lac Yetigl2 (ttoiaster. Editor and Proprietor ROST. 'RIMEL L, AigENTOWN, PA., MARCH 30, 1870 THE-DEMOCRAT ON GRANT'S FIRST YEAR. Tun Democrat of last n•eek 3 1 / 1 1111: circum stantially untruthful in its deductions from the facts, concerning the first year of President Grant's administration. " Hans," said Sammy to his Teutonic friend, "' lam your father." " Git out mit your tam hummelpug," replied Hans, apparently couch aggrieved at the insinuation. "flow can you be my fader? de old 1111111 Is del these tiwendy years." " You see," said Sammy. "I either am, or am not, your father. is that not so r 5' Yaw," '• was the answer." Well th• • leg that "I am not" your lather, it is certain that " I am" This sollllas ridiculous, hut less plausible argument frequently leads astray tilosep who arc too ignorant or to lazy too think for themselves. The Democrat,with that kind of logic which Is necessary to make white appear black, bold ly asserts that the public debt lass increased under Grant's, administration over f ifty-two millions of dollars, and, to give Mot to the as sertion, states that Mr. Boutwell tens thrown out the Pacific Railroad Bonds, which had heretofore been included in the Public Debt, and claims that he thus has at once reduced the debt sixty-live millions of dollars. That this is a falsehood, palpable to anyone who has any knowledge of Secretary Boutwell's real statement, it is scarcely necesssry for us to - declare. If the Democrat had not trusted .greatly to the ignorance of its readers,it would not heave dared to make such un assertion. Secretary Boutwell's own statement is as follows : "The net amount of the public debt on the Ist of March, 1869, including Interest accrued and riot paid, and excluding Pacific Railroad bonds, was $2,625,403,260 01. The principal of the bonds then issued to the Pacific Rail road Companies was $.3:3,937,000. or an aggre. gate liability and indebtness of $2,579,400,- 200 01, On the Ist of February, 1870. the net amount °Ube debt, excheding bonds issued to the Pa cific Railroad Companies, and including inter est accEtted and not 'paid, was $2,414,819,. 288 92. The bonds issued to the Pacific Rail road Companies at the latter date amounted to $04,457,520, or au aggregate liability and indebtness of $2,1109,270,1108 92. It thus appears that the liability of the United States on account of the Pacific Railroads has been increased during the eleven months. 'un der acts of Congress previmely lat,ed, to the amount of $10.520,220. Oaring the same period of eleven months, the direct debt of the United States hoe been diminished teSO.6-11071 lIU ; and. lithe increas ed liability oi' th , baited States on account of the Pacific Railroads he added. there still re mains an actual diminution of the total public debt of the United States, lirect and contin gent, during these eleven months, Or %! 1 70,129,- 651 00. These statements are based upon the hooks of the Treasury Departments. and ran not in any way be irnpeorhed.'' "Ile mixes things up purposely so that hardly anylmtly can understand them," says the bewildered Democi•nt. Poor Democrat. ! No heads for figures ! Never could keep ac counts, and always had some little items that could never be accounted for I How hard it must be for them to understand, that economy and honesty are repairing their misdoing's. Now. with regard to the National expendi• litre for nine year muter Grant's administra• lion. The Ihmoceat says : "To run the Gov• eminent under the bluhdercr Grant costs the people V 307.82-1,310.3-1" ; this is for the year ending March I, 1870. For the year ending June :30, 1800, (ere thnt sainted martyr Andy had been consigned to oblivion.) it cost to run the Government $:321,100,507.75, so that we have a balance in favor of the Grunt adminis tration of $1:3,000,281.41. Si, the bltiorlerer has saved the country nearly bmrtt.en milli ons. If the blunders of the Democratic party had been in this direction, they wonld not now he forced to such' mean fidsilications for the defamation of their political opponents. Unfornately for them, their blunders have too often been in their no thnd slating theta The Democrat, in depending altogether on its (limited liability) imagination for the "facts tied will not, cannot 6e eontn,vcriod, , lnns drawn upon a never failing sonn, or faNity ignorance and deceit. THE OTHER MI DE or• TINE QUES- EilIM While the advocates of " Womens flights" have been creating unite a slit in the comma. nity, it has been a matter or regret that though there was an much determined opposition to it in the "homes" of the nation, yet there tuns no piddle opposition to it or any moment. We are glad to say the other side are soon to be heard. Miss Edgerton speaks in opposi (lon to the movement on Friday evening next et the Cooper Institute, New York. anti Miss Catherine E. Beecher addressed a meeting at Steinway Ilall, on Monday night. The object of the meeting was to decide upon and adopt means "to elevate the honor of domestic employment, to train woman more " highlrfor her distinctire pr o fession as chief educator of childhood and prime miOister of "the fainily state; and also to prepare her to "gain honorable independence in varionsem " ployments suited to her se." This ig going in the right direction. We luive heard from those who look for the exalta tion of the female sex by the extension of the franchise and have been pestered with Ama• zonian notions till women and men begin to grOw sick of the subject. It will be it. good thing to bear front a *minim who desires the exaltation of her sex into "good women" and gets her ideas of a good . woman from the last chapter of Proverbs rather than from tho pages of the Revolu tfan." • SLDDEN DEATII • No man can hear of the awful instances of sudden death occurring in tar mist, without a reflection on the uncertainty of life. Ilow easily end suddenly the frail thread that holds us on to this world, may be severed How * short is the distance between us anti the great unknown? They who walked among us yes terday, to-day are gone from this world for : over and who can tell which of us may be near the presence of " Sudden Death" to-tiny. If the dispensation of Providence - I)ring no shell thoughts as these to men, it is strange in deed. The signification in the words, "No man (Heal to bintheir," is to be found in the rekeetlons these events naturally cause. On the road, in the workshop, amid the busy toils of the day, or in the silent watches Of the night, the grim destroyer may come, and then the world which now monopolizes all our thoughts and cares is a thing of nought, and to great hereafter with all its tremendous in erestt can alone engross the Simi : Thcse arc reflections that a man in health ay pretend fo disregard today, but let the cy finger of death touch him never so lightly • n d they come to him with an absorbing Rig ificunce that leaves no room for the cares of .USIDCSA or,the joys of pleasure. " •who wise will ponder on these things." • Twz Dm r.v Tone Is a journal published nt arrisburg and supporting the present National lid:State Administrations. It Is very ably edited y Dr. John 11. Gihon, who gives up his position Titivate Secretary to One. Geary to undertake duties. It contains valuable Information for oseliiterested In the State Legislature doings, eveij aquas:lama Is readable and "newsy." . PRINCE PIERRE NAPOLEON RO• EMZIMMI The High Court of Justice of France vened at Tours on Friday last, for the trial of Prince Pierre Napoleon Bonaparte for the homicide of Victor Noir. The High Conrt, has only been assembled five times since its creation by the Constituent Assembly. It was created at a time when a political earthquake was taking place, which at every mighty con vulsion changed the condition of na•ions and left an ineffecable mark on the history of the world. In the stormy times of 1789.90, it had its birth when; in Irelan I the United Irishmen were maturing their plans ter that effort for independence, which in 1798 reselted in such a disastrous failore,-,wlien in America the light of Freedom having fully dawned, George Washington and John Adams had been de clared President and Vice President of the United States,—when old George, the third :•,land, was just discovered to be mad (which is the most charitable thing that can be said of him)—when the young Pretender Prince Charles Edward was lately dead nt Rome,— when the Turks had just suffered such a terrible defeat in Wallachia, and suc cumbed to the Austrian and Russian armies, and when in France itself, the Basins had been destroyed, Versailles had been attacked, the King and Queen compelled to proceed to Paris, and the terrible scenes of the Revolu tion had but just begun. Amid such scenes as this, it was that this Court first assembled at Orleans, in MI. It tried the different per. eons concerned in the flight to Varennes, and the Courtiers and Ministers of the untbrtunate King accused of conspiracy against the State. Again it met nt Vendome to pronounce jittlg. meat on Bnbouef and his accomplices, again nt Brouges, in 1849, and lastly at Versailles in the same year, to try the conspirators engaged in the plot of June lfith. Once more it meits at Tours, and the peo ple, filled with expectation, crowd the Streets and depot to catch a.glimpse of a Napoleon, on his way to trial. They are rewarded by the eight of a corpulent man of about the middle height, who looks to he on the shady side of fifty-five. Coarse, strongly marked features, heavy moustache and imperial, and those eyes, tierce, lustrous, and sinister, (the Napoleonic eyes) do not give the man any prepossessing appearance. His gouty feet cause him to walk with difficulty, hut his gaze is clear and unfaltering as he glances around him on the crowd. His defence is to be an argument of a justi• liable homicide on the ground of extreme provocation , A prisoner of historical name before a Court of historical traditions, accused of murdering a defender of the liberties of the people. Imperial Ctesar, who rules the Em pire, hates the complication, for the eyes of the world are curiously watching his dilemma. ArdevA cork. MAYOR'S MESSAGE. Mayor Good's message is a document contain ing valuable suggestions and information and is well worthy the attentive perusal of our citi zens. The Mayor takes occasion to congratu late us upon the present prosperous condition of affairs in this city, and intimates that acces sion to that dignified title has been accom panied by an advance in enterprise, industry and liberality. Ile ri•commends that the lib• eral course of legislation heretofore pursued in regard to publis huprovements be continu ed, and that Gordon street be graded at once, Sixth et reet and Tenth street maca himized,and also Second street between Hamilton street and the Lehigh Valley Railroad depot. There are many other improvements suggested and dictated by is practical good sense and evident. desire for the common weal that is extremely creditable to the Mayor. our citizens gener ally endorse the inggestions fur improvement and we are inclined to believe would submit (ir not with cheerfulness), with patience. to the propnsed increa,v(l tax, in order to get the bounty debt on' (u hands. 'noe idea of nuns tiering the idreets at) er the Manner or the City of pbusociobiu k a p.nnl one and will lie mini. ersally approved. We would call the attention of- our readers generally to tha latter part of the Mayor's IlleSSII4e, iu which SOliCitS /ad and ro.op erati-in in rigid enplYraxent of till such hues and ordinn ncei no are, or nifty be necesoory, far the praerenyon tf !mod order and n~..raliQf within the eitg.' • Laws thai sty honored mono "in the breach than in the observance' are worse Iha❑ no laws• to ali. They breed contempt for the riding p.,wer and go far towards de stroying all that influence for good, which Con rts or mile,' are i Mended to exercise. One law disregarded brings others into contempt, nod it is only by a rigid enforcement of law. bemuse ibis bite. that a community is kept in that stale of timer and pence. essential to its prosperity. It is well that the Mayor has spoken out upon this subject. While we can be very self cemplacent upon the subject or our .beautiful city, SC, it should not be forgotten that there exist lawn that. have not Iteretotbre been en forced %%Milli iti limits, Slid that the imerests of the conunnuity, of morality and of religion, demand an alterati o n in this direction. Every law-abiding citizen of Allentown owes a debt of gratitude to Mayor Good for his admirable message, and V.e recommend it for careful consideration to those who have not yet read it. 11011 .t 11: FER AG E EGRO SUFFRAGE. One or the great arguments of the "strong minded" is co n tained in the assertion "negroes vote and %rumen do not." It would be an argument of some weight, if those who advance it were contending for a right that was essentially theirs. The, politi cal right of all men is recognized by'the Gov ernment of the United States, and until it is proved that negroes are not men, they have an inalienable right to the ballot. The equality of the WOlllllll With the man, and even in many instances her superiority, in the social relations, is not denied. 'That is her peculiar sphere ; there she has room fur the exercise of those peculiar faculties which make her a help meet for man. To obtain political equality she emerges from the sphere or which she is the glory and endeavors to prove herself man's equal by the cultivation of talents which by no means adorn her sex. ' Men admire the display of talent (and even genius) which this endeavor evokes, but only the very few desire or expect to see the sex prove themselves aught but women aftei all. It may he 4ruly said of many ivho advocate the " W(onutn's Rights movement",that while they fail to establish their inalienable right to compete with man in his peculiar sphere, they are too successful in preying that they have no right to the name of Woman, in its highest and best signification. PIERRE BONAPARTE' The solemn farce at Tours having been gone through Prince Pierre Bonaparte Is tmc (wilted. Nobody is surprised either In Amer ica or in Europe nt the result, and the ac coped himself has had the most perfect confi dence in his individual safety during the whole performance. While the theOry has been promulgated that "all men are equal before the law," it is still an unquestionable fact, there lingers yet in the world a portion of the Divine right theory, which makes men regard a royal mnrderer with curious com placency. While Kings or Princes strut their little brief hour upon the stage of life, they are privileged characters, but time day will come,. when . , in all the nationa of the earth, lhere shall be no Mee high enough to place its cc upant.beyond the reach of Justice. - THU : LMUGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDESDAt MARCH 30, 187 A PLEA FOR .tme WORKEAN. Steam is one of those servants of men, Of which the trite expression, good servant but a bad master," can very appropriately be used. When kept in its place and used under the guidance of human Intelligence and skill, what a mighty power it can be made to wield for the advancement of the human race, nu one in this age of steam needs telling, and, on the other hand, when it bursts its bonds and breaks from the control of its master, what a terrible instrument of destruction it becomes, thousands of sudden deaths and scalded, maimed; and mangled bodies have been made to testify. The explosions lately at Scranton, Minersville, and other places in our own neighborhood are cases that terribly illustiate this. Sometimes accidents occur, resulting in . wide-spread destruction and loss of life, that it would have been impossible for any nun to have foreseen and averted. Too often how ever carelessness, incompetence, or drunken ess in one man. placed in a responsible posi tion, is a primary cause of toe violent deaths of many of his fellow creatures and the con sequent misery and distress of their relatives and friends. A man who has charge of a locomotive or stationery engine occupies, a situation requir-. ing intelligence, integrity, sobriety, and con scientiousness, and to the credit of the engi neers it may be said, that as a class, they arc a set of men who can be fairly described as `reliable.". There are exceptions however to every rule, and there are not wanting men, who, with all the rash fearlessness of ignor ance, arc willing to undertake the duties of a profession of which they have only a scperfi• dal knowledge and which involves such on erous responsibilities.• To guard against such as these, there ought to be a law making it necessary for every man who, undertakes tof direct so tremendous a power as steam, to puss an examination as to his capability and thus ensure his follow workmen against a death resulting from his ignorance. That he should possess the other requisites we have mentioned- is a self-evident proposition, and the verdict of a Coroner's; Jnry, viz; that the "explosion was caused by the incompe tence of the engineer," points the moral though it is far from adorning the tale. We ask for our working men and for their families—that their lives may not be at the continual disposal of ignorant, incompetent or unreliable men, and we hold that a master who, for the sake of what he calls "economy," employs such men, has a contempt for human life, that entitles him to all.the consideration and mercy, usually shown to murderers with malice aforethought. ER SOLDIERLY SISTERS. A new end startling phase 61 the "Women's Rights" Qui anion has lately come to our no tice. We are alarmed to find that in that conservative old country, England, the adVo c fies of Women's Rights are borrowing pre oidents from South Africa, where it is claim oil King Mumbo Jumbo hai long recognized the rights of those delectable damsels trim have by force of arms compelled that estima ble oil gentleman to "come down" to il•eir way of thinking. Admiral Ramsey, at the annual meeting of the . Governess' Benevolent Siiciely of Scotland, held in Edinburgh the first week in February, deployed the prejudice there was existing against the employment of ladies in the army and navy. "On the coast of Africa, "said this ancient mariner" I once saw a regiment of rillewomen, and I must say, black as they were, I never saw a finer regi ment." Alter these martial madams had dis played themselves to this old son of a sea cook it appeared his heart of oak was tilled %vial envy that the other branch of the is twice bad gone ahead of the navy and lie burned to be- . come the Admiral of a first /en-maimed by feminine inrraguts. We may- suppose that the graceful appearance and bewitching smiles of the ladies who dance hornpipes in sailor costume at all the theatres of the seaport towns in England. added fuel to the Caine, and that the venerable old man or the s. a had recruiting in his mind's eye as a prospective 'object whenpie attended this Governess' meet ing. The brave old codger was pleased at the spunk of these dusky Amazonians whom he saw, and, says lie, "when they went into ac tion.they ti ught like tigresses." What au example Mr the OilVerlll.sWS to ind tatt ! The old gentleman did not say wheth er these Angels id Midnight were in the habit of eating their prisoners, but we presume the "tigress" quality covers that. Jones, on matrimony, says.--" The first week was so ,tond or my wife I could have eaten her, and briers six months were over, I wished I had." Admirable quality in a wife and mother this cannibalistic affection would ! Oh, ye wo men Who burn for distinction and long for''pet ticoat government;" the day is dawning for you! Admiral Ramsey is the herald of morn,tue progressive chanticleer ! Your killing glances shall lie along the barrel of a rifle, and a male cherub shall "sit up aloft" to watch over the life of poor Sloe, when that day shall dawn. • In that remote tuture black-eyed Susan will go on board and she will stay there, and, let us hope, if this gallant old naval nuisance yet survives, she will run hint up to the yard arm as a preposterous old bore who is not good for anything else. THE "NEW COUNTY The Doylestown Democrat thus notices the New County project, and the meeting that was lately held at Bethlehem. • Alter giving a list of the different promoters of the move ment present, the writer goes ou to say : " We desire to give these parties notoriety, in order that as leading spirits in this movement, they may be well and widely known. D. J. Godshulk and Howard Burke did the speech making or the occasion, and the latter, says the Conpervatire: "convinced most of his hearers, that the Interests of this vicinity de manded the proposed new county." We are certainly well pleased to hear that only moat, and not all of the orator's listeners, were sus ceptible to the magic power or his eloquence, as from that tact we derive a grain of hope that the project may possibly not succeed.— A Puritan community once at a town meet ing, passed the following resolutions : Rteolodd, That we will have • new school house. Resolved, That the new school honsc he built out or the materials in the old one. Resolved, That the old house be left stand ing until the new one is erected. In the', puritanical innocence, they failed to recognize the manifest impossibility of their proposition, yet it was not one tittle more ab surd than that which this energetic handful of crazy men are now ventilating. The bust-, ness of cutting up counties with the object of advancing partisan interests is, in comprehen sive parlance, about "played out," and we of Bucks will have none of it. Lehigh, already the smallest county in the State, cannot afford to contribute any of its slender means, and It has already protested that the movement Is "unwise,•impolitic and unjust." Permit us to add impossible of accomplisnment by fair means, and we will resist anv . foul measures that may be attempted. The meeting ap pointed an executive committee, composed of one person and an alternate, from each election district included within the imaginary boun daries, to prosecute the project. Each of the committee reported his district as unanimously in favor of the movement,but with as little war rant as Satan bad when he made his offering of land' to our Lord. After accomplishing all these wonderful things, the magnificent gatheiing dispersed to again assemble at the dictation of Its august President. • EVERY SATURDAY, published by Fields,. Osgood .4 Co.. In addition to Its wealth ofeeleetle literature, Is now among the 11.u.trat- Hens the designs made by Houghton, one of the best English draughtsmen, during Ids trip to this country. They have the rapidity of sketches, but are full of force and freedom. Next number. Mr. Dickens. THE ONEIDA. The sentence .passed on Captain Eyre by the court martial would have been a very light one, if he' had only left a slip he bad eel tided wits, without taking every• nieans to as certain if the Injuries sustained had been seri ous. His action resulted In the loss or valua ble lives and it is not his capacity as a seaman but his inhumanity as a man, that Is the point in question. Captain Eyre is only "suspended" for a time, and he still holds his certificate entitling him to command n vessel and have in his charge the lives of" true sailors:" flow any body of men can recognize a fitness for such a position in such a man is beyond our compre hension, All who are interested in "those who go down to the sea in ships" will look for some further action. • Two things more require explanatin Vl7. : Why was so poor a look out kept on a 1.7. S. War Steamer? Whose fault was it that the Onehla's boats were not all on board ? IV N IVOW IN GS —M rs. Stowe irwt $16,00011 her book on Byron so they say —Dogs beat dentists—they iwerl natural teeth —A Kentuckian saved his fence rails b 3., inserting his knife into his neighbor's heart the °titer day. —A Vermonter who would ninoke In the barn is going to try ashes as a fertilizeythis !going', and a new one. —A St. Louisan:ln was launched into eternity through t wenty-live feet of perpendicular water pipe the other day. —A Louiaville coati bas third a man fn thrown out of the house by his sou•ho-law. —A great many boll theories have been ad vanced In regard to the CardillGiont, but he is a boulder.—Er. sends word to Alide Topp that he be— lieves her a great getting. She in on the Topp round of the ladder of fame. —A Georgia newspaper publishes murders and assaults by negroes under the Ft:M(lll4r head of " The Social Circle." —Scranton, Pa., is going. to _uild n $lOO,OOO opera-house, although there k no one there that can how opera at all. —A Detroit moo tried to light himself to bed the other night by Igniting his under-clothing. Ile would have succeeded but for burning to death. —A Sacramento paper announces a ball In which no "gentleman are admilted." and adds, " wn have received a complimentary ticket !" —An editor at Penn Yan nays he recently paid out n twenty-dollar bill by mistake for a two. 0, come down. Where to Bialllllll. N. Y. Demo crat. ACOU6IL COLD OR S 4 RE '" ,, AT requiren Immediate nt tentien, a• neglect . often re,ult in nu incurable Lung Do.enNo ge wkr. BRONCHIAL ..-3. 400' =I rill mod Rive. iably give /or Itgottriitris, ASTIIMA. CA rnmiti. NeIL'UPT•VE .11 Ti !Jov iUI:11111: eired. SINCERS end PUBLIC SPEAKERS ose thew tiu.l etra the voice. owing to tile g I relattetiou end q , pulnrkr of lie 'Ere. e he, limey worthlree rheqp bine 'tr. opred. .teltiets ore good fur its Au, OIITAIN . the tree. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TRocHEs I= HORSEMEN, ATTENTION! HEAD THE FOLLOWING ! 'rm.=, Liniment In bold by Proggint. and Storeltropern. Wholemle by 'TAMES 11. WE,LI.S. N. E. for. or Mb and Spring Gorgon Sin.. Fig min in Allentown by L. SCHMIDT Sz Emit Ilaimicon Street. Trent Philadelphirt,:i9ll,lnd Markel Sta.. j IPro 17, 167 , . .1. (1. lug I. of D. Fells' 11. Aloo.chtto'n P'ls.lllll Lonment ..prain.t. .tvollirg, chores. kr.. I unho•titutinttly pronottuce t luott article I have ever toot uutli. mot would oot 1,.• without 11001.11. ron.itleratton. I 0111 °early out, you nuoy 00011 111 • 111111' dozer, DAY A 1: II sTIIT r. .S.Sprrial "Yotirc HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER liaraved itself to be the perk, preparpti. , Cro the I w llor .dterpd lu the alit to RESTORE ORA HAIR tto ORIGI.VAL GOMM. pad PPPa .. n woP growth whole it has filliPtlolf from dis o..sp ay II trill prpr,nt Rot Ritir foam /Olin!, out. All who ose it are utationwas in a watding it Oa 1 , ..1.0 Wm: the lw•t Ilnir Idtw.• at, witatit. Oar Tipati, on the Ilair .out Cr,,' by awl:. I•IANCFACTCIIIiIO ONLY I , k . R. P. 11.% LI, S 1'41.. Nti.loso, N. 11.. PT For oak• by all artmgi•ts. WORDS OF WISDOM FOR YOUNG NEN. et. the Roll u l'op,ott Youth and 3litebeetl,w , th SELF HELP it..lotl 11111 . .11111... Scut to nettled letter eovelepe,.. ..1 rharge. Aadee•-, 11..%%'.% It It I , OI'IATIttN, I . l , ll.elelehle. I' t. le•ly•.. E 12110115 OF Y(}l.7lll.—:lgelithllian who 1 . .. r ye,. (nom N,, , 11- ttlft• Itit the .!b•et• yotitlitol .stko tmlb , oli: h11111:1111t)....•11tt I t ..• hi ..ti {Ott. twe,l Mt. “IL,I b , r k iug the ,ta. ;OP rf.111.,1y . Vt hirl, 1-Iting wont. by Owo•iu Y. , 4 . , by “'t rot! tbh•lico, No. 01'04, N.•w Via k. 110WAltD SANITARY AID ASSOC'. . ATION. —For Ilit• Helier 111.1 Cure of Iho En inn Itlld r 111.1.1111111, Olt Prita,Pl....lClirkil.iiil . l:ll , 9lll,l.Y• 'li,ly..nn tn. LrrorN of Youth, and tho Follio• of Ago, in relacton to MAnntAnn ;hint tn. 1.11. Evil.. , , ,n.c aid for tit , nal S•nt in, in .e:ilvd A,l -110 W Alit) AS,MAA'rION. E. l', n•ii•.• 117-- -- =. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CA TARRH treated with the mino•l iinceeie.i. by J. ISAACS, M. D., and Vroni-,iir of Myrdv/e of the Ellovnd E ,, r. Of^ .7?• , iale 11) in the .11,(kril 1;:fIr Of eon In. big/ drs fa In-Hiner, tiiirtindiT of lieTde"• Hol land.) No. R. Arch mreet, Teidiniimbil. o.iu be turd.ea 6AClliir are 10 :11, COlllpally their patient, 11r he ha- wi m 1.1. lira, Ike. Artificial eyed weierted wallow pain. i charm: fur examination. ma r -Ivtiil ri" — =‘,;" . TO C()SSUNIPTIVES. —The advertiser, haying been restored to haalth in a I. ir week, by a eery alinple roun after having •utfareil Yea' , with n severe lung iitfertion, and that arena dl.ea..e. Coo. ontoptlon.isaugion.totillikalciohrn to .ntferer. U11.1111./1. of cora, Tu till who dedre It, he 1, ill ...Ulla copy f the Preaeripilon wool (free of charge), with the direc tion,. for in...rowing tool unw w •ing the so, hich they twill Tild sore aura (or Conhindition, Ahlitan, Bronchitis. Sic. h, only Obleo of the ntly•rtiner iii hauling the l'he.yrip• Ilan It to benefit the !inflated, and information which Ileconce ive.. to be luvalitable; idol he hop,. every i,niferer trill try lilt remedy, at It Will CO., tllO,l 11..111114i a 1 d inay prove a Li to l'artleo wl.hing the pre•arlotloil trill lilaa , ” nddre—. til) NV-A RD A. IV King• N. V. rOSlCand MLtudrnkr rill, trill u. 1.111/11ttlell. Liver Cutuplatut, till if tali., cording to d[rertions. are all throe to betaken et the name tillie, They clen,n the stomach, relax the , and potun. It Ii work : then the appetite becomes kiiial; the food digest. and makes guild blood; the lit beg.... to grow in [boll; the diseased inatterrilieteiiit the and the patient outgrows the disease and gels Well. This i• the only way to core c0...1..1th , . To three Ole. , medicines Dr. J. 11. Schenk. at Wee his °unveiled Bocce.. lit the treatment of pal inouary consumption, tire lbaluoinie Syrup ninon. the ['turbid mutter lu the lung ature throws it oil by expectoralluti, for when the phlegm , matt, is ripe. a alight cough will throw it oil', rod the patient has rest nod the Wane Leal° to heal. To do tips. the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills lit.t be freely used to Cleellett the litillitaCll 111111 liver, no that Pie piilunoun Syrup nod the fruit will make good hi I, Schenk 's Mandrake Villeet upon the l[ver, 11 übstructolus. elan the ducts of the troll-hloddrr, flirt bile starts freely. and tire liver is soma relieved; the stook will show what the turtl e .11 do; D 0011114: has ever iv. Invented except calomel la [lead): Pals" , which is very dangerous to loin unites. with great care). that will unlock. the galbiblioliler and start the necretiona of the liver like Schenkbi filiwidrake Pills. • • • Liver Complaint le Duo of the moist Mumbles{ 0011404 a CuueuttiStion. Selieuk'e Seaweed Tonle lc a gentle raliattlant lortiriter. alive, turd the alkali to the Straweerl. which ;hie erep g r.. r • h awis Hide of, a•a•iate the het. to 011,w out iliegaaine f eto thirstily° the loud with the Syrup, arm r . made tutu good blood without ferineulatrutvor nauring in the /Womack. . . . 'rho great rem.en any phyercrane do rtot cure tem Is, they try to de trer mach; they give medicin e the cough, to utoreldlle, to etrm maid etveate, hectic lever, aud by ea dome; they derauge the whole dig... dove pulVl.rn, odium up the aectetieus. and oreutually the patieut Ind die, • • • • Dr. Schenk, In his treatment, does' not try to atop a cough, night sweats, chill,, or 'ever. Remove the Calle.., and they will all stop of their owe accord. Nu one can be roil of Consuriiptiou, biker Complaint, Dyepepsta, Catarrh, Iter, Ulcerated Throat. unless thu liver and efoinuch are wade hi althy. If a person has CousUniptlon, of cour.e the n , ung, Kn i sh ine way are diaeased, either whet clee, Abacreea oia Irritation. DD.° adhesion, or the lung, nee Tu l a, el lu ilamatiun nod fast decaying. In end] se. hat must he dune f It is not only the lunge that arewasting, hot it Is the whole body. The atopmeh and hver have lost 111..11 power to make blood out of totl. Now the out p choose la to take Schenk'. three medicine., which will bring up a tour to the atuich, the patient will begin to woof tool, digest racily and make good blood ' then the patien ll t beg.n to gain to flesh, and Ice soon its the body beano, to row, the lungs continence to heal 01.. and the pabent gen, genii) , and well. Thie In the only way 14,1110 COW/Minn . tiro. When there In no lungdineane, and only Liver Complaint •uil Dy•pep.oa, scheuk's nnywrind Tome and Mandiakt. Pills ere sufficient without the Pullin/am Syrup. T ake the Mandrake Pill* freely in all bilious reniPlainte, as they are perfectly harmless. Ur. Schenk win ban elljuyed uninterrupted health for many years pant, nod now weighs '.Lllpounds, wax weated away to a mere akelrtun. in the very last slogs el Pultom nary CollstiluPliou his pliyeicians having pronounced his by hopeleesaud abauduued hitu to [Deluge. cleans by the aforesaid fuedicnica, and since lon recovery loony thoueauda afflicted hare need Dr. schenk with the amain renfaikuble mut:teen. Fullthreellims accompany each, Make It out abaulutoly nereeaary to per. aoually see Dr.fichenk. sales, the patients %vial) their lung, examined, audlur this purpose be is PrefeevieuallY at ID , letter s Office; Philadelphia, every riatuiday, where all letters icor advice be itildiesaed. lie is e ve profs— tly at No. 32 etre.% :new York, er) , other Tueeday. and at Ni , . 3.1 Ilunover Street, Boehm, every other Nbelluesday. Ile gives advice free. but tor r . °ugh 0.111.11•11011 with his Iteapirenieter the prlre Is 35 no. Mice hours at each CPI . from 9 A. M. to 31'. it. Dit. J.-11. Sellb'SK, mar 10 7 131*.° 15 X. OM St., Philada.,Pa. W . J. EVERETT'S NEW PATENT SCAPULAR MOULDER BRACE AND STRAP SUPPORTER No straps ender the arms. Perfectly comfortable, aria. toutleally made. nod highly beuellcial. 6CI North 7th ht.. below Arch Philadelphia. Tr..., Supporterm, Elastic Eitoakinile, Cruteben, &n., lowan prices la the ally, Lady attendant. owe le Jor s.alc anb To iLrt 4'o 42n Ult I A Pl►Y ' t s LE .... The , m. 11. 1 ,114111,1 utter r”.. .al.-01110W titry • lot,. Inunediutel)• ntljololup Truth aft, the wholo number n e ili-potiiil tioiy tvlU be itu oil by lot lu the 'lnto" moaner os It slotorgituutinon of die Ifamn Aiooiclailliti. Plats Plow , of flit Priouitun4 too be oven at our nfllcc. DIY 12 11001) S ltllllll. IItEANONAIIII.EI,E,thiIE I T° trill he given VII the Fat.ton Slate Quarry, 4411nat041 iu ; Plainfield townrallp.hamplon county. l'o., trier Stackerloww It c0te.1.t.4 4k( number ono fiat-roll, iklkok, tiever%hoittia..l4.44, fully equal to the woll-huowo man Slate, walk it gakal water power awl /nil 111(KiIlg pumping and Itoi.oina utarlankke. 414earko, of all opportunity ot till!, ti,::, will ploame tie then, 444 , 1,444. anti apply to thellkon I:kokh. S4arheftown P. It. I mar 3. • 44 et' II 1:1411 it H. Prk••kolont 11011:11t H UND It El) I , .1 R NS IP 0 R A: SALE, riot Xing In n , from Art , ' nociird to itnproveniont, location Ai chum!, unditintr utorket, T114. , 1. hlrmi. xi.. Niro 1,, I in l"trainin and Mitrylltiol, iiititio• In i loin ity of NV.,11- 11Intiin 31141..th0rs front, .31 to (soil Ow t'ap. Add,.•„ „ r c; ,11„., .1. It. o; \NI; Ei: E 15011. AVOIIIIO ni•lr SI XIII -1r.,: (:. T., olt.•:ron, tti.g.taitti; sti t.r..:, :yid,. .11 -•. 14 a .1, Tli.• t‘..111.1 s. I .• ro , i bill 1 . 01 111 alt til'i titt rot... for xis. I is. ei 'I t , il it F VIST. It 1:VI' I'll I EI•:.r'I'11It l' BRICE. STORE 1101.• SE AND ItI.SIAUTIAN'I Sltottto ott the Not - 0,E,, ,tr0,..1 . 1 . .•••ro. /.11 , 1 .%11,1 XIII WA It It, t;.ty or .1 r()%VN, PA. Till. of till. pg.,pertv. 1%1 :,1..•1. KNITY T. I , * 2.1-$ 14 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS :AT PRIVATE 1.17. Theiilillet , lgno , 4l.44 . r ., /tI •$..• I 14 11.111•• 1111'1111,14 Z4 :1' 11 t t‘ '11'1‘1"1'11.1.J)11Ft ,' ,111 1' ' 1 1 ' 11 " 11: ' Ir ," S : " 1 ;:: 1. 1111 4 1111 4 111 IL ' , tate umn• va lar- opply pnivATE SAILI• unclaimed ollorp. at ptivi,•e .nto real ...hit, 1 , 0 v. it. A LOT OF 61:01"ND, .Icontril Vlll.l, AI 114.4 , 11 d , ,,,, 1 . /1, 1 . 1J111•111 . 110: ONE ACIZE. Torti..P, OR I.l'.F.'S Th , t plant...l with 1 , 1!!'l I rnr.E , ',I III . 1•• Th,. roil V 1111•1....11 III.• tINF. AN 1 , 11.1LF \‘'1:1.1.1NI; 11()UnE.•=b). Nii t‘vo .t0r....11.g1t, I.IIC .•11.• '111.•Il . / . . 111 ,01 .11 OW • ItA I.i< VII 11, J It For 111. PRICE, flltscrllancutts R. I. Itooll SON 4." 4'o 1S11( er—,, . 3IINITARY. SOCIETY THEATRICAL GOIMS, PLAIT. 4. IL :s1 . 1:111S. 11.1.1)(11'. 1 , 1:T( NO. 1.31 NORTH THIRD sTu Em 111= B o E S CO)It'LETE \I ANT I • )1111. 11,4,1 SUPER-PIIOSPIIAT OF LIM I =I A P1:1: FECI' T I I,IZP I: 1 , 017 .1 LI. C1:01,.s tlveuttlit .or co , l a Row ito•I :al, Ipn 11141 ablvtl ,I I • •i•4111 . 1.k.'1'1'..\ 1,1 by 110..1 of niew inucliliwry. It al., .11 qtaality. WO/1 , 10.d • MonnfortPllng riot , Thlsmann, .... lin.ll II the eloinoli, .41 01 , 11 It.rtility n.. 11 Exponent'„ 11,1* Of 31 ,1 1.111'.• ..1 ..... 1111.0gil ••.,1.1L . •. • I°l , , DIXON, z, R CO., *0 S. DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILAD'A WILLIAM REYNOLD:, 105 ST., n.u.TimmtE, tar 1*,.1.16:•..i, IRON IN THE BLOOD. Ao s‘t , 14/), AN .11 P ' IRON On pr,rt-Ty ‘sz cyqr.r• ynnvne v•nwrPl , ...inre, and exp,ii,litew. ,V FlTtOyinr . Ihe 6:wd With Ot V1T,T.17.1 . 40 ACr.NT-1116N. Catifint..--11^ sn . c Vol rot T`,. , •r!rn Syrtp. I , INSMoItr.. 11 - 00 - mot No. rtt Pot. 5.“.. New Yroi.:. SO.l by genernll7. Ml=iii==ii EMESII= A Lk,: ry 1111: I , /1 lit r.ervi sr Ass II A W. ClllO tor otil NO•11.111.111..1., 10,11,4' by Self•Abii.e., 4 , l;lM:try N.' 31,0 • .•• 1 1 . 1., 1 &r.—liv Its , 11511 T .1. 1 i:1P.V1;1.1., M. 11. , Avorl4l ..n0v..111 . 11 Illltllo, 10 01 , 1 ,, 10,101, clew ly pl.ovo• 1r... 11, It 11,1 lt,Vlnl Intql.clut . , and ,r/111..itt att., . 01 , ..1.1• no, : latout out n u0. , 01t • ol cut.. ot 1 , 11c . ..0010M 1.1•11 .11. 110 matt, Ivllitt 1.1.10' 1, v I'llt , t'SA Srint uutler Ina 0.1111 1.•11,,011/ . . .. a, foao id or 010 0, 0 ,00,•. ,•: , • • dr••••••g. b.., Or. Colverw,•ll',... 31. k, range ' AtI•11,••••4 II I: I.! A 11.7 I{ i..“. I'. 0. U... I R. LEIGII'S IMITOVED HARI) 1;t" MI ER T1:1 ",,S Will retail, and Cure the J.:lei:lt itit t le • to thol•ltive. etiil The lighti,t ever Ell.t.t.e pll 1.11 , 114 , 1111.,i1,. t. , • IIY 1 . 2:01'1”..unt hex( thitir. It. Thitteentli t•tri et, l'hilittlelithht tut, which we supply both ready-made and to order. Prices uniformly low. .Gentlemen vi;itin2, New-York are re quested to call arid have their meas ures recorded upon our books. System of Self-Measurement, and other information promptly furnished Old Alleutown rhino .so. EA-T , when desired. th.• ...•1 matt 4 (MO Ch. Address Box 2256, New-York P. 0. THE LARGEST ASP ruE.4 PEST SPH:II' of China, Mao, nod (21rock,rwmre in 1,11.2n.....1 : DEVLIN & CO. ('ONCERTI, N AS belied 17:7 IP"Nt:'::ll.‘el'l'P," I, *IIIIIItIIIU I= Low Prices Taking. People by Storm III:TA 'LING AT WINILES I.r. I'lln r. 4. NOW IS THE TIME to kitty Cheap at the tow couttlie, N.tty tetailing at nut following lark , coat PLATES at 7.5 IY . • 2.1 BOW LS 10 MIMs 10 '1111111.f:1%S • 15 Ifleeta. FlnettifillETt,per der.. or 13 ee n, each 75reat LA311', 7.1 at ' tAt cent. Ever)' variety .011`1 , 11,V.0 1.111 1111111 010 Ako, Walter-, Loolt3og Coffee 31111 A, IlrittenAtvato And 'fable Callet Y. 1 ,,, 01 , • A great variety of 11...•lu1 arid fanry article- WU 911111 , 1,1% to bl . lolllling tan tlra•cla•A Chula Stare. All ::ma. set,. fie.. utmultl. Remember the pier, :$7 EA sT 11.0111.T0N STREET, smarty opputute the Gembtu lte• •formed Church. T. C. R EItNA II EN. (2EIRITGE METZGER AND CHAN X_A MILLER, WITH LEVI FENSTERMACIIER Corner Tenth and Hamilton Streets, .11.1.1.:NTO WS, PA. El= Peeler In Grain, Flour nod F' 4, Cloy,. 7 mot), hod Elex Seed, Early Sr rd Poltitoe, Fooly Early Seobeck, Flier I% lirniy, White Smoot. Etc. A FUI,h ASSOI - 17 ; JIENT OF PIW. VISIONS. QUEENSIVABH NOTloys. Lrhich C.nty Cider Vinegar by lire barrel or .huller rnmoolre• , A lacereek'of Liverpool Solt, 100. l .Tilnekrnel, In Quar ter end half wboleeelo and rroull• York 511110 Apples }nut received. roar Z•ly• K. JEANES, PHOTOGRAPHER, ALate of Phlledelphle : I hen taken the Or:limy. No; 11 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Formerlyoreepled by R. P. Letnerenx. where promne eon get FIRST-CI:ASS PICTI'II hA token el Rh:Aro:4A HE VW/N. A trial moll dot It 1W...1016.41W, every; nfj. CORR ONE! ("OMR A 1.f.! If yon trout Illaelegrephe. Col'irPde ' Pholo MillllllllrOw, types. Nelbuilutypes. Yerroyypes. ale. Give .1.. Is. trial. ..I:•JEAYES. . . ,nt. 'lncr./1;10r to S. Lanterns.' Mil Tho Real Excellence en , ' Ci,eacnets of our Cloth. Arlo ist:te on!, secret or o..r9reet xucce... Jll D E Mii FAL:, , W * , have made the GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET Numberless Garments, Endless yaricty, Choicost Selections, Goods to Wear Well, Standard Styles, latest Fashions. sly', r ti-fishing Goods 4'4 - .‘ II ,air rt tatt A DEBARMENT FOR BOYS' AND YOUMS' WEAR r:•. 4prrinlly Nvoll T.rppitred to New and Better Cutters, Improved System, Greater Dispatch, A Finer Line of' Goods than ever, School Cloth Sunday Clothes, Mn,J New Sty:es, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. =lll r 37. Tan, S. E. car. 6th & MLEKET SIS., P,ohr.clo g whole Woo: oo Oth from Morket to Moor. • ttioilitmkg E• • - •IV4V - .oi''• tst 4 j'l3 -11,0W I= THE ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY Jrczu cf a long cstablishcd end bucinc:z, enables ato th,:t makes this an no.l - .lnvent worthy 9f Importirm cur foreign goods direct, controllin3 many leading styles of American fabrics, employing the best artistic talent in the production of our goods, and "constant progress", our motto, we claim to lead the market in Hur4 o6s nEADY-MADE CLOTHING, of which we keep full linc3 of all crack:, for Men and Boys. CUSTOM WORK our products are unsurpassed for qual ity, workmanship and elegance. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS our stock is constantly large and sea sonable. We arc the sole manufac turers of the N EW SPRING GOODS FOR. P(7O CO ) PER & CONARD. .tutt 126. 12, nt• f. •I, t Trill, 51 W RILE POPLINS. POPLINS. PLAID 1,1'1,1N5., BLACK DRESS GOODS t;1,1,11 I , E,T 31..11 I~L:~C1: , 11.6,n4 CIIAPES, WIIITE GOODS, LINENS, &c. White Good, iiiorio• Lion:int I able Ditimi.k '40,1 do/on I.k 11.: id 011 to VII per dozen ilofor Towel, +1 2i/ to +l . ..OUper tluxun. lop pioro- nli lii Etonian Linonn. 1 . 0.0 All the 1V(')()1A1 .. ..N (?4)(11)S. Fulou Mon.., 410., Crorlll f or. real ts..rll. 7.50. iool worth +1 10. :mil 1+,4, 41 ill. worth +l'N. If +llll to +A 00. lu, liro+ n Coating, &c. (DOPER C CO:CARD, S. E. COR. !ITII & MARKET STS., PHILADELPHIA. I•rw N EW CEDARWARE STRE ' flee tindorsign• .1, for ninny yearn n cooper In Allentown. irettlti •—pectfully , nfetni the ett cent , et title city glint be line cpcurd u nen CEItAIt•WAHE SlttltE, ut NO. GO WEST 11.1.1111.T0N STREET, (Opposite Il l s llogenbors'e Hotel). where he bus constantly cos hood and for on le vuorsil wood - meld or Cedervessre, of every article eds dby boooelfeepers. The public Is , Inv 3.1 to call stud examine. Cloud goods and at reasons bias prices. W mar di • I s : Clothing mm. but all • ...v. Il t• ftl:ly 12,411111,i. ',TIN of• 'I 11,1, 0 , A. 1 thelr oll o..rk .41 rumba'. with a.nrp •upoli.a •. Out 11... y ti•sr •• I e,k•ry . Irt• =1 ty rot 'old In no -11.41 sO•t, 1,.„1 • -.11 m. 10. • f c..r. rill Om It I!1 ..... !!!!I tlot .r !1,1,11.••• ri.J nuttly • , •1! r "f ;D WINTER, OF 1969. ••• 111:,!cf••1 nt I,olv Ell LI , te1.1,1 , •11,1111l yt,sr. ATTENTION. MIZI=I MIME =teal MUNIEUSII ilrgat 'Yams V.VECll:l'4lOit'S .... NO'lr/('E /2.4 Is II lil:EI1V (i I WEN. th.“ lrtt rr. ti , t,tturnbtry lutv• log 'we.0,10 , 41 to tilo• 0,1,10 . •,g , 0 , 1 110. 8.411- Ii•IIA 011 T 1:tu• ot l'poftr 7.lllford tow ...lilt,. . t., ..ii.l.••tate, ern relitto+ted to make pa yment weeke It.. the date lwreur. nod ...itch 1,1 MO.' , 111111,1111.0 14 . i1l pn..rul 111..111 1, 41111101111Ci11...1 ror Ilt/UVIO l'• t. DICKESSIIIEI), Executor. It I t tt .-I-uvr Es'''-iTE OF 11. 1 1NN11,11 ItIIO.I,DS DI NSA RHOADS AND CATHARINE f:11 tIA It late of Whaehall tovru..ll,p. Loll.o‘ Cmuty, dueve.ll• N ,, 11. , 1 ,, liotthi gtvoit (het hitter., leßateuntAry have !won greuted to the under.oKued up to the alionie °A .10 ; all pernuns I.l,Wittg indebted to .laid eltutu rill ti 1•14.• pAyloeut ‘vrek• and havingviolin, will ;,.....111, duly for h..'" 1101111. With. the 111.,Vki ..)'. ; l , lCed Al,lliii p. Itll4lApi, uas r NOTICE. wher,•.. rieorm. I,.un county. by voluntary tloo.l d iuunmm 1.1 1...1 AlArcu 8, A. D. IS:0, convoyed to sulo.rrlbor all .lock, real, por..onal and Inc tin. Ill lued.tor, None. KiVnti In nil Kant 11e.11 . 0. 11. Dlttolloll to roako nnylilenl tin. VII in il nii 01.11111. to .nut Ili , ' .11111...1.115' 111.. .11,. = rilltlAL LIST FOR APRIL TERM, L isa C.munenth..4 VEINJSIAS. APRIL q. 070. 4'111,T NVLl''.l4'. I. Iron itml Wit( v.. IklvWon Lit,lavr. '2. E. 1/41•14441.11 'I. J. 11.04, 11. I , l.Lliervll v.. Dow dc u 4. 11 . ,•tv.t. Ittery . v... J. 41.9 i. E. Opval. , 4ln, v.. Reolwu ,EPttler. G Joh.. M. linho. & C... v.. 1;no. 7. Chart., Rooty v.. The Alleulown lnm. -rop,ay 9. Wu. Zotninertnatt 1t...,10t.n Eby.. Kul p. , vs. Phoon D. el,l owl %V 1 1 .... li.. Churl , . tan. v v.. John otllu et al., ~t eider ni the Ku.: 11. .loliti lit/tidier ye. Franklin liren dawn. • 12. F. .10.1 an .1: 114,11..4 vs. Ott 44 llowtnan. Itelllwo Elreo vs. Orstrge NllO a 31,.1, vs. Fr. Elorlck I.r,ululdt rrlr SECt/711) NV EVE' Com:nem:lug April 11. 1. Thom!, Lois, vs. E. Evan IL,lllsti. 2. StisHlom Ree•e owl Milaugli, sVels• vs. J.tvol, Shuman N. :smith N Hints:yr:yr vs. NeWllll V.I. 1. All•ut.ovta 14111:.mpauy vs Ed ,1 aril 11. Km.... V. S.llllO V dan & 7. Poorsou Clopvnier vi. Too:41. 11,11ters, Sono. , nun., y.. .11 4 . , 14. .1 v.. W. U. 1'ov,11 . & Sou. 11, Jon., tlongewero v.. Churn.. 14. .1.4t0 v.. Nit,/ owl Chart , — R. Kro, 14. I,4lPayelto Leult ot 11. ant. Yr.• nano.. & (4.0.p.05..11111,4 SE T.IIVII. 16. 'EI/onto. Thou.,. v. , . Timothy llonalon. 1: 11.1.1 . 5 . Ilavug v•. Alex:antler nod .I.lcol, le. v• Nounloyet llourod 1. , . 11. P. Jon, v•. Thorny.. lioru, Wn.. 11. T.l4lll:nau Ro.uhar.l c. Tho Thonmf Inn] Compuny. 21. Thom:.. 31..10m v.. Patrak and Michael Cunningham. 22. Jalt .1111.111ctliau v... The Thoinft. Iron Conwmuy. • Aimma‘vu Iran I'....pany v.. .1,1,,, and ...hors...l' Jan. Ilottina, Galcon Anat.,. v.. I,...,.Neuumyer and C0ur...1 5V wand Loin." ct 01. • ,anto v.. I.....rrinhmet al. 117. L. F. gelY v.. 11"orge 111. 'Leta. 23. Lev. 11.1". v•.,....e. 2. Jolin ciSrlomlt and Thomsen VA. ' W. 1 . 11:1,5• W. ii.llllll v.. 11anry 21111, nu.l Wm. Shall. 11. !Ivory )I,ller ..."1 yel."11 v.. (burl". • .1"11. 1) , .... Jr v.. Nathan A 1.(110'.... Monk, by I". next Irseu'd (I..orga v. 11.•• Tlllllll IV EEE. (%wataenring April 1,. 1. Solomon 111 i, and Son. v.. Jame, C 01... • It..rare Kolbe) v.. Willutto Nll.•rh and Wlro. a. Venn. 11.migholf, by hi. next fr...uft Rehm 5..1",;1 lira.... 4. Jame. McGinley and Wife v.. Edward McKinley. A. Eh ownan v.. L. •111.111111.1 1t• holm 0,111,1. 6. ,ftnonShuler vs Ilen)nmin liernert. san". v.. Will"uchlly I...rnert nod GernertB. VI, 11..ttnian V.. J do.. II Smith". C. Crier 11. Weaver v.. 1.)...rge Blank nod Owen Old. IV. Year (' Laniturcker. a...gure lu ImukrntwrY of (h . o. L. Itithe v.. IL J. F. De.lfler. 11. 11..nry Stott!, V.. Willlani 31.11. 12, Theodore Merkotler Andre.), LI. Churl. , 41. Autrltti v•. Henry 11. and Henry Iterwirk. 14. Wilburn F. Smith v.. John Web.", 31,goolena Selmauler vs. VSm.. (Longo and .Ip.. Stuart. 11.1. Adam I'. 51111." . nut Wile v.. 31.11, )).tunu null War.. 17, J.ohn It. 31arm, v.. A..thoily ITounu. IS. 3Villiatu 31.11er null W.b. v.. 111iller. El. Jolla 11.1.5 , 111 et v.. El, llollnian. • Joutia vv' Id VA. Anthony Damian. 21 J 14111,1 Kolb I Netchard and W It". V Hiegel 3( Bro. no. Jeaob J. l'eberrotlL a. Nathan flitter VA. Coady Locllr.dgo 0011 The Lehigh Crane Iron Company. 24. Moyer St 11, tier v.. 11...)11er A holly. 12/. Catt irk McGee v.. Edward Kommiller And John A. U,rkerman. 29. John Shilling. 27. 11. F. Atkin, 1.0 a 1 Lane 11. Ford v.. Wm. 11. }ire., 11.11 yC. Lougnecker, n..lgnee bankruptcy "I 61`0. I, 11,d,e v., IVIto. Kern nod Tilghman W. Kromer. 1 1, A. Sal lur v.. W. ,neoyer et al. C amtinn ,nyd..r, guardian of EIII . IIIIIIII. Iluthhnri, late Elletutna Kau., v.. Elwahath Snyder, iviolo‘v („.orge 31. J. L. At W. I. Huffman v.. Edwln Shaffer. a 32. I'm, Welkin, mdar..... or C. 11. Kramer, who wavln• 01 U. It Kranwr v, Tilghman W. Krautt.r and W. I'. C. Kramer. 33. .1, Ilentley Dube, Jr., 1)...1gne0 of the Lehigh Rolling 11.11 Comp. ry r.. Noble fErbicinat pli.Es OR 11E310ICILIROIIIDAL 11'(- 5101tS. INTERNAL amt . EXTERNAL. 81.151), 111.EEDI NO tts,l ITC II I NU, it.oot.voiY. Itetlet , tlY t.t.d Per• tn....t011' CURED without pulu, danger, tuulru nicu t, or Calik.C. by W. u. It.t'ANDI.I.:S3, M. D.. No.lot , l'lllNG ()ARDEN 19111,AICA. l'A.. Who rail y oVer Elf Ilitratlred ..r the hart Ithitodelpica. who h.tyr boo. rowed. A ptor.. two , •1.1. t• weerN 4114 xp , o•iertly itl d a...e iv 'hoot a fitiltito, 11 . 01 . 1,111, it con' D. till r0t..., b•ltti•ly TR9. 7ll "'s ALT N MART( ■GI EXTRA THE PURE, OEN VINE, FEU 1 • Ith.1•A 1(A rION, 01iv ,, ,,,•ret 11) .16.11. lloUr. or IlorGo. A TONG: BEVERAGE owl REGULATOR of the roGre A SUBiTITUTE FoR ALE, Din, Pori, AtroLolie Gro.k.. °revery deerOptool. A z•TIit.:NO'riILNER tor rho debliGeted. A REMEDY tor every ono. TARR.‘NT h CO., NEV YORK, =ll i i.) k. H. 1). I N(r A • I‘." E 11, ..f 'lto ~y l'ennsylvnu/a, lit Plitladel. ph.a. I. , •••11 • • :'•lrrart co• lot . tutinbet or yevis 11111=1!1:1111 111121/2 lII= ;:t• ttlt 11, !tit . .1••••1 or rettottilot•atltal; 11'11, 1•1110,111111111•11.1 silt. 1110-•• ,111111 WI/1 11.1 Itrt•tili down tt .tyttb•tti train n , l it lilt. •11-I.titat.l nu ,l ltat, a it Ina Ittatithy anti taa . tt•cttly ttoitt.l lIVSPEPSIA. mni .11 Laitg.t. Tarttatt 111111111 . • t.r. %vim]) )curl) cart, thauttalak to untittatly.g. vt, titi , loalittallY itttrvd• .M EL.\ NCIIOLY AI2EIII2AI'ION, dint unit wt.); m,•mind which iu mi. Ili.. Ail ;in., RIIECNIATISM AND PARALYSIS, In. my tom or condition. rhion, or mild, warrauteilror• E ,„,..".. -waver.,. nod or "dui, EIi:MALE hr SE:V.-E.; •priiilil) and milli:oily 1 , 1110,..1; 101,11, I•.l\en, i.douildigi over 41.•-r1ip11011011.10,1,111.111, ~.,a otiol rtired tli NO pay utviiu td private ve, y both Ludo , -utliiriou from till) . reitiplaiut loridenial to their nee. 011111. dig' doctor with 11.,111,11,...1 . 001ii i t. Cadiciiii 1u11,,!.e Tumid, of all kiwi , without the knit, or 111,. ;L;;; blood. of the EYE AND EAR, • 11 . 1110,11.. r rhargo muds. .111* - 11r. ~,,, gaiter w• 11 make vl+lo. nny ,I,bni.ce .1 (I‘ . • •ot.•.1; eau 1,14,11P. , - , 1 by 1....1(c0n11dt . ...11y)i11i1i 1111,1. lc. 0 ',lll I.l•.pei davental,./ any ptiltuf ,1 er1....: Li . , nob . of 4.x11: ptleet. hot wecu Ilattilltotinud Walutit /111,11,,,‘ n. Po. 111,r Di-1Y DR. 1%. A. HAS LEE 1;1'N zEUOIA)) 1 , IST oi the Womb I. a roloriniut 11,45114. orcupie,l much of toy blur 611 OW ioro four, yoors, ii id I lolvo mole It i11,:oolculo1 .111,11. k hal thin. l'ou•equeloly, I Atli 1:011V /11e1 . .1 dial it Illoold be lo,ttle a nporl,ll ',radio , iv I , e .Itece..fol lo.lll.tello.iog out' c e 1110 111,11,. ten Ve 1/I . ll . liVe , i Ii ...1111.11 1 , 1111 where lllunder II.)'tolooltoo I, oh the I•e. till' pytiti0 , ,0, , ,,10. on 1111,1 •.i. the Ilead, kick 11, , ,,,dar10, l'iOlltotion of ihe Hoek nod nod moo) mill Promote. .30100010. et .1 ed.ed Woo°, All C.,••• • GiV , llll,ld, my trvntmout I Will kitaronte.• to ADVICE.FREE I Rinil vivo vartioul,ir ntt•ntinn to RHEUMATISM, SUR ()IT. LA, AND FITS DR. \V. A. HASSLER G VX:ECOLOGISI NORTH SEVENTH SF NEAIt 11:111.1C SQUAItr. A LLENTow - N., PA BRADBURY'S , OTHIM PIANOS-, Ladle. eno hare any Ankle of over or under clothing tut aud Moll on Oulohed If deelavd, at short notice, and mod e:10) AND ['PICARD.. • crate pore.. at taltehlurt, quilting mud embrolderlag In Igor.. TAYLOR & FARLEY'S AND E. P. NEEDHAM & SON'S of .y de.larn promptly executed. The ORGANS AND MELODEONS. I TRIMMINGS DEPARTMENT . ISO AND UPWARDS. I Will he roooteolly PaPplled•tylth all the ooveltlee of the_ Itearou a• last ex they appear. Alen, &Rh a full Hue of staple good.. la the ZEPHYR DEPARTMENT. be found a fall amkortment of all sielertabi 'used le 1931. G. FISCHER, 1018 Aurtat."XeTir'ete%'474i et.. Dru Goobs Ii TEI t ESTING IZEM W I h' \ l 'IT M.\ )N (ERIN IO cOMMENCE HOIEKEEPING REPLENISHING. E.S.SH 1 MER & =EI Mammoth Store the vt , r lowt`atroa.ilde port , In forrespotid with the All we a-k I. it roll escutnino our stork, Whifh coloplato In every department. Our clerk ti are po.lte cud oblotiud, ulwitya ready nod wlllnug to chow 0001)F , 1.11 Jove itrirra. It Own rautaina fur you tojudan and Thot •••11:011so toloololoreseillstron to effect auto, It 1.. antitaly • Intitoa.ohlo to Ittlulfrate Mortifies, but wl!I oat. , anly it ft ,r Ilia :irtielos, witch ss N6S, Tic CH Er Rc • • rorr‘,N TABLE DI A VEIN, LIN EN "'MILE DI APERs, ToW ELS. DOILIES. • NAPKINS, BLANKETS rEATimus, ‘I A I;,EILLts LT,:, liIN LT Co3lll t;,CILTs, AND RCEENSWARE, itPETs AND OIL CLOTH, w N DOW SHA DE$, 1101.1..0; I=l DRESS (:( MDS, SHAWLS CASSIMERES, &c I=l s\1:1511-1►uW\ PRICES Cull botors totryhtit.ittg 01...tty10.r., tot tvo Klll itetarsttleto it to you( /111V1111,,` 'NTR Y PRODUCE .1 , 1 II EA I,l' CASH takon h. eXeltalig. for Good,. =9 E. S. Co., 5 AND 7 Wi;ST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA NI RS. GULDIN'S LADIES' TRIMMING STORE NO. 34 FAST HAMILTON STRP.ET A LLENTOWN, PA I tI y all of tho ntylf , god vartetie., for evvrythliat . iTutnnn Call put ou !fool of hoe bead to the rota of her foot: TRIMMINGi for bounots laud of cell pr, velvet nut] lu lot t, TIMIMINGS fov ..v.•13 thltitg to we, 0011 could Le thought of tuouthu hot e Oud DER tI A It3IEYI S. lIOSIEIt LoVEN, -Tito ti 1 , ,0N' t; r..FITTIM) COHtihTS, OK 1.1.1N(0 , . l'A 311*NLINS, oud u large variety Nl.ll.l'Llt I'ATI Efts,. ALL tOlopS Of"t IIE IlhuT qi AL IT 1".lool .ohl to Ao'11):‘ 101 l !NW.); LOW PRICES. VAN MARLIN EN ARRISON I= ExTuAoRDINARY BARGAINS. 'TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, DOYLIES, 'FABLE LINENS, TOWELS, TOWEL• I NOS, ETC., El C. Ell EN(' 11, BELG I.IN, BARNSLEY, COMB 010.1 iirmn SIIELTINU,und PILL() bl FELNeII AND IRISH LINENS lIIt 11111111. I.llil hell y taukom of un grudon for Feu et,.l /owl) . us.. EMIIIIO:DERED PIANO ANDTABLE COVERS BLANKE'IS, FLANNELS, QUILTS, - AND COUNTERPANES. VEG I RIG!!, NE II" AND ELEGANT LACE AND 7"11.VG II A3l I' II TAINS. IVINIM SG APES. ETC., ETV. YEW wri.Ts, PIQUES. BIIITH 600119,•ND EITAPLII EN1111;o11:EIMS OF NFIV AND BEM TIFI'I. bTILEII, 711 E I.AII.I•ST ASSoBTSIENT WE LATE. !NEL OFFER , . ; IFI I D El lICALEH, .Nt w uud Elrguw. Put tertls. .11.1.111 P. BEST MAKES OF noiktrFric MUSLIN:SAND SIIEETING4 111 WIIOI.EsAI.H PIIICI9. EITCIAL /VT TENTION IS iNvirr.i. To A NEW MAKE OP LEAVY MUSLIN, WHO'D FOB MANY PUHPOSEP IX T/1E PAM 11.1' WII.I. PE FOI ND VERT VALUABLE. MANI1P•11. TUIIED EXPICEsSLY FOB OUR TUADE. • • O. 1008 011ESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA TO THE lADIF.S. NOW OPEN, TER LA TDST NO VFI TIES IN LADIES' DRESS TR L jusos AAD PA PRE PA TTERLVS. ' MAXWELL'S, S. E. cor. Chestnut & 11tf► sts.. PHILADELPHIA Prisrlrid Ag.nry for E. BrrrEnvie & Co.'t Coltbratod J ote,. oi 6.r Ladle, Boy. • au.l.LutJo eltildroo. • Send for ratelonne nr ..ty tea and molted flee. Ti nuttedpattern- for nostril., and droanntakent. hulo•cripiltioa teetored for the Metropolitan. a monthly tnagarwe of fti.hion. 41 fa) l et Ul the Netropoli• tan and • Owe,. eta Report, rombiurd, C't CO Zr; Mt... with VI 00 worth al putt,. gratin to atiltweratera fort nth. W Worth to eubtertbere tot the 2detroportettn alone. Sample coplea or Llll.llllillr .rut by wall ou receipt of Of. I teen cent, • • . Au eit.y And perfect •y.trm of dre•••••culttug taught And chnrim for lu thy = CIZEI
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