Sinancial. ALLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTIL TION, Organized as "D imes Saving institution," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (NIARLY OfIOSITI Aisistoarl ;writ.) . PAYS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY ON DEPOSIT, . . Tills Institution, the oldest Baring /lank lu Eastern PennliTlVll4l.l. has been lit _continuous and ettesfiestot MA I . I' lli{ : B1 t ar T olrtno ' n ' O ' : , ;o * rruil " y l e o s ?Nul l X special rr rates of Interest for shorter periods. • Wk. All deposits of money will be hell strictly confi dential. Executors, Adruinistrators,Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and other custodians of public or Private moneys, are of fered liberal mire of Interest. • Farmers, Merchants, Laborere, and all who have money to pot on Interest for a long or short period will find our Inatitntion an agreeable and ad yenta gPMM one in which to do business. We especially Invite LApiga to transact their banking busing , . w ith or. MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS boor apecial privi leges granted by our charter—having roil rower to trans act boniness with us in their own names. Money depoelted with this Institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by • Capital stock and simples money security of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, and in addition. the Board of Trustee. have as required by the charter, given bond. under the nopervision of the Court, in the aura of PIFTV THOUSAND DOLLARS which bond. are reen tered In and held by the Conn of Common Ploae of this conaty for the security of depositors. Our Iron Vaults are of the meet secure and extensive kind known in this country, as a personal inspection will show, and to which we invite our friends and customer.. We refer to thin. believing that safe Burglar Proof Van tut complete the nafety and reliability of a good Saying Bank. WILLIAM li. AlNRY,Yreeldent. CHRISTIAN PRETZ, Vice President. REUBEN STAHLER, Cackler. Charles 8 Bush, .Tobn D. 8111 e,., Bord. J. Ilagenbuch William B. Alney, Chrl.tlaci Prot., F. E. Samuel., Oeorge Brobnt, Samuel 9,11 Sethi. Peter. The out y oue that makes more than one stitch, and sows more than one way, Backwards and Forward.,. withont turning your goods. Does all kinds of work, Light and Hear y. They are bold as cheap as other machine. and warranted to be good. Call and see them at Mrs. T. W. Kramer's Millinery More, No. 63 East Hamilton street, THE FIRST NATIONAL .BANK OF se . c w l s door below American Hotel. P. woLLE. Agent. INCREASE OF CAPITAL. ALLE'STONVN Paid up Capital Authorized Capital. 4500,000. The Directors of Ole Bank realizing the increase of butane/le In the city and community as well as the contl•- ued demand and necessity for snore Banking Capital. have resolved to increase the Capitol Stork of this Hank from $ll6O. to Ia.VO.COD Theo 30 subecription books for tide Increase are now open at the Banking Iluneo. Sod all persons desirous of encoring stock are Invited to make application at once. The subecriptione aro to bo paid In the following I rietall. went.. vie: 10 per cent. co day of sohncription. 2) ' " 10th day of February next. • " " let " April next. 20 " "let ' Juno neat. For further Information apply at Banking Rouse to T. R. E.lOl BR, Cashier. nue 17.11 MEtrIM=!!!!11 MACUNGIE SAVINGS BANK, lintollton, between 7EI; and Mb fitreete ALLIINTOWN, P.A. Money taken on depoelt at all time. and In any ClLme horn one dollar upward, for which SIX PER CENT. INTEILES'i wid La paid. Deposita may La withdrawn at any lit.. l'arao de sireua of sending mosey to any port of the United States et Can•dae, will have their mailers promptly attended So. and without any rink on their part. , Oold, gllver, Caen°. ' Bends and other ...111. bu iV. b : Mo C. ffett wA u.ssa p gaieleBr"""L' BANKING HOUSE OF GOOD & li (r H E FIRST DOOR WEST OF THE FIRST SATM\AI. HARR, ALLItNTOWN, PA l• order to afford all Perrone an opportunity (however small their mound) to depoelt !coney in smaller amounts than what are DOW received by 010 various D 4 mmito,b, of this city, we have concluded to EU= =1 and allow interest for tho same at the rate of sig:Ler aest. par annum. Interest to lie calculated trout the Ural and fifteenth days of ouch month, suLak a a.ant to such deposit. latareat will ho muds ttp ou ail Deposits restaining with October, yearty, to ft ti the depletion. indys of April and ”d will be Dahl to not drawn they will go to their credit and be compourded. No loot...twill lin calculated on fractional parts of a dot • lar. No loan amount titan Five Dollars can be withdrawn unless It be to close not ok,olllll. Every Depositor will be furnished with a Deposit Book ennui:Aug tho conditions wpon which tho Deposit are received, and no money will 40,11u:elm unless the hook I, presented and an entry mad• at the time of trial lug the deposit. Small mums ores oho necessary ex pr., of individuals and famines that are liable to be wasted or totedlessly expended, .may, if deposited. produce to time lunouuts that will surprlsoany ono who hos given no heed to the subject. A depositof C. 0.) per work, continued one year will antoant to 659 bud ; two yearn fIOS ; three years tl6ti p-; four years nz hi Inc years $1. , 2 dl, wl., ten yearn $666 Pi. It commends itsolf or a cafe,catty:4ll,d and prollitafile depository to Executors, Administrators, Ae- Ignoen, Collectore, Apllo, and all DADE. Officer.., whether for themeeiroa or their trust funds, to voluntary &chit. or Associations, and indeed to all dal., of our *Woo.. uowhaz that a perfect amine of necitrlty to Depositnrs la neceneary Co am attainment of succenn In thin enterprine, we have to addition to our own individual responnlbilltr. (which In not the fact In incorporated Savings Books) ex •coleil and dolivered to Charlen W, Cooper, Cashier of Al lentown Natlimal Bank, and Tilghman Moyer, Cashier of lot National (tank, n Bond of indemnity (with approv ed security) In the m= of Twenty FivoThounand to ho held by them to Iron) for the special 'wearily of our Berimitorn• Thin fact Will Morn no fully equal Dmre isardn to nafety of deponitorsi to any Depository to thin bny, roll and exchange all limited (lovernment Bondn, connote ordern fnr the purchase and aisle of all SPA claim necurities, and negotiate leant. nn Real Estate on coromlnnionn mad to 0111 . d<Yierx :tt all lita..% approved collator4ls. at market rates of interont. TM. 11. 600 D. EDWARD lirMll. Augll.6m] KUTZTOWN S4VIN4AB BANK, (Organized under State Charter in lAD.) MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT. and Grier cent. ! I 2.c . 3 ' West will be allowed. For idiocies. perlode apecial retsa 2.0 ! will be Feld. Also. money lo•ned nut on FAVORABLE TERK/i, Said LIU I i'Vt! Bank le located in the Keyatuno Homo, In the'Llirough of 2,i Kutztown. JOHN It Kutztown. Preeldent. EDWARD 1.101TD3R1.733, B.'unahlor. 7 :7i A 2 7.• r 1.07 S 17 , 1.(7.1 4.07 7.45 'fucrr r.H.: Y. J. i 516.0 M. D.. J. D. Waukee. 11. q., DavidFl^l^r. 11. Selterarta , W, D. Foffek Daulel Clatter Richard J . nerr., Jonas Miller asyl2At Juba kugel, Seq. Sire Proof Safes HERRING'iIi =I The Evening tenitn Knott leovec Al•Burtic mt tit.. µtoles! of a train from Allentown end of a train Inaidly, uototio ‘'LltE, AND BURULAIt ?ROOF tlounntlteudinß with train+ ( corn I'h llWa • lp4h Hams train on tho L. V. n, It. at Catannnqua tes• .:ntleoutoten. Betleledteno and &talon. !' t rap: winhing top, to Allentown catatii,t morn• Ate aiw. to l•Burtio, totrivo at AlAgiontok*so a tOOO end return toy s i nto on tile Bart Prattle* atanta It. H. leaving Allentown to P. XL CIL&FMIAN. SW'S. :tad Engineer. SAFES (WITH DRY FILLING.) 147, 1 1i:V...24:4 11 ;0rk',V,A , ::M`itt , ::::4',14:::: FARREL, HERRING & c() HARVEY UuL•r, 629 cHB.4TNuT STREET MILADELPIIIA I===! I :I=l El= P. NEWHARD , S• WIT. S. R. ENGLEMAN‘ CHINA WARE, BELGIAN ,j• BOHEMIAN GLASSWARE, LAVA WARE, PARIAN SIARRLE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS NO. 4 WEST HAMILTON ST., deans ALLENTOWN, 1 -1 21 . I G RADDIURY'S 1=I:=1 PIANOS,• ♦YID AND ONWARD', ♦YLOE & PARLEY'S AND K. P. PIEP.DII.O4 ♦ SON'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS, _ W.O AID CPWAIMI. Wif, G. FISCHER, . . General Wholesale Agent, 101$ ARCH lit., and 21 . 24. RLIVIttiTH Bt. dee Want Philadelphia .for Or, taNro• LOOK: LOOK!! : LIII9IW AT i'681'i11.43 Nllll'. YbitliiiiTOßEl TUE BEST MACHINES IX THE WORLD! GROVER & BAKER'S IMPROVED HIGHEST PREMIUM SEWING MACHINE. Awarded the highent premium, "The Croce of the IA O. of Honor," at tho Parte Expnaltion. MACHINE H NEEDLES, TREAD and SILK TWIST conatantly on . hand. Thu people of Allentown nod vicinity aro cordially Invited to cull at our entearoom. Remember the 11000. °Manila the Herman Reformed Church.' N. D —Full In+tructions given to any Pcracta , Pordmv - Inv Machine.. All MitelkineK warranted to altrovaticreetion• 8 . KEIPER, Agent, dee l No. 10 Hatt Hamilton/H., Allentown. Pa. FALL AND WTINTEU FASHIONS. muss ar. A. BINDER bo• just arrived from l'arls and London with the latent designs, personally releeled from the greatest norelttne ; also, the moot elegant Trimming/1 to he secured in Paris, LACES, RIIIitOa9 VELVETS. BRIDAL VEILS, PLOW• KIK FINE AWELItY, and TRIMMED PAPER PATTERNS. DRESS and CLOAK MARINO. Exclusive agent for Mrs. M. Work's celebrated system for cutting Indies' dresses, macquee. tmpion, etc. N. W. Cor. ELEVENTH end CHESTNUT Ms.. l'hllm. sop 22:ant T " • .; SEWING Machine ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD ! MIMI MHE CHEAPEST AND HOST HE- M LIABLE TRUSS STORE In the idly. • W. J. EVERETT, 60 NORTH SEVENTH STREET, $160,000. Below Arch, Philuticlphia, (Into Hr.. IlcClenuchno's) Truonor, Female Supporter., Braces, Elastic Bolts, Stockhuts. Loueat prlceo. Pottert adjuntrueuto. Lady at jnotsli WHEELER et WILSON'S FAMILY IMPROVED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. PR W .-. 0 =EEG riTll r a were to Lehigh county In about 10 month• over ltlg machinem aoid. This chow!. the MilininritY and success of title Machine. Wo will give everybody a Miealuet on trial—hrveof charge—nail make the payment. to suit. Machine. s old at the cook price—on monthly payment. of All kind' of Tltroad, Silk, and Machine material kept sod Stitching :LOW.• to order at the office. , IMIEEI 7VORTII PENtiNVI, VANIA I= 1 . 40 .01110 ri for l'ltlladvlpldn take Lebirth Valk>. It. It. trainx tnts•intt Allentnwn at 0 00a. In., II 4511. m.and 5 5(1 p. M.. and arrltra In l'ltilndrlpltln nt 9 a. tn., 2 15 p. 2.111. m., and titt.quothuttua Railroad train at 2 10. p. In. and arrive In Philadelphia at 4 404, rn. Patßengora for Roylpatown take trnin, len plug Both ',nom pl. 6 'X ot. tn. stud 2 tu. LOCAL SCHEDULE. :lour 'Through Trains Tinily, Sundays Ear-pled. ) Pu•se n ger Haiva lear ethr dep t Northwest conic. r Beet.: and American streets. Philadelphia, ('or Allentown at Am nod 9 al a. in., ;11,11 45 and 3 Doplextowa at 8 4.9 n. in., 2 4.9 and 119 p. In. • Fort Washington nt 7 30, 10 4,2, an.. and II a.) • Abington at 1 13, 3 :laud 6p. m. • Lansdale at 021 paa. Tritium for Philadelphia. Les re 110thlehem at 620 rt. ITI., 12 10, 2 2.9 and ti lioylextoW Li at 6 30 a. m., 2 15 and 3 03 p. e. at 0 10 a. in • Port Witahingtou nt 6 33, 945 a, an. anal 2al p. in. • ~t 2 41, t. la and 6 19;'. an. ON SUNI. 1,11, Bethlehem •• cup. 4 •• I...ylestotett 7 (V a. m. l,o4:rre phla for Bethlehem at .97a. a. tu. , for Duyleatowu at 00 p. Par — Allentown Plilladelphlat, 5:4_ 44 ELLI. Acaet riATASAEQUAL AND %-/FOUELSVILLE R. H. On and after NOVEMBEN.IS, ISW, Passenger trains ou the Cates:inn. 6: Fogel/4,111e liellruad will run lu connec tion with the Lehigh Volley Railroad and Loot Penn. Rail road. as fellows MEZZO P.ll. •Ving• The morning tre.LLAset lenvos Catasanqua I, the arrival of the 1,. Y. IL it. Loonl. PIO/11f Oiler train from Easton. Bethlehem, AIRUIUIfII and connects nt Al-Berlin with a tipl,L on the East Peormylvartia It. It. for Reading, Potts vido. and Philadelphia, and also with a ti ritklbr Alleutowp, Bethlehem, Eastonand Now York. lVm mining truin Lott connects at AI-Burtia with ,o sin ea 11, P. R. 11. front Harrisburg. Reading and Aller, tzand 4tL4tr trltwl tuntieLetigl Valley ud4iuhuoT.%u..n,re. tierat,, Philadelphia l New York. Yin 2.00 P. M. Irate West minuets 44t Al•Burtis vr a trait, on the Rata Penn. Railroad for ;Wading, Pott.4lUst,. Ilarrkburg, Allentown. Bethlehem. Easton. ilhilattlAdglain 4.1 Now York. MIMI READING • BOMA,. avir wiNT99,-...6:8A 4 34231287. MONDAY, O,IIIOEMBER 27, 1869 Great Trunk Line-trout the North and Novll4o/I'o.l for Philadelphia. New York, Reading Pottsville. Tamaqua. , Ashland, Shamokin, !Amami Allentowu. bah ; rata, Li tt., Lancaater. Columbia, Trains Inasn'Harrisburg for New York as follow.: at 3.33, 8.10,.. to.. 124 7 noun. and 2.05 p. m., connecting with 1 1 1 1 . 1 Verettt t. And. arr iving bleeping Cars accompany the 3.35 a. and 1600405 t. srlthoai change. Returiting: leave New Yorkat 9.00 a. 1210 noon and m,, Philadelphia at 8.15 a. at. nod 5.30 p. m. Weep • log Cara accompany the 0.00 a. m. and m. teal.. I from New Turk without change. Leave Harriaburg for Reading, Pottsville. Tamaqua. kfluere•llle, Ashland, Shatuokin, 'inc Grove. Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 n. tn., 205 nudd lop. to.. slop pin[ at Lebanon end priacipal way aiationat the 1.10 p.m. teal° counecting for Philadelphia. Pottsville Ind Cola.- bla only. For Polts•Ille, Schuylkill Haven and Ankara. via Schuylkill nod Sine, Railroad leave Harris burg at 3.10 V. m. Way Passeustr Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 • Isk, conuacting with kimilar train on knot ['roue. Railroad, re ' turning fron4 Reading at 6.35 p to, elopplwr at all atati.pc. Leyte VolliVllle al 3.40 and nue ato and 2.43 pm. ari d., 0. n) a in, Shamok la at 411 and 10.10 a ut, Ashland :at 7.1k5 m and 12.90 noou, Tamaqua at 4, 93 aLa mud 2.`ii m for Philadelphia and New York. . Leave Poll.ville la Schuylkill aud Sunquehauna Rau. road at Al 3 it to for Ilarri.barg, nod 11.30 a tri 'for Pine. grove and Tremont, Reading Accommodation Train leave. Pottaville at 0.40 at 1020 pan,ea I t eadiug at 7.50 to. arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 am. lieturg. leaves Philadelphia at 4. 41 p tn. passing Reading ut 7.10 p In, arriving at Pottaville at 9.30.; • Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pottstown at 0.45 a in, returning, leaves Philadelphia At 4.00 p m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.15 a m and 7.15 p to, for Ephrata. Litit, Lancaster, Columbia, @e. Perk lonian Railroad train, leave l'orklomou inaction Cl I 9.00 a an., a.OO aud 5.90 V to; returning, leave Schwenk.. villa at 8.101 a tn. 12.45 noon, And 1.13 pm, connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad trail.. leave Pottstown at 9.40 a I m and 0...51p tri, returning leave Haunt Plea.ant at 7.0:1 and , 11.25 a In, connectlug with similar trains on Readlug R.R. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridgeport at 8.:40 n and 2.05 and 6.00 pm, returning, leave Downingtwv at 6.30 a in, 12.45 f.. Rogl 6.13 p to, connecting with Nina tar trains on Iteatilog Railroad. . . . . . Oa Sundays: leave New York lit &CO pin, Philadelehla at &OD • to and 3.13 p m (the SA& m train running olly to Iteadlugh leave Pottsville at S.llO a m, Harrisburg it 3.31 • m and 4.10 p m. amSlleading at 7.15 /A :nand 10.03 p m for Harrisburg. at 7.21 • m for New York, and at 9.40 a in and 4 Y 3 pm for Plalliidelphle. Commutation. Mileage. Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at reduced rates. Mame checked through; 100 pound• allowed each Passenger. 0 A. NICOLLS. jati 3.1 y UtneralSuperintendent. MEI ACCORDEONN. CONCERTI NAM, Jews Illype, Tiollut3ttita nt the beet qu&l.lty. be hnd •t C. V. Wolferte's btore!Nu. 96 E. Ilanlite.h4 Ett, taREAT ATTRACTIONS FOR THE N-4 HOLIDAYS. NG DIFFICULTY IN SELECTING HANDSOME AND VALUABLE GIFTS AT MRS. GULDIN'S? NO. 34 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOW.N, PA. Jest received a beautiful assortment of Holiday Goode. eoaeleting of a haudeotae stock of Laces and Lace Conan, •nabraclng Paint, Point,*Nue. Real Thread. Real Mel. tie, and also as excellent asps. tweet of Imitation Laces. These in search of Christmas Pressate *alma and WIT more acemstahls tuts for ladles than an embraml. Its our lac and racial stock of fashionable goods: ItEGISTn - K 4MAiEN.TOWf. ET= MEIM ADOLPH ZWANZICL'AionO, N 0... N. N. 7tlt qt., (11ohlrtfm Building.) ALLENTOWN, PA. itailroab,s I=1:3 MEM 10.16'6.36 !10.(13 6.25 XlO.OO 6.24 . 6.21 . 110 63 6.20 5.66 6.10 0.40 6.06 0.26 6.66 A. 14 CAT - ASAUQUA •HKIPLEH. JUItIIAN BRIDGE. 131.1TIVR. NV ALBERT'S. CHAPMAN'S. 'FREXLERTOWN BREINIGSVILLi. VARMINOTON. 'HI'RINO CREEK . AL-111,11TM ri. ( ll 5.18 8.80 &43 DR: W. E. 'BARNES & SON, WIIOLESAL) AND IItTAIL DP,`CTGC-I. TS. NO. 14 - EAST HAMILTON ST ALLENTOWN, -PA • The attention of (ho clileene of .Ifl utowif and - Lehigh county In respectfully Invited to thin eetabllnhineut• Every thing usually kept In a Ent-elaan Droe Mere will be found for mule here, at the loweel price,. nor Mork to laran and well selected, co risintlng of • PURR DR VON madN Y IIARB a VITEMIMI LH. DTI:STUFF.% A Leinnit, TIRE WINES 7.191.'0ES FOR MEDICINAL WE. j'IiRFUJIIIIIR Y, /510.4P11, BR URIItLS, FANVl'vnd TOILET A R Tle'Lh R. PATENT MEDICINES, ILIIR RESTORATIVES LINIMENTS, 6e., of all kinds. Comdataly on hands large stock of Soda soh, Potash and Coneentraitsd Lye for soap making. Washing Soda_, Baking Soda, Cream Tartar, Pure Pepper, Cinnamon. Cloven and Spleen of all kinds, Coal OIL Sperm, Lard and Ltibricating Olla for machinery, and a thousand and' one other articles which cannot bo enumerated here. We have the, tersest linear Trussee, Supporters and Shoulder Braces In the city. These goods are applied by nu raper!. eared phymician consequently a perfect fit.lo guaranteed. Paints, 011 n, Varnishen, Wane and Putty. fainters and bander. are Invited to our More before making their purchases. We keep a full line of P 3101.4, etc_ of the beat quality at prices as , low an the lowest. TEAS I TEASE—W° have the agency for the Groat United Stated Tea Company of New York, nod or. , elling the choicest graded of Tenant &hunt half the prim) charged by other dealers, for an Inferior qnallty. Try it and he con vinced. Physicians and Country Merchants annulled at the lowest market prices. We Intend hereafter to pay par. neuter attention to the iVholesain Branch of the business. Dealers ,r 111 find It to their interest to Riven. 0 trial order es we feel roulident we will be able to give satintection.both In quality and price. Orders by mall promptly attended to. quotations for npecified quantifies (...110,1 npplirntin. apr 25-11 - 33 - .I . IROI‹.NSPITIZ , 3E LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, PITTSFUELD, MASS I NCORPOR ATED issl BENJ. CHICKEBING, Secretory Dividends Paid Annually. on the Contribution Plan. front 29 t 70 An Annual Payment Life Polley la NOT FORFEITED by Mllure to pay Premium wiles due, but le continued in force under the Maesschneettg Lan• of April, 1881 One Annual Payment will continue the Policy In force 2 years an ys Two " Payments " a a a 4CI 12 pAI Three " ri II 44 66 7 a 16 27 64 The BERNAIIIRE w the FIRST COMPAN in the United States make ALL of its polici 370N-PORVEITABLE ASSETS ANNUAL INCOME AU Endowmcnt. nudhied Payment. Life Policies are emitted to a " PAID-CP NON-YORPETT- MILE POLICY," after One Ann unl Premium Inn* been paid PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, W. H. YODER Agent for Lehigh and Northampton Countlea, Allentown Dru Goobs 'WIMP= GOODS FOR Tllll 110E1.; ..W DAYS ' at LEINIAIS TRE & ROSS, • 212 NORTH EROITII STREET, PIIILADA. 1 N A full line of Gent+ . Plain and llemined Ilastikerehlera. An Suction lot of Genie' Colored Murdered. j Sew Style Cordtal. i llemetitched and Embroideted. Ladle.' Plain, Iletoetltched, Tucked, Corded, Embrold.. • vire& and Dooming ilandamAierii. Very choice. and 11l e•ery . .tyle. Mesas' Plain, Il•uintitched. Tucked. and Etelipildered • Dandberchiefe. IHoyt' Colored [lord,. Ileiti.liPheil Lino, Embroidered Sete. Late Sete. Real end itrittut h... Lace litiodkerchleto In itti atyle., fruit IlrentepP• Lace Conan. • • Lem Tidiee, new and choke. i • Linen Collura end Chil. Beeldre a Choice lot or heal i.tri loihritiou Valineia and ' Thread Laces. i Plaid, Striped. Cambric. and Nairesiik brui.ilaii Tucked Muslin for Memos' wear A. J. lANDER, JR., NO. Iso2 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. • DAS OPENED MS EICW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Well se all new Myles of EMBROIDERIES, TOWEL-RACKS, FOOT BESTS, du Alec', a lull line or HANDSOME PAPER ,PADTEENS, .'WORSTED, SILK, CHENILLE AND BEADS.. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS I, DRAWING ON CANVAS. SUCS AS 1 LARGEST LINEN STOCK IN THE City• • MONOGRAMS, ETC., Done to order. AIR.", Brinell Hon.,, 100 FULTON AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NEW YORE dl-3m 11E...7 IRISH LINENA, TABLE LINENS by the Tani, TABLE CLIITIIS, •Il Oat.. :f APHINE AND DOIC lAEA. T..wELINGs•II Elwin, . - LINEN lIIIEETINGI, area width, , wg MI , " olgraed the telly year with g Arent display or I • PILLOW C•SIN(1. • •-• del. and other good+. At miff. and will pies wo . nod nn. Latll , ,' and lie LW , ' Moon Ileindkrrchlor, [Anon Law. lynl•It. f French eabil , rlr., Santry I/I•porg Ar., tie. BEST ' SH I RrP F.N(- S. .SIANr YACTVIRIM OF 1870. 4.:OTTONS, LEVENS. Ace. DAVOL, WAMNUTTA, YORIIEFITDALE WILLIAMSVICLE. NEW YORE MILLS, .1 WIDE SIIEETINGS PEQUOUTICA • T, lIDUDE PF.PPEREI,L, • ANDRUSCOUUIN, me. REAL BARNSLEY TABLE DAMASK.I 4 , POWER•LOOM TABLE LINENS. :110 Doz. Napkins, 61 '2.5 doe. to , /,.9 300 DOA. Towels, tuft) (0. Blankets, Quilts, Table Covers, Ste. BLACK GOODS. • . BLACK POPLINS, DIERINOES, DELAINES, BLACK ALPACAS, AlollAllts, CRAPES. _ BLACK KID OLOVEs, CRAPE VEILS,COLLAR s,lte BLACK TIII VET 811 AWLS AND CLOAKS. -1100 Yard. BLACK SILKS, SO cD. to 4 , 5 CO. COOPER & CONARD S. E. 0011. 9TH & MARKET ST S., e PHILADELPHIA. meps-117 TONI% TON6, -- AN D FANCY GOOD N. El= TO bELIO NT TILE JUT'ENILAW., LEON HIRSH'S BAZAAR FOG TILE SALZ OF TOTS AND FANG T GOODS, OF GERMAN, rnExcu, ENOI4SU, AND AItIMICAII MANUFACTURE, NO, 812 CHESTNUT STREET, • the only plane Where • complete worm a Toys and Pency floods combined la to be found. de any enumeration of the beantifal goods now on ex• hlbitton and for sale at this paintial store tnnst fall far short of the reality. we shall omit It, Inviting our readers to call and examine for themselves. lly going at once yon have an unbroken aneortmeut to select from, and avoid the annoyance of an on ercrowded mutest Christmas time. L1i011.1.1111811 Oa 1 • Chillout street, A FULL LINE OF ALL THE POPULAR T. F. PLUNKETT, President JACOB I GREENE. A...t.Suey Per rent EXAMPLE AT AGE 35 329 \V A I,N ITT STREET' General Agent end Attorney for Pence, 2113E1 MILLIKEN'S, 1128 CH ESTN UT ST.. Pm LAD I;LPFI lA. LINENS' MR OWN IMPORTATIONS PRICES GREATLY REDUCED ! MILLI KEN'S SHIRT B( JAWS Blankets for Cribs, Single Bed., II ) kleand L'atnels w, Betel Blanket', ace, Fitll linen of HALLAM/VILLE, OILBERTS.SI/AKTIR WELSH, SAXONY, SILK WARP, Jo. DOMESTIC MUSLINS, COTTON MEETINGS, WHITE GOODS, I== Orden fart i lt a k f , c , o h r a tr d w i s i. r , o d e . ully attiodect to, urfl ram plea pert GEORGE MILLI KEN. ' LINEN IMPORTEE, • aIIiA.ND EXHIBITION OP CIIRIBTSIAB PRESENTS. `,-," IG. .A. BCIIWARTZ I • . lalla CIIISSIIItrf STREET.fa bore Tenth.% Philadelphia. t. .inlrtigge T h i : fo n c r Tri gGlLltogirrittektP4 D'elllA% Wei 'of Garman. inuch eon Radials FANCY GOODS and TOTS. Gavial/ •Olted eh 1118 lLt[•l E 11101.1112 11.11 • lactorles personally, lam oral/ant that the Variety and . Cheapness of Goods cannot be surpassed In eu try. 1 All are Incited to Melt the WK. Whether they Patchett or oeherwire. G. A. SeIIWARTZ. .deo I Importer, and Wholesale and Retail Dealr. I= ('muter l'elptqual !:VERY POLICY is d by this Company cc. April A. D. 1861, IR ON-FORFEITABLE, I so erprosed In the $1.250,000 .100,00 W. H. qrRaV ES Mil NA.NI,4 n Y BLANKETS FLANNELS Price, kept down to the loweet polot 1128 CHESTNUT STREET, SEANCE STORE, MS Altai 6TRBET =! , WEDNESDAY, JANIJARY 26, D n. HUTCHINSON'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTR( )YER Is the best Worm Medicine for reinoring tiro .small went wornm from children, without making the drill other worm medicine, do. It will nh.o remove tiro mtm worm and the stomach worm. = A 7 1/ED/CLVE TO II 1 . 1" A 17'111 IT I'ltlC'E 23 CIN'F A lioN ;owlvuo /4. 11111,1011,011 . . V4,..1111,11 , NV urtu De•troyer , hut end, box i. Ivrappr.l ivraprr. If your kliutugl.o .11 u‘l,l olut t it r , .? yuu. jollNgoN. HOIJAMA (1)11"DEN ME rinDE Lgt.TEST I) ISC D Y Mrl,lr , .-- .- >7 . )2-,--' . ) 00 \‘ Am. • 4 .!,..-, ..1 :14 • 1 / 4 - 7" - :'s _'t dt l / 4 -- . ---: VP'Ol, - . PS The Brent difficulty IChlell ph> , •••ii iabor ing for centurion to overeoine, has at leteali been obviated. A Vegetable Cathartic and o tter: tier liciro efficient, than any mineral preparation of the rain'circa, and on agre eable to the lento inn ordinary 61'4, is I,ow ottered Lr the nick to the form of fl Loren,. Dr. Elf ASMI' , WINSLOW'S LIVER AND .:14)31Ar1I LOZENUE tire most important inctilcinel novelty chemistry Ilan produced. It contaiu. botani bal extract., perfectly harinionn In thciosol yes, Ina em odying all the remedial properties of snoreury, and de-- tined In tins pleasant form and loom general nee, the panne.. pilkand potion, dam , 1111 l excitant I. tho main inxr a mw edient. More that' ONE THOUSAN I) EX PERIMEN'rS e root' by O ie. Colter (If thin pooriesn renal ds• berme 11,, , brought to its present state of perfection. 'file Ler-ore, is herelless its operation. and although the nioliclaal 10:10 of its s nra tire conipenents lsun been eXlinaiii-lic,l by chemical m•f, their ',Moen relrllllll and potent:L.6,er. In lop. Deprfe.' Biliettaners:ur'en4 •e• S, piece llreduche, l'iler. Droro, mei irreenieritie. to ss inch the feebler sex are nobsert, the Leeelig. , ti ill he foiled in finitely more effective than ..ny of tile horrildii and diN• gusting compounsin °nuttily administered seeli rases. As an antlbilloun 'specific and g e neral aperient, they have no equal either among ud vortkod ilia ration., cr the preparation's of the regular pluirtu.o.ori, tn. Pr to 011AILANirlial/ that no Oct who hes once tried EiIIAIIMV/1 WI NAmmila Liven Ana St tiMACII tell/ tr genV t ' r e d ' e l r . ," ,!i ' n f rip den ern free you If your dr ug hat, not these Lozenges on hand, write to the Proprietors. e nclo s ing .10 rent, and in eent free of montage. PRI NU LE itittix.. atia 'LI-1y 72 Malden Lane, Y . stn York. SEND FOR CIRCULARS 04,Cl is TS , cfgkS k% .4: ~ :4 P 4 ; l ' x\iii\>) MARS GO' NEW' 597 YORK I A nstC pl -11 LADELpHiP, , EARTHAit 613 MARkET s ' l E Patt 4 4f "e'r 19 aDOSATNnIT. A Tincture of rare healing herbs, sold in bottles only, it $l. or bd per Dos. Sant to any ad dreu en receipt of money, sad guaranteed. i~ ~ ' ®'~ p to ~uaE C~~ 5~~~~ ~M~~ D - A Genuine Family Medi. cine prepared for filo Cure of' Dppepsio, Bilious..., ! 'Colic, Fever 8, Ague,&e. It.. courage. Digestion, cure. Heart burn, purifies tho Blood, & regulate. the Liver. See Circular. ,501,1 l v Prncel•t+, Ns.READS fftriF. 25conts invested iii Lux or IMMEDIAL 111 I. Es MENT for Cuts.llnrus, Sores ' Eruptions. kill never Int regretted. Su l 4 by Druggists. Rep S —ly ALECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Pt , Whetter: fn a Sealed Envelope. Prir, ii ets. A LIWTCRE ON 111RNAITILR, TREATMENT ALAI, Uol , lr Al. cure of Spermutorrittea, orSvninal Weaknehs, Invelon• an Fitr.;3100111• and Dltysical Incapacity, I eoi.ting row Helf-Ahuse, ROIJERT J. Cl LVERWELL, M. D., author of tile leen Bob,' Sic. The world onowned authr, In this nihnirnble lecture, tileari X proves from his 00 u experience that the aw consequences of acif-alinso may be effectually renuieed Without medicine, and without dangerous sorgleal opera. Ito., bungles, instruments. rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of corn at once certain and effectual. by which eert y sufferer, 00 matter what his comilition mar lie, may cnreltiviself cheaply,pricately and radically. THIS LEC TURE WILL PRON 1: A BOON To TIMI'SANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent underheal in a plain envelope, tally addre.s, poet paid, on receipt of nix cents, or two Cu'! shout, Also, Dr. Culverwell'o Mao lag° U aide,. or ;;1 Addrese the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. I. LIN E jy2l-ly 127 Bowery, Note York, D. O. Box I, flit. loputimix rEt"ron. A L cunt COCO II ! PECTORAL Cl' R Es cOr C I O I (RN I X. PECTORAL CURES CO Si 25 . . . cents. 4r4et, „ 1.4 a u 25-11 The Phoenix Pectoral will earn the of the Tllll4l/, ANL) ninnh as Cold. Cottalt, Cloup. Asth ma, Ilronehltlo, (lota rrh. \‘' hoop. tag CouCh and VIrI.SI6INAKY cosArmmos. liii. Ine.liclor lo prepared by Dr Levi oberlailtzer of Phllailelplila, mud formerly of Phteulxville, rod although tt line only been ollereil for live yearn, more than itti • mill,. battle. have already been oold, nail the detomil for 11 I , lucre:le. log every day. 31any of tint Retail Itrogginte boy it in huts of fine groom, and net a few of the Crater')' fit. e. keep eta try into groom at a time. Nearly every nn s ,01.1 1111'1 ever hold it teetille. Cu, Ito popularity, and nearly a w :11l ho hn•e rued it, bear testimony to Inl ‘viiiiderfol power In curing Cough. Ire or, confident that there I- a.. kite win medicine lit ouch great value to the eiontiamity n• Phoenix. Pectoral. It line Aired CR../ Or use too.l Tit.lofol and cough, of yearn otteutliote. It hoe given Instant relief In opelle ef eaughltio. It ham Mentally otopptill this M. 0.) ottt " •.''. Cough and greatly shot relied he !1111,11.11. hum cured C pln a cored'in,. Conoutoption lotto been by 11, u here till i• china had failed la din gooda lam been cored by It Pt a single night. Many Phylilelane reemotnended It, and other. oeii It theineelvee gull udlululoterlt mu their Prod. , , while oppose It becalm° it token renders.i louoinceo. fP We recommend It to our nail for Pallier yard. - nlaro would refer you to the eiretilar ammol the kettle whore you will find attmerouocertltleatee given by per-one Who heYe abed it. • • . It la no pie:Leant to the taste that children cry fpr It In "'insulating caPecteruht, giving nil •Il i i '" time time that it &n ape the cough. Tha proprietor of title medicine hat on touch cotilldano• In Ile curative powers from Ito teatimony who have need It that the money will Wrerllll4lo3 In Illly prchaser who In not lIMInI3eI.I Witt It in co cheap that all can buy It. Price 25 Coma, Largo Bottle , Ql.• It 1. , prepared , 011ty by LEVI OBEIIIIOLTZER, M. , No, 1U North Third St., Pitita,C,, N. 8.-1 f your nearest Drogglet or Storekeeper doe. not have tide medicine unit him to gut it fur you,.end do not let him put you off ittin Nowt, other preparation he mekee more money 011 It: but go or gelid Ft tome elure whole you knew it I, kephor eetol to Pr. I,l,er holtrer. Hold by 1,. Schmidt &C , Pr. Wm. Bartle , NS m .1. B. Iluser, Lawall & Prugglet, Allentown, J. S. Leman, Cetsmattniun,and nearly ever , druggict elote keeper In Lehigh County. der I.tho, HDIXON, No. 21 N. ElGlurn NT., • l'ldludolphl, I'ItICES TO SPIT TILE TIMES. RICA FANCY AND TOILET Gool)h.. A inautilllreut amen °neut. tinsorpasseil•for variety, de- Vince of style, or inoderatiou to price. FlOO IIkAVVIN for Jarditil..l,l, ud China 'Collet Seto end Vn4o, 1111.44 Statuettes, gilt ounted Card Receivers and Flower-holders, Babe tutu.. °law, China, Lava, Purina Marble, °mum and Ornament.. Mitt. Patin nail Yleunii Fans, hue .eto Valeanlie and French Jewelry, Cigar and Tobacco Bon eand °elder, Writing Desk.; glove, Il audkerehlef mud Work 1b.0e.. Dressing Ca ma, Tableta, Parer Cotters. Sal:, Al:C(111AM AND ALPACA UMBRELLA., With a thousand other articles, endirarlnc all that in cow or desirable far bridal, birthday ter holiday presents, superior to coallty moderate in PHI' , H. DIXON, No. ill H. btroet, hit ti eau )lariat nod Chestnut, raid bld,, Philadelphia. 13oot . ittahcrs REMOVAL. YOUNG & LENT'Z'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 13007 AtND SHOE sro.RE =I N. W. Corner of 11.42117LT0N glad six TH NOB. 3M AND $O, orbero thry aro purr propnrod to revel, Ilodo Poloon. The• WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT LAROLST STOCK OP (ROODS IN Tills VICINITY MIMI A treat gnantltyof the work being of their own make and the balance from the bent manufacturer. In the country. • THE .RETAIL DEPARTMENT' , I= 932 MARKET STREET IN TIRE C110141...1 and bent place to buy Choice Tobacco and Cigars by limbo], Monitor N•ry, and Jones & Son•s Tobacco itlivaytt uu band at Myr rates • Meerschaum Pipes, Briar. French; and other styles can he bad here to suit customers, either wholesale or retail, JOHN LEEd. Wholesale and retail Jobbing House and Manufacturer of Minim PG') MAR KET fit. nosh. If EsTAßLispiEn .1. REY NOLDS Id N. 14 .1 t... Owl'. .1.4..1 . 4 ~ f 1/ .. •• y .t..• ,led t.113t . 11f . .1 1.. II Ilr TIII , l+ 11141. l /.'“110111iVal all "f 1.4. . !I. I..ITROBE III:ATLI:- D. \N . 1,411VN !Irving devoted a great ikal rale and alkilliaa t.. th • Svwcfarle 1, them, Ind law year.. I find that up. bit•inens In that line ha. Increased no 11111,11 (hilt I kin. 'armload to notice 11 n SI.PICIALITV. There Inao article inanufartnied In v, hich lien' ••i inoch dereption panic [lced an there kin Spectacle Knovr kg that tl••• public have le-elliregitently hy parties pre tendon{ to ha el a niiperiiir artirk tila••••• • and cliargillC for theta, illekhy tratileing tip,' the ii••- •nitles and intlrinitlen of 11:1Vt. I:1111 0. 1.. so. i e lll largo nod t• itnnortnient ni the line•l and la d Illassca over nia.:niaclured, thiin a tfolding all lawvolia Sliertdele• orporluuiryof Porelia•tog al ronalile price.. baring any iiiiiiroltr suited olacor hero will it.. Well to give me a call. an I find confidentthat nu olio w fail to be .ailed. Hel.leitiberlllo " ormurti&c . ChOIists.PHILAY/` A fittro cure for Dysentery, Dierrhma. Colic, mut Griping Pains. It regulates the Bow• els, quiets Restlessness, allays Inflammation, and promotes Healthy rest. It softens the Gums, and renders Teething Prier, :10 et.. per Bet Ile. • old I:Anti. No. 2.11:e51 Ilnin iilon hireet, the lier ; man A11001. , 0n It.. J 0023. , ee0r _ • Ir, N) 'reins! I -ILI :=4 MEEBEIII lEEE Rteritetr, 11=1 IIItT,AI , EI.IMI.I. l'A =I WHOUGIIT-TIMN, AII -TU:111 GAS-CONSUMING HEATER, I=l IYwwwlT-IRON AT MAN FE 1.2 4 1:17:1-TEIN VENTII. tT.II: I=l N!;\V FLAT-Top 1!P \Tl\(; t:ANGI ~.11.1111,11.11,11',111, 1 11., ouNtf:9•: , lii.Eits! 1,0 yoriVsNT 1'o() 1 ST() E I=l .1. 111:11110- th , -t .Ivort f.t11..1, 111;y ••'l'll/:T131E.; 3.1, Tliol I. I,lle 1,1 ,, •t F.i. , n „ iiii ,• . , l. 1111 -Tiir Tillll I. OW 11.`1 , S le, 1 , 1 Ow marlo , t, Mny " TI Mr.. = 111 =SE .7.IINIES H. BUSH, ~pCCIcaClCa SPECl'fil(;k . lVti c ! i. A T1:1 1 1 , ....11:11;Ak . 4.'L ES ! ! • • • A '' I rout 11.1t•tt—ttt•ttot tf st l •.., t" Eyt• •tt (11:\S. N..1-ASSEY.S, NO. 23 EAST it Ami i'roN STREET =I LH MOR =I I'f:c'I'LI)SI'I•:LT \( \ ND EY EAH..\ :-:SES IZMEB=ItIigMCII=CII= MEEEIMEM IIiZOS., Aiiontown, DAYS toNI.1". MoNDAV ASI) AuGusT 2u AND 31, 1569, tatttoththe pprpot, tpotlttllng Kollor Arne. Arne. In Fl'fflN for O 1,171: IS tilt UNU SUAL cAsi:,. Th ittlorittg Coot. popolttoti el vlttiott pro rettolotnentled to nvail,p portuulty. ttor Spttcpwlett mul Eyettlltltott, :,re tteknowlothzetl to Ito the 11111.1portect tottotttunce to Nittlit.evor juanuttpttuttottl, nod can ttlwayttrelltttl , ttlfortling Iltttlort nod coution dale ntrettatlittttifot :tad prettot vim: the Ere• intott thoropzltly. I),P..We take orett-lop to notify the l'oblle thot rye ittnt ploy tot ptllor, :poi to ttoottott thou, ogoitot thost• pro• lOtllilll4 to lir , ttotttl , to , .ttl , :Ittll;t1( ff it N. LAM ANCV R.,9*ltS 101 IN F.I.IIEII{A. 718 AIZCII ST., tho 141.11.1 t, ;:h alitt sth St. Smith Salo. 1 . /111,AD1 1 :1,1'111S. I osportrr, Ne nuructurer, nil 1 ,, d1.•f10 rll k ind, :ma quality of F.INCY ITICS • I', I ,bll . .;‘ . i tt.lllll , Itl 'en "P.l !."" T'1? ) hti ing 'i . V . t . ll' large cu lla the tlttfereht It than ofFurs fthht 11,t 1.1.1 , ,itt ',trope. laic.: had 'theta made tat by the a -it:lnca., I r....tatetrally Incit , lay frletalit nod Conutle, to rail and ex•itataii niy vary taidatiful ;a...out/lent Fancy rhildrvii. I urn to milt at lc. late tale. , arty tr•pectiilile city. Alt l'oro ..r. .11)11N art 1.r.4tu,t., 1 . 1 ONINIUNICATION.I URS! FURS! CHEAP AND GOOD. • Where Were are so many Fur 5t01,4 an there aro in the city of Naiad , .lphi.s it is gitileult for the uninitiated to de. tortnine where to hay. Tho, wh , versoil in the dif• fereut of Fart, however, know where to go.rwel tie reader...( Oily paper, who are not acquainted with the 1,11 ,, 11+ armies of Fur, we in odd advi, them to go to an establishment of the hest reputation, whew they pitrellP, with the greatest katlsnoi that they are dealt with. We know Of no better or more reliable store than that of Mes,ro. J(,),E1 , 11 ItosENll.‘l"3l & N.,. ,11,) Ar t h si",•t, their !tete locatletn, where or Cro eonfltlent front theW trig expecte., in line hit-ino , ., Ihnt Pee.".. Cllll get gotot Fut. null the worth eitheir money. Ni I, lb , contr., offtltruction on account of tile g0...1 1444144 lu u - 1,141, 41444 y 44144.,v off all lilt Ail - 0 n 5.(1171,1.1,4 th.y The 111 , ..1 ra•litioiblo Fur , Oil..rm ms sill ho the Mink la the 1t,1.l arrviroalile Far, and tiler bar.. In valiant ..Yloi nil unil for privet In mil all Nip, a lady 1100, 1/0 iris to buy Fart avory .or.on, it is very , ••ionlal to f trim . what , to go tint pnrelrwoi good For, To soo the ..111Zy anti dial; no,. awl el••_•nurnnl IhJnh or all tlioir Fin, will wall repay a visit e , " 11.1,114110.11. :Iva all Oi 1,. rat,non ;pooh. a+ ' , pron. d. A Mink Sabin net ca..t4 from 4,11 t. oonn.• very Taro tkeik nets bring a Milk nigher; ;nit front 40)10 op) VIII by an ezvelbnit dark •111L.(ii lad) (rota right la fifteen year, Then therei. 1110 11.1 y Salle, thc Sitici inn Squir cc], liiiyal tierniint Fitch and ( nnit lloodx, unit tither high and Litt-Priced Fttr, In end 10.4 vnrieties. nonember dig , nan, .10-11:11111 , 1SEN11.11'311; and Ilia natnlwr 110 .1,11 10i0.0..10ta - 0011 :dll and 001 small nl.lO. 1111ad'a. 1 1 . S.—rti,•••••l-111 /ma int , tho r-ent rash 1011, iha. G--/10. Cbucational 311111.1." SEI.E('T E.1.311LY 13..AltDINr; ,C1[41.1, An English, Classicalq3lnthenintical Scientific and Artistic institution, :11 , 11 YOUNG 3IEN AND voyb! AT POTTSToWS, iiNTiIIiMERY COUNTY, PENNA. The First Term aC the Annual Se lea 11111 commence on W EBB ESDAV, the iith da y of SEPTEMBER nest, Pupil., nil, veil at any tiara Far Circulars ad llEV. tt Lit. F. M11.1.E11, A. M.. Principal. REFERENCES: - REV. DRS.—M..Ig., Schaeffer, Mann, Ern/Ith, Swiss, Mu/dont/ma, titolver, fstork, Conrad. Bomber ger, Wyk. btorret, :Murphy, Cm/1./hank. etc. MONS.— indge 1,14M0w, Leonard Myere, Rtneiell Thayer, Benj. M. Buyer, Jacob S. Yost, !Heater Clymer / Johnllluger, etc. I ESQS.—..Eltnen E. Caldwell, Jatore 1.. Claphorn, C. S. (I rote, T. C. Wood, Harvey Bancroft. Th ~,,, Eogge, C. F. 1,. Mount. H. 11 roes Fry, Miller A I/err, Charles WII.IIIIICIICr. Sum , ,, tient, gantre it Co. ? etc. angll-1/ fIRINDING RY wATER POWER: A_A Salt-Itanstinettired Pocket Knive• and Frisco," cad Le (ntuit at C. F. Wit Nd. 9 Earl Ilautllton pincer. N. 11.—Itaxora. llntellec Kitty. and Sel••nrx groan,' by water rower and made a Tann.) a• new. •ea 15.1 a 870. SELLEX( OFT, SELLING OUT ! SELLING OUT ! )\V GTEI: M IMMENHE STOCK‘i)E Lorr ti .s/lull .I,\r, nrra nr:rr~•, 11():-;IrIz\•. \ I,I,ENTI)\\ N M / " 4 1 , T 1 1..At..frx.v,,------1A? OM _ __ ,-,, ',,. = -- ~ 11 1 A ;•,,!'. 'i ' -- 1 -1;.:1'. 1. 11,,., .171,-: . 11 -- Ntc... , --.;:t'- , i-E't ;.:... , "440.1 1 .,,t , ..,:-.v . .,.m .....- i , ~.., , , . ,431..z .. ~,,,...,,,,,,..,., . ~ -,,, .. li , I „ Ii.:1W1: 1-, 1 i T ,l-I 'Plr..l'',;!,ljOY ‘ -, 45 ;e1. I 1 -ati, , .. , i- ',.. 0 ', fir.”' " 4. " i it' A ! ~ I`" Wi111., , 1 '; .. 'l^' , ; 11 t: lv ;Pi -- ,5 - f s o]:. 1 :'_i z ,- ri4.11.11 I,„.oltitiVOl 1'55,,,i---i!')Wi" :1 4 '-''' - ''' ,--- :i.i . i . ,..4ii 4 R , V_. - ' ,11 ' , Rrk" ' - liii7 - 1," 1 - . 1.1' .; - .:-IT .-. 4-;,,__- _.- ~ 01 - I ~ ...:.....'.'L - 4 - ,--:-..;: zt. 1 _ .„- --• MEI GRE.vr itEnt . rrtoN pittcE I= ON FinhzT Oh' FEBRUARI. Ig7O Tit E STOC-N, NIUF , T BE SOLO. AND THE sTOItE WILL 111. FOIt TENT. A• I • 11:111114,, poLl.t.tio,ll) Al• -. II :It 1'1M,101.1.12 11 , 111,!..4114 , 1.11+iur5x. FRANK LIN 'CNA L'St4. THE VERY BEST VI IE S EAUTIFtr A ND )Ii )59' DURABLE (' i. () T ii I N K N E 11 A I, I, ll,\ 1,1,1 ET ❑nu , the Inrgest, and t•Itoup••••1 a• , ctr of CLOTIIING •,••r• r, : .1111 , !” ;r1 01•• it w),lt • ( );\ TS, WEAT: FOR' %/NEI than htty ••i.••••.,1••• • 111 Sh,optfh GO. /(TY 117, Nkt DE 0107E11 we lit. , --It - went of 60.11),, how rti•tou ran nmk.• th , lr -olerilow, 1.v.. .11,011 P. 1011 111.1 ,. . 0111111 g D:11.1r/1/1011, I. itiltlyr 111,..11,v,00.1 (41 , 11)R(11, Itl,.11)E11, viii Ihk• 1:In I 1111 1... =9 •• • ol IX C I. 1: ••,••I r nr• \ I ) N I. 1„ ° lll=9 N. , . 14 West Ifamihmi Sto,tl si doot . tion, • 1,1.1tN A 1111, .1- : , 1% ,,, )4•. btsittl. AA 1: ,, N .Vl - 11t.t4 1 1110110% ! /71? If! NE I' (ii)()DS CLOTHING! CLOTHING! "RAND FALL AND WINTER oPENINO. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES C.. OS. T UN & (!() =I BAG A 1 N •r THE GR EAT cLoTHING EMPORIUM N 0.14 EAST HAMILTON STREET. - ALLENTOWN. PA. We troald inforttijito ritlzol• of Alloamrn and I!. +or• rontuling c.natary Ott , , p , ..park , l pithn largo mock of roods for I'ALI.•.INI) IV INT ER 11' EAR, and °lcor them in public at who boy Iliny pin lIA lOW ?.I.II O K COATS. PANTS AND vEsTs r•ti mr..10 .111 to Ur., .11 hy Ive.rt, own .11* CLOTHING, CLOVIIk AND C.\ SSDIIIRES, 1 ;41! PII ' I; Mi n , 11:01 . 1 . . 1 . 1 1.• 111 of our low purclut,, quurolll,-. NECKTIES, CUFFS, eOLLARS .‘" 2" s FURNISHING b nu u.,~ MEN'S, l'OrT/IS', BOYS% and CM' ENIEN'S DY-MA1)1 , 7,; Cl,l I I N(4-, (A)NS I'ANTLY ON H.\\ • tint 1 ,,, g , t the ph,o, No. 4:1 Ku.t nomiii.kt,two. third door stuve Sixth nttect. T. 0.1,4, J.V..•11 11. 1. , . MILL, MARVIN LYNA ar - IitEAT DIS'rII.IIBETION 1 V l'ltE %if METItoPoLITAN f. IFT CO. Cash ilte Tirkpl dra ore ,l Prit, 5 l'lt•Lk • ,sell k i ll,ol 40 C.ll oncli 10,1:00 h.) • tt,coo •• 1,1 is Elef nut Ilaesesssol Pluto, s o h kau so 4700 71 " '' 510 lodeons • • • 7.1 to Inn MU hewing 31:whilst, " os' to 175 .All loud Watches - • • 75 to :141 l'stah ihassa Silver Wore. Ar., naiad at 1.1,0 o,o° A elinnen iss draw rosy of the oho. Prlros fairs , . Tick - ista de•erslong Pr", are 01.511.4 In EtOrlopt , nud troll mined. On receipt of 2le. a Sealed Tibet tiran a Willi oill Choire au.l rout by awl to ray address..'. Ti,. pries nonwsl opon It will lsr slollstood to the tiokeldoshier o p.sytnesst of Ihse Uollrrr. Priv, ato inonetinstely a osst to n any address by expert , or ',lnns mall. You will know is lust your Plan Ix before you pay for it. •A up •Prine exerennyeds,for orsothre of *nu, taint. No Monk, Our patrons toad.' , end on lair deallug. lit:rpm:noes s--We select the following from tanyaho Lave lutely drawn Voluublo Prltea nod kliollY Pertilltterl us to publish them: Aoslrew J. Nana, Chicago. fels1,o"; 311. Clara& Walker. Baltimore, Piano, *SON Jnnsei Al. m o ph o w a , ¢y,"); John T. Andrews, SaVatillab, 6.1.°11); Agnes. bonstnona,Clsusleals•n, Pismo, 4101. Wa. publihli las Ham. trithoul Ja.rloro.loll. °Ponta:. or nits: Pn ran:—The tarn to reliable, nod sir. serve Oita ...peas.' —3l'o/d Teisune, Noy b. ' Wa know them to be a ' o hilt' dealing limn."—.t'. r. flap :74. • A friend or our. d new a VAX) MM., Which was Prolaplly I orriv "—Aram News, Jour J. Rend F,r Cireular. lo Aural, • Sal• Ixfacllun gtoossoloosl, livory porkage 01 ns..slod Envelope. ennininn mya ennui tory. is.x 'Pickens fail; 13 fur 41:is for CI; 110 for 4515. All letters should la. nddre.xrd to MOORF: eel., 57 °pool may. N. Y. Clothing I'i'NiN OM THE 011 PEST, c v z. 1\ A (); P 1N; I ~ L *,"l =CREME El= I= Sionl,lt Q":arbs TVA ES S. .ITToRNEV 1./ LA W. 0111.. e. lialuilt.n 411,1, recta' 1, , .11 11011, Allontow l'a. (Special v.. 1114 6,1,1 warl;-1.3' ATTOIEVEIIi ' Al LAW, Know.' outl 11.millo • • ,trent4, uppostu, Amerte,u 1100; AIIIIOIOWII, Peon.. 11.•.16,t1t , pok.•11. sll 4 •-•• • - - - (11 , ,c);;;;T: It UPI', AII"rOEtNEY lJf AT I.A . VV. nlll/ 11,1. Allen 11, r . ILLCEi EN 'milli, ATTon- AT LAW, forl.PrlY Pr. Mired C.rbol , c . .P inc., N... , twt, xecond floort 1,.• :6. °pp.,. lllhun HOW., May in134,11i4v, 4.11.11 (EL .t. ttUTZ. Vi"rott N V AT I. ith P. WI ekolr. 1.:611(:11 VALLEY FIRE .L 1 mire PAN V. AL uccrowN, Oaleo NA11..11.11 P..rtY l' uvr Y ',tack smiti:ll plan. I. S. Prev't s s y. PI C. I-ErE , . PEE DOZEN %V. 1111ZrAW..11.1.EA I Air Sntilirt..u. Lelllch i pt. , n.ialy "" nrly s I lit .t.YroirsE% AND cm' N,1:1, Lon Vl' L.l N. IN , At Ilainll 1.'.14-tt yIENK at BALDWIN. ATTORNEYS I/ I'NSEL lA , IZS AT LAw, Alleutom • FmoRE, vrronsEy AT LAIN. LI, ENTtiWN. PA, MU..., No. Pl Eaßt Hamilton • tw,t. O h collitilt , d iu limann. jon 14.',7,tr Tl, CLAY 111:1131ERSLY.A'fTORN F • AT LAW, cATAsArgr A, PA. jan1.1.'6.141. riIHOMAS B. METZGER ATTOR• NEY AT LAW. ALLENTOWN, PA. ()flier, No, Nl' I.'i6, 1 -, 1.14 im. mEirrz, ALDERMAN. . .1 1 AND coNVEN'ANCEI, (.ENT EonZue SALE. OF HEAL ESTAIL, MMJEMMIM=I ELMINI ALIII{LtariT. ATFORNEV 1.4,1 v... ro, 13,t1,13. NEM V v TIII,II.IIIII GI . S(PINDEN. .ITTOR AAP P•A'N:if.l.l.OlZ AT LAW. Mire, Cr “N1..1.1.1t...1-L••• • •. 11.11.,, AP.•y, ALLEN 1 WA. PA. A 11 , 1111IRI) 117.11tVIE1. 'll"rOlttiET 7J. • -J A T I.:\ Millen, m . 1 ,11 lino. S.anovl A. lirldro., A 1,1.1. AT ., N, I' A uVy 1-1 y Toll NICII . II9I', NEI" AT LAM', tfl N. I'. ...ill •1 111 It Hamilton Stream ALLFIN Tow., 1.3. 1-ly A WOOLEVER. ATTORNEY .AA A r LAw. lloohe, 1.1:Y9 , ' :Any hly C BOIL E B. PiC7aAI.I..II"II/112NET LENTo‘N P y '.!•rqc C. 1 1 .1 1 NI . . N . S „ 1 11!! : , 1 , 1 11 . 1 : ! T Oll T yrf. 11 I , i 11 1 S .1 t r r th.‘ ALLENToWN. SMOVEIt. ATTORNEY AT JJ LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Mike, N. W. Corner oth ;Ind Mundt... Street, Socond floor. Partioninr Won .. loud to Me 'out...tont De,,,k.t rhtut.., •- hi,.• rig. C. f% ./ DENTIST. Diace, ovor Mrs. M. A.. 0. again'. Trlounio, Sloro. N. :0 E.stlomlhon mrool. ALLEN T‘..WN PA. ros,..orriNi: Joilx 11. 01.ivEn. iJ' A lit I ► MIA N it OLIVE it. A•irt)it- JJ NEI'S AT I, A,W, ALLENTOWN, PA. Collectlous 1010,1 , 1 to In I. , •lagli ;Lid adjoining roantiv+. Prompt anew,. cirri to all legal ba.lnena In iii .everal Court' Co.ullataa , in El.4ll.ll.l.llL•rama. jail 19.17 COOL e'o~ DENTAL ASS( )U LAT/ON originated the rinniethetie n.••• of elle.. critic gam, ad• le the et•••. 1 approved meatier, do nc-alk ththe hot EXTRAI"I"I'LETII, end they eertaluly do the, %V ITIM UT PAIN... , the l3,lwicpt ient•the•dif. Live thole it oFrit:E, Ne. 737 W A e TNVT Phtimorion. itm23•l7 Agricultural 1 10`11i E' ( ( , \1.1 . 1:1.1'1: NIA NI-RE I= RY BOWER, Chemist pH n.A t.r.i.v IA EMI= mo.iph.are f Lino!, Amohia and.Putasll WARRANTED FREE FROM ADULTERATION Tht. Mallard) contain, all the elerarals to roduce lay urr rra... aba it .11' all l b '<hair, cad 1%111,011y I...commewhno horsded jl by all who , . ban y li. 41111 flit... 1.:Wk4.41 In Bag.. of 2.1.14, DIXON, SITA RPLESR CO EMEEM L'ci S.\ ith Wutyr raul'4o South I)..laware CO= sal Iby WIL:.: ... REYNOLDS, 7. South Ntreet, Ballignow, Md. F. , 1 kf..rtnatkn, riddlom henry Bower kiladelPbbt. Feb 10.60-1 T JEANES, pihrtwAtAmirm iphitt.) has teken the Gallet y, No. I 1 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Forwerly ....Inlet! by R. P. Lnmerenx, where persona aet LACS taken at Rl:Ant/11i, BI.E PRICES. A trial I% II that i411 , 4 • 111 . 1i to Katbify evnrY GomE oN coMLALLI i want l'ltutugraplia, Cartes de V 'On—. Piteto Mittlaturem, Ambro• type 4, MelAnietype., Ferrotypes, etc. (li.l. ce JEA us a. StriESal. SucerAmor toll. P. I.nsucranx. IMEII . . . 111 orury 'IIIIOUSAND C.tSES OF our now.% In one Year, to ni.•releanl , , In every polt or the c o n• Ire in•nn )131,,• .I , llling vvlnel.l one,- \IILLION DOLLARS :Avilid••• fol tans.tellitglLl , inutu.noe Jo lotto.. ore butter thou of or Unfore. \Val 113vo in oil the prin• tipol to I , nlrii good+ fro.. the Mouttfacturori, Itopurt..p., null baler., for CASH. and often not Itnnieuto. ..arralre unit tho original coot of production. in port 011ie following Ruud ,— 8/..• w/o, Blanferty, quilt., (....nuns, (iinieharas, G ~,,, Lla! in, TOW•ig, /10.Viv11/, (i/VV( I , .Skirto tt..r.tots, rte., tte. sif,,, , platt Ware, Spofn plated on Niekei Sarre, Ms*, et (!!lint //craw& it Catiforx. Britannia Wore, e; lase Wart, Thble and Parlat Cothry, ill gnat earl, fa. qa at Ve. aril alai Gt....du1l Pitney 000•10, Bea llti• .114.tiotr, 111e1,t.,1:11.1 cioor,,t otylco Niotocco and Velvet ittudingo. .If.,pouco 'l'resef ling Bogy, llo.tiar , hirf nod otor. ,t•••• 1.1 , , , •1 Jewelry, 0.(1h , .111 10, . W• ban , . A.... It, rano...ult.. with mono. of the 1n.t.1• In;; Pulell.hiug 11,‘•••., that will enaido do to h , ll the Minuilat , l anti lowa work+ •.f populur ourbane ut about ouo-bait regulur a• By duo:, 31,,,,pc, 3ltcrou. owl T urea'' ,, r Wlntge, ',III Gilt until cl t hitonlitool- of °Plot, co E POLI,AIt Hi EACH • ARTICLE lVe do bot ulfrs . n artildu uturchnudbo, that run IA hold by I,llllllf dealer, atollr prier. Wu do not unit you to buy goull. trio wu run .all ,—sllll übettPur than .yurt cdo obtain ileum In ?my .1111, Wur,—sl l l llo goA..riwart ..f our g I. Rho %Old nt obout ONk-if i.i."rHE nFr.t*LAR HATES We Want good reliable aCeLle Ili every pkrt or the COOO. ji, ...Moving 'our , pare liinr• to form etubs ecielhot um 01., you eeu et 1.0 the n.t Cua• iiilo.loK, either , sis VANII 11:CIIAN DISE, end /ill ~,, 14.• w 111 he en trpit WogONiaulee .s.•;,,r3s•t‘,,K o, every °avdp.'. K w lilt our loans. •Isoald 14`11 Ir., rAIL:I eUsiorner 011.1 c.a . , art! to ads Loire, L'OIIIV.•.Ve Cheekn of the P ito , holder. of a i ls tCherke 11AVO th: priVllege Of either ,o,rd..eg4he er thereon ..0 exeltungt.g f.! isrticle lueialuiiesl VII oar mina/TP.I.S ”vi•i• Ilitrereilt on.. w ran bu lli,•••,1 la the lieTuilvtay stir flit roan money. • The adVaillal,•••••sol poutlils. let Cheek. are their: We of very vulnahle goods, which lire lll 011001 eabiblgOet.,lllld for Which We in. e1. , C10. 1111 all are ',la; 11l every large club we twill Vol cloak, for WATI'IIEs, LIKII.IO, BLANKET., 1/05511 .ins 1.1111. .•I 001110, giring some la. me, ro of Mt clot, ass opport lilt lit/ of POrefillalln eisi ...Hirt , for °hoot, tioa to ell/ He. 1, • v.) . order an, aut'ag to . eentnpanioll the ea , h, the Agent ay retatu iota vier) * ...rd.: over apu,} l .m iuoy retoteed to • • PAY TILE EXPRESS CHARGES “Itor 11 more Mn tall ylo asskt A uts In the Went 00t1 ~..ithet 11 0100, 1011 1 . 4 01,01110 nil Cl3,lolller, (X)NI.MISSIONS darn.. Will he paid ten pro cent. in Cast or 3ferchandiae, w lieu sty Pit.t. VP TBEtII ita - tina ecru, for which beluer we give. pal Intl Met of Commis/dons: For au older of , y:ill, from a glob of Thirty, ire will pa) . (i.e Agent, C. 111111 1 ,00.1, C 5 yard. Drown.. Bleached Sheeting, D KA eed !Deem Pattern, Wool Square Shawl, French Casoilogro l'ants and Veal Pattern, Fine Large Wire, Cea niei pane, etc., etc., or 41.00 cabli. rim all t.rder of front a chili of Fitly, we One will Pa)" the .‘geo I, COllltlll.loll, id garde Sheeting, Pair heavy .Wool ' Drese pattern, ilitod•otne noel Square Shawl, Silver Ciwo Watch, etc., etc., or In civil,. For tin order front n Club of Ono Hundred, we will pio. Agent, its forlal/i.nt•lll 110 pude yard. wide Sileeting, Co_..Silver 55 etch, Inch Salt of Caeidniere, eto., etc., or *ld in cant. iS to not einploy any'graveling Agent.. and eti.tom , f , Phould not pa) looney to pore°. purportiot: to Ica °tic ,gent-, nit to. In y ucwit,intrA. nd Money J t rays by Registered Later. l'or further parrleulttatt eenol Cataleguee rAltKEit fk' CO., O&& titnnuler ISt.. t 03.11, 244.1, ME 110 E. ONEI)OI,LAIt STORE OUT large a.watioent Of floe French (100kIA for eneh, callowelog Hooke; Work. Olove, flat dkerehlef had Dro,odag Hose, In groat varirty•, 611 k. Fan., Loather Dag., Pocket 'look.; Patine. Lam llohoullan !Idea Yaere and Orfi.Weni^i limbrollfte, Jewelry, fur One Duller nod ler.. Call and OXIIMIOO far youreelyee. H. DIXON. and Chewed o Nn.t o. 21 P S. re hlladele St hlnet, between Markel EH=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers