iFittanclat. ALMNTOWN SAVINGS INSTI- Organtrat as "Dimes Sauing Institution," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., ' (XBARLY orroarrE THE A ' SlEttlCAll norm.,) PAYS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY ON DEPOSIT. : • This institution, tho oldest Saving Dunk in Eastern Pennsylvania, has bean In continuous and siccesscul openoon 'PYR t aT l o c : ' Mot conti'nue's ' n u e ' 'y to pay and X s p I CENT . I rates of Interest for shorter periods. i tet 1 . 11 deposito of money will ho held Strictly snuff- Executors, Administratora,Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and other custodian, of public or private money., aro of, feral liberal rates of interest. Farmer/. dforelionla, Laborer*, and all who have money to pat on interest fur a long or mien period will !Ina our Institution no agreeable and advantageous one In which to do business. Wu oepocially Invite t.•nic. to transact their banking busters, with us. MARRIED WOMEN and MI NORS have special privi leges granted by our charter—linving full power to trans .' business with us in their own onniee. Money deposited with this Institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by a Capital stock and sorplus money security of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLAItd, and in addition. the Board of Trustees have an required by the charter, given bonds under the supervision of the Court, In the num of FIFTY •THOUSAND DOLLARS, which bonds are regis tered Is and hold by the Court ot Common Pleas of this county for the security of depositors. Our Iron Vaults are of the most secure and extensive kind knowniu thin country, as a personal inspection will show, and to which wo invite our friends sad customers. We refer to thin. believing that safe Burglar Proof Vaults complete the safety and reliability of a good Saving Bunk. WILLIAM 11. AlNEY,Prosident. CHRISTIAN PRETE, Vice President. REUBEN STAHLER, Cashier.' Minim G. Macy, Chdettark Bretz, Jebel). Stlloo, F. E. Borneo's, Bouj. J. Ilugeribach, George Brobel, dainuel 8011, Nathan Polon jun 12-If INCREASE OF CAPITAL THE FIRST• NATIONAL BANK OF ALLENTOWN Paid up Capital, Authorized Capital, The Directors of thin Bank realizing the Increase of business in thu city and community an well no the contin ued demand and necesnit for inure Banking Capital, have resolved to Increase tho C apital Stock of this flank from 8150, OM to 1000,000 The aubscription books for this Increase aro now open at the Banking Bonne, and nil persona desiroue of securing stock aro invited to make application at once. The onbecriptions are to he paid In the following install mut.. •11: 10 per cent, on day of subeerlpt;on. 20 " 10th day _or Fobruary next. " " April next. 20 " " June next. For (lather Information apply at Bank lax Howie to T. 11. MO ER, Cashier. W. H. BLUMI:R. President. nor 17-t MACUNGIE SAVINGS BANK, between 7th nntl Rh Streets A LLEN TOIV.V, PA. fr i o d uTru y e t do k gr o 4 l 4t7l l , ' for "'A SIX PER CENT. INTEREST wit be ►nld, Deposits may bo withdrawn at I to. time. Persons do. almas of sontlinK money to any port of the United Staten or Catlndas, trill hove their ;natters promptly attended to, and without any risk on their part. bold. Silver. Coupons, Bonds ainl other se rules HALL, Pros s ig t.tr LICHTE N ALL:IL:LL D i t 1 e 'e r. BANKING HOUSE OF GOOD & RUHE WIEST DOOR WEST OF THE FIIIHT NATIONAL BARK ALLENTOIVN, PA In otdor to afford all persons 111/ opportunity (Impose Small their means) to deposit money in smeller amount than what are now received by tho various Depoultorle of Wit city, we hero coucludiel to ==l lII= and allow tolerant for the Caine at the rate of slit per cont. per annum. intermit to be calculated from the fintt and Of toroth dityn of earl; month, sole...meet to midi deposit. Interest will be made op lots all Depuelne remaining with as, half yearly, to wit •. On the first days of April and October, and will ho paid to depokitorn on those days ; if tot drawn they will go to their credit roil he compounded. No Inetrest trill be calculated on fractionalparte of dol lar. No lean amount than Five Dollars can withdrawn unless It bo to clew an account. Every Deponitor will be tarnished with a Deposit Book coutaining the conditiona upon which the Depunits aro received, anal no money will he received unless the book he presented and an entry made at the time of making the de roof;. some over the necessary expenses of Individuate nod families that are liable to be wonted or needlesnly expended. may, If deposited, produce In time amounts that will surprise any one who ban given op heed to the cubical. A depoalt of $l.OO per week, continued - one year will amount to 452 911; two yearn 4108 61 .• three yearn 4166 M ; four years el% ; five years 4r202 tO, and ten years *66806. It commends Itself an n cafe, couvenient and profitable depository to Executors, Adruinintratore. As• signers. Collector/4 Agents, and all Public Officers, whether for thomnelven or their trent funds, to voluntary Societies or Annociations, rind Indeed to all chose,/ of our Rouw . lng that a perfect souse of . ..curler to Depositor In neconeery to the attainment of success in this enterprise we have In addition to our own individual responsibility (which le nut the fact In Incorporated Savings Banks) ex seated and delivered to Charles W. Cooper, Cashier of Al lentown National ( .litukoind Tilghman Moyer, Castile of let National Bank, a Bond of indemnity (with upprov security) In the unto of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars o be held by them In trust fir the 43,4,10 security of uu immature. Thin fact will place us fully equal lot ry garde to eafely of depositors) to any Depository iu thl city. • We buy. sell and exchange all Issues of Governmen Rends, execute orders for the purchase and sale4l trot clans eecuritles, and negotiate hums on Real I OR small commissions • .. • Advances made to our dealers at all limes on approved eollaterals at market rates of Interest. , TIL. 11. EDWARD Erna. Angll.6ml KUTZTOIVN SAVINGS BANK, (Organized uuder State Charter lu 1SO:).) MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT, and 6per cont. it tired will be allowed. For shorter periods special rut. will be paid. Also, money loaned out on FAVORABLE TERM& Bald Bank Is located la tho Keystone House, in the borough ot Kutztown. Joll Y Lb. Ft OEL Preidd int EDWARD llorrrxxrßlN,)l. ii. Cnhhkr. F. J. Slough M. D., .J. D. Wanner, Eng., Da•ld Eisler. 11. H. Schwartz, Eng W. E. Fogel, Daniel Chiller ID J. Msgr. Jon. Mlller myittr John H. Fogel, Esq. faiscrllancotts. CANDY AND FICCIT. GEO. W JENKINS, Succrooor to RUBICAN St SELLERS, I= SUGAR; MOLASSES AND COCOANUT CANDY, cm= FRUITS, NUTS, FIRE WORKS, DM CHRISTMAS GOODS 161 NORTII THIRD STREET, PHILADELPIIIA CEO $lO,OOO GUARANTEE. BUCK , LEA D Harrill all utbur • LEAL/ 4 Ist. For Ito Partook,' \ %Ito 00. • 2d. Fur Ito Unequaled I )1111y, 3d. Fur Ito Unourpahord vorinir Pr o p er ty. Le.otly fur Ile Ecutionty. • AfirlT COHTS LESS to but Brric L5OO thin en other White Lead extant. T he saran weight corers MOIL S SURFACE, le worn DURABLE, and !nuke. WHITER WORE. DUCK LEAD f.! the cheapest anti best $lO,OOO GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC ExY.7.4te"Lhr • lat. For Its rumtutled DorabllitY. 24. For lt.• Curly*led Witßamat*, 9d. Fur It. 1 1 1.1l11.1”.•011 Coverlug Property. Lutly a • fig. i . t ;Ejit " Ll E :rdi n liaif EST, ..a most DURA t e arialteTalut lu the world. BUY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. g s tidaction guaranteed by the Manufacturer.; BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, traTdo!,Xproselr fo: o ru t l i lloVNl . T E /elks. DUI I. WIVE D1FF712 0 614 e 60L P01 4 1 , Du;sl;le:ChO . sp, 7 d i ul i f t ull end &mutlfnl .11ad.. - Mol ' 0 ttrxtr, d ,t: be p i rl d pilVoleCdted by tlte mac (ultimo. ENCII, RICHARDS & CO., OR. TENTH & MARKET STB., US PHILADELPIIIA • • • gar the Labies. LOOK I Liioek:!• Loolvt - 1 , 3 AT FOSTER'S NFW YORK STORE TILE BEST MACIILVES LV TIIE WORLD! GRO &. BAKER'S IMPROVED lIRSHEST PREMIUM SEWING MACHINE. Awarded the libthest premium. 'The Crap,y of the Le gion of Honor.' lit the feria Exposition. MACHINE NEEDLES, TIME.% D• nod SILK 'TWIST cnnatantly on hood. Thu people of Allentown and vicinity aro cordially Invited to tall at our salesroom. Remember the plare, opposite the German Reformed Church. N, B ibstrnetionn given to any penman pnrchas log illacitines. All Machines warranted to give nutisfaction. S. M. KEIPER, Agent, doe in Nu. 19 East Hamilton St.. Allentown. Pa.. FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. MRS. M. A. BINDER has jont arrived from Paris and London With the latest tbetigus, pot...molly selected from the greatest novolt.es -Mao, the most elegaut Trimmings to Ito securedin Paris. LACES, RIBBONS, VELVEFS , BRIDAL VEILS , FLOW ERS, FINE JEWELRY, and TRIMMED PAPER PATTERNS. DRESS and CLOAK MAKING. Exclusive allow. for Mrs. M. Work's celebrated system for rotting ladles' droner... ancques,bontiner etc. N. W. Cur. ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Stn., Phila. ecp'22-Gm TILE CIIEAPEST AND MOST. ME LIABLE TRUSS STORE In the city. W. J. EVERETT, 50 Nonni - SEVENTH' STREET, Below Arch, Philadelphia, rile MeClerinchun . .) Tripisem, Female Supporters, I races, El.tle Belt., Stock ing, Lowest prices. I'oi :cot udjustirients. Lady at tendants june2U-ly 0150,000. $500,000. NORTH PEN Nll - 1.-ar it VANII,HAILIWAII. I= Pagengern for Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley R. R. tritia panning Allentown at 000 a. 111., 11.45 u. in. and 5 50 p. ro., and nrrlvo In Plillndelphilt nt it n. In.; 2 15 p. to. and Sa p. 111.. ultu Lehigh and 21.111“111011{111111 Railroad trnln at 2 10 p. tn. and arrive In Philadelphia at 4 40 p. to. PasengorB fur Doylentown tuko trains leaving Roth !Oleos at 0 Si a. 111. and 2 21 p. In. LOCAL SCHEDULE. (Four Through Tralnn Daily, Bundayn Excepted.] Pannenger truing leave the depot, Northwest corner Perks and Americau strooln, Philadolphla, For Allentown nt 500 and it 45 a. in.. and 1 45 and 5 p. m. •• Doylestowr al 8 4.: 0..,m 4 4.1 and 4IS P. m. • • • Fort Wallington at 7 XI, 10 4.1 a. m., and 11 30 p. at. Abington at 1 15, 5 20 and S p. • ' Lansdale at 6DI pro. Trains for Plllladolphla.. Longo Pratteltem nt 0 20 n. m., 12 10, 2 25 and 0 10p. m lloyle..town nt 0 30 rt. m., 2 43 and 5 CZ 8. tn. • • Mtn/111100 la 0 10 A m " Fort Wit•tiiington itt A 31. 9.45 n, tn. and 2208, m " Abington nt 2 03, dlO and 8 Sip. tn. Leave Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 CO p. m. Poyle,town 7 00 a. at. I.raveli.lphla for Bothlottoto at It 30 n. rt. for Doyle*town nt 2 t p. rn. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia. 8 I 1 sr, ELLS CLARK. Agent ATASIAUQUA AND On and after NOVEMBER 1.5. ISO 3, Passenger (ruins o• the Catasattqua .44 Funelsvillo Railroad WIII run In connoe Wm with the Leltlgh Valley Railroad and East Peon. Rail road, as follows SEM 2 . 700 15(3 CATASAUQUA 2.1:1 7,1 v •SEI l' LES. . 2.19 J 7.01 •JORDAN BRIDGE. 2.24 7.10, 2:51 : 7:15' NV A I.I3ER,T'S. 2.11 P ; 7.23. CHAMAN'S. .2.5.. 7.97 TREXI.ERTOWN 157 1 I Biz El s iGsvi LLg. 3 17 , FA RMINGTON. 4.01 ! 7.3 , 1 •SrItINU CREEK. COI I 7.35 A I...IIURTIS. =MMME The tunrolag train west le.!, Cotannuqua on the arrival of the 1.. V. 11. IL Local Passenger train from Easton. Itethlohera, and Allentown • and connects at Ai-Bards with a wain on On Eaat Penalty' anla R. It. for }trading, Pottsville llorrisloirir and Philadelphia. nod also with a trait for Allentown, Ilethlohem, Enntou and Now York. The morning MIR Eastcattnertn al Al-Bulls with train on It. from Harrisburg. flooding and Allen• tow ti 31111113 Catns;ualunwith train en Om Lohigh Valley Railroad for Manrli Chunk. Wilkes-Barre, ncrauten, Philadelylbla and New York. • The 200 P. It. train WP4i connects at Alzflurlia with a tiniu ,o, tine East Penn. Railroad for Heading, Puttsvillo, kbura, AIII.IIiOWII, Ilethiellenl. Eastl/11. and Now York. 'l'lll. Evening train Ita , t leaver Al-Burtir on the arriva al a train from Allentown and of a train making connec 11.11 IN at Rending with train+ from Philadelphia, Harris hug, Pottsville, Ac., and connects with local twirling° train n the L. V. It. It. at Cato...mitt& for Allentown B a ethlehem and Elston. Perham. wl.lling to go to Allentoitlii ran take the morn Inn Irani West to AI-Borth, arrive at10,1,18:50a and return by • train an the Knit Pennsylvania R. N. leaving Allem°u n at I'. M. C. W. CHAPMAN, Dee3.lll hurt. and Engineer. READING ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, DECE'ADER 27, 1809. Great Trunk Lino from the North and North• West fo Philadelphia, Now lurk. Itoudiug t Pottsville, Tamaqua Ashland. Shamokin. Lebanon. Allentown. Easton. LIM rata, Lilts. Lancaster. Colunilda. &c: Train., leave Harrisburg far New York as follows . ) at 5.35, 8.10 a. no., 12.20 111•011. and 2.05 p. m. , connecting with' nioniloor trains on Pennsylvania Railroad,and arriving at New York at 12.15 noon, 3.410. II 50 and 10.01 p. no. renpect• inclY• S. IcePlng Cars accompauy thin 5.35 a. no. and 12.1)) noon train n without change. licturning.• learn Ntor York at 0.00 m.. 12.(21n00n and 5.00 p. Philadelphia at fi.ls a. to. and 3.30 P. no. • Sleep log Cars toccompany the o.ou R. no. and 5.00 p. m. train. from Now York without change, Loon. liarrihburg fur Reading, Pottogille. Tamaqua, Ashland. Shamokin. Pine Grove, Alleutowu and Phlhodelphiaat 8.10 a. to.. 2.11 and 4 Itlp. no.. stun ning rot Lebanon toad principal way station, tho 4.10p.m. train court...cling for Philadelphia. Palmitin mod•Colum• bin only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Sunoneltuumt Railroad !epic, Barrie -I"Wa'yt 3 Pitre s toTo:r Tio.lll Maven Philadelphia at 7.30 a on, connecting with 01111110 r train un East Penna. Railroad. re turning from Reading at 0.35 p in. ',topping at all gtatiaa, LPon 0 PORN ilAe at 5. 32 and 000 a no anal 45 p no. Ile., don at s.lgt ru, Shatnoklu tot '5.40 loud 10.40 a no, Ashltond ut 7.05 a on and 12.3 n noun, yam,. at cm a m a „ d „ in fo a l ' hodoito and New York. Lon , Pottorllle via Selinyiklll alai Sosqueliatina rug at 8.15 a m for Harrisburg. and 11.83 m tar Plat, grove toad 'Fremont, Reading Accotntividation Train . leaven Potinvllle al 5.40 am. panne. Reading at 7.30 a on, arriving at Philadelphia ut 10.11 a on. Returning. leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 p tn. paroling Reading at 7.401' t harriv lug at 1 utinvlllo at 0.30. PottodowlPAccommodation 'Frain leaven Pothdown al 6.45 a no, returning, learn. Philailolphito at 4,43 tn. Columbia liallYoad Tralga leave Reading at 7.1 p 5 a m and 7.15 p to, fur kpbrata,,L,ltia. L.anooater, Columbia, Arc. Perklumen Kallroau trail. leave crrk yonen juurtion at 5.00 no. 9.00 and 5.30 p out rotara okra 1,10hWOak•• If 1110 at teo.l a rn, 12.4510001,11101 4.15 p 10. comment:lg with aluoil tor truing on 'leading Railroad. COlehrookthole Railroad tritiumleave Pottstown at 11.40 in to and 0.10 p no, returning 101010 Mount al 7.0 J and 11.)B a to, connecting with ninollar truing on Heading 11.11. Chanter Valley Railroad Truing leave Bridgeport al 8.30 am and 2.05 und 5.02 p no. returning, leave Downingoun at 6.30 a m, 12.45 noun and 5.15 P m, 0011 .0anag With Mr trains on Reading Railroad. tin Sundays; leave Now York at 5.01 p m, Philadelphia •t B. lOu 111 moil 3.15 p on (the Sari. too train running only to Reading). learn Pottsville at 8.00 n m, liarrisharg at 6. 821 ito mod 4.10 p to. nod Reading ut 7.15 a m and 10.05 p a for itorrkliiita. at 7.21 n no for Now York, and at 9.40 a m mud 4 25 p m tar Ploiladellthia. Commutation. Mileage, Season. School and Exeuntlo Tickets, to nod from nit points, at reduced rates. . • Puggngo checked through; WU pounds nlhmed ear Passenger. di A. NICOMS, Jan hip • Centrist Superintendent. CONSHOHOCKEN BOILER COIL WORKS JOAN WOOD, JR., TUBE, FLUE AND CYLINDER BOILERS, BATH. AND STEAM CIRCULATING BOILERS All kinds of Wrought Iron Cells, 'Niers for Mast Fur nace, Uasonteterm, Smoke Stacks, Blast l'lnes,lran Wheel barrowi, and overythlng In the Boller and blieet Iron line, Also, all Undo of Iron nut Steel Forglngo and Blackonilth work, Illness' Tools of all kinds, ouch ne Whew Buckets, Pirko, Drills, Mallets, Sledges, Ste. Having a Stearn Hammer and set of tools of all kinds. and skilled workmen, I Satter tuysolf that I can turn out work with promptness and dispatch , all of which will be warranted to be Prot-class. • . . Patching Boller.. and repairing generally. strictly at banded to. aptl.l. ACCOhDEONS. CONCERTI be bad j ar 0 4 . ntags .ll :Nolt E K r al t ritalli 14. • • THE LEHIGH t.REGISTER; 'ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 18 itailroabz. = ffaiMM EMI= IA M. P.M . In 15: 6.39 10 CO 6.31 10.00' 8.24 .15 1 r..x+ 0.201 6.111 9.1111 0.00 0.261 9.58 9.14 9.06 " 331 f R.'156.18 8.301 6.., itierbanio I=l DR. W. .E. BARNES & SON, I) Rd TT G- G- S • NO. 14 EAST HAMILTON ST ALLENTOWN, PA. • The attention of the citizens of Allentown and Lehigh county In respectfully In•lted to this estoblishment. Even , thing usually kept Ina dret•class Drug Store will be foetid for vile here, at the lowest palace. Our stook le large and well selected, cousieting of P CMS DRUGS and MEDICINES, IHIEHICA LS, DYE STUFFS, A LPOIIOI,, PURE 1171 ES and LIQUORS FOE MEDICINAL USE, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSHES, FelNVliind TOILET ARTICLES. PATENT MEDICINES, HAIR RESTORATIVES LINIMENTS, &c., of all kinds. Constantly on hind a largo Klock of Soda ash, Potash and Concentrated Lye for soap mailing. Washing Soda, Baking Soda, Cream Tartar, Pore Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves and Spices of all kinds, Coal Oi , bperm, Lard and Lubricating Oils for machinery, and a thousand nod one other articles which rascal be enumerated here. We have the !Breast line of Trusses, Supporters and Shoulder Braces is the city. • These goods are applied by an expert. enced physician; consequently a perfect fit is guaranteed. Paints. V aints. 011 s, arnishes (gins hand Putty. fainters and builders are Invited to our Mora before making their purchase.. Wo keep a full line of paints, etc., of the best quality at prices as low as the lowest. TEAS! TEAS ! —We have the agency for the Brent United Stales Ten Company of NOW York, and non selling the choicest grades of Teas nt about half the price charged by other dealers, for an Inferior quality. Try It and be con. •Inced. Phyelcians and Country Merchants supplied at the lowest market prices. We intend hereafter to pity par ticular attention to the Wholesale Breech of the business. Dealers will find It to tiodr interest In give us a trial order as we fool confident wo will be able to give satisfaction both In quality nod price. Orders by mall promptly attended to. Quotation. for specified quantities furnished on application. ' Respectfully, apr 29.1 y W. E. BARNES & SON. 131R,"1..51-1:11R,=1 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, PITTSFIELD, MASS INCORPORATED 1851 BENJ. CHICKERING, Secretary Dividends Paid Annually, on the Contribution Plan, from 29 to 70 An Annual Payment Life Policy is NOT FORFEITED by failure to pay Premium when due, but is continued In force under the Massachusetts Law of April, 1861 One Annual Payment will continue the Polley in force 2 years and 3 days Two " Payments " " cc " ,‘ 4 " "12 " Three " 0 It 0 0 0 It 7 o 027 o The BERKAI the FIRST COMPANY in the United States to make ALL of its policies NON-FORFEITABLE ASSETS ANNUAL INCOME All Endowment and Limited Payment Life Policies are entitled to a " PAID-UP NON-FORFEIT ABLE POLICY," after One Annual Premium has been paid PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, W. H. YODER. Agent for Lehigh and Northampton Counties, Allentown 10112 (500b0 A. J. lANDER, JR., NO. 1302 CRESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPTITA. DAS OPENED HIS NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Such as all um otyles ...: EMBROIDERIES, TOWEL-BACKS, FOOT RESTS, ca. Ako, atoll Hue of lIANDSOME PAPER PATTERNS, WORSTED, SILK, CHENILLE AND BEADS DRAWING ON CANVAS, MONOGRAMS, ETC., Dune to order. Alen, Br►ncb Hons.., 100 FULTON AVENUE, dl-3m BROOKLYN,. NEW YORK 1.870. COTTONS, LINENS, dco. • We have °petted the new year with a great display of the. aud other goods, at prices that will please o l d ax• toulsh. BEST SHIRTINGS. DAVOL, WA MSUTTA, FORRESTDALR, WILLIAMSVILLE, NEW YORK MILLS, etc WIDE SHEETiNGS UTICA I'EOUt , T IitIOUENOT, PEPPERELL, ANDROSCOOOIN. etc REAL BARNSLEY TABLE DAMASKS, POWER•LOOM TABLKLINENS. MO Doz. Napltlon S 1 VS dot. to $9 OIL MI Dos. Towels, $1 Milo, to to W. • Disokets, Quilts Tublo Covers, &c. BLACK GOODS. BLACK POPLINS. MERINOES, DELAINES, BLACK ALPACAS, AlollAlltel, CRAPES. BLACK KID OLoVES, CRAPE WRILS,COLLAB.S. Are BLACK THIEIBT SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. 4000 Yards BLACK SILKS,.FD eta. to $5 OU. COOPER & CONARD. S. E. COR. 9TH & MARKET STS., . nov.3 PHILADELPHIA. yep Z.l y 212 NORTH EIGHTH ST.. PHILADELPHIA Laces, Embroideries, White Goode and ilandkerchlefe. NEW GOODS at the LOWEST CASH PRICES t ! PLAID, PLAIN and STRIPED NAINS'JORS. • • • " SWISS. EXTRA WIDE FRENCH MUSLIN, 10.50 cent, lIARD sod SOFT FINISHE .., S;AMiIIUCS. . FRENCH ORGANDIES AND NAINP.OOKS. PIQUES, SHIRRED AND PUFFED MUSLIMS. - REAL ANN IMITATION VALENCIA THREAD. GUIPURE. IN. CROCHET LACES, at I, 2, S. 3,,,, 4 cent, Ac. REGISTERED AND IS Eel EROI DENY. COT ENTRE, SAN DINGII All fled utter lIUFFLINON. HAMNORO EDOINOS AND INB.F,IITINGS In groat •It- VI flies. A'lt d o t rartitgillY. WAISTS from N.Y. Auction. •• ROUES . A Specialty In NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS AND CURTAIN LACE, A full lino of CHOICE TIDIES. LADIES',GENTS' AND ITLDREN'S HANDKER CHIEFS, CLI.AIIS AND CUP ,___ Particniar attontion paid to I PANTS' WEAR. LENLAISTRE & ROSS, npliE GREAT CA.VNE OF lIUMAN :41.181111Y .7usf Pub/fetid fit a Sealed Snoelope. Price 0 do. A LSCTOILE olr MI NATCIO , Tp.IIII4IIOT AOD RADICAL cars of Seminal Weakoetw, or livrroatorrhom, indored by Self-Abusa. lnrolunttaarryy lindsitione. Impotency, Ner vous Debility. and Impedrinenta to Marring,J gen e rally I l ' a c Tit= l ;..lo. E —T3 l ;3taltrit& e dU IMINTI. h xr. g r autnor of toe " Organ Boo t h.; fi:. ci . grl7;ilitrrrZint " ii a 'ex pe U tt l i:n s e d elli r g d ib e e :strui common . may De egr renialreta Wit medicine. and witliout dangerous egraical opera tions. bonnie., Inetruments, rings or co rdials. wi tlah out a mod• of curs at ono. cattalo and ethwtual. by witich ev sufferer. no matter what hie condition may be,.May mi ry? reiself cheaply, pri•ately and radical yi ANC TUBE WILL PROVY 4 1109 N TO TUOUSANDin AND THOUSANDII. • • • bent under nee'. in a Phan reprelope, to any adsteese,. oiriecelpt of elk cents, or two postage •tarops. 10 ad dreaaing the publishers, vr. Culverwel,Pa ''lterrlage ' . _pricolfiete. Addrees the Puhare. AJ. 0. KUNZ 6.00, Jr n 47 I V Bowen', Newt ork. P. 0. Bop 4..68k. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A FULL. LINE OF ALL THE POPULAR T. F. PLUNKETT, President JACOB L. GREENE, Asst-Sec'y Per cent EXAMPLE AT AGE 85 329 WALNUT STREET MILLIKEN'S, 1128 CHESTNUT ST., • PHILADELPHIA. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS LARGEST LINEN STOCK IN THE CITY• OUR OWN IMPORTATIONS PRICES GREATLY REDUCED ! BEST 1111511 LINENS, TABLE LINENS ht. the Yard, TABLE CLOTHS, all elzes NAPKINS AND DOYLIES, TOW SLINGS all kinds, LINEN SIIEETINOS every width, PILLOW CASINOS, Ladles' au,l.oents' Linen Ilaudkerehlefo, LillAU Lawn French Cat:o3l . lex, Nursery Diapers, dm, Arc. MILLIKEN'S SHIRT BOSOMS Blstikels forerlbs, Slagle Beds, Double and Erin" Site •Botel Blankets, dm You Burg of BALLARDVILLE, GILBERTS. SIIAKER WhLSII, SAXON Y. SILK WASP. As. • • DOMESTIC MUSLINS; • COTTON MEETINGS, WHITE GOODS, PIANO, lIELODEON AND TABL;OOVISI2I4. Orders from the country carefully attended to, and sae pies sent by mall when desired.. oct 6-'0) GEORGE MILLIKEN, = W . J. EVERETT'S NEW PATENT SCAPULAR /MOULDER BRACE AND STRAP SUPPORTER. No tan We under the arm. Perfectly comfortaLle, sea tomitally made, and highly beneliclal. 60 North 81„ helm, At 'Ch. Philadelphia. Tr ..... , Supporter., Elastic stteadant &ashlars , Crutches, he., lowest prices to the city. Lady . , 15 B, Charter Perpetual EVERY POLICY le sucd by this Company since April A. D. 1801, is NON-FORFEITABLE, and so expressed in the OEM $1,250,000 500,000 W. H. GRAVES, General Agent and Attorney for Penult LINENS AND BOOT bl/11Cloi OF BLANKETS FLANNELS Prices kept down to the towed point LINEN. IMPORTER, 1128 CHESTNUT STREET, BEANCII STORE. I ARCU STREET. =! fatbicinaL DIR.. HUTCHINSON'S VEGETABLE WORM DISTROYER la the beat Worm Medielno for removing tho mall neat worms from children, without making tho child nick, as Other Wirrlllllll,liClllo , l att. It gill M. remove tho Wipe worm and the atotnach worm. • • =0 NO MEDICINE TO BE GIVEN A ETER IT. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. I=l Be ',lire ..t! St, you grl Or. Ilutr VegMabln W•irm I/.•Ntroyer. Sun that rash box In wrautu'd In it Yel losr ttrappor. If your drugukt *liuuld HO, have It ask him to got It fur yon. • JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY Iln (lel OW, SEND FOR CIRCULARS 0 00.1 4 r TS IRAN. 4,44: S TO , e 0 tok NEVeI°R; NO r $9l Bg° t ' l3 " l St. • EARTH C 1 pHILADELpHiN s 3 AIARKET 4435274)Q *P 19 EIDOSATNETT SEMI A Tine:lure of rare healing herbs, sold in bottles only, at $l. or $5 per Doe. Sent to any ad dress on receipt of mon e y , and guaranteed, po p' ~i 4 s~~ .s,9s''''' r A Genuine Family Medi. , ein° prepared for the Cure e r Dysp e psia, Biliousness, Colic, Feuer en Aguo..So. hen. couroges Digestion. cures Heart. burn, purifies the Blood, & regulates the Liver. Sno Circular. Sold by Trunnion. "'BS.READ'S iitEF 25cents invested Inn Box or IM MENIAL OINT. MENT tor Cuts. Borns, Sores Eruptions. nc., will never bo regretted. Eold by Druggists. 001' 8 —ly 1 - 3114ENIS PECTORAL CURES CODA II ! PIICENI X PECTORAL CURES cowl IT ! PiIIESI X PECTORAL CURES COUUR 25 ' - . $1 ' ' Celitl4. The Phamix Pectoral will curs the lIINORROA of the THROAT AND LUXOR, 1 , 1101 RR Colds, Cough, Crontb Asth ma, Bronchitis, Catarrh. So: e Throat, lioarsenesn, NV hoep• lug Cough mod PULMONARY CON+CMPTION. This medicine is prepared Loy fir Levi Mediu!trey of Philadelphia, and formerly of Plpunix vine, Pa., and ;ilthough has only boom offered for five yearn, more than one million bottle. have already been sold, and the demand for It In incroan lug every day. litany of the Retail Druggintx buy it In lota of live gross, and not a few of the Country ne Storekeep ers try one gross at a Bone. Nearly every owho han ever sold it testifies to Its popularity, and nearly all who have used It, bear testimony to its wonderful Power In curing Cough. We are confident tloott there In 1111 known medicine of such great value to the community as the Plusuls Pectoral. • . , It hits cured Caller of tlin most painful and distressing cough, ut yeurn standing. It hits giveu lontuut roller in spells of coughing. It has Instantly stopped the paroxy.m of Whooping Cough and greatly slinrioned Its duration. It luis cured Croup In u few lithium, Coto,umtion Inv. been cured by It. wluero oilier rem• tidies had fouled to do good. MaktillEintal! . . Malty l'hytactuuh re...snouted It, and others tiny It themselves and utlinluister It Ii their practice,whlle ethers "Ft9rreLbr'Lleuul lt ttao k :usrur7qUeir i ",' l arri l t'llo i fur further pantie ulers would refer puts to the circular unmet! the bottle where you willfind numerous certificates glveu by persons who have used it. . . • It is nu pleasant to the taste that children cry far it. ' Io Ix a stimulating expectorant, giving strength st the entree time that it alley!, the rough. The proprietor of tins medtciuu has so much confidence in Its curative powers from the testimony of thousaudn who have used It that the money will ho refunded to nay purchaser who is not nittiKlied with its results. It Is no (dump that all can buy it. It Pr ln c pr M eparie leents ed ,o nl ar y Lgely 'lattice, i LEVI OBERHOLTZEII. M. D., W1101..1.1; 1,61 . 11111 NT, No. 119 North Third Si., Phihora N. 11.-1 f your nearest Druggist or Storekeeper does not have this medicine twit him to get it for you, end do not let him put you :At with Some other preparation becoLISSI he makes tuoro mo, on but go or soma et mit, to POIIII3 store where you 'MOW it in kept,or send to Dr. Ober holm, Suld by L. Schmidt &C. , Dr. Wm. Borneo & Sow, J. D. Moser, Lowell & Druggists, Allentown, J. S. Cotosonquo,:indueerly ovary druggist and More keeper in Lehigh CottutY• deo I-tim Boot itaaitcro. 4 R E m E IL . YOUNG & LENTZ'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • BOOT AND SHOE STORE HAS BEEN REMOVES TO THE S. W.Corracr of HAMILTON awl SIXTH S '/55'., NOS. 38 AND 10, where they are now prepared to receive th4l,Patr.4. The - WHOLESALE DEPARTMEN T 111111 . 110e00 TIIK . LARGEST STOCK OP (MODS IN THIS VICINITY, A great rtunntlty of tho work Lying of their own make and the (above front the hoot martufaeturere In the COIWItry. THE'RETAIL DEPARTMENT will ho condoetod no heretofore. june 30-'0 au2s-1 7 K 932,7,"L,!L „uIiT!LtSI7:I. 1 tEo Ch l !t ri ce F r o 41.1 Cigars by the box. Monitor Navy, and Jun. & Son's Tobacco always on band nt low rate,. Meerschaum Pipes, Briar, French, and other styles 1 . 1111 ho had hone no suit customers, either wholesale or mall. JOHN LEES, ale and retail Jobbing house and /Manufacturer of Cigars 932 MAREET,St. novl7. tf jar tic Sarnia For Puro Water, this celebrated Pot entirely tasteless, durable and rella• toe: clout to the Rood old-fathloooi wooden Pomp, at octet less than hat money Dully art eo as to be non-f and in onnetruetic that any one can keep It In repair. E1i31103 PACIFIC GUANO CO CAPITAL, 51,000,000 JOHN S. REESE & CO GENERAL AGENTS, 122 SOUTIL DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA 10 SOUTH STREET, BALTIMORE SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. No FERTILIZER INTRODI D CED TO THE VAR/SERE Or THE MIDDLE AND POUTIIIIIIN STATED HAD oIVEN MORE CIENER•L ADD crEIkoituDATIDVACTIoN THAN THIPODANO.. THE TRADE IN IT DAD STE•DILT INCREASED UNTIL THE roNsIryPTION :lOWTHROOOIIOIr THE ENTIRE COUNTRY FAR EXCREDD THAT OP ANT OTHER FERTILIZER. THE LALIOS CAPITAL INVOLVED IN ITS PRODCCTION Al. PORED VIII DUREDT oVAILANTF.E OP ITS cuirrmrist, EXCEL• LEEN.. THE eompANT DAD A VAR GREATER INTERMIT IN THE pEIIMANANcr. or ITO TRADE TITAN ANY NUMBER OP CONtIVIII:1124 CAN 11/1V1:; HENCE IT IS Illy. lIIOIIEBT I NTIIIIHAT OP 1116 COMPANY To PVT TICK Door It:UTILIZER INTO MAR NET. THAI . ..POEM ONUIIIAL PACILITIES, AIDED DT THE EDIT DOIENTipic ABILITY CAN PRODUCE. Tills OU•110 Is Dotal AT RETAIL DT LOCAL AGENTS Or Till CO AAAAA TUROVoIIoCT NEW . JEDDET, DEL•WARR PENNEITLVANIA, AND TUE ROUTIIIDIN • !MATED. AND AT WIIOLEDALII MY Dot 3-8831 JOHN S. REESE & CO., GENERAL AGENTS FOR TEE COMPANY. feb B.3mdteep7-3m & CUWDEN, DEM ~`~ no r_ EMUT 14,64. CO t aan/jSt.PH MAYA' A sore corn for Dysentery, Diarrheas, Colic, and Griping Pains. It regulates the Dow. els, quiets Restlessness, allays Inflammation, end promotes Healthy rest. It lefties the Gums, and renders Teething e,no. Prlen nn ctn. per Bottle. OFFICES 312 eaters. ESTABLISHED 1851. J. REYNOLDS & SON, = I= =I WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING . HEATER, WITH PATE'NT DUST SCREEN, =I WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR Throat lIHATEIttI are Itlndo or IlellVy Wrought-Iron. {veil riveted timether, the only "ure prevention agaltmt the et cape of Gait or Itn , t. T hey are 1 , 11411 y managed, without Ittly damper', The Patent itailiator IIVOIII3 the tae 1111 d anuoynomia of dramit, and Is permanently attached to the Heater. Thie is tilt' taint durable, 1411111110, OCtillehlitlll and popular Ito Wing .I),pet red Ig eV...1..4,011 for coll.. They are all guaranteed COOKING RAN(IES, for Hotel. a n d Fa:miles. PORTABLE 'lnv.:mil LATROBE HEATERS, LOW DOWN ORATES, SLATE. MANTELS, REMSTERS AND VENTILATORS Wo are also amailfarturing a NEW FLAT-TOP 'HEATING RANGE =I (r_xbitrational 66 rplIE HILL" SELECT FAMILI 130.111 DING SCHOOL An English, Classical, Mathematical, Scientific and Artistic Institution, lion YOUNG MEN AND r 0 YS ==! The First Tenn of the Nineteenth Annual Saiiiiinn will COlllllllllCe 011 WEDNESDAY. the MS day of SEPTEMBER next. Pnpliti received at any flirt, Por Circulars ad circa, REV. Li 1.0. F. MILLER, A. M., Principal. REFERENCES REV. AlLS.—Moign, tichneffer, Mann, Nranth, Selnn, Mut/Weibull!. Stet:vol.. flutter. Shirk, Conrail, Bomber. gar, Wyk, Storret, 3lnrphy, ele. HUNS.— Jllligo Ludlow, Leonard Myer., M. Russell Thayer, Beni. dl. Boyer, Jacob S. Yo,l, Minster Clymer, John lilllinger , etc. ESQS.—.lames E. Caldwell, Janiim L. elagliorn, C. S. Grove, T. C. Woiol, Harvey Miticrort. C. Bona", C. F. Norton, L. L. Monne, S. Greens Fry, Miller & Derr, Charlene Jenne, Rent, Santee & Co., elic. • Flog In-ly plumbing anti @as' iTixturcs. GAS FIXTURES. ADDIS & It()BEItTS, = NO. 136 WEST HAMILTON STREET, GEORGE TIAAS' NEW BUILDING), ALLENTOWN All kinds of fins Fixtures of the best makers, ilydrnnts Hydraulic Baum, Lift and Fur., Pumps, DEEP WELL PUMPS, Bath Tube, Water Cloaets Circulating Lettere, kr., c Special attention giVNI to putting up Portablo C.. Work. In town or country. All work warranted. apr 7-ly G AS FIXTURES • AND KEROS E AI I'S. ♦ IWORAT VARIWry Oy NEW STYLI.. MERIDIAN BURNER, Sorest and Boot iu the market. It given the largest light of ouy burner made. COULTER, JONES & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS, 703 ARCH ST., PIIILADA. je2.ly • STRATTON'S POItTAR LE AIR GAS IdACIIINE. PATENTED MARCH 31ST, ISkI, SAYE MONEY BY MAKING TOUR OWN GAR. TIIE CIIEAPEST LIGHT IN USE. Ellreitten'o One Afachlne for Ilhoninallng Hotels, Private Renideuceo,'Stores, Bills, etc., to simple in construction, consume, all the nuiterliil used In the manufacture of gam, and Is 00 cheap on to bring It within Ho: reach of nil. It In free from explosions, be uninaged by any person, and produces a superior Bala to all others, at one.holf the cost of ordloary burning gas. NO FIRE la API•LIED TO THE APPARATUS. It can be nit:tolled tm urdinory goo pipes arid fixtures, the only Yuri:thou being In th•• eulargoinent of the bornes•jets. All ports of the apparatus are mode In the most thorough and workmanlike manner. Superiority over all machines In clitiowd In the following partimiliirs First, Cost of Construction. • Second, Illuminating Copan- By. Third, C ompactness and Stniplicity, and consequent impossibility of Its gettlutiout of order. Eenniony In one of materiol. A machine capable of supplying too burners costs 475. Any further Infortnation will lie given and the workings of the machine exploined by calling iiptin the agent for Lehigh county. C. W. STUBER,.. WALNUT bTREE'r, CORNER OF PENN, (Alter , ALLENTOWN PA. -%prctaticz Sl' EC'lr A C E I, CLES ! s 4krg . ,:ii!gve ... t:::lu e r . t , nyint of all. of S C.H.A.S. S. MASS Evs, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, =I Having Ileyoted • great deal 4if care and attention to the Spectacle looniness for Swine lent few years, I find that my 111,41111'KM In that litre hoe Inereitiiril no much that I have de termined to snake it u SPECIAbITY. Then.. In no article manufact nred In which there I+ .to much deception pare, tired us them in In Spectacle 0110ISOM. Knowing that the public have town frequently humbugged by parties pre tending to have a superior crutch , of Sholen, and chargilig exorbitant pets s+ for them, theleby iv:LI/long upon the ne vomiting and lutittnlties of age, I - have taken pains to ne• lent a large cud tionipleto ushort mem of the flutist and beet Gleason ever manuouctured, thus affording all pert.. needing Spectuulue nit (opportunity or purchasing at [. suitable wire, Perm.. having imp dilllculty In being gutted elaewherer will do .well to give too • cell, as 1 feel conlideut that no ion• will tail to be halted. Itentetulter the old numb Eest Hamilton street, oppoelte the (ler man Itelurtned Church Allentown PA. Aug 'GSt( SPECIAL NOTICE -c) - LAZARUS & MORRIS' CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES ONE OF THE FIRM WILT, BE AT TIIE STORE OF . THEIR AOENTS, MESSRS. KELLER BROS., Jewelers, I= TWO DAYS ONLY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY AUGUST 30 AND 31, 1870, Ile attends for the purpose of assisting Messrs. Keller Bros. In FITTING TILE LEE IN DIFFICULT Olt UNU SUAL CASES. Those suffering from impaired or diseased •inioll ere recommended to avail themselves of this op- Our Spectacles and Eye..ClabseA are acknowledged to be the mkt perfect fis.dmi nu ce I. high t ever inanufectured, and can always be relied upon affording perfect ease and contort while strengthening 11111 i preserving the Eyes meettharuudldy. SOT We Mla economy to notify the Public 111111 ore ern llopedlers. nud to CllllOOll thifill against those pre tending to have Wit goods fur seta en23-tr, C/BEAT DISTRIBUTION BY THE VA METROPOLITAN GIFT CO. Caeh Goe to the /mount VW, OW. Retry Tirkrt draws Prise. ti Ceeh Olfts, ouch 1e.M.000 40 Cools (late. each $l.OOO 10 '• 10,110) TO • • toll) MEM • . 7.1 ' • Melodeons '• 73 tu 100 3.10 elewlng Moth Ines . •i 130 to 173 NM livid \Vetch. • " 73 to 3011 Cobh 1 1 rizer, Silver Ware, Sic., v,4urd et +I,OII,OUU A chance to draw any of the nbove Prizes forlge. Tick • eta describing Prises are sealed hr Envelopes soil well salved. On receipt of Sk. n &Weil Tielitt Is drawn wsth• out choice and bent byomit to any odd ress. The prize named upon it will ire delivered to the tleket.holder un payment of One Lollar. PrizeS are Immediately scut to any address by eXPIVIin or return umil. You will lieu.' wind your Prize to before you Pap for It. planks. Prize excheinitt.l for another of same value. No• Blanks. Our putruus emu depend uu fair dealing. Ilerzusniird:--Wy select the following (ruin teeny who hare lately drown alualsle Prizes and kindly permitted ha to publish them: Andrew. J. Burns, Chicago Sild,1110; Mtge Chau S. Walker, Baltimore, Psano , MIMI lemon M. Matthews, Detroit, 11,utals :elm T. Andrews /insulin:ill, s3,uudi Miss A go. bil sumo., Chat looms, Plauls,lllooo. We Publishes. names without permission. °pintos. uv TOE faces:—The firm Is Tellable, and de serve their success."—Werkly Tribune. B. "W. know them to bo a fair dealing firm. '—N. Y. lfora Id, May 28. " A friend of ours drew a Vaal prim,, which was promptly received." Daffy Netee , June 3. Bead fur Circular. Liberal Inducement S ealed ents. Bat- Warden guantolood, Every packago uf &isotopes contain& 000 C•011012fT• big Tickets fur !it 13 for Vs 31 for 110; 110 for el& All letter. should be Br oadway,o JACKSON; MOOBB & CO., 07 N. Y. THE VERY BEST TIIE CIIEAPEST, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND MOST DURABLE CLOTHING, AT (EYTONE HALL BA LLIET & -N A GLE llnve the largek, bent and ehespext Klock of cLoTilt NO ever gut op In this clty,itutl xell lletoln lu their Ilue, nosh on COATS, 1.1 all other (loot pertnltting to MEN'S WEA It FOR LESS MONEY, bun you can buy ulaewhore lu Eamteru I'cuunylrunl• No Slop Shop made Goode sold. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Wo krap conntantly on hnna a large and rlogant asNort ninnt of (MO 00, front which cuscomero ran mak° thoir melt - onto. and hate them mole lip on abort notice. Their Cuttmg Dointriment In nadir the aupervimlon of GEORGE K. REEDER, who him had many yearn experience In the tailoring bunt 110.1 nod who will be pleased to receive the calls of Into former patrons. A3'All work warrenied to bo of the very bent. Cell and nee nor new WINTER STOCK, received at the THOMAS R. 31 ETZG ER ATTOI{. SET AT LAW, ALLENTOWI. PA. Mice, No. 1..2 Ea.t Month. move!. may 3t:'U! .111 ... 11. I O .IVMR A M c I i T , . AGENT POlt Tun BALI?, OF HEAL P.STATE, next done to the German Reformed tChurch, ALLEN- Wo,,t. Ilunilltou St., Allentown, Pu. TOWN, PA. KEY STONE HALL, No. 24 West Hamilton Street A full assortmeut of (loots' Furolxlituo Goodx always uo hood. AARON RAMJET muy 12• t( GREAT ATTRACTION! IMO NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! GRAND FALL AND WINTER OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. OSMUN & CO., Suecureors hr Metzger & BARGAINS AT TUE GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM IN REIMER'S BUILDING NO. 43 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. We would inform lhn cltlxens of Allentown and the aur youndlng cuntry that We aro prepared with a large .luck f itumin for o FALL AND WINTER WEAR, and offer them to the public at reasenable prides. Tu theme y their Clothing ready-rondo, they aro prepared to offer BARGAINS. WHOLE SUITS MADE TO ODDER! COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cut and mude In the latent style, and by the best w•rkmen CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSINIERES, Im larger than It hari been before, and we Intend to cell very SMALL PROFITS, and give uurcuetornern the bone flu of our low purehuxes. Orent quantities and ♦ariolles of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And everything In tho line of GENT'S FURNISHING .GOODSI MEN'S, YOUTHS', DOES', and CHILDREN'S READY-MADE, CLOTHING, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. th p o lm , : l ! o r; , , , r , ibe i t . t t h h ei t ,l4 . 7 . , No. 43 East Hamilton street, third T. 08111,N, JACOB 13, SCROLL, MARTIN LTNNI tour 24-If G RAND EXHIBITION OF CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. G-. A. SCHWARTZ, 1006 CHESTNUT STREET,(abovo Tenth.lPhiladelphia. respectfully Informs his customers and the public ingen• erul that he has now open all his NEW IMPORTATIONS f (lemma, French and English FANCY GOODS and TOYS. Having visited all the largest European Manu factories personally, I ant confident that the Variety and Cheapness of Hoods cannot he surpassed in this country. All are Melted to visit the store, whether they purchase or otherwise. G. A. SCHWARTZ, dec 1 Importer, and Wholesale and Retail Dealer. TOYS, TOYS, AND FANCY GOODS A MUSEUM OF NOVELTIES TO DELIGHT THE JUVE2TILES. LEON I-lIRSH'S BAZAAR FOR SALE OF TO,IDI AND FANCY GOODS, OF GERMAN, FRENCII, AND AMERICAN MANUFACTURE, NO, 812 CIIESTNUT STREET the only place where a complete assortment of Toys and Fancy Goods combined ix to be found. As any enumeration of the beautiful goods now on ex• hibdiun and for sale at this palatial store must fall fur short Of the reality. we shall omit It, Inviting our readers to call end examine fur themselves. By, going at once you have an unbroken assortment to select from. and avoid the annoyance of au overcrowded thereaL OH t Christm lß as time. EN SH, dee I No. 812 Chestnut street. Phllada. QECURITY AGAINST LOSS or. BURGLARY, FIRE OR ACCIDENT THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY NEW FIRE AND BUItGLAII.I9tOOF ,BUILDI:i0 Nom. 3'4 AND 131 CHESTNUT ST THE FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY CAPITAL N. R. Ernwne, Edward W. Clark, Clarence 11. Clark, Alexaudd Relay. John Welsh, Stephen A. Caldwell Charles Macaleet er, enry C. Oil Oeue P. Tyler, Hman. rg 'Prealdent—N. U. BROWNE. Vice President—CLAßENCE 11. CLARK. Secretary and Treasurer—ROST. PATTERSON. Aralodant Secretary—JAMES W. HAELERORST. The Cotnpany have provided in their near Doitaloa and Vaults or security against lose by FLUE, RUILD• LARY. or ACCIDENT, and • RECEIVE SECUR U I TIES AND V T ALUABLES ON DEPOS- IT NDE GUARANEE, Upon the following rates. far one year or lore period: Goren:molt and all other Coupon Securi lie, or thorn traurtentble by delivery.. 111,00 per $1,a)(1 Guyer:uncut and all other Securities recta term' and negotiable only by endurre meat 50 per 1,000 (Idd Coln or 1.25 per 1,000 Silver Gold Bullion 2. 00 Per LW) Silver o Plate, under seal on own '. :ultimate of value, and rate cabinet to adjual mutt fur bulk 1.00 per 10(1 jewelry, Diumends,elc 2.50 per 1,000 Deedx. Mortgages, and Valuable Papers generally.... h.. of no II zed value. a year each, or according to DUI . These littler. Wilon enualted In lin Lagoa. nro charged according to bulk, upon • WWII of (eel cubic cuPucl• ty. $lO • year. Coupons and Interest will be collected. when denim!, and remitted to the owners, for one per cent. The Company offer b IZ I REN , T . , the lessee exclusively SAFES INSIDE Ta n BU k ItaLAR-PROOF VAULTS. At rates varying from 615 to Ira each per annum, accord leg to sire. Depot , lin nr Money Reeelved on wbleh Intermit will bo ellowedt 1 per cent. on call Mantuan. payable Up cheek at night. and 1 per cent. on Tinto De nman.. payable on 10 days' notice. Tntvelore' Letters of Credit fornlebed . , available In al This Company Is also authorised to art as Executors. Administrators. and Ouardlans, to receive , and execute Trusts or every description Irons the. courts, corporations, or individuals. N. B. BROWNE. President. ROBERT PATTERSON, Kerry a nd Treasurer tau 6.3 m 106 .101 WOG to COO J . MANES, I.IIOTOGRACIIER (Late LI( £llllad . elphla.) haetakeo the a &Hell' No. 11 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Formerl enpled by R. P. Lamersor. where parnona calkaei FIIIST-CLASH 1./CTUILES taken at ItLAbONA lit PRICFdI. A trial to all that In needed to Natlory e•."rT cue. COUR ONE! CORR ALL , Ilyon_wancl'hotograplus. Carte. do Visite+. Vlinettea, Photo 1111nIolurew, Alubro• typea. AllthIll10171)11•, Yerrotype•. etc. JR GIJ. ee an NS.S.a trial. an nay goeeesaor to R. P. Lamareur. • TABLE KNIVES, FORKS. SPOONS COMM MILLS. lc., at C. V. WOLVEIITZ'S Store. Xo. 36 East Liatalltota Street. T E D 15-17 FOWLING PIECES. rtr i crgl d e:grel l :.l};T:c74l , lllA r t 9 1 41Pfra Hatelltom Street. sett lit•ly Clothing PANTS, VESTS 1= OUR STOCK OF Zouo oi,ooo t ooo MUM= C=12101112 = 13rofc$,stuitat (carts TAMEN N. BEERY, ATTORNEY AT cy LAW. Mire. No. 21.1 Emit HR3IIIIO/II iitreet, socond floor of Lion Ilan, Allentown, Po. (SloTini ntlonlion KOZM=2I EI G. SCIIII A It' '1 I'Z. A"11:0 It ..,12.1 AT LAW, linanms . Imild)ng, Sixth and Hamilton Street, iiiiporlie lliti Anwrimin lintel, Allentown, Penns. Enolwili null German npiiken. Cullom:Huns in and flEthlCeill colt talrm promptly attended to. fzEORGE H. HUPP, ,tTTORNI'Y %_A AT LAW. M11e.% ivith 11. m. John I). Stiles, Alku town. Pa. H. LirCIiENBACII, ATTOIC • NEV AT LAW, (formerly practiced li Carbou county). (Intro, N. —East Hamilton wool, second Iloortl neorly opposito the Court 11011.. e, Allentown, l'n. Nay be roto.tiltml In the (tortoni. lattuitutte. 4;;;;I1 31 U. EL A. BETZ, Al"rOliti EV AT IJ LAW. OHlce with IL Wyckoff, 41110410 tho Eagle Hotel, ALLEN TOWN, PA. LE1111:111 VALLEY FIRE INSUIt- ANC( CUM PAN V. ALLENTOWN, PA. MS, over Second Nuttossl Dank. Insures property ettultp.t 111. by Pre °lithe rine!, slams) phis. C. S. Spoil, Ptee't .1. S. D.I.LINUEII. 6,1 y. p, u P 1 Vfl't& C =1 Allatives reqinturckl. S. W. B URCAW, ALLEN TOWN, neg l'A. ROPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. D • Office with 11. Kontr, F:+...Comity, Po. Coll.o.tooot lo.1111:11, NottlountOott nod Carlton rottutit, promptly attended to. TILISAIA 11 , 411iRREST, virroivicv AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. Wo,t Mini) =ff=Ed= T)UNI( ATTORNEYN JLL AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Alleotowu, P. mike. X. :ri E, 11.soltou rvtrei`t. C. AL itt•NK, [j.1114-'A•u) F. A. It. llALutvls. EJ. 11101tE.,tvrolliNEY AT LAW, • ALLENTOWN, PA. 0111 co, No. CAI East nautili. utnect.ArCutt be cuusultol iu tiroont, pot 7 - CLAN' II A MERSLY, 1"l'ORN L • Al' LAW, CATASAUQUA, PA. junl4-'63-tf VDWIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, eimht dours ahoce tLe t 11. a r, Al.. LENTOWN Lehigh county Pr. fob 1:1-'69•Iy lA r 1.1.1 A H. SOW DEN; ATIVIt NET AND COPNEELLOE AT LAW. Olfire, Per tier of IlloniltenNovet sud Llov Alley, south We, ALLEN TOWN, PA. :IL/4( EDMA 1 1 11 HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. thlice, whb 1100. Simile! A. Brhigvx =MIMI t j t l ) 11 fi ll i N .,; 1 RU PP, P yrro Y . . AT LAiy, . S uet ALLEN TOWN • PA: ' A DAM WOO LEVER, ATTORNEY ix AT LAW. Olney, oppo,,itt• the .Cuurt Iluuoe. AL LEN TOWN PA. may 1-ly EORGE 11. SCRAM. ATTORNEY G Fir•i door obove Law Alloy. AL LENTOWN, IA. may 29-6 m TT c. nussnERGER ATTORNEY 11_ • AT LAW. Mire, with John 11. Oliver, Fifth St rear of the Court liuusu, ALLENTOWN, l'A. ape. 21.1 y TE I S3IOYEIt, All"l'OltNI , .1" AT LAW, ALL ENI'OWN, PA. 0111ro, N. W. Corner nth ttntl II: mutton Streets, Neconti floor. Partlentnr atten tion paid to the APlllonieut of Ueerd , att c , ,tate4. Colh.e• Ho. maths tke inn thl • DR. C. C. 11. GULDEN, SURGEON DENTIST. °Mee, over Mrs. M. A.. 0. Trimming Store, No. 34 East Hamilton street, ALLEN TOWN PA. CONATANTINE J. ERDMAN. Jolts 11. Maven. - Pit 110 31A 'Ai 401.11 VEIL, A91"11'01t- N EYS AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Cullectlous attended to In Lohltili and adjoining eolattlen. Prompt attention given to all legal basil...A la the several Courts. ConNaltations In Engladt and Gorman. Jm 19.1 y coLTox DENTAL ASSOCIATION orto.ted tho anrcethetic nein of nitrous oxide . gati, ad minhocr It In the mostapproved manner, du no thing hat EXTRACT TEETII, and they certainly • do that WITHOUT PAIN, •ol:Lnetipationtste•Ofy, See their nlgnature• at the OFFICE, No. TV WALNUT STREET below Eighth, Phardelphia• jllllO 2d-ly anb o ECALO WELL & CO. IFWELERS, AND IMPORTERS, 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, KEEP ONLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS. AN Immr.s'sn VARIETY or GOLD WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, WEDDING SILVER, PLATED WARE, CLOCKS, BRONZES, .FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, FINE PAINTINGS, &c., &c. All rerSOUS, desiring randy lino articles, reliable In quality and mOderats in price. are certain to be plein.ed by our exceedingly large and varied collection. Our stack ta Until always tooth by additions 111 , 111 first sources. Oar store I. promomeed oar of the most elegant in the world; and al/r partiesvisltingthe city aro cordially In cited to call and dmpect it at choir leisure. Jan IDay ISAAC IC. STAUF FOR, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, No. lit NORTH SECOND Sr., can. or QUARRY, PHILA. An 11% , 14 . 1 , 11.11t of lewelry, Silver and al r ,2 Pi rrrellepidrl c o ° ,; n iTCX. , Tiol . Jewelry promptly attended to. sag 11-IY THOMAS W. BAIL trnportot. of Watotrae, 022 Markot tit., Pb.llndulphle, Would rcapactfully call attantoon to Ills now and carcludy selected stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, sed dated Mare, 40, iwjarin, prompil, attvmled to er. , lttcatly dodo. WATCHES, JEWELity. SILVER AND PLATED MARE CHARLES' S. MASSE 3" S, No. 23 Elva Nonillion street, oprosito the g er m a n N o fanned Church: .Tort received from New York and Phil adelphio. all rile latest styiee GOLD WATCHES. Ile han the larttext and hens atotortment of Gold Watches nod at lower pricer than colt be n ual elx•w law, SILVER WATCHES Ile hue n larger and better assurtinent of Silver Waitebiut than run Lo parehaved nn ywhere GOLD JEWELRY. tho largemt and beet nehorloaqd of •11 Lando of Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. !Wine a larger nod bettastosurlment of kludn WU nod Plated Jewelry than enn be toned elsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED' WARE. Ito tv+soriont of Sity rand rioted Ware. Any porn. donning goods lu thin line con not fail to hu CLOCKS A larger ahnurtuteut than nt any other entabllnhtneut. MILL D EON S. A xplendld angortincot of Prince's - ft! olodeoto, the bent la the world. ACCORDEONS. A •plondld assortineut of alt kinds of Aecurdetom. Ills establishment has lately been fitted up, and Ix now second to mole to Now York and Philadelphia, and ahead of anythlugoutsido the largo rubes. Ile ham a larger stock of fashion able goods In his lion thno all other. it. Lehigh °aunty continued. To convince yourselves el the oboes call and see KELLER dr BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, PA CLOCKS, ell regulated and warranted. Al: elres and Pt 1r.,. from faupward". A larger aasortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATOIIES than can he found In any other atom In llu• city JEWELRY OF ALL K ON S, SILVER WARE of •vary demerlptlon. sa-w,e.trlw. repaired 00 short Notice pLATED GOODS FINEST QUALITY, • st Ito Luviest Ituten. 80-1 CHESTNUT STREET, Second Floor, A. H. ROGERS We aro dully receiving from our factory lu Coutoicllcut the Cruel etylee of (hook, o! all patter°, from 1144,11 . Brodie., and •' Iderideu Ilrltutma Co. e" maimfacturie.. TRIPLE.PLATED SILVERWARE, Suitable for lIRIDAL GIFTS AND HOLIDATSPRESENTS t 304 CHESTNUT Slrrrt. Secund Floor. PHILADELPHIA. A. H. ROC4ERS deol MEM EZIM Etna 11-3 m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers