Elys Ytl2i 3 O Pgister. Editor iond Proprietor. 1011T.IIIEDBLL. J a ALLENTOWN, PA., MARCH 2, 1870 TIRE CIVIL SERVICE Last Thursday evening that distinguished reformer, Mr. George William Curtis, deliver ed his lecture on the "Civil Service" at the Academy, Philadephia. The Aimee he pointed out an plainly are not dangerous because they ere secret and Insidious, but because they are openly practiced and have come to be tolerated a/though they were inseparable from our form of Government. This toleration may be an uneasy and irritable one, but it is toleration nevertheless, and the people of the States do year after year tolerate and oulure incompetence, mismanagement and wilful waste. The result of our present system is, as Mr. Curtis pointed out, that—" President, " Senators,Representatives, are dogged, hunt ed, besieged, besought, denounced, and they "all become mere office brokers." The ma jority of officers appointed for i)olitical con aiderations, aware that their time i s short, make haste to enrich themselves with the spoils of office and they are judged, not by the honesty and impartiality with which they discharge their duties, but by the amount of service they render their party. The cure for all this lies in the "competitive eratnination" system which means "a fair field and no favor and let the best man win." We want the best men fill our offices in the Civil Service and to stop the leaks incompetence Is making in the Ship of State. A MAN AND A BROTHER. "To what base uses the best things come." Heavens That we should live to see the day when the F. F. V. should be mentioned with pride by a " mulatto" in the Legislature of Virginia, as his progenitors! "Gentlemen," Said the colored orator, "I have some of the best white blood in Virginia coursing in my veins. On one side I claim as high and honorable descent as any Senator in this chamber. Gentleman, I am, your brother I I am:also the colored man's brother! I represent both races. I am an Anglo Saxon and also an Anglo African, and I desire to do justice to my kin on both sides." When the Democrats in the South are deal ing with our colored fellow citizens it wont') be well to handle them with gloves on. The newly enfranchised slave has many times al may proved his fitness to be called a man end it will doubtless be a much easier task for him, in many instances, to prove himself a brother. The pride of the colored legislator In his ancestry may be pardoned iu considera tion of the fact that he has not yet had time to "carve for himself a name," but the time is coming when noble deeds rather than high and honorable descent shall be the boast of the freedmen of the South. BUT THAT PENNSYLVANIA NEEDS ALL "THE PROTECTION ASK ED FOR IS UN DENIABLE, AND OUR INTERESTS DE. "MAND THAT OUR REPRESENTATIVES "SHOULD STAND UNITED IN SECURING "THE IBM POSSIBLE FOR US."—ALLEN TOWN DEMOCRAT, FEBRUARY 16Th, 1870. We commend the above to the notice of the Hon. John D. Stiles. TtRIFI e l The Washington correspondent of The 1 World says "A circular from some of the Far "lff men of Pennsylvania has been sent to "Democratic members urging them to oppose "free trade and to keep up the duties on iron. "It is not supposed that it wilt hare the slight "Ca effect." We believe this last remark is too sweeping and expresses too doleful a view of the matter. Members of the House of Representatives are not sent there to vote according to the dictates of party leaders, but, as exponents of the wishes as well as the principles of those who elect them, to vote honestly In the interests of the communities they have the honor to rep resent. "That Pennsylvania needs all the Protec tion asked for her is undeniable"—so says the Democrat, so says the laborer, so says the man ufacturer, BO says the HEOISTER, and so say we all. This Is the voice of the people whom the Honorable Jno. D. Stilesrepresents and we trust, for all our sakes, that the fear of his mis representing us may be unfounded. Spite of all the evidence to the contrary it may be that the sanguine predictions of the ever hopeful Democrat may be verified and 3. D. S. be come a "bright particular star" among the Protectionists. If this should be the case we shall rejoice to see him "twinkle" ; provided always lie sticks to his orbit and refrains from taking up the time of the country with his wearisome "interruptions" and "unparlia mentary" remarks. The leans is between European and Ameri can labor. Representatives from Penrisylva via must so regard it and beware how they sacrifice the "public weal" to party feeling or pollUcal rivalries. The people of this District, Democrats and Republicans, are about unani mous on this question. Let their members see to it that they are fairly represented. TUX 1111111PEItlINTEN DENT OF TIIE CENSE& A gentleman at Washington under date of February 26th, ult., writes us that strong ef forts are being made to have Francis A. Wal ker removed from the position of Superinten dent of the Census, to which ho has recently Attorney . been appointed. " The charges against him are j W.no A tt "C i ll=t"' that he is an advocate of free trade, and op- rriT,, ug gd“ posed :to a protective tariff ; that be is not a Ott e o f eh:Cr:ie.. to *6,00.. _.„ staunch Republican ; was appointed Chief of r i g"Ar t , 1 V`. 1 7474., 41.c . 0 , the Bureau of Statistics under President John uenonrr t . - son's administration because he was a sup- Finn Jud p rn W 011 of porier of.' my policy ;' that Ito lacks experi- Alt sttorali‘ - tbed,a.f,:i • All Iltorsanilutherlilen ... , ........ slice. judgment and executive ; ability, and : Total ' l07:1,09.0 therefore is incompetent to fill the responsible eking out the Judgmetits against the City of position to which he has been appointed." ; New York, seven-ttigliths.of which are clear steal " Fo r my part," adds our correspondent, " I ; lug, we and (big result - - Will say, that if Mr. Walker is to be judged ; co.t. of Law In New York In itia 4 , 21. '..oo4n n f r !. i n c Tr o, lA ., s a lLl l l:e dulled litnton . under the T. by his actions, and not by his professions, then 0 ' Now York City mum them the s 7 State. wadi() Try. he is opposed to protection to American in- ritorlee • 1.0,923 dustry and is not at heart a Republican. The Melt makes rents au high and f Oistif . erpensine? Pennsylvania Congressional delegation are • Because we pay alter title faiditon. therefore right in requesting Mr.- Walker's re- atT l i, R , l s trrila.". b .. i iii 7817. Y .tia l riting% moval, and they are supported by man West- ;•: i t n ,:".ire".t ( lt r ult ...... • • it'.l7o .. • . 5 1k 1 g) Jo.tlce Itnylot 0.010 Jollge nary), ... 10,1051 ern Congressmen and Senators." in•dlee Swayne 0,1501 indi t e Monett • 10.‘10) Ana. Slitter o l 0.0 Clerk Sweeney 13h000 Jnetlceo,loo Juetico Dowling. ••••, 0 ,: 00 And all the way through. What makes lit , fog so high 1,1 Near York? Why- Is It that hard working men can barely-support therrieelves In decency, with a possible treat of a car-ride 011C3 month to the Park, or theatre tickets twice a year ror their families? Why are honest' and n oble women doomed to unending drudgery in unhealthy shops and dwellings In Oda Metropolis of the Western World 1. Look at the figures we give above, and you are answered. You are the hew ers of wood and drawers of water for.a gas gof plunderers who began their deep.laid plans twenty years ago, when we aptly designated the Coin- Mott Council as the Forty Thieves. Front the first eenceptioh, h 1 witich Alderman Sturtevant was the leader and Fernando Wood the promo ter, we have gone on until the City Is saddled with some ten thousand'useless officers, who are, like vampires, sucking ant the life-blood of the people. Yon, citizens of New York,' and your. wife and children, live by the sufferance of these unscrupu ,l.loutpolitleans. You wear hodden gray, and creep through by-strciete, biennia yon cannot afford to purchase flub clothes ; While others, notorious ly corrupt, drink the costliest wines and parade Broadway in royal attire, flashlog with rare„dia monde. Wciiirdnornan, who pays.for that? You do ; for not orFof the men-to whom we allude, ever honestly earned a hundred dollars la.lds,fife. And so perfect hag the system of r9bbery become that the tax-earners of New 'Ycirk 'paid more In 1887 for judgments against the'elty than the 'en tire cost of the Judiciary syStem of the United States" DR. LIVINGPiTONIE The following letter from Captain the lion. Ernest Cochrane, commanding Per Majesty's ship Paternal, on the West Coast of Africa, was printed in the London Time* of the 2d My Dear Sir :—A few hone to tell you Dr. Llv- Inptone has been killed and burned by the natives ninety days journey from the Congo. Ile plisead through a native town, rind was three days ou his journey when the King of the town died. The natives declared Livingstone had bewitched him, sent after him, told him he had.bewitched their King, and he must die, They then killed him. This news comes by a Portugee traveler trading that way. Livingstone was on the lakes dt the head of the Congo, making has way to the Congo, where he was going to come out. I believe the news to be true. We greatly fear that the authenticity of Capt. Cochrane'a Information is undoubted and that the great African explorer is' dead, just it the time when it was expected he would have solved the great problem of A frican geo graphy. If the papers of Dr. Livingstone have been destroyed by the natives a gmat loss has been sustained by the scientific world. hin.lianciarer's speech on the record of the Democracy contains this sentence: "Number of Republican Represestatives who foug •t oo the Union side, SI; number of Demo erode • •resentatlves who en fonght,tl. Fifty ens to .1.1" 'PILE DEMOCRATS OF READINO BOLD.—TIIE following flaming heading appeared In the lyad.: ing Eagle of Thursday / over a bogus bill irr regard to Negro Suffrage, purporting tit tidy° beeti Intro= duced Into Congress on the 10th Instant. The hold-faced type and double-leaded Introductory remarks are given Just as they appeared in the Eagle : . THE PROGRESS OF DESPOTISM. Negro Suffrage to be Forced upon' the People by the Bayonet. AMERICANS READ I The following bill was introduced into the U. El:House of Representatives on the 10th inst., passed, and sent to the f:lnate. Read it, so-called American freemen, rud then boast If you can, that yours Is a free country 1 If tee American people baize a spark of their an cient spirit, they will not submit to such out rageous tyranny as is proposed in this bill :" (Hero follows a Bill of seven ■ectlo,an. all mada.up.3 The same article appears In the Gazette and Democrat of &Annie.) , morning. ' The bill against which the and 'Gazette in veigh so terribly, and call - upon the American people.to resist, Le a FOftfillltYfionr beginning to end. No such bill teas ever reported 'in Congress. Thti Eagle, In printing Was a tenulnOdoeument is beautifully sold! Tho Gazette dial:o and the readers of both papers are moat outrageously hum, bugged!—Reading Daily Times. —The Missouri Legislature has passed a Con stitutional Amendment, to be . .submitted to the people next Fall, establishing Universal Amnesty and Impartial Suffrage. • —A fire In Galveston destroyed property valued at $1,000,000. —The Indians in the Lake Superior region are starving through the madly of game. —Outrages continua to be made on the Chinese In San Francisco. —The mieslonary packet Morning Star has been wrecked. —The United States . troops and the Indiana have had a ekirrnlsh In Arizona. The Phrenological Journal which can be safely recommended as "one of the most instructive and valuable Magazines for faudly and general use published," ball In the numberof March the fol lowing among Its contents ;—Nnthaniel B. Short left M. D., Mayor of Doston ; The Futnie Science of Man; Aborigines of the Philippine Archipelago; Flat-Head Indians; Carl Vogt, the "German Darwin,"; Pure Air; Why use sketacles ; Organ ization and Crime ; Hospital Life in the Old World ; Phrenology lathe dandily Schools ; Chris tian Unity; Chronic/ Lithography ; -James Vick the Horticulturist; A Cross Husband Cured; So cial Curiosities ; National Debts, the Family—its Government; What Can I do best? -Holy Land and Egypt—a Tour ; Confucius, the Chinese Sage; the Crab Spider ; the Secretard Bird.; How to be a Man ; the Sacrifice; human Spontaneous Cont. bastion, etc., with portraits and other Illustrations. Price 80 cents, or $3 a year. S. It. Wells Pub lisher, 189 Broadway, New York. The Lady's Friend fur Mareh.—A beautiful sleet engraving of Windsor Castle, the residence of Queen Victoria, Is the opening embellishment of the March number of this "Queen of the Month lies." Then we have a large plate of . Colored Fashions, giving the latest styles from Pails. This is followed by a Omitting spring - seenc, "The Swallow's Nest." The music for this number is "The Bedford Springs' Polka." AMong the nu merous wood-ems ilinstrAting the latest styles for Jackets, Suits, lc., the ladies will fled a riding dress of the newest, fashion. The literary matter is unusually varied and attractive. Mrs, Moniton continues her exquisite story, " Did • II() Forget Iler 1" and Elizabeth Prescott " The Cascannon's Aunt r".Aire. Ames Tho thou," and A. M, Della " A Bunch:of Clover," amid the remaining stories and poems have an attrac tive look. THE PRINCIPALITY OF GOTHAM The Poor Taxed to Death that Democratic Pol iticians may Live,in Splendor—New York in the hands of Thieves—The Cost of its Law Officers—The Unpretentiolls . of oar Na tional Government as compared therewith. From the Now York Tribune. In the Manual of the Corporation for 1868 we learn that the City of New York paid for legal ek penses, on public account, for the preceding year, the following sinus : Richard O'Gorman, eatery cc Counsel to the Cor poration and In lieu of fees, 4;MM) Richard O'Gorman, allowance for (OM hit+ 12.1110 Richard O'Gorman, for Coun.el to Supervisors... MU/ Senator Corporation /Werner, two clerics and n me-anger 11,500 Henry E. Ihmes, jr., Public Admicastrator, au agent nail a tom..enger Police Courts, Judges, Ac. (besides Policemen).— 07..50 Civil Court.; 92,8101 Supreme Court, beside whitt la paid 'by the State at large 07.710 Superior Court 111.1 . 2.1 Common Pleas fsi.B7s Marine Court 02.710 District Attorney (111,700 ' Court of General Sessions s\ol Special Sossinns 24.5)0 Miscellaneous 41 4 511 County Clerk's office 71.82? Surrogate's office '4l (1.51 Conunissioner of Jurors 14,25.1 Keeping and cleaning Court-itnoms, ab0ut.........15,0(10 Judgments against the City • 411,1dn • Law contingenc.es 4.9,1115 Legal expenses oreerneualnu "moat. mon Counsel tense, Supervisors 71,102 Fees, Ac., of witnesses 81. 434 IMED Such was the netunlco'st of the law Vustness of the City and County of New York for one year, and It Is doubtless much greater now. . Let us now Indulge in a little comparison of this exhibition with the insignificant country known as the United States of Americ.a . . The fol lowing table embraces every item of the ordinary legal expenses of the National Government for the current year, and that too under the extrava gant Radical Republican rule of which District- Attorney Hall and COrporation Coon sel:O'Gorman never weary of complaining : JANuAur 0, 1870 T#E ,LtVr,IG - # REGISTER;, ALLEN' N EMI'S ITEMIS LITERARY. $l, MS 684 I=3 EIS CONGRESS. . THIASDAT Febrnary 24th, 1870.—Simate.— In thir:senate, on Thursday, a resolution de precating any further inflation of the currency was passed without a division ; Senator Fenton spoke at length on the Funding bill ; the case of Mr. Heir°ls waS considered without decisive action. //o . use-The resignation of Mr. Whittemore was presented, when a resolution was unaninionMy passed declaring him unworthy to be n member of the House; the . Legislative Appropriation hid Went through Committee of the Whole. FRIDAY, Feb.. 25th.—Senate.—In the Senate, Mr. Howard Introduced a bill to make one State and two Territories of Tots. He took the ground that the present area of that State was too exten sive, tind the population too incongrous, to off rd •a proper guarantee for any good government. Thu bill will be attentively considered by the Committee on Territories, to which It was referred. ',.111r. Wilson Introduced a bill providing fine and inaprisomneot for all parties engaged In prize fights within the limits of the tinited Stales. The Com mittee on the Paeille Railroad reported whin ap proving the arnotgements outdo by the Milani Pacific and Contrail Railroads relative to the point of junction, etc. The ease of Mr. Revels, the colored Senator elect from Mississippi, was taken up at 1 o'clock, and' debated until 5. A long speech was made by Mr. Vickers of Maryland, in which as nshal all the old exploded Democratic doctrines and prejudices we:vegeta pantded. lie was followed by Mr. Casserly, who descanted in the sante style. The great point attempted by the ...Democratic arguments was that Mr. Revels had not been a citizen long enough to he eligible, but this was conclusively disposed of by the several Republican Senators. Mr. Casserly having taunted the' Southern Senators with occupying their seats by the power of the bayonet, Mr. Saw yer retorted with telling effect, and Mr. Drake made a telling point by calling his attention to the Democratic frauds In Netv York, and assuring him that the role of the bayonet was more respectable and more to be desired than the rule of the " shit- Minh." Soul-stirring and eloquent efforts were made by Messrs. Sumner, Wilson, and Scott, the latter being applauded by the galleries. Mr. Stockton, as the mover of the resolution to refer Mr. Revel's credentials, closed the debate. In concluding, he at.vocuted that Democrats and Re publicans should unite as brothers In all tneasures to rc store peace and prosperity tn the South, which sentiment was received with great applause. The debate was very interesting, and was attekively listened to by the galleries, which were densely peeked. The motion of Mr. Stockton to refer was •lost by n strict party vote-48 to 8, and by the Sillile vote of 48 to 8 It was ordered that Mr. Revels be sworn In. 'He accordingly advanced to the desk of the Vice-President, supported by Mr. sou. here . the greatest curiosity woe shown, as Mr. Colfax was administering the oath, Those In the galleries stood tip, and leaned 'over as far as .possible to get a sight of the great center ofattme tine. As soon as Mr. Revels was sworn in, he Was shown to the scat which, had been assigned blm, being the one immediately behind Governor Brownlow. On his taking possession of his sent, ninny Senators and Members of the House came up to oiler their congratulations. The Senate im mediately after adjourned, but before Mr. Revels could leave, the chamber was Invaded by a great crowd of both sexes, who wanted to shake hands with the new Senator, end for ten minutes he held an Impromptu levee, receiving the good wishes which were extended to hint with becoming modesty. The credentials of Gen. Ames have been referred to the Judiciary Committee. House—The House began its proceedings with barely a quorum present, a cull of the Yeas and Nays on two of the Important amendments of tie Legislative, Executive and Judicial Appropriation bill showing about 80 members absent. Mr. Du Weft had his Legislative hitt disposed of in quick order, and then Mr. Butler, from the Reconstruction Committee, reported a hill to admit the State of Georgia on precisely the same conditions that were requited of the States of Virginia and Missis sippi. Mr. Butler desired the bill to be passed under the operation of " the previous question,", saying that delay was utterly useless, since both Houses had adopted his course with Virginia Mid MlsMssippl, and it was evident no change had taken place. Mr. Bingham and several Demo cratic members, however, appealed for u post poneineta until Monday, and Mr. Butler finally yielded, that the bill might be printed. A number of bills of a priyate nature were afterward acted on, and the Indian Appropriation bill was reported to the ComMiltee of the Whole, with Judge Mur- :cur of Pennwylvanla In the chair. Mr. Sargent, having charge of the bill, mode a speech explain ing Ito fentureo, after which the noose adjourned until Monday. ..—There IN unadulterated human nature In thin letter of a New Jerseyman to Ills Representative In Congress : "Deer Bur, Nesse send me a copy of the Agricultural report and then 'abolish the franking privilege." • —A correspondent who is exereleed over some of the Nogg that are ever going wrong in thin world, or not going at all, writes: - "I am sorry that 'What thou doest, do quickly,' wan said to Judas—our would like to quote it.', —Thu Minn&Whin Praia ennnunren unnn nyind authority that Gustave Dore Is coming to this country In a few• weeks. lie Is to make an art tour through the States, and return to Paris In the Autumn. —During an exhibition of dissolving views and tableaux, In Philadelphia, for the benefit of the Newsboys' Home. a, terrific explosion of gas, used in the exhibition, occurred, shatteringl4 windows and Nut ing,some 'or the audience by splintering the glass. Great excitement ensued. Several la dies fainted, but the audience got MT without fur ther InJurv. —The Lancet of London denounces eltlldren's parties In unqualified terns. As they are gener ally conducted there can be no doubt of their Inju rious efforts, and while nothing Is more dellghtlul than to see children heartily at play, nothing is more disugrecable than seeing them dressed up In fancy costumes, trying to behave like " grown-up people." A child's party In the afternoon, simple dressing and plenty of play, Is an excellent thing; In the evening with fine costumes and nothing but dancing It Is simply outrageous. Morning rout. —Tun ?HIM OP FIBS. & Hawn, bankers nud government bond dealers, who have brought them- Selves prominently before capitalists and the In vesting public here and in s Europe by bringing out the Central Pacific Railroad bonds, which are current here and In the Ruropean markets . the same as government bonds, now offer to capital ists and investors the first mortgage bonds of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company. • The success attending the bonds Introduced by lifessri. Fisk A: Hatch has bean exceedingly satisfactory to the bond-holders. The Western Pacific bonds —the last loan introduced by Flak . Ar, Hatch—were all sold in about ten weeks, and the loan was closed In January at 90. They are now selling at 94 bid, and none offering at that price. The Che sapeake and Ohio Railroad forms a Central Trunk line from the Atlantic Ocean, connecting directly with the Pacific coast, over the Union and Can trial Pacific Railroads So Ban Francisco. 'ln ad- . _ dition to the through trafile with the Western States and Pacific coast, the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad runs through a rich portion of Virginia which abounds In coal and other products, the transportation of which is exceedingly profitable to railroads. The directors of the company are +a. frO 8 a 1 14,3 , ) shrewd, wealthy, and influential citizens, among whom are. C. P. Huntington, Vice-President of the Pacific Railroad, and the following well-known names : William H. Aspinwall, D.tvid Stewart, William B. Flatrii, A. A. Low, New York, and Pliny Fisk, Philadelphia. The trustees are Wil liam Butler Duncan, of Duncan, Slicrman and Co., arid P. C. Cffiliitun,Prestdent of the Fourth Nal. tiouaLßank, who are nn ample guarantee that the hiteretts of the bondholders will be properly protected:. The reputation of klesers. Fink & Hatch, and the extreme care they have taken In permitting their mine to be used to markdt loans, together,with the high standing and reputation of those directly Interested in the road, entitle Ahe bonds to Moro than ordinary attention from the public, and merit their confidence. The complet ed road Is already of sufficient value to form until tient security for the whole proposed amount ,of 'mortgages to he Fold. When completed, the pro perty will be worth double the amount of the first mortgage bonds. • 6.. 11.1 61, m} 1. 41.00 1`R.5011 101 ' 11 ) . 11,380 THE 'PACIFIC RAILROAD. • PUILAPELPIIIA, FM. 23, 1870. Lehigh Register—Earnings of the Union Pacific Railroad from July 28th to January 316 t, 1870— eold 134,025 acres of land an average of 848 1 - 1 acre, ardountlug to 8814,993.85. Terrible Exprocion in Scranton. About 5.30.0 n Monday afternoon.the • huller of beater No: 3 at the LackaWana Iron and Coal Company's Rolling Mill, exploded with the most terrific violence, shaking half the clty with the tremendous concussion. Twenty or thirty men were burled In the ruins: It was half an hour be fore the work of getting out the . pedple could be commenced and the debris cleared away: A por tion of the roof 05 by 100 feet In dimensions was curried away by the explosion. The following were taken out dead : John Sweeny, boy ; Peter A. Hartman, • Martin Welsh, James Connelly, 'Patrick Moran, John HoWde, Mike Gannon, —.7, Hilly, ton of Hugh Hilly. Another man, Timothy Smith, after be ing assisted home by two , ,men, died, making in all nine dead. Tho following were more or less Injured : Lewis Williams,john Engle, Charles Mailman (son of Peter, who was killed), Patilck Kelly, Teddy Tier ney (this man was locked lu the ruins' nearly an hour, suffering much from steam, and Is danger ously lnjured), Christian Werth, J. Jones, W. Kane, —..-Marvin, Mathew §now, Philip Welchei, Thoinas Rafferty, James Hanley, Emanuel Cisland, Wllllam.Coslett, PhUlp McAndrews. .Thilextent, of the damages cannot as yet be Raced/deed: BUSINESS NOTICES. ALLENTOWN has an extengivo ciOna:pwl glasesiare establisinninit where as great a variety and as low prices can be found ne In the larger cities. We refer to the new store of Richard. Walker, No. 40 West Hamilton street.—frip. Croisp genc4mlly minis 'on In the night' when it not may to gni medicine. Thoraforo take 21 cont.* and y a bottle of PIICENI X PECTORAL and keep it until .11 need It. AN EXCELLENT REASON WHY T. C. Kerna hen, of the Allentown China, Glahaware and Lamp Store, ono erll ebenper than (ahem la that he bitYa and pella . excluslYely for enPh, then gain log nll the advantage of cash paymenta and loathe nothing by credit Fates. flay Sicilian Hair lictiocer. it, H o w. ve,pddt. Girll n Ilnlr n1.11,1W, Adopt Holt 'et Veg.!Ale Slcllht. Hair Renewer. ' A TIIIRD REASON why T. C. Kyrnitlinn,of the Allentown China, Glassware and Lamp Since can sell cheaper than others, is heeanse he sells more than aly two in the county pin together. IVell-Drmed.—)fen may ray whni they plense nhnnt n man's being the •nine, however homily heilrensinl. anit nn one wilt dispute the trnlh of lunch of whnt they Any. Tint still Om fact will remit!, that a men's re,n• lion Is oft In be areordinv to Ills runt. nut that an lll arsiiseil mon Is nlwnys nfn ilisenunt. Canunen seuseille. bites that wli'le wr Omuta he ren . nnmlettl here. ns In Till other mntters, we should dress as welt n• our mans alit allow, or hi other mots. that We should buy our cloth. at Wanntunker & Brown's. MANY PEOPLE. preler an Endeurtnept policy. which Inn double contract, conslstingornn agree ment to pay a certain sum to the perso n , provided he or Pile reach a specified age, and the pledge that if ho die before attaining that age the whole sum shall he paid at once. By this means ills family Is protected until the children are able to care for themselves and then when the down 11111 side of life COTTIPP, the whole sum being paid, a home can be purchased and the retnalniag years enjoyed under one's own "vine and fig tree." Tae LADIES' SOTIOSIS CLIM, of New Toll:, re ally changed their d'oterpt.intn from wetnna'4 •ndrage flair preparation. and Pimple llonl.ltero. They de arSd that where nature had not endowed them with only. It waw their right—yea, their tin l y—to peek It here they could. SO they all voted that Most:Alla Salm rrcamr Sallownetta, Rough Sk In and Rind-markt+, and re to the complexion a noot dfatingot (Sot . .. Meal and arble•likr appearance (datmerou. to men, no doubt) ; d that Lynn'. KWh:Oren made the hair crew thick, cat tl awful pretty, and moreover prevented It from Diroldu ay. If the proprleteln of these article. did not wend the Mars an Invoice, they 111.0 not smart. mh 2.11 A SPLENDID PlANO.—Lillfiertilall at Son's Gold Medal Cycloid and Sena rePla n as rank nln‘,” the finest instruments In the country. Their and fullness ofinne In not surpassed Ilya eon certgr and piano at double the price. ',Store Instru ments of thin celebrated make have been sold lo Allent(iwn, Lehigh and adjoining conntles than of any other manufncturei • They can he used many years and not become airy, an most other pianos do, In only a few years. Come and eramine thetn at C. F. Ilerrmann'a* Store, Seventh and Wa Inn streets.—Ade. • Nernfulo, Salt Rheum. Skin rind Female !Wrap,. Varronted cured.—See testimonial : SALISBURY TOVIN . IIIIrP, Lehigh Co., Oct. 31, U.S. s with a grateful fenling that I fool able to male.. the following entlentent for the benefit of thone*Who are entre, lug from Scrofula and other Chronic Dibraboe. My wife had been buffering for accoral yearn from tumor• or .welling. on her neck which after a time would gather and diocharge matter, leaving a running Hare. She had been treated for more than a year by most eminent nhYal- cinn* without receiving nnT permanent benefit, her liken .° becoming worne, until she had Ore or thews running eore ou her neck, when I employed Dr. 11. It..l,ngoker, under whom° treatment who commenced to Improve very font, the • mores on her neck to heal, and her unpleasant and tlln agreeuble symptom. gradually to (lion/Pear, um!l her health Wall restored, which was ill about four months. I feel perfectly justified, niter boy lug tried the ileums:it of other physicious lu recummendiug all those w Ito are %offer. lug from Scrofula or Chronic. Diseases to Or. Luogoker for medico! treatment, with a firm belief that they will be NSW lifted, bettelited nod roam thereby, as toy wife has been. [Signed,) JAMES DARNER. Dr. 11. D. Lougaker'n erne,. le ou the EASt eldo of Sixth reet, between Hamilton and Walnut. Allentown. LARGE stock of sheet music, instructors, blunk books, musle pallor anti cards at C. F. Ilerr, mane's Mudlc Store, Allentown. —Adv. financial anti Conthicrcial — maits.,..o"o. 0., .1.141.1hr1n 0,111,1 ••,.....rin an vv•eit.lll,lll. Securities. 40 8. 30 et.. Phliotolph;a, roport dm following quotations: ...‘5 United States 6's 1841 11811184116 •• 5-17. f a IS r 2. 114 M114 , i i1.....4f ti 18:4 5.20's ltli , 11i:.2111 , , , ‘ - • 5...v., 18 8, new ' • ' 5.24 f s 187. new ~ 1 1 11 4 g2 : 1,6 7.20's 15 , 1 ' 112 (a/ 12(( `• s's-10 40'. . ili , .6aiipi " 3ii.y...r uper coot. ey..... ..... ..110‘,4111 Compound lutele.t 1111(1 , . l' , Gold IninS lll l -0„ Silver 113 elm Union Poodle It. It. 1.4 M. Ruud. 80 newt Central Pantile It. It . 010 Anion Pacific Land (iron[ Bonds.. ..... . .. ......71.5 0730 ' Cold opened 11614, and has sold down to 116 t at,;"orti moots Woak all day With the foil of Gold—closing hardly steady. - . . ALLENTOWN MARKET. FEBRUARY 9. 1970. " Corrected every week by IVeinehrimer tt Newhard. Wheat. Flour, per 1,131 U 7 00 ceiling. Wllval, pos lin,liel I ) 5 Paying •' • ' Flaxseed, ....... Timothy Seed, par bushel Glover Seed. Wheat Flour, per cwt Com Neal, " Buller, per pound lard, Egg.: per dozen Potatoes, per bushel Dried Apples, per Dried Peaches. . NEW YORK PRICE CIIRRRNT For February 28111, 1870. Corrected weekly by JR. Itch /rich, Produce Cuillulisslon Morchunt, No. 0') [tansy St., New York. BUTTER. Orange 8 Stiosex Co. Palls, good 1• choice, lb. . Cheuntigo. Del. 011,1 Catioritoso, f'.'s pails. 1:1.0,h:2042: Fair ("good, 311717 l Conitiloti axas. Sus. 1V...ha11. Co. palls, churn,4oo4l; fair to 1104 i, 3v(418 ;, h0me., 300:43; Web/ good. %MO: common. VOW. 71.1'. State Tubs choice, 4.043; lu,r Cu good, %Kam; ,Jmunitu...Alo2o. N. Y. State Welsh mho, chutee, coultnot to gdod, 13.010. N. Y. State choice.. 3404 t lairs, good, 111080. Weotern Reoervechuice'JX472.lt lair to god 1.41 U; store pocked cumulus to good DOW. Northeru tubs, choice, 44.042.: poor to good, '.1 , 88:1U. Rolle lu (7101,, choice 2a2r3; pour wgood. 1/0= DU TER—Receipts duriug the post week foot n, clearly 120AX.Ipackageo, r decrea of nearly 0,0)2 porky/es from loot week. Fue and fuucy grade. id etitle 1011, kayo ruled don during the putt week, while nil ' , Oct' grad.. hove liecu heavy and Savoring Tvreellug throughout the makt sow lo Duct price. ha Velesehisi L mad Otero too slight proepoot of puod elh•ise grade. doing a little better duriug the coming t w However we would out ado Inc dairy mile's to bold ark oily [miner, but to let it cum now Arbil* wt. have a Only de mand. 18C g .—New factory choice and Daley, 17074‘ fair to ood, 18017. N. Y. Btatn Dairy good tt Closet., !AV.,: pour to good 115. N. Y. Mute chanted, • ht:Oß.—Jersey and Penna. well parked In chit', gl dor. 270:21. Jersey sad Peunit. well pocked la 0114 27028; N. Y. State well packed. good erder.s9 , 4/ . ..1h, Thai dud N loss of 1N1i0417,,. Lathed, 0 •••- ' HO 05—Recelpto have continued heavy, and thcleinand though fan. boo ruit sulliciout to take otr slut On rust us it arrived t shit prlcee hove advanced • Ince ow 104, nod aro to-doi very Sue with a strung spword •ellug.— Leut begitio next Wodneeday, when &Orr. all , pert the coneuniptiou to increaoe Id or the be nt/el the past week ore by the frost Dee hove wilcouc our quutation• by 2 to 4 ctn.. sir niacet, uhf ould to fount ant, tho loss bus in sissy Cass booa helot y. IIhANS. —Morrow choke, new, * 62 Miel- Kidney, clibice, 2.50(13.2.70. Meilattoo, cholce, 111.01.76 Peg, 4B chub., 2.W102.10; fair to good; 1./001:81 Abed lots laid 7,*41.1Y1. DRIED FOCI i•—Applex Print* Siete, bu•L 104.11: Jersey, Ohio .d Peutleylwatilo, 700. Aticlosot ...... eti sow, 710.. Blackbernue Ilasphorroil Cherries patted, neon , 214%3 rote In. 401. Petheo Lu pooled, sew. 8012. Pooches , peeled, Ilea. MD. • FRU yrs.—Apple., Mixed loin, in bid:, 41 NOVO. • Do, Belocted..4 ESQ.) 80. Coininou, (043 W. • , SEEDS—CIus er. good to prime,* lb, 12...01:1 , t'logered 2 is I'l 'AI. Ithr:SW A X.—Pare •rt Ib. 117g30. Dui, Duck. cloy, *t Pole, I I SIOL7I Geese oli•e, P pow, 7/403/81. POOL IDV DlthcleED—Turkeys. choice. VI twat foliation to goud. 11022. Cii,enetts,.yho ice, 3X3. r ma to good, 1,010. Dahl., towline to closet.lo.2l: Deese. Ilo.e. llAhlh—ttobblto, 2.. g ipor, , 1100 c 00. Deck., OCa; 5n o a, 274 3 oANL—Wo l dt ol quooDlunk,Tro (.6 1 ((nose, Par• Mogen and Velllsoin as the ,ale of them will alolutely Cease IMO* Ibis Month, roes at retail. Colveo Dreaoetl. *lb 14017. Do, poor to gull .1%;PII shlppers'uf cays will boor .1u ruled that thoorword feet of calreo hove to he cut off at the kneejotutoud the !dud feet ot the gonible or knee loud. and nu losiokiris ears to be lett uu the calves. In selling ruled lu this market we hare to allow from one to 11111•1 . you utoo each call, where the •hlu bones red hood solos are Opp, mud therefore it lei to ohippers' Interest to remove tip) before ohipplug. Leotve clashes eu/ foil ur hoolets in the cane, and do uut oeor au the before ell cloi.tig• TALLOW good barrels. 8.40104. Special flake% 117' HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR lIENEWA • grifarrjole i r"ot rethd i g r'" r""""" r" RESTORS 011.41' HAIR tolls ORIG ? XALOLOR, nod create a new growth where It hie Niko off irn alls• Cane or natural decay. . It wilt prevent the Hate /rem a. • All who use It are unaulicoons ID eWsi alert It I praise oriels. the heel Heir •Drexe OS ex taut. • Our Treatise on She Hair tioot Wee by =II. • - i• 001.0 BY R. P. UAL), a CO., :imams, N. 11., Progpto. Par sale by .0 &elitists. UP WORDS OF WISDOM FOR UN° HON, on the Roll g Pi.alon In Youth a; B u rly litauhood. with 13ELY HELP for Wee n and uoituuate Help •ealed letter envelope,. of eeargo. !drool. NO ...RD ASSOCIATION, Dog P. Philadelphight, , May a . 7.F.RIIORS OF YOUTH.—A gentle i'who suffered for years froni Nervous DeblOt yenta. Lure. Decay and all the effects of youthful lu this will. for the make of suffering' humanity% tend to all who need it . t h e recipe and direction for mak lu e shu nts remedy by which he vim cured. Sneerer. • log to profit by the advertiser's experience eau du ad dressing. inperfect confidence, 4JadOHN D. Ne Of N i k., No. .9.Ces St. uk.. HOWARD .SANITARY AID .00I • ATION.--Yor tho Roller and•Cura of • rid. and Unforto.to.. Principles of ChrlailAn 'our. -Balta.. Oa Errors of Youth. audlho Follloa 0 an, In relatloo to DIARRIAOII and SOCIAL EriLit, witAtory Rid for the ti , .nt fr.. In bested Hovel., Ad dregs. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Box P, Phiphla fa WS, NES . . Sp cia[ Nottiro • 1-1 FOLsoSt-,INtrigtVED,WAMIk 'iat SHIP Tju , n matchNota make at' WAIL durable analt alastat stitch; will sew with ease very vat leo , of rotten, irdlee, linen and silk goods, from the finest to the egareevi, a tol ad Kilt retinireal mays at greater speed anal with l ' esa, power and make titan nay ether machine. /wood , . wanted le every tame. Lib eral eolagniesion allowed. Faar term+ and eirralare A dm. A. S. HAMILTON, ' I No. 7011 ridesinat 1 01;a—it ' • Philadelphia, Pa., Sole Agent . • _ _ TO . CONSLYITPTIVEg. •-•Tlie‘ 'advertiser; u , -2, v u beau re•torial to health In it few week, by very Simple remedy, filter 'tatting' . uveral with it severe long and that drum! Illseits, Con. ....wait.. is anxlon 4 to make known to Itla fellow ...refers the lauana of enva • . TO all who desire It, befit/II send scatty lir the preserlPtilm used (free of charge), With the dlr. - Con+ for preparing and uslng the 1111111, which they will nail n sure corn (or Conaninual., Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. The only 'hied of the advertiser in ....tut the Pre/writ , tn. Is to Itioiefit the atllluted, and spread Information which 1.e./HP. I I VP? , 111 he 111V111 1111 1111 1 11 1111 111 1 hopes every oder. will try Ills remedy, as It will cost them nothing Hod may prove 1 - 1 111114,41 11g• l'arrlett wishing the prescription \VIII 11,111re.0, It.. lilt %V A Ill> A. W I 1,411 N, • Wtlllittnablunt. liltafft Cu,, N. Y. ; ; ; .; 3 , I'. Al/alit:CO CLASS. — We aru tett, prepared foraish 1 . 5 , e1 , 11 C l l/11 11 11111 I . IIIIIIOY ntent at hid., the whole 01 all th lll :Into W 1 or for the 1 , 1,11 1,1101111 . 11 1.. 1/11sIlless up IV. 1 10,1 end profitable Persons of either 5ex4 . 340 y ear. from :Ile. 10 /11. - 1 111, . 1 1,11111 g. null 11 proportlooal +wt. by 111 1 ,41111, thea whole lillsll 10 1111 Hoy+ woi girl. earn nearly a+ .11.11 as nien. -- -That all whit Pl. l l l this 110 1111111 y •I•t1.1 their 111111P1 111 1 1 , IPSI 1111` 1111A110 ,1 ,1111 anake this unparalleled oder: ,avli as uot w.ll sold 41 to pay fur Ilia rumble of tvvainst. Fall particalars, a and maniple. which will .1.1 to commence ork mid a copy of rile hit, retry itoit—ono of the hugest awl best tinnily new' +• want per .aent, proa ro t . a l b lo (I work, m a u d l d l. ro.. R e . a , dFe. r, A IL LyEoN CO., A I'll I . ST A. 31 tree I.:int t:-•,; 15. GOLD. WAT,,C4S. , TUE ONLY GENUINE 011011)14: GO 1, W TC I I ES. .11.41VgFACTIIRISD RI 2 4 ,112 i 01101116 ATl'il Are all of beat make, Hunting Faxes, Warranted ;not to tarnish: look Ilk° line Uuld, and are EQUAL to the best GOLD wATen ES in teak e and finish; with the bent Full Jeweled Dilached and Potent L,rird. Krim Fine t.'nees Mouth; and Ladies' sere, (4( 7 each. The'lhoubla Extra Refined, Solid Ohode Gold, A No. 1, Full JeWOl,l Levers, at "Menet, Seta by Ex mesa anywhere within the United States, AT NEUTLAII ITHOLEAALY. 411 o'lollo ell delivery. No 51.0 N EV IS RE V REQUIRED IN ADVANCE, only amistuctory assurance that the order is f mole In gal (lath. Any package may be opened and ez,u,uued before paid tor, by pnying the Ex muffs charges Duly. Pereons eau order by until imply, by ...Hull money in - advance. In a Manstertd letter, and the goods will he sold as a IfehOmered Package, promo& at out risk. AN AGENT SENDING FOR SIX WATCHES, WILT. RECEIVE AN EXTRA W ATM' FREE—DAKING SEV EN *ll WATCHES FOR, *IIXI, OR tiEV EN *O3 WATCHES FOIL *lO.O. ALSO ELEGANT OROIDE GOLD CHAINS of !Maniac.] most coati y styles, Cur Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear, Troia 10 to4o Inches long, at pore. of 42, 44, 40uud ;Mina; sent w watch at Inweet wholoaale prices.. Oar Watch.. are all made ,of the GENUINE 1301.11/ 0110IDE (MLD, Reef Slit on all perfecll y regulated and adjusted. and GUARANTEED by the Compauy to keel, correct it owl wear and Ind tarni,ill. State ;no kind, Ace and price Ut wawit and order only 00 THE OROIDE WATCH CO., Ito Fallon Street, New fork. ESIE SCIIENK'S PUI.SIONIC SYRUP, SEA L—CY W Chit) TONIC mid 31audrake Pills, trill cure Com sumptiou, lover Co:unholy, 0041 Dyspepsia, if takeu ac cording to direction,. They ore all three to he taken at the meow time, they cleanse the stomach, relax the liver, uud pot It to work t lava the appetite becomes good; tho rood digems aud makes good blood; the patient Legit. to I grow 0111e ,, h; the diseased inatterrlpeur in tilt/lungs, the patient outgrown Ile , disease and gets well.. 'ChM Ix the utily way to core colvaltiplion. lhe the ., three med.clues Ur. J. 11. Schenk, ofPlfflatlel. phut, owes Ids iiiirtralled Al:rasa to the wt./mama of put tomato. romuniption. Tre Pull/Joule Syrup ripe. , the I Morbid matter in the lungs, nature throws It off by au cony expecturamou. ter wheu the phlegm lir matter Is ripe. a slight cough wtil throw it elf, cad the patieut Lax rest and the lungs Mato mlitml• 'ru do Mu., the Soaweed Tonic and Jlandrake Pills must I be freely used to clean./ the gimmick awl liver, au that rho Mulamme Syrian and the food 50,11 make good blood. iiclieuk's Mandrake Villa act upon the liver, commie/I all ob.liartitills, reinx the ducts of the gall-bladder, the bile start+ freely, and alts liver In noun relieved; the stools will show what Hie Plll,l cau do; timiung Ism ever been Invented 'OO,lll culoinel (a deadly poison which is very danger... , to ust• Unto., great Care). th at to II unlock the kali-bladder mid start Ito ellous or the liver like ncheok's Mandrake Pill, Liver Complaiut le uUO of the moot prominent causes of Consiiiitlit•en• Scheik's Seaweed Tonic Is gentle stimulus alter. Mote. nail tlte Is the Sl.llsvveil, which :his prepare pun ~, anon, of.usstals the menial:li to throw Oilt the gastric tu dissolve the food with the Mattoon.: Syrup, and It Is made into good blood wtthuilt fermentation ur aunritig le the stomach. The great reason why phyelciatie'de out sure collet:MP' lieu to, they try to do too mach; they,give atudicluettOatoP the cough, 10 Mloarlitlls, 10 stop night salattri, IttiCHE fever, nod by s„ ' the they among , / 1101 whole dlgemive powers, lucking up the sethelitals,llllLl eventually the patieut sinks and dots, I),M:beak. labia treattio•nt, doev not try to mtop a rough, instil sweat °Mlle, or lover. Minors the eatise, and tiler all s top of their 00 u accord. N., oue can be cured of Consuinpiton, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Catarrh, Cam sa r i Ul cerated Thrust; unless the lire! . mud blualudi ere llealtalf• I 1 logs Consumption; of course the !unman some 11l are tli.emed, 1.1‘111.1 pieta° adhesin, or the lungs are it Miss Of it, ; and last &ray ng. lu such case,. What must Ibe thole t it os not ouly tilelongs that Ore wasttug, but it is the inii)ll) built. The Marina/Ai dud liver have Lot their I powor to Make blood out of mod. Now the only Cliallee le to take Scheuk's three w holt Will bring lia tone to the idoinacit, the potteut silt login to ioltet load, II .r,lltllke.t vanity itlid 1110 au good blood: then the potiout ' to gain at flesh, and Its u u us the body talftha la grow. the Wage Commence to heal up. and the pat wet ems neshy and well. Thal lo thus only way to men Gottshall. lion. Whet. there Ix so long direaoe, nod only Liver Complaint • and Dyspepsia, beligolitl'n ll.. 11.1•1•11 Tonic mid Maude:me falls 410 suinc.ent without die Cahoon. :Syrup. Take the Matra ritko Mills freely to all WIWI. eutuplaiute, an they are p erivetly harmless. Dr. Schenk, Who has enjoyed uninterrupted health fur many years past, and now a enjoyed puttees, wan WitAked away to a men , sitelltull, tau Very last Itage ul 0 0.thaVing Prehohlit,d lIIi ra n uliopelesu and ultalido hod to lash., Ile WHS.:area • ki„V . ,;..".::".:r,12.1.N1V,..V;.'F',,1."4:T4, 1 ,1"..., 1 .."` L .,.`""..q. , V.!., 1 r._ wqh Me bathe remarkable el't.:l/.11. .I,Vt.,lll.nrutwun Ity earn, make It hot absoluteiy uecessary top et , tannin) . •1••• the Witten. Wlralln ;mad lr 11110 11111pont, he In professomaily ios Prtursitevery, aturday, 0011010 till ; letters toer novice Lewd. be ,N ed. [lam 010 stoually at .C 2 Maid etruel, NeW Verb, eve ry liter ' Roo 11l Nu. Hanover Strt , t,'llOnant: evert' tan, etluematy. Do given advice free, bur tor a Ital. taiga exitinTettiou with ids Rest 111111 l teeter the prtee .C.", CO. 1101101 at Vaal a) . 11,1119 A. Si. to It I'. At, lilt. J. 11. sCIIENK, 15 N. Oth St., Phitada.,Pa. mar 10-Iy*.* kitYIERS' UNION SIETIJAL FIRE F ` IIihURANCECuMPANY. Businesa Location-2'rexlertown, Lehigh' Co AMOUNT INSURED, 85,750,000 At the Annual Election of the membera add:4 Company, hold ou the 4th et December. Nall, at the paid. hone() or Gideon Yoder, In Tri•XiertioWll. 11145 follow tis Vernon were duly alerted I/Wooer:4 far the ensuing year: D. 11. Bioduiti, F. P. M.:bier, Jeolth Gaultier, Sanford Stephen, Levi Lichtouwalner. Reuben (Jackenbach, tieorge Roth. William Slink. (Margo Ludwig, Samuel J. Kieder, Row vlllo ledor. SchmSolotneu Kledi, Julio oye r. • CM the 1811, of Deconhot the new Board elected the fol• lowing ollicera, to wit: B. 11._llAsTIAN,' Pres(de-nt. DENA/WILLI: 1 OUKIt Sterrfary. • LbVI LICIITENW ALDER, Treaturer. 1 bl'• 119.1 •• 7W • 9 50 belling i V • 35 oaTiug 20 AGENTS : Reuben Stuler, New Tripoli, Lehigh count/. Henry Kuntz. • Levi L. Snyder. tihanerbville. L. S. Lichteumiluer, Northamptou C.. I:eubeu 16. Klein. Kutztuwu, heck. cuuuty. Flr k gel a , c ' c' ell t ultulra v al F i l2ritT ' l ' L . C T oZt2l7lf 6 ;alt! I s num: lanoari I. 1570 i. Balance lu hand. or laxt year....§1,709 1.5 !Were. reee,ved ... 11 s5O Pt etnittue. received daring Ike year 577 24 Tax a011ar1,44 au 7. ,,,, ,5aa 44 . 4 t , Zip. i••••• • .•• ....... • 74 7 25 ' • • May 1.1639, Loan tifTimmanlDriums Deo. 18. • do Reuben SALM—. ...... Det. i. Oillchtl labor and 4.X pea Dec. 4. Expense. animal election • Dec.2l. Printing and advertising Dec. 01, ll...venue Da, License and statoPs• 'fax lust uu A.ac ameet No.l D.roctore service. fie,lcos of ttp.clal'Comin ... D. 11. Ita•liito, signing policies.... Lev chtenwnluer, 'llya.. salary tiaufutd titephea. tat collector BaliklicO In banal of i4eTre.u,pr • .L 114124 We the uudexttimed Auditors have examined the abdv• anoint and find theme ct.rreet. K EURO E ItOTIL F. V. MICE LEY,}Auditors. KUL li LELN, Therneceunt of BPDLeVille YJdOt. Secretary of old Fire 111.11.1COVyllIpir: . DR. CHA received nx Treroloo. of Inner. nun, front Jun. I. 1841. to Jun. I, 1870 ............ 8077 24 CR. Cash i paid during the yeaning to the Tresaurer o r . t louilinuy•, r 24 the rinnerr nuntu Auditor,. nnye•alao examinee lie above nientint :wand the Kaine corrret an panted. Ii 111110 E Ill) Y. 1.% • SOL. HLBIN. riailler,) February 0 DEIIAVEN & BROTHER. BANKERS AND DEALERS lX GOVERNMENT S,ECUIUTIES UNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC R. R IST MORTGAGE BONDS 40 SOUTTI TTITRD STREET, Son 'and tiehanie alll.suro or U. S. BONDS, =MEE Mitight and'aola it Market Rates Coupons Candied. elock• boughrand Isola on Commis• dloo only -Accounts received and Interest allowed . on olly Winona liubPsel to Check as lan In HEE I=l 150110 1,250 0 1116 4 le 4415 61 SIIO IV 112, GO 00 2.5 00 LS U 0 $L742 81 1.401 1.3 ; ; ij IME=MMI anlbe W pit Tat taring GOLD MARdif rdt The Real Excelicnci 'end Cheapens of our.R4ali. log lithe onlyiecrel of our'peat success. • op Ing: '-' " E~ WI ii..••• nen. but all hr , ' oto• I. ~.111111.11.ja•II, hit 1 cdrt.fully ethonlotcl. Our • 'lt' toll of Reedy- It • I.llOllllliK Ale rui'h • - ro Inksv In othor • ..horitte on cite . 0 , their work • o time* comfort with i.t. , ••••• Oar 11..4 Are 11.111111164 . •', OW !wet U.111.1011{0, o •,o that turn u.s II rol et ery entitle 14• ont:10y I..lett Lo t • till put Into clock. testy eel meld cold-le cc roup oriell with et legal lull • . liolrilihr tie tic• et • • rot for the cur se. e of ell the rep• rhceutationi made. It It enner4ll•4 flint oar ler., 1010111 -mg Mal molly truer tolveolnges, roads um 1,, veil 10Wor 111411 itny other loopr. Irelnvite fcircotopuricouut price. FOR FALL AND WINTEII OF MI We have made the GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET Numberless Garments, Endless Variety, Choicest Selections, Goods to Wear Well, Standard Styles, Latest Fashions, New Furnishing Goods /dr All our gacals nra marited.at Lour:a PRICE-41111111 Were the n+4lllo articles last year. el CUSTOM APARTM ENT AND DEP/JITNEY' . FOR BOYS' AND YOUTHS' WEAR Are especially well prepared to 6leu sidle/tattoo. New and Better Cutters, Improved System, Greater Dispatch, A Finer Line of Goods than ever, School Clothes, Sunday Clothes, Many New Styles, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. • OAK. HALL ;UILDINCS • TES LAMM TE TEE lITATE, S. E. cor, 6th & MARKET STS., .{F.mbraeln g who!, block on tlth from PHILADELPHIA. 31arkot to 111Ittor. 4 WANAMAKE • B•R OW. N. I" itlebicinat HOFF'S MALF V "a ACT . EX T NIUE, GEN NNE, !MI IaIIEPA RATION dir ll w•trott by .1011. of Berl A TONIC nod REOULATOR of Ilto end, " n i :4•%A . Trrutr. roil ALE. Bet, Portal...l Alcoholl Drink • o f y tlehrrlybon. A sTworrit I.NEIt for the ilobllllatod. A REMEDY for 'very oule• TAItRANT & CO., NEW YORK, tub 2.1 m Sole Amin for tbn Putted Staten, etc. 1 - 3111. E S OR IIInIORRIIVIDAL TU 1. MORS nud EXTERNAL, BLIND, BrEEDIND and I l'Cll I Nit, ya,nit.vely. perfectly said permanently CURED NV uln , ut polo. danger, instruments or stamina . , by W. a. MaCANDLE•4B, M. D. No.ITM .O °AUEN PI LA . 'A. PA., Who cm infer yPRIN ou to neer D Ee ST., ven ilmt II dred D of the bent cp.ys on of Phtlittlelphto, whit have bSsn cored. A pm, Pee of (peen years ss a spactuffy lu this disease without wairralite al owe lu all cutlet felt 2.'Lly N 0 CURE, NO PAY DR. 11. D. LONGAKER, Graduate beene University at Pennsylvania. at Philadel hia, has in pace...slut practiee fox a number uf year in various parts of the United Staten; will promptly at tend tu all branches of his profession at his rooms. East aide of Sixth sired, bet. Hamilton and Walnut ALLENTOWN, PA No Patent bledicinee are used ur recommended; therms admlnktered aro (hoar which will not break dew• the constitution, but renovate the ..Tote in from all iniurit It hue sustained iron; mineral medicines. and leave it In healthy end polemic cored condition. CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS. DYSPEPSIA. and all disease. of the bunco. Throat. Swatch, and Ely er. whichearly carry thunsAnd* to untimely on. undJubtedly be cared. 3I EL ANC HOLY ABERRATION, that ethic of alietintion and weitknerk of the mind which render per-uun incapable of enjoying the pleatium of Pe:lull/ling the dune. of ide. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, in any form or condition. chronic or acute. warranted cur. able. Epilepsy. or tall.ing slekness. nod chronic or Flub burn cases of YEMALS DISEASES speedily and radically rein. , red; Salt Rheum, Skin Di. ..Ts (o Sc f (f 3 r. standing) ever de-criptiw , if Ulcerations. Piles and rofulous die ease.. warranted cured ur 120 pAy. iffirl'orticitlitr attention' given to private diseases of every description of both sexes. • Ladies suffering from any comidaintineldenini to their sex. can conwit the doctor with ...sumac° of relief. Cancer cored. nod Tolnorn or HI I kinds removed without thu knife or driiWalg blood. Diseases of tho EYE AND EA.I2, auccroolfully and effectually removed or on charge made. WU,. Lougeker re ill tnAkft clone any di.tauce if de. aired; can be addfensed by letter (cooddruthtlly) uod med- Icme Wulf proper recthins to any Part of the county. Ocelot: Kipftelde of %wet. bet weeo Ilafolltoultod Waluot Alleatotru, ' ' Apr 'fff.ll/ DR. W. A. HASSLER. G V N ATOLOGiSt Dieeatio of the Womb Is a o nplulut that has °erupted much of my that; for the last four or live years, and I have made It # particular study all that time. Consenuently, I auty.unaluccil that it should lie made u orpeehil practice to be sacCessful lu illautioshig soil curing' tho disease. I have practiced bath kv Hospital bud private practice, Where, 1 had numbers under toy treatmeat With tho best success. Some of the Nyintiteina are, Pain on the Top of the Head, Sick itratiache. Palpitation of the Heart, Pain la the Back .tid Disordered Dowels, sod many eihers, whic)Cure all very prominent symptoms of a dbl. es/tad Wont, 'All mi.., then under my trokmout I will glee to . • ADVICE FREE 14.0 give patticalta attoutlart to RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, AND FITS. DR, W, A:HASSLER (4YNAECOLOGIST, ! ; f NORTH SEVENTH, ST., NI AR puntla BQUARE, ALLENTOWN t .PA. 11 ployio*A NiptoriF:reir. .O'VEARN. 1 Kentucky Htrawberry, ()elegant Akpaentrin.—EeeeT body can have Ott , benefit of 9 9 ryeata l exper ience la - tuy new thumptlve Catalan. or DU paces fur 10 Ceuta. it WIN *hat and when to plant. WU. PARRY. fob 99t • . • Clananaltuune if. //BINDING inr WATER POWER. N-A anufactored . riekrc Kamm aftd Belseure can be found at C. F. Wolferu'a.•Flo...7.ll l at H•ollton •treet. N. 13..-Ibuore. Number DOW . eroun by water power and wade ea hod ad wp 16.1 s Countu Statenttnt ..------ ---- COUNTY TREASURER'S ACCO ...7:•••= - : ,- ars 4 F.: , . - S-. 9". •••••;.I-ci'L'l'l • • 7 ....E.1F.-72.4. 1 -4E. . , . .g Z 1: -i 17: 4 .:=. - r - P .: 'A z...: • • " 0 11 re.:ttL-TT.:. w , .. 7•4 7, =.-s•=t2v= 2 • ...T.:4- - 2 ' 5 ; ' g' P ^., pa'• '• , 2 , . 1 sm.vw • 2 L'. ~ 2.. ti-• - 4 - 2,-; ... sc , ICI • : r- 4 :2 70 . -- H - VT;" wt•ntt . -.2.5"-70.?4 m -- .l s 4;LF s F.:•: 4 'fft ; - • 'v.; GA op V• " g „ - .4 3. • : 4 F, TiggEigiisAgeaffilglg 4 c , 7-WißEE.h642 . si'aars" = ' - '" ,P2 aSE 2IZJE ;7.3 2 =E22.5 §IEtAS' . ''g.tmmr.4 tl22sit 2 t 232 2 ,3 _____ P. 'i-,.1.115,-_ , t, e.BsBslv 2; , V3 Yignlgninlibllaggn g' '.34l , ..inWaSina.r. BBBBBBBB3 RgnaPiE :-.1 414i416 41%. , ;1=a2703.a8 FINANCIAL ACCOUNT OF LEMON COUNTY Ft To County inilebleilnitioi, Jan. 1, isai To loitnii made In 1112 $117.332 V) To loans paid In like 103, Rai • To County Scrip outstanding CR. By County 'NY. uncollected for the follnw. tug years IRO 333 93 1,e4718 493 06 2.211 98 " 13,391 34 -- 418,1114 .43 By State Taxes outstanding (or the foll3wlmc yearn: 18 901 fitl 18 . 4; 334 13 • 18.7 113 68 1:40 38.1 90 641 1.008 33 • $3.13078 By stork In lentown Water Co. 1.000 Ilitlitnro Ii 11101114 of Treasurer 31$ 61 • County Indebtednesa Jan.l. 1870 383.713 eal $393,101 31 I= Amount rSperldeti In IW7 ' (GR.= 78 : 1, , 48 1;3,027 42 .. 1841 38,96.1 tt.: $171,241 92 TREASURER'S ACCOUNT. SIMON lifElr En, F.oq.. TreaParerer Lehigh county, la rrount with mid county fur the year eluding Decemer f i at, A. D.l/1111: =I .Itulatuent pal . - .5110 00 .. Inieront on • al 1 d Jodement 101 50 County Tose, for 180 C 9 121 01 .. .. 11821 10,311 tr. 1517 1,014 111 Plate Tan., fur 18r. 6.014 70 '• " 1823 .. .5 15 il 1,1111 70 21 28 Jell 118teria1 sold—, 21 .41 Water Oompany, Dividend ' 70 80 Conti Wow. rent 24. 1.111 • Old Lumber told 454 nd Kenln ?told Bon SI It n lngton Bridge, refunded liiorod, refunded Rules of Court Fines resolved E=MMM By malt paid sundry per.ne on order. leaned by tb Coupty Coinnilaeloncre during the year 181): It, !Mane paid $l , ll. OW IS interext on Lo ins paid 14 'Mal 01 Coupon Bond. paid 4,704 10 New County New 58, PM 02 Iron Fence. new uounty Prison 9 ° ,1 , 4 ^5 Coors Bongo exponsex 1.150 IS ...... Conn Crier and cleaning Court Mune.. Coronerix Inquest,. Travenol Juror.. Brand Jurors Conetablo'N returns to Quarter Pontoon iuteesinenteLift§ - f2 . . • ♦otern en•l corYtcir Election.; r 122212 N=2=:= Tip SIMV. Indexing Recorder's Deed Dockele Rules oI Court Jury CortunlB4l.mern' sularion Rltorllf'n account . VOor ifoIIXO.C./tllll Primal expenses, luclaollog elothlag,fael. &c. Lehigh Cotary , ft ., !LSul r t . t4rit . l ,, tr i le u l t e o ty Comity ....talltors. Eastern c ap o n, Stewards.... OE= Fiatlngion, new ratkilliMEM ii iiiiei's.i....ciii ii li: .w OM- -- -- 25 :ron, Allentown, rePairlog ..... •••• 2, 011 26 Trout Croak. Salisbury, repairing.. 6 25 APPbCo. do do .. 1t 00 Iletitlehont, Hauo•er do .. 61 50 Little Leittgb do .. 8 tin Troxell . K, South Whitehalldo .. 3173 Vero Crux. Upper Milford do .. 10 50 Ileiler'K, Upper SilliCoo do .. 4/1 89 seherer'o, booth Whitehall du .. 107 76 Whimky Mudge, Salisbury do .. .74 75 Spring Creek, L. Macungie do .. to 24 Seltuurntou'e.„.Sailmbury do .. 10 00 I illllooWer'll. liguler Simeon do .. 23 25 sebroiber',, BaiNbury do .. 32 00 It Nun's, North Whitehall do .. 85 93 enamour Hie, 11eldelberg no .. 3849 'leek Wm, Whlteltoll do .. 7300 Wabbe', Lower Milford do .. 55 65 eber, Watabiniztokt do .. RI 48 Kunkle . , Heidelberg do .. 14 7.1 Ciento:lt Corner du do .. 21 511 Knorr's; 'Lowhill ' do .. 2.5 61 Jordon ... _ do .. _B7 19 Jnekxonvillo. Lynn do Lower 3locunpo do P.RIPTitiO AND pat!nehay Welerr_ . K. I/. Leiseuriug Cu T. V. 1th0ad5.,.;...!.... Wills & B. F. Troxlsr Stationery Dockets and Indices CONIMICSIONEIIIP OFFICIFSALARIES Daniel Focht OTT FA Thomas Jacoby Henry B. Pearson. Stephen Hero L. 31. Bostonian, Clerk 'SoHolt, Atturnur Itoveboo I.) px Money refunded dit to one .1 P. Reichar IS d, Treaeurer on error Inn Au account O 311scOlaneow, Treasurer'a.Cominiaeluu on Eitate,Taxtie Trea-ureen salary Suite 'fax for Ihin Hulance in hoods of Trei.urer $241, We the undersigned Auditors of Lehigh County have audited and examined the accounts ogSinton Meyer. Esq., Treasurer, and dud a balance an ahoy...dated. Witness our handaghla 3rih day of January, IEI7O. (84( ii.leMILLETt., F. J. NE%VtIARD, }Auditor. F. Z. HEEBNER, SIIIMIFF'S ACCOUNT. JOHN ;tilt Rher lr Lehig h eudiag Put, I, ism DR. To cash received during the year from County Cummintonep . .. .... .•.. Jury fees • Fines CR. By Boarding releor4 (flberitra Journal) • .1.61.1 75 Summoning Juror. 6) 137'81 Couvoymg tattle liou.e of Refuge. (1) 30 00 Cotleetlug 7110.1 . 3 Od V. OAS 6 Audited and examined January 20,_ 1870. D. II MILI.Eit. F. J. NEWHARD, 1 Aditom. F. Z. HEEBNER, POOR HOUSE ACCOUNT. Areougt of P. P. JOBST. Treseorer of the Director. it h e Poor sod HOU. of Employ meet of Lehigh county to the eudlug Docetober3l.t. To Cush rrcoked from County Treanor°, at min dry Um. no per County statement t"3, OD Cosh from T. U. Fount. Steward-4 • 111 79 By balance overpaid as per. last year's Report 121.54 12 Cask 'taut uut during the yetar on Orders of Ilk rectors as per Order U.K...., 21.053 lamtl4 of Treasured" ! , 12,006 co VS. BLI 70 A 'milted and approrrd Junuary 20. IRO. D• II . MILLER, Y. J. NEWIIAIID. Auditor.. ,F. E. linV.D2lE,lt. STATE ACCOUNT. Lehigh County In account with tho Commonwealth I'•unglvanla for State Taxes fur Mil: To amount neseexed by Revenue Comuiloelou• er• 40, p 5 7 Leen A per cont. for collecting 497 be Le.% I per rent. Treasurer'm commlenlon By amount remitted to State Treasurer, as per vouchers teb ate!' 010,364 re SCHOLARS, ATTENTION ! PUPILS, 'PAREN'T'S 'AND ALL' OTHERS • WHO NEED , . 4 • . , . • O BOOK& STATIcINERY • Aro Invited to call at No. 3.5 West liandllno Street, (Walk• er'• go d too ) four doors below Eighth Stet where you will a large acid complele eteek of all k l sds of School Books used to thi, county, at the lowest cash prices. A full line of LATIN, GREEK. BERMAN and FRENCH books for Colleges. Academies Rod Schools, alway• on hand. at.the lowest roles. • A full awortnnut of Stationery. Blank Book., Memo randum.. Pocket Bootee. Combs, Albums, Picture*. Ster eoscopes sod Views, Window Paper. Ike., sold st the eery lowest cash prices. Runtish .d Getman pocket and family 'Bible", Prayer Books nod'llymn Books. A large Rodsplendid Weir of Idiscell•neons Books of Prose and Poetry. nod Suoday School Book• All the re quisites for Sun day Schools always on hand at Pielladel. tilde Prie, • • • We ore closing out our stock of WALL PAPER at cost. Agent for th, male of BRADBURY'S CELEBRATED PIANOS Plenuraiiii Al real artma Ton wish In pnranana, B. MOM, Hamilton IL. imloaallsitik. ♦llortowr, R. INTERESTING WHOM IT MAY CONCERN To 111,1. r ronimaplating HOUSEKEEPING REPLENISHING. E.S.SHIMER & CO., EE3 FM 401 07 393 4,0 Mammoth Store M 9 Are prepared to furnish twit supply the want. of all, it the very lowest possible prices to correspond with the All we ask Is a call to examine our stock, which Is complete in every department. Our clerks are podte and obliging, always ready'end trilling to show 000DS and give prices. It then 1 . 1111131114 for you to Judge sad decide. 'There shall be no yillsreprenentation to effect sales. It is entirely impossible to enumerate articles, but will noon" only a few of the leading articles, such as SIIEETINDS. TICKINOS, (NIECE'S, COTTON TABJ.E DIAPERS, LINEN TABLE DIAPERS, TOWELS, DOILIES, NAPKINS, BLANKETS FEATHERS, MARSEILLES QUILTS, HONEY COMM QUILTS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARY, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH, WINDOW SII %DES, HOLLAND SHADINGS ~Ny .A Et=l Whatem Winter Stuck remaining. such it us on 18 1 -, 0 84 NI 11 41 nl 110 12 110 DRESS GOODS, SHAMA CASSIMERES, &c IMME I= SMASII-DOWN PRICES ! MO 98 P.l 94 317 61 • Call before purchasing elsewhere, as we will retreats' It to you: Adventism,. 1,D.7 27 1.878 07 MMI EOM 299 50 70 00 937 05 i.,1 06 1.71 n 01 COUNTRY PRODUCE 21: ofu 00 3,744 SO 1911 90 ni) 191 a) 9.5 RI 25 11/ and READY CASH taken In exchange (or Oeed• Respectfully ern 0111121 E. S. SHINIER & CO., 5 AND 7 WEST HAMILTON STREET, LETTER FROM MR. FOSTER. 20S 117 12 li./ MEE lid 21.10 00 3! 00 6W To the Public We have concluded to give up our bunko. In Allentown with a view of eventually nettling In the Great Went. We have done a good buelnena. here, and perhaps we OM 75 101 74 'll4 57 ought to be..alleged. but Allentown to not lOrtto enough to suit our ambition. When it numbers 50.000 lultabaiils, as We believe it will within 12 years, We may come had , a golu to give you once more 'goods at New York prices." OS4 10 V) JO 72 00 101 V 00 E 0 00 Meantime, while we aro growing rich to the West, you'll hare to pay Allentown merchants (all of them. by the way, capital (allows) Just each prices an they may plea. in 6450 1.674 00 22 W 218 40 ME= aCO ,1"00 CO 9, 3l co 2 ffe==l we opened here. We hell them for" 10 cents. Pointy may again bo Hold at 16 crs.. Muslim at 18 eta.. which we sell at 12' 2 eta.. &e., The beautiful credit system will be permitted to portion tho even tenor of Ith way. and people who pay their debt, may continue to pay, In Increased profit+, or the gooda of thorn who don't. Before leaving Ire will do the merehante hero the favor of publishing the usnies and addresses of Aotne two or three persons who refuse to pay smull hill., that we have beau foo oh enough to trust them to. For the present we control ouraelves with giving them Us notice. Messrs. Keck, Weller & Co., clothiers, will occupy our store about the middle of March next. They have bought our lease and fixtures. We are compelled, therefore. If poe. alble, to close out all our Mock before that time. We wilt give • parting slap to high prices. Ire propose to sell everything at almost any reasonable price. . Maur goads will be cleared out lest. than coot. We are now en. gaged in marking down our stock and shall continue todo so until all Is sold. A rare chance will be thus given to secure great bargain.. See that you take advantage of it. Sale will commence Thursday morning, January 13th. 61.790 61 Xlo{ DO 1100 - 2300 I= Very truly 100r^ DAVID N. FOSTER MRS.. GULDIN'S LADIES' TRIMMING STORE NO. 34 EAST EAMILTON STREET, ALVENTOWN,`PA. • In toontnotly eupplled with all of the bent elflen nod •arlotlra of TR lal NllNottlShr4r crePyt rad ih.ittiggenzilirmdtohrearlopt 31t I from Ira% 7r:l' ew cape', bonnet'. and' robe. ; nts ollk, natio, crape, velvet nod lore; to fart, TIIIEtM NOB (or everything to wear that could be thought or beeldes nod ehildren'e UNDER GARMENTS, HOSIERY, GLOVE' THOMPSON'tI ULM' K.FLTTINO COREETtI. DRILLINGS, CANIRRIC BIUSLINS, and a Inrge variety or .IPPEIt PATTERNS. ALL GOODS OF ' QUa I LITY, arid gold at /LISTON lOU INCILY LOW PRICES. CE IKE IMM ASSIGNEE'S NOTI('E, Where., John F. Buekley.• of estaeltuqp, Lehigh LINi..e.P i'z'a `, : ' it ee.I.I,IZAIM,II4,'"g• MI 7AV . Li ion tatgelL for the re benefit of Ws erothture nom.. I. b " ere o by given to all per.o Indebted to told J. P . Buckley Co wok* , Intylilent to the eub.crtber within elg weeks, end (hone haying elnitne to nodal the Annie dilly ittilliellti- MINI Viltlou the .owne Men. .ems dill HORN, C AAAAA Otirg, Feb p, 1870 Avtignee. DPIIININTRATOR'S NOTICE. Exinto of LEON MA REACH. deceased. N o me la hereby given that hotels of administration on the emote of the above named Leon Marbitoll, late of the tow naltip of Salisbury. In the comity of Lehigh, Jocerned, have been 'nulled to Nary Dehiher. all In the aeld t o orushlp of Salisbury. Therefore all persons burin claims or demands against thu estate of the Fold decedent. are requented to makpthe same known to tho •old Mary WWII., without delay. rob • D IN " CO-PAItTNER. D" Sill P.—Notice in hereby given that the no•partner ship heretofore exuding . between Jw.enh !Hatchet' and F. 0. Heinen. dpin; bunluene under the nun mane of AT CIIETT k HAINES, le thin day firm will bY =MO non• sent. The butanes. ot the lam firm will be nettled by Jo. eeph Idatehett, to whom thone indebted are requeated to make payment and atone havlut claim. nhorrid Pee+ent theta. JOHEI'II ATCHETT, F. C. HAINES. CATAIIAUQU•, January 15.11C0. Jan 10.6 w• ANSIVAIEWN 'NOTICE. Whereas, I. K. PeSterol( and hls wife. of the City of Allentown by voluntary deed of asaignment the the 2fith day of Jae L ary, A. IL Ift;0. conveyed to the ender signed all their estate. reel, personal and mixed, for the Per efit of their creditor.; notice Is are given I. all Persons indebted to said parties to make payment tu the oubscriber within sta. weeks trona the date bet, r. mud those baring claims shall present them duly authentleated within Memento time to lIENHY.T. HLECH Allentown, fob 9-feir Hamilton Si., but. Pa. VIECUTOitIy NOTICE,.NOTICE: !WHEREBY GIVEN. that letters testamentary intr.-. llN9sl4lllllsVilit.todlelgaue'lnligiefd t'ortenigpls' Lehigh county, therefore all pent° u who know them • anter to be Indebted to said eotate, are requested tu make payment within six weeks from the date hereof, rad •ucti wise have any legal 'lath.. agaluslauldmdate Wild Present theta well authentleated for entitlement within the abOle• sneaked time. HE:SHY WAIJERWINE, 6101Wi , ' i SA:altar . • • 13 ru Goobz MEE TO COMMENCE IMEMI ALLENTOWN, PA Legal Noticcs MART DRINIER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers