ADVERTISING RATES. 3t. Imo. 9 mon. 0 nios. lyr. Iwo 'genres . . 3.00 9.50 9 0 0 0 9.00 201 hree Squares . . 4.50 5.23 3 17.00 Ni. Siz Squares. . . . 11.30 17.0) 23.00 43.(0 Hussies Column... ti . , 13.30 g 2,10 40.00 011f0 Half Column . . j ;2(1.130 4300 (0.00 110.01 Otte Column , ." • ' 30.00 coAin 410. fin 2ock.a) Professional Cud, SHAM per line per year. Administrator's Ind Auditor's Notices, $3.00. City Notices; 3Peents per line Ist insertion, 13 cents per Ina each subsequent insertion. • Ten linos agate piing theta n agnate. ROBERT IREDELL, Jn., Puntaannn, I= teal . „ROW, JACOIO 4 CO, . . . =1 ROUGH & WORKED LUlittOgt BASEIDOOII9 AND BLINDS, ' VILLIAMBPORT. PA a ra - orderafro t a the trade eollelted . . PILEIRT. :P. OTTO. N.M. OTTO. 0. ITcjil!I;p01 1 1 11LBIP.My, lITTO & MILLER.; MANNPACTORERS - AND DEALERS IN LUMBER', WILLIAMSPORT, t MILL ON CANAL. WEST OF MAYNARD STREO. OFFICE AT THE MILL. • . W. F. CRANE, dil6/11. 4, ang 60-1 y R E IILO.;V A L I NI f'l' Hf & U N COAL AND WOOD YARD I The above Cold and Wand Yard hnn been removed to the Lmat end of the Jordan Bridge, SOUTH SIDE, where will .m.twattr 1014 a lino and full ' , mill' of Egg, Stove Nut and Chestnut Coal, tielected from the bext mlue4 In the country. 0 U 11 C 0 A L undercover-and It to to the littered of every cu to purchnee DRY AND SCREENED COAL largo RiOCk of all kinda of good Wood onnataatlY no hand. and delivered to all part. of the city lathe lowest market price, BRANCH YARD.—A branth yard to kept at tho Lehigh Volley Depot, ;mown na the former yard of Lentz and Hecker. itirTlllB IS THEPEOPLE'S COAL Oar Coal in nelected from the bent minim In the Lebigu region. Rad knowing this to bottle fact and that It will give perfect sallafartion. there In no axe In offering to refund he money. All w• Rob Inn trial. Orden, taken et Denh3 er'a hat iitore. PRANK" LIN SMITH jut,. llth COAL CONSUMERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! RTELTZ & HEEBNER Hereby Informs the citizens of Allentown, and the pub lle lu general, that he Is prepared to furnlab all kinds of C 0 A L Rom his well stocked Yard, formerly IL Ruth & Cu. 'e, at k the Lehigh Basin, In the City of Allentawa, where he will Cuast4ttly keep og;hand a full supply/of all Ida& of Coal, lOweactnarket prices. Ms coal le nice and clean, from the very hest mines, and" In quality superior o any offered In Allentown. Ile will sell Coal by the CAll LOAD, at very small pro llts, alt ha Intends to do.hrudneas ppon the principle of " Qultic ales and Email Rive him a call, and upon iamparbattlilcen yon can for yourselves. Ile will deliver Coal spoil call to any part of the City upon orders being left at the Yard, or Weinsheltner's store mar 31-tf • IBTELTZ & HEEBNER. TO B elpiriLlicTptyi BUILD- The naderelgoed Ie prepared to contract for furehihing SASH, BLINDS, WINDOW FRAMES, DOOR FRAMES: SHUTTERS. And all klnd. of.buildlng Ili:nber Agent for HOPE SLATE COMPANY'S LEHIGH SLATE. Who!min and retail denier in tho CELEBRATED CUCUMBER PUMP Order. left nt the EAOLE HOTEL will receive prompt attention. Pool Mike toldremm. W,. H. BERLIN. Clunk vriowu; Huck. Cu., Ps. igen 2.-1/ ,h 4 REVIVAL ! The NA...Men having letteed the "Old HOW Coal Yard," would respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown and the public In general; that they have just got . onnorlor aosortioont of COAL -_Cousixtlux stud. Egg, Ch* ml. Nut from lila MUCK MOUNTAIN MINES. • °flierlt loft with A. A. Huber, Meer & llotteontrin, Lt the RLICIO IMO. Rope Rolling Mill. or the Yard, will be attended to In a BUSINESS like manner. Orders for Coal by tho car Ailed at short notice and at the lowest prices. Always on hand a large sleek or BALED HAY, which will be maid at the loweril Ina rket pricer L. W. KOONS CO:, I=l flatalyon Street, conker of Lehigh Valley Railroad =I L. W. Nom. .1.27 fgrcbanics CONSHOHOCKEN BOILER AND COIL WORKS JOHN WOOD, JR., TUBE, FLUB AND CYLINDER BOILERS, BATH AND STEAD CIRCULATING BOILERS AU kinds of Wrought Iron Coils, 'Foyers for Blast Fur noon, Clamotantere. Smoke Blacks, Blast Pipes, Iron Wheel barrows, and over thing in the Boller and Short Iron lino. Also, all kind. of Iron and Steel Forging. and Illackaraltl Work, Miners' Tools of all kinds. auch as Whom Bucket. Picks, Drilla Mallets, Sledges, Sec. • flaying • Steam Ilittnmer and lot of tools of all kinds and akilled workroom, .1 Patter myself that I can turn on work with promptness and dlapatch, all of which warranted to be Orst.clasa. Patching Boller,, apd repairing generally, strictly at tended to. ' . • . , • • apr -17 OCHOLARN, ATTENTION ! , 0 PUPILS, PARENTS AND ALL OTHERS I=l BOOKS OR STATIONERY giro Waited to call at No. 96 West Hamilton Street, (Walk sie• old Maud.) four doors below Eighth Straet whore you Will Sod a large and complete stock of all Mush of School Books WWI to COU/lIY, at tbi. itAroAt cahpriceo. A full line of LATIN, GREEK, UERMAN and FRENCLI book. for Colleges, Academies end Schools, always on hand, •t the loweat rates, • • • A full assortment of Stationery. Blank Book. randutne.-Pockot-liooks, Combs, Albums, Pictures. Ster eoscopes and Views, Window Paper, Ac., sold at the very i llallira h is P d r attnan pockefand ismily. Bibles, l'rayer Books sod Hymn Books. A largo and splendid stook of blitteellaueoue Books of Prompand Poetry, and Sunday School Books All the re quisites for Sunday Schools always on baud at Philadel. Oda Price. We are closing out oar stock of WALL PAPEU at cost. Agent for the tele of BRADBURY'S CELEBRATED PIANOS Please else me a call when you wish to purchase. E. MOBS, 11..titou ht.. below Eighth, Allentown. Pa. J . JEANEN, • • PIIOTOUHAPIIEII (Late of Phlladelnhla,) ho. taken the ()alloy No. 11 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Formerly occupied by It. P. Lamereux. where persons eantret FIRST-CLASS PICTURES taken et REASONA BLE PRICES. A trial Is all that Is petaled to satisfy every one. COMEONEI COMEALL! If you tract Photographs. Cartes de Visit., Pipette,, Photo Allulatures, Ambro- Mee. blelsulotYPes. Ferrotypes, etc. Rive UR/E a WO. SES. Successor to IL P. Lautereux. MEI MANIIOOD : 110 W LOST, 1101 V RESTORED ! duet Published, inn sealed envelope. Price, sir cet:. A LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT, nod Radical Cara of Spernidorrhon or Seminal Weaknece, In yoluntary Egnissiona,kexual Debility, and Impediments allTt usnes• consum !lon EDI low,m;.".ll°)INT —salt. Ina from Self Alm., Am, by Boar, 7. Co avitawsta., M. D., &tabor of Ile "Orcau Look, ' Lc. • • • " A Boon to , Thousonde of Eltresere• Sent under seal. In `a Vain envelor ; to n O T . a s t , tr, Me: 3.° 6'airi IVO° ."iir"D'A, 47, le. oft ost os. kit . 08 1 1, • • Also Dr. univerwell's • Marriaire Guide." price 215 eti. may VOL.. XXIV Jainti* sbabes E. LRAVEN. MASONIC IIALL, NO. 719 CHESTNUT STREET, gor?iox, viceiving Ist. • importation•, couxintlug .Pirt ot ; • • eov /S•IY U RTAIN 111 A' Ell,l A LS, In Silk. Bfbhalr. WomtedA Linen and Cotton, embracing mitly novOlox. Lace Curtains of Parinlus, St. Guiles and Nottisultion !sake CORNICES AND DECORATIONS •ari• nod original dealgu, WINDOW SHADES Ity Olt" thouNutstl ~tuult• ut nutuntarturertt . mire MUSQUIT( ) (1.A.N1 )P1 ES, EEO H. A. STEEL, UPHOLSTERING, WINDOW SHADE & BEDDING STORE, WINDOW SHADES, =I With IN turon complet, rtoto Imit, 111 , it , 00. WHITE ROLLAND SHADES AT All PitlCF;s == . . DEN..• STORE SUADES MADE AND .LETTERED = ALL KINDS OF 'WINDOW DRAPERY PATENT MOSQUITO CANOPIES. GILT, ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT CORNICES. CURTAIN BANDS, TASSELS, CORD, S;;.. FURNITURE STRIPS CUT AND MADE STAIR AND VESTIBULE RODS. FURNITURE RE•UI'II OLSTERED AND VA RN IFII F.D. Carpets and Mottlngs, old and arty, mado, ollored nud put down. UPHOLSTERERS' MATERIALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT WHOLESALE A NEW THING. • SILK FINISHED WINDOW ;HUMS oct 1.1.1> Carpits anti Oil Cloth. Rim AND ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, kc. S. C: FOULK Has resumed the CARPET BUSINESS AT 10 8. SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA, (Between Market and Chealuut With a fall amendment of VELVET. BRITSSELS, THREE PLY INGRAIN and VENETIAN CARPETS, Oil Cloth Window Shad.. &e.. at reduced pricer. ..1,13.1y THE GREAT CAUSE OF J. WINERY. Just published in n Staird lin ',love. PH, Il I to. A LECTURE UN TICS NATURE, TS I, ATM ENT AN it 80 1.0. A cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sperm° ',written, induce by Self-Abose, Involuntary Emissions, I otttoteneY. Ner nous Debility. and Impediments to Marriage generally Consumption, Epilonsey and Hot Mental Physical Incapacity, & c.—lly IEOII wr J. CULVER W ELI., 31, 11,, author of the '' Omen Souk,' ' An. The provesnwn author, in this admirable lecture, clearly from his non experienco that tho awful • COORNIIICIOCON of sulf-abuse may be effectually removed without medicine,and without dangerous surgical (wpm. lions, bungles, inetruments, rings or cordials, ;mounts o out mode of cure at mice certain and effectual. by Mitch every sufferer, n loader Wllskt his comittbat may la., may cure hintself chettply ‘ privately 111.1 m11(74111. 'l'll IS LEC TURE WILL PEON E A DOOM 'PO THOI, SANDS AN D THOUSANDS. Sent under Reid, ht n plain 'en velape, to any address, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamp+, lay ad dressing the publishers. Also, Dr. ulverwoll's " Marriage o,li, price2 l ,, Address the Publishers, CHAS ..1. C. KLINE At Co, y2l-1Y 127 flowery. Now York. P. O. 1i0x.4 fkiS. WOMEN, Make You• Homes Comfortable ! NOV WE HAVE I'I'! CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE It. E. DONAVOITILY WALLPAPER ILE LEHIGH VALLEY, BOTEN BOOK STuRE LEISE N RING, TR EX ',Mt & (0., We aro Poper of ell ~.1).14, tit price. 4 to -till either rich or poor. WALL PAPER hlssoasou, do not fall to give us a eon Wo have now on bend the Inrgest eteek In the Vitl and can offer greater nod better Indoventents then any other exlahllehtnent. • it willpity you double to phrelnete tit the 110 TEN 11001 i STORE of LEISENRINU, THEXI.EIt • n; • Alleuk.wn. 1./1 $lO9OOO GUARANTEE. BUCK LEAD ExO.I LE , 11.1 AD ! bit. For Its Unrivaled Whiteness. . 2d. For Its Unequaled Durability. Lastly For Its Unsu Eco rp n a omy.ssed Covering Property. r Ito 1113.1 T COSTS LESS to point south lurch LEAD tilltli other White Lend extant. no mime weight covers MORE SURFACE, Is more DURABLE, awl makes WRITER WORK. $lO,OOO 0 UARA.NT ER. BUCK ZINC ."I`itg."-h..! For Ito Unequaled Unraidllty, 2d. For Ito Unrivaled Willteueao. ad. For Ito Unourpaotted Covering Property Lastly for Ito Greltt Economy, being the CHEAPEST. ILLS OSO3IEST. 111 ti DP and RA BEE White Paint in the world. BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. =lll BUCK •COTTAG E COLUBS, Prepared exprevaly for Painting COTTA( ES, OPT BUIL DINGS of everydevcrlptlen . FENCES, kr. I Ml' FIVE DIFFERLNT COLORS, Durable, ('bray, Pultem and Beautiful vbaden. Sample card,, vent b Mall If &Aired. Dealers' Orders will bo'prouspily executed by the luau ufacturers. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., N. NV. COR. TENTHS MARKET STS., Jon 19.1 y PHIL ADELPII lA. For nob by . JOSEPH I3TOFF LET AllwOmrn, Ihi ACCORDEONS, CONC EUT NAS Jews Ilexpe, Vlo'Miring/lor the hest quality to be lied at C. F. WeHertz's Store No. SO E. Hamilton St Cloning out it reiloce.l priori No. 16 North Ninth Street, =I THE LARGEST, STOCK 01 LEM OLD ESTAI `0.1) ALLENTOW N, P.\ IF YOU WANT REA EM 1 =I BUY ONLY . • . .. • - • • - - .. % ...1, . . • . . . . 0 . rht b ~..4r. ! . . 11 . , t . 0 . :,...„ y 17,. ..i .i it . , , • .. ' + ffinanriat. FIR.ttiI(LIN SAVINGS BANK, Located at the corner of Hamilton street and Church alley. In bleu second story, opposite the Orman Reformed Church, In tho City lif Allentown. In organized and ready for InNIIIOP, It mill ploy SIX per cent. In. 'crest on !11l deposit* exce pt !nostril. I/PIP/MILT, for any period of time, lobe coo !ruled, of front the dole of deposit. To secure WIIII.II. 11111 01 the Institution hallo filed In the Court of COllllllOll Pleas of Lehigh County. under the direction of the Court. 11 bond in the nom of Twenty•llye Thousand 14ir Ilie faltli• fill keeping iwid appropilutbei ‘.l lilt such+ono. of looney nn ehall lie placed eharge .all N SAVINIId BANK, whether as d0p0.11,.., or shares of stark. WlllOll 1,0101 may be enlarged by the Court tthenever It may lie deemed 11,10111: . y. additlon to the Art 'of ineorpniattlon 11111 keg the Stockholders pees !lei Ibildo to the depositor, in don tole 111. ("indent or the 'bonded Stork of lII° Hank, tvliirlt is fifty thousand 'dollar+. *twit Itherty to Increase It ill 0110 hundred nllll fifty thousand d„ lien. Th.. provisions trill make it a very desirable and safe rhino of deposit. Beside it may be proper te state that the deposits in be kept 11l one of the oil wit ,root host protected enrolls in this rap. A rritunntnents will be made to fornish drafts on Ito chine of New York 01111 1.1111:1011111ill. 1. 131111,11E5, l'resiolsool. .1. W. WILSON. I ' ire rlll. (dent .1 li. %1)t ER I.IN. Cashier. onsiool 11. Miller, s. A. Ileidge.t. John .1. NY. It' Aso', 11.4 re. .1. E. Zillllllol . llll\ 11, D. Crell,. Ceter Cies, w 0:111.110110.111. IMERIMEAMI I= I= 31t tAliett.t , po,t :IL :111 1:111". :1111 11/ .1113 . •111. rout "1,.• up,viLt .1. I, hich . I= %rid paiti 1,0 ,v111.114.1,V11 nt ,y 1..1;1th.• or call p1 , 001 , 1y lit to ioled to, to Choir s I.llght. ' 11.\ NV. C. I,l..lCyrs‘vm I, r. Pl.OOl-; ()IL cl,()TII„ 4 in No•,‘ And 1:1 , ,..ut •1,11- n/i/f holt, r MGM I= FARM S VINGN BA In ellrFore (fed lo tat P el Stub' (7, rb':f 1,470 I= 111-tiolihm h I ..... n :o Slate NEV • , 11 at 1111 tin/v.:11.1 -, ,‘ 11.01 (; PER CF.:\ I'. INTLk LST 1:1; P.M) I , 111.1% IP , ' 41.i/1.1,1 1 1 .41.44., 1.111... 1114.410) 14.14:44 ....411 4414 v.. 4 In' I. 114- W11.1.1.\ Al ,•/ El=ll Ur. 11. CMSI=I MIDI . . PAte...lll. [a pr 6.6111 MiMEIMMEII =1 EOM N" Fill ON and 1113, C,ll. In. erititi will Int allwed. For shorn, 1ntr....1n nltYrial rat. will 1... paid. A 1.,., totality lonoittl oat on l'AVolt.%lll,ETEnms. said Bank Intl,. Iloaet, to not liaritnah ol Kulzitorn. ON 11. Foil El., Hu wait ii 11.. rois•re. is, K. 11. l'a-liter, 'Ficusicr, F'..l. Shougli M. 11., J. I). DilVl4l 11. 11. W. R. ILich.ird .1 . 11.'1 r GIRARD SAVINGS HANK (Organ Sl:kt.. tor I, NO. 11A111,TON 31.1111. 1 , 11414 11.111Ilr u 1111111.. Itto , sl X I 11,•11•`1 .., 'Y nt,llllt. , 111111:1, 1%1111 in•rl , 111.11. 11.• 11.11,1;11111,11,, l'll/11,1 41' 11111er S , 1 . 1111111 . • 11,1011 .11111 tut,. -t t.t , .1 ttt, I ittt•itt fait tati•-• 1...11. ' , l .414 . t1y 1 . ,.11i1111•1111111, 111111111,1 Y be IVillllllilllll :Illy tilat , .• 11x1 1.11 Istota.tit ittitt.t, I,lll' graittl•cl lit tour charter. littytt.t.:llllll.. , lo, ttatt,trt hunt. t, tilt t. 111111,1., it num. , — i• a lottill y fur 1111.11104 lulu 1'1l1,1 . 1,4111111, 1• IV1 , 111 1 1111 . y 111 trtt..t troll, ttititrtli.tttx, Athol tiktrtit,tr, I,IN 1,11114 11111..111 ,- Y Atir MONEY LOANED .IN F.%Vttlt.lltl.l.: I'll :111\ • • . . Jim" , F. taw, 'rnu~nunn I)avi.l I:l•on6att. jcl-1111 MILLERSTOWN SAVING BANK, )111.1.Elt9TOAVN, [.EM! II COUNTY Thl• fu.llnrlon will h.• optitted on or litiltire the 1.1 day of h ill Ito Liken oh depthit al it II limo: , and lu 1.1111 , i . 1.111 41111• illlur tit.' wblob six 11 7 .12 CENT. IN'I'EItEST pet amnion will lie paid. Deposit. poly le• iiilll.ll.iivii ,it ;Ili) lilik.• Al•o, looney ottaiiii out „ulavotablii I.vol. .11311:i \V ET Liiii i Po ,i./ I . I4ANKLIN SIIINIEII. t',,loi.r. I .T. F. M. Shirr, rt. 1:....r.g. , 1,,h, ii:. Fti•clot Irk C. Foleit. Clieistiou F. Itiiiiiiitittee, David tionnet, NV ill. tot Ssllitoy. , I -nn' Drielsil, 11...01. , T. 111.ttloff. lil.lijl.lllll J. SOIIIIIIVer. .1.11. , r , Sim:toast, toot . liiitint or r flostoll tlf•llt.l4 griwrally. Signed I. la"rrS. IN EVERY TITAY Or '['ELATION. THE gre; advantages we p&;sess, as the res tof a large, well-established an(' successful business, with an cxpe 'once of more than twenty-five years, enable us to offer ,induc ments to all who are about to 1 -come purchasers of itirßeady-Madc; C 'thing second to no e ablishment in the country. '4 ur garments are all made of. the best materials, carefully ected; nothing un sound or : in any way imperfect is made up at all, even in.the lowest •frades of goods. It is a well established fact among clothie s, that our Ready-Made Clothit in every thing that goes to . .lake a superior gar ment, is equalled by any stock of goods ' Philadelphia. Our assortment so large and . varied that every • •e can be fitted at once, without lay. Our prices are always gua an teed as low, or lower, than the lowest elsewhere. We ave also a fine assortment of ,fta-Goods in the Piec which will be made up order, in the best mann , and at prices much low than are usually charge or Garments made to ord' . Gentle n visiting Phila delphia, can, by having their tneasur registered on our books have samples of goods forwav led, with price lists, by mail, t any time, and gar ments, ..ither made to order or sele6ted om our Ite . ady-Made Stock, fort ••,ted by express, which will be gu; -..iteed to fit correctly. BENNETT & 0. Tower Hall, 518 irkt't St. Half way &twos Fifth ~d Sixth Sts. PHILAD A LLENTOWN PA., WEDNESDAY MORN ING, JULY 6 1870 A PEEL FON Alit TO TIE SEXTANT OP TUE OLD BRICK NIEETIrOUSE. From the Moravian. LT FOSTER'S NEW YORK STORE L OOK ! LOOK !! LOOK II! THE BEST 3fACHIXES IN THE WORLD! RO & 13A K.ER'S IM MOVED Inn II EST PIE EMI At SEWING MACHINE Awarded the hlgheid premlnta, "the Crreng et the Le µion of Honor." at the Park Er pl.lllOll. /%1 ACHIM!. NEP:IMES, THREAD nod SILK TWIST ennmtantly or hand. The people of Allentown And viclulty are cordially Invited to roll at our mttle,trogini. Remember the place, opposite the German Itefortned Church. N. II —Full laidrortlona given to nay per.. irc h n.• It a Machines. All Saddam. warranted to glvosatlaractlort. S. M. KEEPER, Agent, No In EHAI Hamilton St.. Allonlown.l'a ko ',',. ifflMliiiiiiiiMia;l AND BURGLAR PROOF • f . SAFES. db L •• ENTABLISIIED .I.V 184 3 IMEMEI == Tho only Safi , with !sum: Doilua. from inputiss. A 1... Ku , . flout 15 to par avant. lower Ilian other io•iul for Circular and Price Lleit. 'P. WATSON St SON. 1,::b of Eva trii k Wittaion, Slanufacturers, S. Fourth St., Plillailelphtn IT,llll3ll'itG EI/GINGN AND IN- L sERTI NOS, a utast retaphtle stark of the trot goody at the very !ewes' Price.. Mottled let td NOTTINIIIIA3I LACES for CURTAINS, at greatly reduced 1 rice, "1t) IthA I. LACE COLLARS at 20 eta. and upwards. PIQUES in Anoka] td 'eta. and onwards. New /eel Choice PLAID NAI - NSOOKS. TITRE! , ACV:Ad Nti ter Infant+ Wear. 2Sc., etc. Choice Pattortet REA L ti UII'URE LACE. '• 1311'1%0'1" best make. ricENcii 3IUSLI NS. 2 yds. wide, at 5.1,4 n etc: FINE FRESCO NAlNs.toliS. I'I.AI I/ "Si, at 2.1 els. A cosh ! £„ thorn ef WHITE GOODS AND LACES. HANDKERCHIEFS front Antal tttt t nt tt great bargain.' I ACE TIDIES. a •pletend lute. A jolt let Id 1311'1'Al'ItIN A I'PLICA he petittettee of UoLLA ai,d CUFI''S. 101 warranted. IriIIEIMIIII ORGANDIES. HER% ANIES, GREN- LADIES LINEN READY MADE SUITS. LINEN PA liEl'As FOR TOURISTS. LADIES sl'lTs MA I.E TO (11IDER. 11.1'1'111N); SUITS HEADY MADE. CAPS. MUTE I.llll'Es. - III:EsS SS. TIII'insT.I,INENI4 A W LS. SILK SA(7I/17ESI sAcw'LS. LLAMA LACE , . 1111:11 1'1550 CoVERS. FINE MARSEILLES ta , ILTS. 1.511(1E LINEN STOCR, GOODS FOR MENS' AND BOYS' WEAR II .1 . Mill • COOPER & CON ARD: S. E. coil. W1 1 11 & MARKET STS., DE&VENNsjio. GOVERNNIENT I-'l' MORTG AG E BONDS. I=l Coupon,. ra+ll.l. Slot, .1.. n tic nn 41 11111 d on Commix "11°‘ 11 '' n i 1 ITENICV J. SCHWARTZ. 14..11 El: IN 11'1NES, LIQUORS, AN D VINEGAR, AT lIIERVS OLD 'STAND, Th e h oe ,. h r m o t,t tt lwoya on band. He asku a ohore of the patrillolge of the nubile, ( . 0111111,1i that t hotel who give 1111 II call 11pr.27-3111 T11'11.114 , . It ti, I.IIIOIC To roun I 1.. W. & CO, It,. mannibeturina a Hydraulic Cement Drain I.llb. Chiluney Fine and Ornainenin! chin, no). l'op, eln•aper and tu durable tha a n any nd, !tuber in Till'y aro made a pure cement nd na boinn le~ l a,wrnily en.nerre.ed, well reuholied, and aw In all practlral le+port. ud for n eirrillur, ar ran nud esailtino gt their oflire inl limuttfartory, vorner or Hamilton street noll'hohigh Anlky Railroad. jun.. 1-If 1151. lltallest Promlnto, Silver Ilet!al, nwortled over coin tetilloo. at 31cult aitlrs' Exhibition, Boston, October. 'tit :ELF-IZEGULATING, • WROUGHT IRON, AIR TIGHT GAS UONWMING HEATER My curiosity was excited, and, besides, I really wanted the °likes ;and I therefore al lowed myself to be persuaded into mounting the narrow staircase, until we faced a door bearing the name of Brunton on it in white letters, and having the two upper panels glut• ed, more, I should Imagine, to supply light to 11,71 It UR.PISU .1 A' TUR A CITE OR BIT UM! X 0 US the staircase than , for admission of light to the GO .11, 1117 irrwl, , I ()MCC. WITH - 'D'ST SCREEN. GRATE BAIL BESTS. ROUGIIT IRON RADIATOR, ' ANH AUTOMATIC REGULATOR NANO...TOILED ONLY UT J. REYNOLDS & SON • N. W. OM FITII A; FILBERT Ste., lie.° ili.ittor• mad° of Ileavy Wrought Iron. wol tiVl•tl`titodiOlii•r, oro‘liirrittited to h..oloolutely(lA dui lirnT Titan , . aro (Ito all ite nitrn that lir orith.lll,y olow perm, unit in 'shirk all kind. ot fuel can lon nod without itltt•rittliity. CoOli1:01 lIANHES, I'm. HOTEI.:4, lII:iTAIMIANTS sad FAMILIES AIN, it FLAT Toy HEATINO HANOE. FIRE PLACE lIEATERs, LOW DOWN ORATES, SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS, VENTILATORS. Pamphlet,. giving full de,criptiou, sent free, to anyad• dreps junet.2.l7 • ,12 0 BURIAL ,LOTS FOR SALE.— The underpinned otter for male 03 new Come. tnry tuts immediately adjoining the Union Cometary, On Tenth street. The lots will be sold by subscription, and immediately after the whole number me disposed of they will be award• ed by lot lu the name manner us lu the organisation of the Union Association. Plats or plans of the premlnms ran bi seen at our office. 'My 12 0000 RUHR Sur al)r tabirs jrirc 1)roof Zafrs LENI & ROSS, 212 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, =I REM TCED :PRTCES ISM= AIEDIDM AND FINE LAWNS. ALL WOOL BLACK ❑EIINANIEA SILK AND Wool. lIEIINANI. BLACK lINGLISII (MENA DINES. SILK Hi l' It ED GRENADINES. STOCK THIN GOODS. DRESS GOODS REI)UCEI) CIII;A IlAtiSl3lliltliS. FINF,T CASSIEEIIES. SCoTell ALL THE NovEialEs. =I =I NION' CENTRAL PACIFIC R. It .10 surril TIIIRD STI U L= U. S. BONDS, I= GoLD I= = S 3 NV EST HAMILTON STREET =I EQUIVALENT TO STONE. •111 M.VI: P 77 , 1'S FROM +I Y Tn 4. 00. TUE OItIOINAL AND (lENVINE 1 , 1,417,1 for brick work: atttl til!es Portable MB= TO THE SEXTON. El!ZEM13:1:1EIII! O sextant .of the mcetenou e, with sweeps And dusts, or IS suppoSed too! and makes tiers, And Ikea the gass, and monthlies leaves a screw loose, in wlcli case It smells orful—worse than lamplle; And wrhgs the Bel and toles In when men dyes to the grief of survivln panthers, and sweeps panics ; And for the servascs glts.Sloo per numb, Rich t'tem that thinks cheer, let cm try It; Gain up ham.- star-tire in all wcthere and Blndlin fires when the wen= is us cold An zero, and like as not green wood for kindlers ; 1 wudn't be hired to do It for no some - But o Sextant! there are 1 kermoddlty t Illicit's more than gold, islet, doant cost nothln, Werth 1110113 than anything exsep the Sole of :glom ! i mean pewer Are, sextant, i mean pewer Are! 0 it is plenty out 0 Bores, no plenty it doant no \Vhat on Malt to dew with it-elf, but flys about Scaterin tears and bloln of 11110 S; fu short, its Jest " fre ns lire' out !torus But o sextant, in our church its seamil as piety, scarce as bank hills wen acints beg for mlschuns, Rich sonic say Is pretty often (taint noticln to me Witt I cive slut nothin to nobody) but o sextant, ti shot 500 men, Motown, and vhildren, Speshally the latter, up in a the place, Some has had broths, luau :did 2 swete, Some 'is revel ', some Is serelllus, some hag had tenth, And snmc Imint none, and some Mut over deem ;. And every I on em !weenies In & old and out and in, Say 50 times a minit,or 1 milllnn and a half broths an our. Now how long will a church full of are last at that nat.. I ask you, say 15 minits, and then scats to he slid Why then they intt.l brethe it all over ogle, And then aght,'and so on, till cacti has took It down, At least 10 tittles, and let it up nclit, and scats more, The same intlivldittle dont have the privellge of brothel, his owl, are; nllll no one's else; Each one mat Nike watever conics to him, O SeXtlillt, doant won 110 nor lungs Is hrllusues, T., 1,14, the ller of tile, tind keep it from u - 4,111 out ; and how i•Liti hellie,,ldo without wind, And :tint wind MY 1111; it to your conchens. Are k the se me to u, :is iniq: to babies, Or water k on 11-11, or rend/row to dors— Or root: A: nirhi unto an injan Doctor, Or boy, to viols. Are k for 1 . 1, to !Ironic ' Nl - nt siuutillt, who twevelie , if I cant hrectllo I Vint , t Rain Pogue to sinners who are Bed I lied for want (it' broth 1 why sextant when we dye Its only cm: we cant boll.e au more—Hurt's all. Anti now, t, sextant, let me twq of you 2 let a little are Into our church. (Pew, aro is pertain proper for the pews) And do it weal: 41.4 y and Sue.l:ty, tew— It anal touch tronlde—enly make a bole And the are will come in of it-elf; • (It hies to come in whnre it .11 git walla ;) Allll . O LOW it will ninze the people up And i•perrit up the preeeher, and step carps, And yaWll, and - liuults 11. elfeetooal An wind on the dry Boons the Prollit tells of. @MEI THE ROMANCE OF A COUNTING HOUSE. CHAPTER 1 lecame about in this way. 1 had married and was going to make my fortune, and there fore (having that laudable end in view) left a good situation In Yorkshire to settle down In Liverpool as a merchant "on my own ac count," and commence to make it without de lay. I had not much capital, and so resolved to economize at first. In course of time I imagined the tidy brougham and the: country house across the Mersey would certainly come; and one serene September (veiling, many years ago, I was walking up and down St. George's landing-staget Intl iii g castles in the air, wondering whether rents Were high, at New Brighton, and whether Kate would pre fer a pony phaeton to a. brougham. lam not sorry to add that I still reside in a modest house up Edge hill way, and that I come to business as Ciesar went to Rome, according to Joe Miller, "summit diligentia," on the top of an omnibus. I was waiting for-Mr. Moss Moses to return to his °Plea in a street hard by,—eall it Mersey Street,' and for the reason that Mr. Moss Moses had a fitrnished place to let which his ail vertit4ement called "two spa- Cons eountiuga•onmts,' • —goodness knows I never counted'ntheh there in the shape of ectin . inul I did not lisr the situAion ; nor the nal'? row, ilark staircase ; nor the look or the -boy of Ilebrew extraetiiin silt, bawled •' Cub Id," when 1 knocked, and toll ate " Mr. Buses would be id at eight o•e'oeli ;" hot twenty-five pounds a year was %cry diem), so I told my oung friend 1 wnnl,l call at that time, and look at the " couatimg.rt,oms." MEM How well I remember that night I Tlw Urry-Iniats from the Cheshire shore gliding along with their lights 1 winking like glow- Norton, the vast Will of the Great Eastern Just visible in the Sloyne, the squared yards, and all a-taut look of a seventy-four of the old School, showing black and distinct. against the daffodil sky, and the lap of the swell against the under timbers of the stage—l was inclined to be sculitnental ; li n t Mr. Moss Mo ses claimed sty attention, and once more I en tered his office and found him awaiting me. 110 was a little, g.,,,Ll.l(,mpered Jew, who spoke decent English ; and who I afterwards found out, was constantly affirming in season, nod out of [hut he was no doscontlaPt or Abraham. " II illo, _Brunton !" he cried, jumping from his chair. ".My lad lull me you'd- been ; where have you been theme Iwo months and tmire ? Look here, old fellow, I've advertised your place ; hot you can tutee it on the old lEEE " Some mistake hir, I hiller e ;" and I hand ed him, a card bearing time inscription " Charles MIMI He took it and livid it to the. gaslight, look• ed at the hick, considered it. endways, . and pondered over it upside down. 'Filen taking the candle his clerli had brought, held it close to my face. . "If you are not disposed to proceed 'to tnisi efig, I will bid you o f night," said I, great annoyed at his manner." " It's him, and it ain't him," he said aloud ; " Owl never could look a mhh in the face as this one does. And yet I don't see my way through the features." " There is no necessity for you to trouble yourself about my features!" I exclaimed, opening the door,—"good night. Stop, stop, my good sir ! and don't be offended. It was a mistake. All Isaac's mis take, upon my honor." "All a mistake," echoed young Isaac. Mr. Moss produced a key, and turning to me with a good-natured smile, said," I'd have sworn you were Brunton five minutes ago, but lam sure now that I was wrong. Carl always swore as !meanie up stairs, and you haven't. It's Brunton's face all but the eyes, :mil I'd swe:u• to the eyes any-where. •That • is, to the twinkle or eat, you know." And lie unlocked the door and invited , me within. Walking to a table on which he had placed the light, I took IL chair, and produced toy pocket• book. • "Before we go lurthcr, Mr. Moss, let us quite understand cacti other. I hove no wish to derive any benefit any virtues Mr. Brunton may possess, and I out going to con vince yin that I ant what I represent myself to be. Be good enough to read that letter-" It was one from a merchant In the north, Only received that morning, and mentioned circumstances which were sufficient to settle any doubts as to my Identity. Mr. Moss read it, folded it up briskly, and presented it to me with a bow.. " Sir, I apologize. I confess that up to this moment I fancied it was Carl; bat what puzzled me was, that such a surly fellow should take to larking and playing the fool. You aro very much like my last tenant, sir, that is all." " Very well ; now that matter is settled, let us look at the rooms," • The lighted gas showed me a large one and very barely furnished. There was a large leather-covered table with a desk on it, four chairs, an inkstand, and a partially filled waste-paper basket, and that was all. "'Rather meagre, Mr. Moss." " Now, my dear sir, what more could you want ? Would you like a safe ? I've got one to spare down stairs and you shall have it, and a new mat for your feet,—there now,— I hate haggling." "Let me see the other room, pleaC" It was one which a person sitting at the ta ble would have right opposite to him, and it had no door. "It u•us a clerk's (Ace," Mr. Moss said, "and you wanted your eye on such chaps." I suggested that the principal might sometimes want privacy, whereupon he said "he had the door down stairs and it should be hung at once ir I wished it." But having no intention of es:gaging a clerk at present I told him it was of no consequence. • The room was abont half the Bin of the outer one, and contained a desk and stool.— There was a large closet for coals and such- like matters, and a good 'allowance of dOst and cobwebs all over. " have it cleaned up to-morrow," said Mr. Moss. "It looks beautiful when clean, and you'll find the desk to be teal Spanish mahogany." They would suit me well enough, and I told Mr. Moss so ; paid him n quarter's rent in advance, and rose to depart. " 0, by the way, Mr. Moss, I exclaimed, a sudden thought striking me ; •' I will send a man to paint my name on the door, and on the wall (low', stairs." " Very good, sir ; I would do it at once If were you. Carl WUS n loose fish,' and if you delayed it until you got here you might be an noyed." " Ilow so ? What Wati he ?" "'fake a cigar first, ;Nit.. Harker, you'll lied no better in Liverpool. Lord ! how . like Ilia you do look when I don't eve your !" "And yet I have not been thought to re semble a loose fish before, Mr. MOOR." " I didn't mean that. Have you never see,, an ugly person resemble a very handsome one ? I have many a time, Well, about Carl: he was here about two years, and call me a Jew If I could reckon him up. He used to come here about noon, and work up to eight or nine o'clock at night ; but what bus iness he worked at I could never hind out. I know he had a big ledger, and two or three such books; but a big ledger won't make business any more than a big caapet-bag will, and.he always carried one. Ile would conic and smoke a cigar with me now and then ; but I never came up here during all that time, and he kept this door locked. . He always seemed to be expecting a blow did poor Carl, more like a rat in , a Minter than anything else, poor beggar ! Well, sir, one morning I found the key on my mat, and found the place just as you see it, and have never seen Call since. One or two queer-looking men have Inquired about him, and asked if he was com ing back, and I said most likely he would. and likely enough he will." " Not at all an interesting story," I thought, and I felt inclined to yawn in Mr. Moss's face ; but I thanked him for his information, and promised to take posses;iiin in three days, which I spent in presenting my letters of in troduction, and making other arrangements tin• the prosecution of my plans- At length the eventful day, arrived, and I stood in my own office, with my name em blazoned on the door and passage wall. I was waiting for a friend to cull on me (who, by the way, had promised to pot me In the way of doing sonic business that very day), and felt impatient lie his coming. in conse- quenee. The °like was cleen and tidy, and the floors find been iv ell scrubbed. Why hadn't they eininied the waste-paper basket of all that lumber 7 The office-keeper had lighted a lire, and I took up the basket to perform the operation myself ; but from some cause or other I plat. ed it on the table and began idly to born the scraps one by one- I had nearly disposed of thorn all when a scrap attracted toy attention and I rend it. It was torn so as to leave a few words intact., and it ran thus : "Louise has given your description, ant you limy rely on our finding you. Prewar' the plates at (nice, 11r—' Then 'mother piece of mysterious paper apparently it plan or sm,,, IthLee In . other. 'What did thix 111( . 1111 ? But lltad no time to consider, for my friend entered, and putting the two pieces of paper in my drawer, I emptied the basket in the fire, and ivent out with him to do a good day's /9E3 Returning late In the evening, I relit the lire and addressed myself to the writing of two important letters to be posted at II:30 that night, in order to be in time for the Cunard liner, which sailed early in the morning ; and then It was that the black darkness of the doorless room opposite to me began to trouble me most. It had troubled inn before, but.on this nigh it troubled me tenfold. From childhood I have been imaginative, mid knowing this, I stirred the tire, called myself an ass, and went on witn •my letter. But not for long. My eyes wandered to the black darkness of the doorway, and I began) to ransack my memory for statistics of men who could tell by some occult power if any one were hidden in the room they entered ; and I laughed aloud when I remembered that I had read of one sensitive gentleman, who by this same occult sense hat -found that a surgeon's skeleton was in a close behind him. I own I dislike being In the dark, but I will do myself the justice to say that I have molt'• don enough to overcome the dislike. Therefore I proposed to myself to very quietly walk into the dark room which troubled me (and without a light), look ant of the wind. ows, and slowly return. I went,—the very first step beyond the thre shold dispelled my fears. I could see the glimmer of the'stars thrOugh the glass, hear the rattle of the cabs outside' Why, it was quite a cheerful place, after all ! Ha ! there was a shuffling : noise thereby the closet, and then my fears rammed nnc over powered me. I strove to walk out like a trag edy hero; but in.Y pace quickened as Ineared the door, and heard the shuttling noise close to me, and the next moment a powerful hand was nt my throat, and helpless on the floor with the cold muzzle of a pistol pressed to my head I was bound and dragged into the outer office, thrust into my chair and confronted by two quiet.looking men', one of whom laid his re volver on the table, saying at, same time with an ugly sneer, " So, Brunton, we have caught you at last." CHAPTER 11. The speaker was a mild, intelligent-looking man gf about thirty-five. In a proper dress he would have looked like a High-Churchman Ills companion was evidently a foreigner, and I imagined a German. spectacles, about fifty years of age, and wore spectacles, and wpm- fusion of beard and whiskers covered more than half Ids face. But he had a whining smile and good teeth, which he often took an opportunity of showing. " We have found you at last." I am thankful to say that I nm not !terrain when I NY a danger, and I boldly replied— " My name is Harker and not Brunton ; All.. Moss, the landlord of these premises, has no ticed my resemblance to his late tenant, and is satlalled that lam not the sane. Depend upon it that I shall make you repeat tnis,out rage." I tried M Wee to call for help from the street but the pistol was cooked and pointed at me, and Uteri; was that in the titan' : v ino which cautioned me against rasimass in my helpless position. • " I will sit down," I replied, " and hear what you have to say ; but if I choose to do I shall do my best to raise an alarm in spite of your revolver." " Veil spoke, Carl," said tho foreigner ; " Louise always say he a plucky one." "Now then, Brunton," whispered the other, " let us have no nonsense. We have not met before, it is tine, but Louise has so well described you, that putting another mono on your door was simply Idiotic. Besides one of ours luts watched for your return, and we comMunicated with hint directly we landed. Go free if you like, bul we trill hare the platrs.' "Dat's the matter rid us," echoed the Ger man ; "ve will have the plates," • "I knows nothing of any plates," I cried, " nor of Louise, nor of you. All I know k, that you will see the inside of a prison very shortly." And you think you call throw us, throw us over in this way ! Du you think you dual with children''?” "I think I deal with a-burglar. Most cer tainly with a rascal of sonic atoll or other." llere my two friends held a whispered con ference. Then he or the revolver turned sharply towards inc. " Will you marry Louise ? Will you give up the plates, and marry my sister ?. "tile lore you like added the German ; and from which I opine that lie Prided himself on a • knowaedgi .• of English In spite of my salons positien I was getting thoroughly'amused. The Mug: doorway held unknown terrors to my excited imagination ; lint two commonplace fellows who had made a mistake only caused a feeling of merriment, even in spite of the revolver. •' I am sorry Ircannot oblige you," I replied. " I Rlll (bittern . by the huly's preference ; but having one wife already, I fear I must decline taking a second ; and as for the plates, please explain what you mean." The answer to this flippant speech AVM a blow on the face, which sent the blood stream ing o■ the floor. "You'll remember insulting the sister of Louis Orloff! Here, Baron, let us gag him, and search ; he will be raising an alarm pips. ently." They thrust a piece of rope between my teeth, compressing my windpipe to make me open my mouth ; and there I sat helpless whilst Blair turned out the Contents (rimy desk and drawers, not forgetting my cash-box, which was opened with a key taken from my waist-coat pocket, and the contents appropri ated. Knowing that the two scraps of paper I had found in the waist-paper basket, and placed in my drawer, must have reference to their visit, I watched very anxiously when they opened it. But they escaped notice, and I felt that I Lai got some clew to the mystery, even if these men escaped ; and I had quite determined that they should not escape, for I was insecurely bound, and had been working hard to get my right hand free, and, thanks to having a very narrow one, I now found myself able to slip it through the loop which encircled the wrist; but I "bided my time," for I saw that a false move might bring a bul let through my heed. " De plates is in cc *der room, Carl Brim ton, mon anti," said the Baron, smiling and, patting my shoulder. "Vy not say? Vy shoot we you ? You (I() dent so well, ve no get any like dem. And you use dem your.- self,.and den, Aclkflott ! you upset the cart of de apple." "Yes," I thought ; "rind it's odd to me if I don't upset your cart of dealt* before long." "In dare ;in back room V asked the Ba ron, with another amialtle I said, •' Yes," with my eyes. "See now, my Louis,you were lot rough. You into hint pitch like dam. So see him amiable." Then to me,— ' " And you will marry; Louise, who tole you like old boots ?" My other hand was fres now. I tried to speak, and Implored with toy eyes for Bt. gag to he removed. The Baron removed it, and while il4ting so I resolved on a plan of operations. " You will marry Louise and kivs us the plates''" "I will give you every satisfaction." " That is business," said Louis Orloff, cent- forward. " First the plates. Then you re- turn with us to New York, and keep your promise to Louise. Why give us this trou ble! I tell you frankly that the expense wiH be deducted front your share, and that you . will be strictly future. I should have out your throat but for my promise to Louise. Now, where are the platen 9" " Look in the closet in the next mond; rake out the coals and take what you Find."' " Good. Come, Baron." And they left me to operaM on the coals. Springing up, I seized the revolver, darted 40 the door, and in a moment had locked theta In. But my triumpe was of short duration ; fOr Orloff was on the other side like lightning, the rotten woodwork tore out under his vig orous wrench, and his hand was on my throat before I could grope my way to the stairs. Then I knew that Bib depended on the struggle, and I fought like one possessed tin. the revolver. The Baron came to his friend's ltelp ; but I found time and opportunity to send him reeling to the ground. Orloff was the weaker man, butt lie outdid me in skill ; and a dexterous feint threw Inc off my guard, leavingithe revolver in his hands. tigible with passion, he tired instiuttly, and ferit t slutrp sting in my. left shoulder ; and then all earthly thlngs seemed to be fading away, and a workilkheyoud opening to view. When I recoveaed, I found myself laid on a mattress on the office table, aad my Wife tearfully bending over me. There was a calni-faced surgeon, too, who showed me • the bull he had extracted, and told ate to cheer up, for I should be better hi a few days, for no damage was done. Mr. Moss was there, ton, and came to my bed—l mean my Wits side, and whispered how he had been called up by the police,who, hearing a pistol shot, had come up stairs, and arrested Orloff and the Baron, and, finding me on the ground bleeding, had sent for a surgeon and my wile, having foam! my private address front a letter in my pocket. I was only faint from loss of blood ; the bullet did little. dantags, and I preferred get; tiug up, and then gave an account of the eve ning's adventucc, not noticing at the time that a tall inspector of police was in the room. "Will you kindly show me those pieces of paper ?" ho said, advancing. " I leave the men in Mr. Moss' ollic : e; but beyond the as sault on you I havnnoovldence against them ; but I know their' well." I produced thorn, and latulnapeator installed 110BERI — itiiiiDELL, JR., Pain an'a ffanct, gob ./Printtr No. 45 EAST HAMILTON STREET, 13= LATEST STYLES Stamped Citecks, Cards, Circulars, Paper Hooke, Cousti lotions sod It } .Laws School Catalogue., rill Hands H Envelopes, Lotter eade 11111 n of Ladles,. Way 11111 s, Togs and Shippleg Cards, Postern orally itirc, etc., etc., Printed at Short Notice. NO. 25 the one which seemed to be a plan, then looking around, said— " This is a plan of your office." "Call me a Jew If It ain't I" exclaimed Mr. Moss, taking it. " Yes, it is certainly a plan of your office. See, here is a doorway, and there comes the other room. Then there is a cress against the fireplace in this room, on what I judge from the lines to mean the fourth board from the hearthstone, and another cross against the sixth from the hearthstone in the other room. Get:a crowbar, Mr. Moss." ' "There's one down stairs." I do believe that if you'd asked for a croco dile he would have got one " down stairs." Crowbar and a policeman to wield it "were soon produced, and then the mystery was u'i ravelled. Close to when I sat were unearthed several copper plates for the forging of Russian rouble notes.of various amounts ; and in the back room, under the flooring, were found several hundreds of well.executed forgeries carefully soldered up In a tin case, together with cor respondence implicating Orloff and the Baron. It appeared that Brunton was engaged by a New York gang to engrave the plates, and that lw had never seen his employers, the agent between them being the Louise before mentioned, whose fair hand I had item cont. indica It) decline. Brunton had evidently be xonte- frightened and had fled. lie was no traitor, or he would have decamped with the plates. Perhaps the dread of having to espouse Louise may have had to do with his flight. She was it very handsome woman, it I may judge from a photograph of her found in the tin case, but hooked like one accustomed to rule, and who would not hesitate to adminis- ter wholesoine'correetion to hee spouse Assisted into a carriage which was waiting, I had Ilw satisfaction of seeing the Baron and Orlotr brought down in handeulTs,"the Baron reganding me with a sweet smile, and oriotr scowlin g on me like a fiend. I did not prose cute, for they were so well known to the police as lOrgetin, that there was evidence enough ,to proenre it conviction and a sentence of ten , years' penal servitude ; and in due time I re- covered, and dismissed the matter from my mind. But 1 had not heard the last of it. About. twelve months after the trial and condemna tion of the Baron and his friend there came one night a timid knock at my office door, and my clerk (for I had such n. luxury then) ushered in what, at fleet sight, seemed to be a moving bundle of rags. Strictly speaking, tic bundle of rags insisted on seeing me, and ushered itself in, spite of all remonstrances. It Caine and stood before me, and resolved itself into the resemblance of a man,—a man lean, haggard, sunken.eyed, ragged, and dirty, but with a face something like my own; and without putting aquestion, I knew that I stood face to face with Carl Brunton, and I addressed the rags by that name. " I took that name," the poor, shivering thing replied, " but my name is—but no mat ter. May I speak to you ?" " Yes, go 0n. ,, " Will you give me some drink first? 1 have hod none to-day, and I feel delirious tremens coming on. 0, hole• cold it is, and how I shiver l" I sent the clerk for some brandy, which he took raw, and his shaking hand held out 11:0 glass for more. wuktgine It is ➢lr. Moss you want to see, is it not'? If so, you will find him to•mor ruw, at ten o'clock." " No, no, you, you I want—l—l. tun very poor, very poor. Will you give me six pence ?" I gave !dm half derown. "NOW What can I do for you ?" 1-1 hit some property here when I went away. You don't rolbse to give it up? seem poor, but I ant rich--ah ! so rich I—and 1 will pay pm well." " You mean the forged rouble-poles and the plate you engraved them front ?" "Ah ! Who told you that ? Then you havil found them, and used them? ran away from thin, and wished to lead a better life, but they drew me back ; and now you have robbed me, and I shall starve." I explained to the poor wretch what had become of his possessions, and kow they were found, and inquired if he had not heard ante fate of I,is accomplices. "No : 1 Iluve been wanddring about the country, living in hospibils and workhouses because they haunt me down from place to place. They will kill me as they killed the Posen Jew and the engraver at Stockholm, They are dogging Inc to-night—one of them is outside dow. Let me see, irlutt did I come here for ? 0, sixpence. Lend me sixpence; I'll give you it hundred pounds, for it to•mor . I made a further donation, and, as the man was evidently in a suite or delirium, I told my clerk to fetch a medical man. But before he could execute the order, the bundle of" ragii crept down the narrow stairs, sitting on each step, and wriggling by aid of his hands to the next below, whilst we, unable to pass hint, looked on wondering how it would nil entl. The street gained, he stood upright, and, casting a terrified glance around, fled away into the darkness, and we following In the di rection he had taken, learned shortly ,after- wards thatat Lugger lin4thrown himself Into the Mersey from St. Gebrge's landingl!tage, and had sunk to rise no more. His body was never found, and I, having had enough of Mersey Street, moved quarters, vouch to the regret of Mr. Moss, for, (tooth he, " Two of 'em are at Portland, and another at the bottom of the river ; so you may call me a Jew if any one troubles you again." But 1 went ; and the office is still without a tenant, and I shudder when I pass through the street at night, and, looking up, see the two black shining windows like two great eyes watching me, and fancy I can see a shadowy form in rags, pressing its face to the glass, and gibbering and moving at the busy stream of human life which surges to and fro forever. A WALL STREIIIT SENSATION EDWAY D 11. RETOUCH iw A NEW ROLE; The Herald says The summer monotony of the Stock Es change was relieved yesterday by a fresh sen sation of an old actor in the Scene. At the beginning of business a broker, acting as the agent of Edward B. Ketchum, announced his inability to fulfill his contracts—the formal way or stating that he had failed. Subsequent in vestigation allowed that Young Ketchum since _his return to the street has been agalit specula ting on a gigantic scale, his operations In gold and stoelis reaching a total of about ten million dollars. As a stock speculator lie was this time successful, and his good luck In this line pro-, vented disastrous results to his ventures in gold. As it is, his broker fails fur the compar atively small amount of only eighty thousand dollars. The mistake which Young Ketchum made was in endeavoring to " bull" gold, which his old experience had led him to think was always bound to rise. lie made a mis take which many others made who forget that . the war is over and that the country is stead ily returning to its pristine prosperity. The immense cotton crops of the South and the fi nancial success of the Government ate con stantly operating to wipe out the gold premi• um. 'File defeat of the gold "bulls" of 1870 IS only n natural result of the steady return of the country to specie payments. -Burman foreign war shoeld embarrass us the resources of the country will gradually and easily bring about resumption. =I =3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers