Pgister. Editor and Proprietor ROUT.IIOIDELL. JR ALV,;N'yOIy..L.I'2...:,,JANUARY 26, 1870 DAWES'S SPEECH The unjustifiable attack made upon the Ad ministration by Mr. Dawes, of Massachusetts,. is one of those unfortunate breaks with which the Republican party seems to be afflieled. Not that the truth will hurt or that the state ments arc true, for they can soon be refuted, but because of the uses made of such speeches by our opponents. Thousands of copies of this speech will be sent over the country to persons who will never see the replies made thereto, and to those renders it may pass for gospel truth. The occasion did not warrant Such conduct, and if Mr. Dawes cannot pre vent the transfer of the navy yard to League Island in any other way than by dividing the party, he ought to submit to the voice and opinion of the majority. We imagine the gentleman to be one of the obstinate kind who wishes every one to tall in with hint, if they do not want to be hurt. Occupying as he does the chairmanship of one , of the most important committees in the House, his position is one of power, and if he chooses to use it to further his personal end or to gratify personal feeling, the party is the loser. Whether he chafes now because Pennsylvania voted against him for the Spealiership, or whether he thinks New England the only place for nary yards, matters little, lie has carried joy to the New York Woad and Son, who for some time will croak over the extravagance of the party as shown by one ails lenders. ('.[PIT fl. PICNISHMENT. .Capital Plinishnient as an institution, has had its notable 'defenders and it, notable as- sailttuds. Like most relics of barbarism, it has had its uses and in its 'time has done good service. The question is now, has the time conic Mr its abolition': A great difference of opinion exists on this point. Some day it must go, for we opine no one pretends to as sert it [gill be necessary when the Millennium, shall cute nett men will obey the divine law (Si love. It seems tut us there is unanswerable logic in the proposition that to take away one man's life because another's has been taken— most probably by him— is to punish the wrong doer by repeating his erhne, to teach the saereduvss of human life by destroying it. Two ways never can make a right. Senator Lowrie, of Erie, Pa., is about to introduce a bill t'or the abolition "f the death penalty, and we shall see whit the public says. Tut: Philadelphia Pre,“ in :asking up its weekly review of the markets makes the fol lowing remail:s :--Thr re is a slights shade of Improvemeat in.f:onm brunettes, both Of our foreign and domestic trade, and the symptoms now are that in a few weeks there will be at least a Partial, it not a complete, revival in nearly all departments. The Wool trade is beginning to give sighs of life, and orders arc t ir ing daily rr eeived by oar dealers to supply the consumptive demand of the numnfacturers of woollen fabrics. In otir outward trade we notie , a decided improvement, both in Grain, Cotton and Petroleum, the foreign demand for which staple , is beginning to resume its wonted activity, and prices aro steadier than they have been for many week, plea. The prospect for 1870 is decidedly encouraging front most bn-iness standpoints. No.class of men are so poorly paid as the .ludges of one Courts. They are overworked and deprived of other menus of making money. TlO , bin introduced by Mr. ltutan looking to an increase of the number of Judges of the Supreme Court is a wise measure, hut we now. some one will think of the Cononow Pleas Judges when the increase of ,4.lary comes up NI. consideration. These gentlemen now get $27,00—n much less sum than most of the law make. If we want to retain our best legal talent on the bench, we unlit make it a consideration for them, fur they, like other Mortals, hive hills to pay and liuniliev to pro vide for. The New York Pollee Justices get $lO,OOO per annum. We can !Ilford to give our Su preme Judges that amount and our Common Pleas Judges at least half of it. Govt icsbn GEAltl had retained his cabinet officers and on Friday forwaried to the Legia- lature tt 11112SSagV, 11111101111611 g his appoint- Went of Frank Gordon, Secretary of the Com monwealth ; M. Wheatley, Deputy Secre tary ; F. Carroll Brewster, Attorney General and A. 1,. Russell, Adjutant General. These gentlemen have all given satisfaction to those having business with their various departments and theJ3overnor has wisely retained them. Indeed, we heard of no applications fur their positions. The rush for the other offices is. heavy, and one aspiring individual has even. put in a bid for an office which he thinks will soon become vacant by the death of thu.r.ves ent occupant. (4E01{(11: me'veterat editor of the Louisville Jr...rnnl , .died on Saturday, aged sixty-aix years. About 1825 he entered the editorial profession in company With John W hillier and published the Nem Engfand Review, at Hartford. In 18:31 he established the Louisville Joe r nal and published it up to within a couple of years previous hi Lis death. Ills fame ci It poet and as It humorous writer la well known. His political principles were those of the Old Lino Whig party, as long, as that party was in existence, since which he' has adhered to the 'Know Nothing, Pon tlyerett and,Johnsun parties. A mm, luvi been introduce4l I n to th m Stnte • Senate to eF.tablish an Ingrnutee Department, somewhat similar to !,14 of Connecticut and Scw York. Thb, is a desired movement in the right direation. It is alike required for I charter of political Freedom as it will htnce• the protection of the insurers and the home I forth stand in our National CouAitution : compruties who at present are outstripped by ; .11a. XV., SEC. 1. The right of citizens of the the Niassachusetts and New Yolk agencies.. United States to vote shall not be denied - or The immense interest involved In thin busi- ':ilt:ntligaL•tdolP.rtc:l::letoelot any e n (;) (1 . ness, requires that it should have some safe- servaude. SEE.:!. Congress shall have power to enforce guards and that the State should exercise ai this ankle by appropriate legislation. supervision over the matter to at lehst some I extent A .tot NT resolution thing the lith of March fOr the fund adjournment of the Legislature hills passed the Senate, and was referred to a Committee ,r the House. We hope it Will also pass thin body, and that our Senators may, in the mean time, devote their entire attention only to the passage of those bills re - nuked for the, good of the general public. We have too notch private legislation and the sessions ore too long. CiENEILALS A.l.ColtN and Ames have been elected United Slates Senators from Mississip pi. The former for the long term, beginning March, 1871, and the latter for the short term. W. ltevel;a colored man, at present State Senator from Natchez. was also elected for the term expiring March, 1872, to which Mr. Sharkey was elected but was not admitted. Tin: article on " Paraguay and her Eno. mks," in Harper's Magazine for February, is by den: McMahon, and may he consid. ercil an offset to Minister Weshburne's state " merit of the situation. Lopez, at last accounts, has been reinforced by 15,000 Indians, with provisions for some years. So the'end is not yet. . IS IT FISH, FLESH OR FOWL? On Thursday last, when the 'question of, printing additional copies of Commissions Wells' report, was before the house lion. - - John D. Stiles, the member from the District, made the following remarks : Mr. Bpeakor, I have the honor to represent upon this floor perhaps the largest iron Interests of any dlainiakinllstaintutio.4tWitiiiro,purvo*-4 0 %. to discuss the question of the tariff, but simply give my views hi favor of printing this report. Sir, as has been stated here over and over again, Our coustituents all over the country demand the printing of this report and its circulation among the people. lam in possession of a protest against the statistics of Special Commissioner,Wells; it Is now in my desk, and at the proper time It will perhaps be presented to the House. It is signed by some of my immediate constituents. The Iron men of my district are almost entirely opposed to me in politics ;we have - no inanity whatever upon the great questions which now agitate the country. Notwithstanding that, I desire to have them In formed, to be informed myself,. and to have all the people Informed, so far as I can do so, upon the questions involved In this report. There are some startling developments made by the Special Commissioner in his report ; some that require explanation, perhaps some that need con tradiction. Thu question of a tariff will probably engage the attention of this Congress more than any other one subject. It is a serious, grave ques tion. To the State I have the honor In part to represent It always has been a vital question. And while I trust no vote of mine shall ever be given In opposition to what I conceive to be for the best interests of the whole country, yet I shall steadily guard the interests of my own people and State. And in this struggle for entire justice to all I shall not forget the interests of labor—agri culture and the great mineral resources of the country. And In the protection needful for the manufacturer I shall never forget the laborer who contributes so largely In creathig wealthy' corpo rations and individuals. It is not alone the Wealthy that need protection, but In the division of favor-dealt out by this great Government with a liberal hand, let rich and poor he remembered alike. The information furnished in this official report is full of in formation, full of statistics, having the approval 01 one of the Departments. Let It go to the country, and let their judgment be pronounced. Under rattiest rule, the dominant party here, offi cial documents of less merit have been published for distribution by thousauds. The discussion, most bitter as It has been among the friends of the Ad ministration, proves to my mind that the report should go to the country, and for the adoption of this . resolution I shall vote. lam for economy in all expenditures, and for an early return to honesty In the administration 'of the Government ; but I have no hope except in a change of rulers, a change of representatives here. 111 r. Speaker, the interest manifested lu this debate has generally attracted the attention of the House and will reach our constituents, all of whom are eager to catch every word here ut tered. In my judgment More is expected, more Is demanded of this Congress than of any other hotly of Legislators which ever assembled In this Hall. Wise legislation will restore confidence ; blunders now will bring ruin upon thousands who pray for wisdom in these dangerous mid perilous times. Is John D. Stiles a tariff man ? Who et tell from the above speech We have heard of his avowing himself in favor of Protection, when he was the object of a serenade at Nor ristown, last winter, but we still hope, for the good of the cause, that the speech on that oc casion was the result of wine and music. Such narrow-mindedness as prompted the language which flowed in eloquent stifling from the lips of Mr. Stiles on Thursday last, will do the cause of Protectiona . deal of harm. Mr. Stiles looks on Protection as a favor be stowed by the general government for the good of the Keystone State only ; we look upon it as a measure beneficial to the people of Om entire country and of vital importance to our own State. Ile hos no affinity what ever with the iron men of his district upon the great question❑. which now agitate the country—not even the tariff question, we sup pose, for he says that question will probably engage the attentt.on of this Congress more than any other subject, and it must there fore be • a great one. Ile trusts that no vote of his shall ever be given in opposition to what he conceives to he for the bust inter est s of the whole country, yet (in spite of the interests of the whole country) he will steadi, ly guard the interests ol'lma own people and State. Who Mr. Stiles' own people are, whether he means the Democracy of Lehigh county or those who want to lay cheap Brit ish rails through our 'lion valleys, -we will not attempt to say, but in advocating the printing of more copies of Wells' report by the gene ' rat government, he cannot have in view the State. Mr. Kelley showed that two editions had already been printed at the Government expense. Surely it cannot be Mr. Stiles' idea of economy in the public expenditure to print documents for the British Free Trade League and pay for them out of the public purse. That combluation, the Free 'Trade• League, deems its omission of sufficient importance and lino sufficient money to back it, to pay for all 1 the documents It wishes to send out, wit) should the American people be taxed to pay for their conversion to the interests of British manufacturers ? THE - .lmrit AMENDMENT NAIVE. Ohio has blasted the hopes of our enemies. The Senators and RepresentatiVes Who were elected fss.ul Hamilton county as independent candidalßs and Were counted upon by the Democrats have proved themselves true to loyalty and the XVth Amendment has been adopted by Olio, We have thirty-seven States, the assent of throe-fourths of which (twenty-eight) is re quired to adopt an amendment to the National Constitution. Twenty-seven hare already adopted this amendment, as followS Alabama, Missouri; Florida, New York. Kansas, Rhode Island, Massaelmsetts, Virginia, Connecticut, New Ilampshrre:, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Maine, Vermont, Minnesota, Wisconsin, - Nevada, Arkansas, North Carolina, Illinois, South Carolina, Louisiana, West Virginia, Michigae i . Town, Ohio. Only more State Is *ceded and we count •AVOlk Georgia, Texas and Nebraska as sure. Any one of them will he enough to en sun.- tan triumph of this last crowning act of wrought through the blood of three bundred thousand patriots. The New York Democracy would take link the assent of that State, they would move back the hands upon the dial. or rime—hut, fortunately, they are a year tvo late. The assent lins been given and the Crowthtition does not allow its withdrawal. The:,. show their affection for that ins4umm by attempting to overthrow that provision. "We once more give our readers the ne VIRGINIA RE - ENTERS THE.FOLD (hi Monday, the bill for the (Omission of Virginia, with the Senate amendments, passed the House and another rebellions State is re• admitted into her place in the tnion. A gen eral feeling of welcome relief was experienced in Richmond upon the reception of the newg, but there was no demonstration of joy that followed the news of the passage of Bingrtam's unconditional bill in the house. The Neu• York Tribune stoutly •objected to and regrets the conditions which have been imposed upon Virginia, but they are not unreasonable ant the Georgia case seems to indicate that some thing should be required to insure good faith Is one of George Francis Train's champ tcristic lectures delivefed in New York, Bat Imlay evening, he stated that the British Min Ister had insulted President Grant in. asking him to dine with Prince Arthur, and lie te : commended that the Prince should be seized and held as a hostage for Alabama George% ideas arc novel ones, but the trouble is be can't get people to think exactly as he 'does. —A heavy anow•atorm prevailed at Albany last MondaT - 1(411. - 164 44_ - ••5 -- 1 1- !fr 311 ! 1 irliO• ft• • —Ann A tOr, of dotiVthe StalVe: THE • .• —The law allowing Sunday climb - manta 47iiT sserti both branches of the California Legislature. Prince Arthur visited the Pre3llent at the xectalve Manelon oo Mondity. /- I( iW .rgt44- 1 4,C• 0 11C..4riliffith 9 ate resolution ratifying the Fifteen Amendment, and a eninmittee ofeonferenee has been appointed. —ln an accident - on the Rome and Ogdensburg Railroad, one man Was killed and several were —Dr. Landis, of Philadelphia, hasbecu sentenced' to one year imprisonment and pay a lbw of snoo,. for the publication of obscene . basics. —Altlermnn Edward Lynch .of Pittsburgh, has been sentenced to ten months Imprisonment In the workhouse for misdemeanor. lii office. —The colored people - are preparing for a grand National Jul)lic'e on the official announcement of the ratification Of the Fifteenth Amendment. —J. A. liasley, n Postmnster and trader nt \Vntcrborn, Me., has absconded, after obtaining several thousands of dollars by forgery. it In be lieved that be fled to Consuls. —Robert Harper % n leading citizen of Albany, mysteriously disappeared on Baturdny evening, nod Ids body was found on Monday In the canal basin. It in supposed he was murdered. —Mrs. Marla Archer, wife of Jno. Archer of New York City, threw herself front nn•nriio win dow of her mother's house, In Boston, en Monday, and was Instantly killed. The lady was sick and delirious. —Oakley, the delimiting cashier of the Mer chants' National Bank, Neu• York, was on Friday committed to Ladlow street Jail, hi default of *150,000 hail, on a motion In behalf of the bank, which is ahniit in Institute retch suit against hint. Ell', 13. Pitcher, a person of some prominence In Rhode Island, committed.snichle In Providence on Friday by shootinghimself through 'the head. Family affliction and the failure of•a firm for which he had indorsed to the amount of .$20,000 or $30,000 stripping him of Lis property, are sup posed to linve unsettled his mind. —A concurrent resolution has been Introduced In the lower house of the Kansas Legislature, ask lag Senators Ross and Pomeroy, and representa tive Clarke, to resign, as their influence has been Impaired by circumstances growing out of the Into Impeachment trial, and the disposition On the part of one of them for lavish expenditure. The re solution rain referred to a special cotnntittee. THURSDAY, Jan. 21-BCNATH.—The House cen sus bill wan reported from committee. A bilLwas Introduced to establish it postal telegraph system. The Virginia bill was discussed. At the hour of adjournment it was stated that the final vote would be taken on Friday at 4 p. m. Moist.—The League Island bill was considered until the expiration of the morning hour, when the Ilmine went into Committee of the Whole. After It rose the Military Academy hill woo re ported and passed. ' FRIDAY, Jan. 22.—SENATE.—Among the bills introduced and referred was one proposing a six teenth amendment to the Constitution. The Vir 'ginia bill occupied the greater part of the session, and was finally passed by a vote of 47 yens to 10 nays. The Senate then adjourned until Monday. horse.—The Ways and Means, and also the Banking and Currency Committee, obtained leave to sit during the KB4Ollll of the (louse. After having been in Committee of the Whole the House adjourned at 4.30 p. tn. SATURDAY, 23.—SENATE.—A joint resolu tion was offered and referred, giving a pension of $2,000 lo Mrs. Lincoln. Mr. Sherman's bill to provide a national currency of coin and notes was discussed. outig.-131118 were Introduced to increase ti ries of letter carriers, to regulate the ratille . . tion of Constitutional Amendments, and to au thorize the prople of New-Mexico to form a State Government preparatory to admission as a State. The reply of Gen. Sherman to the resolution con cerning the appointment of the Georgia C 011101 6 ,1011 was presented. The Senate substitute for the Virginia bill was Fussed by a strict party vet e. THURSDAY, Jon. 21.—SENATE. — ThC following among others, were reported favorably from com mittees : The medical prescription bill ; one call ing for a Constitutional Convention ; one forming the new of Petroleum. A resolution was . . 'pied instructing the .1101d:ter Committee ~,,, the Supreme Court of the State. Several iits tges were received front the Governor. llonsg.—An net was reported and passed for he postal expenses of the Legislature. The Se ate bill Mere:l,ll.g the Governor's salary was re ported negatively from committee. Tittrur ' Jan. 22.,-SENATE.—The hill giving the State llonse row illikers a salary was reported favorably. A bill was introduced relative to the salaries of the chief justice and the Judges of the Supreme Court. The joint resolution for final ad journment of the Legislature on March 17 was passed. A resolution re:0111111g the State shaking fund was jail over, and the auditorn' compensa tion 1411 taken up and Insect!. Adjourned until Nlonday. llounc.—The subject of the Legislative Record WAS di:A.IIBBCA, but nothing deduite accomplished: Adjourned until Monday. MONDAY, Jan. 24—SENATE.—A 1111 was intro: doted inereaslng the legal rate of inlet est, also one relating to the rights of married women. The legislative record matter was postponed for one day. The bill punishing for houry or destruction of baggage was passed. The bill. restoring the franking privilege W.+ Caned from the llouse. Roust:.—The ❑se of the hail was granted to the Stale Editorial Convention next Thursday evening. The re,olutlon regarding the Investigation of the affairs of the State Treasurer for the past three years was passed. The Senate resolution restor ing the franking privilege wee defeated, anti not sent back as requested. 'WASHINGTON SKETCHES CONGRESSS AFTER 1111 , . HOLIDAY'S. WAKIIINGTON. Tan. 13.—We dropped into the . Senate and House on :dontlay to see how the boys were coining In after the holid:q•s—hl what condition end spirit. Upon the whale, (boy looked well—lininanized and refreshed by family reunions and ChrisllllllS cheer—by unbending nt the festal board and under the mistletoe. Promptly at him putt, us usual,wits Senator!: or, sedate and stately, with lily broad clie,t it Ulriced n'ltlt positive and sonorous mot and nays. Senntor.Canaeronetune In quietly, softly,ahnost vltit aboriginal stealthiness; a 'nano( absolutely co pretension, who keeps his ou•n shrewd Conn 'els. No Shoo c Stylites Is he, perked un n_!11- or of lofty obstrnet. Ideas, but a patient, innsterly Yorker among men, in the ways of men. It was pleasant to see tLoro nollry Wilson's kindly, ruddy lace, unalterably genial and hon est. A Senator of fifteen years standing—a Mas sachusetts Senator, he In 3'14, ..1% 111011 111111 n brother. - Indeed, he :Mounds in manhood and brotherhood—a manhood with all natural,health- ful powers, pay:lons, and energies kept biotherhond to which the mew OH forni flute anny confidently appeal. There were the Connect lcut Senntorg, our tile t'OLISill ill101(111:41111111," and the thoughtful geholarly Ferry. Near thou Was the hearer another honored ( . 011110(419d nano•, Trumbull of 1111nolv,wtth Lin pale and hagaelonsoannewha eynteal lave. And there Were the Now-Yor Senators, "good Master Fenton,'• the tirhatteont Copt:ling, the tlebenalr. There was Sherman Milo, tall and spare, with deep-set earnest eye and Itheeellengue, Thurman, the noblest Dom real of thentMll. • I:verytiody was glad It/ ' hee Itiehard Yates of Illinois, It man of singularly generous and nllir tlonate nature, with the frank manner of a boy and the Millie of a woman. During the war, I was a witness to what he did for the soldiers of ids great irate—lo what he felt for the widows and orphans of soldiers. If I remember these things so well, how lutist they whom he helped and r vniforted remember them. It Is Imposslblii for hint to pass beyond the lltmuspliere of their blessings, the resell of their prayers. Mr. Ca. politer anal Mr. Simlslatry, both „large. strung nm•n, have both a pectillatly restless man nerointl pertinaciously anal semi-circularly with their hands In their pockets• Carlton terovlth Ills coat buttoned tightly about hues, us though Luldhig iiinweir in wilt, consltlernbla dltlicully—\f r. Haultilmry occasionally growling not scornful orlitintoritim remarks eta Republican legislation. 'rite power In both these gentlemen seems lit an actit•e state of fermentation. lip deed, there Is in these three Senators, Yates, Par pen ter, and Saulsbury, ability, energy, and elo quence enough unused and' utilmsbanded—not "tied up in bundles. but lying about loose- - -to run a respectable legluquitture." In strong contrast to Mr. Carpenter Is WINCOIII - Senator, quiet tutu cusp, untimely Witt,ter 011 hie head, but perpetual Summer lu his fare. Always failliftil and tireless In duly is Mr. llowe,but talking little,ond that temperately and to the point, tie though the charge of his no ble State haul been, " o,Timothy, keep that %Odell Is committed to'llty trust.avolding vain and pro fane imbblings." There were Indiana's great Senators, Morton and Pruitt, and those "grave and reverend slug- Mors,"'llarlon and Brownlow. In the I louse we not teed the elegant Fernando Wood, with his foreign air and general aristo cratic get up, looking as though he belonged 'of right to the French Chamber of Deputies. It Is easy to point him the snowy. ledge of his mustache, huh ()en. Farucsworth by _the frothy CONGRESS rimE LEGISLATURE. IENTOW: - , WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, HSI 1,M..45.1 • farm itislatard, Alden. Banks by hie tO imad, t. vned l ify rich ritesses Of brown hair,MICI 'den. L' crowir4yithout_ the hair, rank 4 'lltr. artiV his WO: slender figure and the origitial—notlo say all-original character of IA head, Chen. (larflefil by a fair, genial face, of the open Teutonic type, lint' Gen. Logan by Lin dark sombre face, by something " picturesque, gloomy and ',gentler" about i 'Amnon, 301111311irtINVY cliti be known by his lAtay . t.,,y,c , lcontßact Ilgure, the perfect propriety of tTta appearMejradliktig&fiZiPlNTeE& ;• . ^ Tfalitt* evidently lIII.of "otitis" and " bouts." and Is willing. to rest oti his laurels, hid green baize. The election of more men of his calling and sort would scarcely frighten us now. It the prize-ring can stand the association, Congress can. Mr. Bingham's keen, sharply eta, Itottion face is easily recognized, and Mr.Jullan's, that shown marks of the anxious thought and conscientious !nail work of many years of faithful ratitile tier s/leo. . . What we often hew• remarked Is true, I think— there nerer . bas been 0 Congress of there United Stater niu»berlng, so few brilliant nada. After counting on* a few names, the reprerentatlve hotly 111.1011).8 l 0 lie at a Ilellltlerallo dead level of respectable abllity. la the Senate, the 1110111 tone Is undoubtedly 11 Igller than of ola—it eon- Mulls 5011111 noble workers 111111 Clear nil ulcers, b u t 110 0110 among thew all hat built op the rival of Mr. Cla,y's fame for itnirtsrloned eloquence, though we may perhaps look to JI r. Carpenl.•r to do It.• NY'lint presence It there fa that ehrunbei line to Webster's? •Nat even that of his succes sor, Inmoetitionaltly, In spi to of dissent and re volt, the greatest nano. and the hillprelllosl. Will tiler,. Mr. Stllllller is 11111.5111 g, physically, lu tellrctnatty and in.:rally—Mr. Webster was, both Imp:x(111g and marvelously magnetic. Ills chain plonshipand leadership Were at no tittle, It scents to toe, Nu.LlOSerlt ye 1111t1 :11,111111.110y 111...N1,011511de 110 MI. r-umuler s. Ile solemnly proclaimed his devotion to tnni• l'ltion. Sunntor challenges the devotion a others. Mr. \Voltsler expounded, Mr. Stunner amends ron dI; tit ions. Mr. Wel:slur spoke for 1i:1.'5:W111V:el IS, r. Sumner speaks n■ MIISS:10111..(1S. . ... . (Irma as he was, Mr. Webster stood on a lot' plane of human interests and passions, entangled and obstructed, though there was about 111111 overt 111 lilt quietest times a certain nir of great ele mental powers, In repose, an !atmosphere than dorOU 4 even In IIIIII,411111”, MO VIIIII with latent, lightnings. Mr. Sumner has stood from the first, on a craggy laill%ll 11104, where the air lo pure, though NoMervinat frosty and gusty, and the view !abroad; and we must lint forget that this has et:dared through tempest and deluge, while the pleasant ground ofoom; , rotn Ise, on e'll I ell Web ster Took his stand, was washed quite away, )vlten " the rainsaleseended and the floods MUM," TIIO. VI rgrnla debates In the Senate have 11000, as you 111000 seen, unconimonl) - lively and spicy. The able Senators from Nevada attacked Mr. ,Hammer's positions, anal were aliabst pathetically eloquent in defence Of floveimor Wallrer. They said some saucy things, though their censures wer.!uot unmixed with praise. Indeed,. I have noticed that when gentlemen burn gunpowder under the nose of the distinguished Senator from .11,,arelometts they are generally careful to MIX. II wills frankincense, To-day, for -the first time, I have heard II Re publican Senator speak of him and to hint, in open opposition and defiance, without circtunio cut boa or compliment, without softening or sweetening orally kind. Mr. Trumbull attached angrily.. lir. Sumner retorted indignantly. There is MI lillarl • ei iii, a family quarrel fur bit term., and vindletiveness. We were really grieved as we beheld I.llls 1,31111 of Republican brothers letting their "angry passions rise,'' for• get MI of the verse learned at the maternal knot: • ' Birds la their little nests agree. And gin • shameful sada Wheat children acme family rail nut, mad brawl and tight " '1'1; Is very mixed sort of a mutiny proVes to me what 1 have often thought, that the Republican party Ineits cohesion and discipline, the esprit du tarps that has made the "great strength of its nian.y•sided, saltily, Indestructible. wise old ad versary; and that with nitwit malneity, It Is Iwanting in courage. ' Who shall decide when stall great doctors of State disagree I Senator Nye, who, in hit:abound- = loot: on the bright side of things. Senatorß COnkling nail Stewart. who are young and trust ing, with many other able Itepublicatm, and all the Democrats, IltiV01. : 11!.. tilt` MUNI geuurous faith, and the twist magnanimous terms. I hope they may be right, but I remember too well to Ire utterly eunthient, the old days, when In political negotiations and bargains, the high-toned, chi valrous South invariably got the better of the cold, ealeulatlng North. I ant afraid that Cas sandra utters through the solemn tones irt Sum ner, her vain, unplerisard prophesies. I um afraid front the rumors I hear, that plots against the freedom of the Meek man are hatehing in the old stave breeding" soil of Virginia. Can it be that Just there, is to be reversed tire fable of OW- MlAS—that !roar Ilchls thickest sown With "armed men," our slain heroes, w•e arc to see the fearful 1.... .1. hrtst , again? And the poor freedman there 111111 elsewhere in the South, 'an it be, that for them meanwhile, the gift of the franchise is to be Illce the fatal ilery tunic sent by Delanira to ,Ilerenles, to torture 11111 COIIBIIIIIO. Is it plliSoll.l by the blood of the Hydra 1 G. (1., in S. I'.'l rlimne. Sall Rheum, Skin and Rascal, Digrageße Micronfed eureil.—Seo testimonial SALIA111:11.1' TOWNAIII . I', Lehigh Co., Oct. 31, It Is with a grateful feeling that I feel she to utak. , the following htuteineat for the benefit of those who are suffer ing trout Scrofula and other Chronic Discasiis. My trio had bees haltering for several years from honor, or swellings on her neck holden after a limo would gather and discharge matter, leasing a ruunlng sore. Situ bud been treated for more than a year by stoat eminent p h yal• clans witliont receiving any perfannentloinent, lire dlseavo becoming scorer, null) she. hail five of these running sore 011 her neck, when I employed Dr. 11. D. Lougaher, under whosii treatment she C 01111110114,1110 Improve city fast, tho sores on her neck to heal, and all tier unpleasant and dis• agreeable ayniptams gradually to illsatirear, until her health was restored, which Irae tu about four mouths. I feel perfectly justified, after having tried the He:nov.lll.o other physicians ht VOCOIIIIIIeIIIIIIIgI,II tense who are suffer lug from Scrofula or Chronic Discangt, to Dr. loitigiiker fo medical treatment, With a Arm billet that they will be sat beaelltial and curt thereby, ao lay wife has been. [Signed.]J.\>lES HAHNE:It. Dr. H. D. J•niguker • a ulnae Is on the East sido of Sin II htreet, between Hamilton and Walnut. Allentown. Jrinancial. alto Commercial. —Deßayou & Bro., Bunkers and Deniers iu II over Securities, 411S.iiil st., l'hilluielphin,repart the full ionlatlons: United Stab•. 6.1 It0:2 • 5..0 a 19..01 18; " 100:1, now.- 5....1)'w 1047• new.... 3-3U • x IkS s'o-10.41 : x • • :01.year, d per cent. .3 , Compound Intere.4 noten (lold inlver ALLENTOWN -bIARKET, JANUARY 2i. IS7O. r"rrodni co,rY meek by Irtinshei intr. S Norhure WLrn4YL,ur• per LLI Wheal • Per • • • Curt, • '• •• Tlututby Seed, p.'r lurtlurl Wheat Flour. per CM' t•••• • CoorU MPlii • • • Butter. It I , ••“Od• ...... • Llkfti. • • '•• Egg ph dor,•u 11.ttor., Dried APP1e,.1. 44, Dried rearllr.• NEW YORK PRICE CIIRRENT For January 12th, 1570. Corrected weekly by J It. Ilel. Web, Produce Cot...Atm Merchant, Nu. 92 Barclay St., New York. BUTTER. Orange di finkOPY Co. 11/110, $(01141 to cholee. p ;b. (561 Clotango. Pol. and Cattarang.Co'Nl/6111., toter, 4.X4:41; Pair to cood, 316111 t Common 27Eklj. 131101110M\ Co. all. ChOICI., ikel4l; fair to good, 1t5441; Common, .27Q10. N. Y. State Faking! choice, yellow 35(.4.33; fair to good, ItVS34; common. '25430. N. Y. slot, choler, 40445; fair to good. !LW.): Conumm...'nfroll. N. Y. State Welsh tub+, choice, 3CW:3: common to good, 2.°417414. N. I'. State Dairies, choice. 3717011, fair to good, SkSJI.I. Western 14,c:rye e1tuici1 . 264V.2 , ; - fair to gootCzyin:sl; •tote parked commou to good 1765;t1 Northern Pa. tube, choice, 41.13.44: poor to good, Rolls In Cloth,choice 2ntt t; Pour to good, 333 , 25. Receipts during Ike • "act week foot up nearly 13,143 packages. au Increase of about 3.775 foots over lust week. There ha+ been an impreattion that floe butter would rule relatively high through season, bat the large quantity of that grade held back in the int.lor now Raking the confident , ' of holders. Selections at firkin, 'flaking only fall utadr, yellow and Our. I have been eb. tabard at 35 c.d., bottle receive, a are unwilling to let n ennionter go away, and KM ihnernlllloLl to 11011 at •otao price. se title others are not yet willing to pat their butter down to a wiling price. The toms. Is wearing along and the large clock known to to, in the country depte•ws the market R. much u+ If it were ill here. Ninon went kept P too long and ore even yet held too high. We believe lu letting them full until a point is reached which will move the mock every day that this I+ put off make. the full. greater when it does come. •. CIIEESE.—New factory choke and fancy. 1701:17' 2 ; fair to good, 15 , ;(initn ; ',. N. Y_State Dairy gootl - to choice, Walla; poor to good Liam 5. v. State aklmined, ItlnSl2. EGGS.—Jeraoy and rnumk, well packed to choir, 11 dog 304 . 31. Jet,ey and Pen.. well Pocked in outs, (0:01. 44 Y. State well packed, good order. 21(e030. Ohio and Wesiurn. Id( . .N17 , 30. Limed. t. 19025. , The mild and op. weather we told the P. , wrck; ii•s kept receiver+ frensellersould the demand has been small. We- do not look for any further decline during the coming week. and should we have /were (.01,1 er.ther. Priree 'll ty improve • 11.4:1 a. —Marrow choke, new. 11 hu4ll, ell.. 9. Tafr+2. 81 KIWI nog, choice, 3.01W1.21. Mediums, choice, 2.15(22.35. Pea, choice. 2.510512.75; fair to good, 2.2 5 42.1 0 511x.31 lots and common7:/i'ot.un. JDILL Ell OWL I'—Millet Prime Sint,. 11 bush. IWall; erey, Oltio totri Penney! , node, 7 1 _.178t_. Applea Southern tioW. 7q3. lilackberriew, Itasphertiee Cherriew pitted; new, tiati, In, cm. , ton pealed, nen . , EtTCI2. Peat:hex peeled, new, 17(5:21. 1' ITS.— , Appt.Jle+, Mixed lots, itbl.. liddLi W. Do. S Selected, 4 2:45,5. no. Common, 2 1 , 060:1 EEDS—Clover. good to Prlnte.ll lb, 1.011:1.,; Flau.ced, 2 . fIrI:?3 : AX. —Pare, 11 3Sel. PLIULTRY. Ducks alive, it palr, 1 Cfq,1.75. o +,+r Al", 91 tote, 3.0n5L1.fu. LTRY PlakisEl)--Turkeys, choice, ' - ft lb. 18171'20. contlad6l to good. 10(3,17, Chicken+. choice. loal7; rkllll. 110.110 MARL 8014. PliCkM. COnlllloll chowe, 14€4.0: lieotte, We kayaked • dhdresalug week be the poultrY trade. Stook bun arrived cult and to very ar e order, and the de. mend has Linery light, at hare been low and quite irregulow, niy ley Belling at our lowest rule+. Mice+ 00 nUOIII IninrOne &Man ninnald ace have cold reap moat week, Shippers of ka yo to bear to toted that the forward feet of calve+ kayo lo be out off at the and no and tho hind feet at the gamble or it nee Joint. and no head ski. or oars to he loft us tho calve.. lu aelllng calves lu market We linne in allow front bead three pound , . on each calf, whore the eltiu bunt:sued 1.1011 , are left on. and therefore It 111 le 1411111nOre Interest reove.thent before ahipplug. Leave no cunt/of or beaten. in the cola., and du uot sow un the calve+ before ahlpping. Potti 2l e E- 1 1 P1 1 01. ‘ i. I' Cru r ail rt. 2° 2.1; 'lPfr. "e illio l utltd 2 dre . , 'Pio., whole Deer, IwDl4. 16 Pa l l a v i t:s 1 D .' ressed, ft The 16(a,17. Do, poor-to good, A, 0:011.116i COLD OR SORE TlTlmAtrenuttos Itamedlata attentlo_n, as _naglect often rascal tin au Incurable Long Diaeasa OW 4/ • Ot LP BRON C H i c AL 400\ BnonvsBROSVHIAh.TROOHES will moot lurarlablr give relief. 'or IluirteurriB, ANTIIIIA, CATARRH, CONWMPTIVE and TIILLUAT. MME=fIEI SEWERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS use to ritatr am) strengthen the yoke. wing toil, good reputation and popularity or the Tro• at. many toorliarßa and citron Nitta/ tuna are named, felt 'ore good for mithing. 110 Man to OIITAIN 1110 iirtdivivs BiloNcrtim. TROCIITq I=l WANTED! 575,000 175,000 MEN ! BOYS ! TO ATTEND THE GREAT DAILY Cl o thi ng Balos DF N & CO., COWER HALL, 518 MARKET STREET, Ha(pray between lith and 6th Sbi , 111 11.11 110 NV. , (1 . 11. Wl' i'111,1:1` I. great ,. I,in:di, to ',tuck:vim , . ,rcllliirs hum rim l.+' (*all i 1,1 1.41, A, hat hue rim S Trial floticc _ . GRAY HAM RESTORE:I/ TO ITS OHM iorruni. coLon. By the it.r of that Seientl Discovery..ll , d LL'S VEGETABLE . SICILIAN 11A11{ RENEWER. It will make flair grow upon Imld hendo,excht lu %el, timed persons. no It mild-hs the nutritive principle liy which the hair hoorioloi l e and supported. It will provent•the lair from foiling ent. and deeo net Main the ',kin. • No 1011, erieleare raprriorgy fablm,,l than (hr Piet that Ao call imitation./ of it am off. re et thr IT IS A SI'LE-VDID lIAIR•DRESSING ! our Treatise on the flair sent free lit mail. It. P. HALL & CO., Nashua. 5. ii.. Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. ERRORS OF YOUTIL—A gentlenum who u ,sulfered for years front Nervous Prema ture Decay and all the affects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, rend free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making ilia sim ple remedy by which inc was rifted. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience 1,11 dust by .1• dressing, ittperfect confidence, JOHN B. OD DEN, No. 4I Cedar St. New Pont. l' ! "?- . p. TO CONSUMPTIVES.—The advertiser, baring been restored to health - In it few weeks, by a' very simple remedy, oft, having suffered several years with 0 anxious affection, nod that dread isense, Cou• to make known to his fellow onfferers the swims of core. Toon whodeslre it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direr . thins for preparing slot using the same, %Odell they will slid a owe core for Bronchitis, Er. The only object of the advertiser In molding the Prescrip tion is to beloilit the ailllcted, nod spread information which Ile concolver to ha invaluable; and hn hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as It will cost them twilling and may prove a blessing: Parties wishing the prescription will please address, 11ev. EDWARD A. WI LSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. ; ; ; ;7.; To THE WORK [NO CLASS.— Cr are now prepared to foolish all classes with coustant employment at home, the whole Of the I line or for the spare now, light and profitable. Persons of etcher on easily earn from Mk. to 46 por'evenlint, :old a proportional mon by devoting their Whole time to the bust Boyit and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all wile. eve tub notice may aend their addreas, and test the 11014110 OP, WO biller dile unparalleled oder: To cacti Its 11111 11111. Wllll sat. billed, we Wlll rind 41 to pay (or the ttionlile of writilut• Full particulars, 'a ,aluahle sample, which will do to continence win k on, and a copy lit* The .P.oplr's Lift rarll (." s , l poltioti —ono of the largest arid beat fatuity newii• impels 1.0111..110t—e1l cent free by mall. Reader, if you want prmanent, profitable work, addreioi E. C. ALLEN & CO., it e4II . STA, fil&ts C. dee 1-3111 $l5. ' GOLD WATCHES. $2O. THE ONLY GENUINE °ROME GOLD WATO.LIES; A.}VI'F'.IC TUNED BY THE 0110IDE WATCH Are all of best lIIAo, Hooting rotten, Warrantee? not eta ar/the/et look like line (lord, aud are EQUAL the bes t t WATCHES in limbo and finish; with the best Full Jeweled Dttnoned and Potent Leorre, Kilo." Pint Coxes (Gent'r and Ladles' size, )513 each. The Double Extra Refined, Solid Oreille Gold, A Ni. 1, Full Jeweled Levers, at 4rAleach. Sent by Express anywhere within the Pulled States, AT antICLAII. W1101.1.A. PRICER, payuble on delivery. No MONEY IS REQUIRED IN ADVANCE, only satisfactory assurance that the order Is mode lu good faith. Any package luny be opened and examined before paid for, by paying the Express charges 00 . 1. l'ersons can order by ;nail with xettety, by bending money in advance, inn Registered letter, and the goods will be sent as 0 Registered Packagepretend. at oni risk. AN All ENT SF:NM:it; FOR SIX . WATCH ES, WILL RECEIVE AN EXTRA WATCH FREE—MAKIN?? SEV EN $ll WATCHES FOR Ida?, Uli SEVEN 4413 WATCHES FOR $l2O. ALSO ELEII A NT ItROIDE (11(1,0 CHAINS of latest and mostcostly styles, for leadies' stud Gentlemen's wear, from 10 to 4U lack. , hum, at prime of4f2, $4, 4teland $S each; seta with Witlellt“ lowest wholesale prices. Our Watches are nil undo of the OEN t'l NE SOLID 0111110E4101,11,,Itgrumii, are all perfectly regulated will size antiriceil Mn ten et [denier ousty Of TILE OROIDE WATCH CO. ; der (.701 144 Fulton Street, New York. WORDS OF WISDOM FOR YOUNG MEN, on the poling P toil. In Youth aud Early Mnhood, iv Ith SELI. lIELP (or a the erring and unfortunate Sent In sealed letter envelopes. free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Sox P. Philadelphia, Pa. Mac 19-Iy•s• THE ONLY RELIABLE 'CURE FOR HE Cl THE KNOWN WORLD, Pa. WIAHAIreI+ (11{EAT M/1111l1CAS I/VAN:I ,I IA P 11.1.0 all! l'l.Yl:'ylnen TAR CORDIAL tire a 1/11 , 11live and iniallibla moo ford yapepsla lu 1110/II aggravated form, 1110 110 matter of bow bind at:aiding. They penetrate the aevret abode of thim torcible disease, and exterminate root and branch, forever. They 10,111V11“.1 MOM agony and silent suffering than tongue can tell. They are noted for curing tho most desperate and r men, when every known means fail to afford rebel. No form of ilyapepala or Indigestion can resod Moir . pen etrating power. DR 'W ISLIARTS PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL It Is the vital principle of the tine Tree, obtained by a culiar process hi the distillation of the tar, lip which its highest medical properties are retained. it tiv.gorm... the digestive ergo us and restores the appetite. It strength ens the debilitated system. It purities and I•urielleh the Maud, and expels front the system the corruption which scrolula breeds on We Inglis. It dhoitilVes the 31111C04 or phlegm which stops the air Passages of the lung, Its healing principle acts upon the Irritated sunset, of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, re lieving pain nod subduing inflammation. It Is the result of years of study arid experinient, and it is otfered to the atilicted with bis dive assurance o Is to core the folloWiug dis c o uses, If WO lixtieut hi f ~ t hut tr i o long itt'hlred 6 resort to the means of cure (Thustigiption tJ Ore Cough, Sure Arunt turd ',remit, Brochitis Liver Ourdpiaint, ing Mind and )(fett n ling . Asthma, Whoop Cough, Deptheriii, A medleal expert,holding honorable collegiate n diplomas, devotes his entire 1110010 the extputuntlon 01 patio.. tit the office purger, Assochtted with him era three co 'rink, lug physic.. of acknowledged emineuca Who. mire ices are given to the public rung 0 r NI/010K. This opportunity Is offered by uu other iustltutiou lu the cotattry. Letters front any part of the iontalry, asking ndrlee, will be promptly nud gratuitously responded. Where con veuieuti remain... should take the chu t e of 115 , 41 11 4 5,c0 , 115 , j 114 111's 110, 114'01114 'll 11T 01112 , i 1 ''' 11U;,fl Ill's 1 1 12 1, 1,,tr15"' DRAFT OR POST•OFFICE ORDER Price of Wlsburt's American Dyspepsia Pills, fa a Los. Sent by mall ou.recelpt of price. Price of Wlshart's Pluo tree Tar Cordial, 41..'e1a bottle, or tilt per dozen. Sent by express. All cotomeulcullons sbuilld be addressed L. Q. C. WISIIART, M. D., No, ::t2 N. Second St., Philadelphia $7 Iliti 1 15 11) log MEE! DEAFNEsS, BLINDNESS AND CA treated with the utmost nacre.. by J. Eon;M.D. and Profeaxer of Ithrenser nl the Eye nip/ (hiet specialty) in Vie Medical Colleue or Penn • roicanio,Plprore experience, (formerly of Leyden, 'hol land, I No. nil Arch K truer , Phllatli•lplila. Te,timonixls can be noun at his Mlle, Thu medical faculty aro invit ed to accompomy their patientot, as he has no secrets lu his practice. Artificial eye,. (snorted without pain. No charge for exuilkination. 9 on nrlilog 00 • 3 00 • CCM SCHENK'S rui.moNic SYRUP, SEA IJ-ri' WEED TONIC and Mandrake Pills, will cure Con. sumption, Liver Comp[ono, and Dyspepsia, If taken ac cording to dlrectlous. They ore all three to be token of the some time. They CliqUilioi the stiounich,•relax the liver, nd pet it to work, then the appetite becomes loud; the food digests aud makes good blood; the patient bogie, to grow in flesh; the diseased matter ripens in the luorm, and the patieut outgrows the disenne itial gets well. Thin is 1110 only wny to care consumption. To then° three medicines Dr. J. 11. Schenk. of Philmleln plait, owes his unrivalled OUCCI4O4 In the ...limit ot pul monary consumption. Teo I . ollllolile Syrup ripens the morbltbniatter in the lungs, nature throws It otf by esy expectoration, for when the phlestri or mutter in ripe. a slight cough will throw it II lf, and the patient has rent and the lungs begin to heal. Tin du thin, the Tunic and Mandrake must he freely used to Clean. , the stomach nod liver, so that the Paiute:lie Syrup and the food Will Milk° good blood. Schenk 'a Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, removing aII obstructions. relax the duets of the gallbladder, the bile marls freely, and the liver Is WWI relieved; the stools will show what the Pills can do; nothing his ever been lueenied except calomel lit deadly Pul,uu avhleh in iiiilertn Willi great filyel i 1110 I Will MAMA( the nod start the secnitious of the liver like Schenk '0 Mandrake Pills. Liver Couiplalut Is one of the must prominent cairn. of Con stimption. Shen k's Seaweed Tonic In a gentle stimulant and alter- I Mite, and the alkali itt the Seaweed. which 11111 proper, Unlit., tondo 1;f, assists the stomach to throw °lathe gastric juice to into the food with the PUlitionic Syrup, and it la made into good blood without fermentation or souring in the ntomach. The great reason why 'Myst..s do not cure consent:i gloo in, they try to do too much; they give ...Mello , estop dor by doing theh, to stop chilly der s, augo to sto the NI p nighholt.t SWeitt, liectieewees fever, and by sP, locking up the secretions, awl eventually the patient ,inks and dies. Dr. Schenk, in bas treatment, .1014 not try to steno cough, night nweatn, chills, or fever. Remove thee:time, and they will ill pilot; of their own accord. No one can be cured of Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dynpepsia, Catarrh, Can ker, Throat, unless the liver end moon eh are melte healthy. Iya person has Consamption, of course the lunge In some way o diseased, ;either tubercles, abscessea, bruachlul irritatio ar n. Pleura adhesion, or the lune. are amass of in dentation und , tust decaying. In such cones 10 teat munt be done 7 kin eel only the longs that are wasting, but it la the whole body. The giolllach Byer have lost their power to, make Mood out of food. Now the only chance Is m take Schenk 'I; three medicines, which will bring tip a tone to thetile patient will begin to wont food, It ' digent eon ill lard make good blood: then the patient 11110114 IO gain fn 110,11, Mid an ennui its the boar 6ogius Id irrOW, the lungs commence to heal up, aud the patient get. Ilenhy lout well. Thie is Mho only way to cure Consump tion. When there In no lona dlvense, and only Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, Schenk's Seaweed Toole and Mandrake Pills are nufllelent without the Pulitionic Syrup. 'lake I ke Mundreke Pills freely In all bilious complaints, as they are perfectly ' Dr, Schenk, who has enjoyed uninterrupted health for many years past, aud I.IOW weighs 22.) pouuds. was wasted away to a were skeleton, la the very last stage of nary Connultiptlon, plo,lciaus having Pronounced his caw hopeless and abandoned him to Ids fate. Ile was cured by the aforesaid medicines, slid sinee his recovery taanY thuukuuds similarly afflicted have used Dr. licheulea prep *rations with the Sante remarkable slums, inalldireotloaa accompauy each, make It not absolutely 1101,0111111ry to Per na:mil). see Dr.tichenk, tailor. the patients wish their lithgli examined, arid for this parpose he is profeauloually at hi. Principal Unice. Philadelphia, every Saturday. where all letters tor advice tenet Inc addressed. Ile Is also prof.s• Tonally at No. 11 . 2' Bond Street, New York, every they Tuenday. and at No, di Hanover Street, ilosion, every other Wednesday, Ile gives advice free, but for a thor ough eXataluittiou with his Itospirumeter the poke Is 43 Maio hours at each illy (rum g A.lll. to 3 P. N. Dn, J. 11. SCIIENK, 15 .Y. OM St., Philatia.,Pa • mar 10-Iy*** MI elo{bing. Tho Real Excallenco andtheartnest of our Cloth ing b tho only tocrot of our groat suooose. TLOTHINS EMI Ica t 11.8 but "oil w./ /I" monln, every plow w Men In well epongetl, on.l toren/11y otounuell. Our cotton. of llendy m..dn Clothing urn ouch cn 4/14 WU, kln oilier / .1 Al inholetAn on t:n4 I.: Wolk; thole work .billwn comfort with vt) le. Our hands are supplied with thn hr st trimmings, e :1•1 utt „u that they Into Mout, ttntl orrery article I. :It, ttucitly tested be. ft., It, tug pattern stock. burry r,Arnlont Feld Is so • rtuop titled with I, legal t . goentotee, hultlletrus cc. • .tietttstl.lo for the cur. 1.4,1,0 of all Ilea rep. tette:ltalie,. made. It 1, etutetttlell Iltut our I te tt and litany I r utiNttniugtte, etutblo tin fitit Intcar deem tuty IVel.vito it comparltiou of prices. WINTER 1869 We Lava made the GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET Numberless Garments, Endless Variety, Choicest Selections, Goods to Wear Well, Standard Stylca, . • Latest - F.:shions, .Nev , . Furnishing Goods 43-All our vo,r,:ls arc marked at LOWER Palms t the hams articles last,yeari AND DEPARTMENT FOR BOYS' AND YOUTHS' WEAR Are copvcially ‘vell priprtred nuttprmlion. New and Better Cutters, Improved System, Greater Dispatch, A Finer Line of Goods than over, School Clothes, Sunday Clothes, Many New Styles, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. • -- .OAK AA UILD I NGS • • TEM LAr.GEST IN TIIZ, STATZ, S. E. cot'. 6th & MARKET STS.,,racing whole hloek nn uth from PHILADELPHIA. (Market to Minor. 1ir1AN:400 . 645 - 10061 , Y;N TREASUIRER'S REPORT. The account of Evan Guth. Thaaurer of the Mutual Ito Inmuranee Company of Lehigh Count 1810. 1141au, li, Bull from lust year Aug. 14, Ily rnsli roc'tl fn.,. W. rogvl, lu, loin In NOV. ...11. • • IE7O. ja.9. By intere.t r. e'd daring the year 1911. n. Jan. 0, Cool/ natal Evan Cloth itll 00 Feb. 0 • • Charl, Derr 1 i • 11, • 1 alintry llolon. for a 1411t1 9OJ tor , tr o . l • 10, • • Javolt loatrenberger 100 ...T.. • • Samuel Kuhn.... Aug. Nathan Carl, Curorn 11111 II 00 .• 14. • • 11oory11. Pears on for Jacob W. von lire 410 mart. "1 110 • • 14, ca..). 11/1111 III•try B. Poltroon Cro /terriers. 01 Nor. 1 Marko Mobr.lsolding olortiou 200 1. •1 Natlaan Anitooloo Fredoric 31arko. k, Lynn 2 00 0 •• '• .. 2 1070. Juu. 0, • ll.tzel. 41011 nit •29: 1 at Cents liarl7 R 4 Direct...l , let , . I:II 42 18. D. May 1, Vit , ..11 1,41,1 Ames It. Dello, il,Prn Hop. I. Ilene sill,' George, "81 Dee. I. 1t.001 , 01 Beek. I 40 •• I,' Joshua S. Miller. e81 , e1r.•••• lust Sep. 21, • • Win II It nuuurl,ilipme.'e o, r Sr , ' Sep. 25. ' • Tiezi.iirer•ti nupple eat to charier. 21 Cl) Sep 3, • • !n State. lleu eau. , Ina 151 7 14 .l u. ou. ' • Joan* Gearar, datnnan , on. 11U5 Jan. 8. • • Audltarg 1 50 Jars. " Tre.p.nrrr'm 15 O,J MOM.' OR 1.111111.1 1!!MI!011!El!1!12=9 • • • • • - We. the nudersigneil sj ping led auditors haveexamlnad the arciadd of the officers of the Lehigh County Mutual Fire InnuraiiceCompaily, do report that rue have carefully examined co mime am! Iluil the atementa trio awl cor rect as alnico slated. W1U11 , 311 our Intuit and seals thin Nth day of January, A. D. ISM .41,1.1KNAivity,A11.7s1T'llARSON, }Auditors. E. :ilk(' Elt, DENA VEN ds ITROT}:R. 8.1.Vk l:•8.Y .1 DILI 1, I.: S GOVERNMENT sEcuitatk]s UNION Al• CENTRAL PACIFIC It. It IST NIORTGA(;Ii BONDS 4t) SOUTH sTitErr, I.IIII.ADEI.PIIIA Buy, 5..11 1in.11:,4 . 13.iuge atil I.•ue, tr. S. BONDS, 111=11 GOLD Bottahi and I.oltt at Market Rate. St ek. bought and mild Cidnoth , los 011 IV received and interii.t Allowed tin dgily '0a..., (Iwo; at Sight. Jon 10 4: 410 - 000 "I..t".ANT"l''' • BUCK LEAD • LEAD! let. For its l'uthalel jr2.l. o Its li. Unequaled Durability, For In Uneurtut ,, ml l'overlu Dromtrt)*• I.u•tly for It.. Ecottolut'• 64-IT COS'N I.Erit to paint u lilt itt It LEM/ than tabor While Loud entlttlt. 'rho Name weight cotton MOO.; HUH FACE, in more DUE ABLE, mu! makes WHITER WORK. Ii D Is the rheapegt and 6,mt. $lO,OOO %GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC "Kt. For ID. Ftw.Dtalo.llitY. .1 F Its 3 .2 .1.. For Its Uto.orpwowd Covering Ploverty. Lat.tly, for It. Drool. Evottotair. bolna iio CIIE .PEST. MAN DSULEST, ttati Waal DUE.' DLE White Faint la tlw world. BUY ONLY BUCK LEADAND BUCK ZINC TRY IT AND BE CBNVEVUED. Huthifuetion guaranteed by the Munufacturern BUCK corr AG E COLORS, trloNs m „;',l• l ,7; l M.inlit nic Egl:. "UIIIR FIVE DIFr COa.OAS. Duranlo, , elloar. and Beautiful übade, • rm Sample card. aent by Malt If ilonlrc.l. Dealers' (Inlet, will la. promptly carculed by Om mac nfactuicra. FRENCH, R,TCHARDS & N. W. COR. TENTH & MARKET 131 B.," Jan 19.1 y PHILADELPHIA. 870. Z.Ziatclje,g anb srl33rltu. t k P.I.DVjELL & CO. r _ • c iP i,•.?,,r ; .1 EW ELERS, AND IMPORTER 9')2 CITF.STNIT STREET, , 1111.A.DE1,1'111A, KEEP ONLY liST-CL ASS GOODS. AN 1101RNAlt y Atli ETV GOLD WATCHES, DIAMONDS, .IEWELRT, SILVER WARE, WEDDING KILTER, PLATED WARE, CLOCKS', BRONZES, FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, FINE PAINTINGS, &C., 4:c All per,onoo, dodring roa•ly tine artlclee, reliable In quality and moderato in Mi.., are eettitin 10 boltletionl l Our exr...L.l,gly large and vorloul collection. Our stork I. kept alway. freolo by intorno. from trot nourees. on , .tore hoo Pronounced one of the molt elegnnt lit the world; 1111.1 1111 V parties elo.iting doe city are conlially in. riled to coil Rod iteopeet it at their looloonn. 19- IY CHESTNUT AND 12TILSTREETS, Pill DELPIIIA BAILEY CP OM OPENING ('II 'l'llA DE .AIAG N I FICENT STOCK wATenr,s, JEWELRY, STLYER-WARE, FANCY GOODS, BRIDAL GIFTS 11;111,EV eo. /MVP the handilotiwit piton the world rind tr ill ht thllo.l idedwil to receive mid iihow ors through their establo,hinent. BAILEY & CO., NEW M Ail 13 LE STORE, CHESTNUT AND 12TH STS., '"gl 9,1 00 IS AC K. prr AL (PEER. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, 5... 115 SUIITII S.F.CoND ST., con. or QUAKILY. PUMA = r Walebox Jctr , •lry, Silver and PlAaniedn;7l;4'irri:.‘;,'Tti,t"unt,ly _ ‘wo _ ry prompt p •.` 111 - ,..l2eitillikg of \\Niche% and Jt 1 ppg 1,4 I nit.,ndtl G i lt AND OPE:VI:I4 4 A NEW ENV ELRY STOR E. J. It. WEBER begtt kat, 10 Mum (Ito ritlrena of Allen: town and Hotly that ht. boo opt.sted it new J E\VELItV 1,,T01{1; NO. 36 WEST HAMILTON STREET, Where he will keep cea.tattilr Laud an it..ttrtale . nt of :t IA 01l .11:N\ ,Itl at Price"in "a to time, trt_leektl. Watchet 11111 i Jett•.tcy Ntrertfflp rorair. ,l • J. \Veber , being au experienced . and careita mechanic, re•reetially atkt. the patr , nage ot the It. wßomi. July 2S.eatt _ _ EsTABLINE2I:II. 113: ASSI I:l:MiiV .I:\('rill IL\ Y , PJ WEI JER, Invites kin patron.: and ille poldle generally. to Ids New Store, No. MI v EsTN rr sT.. PHILADELPHIA. whore they wlll lind a la rat. a 1.1 well r, lamed %lark of DIA MONDS, W ATC 11,111710. Price,lt Y. SILVER +did PLATED WA E. at Moderate N. II —WATCHES and JEWELRY carefully repaired. JEWELRY and SILVER WARE of all kinds made to order. July 1.1.n0t ,W,lli 43 xxa ( MOS G•_ P.r. I'l 00 wATeli ES, J V, SILVER AND PLATE!) WARE CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. .21 East Hamilton aireet. opposite the Gorman Ito forzned Church. lane' ook' ed (rola Nev York and Phil adviphia. all the sty los GOLD IVATCIIE,S. Ils•has sisal:sagest and best asesorisnent of (laid ‘Valelsess and al lower price, lusts cast be (amid • SILVEIt wATeuff...s. larger 11111 i hotter asesssrinnsul of Silver Watch.. thau ran ssurellaresi anywhere eke. GOLD .1 EAV.EI,IiY. ❑o ho. tho largeSt nod best rvotorttneut of ull kluds o Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. • lie a Jewelry better :mot - intent all Mudd 0(011 mud Plated than can be Mud elsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Ile bar u oplendid n,Aortruent of Silver and Plated Were Any person desiring good' in thht Ituo ran not fall to it hutted. A largor anmtirttoeut tbiu at any othor ostabllsbutrut. MELODEONS. • --- A splendid oQ.ortmcnt of Princes Mrlodecom the boa to the m orlol. . - - - - • ACCORDEONS. lifeld ansurttn rut of all k,. of Accoll eour. entabllchntent hay lutety been lilted on. nod itow second to uono In New York and Philadelphia. and ahead of anything outside the large rifle.. Ile hot a larger stock of faidliouithlii good~ to hl. In. than all who, In Lehigh comity combined. To convince yourAelveA of the coil and see KELiam unoTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., wvllregnlalvd and warranlvd. Al; lean nud 1 , 2 opwatth , A larger w.ortmeut of GOLD AND SILVER WATCAS than rw ho found In any other more In the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, of vv., ol,rt •%ifatchos rotpairot on Short Nock pLATED (FOODS r II St FINEST QUALITY, nt tLn LoNVe.t Rat., nt SO S CHESTNUT STREET, Second Floor, • ft. 1100EItS. We ore dully recolv log (rum our (orrery In Cono,ctlnt , the lilt of 11.1111 i, nnunr,nr• from lthg , r Brother, nil • • MorW M en lirania Co.'u • maaufactorle TRIPLE-I'LATED SILVERWARE, Excel. all othm • ZINC• 4. BRIDAL (VET' AND 1101.11 AY PIIESENI's 1 It EXHIBITION (TX 01' CIIIIISTMASI:3I:NTS G. A: SCHWARTZ, , low ciIESTNUT STllEUT.fabove e r r f calttrer z wathiouttllc In ana. rie'roul:l7 all; la bt.VliY wswaila TOYS. • !hiving visited all . the largest European Mabo. factories personally, I am confident that the Variety and Cheapness of (bombs cannot ho aurrattaml In thin country. All are invited to visit the attire, whether they porch*o or otherwise. • 0. A: SCHWARTZ, dee 1 Importer. and inolesale and Retail Dealer. zi‘ I E \VELEItS, Fon TIIE F &LI =3 I=l NovELTIEs SPECIALTY PHILADELPHIA CLOQIIS LENTOWN, CLOCKS, SILVER WARE I=l S 4 CIII:STNUT Street. Second PHILADELPHIA . A. 11. 7200 ERR ILrgat 'Notictis ADMINISTRATOR'S 11; Notice 1., hereby given that the undoralguedhu 1/11.11 out letters of adminixtrutlon In the Estate of John DI dereaartyate of the Borough of Cataxaugu•. Lehigh county; therefore all pore.. who aro Indebted to asho .fate, are reque.ted to make payment within all wool°. from the date hereof. and such who have soy legal clamps agaito4 said Estate will preaent them well authen ticate,' for melt within the alive them time. lee 15.6 w WILLIAMS Afftn'r. L,tforTuft. All permo. who are ludebted for water permits to th.Alloutown Wainr Compavy aro herar.smeded they ran sVitio their account• by rolling upon the Treasu rer of the Company in the office of the County Com sioners between uow and the Find tiny of February, 187 U. After that . 31 per real. will he added ott all amounts due and the .evetal totpaid necounts will orderned Over to Justly .• of the Peace tecttilectlou. fly of the 'bard, JOS. WEAVER, Prrsident. Attest Secretor)' TIIIIIIAAJACtiIiV, Treasurer. - I'IItACTI CAL FURRIER, 710 ARCH ST Pllll,B IVA. I.atlicit, tnke nutlet; or our Influence clack of Cue Fore, of finest llticatan and Iludaun Ray Sable, Rink Chinchilla, Ermine, Actrarhan, Siberian Squirrel. Fitch. Ste. Ala., n line ancurtineut of Sacques, In Seal, lier-lan or White nod Black Aairachao, which I am aching at 'AI per cent. Wail than any Other store In Ike city. A 1 ., ,, n non o.notnnont of Robea, Whip. You. While Ice. land Relax, Beaver. and Undo. Day Wolves, A, WII. /IMAM 710 Arch St. l'hliaic:FLla. IMEMI Joy nub ir.:,13 Lct T'F.---NEVE. CONVENI- Olt. ICE \ IL A I rail room., nitutit.A lo a favorable location. some of theta taped for law yert ulArou or loaninotot occupations. Apply .t 111. "file. or THE IA:111011 IIItOISTER, Allen. tow u, 490 BURIAL LOTS FOR SALE,— The motel - signed offer for bale 420 new Ceme tery bits imutedhttely ioljolniog the rub. C.:n.107 . 2,, on Tenth etreet. • The loan w tit be sold by subwription, end immediately after tho whole another ate dispuitod of they trill be award• dby lot in the sumo taunter la the organization of the Union Aesogiatiow Pie. or plane of the premium , . nut be wet. at our ogle, to Y 12 (300 D & RUIIE. To LET.-A REASONABLE LEASE Will ho given on the Easton Slate Quarry, nitrated In Plainfield toWnnitiV. Northampton county, l'a. neat titaakertown. It cutiiiists of number ono flat•veln, blue, never-failing claw, fully equal to the well.ktniwu Chap man Slate, with n go.ol water Power and a full rigging of pumping and in:whit/vs. l'enienti desirous of an will pinion examine for then, selven, null apply to Reuben Koch, SinekertownP.O. mar :I,'W 0. 1.. l'renident TOOUR 11117N111tEl) FARMS FOR SAJ,E, ranging In price front .i.Sto On per sere, Accord to improwinetits, location Ace. flood coal, genial climate, anti near market, Them., (mums lire situate In Virginia awl Maryland, come In the immediate vicinity of W ington and °therm front :Mtn MI nolo* dlotaut (ruin the Cap. Ital. Addruss or call on J. D. 6AN (i EltllVlS.lla.ogichn• troll Avelino near Slxtli otrert Wnlillogion, C, FOR SA LE. = WATER POWER AND FACTORY, [laving how In mining ardor a Planing Machine. Slitting Only, 'l'h toe Circular ~ Jig Saw, nrning Lathe, and other Axton., all in cionplido barn, and other ontbathlinga on the lot. At Cooperiiburg Station, North Peon Railroad. Apply by lett, or in porion to .1 A C OB SHAFFER, .2.10 Noith ' , proud atreet, Philadelphia. =lli GREAT SALE or EII6ON A L PROP ERT Will lie roll a pulillr nalr rit the late Stiiwort, deco:i.e.'. to 01CM:1,11110:I. 011 (..)N DAY ANI) TUESDAY, MARCH 7TH AND STU, 1870, tie 611e%8 Mg PERSONAL Phil rmar of raid decedetit. :—one stallion. three horse, seven :Mich cows, our bull, three. calves, two tellers, head sheep, one hoc neve. and four large 'Mutes , two hoary lour•liors• wagens, reaper, grain drill, machine power, two straw cutter,corn shelter, gram fan, two new tot , bogg les, two its light carriage haruess. four sets heavy Lernors, akin.t, sleigh bells, halters, plough harness, etc., wolf'• s Latish; robes, one.hurse sletgli. set of wheelwright tools, grind some, and all the implements used on • well stocked farm. Also, at the acme time sod place, ThtflY Acre- of (Oslo lu the ground. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Cousistlug of three down chairs, settee, three rocking chairs, goo dieing taller, about ono huudred and fifty rds rag curvet', cook nod dining room stover, number of y Mi a mi, one row lug machine, me beds, bedsteads •nd bedding, betcherieg Implements, cop kettle, largo Iron kettle, dishes, 1111.11nally other 11131Cle. 100 111111101.1.1 0 to mentin. Condition.. Will be matde known on day of sale by ss lIENI.CY STEWART. •" en 12.210 • I.llll'r of James Steweit, decbt. 31,1Cart,5. THE POPEL It SE 3131 ER RESORT '1111: sLA.TE EXCHANGE HOTEL, • WALNUTPORT, LEIII(Ill CO. • WILLIAM KUNTZ, PROPRIETOR. The beautiful anti hatted grounds of this hotel lattr• been aired up especially P. the accommodation of excur sion parties. THE TABLE of the hotel In annulled with the choicest luxuries aud the most teniptlug Intuit sad vegetables. Everything in setwou always cooked in the best manner and nerved hi the 01005 iris Mug style. THE SI.EEPINU APARTMENTS are commodious sod well ventilated, and aro ample for the accommodation of guests who may wialt Pt remain over sight, or take board• • tint by the Week ur fur the “eason. Special arrangemouts made with excursion parties. Pot Luther Informatluu address WILLIAM KUNTZ, V2S Slatlngton P. 0., Pa ftliscallancotts 1 - AISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER -11 bill P.—Notice to hereby given that the co.partner• ship heretofore existing bet we. Joseph Matchett and F. C.Haines, doing busluew under the Pm name of MAT. C. 3 HAINES. I. this day dissolved by mutual con. sent. The business ol the law firm will be neutron by Jo seph Mutt!liett, to Own. those Indebted are requested to make pa yinelit and those having claims should prooent them. Js IE ATell ETT, C. January Jun 194,0 DissoLuTioN OF CO-PARTNER siII —Notice la hernby given that the partnership lately existing between ANTHONYROWSF:, of the City Or Allentown, Lehigh county, and N.lllll'ol'o4 Mauch Chung Curlion comity, hi , bowl dissolved this dap , by , 131= A GultiricirmemAL MEETING. X. The annual wonting of the Lehigh County Agricul tural Society will be held on TUESDAY, the F,IHST d•T of FEBRUe.P.T, IS7O. at 10 o'clock, A. AL, at Thu Amefi can Hotel, la the Guy of Allentown. Penna., whore the Treamwur • o annual report will ho precented, ofilrerx elected Inc the eiwultig year, mot other ittlPortant 1 1 1Attorr brought before thelneetlng. Therefore all the nwonhera of said Society are re.pectlully requested to attend maid meeting. lip order o 11. Jr SCHANTZ. r Trident. .111.01..--JO4IIIIA Secretary. Jan 19.21 4 - II 0 Fir" S TRI I / 4 0C t og) MARK • LT ExTRAC I :dread y recommended by uur leading physloang% ax It WOW - nod n nutrient. IL:SPECIALLY ADAPTED TO LA• DIES). with the most sutisfactury results. This beverage is eginusively used where all spirituous liquors suit ales re disewded. as It differs from all other Inuit prepara tions:. being ALMOST FREE FROM ALCOHOL, and therefore neither insockailug uor irritating; ax It coutains MOREH NUTRIMENT TAN. PORTER, ALE. OR THE smo mi EST BEER. TARRANT r CO,, NEW YORK, Solo Ageots for ilia (Tolled Slates, MEM SECURITY AGAINST LOSS BURGLARY, FIRE. OR ACCIDENT T-14k-SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, NEW FIRE AND lIVROI.ATI-I'ROOF IWILDINU 32.4 ANI.III CIIIISTISt'T ST. TIIE FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY CAPITA! MEM S. R. Brwne.. Edward W. Clark., Clarence 11. (kirk. Alexander Henry, Jolla Stephen A. Cnldwell Chucks 111arAlehter, Aleurge F. TYirr• Hoary C. Ullman. I'resl.lent —N. 11. 1111OWNR. Vire Prenklent—CLAllENCE IL CLARE. Seervlary And Trosburer-1111IIT. I'AIPERBOII. Secielary—JA3lllA W. ILAZLEIRIIRT. Thr Company ha.. provided In tlit•ir Ilullklltsx •Ird athhoittio rwettrltY .aitalr.• l 10.. by FIRE. UCRU. LARY. or ACCIDENT. itud • nEeF.IVESECURITIES AND VALUABLES. DE 1 1 F.P9F.. IT UNDER GUARANTEE. the following rote, for one year or lehb period: Government end all other Coupon Seem:l ilt, or lb", treloilerable by &give. yo. 61,00 per 0,000 (lover:moot und nil oilier Seriallieo wred nod negotiable only by oudorse• went Ovid Coin or Bullion Silver Coin or Bullion tillger or Child Pinto. USW, neat Utl Own er's o.loiLitte of rill.. and rule subjtcl to inljto•ifiletil for bulk 1.00 per 100 3enelry. Innitiondo, rte • 2 511 per MAXI P Martitage, and Valuable Pale..., Ncnrratlp,who. 3 . I .„^„y.r,aord'irnt h ii:;r arc•'r~llnN lan b Ob. plum a bade of fret cubic capaci ty. +la a year. emulous mid Interest owner, suetcte wen deired. nod remitted to the for Pe cen The Comp:thy offer bo for 11F.NT. ke the exclusively lding the y. SAFESINSIDIi Tilt H E III'ULAII-PROOF • At rates varying from fli ng to VA each per anuttlo, accord i to Ole. 1)0,101101 3loney Received on' whirl; Intereol 1.41 allowed; 2 per cent. on call 1)1110,11o. paY•bla by , • cheek at night. and 4 per cent. nn Time payablo unit/ dayo; notice, Letter. of Credit furoltted. uvallaltle lu all Parts of liurop,„ , TLix Compauy I. d.o authorised to act a Executor.. Admit,lotr.tor., and ttuardlau.. to retelve'sod execute Tr 11144 of every dercrlption from the court., oorporattous, •or N. B. BROWNE. President. ROBERT PATTERSON, nettle and Prenturer • • tau 641 m MEM ANTHONY ROWSE P. N. IWTOT. . . Jim 19 2i• $11.000,000. .10 per I COO Per 1.0 , 0 .! Vcr 1,030
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