ffhe N4igt gegister. ITT7IRIDILL, Ja Editor and Proprietor. ALLENTOWN, PA., PERBUARY 0, 1870 HON. JOHN D. STILES AGAINST PROTECTION We could not have believed that lion. John D. Stiles would have directly voted against the vital interests of his District. We had little faith in his tariff principles, but knowing that his own home owes its lifo to a protective policy and that it would be exceedingly un popular to oppose her interests, welted a faint hope that he would sustain the principles of a protective Witt for the s ake of hie future standing In the community. If lie is honest in opposing protection, we can admire his honesty, but in the name of all the people 01 the District and especially of Lehigh county, we ask him to resign hie scat in Congress, so that we can be represented by a man whose principles are those of our people. The test which made him show his colors was a demonstration of the Free Traders, Mr. Mar shall, of Illinois, leading by offering the fol lowing resolution on Monday week, and Which came up in the regular order of busi ness in the session of Monday last : "Resoluta, That the power granted In the Fed eral Constitution to levy and collect taxes, duties on Imperts . and excises to pay the debts and to provide for the common defense and general wet face of the United States, does not Include or em brace any power to levy duties for any purpose *flier than the collection of revenues for the uses therein Indicated ; that a tariff levied to fosterand enrich one section of our country at the expense of the other, or to foster and enrich one class of citi zens nt the expense of others, Is mmuthorized by the Constitution, unjust to the great body of the American people, and in Its 'results Injurious 'eventually to nearly every individual interest of the country. " Resolved, That lu the preparation of a bill for the modification of existing tariff laws, Congress should confine Its action strictly to thepreparatlon of a tariff for revenue exclusively, and that the duties on no article should be greater than that which would give the maximum of revenue on such article." The question was to lay on the table, which was sustained'hy a vote of 89 yeas to 77 nays, Messrs. STILES, Getz, Reading, Woodward, Haldeman and Van Auken from Pennsylva nia, ail Densocrato, voting in the negative. We want no more Tariff speeches from John D. Stiles. He has shown the people whose Interests he favors. The cause 7f Protection to American Industry will not , krili,tr, by not having such a friend as he, and when he again asks a favor at the hands of the electors of his District they will know their man and wl.l vote accordingly. Remember •70; ! Tux decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, on Monday, declared the Legal Tender act unconstitutional, in so far as that act regulated the payment of debts contracted previous to the war. Chief Justice Chase, though he does not say so in so many words, to all intents amid purposes admits the inten tion of Cerigress to apply the provisions of the act to debts contracted before its passage but denies its right under the Constitution to do so. Ills position is that, comparing the act of Congress with the Constitution, he cannot reconcile such an application of the provisions of the former with the letter and spirit of the latter. In the midst of all the difficulties and dan gers brought about by the sad catastrophe of a long and expensive war, the people of the United States look to their representatives in Congress to devise c means by which their condition can be ameliorated. A collapse of credit seemed inevitable and It was impera tively neceesary that faith in the ability of the government, which was wavering, should be restored. Under these circumstances the Legal Ten der Act was passed. Its results cannot be dented. It prevented the triumph of rebellion, the division of States, and the impoverishment of a people. This and no other was the cause of the revivification of government credit and the resuscitation of trade, and by this means alone was the soldier in the field paid and the commissariat department replenished. It is well said by Mr. Justice Miller that "upon the "enactment of these Legal Tender Laws they "were received wilts almost universal acqui " encence." As the application of restoratives to an apparently drowned person will bring back the banished color to the cheek. and re store ttle healthful circulation of the fluid of so the exhausted nation 'breathed with renewed vigor and ifs great heart beat with a healthier impulse as the wise and beneficent measures for its restoration took effect. To-day we are told by the highest judicial authority in the land to regard those measures as opposed to the spirit of our Constitution, and the reason given is that the indirect effect of them has been to depreciate the value- of private property and to alter the nature of private contracts. We had always thought that the spirit of the Constitution Wag pro bone publicO ; that Its essence was the greatest good for the great est number, and surely its provisions could never have been framed with the intention of thwarting the patriot and of binding with red tape the views of the statesman working for the salvation of his country. ME TARIFF AND THE RAIL ROADS So many efforts are being made by the Free Traders to induce the belief that the pro tection of Iron and Steel making is only for the benefit of Pennsylvania, that we arc glad of the chance to publish the letters 'between the President of the Erie Railroad and the other potent in Tammany Hall, the latter of whom was relied on by Commissioner Wells as an authority in matters connected with Iron. Their letters, in a few words, de monstrate the general effect of a Protective Tariff upon the whole country and especially upon railrotids. They are as follows : .OFFICE OF TOE ERIE RAILWAT COMPARE, NEW YORK,JAN. 26. 1870. DEAR Bth: herewit h I send you a printed cir cular, received by me thin mot fling, requesting my eignuture to a memorial (upon the subject of the duty on Steel Rails) forwarded with the circular, provided the views expressed were concurred in by me. It seems to Inc that our policy should he to foster and encourage home products. rather than open our murkets to such a formidable competi tion as would inevitably result from the reduction of duty so strongly urged In the memorial.. By establishing extensively the manufacture of steel rails on our own soil, and protecting their produc tion by a Tariff which would effectually prevent the impoitution of European mile to any great extent, we would, In my opinion, be largely the gelnere in the long run ; for the capital Invested would be all in the country; our operatives would find constant and lucrative employment,. and the general effect upon our business could not fail to be beneficial. lamat a loss to perceive why we should contribute so large an amount annually to build up the trade and manufactures of foreign countriea, while our owu interests are sacrificed by Just no much. . Entertaining these views, I do not feel at liberty to attach my signature to the memorial. I should be plc used, however, to have your views on the subject ; end, should you conclude with me In the opinion I have given, I shall feel strength ened In the conviction that the gentlemen whose names are attached to the circular have made a mistake. Respectfully yours, JAY GOMA, President. !must 8. Hewitt, Eeq., No. 17 'Luling -slip. 11XWITT'15 REPLY NEW Yonx, Jan. 27, 1870. Man Bra s I beg leave to acknowledge the re.; cella of yotir favor of 2Gth lust., and PLIES that I not only fully concur In the views which you ex press In rtgurd to the ditties on Steel and Iron Sails, but am at a loss to add anything which will make them more forcible; and I venture to suggest that you will allow me to send a copy of your letter to the Committee of Ways and Means. The fact Is, tnnt Steel and Iron Rolla can' be made In suitable localities In ale country—an no tably on'the line of the Erie Railway—with as little labor as lu any pad of the world ; and the only reason why we pay more for American rails Is because we pay a blew rat* for the labor wideb Is required for their. manufacture, but fur no greater quantity of. labor. Free Trade will simply reduce the wages of. labor to the foreign standard, which will enable us to sell our rails In competition with foreign rails ; but, as a matter of course, the ability of the laborer to condume will be, reduced, and a serious loss be indicted on commerce, general industry, and the business of the railways especially. The only reason why a Tariff Is neeessary is to supply the laborer with such wages as Will enable him to travel and con: some not merely the necessaries but some of the luZurlei or modern civilization. Besides, If we bun: Free Trade, we, connot-ox- Ott to prnetifo our'salipliiis from 'abroad by In creased shipments of grain, for already the Euro peat; markets take from us all that they require, and no amount of pureha,es of goods from them will induce them to buy more food than they need, and which they now take as a matter of necessity. Faithfully your:, AIIIIAM.S. HEWITT. JAY 001"1.P. Esq., Presideut 11;Iiir0.1.1. :NEWS ITERIN. -Sereral hostile tribes in the Indian 'Territory me preparing for a Spring, campaign aeainst the white settlers. —The thermometer last Friday morning was 5 0 above zero at Poughkeepsie, `24 . !, 0 below zero ut Bangor, Me., and 19 0 below nt, Lewiston, Me. —Great excitement preVails in Clark County 111., In consequence of the discovery of gold on Big Creek, about twenty miles from Terre Haute. Ind. A lately-returned Californian, a miner of eighteen years' oxperieuve, has been for some days prospect ing In the ravines along the creek, and has found gold in paying quantities. The people °Mat sec tion arc leaving their usual avocet lona to search for the precious metal. CONGRESS THURIIDII", Feb. 3—Scook—in the Sennte, bill was reported to authorize the funding and consolidation of the Public , Debt, and to eetablish specie payments ; the Judiciary Committee were Instructed to inquire Into the expediency of estab lishing a national police force for the suppression of outlaws In the South ; the bill for the relief of the naval employes was considered. The. Senate refused to confirm the nomination 14 Attorney- General Hoar. House—ln the llnnse a bill was reported to sup press Polygamy In Utah ; n Mil for the admission of NUSSISSippi was passed ; the Naval Deficiency bill was discussed. FHIDNY, Feb. 4 —Srtutte —Thu Senate refused take up the Home bill abolkhine . I be Fr inking Privilege-22 to 34: a joint resolution was re ported providing for taking meteorological obser vations with a view to give warning of :II:pro:telt- g storms. House—ln the House a re,olution was adopted authorizing an Investigation as to whether nay Congressmen have sold uppolutments to the Mili tary or Naval Academies; dills were introduced providing' for the payment of pensions, and resin toting the sale of olio ; the bill for the relief of the poor of Washingtou was passed. TILE LEGISLATtRE FRIDAY, Feb. 4—Senate—A bill passed the senate on Friday allowing husband and wife to testify in their own behalf in any proceeding for a divorce In every case where the personal service of is sub pena Is made on the opposite party, or where the party appears and defends. House—The most Impnannt Republican meas ure of the session thus far, the Philadelphia Me tropolitan Police bill, passed the house to-day by a strict party Vpte. It was probably signed by the Governor on Tuesday. A remonstrance, pur porting to be gigned by 40,000 citizens of Phila delphia, was presented shortly before the passage of the bill. It was charged upon 'the Maw of the House that corrupt means had been used to secure Its passage, and a resolution was passed, with but three negative votes, providing for the appoint ment of a committee of live to ascertain whether such means had been used, with the further pm vision that the Investigation be earned on without additional expense to the State. A bill MIA In troduced to erect a new county, to be called Lack awanna, out of a part or Lucerne. .A general bill to allow writs of error in cases of murder :Ind voluntary manslaughter, known as the Pdul Scliceppe bill, has gone to the Governor. Both Houses then adJounted to Monday evening. THE SCRANTON TRAGEDA While thOneoveipapers gloat daily over the di - tails or the last east 111 murder lir,4•4iIII•iilli),1111•11.. IlentiOn hot: been made 01'1111 InrGlrut 11.1111.11 ile• alined last week at seranton, ulna whielt 11111 H 1.0 .anthill the P11'1114.111. 441114.1111151 il, tragedy. 11111 the story resin old an. I Ilitekilerri. —tile tragedy 01111iist 11, 0001111.111 11 , death Ilsell. A young mall goes wondering about the count r.s . the son of respectable and ‘vealilly ; ell educated himself, a generott., :Meet moan., eiaii follow, of whom no worse harm 1,111 lie held 111111. that he was 111114, fast." .111,1 111 the ngr, 1.10 when the broad TOllll of life Into the nines' day• light 1111011 It; when Jill eliellee3 of pow;•r, :toe helplllhu•ss, and love are seal ling to lie conquer. I.v the, r.trollt.rtilalli anal Ten.l, heed. .111 st 141 this age, this y stops sloirt, looking, 11 ,votili Yeelll. WIIII a certain steady toothless ill his 4111 . 1. 110.1 Mating that liir Into, early es it is there is 00 chance. The devil of 4111111( has it,. {hasp oil soul and body, and Is surhiug tile lit from both. Ile tries Ills 11W11 Strength, 11111111nd , It L 414, weitlc to slialce It elf. All,llll 10 it" 110111 e. 1011111Illed to 1001( 111 s tellllW null loog In the hwy. he Writes a 1/OylSll, SlirrOWllll 10 Tall., and brothers, 111111 then 1;1111 , 11y ;MIS 11 pi,loll. 111 s 114,1111111141 ends 11.4'11. '1114.1, is .111.111111 g be. yowl the pathos of whir is to lls 111 the lad's mess relgeS W his brothers, the other boys he had len at home. "Caution Willy, mother, not to folimr in 11,,‘ "footsteps. Let 1110110 burled only inn 1/11/1111,... "but I th, not wish to have any but relatives at "lily funeral. I:tom Henry out .4 harm's reimh. "its If he Is not eiteelied he will be r nitwit al.,' Ile sends "u thousand kisses to little .Tullu , " Clarenceltml theml will noverconm to se, "them nen'in ; mul tell 'Julius that he tuti,i "get me, Its 1 mu not worthy of rentemlumu from the meanest eur living. - e50111111 , .1. story, as we said. There Is hurdle a housel,ll: where it 110e:411W repeat itNelt ; where 511110.1" , t —usually, too, 111,, 111104 11111/111,1, V. of the group—is not 1;11111g:111111g 1111 , tiotVliWorti rent, It. 111 e, 1/1/I'lltlTi,i/111 he salvia° or drlnic, but no le, surely by his mvli band. There Ims been nuni..llfalso 1„dl nudes of the mtlnJoct of rein pernurr, stteil linter 11, that It IS heyollo till ollu•r fille,tlllllS W,11 . 11 uut :It, olhaltSterlll. 11111 the denittis Irolu 411,1111,1111. . 111'1111,r no fewer Inevalise toshl .11 1,11..1,1 feel. lit fatal infect upon the mental 1, , 0,er am; splrlltllll health of the country nye no less sip...d. ling. Tile es II Is ti physical Waist matter re fad : It Is time that It was grappled wllll in a 10...11 physlettl Way. It has heel. the tan.lonin hot in and tun of the pulpit to reprrseld ildentperal , as a [mut t Ohm of the devil, to fe lino and ,•• slated by prayer and With. The drunkard t simply a sinner. lie Is .411 lo rej urban by :JI the terrors of earthly ruin and the eternal Mall, beyond the grave. Ills heartlsioltiai wife am. starving children tire with .justlee e ter• Imps, held up before his isoisclenee. which II it the 1•US1011. W(1..111;1111', ashy:trot, 11 Is 1 Inlet hat., tee Molted at th, other nude ..1 1 Ile (1111•SlIo11. through the poor wretch's eyef. \Vile and cis l ilren sire Usually neither lull tannery or bee: 1- tirolcen as lie; lie surely sort the reAble ruin and eternal damnation iviflt more agonized:snit limn the tststst who preaches to them ; yet be .valise Ms. libersitcly down to hell fora drink of liquor wisici. has long eensed In nil probability to yield him ally pleasure. l'or what :' \\'habit theanswerto tills riddle? Sitoply this: That the liquor has I.e. come tt physical necessity; that drunkennness, ill eight eases out often, is either ati acquired disease, as notch as seraltda and 5. , :11 , 1 fever. lad 114 surely Ilse fold. 2111.1 prayer In tin one elite It.S 111 the other, Ina let lit love( phy,ieal ailments by phynirnl remedies. tart IS lust . beginning to hellnderstood by the to rlieal world. Twit or 111 rcr :Inylimm for Inebriates are 111,1'',. ffe• their success, \viler.. It tarnishes the I on Willett the treatment Is based ; lad not moil It It comprehended Ity the people by the parents or when oldr11111:ards can there ire July opposltinti to the evil. \Vhett tinder hlatitin that her ohild hilly be horn with 11.1 In herited Illninanie or ~11, 1 1 s alre.••• tilt !Aniline', mini nerves that t lie eraviim o tim• Wants Is morbid, and onee 111.1tOge i l alines ,•• taltilyintal, she will use thessinse rational sie , ons to guard 1010 ilgalllSl It Issue 5V.1111.1 .1011111/.1 colds If he Inherited consumption; and tile boy 11 100 self, icinovlng that liquor, %vinyls may he Innewo. nun to other Mein, Is it physical polnun lo Is far safer than when tsmelit to regard It 11.11 !MIMI Wllll.ll olll3' the \Veldt Ind WI yield, Drunitarsin with whom the disease Is l• tory, sire, almost without eNrepthill. KOlllllll. Witrlnidnhaaled tor whom m e ntal et. eitffillellt ilialleeeSSitY,llllll %%111140 1.111111(•0 I'lllo. therefore, Iles In tile nipplielltlon 01,41.110 hi'.lllllY Atillllllllllt..ollll` oninterlrrltant of ;he I,iroos or s. We only hint at the great reform needed In the treatment of this gooving i•s iI. The day Is, 'ae trust, not long .llslan when It he a, !11..r -linderatoo.l as any other less mortal ;,I I ntnt, int.l the poor %Mehl. I,li NV, II tor nnulr 1441.1111 e 111111.1S11111111. 1,11,111 S or ',lit., f tortilla.; to death, like this pear holt% as the nu It Outliveof relief, anti risking Mr plain nos, feeling that the poor shamed body , liould lie bid. 11141 lik hilt 11l Ill,' sight of inen.--N. MR. BUCKALEW'S BILL The following Inillor hint 1,111 Was reasi by ii,o ator lincicalaw In place on Friday week, and re furred to the i'onnnlttee ,in Electoral reform 4.011 7 Meiling of 'Messrs. ilneltalew, lilomtead, II °Ward, Wallace, n I Ire anti St I mon, Speaker It Is lir,c,l 11}1011 the Mla otlourlty repre•enta lion, and will be followed lay another hill provbl. log fur the election of oilleers of a higher grad, upon the sante principle: As Air to regulate the cloy' lon of county earn MISMIOIIO at .ti county ittldllo(S. . • . HECTION I. lie it eluted,'lila at the min eral election to be held on the second Tilesdar 4.1 October of the present year, and al general elee• lions every third year thyreafter, One,' emoniki stoners 'shall be chosen in and bar each of the several counties of aids Commonwealth, who shall severally hold their 011114, for the term m three years and until their successoin.shall ho duly quallned, and the said commissioners s • chosen from thus to time shall 0111(11 other Ise provided by law) ',UMWss all the ~avers conferred M 1014111.1 shall whim all the duties required of eigillithinhillerS of comities by existing laws, titer. 2. That at the general election to be held on the second Tuesday of October. In theyear one thousand eight hundred and s voulymne, and at general elections every third year the three county auditors shall be Sleeted w and fur each of the several comities of the. Common wealth, who shall severally hold their °film. tor the term of threeeoman.' until thelmmeeessors shall be duly qualified; and the ofnyers so chosen shall possess all the powers and shall perforin all the duties charged or devolv, d upon nod Mots of counties by existing lawn. 'rile county 1111111tOng to be ehosen at the general elyellon on the second Tuesday of October next, shall severally hold their °dices for the lone of one year and un.ll their successors Shall be duly qualified. SF.C. 9. Ili thus trkentilal elections of county commissioners and county miditois movnlyd tor lu this net (COOlMellellig \dill the 0101 . 0011 of county commissioners at the general eleetion In October text). each voter duly qualified may distribute Ills three m es to and among candi date!' us he shall t tk fit ; May bestow them sit THE- LEHIGH REGISTER,; AI,LENT2 • . • . r wtimnoMandlaitte o m r ity give : a one Vote and ' alf to eaen taro candid 4Off, and the candidates deftest 111,Vote "bail do declaredelected. • H :c.l. drneadeiles In the °Menet county MisslonefOr coptityaltditor °centring oniony's° 4baft by-{he expiration .bf - it regular term ofscr 'Vice, or\loceledmied or continued bvp failure to elect under this act, shall be tilled by appotot. !ten to to be Ironic by the courts of quarter Pieti• shuts of the peaceof the several counties in whiell sitch vrmancies shall occur, which appointments shall be for the remaining part or time of any unexpired term to ho tilled. In the tilling of any mien vacancy rho following rules of select Mil shall bn observed, to wit;,)!lrst. The appoint totmt,shnll'bt4 made frotif _ nMong the quadded electors of the candy woo shall have voted fir th • emmnissioner or aminor whose place Is to be lllled ; and, squalid. The Judges of the court, by WI the appointment is to be made, Ninth lc rave and conalderany respectable petition from qualified electors of the county (who shall have voted tor the commissioner or auditor whose place Is to Ito filled), and shall appoint such lit person, so reeommended, as shall, in their opi nion, be most acceptable to the greater part of the electors by whom tile commissioner or audi tor whose place Is to be tilled Wan chosen. SEC. 5. Thm the office of Jury coin nissloner, In this Cons t o ot, wealth Is hereby abolished, and ail laws authorizing the election attach eommis stoners, ortlelin Ina theiriurisdletion and powers, ire hereby repealed; Raving, however, all the luristlict Jim, powers end privileges of Jury corn misslnne:n now iu office, or Lo be duly appointed I hereto, and all the authority and power), of president Judges au) linty e: arts toast with such commissioners In and about the business of se- llng mid drawing Jurors, until lifter tile ssn. rill eb et ion in Octobur next, and until the con my nut in Isslonera to be chosen at said elect ion, inter the provisions of flits net, shall be duly unllllo.l, The next number of Old and Nato, bearing the date of March, will have among its leading con tributions a paper by President Steele of the Law rence University, Wisconsin, on "What n Young Man needs at College;' a discussion of tbo ques tion of religion in the schools, as developed bi the controversy of Cincinnati, by the Rev. A. D. Mayo of that city; "She Writes," a story by Elise Polko ; "The School Men and their Bureau," by Sidney Andrews; and "Revelation," by Henry James. The magazine will have for the first time illustrations, to accompany an article on the Pa tine Railroad. • Dr. 01Wer Wendell Holmes Is to have a poem of considerable length In the March number of The At/antic Monthly. It Is some time since he has published anything except fugitive verses of the very briefest proportions, and this new effort of his muse will be looked for with special interest. Irritable Inralicls.—lndigestlan not only effects the physical health. but the dispositions and tempers of Its victim.. The dyspeptic becomes, too, In a measure demoralized by Lis sufferitgx. lie Is subject to Ate of ir ritation, stiletto, or drepair, e, the nose may lie. A preternatural eenaltivetes• which he cannot control, leads hilt to mincoustrue the woids and acts of those around him, and his intercourse even with those nearest and dearest to hint is not unfrennently marked by exhibitions of test:nese foreign to his real nature. These are the mental phenomena of the disease, for which the Invalid cannot he justly held responsible, but they occitalou much household discomfort. It le to the Interest of the home circle. It It e“eutialto family harmony an well as to the rescue of the principal stfferer from a stale not far re moved from incipient Insanity, that these .ympto . m• of mental rikturlance be promptly removed, This can only tiOLIP by removing their plizalcal c•ttee, a deratgemeut of the functions of the stomach and its allied viscera, the liver nod the bewels. Upou these three Import.' organ. llostettor's Stomach Bitter. get SlMUilloooohir producing thoroagh and ealttary change lu thew condition. The vegetable itgredients of which the preparation IF corn po.ed are of in renovating, regulating and alterative char acter and the stimulant which lends activity to their I: We. to the purest and best that can he extracted front One most WilOie.rrie of all cereals, viz: nuutd rye. S., dy•pentic ran take this genial restorative for a single week without experiencing a notable improvement it his general health. Nut only will his bodily sufferings abate trots day to day, .but hie mind will recover rapidly from itsestles,mers mud irritability, and this twiny y change will r [nattiest itself In his demeanor to all around him.. ifinancial anti Commercial —Gonave. k Bro., Banker. and Denlrrein Government Philadelphia, report the following EMIZEI . . •• 3.20'6 1662 • • s•2o'n " • 16:i •• 3yrar 6 T 66 6661• 6T r•••61• , 06.1 Intorelt,utem (lola SilVl . l 11. It. I.IM. •'l6ltral It. It VII:011 Tactile Land (It uut =I (9Jrr•efed ruery uwk 6y Wei nahrf tnAr & Newhard. Wheat flour, per bbl $7 00 •10111 nit W her, p.a 11:, pilyang • Rye. 95 .•, " 001, " genromorizm Wheat Floor, per cvrt Rye " " 17Lrn •• Hoy pi.rpouu.l =MO l'otaloe, per Inl.Wel (bird Apple., per Dried " =I For February rdh, IMO. Corrected weekly by J It, Mel rich, Produce Como..lon Merchant, No. 92 Barclay St. New Fork. . • BUTTNIt. Otange h Basso, Co. Palle, good to choler, A lb. G . (11...ugu, Del. and Cattaraugas Co'. choice, 451140; Fair to good, 3g9041: Common 27@22. Sip" tiehouna o. pails, choice, 41(541; lair to goad, 35442: i'ommon, 2:44:10. N. Y. state Firkins choice, yellow 34436, igir to I, 27032: common. N. Y. State rtild• 4•1442; fair to good, 3.3440. C0tua10n,25430. N Y. aiato Wel,ll tab+, choice, 3.1( 38:nintou to good, 21(rtito. N. Y. State Dairies, choler, 87444 ed 9: lair to good, 303.0. We,tern Deserve choice 2541.114; fair to gond N 0 26; .1010 packed common to good 119148. Northern Pa. tuba, choice, 42444: poor to good, 7.54Z40. Rolls in Cloth, choice 2.git2S; pout to good, 9,025. Receipt , daring the peat week foot up ,earl' 11,000 package,. a decease of about 4.110 ptickagea dieer lot ,01:. The wn, ket ha , coutioued very doll nail we con. aide. all armies of state from fancy dow a to common lower fer tole., though holders of the. former ore not gra• era Ily ...alma to make Your, savoeUlesod neer ,alted looter, tot which we have a largo stock nu till , market.) i• lotto or no solo utiles, cold at rlllllous low pice., t, 15 to 11. ceuta. CII 1:11SL. -New factory choice nod fancy, 17,v9; fair to good, 1091/17. N. I'. State Dairy good to choice, Isar; poor tv good 13(Z1). Si. Y. State akitunted, •od Penna. well packed to chaff, 'A dos. Jr a; Jelsey Rad Penult. well packed In oats, 1 1 :45 N Y. State well packed, good order. 34(224.5. Ohio aou Wel.tern, loas off 354.35. 2 & me hose beeu I:ght and the &mend being gond, I ce. have gradually c ent, and are selling to-day, ill fiat nil/Alio it o f cent, We du trot look for any cr mio•li ad ...Ore the w oinig stook. BEANS.-alorro chwee, new. *bash. (321 be. 2.NYce11.70 Kidney, chu 2.50412.90. Medittin•, chose, 1. 75440,90, Pea, choice, 2.3 a 912.50; falroo good, 2.01412.23 Mined loi and common, 7,41. m. DRIED 1' hi d Prime State, *toth. 1541111 Jerry, Mau and Penuaytraida, 79119. Apples Sonalern urn , . 745. Itlackliernea, 11012. Itaspberrma, es ito . Cherries Pitted. rite. Z 1321; Pitts 10. 6 07. I'eachen u 0 pealed, new. 8412. Pee• peeled: or vr, FItUITS.-Apples, Sliced lots, Ift 5 . (Q4 tl). Do. •ieleeted. 4 2.545 0.1. Cotnnoin, ' W 1 OJ. SEI4I/S-slaver,auod to printe,ll ro. 12441113 h;: Flax•eed 2 111,hsW X.-Pure, IN Th, 38440. Ptit' I,TII Y. - Ducks ally(, pall'. 1::,®1.75. 0 4 • 4741 silo". 'a. pair, 344.00. 1 0. DRESsED-Torkeys, choice, ip lb, traa2.s. to good. 17(4121. Chickens, choice, 11; com m. to good. 112.17. • Ducks. common to choice, Ite/J4l eee, 1001$. Itocipt, light and pr.". firm no per quotations. 0 . 5,1, ; -1,1,9191 , 7 1 1 Pr . 4.1011. Partridjgea, Bi en l 75. Grouse, I 501 5). Quells, 2DT 03. 001000 14/16; Venison, whole Doer, tl 11. leiv et, Dreaded, Ili 11418. 0, poor to good, 1 0 01 5 . Plappera of call,. will bear in mind that, the forward feet 01 eal•e, have t• he cut off at the knee joint, and the hind at the gamble or knee joint, and no head skins or ear,. to be left ou the cal lea. lo selling Calves In this market we have to allow from one to threepuunds on each cal:, where the .Lin hours and head skins ars left on, and thttui.qc It is to shippers' Interest rerous• them before slopping. Leave nu eattland or haillottitu the calves, and oho not sew rip the calve. before shipplug. HOUSEMEN. ATTENTION S HEAD TIIE FOLLOWING ! Mint, 131 h, 1800. 4to 0. WeLl.e—Drag Six: 1 hove used "Match. he.' Pio-man Liniment,. and consider It • complete sue- Thete best I have ever known, and the only one much accomplishes 'mire than It promises. My businr.a on a dealer In horses line gives toe imilleieut oPtiottonlll Id hog its virtues, tot 1 have IthritYll from 30 to 110 borers on band, and 1 mu comtantly receiving fresh supplier. In swelling, titaliimin of the joints and tendons, *stake, kirk, itiol other iujorieit Incident to the trooloportklion of horses. I have tumid it In•uluable,and min cheerfully re• coinincati to ow hem and those having charge of horses. Yours, he.. OEO. W. BUSH. . . Wm. Penn Hotel. l'hilada. Thin in•ninable Liniment le w•ld by Drugged,. end timrekeeper... Whelemale by JAMES 0, WELLS, N. K. ear. ee 9th end Sprang Harden Ste. Philadelphia. For •ele. ilhaniewn by L. SCHMIDT 8 CU., El' int liamiltua meet. A couGll,, COLD OR MORE AT requires Immediate •ttentlon, an neglect 01100 ro.ult • in as Incurable Lung Dines,. ogI..DWISP 4. 1 1 BROW S BROY Clll4l. TROCHES BRouotilq !la mood Invariably lOW. 1n..1.!nt " A 4Tgli• qocr- tiara a mouthing effect. SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS., them t nn.l htrengthen the T alre. Ow tun to the a Ireputation and popularity of the Tea. mare,rorthlrxr rind rhea], bit (0111 r are offered. which ore good fur F./Ming. Its 1.1111 w oeTAte the true. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES solo lITHILYWREAR. WANTED , 575,000 175,000 MEN ! BOYS ! TO ATTEND THE GREAT DAILY ClothinL Y • Sales OF BENNET & CO., TOWER HALL, 518 MARKET STREET, Half-toay beluven Bth and 611 t Sic • ro...Tonr tins will not - be wanted. Wa gggggg to gine elsewhereium. to hurah ot elotb ban can be heti cull aud new what vacua doLaguna purehaa.. FFORRENT.--RETERA IL CON VENT cat rauma. situated to a favorabla location. Borne of them culled for law yore °Mass or business occupations. Apply at the Office of TUB LEUIOII REOISTER, tows. LITERARY. 118 0118 "1 tahlii 11.5!1{.113 .114 , M.lllll l , 11 i 1 i(1114 111' I - 0114 1 e .114 (1114 114 14 111 (alll2 . fl'n MESS! Ram En nt preA flotircs. VEGF : TAI3I:I". tf lIAIR 11EN ENV.E 11, In the boot article known to pwrve tho loOr.• h will ponalvely re-torn GRAY 114111 TO ITS ORIOLV.I I, t 'nl.n,ll ASO P HOMO TR ITS (I 10111' 7'll. • , It I. 1,11 entirely new celentl rent Ilacovery. combining many Of the mmtt powerful and ...ratty. anent- lu veg....1414e kingdom. // makes 10. Her' imbnrh . on'erigrZii . ; .11111110,V no, Akin IT IS RECOMMENDED AND UsED IY THU FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. For sale by ell . Ptiv^ It. P. HALL CO.. Naalot. N. if., l'supriotoro. it -° ERRORS OF YOUTII.—A gentleman who eulrered fur "yettro Nervous urhf ur Preino bore Decay •tid all the offeet...if youthful Indiscretion, wlll, fur the sake or suffering humanity, send free to all who need It, the recipe 11111 i direction for trioking the •ito• retectly by which lie yeas cored. Sufferers wishing I. profit by the advertiser's experience con do so by id dmsvintt,lnuenwrtcuetideucr, N 11. 01.4 DEN, No. 42 Crollir St. Sete Yot k. TO CONSU Ml"f 1 VES.-I'lle advertiser, hityinglieen restored to hos It), 10 111 . 011 . 11,1 1 1,. by a Tory Simple renteely, fter hey Ina setremd severni Years with 11.•0v0re lung albeit'',,, and that dread 11,101 , 0, rot, tomption.inunatous to make known to his billow sufferers rite menu„ of cure. Tout) whottestre tt, he trill vend a 4,1,7 of the prescription need (free of charge), with the direc tions fur preparing it - nil wituti the 1,11110, 10dh they trill aid IL ollre cure for Consutnfitton, Asthma, Bronchitis, 'rho only oilier' of the ailvertii-er iuoinillits the Pre- dolt , Lion le Co benefit the afflicted, nail spread Information which he court-it-es to be invalitoblo; owl he holies every sufferer trill try his remedy, 04 II Will cost them nothing and play prove it blesind. reifies wishing the preset 'piton trill please address, EDWAltli A. WILSON, AVllliitinalittrff, Kings Co.. N. Y. ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; 1 1 , TO TILE NVOltlii CLAtiS. --We fire IIL/11' •h'epared to fornlnh all einmars with ron.fant employment at !idiot., ilia whole of the ttino or for Shut epAle wmumttn. llntduenn now, light and profitable Persona of either nex aanily earn (rum to per evening, and a Proportiougl num by devoting their whole time to the bo-inaa, lloy, and girl,' earn gnarly an men. 'That all who Sc,. into ludic., may send their stinfrear, and 10 , 1 the 11114111.,, vc make thin unparalleled ode, To auelf tire not wail sat• hilted, we will nand ill tuf pay for tha trouble orwriting. hull partlealura, a valuable natople, whirls will do to continence troth on, nod ropy of The Litrrflry Cumpanion—uuo of liar latgfoit and Lam !amity hut., paper.. publinheil—all .cull floe by ile.idar, it you want portnaneut, profitable work, itibire•i. E. C. A I.LEN St CO., AVIII,TA. MAIN, tar I.lin 115. GOLD WATCHES THE ONLY GENUINE OROIDE GOI,I) NVATCILES, 314.V171".IUTURED Br THE BROM: IVA TOM CO. Arran of best make. Thi i itino Caere, il'orronteit not. to larataA; linik like due Gad, and ore EQUAL to the beat HOLD WATCH ES'in make and Ilniab; wlth [he heat Pall 'carried Detached and Papal Lcrrro. Extra Fine Eames (Gent'' and Ladies' sire, t /:l: , 1.01. The Double Extra Het/twit, Solid Oroide Gold, A No. 1. Full Jeweled Levers. at 1 . -11 each. bent by Ex Pre,“ nay where w tibia the Cnltail State., AT NI:OI,AR WIIOI.ESALE payablo ou delivery. Yo AIOYEk IS lIEtl It uIED IN A I/V ANCE, only satlioartory paurance that the order Is maple failll• Ally ackage may he avoid :mud examined before paid tar by payola the ba pees , ellipses only. Perim. eau order by Mall frith haply, by tending mosey Iu advance, la a Iteglnt••r, d letter, gird lb. good, • AN A " G ENT Sinal us it n NiilAll FOE 'SIX WATCHES. WILL HECEI VF. AN E x it A WATT: II FUEE—M AR ING SEV EN 01 WATCHES FOIL &AL Olt SEV EY W WATCHES Fon 1,120. ALSO ELEGANT 0110111 E GOLD CHAINSof Intent •ad moat eimily styles ; for Ladies' nail limulemea's wear, (rota 30 to 1J niches long, at prices of V, 44, 46 ..,d14,9 ouch ; seat Wilt watch at Love , . in helve:de prim,. Our Watching aro all libido of the GENUINE SOLID OROIDE GOLD. REYINEO, ace all perked Y reaillated and imited, and IiIIARANTSED by thy C.ll/1.1) , to Areip correct time and more and not torn lab. state the klod. .70 and priee of watch and order only of TIIE OROIDE WATCH CO., dee 9-3 m lan Fulton Street, New rack. WORDS OF WISDOM FOR YOUNG Id EN, nu tho 'toll g in Youth snit Eitiy 31Y1111011d, with SELF for thoorringutui untot taunt° neon in letter ouiviilopoii, tree of cliiirgo. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, hog FY. Blur 19-1 r•.: 117.7., SCHENK'S PULMONIC SYRUP, SEA- L' , ..)" WEED TONIC nod Mun,drake Pills, will cure Con. sumptlou, Liver Complaint, mud Dyspepsia, If taken rim cording to directions. They are all three tit be taken at the same tune. They cleanse the stomach, relax the liver, and put It to work: then the appetite becomes go,,d; the food digests and makes good blood; the patient beim. to grow In flesh; the diseased matter ripll. the lungs, and the patieut outgrows the disease audit.. Well. Thin.' he only way to cure consumption. Tu these three medicines Dr. J. 11. Dchenk. of Philadel phia, owee hit unrivalled corer's In the treatment of rid mutinry• cuumutuption. Tre Pullman° . Syrup ripens the morbid matter mu the lungs, nature throws it or by an easy m expectoration, fur when the phlegm or matter in ripe. a slight cough will throw it of, and the patient has rent and Din lung. Leath tubes!. To du skis, the Seaweed Tonle and Mandrake fills toilet he freely need to cleaner the stomach and liver, so that the Pub - num. Syrup and the final will make good blood. Schenk'. bluudrake Itilln net titans the liver. removing all obstructions. relax the damn of the gdil-hlaililef, the role starts freely, Niel the liver is soon relieved; the stools will show whit, the ran d;u nothing h e as ever been cni , ti s ~tl il c w h i i lg v w,tt greet curet, uni the gall-bladder and start the secretions of the liver like sehenk's Liver Complaint In one of the illO,l pronduent rails. of eotisuallition• Scheuk's seaweed Touic a stimulant hud niter att., e, aud the alkali in the Seaweed, hich out prepar, Liu). in mode of, &roosts the stolitarit Ili tirow out the gastric Duce to dissolve the tood with the Pulinunte Syrup, and it in Mode tutu good blood ode forimintatiou ~r •vitring the stomach. • • The great re why ph yoichool do out corn cousutop• woo m, they toy to du tom touch; they give medicine to •top doe wough, too emu chills, to 0.1 , 11111111 ' , Waal, hectic Myer, auol by eu don. they dewing° the 0 hole cllgeoclive power, Luck lug up the ....atm, a oil owentuall) two smiles: , sink, aid does. Dr. sehootk, In blo lrretmenl, doe, troot try to mops cough, oldlithWeath, clubs, or lel,. Homo,. the cult.", awl they VP 111 all stop el their ow it mocolil.No one Call be cored ill C o nnottiption, Liver Complaint, liy.pepooo, Coto.), Cali. our Ulcerated Throat, utiles, the liver and Allwriaca ore 01 10111 healthy. Tily.'•!ZTl•ot,"'re.(l.,'M'itTiNdiVdoi'foFeT lingo OPoFeio9o!'9riiftitln? otattou. pima° adheeton, or th pin Ire mane of lo- Jae/Main and loot decoying. 10 hoollWhat lowa Or dour! It tot °illy the lul.u that ore w iodotig, but it 'ln the whole body. The stooteault end liver have loot their power to make blood out of lood. Now the only chnuce to take Scheek's three toolleimo, which will bro. ell a tune to the •dutnorlo, the patmet will begin to wool loud, It Pe detest meal y'itud look.• good blood . their the pat,. Peg.. Sr LttLitt to de.. nod slo n its Ilia bully begins to grow, the Mims coommeoce to heal op. awl the valiant gat vleroby nod well. 'riots In the ooly y too mite Coonetwilp• u, Whim the. 41:11: Whew.., and tool). Liver Complaint and wy e pepaia, achrok'o. Sea. 000 l 10 o. and 3loodrake nee loudly:lent without the Volition. Syrup. 'rnke the .clandralve trills Weeny to ali boliouo perleftlY intrntit ,, Dr. sehenk, wino tun enju) ed uninterrupted health for any yearn pant, .d now welt lot pound, woo wonted aWily to ti mere 1.1:01 tun, the vary I.i.t vtage of miry Coono.unwitivou, him plipocnona having pronolillOod his tni.ha Itulatlthot and abutiduued him to tun late. lle woe cuted by thou...mid medicines, and shalt Inn recovery ' 111.111 y thollhanda allloCted have tined Dr. Pellet. Prop. Ayatollah Lvitb UlOlllllO ronno direetionl ancoatintay 01‘1111, 1.1101.0 it out abaulutely uerevoary to pew lonially see Dr. eiclimik, enleoe tho• pot I Pull, 1411 their litogo e g o n io ned, stud tot this purpose ho pouleveioually at Ina bale", Philadelphia. every ~:ot tit oho y. time all letters tot nit mu inia.l be add, II„ In ; 0, 0 Ka p,. 'Woolly at No. 3'2 1101111 Mlll,l, NVVI York, evoo y "Otto rui,oloy, and at :Vo. 3.1 Ilnuovet sweet, ltowtou, evcrY other Wo edoefloy. 110 giro. adv loot lo.r a thoos • ough examonation with his lteopiromitoter the Price ok3 00. Othe- bolero el ell eh city fr aA. 31. to 3 I". 31. 1)B. J. 11. SC IlliNK, 15 N. CC! Se., Phitothi.,Pu mar 10-Iy*** Jar salc anb 1.0 Ict 4 20 11tRIAL LOTS FOR The tinderAigno.l offer for .1°42.1 new Cent.— tat) , hut„ ittnne.innely adjoining Ike Caton un Centh Kneel. 'file lute tell be vuld by auharriptioth and inonnedtatoly after the whole number nee dmpoved of they will nen wutd. ed by lut in the .010 niunheruv iu the .1:4.1,11100 of the Union Avvoclutton. Hats or plans of the plennutn. , ran he seen at our,ottice. Illy Id 1101 , 1) i 1:1:11 E. rro LET.—.t ICEASONAItLE LEASE will bu given an the fix tau Slate Quarry, vitunted In Plainfield townehip, riortilantPton cont. ru•, near glackertoWn. It convivial of number ono Wu- volt, blue, uever.fading .lute, fully mind to 4110 well:known Chap. neat, Mute, with It good water not" , and a lull rialimg of pumping and hoiating machines. Person.. 11....ir0u. .1. au opputtunity uf this kind will pleas., ex, tu:ne for them. velvla, and apply to lloubon S'arliertow.. u. mar 1, 't.V) U. L. PretilltlPl FOUR FIENDRED FARMS FOR SALE, ranging In prim, fromgetolpi per arra, accord to linpruretnetaa, locution ste, (loud soil, genial donate, and near markets. 'These farina are allnitted in Virginia nd Maryland, Nome In the Immediate vicinity of M logien and iitherk from 5110 iet dlatailt front the Cap. Addreati or call on .1. D. ViSMitaartrlin selti, Avenue near Sixth atreet Wa.hltigteu, P, V. FOlt RUST. ilia new TII WEE-STORY BRICK STOREHOUSE AND RESTAURANT, Situate on the Nurth.Rer.t corner .1 ' Front nod Allen etreete, In the SIXTII WARD, City of A I.I.ENToWN, I'.. 'l'6e luretiuu ,if the propel ty,duntit, mato,. it 4. good hostile. rend. Fur Intorrr.ation el+Pic to !IRNRT T. KI.F:CKNER Aldermen IVard, Ailetuoven. Pa. MEE FOIt.S.tLE. A vALrAni.i; ,to • WATER POWER AND FACTORY. Haying now In running order n Planing Mut Moe. Slitting Saw. Three Circular Sate, L. Saw..l It.ag Litth , other nature., all to complete old,. llon.O. and other ...thudding, on North Peon Railroad. Avply by tellin or la ItrtotOtt. to JACOB SHAFFER, '2.:41 North Second street, Philadelphia. G R EAT SALE Cl= PERSON AL PROPERT V. Will bn .old nt public ”It. ht tint tole nre of Jtitot, Stowart, &reared, In NVlttelialltotyvnhip. 1,,i git c-on'Y• opposite th , lt,nuith or..7itt.t.tnunon. MONDAY AND r.IITEDA Y. MARCH iTU AND IS TH, Is7o. tha following PERSONAL PIN/PEWIT of s. Ll derefie•6 tu•srlr—Our throo Euro, hMVell COW., our boll. three (,ice, Itoil heifer, six hou.l oIONI, one bog, seven 11111101111111 four halo •110 .. , wagon, tower. gruiu drill. luschilw wdwer, two 'draw curlers. corti nlieller, gram lan. two uric top b0gw,, , ,,. Lieu light carnage I/11111On, fdur %PIS 111,V) . barns, fly nets, .highh. huu, plough b orers. rte .ll'. eglo. buffalo ruler, utie•horer sleuth. set rt wherlwrigLt S r ,ttour. told all the ituploutrut, well. stocked lam. Al , a, ut the ' , Ma, Vt1.1T 0 3 , ... thirty Acre, of Grain In Ihr gruuutl. lIOII4FAIOLD C10()I)S, Con‘lsting of three mien chairs, letter. threo rocking chairs, gee (liningabout one handled cod Oft, yard. rag carrel, cook coif dining roam clover, number of blind., our sewing methane, nix bed., I/ethic:oil and bedollur, kowtowing luipirtunnvi, copper kettle, largo Iron kettle, and many other al twles too unmet one to Mention. Condlllonawlll Le made known on day or .nl.l, brEWAItT. Allni'r of Joint. row art, der ',I EEO CARPETINGS! AT OUR NEW ANI , “1 - 00 r, 635 MA.I3KET STREET. A fall stock for Spank Sulch of NSTERS. ELV wrs Bitugsti.s•, • TAPESTItY. INCIRAINS. VENITI ANN, • • alArris, OIL CLOTHS, 4"... LEEDOM, SHAW & STEWART, 645 MAIiKET ST., PHILADELPHIA , Jiw 10-1 m N, WEDNESDA, it bic(ltat• r, nom7rss 111 A L l'ADEctrcill'AC I. A PALATAULAL REF ItE.Slll:ilt. NtlettlotWtt 1•0:11C BEVElletill. mote slesuittlieuitix thou als.'boor rind Por ter. or AN DIitiCHIPTION OF A1.0011111,1C lodtspetuneble to the aehlliteted, eepsehtlly ourelog rno• thers. Iterunimeunlsil by phynniciniont sn exeelleat nntrengillsoing TONIC BEV EltAti Hunt NIITILI ENV, turn n the best knows prepera turn for N MOTIIEItt , . nut listhig the nnhtsellutintble.propertienn of malt liquors Inn genets I. TARRANT 5.; CO., NEW YORK, frb 2- I in Sul., Agents for the United State, etc NO (ERE. NO PAN 1)11. I). LONGAI(EIt, firalloain of thn Unlveraity tif Pronnylvania, at Philadel• ph h lii la tionon•nfulprarl.on for a otunberuf years VAIIVIIO p. 4 Of the United Swop.; will promptly at. teal lo all braurntoi of hi.; profewlou at hh. futon, !Co. , Si.rth el reel, bet. linuttlton 11111 i n”f =I No Patent Medicine% are need or recaininended; the rent edi ad iiiini , tet ed are thilao which trill not break dooro the con,itntien. but renovate the iiyidian Irani all Injorle• it ha. en.tainial hen; mineral tord:eine.. nod it In a y . and perfectly 4,1,11 ,111iIiiOn. I . l,Nsrmi " rioN. TIRO NPIIITIS, DYSPEPSI A. and all emir.d:iso.c. of the Lunge, Th.o.tt, stomach, and I.lY er. p filch y carry tholpian.l. to 114,1111 , `1y C. ye, elm undoubtedly be cared. 31ELANCLIOLY ABERHATIoN, • that Him , . or alienation and weaknesa at the mind which per.un• Incapable of ea ioyiait the hicaaaci.4 of perfuritalag the dune. at trio. IiIIEti3IATISDI AND PAIIALYSTS, in any form or condition, chronic or acute, warranted err. ably hpilep.y. or falling sicknens. And chronic or stub born caso. of b Lila LF DISEASES npendlly and railieally rninoved; bolt Rheum. Skin Diseases lot y, r•' standing) ovi, description of Ulcerations. Pile. and Scrotalonailia• noses. warranted cured or no pay. All — Pnrhenlar attention given to prlyate di.ensve of every descroitien of Lath Ladle. suffering from au y complaint incidenial w their con. gun colic lilt Elio doctor xith iissulAnco of relief. Pawnor cored. and Timor. of MI kinds innioved without the kuile or drawing blood. D 1.211,3 of ilia EYE AND EAH, auccerodully and effectually rernneed or no charge MO , 4W Dr. Longaker 1,11 make ri.it.any thetanca tl de• aired; can be adtlreexed by letter lcoolltlentlally) mod nted• Witte mew rib nronecthcee , lott , todtlY Part of the county. °retch: Eaat toile of "bath sheet. between II ulnilten and Wolutit Allentown. ape 1.5•1 y itiisrcitancous CANDY AND FR ('IT G EO. «l JEN K NS, I= n uVerthn•a• tof SUGAR, MOLASSES AND COCOANUT CANDY, ASU 11'11011,AI I) 1.1,1.1 Ii IS FRITITc; , FIRE WORKS, MIE ( RIsT.M As (4 OODS 161 NORTH TIIIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA d SlO,OOO GUARANTEE' BUCK LEAD Exce ILEAD , all utbes' Int. For Pa Vorlvalml Whltenens, For'ita Unequaled Dornthloy, " li. For It, Unnorpa•mmt Covermg Property. Intetly (or itn Economy. • ,:onTs LEs, to paiut with Boi( LaAD than any other White Lend exotot. The name weight Carel. MORE SPI(FACE, In inure ItoIIABLE, and manna WHITER BrCK LEAD Die cheap! rr nd t,rl $lO,OOO GLT A ILLYTEE. B CK ZINC EY,I7,V For it, Unequaled Dora Witty, ltd. For It. Putavultal Whitetre.e. 3d. For Iry Uneurpas•ted rovoring Property. • idottly, for Its Ord Er Hwy, briny the CUE PESI'. LlA.NlluitYlliST. wad wort DitUA DLL White Paint in Inv x ot BUY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC TliY IT AND BE CONVINCR.D. i.k.ipf,t rwrtutvol by lb.• Ataiing.l4.olr, BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prrpnrrd , Ypre,ly for Painting COTTAGES, OUT BUIL DINGS or nrel dancr,ptlon. FENVE9, &r. THIRTY FIVE DIFFERENT COLO US, Durable, CL.:. p, Untiorin and Benoit lof nhude.. . . . Sample ratd. brut by Mail if tlrAired. ' Ortlor. will Ito promptly excrittml by tbo mots rf.trltt r•. FRENCH, RICHARDS ik N. W. COR.TENTII & MARKET STS., inn I 9.1) I'IIII.ADELPIIIA I= \ trepartor of Watches, l:o. 032 Market et., raLladolphis, Would rosnoctfully cod ollon•Ire to !..t now and cars lady tol•cled stock af WATCHES, JEWELRY, NANO/MS, Ally.. Lad Plated flare, do. ltoikoutoo promptly oitacdod to and neatly doe.. WATSON'S CELEBRATED FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. • ESTABLISHED I.V 1543. THE 01,1 , 1:ST SAFI; vorsE: IX I.IIII..I.DELPiILS The only Sarno. with I/008N. llarallwed Flee front It.ottlitoo , . AI ,t prlol4 (roll) 15 to At per rent. itAVPr than oil,' looker. Plea, 11 for Circular :toil Prie lA.!. l'. WATSON A< sttN. I.lit , of Poona & Wat.ito. 31.1Porseturer, oet 7. , tt0 No. a3O. Fourth dt.. Philadelphia 1 , 110111 MR. FOSTER. To the Public We have concluded waive up our busdnevv In Allentown with a view of eventually settling In the Groat West, We have done a good business here,• and perhaps we unlit to be satinfled. but Allentown is nut Illrge enough to suit our ambition. When it numbers f,o,ooolahabitituto, as we beheve It will within 13 year, we may cone back again to give you - once more "goods at New York prices." Meantime, while we arc growing rich In the West, you'll have to pay Allentown merchants tall of th, , m. by the way, capital fellowaljuat sixth prieem as they may plea, to charge you After March 15th or 3)th, Paper Mu.llns ma; again be cold at trl cent.. Thnt was the prime when we opened here. We cell them for )0 rent•. Print. may again be cold at to cm. Ilmllus at 18 eta...which we sell at t 2 eta.. &e.. Ice. The beautlful credit system will ho permitted to pursue the even tenor of its way, nod People who pay their debt• may coutitma to pay, In {I2OTA.Pft profit., for the good• of those who don't. Before leaving we will do the uterrhouts here the favor of publiahing the names and addressa of .tome two or three persons who rent., to pay small bills that we have been foolish enough to trust them to. For the preoeut wo content oumelves with givloic them this Palm. Memrs. Keel:. Weiler at Co., clothier•. will OCCupy our gore about the tolddle of March ni.xt.They here bought our lease and fixtures. We are compelled, therefore. if poe. alble, to clone out all our clock before that time. We will eve a parting clap to bilk price.. We propose to nen everything 0) almost any repronable price. Many goods will be cleared out lem than cost. We are now en• gaged to marking down our stock and shall continue to do so until all is sold. .tk rare chance will ho thus given to secure great bargains. Bee that you take advantage of 11. hale will commence Thursday tu,!ralug, January 13th. Verytrair yours, DAVID N. FOSTER FEBRUARY 1870. DMA ENE . iirgaV.,Totircfs. .AsT. 01'114 :lA, .9 • - •. All por.iio. WllO Indebted for 'venter hrftelif the'Alleuta wit %%later tainitany Kb hereby netillett Out they eau ' , tittle their ateti too, Icy call nu noon the l'reititua I rer or the Company in he fillies , of the Coo illy Coltflnist filoutire thoweeti ca tc Alltl the Fir.t fitly fsr February. Itaa. After that 2 , 1 per rent. 00,11 Im• added on nil 11.111,1,11114 d 110 tool ilto esitiso al telitaisl arroulit, 00.11 be tonoesl over to Jll,ll.ti of the lor ealleetioo. Il y oilier .It tho EAV l'rrmilfe,t. Maim 0.11, 9orretAU. Tilt/M.A4J•4../7t. •- 1V 111.1.11A1l vrtintic, 710 AIICII t'T Pllll AI" A. ink nut l et , .11. or ino nnso et 11;lo Punt. coc.+odinn 1 o Pay Mink i:rl/0111.. Fitch, &r.; uoiiortlneut of Socquipi, In seal, Pio •inii or Whit.. null Mach which I taw 4,1,ma ii 2 , 1 nor cent. Ir., than oily utl,l iitorc in the city. Alpo. a One ni.iiiirtiorist iit Whop l o s, Whitt, fro. land or. nod 11111i,111 1% 1 31. Ii IA :NA"! 11, 7111 A rcli = TRIE nisTiticrcouirr OF TilE s TII E EisTEics DtsTittcr OF PENN tiT LV ANIA. In 11, nkrnpeovi. No. CI. In tor tont ter of DA N. L.:, LEVAN, 11.tukt opt. . . Th.. end, unugand hereby {Lee. not., of bin appoltittueut anneyure ot the el Daniel Levan. of Albany taint...hip, In ilia County f Brikn. napl District. who wax .1,..1get1 it Bankrupt npan bin owu Politleu Dintrlct Cotui I loud Dintriet. . _ • • 1 , 01•••1 nl go.ol,tt. tiny of .lationry. A D. Ig o . u I RENA:XS :MA I. IT 11. .feetgitee. "VII: 111 TOWS NOTII'E. TII to I: I. 11.! NS' rit TOF hi:111011 co. . . h.tulr ofCII ARLES K. SADEItS, tlreem.etl. The Auditor oup.onted by 11,,' Court to etulit, settle out! Il,t•t .o'l,ol, of •11.• to sander', Adtotutotrotor of I. nder. , . dee'd. and 10 I . oloort 111Airlholl. or the 1.., in the of the nreonoto tat, will nwel the intro e-tod the purse...lo! kin nPloonlnoott. On MONDAY, 214. A. li. 1870. 01 2 clock. P. Kt ill' oft, oi .lohn II APP, r.reor ,10111 sod Holm). tou %tier,. to the tall 01 Allentown. Igo 2.1-11 SA311:121. A. BUTZ. .iittlitnr. I — NkiSSOI.UTUDN (11.11' , hereby Oren that thr co•parturr heretottoo e X el.ll 3lntehett .1111 F. ot, let-otte.e. moiler the tlrto Milne of (11 & I Es. +lll, y de-01 yeti lit - mutual rlt• yew. title !lino will be nettled by Jo et:plt 31sttebett, to tvll,ll tho.e. Indebted Inl . l' yeti ne,ted to make ;,tytte•ot lime tog chyme. ehoubl Pre-ettl 31.11'(:11E17, ffili!IIIIIIIMIIM Clutbing The Reel Excellence :nd Elicaeness of cur Cloth Inch i■ the only secret of our great suet.... Lut " sll „'I" rerry tines OM , 1.111 of 111,14- 13,4 hho nro omit , • o , o,lt hi othor • ,nnoot. on us t• oi It; their k comfort with htyo.. Our Itlnd, ;krt. ituppllod •• Oh 11... 1., .4: trimitilitii, 1111.1 s••• I , lr that t 11.7 too .F.. 1 104 .1,111,111 y legt..lll.n. ••.1,; put. luitootock. Y.r , •ry comment fold for Re uith lefrol to ih.. I• , ~ r 4or oil iho It I.t.kur , ilH .IHutt our lart, Imuutt.. ni,dnutoy .•• t.HH, %wage., ...Ae II lost vr tuna Huy 11, lion., Ire Invite• r.ort,owignn nr wire. FALL AND WINTER O 1369 , We Lace made the GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET Numberless Garments, Endless Variety, Choicest Selections, Coeds to Wear Well, Standard Styles, . Latest Fash;ow., Furnishing Goods our goo,l, aro otarlze•l at Lowr.n PlaTur. 11..1 w..e . ..11,c,ti11e 1, a ivles last year. • AND DEPAETMENT FOR INS' AND YOUTHS' WEAR Are ...proltilly w.lll.reparel to New and Better Cutters, Improved System, Greater Dispatch, A Finer Line of Goods than ever, School Cloths', Sunday Clothes, Many New Sty:es, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. TIIE LAB3Z.S7 Tnr, STAN, S. E. car. Eli & SIAEXEI SIS., {Embracin g whole btoek uo 6111 from Market to Moor. 4 'BAD W N MEM= DEHAVEN at BROTHER, =ll GOVERNMENT SECURITIES UNIoN S CENTRAL PACIFIC R. R IST NlO RTGA GE BONDS 40 1q..t . T11 THIRD STREET, =1 Buy, hill awl Ey rhnuu. ■❑b.nllll of U. S. BONDS, GOLD Bought Rod 1..11t1 lit Market ItAv Con C 5.1,11. Stork• bflnght and .14 on Only Areoont• rueoiv,.l and Intervot allowed on dally b.tlartr , .`lulovct to Ch•ck at Sight. Jon 1, T • 01.11 ALIENTAIWN CHINA I- AND DLA4SWATIE ST4IIIE STILL AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITION. • Fifteen peals expel Mime and means to buy not only for cash but during the seiewins and times of must advantage. enable. the proprietor to offer goods ■t lower price. than ❑tose not having these advantages. I return my sincere thanks to the people of thi ,, city and Lehigh and adjoining counties for appreciating these facts by their rooaunlly Increasing patronage. Neeeiie hating cartoon enlarge• monte of Our store, the last of which but recently corn• pleted. give. us now about tweuty•oue hundred feet of elielv lug one fo l %old, Nearly balf a mile of shelving twolve inches wide. wall flied with good., besides large quantities so the flour. lion very evident there are no two stores io the ouitnif tint idaether have such it stock PI this or the trade requ.ring it. It is therefore the Interest of all to call and examine the goods and pricer at thin store be• fore buying elsewhere. The proprietor being folly con• ecions of his advantages, will not under any honorable circumstances per nit any pursue to undersell him in these goods. Such things nary Lo pretended by those baring no knowledge of the bu•lness, and Indy find brageducla and bombast a convenient article to hide their deficiencies In other respects, but it will not bear the Inspection of a die• eerning public. our goods are of the latest and moat Im• proved patterns, our heavy soles requiring almost as en tire renewal of stuck net Or three times annually, thus precasting the possibility of old stock on baud. As lam now selling off prepurstury to retire from AntiVel bueiness, greater inducements than hereto ore are offered In the price of goods to all Imams{ the China Store,37 E. Ham ilton/IL, rawly opposite the Oerman Reformed tan 6.1, T. C. KERNAREN. EiOM .., ,-, r. ~ c 5 745. ~ _ ~.• =EI 141.; A6oN L SPEOI A LTI Jan 1241 1 lILT'E AND COLORED DRESS SILKS, PLAIDS, PAISLEY AND 'MOCHA SHAWLS, BLANKET SHAWLS II I NES. .1A1219.6%1' WATER PROOF,FOR SUITS, WRITE AND COLORED BLANKETS, Embracing the moat complete stock of Dr} Goods at Pc pITLAR LOW PRICES It will be to your interest to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. M. J. KRAMER, QM SEAMAN & TRAEGER, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BLACK Oros Grain RILES. BLACK DRAB D•PRAYCE SILKS, BLACK TAFFETA SILKS. Th• largest and cheapest assortment of SILKS we h vvvvv er had the pleas ure of etferinir the Public. BEAMAN ..tr, TRAEGER. CHOICE NEW STYLES FANCY SILKS, SEAMAN & TRAEGER FRENCH SILK POPLIN, MARBLE POP LINS, PLAIN POPLINS. SEAMAN fi TRAEGER. BLACK ALPACAS. In dl grade., from the lowest number+ to the Osten Mohair, SEAMAN Sc TRAEGER. COLORED ALPACAS, MI pricen, YerY BEAMAN & TRAEGER DRESs ii(401)P1 lu •very •ulely of Plain •nd Fiume) , SEAMAN A'. TRAEGER. BLEACHEDroId UNBLEACHED &MEETINGS and SHIBTIEHS la very Idrie.hvurtment CHECKS, TICKIM:ivnd Eli AWLS. Larce sod extrusive a+nortinent of BLACK TIIIBET, AItUCIIE and PAISLEY. BLANKET, CHE• NILLE, MISSES', in great variety of al. mud color, BEAMAN .t TRAEGER. SPECIAL ATTENTION Is requested to our elegant sod eiimplete hue of LADIES .DRESS TRIM. 111 part of BULLIO9and TAYSELS, ' , WNW G :, REAL OIPIIREand BRUSSEL . (7/I. 01111'3, BRAIDS, NEW STILS FIdITED TRIM MIND, A., DI - I rONS lu several hundred different yle, SEAMAN at TRAEGER. HOSIERY, GLOVES. UNDER CLOTII ING for LADIES', CHILDREN and GEN TLEMEN. WOOLEN YARNS, &c. FLANNELS,_ wlathr. 11.7iffe. Slue. Mixed and Real Genuine Homeoncide Flannel. SEAMAN & TItAEGER. ZEPIIYR Si ORSTED, GERMA.VTO TVS WOOL, OA SH.VERE YARNS, .K. 1113110 !DER ED WORSTED WORK, and a fall anii , ortuient In tinit line. BY NAIL we Reed samples' of any goods capable of be ing aent by sample through the Mali with price. attached to each place. ‘Ve Cad this to be a great CORVOiliell" to parties ...lila w peritoually vinit SEAMAN & TRAEGER. FAMILY OROCEIIIES, Staple and Fancy. nicely kept temptingly gotten Up and of the Beet SEAMAN ft TRAEGER. CROCKERY, evorythlugmolred In that line fur bouen kfePing Purpontl, SEAMAN & TRAEGER. Tub,, Pull,, Duckele, nod .11 mono of Wooden Ware uved lu Iluo.okonping. - - All kinds of Country Produce taken In exchauge for Roods at the lalehe.t Puce, • SEAMAN & TRAEGER. We aro endeavoring to keep a full line of every •rtiele In the trey of Dry Goods, Small Wore,. Notions. Gre eerie?, Crockery, Wooden Ware. and In fart averYihleg (except Co melee to lin found lu • TPtall morn. ' REAM AN & TRAEGER, MAIN STREET, QM SCHOLARS, ATTENTION I PUPILS, PARENTS ANT) ALL OTHERS BOOKS OR STATIONERY Are invited to .11 at No. 3.5 West Hamilton Street. (WAS. er'. old ..billtl.l rota deo. below Elghth Street, where you will Cod a hvge .tern Or 101 l Sleds ,1 School Books used In this county, at the lowest cash prices. A full line or LATIN, OREM LiklltslAN and TRENCH books for Colleges ' Academies and Schools, always on band, at the lowest rates. A full assortment of Stationery, Blank Book., Menlo. random, Pocket Souk% Combs, Albumin, Pictures, Ster eoscopes and Vim., Window Paper, &e., sold at the very lowest cash Pelee. English and.tlosulan pocket nod fansilyellibles, - PreTer nook. sad 11).ton Book., A large&ii rpkndld stoc k of Mileellasedus Books et a Prone sod Poetry, mud Sunday School Bouli• All the re• qulnites for Solidity School, always on band at Ph 11•110- phis Prlcen. We sre clohldrout s omatic& of WALL I'APBR at toil. BRADBURVS CELEBRATED PIANOS Please . glri; mew, cut; when yOll Wish to purchase Ilaugitop Bt., balelr Slstah, Allentois, Pa Dr° boobo POPLINS, REPP SC., &C., &C Respectfully, OLD CORN En: BETHLEHEM SEAMAN & TRAEGER SEAMAN & TRAEGER, SEAMAN & TRAEGER SEAMAN & TRAEGER BETIILEIIEIII I=l Agent for ;ilea E. goss, =1111:=1 311 AMES LONG ! Blf MILES LONG. 84 MILES LONG. Slf MILES LONG. Slf MILES LONG. 3lf MILES LONG. 31 MILES LONG. Blf MILES LONG 221 MILES IN NEW YORK. 221 MILES IN NEW YORK, 22} MILES IN NEW YORK. 22f MILES IN NEW YORK. 221 MILES IN NEW YORK. 22/ MILES IN NEW YORK. 221 MILES IN NEW YORK. V MILES IN PHILADELPHIA 9 MILES IN PHILADELPHIA. 9 MILES IN PHILADELPHIA 9 MILES IN PHILADELPHIA 9 MILES IN PHILADELPHIA 9 MILES IN PHILADELPHIA 9 MILES IN PHILADELPHIA A GREAT RESULT. A GREAT RESULT. We eak the attention of the nubile to the following brief statement of factu—lt le well known that in Jam 1193. Dr. Colton introduced the nitrous oxide or" laughing gar." (or the paint*" extraction of teeth. sod sataltllshod the Colton Dental Association. On the 4th of Voluntary following (113641 we commenced to oak our pati”tt to sigh • moll. certifying that the gall was pleamant to inkal. nod that we had drawn tbe(r teeth without pain. (Our scroll was opened to Philadelphia, 0ct0ber12.11156.) That we might know We exact number who shoald elgn this paper, we numbered ....p name on the margin. Whit we had marked on. thonsand (1.066), and without an N. Hunt, we thoight it a great triumph. WE HAVE THIS DAF. DECEMBER 4.1149. REACHED THE 111.1115111 OF FIFTT•FIVE THOUSAND (53.000 PATIENTS 1 Alta WE MAYO Ta? lUD 01111 ACCIDIIaT WITS Tin CIAa 1 Ca. ”y etronger proof be prevented that the gas le a safe no. aesthetic, and that we know how to else Itt Here-are FIFTY-VIVI TOLL 111(1111INTIlef pollees, and if they were marching in single Ile, allowing three feet for sash, the line would bi MORE THAN 51,4 MILES LONO I We make the gait every day, nod, for the past two years, have need from two to three hundred gallons per day. • large part of our bunions. cornea from the leading dentists of the city (we do nothing but extract teeth), who know that by loot Rod const•nt practice we have acquired great skill In the bueictees. Skill perfected by practice °weans* almost all difilcultles. To most persons the gas produce. very pleasant seceatlone, while to • raw it in a pl 000000 to have teeth ell 00000 dby it. We prefer to glee the gas to healthy people, but have given it to hundred. eteleriag from all norm of dimes.* and with no ill greets. We can ordinarily draw from ton to Meat and sometime* twenty teeth or ettimp• with one dose of Lao. Tin sage?? OP ell• ranee? is the filat consideration, the next is to extract the teeth careftilly, and not Wore the game 'or alveolar proses.. W. strove to do the work in ohs very but man. nor. Price, Illtfor the trot tooth. and Si for meek ether. ;mint tooth drawn at the earns sitting. Oflice bourn from lA. U. to s,ki P. If. To avoid • crowd, come In the fore noon, or call and encore •ct appolatmeat. N. D.—The great secret of sucrose with us. Is that we aiwaae have a era■ Osa. Dr. J. J. Colts., for years prof f chemlstt7, sad a graduate of Mecilolac makes aud administer. the gas; sod It Is thus perfeetly larmlses esso for the most delicate. COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION, No. 7117 WALNUT STEEZT,PHILADELPHIA ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT ACCIDENT NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE NOT ONE I=l COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATIO.N, No. 787 WALNUT STEILIT. 'BLOW ZIONTI. PHILADELPHIA An ILel
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