat awl Lung 1 , oeimen ,1 ,1,..1 by over 20411 I,er.,iie , in \V :t eme. .I.,11111i.•• 01111411011KIlt the l'.111111.) int. lie. 0:1111111 \\*lliming too, 111 , 11 m, timt tie NI. I, not 1111111 a f, av exe ep• 1100.1 faie.ily in' that y 11 ,, 111 1. , ~.111..111 it It 51,1.• iLle to Pllltll, It. ,11( . 11 1,11,11111111 /Ey li.•11 • Vt'l" II I. 401 , 10 u—litel I''?'''l,l.ll.4). 11 , 111 111 , hie? iliat It universally eon, ull 'lro it e it. The, 1:11.4` el 1 . 111.115, ciluris, izoty and eveu , CONSI'II*TI,IN, {III. Ays. tem Is n ltl.ll of bro .11/Wll (Ito \,,ntr . tio , 111,i1•1`. Pre1..n.1.11 medicine, itlexpoi 1,100,1 ad 11,10 .10,1104110 Will ILO? CHI , V 11.011, ltl dill`CiltalS. ...tall ro• .“11 to Ile, and lIIPIII` Inllti ft . ..1110W .11t1111.41 1,1•1 , 1V11,1 , 1111'11111111 I ter 1.1`• pored oUIY • Philadelphia depot, Johti,...a, 11,dloway & Cowdvo, 6 , 2 Arch street. t c l n o loori:;170,•,t DR. W. A. HASSLER, °radiilsts of the Atrermon ifedinil College of Phila ttelphia, . MEM WEDNESD ilicbichlal DON'T BE ONE DAY "COSTAR'S" I=l DR. SIMMS' T. H. SIMMS, M. D., /'RA UT/CA T. 01?(L1 SIC CHEMIST, No. 707 MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, DEI, Now utter" , to tho mtfre) jog public the JEFFERSONIAN MEDICINES • of Having been physician In the Norliwrn Disponsary Philadelphia for two years where thousands all kinds of Chronic disease.. :ire pre.,•ll[l.ll for treatment gad are treated. These medicines .re chi ',omit of try oa • porleuce and observations. Hay lug not wily pli,Crilsol them in Hospital practice. hot hundred.. in nor Kira*, practice have received tar isonefit and are cared. A Physielan i n mission Is to relelve pain and rule those that are sick. Bollix aware of the fart and knowing tin curative propertio• that my medicine. Ine•ies, 1 emit. du else but oiler it to the general outdid thai ninY.nrc"nt• pith my mission and do the greatest good to tne grates majority. ONL I' ONE MEDICINE FOB ONE DINFIASE ! II In not like lie !nen,' inedicier4 hold Iliet claim to cure a dozen dlfferout dkelt,es out of OUP bail, • • l'rice. Jetforniniatt Atmliclye; f kin or Ithentnat • for the B t i .lood 9 tll " .• for Nerve...wee and Debility. 11111 • • .' for the IL Id veva :111111{111(111er;. I .1 for the Slot/melt and Liver..... 1 II) '• '' for Cold. awl Coualla at . '' for 111111 hire and itivelderri 5 .' " Liniment Cro External l'lllll, Broiai... nod Spralna " Salve for Cate. 110..0e. and old ti , ...-. fa , Medicine for Children .2... •• Cro (Mite and Crasoo to the llowele. :C. •• 3teillehro f. .r Wine '''' reran. eau obtain the inedietio , only at toy. olliee, Chow street, between Fifth hod S xtlh Allentown. 1... , or hy w.ritluif la toy white... when I Khali for‘rard by mail or expreer preen, MI 11`celpt of tho m0....Y. - ALL CHRONIC DISEASES' TREATEI EVERY SATURDAY AT MY OFFICE. (.111 Coors eV' FITS Cur. . .Vro Corr Nn Poly I ) W. A. HASSLER, M.•-1). SA:1111TE K. SMA"1111, 724 CHESTNUT ,THEFT, =I PRACTICAL MANUFACTIItEIt OF risi SILVER PLATED WARE WoAid rttititctfully 1.111.1011 , to hi. ',awl, that It harm (till stock of the latett style.. of • DOUDLE AND THEMA. ELECTRO - PLATED , WARE, ALL OF MS OWN PLATINO Plated on Minkel and White Mehtlo, nultalllo for (nulll or ally trade. A. limo quoillty of rioting eon only be known to the plat or. the parchaner allot rely an Ibe 1111.1111Girturvem nt,. Inent; Vlore b.loct co twilit trorchle. wale 111 the lontk u el all represented an treble Oslo. al prices I rupo.tAllkle to manufactured. All Ida good+ are marked .• C. FC. SMYTH." • Call and examine Oro g oods before putt:ll.l.a else where. ViirOLD WARE REPLATED. mxy Y„ JULY ( 1870. 1 7 1)1In1t011 , 11 "A""' An English, Chts , ical, Mathematical, Scientific and A rtkiic Institution, I't,ll :,11.:N AND I.ol'S! AT roTTsTuwN, m.,N1...01Eur corNTr, PENNA. The Flrmd Term of the Nited..ntli Annual FeKaUm vlll cmment , on WI liD N V. la. , nth tiIiIrEMBER neat, ITCeiVikti V . "1.1%1 . .11 , 24 ad mire., IiEV. F. MI 1.1.E1t, A. M., =I REV. Mmin, Dreedi Selge, 51nbleollurg o . St., vr. Iliitt..rc , ort C I onnel, tontber. ger, Wyk, CI, tot, )Ikuld.Y, IIONS•—,lilgo I.llletv. MY.•I, M. 111.114/1 Thllyor, Bl'llj. 11.11', .i.“ 11 S. Ye., Clyinar, Jelto .1:110 , I, l'hichere, C. S. Drove, T. C. 1v...a. 11:.s NI.) . Dank ieD, Heap., D. F. NelT,e, 1,, 1.. 11. , 111 , t, S. tine.. y, 11111 •r ,3c Derr, Chartem :Nino... Co., etc. auttltioly {lil'~dClCS SPEC.T04;111,.11.?!1.!1, C LS I A largv and :L111,11141. of Y fipocutt . les, 1;, cl I NO. 23 EAST II A NIII.TON STREET, ll= 11111 . 11i11$1110 the •..1 , . i hal I have to. article 1. et de, eittie no u tag (hal the ...1 I.)' 11i... 1 , 3 tlitelittia aeon the la , I t .ts .• i.,13. pale. to 111, , • ••••••I'l.l • 111.• and beat it.. d i ., all per.. , y ..1 Yea - , it. ....1. att I .1. Irll ilri ttiol..l 11.1 •1 \ 1.111 1,111.11t.1,v , • t.. 11,11., 11 , . 1111 1 NI t . ..11r. , • , 1 I 1,.1 .1, ill p!untl:ing a . llll C 35 Sixturc.s. ravtva )N,-; ( \(r, NV! .1* IL% \ 'II,TON 6TIZF:ET, 114,111:s I , l'l 4 , W Nl`.llll ,T1:11"1, .U.I.I:NTOWN All ;in.1,...! DEEP 111:1:1. )IPS, Bath To•-, k. au•'i~~..l v. t. )01111111!. l'..rtable W.. , rk• t oss ti t.. , t1111 . Is ;tin 7-13 . NI) Nl' lit it .% 'I'S .%:\ 'I 1:1, OJ.' MI ok' 1 , 1'2 I Vl' 1/i.VD'A.V FiIKEION 1..1, 11, I, II VEII.NMEANT 1111.1 .1., II) ),1.1. 11=1 .S. i... ...o tor lit 1;t •,; Who la V.,. MESE W . J. 7,:vtnci:Tr! ,. , r.*TENT sCAl'l:l,.\l; sllut 111:.\('E \NI) s'rlL\ RTER No sitap. thi : atm tionlictilly made, :twill:K:4ly :111 North 7111 tit., lo•low Arch, Sopporters, Einxtic j:L ill 16 city. I. II Y att,•ndant. sol, A 1,1,1.:V1'0111 , N S:LIVINGS 11 rues, (h . g.11ti.. , 11 a.. •• Pi,el(A LIAWIli1011," NO. IAsT iiimitiroN RAYS l'1:1: I 'ENT. /_V TERI:NT FOR 310. "1:1 O.V DEPOSII 11.1.% itt l'.t+ll•[ • • • 1,1•••)- ;ma ,tvve , •••••I) •• 1.. ySlx PE . • Executors, ea rators,Trustees, 21,ssignees Treasurers, Tax Cu'briars, •• fand 0111, hPrtal 1:11.11•,. Form, rs, v, .11 all who I 11l .11.1 . 1 , . pot •.11 I , rll r pertopl .4/ ., •.•:11 , 1• • 1110 mlvatitagelms u. whlch to ;1., Int-11w.... Wo T.AOI th.•ll . hiplong Int•mo- , p ilk rt.. MARICI EP ‘VIINIEN MINtiKS •prrlal P Irvr...p.toto.ll , > “ 111 . .11,11 , 1-11:10. 1111/ 1”),V..1 . to tr . t. tlr• rt..lllo—. Ili— IS •"il'/ .I.x'll 11'1'21.1. .1-111:7) •••1 .11, • 4• •••:, eoti1,1; I r l .l o•- • • „. oNtrliNIV: , Al 55:11 :: • 311 ullstmilerr • II • •. V:t1111/ t ' ' • : • `.‘, I. llauk .1 . II A =Ell BL: , _( 1 1-',I SILKS 1JAI)11 ,1 .1'; `-;,('otTES Just rcceit•c4l a fall line ..11:1:tek Gros Urn Silks for Sacquri at vvry Lnc prici•s at jeS.2lll t't)ltN EH S'l'oll OLD AND TRIED 11 , ;(1111'01t . ATE1) BERKSIIIIZE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY I= I f ) .- r . •••' ~ . i ~,, III: 3 iL,,, i .... t r j , . , r ,„, llllpill'el't lli ilili' - ir, i ~..„4,• ....._ , 1 ' 4 ' 7T - ' - '', 1 1 dr I' -in • .. — 1 '-71 i T 1 n i ' q ' . . 11.7 - - v.' •• . 1 i ‘ -;" . --1 , 40 - 1 - 11tVe _ ---:--- ...,--,7.41.--t.._ . -,,,..: Company's Building, fine laid, Mass. TilorAs F. I'Ll'Nlzr.T . r. rit Ncls. BENJ. ell I Mi. :tt..l JACOB L. (;):F.ENE..%....1...titut Sot.r. tary. l'alloro to l'ay iloo • Ind rat roil the Ihillry a any Tina, but tho Polly v lio ....mini In force null ti. ['rodo,- al, 11,IA by tine rent shantil iii-atod ilia IL„ II illo Inn ai tho Policy will I paid, till", 111.• 1 . 1 , 11n 1 111 , virropi that l'i .111.IIIJ, ..%1 . 141110 :mini unpaid tvll indlialit paid iiinior chi. feature: Sow 1 . • i.l.loti, died bin month- after lii. Pl,llllllll I unpaid. Alaimo tlian bir 41001 alai! nin t • na t. nd * l', a u, wo , din• anti unpaid A 1 . . l ".1 1;:i. " 1 1 t 1 i . .. , 1 bu• 4 1.0.0, die thirty., maid!, alt, lii• W., .1 • 110 allti unpaid. Antonia paid, 1.••• 1.1.1111111.. 1,111110 1. 111.11,1 Y PoitrY.boldr by LIIV t.i UW0.111111,1,1. .lith A1.,—..•140,1t , , Gnat'inrecinir /11,11/ U,nj n AN,IOI/If, raid Ft)). =1 All the Profit. 'wk.; to illo It.. lvIllt•t1 tootoolly :moot. l'ol o'it-t lu 1..c0 IWt , lily book itaol otottt.tll, 111 . 11110.IIII{ 111•11,1111 0 . III.111.11,•111 , 11t ; 111,•thiout•; t.oltooltto tti ittt.topt tool 1it...1,1110 ttvithoottoll end rottolotto, to it a v.. 1 anti te'-itlttot.ttt.. PR I LA 10E1.1'11 IA orrirE, S. W. Con. EI.1.CI•:S'I'II & CIIESTNU \V. 11. I;IIAVES, IiEN LIEU. ARENT AND ATTORNEY. IIiNTS wANTrA , . Apply ns alloy W. 11. Anent. Allen,wn A. K. W 11"111 NoTAler PURL lc Clr 11, 1-:Na INEEI T. 11. INSE.E.I:O'II AN \ t;i:1 DENT. 1117"1'31.1 N 1.1:1;:EN I? 1 NCI, 'teal Estate Avyttts aiul Neriveit , lN, PARTIE , .1. •I:int, ..t.) Iwo will " ' nlin• tui //ill W.• 1/A,. illinn /int ~ 11-it rely, h t. ill In• n hitt Bunk nu/ISM/1i -itnek ii;of-',.-Tiiir., 1 , 4DE541031 111 I'ItOVED 41: , e. 4.4 'rwenly.l'lvi. 1)..II." rnintly sowing 3lnehlon. 1 to cheni ... Fa. 1'1,4 M..chin. , In h.' Mlo,t. Agentx 'ranted ill •r• ro 7'.,0n. 1,1...r.‘1 Colnini,....n all. w.l. Foe terms n id cltrill.tr 11.1.1,..« A. S. II AMMO N. Ulmer& Agent, tio. MI . e-runt St., Phil ' (ape 5.1.31 A elotbing. TUE VERY BEST THE CHEAPEST, THE MOST BEAUTIVUL AND MOST DURABLE CLOTHING, KEV 1' ONE 11 ELI, BALLIET & NAGL Have tbo largeoL boot chapeot /Gook of CLO over got op In Olio clty,att and d oell e °nod. In their Hoe, mTHINGobs* COATS, PANTS, ~Geode pert.halug to MEN'S WEAR FOR LESS MONEY, yon can buy elsewhere In &Worn Pennsylvania No Slop Shop made Goode sold. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER We keep eonntantly hand a large and elegant among rot of 000118, from which customer. ean make thel lectlons and have them tondo uP on ' , hurt notice. *All work tr arrented to be of the very bent. Call null Per our new WINTER STOCK, received at lb. KEYSTONE HALL, • No. 24 West. Hamilton Street next door to the Oerninn Reformed IChnrelt, ALLEN TOWN. PA. A full as.riliwut of Ciento' Furnishing Ooods ulwayn AARON BALLIRT may 12-11 GREAT ATTRACTION! NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! CLOTHING! CLOTHING GRAND FALL AND WINTER OPENING, GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. OSMUN & CO., SuCceftgora to 314sger & ()mum • BARGAINS AT TIM GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM = NO. •13 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN. PA. We would Inform the dila°. of Allentown and the cur• lauding country that wo are prepared with a largo Elea f goodx fur SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, nit offer them to tho public at reasonable prices. To tho rho buy their Clothing ready-made. they are prepared gor WHOLE SUITS MADE TO ORDER I • COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cut and made I, the latest atyle, and by the best werkm. OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSINIERES Ix larger than It has been before, and we Intend to se very SMALL PROFITS, sad give our customers the b flt of our low purchases. O real quantities and varieties •r NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And everything In the line of GRNT'S FURNISHING GOODSI MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS', and CHILDREN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING, CONSTANTLY ON HAND Don't forget the piece, No. 43 Emit Hamilton etreet, third door above Sixth Areal. T. OHMOR, JACOB U. SCHOLL, MAIITIA LYNYI mar 24. y - Sor tbr garner. For Pure Water this celebrated Pi entirely taste let durable and fedi ble ; equal to the good old.fublow wooden Pump, vest leas than hi money Frilly so am to be not and in construct that any one Cal keep It In repair THE NEST AND Cie BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE OE LIME igil/4DE MARK ;'1 SPRING, FARMERS, ITORRAAR TOCR CROP or CORN, OATS, POTATOES, WHEAT & GRASS • SR WELL SE Add to the Fertaily of your Roll, By a Judicious and Economical modo of MANURING. GET THE VALUE OF YOUR OUTLAY THE FIRST SPA SON. OBTAIN IdETTER.FILLED EARS AND HEAVIER GRAIN. KEEP YOUR SOIL FREE FROM NOXIOUS WEEDS. MAKE YOUR LAND PERMANENTLY FER TILE Ovor SIXTEEN years of constant me. on all crops, h proven that Baugh's Raw Bono Phosphate may bo d pended upon by Farmers. Sir - Mighty improved and Standard Warranfed.liiig For sale by Agricultural Dealer.. generally. BAU6II SONS, MANUFACTURERS, Office—No. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, Philad'a mar 16. Gal R. In. ROBINSON & CO, (Succoosorx to Woa. 0. MlLtsor,) =I MILITARY, CHURCH, SOCIETY, THEATRICAL GOODS, FLAGS, BAN NERB, BADGES, ETC NO. 131 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA A. GREAT RUSH AT THE OLD = Low Prices Taking People by Storm RETAILING AT WILOLESILE PRICE& NOW IS TIIE TIME to buy Cheap at tho Old Allentown china and glasaware More, No. 37 EAST HAMILTON Wert, nearly oppoalte the German Reformed Church. THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK of Chloe, Mem end Croekeryware In Lehigh and adjol Inn counties. Now recalling at the following prleew Good 10 rout PLATES at =I 10 AMOS 10 TUWIL)11111 15 Flue OCIEILSTS, 411 75 per dos.. or 75ront LAMPS, at Every variely.of Queeneorare sod olmmure cheaper than the cheapest. Also, Walter.. Looking Glasses, Coffee Mille, llrltlaol►ware and Table Cutlery. besides a great variety of useful and fancy articles too numerous to tueution, belonging to a lirsLclass Chins Store. All kinds from $6.00 upward. Remember the place. fl EMIT HAMILTON STREET,, nearly opposite the German Re. fo rued Church. T. C. KEtINAIIEN. • ESTABLISHED 1545. • JACOB ZAUN & SON, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS, For Yon'► and Bor►' Wear NO. 905 ARCH BT., PIIILADELPiIIA, lll'li (111‘rld Late 170 North Fourth Btreet, We hive always; oa hied Voyaged Shoes .ef the laiee tylea, , We make them to order of the lined materiel, to the boat manner, and at masonabla prim. JACOB ZAUN. [ttiyl-81Adaw] ALBUM ZAOM asM=MIG ProftoOionai Carbo. VTf ;nu rixialmitAcii, -,ATTOII.• NEN" AT LAW, (fortncrly-practloe, s e co n darbos county)." 012 tee. No , .- East Hamilton street, fluor us: 0 1 , 1 .. 111x illetit.heagrat.ll.onuesueivA.ll,entow n,Ps. Slay COII.TANTINV 3. Ebnilll7l. Jolts H. Hl.lvelt. MIRDRIAN Ac OLIVER, Al Ton. NEYS AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Collections attended to In Lehigh and adjoining counties. l'ro pl attention given to ail legal bitsiness 1n the several Con s. Consultations to English and German. tai 19.1 BUNK dt BALDWIN,ATTORNE Y AND . C 30118141.40 11 11 AT LAW, Allentown, P Otter,No. At k %Lin /MM. C. H. , (9-tf) V. A. It. HAV.DIVII , - - y VT . C. lIIINGSERGER ATTORNEY •AT W.W. llennoved to the Post °Eke building second floor, ALLENTOWN PA. pr. 21-1 - 0 J. MORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ili • ALLENToWN, PA. Office No. 61J East Hamilton—street; ifinan be consulted In,Oe'rptn. jean , TANIES S. BIERVIDIUTRNEYTT—AT U LAW. Orace, No. 'Ad East Hamilton street, second floor or Lion Hall, Allentown, Pa. (Special attention given to collections.) marl7..ly T W 1 SHOVER."ATTORNEY A .I—.l LAW, MILLERSTOWN, LP.IIIOII CO., PA. Par Millar attention paid to ineulvent and decedent reline . }an• VESTS I.:LIEOH,GE li. RV*'*. A'rTORNEY t...X AT LAW. Office, with . Hon. John D. Bttics, Allen- SAMUEL A. INUTZ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ORIN, with P. Wyckoff, opposite the Eagle Hotel, ALLENTOWN, I'A. DROPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • link° with 11. linntx, Eq .., itlntington. Lehigh county,. Pn. Coßenito. In Lehigh, Northampton nail Carbon countlem promptly attended to; may ai-iy • —_ ._ ELINDA FORREST, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. Weat Hamil ton eitreet, Allentown, P. Dint-14f CLAV II A II EMILY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CATASAUQUA, PA. jno rrillosllAN B. METZGER ilelrrOlt. NEC AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. 0111 m _No. e 2 East Hamilton otreet. inay 11,-.111 ELIAS MERTZ YOR, LDRMN, SURVE AND A CONVE E YANC E A R AGENT EON TUE. SALE OF REA ESTATN, Went Hamilton St.. Allentown. En. I= Ell Tal l ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY T LAW. ehtht thlOrA thn Court lloutti., AL MOTOWN Lehigh bonutY ra. foh 13-.Q9-13- • WILLIAM 11. NOWDEN, ATTOR NEY AND COUNSELLOU AT LAW. 01lico. Cm. n,of HAM M. strpot told LAw Alvy, north side, ALLEN TOWN. PA. fob. DL ---•--- • EDWAItD HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflke, with Iluu. Batons! A. Bridges ALIABNTOWN, PA. may 1-1 y . . TOIIN RU PP, ATTORNEY AT LAW , LP office, N. Coro, 6111 and Ilumiltou titrents ALLEN TOWN, PA. my 14y ADAWOOLEVED, AOUNE% M T T AT LAW. Office, oppo,,lte the .Court ' IluuHe. AL LLNTOWN PA. way - GEORGE B. !WHALE ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office. First door above Ldw Alley. AL• LENTOWL PA. way. l.11•Ilm :- TIMENT C. IST C. H. GUERIN, SURGEON 1.7 D. Oaks, over Mrs. M. A: 0: Ooldlu's Trimmlog Store. No. 94 East IlanOltou strert, ALLEN• TOWN PA. Matclica ant 3ciuttra. t e ~*) ,-., r. , SPECIAL NOTICE. 3V It.'tj_ As there eeenui to be au Impreeelan with man) , tint s e deal ONLY In very ottrettilltre 000ti.t. RO wish to epecially auneu we that we keep and constantly main tain n TFRY FUi.I. AND COMPIASTE STOCK OR RELIABLI. CHEAP PLATED WARES, Retold°lnt 000.7 •nriOY of • • BREAKFAST. DINNER. • DESSERT, and TEA SERVICES t Klnti, n stra, 'N4161 , 4'5' 1 , Trt r a7iVnt i v " Myr LIMY, AS. These ware... though low priced. are perfectly reliable for all the ordinary tine.. expectedi ok required of such article., and will receive our guarantee as Ugric the best of their kind in the market. They aro marked at FIXED I' It I Ve t ; k Ui T yp e Aa s Entily i p t m E 311 , 1 MA E . CALDWELL & CO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPH lA, Janlll-ly 11=11Eiaa WATCHES AND JEWELRY, No. 148 NOIITII SECOND BT., 080..0r CaLIAIIILT, PIMA An unnortmont of W[11.65,11, Jowolry. 8111 or rdad Plated Ware constantly on nand. • • 113 promptly.Roptdring of Watches nud Jewelry. promptly attended to. 15 THOMAS W. DAILY, toportor of Sfeatphoo. I Na. 022 Market at, Philadelphia, Would respectfdlly call attention to his now e n d carefully selected stock uf WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, asa Mated llama.. Unwiring promptly %trawled to mud neatly dons. 1870 KELLER & BROTHER. NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., illeg,TZ:tedAalTrAre=ignoN,llizna and Pri"' GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can let found in any other adore lu the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, dekrplioai. • tenon repred ou Short Notice WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE CHARLES S. HASSEY'S, No. 21 East Hamilton street, opposite the berme Re formed Church. Just received from New York and Phil adelphht. all the latest styles • and at lower Pdcoelsun aan trio r .treigsnr i o ‘ . v ' ' ' 1 " . "' SILVER WATCHES. • 110 has a larger and bettor aosortthent of Slier Watch.... than can he purchaaod anywhere clan. ^ GOLD JEWELRY. • Ile liu tho largest and beat asoortment or nil tlnl 4.1 Gold Jowelry. • GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Ile hu a larger sad hotter aisortment efall kind°. of GIN ad Pia ted Jewelry than cap be boned °Nowhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. He h" do.irlog. goo ds - - CLOCKS. A larger assortmout than M any other ostabliabatent. MELODEONS. • A splendid assortment of Prlneo'a Melnd.., the Into la dm world. MEM A, Ills assortment of all kinds of ACcordeons. Ills establishment has lately boon titled up. mid Is now second to none In Now York and Philadelphia, and ahead of any thinguntside the large rill.. Ito has a large. stock of fashionable goods In Is line than all others In Lehigh couoty combined. To convince yourselves of the above .11and see WEED • SEWING MACHINES I RUBER & FRITZ,Agte., Allentown. BEE WHAT WE CLAIM THEY WILL DO. 6 cent. • 10 Cent. 12 cents 15 cents 12cent. 10 cents 6 cents 4cent. 6 cent. 6 cents 10 cents 13 cent. each 50 cent, BEST SHUTTLE MACHINE OUT! That they will inake a Stitch allko on both aldem! That they will HRH!FELL!HINDI CORD I IIItAID t lIIIFFLfiI TUCK I QUILT 1 HRld STITCH • DATUM/. AND SE O W N AME A TIME. EASIEST S TIHR. EASIEST TERMS I • INSTALMENTS $6 A MONTH TILL PAID ! Fo addition to all Min they aro Equally hood for Flue or Maw). Work. HUBE O & FRITZ • • AGENTS YON LEMON COUNTY w may 2..3m d may EXADIINATION OF TEACHERS. The examination of teacher , . kir 1670 will Lo held ao frl low.: I NPtirtg:ll: " A ; L A Y at :I l l2ro P y lr.b."S. tipper Milford, July IS, at Linteport, (Shater'a). Lower Milford. July la, at SlAmerarlile. frull:;•11071Vi, J AVA itn ' t l lZl:f. "., Pai :t Homo .4111 i'rAtA:f.lnftri•iJVt.rii.".lgall::lll:.(c".Al''). • at, Linv o ih. an . kiaolliers,ili.fill at , • Batt.bablilV,°_tujgo% . ' Slll 01100••• Ind b. 101,001 i at flo'clock a.m. on each day 111110 15-3 w , E. J. YOUNG, C. E= ALLENTOW: 4 I, PA CLOCKS, SILVER WARE GOLD WATCHES ACCORDEONS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers