3 Atini ' (500130 IpIULDIN'S LADIES' TRIMMING STORE EAST HAMILTON,: BTREET, ALL}NTOWN, PA le constantly supplied with all of the best styles and Varieties of TRIM/SINUS fur everything a woman can put On from the crown of her head to the sole of her foot: TRIMMINGS for draws, mom bonnets and robes,. of silk, satin, crape, velvet and lace; lu fact. TRIMMINGS for everything to wear that could be thought of besides ladles' and chlldren'to UNDER (lARMEN'IS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. THOMPSON'S OLOVE•FITTINO CORSETS, DRILLINOB, CABIBRIC MUSLINS, and ti large variety of lOLIPPER. PATTERNS. ALL GOODS OF THE BEST aIoALITY.and gold at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. SHEPPARD. VAN HARLINGEN & A ItRIP '7 I=l EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, DOYLIES • TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, TOWEL INGS, ETC., ETC. 'FBE:ATCH, BELGIAN, BARNSLEY, COTCH anditElSH SI!EETINO, and PILLOW CASE LINENS. 4.4 FRENCH AND RICHARDSON'S 1111811 LINENS In flue, medium, and heavy makes of all grades for (on oral family and ladies' nue. • ♦LbL, EMBROIDERED PIANO ANDTABLE COVERS BLANKETS, FLANNELS, QUILTS, AND COUNTERPANES VRRT RICH, NE IV AND ELRG ANT LACR AND NOTTINGHA M CURTAINS. WINDOW SHADES. ETV., ETC. NEW WELTS, FIVES, WHITE 00009, AND STAPLE EMBROIDERIES OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STILES, THE LAROEST ASSIMITMENT WE HAVE EVER OFFER ED; PRINTED PERCALES, NOT and Elegant Pat terns, Fast Colors. ALL THE BEST MAKES OF DOMESTIC MUSLIMS AND SHEETING/3 nt witoi.rsALE PRICES. SPECIAL AT TENTION •IS INVITED TO A NEW MAKE or HEAVY MUSLIN, WHICH POI( MANI' PURPOSES IN THE FAM ILY TiIILL BE POUND PERT VALUABLE. M ANT'FAC 'TIMED EXPRESSLY TOR OUR TRADE. NO.IOOB CUESTNUT ST.. PHILADELPHIA TO TUE LADIES NOW OPE,V; 2'ltE LATENT NOVELTIES IN LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS AND PAPER PATTERNS, MAXWELL'S, S. E. cor. Chestnut & I Ith stw., • PH ILA DELPH IA . Principal Annucy for E. IirrrIMICH Colobrated Patter:in of liar: orris for )Ji..4e., flop, . and Little Chi ldn•n. Send for catalogov :11141 Inc Trimmed patient. for noo chant• ond dre••hiiikrrs. Subecriptionn received for ii, n monthly magazine of fatthion, Al 'At i er /111101111: or O.' .ibto.l.ll - and Quarterly port, rotithirwa, +3 111 pi, num, with $202 worth oe arm, to .111,t,11,.r4 1 CO worth to auhhcrtl•••r•• for th.• 11 l copies of I.lllls. tin.. ....tail' Mull oh receipt teen cantn.t • As esAyaoa perfect nyptoto of dr.••••••ctitting !ought and chart...for nal . the I= Ladien can have any article of over or tinder clothing cut and fitted or finished if desired, at alert !nuke, and mod. erate prices. Itacinno stitching, quilting and embruiderlng In figures of any design promptly executed. The =ill Will be connlantly supplied with all the novelties ,f the lesion Si rant an they appear. with a Intl line of staple geed'e. In the ZEPHYR ItEPA Will be found a 101 l tootortmelht nli ntteritti. • u•onl In embroidering. crocheting anti knitting. mar .2'.4-t L IMA ISTItE al: ROSS tire offering a,m•w anti largo -*lock or LACES, E NEBO! D E RIES WHITE Will AS. lI.CSD KERt . II E limmually Low Baton • Many of Memo good+ hove hem) honght at and are being hold much below their real value. An expeclalli clomp lice of LADIES' AND_OENT'EIIANDI:EID:7III EFS, NEW 11A31 EilMtMUO=M= • In altnnnt nt 2.5 cont. nil. NA. )lurk uomb. All the tl4 , lrsible RUFFLINGS AND TRIMMINGS lu Whit , . A vory Choice Llni. of REAL AND I MITATIoN rum; LACES. NEW CURTAINS AND CURTAIN NI I'. NEW LACE CULLA RS. FINE LINEN COLLARS AD CUFFS, of 212 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. WANTED—FIVE lIIENDItED 1/01. LARS. • A goon loveittnent. EIWIT Der cent. Address A. C., elllto,lll,LE tulles, Alkot.,wo. Pa ncr 13-hr• $1.09000 'GUARANTEE titbk tEmy • ".- va6l,;- lot. For Ito Unrivaled Whlleteas, For Ito Unequaled Durability, • Bd. For Ito Unourpit, , eil Covering Lai.tly for Ito Economy. IGTIT COSTS LESS to paint tvlth Minx LicAn troutany other Wh i lle Latilliztaat. The same vvolght cover. :Bo RE SURFAC , Mart DURABLE, and make,. WHITER WORK. RUCK LEAD istlic rheapnt h.., fio,ooo. a UARANTPJJI BUCK ZINC! let. For Ile Dorganlll Durability, 2d. For lte Demoted •.d.F or It. Uneurpee-ed COVP/lIIK Pr.,p..rty Unatly forite Great Erunomy helot/ the 611EAPEST. I.IAN DSMI EST, wed moo DP It BLII White Petra In the world. ' BUY ONLY BUCK LEAD, AND BUCK ZINC TRY IT ARD,BE CONVINCED. hßtlefttet!on gunranteNt 1 the 31,inufartlirer. 4 13 — EJOK , COTTAGE COLORS, • Oil fur Palotlng COTTAGER, OUT BUIL I Oil of every de.eripllon. FENCER, he. THIRTY DIFFEIti,NT COLORS, Durable. Cheap, l'ulferte and Beautiful altudem. Semple card..ent by Mall If de.lred. Dealer.' Order. will I , e peunutly executed by the !lw. ofacturern. r4ENCli,,Riclimths & co., " N. W. COB.TENTII & NIARKET BTS., PHILADELPHIA. ito a rrale Y by JOSEPH STOFILET, Allentown. l'a CANDY AND FRUIT. GEO. W -JENKINS, =! Ma n ufa et urer it! SUGAR; MOLASSES AND COCOANUT CANDY, I=l FRUITS, NUTS, FIRE -WORKS, ITEI cHRISTAIAS GOODS 161 NORTH THIRD STREET PLT.LLADELPHIA dso. 1547 Boot itirtitcro. REMOVAL. • YOUNG &LENTZ'S • • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOT A U SHOE STORE ItEMIIVED 'Ol THE S. W. Corner of HAMILTON anti SIXTH STS., NOS. SR AND 10, whoro T they nro now prepared to rewire their putt,. WHOLESALE DEPARTMEN 'l' EIIIIRACER TOE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS IN TIIIS vlclNrn A great quantity of the work being of their own muke end the balance from the beet numufacturcre In the country. THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT Will ho conducted an heretofore. jun° 30 '1:1 H UTTON 41‘ McCONNELL, FURNITURE WAREROUNIS, No. $O9 MARKET STREET, PARLOR, DINING ROOM, CHAMBER FURNITURE, Of the Latent. Styles titid next 31auttfactitre. Alpo FEA7WEB BEDS AND MA7'77tESSES. kb :11•311. SECON D STREET FERN I- TeltE STONE. 337 N. SECOND ST.,,PIIILA The Old Staud eatabliahrd twenty your, triumphant In ITr During the recant depress lon In loudness, we laid In fur citsli, cheapest and hest assortedn k tock in the city. wldeli wm a re selling at reit...amble es. New Patent Sofa Bedsteads a hull pe makes a good bed at night, suitable far nick rotor olllces. lin'TAti Ears' NV A I.NI"r SUITS. Straw 111,k. Excuksor and halm Miture,.., Sttff VW: olirte 1,1 In et nv 81111 , to 1 ' ,,1 t pmellam . . F uRNITuRE. • • .10EPH WALTON & CO CABINET MAKERS, N. 413 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. MEM Oar est tl.ll , lllnout hi ono of the 4411,4 In Philadolphin, and from hug oxporienro nnd Whlnqaon radian , , 10 a.O pronnred to inito-h good murk ut 1141 , 01111 MP prin., e ulatntitgetore nue iutlitittle, and nl.,i tnr,tlnn,.pr:red furnunne -opyrior quality. A large •tock furniture nlwayn on hand. liond+ math , to order. 1.8. De A ll'orA rind (Ajfive Fur, thou for Bunke, oj,fice rind Mons, Imode Ord, r. WALTON. J. W. LIPPINCOTT. Jos. 1. . SCOTT. • febfl-ly IlaCroatio. -1-1 PENNSVI,Gg i i . "A\l.lR AD % AILRO. Ploonoiners .‘Plilladelphla take l ohißh Valley 11. 11. •trallin 01..1111 Allentown lit G CI , a. In., 11 4 a.and 5 5011. in.. and arrive in Philadelphia at D R. in., I 2 15 p. 111..1.1 S I. at.. also Lielugh and Silequelianint tram at 2 10 p. tn. and arrive la Philadelphia iil4 4ilp. in. Itittitlengern for Ittoylestotrit tithe trains leaving 1.14011. leheri al 0 20 fl. M. and 2 Si p. LOCAL SCIIEDCLE. [Four Through Tralon tinily , Stintlayn Excepted.] Ca4conger tritium leave thedepot,Northwest corner Erik and Mori-m streett., Indeploa, ot For Allentown at England 111., and I 15 and .2 p. tr. ttoyle-tew ROI 4:1, 111.. 2di and 4 I.lp. tn. ." Fort W.trllinitton nt 7 30, 11 45 it. DI., tool ll :1 0 1'.1. " Abington of 1 1 5 . 5 2 0 0.1' P. In. Lan.lalo tit ti pAo. MIMEO ;‘, 11., I'2l o , 2 alai 1; In p, l'a31 , •100:11111 11.10.. .1101.) It. p. 13/PF.1.51.• at 6 10 0 10 • Fait 1V0 , 11.1a3.a. at S 35, 5 15 , .2 ...II p Al/11 1.! 10 010 .001 t 1 1..,10. 110 SI • N 1/.ll'S. 11011.:••11.3n far 1 . 1,1...1.11.1.:, . 0113 ' P. • 1 , .. 1. Lai", 1 , 1,1:31.111a f , .r 11.31.1:1....a at 0 311,,, ' Payl....tait 2 aL , p. Fare—All.a.t..3.' a la lit 111,1,1,3 CLARK, Agant. lTu and ri.t'rAti.i I QUA. ‘—'1 , 91iE1.,111.1.1 . : It. It. 10 . 101:N1 1 1'113111/11115, 01/ 010 (:0111.111011.1 10411•01110 Railroad ran In runala . • Is/1131'1th tOO 1,11..1. 11:1111,1,1 and Et... 1 l'euti. road, ::..1 „ u :-- EMI= 4 1 , ; ~1 424 2.91 I 7 I, 2.41 "•_.l F.re2 . 7::tl' 'Olt EX Li:1111 'WS, 3.07 1111EINIti , VILLE 117 FA It MI NIiTON. 4PO 7.3 q ' •,<i'lllNi: CHEEK. 4.111 743 A 1.-11URTIS. IS= The merhina wan 1,1,1 leaner CMo,oltqua on thearrlvol Yl f e ti' l7l. ,v id. a trait. lyonia IZ. hor Reading, I'oll- vllle 110‘11-101r, uu,l 1 . 1“10.101phia. nha 01.0. with 0 .. I{lllll. il.•111, 11111 N , NV lark. Th.' 1.14.1,11 . {1, Et, Al-Borth. %vat! triL3ll,l E. P. It ',tt 11Am...burg, Itt..ttlit. alt.l A 11.41- to,vlt 1011.111 4,11 %hi. ii:1111 . 1.1111 )I:i. , vh ,tautoll, I'llll.l , oth, 'h. 'I • Lr 2..1) Y.. 11,11 Al.ll.rns will. a train "hilt , I..latielphitt awl \.•,1 I,ls. Th.. Evenit, clidn Lod Al-Borth , Oil arrivnl of a train Irma .111odo,vit dint of a trail, Maki°. COllll,- 111.11dIllg %111/1 train,. Iron, Phdadelpida, llarrls bor,h Poltardlo, &r., and 011111..C1A I"olll,,owager trail, on tho V. R. 1:. at Cata+odoitta for Al l. lentolva, thohlohoot and I;ardou. IMIREI Itetueas to g ,, to Allentown run take the morn. WIC train Wei.t to a ut Alliintown a 111 I and rowm u n train I. the Erri ve ast l'enniiylvittan It. It. leaving Allentown at 4..2111'. SI. MEM REA DINO ROAD. Wiga WINTER AItRANGEIIENT. MONII)A.Y, I)EC.E3 . II3EIi 27, 1.8(2) Grsitt from the North 11011 Nortli.NVest for I'l.lll.lophi, New York, Pottsville. TAM:11110t. k.ph. rah,. hitir, 1.11/easter. Pohl:1116a. Sze. . Trill,. loose Ilarrlshinsd for Now York follows: al 10 0. tn.. 12.11 i noon. arol p. sontiorting with shodnr trains on l'etnisylvanisltoitr nd arriving tit Now York at 12.1.1n0..n. :140. 0.14 and a r,..peet. I eir. the ill. 111111.1 . 1.71 noon trains ivithoot rininno. 11l tarapp/ kale Now Vor1; 111 U.On a in. 1211) anon and 51 Pp l'lnladelploa a( 15 api and 1.3. p In, alerP. lag Vars act.. Nutty 111c;1,01.' a in nod .1 pln irains Cr. , ,,, NeW waltorp eltaPan. .4.a cc Ilrrh.huag hir 1...vi11a. 'fahhiliqua, slilk. A.llllllll. Sliiiinoklu. {{rove. allonta‘vn. . S.lO 31. hi.. 2 In al. 4310331331 1 • plug ut I,33hatih //ay Niatiol3333 the 4.111 p to {rah/ callocctiug far Philailalph in. 1 . 33.-v.le al. Col urn• lait ull It. Far Ibithivllla, Schuylkill Ilan en and Auburn. vll/ Schuylltill nth! Sucilochaui d nt Ituroad !rune Ilarripi• burg al 3.41 p. in. • Excel., all otlur 7.lNes, t. . . Way Pa-wager Trak. leave+ 1 1 1111.1elplila at 7.30 n m. conaerthor Irish trill, on P.a.. Pet... Railroad, re• turning from ittniiiing hi 0 35 p In. PtiPllpille at nil .thillllll.. Lravo l'ott..ylll.• at 5.40 and o.ooa at and 2,43 p am. Horn. duu at 9.30 a tn. kiltattatkl. at 5.4010111 10.40 a . I .lllatal at 7.02 IL in and 12.30 non, Ta nevi aa at 5.31 a at at.1.2,..11 p m four Pilliatkiptli:ll.ll Now Perk. 1... ye ille vat Schttylklll aud Si, ltall• rind at 5.15 a to for Ilarrlahurg. and 11.30 a in for l'ine grove and Treinant, 11iiailing A ticiiintit'datlon 'rraln leavtio l'otkollle at 5,40 a in, passtis Itiiipllnt; at 7.30 it In. Ikrr/vlng al Plidipliilphlit at In.:3111111 il`llVl.B I'iliillll.4ol{ll 1111,.0 I' In p.t.aing Ilvadi op at 7.40 p :IL:anoint: at Polt•viiiii at 0 . 30 • Pottstiitytt accommodation Train Irave. Pottotoirti at 6.4.1 a in, reittruitio, leave. Plitlidelphia at 4,01 p in. Columbia Railroad Trilno leave Iteaditur at 7,15 a 111 nod 7.15 Pin, for Ephrata, 1.1117. I.uncn.n r, Colo:ulna, ho. Ptirklonion Railroad train/. hive Perk tannin intuition at 9.00 a tn., 3.01 and 5.:10 p ; returning, loavo onto tat 8.11)a n 1.12,41110011, and 4.1.1 p ill, routoirtiug Ivith alnillor train...in !trading Railroad. • . Iroad traMs leave Polthl,rti a lp...torn sod ti...1./p in, rtorologkesse 31mitit nt 7.00 ,od 11..21” 111. 1 , 11.4'1111V ,vllll..litplar Ite.IIII. it I:hr.ter Valley liallr.,ml'l'rsit,sl,,tve a , R. 3,1 a 111 a3lm) 5.10 p returattig. leave lit 6.' mms as•l p r.msecting wnl,n,oll - ..,, liemlnur On Sant leave :41.w “rk AA. pm, I . :W.1,100a al a ala 1111 d 3.1.1 p at (Ow, SA) ala Irma annn: only ,a Itn.ntine.t. ,vo. ili a at 8.110 „111, Ilarr,lnin, a In and 4.1111, at. aml ile. ,linK it 7.1'. a at and la 1111 , :a for Ilarrt-lang. it 7.21 a ar lat. New Vat k. and an 9.40 a at awl 425 in tor l'lttladolphia. Commutation, :Mika gr. S,t,on, Schaal and Ex - curaloti Tlekiaa. la and (rata all point, al reduced ran. 4. Baggage chrrk , tl thrat4;ll; tnl4 ally wn.l rad/ l'Asnonger. NICOI tutu aeana Snpe 1.1 Jit WALTER LOSCII, LINDEN STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, PLAIN AND ORNADINT4L MARBLE.& BROWN STONE MONUMENTS, HEADSTOSEB,HASTELS,&c TERRA-COTTA DRAIN PIPE, USLIINET TOPS and CHIMNEY FLUES, friitti the PHILADELPHIA TERRA-COTTA WORKS All Orders promptly filled and Work Gunran teed. TJEANES, el • PHOTOGRAPHER, (Coto or 1 1 1,11.delphia,) hoe t okra the ibilletY i No. 111 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Formerly orollpf ell by RA , . Laraereux. Avtiara pariTiai FM FI libT-Clifiati taken iit IthASONA HU, I'iIICES• A trial bi all ibut 1,11.1.111 A to eIIiINCY every atm. COUR 014E1 COM:ALL! if yunwant PhotoarAilia, Canes do Visite., Vignativa Photo Aliniatorcei, typo., Blelaulutypos, Forrot)%iaa. ate. 01,00 .'JEANIa triaL • J Once...or to R. P. Ltuuernux. THE 'LEHIGH REGISTER, AL-LENT Jurniturt NORTH SIDE, PHI L A DELPH I A IN'INS BROS. :O7 N. SECOND t., ,11). E,o.t I= IMIEEN r. 1, 1.15.4 A.M. P .Irl CATASA VQVA •5,E11.1.1:5. *Jolt DAN BRIDGE. (MTH'S. WA LIIERT'S. ell A I.lA:i'S. = C. W. CH API! A N. S apt. and Hogiuerr. ALI.EX TO TVN, PA WORKS, HOUSE WORK DOSE TO ORDER Abel Depot fur the nate of Established COMPETITION - DEFIED! BY INDUSTRY WE MR EVE ! ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS SPRING AN!) SCUM B ! DAILY ARRIVALS ! MAKE YOUR HOMES COMFORTABLE You Call Select front the Largest, Cheapest au Most Complete Assortment AT SMASH-DOWN PRICER, MAMM . 0 T 11l STORE E. S. SIMMER (te, CO., NOS. 5 AND WEST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN. PA. CROWDED FROM THE DAWN OF DAY TO LATE AT NIGHT CALL AN D BE CONVINCED! A PERFECT RUSH ! - STACKS OF GOODS ! •' Tank. Stricken Merchants Stand nown the Hull Old Fogiem. Slou "Inchinen stud All. Wo aro Preltort'd to furnish :ttol >nl ll` t' wont. 01 nil, at the Sill lowt,t posKll.le prices to cor respond ,‘" I '10" I. rolu ph4c lu every tie. partinent, fair Clerk,. are I . • nlwncs really allt \l'111111 , 2; 1 ,, 141 , 1111` , 111111 111 . 11 . 1 • 8. Il 111 , 11 rI . IIIIIIIIS , for c I deel.l.•, Ther,..ll:lll be 111, 1111 , 111i1 i'•111111i4,11 111 eln't't It IS I'llllll'ly 111111,, ,,, 1111. / 1 .. • y!m red to the articles, such as wAms,..i.i, 11.\1!(0:,, ro , ~,.„,, i ,„ ),,,,I, HEAVY ymtp-wit.EsitEr.TlN.;,lo,,•..l, , tirrrEito.kil.).t Feud in .,t,, i ,‘ N',Am, 1. I. v,..nt s, IlEsi* CA 1.1(11 ill 12., g.,•ltis. r.1.:-:1' rl.l .1.. 151,1115. Itt.E. \ ( 111.:1) Y.\ Itli-W11.1.: NIUSLIN 1 ,, ..•ills, i FINE .ln 11.•••• ills IIETTEII ,lo do . 1 . .2' . eetits , I Ills:11'ER FINE ,1.1 II" 12 , .]1,,,i, ANI EH !CAN I , l' LAIN., 1? , , vents ;Intl lipmtrdm, Ti g• !PT i 1•11,11 1, I }.117 ,1`1,1,1,1111. Bronn Sugar nt ti 1-1 and S cents per 1)0 1111 l 1, Yellow tiu m •riar at 10 cents, B 'White do 12 1-2 cents. . 1 1 0% bite do 13 cents*. Rio COFF.r. 01 99 11101 (rut-. SY l(' l' 51(11..\ SSE: , :0 10, 19 1 .1. If. 20. 9:2, 0114 95 vent; per gnarl ALL (rritEit Goot)s yizupotrilt).NA-TEis D 13, I'l. A 1 N. It 1.. \ ( 1:.11.1:. 1,1,,.. .1....11' ....•' , ....- VA N , V C0D.1(1•:1 , .... 1 1 1 1. A, K Midr.\ :It , ~ ev.' , yu , .' , '.. ..... 1 PH.' I , ,k;s:. V i'..1,111:1..1?.1.\1 . .\ NE,1..:-.11.1: .!.. ...., I.',Ncl" 1'01..11:E1 5 .' IIINrsF' , HE - .1., dri I.' tN.'Y .1.1.‘,1t1.:1 , S 11.1: 1'..1 . 1.1N- .... .1., l'ANt'y. - ..1..)1t1.:1..k1F.1t1CAN Pill . . :N• 0... .1.. I' kNel" .1)1..)111:!).W... , 1. 1.1.: 1. \ !NV , I.• I. I.' 1 NCY 1'...1.1111.1.:D CIIEN k 011 E,, (il.ll, .I'. eh. 1... \V NS, 1 . 1..1trA 1.1.›.. 1;INt;11 1`..,,5....x.. .1,. 1.1 '-. 111.".1..l'IN“ ,-4 . '1 , 1e1:1N.: , , .'lll':.'l , . ....1T1'...\ T:..1.1 I. 1.1 \. PE1Z . ...., LIN! 'l.l \\ 1.:1.'4, 1.'11.1P-, N.‘1 . 1.15.1'.: .\ s. Is 1:.:-. m.51.,-1. ILI Is Izi 11', ti 1 11:1: 4 A,. ClOtlIS mid (!iissiiiiel•its of every ie , :eriiil ion, (panty awl prier 1 .., , A , KiN „,... FAN , \ ~,,,. I I. \ , I, ,-ii‘ v, 1.,, i..\ 1;.•. , ..1., :111.1,1 N I'MM:ls:l.l.M...tilt. \ .4.y 1.11,11 11.,..11j., or ti, S 1,1,11), I I ct _ I Loll _4 _ I II 11 s. 1 5 41 CAR DEP ART:o I ENT. A decline o r about 25 per cent., awl 'lllmm:di , " complete in every particular 3-4 and 5-4 CROSSLEY'S BEST TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS. SMITH'S TAPE:SIM' INGRAIN ('ARPET, SANFORD'S TAPESTRY INGRAIN CARPET, HARTFORD BEsT THREE-PLYS, INGRAIN 01:61,1anliti, awl wlet,. 1-2, 5-5, 114 :tart 4-4 VENETIAN C.IIIPETS Sra Stair. and HEMP and WOOL DuTcti CARPETS. ()11. CLOTH AND \\*lN DONN S11.\1)1',::: , wurrp% numvN,GitErs nud Itryv CROCKERN - ,AND GLM4SWTAI{ E. GROCERIES, TEAS AND SPICES. 1 . 1... I 111 a WWI , ask IN II p ill 1J141.1 . 1 . •11,..ti11g : • Win 1.111 . 111 ., , It 1 , 1 VIII, 115i5 . 11111:15 , 1`. Dl" sl•I COUNI'II.I . In1:••ti ..11 • x,•ll.tugo Io.• (5:55•1,. Ito:numb, 111. IN WE ARE I'o'l' 'TOSSED 111'1'11'E WIND—IT RETO-D...13" .I.YD ELSEII7IEI:E TO- n..kti !4•1 II be 1111,11,,,111'111111 , 1,111”; y 11 . '11,111 lit the 1111( . 0 W1,•1 . 4 . V.• 11 onn set the si nn 1 },,•,:t tlOf a ftii . the I i 1. lit the 111.1 all I kiiio%vii Store I. S. C 0... 1°11.17 \\*l.Nt 11:inilltmi Si re..t. :1, DR..W. E. BARNES SON, 37 IR, - LT C - Or I S 'l' S , NO. 14 EAST lIANLEINON ST ALLENTOWN, PA Thn attention of the citizen. of Allentown rind 0 , 11111) . Ix re , pertfully Invited to Ode e.tabikhinent. Evory • thing nennlly kept Inn firet•rines Drag Store will be !yowl for mile hire, at the lowoot price, Onr clock is large and wall xeleeted, COUYIPtIIIg of PPRR . PRPi7S and 31F71)101.VRS. 01tr.11117.11,5. PIT T r FES .1 1.001101, PURE WINES amt 1,1(1 l'Ons FOR MEDIOLVAL VSE, PER ITMER soLirs, lIR ('Silks, PA:WI - and TOI I,li 7' .1 11 TICLES PATENT MEDICINES, HAIR RESTORATIVES LINIMENTS, of nit ktad.. Con.hintly tin hand a large .toel, of i.tela 3.11, fioneontratod Lye far inahlog. Waalling Stnla, Baking S°llll. Cremnilartiir, 'hire Popper, Cloo.lintot. Clay... and Spire. alt all kind.. Coal 11,1. Spotlit, Lard l,ahrieatlint dd. nod a thait.and :Led ono other article. sell telt railing I, 1111111101'10,1 NVO 113,... dot large.t lino ill sapparter. and ithant.tor the rite. The.ii goods :tr. noplital ati export. . d y.iei t in etti,..apeaitly iieriert fit !taint., I'9, taral.h..., MI,. and 'tally. l'aintar. and 1.. oar •tere before initklng their itarelatio... IVe ketiti a fall line of paint., etc.. of tho nnality at prier. it. ',tie .t. the toted,. 7' . P.1 Si TEA ! —Wo have tho agency fin the fir. tit ['lilted Slate. Tea (timpani of NelV York, laire ...fling the rhoiret, grade. .4 Tea. nt about hitt( the pour° charged be ether douter., for an interior qintlite. Try it and 11.. en. vituted. ati.l l'oitutry Meieleint• •tippliti.l at the late°, market price.. W. intend beroaiter to hay par. denial. attention te the Branch of the litt.lne.. Daler. teill flail it to their intitre•l to KIV' 11.1 l trial order ter feel confidant toe Lanett giye ...mkt/triton bath In .ppillty anti price. Order.. hy pronititly attended Qttottitlonn for niieelned no:indite. fitraliated 011 ape W. C. ItAliNlitit TYNDALE MITCHELL & WOLF, CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHENWARE, NO. 707 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA FINE PARISIAN GRA NITE, The best hloneware In the snorkel. sold at the pelves of ordinary goods. WHITE FRENCH CHINA, in all the best shapes and styles. DECORATED DINNER, TEA and TOILET' SEI S in great variety. GLASS ENORAVED ON THE PAE.IIISE9. AND CHINA DECORATED either In full sets or nootehlngs. to the best mann,. - - . . . . FIRST-CLASS GOODS ONLY and LOWEST CASII PRICES. Leiters of inquiry in regent to prices, 41,e., of goods. promptly answered. AItILRICAN WALTHAM WATCHtS, I= IMES Anil warrente.l IT the Company Font with every watch Drive Lhtt anti entalottne rent to any ittldi Olden , 11111'1111y expro•tt C. tt. D. with privilege of ex aroluallun before p.tying 1F011.11./o. ALEX ANDER 11. HARPER. any . 20-43 w hlifiChentuut Ft., Philuda. • -WANTED.— AN Acrwvc. ENER ORTIC and with .onto capital, to ink° tho Autittey r th. YOLsOm ImpitoCED VA MI I,r - SEWING MACHINE. A libonti Cotowit••llittallowed. Aildres. ' A. lIA MI I.TtiH. CHOI Alit.. 7 XI Chelottaut St., Phllittlelphia. 1870 1823 OP EVERY DESCRII"FION NEEDFUI Al 'Piu • (7(1011 ( . 011tiF,T1 tll . - )11 edits It piocl S Whitv (-ioods---Stovk Complrte HILDREN'S CA> RIAGES NEW STOCK AN!) NEW PRICES. I,ll' E EF,SE F FAT Fl Ell` MORROW. WIIDLE.9ALE AND RETAIL =I eI.EORGE 'METZGER AND ItIIAN 31ILLER, Donley In firaln, Flour and Ferd, clove r , Timothy and Flax Seed, Early tired I'otat.„•+, .101 114 Early liana, Early Seaperk, Early Ileum While tipronl. Etr. A Fr la. .ASSOII TVRNT OP G120 , 71:111ES, PRO• VISIONS. Q VEEN:Mr-IRE AND NOTIONS. Lehigh County Cider Vinegar by tite barrel or lonelier snrotre. A large atook of Liverpool Salt, brat Marken.), In Ts. , ter half lo,roitt wholeaalo and retail • York stele APPleajuat received: mar 23.1 r DAILY ARRIVALS 00 S. ; I. I!! ApEits I I 'NM WITH LEVI FENSTERMACxER, Corner Tenth and Hamilton Streets, • , ALLENTOWN, PA. (SOCCOnnor to Ella. Fell nterIIIHORT. I WN, AVEPNES itictitrinal D u. R'..\ . HASSLER, ((►LUGIST 1/IKen, of the %Vuriih it , a notuplalnt that ha. lu'uot trJ much of toy time for thu ht.t Garr or lira year., and omd , it a purtltutlar •tudy all that 111/1, 1.011P1`11111 . 111:) . . .11111 etlllVllll . l . l/ 01111 It .I,loa lu• 11111d1 1 •atuuual prartio a I•. 1111V0 111 1111,Ti1111 111111 1.1,,110 111 . 111 . 1i1 . 0, where I had ontala,• un my 11,111114. w ‘,1(11 the Irv, Sialle or o nyini we, Pala on Ilia 'raj ill.. }lend, Sick Ileallnelt, of the 11.. art, fu tho li.trk and 1.1.11/.. so"!ln,113 I,nit aro all vcry •31111.1,, It I= AI)VICE FPI ; I= RIIELNIATISM, SUROFULA, ANI) DR.IV.A. HASSLER (4lNzEcui O(.Ir'I N(11C11-1 •••1 , ',V1• N'l !I .•'1 AL ii:x l •" \\ • N. IDlo,Et4 OR IIE111411tRZ.1114b11)AL Tl'- 1.1!N I. :.t.: 1.N . 1 •It ort.•rtly.tia I:1.1 , dmig, MIME NA' 1 31. eINI , I I) N., ii,k I.•'. I 1 • ••1/ •.% I ttro r(. 41 !poi .5 :5 , A, a 1.011,., Il IA I, NTI) CURE, No PAY DR. 11. D. LONGA kEll, I:radii:tie ant.' ralver+ity at l'eatt , ylVan la, at lava ta al wart q, I, a natal., ..lyt.ar, t . . 11 an, rat, of Ilit• I'llll.ll Stat.., Nrill promptly at• alai 1,, all brattellett cif lii, la at Ilk roan, == I= N., Pa [rat Melnet,. are n•etl nr ret , lnturnarcl: 'lto rem adlatai.teleil ate 111.1, trilllll brt.ak 11, C 11 1 ,11.16,1. -y-1.11, 11-1111111 in intn. II 111, 111111,111 111141031 e It In a 11..1111 , 11 11111. Dr.pnrsi A. of Littig-. Thl.ll, ,i.,lll:tek, 11111 i LiV. or. N% ly varry r:ta 1.11,11. 1tE1..12 , ;(7111)LY A 11Elili.\ 'NON, thit_ , ,,i'tt• or aliNualim t=M=l MIEUMATISM AND I'AIiALYSIS, :11t3 - 111 : 1 . 4 11 / 1 11:14411, t.1” . . , 11:c or deol,, rrilt.,lcsll . • 1141114 4 111,11. e 1 4 4411114. 114,111 4 :144, 4 411 r EM.II.E S.ilt Itholuil. SI: so .•very ile,r11•11.1"11. 7 114441 . 11:11411444 : :1114: : 44 1 4 / 4 441'11/ 4411. 1/1•- 4 4 11, 4 , W 11141.31114441 l, p. 44'1'nrt ieltlar guruti.m IV VI, I pri ;th• of . . . ltot ntitterlug InAn ;Illy co plaint itoOtirohlat to thoOr I.X.nn con•olt 111.. ,• 011• 101 n —.nuance or (::lie, Cl,lll. .111.111 i:11101• 1 , : 5h0,,c1 without thr k ilrit‘v a the EYE AND EAR, anol .I.recttially 1 , 1111.,..11 4,110 111:11,1,. svill s 1-41• ;my 411.t;leire d.•• slr• d ; by lett, ;;;11,•• ..ttt pr..1...rdti1.4.11..11. tont; y part el tln C.Ptltlty. Or : •111.• I /I , tIVO. I , lllll.imillois and NV;;ltttit SEND FOR CIRCULARS '? ' 0/ (:)'e '-°‘ G3l EO l' \ l II ' S :1 - 1V c\ 0 e NEW-YORK, . e ,,c " 59 , 8 ,,,DwA : ETA6O 2E13 MADELPHII 'KET.S°C43 O ST°it ",? ID DANET A Tincture of rare healing herbs, sold in bottles only, of $l. or $d per 3 .:nt la one dress on receipt of money, ad/. and guaranteed. airroi s_, 7 pg,rf , Sl° , A Genuine Family Medi , nine prepared Gm the Cure of Dy:pepsia, Biliousness, Colic, Frver& Ague, &c. Hen couranrs Diicstion, cures Heart. burn, purifies the Blood, & regulates ho Liver. Srn Circular. Sold by 'sniffs-1.4, MRS.REC D . l„ " fl 'r ce ..r , ' C ' o '. „ r r " , r „z l) l.l 3 C e .rip ' i r n Y i . S to Bow I 1141 Pr r„ . 1 1 1 s , . , Ei v u , ::_n t ~ FI , e n A Ie s on.). n e s 3, promotes allays lil. .. cLi E I , „c,tr...,,,t3,,,y,0r,,,tr...,,,,,,„0,riQecnt3,,1r .1/ /.11//1,.1.1/0- k./1/ I MENT LVVVI . r• Druodpld. I . 3ORENI X P ("1' OR A L CUR ES cor,iii • vit(EyiN T. (1 • 1:1: , r..1*(111 PIICENIX I . IA I TI ti, (TEEN elort.ll ('cuts. l k Ti,,' l'ertoral will rico tho ta the 1t , ..%1 'AND 1.,,,.....11111 1'. 4 i41... 0.11,14. f'rotip. 11111.,111 , 11vhlii. tarrh,S., ..TIo . ..:11,1144•11 , 4 4 11, %V 14,4•414. tug 4,4441 It, r01N4 , 1,11`1 . 141V, 07 1114.41i4•1111 4 j..141•0114114.4i 14 111 . 1,4,1 4 1t14.1114 4 11/., 441 V11'1.14 , 1141114, nllll fotattotly ,it I . ll.enix v 1',.. awl although it I.• only 11, , 0n for live year., than ono bottle. leave tlr. .0.13 been •..1.1, a. 1.1 11.1. .1.•:4,4,'141 for a 1.. 11111041— ev..ry Jay3l.tny ot INtail boy It., lot , of tier tiro—, and net a hole ~r ii,. try, "of. gr.., lit a time t'lY'ono , r' , It.. over -01,1 it ton , popttlartiy a , 111, tionrly all oho h Ivo it, It.'or to•tint I.• 11`. Yvotolert al Dover. in coring Cough. IC.. sire i.:'.1111.1..tit thit tins„ i 5 11.. 1. nott , 1114`11/ VI, krent valito to tho a- the • & / . .C.‘ l'loentx Poctorgl. It 111 , Itrt , tl t.a•••• ..T r.t .41 I. titti , ll ittnl .I'.•tr•—•lng, gong', 1.1 yea, -hi..., h. ( ()11. I & )IA SrFS., itIVI•11111,4111I pd.,' in roughing. It Ito. lit•tantly •t0nt....1 tho iroxy•tii 11 . 1,.-ping ' • Pm I. DELpit 1.1. ,4,1,21) t-rw Coogh 44,1.1 greitly •Itortotio.l t• dication. It In, 11111,1 i ' l••1/1.111 ti•tVtomtit., Con•ontlition rat...l ley it, tv o, r. 1111 othor tont. .! edie..1....11..11..1 E., g... d, lloity•enonsho• been curt..l In a -Digt , tilght .1.1 C.. , by 01 , 11., Danl. It .Ilottitor y. Tolutee.) nlcrayti on thein•olve• P11 , 1011111111i4•14 . 1 . 11 1 I 411 . 11 " '"" • , . . . 01,14 OW begun... it wk... hit •• • •tt' . ` . '• • / 4.4. 1 .. .4 , 411 1 1111 1 . 4144, 1111.. 1..01, ittto °Dior mtrin4 can r Ite had loot , to., e.t.a...4, W)14411 4 44a , 14..,r alto , would rotor you to the C 11,11.1 1. 111,4111141 1114•110ttl.. .101 IN I,hhs, would it' v 4.“ rot .p , .loblitog 3litaufaelnror of u•lot have ti•otl it. Clgat• it:Y2 Is El st. novl7- t Ili. ploa•mit tho ta•to that totildron cry for it., • - - - It I. a •tiontlatlng t•kitortorant, gtvtng •trength at the (1(.11) . I . ll{llElll, name lone that it alloy- cough.Ll e , ualtlr•nro in 11 , VitritliVo• 1 . 1441/1 te•tiinony I 114111• 111414 U . 1144 11414 4 11•4•4 4111,.11111. 111 , 4114 . y cv,ll ho roiail...l to any inreka.., yvho tO, 11441,01i-411.41 1 . 1 , 111 t, It 144 , 4,114 . 11• [hill all eau loty It. ltrig.. Bottle,. }I. It i• Drointro.t 1113EIIIIDLTZE11, :NI, it., ottgo.c• - r. N... 115 North l'ho.l St., N. sour tiottreq Itraggi•t or 5,101,..0p0r not lutve tit , medicine 4, , khow to got it 1.. r you, stid nog let blot pat V.411..ir with •oine “113, Drop/troth. boron. , he maker now.. money 4411 It; 1,4 4.1 . 1•4 4 1141 ill 4111, 144 •4444,44 4 ,vliere you know It I• k0pt,.....1 to Dr. oh,. holtgor. Solll by L. Schmidt k C 11 • 544, Dr. 11 . . 11,11,5 g .k 5,.11. .1, b.Mu•or Lott all s.lllontosyn. .1. S, enta•ototua,ad curry araggi•t 1•44•4 4 1 4, 1'10 1.4 4 11/011;411111,Y. dog 1.1.1 ACtiOl i t i ll , Eo yi ri..l* N TI N be ha 11 tit C. F. j A k. o ivy SAVINGS I %WAITE- Organized atSaving Intfitntion," NO. ;i8 EAST 11 A 111 LTON ST., • ~Plan Itl, TV .111171l1.•AN itorn..) PAYS SIN PER CENT. INTEREST FOR • MONE Y ON DEPOSIT. Thl. n 1.1.4 Slaving Bunk In F:ii,iiiro lin. been 1,1111111114111• 111111 operation tiir year, and contine+ in pity SIX Pk:lt cEs . r. isTEn,T for LI yen.., and rani+ Into,. for iilnirtoir period+, 9 . 3.„Ail &Tomlin of iney will So hold strictly COSI aerial. Executors, Administrators,Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and other rit.toallarn4 of prt141144 or Prlvatn matter, are of feroil rato• of Intereid. Former, .1/trio/oral, Lahororm, and all who 113, m o ney of gad on iniorto•d for a long or .port period tr 11 tlnd our liodltutlost an agreeable and 44 41, 4 4441 44 ,4444444 ono in which to 4144 Int•iner, Wo eriwrinllY hello LAl.en to tran.art their 14,444141414i1444.1444444. with 4t44. StAIIItIED and MINORS linvot rurrlnl Prlvl loges grantthl It our charter—having 101 l newer to trait , art blettne.e.. with nt. In thoir own 11:11114, EMEEMI E=l====Sl SAI'E AND ECETRED, hy ('appal Oiirk and .11 ,, 111% nano .oenrity of over sixTr TIIiirsAND nnil n. 1.1111 n, thn Board of Trii.lee. lave. aan rennin.] by the charter. Si yin) hood. inider rhe eryhooli Oni Court, in the.llin if FIFTY THOVSA ND DOLLARS, which bond. ari nigi.. WMIIIIIIII II II.II/ 1 1 ) . 1111 1 rt.ll. eel Volt/Dion Plea• of thin county for the 'courtly of depiniiiiirn. Our Iron %%nil, area 1110.1 nVellro Iluti er ten.ive kind kinorn in thi. contnry, ns 11141,,•11.11/ Win 1.111,W. and hi winch we invite our and rttinner.. We refer ta thi.. bellecinst Mitt tale flnrulnr Proof Vitnitx conuilcte lb. intro.. iond relinhility an wood Saving Book. WILLIAM 11..118E1', 'Prisnilid. • ClillisTlAN PRETZ, Vice lirceident. lIDUBEN Srollmin • • William 11. Ainey, 'Charles 8 Ilnnh , • Chrlidian Prett,Toli it D. Stiles, P. C. Smonvis, K alif. J. llngenbuch, George 14..4.0, Samuel Sell, Nathan Deter. Jan 121-1. AY, MAY 4 1.870 Tiltio'luitilMlis'(7ll„S„l"'"" 1r1"11" An English, Classiuhl, Mathennitical, Si ientitic and Artistic Institution, Foil Vol'NO MEN AND POI'S ! AT POTTSTOWN, 31ONTMIMERY COPNTY, I'ENNA. The First Term 14 the Nineteenth Annual Srsainn will WEDNESDAY, OW Sib day of SEPTEMBER next. I . IIPIIII received nt any time. For Circulars ad &vim ItEV. 01,0. F. MILLER, A. M., Principal. • ILI'S. DRS.—Mag., Schaeffer. Mann; Kraut!, Sekm, :%111111...111,1.: S;lever. Iluttr, Stork, Conrad, Bomber ger, Wy le, Sterrio. Murphy, Cruikohank. etc. HONS.—Judge 1a11.,v, Leonard Myer., M. Tim) et. 11••nj. M. 11••)er, Jae.•llS. Vtor, Illenter Clymer, John K , ESIIS. —Janie- E. I'ldd,, ell. Jame. I, Clllo.'lll, C. S. (lrove. T. C. Wood, llorvey Ilaner•t. Theo. 11. I'. I'. N.•rion. 1.. I. 11••upi. S. urn.. Fry, 31111. , & Derr. Wm,..mat h.,. Jame., Kent. Santee & Co. etc. I t ] LSIIP It 7, oit 111.9. P NSTI- 11111!== All tho ltrtoloot or 111 Ell,: Clu.slcal. Scientific, etonutoloutl ot Accoutpli•lted Education, ore thoroughly N . • - • • li. S II UNSICK Int. A. M Prioripul, :1...2111.1wma; I , llo] rat'vet,ille. SP LICT.t il!' E 11 1 ; C ! ! A largi. and o,luploto a....rtaiont of all k1u(1.4 of ( di r Sportarler, Eyo &c., nt . • , • Spectacle lepiness for these lust few years, I find that fay litisinc , i in Mat line has Werra-ell so much that I have fie nd:nine:l to fault , II a SPF:IiIALITY. 'Flown in no article ma an tactaccd lit a llwl: there Is Vl, much deception Panic - Mot tw there is in St:eta:tele filasses. Knowing that the pa blie have 11-en freipwittly lIIIUIIIIIgKed hp Parties pry) paclina to have a saperial article'. Masse.), and chariclug 4,point:wit to 1...). h:r Mew. aye, hallicing altos the fie cesslio— itiel.tailt wine. of age, I have taken pains to se. iiii IS o pine la+ lig a rea inable prices. having 101) . {II beillg 1•11111 . 41 , 1•4, Ili', w , .11 to WV.' meat call, UK I feel thot Howie to lie stilled. Itetneiolier the 1,1,11,1, No. _lllsoillton street, opposite the tier lso lieloriot,l Chinch Allentoo Jun 2:1-'6Sti LIPECIAIL NOTICE: ,• • ..c the ho .l I , •r.• I ruled. A prat.- itt Ililn diAr , rse ithout II V-Ir I.AAAIiI illOlO - { IS' I'ERF ECTED SFE( "rAchEs lIIIIIDEMIriMI= lie ;Mond. for the patine, or a...1.M0 Mmtr.t. Keller lino, In rirriNG THE EIE IN DIFFICVI.T Olt l'Nl./. nl'A I. CASES. ft.oto Impair...ll or dlmenned vi.oon ate recommended to avail thenvo•lvea of tidy ap p....11111r. Uor aaa oro neknotvledized to be the ‘110•1 re•t . , tt. sight ever monarartured, alnd Cali aIW • Ine relnal upon 05 athorthint Perlert vitae and r..intel I ivhile m 1,101.11101: alto pre.ervlttu tit. Eyes tooNt theloughly. itt_a-Wv tol.o..eco•ln to notify the Poldie that we vin ploy no pedlet , , and to ...ninon then: 000:0.1 those pre• tending to he yr our cool. Ittel.l.tf f the 'WWI Which .ying pl...t+111••• or plumbing anb crsas ffixturcs. GAs rixTuitEs., ROBERTS, & .I:OQNS I= 2 1)0010 , BELOW NINTH STREET, ALLENTOWN .1111,1,1 11).11,10,1:a. Bath Till, \Val, rn . citlating Slr., Ace • RES ANI' MN DEMUTH C nCliliSTS • PH I LA.PA' :Sat .-4 /Ind 110.4 lit the him ket. Il gist,. the large+t COULTEn, JONES C CO., 31ANVFACTURERS AND WiI.)LESALE DEALERS EMI Xr Sl'lt I NI: GOO DS FOIL I Sl7O MU INCORPORATED IPSI. BERKSHIRE I.IFE INSURANCE COMPANY =I INCTOMINNUI . itr.s.l ir . En NIL Seerolory owl Treamlrer. JACI/11 L. (111E1iNE..1,41..toni recrelary. Fodor.. to Puy Premium doe. not fiirfeit the l'olley ut any 'fine, but thii Polo, will be e lo force until the Pll'll,llll. alciiiiify paid ate folly iiiiratitl by the ru.l of i11.11r1111,. Nil•. 11111 the iwoiriehlie ivlllllll the period of contitineil In.oritlitie, Cl,,' roll of Cl,,' Polley trill be paid, the romp,. if all Prionluoit hitil been paid when th.it Pie Premium. overdue ittid unpaid will be delimitd. loinotiooplev—Claim. actually paid 11,14, lid+ feature: Janni% Joyce. 01 Sew York. twoured for SCOW, died four month.. after hl. Po...whom wao.ohno and unpaid. Amount paid. +1.001:11 . •millle SeintiAlltlllal Pronoun, Maximilian Nicene', of Cleveland. invured for +CCM, died oboe moot!, after In. preinoutn was dole and unpaid. Ain..nnt 11,111i11111. 5.1111,1 W. MA.III, of Concord. Inured for +l.OOO. died thirteen annuli. alter hlor premium woo , disc and unpaid. Amount paid, oid.dott. le , . two prentiont.o. Thloo toodtmoo bnolutel woocreol too the Pollry•holder icy a law of this C.o a tounoltowc y alth of Manionclootodottv, ' Oudranteeing Every Day'r Lomrance Pohl For, All the •Pr,tlt4 belono to the Polley holder, and nro 111Vi111..1 11.11111111IIy 1111101111 1 . .111011,1 In foroo two re-n• Dlvhlond. It., a annually In C. 1.11. or Melt to illfrelltie tho 1111,111114 111..1111111r, F.001 . 1•iillit:II cafe Inve.tmento; careful o.lection I. re.; pn•inpl IL , l.riblee•ettlementx; Ilb• oral coditit.. 4.1 re.deitc., GENERAL AGENT AND ATTORNEY, Ari - DooD AGENTS WANTED. Apply ➢Y alloy° or to W.ll. TILER. Auent. Alleutowu. N OTICE....,NOTICE NS HEBERT I E'EN IWO oPPOratton wilt An tondo to Iho Hover nor or tho por t ion or HI Hot% HARRISON KISTIAR, now cottllttod In the Lehigh County Prt.ott On tbo ellorgo of Ittrceny. d app 18-2 w• lEtutc Uonat =1 TIMM SCHOOL FOB BOTH SEXES MONDAY, MAR:II_2S . Tii, th7o -i.iprrtatirs ('IIAS. S. IA SSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST lIANIII.TON STREET, I= EIUMMEINCeird CELEBRATED AND EYE-GLASSES MEM= Alrssus. KELLER BROS., Jewelers, Aitent.ovo, Ps., Two DAY oNIS, MoNDA I' AND TrESDAr AUGUST 20 AND ,31, 1870, NO. S 7 W'EST ILTON STRF.F.T, f l'iNttsr , q, inaker, llyarant• 1,11 and F.,r, Pump+, DEEP WELL PUMPS, K EROS ENE LA .NIPS E I? IDIA BURN 1R , 111111=1 702 AIWII ST.. I'IIILADA ('~ - )Oi EI <C CONARD uo 1.401.1.1N5. SM= BLACK DRESS GOODS WIDE DELAINEg. VI"I'I , TE. EN , II.IsII 11(MBAZINE, itE , T \ NITAmt , ,E. lIEItNANI. CRAPES. AVIIITE GOODS, LINENS, , 1001'0. Eliivitot Napkii”, 41 Oil to 47 (xi Tiiw..l.. 41 to 41910 pi, diiPin. pice. and vivo , \V()()1.1EN (I( )01)S. ,%volt!, Mr, reitl ' 4l lit svirtli 41 '2O. 1 . 1 0, Ilrnt, I= Coip.nly's Building, Pittsfield, Mute = PHIL% DELPHI A OFFICE. 32,0 WALNUT STREET • W GRAVES, Clotbing THE VERY BEST THE CHEAPEST, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND MOST DURABLE CLOTH IN 0., AT K EY s T ONE TALL BALLIET & NAGLE Hare the larttemt, bent and chestpeitt kook of CLOTHING over got up to thin cit 7. nud poll tlooll.lll their Hoe, nook as COATS, PANTS, and all other Cloodm pertaining to M EN ' S W EA N FOR LESS MONEY, than you Can buy elsewhere In Eastern Pennaylvania .No Slop Shop made Goode Rad. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER We keep co:latently on hand a large and elegant aaeort• merit 0(00008, from which cuatumnre can make their aelectioum and have them made up on short notice. work warrented to he of the very tort. I=2l KEYSTONE HALL, No. 24 West Hamilton Street next door to the Gaming Reformed 'Church, ALLEN TOWN, PA. A full Arotortment of Gents' Furnlnhlng Good% always on 11.11. AARON BALLIET. JOSEPH NAGLE may 12-If GREAT ATTRACTION I NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! GRAND FALL AND WINTER OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. OSMUN & CO Sticceseors In Metzger & Osmlin BA It GA I S AT TON GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM IN REI3lElt'9 lIUILDIZIQ NO. 41.1 i EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. Wo world Inform the citizens of Allentown and the stir ronndlng country that we are prepared with a large stock of goods for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, and offer them to the public at reaftnnable prlcea. To thoeo who boy their Clothing ready-made, they aro prepared to offer BARGAINS. WHOLE SUITS MADE TO ORDER! COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cut and ulnae In the Intent style, nod by the best workmen =I CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CABSIMERES, le larger thou tt hnm been before. and we Intend to 101 l very SMALL PROFITS, and give our cumbonere the hone fit of our low Purehuee, =1 NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And everything In the line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS? MEN'S, YOUTHS', HOYE', and CHILDREN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING, CONSTANTLY ON (LAND Don't forget the pines, No. 43 East Hamilton street, third door above Sixth street. T. Onunrr, JACOB IL SCIWOLL, MARTIN LYNN . mar 21-tf jar Hie Pinner For Pure Water, tide celobrated l'ui entirely tasteless, durable and rolls. ble; °ion] to tho good olil•inshioned wooden Pomp, on ot less than half monoy Easily errs, so as to be non•fro and In construction tit any one can keep It in repair. THE BUT AND Rteiric GUANO CO. CAPITAL, :31,000,000 JOHN S. REESE & CO GENERAL AGENTS, OFFICES 122,50UT11 DELAWARE AVENUE PHILADELPIIIA 10 SOUTH STREET, BALTIMORE.. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. No FERTILIZER INTRODECED TO TIER PARRIS. OP TIRE MIDDLE. AND NOVTII EON STATEN HAN RIVEN MORN II RNRRAL AND VN I POEM ',PI/FACTION TRAY TII IN OVANO. THE TRADE IN IT ILAN WITADILY INCREANED UNTIL rns CONAPMPTION NOW THROVOIIOUT TIM RETIRE COUNTRY FAR EXCEEDA TIIAT OP ANY 0111E11 PIIRTILIZER. TIIF. LA1101; CAPITAI. INVOLVED IN CFA PRODUCTION AP- PnRII.A TEE SUE EAT ICARANTE.E OP ITN CONTINUED EXCEL• TOR COMPANY HAN A PAR ORRATRR INTRREAT IN TON PrafIANANCR UP ITS TRAUB TITAN ANT NUMBER OP CONACLERN CAN DAVE; RENEE IT MIME lIIUIIP.RT INTEREST DE THE COMPANY TO PVT IRE DENT FERTILIZER INTO MAR KET, TIIAT TIIEIR UNIDO . AL PACILITINA, JADED BY TUE lIENT EEI ENTI PIC A 111 LITY CAN PRoIOTIL TIIIN O FANO IS go LI/ AT RETAIL BY LOCAL ADIINTS OP THE COMPANY TEROVIDIOVY NEW JERAXT, DELAWARE Pr.N.VI.VANIA, AND THE BOUTIIERN STATII, AND AT WIIOLRIAIR lIY JOHN S. HEESE & CO., ENERAL AGENTS FOR THE COMPANY. feb O-9ubbnep7.3m • BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPIIATE OE LIME MAR . K SPRING, 4 , 3) - 1870 FARMERS, INVIIrANIS TOUR CROP OP CORN, OATS, POTATOES, WHEAT tt: GRASS, , An %VIII, AS ,Add to the Fertitity of your Suff. Ily n Jthllclouo and Ecountolent mode of MANURING. GET THE VA TATE OF YOUR OUTLAY TIIE FIRST SEA SON. OBTAIN BETTER FILLED EARS AND II EA VI ER GRAIN. IC SOIL FREE FRoNt NOXIOUS WEEDS. MAKE I OUR LAND PERMANENTLY FER TILE. puttied upon by Partners. SZt-Ifiglaty improved and Standard Warranted."Va For role by Agricultural 'Dealers generally. BAUGH & SONS, MANUFACTURERS, Office—No. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, PhOad'a. tour IG-Om R. M. ROBINSON it CO., (Succe.ors to Wm. 0. 10)..taer.) IMPORTRIIf M•StrIPACTURSHIC i rn¢vun¢¢s UP MILITARY, cuunpn, SOCIETY, THEATRICAL GOODS,, FLAGS, DAN- NERB, BADGES, 'ETC NO. 131 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. dee 1-ly profcssionai Carbo I). LECKENIIACII, ATTOR. • NET AT LAW, (formerly practiced In Carbon county). Hake, N.,. Emit Hamilton , aecond floor nearly oppealto the Cann Huns., Allentown,Pa. Nay be COLIStlill•li In the Gorman language. . ' CONAT•NTINR J. ElitD11•11. JOHN 11. 01.1,43, ER /OMAN de, OLIVER, ATTOR NUR AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Ctilleetinne atten,lNl to In Lehigh and adjoining counties.. Pro pt attention given to ail legal latainema in the event Can a. Counultations In Engllah and German. Jan 19.1 RUNK at BALDWIN, ATTOBNEIN AND COUNgEI,I.OIIB AT LAW, Allentown, P Oilier, No. At K Hamilton Went. C. M. RUNK. Cjauld-'Si.ttl F. A. R. 11•Lnwist TT C. lIIUNSBERGER ATTORNEY .a._•.• AT LAW. Removed to the Poet Office building eecood floor, ALLENTOWN, PA. Apr. N-ty MI J. '.MORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, /LI • ALLENTOWN. PA . Omen, No. Al East Hamilton street. be col:molted lu Outman. jr.n 14 TA3IEN N. MERV, ATTORNEY AT EP LAW. Office, No. 20 Loot Ilittolltou street, mecuil floor of Llon .Alleutotva, I's. (Speclul attention even to colleen , ..) morl7.ly T ENT SMOVER, ATTORNEY AT .I_l LAW, MILLERSTOWN, LEIIIOII CO., PA. Par ticular nitration paid to innolvent and decedent °Mitten. Jan GA) VESTS ELI G. SCIIWARTZ. ATTORNEY AT . LAW, fruitage' building, Illath and Ilatnilt•ti eta, eppoxite the American Hotel, Allentown, retina hngiodi and itermatt 'Taken. Collection. In Lehigh and adjacent countiem promptly attended to. - iEORGE H. RUPP, ATTORNEY l_X AT LAW. Office, with nom John D. Stiles, Allen• town, PA. SAIMIJEL A. BETZ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office len P. Wyckoff, oppuelte the Eegln Hotel, ALLENTOWN, PA. • T EIIIGH VALLEY FIRE IMAM _Jud ANCECO3IPANY, ALLENTOWN. PA. Office over Second National Sauk. Insures property against lose by tiro on tho stock mutual plan. C. S. Been, Pres't J. S. Dmirritn. Meet y. • BEAUTIFUL LIFE LIKE P IC - TURES. CARTES DE VISITED, IC PER DOZEN. AR negatives regl,Sornd. S. W. lIIIIICAW, ALLEN TOWN, PA. DROPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Office/ with 11. Knnts Olatington. Lehigh ns county, Po. Cullertio In Lehigh. Northampton anti Carbon counties promptly attended to. may al-ly EFO,RREST, ,ATTO RNEY -12.4 AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. Wont Ilam ton Hire.% Alleutown, l'a. jau 14-tf AA• ci..tv lIA MI ERSLY, ATTORNEY • AT LAW, CATASAUQUA, PA. jau 91110 MAN B. METZGER ATTOR. NEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Ottlee, No. 61 Ellgt Hamilton glreet. moy 24-'4YI ELIAS MERTZ, AkLnEwmAN, HURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER ARENT FOIL THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, Hl West Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa. E _ . D IN R IN - ALBIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, right doors obutra rho Court Houle, AL LENTOWN Lehigh coutor ru. fob 13-17 J-17 WILLIAM U. NOW - DEN , ATTOR NEI' AND COCNSELLR OAT LAW. Office, Cor ner of linzalltou Wert told Law Airy, south nide, ALLEN TOWN, VA. fob. 2J- EDWARD lIARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, with lion. Enamel A. Briditaw ALLENTOWN, PA. may Lly TORN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, omco, N. E. Comer rah nod Hamilton Street , . ALLEN TOWN, PA. .may I-1Y ADAM WOOLEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, opposite the ,Court lloune. AL LENTOWN lA. • may 1-ly GEORGE B. fiCIIALL ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, First door above Law Alley. AL LENTOWN, PA. maYl9.Bw • DR. C. C. H. GUERIN, SURGEON DENTIST. Office. over Airs. A. 0. Ouldlu's T rimmiug Store, No. 34 East Hamilton atreet, ALLEN TOWN PA. • COLTON • DENTAL ASSOCIATION Originated the anaesthetic use of nitrous de gas, •d• minister it in the Inost approved trimmer, do no-OR thing but EXTRACT TEETH, aud they certainly du that WITHOUT PAIN, so 13.0011 patients teed/ See their eiguittures at the OFFICE, No. 737 WALNUT STREET below Eighth, Philadelphia. Juno :Say alatcjiro anb 3cbutru. J ..• ALDWELL & CO. Af. JEWELERS, • tit , - •-•; 1 1.c . AND IMPORTERS, 01)2 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, KEEP ONLY FlRS'r-CLASS GOODS. AN INIOINAN VARINTT Or GOLD WATCHES, DIAMONDS, • JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, WEDDING SILVER, PLATED WARE, CLOCKS, BRONZES, , FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, FINE PAINTINGS, &c., &c. All person., desiring realy One Arad., reliable in quality nod moderate in price. are certain to bepleamed by our exceedingly large and varied collection. Our stock is hipt always fremit by vddltiona from firmt sources. Our store is pronounced one of the most elegant in the world; und uuy partite , -Iting the city are cordially In. 'cited to call end luspec 1 • Maxim Jan le.ly ISAAC K. STAUFFER, ' WATCHES AND JEWELRY, No. HR SECOND PT ., con. or QuAnar. PIMA 6 An assortment of Welcher, Jewelry, Sliver and MeOl Ware folodantly on hand. llN—Repairing of Watehee and Jewelry Wromplly attended to. _ aug 11-1 Y THOMAS W. DAILY tmpoetoe. of Watottoev No. 022 &Sextet BC., PhllodolDhln, • Would respectfully call attentinn to his new •nd carefully selected stock at WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, Sliver ;tad Plated ilars, Age. taped., pe.mptly attended to aud neatly done. KELLER it BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., A T. LENTO W N. PA CLOCKS ir!te,l,ll,rztjztedAerittri7r4r:::..nut=ll4:4lllsen and prices, from GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than eon be found In any other store in the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE of every dent ription. are-Watches repaired oo Short Notice. WICCIIES, JEWELRY,. SILVER AND PLATED WARE: CHARLES S. HASSEY'S, No. 23 Ea.t Rnmllton strest, eProsite•the.Gerrose formed Church. Just received from New Ye* and 1.1111,.... Adolph's. all the latest styles GOLD WATCHES. Ile hoe the laraent Rad Twat xortment of Gold Watches,. awl at lower price. than can ho found elmewhere. • lie ban a larger and better morlment of llliver %VAleheto than can be purchased anywhere else. GOLD JEWELRY. lie box the lorgeil end best assortment or all klndo of Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Moll. a larger nod bolter a•aurtment of all Mod. ofd llt ad Plated Jewelry time eau be weed obiewbere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. A, l , l° "" ° ""iriegilirrVigiir. r :r 223l . ll7 :r. • " CLOCKS A larger Imoituient than at any other establhatneitt. MELODEONS. A aplendld asmortritcnt of Prince'. Melodoona. hen o the world. ACCORDEONS. • • A splendid .aurtment of all kinds of Accordeona. Ills establishment has lalely born fitted op. and Is now second to none In New York and Philadelphia. and ahead of anythlngontalde the large He has a large. Work of fashion able geode IrLhla line than Ali ..:hers In Lehigh county combined, To tonvlnoe yourselves 01 the abur call End ace • ATTENTION, HOLNEKEEPEIIS ! CHAIRS! CHAIRS! CHAIRS! • REUBEN SIEGER'S, Chair, Settee, etc., Salesroom Is at NO. ISS WEST lIANIILTON STREET',. ALLENTOWN, PA.. A raw doors *bore Eighth street, lad almost directly op. Ilasteaborh's Hotel, where he will be pleased to. r . e . ed to tal calls f r rx .. ra r . soas who dir Ire an ythlng la klas 81.18811151/110ER, .
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