=II If4igt gegistgr. Sdi for and Proprietor EMIT. IRILDILLJL. ALLENTOWN, PA., ?BESTIARY 2,1870: LEBISONfiI OF THREE DEATH& 'Victor Noir, a man of the people, murdered • by an aristocrat, has just been followed to his grave by thousands of his fellow countrymen. • Around that grave no voice of gentle pity is heard. The mournful silence or the gushing tears of • bereavement aro not there, but his requiem is the hoarse cry for vengeance, the curse both loud and deep, the, old cry of the oppressed against the oppressor. The excite ble Gallic populace had no time for the tender ness of regret. The mournfulness of sorrow could find no place in their hearts filled as they were with the bitter sense of wrong. , Called into sudden notoriety by the circumstances of his death, Victor Noir goes to his grave with the atmosphere of violence around him and his death will hereafter be remembered as the cause of a Revolutionary revival. Whatever the fruits of his life, his death is pregnant of good or evil to •his countrymen. Who can tell which General Sir George de Lacy Evans died in London, England, on the 9th inst. A man of the people seso,' he lived an active life of eighty-three years and he died in the enjoy ment of all the honors conferred upon him by a grateful country. At the ago of twenty, a mere boy, we find him fighting with distinc tion in the service of his country in. India. Under the leadership of the Iron Duke, he diatinguished himself on the Peninsula sad at Waterloo. Under Ross he fought in the war of 1819 and showed himself. 'a bravo, fearless soldier, knowing no duty but the orders of his superior. At Bladensburg lie had his horse shot under him and was the leader of that party of infantry, that forced the Congress Hail at Washington and destroyed the records. With his foreign legion he supported queen Isabella against Don Carlos, and rendered most valuable service to her cause. Before Sebastopol, on the bloody fields of Alma and Inkermau, when sixty-seven years of age, he displayed the same undaunted bravery and patriotic ardor that distinguished him in youth. For thirty years he was an active member of the House of Commons and until within the last few years did good service to his fellow countrymen there. Full of years and honors he goes to his grave and leaves behind him " footprints in the sands of time. Such men do not live in vain and the lesson of devotion to duty his life teaches will not bo lost. Around his grave no cries for venge ance are heard but men hear with pride the list of his services and 'learn to live better as they turn away. Bo let us turn from the graves of the dema gogue and the patriotic soldier, and consider for a moment the " taking off" of one whose life was altogether different. George Pea body, also a man of the people, born in the humblest ranks of life, began early a fight against that most terrible of foes,. iron pov erty. Persistently with steady courage, with the bravery of a great heart; he honestly and squarely fought his fight. Perusing every advantage s seizingevery foothold, he in the prime of his manhood achieved a victory that n magnitude and brilliancy has never been .xcelled. The man who pursues riches for ho love of them, will some day realize he has built upon the sand." The great heart of e eorgo Peabody had 1111 room for the little. ess of the mispee sordid ambition. He, who new the bitterness of poverty, by the stern • chings of experience, lived that he might Hoviate the sufferings of his fellows. His life •as lived uprightly before God, his proteges t ere God's poor. The element of self that tere into the ambition of every man was ctified by the holiness of his purpose and a poormllowett mm to fife; their laments ons and regrets consecrate his grave. Oh, ' e deep, the abiding lesson of this made amen life ? Far above all the pettiness of rcesus—like splendor this man laid up for imself treasures in a more abiding city. He :ye the product of a hard working life to the or and did not turn away sorrowful because s had great possessions. Surely he has his :ward. As we MUM, 011 the dettth of the political peon, or consider the grand life of the am lions soldier, the light that shines upon the e pathway George Peabody trod, leaves em both in the shadow and the words of the eat apostle of the Gentiles come to us with added significance " the greatest of these charity." The deeds of this good man are :rded in a history, which will be read in a y when other histories will be as idle gossip they are written in a volume that is no re rd of destruction and death, but a book of OUR NEXT CONGRESSRI,XN. Who shall succeed Hon. John D. Stiles! .1s is the question now agitating the Democ y of Montgomery county, who claim the Lt to the succession, The . prominent can .ates are Hon. B. M. Boyer, Dr. E. L. ker and Joseph Rex, Justice of tile Peace. tween Mr. Boyer and Dr. Acker the Pon t will be exciting, these gentlemen having .n running a muck for years, with the .ce always against the Doctor. Mr. Boy apart from his politics, made an excellent resentative and is a man of decided ability. belongs to the progressive branch of his y and Is anxious to keep it . up with the es. He worked hard and is still laboring, eke General Hancock President, Wheo,ho ects to get a Foreign Mission. Dr, Acker, s paper, the Norristown Register, shows, old school Democrat, and has not yet of the end of the rebellion. His De racy Is of the simon-pure quality, which not suit the taste of the young men who run the party in Montgomery county. ex we know little except that he was in Legislature a great while ago, which Is much of a recommendation, and besides, 4,iten there, the Republicans used to say • things about postage 'Amps which made ph very mad and caused him to utter is of vengeance dire, which is not much recommendation either. BILL has. bees introduced in the Slate Wore allowing accused parties in crim • es to testify is their own behalf. We this measure will soon becomel law, for emended by every principle of Justice. eed not be afraid ,that the voluntary ent of aby defendant will so far out the testimony of the Commonwealth as cases to procure an acquittal, but in 1 cases and where the facts rest on dr UM evidence alexia, a simple statement only party capable of explaining the ellen, may go far in aiding the jury to. Intelligent verdict, Why should the .d not be allowed to make the same cut in his own behalf to the jury that Tim make to the Court after the con- In the latter case it often mitigates fence, in the former It may save punish. nuray? We have made much progress administration of the law, but as long as se the iponth of a man and allow his to be heard against him, we have still o make toward perfection. public debt of,/be State of Penntiylva- Its Ist .45 of December, 1869, grip 540.93, as against 03,280,947 M as it Aber Ist, 1868, showing a reduc 'll2,4o6.lB ' LEGISLATIVE. During the last week the folk was transacted in the State Legl litions in favor of abolishing the were presented by nearly one-hi atom. A resolution granting the use of the House of Representatives to Mr. Rouse, who is now lecturipg • this subject, was defeated. the Senate creating a Board ills intiodu_ rotary .of State, Atiditor ,GenentlicitinikAttor-* ney General, to attendLtel thdliinincialartlitre of the Commonwealth.' Allowing •ncehded . parties, if so .sliskantcd,. givc testimony,.; ; act miikingit a misdenteaniritocarryeattle on railroad trains' for :tunrO : than. tvccntyreight. hours Wiihon, Unloadiag.mas..rc . ported. Lively: Auiltorizing the election of a Judge at Nisi Prius, and fixing Ida salary at thi)oo4,, Enlarging .the proy,isionti,' of _tie .4et which, allows interested pariice lf ) Ae B 94 4 . 11 4 extondl. log the same.,to writs against e.xecutora and administrators. Sill to.create a county to be. called l'etrolla. till regulating the election of county emntribisbuters and auditors., In the House Uille Wera .LptrOduced jig fol lows making it a penal offence to issue fire or lightning policies. of . insurtmconexcept under authority of senteicbartered company of this or some other State, passed. An act reg-. ulating the appointment of Atnlitors.. ; To pre vent and : punish the. publication of obscene advertisements and the tatle.of noxious anedi. tines was reported favorably. .Incorporating. the State Council of the junior. Order of the United American ..Meclotnies, repealing the 3d section of act of March 23, 11307, relat ing to judicial sales, passed. . . Bill giving gam. eral power to the courts to grant divorcee. THE TEACHERS AND THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. The Board of Eduiittlon In New' York re-' cently adopted a rule as a'nieasufe'df Econ omy" forbidding Inspectors Of echools arid Boards of Trustees to excuse the absdrice' Teachers for more than five days .(instead of thirty) for any cause • whatever. Now the teacher gets on an average about $5O per month and lately the friends of ii'lararac teacher who waif absent through sieknese (which resulted in death) had her salary paid to them as an act of charity beeattie her friends were poor. The chief clerk tit' the Board of Education receives a salary of $7OOO per year and is allowed to be absent himself for four months at a time In Albany to pat . more money in his Twee. • There must' be' something very wrong. here.. Teacher and. clerk are both employees of the Board of Ed ucation, and itls surely thedUty'of the laige salaried clerk to attend to his dialeg 4s faith fully as the linden:Slid-teacher. • ' 4 • , • The influence of the " Tarnmany Bine is felt at the meetings of the Board Of Edttba: tion and Mr. Chief Clbrk, or 1n 'other Words the friend of Mr. Peter B. Sweeney, is ex empt from a rule that may opptess-his(prob ably) more worthy but (certainly) less for tunate fellow employees. WE elsewhere give an extract from the Democrat of last week. 'File reflections Upon personal'appeartrice, &c., -are In the• Ust4 gentlemanly style. We are extremely Sorry that our tout ensemble does - not - please' the ar: tistic eye of the gentleman who edits that pa per with so.much credit to himself ands his party. The purity of his. diction, the, lofty eloquence of his style and the magnenitimus manner in. which he conducts a• controversy make us to deeply regret that we do not come up to such a man's beau ideal of an ,editor. We can assure our kind friend, thot ate sensible of our defects, of whloli he so kindly and persistently reminds us, and after due in- I spectiou of his manly form we do not expect a sculptor would choose either clink as a model for the Apollo Belvidere. If it were the cus tom to embellish newspapers of to-day with ar portrait of tho editor we, willingly conoede. that the wrarProil roniestic. &c.. annear the shade. How evert as the newspaper repre sents rather ii“..c.oes,,tisaments of the mind , than the grtwes of the person, we are sorry•to have to call attention to the extract .in. ques tion. • —An author of same repute has said, "the "writer who bespatters his opponent with " personal abuse, betrays the feebleness °t his "position and the littleness of his mind.Z! Any further proofs of the correctness of o illgs assertion that our neigbor may choose, to give us we shall be very much pleased to pains!► and call attention to. Tut: Aldermen of Philadelphia are n hody of gentlemen distinguished the their:extreme honesty, their great knowledge of the law, The Aldermen want In extend their sphere . of usefulness. They don't want Notaries to acknowledKedeeds, because by doing so the Notartenare taking fees from the Alder men. Igotarles are a useful cies& of public of ficora and their official Ads are regarded with more favor abroad than is the magic J. P. of the Alderman. The Notary's seal will pass current when the Aldermanic signature re quires a certificate front the Prothonotary, lind hence the Aldermen are making an effort . to repeal the law allowing the Notaries to take acknowledgments. But why, no one can tell, except these hungry Aldermen. They also take pity on the Judge and ask that they— the wise, honest, etc., etc., Aldermen—shall have jurisdiction in cases not exceeding $2OO. Bow they . would swell then. But do business not see how this will affect them ? How the Ward ring and the local hillutince will creep in to these courts? It is a dangerous measure and there is no demand for a change In, the law. Tiu New York Legislature (Democratic) proposes to pay the clerk of the board .of Po lice Justices # 000 per annum. As the board meets once six years and is in session one hour, the worthy Democrat who is fortunate enough'to secure the position will be paid $30,000 for one-hour's work. Thip in one of the many economies of a. Democratic Legisla ture. The example is a good one for the Citi zens of our own State to study, and. it shows the kind of blessings that would have been be stowed Minn us had the Democracy triumphed here in thelant .election. . MUSOEN, the repudiator, has' al last been reinforced by Mr. Galloday, of Kentucky. These two gentlemen differ with their part• in Congress upon the subject of paying the National debt, but for: alt that 3fungen and Galloday ought to bd credited with consisten cy, if nothing more. Their party has made so many turns within 'the last four years that M. and GOinve not been able to follow, and hence their late speeches. Woodward and Vortices and others are sly old foxes, end see ing the drift of poptilar opialotr, they have grown woelledhlly honest an Natiiitiar TUE Virginia bill was signed by .the Presi dent, and the Senators and Representatives have been sworn in. Gen. Canhy has turned over the administration of affairs to the civil authorities and Virginia is herself again. She suffered most during the rebellion, but can soonest recover from het disaster If she is SQ disposed. Tun committee on elections of the National House of Representatives have agreed' re port in favor of Hon. John Coveides right to the seat contested by lion. 11. D. Foster. —The Secretary of the. Treasury has directed the sale of nue mlillou ln.gohl each week during February, and the purchase of one million of bonds in each alternate week fbr theiluklog fund: —Henry Allen, hid' Treasury at New York, was discharged on exami nation by the U. B. Commiestoiler, r i —The funeral obsequies offliedige Peabody lOU t7 - Thc,g+:ifildelti itht 34,,ctu4laygcone.biated Tiranele: :A•Wn4i l ; fic.44aa'acil9l44t l tv!oPtlPF l PP o44nl i t tn i alb"'CF°l9ot!-t _ : •. •••• Snow tell In Naw : ,.sugladd!•fou -Saturday and Monday, and nu active butiataeln the tninspor intlon of lumber!'" •. • • -The internist:Adam° itentsibte farJanearfbaie• 02,47%000. an Ineratint nt• 10,860,000 elver, reecipta 'OJAI/nary, WO. . • •r. ••, At Lowell, Move.f ow Monday, Ek-'411•0i ,. elide O rem the roof ors ebizreit4hrete donna elilinney, , find Wiled 4 plan w..tuz IrAti • vatting .along.• the -Boren • men were .fraten. to Oath lo a recent. storm betrraeo AO Fort Abercrozabbi. •Deloto.• . Op aquday, week ,the Ablrrgikmplef at Fort Abercrombto: parked 2 degrees belqif zero. —The ; ticeretary of. the Treasury bee rosined the estimates 'for Ids 4apartnient aud, reduced them seteml . ,ndlyons of dopars. Thin will cause .a further reduction to the number of clerks. • . • . .• '=The Exchange aEctilutch!or'.plock, • at Hot - !joke, Maze., were burned op Sunday . I . olevearner- Shoots, Ora' doctoruuod dontlsts, - pbotogrophcrs, and others, were burned out. ~ L oss Ft 25,0011. —Au orgwkleatlon of Beriberatle soldiers celled 4.l;re qraud Army of ~tbe Conetltul lour" bas been organized in Brooklyn, nod .appllentlon ban been made for the opening of 14 " encompmente" In -lie* York State. . . , —An not Arts passed the Leglalature„,and, hoer' approvfd,hy.thogoirernor of Tounrosoo, g„ront!og toAho MeAttoranennand Orliptal Bteam )I"aylgo don Company of Now York.. the mene j urOs 'ln tended to primotd the Itrnigratton"ot latiOrors' from Botithern'Enrolio. ' ~-rAt Pittsburg, on Saturday night,thp residence yf p f .vid M. Adams, In Virginia alley, was die covered td be . bn ffie, and Mrs. Adards was found burned to death. It appears that the Adamsell were both &lilt) 'ands that she set the' bodge' . on lire to dastroy herself. .• .—Prince Arthur was Melted bY a'delegation of English, Scotch and Irish residents of New Yoitc, 'on 3fonday r and.preuented with an addrets. in 'are' evening, he attended the Firemen's ball et the Aeadeter of Music, Tio goes to Boston on 'Saturday. • . ~ — At Buffalo, early .Monday - morning, a kero sene.lamp.eapleded Au Abe pause, of Hicholas.Bliss,• setting tire to the (errant's, and terribly barging Bliss, lffs wi(c.*od, two , children q . , Ope of the thiiaten Ia dead, and We other In a critical con 'LLGonerlit Sherman issued, an prder,.pn, Mon day; abolishing tee ,First, .District, a'd creating the Bepotlment of tirginla, with General Canby as commander. The new Oepartment comprises Virginia, Wsst Vlrglold, Forth Caroll- OA and Maryland, and foims ptit Of the 11111tarY •Dlylslon of the Atlantic, under command of troth 41eade.. 4 • • e I—Thetransfer of the rem - nine of , G eorge Pea body from the British war ship Monarch, at Port land, Mo., took placepn fMturdayovith Imposing ceremonies. The body ; etc thp Illostromt H.pbilan tropist was received . by Governoz,chip,m3l?qrlatil, (tom, Captain com Merell,: of the Monarch, and laid in state' t the'City —The will of Edo-in M. Stanton,writt:en on one page of fetter paper, wire admitted to prObaie'in • Washington on Saturday. He bequeaths two thirds of his property,.chargerible' With payment of two-thirds of hirdebts, to his with ; and thd re maining third, chargeable 'with 'one-third of the debts, told' mother, the Banditti; at her death, to be divided among his three youngest-children. ;—Thesteainer Steri and Stripes arrived at New York, on Satiirday; from Port-an-Prince; and is lia;ving yellow fereron board. She reports that President Cabr*l and the'Prorisionar Hoyernritent will . try to defeat .President BMA'S -plans for the cessiOn'Of Domlngokor any por, 09 of it. to the United States. A French arnr - Steamer had Unit 40.0( her crew by jellowferer at ‘, ne.....oerrate ,was tfocm liesiturtonthltuti day. In the House no business was transacted. A debate on the debt lineation ,took . place, Mr. GolladaY, of Ky., advocating repudiation after the crumple of Mr. :dungen. A splribid olienssion followed, Messrs. Voorhees and Eldridge declaring that.they did not agree with Mn.qolladak, voting the payment of Pire-twenttegin' legal ten ders.. ' . • . —On Saturday an order p as reeebied d 1 47 obarge of 1300 men'at the Boston Navy Yard, 500 additional meri at the New York Yard, and 1200 at San Francisco. It is expeeted . that Congress will leglitate to enable a speedy resumption Xot , work In the , Nos, Yards. , The , Becretary of the Navy has modified his ordare so that many of the Men can he retained by transfers to the pay rolls 'or other bureaus of men employed therein. —The New York Pneumatic Railway Company' has got into the Courts., • The Corporation Attot , ney has made application to reStraln the Corn patty frontfuther prosecuting their ..opemtions under Broadway, on tha ground, first, that they are ruin, lug that great thoroughfare; and second, that they are acting without proper legal authority-- all of which defendants deny. The argument proinises to be Interminable, and to present, there fore, a fine opporttinity' for lawyers' pleklugs. —The New Hampshire State Labor Convention. met nt Concord ? oh Friday. Resolutions were • adopted organlelng a distinct pollikal party for working men ; declaring against' repudiation as the sum of all Villainies, but that the payment of the.natlonal debt should fan on all alike; oppos ing public laud grants to railroads and specula- tore; declaring for u greenback Currency ; mand Mg a repeal of ttut duller! an tna, and sugar; endorsing Congressman Dawes' aped' ; and do mending a ten-hour law for worm and minorein factories. i.itumnel Flint, anfidd advocate of taxa tion of the bouds (nod their payment tn, currency,, was nominated for p6veri3or.. • —By order of General Canby, dated January 27th, Virginia was pmelically readmitted to the Union, and the government of the, State was transferred to the officers recently elected by the people.' The order of General Canby contains minute , instructions to hiesubordinateoffloors who have heretofore been ex3relaleg authority, under the Acts of March' 2d, r 1807; atuifed dubiequilot dates, for the more efficient goverhment of the in nurrectionary Staten. These instrustions direct com taissioneire to cease exercising au thority for trial for -offences against the rocon-, iitrue don Igivs„ ,t.:,it.txpusbield for offences against - the laws of theproyislonal government. of yjrgi., Ida, are to. be transferred to theOustodyof . the new civil g overnment . 'Prisoners serving out sentences are still to he held in iustcaly ., untll .dis clirged by the expiration of tie sentence or by the Order of a edited fleates - under prcieeeil- Inge by writ of &lbws corpus.' The forts; arsenellijl custom hones, cemeteries, and public igtablishJ ments heldby original cession and by reeentoc cupation under the laws of the United. States, are to be, retained. , The velum s• of elections:and all other election pripera.are to tie deposited mith.the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and; the terms. of office of the offiecreof the provisional govern ment are to expire when their, successors elected or appointed under the now constitution shall have been duly lutilitledf . Governor Gifbert C. Walker,'wliO bas been net .. log as Provlslonifl Goierzfor since September, 1860, was sworn in'on Jdunary . 27th; as Governor, and immediately leaned if Prociamlition; enlivening the .General Assembly on February Bth. It Is said tbat the act of Congress of January •26th, 1870, admitting Virginia, will not, by the oaths therein required, have the effect of. reorganizing the Leg relator° since whim that body met, to ratify the amendments to the U,l3..Pcmstitutlyn, each indi. vidual member was subjected by GeiteralCauby to the oath prescribed al the Fourtteoth Aniendment beforb receiving his certificate. , The wiron-eind" oath, under the opinion of Afton:icy Genei4il Hoar, was noi adiniritstered to the melnbers: The new Constitution, it :is - ieported, is Objectionable to the old inhabitants, in consequence of the Vier genizatiou of the counties ark townehipsi with a ' large nod expensive corps of officers for each.— The Judges far each County areto be elected by the:Legielature. tbeother."oilleers,by the people. As soem.as the Oonstlim.loo goes .Into ellbet,ll, asserted that Aim stay 'list! becomes, Inoperative, and that n hrite - amountof property,lll.be ject to Sheriff's —ln the Supreme Court of the United Mutes, *ou Oa, decNon j oc th9:lttoprouy ,Coart ; of, ItlttletrttriAq ihq case arNranctik Saki Jr., ilium/ • posed by the sutfrqge laws of that State, RUB . riakt the question. "—anneal° Cd.stiiiiin; odflor Hof- tliel ''• tip 'rte Cobs," while standing o+ the fintql 4theli„ot . Fey litoodux ? ''‘the atfdeked ' Vy Acreinl Cyliuyk, who flied pistolt 'tlnS andilidia it;enift4 troth' We- Matti' bf lildeblielfledln . fifteen minthe4, --, :lre ehcecided In jrvornillog threethrtbe asstiksid,‘ b‘ifoid , hr Sneered vestals wenrinalle. •.. • s. • . • toNcitEss. Titillateslc, Jan, 97111.-..-Sisuits.,-,The.joint.res .. ! ejutibn prohibiting assessments mu, s ‘ ubordinatt, officials to make preset - lei to their stmeriorofileers min missed. • ff. F. Lewis liasi siVern tacit from Virginia. The restof the session . .wase taken np.wlth the discussion on the currency hill. Houtte.—The shMtibers elect Wert mod In, and the fritnklute bill .tstsseds often:l, long • de.. hate. Mr. Dawes then made a speech in nunwet to General Butler. Adjourned. Estintr, JAN. 2801.--ISennti.e—.f: W. Johnston was sworn in as Senator elect front Virginia. A I communication was receivetk. from the.Collituis. stoner of Internal ReVeithe regardlue the mid . of Aim:lean plgiron. A resolutlon:was.offered In. I 01,m:toting the Jadielatry . Committee to inquirs I whether further legislation is necessary regarding a provisional government for Georgia. The Dis- Diet relief. hill waathen teamed, after which tie• Seupte adjourned until Monday. • ~ /foure.-Jarnes K. Gibson,ltepresentatlve cleft from Virginia, was sworniti. The Election Com mittee made a report in the case of claimants to seats front Georgia, which %vats adopted. The tame Committee was discharred fl'ont further consideration of the. claims 'Of Mr. Simpson te. pletobersiiip front South:Caeolitsa.• The bill abet ishlog 'the office of Congressional Priuter was petaled. At 9.110 P. M. the Mouse stint into Cbin mittec of the Whole en the legislative, excentive, • and judicial approprintiou MIL After the Com mittee rose a bill was Introsinceci to abolish the farmers' tax. Adjourned: . • ' • MONDAY, Jan. 01.0.--,Yenntd—in the 1,1. 0. Sea- Jae, Mr. Cumin introduced a bill abolishing. the °Pico Of Surveyor of Cnstoms. It transfers the dales of that officer to the ColleUtors of - Customs', nod directs the payment of the Surveyor's share. of fines and forfeitures Into the United States Treasdy The resolutions of the Ohio Legisla • tura, ratifying the Suffrage Amendment, were pre. sented. On motion of Mr. Morton, the President was milted for informaticin IW regard to the rutin- ' catkin of the.Buffrage Amendment by. Mississippi and other affisirsof that State. Mr. Ramsey, from the,. Post-Office committee. reported Sack with atnendmentil the llllito establish -a postal Ole- , grtiph system. Mr. Morton introduced a bill pro tiding fer the admission of Mississippi, which was • referred: It is Sheller to the Virginia bill, bat re quires no test oaths,' The Currencybill Yule taken up,..and Messrs. Morton and Stunner withdrew pelt% amendments. An amendment *aid Dien' Allopteds'Yeas'49; -nays 19 bank hi 'et Stale having.mpre`than Its proportion .of lion to ba removed to any State having less than its proportion, prop/bled the amount of issue of said bank shalt not be deducted from the •natount anew issue provided itt this act... Mr. Morton moved an amendment making the'ineicase $52,: 000,000,rinti Mr: Chandler one making It 15100;- 000,000., Mr. Chandler'samentiorenturas rejected, and the Senate adjourned, with an understanding that, the bill *Mild be. Voted upon on Tuesday. the House a number of bills were in tioduced -and referred, Inchallog followings Dy. Mr. Seolleld, for apprenticeship in the Navy; Mesons. Cassino dnd'Whittemore,lor the tidmiesion of Mississippi ; Mr. Sherod, to remove ail political disabilities; Mr. Beck, requiring all orders. of the 'Cbrnmiseloner of Internal Rev6tue concerning dis tilleries to be signed =by' hiiri personally, and en dorsed by .the Secretary .of the .Treasury; Mr.. Morgan,to abolish the department of AgriPLA . . l .lirei - Mr. Astrong, for the redninlnlnn of united States bonds not exceeding '9100,000,000; by.the issue of an equivalent amount of Interest-hearten notedi and by Mr. Wells fixing the pay of Senators stud Rept'etitiatattres httlflooo per nrinnin,'nnd duclng mileage to 10 cents per mile. Nr. McNeely offered a resolution ,declaring the Five-twenties payable in legal tenders, and censuring theboud purchases of the Secretary ofthe Treasury. The resolution was tabled by a party veto. Mr. In germ:lll offered a resolution, directing the Banking. and Currency Committee to repart tvithinSix days hie 9440.100,000 additional legal tendene bill: The !louse refusing tp•seeoud, the previoussquestion, the yeas being 49 and the nays ';'l, the resolution wput over. Mr. Marshall offered a resolution de claring that the constitutional authority dodevy taxerdoes not Include the power, to impose duties .except for the collection Of revefilie, laid directing ,the Ways rind' MOMS Committee' to report a bill accordingly. Mr. Kelley moved tejable the bill, reliers' the morning hour expiring, It went over. e, by a vote of 75 to ,2 [llo l4 : o4 ;li.S . ira f eb ri tre i g iu t i e nse t tt eg o na. - i t: tni l ir he i i e , : ed, r m r:e b d ; p buy e ji t i' s. r e i tr e . fi l t ° C f (l, ' s t l memberslelect from Virghtist, were sworn in.. Mr. Scofield Iptrpdtieed a bill anthorisingtransfers inn - linty - appropriations to the Thweast of Constrde thni, which was referred. The Dowse at 5 o'clock Klqurned. . . Tdll LEGINLVOERE Tautsfvav,• JAyvq 27t4.-.-sssale.-7Autoug . the hulls introduced was one authorizing, the election 9 r ri . jud g 6 of' Niel Plies •; a*o. one relative to al lowing accused parties to testify in.their,ovim bar half. Adjourned. . • •, : .I . 4 . 9tue.—The relative ' o Juilicial sales and the preservation of the•Tlen of mottgsges 'won pissed. The _Record contract, was:. non , coueerred I,n,W the Hese. Adjourned. Raises, lion. 28th.—Scaste. The Finance CoMmittee reported adversely to the House bill to provide for portage on public documents. Mr. Billlogfelt introduced a Mil to authorize the Cont mlrstotiers of the 'Sinking Fluid to ree , elve• Propo sale 'after July next for the, redemption of any part of the loans of, the State nest becoming due. Mr. White, a Joint resolution to' appropriate $l,- 000 rot (ho expenses of the Governor's Inangura *lon. A bill for the formation or,the new county of Petrone was also,hitrodneed. Adjourned. • Hamm—A' number of iietitiorie Were Introdliced and appropriatelyleferred.. A resolution author izing the Journal of both, houses to he printed le ,two Harrisburg newspapers daily (:1,000 copies to be furnisholl,) in a space not to exceed six col , umns, foelto,ooo for, each paper, was laid : over. The hours for session were : axed from 10'A. M. to 1 P. M. daily, except on Fridays. when they - "khall" be trait 10 A. M. to:12 M. Adhnirtind. ••• .• • TitE pAcif up it,lki!Lieofl4i). Jan. 2O 1870 . . Lehigh Regpqr—tarolugs of the th;lon liniliqud feir six Anonthiremilog IYeerhiber lost, uniOTinte4 to t 01011. Drifirms' THE IRON INTERENT An IronmaSter writes to the Springfield Ilepo Jleaa :—.l am running the only antlintette pig Iron Surnafe la Massachusetts (and I, had supposed the only one in MIN,- England), and I assure you, that' I am Malting.lrott, bf the best ores;antl tinder the most favorable circumstances, as'ecpuoutleal,, ly as It can be made lu this section of the epu,mtS I put, If you were to re:MIA : 6 the duty hf ro pt , Y Mu' on pig Iron, leshoultl he Compelled. to go nut of blast, and turn hundreds of men 9491 empioy. meat." lldwis that fo'r Free Trail... En= r. •.A triter to tboXribunssay.s . 4-lly the new meth. 048, of Blcmgn .. und Bessemer uot only Iron, hut Steel orthe ftuest 'quality, can he'made dircrt froth the ottritt a cost-less Oust) that-of making pig Iran to the old blast furuttees or - steel ,blooms now done. .The difficulty at present is that the Penn sylvanfit ores and coals contain Flo flinch sniplair; phosphorus, and other deleterlowesubitances;that . 3 1 1IFY oFto lutrilly Make steel at all, and iliat If a. very high price, while the a twin tdorch areoal Um' ;Fbut the Rhoda Island rout end •steel oree, nod thp superb orefrom the. iron il/Ppllitin mines on Lake champlaiu, bettor than tho§,veptl-. aldnuemora)otes, nrd'able, with the PIP of 'recentinvet.tions, to supply thiscountry, pt least, with the finest kluds of,iron (kell 41t a Ipwpr price than Englund can farniAli them,. even with all tariff duties repealed.:. * • ,CO'. T. C; 1111, cO4L DEUS. plf. Itllo4 . 1". NAN'? 4r.Wni. F. Channing, of Providence, Secretary, of the Rhode Island Society for the Protection of Nativejndustry,.nays— . , • : * * • * 'I think haty o n, and sortie among our own citizens; will be surmised at -the extent of our coal formation. .1 believe thutfise hum/red:Wilkns of tons Is not a too large estimate of (lie vatitlty of the Rhode Island anthracite beds.' l here is enough to make it worth 'while to learn bow to burn it, and 4. adopt .grates to .that. purpose if any change proves necessary. Is *ad distinct from Pennsylvania anthracite !lathe latter iti from Cumberland coal, and only ',requires:au equal observance of the behests of, mil tire to give on good an account of Itself as'cither of the others. Its-specific gravity Is' higher then that of dui other coal, and; owing Lo this great condensation, , kindles rather lees easily • but It burns, longer . than Pennsylvania anthracite, and Is more Mot , , otegAly consumed,' which Makes up , for , Reams- Arbor less I.ercentage of . earbou. A tau will make as much steam as Ont.:at:rage of . PcnusylVania coal. The ash (red) hi very Wale; and it re-' quit* therefore tt.grate largetenough to do.with• .out much artitlcLi blast. My artiele will tellyou. a good deal more ou this subject. ' .* • Tua Springfield. itepubliran (potenn montane torer's words, who says "for years he has needed no turio',soenshlo plus to Rake rig Low ut fl,prollt.".. ho Who T I.lqw dhl ho do lt,l _pow, comes .ho to.bo, solnitch, mon rtFr thus the, 104145ais of good . ,4onest business meumround him who dechilo Tlrje TO the bill c a passed. n up and betel r th n the I.lt MOM * * * • "My concluslon j ln abort, isiplittetrArratittit'easAenVednoorcli.;rattVcr: rife n onopo ys to .rea own all ourhome fur Asps and drive no to FoishoodforaCkPPlY- In kspite of our duty of $9 jeer ton, we hove to go to them* a Imo porlduu ocour irgo—wltWhe duty e should cWalniribave toolniporldar moreno usiklely thaw we do.ll3reitklog dowo,the furneetrl doesniot strit,o me at being lust the way to cheapen iron: Thu proper *ay wodld seem" to be to break down the monopolies; and the way to ,b&cak down monopolies is to encourage competi tion.„ t, „! • j • t ” Ydbir next' eddclusioels, that ; Imre been built up, and existent companies and furnace corporations enriched.' We ail know ilia in the last few years the number of furnaces the United mates has bred Vastly Increased ; ,pti,U. Iron is produced In much larger quantity than ever before in the history of this country. Bow 'this rapid multiplication of furnaces has resulted inhalant liti'intinekinfiks and' curlelilng telitent companies and furnace corporations, is wholly In -cOmprehensible to my mind. I believe the word monopoly, In the connection in which you ,use it, . ,means 'the sole pourer of mannilitv fThel . mental operation by which yoqtrothe tigthjit the 'building of new furtiaces Is giiilug t sole lion , ered production' to 'existent companies,' would certainly be a rare phenomenon fur memo' phi losoplten,. Thepty,,lmeradtof uLldi,pg 11, mo nopolies, is rapt ,loseakEng th9nl diolb ; if the duty on ron Was tithed to 15, hould soon have such is competition in the produetion of t ; iron at home as would bring the price' down to the lowlivlng,ticrt libe facts. that our ground IF I'll of Ore, al I f near the surface, and that, lethise ai s ells, we du not pro duce enough Irma to supply our wants, show at once that our true policy Is not to reduce, but to increase, the duty nu pig iron. ,Wo have roux or live lima Irk* Vita lAti'd of breaking down out own furnaces nt the dletation of English iron toasters, mut it bas uniformly resulted la a large increase In the price of iron and a diminished con sumption by the peoPle s ' . not Elie [IMO enough to.mpeat one folly, whose disastrous results are before the eyes of oil ? "you say ' the mineral resources of the coun try bare not. l beau developed its largely a t iutypo , • should lurre , bear." Wluttkplatt do7ybu pfrbpbue for developing them? Will free trade, or a re- Auction of the duty ou Iron, do it 7 If our mine ral resources are not developed us they should be, with a dety•altl.4 toast not iirery one ketin , that they will be developed less when that duty Is re-' moved or lowered 7 If we wish to have our min uet:resources developed at tHey. should be, we Must induce our capitalists to invest money In de veloping them, and cease our amulet attempts to break down and ruin till who engage in develop ing them: ' Vin Anna induce copitallsta t 9 dune from abroad, and skilled workmen to come with 'them ; and then we shall not oily have our re sources developed, but will soon be supplying all the demand for iron, at home, and exporting large quicalties to other coutitries„ ' , AI have no haereickt this cittstlotiieiyoati that of.any citizen solicitous' for the welfare of the country, but, so thoroughly am I convinced that a diiriarture from our Protective polley must result in disaetenderthe'wholevontitry;And , espeoltilly to 'adieu, with its young, hut Japitily..growing Manufacturing luterhit; VCannot - tuner& Arent 'while so many shut their eyes to the facts of his tery and the light of reason, and seem ready to fall into the embrace of aforeign foe that not only eriites us our prosperit y,' but 'Weft took elites against MI in a struggle for national existence." itope.-34oCile'retlIto Owl: { 9111I agent Injustice by wot}lotti It4Oakt nt•. Lb° boys like le 416 ti Oak_ ; 11, Meath illoolt t y in an Idea of business. and show. them what can be done by . : . boy from the country," as Mr. Wanamaker once NV/S. 1311 k tho great point la..that Ott best 11ere'.. Cloth lila can be bad there, and at the lowaat pricer.. 'Drina thelkiya to Oak Hall. and both they and their parents will be nure to and aatkfactlon t Special floticco.. HALL*..v . g.( l 9l.,.u[lpi F R a,A t iN , HAIR RENEWER, • • 1“ the best article known to preserve the hair. It milt , positi•ely re,tore G1241* HAIR TO ITS''ORI O OINAL C(I.0014 AND PROMOTE ITS BOITTII. It is an entirely new scientific discovery, combining many of the most powerful and restorative agents in the •vegetablekinglivon. I[ mime/ Oa , Irnitatli. rot lty Day, • • Arid dais I 4402 atkekftt LT Is RVCOMISIINDIE plc V4 l 4. ll ltaT 3IVDICtL b AiaI a I2I% , oD • r: " 11 " . P. Y 11.11.1. lii liaxitun. N. 11., PrroPerlVor.: ERRORS Or tYOU:T/ 1 1.7. SO* l -10 14 -P• r W. h . 9 UrY . wre D - e gAiliett . ouc o ta , ;.:6s7lol:,i,.. r ro o th ,„ l wIII, forth o soke or suffering hanisnity, send free . t . o: , l . who need lt, the recipe and direction for making I plo remedy ,hy which ;te.Arizirod, Malt by at. okruttio,4 ;no Odl O r MR. OODE dressing, In perfect coadenia. R.,Twvor}.- TO CONSUMPTIVES.—Tho advertleer, ruts. mahleCkli., Mil tiry qiheato._ COn. the anxious to make kpoyrrito • fellow lingerers the men. of alrestTsiall wlredealri It, swill send a copy .of !be prescription used (trim of charge), with, the dire. - Sig. 11111 fur preparing and using the .0. Will. May will rinds sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, dm. The only obtect.of Maw advertiser laitinillog the Prescrip- Don is,to benefit the. *Meted. pad ...Dre Information which ha coureiten tdba Inviluanle; and ho hop. every sufferer will try his remedy, as It will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescriptio wllkpletute midwife, Ray.WLSON, ; nWARD 4kpitCu.. N. Y. g ? ; ; ; ,-W ; ;s; TI Ti E MIN(' .e are-now preparoskAe fuming all clause. With tmisitablenigi.l.7.6l4 /15.0 31, 14 ,9 whole uf the thee or Mr the spare moirmaggi rename,' now, light and profitable,. rerpeas.of tither sof easily earn Ninooc.lo4l9lo:eUng, analligoroportional sum by fie voting their w Jule time to the business. Boys and girls may earl their as men. That all who nee this nutlet, send address, and test the business. we make this anparsdlededielleM .ToSIAOI.I4I are hot wail...it, bakvi, We will ooydiktlo44lll, fyif lsouble-ofi writloo, loll.particulara,. gareple,erbleht will du - to- •tommenee woklima.pinish.engitpc Tim Reople'a Literary eumponfon--nne of the largest' and best family news• Impure puhlished—all sent free by mull. Reader, If you scant permanent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN CO., •11.701. NT•, MAilun. • due /-iiin $ l 4 l OUVWATOES. ' $ 2O .• TIIE . .ONLY GENUINE OROIDE• GOLD -, WATCHES - .V.4II . PPA C TURRD II THE OROIDE WATCH CO. Are rat or WA millco, A/totting .Cagea, Worronfed Pe/ fa :genitals... leek like - lee Chid. and•are EQUAL. to-the beat GOLD WAYCllkili In Fmk. abd Selleb;, with - thubont• Fun. /guided Moeller' ant; Pafelo .4ceerg. *glee Fine Cases (Genre and Ladleeitlu I Ildd each. ' PA " :Y4 L e 'bi S d q" . 1.19 ' C t lid. A No hunt by Express anywhere within the Pelted Stales, AT 1.7017.71,11. WIIOI.ERA LH niters, payable on delivery. No .110111iY IS REQUIRED IN ADVANCE. only satisfactory u.aurauce that the - order le made. la good. faith.* 4.1' Packase may be opened aid exatrdnedbeforkyaild for, by !'"lnil the hitliireas b y billy. • - u ' reonis a order by Mali with . rtfrey, by sending money lu a c tlvauce, la a Registered letter. and the goods will be aunt as tilleytered Pckage. pyepal. at out risk. A(1141` WI IND •POkt. SIX WATCHES WILL RECEIVE A2l RA NVAMLII kigE—unic_ofti Rev. EN iL] wxruli 'V' k'OR 9no. OR SHVIEN. wrimci.o3l , ALSO 11,LOANT OROID OOli lIAtNS of lateat and 'roost . costly Il k ley. fur ?NIP.. and Cleatlenten A wear, (row 'quo° In es lea. attpricae la. SQ4l4lhd oe:telt; went Ivlth-watc at lowest wholesale prices. Our Witchrere all made of the UENUINE SOLID R OOIDE UOLD a , Itietstati, ore all perfectly regulated and adituitagandl.lAßANTkLEDs by the Compacts to keep tilt.ti an mew midsize taroisll; State the bled, ale,, acid prior. match end order only_ of • TILE onoiDli.iyi s TOß C 0.,. • dee R.ltra ..: • i.:146 Adis, Skeet, Yetr York. D r — 77 - n WORDS OF WISDOM FOR YOUNG "4.._fr,.16, wire , Addred • 110WAIW AVOMATt rhlindelphia, I's. Ms Mir'. UP4r B . z.'.e..r,;!aggtm ,Tr.Aittsg.,VoVagks:.l nc,;. .:t toe wool 'limy c lean.. the etomach, relax the liver, and taut.il to work: thee the appetite become• (0011; the food digests aut makes (nod blood; the patieut m ber• Sy grow in flesh o diseased matter pads In Ilia uh the patient outgrow. the dl •nd gets well, . Is the aly way to culla ' To 'linos three' biedirlifee Dr../. 11. fleiteek. of Phil:tile'. ,phia, ow. his unrivalled •uccesn in the treatment of pul monary consumption. Tee YUlnunllo Syrup rime the morblol it Why Avails nature threWto ally , attelmY expectoration; tof when tae phiegtu„or metter • SW, a •light Cough wilkliprove it elf, aid tkeparlial! hat root and the lump begin tb nexl.• - •, • To du lids, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake PIM meet ho freely used to depute the stomach and liver, eo that the Pelmet:it. Syrup and the food will make j od . Mandrake PIMA net aeon all °l:sin:Mon. relax 'the du? of tal talk dert„ SO willltlr !,!::',1 1 1. - n o o s to.,t4a ; ,,,vene Located except calomel is deadly pol.ou which is very daugeret. to Use Unless with great carol, that will unlock the gall-bladder and start the accretions of the liver like klelleule• Alai:drake ty! • agretifwe'.ol Tonic lu a ientle stimulant j `a :Liter- - alive, and the alkali In the Ses‘reed, which ihie prepare- Mos I. made of, eit.ists the etc:mach to throw out the gastric Juice to disoulve the food with the Pultoonic Syrup, and It madd into good blood sptlarut :gannet:4in ors.aria& the saoteelt. • Thillt real realm. why nhielcinn. do not core cut:sump tin Is, they try to do too much; they glee medicine tostop the cough,,to stop chills, too we night sweats, hectic fever, nod by as doing they derange the whole dlgoolive power., lurking up the oecretiono, and evaalually ciatlippt sink. and dies. - • . • • Dr. Schenk. In Id. treatment, does not try to stop • cough, niglit +neut.. chill., or fever. Iteme•ettie cause, and they ull stop of their own accord. No one cemitgagiang Coastantalun. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Ckt Li ke' Ulcerated Throat s witless the ligter kneglomach are mode healthy. • JO .110lIte e did sPlbe 1 / 1 1 471 1 17.V ' :::ed C rednittittaft. astt4: bronchial irritation. .pleuro itclheslon, or the lungs are a maze of in• flannitiou and fast decaying. sin at cedes what most be done? It In not only the to that are wasting, but Is the.whole body. The stomach and Dyer have lust their ' it , Oder to make blood out of food. Now the mil LohanCtile Co hike tithenk's three medicines which Wing up 'a tune to the stomach, the patient NAIL loogin,lcrwant food, it Val digeot coolly and make good blo4d: then the patient begins to gain In desk, and as Adled IA Old body begins to grow, the lungs commeung 'crim e dP. and the Patient gets netlirand wen. al:dale the only way to duet, Copm.dap dvh. • W s beir there find lancindnatri;andnillyi,flydraomplalit and Dyepopeild Seheules feeaweed Tome and 'Mandrake Yin. aro eutticient Without tho Pettit OttlC Elyria , . 'lake thn, Identrake Pills freely' In itlibilloite deteplalufe, antNry are Inylectly.hartulees. Dr. Schenk, who has enjoyed uninterrupted health for nary Con to eumption, his physicians having pronounce mere Nees d hi. csaullupolestritndsbandunind hit% tolisireid. 'lid we. curnd. ' lin aforeseld'uleddince: 'and slued Ills reouvetsynnany: thuumandy alelicted have used Dr. Schee ldprepi;, arinklns with the eartinfibeldetkaletz l i Yell lion ac.supitny each, saline Mout els to ...serf r• tonally tee (Jr. benankjeuLtess the n wish t env nnaituned, and fur this purpose he is prufeeouna tMs ' °Meat rtilladelplinfOefacW Waturdia sihoel, lettere • fur advice mufti be add d. Ile Is also Pre(. 14ually at No, Lug . u at ay. 1.1.4 abate°, every 'e Ne .d need Ve: adylofr t ton, Pthsr eurwd uO i ee,bat fur a r"rTVw lth E ° ," `! 4 Zteo aahti gel 11 mnr /GlY.** ! Coup.. Canhed. Stott.• bought sad mold os Commix nil. tufty Account* reeet•ell and Inherent allowed nu dolly balance,. Subject to Cheek at Hight. , inn 19 RECEIVE KECURITIES AND VALITABLEA (IN DEPOS IT UNDER GUARANTEE, . , . • Upon the folloWing rates, for doe year or lons parted: - - Government and all other Coupon &curl- Iles, or those transferable by deliver 7.. $l.OO per 61.000 BUOi LEAV f • 1-10'..;D11-1,4 Llovernmeut and all other Redivides reels i, tered and 'negotiable only by eudorne• Int. For its Unrivaled Whiteness, ' F. ... . i Gemldent Coin or Bullion 'AIL For lin Unequaled Durability, '. Silver Coln or 11nt1i0n..... • • Rd. For Its Unnurpashed Covering MOM , T • Silver or Gold Plate, under seal on own- Lastly for its Economy. . yes I , IOIIIIM, Or value, and rate nolki.ci /Rif-IT COSTS LESS to paint wllii Brea LEAD than ouv 1 to adjuntment for bulk , 1.00 per SOO other White Lead extaul. The same weight coecr&MLIM I ieurelry. Diameiniceir: 160 per 1, MO ;g i ve K, I. wojp•OU'ItAILE ) O.I .Ike, 7 11111 ' 11 1 '; : ••• • 17 CreK 46 . :1 li 014 ch . i.apert and 401.: ' ' Ileed4. Alorigages, and Valuable Papers generally, 'Am. . of no fixed value. $1 a year each, or according to but . i : i „Then° latter. wilco deposited In tin boxes. are charged i according to bulk, upon a basis of lii feet ruble caper'. tr. *lSt poor. $lO,OOO ih.R.A,NTEE. $10;000.-flit.a.tyytg • BUCK ZliviC, 441 Dor Ito Unequaled Doroblllty, • VV Yor Ito Ilnrivolod Wllltenoto, .9.1. For Ito Uttoorpouotod Ootering.ProPirfrt '.#.2tholly for it.. Ontot Rehnom 4 be_ El gibe 6111loPEST. VAN lISO y SIE4T o:1,11;10ot ItUlt.t phS White Pasta la the world. • Ti -Fr .•• 'BUY ONLY EUUK LEAD AND .BUCK ZINC LT-A2K2.1 BE-CONVINCED. * tikittofortiou guaroutrod by the .Sfuouitteturero. ;'!3 ''.IIIICK COTTAGE "COLORS, •__. r 7l 7:i 7 2 e P 4-144t4tMaTI T bilk 9" . Tt MT li r ': 11 4 Ltiltnift . le d T , COLOMS. Durable, 'aiheedju miormi temple gent by Mall ir dealred. o Meat.. Orderil will be promptly executed by the max- UrlicVitere. FAKtierii . .11,1I)117 - A ItTA L '& . . coIeTEN, II MARKET STS., Jual9-17 "PHILADALPHIA.. , . Da. J. IL•tiCHENE,;_' ,BRUART2 • two.' - -7, . • 10 HATO. ' Excellence and Che*pheeiilf ougelo11i4: - the anti secret °riper graittsucUis. rNE pERRECTIO4 OF 2EADY-MADES LOTH I N 2 =MI IBM M!! Vu Imo ntino but all • W 11.4" Ronda. every ;loco or %bleb le well sponged, .11.1 cntvtully attruilued. Our cntitctu of He y itFe rock lu bmor .i.tb.l,lnounts on Cu. tV.,rk; t brit...work onnblues comfort with style. Our lutruls ere eutplle& wltlt thu brat Ohm..lugs, nn.l /4.0.111u1 041 use Moo, nu,l wet.) , atticie I, 014.n - um:Illy lusted b. fut, bulug put Into @tank.. Every garment sold la !go europloled legal olding m np."..1,113 for Ilia cor rector. of all Ilia rep redual•llOtsa 1311.10. It i • r11,10.1/011 Mit onr larco laiNitie.o arid many lierlolrootagen,toosiblo urn, .ell lower then airy her hfm.e..Wo Wells • rtirrottipartrOp or priteil. FA B hND tINTEIVOF 1861 We have made the GREATEST 'PItIt'ARATIONS YET Numberless Garments, Endless Variety, Choicest Selections, Goods to Wear Well, Standard Styles, Latest Fashions, -- • New Furnishing Goods:. KO-All our gooda are markell at LOWER PRICES than WereLlicsaineallieitaillthLyiNlr. 01 CUSTIONVeItrA.RTMENT E=l DEPARYIENY FOR BOYS' AB YOUTHS' WELL Ire especially well prepared to Ore watietertlri. New and Better Cutters, Improvad System, • Greater Dispatch, A Finer Line of Goods than ever, School Clothes, • . Sunday Clothes, i 3 ' Many New Styles, Wearing.Qualitles Unequaled. 1.4: • • OAK.HALL BUILDINGS • TRI . LARCIELIT II? TICE STATE, S. E. col'. 6thdb MARKET STS., { Embracin g n4 inin block on oth from PHILADELPHIA. Dukot to Moo , - • - WAtst•MAKER & B 11'0 W.N. TREASURER'S REPORT. I. T m la t fgr o l i Vl:; o l f Ge e t i ll i jr ( dmr t v . of the Mutual Fire A nt,. Balance In band froln last year $lOl3 62 Ang.l4, lash reed (rem W. FeVI 181110 1 Nov. DJ. ' ra) 00 180.... By literpit ring tho yoni. 18 , 11. An. Cash paid Evan Guth... diroll. '• Charlen Derr • . -11 " Henry Bolen, for a aryl 11. Haines dt Wortunn. far prihtlnit ' 15 00 " 13, " 'aloha Foment. " 15. Jacob I.altseuborger, , 1 , 00 Ifav lb. •'-' Stfmarl Kuhns. 2.93 • i r rvirryir,rBlrAfettrrate WY.i: 991 vet', Oro damaiiv :300 14. Ca.ll paid flouryll, lariou for servicev. 130 Nov. 1 Marks St Mohr, holding elnetlun 200 1. " A1...1113111 Mark, tavern 2 00 1870. 20. • • Nathan Frodurirk. " J:1) 1 ~1•0. B, • Jon. Il nrtsH, algnlay "00 poli cies, at 6 come per policy 17 84 Dlrectorti leer 131 42 DM. ... . 144 1, C.. 1/ paid Amos R. Heller. ta•orn 1411...... R. 53 Bep.l, " Ilelotlllo ( b urg,. " 3 an Dee. I,' • . Rouben Beek, 910 1. '• Joshua S. Nlillrr. ripene r , P , 0 , 1 0 4.1 Sep. 21, • • Win 11 Hummel, damages for Oro 75 00 Sep. 21, " Trett.r,:s Dvpurtmeut. Nupple- . . . • „g 'Vat to . OD Vc. r. nd trd Sh.te.. 11 . e . v envie ptx la pf MO. • • ' ' . Jan. B. .• .111,11,1 George. dennngen on fire:. 1003 0) Jan. P, ", . Andltori fees - i 100 ' inn. B. " Trea.nrer'4 (0... LS 03 11;Inneetitihand '• - i r''t ' ifoFfg. ..i OM U 2 ...acreage dUrlng the year, `6.:A7,10100 We, the anderalitned appointed andltorh have exuielned the account.of the ofilenni of the Lehigh Cauhtr Mutual Fire ;1.111..111C° Company, do report that we have carefully the lame and find the atatements tree and car-' rbet ix above elated. - 'Miami our handy and seal% thle day - Uf January, A. D. 1870. • IIhNItYI I PEARSON, 0. W. ' E. sl PA S T , Auditor, me , • • DEIIAVEN at BROTIIEIR, HANKERS.A ND DE.II4:RS GO V MIN EOtTit MI ES UNION it CENTRAL PACIFIC It., it IST. MORTGAGE BONDS. 40 SOUTH TITIRD STREET, G=l Atty. ckaliciiir'thi,;;;., • .U. S. BONDS, 11 111:` MITI IILe!:!l terlyv. GOLD r• ; !Yr I Bought nud Bold ME i ~1 ' e Voo • 7‘,... •ii r 4r .. ) •,i > iLrffal Notitez. ,i I N ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. R ' l 2tice it hen by given that the underolgued hay Ligon o liters of administration lu Ito Slate of John M I 1 ~.n o u , t ,n , , duct , r . i i... d i . 1 o ra l ei n u i l' i t p h e e r Boron IL h . 0 . f r ( . 14 . t a d o n a b ox it o sold ts ' tate re requested , to ma s ks pays:tont within als Weeks (rain t i ho dote hereof, aud ouch who have any legal i cltints ititainot intid Locate will Present thorn well withal tie ited f is. si.ttli unlit within tilt above 11,0eltled time, d r 1 i tiu .101tri WILWAhlti Adni t All permute whom,' ludebted for water permits to the Allentown Water Conl3)artY , are:lterehY 1014, 'they eau mettle their aortae by calling upon the tree. , ter of the Contpauy l en d te office of the County Corneal. eioner.) between now d the Fire{ day of February.,437o. Alcor that 3) per cent. Will he added on nil amounts due aunt the telVerni UninAbl account. will be turned over to ■ JuAtlre of the Poore for collectleu. By orderot the Board. Jtltl• WEAVER, preekt.nr. Attevi)—Wm. Ilt.route, Secretary. Totteraudochri. '•re.teefer• . juall-31 _ Ladles. Mice notice of our Immense Mock of Int Fun, cousinilug of. fluent Rosman and Iludeou tiny Sable, Mink noolo, Chinchilla, knolue; Astrachan, diberlan Squirrel, Fitch, he. ; Also, a One assortment of Ladles' Mimi.., In heal, Perelan or White and Mack /Windy., which I am 'sel.iiug at 'Alper scut. hem thuu nay other store In t city. Also. it ilne ti.isortment of Hob., Whit• Fox, White lee loud thrums, Beaver, and Iludsou Bay Wnlsea, Ac. W3l. ICEIh.3III, 715 Amok St. Yun0.....0.1*. OMNI ,ffor Sate anti 'Co Let T 4 lOll, ItENT...-NEVERAL CONVENI. JI2 out rooms. situated in a favorable loutlun. Some of them stilted for laVsyers o®re• or business Occupations. Apply at the sake of TILE LEGICIII REGISTER, Allen town. 42Ch BURIAL LOTS FOR SALE... N.—/ The undersigned offer for solo 420 new Cense• toy Into Immediately udjoluing the Union Cemetery, on Tenth street. The lots will ho sold by subscription, and Immediately after the whole dumber me disposed of they will be award• ed by lot in tho some mouser an In the organization of the Uuiuu A4AuClation. Pints or plans of the premiums eau be seen at one ofil re. MY 12 (10011& RUIIK. m 0 LEt.—A REASONABLE LEASE ..a.; will to given an the Easton Slate Quarry, situated In PlAntiold township, Northampton county, Pa. near Stackertuw u. IL cattalata of number one flat-vein, blue, never•fmiltut slate, fully eqbal to the well.known Chap man Slate, with a good 'water power and a full rigging of pumping and hoisting machines. Persons desiroue of an brlpUrtlltlllY of thin kind will please examine for them selves; and apply to Reuben Koch, Siackertown P. 0. mural, 'to 0.1.. SCHREIBER, Provident OUR HUNDRED FARMS Foie F SALE, ranging in price fnimgBtolloo,per acre; accord to improvenients, location he. Rood cull, genial climate, and lona markets. These farms are situated in Virginlll and Maryland, name In the immediate vicinity of Wash• Macon and others from Ili WSJ miles distant from the Cap ital. 'Address or cull on J. D. OANOWEIIE4.IB Massachu setts Avenue Ilea: . Sixth street Warhington, D. C. FOE SALE. A VALUABLE WATER POWER AND FACTORY, !laving now In running order o Planing Machine, Slitting Sato. Three Circular Saw .1. Jig Saw, Turning Lathe, and oilier fixture, all lu complete order. House, barn, and other outlatilditigr ou the lot. At Cooperaharg Station. North Penn Railroad. Apply hy I , nter or in p JACO B SHAFFER, inn 15.0 t 'LW North Second etreet, Philadelphia. ---•------ .• -- GREAT SALE OF 1 3 E RS( PROPERT Y. • Will be mold at public axle at Oa late realdenea at Jsrmas Stewart, deceased, to Whitehall towanhip, Lehigh county, oppwilie be borcmgll of Calahauqua, on MONDAY AND TUESDAY; MARCIf 7Tnr.AND BTU, 1870, the followlug PELLSOZIAL P..ILOPRILTY of said devedeat.• to•Neitl—olle stallion. three horses. woven mulch cuvr•, use bull, three colon, Iwo heifers, six head sheep, one bog. Coven small and four large shotes, two heavy foarAorse wagons, reaper, grain drill, machine power, two straw cutters, corn shelter, grain fan. two new top buggies, two Sets light carriage heroes:, four sets heavy. tlartese. fly nets, sleigh belle, halters, plough harness, etc., wolf's sal., buffalo robes, one-horse sleigh, net of wheelwr ig ht touts, grind stone and all the imp lements used on a eils stocked form. Ai.. at the saute pose sled place, Pro V uty Awn of Grain in thegronud: • lIOt'•SEIiOLD GOODS, Qousisting of three dozen chairs, settee, three rocking thainS, dye dining tables, about one hundred and arty yardi rag carpet, cook and dining room •toves, number of one sewing machine, six beds, bedsteads and bedding. butchering implemeute, copper kettle, large Iron kettle, dishes, aud tunny other articles too numerous to mention. Condition. will be made known on day of mile by HENRY fiTHW•RT. jan 12-2 m Adm'r of James Stewart, dee'd. TUE POPULAR SUM M ER RESORT THE SLATE EXCHANGE HOTEL, WALNUTrORT, LIII.IIIJII CO. 4525 50 .115 W WILLIAM RENTZ, PROPRIETOR ME Tho beautiful and hatted grounds of this hotel hate been fitted up especially for the accommodation of eater. stun parties. T III: TABLE of the hotel is (stunned With the choicest Itigurkes aud the must tempting meats and vegetables. Everything In season always cooked in the best manner and served In the must invitingstyle. 791 E SLEEPING APAIITMENTS are oonamodloti• and well ventilated, and are ample for the accommodation of Ina uy ton week m•thrruernsa Special arrangements mode with excursion parties. For fort her I format ion address WILLIAM KUNTZ, iY2S tilatingten.P. 0.. $ll 00 1. 80 BOW E'ILS )NII'LETE MANURE, BERRY BOWER, Chetnlit, vle from Siilie;.-Phnivhate of Lime, Amonia and Potash WARRANTED FREE PROM ADULTERATION This Munro contains all the elements toroduee lug [nips of all kind., and Is blahly recommende po d by all wh• used It, nine by dist:r4ttlehed chemists who bane, _by an totted Its stualitlean Packed In Bap of Whs. DIXON, 'BIIAR.PLESS & CO., 28 South Water and 40. South Delaware Av., r.ir tiale by WILL:AM REYNOLDS, TS South Street, Itlmoro, 51d. For luborinailun, addreita Dour, Dower. fob 10-79-ly • ilaiorellapeouo DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER- Ia hereby al Vet, that the c u t p.m., tblp heretofore exlmilett betureett Je,.eplt Matehett and P. 'neut., The bunluers of the late Arm trill he settled by Jo seph Metall:l4u :Farouk &boa° Indebted are tosoested to !nuke payment and those har, data" , abould prereat theta. r t• it . . C OHIPHI IIIATC 2T . CAT.M.QUA, Jasubry 11, 180. i.e 164 w. MIME SE4 AMITY AGAINST LOSS BURGLA4Y;.FIRN ple•At7oiropiT THE SAFE Q.E.P.CiSIT.O63II"ANY, • NEW mu: atilir,4l4fttor uutt.iiiNg No..•NIiiin . IISLIIESTNUT ST. Tl 4, PIDELITY "IN St R ANC E; TRUST IM!KSZ=EMEEMIMII SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY ! CAPITAL N. B. Browne. • Edward W. Clark. 1, . if j 'Ar n erike e p i . ,, Clark. Alexander Henry, Htephen A. Caldwell 1 Charles klaraleater. lieurge F. Tylor. Ilenry C4lkaap,. • ~.• . • ,! , Pr oddent —N. B. BROWNE. .V.lre Preeldrnt—CLAßENCE It. CLARK. " itici ; etArr sod Treasurer—ROST. PATTERSON. Soerelo7ry—JAMES W. II AZLEIIIMST. The Company bnve provided In their by Building. and Vn abeolt wwurlty *Wuxi lota by FIRE, 11.1M0- , LA ' llY. or ACCIDENT, and Coupon, end Interea will be collected. when desired. and remitted to the owners. (or one per tent. The Company offer for RENT. the Irmo agellual•aly . holding the kny, SAFES INSIDE THE BUROLAR-PROOF VAULTS, At rates varying from $l5 to 876 earls par annum. Retard tug to tier. Deposita of Money Received on which Interact will b. allowed ; coni..no aaU Depojaltagay . abla , chock u ght, and .1 per cant. on ig , a . D•- • payablnon 10day1.1toll "reveler/' I.etttots•ef Glrtmllt furnlohekl, • e Pazg#,.(PFPP,. ; • TM* Cmnpani' GKlee aulhurlred to act u Bunnlore, Adtolul.truore, snit Guerdiaus.• N. receive mad execute 'Trust. Er.er..ri doncriptlua frost the courts, eorp!.allone. Or tatlllottele.t, Y. B BBOW_PB. Prdeldertr. , , ROBBRT PAITERSON. Bien, and' Treaurrer ' • ' • laie.o4at 3lNtels Agricultural =I AOENTS, I=l N 1.000,000. I=! 20 por LOCO 1 . .'Z per 1.002 2,00 per /mo Nebo abbertiotemnto. 31 ARLES LONG ! 31} MILES LONG. 314 MILES LONG 314 MILES LONG. 314 MILES LONG. 814 MILES LONG. 81} MILES LONG. 814 MILES LONG 22* MILES IN NEW YORK. 221 MILES IN NEW YORK. 22* MILES IN NEW YORK 221. MILES IN NEW YORK 22* MILES IN NEW,YORK 22* MILES IN NEW YORK 22* MILES IN NEW YORK 9 MILES IN PHILADELPHIA. 9 MILES IN PHILADELPHIA. 9 MILES IN PHILADELPHIA. 9 MILES IN PHILADELPHIA. 9 MILES IN PHILADELPHIA. 9 MILES IN PHILADELPHIA. 9 MILES IN PHILADELPHIA. A GREAT RESULT. A GREAT RESULT. We ask the attention of the publie to the followng Mien statement of factsi—lt 1. well known that in lone, UM Dr. Colton letrodueed the nitrous oxide or "taught./ gee." for the painless extraction of teeth, and established the Colton Denial Association. On the 4th of liebrearY following (HMO we commenced to ask our Pell.ets to ego a moll. certifying that the gas was pleasant to Inhale; tied that we had drawn their teeth without pale. (Our scroll was opened in Philadelphia, October 1; 1860.) That weusight know the exact number who should eigo Paper, we numbered name on the Enron. Whoa we had reached one thotuand (1,0113), nod without as u• ehttuat. we thought tt a great triumph. WE HATE TUIS Dint. DECEMBER 4. UM REACHED THIEUMBIE OR FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND (55.000) PATIENTS 1 Ain w• ■AT■ TOT ■AD 001 ACCIDOOT WITS TIE one I Co. any stronger proof be presented that they,. Ls a oafs La ...ghillie, and that we know how to au lit Here on YIFTY-FIVE FULL EEO 1111111T8 ef palliate, sod if they were marching to single file, allowing three feet for web, the line would be YORE THAN 11Y4 MILES LONG I We make the y,e every day, and, for the put two years, have used from two to three hundred gallon. per day. ♦ line panel our business coins from the leading &aide of the city (we do nothing but extract teeth), who know that by tenoned constant practice we hays acontred great skill In the business. Skill perfected by practice overcomes • almost all difficulties. To most ..).168. the ga. produce. very pleasant sensations. while to a row It I. a plenum to have teeth extracted by it. We prefer to give the gas to healthy people, bet have given it to haadred. a oferloo from all sort. of disease sad with no ill 'fens. We .can ordinarily draw from tee to fifteen and sometimes (Wanly teeth or stomps with one doutof gas. Two o oi TOO PATIOS. IS the ant consideration. the next to to outrun the teeth carefully, and not halere the gums or alveolar prows. We entre to do the work in the very test mea ner. Price, $3 for the ant tooth, and $1 for each subset. anent tooth drawn at the same mittleg. 0111 n hours from A. 11. to P. M. To avoid a crowd, eosin in the fort. =Tn. or call Lad Lato...-..mollto.hat- N. D.—Tb• great secret of lactose with U. Is Oust vs alsraps haw*. ran■ On. Dr. J. J. Cellos, for Java I professor o!ellemlatry. .11.4 • ttndaato of ...dkiao, sistlM and admlatiters tbe gaol aid it Is Miss pe:rfootly Iltaroloao area for Motored delleato. COLTON DENTAL .ANSOCIATION, No. 'Vn WALNUT STREIT, PHILADdiIrM NOT ONE ACCIDENT ,NOT ONE ACCIDENT NOT 'ONE ACCIDENT NOT ONE ACCIDENT NOT ONE ACCIDENT NOT ONE ACCIDENT NOT ONE ACCIDENT ,NOT ONE ACCIDENT NOT ONE ACCIDENT NOT ONE ACCIDENT • NOT ONE ACCIDENT NOT ONE ACCIDENT' NOT ONE ACCIDENT NOT OXE ACCIDENT' NOT ONE ACCIDENT . NOT ONE ACCIDENT'. NOT ONE ACCIDENT • NOT ONE ' ACCIDENT' 'NOT ONE ACCIDENT NOT ONE ACCIDENT' NOT ONE ACCIDENT NOT ONE ACCIDENT NOT ONE ACCIDENT NOT ONE ACCIDENT =1 COLTON 'DINTAL- No. 787 WALNUT STIMILT, 'MOW lIIOUTM PHILADELPHIA. I.t. A 4 - 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers