ADVERTISING RATES. at. I tno. 3 moe. 6 zueL IL Imo moo. 60 um 1.50 1.75 9.111 W OO 2 " 3.00 3.50 6.50 6' 2 " 4.0017.") MW MW 2.1. 00 11.50 22.00 40. W MO MW 40.00 0100101 W 30.00 0100 110.00 .31100 I! no Squaro . vo Squares km Squares Ix Squares. . uartor Column all Column . no Column CI Professional Cards $l.OO per line per year. Administrator's and Auditor's Notices, p.OO. City Notices, 53 cents per lino Ist Insertion, n cents per Ina each subsequent insertion. Ten linen [mato constitute a square. ROBERT IREDELL, in., PUBLIBUEII, ALhENTOWN, PA Clotbing. GREAT THINGS IN THE CLOTHES LINE! lJf Or (ha I n the clones s rr tont o tlL i, G I r t e, tLI EA:T fie t VI °CLUTHA. & WILSON continue to Iteop 111, The beg of Clothing, wonderful cheap. E XCTLLnEleEu,lxtraClotis, A: our,,!,„,re tho roughly known. ALL our best eltlzene come, this Fall, Awl buy their elulhwk at 111.44.1 Ltrowu Hall. TEtiLrAreurie,if;T„',lsb`,7%?ebtahuh.7l;s:T"l.L„..ll.ll. BROWN, and olive, and drab, and green, The richt.. what!, that I‘a•ro wen. DT-)1A11/1: C1001111,4', st Vie allti R mad, to y.our CIVI:11C0.\ TS, - styliali, and strong and moot, lJ Tlin not it ..Lrata vWIR T Call IS gentleman %year, at all, 11,ttm. lima Clothe...lrma the NONE, in the world so good or so cheap, .t+ el.thes & NV ikon Leep "YAM. (Med full of magnificent piles Of rine Yell mows, ..f.Oll. ficht,t A lA, the Val tcties now in store, th. Asa ren.tautir wore. T W•a; or short th0tt..,.11 our ebstonterS lie JJ \Vt• 111 Ibvin oxactly; rOlllO loWl l TU AN EVER the prices, all, J ut the goods we Nell nt 01001:EAT BROWN lIALL All Good and True Mou Aro alwayx Invited To buy tholr at the ()real Brown Mal or ILOCKIIILL & WILSON, 60:3 AND 605 CHESTNUT. ST. PHILADELPHIA cep SC.:lna Qtoat nub Lumber. FROW, JACOBS d• CO., I=l ROUGH & WORKED LUMBEI SASH DOORS AND BLINDS, =3 Ara" Orders from the trudo hunched • FILM:RT. 11.OTTIL n. Y. OTTO. U. W. MILLER. F ILBEnT, OTTO at "I I LEER, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, WILLIAMSPORT, PA MILL ON 'CANAL, CwE EsT Tit} OF MAILE YNARD STREET, oFFI A W. F. CRANE, AnEs.L. ELLIS P. 111000 E Int CO, LUMBER MERCIIANTS, NO. 620 BEACH ST., I= =I Deft'arm In all kluda of CAIL DUILDEIIB',OATIINET MAXIMS' & UNDMITAIIHRS LUMBER A fall asnortmout of sea...`ii MEE POl.l. 11, C II Eltlt Y, C II ES'l'Nl'l', nud (aloi) NNE Alwaya us hand I=2= REMOVAL! SM I'l'll OSMUN'S COAL AND Wmi) YARD ! Tho f'“:11 nu,l \\',•„ t 1 Yar.l has hoon I .tst rad 4.r th.. Jot alio So 1”.,./1,1:11111Y 1,5 , 5 a rito , autl full supply ~5 Egg, Stove Nut and Chestnut Coal, lielerl.•.l N . OlllOll . Milk'. iu ii 0,1111t,Y OUlt C ( ) x 1 L ts rimier e.Pror—atel It Is io the Intere,4 of every o polehzt,el DRY AND senEENEI) COAL giiA largo v.t.krk gif all I:11,114 ~ma w.". 1 ou huud, d.llvered to all • part%a the city at the lowuld 111101 , ••t price, BI: ANC!! branch yard 1.1,14thn 1,1110 Valley thpet, I:ilowtt the bit . Yllnl of 1 , 111 1 nud 4Z-TIIIS ISTIIIII'EtiPLE'S COAL YARD. — atit Our Coal In selected front the hest 1111111, , ill the Lehigh region, 111.11.0,1111 g tltixlt. he the fart tintl,tlint It will give perfect satiefitetion, there IA 110 11. offering to refund the money. All ten unk Is it (intern taken at I hinh ler'h hat .tare.. inly 10th COAL. CONSITMEItS, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST P. 11. STELTZ Hereby Inform, the rill:mat of Allrutman, and the p Ile iu geupral, that IA ht prepared to furulalt all kiwis 0 COA L , from Ids well stocked Yard, formerly 11. Guth & Co.'s, et llv behlult Basle, in Ito , City of Allentown, whore he will cmAtautly keep on hand a full supply of all kind, of Cosh nt the very lowest market prices. 111. coal Is nice oud clean, from the very best mines, nut In quality superior to au). offered to Alleutown. lie will sell Coal by the CAR LOAD, at very small pro fits, as he Inteuda 1,, do busitoms upou the principle of Quick Sales and Small 'Pro fi ts." Dive him n roll, mud up o n eompoclng prices you can jtulue for Youraolvea. Ito roll( deliver Cool upon call to suy port of the City upon orders being loft at the Yard, or Uoinsheliner's store POW DER AO ENCY. Aloo, Akeut for Lehigh county for Ihn •• 1.3111 n Pawl] Company." Prepared ;tll Homo to delive r i—•^l Milling and lllasting Powder, Snorting Powthir, It lbw, rtu It g and eitalhtert, Foxe, nt any pi In any. onantity. The ram° at retail tit the Gnu n cry of 11. F. Welfortr, No. NI Eliot Hamilton Ordem by Ili ll prondillY illicit mar 31.11 pEM L THEXLEIt & BROTHERS, L lJ :N1 E 11 , • Ifereby nunnnnrr to their frletels mid imtrotu have just removed from their OM Ni/liid to their NEW YARD, ...tie ildt corner of 'Veldts and Ilandlton utreet., formerly troll l Ity Wallas St Miller. n 4 t Lumber Yard, wlll,ll they will 0111hiLL1liiY keel). hood a large and 111.1.10111'd mock a I, M B 1 , 1 It , Notts a- ;GI Was of PINE, HEMLOCK, POPLAR, SHINGLES PICKETS, Ste. In fact ovvrythiug kept by the tr.!, nissAll kinds of lumber cut to order al ellort notice l'lnktin publicr 1 , 11 l raVorK. we inlet our friends, as wen Ps the p In general, will gionus a call nt our New Yard, u here we will use our best endenvors to render eats slaction both as regatds quelity and prices. [oat 2.1•613..11 Far Pure Water, tire ti c eelebrulthl lump, rehrely tasteless, durable and rella• tile; efteal to the pe , I el,l4,ltiontel meeden Pump, emir' CHS. GBIATCHL , ""' 624 &620 l'amttly ST 44 9 • • e,p IS •W'? 0b e) 1 4 , / , .GM, less than half tho money nrrangod •.. ti + to 1.0 tout•freezitttt. It ill Cl.llO tlilloo li , ht any one can put It up and Loop It In repair. THE DENT AND CHEAPEST PUMP NOW MADE TO CONSUMPTIVES.—The nilverther, having been restored to health Ina few weeks, by • very simpb remedy, after baying suffered several years with a me core lung affection, and that dread disease. Cue. gnu loos to make known to his fellow metravers the means of cure. 'Po all who desire It, he will send a copy of the to ....ital... oval Moo of charge), with the direr thins for preparing and using the Name, which they will laud a Stare elate for Coes utuption, Asthma Bronchitis, atc. 'Tho only object of the advertiser In mending the Prescrlp• thin is to lienelit thu afflicted, 1111 d spread Information which he eillleeiVll.l to bit iIIVIS/01{bitia unit /10 hope). overt' sufferer will try his remedy. as it will cost theta nothing nod may nrove o blessing. • Parties wishing the prescrlptlea will tdesan address, line. El.)WAlin A. WILBON._ Williamsburg. Kings Co.. N. Y. VOL. XXIII. • - - SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES!! EYE GLASSES, &c. A large and complete alatortment of all k ludm of Bpeetaclex, Ego Ularrox. &c., at CHAS. S. -MASSY'S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN. PA Having devoted 0 great deal of care and attention to the Spectacle business for three last few years, I god that my business In that line Ins Increased so much that I have de termined to make It a SPECIALITY. - 'rliero Is no article manufactured In %chid) there is so much deception para. ticed Ila there Is In Spectacle 111uaoea. N nowlng that the public have lisen freqUently humbagged by parties , pre tending to ha. a superior article of Masses, nod charging exorbitant Priors for them, therelly.trutllclng upon .the ne cessities and Ingruilties of age, I have taken Pains to se• lect al s mid complete ....linl o the nst nd bst Olsses ever inanulacturod, thus ea affo f rdingfi e a all perso e ns needing Spectacles au opportunity of purchasing at re. 110.110110 per.. 1 . 1`.11t0 having any difficulty In being gulled elsewhere will do well to give tae a call, as I . feol confident that uo ono will full to be salted. Remember the old stand, No. 2l Feud Hamilton street, opposite the Her nia') Reformed Church Allentown Pa. jun .2.3•'()Stf READ TillS! LAZARUS & MORRIS' PERFECTED S PECT ACM ES AND EYE-GLASSES ONE OF THE FIT M 15111 EN WILL NE TS AT THE STORE OF , Mnesns. KELLER BROS., Jewelers, TWO DAYS ONLY, MONDAY AND TIIESDAY AUGUST 30 AND 31, 1809, Ile allende for tbo purr., of amelethml‘feektre. Keller Brom. In FITTING Tint LYE IN DIFFICULT Olt UNIT• IriUAL CASES. Thum eutfuring from Impaired or dleensed vie!. 010 recommended to avail themselved thin op• portuolty. Our Spectacles and Eye-Glasses are acknowledged t be OM most perfect assistance to night ever manufactured and can always be relied upon an affording perfect ens and comfort while xtrengthooing and preserving the Eye most thoroughly. Ytn-We take occasion to notify the Public that we em ploy podlers, and to caution them against those pre tending to have our goods for nate. =II rocafrs, Probizians, THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUT. E. FENSTERMACIIER, CORNER OF TENTH AND HAMILTON STREETS, ALLENTOWN, PA., Is tho place to buy all kinds of P R O.V I S'l 0 N S, &c., At cheap prices, such ae APPLES, PEACHES ORANGES AND LEMONS: POTATOES, SALT, Also, all kinds of IMPORTED DRIED FRUIT each a. PEARS, PRUNES, RAISINS, CHERRIES, Ac., Aiwa', on hand a good ameorttnent of the beat quality •GROCLRI Tenth ll doacriptlona. to not tub. the plac corner of and Hamilton, to buy good !Mugu reaxotutble prlcoo. aug E. FENSTERMACHER. nrp 13-1 r I=l FLOOR OIL CLOTH, .4 aml 8-4 8 Now and Elegant Designs OW Lo, c. KRAMER'S "OLD CORNED.' J. JEANES, PUOTOO RAPIIEII Late of Philadelphia.) btu taken the dallety No. 11 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Formery occe by R. P. LartlerVllS. ;client personii con Fel FIRST - CLASS PICTURES taken at REASONA BLE. Plt ICF.S. A Irbil In 011 thst Is needed to oniliify every one. COME ONE! COME ALL! try. wont Photographs, Cartes de Visites, Vignettes, Photo Minlittures, Ainbro• types. Melattiotypes, Ferrotypes. etc. (Jive us OJEANES. tritil. J. n 9-1 • Snecessor It. P. Liuttereux. FOWLING PIECES, At reduced neVOlvOrm. POWdeT ilnrux,Shot tingi Pere...ln Calm, etc., by C. F. WoH N ertz, o. 36 1.0 Hamilton Street. sop 15.1 y = IMPORTANT TO SHIPPERS AM) MANUFACTURERS. DENNISON'S AND LOCKWOOD'S TAGS AND SHIPPING CARDS, AT MANUFACTURERW PIUCES REGISTER OFFICE TABLE KNIVES, FORKS. SPOONS COFFEE MILLS, Sm., at C. F. WOLFERTZ'S Store, No. 36 E.t.a llmullion sop 154 y PIANOS AND ORGANS. r rico , greatly reduced for rant. New 7 Octave Pianos Oral -glass make. for 1e275 and upward. New Cabl Organ , . fur ISM and upward. Seeund•hand Instruniet (root .}4O to 075. Monthly Inetalltnente revolved, and atrumenti for rent. Wareroutas, No. 491 Broad wit?. lIOIIACE WATERS FORTY THOUSAND CANES OF Roods were ',hipped from our bourn In One Year, to families, clubs, arid merchants, lu every part of the coin, try, from Maine to California, amounting in value to over I= ONE MILLCON DOLLARS liar facilities for transacting Ibis Monett. , business ore Lauer limo ever before. We twee agents to all the priu clpol cities to onrchasil goods from the Manufacturers, Importers, nod others, for CASII, nod often at au Immense sacrifice from the origloal cost of production. Our stock consist,, is part, of the following trbt, Billnkets, (Toilers.. Gilighnms, Drees Goods, Table Linen, Towels. lbefery, Gloves. Skirls Corsets &e., :Weer-Naha Ware, SPRIIHR plated an Nickel Sllrer, Premed Forks, five•buttle plated Castors Itrilawsio Ware, Mose Wore, Table and l'ocket 'Cutlery, En grefit /..irgailf French and German Fil/ICV (b/148, Rental {.11!,1/:,/r1,1,0c/cOffrsal...441,6xiv(al.ogu.e. weld mud choicest style Morocco Tefiveling Burls. Handkerchief and flo.rex, Am. Gobi and Phtled Jewelry, of the newel eIY w h a ve also made arrangements with some of the lead log 1'0.112411Na Houses, thut will euable us to sell lb stuodard nod latest works of Popular authors at eh.n owe-half the regular pricer—such ex Wroott,l , Bloung Moss, MI Lyon, mod THN:I,II , 2I'N WOMEN, 11.0.1111 1111 sod Cloth Illudiugx,—aud hundreds of others, nom, und ttrarythlug elite fur ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICL We do not offers single article of merchandise, that cal he Fold by regular dealers at our price. • Ws do not as you to buy goods from us osiers other sell theist cheaPe than you Lou obtain them lu any Witn—whilo th greater part of our goods ore sold at about I= ONE-HALF THE REGULAR RATES We want good relinble agouti. In every part of the Coun try. ity employing your spare time to form clubs and sending us orders, you cau obtain tho must liberal coni inissioux, either lu CAtill or bIERCIIANDISE, and all goods seat by us will be no represented, and we 'marina. satisfaction iii every one dealing with our house. Agents should collect ten cents from each customer and forward to us lu advance, fur Descriptive Checks of the goods we sell. The holders of the Checks have tho privilege of either purchuslng the article thereon described,. or of excliusiging every article mentinued uur Catalogue, numbering Mai alliforefit articlos,—nut Amu uf which cau be par ch used lu the usual wny for thu imam money. The advantages of first senillug for Checks are these: We aro camtautly buying small lots of very valitablo goads. which aro not on our catalogues, nod fur which we Issue checks till all are sold; besides, in every large club we will put checks for Wgvcifini, 4011.00, BL•2IKETO. basso I . •TrEltriti or 801110 other article of gin op Moine rotemhsrs 4, Me club mi opportunity of yurchaidow if is firliefr.for tibrmt oar quirt, of the rathe, every order unioutitiug to OYOr la% accompanied by , the ra.ll, the A geut May retain lath), nod la every corder over lath! mai' he retained to PAY THE EXPRESS CIIARGES Thin offer In mem espoclnlly to :testa Agnt' , In the W .111 nod IMutlient Mulct., but Is open to ull customers. Agents will he paid tea per cent. In Cash or M05...15e,. when they EMI. l'P THEM ENTIIM 1•1.1 . 11, for Which below giyo o partial List of Coutinleslons: For on, order of 00. from s club of Thirty, we willpay the Agoo, on commission, 'Ls yards Bros, a or Slouched Sheeting, lined Press Pattern, Wool Minor,. Shawl, C French .si mere Pouts mud Vest Pattern, Fluo Largo White Counterpane, etc., etc., ,or 40. up In mush. For on order of ioo, from a club of Fifty, see will Pay the Agent, ttn commission, 41 yards Sheeting, Ono honey Wool Bluukets, Dress pattern, !holds.. wool Square Shawl, 811ser•Clue Watch, etc., etc., or lu cash. For an ord. of *lOO, from a Club of One Hundred, we will pay the Agent, as commission, lust yards good ysrd• • Wldo Sheeting, Colu•Sllser Hunting Ca. Watch, Rich Yong Wool Shawl, lull of all Wool French Cassimero, etc., etc,, or $lO In cash. We do not employ any Traveling Agents, and enstomors should not pay money to persons purporting to be our • agents, waters personally 11ratininted. Sena Money Always by Registered Letters For further particulars send for Catalogues sep 2J•17 _ . . . • . - '.., 1 1r.i.... 6 )7i .iti t :L.- •i , . , ... Clw 11- tilig t h : . . , __ Spcctacitz. CELEBRATED I= =I COMMISSIONS PARKER & CO., 08& leo Bummer St., Button, Diu ItIC Vaper anb Stationcru. SCHOLARS, ATTENTION! PUPILS, PARENTS AND ALL OTHERS WHO NEftD ROOKS' OR STATIONERY Ara IuvIOSI to.callat No. 3.1 West Hamilton Stroot,.(Walk er's old stood, four doors below Eighth Street. w horeyou will find u large and completo stock of all kinds of Schoo l Boo k s • used In this county, at the lowest cash prices. A full line of LATIN. (MEEK, 0/OMAN and FRENCH books for Colleges Academies and Sot 11 , , always on at the lowest rates. A full assortment of Stationery, Maul , (looks. Hcmo• madams, Pocket Books, Combs, Albums, Pictures Ster eoscopes and 'V lows, Window Paper, As... sold at this very lowest cash pricer. EarOsh and Ali ilocket and family Bibles, Prayer Books and A large out splesdid stork of Miscellaneous Books in Prose and Poetry, Unit ihoclay School Books. All the re quisites for :iambi) . Schools alwsrs on hand at Phlholci phla Prices. We are closing oat our stock of WALL. PAVER at cost. Agent for the sale of BRADBURY'S CELEBRATED PIANOS. )'lea.e give me acall whoa you wish to purchasej E. MOSS, au IS-coil Hamilton St., lielowEighth, Allentown, l'a. Boot itialters REMOVAL. YOUNG & LFNTZ'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IEIDEiOiR4)3 = S. W. Corner of HAMILTON and SIXTH STS. NOB. 38 AND 40, wlinro they •ro now prepared to receive their patrona The WIIOLESALE DEPARTMENT crazzim LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS IN THIS VICINITY' A great qumlllty of the work being of their own make and balance trout the bent manufacture', In the country TIIE RETAIL DEPARTMENT WIII Le coadacted a. larcloruie. FINE CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN. All the leading htylex on baud or made to memo. fixed LOW FIGURES on Illustrated Price Milt wit tION fur mrlf•ounonretneot moot on receipt of Po I= =I I= 101untbing anb eaz Sixturcz. GAS FIXTURES. AI)DIS & ROBERTS, • •-• PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS NO. 136 WEST HAMILTON STREET, I=l OEOROE IIIAAS' NEW RUILDINOALLENTOWN All klntl.. of flan Flotorea of the best 'oaken.. Hydra." yttraulie Ruins, Lift and Fore° rllllll., DEEP WELL PUMPS, Bath Tabs, Water Choets Circulating BoHera. dm, A Special attention given to putting up Portal& OAR Work,. In town or country. All work warranted. • apr GAM virx.TußES Ann KEROSENE LAMPS I= MERIDIAN BURNER, In the tnnrkol. It Rivet. the larivat lig • of any burner made. COULTER, JONES & CO., ANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS 702 ARCH ST., PIIILADA. QTRATI'ON'S PORTABLE AIR GAS MACIIINE. PATENTED MARCH 31ST, ISGS SA VI: 30,NE1' BY 3/ KING I'oUl2 U irx 0.45. TIIE eIIEAI'EST LIGHT IN USE. Strattnn's Oa* :Machine for Illuminating Rotolo, Private itintilnce, Shires, . la in contructo, cimentillin all tit , material acid in the manufacture of gas, mid In to liriug,it WWII:, the couch attn. It r n .e from egnliirlons, call be manumit' liy ally portion, and proilimfot a superior light to all atheis t tit one-half the dint ("Millar limning gam. Nit FIRE Is APPLIED TO THE APPARATUS. It can be to ordinury ash pipes awl fisturen, tint) . enristtlon being In thin enlttrgement id the Intriniricte. All ports of the min:trams are made In the timid thormials and wiirkuuntlikii manner. SillweinfitY .100 r all machines 1,. claimed In the following Pnftlettinrs First, Mont of Conntruction. Second, 111untinuting Capac ity. Third, Compuetnens and Simpilcity, and Consequent impocsibillty of Ito miffing out of order. Fourth, Economy In tn.° of material. A machine capablo of nupplylug ten union 4 Any furtlior information will ho 121 , 1012th0 work logx t tho explitlued by calling upon tho .gebt fur 0.101 county. C. W. STUBEII, WALNUT STREET, CORNER OF PENN, (ABOVE NIAILENBUMI COLLF.OE,) • ALLENTOWN PA VVTIT J. EVERETT'S NEW PATENT SCAPULAR SHOULDER BRACE AND STRAP SUPPORTER No etraps under the arm. Perfectly comfortable nnu mlcally made, nud highly beneficial. NI North 7th St., ilow Arch, Philadelpilia. Truest., SuiMericre. timlilutis, Crutch., &c., lowest priceu In the city. Lady tteudaut. totti J. STEW ART REEVE, 2USOUTII SECOND STREET, ABOVE SPRUCE PHILADELPHIA Now offers lot unusual assortment or CARPET/3, I, OIL CLOTHS, WIR DOW SHADED, wermus. lac., at very reduced prices, to Las friends eo. thu public. COOPER 41L CONARD, S. E. COIL 9ThI & MARKET STS PI [ILA") !MPH TA , A, lIONV ht the full tide of an indnenor Fall and Willie nAuesu, viz: that of supplying their friondm and palrdu .Ith reliable goods at moderate prices, (rota a frohli hog eck. Ladies' Cloaking's, Ladies' Cloaks, Shawls. Wraps, Fine Silk Poplins, Wool Poplins, Pluids, 3001) Yards Black nal Mourning Stock, Kid Gloves, Tics, d:c., Piano Cowers, Linen Table Da ttttt P 414, LRrge Blanket Show, Cassinocres' Cloths. Boy's Fine Clothing. Munoz the,',e pr 111 bo Growl nom very great berg ltractlvo to ever• buyer. COOPER & CONARD. S. E. CUR. 9Tit & MARKET STS y ~ 932 7,A,a,'„`.,.triTteritNpTitcßo TiEbacEico null Cigars by the box. Monitor Navy, lull Jones & Sou's Tobacco always on bawl at low rates. Meerschaum 1 . 11.e5, Briars French, and other styles eau be had heto to salt alatomerA, either wholl ollN esale LorES retail. E. Wholesale and retell Jabbing Ileuso and Mauttfaclom of 932 MARKET Et. nor 17.11 TvIvnALE, miTtIiELL ,&•WOLF 707 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADA CHINA, GLASS AN n FANCY GOODS .WHITE FRENCH. (MINA, BEST PARISIAN 'GRANITE DECORATED DINNER, TEA d TOILET SETS. FRENCH, BOHEMIAN and VIENNA FANCY 'GOODS. FOR HOLIDAY PRERENTB 111....CRESTEL DION 00 RAIdS. and INITIALS painted Chlna and engraved nu Olase In the Lest manner. Bost Bootle and Lowest Cab Price.. nos I7•ltu ALLENTOWN, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24,1869. Matcbco anti scbultil CHESTNUT AND 12TH STREETS, PHILADELPHIA BAILEY 6z, CO. GRAND O,PENING 11 RISTMAS TRADE AGN IFI C ENT STOCK, WATCI I lb, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, FANCY GOODS, SC. BRIDAL GIFTS A SPECIALTY BAILEY a l lO. Lave the Imolnoutent utoro in Oto world d will at titan. bo ploanad to rocelve aud nliow n through their entablialmaut. Juno 90•'69 BAILEY & CO., NEW MARBLE STORE, CHESTNUT,SE 12TH STS., PLlludalPhi. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! . E . CALDWELL &CO ^' 7 , 1 • . , • AS --R JEWELERS, - c 46' 902 CHESTNUT STREET Hu y° rebuilt, nularged and roulothded their e.lablbdt muu, dex fur b ed by by tiro lu January !ant, and have opeuud Ufa same WITII AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK 111A-VVFACTURA'D d: LIIPORTRI) (MODS Superior to any they have heretofore offered to the Public. They moat cordially luvltc all to visit cod leaped their Store. JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO., it) CHESTNUT STREET, rtAc K. wrAurF ER, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, No. 149 NORTH SECOND ST., lull. og granny, PIIILA Qy An aagortment of Watcher, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Wam constantly ott hand. 'Repairing of NValches and Jowulry promptly ttuudod tu. Cattgli•lY C x ItAND uI N LNG OF A NE'W :JEWE'LRY STORE. J. R. M 7 EDER begs lettvo to Inform the citizens of Alleto town and vicinity that ho ilas opened a now JEWELRY STORE at NO. 36 WEST HAMILTON STREET, Where he will keep constantly on hand 111 tomorintont o CLOCKS, WATINILS nod JEN% EI,ItY at Prim.x to volt tiol time*. 10.-Cluckx watriten and jeweirY cltrofolli roltairad. J It. Weller being an experioncod nml coroful moat:tole, re xpectfolly asks 1110 patronage of the Public. July :NAM J. R. WEBER. ESTABLIE1111 . 11) IN 1851. • REMOVAL. JACOB HARLEY, • JEWELER, AUELI'IIIA, whom they will flud inrgu and oil ,w ~eleeted atoric of DIA MONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER .d PLATED WARE, at Moderato Price, N. IL—WATCHES and JEWELRY co - dully repaired. JEWELRY and SILVER WARE or all kiwi% made tu order. july 14.6na WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. 23 East Hamilton +treat. opposite tho Gamma Ito formed Church. Just roeol•ed trona Now York and adalpbla. all the latest styles • GOLD WATCHES. - _ Ile ban the largest and boot assortment of Gold Watches nil at lower prices than can be found elsewhere. SILVER WATCHES. Ile has a larger cud better assurtmeut of Silver ware hau can be purchased anywhere else. CM= - - Ile hen the largest and beet n ortmeut of all laud* of 0 old Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. lie hat R larger nod better tworlment of all Muds of 1111 t and Plated Jewelry than eau be found elgewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. An >• person dealrw¢ g oo CLOCKS. A larger anaorltnent than at any oilier extablbohniout MELODEONS.. ►uurtmaut uf Prluco'u Ifelodeouo. the Lod lu A.CCORDEONS. A opleutlld aicortincnt of all kin& of Accordeon. egtablishent hat lately been fittod up, and In now second to none In New York and Philadelphia, and ahead of anything ontelde the largo citing. Ito Lae a larger stock of faehitalabth gouda In hie line titan all other. In I,ohlgh county combined. To convince yourtelves of the abort, call and goo. _ • ------ KEL H LEU dc BROTER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST. ALL)iNTOWN. PA CLOCKS, well gulated atld vrrranted. All sines and prices. from 113 up re wards. A larger assortment uf GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, than can ho found in any other store in the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE, of every description. SirWatchee repaired ou Short Notice. .ep 2).11 .... ..--- _... IVANTED...TIIREE TIIOUSAND DOLLARS OD firtiLciavai . ticeurßy ili ktallijr r caul. Inquire:l.o Jun.:lo-a _ _ -_ WANTED. ---A LOAN OF $lO,OOO. by the alleutown Scheel District. For particulars apply to the uudersigoed. C. M. ItUNlC,l'rest. Board Co.. J. S. 111LLINUER, Secretary. sopS•tf A GENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED, $75 toll= per monthm , ale and female, to sell the celebrated aud original Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, improved and perfected; it will hem, fell, With, tuck, bind, braid and embroider In a most. superior manner. Wino only $l5. For simplicity and durability, it has no rival. Do not buy from any p•rtles •efling machine. tinter the .11111 name an ours, unless 'having a certificate o fAgency signed, as thuy are w o rthless Cast Iron )(anilines. For Circular. and Terms, au,.ltar A n4l . 47.4t h co. ill Chestnut Ut., Firtlad'a, Get 20.301 JEWELERS, ammo FALL I=l NOV ELT 1 ES PHILADELPHIA GOLD JEWELRY Mantrb Life Elisuraitce TIRE AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHIL ADELPHIA ALEX. WIIILLIWS, Prom Mont GROWTH OF TIIE AMERICAN I= ND, Dec. 11, PM. Dec, 11, 1867, Dec 'D. Ike. 31, MEM Tb. AMERICAN ;baba. , nn uII .1,-Iyabb• plan, I Inn' rate, and far ovarny and prantian..4. in nnnnina 1• IS llnhilrV, 4 ll by any in Ow I . Olvd In +1,4 110.1 II I) OF TII l'S l HES 111 l N.IANWS E5•11• , v. ,, r. IL•stm, It reclor I'. S .1. I.:111; Alt TIIII3ISIIN, Ptos. ...71F , S.:II SI. , tilt; E Nltti ENT. 11,41tIolumt, 111•1111:111.AVII. A I.: LIIENT C. ROM:I:TS, Pr,...1,1,•5t Fourth Nttrorttat I'llll.lP 1111 NO LIL )I,to Let St. MIN. ALEX. IL CA'ITELL, IL S. Merchant, 27 North Water St. ISA AC lIAZI.F,IIVItST, Att ,, rsev-st• ',sit'. SI. g, S :it " l'r,t r l!il l i liEttllttli W. 1111,1,, I Prl,l4l , Put 50w,.1111, Nstl. , sal k t .IA ES 1,. (11,Ati HUHN, C,ltlllso.rrhil Not. llottk. .1011 N WANANIAIiEIt, Oak Hall Clothiug S. E. C0r.1411 & 71:111tot nut` SIH & Cls., , titut Stn. t. WM. J. ROMIG, M. I)., Agent, GI EAST HAMILTON ST. T HE EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Ais.:l) . TRUST Co OF ALLENTOWN 'AI ' ITAL, Sr crium Con. yirrn ♦an 11 AMILTON (Opposito Court llou.o, Alkutown. AARON (I. RENINGER, 1'11 , 141..1a MORGAN F. SIEDLAR, C.hler. lIIIIEVTORit A. U. llmilna.r, 31okrann V. Medlar, Willlain II tatitzlng , , Ephraim llrlm. l'attl Itnlllot, Vranklln I'. Mlckloy Aaron 11u111 , 4, J W. II :40N:11 011 ose',11 Now hard. Al . O now iiiwn and prepared lei do all pr,L,lniug to banking. Money 111 largo or amounts yet i•lved on depoult, and 4 per cent. paid y and tier rout. for iitir mouths and longer. All limo.of Coy...meal Bond and other i‘ernrillem bought and sold. 7.31 a THE WIDOWS ANI► ORPHANS' MUTUAL. BENEFIT SOCIETY OF FENNA Principal Mike, Alli , noWn, 1 ' Orricr.u, JOHN C. ANEWALT, W. 11. DESHLER, SiminT.srtv. MARTIN SEIPLE, TIEF.A..III:II. Board of Mrectora—Jolin C. A tit• Wall, 11. Posh Marlin Solple, Dr. Z. F. Cr. A. ,Iroo,oloor hi. (korge Eillirtdm J. Ktinitu, Charlo 4 N. 11.4.1, C M. Soil, Lowld Huber, Wm. 11.8. J 11 Roitilg. This Society Is virtually a 11rot ranee rompa.y en plan by which Is pereou of the smallest meal, rllll proeur Its protection to his Gandy in case of his death. It does not accamulato of dollar' , of the zoom 1101 , 0 1f10,117, 101 do sitter Life Insurance fietaPaldc.. each member can retain his looney until called for In tilt case of the death of any member. Thera Is nn posgibility of this Society frilling no the fund are all in the hands of the m0te1... , ilielosel yes, Alla th Society ix natel> 111011111. Members have II right to volt al all llieCtilltlll for officers. • WHY BECOME A MEMBER. It Is no more tho moral duty of It man to provide the daily bowl fur Ids fatuity while ho lives, thou It Is to scu ll& agalust their heron left pointless In the event of Ws death. A POLICY IN THIS socarry Ow CHEAPEST and SAFEST mode of utak tug a certolu prov Woo for ouch ft cL a t I NIVIPMEN are an Ihtlolo to lotto leave of life or the SW. Death Is uncertain. Vo omk you, therefore, to row older the CHEAPNESS and SAFEI`I" hemrlog in this Compauy, and be moored that lu Cll. of death you leavo behlud you a blt , rlug to a widowed mother or de vendout minter. °lvo the guinea poor thought, mend to the Secretary for air clroulor, consider Its elm:omens and Oro ono aura you will at our° take out a Polley. 3110te15. TIRE 1.011 - IJI.Ait SII. MM ER It 11.;111titi TILE SLATE EXCHANGE HOTEL, wALNUTI.oItT. I.EIIIOII CO. WILLIAM I(UNTZ, PItOPRIE'FOIt. Th, ar..1111.1. , W. 15.t.•1 bay. 1.....1111111.11 tm 1,11,1: WY 111,01111111111ill1"11 oxvto TIII. , G.l suppllo.l with IGLI most leuiptillg and 5.T. , 3 1 P 1,- Evvryolltu., :Om ay , to 111 , old •••vv...1 i lOle 11,111 n, 'I 'II: SLEEPING los• v..11111:o. , 1, snot ar.• amp' , la Il..• : rrilnl wt...llllsAtll.nt K1,,,•; 111..111, ..r L00•b..1.1 sp,i3l ainolgo111.:11, pal I (mill, tulat..... .o'2, ilzlisccUanccu3 C•R . E. O. THOM PSON, NERCIIA.NI"I'AILoIt, No. 008 Walnut Street, • PHILIDPI,PIII E.pocial ;Moulton In aril to thh. coutitiodPai” ("melte° I optabli•••lauent. thoi.iboiNien stock ot unit unu iholrablo ;coml. always 010111141. OW r••potation I t i Aill •• l •.od fo r ftile r till' a l l n ir re a t. t v i h o i ul till n S d . prom lll p ll t y l e • e o u ln a f ceshril if mph... • Although opinion( In ihe prio•ocution 01l .rahch the teli&, the particular 1..150111 ot the ip Cat Oil ta dissatb•tionl, crrrt:sal, as A SPITIALTy, In unuounced ,• which is au tat uot obtain...l hy hut through chae rand)", cAlnalcia...thil Thome ilnalrlng vary and lay that liautailoout•, ano Inv ul Rive 11.1.111t.thOli IL trial. ~et C. 3 MILLI KEN'S, • NS CH ESTNI7.1 1 ST PHILADELPHIA. LINENS MS HOUSE FURNISHING GOGHS LARGEST LINEN STOCK IN THE CITY• ()Ull OWN DIPORTATIONS PRICES GREATLY REDUCE BEST IRISH LINENS. TABLE LINENS by the Yar.l, TABLE ri.oriis, all NIT., NAPKIN AND DOYLIES, 1 ELIN( .11 LINEN si s, llityriNllei, .V.rY width. PILLOW CASINOS, and 00.1.' Lbt. IlaatllzerchleN; !Abet) UM DilllllT4. &C.. be. 11•PLTFAPPPRPIt OP MILLTICE,N'S SMUT BOSOMS 13 L A IN - ET S Single Bed, Double awl lintel Bluulru, &c. FLANNELS (Il.»»»fr9• WLLsII, SAXONY, SILK WARP, 'DOMESTIC MUSI,INS, COTTON MEETINGS, WHITE GOODS, PLINO; MELODEON A V/) TA 11 1.1: . ro I'ERS Peet , kept Jaw u to the lowont Point 0 0 e. r i e e r u o t f i t; y ou i , n t ,t ig , c v ll , ,v r a y ,.. c i a r t „ o d f . til I y telitled to, ti GEORGE 'MILLIKEN LINEN IMPORTER, 112 S CHESTNUT STREET, BRANCH SToitE. RS AIICTCSTIMET =EI 1142 MIND YOUR BUSINESS ! And look to Doan• interests, by reading and heeding what we have to say here, to the people of Allentown. A fresh declaration of war! A new onslaught npon high prices. No. war pri ces in 1869 Ti losed four year. ago. Ohl fogy merchants don't seem to know ft. Dry Goods and Carpets are down. Old stock boughd at high prices, The people will not buy. %:,o good., good goods, cheap goods, Is what they want. J. S. WILSON, 6.lfri•lltry Down with the rotten credit i.-yetetn. Math! Moth ! Bringg Me bargain,. Slow roneh mtrehantx mug awake From flet, flip Van Winkle deep. Waled up! buy cheap! tell cheap! And let the people know it \II I. 111r11nv1. I:m n 1 2.1.1. I lk 1.18 11.1,47 S 1..1 7'lll to the woke of Fubtcr'x Nov York Store at Altottenen n thr ball r..lllnr. hurt went; we Led • gnat INTEND TO EKE,' IT I•P• Custommer• •re Moak lug to .1111. Stow trill 601,111v+ n ttttt Hereto?? left out in the eold. Beading and Bethlehem nowhere Philadelphia beaten outright. New York ibidf not ahead. And why 1 Demme tylth alight expramen wn can aell even lower to Allontown than in ur o Now York Sturm, All it needed the dinpositlon to do It, and we have It. andin tho only store in thin part of the country directly and con-lantly connected with the New York market. We Mollelt poor trod° thin fall and winter. We will nava ou from $1 to xi ou ,UVeg 610 worth of Dry (too& you tiny. Tho ,1111110 upon 1ir11.014 and Ingrain Carpets. thnionays con rein° from a dlstanco without fear of our mivortl•oinotds taint( 000rdrnWn. W .ell Nlerrimack Prints at 12 , , amts, spiendid_yar Whited wlde 12.!; cent, Wool WlnnOnle 22 cents, illankot4 per pall, houvy all wool Cansimero, 75 routs ; I.u.tre Altumm, no and 75 cents; Paper ltlualins, caste: 4 %.01t.' Cotton. 7 00.; alt %Tool Ingrain Carnet. IMMEISE NEW YORK CITY STORE, $lOO,OOO ALLENTOWN, PA. SEAMAN & TRAdE 7 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BLACK Cron (Intln NILES, BLACK DRAB D'IMANCE SILKS, BLACK TAFFETA SILKS. 'floe biro& sud cheoptsl useourlssost oof SILKS we Savo, ever haat - 1100mo.. err of oolferlult th”PoK 110 . BEAMAN tt TRAEGER. XEW 97'YLES FANCY SILKS, • SEAMAN & TRAEGER NCH SILK POPLIN, MARBLE POI NS, PLAIN POPLINS. • SEAMAN Lt TRAEGER. J; I,A Vti A hr. 40.45, in .11 ttratlos, from tho low molt,. to the tlitot.t Mohniro. ' SEAMAN TRAEGER • .01,011 RD ALPAVAS, Lal Prk ,,, . very Ow.P. SEAMAN 4; TRAEGER DRESS Cim)DS In evory vorloty of Plain and Finny SI) LI:ACHED 'awl UNBLEACHED SURETINGS I sil Ile TOWS In very largo serorDneut CHECKS, :KINDS:tut! DENIMS. AWLS lane Viii"r,' Xll won.; and exteitsivo ptgartlono pCBiAm awl grval vartety 11110 LIM . SEAMAN 6.; TRAEGER. SPECIAL ATTENTION Is requested to our legem gild eetaplete 1150 of LADIES DRESS TRIM e:,;(;0. c ,,,, s 6ting In part of /irh/JON n/1 TASSELS, I:HINGE, USA I, Ounquen fend BRUSSEL LACE, ,iIIII'S, II le .11105, NEW 87'ILli FLUTED TRIAL. ,11 1 urrroN 0 in ...vend hundred difforeut ROSILERY, CLOVES, UNDER CLOTH NC ror LADIES', CHILDREN and GEN 'LEMEN. WOOLEN YARNS, &c. SEAMAIs.I & TRAEGER. FLANNELS, all wlatlo , , /NA White . Blu, Mix tut Plaiu. Roo! to lloone-rmute SEAMAN & TRAEGER PH R II OR S TED, 0 ERMA NTOIVN WOW,. CASHMERE YARNS, EMBROIDER ED W 0 R SPED IVOR IC, and a fall assortment in that line MAI L we nom! nafidili.• of any uo.lscaPuble of .nit by nittopie through Ow innil with Priv.. Mind pier, Wo find thin to bo 11 veal convent°uc lien tindble t.. pernonally SEAMAN & TIIAEGER V.%\l I I.lli6CEltlEi i In c loc , l , r u nn „, ll . Icoly kap op An - mAN & TRAEGER. (11.00KEILY, 0 N . Cr yllguß required in that Ituo for houtis ke,.l.lug • SEAMAN TRAEGER. m nli: :i l l ' o x: k l: t;k l . l , gr o t g i . A. and all rorin of Womb. War SEAMAN & TRAEGER. k ,k i t tnl; II: lu C eo 4 u p t g . !, :roduce tukou exchaugo gout+ SEAMAN & THAEGER Wo ore endeavoring to keeP full lino of 'every. officio wny of Dry Moats, Nonni I IVares, Notions, aro. slow, l:roorko ow, 11'wohot Mire, mot tact ovorything •kropt (7orpots) lw found In a retail 'otore. SEAMAN & TRAEGER Tnis IS BIRD'S. 210 Thmkk ftil for itant favor, owl hoping for folure pstrott ,ov( hnvo Oland gro“ varlet)" sTocK No YARN dr.cription Moo. GERM A NTowN, EUREKA AND GERMAN Wholesale and retail, us clu.:11; any buuso lu this CI , I S. —for BERMAN BALMORAL YARN et 81 ialc. • 11.2.1. urge assort...lA of Illf and full, regular made, . ""u '1" :1111/MAS MUD. 210 Poplar Eft., above 2d. Philud' ECM NE:W.FIRMS NEW GOODS! SHELLY AND WHITNER having tot rehn.••d the Frll,h•aevllln uarn, have rt . \l Vl. 1 6 1 11 1! rt .9 1 ? I ' l Pi r t o . Ntt. IS) T eo eau ert It lln•ra. lIIIES9 OC/01) , NB. DM—) I ES, SIIEETINUS of all Otlg and al ell price, rho 1114 , 11 .tock ltre.rles th•COUltlfy• 11,iidware In Its variety. China, lare,• Wu have entidefed the oery leap of a .11111, Wl l ll.l l an ex loth.lve slack of Cloths, Casshostas and Vescons all bought at Ille twine wholesale iyylem, rt.itred to manufacture BUITIi TO ORDXR, In as aaod sly .:out at as low prices 101 they eau ho bought tog MEM AA . ' : PIACATION FOR. • . Is lioreby given that apnliestioti will be made to thu 6uvunwr (or tits parauu qt, raMer. codeMled Hoplembor Sesslous of Lehigh •Guttelly of assault mu! !la,,t,tEreTata:um=nytiT.l.,l,o..llillo 18011010 IMP! illO[l6lOlA ha lEEE F 0 S I' E R' S BETH LEI lEM SEAMAN S: TRAEGER SEAMAN A; TRAEGER SEAMAN C. TIIAEGER. SEAMAN Sc THAEGEI MA IN STE EET, 13E111LEIIEM ZEPI IY RS, HOSIERY, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS FRIEDENSVILLE AHEAD FIRST-CLASS CITY TAILOR, Oh-NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAg.Y.7iia BIIELLY PRISEIBMVILLIA,YA. SATURDAY NIGHT T..DE WITT TALMAGE We read Ruskin in the art-gallery ; we read Longfelloullsby the sea; we read Ike Marvel under the trees ; we read hearth and Home on Saturday night. When the week is past, and we gather at the evening stand, with the world put off, and our slippers put on, give us n good family newspaper. It is the hardest thing In the world to make. Family newspapers only a few years ago were dolorous things. The columns were full of accounts of boys and girls who alWays sat Up straight, and kept their faces clean, and wiped their feet on the door-mat. The theol ogy was cast-iron, and the story wooden, with a long moral, not growing out but tagged on ; so that the children took the moral with a wry face for the sake of getting the story, just as they swallowed the calomel with the promise : " There, now, you shall have a sugar plum !" The world has learned that a thing is not necessarily good because it is dry. There Is no religion in chips. We never could see any sanctity in husks. The donkey bath no hila rity in his voice, and no nonsense in the twitch of his ear. Ile never was known to dance— yet lie never gets higher than his feed-box. While the robin and the lark, front the tip of bill to tip of claw, all life and joy and merri ment, with their wings brush the door-latch of heaven. I will like it the inure if the editor dips his pen In the dew to tell me of the morn ing, and In roseate to describe the sunset, and into the purple vats to suggest the vineyards ; and if then he fasten his sheets together with a blue band, torn from the forehead of heaven. There is yet to be such a thing as holiness on the bells of the horses ; and when Religion shall hate completed the conquest of the earth, I expect to see all the diamonds of the universe flashing in the rim of her tiara. The fancily newspaper must have a touch of romance. Alas for this day of naked facts I We deplore this unromancing of every thing. We have a rail-track to the top of Mount Washington. The trees under which Henry Clay walked arc cut up into walking-sticks. They have turned Passaic Falls into a mill race. Be not surprised if Independence Hall gets to be an oyster-cellar. Dear old Santa Claus lies been pushed off the top of the chimney and had his neck broken. Facts I Facts I Facts I Give us in our family newspaper a little ro mance. It will do no harm to hear of moon light and ramble, and sail on the lake with only two in the boat ; and while you despise elope ments as unwise and dangerous, do not fear to tell ns of the father who wanted his daughter to marry sonic rich old Disagreeable, while the young titan was ready with hard bands and loving heart to earn for her a home in the cottage. I ant glad that the ladder did not break, and that Timothy Barnet won the prlzeM Give us moro spice in our family newspaper. We meet in our daily walks so much that is depressing, give us in our family newspaper whole bundles of spice : jokes that you can understand without laborious explanation, conundrums, quips and quirks, harmless satire, caricatures of the world's foibles, and looking glasses in which to see our failings. Yes, give place occasionally to the much abused pun. Those only despise the pun who cannot make one. Take the quill, and after you have made the split In it, sharpen it down until the point I is keen enough to puncture the toughest in consistency. Let the sheet be fresh and healthy,in it a smell of-cedar and new cut grass. Let us bear in the rhythm of some of the sen tences the moan of an untravelled wood, and the sweep of a wing of a partridge. Instead of the artificial dye of stale imagery, crush against the printed leaf a bunch of huckleber ries and sumac. We are tired out with all this about the nightingale ; for pity's sake, catch for us a brown-thresher, and let us hear a hen cluck. Instead of riding Buceplialus to death, halter that sorrel colt. Talk not so much to us about frankincense to 'the neglect of penny. royal and brookmint. Get out • with your commonplace remark about " solitary horse man coming over the bill." Instead of talk ing so Much about the "Bulls of Bashan," drive up the Bridle and Durham. This is a grand old world if you would only let us see it as it is. The bookworm who sits down to write. having learned only of trees, tEas mninitalns, anti waters tram only nun.), knows nothing about them. You have to put on your high-top-boots, and wade right out up to your waist and pluck a water-lily, If you would see it to the best advantage. 1 had been with many a picnic party to see " But termilk Falls," but not until the other day when I went alone, and had a stolen inter view with that cascade, did I really see her perfect beauty, as, shoving aside her ribbons of rainbow, she told me all about her tragical leap front the rocks. On Saturday night, as we open the family ' paper, let us catch the odor of pine, and the glance of an autumnal leaf dropping like the spark from Et forge. Let some geranium leaf overpower the smell of printer's ink. Tell us of home. Let rut know how tk o iveinught to be attentive to their husbands, and how husbands —but never mind that. Come, 0 Hearth and Home! into the front door with a blessing. Our week's work done, and notes paid, and accounts squared, and the hurry over, and the Sabbath near, speak you a cheerful word to the desponding, a chiding word to the per plexed ; and help the ten thousand of the weary and the foot-sore, and the hardy be side, by the still camp-tires of life's great bat tle field, to thank God that the seven days' march is over, and it is Saturday night. 13e fore long our pens, and needles, and towels, andyardsticks and saws and pickaxes will be still. With , i our hand n the hands of.some loved one, we will be waiting .for a brighter Sunday morning than earth saw ever. Others call that Waiting—Death. I call it Saturday Night.—Hearth and Home. A REV 0 LT3 T lON IN TEL GRAPII I NG A complete revolution is shortly to take place In the system of telegraphing, the rapidity and cheapness of transmission enabling such a reduction In the price that it will ultimately monopolize the business correspondence of the the country, even if it should remain in pri vate hands. The patentee of this new system claims the power to transmit messages ten thnes as rapidly as an expert penman can write, and to do as much business over one wire as can be done over ten wires by the Morse sys tens of transmission. The rates of charges cententnlated by the patentees of this new sys tete are one cent per word for all distances, the cheapness of which could not fail to draw from the mails all business correspondence, as well as much of a private character that cannot afford to wait the comparatively slow postal transmission. We had been frequently urged by the in• ventor, and his friends, to visit New York and witness the operation of the new instrument, .and delayed doing se until a few weeks since, when it was thoroughly tested in our presence. The letters transmitted were the Morse alphabet, and, what is most singular is, that the transmission is done without any know ledge on the part of either the receiver or the sender, as to the contents of the dispatch. It is an automaton process, and requires no skill ed operators, the preparing of the despatches being done by another instrument, ten of which, presided over by girls, being required to keep one wire in steady operation. Any one who can read menus ript, can work these instruments, as oven a knowledge of the Morse alphabet is not essential. The transmitting Instruments, as well as the copy machines, are worked by magnetism, and the rapidity and smoothness with which they move, shows that the new motive power is essential to the suc cess of the invention. We watched the oper ation in every particular, and found that our experience in telegraphing could not suggest one obstacle that bad not been provided for by the ingenious and skillful inventor, who has himself bad-great experience in telegraphing, both in this country and Europe. We watched the working of the reception instrument with great interest, believing it im possible to clearly transmit letters with such rapidity. The result, however, proved that the formation of the letters was more clear and I distinct than we have over seen them by the Morse instrument, the record being made by the magnetic fluid on 'chemically prepared paper, the dots and dashes being as clear and distinct as if made by a pen. But even the rapidity of transmission then attaided, we are assured, was not to the extent to which the inventor believed he could ultimately reach. The system of transmission is only limited by the rapidity with which the receiving and transmitting instruments can, be run with safety, and the inventor is confident in the be lief that from fifteen hundred to two thousand letters per minute can be transmitted, with all the correctness 'and clearness that the nine hundred were passed through the Instruments in our presenee. Those experienced in tele graphing will at once exclaim that this might be done with two instruments in the same room, but when tested over long distances, with the accompanying atmospherie retarda tion, a ,failure would be inevitable. To all ROBERT 'BEDELL, JR., artb ifancu Sob Vrinter, No. 45 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ' ALLENTOWN, PA ELEGANT PRIANO LATEST STYLES Stamped Checks, Card., Circular. Paper 'look., Conch n Inen. and B 7 Lawn School Catalogues, Ilead, Envelope., Letter eads Dille of ',runoff, Way H Bill., Tags and Shipping Cards, Poateraol any nice, etc., etc., Printed at Short Notice. NO. 47. such,•we would say, that the test was over twenty.tive hundred miles of wire, in the pres. once of several telegraphic experts, who pro. flounced the transmission perfect.—Baltimore American. PRACTICAL FARMING If you take my advice you won't practice agriculture for a living. This thing of being a farmer is all very nice to read about, you know, but if you get in the business yon will wish you had been born in an orphan asylum, and died in your second summer. I don't want to obtrude my private airs on the public, but I am like an awful example In a temperance lecture, you understand, and if I can save any other man from my fate, why lam going to do it. My advice to tell men is, be an honorable organ grinder, or an ex- President, or a Gorilla, or go into the cold victual business, or peddle matches, but don't agric ooaght a small farm in New Jersey, and became a husbandman. I stocked the estate with all the apparatus, and as I didn't know anything more about farming than n goose does about four dollars a week, I engaged a mall named Stoddles as my constitutioinil ad viser. Stoddles professed to be up to all the herbolie dodges, but I must confess that al't'er eighteen months I considered Stoddles a trend. As an absolute failure he is a pbrfect suee4s. In the first place there was not a drop of water on the premises, and Stoddles said he would advise me as a friend, to dig a well. So I got a lot of tools and begun. We hadn't dug more than six feet before we struck solid rock. I wanted to slant her off to one side, but Steadies observed that that was the rock on which the State of New Jersey was founded and we would have to blast her. So we blasted her and got one of the finest earthquakes you ever saw in all your born days. It shook down two chimneys and a lightning rod, And Stoddles was struck on the head with a falling brick. We dug in that well for a week, and, we struck everything but water. I could have got coal, oil, marble, gold, marl, or anything else out of that excavation, but I was looking for cold water just then, and I would not touch anything else. Stoddles took me aside at the end of the week, and confidently advised me to stick nt it; "for," said he,'' " you know if you can't get water at first, if you keel) on you're bound to strike water on the outside, and then you have a sure thing of It ; you have got it all in your own hands, you understand." Stoddles put me in mind of a man who grew his carrots so long that the Chinese pulled them through by the roots front the opposite side of the globe before he got a chance at t My oxen were singular oxen. They both seemed to have St. Vitus dance in their fails, for they could never keep them Still. It an noyed use, for I was afrnid every minute they would work loose, and no decent (firmer, you know, wants to be wandering round with bobdalled oxen. So I tied on a stone to the end of each tail to keep them down, and this worked well enough until one morning when the flies were bad, and the near ox got his brush up, stone ,and all, and like to have brained my oldest boy. I've got the tail tied to his off hind leg now, and if lie wants to switch it he's got to lift himself off of the ground. And it's the same way with the hens. I bought a lot of liens on purpose to lay eggs, but they're not on that lay. Every one I've got seems to feel that she is out of her normal sphere if she is not setting. That old speckled hen of mine has been thrown up in iu the air, soused in cold water, put under a barrel, and had all the inducements held out toiler to knock too, but she has a good deal of firmness of character, and she is now trying to hatch a door knob and a grindstone handle, and I think she'll succeed. I planted some onions some time ago, and I waited all Summer to see them bear. lint they didn't. After they bad gone to seed, Mr. Stoddles said that onions grow under ground and I ought to have dug them out. Next year I plagted some tomatoes, and as non as they came I began digging for them. Mr. Stoddles said that I had ruined all the plants, for tomatoes grew on top. Why don't they nave mese wings taxl arm., - • • What's the use of one growing In the ground and the other out of it ? Why there ain't any. I planted potatoes last year, but they didn't seem to grow. "Never you mind," said Mr. Stoddles, "then, all is right." But I was naturally impatient, and so after waiting seven mouths, I went out and dug for one, and there it was, in the very spot where I put it, looking so familiar and natural that I sat down mind cried like a baby. Thep I, dug them all up, they had kept first rate. There don't seem to be much pr.4lt in it. Mr. Stoddles remarked that they w re not a prolific variety, and I don't think they were myself. Don't ever keep bees. I have sonic, but Stoddles accidently sat down one day, :toil lie made such a howl about it that the whole hive swarmed on me and scared me out of ny senses. I like a sociable bee, but there is such a thing as overdoing cordiality. flow are you on parsnips Y I advise on not to cultivate them. A man gave nie tkine seeds which lie said were a good variety. I planted one to try it. It was a double-rooted kind—straddled out like a fork in the road. \Viten it got ripe I thought I would take it tip, but it wouldn't come. I tackled that parsnip with a monkey wrench, a crowbar:and a cross cut saw, but it never budged an inch. Simi dles said it was on account of them roots, and I had better have them extracted with gas. Ile said Ile thought "very likely them two roots ran around the globe, like the equator, and clinched on the other side." So we got out a yoke of oxen, and hitched them on, and the old vegetable came along with half a tun of rock in his grip', and then it was so tough that you couldn't make any im pression on it with a . cold-chisel. I suppose you are not bothered ally with crows. Well, I am. The crow is a viva cious and sagacious bird. Our crows combined the acute intelligence of the human condo. I sowed a patch of corn last spring, and went to tea at night feeling sweetly and calmly happy. The crows held a'caucus that evening and tell in for grub on my corn. There wasn't a grain left in the morning. I sowed some more, and harrowed It in; you know what a harrow is—an exaggerated cur rycomb. Well, strange to relate, the crows missed just Seven grains of that corn, and pre cisely that number of stalks came up, and probably I should have got In a crop of two or three ears to the acre, Utile cows hadn't broke the fence and atiLit before it came to anything. Mr. Stoddles 5115-s corn is a poor crop. I should think it was. As I couldn't got water from the well, I concluded to take it from the river. So Id down a mile and a half of pipe, and set a hy draulic rain to force the water along. It worked first-rate, but the trouble is 1 can't stop the ram. After I got enough water in the tank, the ram kept on pumping, and the water overflowed and drenched the house, and flooded the kitchen, and finally arranged itself into a first-class cascade out of the gar ret window. It is going yet, anti I sleep in lie barn. If you hear of anybody advertising or a magnificent waterfall let me know, will you Y And then as to horses. I know that man whose horse went so fast that when he stopped him suddenly it turned the hair the wrong way, but that la not the forte of my horse. My horse's weakness is backing. As a backer 1 never saw his equal. Lie would back front here to KIMPAIS if you'd let hint. Ile seems to think that the way nature intended him to go. I always hitch him up with his head over the dash board of the wagon, and he trots along first rate. - That is, he used to. For last Wednesday I tied 111111 to a tree, and begot one-of his fits on him, and backed clear out of his hide, which he left hitched to the tree while he pranced his old carcass over the asparagus bed, and died. But as he had the glanders, and' was worried with the bets, and bothered with the blind staggers, besides having the heaven, and being sprung in the knees, it was perhaps just as well. Mr. Stoddles says that it is the best day's job he ever did, I concluded to raise turnips this season. Stoddles brought me some seed out of a tur nip wnich he says took the prize at the show. I planted one, and it sprouted in an hour and a half. The next day the turnip wee nine feet in diameter. Mr. Stoddles says he never saw such a turnip for growing in the whole course of his life, and Stoddles has had expe rience. In a week it covered half an acre. Day before yesterday It covered the whole field. You know them earthquakes which nbetohas a obtained taxis to stop have been around y Well I think this is st f o o p r It is all on account of this turnip and it is still spreading. What would You do about It ?' I C t a ,e n't ir a } n .o a t e i t k o n r o, D v o a n m gre an ss farming—sotto regular feeble minded, gibbe ing imbecile or an idlot who wants to buy a place recommend him to the, will yell? I want to sell out cheap. I'd rather have a comfortable situation in a State Prison than be gardening here In this kind of style. - NEW DESIGNS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers