ginancial. ALLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTI TION, Organiud as "Dimes Saving .Thituusion," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (NEARLY OPPOSITE Till AMERICA? , MOTEL,) ' PAYS SIX PER GENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY ON DEPOSIT. Thla Institution. the oldest Raring Bank to Haßtern Penney Urania, hoe been In continuons and elireestdpl operation for ten yenta, and continnea to pay SIX PLR CENT. INTEREST on money for one yenr, uud special rates of Interest for shorter periods. . llA.Alldeposite of money will be held siriett) roon• dentist. Executors, Administrators,Trustees, Assig»res, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and other enatodlana of public or private tnoueys are of Wed liberal rates of Interest. . . . . Partners, Mere/mots, Labor. ro, and all who have money to put on Interest for a long or short period will End our Institution an agreeable and advantageous one in which to Au business. We especially Invite LADIES to transact their banking business with on. MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS hove *pedal privi leges granted by our rharter—bar Ina power to trans. act business with us In their own .11, Money deposited with thin Institution • IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by • Capital stock and surplus money necurity of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS,• Cu d in addition. the Board of Trunteeh have, as required by the charter, given bonds under the supervision of the Court, in the loon of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, which liondh erg , regn• tered In and held by the Court of Common Pleas ;of thin County fur the security of depositors. Our Iron Vault. AM Of the most secure and !AMOY., kind known lu thin country, as it personal inspection trill show, sad to which we invite our friends and ciihtrunern. We refer to this. believing that safe Burglar Proof Vaults complete the Wet y and reliability of a good Saving Bank. WILLIAM 11. AINEY, Provident. CHRISTIAti FRETS, Vice Prehldont. RISUBEN STABLER Canhier. wtr William H. /tinny. . Males 8 Bush, Christina Pretx, John 11. Stiles, . E. Samuels. . Bouj. .1. liagenburl., aurae Brobst, Samuel S.ll. Nathan Peter, The only one that makes more than TIP PtitCh. Mlld news more than one way, thick words mid Forwards withoOt Meiling your goods. Dees all kinds or work, tight and Heavy. They aro sold as cheat.. other mochlues And warranted to be good. Coll and MVP them at Mrs. T. W. Kramer's Millinery Share, No. td .East Ilnmllwu street, gerund door below Ameriran Ilotel. THE FIRST NATIONAL. BANK op Wu, F. WOLLE, Agent. INCREASE OF CAPITAL ALLENTOIVN Paid up Capital, Authorized Capital. The Director uf this 'Bank realizing Om increase of bookie.. la the city and community a• arell as the cootie sod demand and necesvity for more Banking Capital, have resolved to I n the Capital Stock of this Bank frum soma) I n WO, thy) The subscription books for this increase are now open at the Bankibg House, and alipersousdenirous of accuring stock"are invited to make application at once. The auhaerlption• are to be paid In the following Install. meats, viz: 10 per cent. en day of subscription. 21 " " 15th day of February nest. 50 " " let " April next. For futther lafurm•t l ion apply at BJune anking Howie to T. 11. MOYER, C...hier. W. 11. iliorrita, President. nor 17-tf MACUNGIE SAVINGS BANK. Ilamllion, between 71h and Bth Streets .ILLENTOWN, PA. Money taken an doponil al all llama and la limy sum. from one dollar upward, for Which RI X PERCENT. Iti TER EST wid bo Paid. Dep.lts may be withdrawn at any time. Pereona de• tarotua of sending moan) , to any part of the United Staten or Canada.. will have their matter. promptly attended Soy and without any risk on their part. Doi& Silver, Winnow.. Bonds •nd other securities DAVID RCM ALL, President. 4° ' , V b C: Ltelreanw•wfast Cashier. sop 29-tf BANKING INOUNE or GOOD & R E ►IAMT DOOR WEST OF THE FIRST NATIONLL DANK ALLEIcTOWN, PA lu order tu afford all persons au opportuuity (however quail their menus) to deposit money lu ...Miner amounts than what are now received by the varlet.. Depoiiiterlea of this have roueltplud to DEPOSITS IN Sl'llS 1 , 10 , n ONE DOLLAR CT To FIVE TWA's; p and allow thterest for the s.cine at the rate of six per rent. per annum. Interest to be calculated from the fret and ttteenth days of each mouth, Ant...uncut to such deposit. Interest will be made up on all Deposits remaining with us, half yearly, Co tell : On the nest' days of April sad October, end trill be paid to depositorsthese days • if. tot drawn they will go to their credliand 00 be contputinded. No Inetrest will amountlcud on fractional parts nr n dol. far. No lens thou Five Dollars Call be withdrawn unless It be to OUP, ao IteCOUIII. Every Depositor will be furnished with a Deposit Book containing the condßlens upon which unlesst. are received, anti no money trill be received the book be presented and nu entry made at the time of making . the degio•it. Small sums over the necessary expenses of ladle idunk auil,familum that ore liable to be wasted or needlei,ly expended, nifty, If deposited, produce In time summits that will surprisesuy one who has given no heed to the nublect. A depositf 41.0 U per week, •coutinti•••l one year trill amount m k 62 ; two years 4104 54 : three pm rs 4103 ; four years lint M I five years $192 01, and teu years $666 6, It. cumtnendu itself no .1 safe, convenient awl Profitable depository. to Executors, klininietrators, AcF Collettorn, Ageots, and all l'Ulllir Officers, Whether for themselV, br their ono funds, to voluntary cletles or Assoclatlons, sad indeed to all cinssei, of our K 11011,1134 Mal 4 perfect sense of security to Depositors Ls necessary to theattalotnent of oiccen In this enterprise, we have in addition to our own Indl•ldual responsibility, (which In not the fact In incorporated Savings Banks) ex ecuted and deliverstd to Charles W. Cooper, C'ashier of Al. Iscitown National Bank, and Tilghman Moyer, Cashier of let Natlonat Bonk, a Bond of Indemnity (with septet:- ed security) in thosum of Twenty Fl•oThou.nrl Dollars, to be held by theta In trust ter the special security of our Depositors. Thin fort trill place us fully equal (an re. Itrd. In safety et depositors) to any Depository In this ve bny. sell and exchange ell Issues of Drerernruent Bonds, excrete orders for the purehabe end sale of ell grit class securities, and negotiate limns on Reel Estate en small coinmisnienn Ad•ances made to our dealers st ill times 00 approved oollateraln, at market rates of Interest. TIIO Gone. tow Inc Rens. AnOl•Ciml KUTZTOWN SAVINGS BANK. (Organized and. State Charier in Itiov.) MONET RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT, and Auer cont. in t ..... will be allowed. For shorter periods speeial rates will be Bald. Ales, money loaned ont on FAVORABLE TERMS. Said Bank la located In the Keystone House, In the borough of Kutztown. • JOHN 11. FOOKL, President. EDVI•11131110TTX1.1111W. Caohler. Tit VAT,. : 1..1, Slough M. D , David Fleu. * J. D. Wanner, Eng., W. B. Fogel,r h.FI 31. 11. Schwartz, Eng Daniel Cleder Richard J. Kner Jonas ,11er mll2-tf Joha Edge!. Esq. Sire Vroof Safes HERRIN(i•If PATE' ♦MPIUR FIRE AND BURKAR PROOF SAFES (WITH DRY FILLING.) • __warded the Prize Medals sit Worlda ..aleoudon World'• Fah . , N•to York, gapotilloo Polver Park FARREL, HERRING & CO H•arrr OILL•Y, Manna, l j 0.0. W. Ifni.. 629 CUESTNITT STREET PHILADELPHIA HERRING. FARREL lk SHERMAN. NEW El)Rk =1 lIRRRINO, FARRELL & 00... NEW o&LEANs P. NEWHARD, s: R ENGLEMAN 12=r1 • CHINA WARE, LGIAN 6. BOHEMIAN GLASSWARE, LAVA WARE. • RIAN MARBLE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. \ TO. 4 WEST HAMILTON ST., ec X3lsl ALLENTOWN, PA • stAununir9s ITCEIED3 PAINOS, - • alto crwAam LOR & FARLEY two 'S AND R. P. r NEUMAN i SoN'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS, tW AID lIIPWARDM. B V/I , G. TISCHER, Qaoral {9 0l de A` of WU ARCH 134/1 Philadelphia Par the Labito LOOK I LOOK I ! LOOK 2 AT FOSTER'S NFW Yeillli. STORE TILE BEST MA GM:YES IX THE WORLD ! GROVER & BAKER'S HEST PREMIUM SEWING MACHINE. Awarded the bightod preinlinn. "The Crove SG' the Le. glintor Honor," at thu Porte Expleinien. MACHINE NEEDLES. THREADnod SILK TWIST rotodontly on bond. The people of Allentown nod vicinity :ire cordially Invited to call tailor volevrison. . . . Remember Ibe mmo.lle Clerrnah Iterormed Church. N. 11 —Fall In.traellowt given In any persona parchnn. Ina Machine+. All Marldne. warranted to give matlnfactlen M. RElPlitt, Agent, N... 19 East Hamilton St.. Allentown. in. EMI ESiMaiMG AIRS. AI. A. BINDER Iw. jn..t arrived from Parts and LI.IIIOII With 1110 1111,11.10.4111%. per.onnlly .clotted from e 4; ,5110, the ino.t elegant Trlnitulmte to be .ctored In l'arla. LACES. RIBBONS, VELVETS. BRIDAL VEILS. FLOW. ERS, FINE JEW ELEA', and TRIMMED PAPER PATFERNS. DRESS nod CLOAK MAKING. fur totem for Airs. Work 'n celebrated nyntern for cutting Wien' dreeee4, 111V,11, , , etc. N. W. Cor. ELEVENTH nod CIIESTNUT Stn., Phila. .rp INArti T II E ? .? --4V :. 'it 0: 1 SEWING , • 0,..., ' ' ac illie ! ..,,:.,... i , i - to. : L ,., ..,,.. 11 1 • THE BEST IN THE WORLD ! MIMI T'T.TTimrsw.,,itzic?," o " RE wr. J. EVERETT, • 50 NORTH SEVENTH STREET, 0160,000. 8500.000. Below Arch, l'hiladelnblit, (Into Mrs. McCienchan's) Trusses, F..inolo Supporter.. Braces, Elastic Bolt,, Stock ings. Limo:4 Lady at tendants itineai•lT WHEELER & 1111:11.SON'S FAMILY IMPI:OVED NOISELEtPi SEWING MACHINES PkIA, • -sT if pl. 0 RECEIVED AT AU. THE EXPOSITIONS THE FIRST PREMIUM. There were in Lehigh county in about 10 tnunthe over MO machine, soh!. the popularity and tumors, of this Bluetit oc. We Will give everybody n 'Machine ou trial—free of chores—and sake the Niemen:a to ,nit: Machine. &old at the Coal, price—co mutably payment, el kW. All kind, or Thread. Silk. and Machine material kept rod Stitching done to order tit the .Illee. EOM XTO Tll PENN 1' 17rTue 751:7-7-7, 7.7 1-1 V' IA RAILROAD. ll= P.s•st:uner. tstr I'llllsisleltslssa take Lehigh Valley trains All.sutss‘vn at sr s 0 a. M., 11 45 a rn. and 5 rso p. to., aud nrrirsr in 1101.1.181phia nt a a. 111., 2 15 p. no. sun! p. tskss Lehigh and Sis4unsslntuna linliruud train .tt •2 10 p. and nrlnvs• In 11111411ssIplsin at 4 40 p. In. I'.l—ssuussr• fsr llssyls , tssa n tails, ;lain. lea v lug 11001-1.-bolo 1.-bolo at 0 20 n. in. :unit: S , p. Foul Throng'. Tra{u• Daily, Sunda), Excepted Paskenger trnina leuve the depot, Nora. est cantor fork. and Antorleun For Allentown ut SO,l :I and 141 rod 5 p. hr. •• Doyle•toter at 5 , 45 a. ni.. and 4 15P. m. • • at. 1 ,, 4.1 u. tn., ,and II • • Abington, at I 15. .5 'Al um.' np. to ' • Lat,•.l.tlo et ft Train, I.ttava 11,11111 , 11 m at 6 25 a. m., 12 10, 2 22 and d 10 p. in •• floyletdott aat63o a. m., 245 and 5 031. w. " Latt•dale at 610 e. In Fart Wn+ldtialtm at 6 33. 45 a, M. and 220 p. In " .61.1061..11 203 610 aud 6 3.1 !H. liethluhual fur Philutlelplne at 4 On p. m • • 11,,yleutOwn 7al „,. I.ruve Philadelphia for H 400,1000 at 9 Itn u. to. I' 10r Doyle...urn at 2 00 p. tn. Forr-111 , 000wit 1., I'loladolottlit, E 1.1.14 CLARK, Agunt CIATAKAUQt•A AND vooELS V I LLE It. IL On and after NOVEMBER 15, 1,98, lhotarnger Influx on the Catasauttua i Fogel,Mr Railroad will run In connec t:non with the Lehigh Valley Rath,. and Eaat l'.nn.ltall ruad, an follow MEMO 2,01" 1.. , ,0 CAT ASAUQUA. 10.15 6.39 2.13 7..1 •ml.:11 , 1.1.:•4. 10.(15 6. ..!) 2.13 7.01 . 311111155 BIIID(:E. 10.00 1.24 2.24 7.10 GUTH'S. 10.53 0.34 2.31 7.15 AV ALBERT'S. 3.54 0.111 2.41 7.'11 eI!A 1.51 A N 'S. 3.40 6.1(9 2. 5 2.7.33 TREX LEST, MI.:, A. 2.3, 5.58 3.07 11 !I ,;! I! ', ..1 . .! it LE 3.11 4 IP 4.4 i 7.43 =I • • CONNIYeTIONS. The morning • trdin veas kra.ver Catasnoqua uu the arrivalof the L. V. K. It. Leal Pwesenger train from En... Bethlehem. and Adieulowu anti Alillurtin with attain on Faint PennsylVallia It. It. fur lieadiny, Potash'e, llathinhurg anti Philadelphia, and also with A train for Nilo.atusi Pothlehent, Easton and New York. The ...wing :Mill Earl rpionects tit Al•liortla With train,.. H. P. R. H. from Ilarriebotg. Thalia It and Alleu• Lova ;mil at Vidamitiqua with train ou the Lehigh Valley Rallrimd ft, 'Mauch ('haul:, Wilkenillarro, Scranton, PU1311011,11. and New York. • . . .. . .. This 2.00 P. M. traiu West rouns•rin 41 Al•llortip wills • trnin on Oso Lant Penn. It ollronsl for NesolSng s Pott,llle, IlstrOnbursi s .Alleutow u s IletLis•lsson s Ess.ton, l'hilads•lplAss •nsl Now lurk. • . Tho Evening train Fia•t leav•••• Al•Bertiimiti the arrival or • truln from Allionown dud or it mini inkling connec tion. at Heading with wain, Irons Philadelphia, Barri, burg, Putt., ille, Sir., and tidiine , ti. with ditial tinaronge, train nu (Inc 1.. V. R. It. at Ilitti,atiqua tar Allentown. Bethlehem aunt limiter.. •. . . Pet 1.1. inching to go I. Allentown eau take the morit• log train WeW to Al•Buiti, arrive at Allentown Sirat a n., nd return by train to the East Pentowilranla it. it. a leaving Allem...llM 4.20 I'. M. Docs II• ) READINf: ROAD. 4W_. I=l MONDAY, DECEMI3ER 27, 18dtt, Great Trunk tine from the North end Nurils.Went for Philadelphia, New• York. Heading. Poiii,idn. Tamaqua. Ashland. Shamokin, I. , •hsnon, Aliretomn. ltaelon. kph rum. Litie. . . Train. leave Ilarrinburit for New Feet ne follows: at 8.33 B.loa. in., 12._1)0.00, and 2.95 p el...wiling with similar trait. on Pennsylvania ItulLutuil. and arriving at New Fork at 12.13 noon, 3.40. 0.29 r,cei 11 1 . 1 0 P. in. tesPe•ct• Irely. Sleeping Cars neeimipany the fi 35 a. in. nut! /2.20 noon trains without change. Returning: leave New York at 9.00 a. ni 12.101 noon and 5.09 p. Philadelphia iit 15. a, in. and :kV p.bleep ing Cars accompany the 0. C 9 a. no. and 5.00 p. tn. trait. from New Fork withitat change. Leave Harrisburg for litopling. Pottsville, Tamaqua, Illuerevllle, Ashland. Shamokin. Pine Grove.. Allett,otvu acid Philadelphia at 5.10 a. DI.. 2.631111 d 4 10 p. tn.. u • IAII u prncpl W +1.,p , : 4.9a pwl. pl ai g c t n , etiug . f n r d Ph i ilade a phi ny Potts ut ille t a i nt return. . him only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill nod SlIntill.`11.111:1 Ilailread !cave Rants bu ra at 3 P.) p. in.' Way Pansengcr Train leaves Philadelphia ni tn, connectiiig with similar train on Lod Penna. liallroug. tr• tarolug from Reading at 9 35 p at. -.Naha at all ntatloua. Leave Pottevillr act 5.4•1 and 9.(in in and 2.43 p nßoca do vi 9 39 a in. Shaiiiiik in at 3.4 d unit ht 4 1 .1 IL 111. Ashland nt 7.95 ii in nil 12. 3.1 noon, Kati 'l._V P. mfor Philadelphia and New York. Leave Pottsville vin Schuylkill oil Sosquebanuo Rail road at 11.0 , u m for Ilacn•burg. and 11.31 a a for Pine grove and 'Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train leave, P. , :avvillo at 3.40 ro, pa..., Reading at :.'7ln ni. arriving At l'hilmlelphia et 10.•51 a to. Retaining, 1 , •'.'.. Philadelphia ul 4.45 pm. panA g ttow it ln Acc ntmm 7.40 dptin I, arriving gt Pollvvlllo 9,511. PoAiooa o n ut 0.45 a nt. returning: leave. Philmlidlthm at 4. 0 0 m. Colombia Railroad Trains Joann I:A1.110a at 7.15 a to awl 7.15 p for Ephrata. LIB,. Lancaster. Colm 5.e. Porkionien Railroad trains Rave Perkloonen Junction at DAV a to.. 3 00 and .1. 30 p Ivave huh it pulp.. Ville tat bAti a ni. 12.4.1 noon. and if p in. count:et lug trilli trAitir ligiding Railroad. Colobrookda le Railroad trains leave Pott•town at 7.0 • ni nod ti... 131, go. returning leave Molint l'ienvAut at 7.iti and 11.25 a to,conaectiog with Alitillar train. nu Reading it. R. Chender Valley Railroad Trahrs leave Bridgeport at 5.30 a nod 2.135 and 5.P2 It tn, rentritmg, leave Itowniugton at 0,301 111, 1 . 2 4.1 hoop awl a 15 p ha, conaertlng with aluil• tut ttainh cou Reading Railroad. Ou Suudttyn: lenvo Noir York ot .1.135 In, Pidlojolphi n ut B.loa In and 3.15 p in Oho B.lllsi In train running only to I'otl•villr to B.ooa In. Ilnrri.llnrg nt .1.33 tn nod 4.10 p in. and Rending ot 7.15 u m nod 10 to rt lu for linokbarn. tit 7.21 a tu for Net, York. and at 3,4 p n to mind P m for MEI . • - Commutation. .111lenge, Season, Sehool and Excursion Tickets. to and front 111 points, at totlucetkrutes. pagg.ige ellerked through; PP pounds allowed each Passenger. I. A N1C.1.1.5. Jan 5.1 y General Srlperhatroflent. • A.CCORDEONS, NCERT NAN, Jetvot Vtolpt Strings, of lts.ll,tt eptylify. be had at C. Wolfertz it Store. No. Illoolltott Si. et HEAT ATTRACTIONS' won TuE kir HOLIDAYS. = HANDSOME AND VALUABLE GIFTS MRS. GULDLYS, NO. 34 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. Just received • beautiful assortment of Holiday nom V IT AE ONEDOLLAR STORE OUT consbulogof a handsome stuck of Laces nod Lam Collars', DONE.—A larmsamoriment of doe French Goode for etniiraclug Point. Polutaplinua. Iteal Thread. Real 1.1•1. VW' l u n b e n glat :Vet‘vv:itkei OI lleon'editirrqierf tte. ann.eloo no excellent lineal of Imitation Laces. Bags, Pocket llooksi Pashto, Lava!ouhendan &l ad Ctzt Those In search of Christmas Presenta cannot Ond any Va.. and Ornaments, Umbrellas. Jewelry. dm. for One more acceptable gifts for ladle* than are embraced our Vas stmt less. Call and examine for yourselves. DIXON. No. n S.MONTH Street, between Market tar and varied stock of fashionable goods, and . Ckeetimit east side, PLUsdelphia.. •021.!m THE - Lmoli 11,EGISTE4, ALLENTO ADOLPII ZWAZIO. Agent. (11. , 111..n • K Building.) ALLENTOWN PA Llattroabs ID= 12111122 MUM FARMINGTON.. spit EEK A I.- II V,llB, 5.31 6.18 9.7(1, 6.41 C. W. CIIA 1.3 f AN. tl pt. and Etlgillt.(l7. DR. W. E. BARNES & SON, ID IR, TT G- El 14 EAST HAMILTON ST AL LEN l'() WN, PA. I hilV "" 11 I° l • l ti,!-Er.ei;ivg.muu.t7VT.:to",,,Tg7t.liutli.?:ll=',l,l'A,T,;.' "Z . 1 1 ,7::,ll"i'V'bsr E joeLl'd well "" °r° PURR DRUGS and MSDIDLYES, eIIS3EICA LS, DYN STUFFS A LOOM', PURE WINES L roRS FOR NtiDIOLNAL USK. PERFUMSR 1, SOAPS, BR WillkS, FAXUf and TO IhR T A R him PATENT MEDICINES, HAIR RESTORATIVES LINIMENTS, of all Mulls. Constantly on head a large stork of Soda ash, Potash and Concentrated Lye.for soap within. Wa.lting Soda, Baking Soda, Cream Tartar, Purr Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves and Spires of all kinds, Goal Oil, Shorn, Lard and Lubricating Oils for machinery, and a thousand and one other articles which cannot hr enumerated here. We have the largest line of Trusses, Supporters and Shoulder Brae°, In the city. Timm , goods are applied lip an expert. enrrd physician, coneequently a perfect fit Is guaranteed. Paints, Oils, Ulna and Polly. Painters and Minder, are lIIVWed to our store before making their purchases. We keep a full line or of the best q"IIP,LIYI prier. ; ''' . ,i ll ' V a e n h i a ' r . e ‘' Q e te m' a i gency for the Ornat Called Staten Tea telarany of NOW York, and are sellingthe choicest grades of Team at about hulf the,price charged by other dealers, for an Inferior llaality ' 'rry it und beroq ' - vinced. Physicians and Country Merchants supplied at'llte lowest market prices. We intend . hereafter to pay par. Ocular attention to lite Wholemde Branch of the business. Dealers will find It to Illetr ilaoro+lta give 11% a trial undo, an we feel confident we will be able to give sittistartion both In quality anti price. Orders by mall promptly attended to. Quotations for specified quantities furnished on application. Hospertfully, apr 2S-ly W. E. BARNES ,k Sox, li=linOVlK`liiMilirplallerANO LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED 1851 I3ENJ. CHICKERING, Secretary Dividends Paid Annually:on the Contribution Plan. from 29 to 70 An Annual Payment Life Polley le NOT FORFEITED by failure to pay Premium when due, but is continued in force under the Massachusetts Lan- of April, ISM One Annual Payment will continue SIM Policy in force 2 years and 9 days Two Payments " ." 12 Three " 111 7 41 a 27 The BERK4IIIRE was the FIRST COMPANY in the United States to make ALL or its policies NON-FORFEITABLE ASSETS ANNEAL INCOME All Endowment and Limited Payment Ldre Policies are entitled ton "PAID-LIP NON-FORFEIT- MILE POIIICY," after One Aiinnal Prenilmn hnn heen paid PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, W. H. YODER. Agent for Lehigh and Northampton Counties, Allentown Dru Goobo A. J. iANDEit, NO. 1302 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 111$ OPENED HIS NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Such as all sew styles at EMBROIDERIES, TOWEL-BACKS, FOOT RESTS, &c Al‘o, r full line of HANDSOME PAPER PATTERNS, WAR TED, SILK, CHENILLE AND BEADS DRAWING ON CANVAS, MONOGRAMS, ETC., 'Dune to order. Also. Brunch Rouse, 100 FULT6N AVENUE, tEI-3tri BROOKLYN, NEW YORK - - 1870. COTTONS, LINENS, Qc % b t7rt W. !'. : ' d other P' i { Colo th el ' :1 7riYc:ni,:t"L'lligi..l:l.t'lP2:',':! BEST SHIRTING'S DAVOL, WANK/WA, YORRESTDALE, WILLIANISVILLE, NEW YORK MILLS, etc. WIDE SHEETiNGS • UTICA FBUUIST HUOCENOT, PEPPERELL. ANDROSCOUGIN, ek REAL BARNSLEY TABLE DAMASKS POWER-LOOM TABLE LINENS. :ND Doz. Napkins, •1 2.5 tint. to 43 10. MO Dos. Towels, 41 fAdos. to Blankets, Quilts, Table Corers. de. BLACK GOODS BLACK POPLINS; IktERINOES, DELAINES. BLACK ALPACAS, 111011 AI ILS, CRAPES. BLACK KID OLOVEs. CRAPE VEILS,COLLAILS,B u BLACK Tnirr Ell AWLS AND CLOAKS. 10.8 Yards BLACK SILKS, Al cD. Io 45 W. COOPER & CONAltia S. E. (Oil. 9TH & MARKET STS., I= T tOYS. TOYS, AND FANCY GOODS A MUSEESI OF NOVELTIES TO DELIGHT' THE JUVENILES. LEON - HIRSH'S BAZAAR FOR TIIE RALE OF TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, OF GERMAN, FRENCH, ENGLIMI, • AND ASIERICAN ItAIitIFACTURE, =I I= the only place where a complete assortment of Toys and Fancy (toeda combined is lobe found. As any enumeration of the beautifol goods now on ex hibition and tor sale at this palatial store must fall fur short of Om reality, we shall omit It, Inviting our readers to roll and examine for themselves. lip 'mug at once you he au unbroken assortment to select from, mid ovoid tho annoyance of on oyerceowded Stursat Christmastime. LEON 1111(011, dee 1 No. 112 Chestnut street, l'hiloda. T JEANES, CP • PHOTOGRAPHER. Mate of Philadelphia,) has taken the Gallety, • No. 11 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Formerly occupied by R. P. Lammas. where persona ti fret FIRST-CLASS PICTURES taken•t REASONA• STA. PRICES. A trial Is all that la needed to •allsly every ems. CORE °NEI COME ALLI try. want Pholoptraphe, Cartes de Willies. Vldeettes. Photo Miniatures, types. klelaalutypes, Ferrotypes, eta. Clis• us* trial. J. JEANES. no g-ly Sueseasor to R. P. Lalnerea.. 'WHOLESALE KHD"HETAIL PITTSFIEp, .\lA''4 T. F. PLUNKETT, President JACOB L. GREENE. Asst-See'v Per cent EXAMPLE AT AGE :i5 329 WA LN ti T STHEffr miLLIKEN'S, I i CHESTNUT S'i' 'I I III.LADEy) 111 A. LINENS HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS! LARGEST LINEN STOCK IN TILE. CITY• OUR OWN IMPORTATIONS PRICE,S GREATLY REDUCED!. II EST HUSH LINENS, • TABLE LINENS by tke Yard. 'PAOLI:CIA/NIS, all Ors, .N MOONS AND DOYLIES, TOWEL' NOS, all kinds, H LINEN SEETING,. dvdry width, PILLOW CASINOS, Ladies' and (lent.' Linen Handkerchiefs, Linen Lawns French Cambric., Nursery Diapers, ke., !LUKEN'S SHIRT lit )S( YAIS Mil }Minket!. for Crib, Single lied., Ihntillr null lru%lte llotollllonkt.t., &r. • Full Ilur. or lIALLAIIDVILLE, ILIIEHT,, 111 AKER WHLSII. SAXONY. SILK WARP, Av. DOMESTIC MCSIANS ' COTTON SIIEETINGS, WHITE GOODS = • linter• from the country carefully at teteleil to, 0411 ~a nt 1110 r rent by mall when de.tce,l, GEORGE MILLI EEN 1128 CHESTNUT STREET, BRANCH STORE, 8N ASCII STREET, GI RAND EXIIIHITION OF CIIRIETMAS PRESENTS, G. A. SCIIWARTZ, im CHESTNUT WlTlEST,thbotre Teeth, hlaelhi reopectfully Informs Mc customers and the peblic Pid In p e n_r ewal that he int• now epee nll Wn SSW IM Pt lIPPITIONS at tiermen, French and Enulleh FANCY GOODS nod TOYS. 1111iltlif VINUNI all the !molest lin nuteun Menu (factoriea pet...unity, I ant confident that the Variety and 1 paean or floods cannot be compassed In tills country. All are Incited to vislt the store, whether they purchww otherwise. G. A. SCHWARTZ, 4ft 1 Importer, and IYholesaleand Retail Dealer. I. s 'l' s (liarter Perpetual EVERY POLICY is sued by this Company since April A. D. 1/361, is NON-FOIIN'EITABLE, and so erpremted In the GM $1,250.000 .100,000 W. H. (;RAVE General Agent and Attorney for Pennu MEI BE, MAY ii BLA NKETs FLA NN ELS I= LINEN IMPORTER I= NVVDNESDS IROicinal DR. nuremNso%•s VEGETABLE WORM D ESTI tOY E In the 1,1 Vl'itrin 51elirlio for removing t h n nmall !etnt Vl,lll. from chilliten, making the child irk, av other worm 111Clite1111.4 1111. It trill nkti remove. the lane worm anti the vtatintelt worm. I'LEASANI"II; , 'AIZE As CANDY NO MEDICINE TO BE 6' /VEX A PTV? IT. PiticE cENTs A BOX V..0.101,1r Sve that em,l3 wrapp.,l Vl.l. If Yon , •thot3l.l 11.. t II ie•k :I 1. , ' v.,. JoliNs()N, T 101.1,0 WA Y h Co NV DEN MEM • MHE LATEST D I NCI/ VERY IN 1 mEDIcATI,.y. 44.,,.:;;;. The vreut' difficulty whirl, tilly•iiclatt have b„ o, labor ing for ceatarien to overcome Intim length hciamiliv A Vegetable Cathartic and overcome, 111.4.• :Inv mineral nreparatioa el the *ante 1AA..., and .1..11010. t 3 1 .110 to 00 1.11.10 as ordinary rattily, In now offered to heKirk In the form of a Lacuna.. Da, EitAnmr!, WINS 1.0 11" S. LIVEit AND wrom Aril L(IZ ENG the tnt.t Imptirtnitt medicinal novelty that modern chetaintry Lon prndared. It contain., two betaal. 1mr11114 , 4 ein• bodying nil the remedial propertit, tary, and de.- tilted In tilts 111(.1,001W fern, to -nperataln an nerc d I..mnls), from general not., the pill. and pollen. of which that lintinerotta excitant I. the 111841 11igr.I.Iprot. Mr.. than iI/ LX PERI tI ENTs wore made by the 'a viator of thin peerlo•. bole, It it a. lireanlit le it. rnnent %tato of ri , r1 . 4.1.1,11. ' 11..1,7,111v 1. hart/11,01 1 , 1 • operatien. Mt. tIVi• r.111111..11.•11, h.,. 1 ~,, lip chemical art, their v atm , remain . active a ' , went 111 Ilyx• p.p.via. Ell irm.rnr., Con, f fyll, Sirk ar Nserette Ilseybwhr, Ow It r.• 011.11•10 b , k1'1,1,11 Ow feebler hex are nuttier% tliti.homagen will be found in finitely more ellectivd than :MT the horriblo tad ~. 1111110111111..111111y 11.11111111.4,1,1 In ...01 An /illlllllllOl, •pecitic am! gentrtl 11 111,0 110 11/11.11 1.11111•1' V.4.11.....1 pr.luiralLoil. or Ow IT Is 411,111/1,1,0 Ilml no 11., Ertn.tnes WINNI.I.W•s L rot, ANII nronnett Iciznnett: mill bike or proryerth, p , ,1.r,0re1rfr0r,v1,1.1.,. pill. NtEVICE —Circulars /tad show Cards ..1.111 to dealers fro, of vnp.•11...1. If your drogglitt Ihte mit the.° 11. - 01 011 hand, Writ.. to tli.. Proprietor.. :A) cent., slid box Will to split fr.....vf pft•-1111t, PHI SOLE 1111110 MEM I. copoclis -_ • • ...,„FE..;L: \\,loooo.ta 4fAR.6. NEW YORK, n5S.' • 591 iyaoNDwAl; EARTH et- l e* E 6 lADREkLEP. 415 N. "S'&,l'edlk°Q4"-P BOsTorl,i 19 DOANE ST. SEND FOR CIROUj.ARS A Tincture of rare healing herbs, sold in bottles only, at $l. or IS per. If, Dar. Sent to ony ad• tilkS dross on receipt of monoy,Al and guaranteed. ALAkt, to cunt p Pt • Nr) 4 1156' 4Ve. A Genuine Family Medi• cine prepared for the Curo , of Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Colic, Fever& Ague, 6c. !ten. courages Digestion, cures Heart. burn, purifies the Blood,.& regulates he Liver. See Circular. 5 , .1,1 by Prneci.te. s klyirtz HEAD , . v; I r s r t h lri , c , 1 C m o e l i 1 ;r n , El l y i s r ni 3p c i r n y g , i ti f. Ils eh, quiets Hastlessness, allays Intl 2 mmettnn, mid promotes 0.,,,E, Healthy rest. It softens the r Gums, nett rrearre Teething 25erni.11141 , 1 , in a bat .1 M ENT far 11n.. Ilarb., Eon a, Eraralonc.te., laaarOA. Sall by Druggi3t, N —I y T)(EN I PI:CTOItAd. CUR ES corri IT PII(ESI X I'ECTaRAT, rrnEs coran pH,ENIx. PECToRAL CURES COrt;11 ••,! r. e t f.%Vc The Phoenix remora iTnl cure the disedscs or the Tllltorr net. Luttii+, such on Cold, Cough. CPUtp, Asth ma, Bronchitis. Catarrh. 5u e Thrimt, lloarsenens, Whoop. lug Cough and PUINONAIIT CO,rmrrioN. Thi. tedlrlllr Is prepared liv Pr Levi olierholt zer at ChiladelPhid, and formerly of PiltrOXVllll., In., and although it has only bruit otreriol for live years, inner than one PPM.. bottle . n have already peen sold, and the demand for it In Increas ing every day. Many of the Retail Waitaki+ buy It In lots of dee gross, and not a fete of the Country Storiikeep• ers try one gross at a time. Nearly every our tole, hay ever sold it teidilles to it. popularity, and [toady all ltho have nerd It, bear testimony to Its onderfu I power to curing Cough. ft'.' ale runtlJent that the Is no known medicine of ouch gaol Tatra , 10 the community as the Phienix Perko al. It li.ts eared ca., Of the InuNt painful and tlittrethinit cough, of year. Ktuntlinir. It Ita,. given instant relief In spell, of eoughin¢. It nu+ itnittintly slapped the peroxy.on of II moping Cough itnil arrally shortened ii, ilutetin. It Inn. cured Croup 111 a 11.1 V Initote•. Coliptituption been eureil loy it, whet.. all oilier rent• etiii•A 111111 tailed it, good. uu.25-1 y llonrsoness . has been C 1114,1 by Inn single night. Many Phyp....unos ended it. 411.1 it and ad ... mitl veotonh ,lllll thoirprarttre. bile others op ir. " r . t.!eYa;;;Z!l; . :l er rt 000111(1 refer you to the mound the bottle wh o you will 111.1 numerous irisgirt, h> persons who have u•otl it. It is .111a-itat to the tiotto that children cry for It. It i nu ntimulmi,,g -ti at tho natio. time that it :Wit) , tho rough. The prapriotor ha, •o much . contldotico In It, entrancep.iacts ( o nn tho t,-tialotty thititiottl• who ha vti used it that lii. n icy t- ill 1 refunded to any purchaser l• not •ati•lied tylth It-A . .0111-s It ^0 cheap that all t. 1411 P1 . “..5 Latgo (Lath"... +I. It l• prop:l,a only bc M. W 1.101.1,111.1.1111.0.,.., . No. 17,5 North Third St., Plilliktl'in lAT PI iTTSTOWN, 310NTOO MERU COUNTY, PENNA. N. R.—lf your ueur.-4 Drugaba or Scoekeeper [bail 1101 In. e thd. medic ...urn 111,11 to not It few roll. soil do not The Fir-t Term ••( the Nit. leontll Auaual 5. ,, 10n ,vlll lel ban put yon ntt tv all son.o tdher preparation berooot • comment' , tot IVEIINESDAV. the Sth tiny ol siirrEmiiiii: i... ~.............,, .........). .... .. : 1.... ~ 00 ....t al al ..lite to : 11..X1. l'apti- r..volvt•tl at duy tr., Cor C.rcalars ad. "I'lnt'utcrt . n II" , an kuo it I. kopt,or onel to Pr. Itle•r. , dr.-- I( t:\'. 11E0. I'. MILLER, holtror. C w • l'rlntaind. B,dd by L. Schlaidt A (' 2 . Di. IVIn. Dames At Son, J. . B. 31notrLowall A 11,01o•t, 11rogoo., .theutoru, J.. 11EFERENCES • lovall. 1.0 ont Ndstio,and noarlY I'VcrY 111 tutglod and 'dor , . ' keeper to Lehtult County. ,Luc "us 1 REV. 11118.—M,,,, Scheffer, Monu. K ninth, Seb.s, . ' 3111111ealung. Shure... 11 atuo... Siorb, Conrad, Rout,. I ger; Wyle, Sters•et, 31urphy. Cralk•llauk, eo. TT DIX(EIi, No. 21 S. 1 , .1G 11TH ST., H„s,_ j„,h,,, L„,11„, 1,,,,,„„ r a :tiro,. M. 11„,„II _I 1_ • l'ltiludt Iphia. 1 Thayer, Ilenj. 31. Boyer', Jacob s. Voo, Ihooer Clynter, PIIIIIES TO SUIT THE TIMES. I Jolflt Eillluner, 'to ' RICO FANCY AND TOILET (ioDs. 11 littilialflerot u,sotoneat, Inoarpassed for vorict y, ..1. , - 1 E' l; a r s„.,7J•v . "; . .4, 1 1. 1 : ..,„ f, ' ,.. 1 1 1 1 ‘ , 1 . ; . ',!,. 3 ,;‘ . !‘:,..7.,,, 1 .; . • ~, .. .,1, . , , . .h?r. n i,, F g . g ! : {atm. of tdyle, .11 tuctlerattou in Poo , nue Fruh Clover. tor Jarllonera, rich Bohemian and 1 ( ,:i,,i r • ' "r ''' .k . i '• I '' N '''''''• '''' "r ? "' V ' '' M ' il ". Al) ' . " . . China Toilet Set.. awl Vase, Parl-dan Ila•ts11111i Statuette., , . liv , NV.' lldlandos'. ddbo, I , 'lll, ' , tub , ' N los 01, itIII mounted Cold Rovolver. 111111 Flower-holders, Robe , angltl'AY ulna. ..111... CIIIII.I, 1,1,1, Pall. Marble, 1.11,11, Mill 1 f1a"..... ,-, .....................= ,, " --- Oil! 1.1111/talent, Ifirb Put, stud ViPnnu an, flno otet. Vulcontto and ii)OtCl..). Crouch Jewell y, Cigar and Tobacco More. Rad' Holder, I Wrllillg if f., ,, k ,, ; Gl.vo, liall,11,11:11101 111111 NVork 110%.,.1 - . - Iln...fig C.uotc, 'rule:, Paver Cantos. T IIE 11'48PI•LAItSt',11 NI Ett RESORT SILK, GINGHAM AND ALPACA I'3l 1111 ELLAS, CANES, Ad., With a 111 0 11,111 d oilier !Wale. etnbracjon all.thot la I ' neW or d' ,l (ablelor bralal. IbrOnfaY or helitßY Prcceats, 1 TitE sr..vrE EXCITANGE MOTET., ~.,•,..„ in nobility utol modelote in pro, ii . DiX ~ ..\ , X , .. 21 S. EPIIITII Snort, boomer' Marktd , mot Chestnut, I .I.'l .11., P11114.'11111. 1111 21 dim WA I.N CTPORT, 1.1111 111 II CO Boot ftlaitcrs R E 11 0 V AL I; TA lintel Inlzurie. 111.. lo•mptiug tikealm ntoi vegetable.. ) 1 / ) ET , N L E .„ satinuer 1 / 4 I-' /110 .1,11 VPllll l nted. 41111 .10, ample for the 10,01t0n..11,01.. gov.t. limy t.ll 0.111.801 oyez tmthi, ,11,..bonid• ing Ilto Illy, Spvciiti .000,goonnt. made For (Ither WILLIAM KUNTZ, .1)"2 '41.01t0/tou I'. U., Pe WHOLESALE AND ,HETAIL BOOT AN D S[IOE STORE It= S. W. l'f,roer qf HAMILTON arra SIXTII 57'5., NOS. 3S AND 40, whor, they ltn , prep.tro,l to tcr , ive• Olt tr painpmt The 11'I1i)LFti_1LE DEPA RTM EN T =9 A gr oa t gm, ktlty 4111 h.. work brink of tholr 014,1 make and Ow b,Jnurc from th,• h, •t moon filet u tort, In the country THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT I= 932 - 7 1 ":" . '!. 11 ,`.!7„,5,'",,`',"'„, 1 0'17,,.,',e,!`:,"'„E., and Cigar- lib 0w1..., dlontior Navy. and Jdues l Son'' , Tobacco al Way. on hand at low 3leereclmulit Ilrtar, French, and ether .tyle• eau Le had het° to nut etneloinerA, either wle.l.“ , nle or retail. . . . . JiMIN LEES. WholesnLe and r. .1,111 Jobbing 11.1.1. e and Mmuufitclurrr or Clan. 93!: MA lIE ET St. Irur IT. if BOOK AGENTS WANTED TOR svetraahra AA7) TRICYPILS' OF =I P. T. BARNUM. WRIITCA 11T 111101141:1 : 1:10AT LAI.II OCTAVO• — N6•111 , 81/ 1N EX111.1.111 ASII ONAII,I —33 EI.I:O•AT . ITT.I.I . AOI: 11,10RAT11.111: . . . It enibroreo F•IITY 11, I.its IieCoI.I.VITION4 of 1114 &n.' Life, it, a Alerersunt. Mounger, Booker, Lecture and S howman, and I, V., are Mut , . or h.. f 'unreal . hi. Pollute. hl. nuccevv:lll If...yenta Toole. moll linportont Ilinturtral and Peroonal Itevuunovo•nere, replete with nu. Plncr. Anecdo t e . mud Entertaining Nurratave. No bout übliohed ro ucceptable to oil eluvoeo. Every one wools 11. Agents are .elissig from GO to 11.0 a week, Wu utter extra term,,.Our Illuotented Catulugue nod Tenn.. to Agents sent free. P 2.41 .1.11. IIRRII & Publishers, Hartford, Cons. NEM 10E% r 4 =ftMEil= r m oEmurri C O wißdsts PHI LOA. The lootutiful ant !mart] ground,. of thl. h 5 I hay • 'woo Iltieol np e..pochtlly I, Ow arcommodonou of • , Xcur !ohm Thi. Mnialite c.,ntains nll the rleLnanti io produce ,731'. 01 all nal I. highly recolatortithul by all who .. it, Klan by MO. ,rulala.4lcla.tal•t. ho'hava. hr MU iaated its qualita , a. Ilago at :Nal lb., BEIM 39 South Wnfrr r.nd 40 South Drlawnre Fur,sule by WILL:...M REYNOLDS. 71 South Street, Baltimore, )Id. Fur InformeHun, uddieeto Henry Bower, ?'l.llndelphls. leblib'lDAy I_RINDINO BA' WATER , POWER. Slf-31nutifairturrd so.„„,„ am lu ,t C. F. Wolfrtteo, No. mtn•et. N. 8.-Ilitaorn. Butcher Kui•om itud tictx.un gronml by w•ter Dow.. and mad. , stn good an uvw.. N0T141.71.1. -TO ALL WHOM IT . MAY CONCERN. —Noticr , l, herdy given that Np. pIICILIon owl.. to John \V. Scary. at the ETOTN lion or two 1.14.4 Mom Oils date. lon Om N.Otioll of lto ERTTIIIO.IIA3, now in eon linemen! In tire 64.1. In rent. Muttony. EVAN HOLDEN. JOHN 11. OLI VEIL SAMUEL A. BRIDGES. Attorneys of !lobar{ Thomas. ALLENTOWN, 3•91111 Ty 91. Igo. FEBRUARY 9 3 1 1rata5. ESTABLISHED Issl .T. REYNOLDS SON EC= I= I=l WROUGHT-IRON, MR-TIGHT, GAS - CONSUMING MATER, WIT!! PATENT DUST SCREEN, =! \‘' ItOUGHT-IRON RNDIATOIt T 11,1• 11t .r rco,tro 111111111 of Ilea,: y 'VI - ought-hon. wall rivoted iho only .ore pre, • 111141111111.1111•1 1110 Cope of 1.., or Do,. They aro willooott uny dompor.. Th. Paton! !NM: v., ovool , tho too. nod o11110),1111.1.. of drool, :tlol Is pernoloolitly ut inched to Cho lionter. 'rm. th.• oto.t doroldo, orotoooiral PUPLIIM . !betting .1 ppowl ,vor otlorod rlp are all goor.totood COOKING RANGES, for PORTA 11 LE HEATERS I LATROBE II EATER , .. LOW ',OWE GRAPES, SLATE MAN'rELS, REGISTERS Aso VENTILATORS. ar , lll.lllllnufortill itig . a NEW FLAT-ToP HEATING RANI* 4 - 6- , •••11.1f , , oar 1111,trotml Pamphlet Sprrtacics sPECIACLES! SPECTACLES:: EVE GLASQES, &r. .9.17 4 4!) tuk..1.1..1 • A large and CO/111 , 10 0 Sperieele, Eye (A1a...., (11 . .‘5. ti. Nl.lS`q.])"S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET = Having flovotrfba great deal of care 11ii Httellti. , lllo the Syeetacle tor tlo , o la., low yo ur., I tint that may Inoone.s in that line has off moult that I have de fermium' to make tt n ed'ECIALITY. Thorn Is 11., article unfunfartured In which there. no numb deception purify tfeed it.. there Ibit Spcm..l.• Ihlll Ihr politic have loten lifunbogged by partlon pre lembng hat—• g ennortor article of lildN4m., and charging crexorbitant tfrt.' , for theta, ti n ily trallleing 1111011 tile Cl••SIlle• y I ago, I 113 V.. taken Itabot Iff feet a largo and 1 , 1111r1.`(..11.., Hama of line-t and hest (1111,,s e manufactured, 11111. affording all prison.n Hag vor ommrtunity of puicha.nut at roa sonable price, l'or.ou. hav mg any dallrulfy In losing enitog obo,cliere at, trill to give not a call, as I fee l rmilllflent that no one will fall to b....0i1...1. Itrntember the old stand, No. lof bast .1 . 1,,,t0 the tier. matt ta v. 11.4.r0.1 Ch ch Jun 51 . E(1.1 N(yricE! ..—...-..„,., - ,(07:., , > .: i „.. _ .............-- -..............-- I„siZA RUS & MOR RIS' tr.f.F.I:I2AI'ED SPECT.V 'F.ES AND EYE,GLASSES oNE OF THE FIRM WILT. HE AT TH E STORE OF THEIR AO ENTS, Nf rssrts. KF.I.I.EF: BROS., Jewelers =1 ONE DAY ONLY, MONDAY FEBRUARY 17 1870 1I ation.l•• ror ilia sarr.a , ar 11•.14., Bran. in FITTING THE EVE IS UI FFICIII.T SBA CASE , . TI• . • ~, ..airrring rr,a impaired or dr , ettart Aaiun are rersimnatalad to 0,111 thrill-Ave.! or lid. MEI L ADIES' I , A.NCV FIRS ,- JOHN PAHEIRA „ • i ,- 718 Alt.Cll ST., , 1 y. Middlio or the Meek. het Xr .. 4%, .A 111.11.1801 St Solid, Sid,. 1 . 1111.A1).1.111.1.. ri) '. , .A*:!..r. k 31annfacturer i . l' '. • .7''''') and I , ..11. chi all kitl,nu quality ..r . 1 . , v , con !.... k 0 N E. (1 .2 r .;: e F tiVi. i ii S t rgr 1 w,./1, It. ......--,..: Iltab Inc enlarged. rented l. • ~....v. , ..- elonl and linpraaed fly 01. 1-"-• ,4, '-: al - end hi vei uhly known PC l ''''.,..:' d'.3lPOlt 11'31, and hav In. ~.!k,"7.1 imported a very large am 4P :. b,plerinl o.%ortlin.ilt or ”i • .-',- the clillerent klutlb of Fur from lint Illithl,ln Europe and have Ilild them mud IF 1,, the inu,t hkillrul workmen, I %could rebpectfull luvlte toy friend,. of la h ch and ndr.teeht Cut] tale., to cal nail ~gmlue my very large nod benuttritl 11...tnrtIlleill 0 Funcy For, i'or laid... and Children. I am detertiOned l bell ut to , low wirer it% /toy other rebpectnble llnnbe in thi city. All Furs Wiuraunnl. No nnbaeprebeilliillinel to ..1 feet bale+. .1..11N PAUF:II/A.4 lint 1.1•4tO di St., Philadelphia eburational T Eer )1 L V An English. Classical, 'lnthenintical, Scientific and , Artistic Lrtitution r“lt YOUNG MEN AND EOYS' WILLIAM KUNTZ, PROPRIETOR Agricultural - Bow COMPLETE M.\ NITRE, 11 EN RY BOW Elt, Chemist =! MITZI Seiper•PhOßrhate Vir Mille, A mon fa and Potash WARRANTED FREE FROI ALA:LIE:RATION DIXON, SHAIIPLESS & At.I.NT , , 13=1 1870. elotbing T HE VERA' BENT THE CHEAPEST, Tll ENI / 'l' 11 E A U L AND MOST DURABLE ( L O 'F N , AT . KEY E IIALL 1311 I,LI ET Ilave ,h.• large4l. 6 , 41 nod chenvest ',tuck of CLOTIIINU ever got up in Olt. vity,und kin their line, MOJil (t)11` , l'A NTS no.l sll other port:111111m to MEN'S WEAK FOR' LESS MONEY, than yini ran boy ..I.ewlior.• lu Eloorth Petti,,ylvmd. No Slop Shop ?mule Goo() A old. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER NV.. keep renntantly on [mod a large and elegant unnort• rent of fen which contemern ran make their ne n lnctions and have them made up ion abort uellee. '(heir f'ettlng Departmeta In under -the P.Up1 . 1 . Vh.1..0 of GEORGE K. REEDER, WIIL/ /MX had tnnov roam experience In the to hunt will be plea.ed to receive the cull. of Lk Conner patrons. .17W - All walk tvorrented to be of the very best T HOMAS B. METZGER- ATTOR• NEY AT LAW. ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, Nu. 62 East Hamilton street. may '49-'0) ELIAS MERTZ, ALDERMAN, St' RVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, AGENT FOR VIE BALE OP HEAL LBTATII, next do.. to the (if,Ann Reformed [Church, ALLEN- I SA West Hamilton St., Allestuwa. TOWN, l'A. till Ana •4•0 nur new WINTER STOCK, received the K . EY ST( )NF I I ALL, No. 24 West llnmilton Street A roll am..ortment of linnir . Furalsitlur flood. xlvemy, on AARON 11A1.1.1E1' taay 12-tf lEEE (1 HEAT ATTRACTION 1 .VE TV FIRM! NEW 0000 S! CLOTH' NG! cLoTHING! FALL AU) WINTER OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES . s N & CO. =I RA I N AT THE GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM =1 N0..13 EAST HAMILTON STREET; =I We would Inform the eltl/en. o! Allentown and the cur nnintliug country that wo are prepared with a large stork for FALL AND WINTER WEAR, wed I offor thorn to the piddle at reason able prices. To those ho hey their Clething reedy-made, they urn prepared to iitter BARGAINS. WHOLE WITS MADE TO ORDER' COATS, PANTS AND VESTS 1==:! I=l CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, I. turgor than It ham been before, and we Intend to sell very SMALL PROFITS, and love our customer,. the bene nt of oar low Purchase, 0 rent quantitleg and rancher or NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, =9 FURNISMING .GOODS . I MESS, YOUTHS', BOYS', and CHILDREN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING =2 Don't forget the place, No. 43 East Ilniniltihintrort, third door above Sixth street. /Z!Eril!l T. 0 m 'V mar M-tf StiCLICITY AGAINST LOSS BURGLARY, FIRE OR ACCIDENT THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY I=l =I THE FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY ( 11'11'.11, 111= N. 0. elurence 11. 13rI. J.blm Cl.l.l”.!ibralost., . • . . /irory • • Preslaeol—N, B. ISItOW NE. Vivo Prebident—C L. ItniNCE IL CLAltki. SPl:rvtary uutl PATTERSUA. Serret.try—JANlES W. IIAZLEIIURST. The Couulany have provided In their new Building and nbaolote veenrity agalurt lora by FIRE. BVIIO- LARY. ur ACCIDENT. and LECEIVE! , EcritITIns AND VAIXADLE4 ON DRI'OS IT rNDEI: DUARANTEE, the following rote, for ode year or lee. tiarlod Government nod all other Coop.) Securi- (rausierAbin I.y deliver y.. 111. no per $l,OOO 00,111311411 and all nth., Seenrltien reigni• tered and negntiable only by tudor,e. :neat Grid Coin or Sliver Co , nrun Silver or ()old Plate, under Kcal on own. r i , eotuuate or value. and rate mubjvet adjo•dment for bulk Jewell y. Diamond...qv th. a d a . Mortgagee. and N'aluable Paper. generullY. when of no fixed value. $1 a year each, or according to but . Thee. Inner. when deptodted In ilu bores. are charged aevorilitig to bulk, upon a bank of I", feet cubic vapaci• ty. sloa year. Coupon• owl Interest will he collected, when desired, sad 1. milted to the 1.1111..., for one per cent. The Company offerfor . MIitNT. kci the tee •xcluel•ely luldlothe T t SAFES Vt$11:01.T1113 BURG I.AR•PROOT VAULTS, At rat,, ear, log from $l5 to $75 each per aottom, accord• log to %Ire. Ilepo.d, a Motley Received on which Intereet will b Allowed 3 per cent. on cull Depuelte. pnyable by check nt night, 111111 4 per cent, an 'rin ! Pe. pity.tblo uu 10 day** notice. Travi9oro Lofty., of Credit fornlohed, ••allablo to a MSIZEg This Company is also authorized to art a. Executor. Adinnti•inttorx. and Guardian+, to receive sod execut Tro.t. Of y de.critu .1 (rout the courts, corporation. or to•lividual, N. B. BItOWNE. fresidemt. ROBERT PATTERSON, *cry and Treasurer inn 6-3 m fIREAT lIISTICIBETION BY TINE N.-4 31171101,1.01.1 TA 77 0I FT CO. C 043 Gifts to M anion oat off."• ( ), om. Erer# Tick. t timing (I Prise, 5 Cush (lift, earn it earn 4O Cosh OM., curb $l,lOO 10 •• )o,iti( 1,0 - — falll .. ill " 7,100 10) • ' 1(5) 5.0 El..g.thl liosrO nod l'inivd,. ... - . riteh cm to coo wio 75 to 100 :Col) Sewing Muchin. , " 111 to 173 31u1101.1 Watch., - - - " • 7.3 to WO Cit•lt Pores, Silver Ware, &e., valued itt 41,011,01) A rhaucolt, draw any of the above Prizes for 2.3 e. Tick et. describing Pro, are paled in Envelopes and Well ityed. Oa itioupt of dic. a &lard 7'icket Indrawn with. oa si t ddo:: and ...did by mall to any addresd. The ttn,e 1111411. M Upon It .111 be tiVllVert`ti It, the tlrket•holder U PaYllll . ll, ..f emir hottnr. Prizes are immediately neat to any address by express or return mall. lon will know what your Prize In ilerOre TOO pay for 11. Any Prise ..rrlimigrel fur another irAninr•oitue. No Mani, oar patrons ran depend on liwr dealing. Eregarxers:-.We select the following (ruin many who hat 1.1 lately ill - anvil %%01141140 Prire• and kindly pernillteil its to publo.h Andrew .1. (towns, Clurago, SWAM; St ir, tam S. Walker, llaltinidire,Platio, 460 J slatibior•, Peinnt, /AMP; Jobe T. Andrews, Savannah, Vinoii 511, Agnes Sinmous,Chaileslon, Piano, .010. Wu jul uo lialt , \r about V nuisnlun. I , PINIIINA 40r 1 . 111: PRE.,-1111 rt`iiiiiliey and do mired, their surges.. "eekly 2'rfnunr, ..lap s. P. "We killiW 01,11 to be a: fair dealing ilrin." lHerald, New •. A Irlend of Oars drew a Jo price. whirl, wa r prwiip, I7' Ge ra ld. " — lhe fly Nrter. S eal I.l:Circular. Libel:ll Inducements to Agentn. Sat• Ist:triton :Every package ul Sealed Envelop, rontains nye 1,411 411 r, Pockets for $1; 13 for 42; 35 fur 4.5; 110 lorsl3. All letters alsonld be addressed to ACEsON. 51 11 1 1 11 E & CO., 57 Brundway,, N. 1 IMEZiiiMiiiii=l PHILADELPHIA. Mae Goods and Ilatulkere NEW GOODS atlas LOWEST CASH PRICES!! ! PLAID, PLAIN and STRIPED NA•INSOOKS. •• SWISS. EXTRA WIDE FRENCH MUSLIN, at Masao. HARI/ and SUFI ' FINISH CAMBRIC'S. FRENCH OIHIANDIES AND NAINsoOKS. PIUCES, SHIRRED AND PUFFED SIUSLI NS. REAL AND IMITATION VALENCIA THREAD. .• .• GUIPURE. IM. CRO.CIIET LACES, at I, 2,3, 4 cents. Ar. Itt.OISTERED AND IMPERIAL. ESIIIIIGI DERV. COVE,TRIC, SANDI:WHAM and other RUFFLINOS. HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INUERTINGS In great va riety and below regular rates. E3IIIROIDERED INFANT WAISTS from N.Y. Aurtlou. •• ROBES ABp Lally In NOTTINOIIASI LACE CURTAINS AND CURTAIN LACE A full line CIIOICE TIDIES. LADIES', HEN' IS' AND CHILDREN'S HANDKER CHIEFS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, Particular atteutiou paid to INFANTS' WEAR. LEMAISTRE. & ROSS, oat 8-'Ol TABLE KNIVES, FORKS. SPOONS COFFEE MILLS : &c. : e t C. P. WOLFERTZ'S Moro : N0.:16 Eitht llootoltou Street. flop 16-ly FOWLING PIECES, it reduced prkel. Remo'were. Powder tioroo.Shot N Pere.%Lon Lope, .etc.. by V. P. Wolfertr. o. SS Root Hamilton Street. eert - • - - - - - - TAYIES 1111Eltlf, ATTORNEY AT ej LAW. °lnce. No. CO bast Hamilton Went, second lloor of Lion NAIL Allentown, Ps. ttipeeini Attention giVell to rolleCtio.. I marEhly EIA G. SCHWARTZ. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Knause building, Sixth and U•ntiltOti Mreete, opp.oote tho America° Hotel, Allentown, hughoh oud (lemma opokeu. Collet:Mum to Leumit auk, conutteo promptly atteuded to. LORGE 0. RUPP, ATTORNEY k_A AT LAW. Mike, with Hon. John IL aulen, nuen• town, lin.. I). LUCK EN BACII, AtTOR . CBI" AT LAW, (formerly practiced in Carbon conuty). Mice, No. hunt liantiltonstreet, second Maori Really optooote the Court Ilona!, Alleutown,l'a. May hrcmu In the German language. cIAM EEL A. BETZ, ATTORNEY AT kJ LAW. Wilco with I'. Wyckoff, oppoolte the F.ugle Hotel, ALLEAL OWN, PA. 14E111611 VALLEY FIRE INSI.IIIu ANCE COMPANALLENTOWN. I'A. Office over !tenon,' National Bunk. Ingutee prenerty atothlht lug. by fit on the glitch mutual plan. C. S. Bran. Pron't J. S. 1)11.1.1Sii1.1t. Sort 5. & N A ( E L EAUTIFEL LIFE LIKE P I3r n E. (M TES UF. VISITES, ia PER DOZEN, All negative,. regktnrc,l. IL W. DURCAW, ALLEN TOWN, PA. VESTS ROPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. a Mlles with 11. Kunts, Esq., Slattngton, Lehigh comity, Ps. rolicctions in Lehigh, Northampton and Carbon counties promptly attended to. may 3.Ply EFORREST. ATTORNEY 114 AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. West Hamil ton street, Alloulow u, jun 14-tr 4: BALDWIN, ATTORNEYS 111, AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Alloatown, Pa Oahe, No. AI E. Ilsattlwo street. . . MUM TO J. MORE, ATTORNEY Al' LAW, • ALLENIVWN, PA. Office. No. 60 East limaulltom .rout. ale - CIAO be consulted lu heron.. jou 1(-'W-t( T) (JAY lIAMERSLT, ATTORNEY it • AT LAW; CATAAACQUA. PA. isu 14-'o4f EDWIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, eight doors übove the Court Howie, AL• LL.VroWN Loloult county Pe. tab 13-4ALIy .IosEPICNACLE; WILLIAM IL SOWDEN, ATTOR NET AND COCEJELLOIL AT LAW. Office, Cor ref 11itiallt.41 vir.wt ond Lim Alley. south side, ALLEN WM= 7, - 11)wAnD HARI EV, ATTORNEY 12.1 AT LAW. 0111,, with Iluu. Samuel A. &Mop, MEZMI JOAN It P ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Mir N. E. Corner tick owl Hamilton Streets ALLEN TOWN: PA. may 1.17 A DA 11 WO.OLEVER,. -ATTORNEY xi: AT LAW. Oalre, orp.lte the .Court House, AL LLNTOWN, PA. may 1-1 y GEORGE B. !WHALE ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlor, Firnt door nbove Law Alley, AL• LENT()WN, PA. may YO•thu TT C. 1111:NSRERGER ATTORNEY 11 rcur 07 llLTCLoierillo°ugistf.e.ANNTM,°ll.ll".Zr"V34 LEVI LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. °face t N: W. Corner Oth awl liamlltou Struetx, Secuud Ouor. Particular atteu tlou paid to the bettlument of Decedcat upstate., Collet.- MEM= DR. C. C. U. GULDIN, SURGEON DENTIST. Mike, over Mrs. M. A. O. Ouldlo's TrDomino Store, No. ZH East Hamilton street, ALLEN TOWN PA. CO,TASITIN6 J. ERMIAN. JOHN 01.1•.. ERDMAN AOLIVER, AI"LOR NEYS AT LAW, •LLENTOWN, PA. Collection■ attended to lu Lehigh .d adjoining eonntles. Prompt attention Riven to all legal boalne.a in the several Courts. Conoultations lu Eugli. and Germ.. jun 19.1 y COLTON .DENTAL ASSOCIATION Originated the anesthetic use of nitrous oxide gas, ad miumter It lu the must approved manner, du , no thing but EXTRACT TEETH, and they certainly do that wrritouT PAIN, su 13,000 O FF ICE, O y. See their signatures at the FFICE, Nu. 737 W•LNErr 'STREET below Eighth, Phlirdeinbla. Jan•26-ly Earttrio . nub setotirp. o [CALDWELL &CO. JEWELERS, eak).-"e':Vr4l AND • IMPORTERS, 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, KEEP ONLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS. AN IMMERSE VARIETY or GOLD WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, WEDDING SILVER,• PLATED WARE,' CLOCKS, BRONZES, FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, FINE PAINTINGS, ac., &c. All panto., desiring realy floe articles, Tellable in quality tad moderato in price, aro certalu to be pluwed by our exceedingly large aid varied collection. Our stick Is hipt always (rush by addition, from Urns sources. Oar I. Pronounced one of the must elegant In the world; alai any parties vixiting the city .• cordially in vited to call and iuspect it at their lei,ure. ran I 9 4y ISAAC K. STAUFFER. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, No. tic NORTH SECOND ST., con. or CloAtar, PIIILA. An asve can-tautly rtment of atche ra s, iewelry, Silver and Lc j, I'hnrd u 'ate o h n t es L ;i t . Jewelry promptly attended to. aug $1.000,000 Edward W. Clark, Alexander Lleffy Stephen A. Caldwell George F. Tyler. GUAND OPENING OF A NEW JEWELRY STORE. J. It. WEB En begs leave to Inform the citizens of Allen town and Ornate thut he has opened a new JEWELRY STORE At SO per 1.000 1 23 per 1.01) 2 Jo per 1,1.00 Where he will keep conatantir on hand an aciortment of CLOCKS, WATCH Li end JEI% ELRY at price. to snit the O-Clock, Watches sod Jewelry cacerallY repaired. J. it, Weimer being an experienced mud carei mechanic, reapccilo lip Aelo , ilme petranage ut the public. pity tN•tiin J. IL WEBER. 1.00 per 100 2 60 per 1.000 WAY(W - LS, JEW EERY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE Clf RLES S. MA SSE Y'S, No. 23 F.a.4 Hamilton street, oppoulte the (lemma Re formed Chur hc. Jou!. reouved (rum New . York and Phil ull the !wet style, Ile has the largest and best aseortment of Gold Watches and at lower priers than cau be fuuud elsewhere. lie Lox larger and better • , nortment o f NValthaa than cau twinned:mm.4 rorw here el., GOLD J E WELRi. . Ile ha. the Isrge4l sod bent sesortment of all kinds of Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Heim. a larger and better ageortment of •Il klod• of Olin aud Plated Jeuelry can be tumid eleembere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. no Lae a splendid assortment of Silver and Plated Ware. Any Mr.uu de.trtug goads to this bus can Rut Lass tu be A larger wo.ortsneut than at any other setalialehenent. 3IELODEONS. A ettleuthd twsurttneut of Prlnee'a Melodeons, the best In th.• world. ACCORDEONS. A splendid amenrirnent. of alt kinds of Accordeone. ills estublthhtnent Iran lately been fitted op. and Is now PCOOII to none in New York and Philadelphia. and ahead f any thiugootulde the largo citiee. Ile has a larger stook fablilonable gy. Its hie lne ha all othrs to Lehih latuty cot:armed. ood To convincei t you n s otrselves the abo ve all mid ate _KELLER d: BROTHER, well regulated and warranted. Al: hit, and price., (runs upwards. A larger annurtnieut of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES Lao cnn be found In any other .tore In the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KIDNS, f every iteteriptlon. 404-Watch, ropotretl on Short Notice PLATED GOODS OP TUB FINEST QUALITY., the Ltme.t Rates, nt . 804 CHESTNUT STREET, Second Floor,l We are tinily receiving from our factory in Connecticut the latent ctylcsof Goods, patteroe. from Bogert' Brothers. and " ?deride° Brittrule C 0.." inanufactortee. TRIPLE•PLATED SILVERWARE, BRIDAL GIFTS AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS EtC , CCIIEST.NUT Street. Second Floor PIIILSDELPIIII. A. 11, ROGERS. • der' Professional Carbo (juuli-'W.tri F. A. R. BALDWIX NO. 36 WEST HAMILTON STREET, GOLD WATCHES SILVER WATCHES CLOCKS NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, PA CLOCKS, SILVER WARE A. H. ROGERS. I=l lES2tI =On El=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers