inns ""; ~; A LLENTOWN 6AVINGS, SQL. TION. Organised as" Dimes Saving rnititution," NO. 58 (EABt (HIAILLT OPPOIITI TEI 111IIICAII MOTU.. ) PATS 8.221 PER CENT. INTEREST FOR t • .11011117 ON DEFOint. • Tbis !milli:Mon, the eldest Saving Bank trt Eastern Penner tennis, hag been In C . O II Ull i nt Varga WW. I D NITRZIT Y O I I SI : ' ootg re ' ? one ' year, and special esters of Interest for shorterperiods. deposit. of money will be bold etrictly cone derillM Exeoutori,Adatinistrators,Trustses, Aisianees, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and other enalndlann of public or private money., are of fend liberal rates of Intermit. FOrneere, Merchants. Laborers, soh all who here money to gout on Interest fora long or ehort period will Sod one linetttutlon an agreeable and ad vsotagsne onettt which to' do - basins.. We repo roily invite LADIII , IIO Ire_ ;tenet their banking hneinem with ue. ILLSRISO WO/dRN and MINORS titre sPeelal loges gran wh i chur eharter—bnving full power to tram.- act basinsus In their own names. Money deposited with this Institution Dil SAFE AND WELL SECURED, I. ntT7PRINpdp I n d D s Cri,Vlll37 Tgr t, e , " 42 . , t o o. ` . - L r card of Trustee. nave, es required by the charter, given_ nds anger the supervision or the CoUtt, Itt _the *UM of IFTT THOUSAND DOLLARS, which hood. are regis tered in and held by the 'Court of Common Pleas of this comity for the security of depositors. Our Iron Vaults an of the most Begun and 'extensive kind known in this country. as &Vermont' inspection Will show, and to which we invite our Mends lend costumers. We refer to thle, believing that safe Burglar Prom( Vaults complete the sa f e[ and rellabllittof a good Sarum . Bank. ILLl f ill H I .A Il x v r c r : vg l i i , VutitillAVAßLEß;c4shi.r.s ' en • • .• ?RIMINI: William A. Jane/, Charles B Bush, Christian Preis, Y. E. Samue. John D. Bales, ls Benj. .I. Ilaisaburb. Gisage Brobst, 8111.11101 Sell. Nathan Peter. Jan 12-ti INCHEASE OF CAPITAL THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALLENTOWN raid up Capital, 8150,000. Authorized Capital,. 11500,000. The Dtrectors of Bile Bank realizing the muerte. of !minim In the city and community as well as the contin• aid demand and necesally (or more Banking Capital. have resolved to eai. the Ceplted Stock of thin Bank from OIdO,CCO to B3 M 00, n 001) • The subscription book s for dile Increase 'are now oli o at the Banking House, and all persons desirous of senor g stook aro Invited to make application at once. The enbecrlptlons are to be paid In the following install- Meats. viz: Id per lent. op elmof eaMo,lplion. • . ba del• • AnXil next. 11:1 let " June next. For Itutheyr Information axply .i ptrzw E ijou c ....l.l ., R . H. Human. Preildent. no• 17-If MACUNGIE SAVINGS BANK, Hampton, b•twevt 7th and Ith iltreeta . ALLENTOWN. PA. • azi d 1t 4! e • Ald In say sum. from dollar upward, 1 IILE PER CENT. INTERNET will be - paid. Deposits may be withdrawn at any time. Persona di ll/ZOOS of sending monay to any pan of the United States i t:o4 , n a tir di zt I t il i 4aT i e si pt o s p ir th ra u a r tters t promptly att e nd e d bold. Salyer, Coupons, 11/!ndirLdother stearin** Preeldin. W V. h(!t: D AVI D LIORTANWALLYIR Ir • sty 7/4-lf • BANKING HOUSE OW GOOD & RUHE • •IRIT DOOM !FIST OF TUX FIRST NLTION•L BANK, ALLENTOWN, PA la rrrrr to afford all persons an °pp: rt ... u . n . tlt am (how o raer small their ranns) to deposit 1310.7 0 11 1 .. rootori :. . than what are sow received by the sari of this oily. we have concluded to RICRIVI DEPOSITS IR SUMS FROM ONE DOLLAR 'Ut TO PIPS THOUSAND • and allow Intend for the eatme at the rate of six per cent. !L r num. Interest to be calculated from the first and an eath da of each month, subsequent to such deposit. Merest wi ll s be made up on all Deposit. remaining with on, half yearly to wit On the first days of April and October, and will be paid to depositor. on those dm if not drawn they will to to their credit arid be compodeded. No leetreet will be calculated on fraction.' tarts of a del. W. No Imam.. than give Dollar. can be withdrawn artless le he toone ith lays an account. Every Depositor will be fanatahed w • Deposit Doak containing the conditions upon which tb• Deposits are received, and no money will I. received onless the book be presented and an entry meads at the time of making the Smalls.. over She neceseary expenses of Individuate and families that are liable to be wanted or needlessly expended, may, If deposited, produce In time amounts that will surprise any gas who hae given no heed to the subject. • deposit ofsl.oo per week, continued uee year will ninon. to 1152 96 two years 0108 54 ; three yearn 5100 92 fourcra dm El I nye yend• pay 60, and ten years 5090 It commends itselflts a safe, And and Droata Is depository to Executors, Administrators, As algn as, Collector. Agents, and all Public Olicers, pettier for themselves or their trod funds, to voluntary chitin or Associations, and Indeed to all cl f our Olsen. llnowlag that we he ittrlst et mrarol Aftgalagr. - Ltmag: we have tn addition to our own Individual respounibility. Mitten andot the tact In Inorporated Savings Danko) ex ecuted delivered to Ch a nce W. Cooper Cashier of Al lentown National Dank and Tllghmart Moyer. Caehlcr of let National Dank, Bond of Indemottr (with oppor•V -1114 eecurity) in theento of Twenty P l v•Thoo .11.1 Dollen, to be held by them In trust for the special security of our Depositor. This fact will fully equal (a• re. girds to safety of depositor,) to any Depository in this 7 . We buy. sell and exchange all Immo of Oeveremeet sonde, execute orders for the purchase and isle of all gist elan Securities, and negotiate lea. on Heal Estate am small commingle. •dvattees made to oar dlera at all times as aPProyed oollateraleat market rates of interest. 'rm. H. boos. FIDWARD Raga. KUTZTOWN RAVINGS BANK, (Organized under State Charter la Ihllk) RONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT, sad epee eo et. In tweet will be allowed. For ahorter periods apecial ra nt. will b. paid. Also f money 'maned out on FA ORAB ' laak • looted lathe Key 'I "1"1"6" atone lon.. In the borough " or utatown. JOHN H. FOGIEL, Preoldout. ITDTTAID nOT TTTTTT IT, M. D. C 0.., roam . . f..i, laJ. Slough M.D.. J. D. W , Laq., David /later. H. H. Schwartz, Pao B. Forel, Daniel Mader itlebirrd J. Knorr. H Jonas Mlles John H. Fogel, B. .ffiTe Proof. • Zafts, HEIRUING' El C11•111•Ititi FIRE AND BURGLAR ?ROOF' SAFES (WITH DRY FILLING.) Wwarded Um Niro Modsle at W o rld's V ol, . London orld's /sir. Misr Tort, Est.. Mos Volvorsello, Parts FARREL, HERRING & CO ■ditty Omni. OR al. RATIEWS. 629 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA •111110, YAPIIL i S , NRIV Yogi IMMO St CO CHICAGO 1111111X0. ZZZZZ LL k 00., NEW ORLEANN P. NEWHARD • ~ r .T. S. R. ENGLEMAN, CHINA WARE, BILGLIN I I- BOHEMIAN GLASSWARE, LAVA WARE, FAILLII,N MARBLE OF ALL DEEICRIPTIONIS NO. • WEST HAMILTON ST., A T.T.TINTOWN, PA. Oa 2taa • lir j")3lURY'B 4llD OTHER PIANOS, AND ONWARDS. TAI LOR. A FARLEY WO 'S ADD E. P. NEEDHAM E SON'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS,. MO ASO NPWARDS. ' Yin G. FISCHER, • d o . ; ( 16 Altc WIRY, MINI' St,, Plills4slpAu.. ifardit lintilitfiC zr ,Alt " ; LOOK t AT .neFE•tt's y 01315 Evrp . R.4i: rffir:BE, L sT.tir4agr.y.g . 744 :Ivo/am. dROVEII.4.„BAKEIV3*: - .Itpuitkt , iiki , • • .AwitilltbOiltent.ll.4aat'"Thwfr,9o 4 lTAlN l T iri Via4 . e4itar/II:111V1107%.00..t4V 4 . 11 h 1.1,. 4 ti°llPlegif Amok . aok aro tar •lx law Ilea to taint imraulearausa, . • " , cLl,l4.,rrbr; .oppolttig ,the ggilutt.p•ltiitotAlett N. B —roll Inntrnetionn given to nay porgonn pnreligg. lug Dl ve rkiamMitlthrettlreesiverrrantedtererairatUt alettanr B. M. KEIPEII, ARpnt, doe 22 Nit: IPTgini Bialiton Bt.i...AlleiWik of. rn. FAL L .myof IV. [ONO.] DIRS. M. A. BINDER has jowl arrived from Perla and London with the Intent dexlgne, veraelv tat nelected from the greateat no r }ncMeet Nrlmmlntte to be ercured In Parte. • - • L4C rls i !LlllN N itaiudi r .;:f „ l "4l,74 kum i nw i e ",. rArrERNs. DRESS and CLOAK atAKIN(L - Each:mire agent for ?Are. AL VirirCiVe celebrated •Tntrin or calling ladles' dregeem,saconnam,b_vg_nea, etc. f N. W. Cor . ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Ste., Phila. sop 23-6 m T SEWING Machine! IN THE WORLD 1 . The only one that makes more than one Mitch, aid news more than one way. Backwards, and Forwards. without turning yonr goods. Does all Minds of work. Light and Hen•y. They are arid as cheap a• other machines and fwarranted to be good. Call and see them at Mrs. T. W. ramer's Millinery Store, No. 63 Had Hamilton street, second date below American Hotel. see 15 Wa, P. WOLI.II. Agent. TILE CREAPST. AND /LOST RE- E LIABLE TRUES STOW/ In the oily. • W. J. EVERINT 50 NORTH. SEVENTH STREET, Below 'Ara, Yhlli~elahl&h tab M+. . ) leCte¢acni4's) Trobecii_. Female linpportere, Primes, Elastic Belt., Meet- Lowei,t pricer. ad.itietioents. Lady' at tendants Juse%-ly ttaitrottbs IVORTII PENNPVELINAgggEg VANIA RAIT.ROA.D. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Pasispudera for Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley R. R. tralan romptlog Alla/tan t e 602.. m., apd.ol4rstip p m. arid 8 2.5 P.:Due lasB Leh Sorld al p sdhildialsßlMMo/14 , trala at 210 11,. ao,:adtkitialtra4al4l44 Matta OE. lip. PaaaotwaretaatßaYta.taltat . talAat - tr aa. ;attain; •.Liata; khan at a 31 a;,* • :IKSTAf t *(I . 4OI: I I. , /Four ThrOPite MPassenger trains leave tho depot Northwest corner Barbs!. INUAL INCOME •nd Amencanatreetn Philadelphia, Fur Allentown al 8 Mandl/ fa a.nt„ and 1 45 and 5 D, au. •• • • Doylestown at 8 43 a. tn., 2 45 and 116 p. m. • •• Fort Washington at 790, 10 43a. nu, and 11 SA,. eit Abington at 1 15, 620 gad 8 p. m. Lansale at 6 al p.m. Trains for Philadelphia. Lear. nLa Ao4.4ixtud. oa. m V.A...41,-..129.11,rt 'MeV - In' s : - nsdale at 6 1 Fort Waelllng ton at 8 33, 045 a, m., and,2.31 {l. on. Al o lllo. at Y(11, 010 and 8854,.. 01, ON ' IS Leave i lLeth i lellem for Phll!lelnitlaatil ( 0 4 0 ia ta„ Lea, e VelNa for Bend noun at • • for Duylity% at 400 P. Var..—Allentown to PhlltulllP 16 , 6 3 1.1.18 • Wallin • gent A . • I CIATANA UQUA. ANDir i g e gMFEra a_iFOCIELSV.I.LLE It. li. On and,after ROVER BERI3 181.13, Pagaenser train* on , tho CaLanauqua & Fogela lila Railroad wlLlron ooanee- Ron with the Lehigh Valley Railroad and.Enat Penn.Rall• road, 1.3 fullow.a gti2Mil I=Elg P. Id l- AM.' 20:0 6.6(1' CA,TAS,LIJQI.I.A. 2.19 7.00 •SEIPLEE. 2.19 7.011 "JORDAN DRIDOE. 2.21 , 7.10' OUTIUS. 252 iVALl3kiitTll. 7 7.Z1 10h 3.171 maxims LL.. 3171.1/ VAIIMINGTOII. .66 .1 7 4.5 1 444. 4 . 4". . ' 'Flag Station, CORNECTL)N ,S. I I - 1. lANDEU. JR... ' rh murilloc tru th“ Cataantusur on the a, tival . f Bthat.. V. It. lt, LOCtli r.143 , 11)...i train from Easton, ... , oOdellem, and Allentown au& contort. nt Al4lurtia i ... NO. 1302 CHESTNUT STREET, with a train (bathe Rost Ponnaylvtsuits It. It. for Reading. pIIILADZIA'IIIA., Pott,llle. Harrisburg and Phillidelplain, attd +leo with a ' - . . trait. lor Allentown, - Helbleltem. Ea.don and New York. ~ ~ 111. it OPRNED UN NEW The morning train East cannot., at AI-north, with • wain on E. P. It. It. front itnerir Rending. and Alletlya FALL AND WINTER GOODS,. . town and at Culasanqua vs/Usti , a ou the T.ehith Val/t0 :fk sach am all new;aty.tea l of . , Railroad for Aunrit Chunk, ilhe , -/Allin '"''''''''' 1 '''. ENnitttIIDERTES, dell lit and New yor* rt r i l i. "Ol l P Itrin W ; ' 1-13 u la wit h a. ' . . tritlU ' ol te 'Lt. Penn. n,:t7li.'ntrit'r rtta ' Alutr,V'ett..*lle..' , , I TOWEL-BACKS,. • - liarrbburg, Allontowly ; Inithielikurt. Easton, ildindriphla. ; j . TOOT RESTS,'erc. • and New lurk. . : . The Evening train En:, le:11,.. al.burtia on sho.arrinah , .bill, 11. full line of of *train from [het:town And of • train maiglint ion. ,rtoo- ,t, HANDSOME PAPER PATTERNS, • tion• at Reading ‘t 111. trait.% from Philltdrikia.......a•— ; r . 'ORSTED, , SILK CHENILLE AND BEADS, burg, P.ti.v H r . 5,,.. Mlllll flibtleCtll Witn. MU paesange ; train on the V. It. It. at Cataxanqn.n, fan Odinutown„ • DRAWING ON. CANVAS, Liothiehetu an 'Easton. , • Penal. Whaling to go to AllentowAcan,talt.o , tlin tn..- , ~, • aptly AN . . .... , tO.AI-Burtis,•nrrtwoit.Aatntolity''so.ll2r.l,l • . ting train Weft to lila return by halts on clip Peonnyhmnia 1••••Ing Alloutown nt 4.20 P. 4. • G. W. CIIAPWL:i. Uubt..nVile!" Del.l-1Y) ItEALDING WINTER A ItltA MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 180 Groat Trunk I,,itto from 11.. North ant North-Weal for Now York. Reading Putuiville. Tamaqua, Ashland. Shamokin. Lebanon Allentown. Rankin. kph. rata, Lilly, Lancaster. Columbia, he. Train. leave Harrisburg for Nett York # 9 . 1 . 1 /PWP.I tunitaraa .g.u,..lll2eurs;'l'; and 2 171 ' i IrioTni, connect) Now Yora t at 1..15 noon, 5.40, 6.50 and'lll.oop. m. reiect• Indy. Sleeping Cars accompany the 5.35 a. Tu. and 2.51/. noon Vilna without chaugo. Returning: learn Now lork at 9.00 a. m. 12.00 anon and 5.00 p. m Philadelphia at /115 a. tn. and 5.39 p. m. Sleep ing Con accompany the 9.1 A) a. 111, and 5.10 p. tr•lna from New York without Leave, Harrisburg fur Readialf..Poillitille. Tittnatlita; hlinemville. Aahland. Shamokin, Pine itrove. Allentown 1 and Philadelphia at B.loa. in., 2.03 and 4 10 p. stop- 1 Ding at Lebanon and'rtneirdll May 116t1011ar tho Cr par. , train connecting for Pkiladolphla, Putrillivacut • bin only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill 1 ar ia mud Olean, .1. Schuylkill nod Susquehanna Ittli read Icahn Harris bu\l"faV 3 11 ) 14:n t li ‘ t:r Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a connecting with nimilar train on Earl Penna. Railroad, re• turning from Beading at 6.160 so. plopping 4.11 analogs, Leave Pottsitllle at &Valid 9.6311 pm, lie don at 9.300 inuMk last 140 and .40 pm, di at 7.030 to an HAI Taniagna'at int am rat fur phleand NOW York. Leave Pott s p h via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road at 8.15 a to for Harrisburg. and 11.30 a m for ('inc. grove and Trotnout, Reading Accommodation Train leave, Pottavllle at 5.46 a tn. patinas Reading at 7.50, to. arriving at Philadelphia at 10.70 a an. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.5 a s p en.m. , panning Reading at 7.kip to. arriving at Puttavillo i.3tt: Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pettatown at 6.40 m, returning. leave* Philadelphia at 4.009 ' Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rending at 7.15 a m and 7.15 p ro, for Ephrata. 111,. Lancanter, Columbia; kn. 1/orkturnea. Railroad trains leave kay oPorklome Junction at 9.00 • m.; 100 and 5. tu; returning, e Schwenk•• similar 8.05 m. 17.45 noon, and 4.15 pm, cOUnecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad traine leave Pottstown 0 7 9.10 a mood 6,05 p returning leave Mount I s at 7.00 101 4 11.23• connection with ' , Millar trains on Reading 11.11. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridgeport at 8.30 • m and 2.95 •nd 5.02 Ii In, returning, leave Dowalrigton 6.30 a m. 12.45 noon and 5.1.3 p m, ounnecting with nital , liar trisins 00 Reading Railroad. On Sundays laavo New York at s.fOri m,'Phlladelphla at 8.00 a to and 3.15 tu tthe LW •in train running only to Banding). leave Puttaville at 9.1:0 ni. Harrisburg at 6.53 a Maud 4.10 m. and Reading at 7.15 in and 10.115 p.m for Harriaburg. at 7.21 m (or New York, and at P. 40 • m and 4 25 p m for Philadalphia. Commutation, Allloage. Season, School and Excursion Ticket., to •nd from all points, at reduced rates. 11 hocked -through; BO pouttd• allowed each Pasaenger, CI A NICOLL% Jan 5.1 y • General Supstrfitten.lent. ll= A CCORDEONS, CONCERTINAS Jews.florpo. Violin String o, of the boot gnallty, be hod et C. V. Wulfortee titore. Ito. SO K. Ilmolltoe St. GICEAT ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. NO DIFFICULTY IN SELECTING • HANDSOME AND VALUABLE GIFTS • AS • . „ MRS: GULDIN'S, NO. 94 EAST • HAMILTON .13TREET,. PA.' Just received a beantifni amortinatt of llolldarOoode: consisting of a handsome stook of Lama and Lam Collars. embracing Point. Minim:innate. Heal Thread. Heal Ile ac and &leo R 0 excellent' turo.itnent of Imitation Laces. Moe* In marcb of Chrlatello, PFra . 4 6. es up 4 , Mrs wer more acceptabis gift. for ladle. that. arle eintimlood l lb one lar and varied stock of fasblonable good.. THRrje,FXRI-114MOTEALAFIENTOWY.7WI1ITANESDANI, [FEBRUARY . .... . . __ i .. . ...-iDR.v.W,;.[M-.;TBAR'NES ST SON;'' • ~.;-.,.. .. ft ::: .... . " • • • :: ..' ~ ~ ~, ~..,, , , ri . . WHOLESALE AI44:,ItETAIL , - ...: .... ~i i . T , . ~. 1•*: 1 ... j 21,1 ;., ... t ,RID. ,14 .:EAST ilAlitiftON S'k .. : ,.A.T.lty.rc_ - ;:wx, - I , l' ... • " , I , •- Tinattoritidn 0 theedilzsmo,ot Allirntowa and Lahlgirellastg In reoreetfully Inv Itod to ,thl.4rottiiiikim4it:' 'fliirry:i . tk i lg i g i tcall na i kl e tjr:pckat?Nng lilyte will 4 Nand fnrrale hero, 01 the lowest pricey.. Our stork In largo .cl 117'URft513fliigiA,rel.Fit,Tfii.r.f9.0rnr../Nit4I.3I,WITIniII,LACITS t'binTMAYIPATYI4.IBI.44I4 . . _ . • .14TBIIT•MEDSOINEA:II1IR RESTORATIVES ZINIALEN2'B, • of 41ings, . giv. yOPIP # argeAlloc . a ite ~ 0 eehilied OtPleelltraarill Lye foratilip nallituffri Wialditi .b - " ' 'lx . ifit SA — la .. i l lurta l 4leitial 014q t :r a ga ahlit a iel . /RI; r al= r ad u atir ° iie e i l a:; :TtleilMirril"lian'tli'ilio Igeln°eniteniroie'l'!"V, • bare tlietard,eal Ib*POPPPWR Vid litlPlLlall allipS to Owl rit ir These, goo ° ,ls are an outer'. qirlrifeMirtriteauttelitriltli:' tlf,l'W.Tatlittrg:47‘l l iii , l:. l :.`" . nt,'",1"'""s".“'""I'd•I""y. P'"1'....." i M e keep a full , llue,uf pi‘inta,etc. • of thii,lapt utiallti t .at writer tows. thAlow.t. , ..• .., .. •. • • • Ts .4 / xx —mte ba l . the •geney for that:treat United States Ten Couipeny of Now York, and are telling the Vii:tr a. cy t w i l ' 1 1l 1 loon! half the hunt' by other denten., for p rice,or rkuullty., Try. tt andelie cot. ti wary literchara , supplied at the' loweet market pWe intend hereafter to pay •ar. Ocular Stbllltiolllo the:Wholesale Branch of the, busleees. Dealer , . will tied it to their loterisi mail ve ue a trial Dixie! as we feel confident IVY will be able to CVO pallet/teflon both in rattallty and peke. Order , . hy promptly attnedid to. Quotatlonslor opetttletYnttautltles furntehedeelpplleetlon.' .ii .. liespecttfalli, N • apr 25.1 y • V, E. IlAflglck..k SON. 1 . - 1;" - ::1 C6RPORATED . 1851 BEND. HlCkElkltek'SeCreiaii, Dividends Paid Annually, on the Contribution Plan, from 29 to 70 An Annual Payment Life Polley le NOT FORFEITED by failure to pay Premium when 'due, but Is continued In force under the Massachusetts Law of April, 1801 The BERIESIIIRE the FIRST COMPA in the United States mke ALL of its poll , NdN-FORFEITABLE. BE Endowment and Limited Payment Life Policies are entitled to a " PAID-UP NON-FORFEIT ‘PittLIDEVIIIA - BRANCH OFFICE,. M= MI 10.15 ass 10.25 6.21 10.21 I:10 4 0.60 0.10 '• g:g 1.4 I 0.14 N.OBl • • MONOGRAMS, ETC.. Duoa I. order. :Alto. Drench Ilousw, 100 FULTON AVENUE, 41,1-14 m 'BROOKLYN, NEW - Ironic: . 1870. c_rropiii,SIL A NENS, dm: lb e 74: IN . 4;lirrtod h : tri v Arthi l i: L ltllWitit i taraL f Wash. , BEST'STAIRTINGS. , DAVOIh " 7 1 0 A U M it H E u sata 15, WILLIAMBVILLK. WIDE SHEETINGS. •• PEPPERELL, ANDROSCOQUIE. etc. REAL. BARNSLEY TABLE DAMARKS,. POW EB.LOOIA TABLE :LINENS. .700 DoZ. N.Pidoit el tidos. toy 00. • :too Doz. Towels, f,Odos• to 60 00. atsaketa, QORts. TOM. Conn. kc, BLACK POPLINS , SIBRINOK DELAIRES. BLACK ALPACAS ; MOU AIRS. CRAPES. BLACK KID OLON Kg CAAPK VBILS,COLLAR!Mcc BLACK Jltl "1111" - CLOAICIr ----- . Yrlt 1 0!)PLa i lt".#,TIPP ° 9`.1.; COOPER & CONARD. S. E. WR ATH &MARKET kili4,'' t nov.3 PHILADELPHIA. • mop b, • .. . . . . T°Tti' Toys, AIN,D -FANCY GOO , ,:: . A MUSEUM (4 NOVISLTIES " • TO DELIOHT . TUE JOTINNILXS. •- LEON HIRSH'S BAEAAH YOH THE BALE OF TOYS AND FANCY • 1700 DB, OF GERMAN, FDENCJI, ENGLISH, AND A14E4141/I MAXOFACrIItif., ~ , NO, 813•NtrresT,tixr,r„ 1 PHILADELPHIA pLo4,l6gte ., :terLlVlTolgte r axartmoot ~O ff r TT rd . As any numeral IMO( threautlful good• noir oil al if blbltlog ad for itrOe at thl• p atlal Wore moat fall far abort of cod reaUty4rargllo It It, In•ltlag gur readetaq to call and eartMlo or h4we yea By (caught oaf" no haw* as aobrogeo ••• rtMito to Wert from, sad aiad..l the •Rttoyitoco o!' attoroto:or , ./...llito!otiNtil i s i t i T i vlrao. i dec / lto'. BIT Chao/tat atreot. Phlioda. • • J.tet, y j ; • ! Mate otAllldApikli,) itia taken tkivelidreY:' No.ll EABT HAMILTON STREET, Formerly occupied by R. P. Lametemy. where persona esaitiot FIRST-CLASS PICTURES taken at REABOSA BLS PRICES. A trial la all that la neoded toast's'', every ono. CORE OEI4O VA , Ly.litwit POotowime t Cagan de Vle it, la ttea o atMkw.♦ tlttos. Ralattlit rre • . r!fte .110, j J. YEA EN no r „ . Ilneematm Lai:runglr, ' • •• ,!!, • '' THE °NT...DOLLAR .STORE OUT. ei.rn-A,g;mrktbzk'. o,„47talkortt tvr.w e r it,TAI F .I 1 .141palWal r Attr. ollpr 4 iii.amettittrytrunigis t B. NIOUTII Sow., between 'Maxima pad Ckootaul eau olds, Pidladolslds. so 2141 a " • A 1111Lte'LtI1lt• OF ALL TILE POPULAR LIFE.INSITRANCE :.CONIPANY-,- PITTSFIELD. „.A.LOS T. F. PIAbTKETT, I?rceidelit EXAMPLE AT AGE 35 Ong Anneal l'ayteattt continue the Policy 19 force 2 years and 8 day. Two Pa y ments . dl: fl .ft 444 It 12 11 The' " It di 11 711 11 27 o ASSETS ADXd 1,1111,S • v.... •-•noi AMMO reArnhorn Loos% nn to 329 'W ALNUT ST REM W. H. YODER. Ailoutown Jru Q 01)1M'' NE*:ionic MILLS. etc BLACK GOODS. 'barter Perpetual JA.COIi, L. GREENE, ARst-tiec'y Per 'ef•nt W. H. GRAVE Geuero Agent and Attorney for Penni' M ILLIKEN , 6I. 1128 CHESTN UT S'i' PHILADELPHIA. LINENS AND • HOUSE FUHNISIIIN(4 0001)5 LARGEST LINEN STOCK IN THE CITY• OUR OWN. lINEPORT4.ITtONS PRICES GREATLY REDITCP.II! • "VAWlTlfißggl:y ilta Yard, TA E . 4L A Ii r C K L I T' s I 4 FL all :Of t i rtlEs, TOWELINGS, all Mod.," LINEN SIIEETINIIS, e‘vry PILLOW CABINUE, Ladlee and Llneri IlaodEereblvra, 1.1.0 Lawn Preaah Camiprles, Nor,err Dlitvem, &v.. &e. AtILLTKEN'S SIITET l )S( JiEFT' MAICKe or • 111 .11 tA N E 1 1 8. • i nookrto foveae., Floglo nod Extra lit &tool Blanker% &e. FLANNELS Ilueo BALLANOVILtt OILIORItT.. OH AKER WELSH. SAXONY. HILK WAK', Sr. DOMESTIC MUSLINS, COTTON SHEETINCIS, WHITE GOODS, PLANO, MHLODE6.V AND rABLI: CO I'RRH, yr . i F er, kept down to Ilia low. ot Poin Z"7 ITolutrY:V" ,- ""d" to. "d "M w.,V.:hu,,, GEORGE MILLI KEN, LINEN IMPORTER, 1128 eIIESTRUT STREET, DIUNCIATORE,.B2BARCLI STIIERT, =I RAND EXHIBITION • OV aunlslaiAo PRESENT O. G. A: SOTIWARTZ, 1001 CHESTNUT STREET.(above Tenth. Philadelphia. wespeetfolir 'atom. Ide customer - a and a...public in re. oral that be ht. now open all hie NEW IMPORTATIONS of German, Preach and English FANCY GOODS sad TOTS. Ilaclue visited all the largest European Mann. factories personally. I ate coundent that the Variety and Chtespueas of °nods cauout be •urpaatted Ip lhis county. AU are Incited to visit the • More, whether they purehase Ar otherwise. G. A. SCHWARTZ, . du I IlOpertor. and Wholesale and Retail Dealer. •••••••:•-• ivkinvvvtioN.w..; • • VIICif/FABLE" inithllbelniVorseldedthlneler send worm) from children. wllltuutrAndring thc child Jack, an other worth medicinci do: • It wilt ninn rAntorn' thn titre wortnnottl tio.ntutancharrornr. ••,•.:e .irvacTsF.: TO . .6 .k . oil ,),.7.A 7 AFTF i I? IT. • . .. . ... , ito man kiud it. y , ou get Dr. flulellinvon'a I'mOnble Warm Dertroynr.,lfootbut each box to wraPPedi 1u.7. 1 .• ii,ll . wrmppr. If your druggint 010,114 at hu, It 0,11( lIIITI 1.3 , 1r.'t il r•lf 'VAL • • ' 170t,telt . VAA". cn\VDEN, rpitE ATESV DI N it- 0 Elt I IN MEfll kTIoN. The groat diElculty. which phyalolans have been labor- lug for centurlen to overcome, bas at length been obviated. A Vegetable Cathartic andlalterstlva more aMeleat any mineral preparation of the name clans, and nn agre• eable to the mate as onlinary candy, In now offered to the nick In the form of.a Lozenge. Da. ERASMUS WINSLOW'S LIVER AND. STOMACH LOZENOE the most importuat medicinal novelty that modern chemistry halt produced. ' I contains two botanl• ealettntcts, perfectly harmless In theumelves, but apt. betty lug all the remedial proportion of mercury, not des. tilted In tins pleasant form to nopereede and haninh front general coo, the urtuneous Olin end potions of which that dsogeroon excitant Is the main' Ingredient.. More than ONE THOUSAND EXPERIMENTS were made by the In •entor of thin peerle. remedy before it was brcrught to Re pretent state of perfection. The Lorentro in harmless to Its operation. and although the medicinal 1.10 of Its cura tive components, has been extbegUinhed by chemical an, their virtue. retrain Relive and Dullest an ever. fp Dys. prpsits. Blifotnenese, Clorraffpet fon, Hick or hereon.* ileadaehe, Pffea. Dram. uud the Irregularites to which the feebler mix aro imbued, the Lorenges will he found In finitely more olfective than •rty of the horrible and die guiding. compounds %mutiny adtelbletered In much eaten. As an arathillounapecltMand generul aperient, they have no equal either among advertised preperations or the Preparations of the molar pharmacopeia. It It 017/IR•KTURD that Do one who has once tried DR. EZASMO• WIRILOW'n Liven ANDSTOMACTI LOZIMOZ ever again taken purgative po mac r, or draught. orpili. NOTICE —Circulars nod Show Cardn vent to dealers free of expense. If year druggist has not these Lorenges on hand, write to the Proprietors, enclosing Oneonta and •a box will be sent free of postage. PhINGLE BROS.. aux 2-Iy. 72 Le ldeu Lane, New 'York. SEND FOR CIRCULARS o tttors 'VR A PC de vc' s goy. NENN's!„,9,„,Rif. AR $97 BRON.".*: EARTH "0-°S4 PHILADELpHIN .E 53 MARKET S "I. 44 19 nos-row DOANE ST. EVERY POLICY I ted by this Company 'nce April A. D.lBOl, is TON-FORFEITABLE, and so e.rprexPerl In the Z 219 $1,250,000 ;iOO,OOll ..A—LECTURE TO TOTING MEN. A Litmus,usYlN - NA yitarTeekrirtlerra olitslsActa. cure of Spermatorrbree, or Behllual Weakness In•olnu tary Emissions Sexual Debility and lmplatimAlsto Mar rangeniftenitrae.ilit fferplus:lezlionenuml1 oop rity ,7„,uititfilerel m Self-Ailu t se, &c. , Mu d ROAIIT author of the "Organ Book," die: The world inowned author, in thl4 admirable lecture, closely proven horn bit O. experiense c ,i4Jet 1100 111.1 . 111 T ' 1 ' 11 " 011rI n 0 f la Z e no ' ( 1 1 :476 r be d X e r O ff l e l S I It LT• T r e a d . Holm, boogies. instruments, rings or cord ial., ponaing out a mode of cure at once certain andaffeetual.hy which every •ufferer, .no matter what bin condition mat be, may rare VI I I. 'E n 1 1 71 1 ) 7 1: fi l lll6 l o r i nrr i ll ' O &VA! L AID THOUSANDS. • Sent under seal In a plata envelope , curly address, postpaid, on receipt of .1X cents, or two post stamps. AISU, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage flnl4et . P.rice 2 / 014 Address the Publishes, CHAS. 3. C. boLINE & .421.17 117 Bowery. New York, P. 0. Box 4, M. a 1125.17 anzn bleb{c{na{ , L WUI i ~ ) LST} OY.ER T Fi 1• LliA SANT TO TAJO.: AM:els DT• PRIcB•2S' oE;s•TTs _,BOX. 1.0 UT All. buk.II•TA A*lov6t4N`fliT'Pral.NO. - • -":":"'"'"-, ;;- 1 :1" , - - , • );_ .. 1-ty‘ol4lt4.l ~ N I 1 '* - 1 . , I '.__ 1,, p A rt urAie t ., ,.4: u njz . ,n .... :.4r o D r :a,, ,p1; 1u..;.-ar.t.y.N :.. ..:r Er : sod promotes agu geaitlyridt"m:e • uma:ntrreerToethg once. Prlcn 30 ela.per Rollin. rncome r"eUT;:snt.t'rn'a7/14!;:!:'iiirtAllon's.iNtf., Will octet bo r.votte,L Sol'd by Druggists. !op 8 —ll 10,1141ENEE PECTORAL CURES .1. COUOIII Pll CTORAL CllllllB COMMIS PIICNNIX PECTORAL CURES COUOII S 5 • - ..., -. • r-- OTC` , 4 Y .-4 :211 • Ceuta. , v4i s • • 4. 4 1.-.? .".; ~. ,- ',v 5t' , ...3.• ^." '." • • Tho Photolx Pectoral Will cum the •clieaume of the Roar •ND Loons, sock's, Coble, Cough, Croup, Asth roe, pronehltl., Catarrh,f3e *Thrust, If oarearionn, Whoop. log Cough and PULMONARY CONALMPTION. This medtelue le ItrePared by Dr Levi OhnholMer. or Philadelpha, and formerly of Phrettlxvllle, Po„' and 'although It hue only heart offered for live years, more than ontroalllion bottle. have already been sold, stud the dommut for it le every day. ,Many of tho Relalt Druggiele buy It in lots of flee aro., and not a folio of the Country Storekeep• ere try one gross at • time •. tiesrl,y 'ovary one who has Id It while. to Its popularity, and nearly all who have used It, bear' testimony - to Its wonderful power to curing. Cough. We are ocoandout tint thorn la no knows medicine of much vent v•Ipo,„to the community as the Monier Pectoral. It lies cured eases of the most . Wend and tiler...sing gout, of yearn etaudlng. . . • lc as given Instant rellef in spoils of coughing. It has Instantly stopped this paroxysm of trite - Ting Coagli and greotly Shortened 11.1 duration.. It b. cured Croup lon low. miuutos. , Consumptiou /ms beds cored by It, WSere all other rem edlee had lolled to do good: • • noontime. has boon cured it? It in a sloglo night. Alan? Physicians reconuneuded It, and. oth -set It themsel rote and atiml Dieter It In their practice, wh ers ile others oppose It because it takes Away their business. We recommeod It to oar leaden. and.for further partic ulars would toter you. to the circular around the bottle I whore you w 111 dad tlumerovs cerliflcuten &IV en by persons who bare need It. It Is pleasant to the taste that children coy for It. • Ills a stimulating .eXpoctorant, giving strength et tho sometime that It allays the gone. Tho proprietor of this Medicine ha. to much confidence In ito curativo powers from the testimony of thousoods who Lave used It that the money will be refunded to any piaci:now who Is not •fitlefletl with Ito result.. It Is so cheap thc y L t oilcan icuY . • Prim 26 Cent., are Bottles 61, . . It Is PrePered 011 OBBRUOLTEEIt, M. D., Tiff,Lits•Lll DItC , RINT, ISO North Third Bt., Piffled' a N. B.—lf your nearest•Droggiat of Storekeeper doe. net hove this medicine ask him to set It . far you. tad du nut let him put putt off with ammoother prsparation Leaman ha makes mote mutter un It; but go ur send at once to same %tura when you know It t. kept,Or mud to Dr. Ober. holiest Sold by L. Schmidt ACo Ifitrues & Suu J. 11.1lomer, (Await A Runlet. Droggleta, Allentown; J. S. LNPcrl~CAttlilitlql2lll,and osariy.crery druggist and at ore n Lehigh Cottatz. i • . , tire i•niu . , H. ixioniG.No. 21.14.1E1G ST., BUTT THE TIMES. RICII FANCY AND TOILET (MODEL A maguificeat aasurtnient, Ilusturpmw,ed for vsrlvty, ele• dance of style. or modoration In prim. Flue Fruch Flower, for Jardiniere, rich Bohemian end Chide Tull& Seta aad Vasocrlaillinn Boma and Cutlet tea. gilt tuounted Card Receiver. and Flower.hyldera, Balm mien Mace. China. Lots, Parton Marble. Bronco and Dill Ornamental. Rich Pada and • Vienna Paps. got eels Vulcanite and French Jewelry. Cigar and Tobacco. Bug. and. Holder*. Writing Deltas; Move, Handkerchief and Work [NM, Dreaming Cases, Tablets, Paper Cutters. SILK, (i INGIIAMAND ALPACA L'3IIIKBLLAS, CAN 88, die., Wl"' thu.. • d utter aryieles, ernhracinig, all toot le new o o rablefer bridal, birthday ur holiday Preirnie, qinl r o d ll ' i l quiiilly and moderato In price. lIMKON,II4' , 21 N. KW lI,TII Street, bpi t and Cheidont, to ol olds, Philadelphia. Boot fitaltero. R EM 0 VAL. YOUNG .&:LENTZ'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • BOOT AND .SHOE STORE OA MN REIIOIIRD TO TRH •- N. in Cot:tier of .74.1117 . .TON mut S.T.TTIT NTS., NOEL 38 AND 40, • where they are now 'prepared to ritAve their patrol. The WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT LARGEST STOCK 'OkGOODS . IN MIN VICINITY. - .l..frestgeaptlty of the work heloe,of their own Take and ihe . hAlatice !co= the bpi minaiacturere ittihes (lanky. THE RETAIL,DEPARTNEENT NRI be , eotiAticke4l . ne heretofore. Jutie Nl-'O7 9§2 NIARRET STREET IN THE by and best place to buy Mules 'tobacco and ware by Om bun. • Marnor Nary, and latter gen's:Tobacco alwaYa . on hand at low rates. Meerschaum Pipee. rtriar. French, and other styles can be had beast. suit custuman. either ..., tratrat w. • Wholesale and retail Jobbing Manse and Manufacturer of Cigars On gt, novl7. If ESTA 111. ISUED • 1851 i. J. REYNOLDS & soN Tll IN.TEENT.II.B( VLL)U STREET!? 801. ttlll!fitT WROUGIITLIRON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUNING HEATER pATkyr DUST pc,it4.x., ; •• RADIATOR ILOENTS I= Them lisargas are made of Heavy Wiringlit•lrina, riveted together, the only sure prevention ngultiat the un. rape of Oas or Dust. They are easily mattimed i without Any daintier, The Patent Radiator avoid" the ipoiud anuoyamera of drum... and I. pertnallently attached to the Heater. Thin In the most durable, simple, economical and populex Iltatint , A ppornt Peg ever offered for Ja le. They are all gallant...a ' COOKING RANGES, for 1101 , 1..11 Enouli , •. PORTABLE HEATERS' LATROBE HEATERS, LOW TOWN (MATER, SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS Arm VENTILATORS. = NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING RANGE Kir - Send t.roltr I Ilustroted Nonrl,l,`l HOUSEKEEPERS! coot: .sTo E lat. That Ix I,runlUol and esKily cuntrollodloy one duet pot, 110. " THE TIMES.' • 2d, That hoe the largest Oven nod} tn boo Y never foiled T ETlMillo That iN 10. the mo+l Economical, zy “TIII4TIMEa. 4th. That Is the llottvlett to the market. • llny TIMIN sth• That fa Perfect Bold only by • - • • • SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES!! EYD GLASSER, &c. A large and camplet.a.nrtmont of all klnclsof RpPct•cles, Eyo filunsex, CHAS. S. MASSEY'S , . NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Having devoted a great nod of care and attention to the Spectacle brighten. for these last few years, I tied that any baldness In that line hen increased so much that t harp de termined to make It a SPECIALITY. There is no article manufactured lu which there Is so much deceptivn punt,- hoed en there la in Spectacle Manors. Knowing that the public have barn frequently humbugged by parties pre. tending to her to. anpurior article of Glasses, and charging exorbitant pric le for them, thereby (refacing upon the ne. comities and Infirmities of ante limb taken p e il. to se lect a large and complete assur't mem of the guest .persons Olson* ever manutactured, thus atfurding all needing Speetacles an opportunity of purchaslog at rett• atonable prices. Peptone having any difficulty In being suited elsewhere will do well to give tile a call, en I feel confident that no one will fall to be trilled. nettle:alter the old stand; No. 21 East Hamilton etreet, opposite the Ger man Reformed Church Allentown Pu. Jun 21.'6,stf • I SPECIAL. NOTICE! \aW'\ T_...k.r4A11.1.16.:. X, mni-z u? PER PI - X.7ED SPE( 1 . . A ( f. a=l=! MESSnR. KELLER EROS., :Torolere, MONDAY FEBRUARY 11 1870.,;141-TrildA it"rn ' I.? I)l l F t l' i lft Ke l ler :l. SUAL CASES. Thorn fering from imPeirnd or diamond ♦talon are recommended to mail 111PM101 ye. thin up• portunitx. LADIERt• IPANCV F [MN. 46 JOHN FAHEII2,I, 718 ARCH ST., Wadi.. of Om Block, log. - fr 4 ,1 t 1 • :th and fib St., South Side, PH ILADET,PIIIA.. Importer, 31ablifacturor, It , ~. ~, , and Penler In all kludv mid quality of FANCY . FURS 0. k •.:1,-.7.-. : . 01fLADIKA . l CIIII.PIll:N.. W LA 11., • °° clod CiP il d ' i ' „ l lli g i . l:l ‘ p l' ro r Vd . l - 1 . : " :,1 1 .1 • .....f and fitvorshly known FUR • ..vilial, EMPORIUM, and bavinl CM 1 ' 1%112 1 a " .o. v o e irti . o l et r t g i ' f ' n ' ll - r,•' tlVllitfereut. kinds of Furl; ..'•.'-' tr ' uni first hued 'hilt Europe, - slid hove had them 'undo tip by the wont skillful w.irkinen, I would respectfully Invite my Mande of Lehigh and adjueout Comities, to cull and examloo my very large and beautiful lloxottlliPot of Fancy Ford, for Ladles and Children,. Imu doternmiedde •cll at at low Title., Os any oilier respectable House In this city. All Furs Wu! routed. No rulorepresoututlons to ef fect tido+. • JOIIN FARM RA, act 13.410 ch Si., l'hibidelobla 1 FURS! FURS! CHA A EP N D GOOD. here there are so maul Fur Stares as there are to the city of Philadelphia it le dillicnit for tho uninitiated to de termine where to boy. Thum, wheat.° versed In OM dlr. Went qtralitle,of Furs, however, know where td gonad this. readers of Ole paper, who are not acquainted with the various grades of Furs. we would advise them to go to an establishment of the heat reputation, where they tan purchase with the greatest confidence, and be ....abated that they are honestly dealt with, We know of no better or more reliable store than that of Moser, JOSEPH ILO: :NUM:3i & VO.. N. 510 arch Street, Phila. being thelr . aew location, where we aro confidant (rum their long experience iu thontr busluvot,' that per.onn .can gel good rm.n and the'worth of their money. Their Now Store le the centre of attraction on account of the good light lu which they Allow ulf all thole good , igirOoa Sot g &try?, thou do no begin ene.-"6.4 The meet frahlouable Fore till. aer.on will be the Mink gable, cud thin le the mod eery tremble Fur, and they hare them In verities /avian and qualitina, and fur prier. to null all ; and since a lady duo. nut wish to buy a good rot of Furs every aces., it la very e..ential'to know where to KO and viral/ono good Fore. To sae the nilky fineneita and and ...Irvine of finials of all their Furs iilll x.•Il retool a visit to thin ea• tablishreent, mad all their Fur• laao Warranted jPik.ll4r an rPirresented, • , • A Utak tlublo eel costa from 05 to Jai% nod noln o very rare dark sets bring a little nigher ; hat Irmo 00 to g:fti will buy in eneellent'dark eat, and those eel+ Iteo a Indy from eight to fifteen year.. Then them le Elie Iluileuri Day Sable. the Siberian Snub rut, Itnyal Ermine, Germ. Fitch and Chinch' and La Mode, and other high soil low-piked Faro In end it.. Remember the Dame of JOSEPH ROSENBAUM & CO., and the .umber 510*Arrh Street, hetiv . een tith and 6th, !south olde, Phll.d'.. " P. Eh—Ford repaired .D 4 alter-41 into the prodetti Lah• toes. Oct. 6—.ltuj 46 T HE MILL" SELECT' FAIN IVY !MARVIN° SCHOOL An English, Classical, Mathematical, Fictentific and Artistic Institution, ;FOR TOIING SIEN AND' TOYS AT POTTSTOWN. MONTOOMERY COUNTY, PLINNA. The First Term of the Nineteenth Annual Re%elon 8111 C 011311.0.1 On WHDNESDAY. the Stb tiny SEPTEMBKit next. Plmile:roceived t any Onto Enr clrculare ed dreee- , NEA:. (ILO. F. MILLER, A. M..Prineitel. rsy. DRB.-3Teige. Schaeffer, Mann, Rranth, • liableitburg. Swayer, Mutter. Stork, Conn.!, Bomber ger. Wyle.larret. MorkbY. Craig,.hank. etc. MO:ClL—Judge Ludlow, Leonard llyera, M. Huesca Lbge i l li tl i r r i t;r /S l igorer, Jacob IL Yoei, Molder Clymer, EBClB.—James B. Caldwell. Janice L. (Saxhorn. C. B. Grove, T. C. Wood,. Harvey Bancroft, Theo. U. Bongs C, Mort.. L. L. Itsupt. S. Grose 1 , 1.7 /Stiller Derr . Cunt!. %Yemeni...Ler, James , Kent, thisteo SI Co et • ' augliLly CaRINDING BY WATER POWER. fJf gelf-blanufacturod Pocket Xl2ll,6lland Sciroorm .can bo found •te. Woßoris . .., Nu. anda Ibuniltou atrout. N.B.—Rasura. Butcher Knives Sc4/run. g r o u nd hT waterpower and made ao good as new. sop 111.1 y 2;18V0 31?t4tp7,5, = OItATK BAR. ItERTA, Ann EOM DO you wANT A Boy "TIIHTIME4., JAMES 11. BUSH, I=l Spcctaclcs ALLENTOWN, PA. i:ELEBRATFA) AND EYE•(7LASSES mliltl l Jt4 u.l MMMM M;1= . 1!!! ONE DAY ONTN, Ell [OMMUNICATION.] eburational. I=l elatljtitg SELLING OUT ! SELLING. OUT ! SELLING OUT I NOW OFFER MY IMMENSE STOCK lI.EA DV -NI ADE CLOTHING, stlllrf,ti AND DRAWEIM, I?TU*;I EBY. t. IA )VEs. \'l' MY -‘I,I,ENTOWN ATORE 11= MI MEI GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE, IN ORDER TO CLOSE TnEßrs:ntss ON THE FIR27' DAY OF APRIL, 1870 TIE STOCK MUST BE SOLD, AND TILE STORE WILL BE 1-4 1 01 . 1. RENT, i t ut lx n b s u r nozratzna. , ly locate uiTuolf lu Phlludelphle FRANKLIN KNAUSS THE VERY BEST. THE CHEAPEST, TILE ILO ST BEA TT T TF UL AND MOST DURABLE 1, () 1 N ICI 1 T ) N lIA L . BALLIET & NAGLE Hero the' largest, bent nod chonve,t •t ur It of CLOTHING evorg9t up in thi. rity.and Onoolm In Owl,. line, ~ o n •• COATS, !'ANTS, nud nth, 110,nin pertnlntor to 31 Y, N'S WEAR Folt LESS MONEY, rhea yol can boy el...whore In Eastern Pennwylvenla 37 ~ 970 p tgliop made Gonda odd. . ('LOTJJING MADE TO QEDER. We kern constantly cn hand a largo and elegant assort ment of GOODS, from which custornens run mak° their selections and have them trinde op on short notice. Their Cuttingltopartment to under the superebdon of GEORGE K. REEDER, who he. hnd mnnr Tenni experience In the tailoring butt nee* end who will he pleweel to receive the rail. of his former p.itrou.. AW - All work warrentt O 10 be of rho very bent. Coll and gee our now IYINTER BT.ICK, rerelved et the .I , TONE HALL, No. '2.1 Wcst Hamilton' Street at4xt tLe rirrulau Itorormelrlaarh, ALLEN TUW:ti, A roll 11.0111.14.11‘ ortlont4 . .ForniehipE Goodg pipyy.o. Land. AARON 11.11,1.EET, muy'l2•Lf G REAT ATTRACTION ! NEW MM.! NEW GOODS! CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! GRAND FALL AND WINTEA ONLNINO. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES P. OSMUN & CO., = BAGA I N 6 GREAT OWT,IIING EMPORIVIII IN: 111EIMEW 8 BUILDINO NO. I;V: EAST HAMILTON STREET, "Aiis.x.rowx, I.A. We ♦ronhl Inform t'lle - illltoux of Allentown sud The nor rounding country that we are pn.paml with • hag...took of etc for FALL AND WINTER WEAR, and oft, them to Illic at e prices. To those Nilio bur their Cloth se lap übg stottlyssrmade,oassala th bl ey Sr.' pest:terra to °Vs 11A RUM NS. WHOLE. SCITB MADE TO ORDER! coATS; VANTS. AND VESTS I 1" thr Indent tytr, 1113 d Ly thillent I=l CLOTIII CLOTID3 AND CASSIAItRES, ie • latter then n b •° l7:d n ' e :lt'a l t A1*1g...174 , .. o „,1 .nfi fit of our low iluVebnites• • • Oretatimultlllen and variellea of NE . CKTIES, 'CUM, COLLARS, overythlugln tlno Bun or G 2'"B F UR.YISHINO .0001)S7 MEN'S, TOUTIIS',UOTS', and MULDER/VS READY-MADE CLOTHING, CONSTANTLY ON ILLY% • Don't (owl the piano, No. CI Kant II nmiltonntront, tlAtrd door &Lot e sixth went. .W - 0)1 U, SCSIOLL, laxxl T. OnirK. o.r '24.1( fiREAT..IIIISTRIBUTION WIJIE %_A • MET ROVOLITAN, lIIFT CO. Cosh o(fts to the Pra ow. Everm 2kkot draw& n ``T"(111".1, 4 '01 0 1 s ) ; each,• 54 Caah (Atm each •I, " • " 10,(01 211 kouo uo) • ' to) 'wood • • ' ffi'ol:',9.!°.sl99 75 . 1611 350 slewlna )(octanes - 03 to 175 MU Gold Waletiee - • -- •. 73 to 303 Casti,Drires tither Ware, ter.. Valued at *1.1: 0 3,050 A ebbe., Prises, draw any of the above Prises for 'lle. Tiek et. describing Pyrex aro. senled i t lievelopea and .Well mixed. On receipt Oft:Sc.& Rente Ticket I.l,lrnTro with out chalet. andaeut by weal to say The prise maned upon It will be delivered to the tlckel•holder on payment of One Dollar. Prises are Immediately scut to. any add rens by express ortetura matt. You will booty what your Mite le before yon pay foe It. Any-Prise rxclinng,Ajyr woother or Sail , ' VW... Weal.. Our patnopt cab derud on fair dealing. Herta exces:--WO select t 8 following from tour who hi... Islet? . drawn Valuable 'rive. add kindly permitted 1,1 tos ( t r n a g r 2 ' . .,' 1 1 1 11: 1 .',78 1 11` . .fat i 5t71 ) .' attbews, Detroit, O.OIW 3. ‘ o ' a r n T. Aunrewit, Savenaah, ICI:04 !Dos Agnes tlimanius,Ch•rieston. Diane, PAD. We. publish nu mulles witliont•permissloa. . OPINIONS yr Tug nem Is rellahle and de. serve their ance..,...".—Weekly Trflun 0, 'May •• We knew them to lon a fair Artn.” — N. Ihrold. .dluy =.4. ',A friend of our. •111001it,„ite. which sea. grumpltyrrrelvod,'' — Do/fg News. /Y... Send.fur Circular. Liberal tudocemeota te Agent.. Bal. isfactlou gnatauteed. Every package of Ended Envelopes cantatas nag casts Mr, gin Tickets fort; 19.f0r 33 for 110 fur tio. All letters should bead reseed to JAChnON. )1001tE CO., 07.Droadway, N. Y. b11;14 . )11donk. ~ProfcgOtonal CArbp.., ATM - I%NET 7a. t/ LAW. Ogler, No. 20 Molt 11.11'111ton street, “cond .floor of Liou • 11•11, Allentown, Pa. inpeelal elle:Mos [lce, to collections.) maer.iy 'VIA G. scliintAnilf::Ntiviir ..U.l AT LAW. Knauss' building, Sixth and II•mlltea litroets, opposite the American Hotel. AllentoWth roans, susindi Imd (It•rmstu Colikettui. tai 1.04.4 itOCI tullatrout cuutill , t , promptly tilletadtql GEORGE 11. 1t131"1", ALIVORNEY AT LAW. J with Hon. John D., town, Do Wn. LUCKENBACII, Arr Of t• NYS AT LAW, (formerly pnietleed Id Carbei county). °Hire, No.•— haat llntallton meet, neerard door., wordy oplar,ato Cho Conti lloune, Allonowd,rd. May r.. 11.1111104 Itl I ha ()errand language. . _ . QAMILIEL A. BUTZ, ATTORNEY AT 1 , ../ L.W. Otrice with Wyckoff, opposite the Esti.. 11,01, ' • •, • VALLEY FIRE INNER JLI ANCE COMPANY, ALLENTOWN, VA. Odic. own Second National tink. bow rex peoMartTalliiisill by Are on the 'dock mutual plan. C. E. liras, Pres t J. S. Dit.Lotoon. tlrtl y. . . EEL LIFE .LIKE Pl(' TIMES. CARTES LH VISITEB,III Prat DO,ZH:f, Allnegatives roglklaml., S. W. BUR,CAW, ALLEY TOWN, PA. DROPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . °Men with H. Huta( , E+4. county, I. Collortione In ehigh. l'iortiolgpto zia t Cnrbou counties promptly attended to. may 213.ry TLIKIIA FORREST. ATTORNEY ALA AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. WoAt Hawn . too mtre.rt, Allentui4n. Wit • 1.:311{ 4 BALDWIN, ATIBB AND COUNSELLORH AT LAW, Allotktovro, PA. Au. 51 E. Hamilton Arcet. C. M. Hr t. Uuul{•'Ut•tP Y. A. R. bALISWiN. J. MORE, ATTORNEY. AT LAW, Au • ALLENTOWN, PA. Otllco, No. GO East Hamilton street. astrems be consulted In Osman. Jan 14.'0941 AA,•cLAviutmEnsix, ATTORNEY • AT LAW, CATASAUQUA, PA. Jan 14.'61-If MBOBAS B. METZGER ATTOU. NET AT LAW, ALLENTOWN. PA. Ode°. t Enst 11.11111 ton civet. May'sl.*o E LIAS MERTZ, ALDERMAN,' • SURVEYOR. AID CON VW/ AOF.NT FOB; THF. SALE OF MEAL ESTATE, SS Wean Hamilton Nt., Allentown. FS. EDWIN ALBRIGHT.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, night door,. nlone th• Court House, AL• LIiNTOWN Lehigh roma) . Po. fob 13,e1).17 VITII.I.IIAM 11. SOWDEN. ATTOIR TV NEN' AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 01Zoo, Cor nor of li.wllto otrori •nd Low Alley, south aide, ALLEN TOWN, PA. reb. 314 f E DWARD lIARVV, ATTORNEY V AT LAW. 0111,, with Filorinal A. Brides. ALL) TOWN. I'A. Limy 147 - • TOllll HU PP. AT'rOlt NEI' AT LAW, 0111cA, N. E . C,, , rni.r snit lizonliton Streete ALLEN TOWN, PA. ins. 7 1-17 A DAM WOOLEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OM,, orpo.lin the.„Court House. AL LENTOWN, l'A. may 1-ly ri.EOR GE B. NCH ALE ATTORNEY \_A AT LAW. OM cv, Ylnit door law, Law Alley, AL LKNTOWN, PA. Easy OLa NC. ELUNSBERGER ATTORNEIC • AT LAW. Office, with John 11. Oliver, fifth St rear of tho Court Muse, ALLENTOWN, PA. Apr. 21-IT LEVI SMOVER , ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, I'A. °Mee, N. W. Corner flth sod llnnaltou Streets. Second Ober. Vertical. atlen• lion raid to the settlement of Decedent en ate: Collec tion, mode to 1.1164 . DR. C. C. H. GULDIN, SURGEON DENTIST. Orem over Mrs. M. A. O. Galdlo's Trltnnslos Store, No. 34 Earl Ilsmlltos street. ALLEM TOWN PA. COMITAIIII2I6 J. HILD11•11. Jona 11. °Liven. MIItI,IIIAN at OLIVER, ATTOR. NETS AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Collection. attended to in Lehigh and adjoining counties. Prompt attention given tout! legal business II the integral Corona. Consultations to English and (lemma. Jan 19-17 • COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION Originated the anteethetle use of nitrona oxide gas ad min later It In the most approved manner:do no-4* thing hot EXTRACT TEETII, and they eeriest do that WITHOUT PAIN,. 13 003 patients testify,. Siq, their eignatures at the &PIGA No. 737 WALNUT STREET below Eighth, l'hUsdelphis. Jane 23-17 Mattbro nub .letactra, J . E I CALDWELL & JEWELERS, AND IMPORTERS, 002 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, KEEP ONLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS as 111111/166 VAIIIITT OP' GOLD WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, • WEDDING 'SILVER, PLATED WARE, • CLOCHE, BRONZES, FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, •. FINE PAINTINGS, &c., VESTS All persons. desiring rea:ly flue &Melee, reliable In quality amt moderate to price. are certain to bepleasest by kor exceedingly large and varied collection. Our sleek la ept [away. fresh by additions from Arst source.. our store is pronounced one of the moat elegant In the world; and any partied visiting the city are cordially to. ailed to call and lospect it at their leisure. San 19.1 y r AAC K. STAUFFER, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, No. He NORTH SECOND ST.. con. or OrAstr . PIIILA. aAn oneortuvost of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware constantly on hand. lOLRepalrlog of Watches aud JOwelry yeoman/ attended to. , Otto 11-1 Y G RAND OPENING OP A NEW JEWELRY STORE.. t1:11+1=4':',11!;:en4,11IN O. 86 WEST HAMILTON STREET, C tam S-Clocks. Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired. J. It. Weber bring an experienced and careful mechanic. reapactfully R. Rohe the patronage of the public. july 03.6 m J.- WEBER. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE ll= CIIARLEB 8. MARBRI"B, No. 21 Sant flamlltou street, oppomite the German Re formed Church. .11.1 received from New York and Phil edelohle. all the latest steles GOLD WATCHES. • L n .itl, t 4 e , l Nirg,`A d . he.; trglTll,lf.; O tlg,. w ° l6 '" SILVER WATCHES. If e hae a larger and better •asortmeat of Silver Watcha• than can hownrehaned anywhere else. •• GOLD JEWELRY. Ile hliti the largevt mud heel mieortroeuf ?! all Mode of Gold Jewelry. CHLT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Ile km. a Urger and bettor aanurimeet et all kind, of 0111 and Plated Jewelry than can be mound eleewhere. 'BILVER . AND PLATED WARE. Ile has a splendid annottmeat of (inner and Plated Ware. (1041 . 1hg rood,. la this line east Ant fall to be A honer n. , •orttnent than it any othei estnblinhinent. MELODEONS, A splendid sesortment of Prince's Helodeont, the I,ot In the world. ACCORDEONS. • - • A splendid assortment of all kinds of Accordeous. Ills establishment haalately been fitted an. and In suer ...coati to none In New York and Philadelphia. and ahead anythingontehle the lecke title.. Robes • loner mock of foohlou gbh, numbs In his Ilue than all others In Lehigh coooty combined. To convince yourselebs of the above call nod see KELLER ac BROTHER, NO. 37 WEST HAMILTON ST., well Warmangu re !. lated and warr msortin antod. All mires and mfr., trot. larger ept of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than eau ho found to any other store la the JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS,••• ~ SILVER WARE efjgr'kTaat'et' on Olanli Notion. • .IpLATED GOODS ur rum k FINEST QUALITY, Rate. at SO4 CIIESTNIJT STREET, Second Floor, A. H. ROGERS 'We are daily receiving from our factory in Connecticut the latect styleaall patter. from Bogen' Brother'', and Meriden Brittania C aMro inanufactoriee. TRIPLE•PLATED SILVERWARE, dallablo for , DHIDAL DIFT3 AND HOLIDAY PIIEHENTS NH CHESTNUT Street.. Wood Floor .• • . PHILADELPHIA. A. H. ROG ERS. di, 1. CLOCKS ALLENTO*? I ,. PA (LOCKS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers