Sire Proof Safes. IERRIING,7.S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE .ANIY. BURGLAIt PROOF SAFES Mini pity FILLING.) Awarded the Prise kledalx al Worltrx Fair, London World'n Fair, Now York, Expositiou thgrewelk., F'ARREL, RERRING & CO HARVEY OILLAII. (WAN. NAT 11814,.. 060. W. )ITexii. 629 CHESTNUT STREET, PH ILADELJPIIA lIERRINO, FARREL St SHERMAN; NEW YORK =I 11 EERINO, EMMET, St CO.. NEW iiRLEANS adrl4 Life. Eii.sttran re 40AR ir c c c„ *BANKERS ,og No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. atIYERNMiIiii Rs s I iCURITIES, STOCK,GOLD AND NOTE BROKERS. Accounts of Clanks. Firma. uuu Indislduals recol,nd.subjeot M cheek at sight. = qEN FRAC BENTS, FOR 4 , 00 PEN N S A YMAN I A s• -• ; , Z 9 ZRN KLAN 112 ` • 0 F Tat. 6\ ... 9 0 t LI FE I PSilith rt )(PIP - tt OF Th "lutt i U. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 'rho NATIONAL fa vt: COUPANY La a COLOOMIIII/11 spirial Act or Congrem, 1114 111.4v...1 July Al, INN, With It CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID Liberal terms olforod he Agent.; and Sollellors, whu at, Invited to apply ollf Fullionrlle.ll.u, ho out lull ourullleo. /gory or our Itni,l,lou 'louse, whorl. Clryttlau-s fully 41..wr'.1,1nq Ills adVaisla,y. oitory.l by lhr Comp:my. luay be had. E. W. CLAIM at CO., A', :LI Noes,le 271 int SY • B. S. RUSSELL, Manager, Charic• W. Cooper ndhorn Weimer, Allentown No tlonttl Bank. Agent for Lehigh& Carlton Connlio•, TIH: {WIDOWS• AND ORPHANS' MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY OF PENNA I'ilnr !Mire, Alleatowa, Pa. Ovmerat+ JORN C. ANEWALT, ParaumAr. Wm. 11. DESHLER, MARTIN SEIPLE, TIMA4rI4P.It. [Mord J hirtborx—John C. Amqvalt, Wm. II: Drill Irr, Marlin SAM°, Mr. Z. F. Laltacha, Or. A. (Inmarmor, (loarge R 00.% Ephraim J. Kamm.. rharka K. B. Al. Sell, I.rwlr C. Rubor, Wm, Cm., Paler J. 11. Romig. Thla Society Ixvit.tunny a Life',Dominica Coinpauy on Ohm by which a Dermot of 0.'100010%f MPHts cat procure Ito protection to hie family to raw of Ws death. It plop's 001 accumulate Milli". Of dollar,. of the meta hero' looney, no du oilier Life loollmore Companies, but anclidooniher can rid:0111d, money uutil called for in the cum. of the dead, of any noel, leer, There la no 1..140014 of thin Society lathing an the Illita• are all hi the lodide of tho members themselves, and the Society to purely mutual. Menilooa have a right to vole at all electiona for officers. WHY BECOME A ME . MBEIt, It Is no tool , the moral duly of a um aloe e the dolly lan-ad for Ide family ss hlle be Ilves; it to to Tin, vide uttaltiet thole being left pentilleem ha the event of Ids death. A POLICY IN Tills SOCIETY to the CHEAPEST nod SAFEST mode of ...tong provi.i.o for stash ts calamity. NOHNI) AI EN aro us liable to take leave of lire ..tin old. Death to sturertulu. We ask you, therefl,re. to con elder the CHEAPNESS tool SAFETY of noosing lu 1111,1 Company, and be assured that C“.O of death you will leave Imhlnd you n blessing to n ',lowed mother or de• pendent sister. Ohre the subject your tlo scud to the Secretary for our circular, consider its cheapuess and we are sure you will nt once lake out n larttaitir.s. . „ . cosslionoiliEN BOILER AND COIL WORKS JOHN Wopp„)R., TUBR. Frau: AND eILINDER BOILERS, RATH =I All kinds of Wrought Iron Coils Tays. fur Blast Fur nace, (latonneters, Smoke Stacka, , llltutt Wheel. barrows, and everything la the Duller 'tad Sheol Iron line. AI., all klud. of Iron and Steel Forgiugn and work, Mittern"Yonlit of all kinds, such ILA Whew Bucket+, Pick., Drills, Mallets, Sledge., &c. • Having a Steam Hummer nod set of tool.of all kind., sad work moil, I latter litystilf that 1 rau lora out work with amanita°. and dispatch, all of which will be warranted to be Ora t•Ci.. Patching Millers, nod repairing generally, tdrletlY loaded to. apt . 7-ly STRATTON'S PORTABLE AIR GAS PATENTED MAIt(II ISN. j RAVE MOSEY BY .11.4K1N0 YOUR OWN THE CHEAPEST LIGHT IN USE. Stratton's Ciao Machine (or illuminating Nolan, Privoto Residences, Starry, Mlle etc., simple lu conetruction, m consumes all the material ed In the inanufauture of gue, mud is so cheap an to bring It within the reach of all. It le freo from explosione, can to managed by any person, and producem a superior light to nil others at 41110•Iiillf the rent of ordinary burning gns. NO FIRE IS APPLIED TO THE APPARATUS. It ran be attached to ordinary gas pipe, and llxturea, the only variation being In the enlargement of thu burner jete. All parte of the apparatus are made In the most thorough and work manlike mummer. BUntriOrny over all inselli Iles Is rlullued lu tlir following particulars Find, Cost of Construction. Second, Illwnlwtting CalMC lip. Third, Compartnees end Himplicity . ana cotorquent Impossibility of its gettingont of order. gourth, Economy la use Of material. A machine capable of supplying ten burners coats 41;3. Any further Information will be given and the workings of the machine explained by calling upon the agent for Lehigh county. C. W. STUBEB, WALNUT STILEET, CORNER OW PENN, (AnoVE Ation.wincito counog.) ALLENTOWN PA • JJor Sale nub a Vat. 420 BURIAL LOTS FOR SALE.... Tho undorelined offer for sole 4 new Gems. lary lota Immediately adjoining the Maori Uemetary. ou Tenth etreel. The lute Will be Kohl by tothscrlption. nod Immediately lifter the whole Uusnber &to dlepotted of they will be award ed by lot la the peon menet , ' oa In the ormtulratlon of the Unleu AseealAtlon. Nets or plata of the premiums can be Been It °Ur Wilt, MY 12 (1001) & NTALUABLE MILL PROPERTY V FOR SALE. The valuable, mill properly . of , Wm. IL Kistler, situate In Lyon looruallip Lehigh county, la offered for sale. It coulats of a done, r EV=al • With four pairs of stones, the machinery of which is en OM) , new and constitntes all tho best nullt Improve meals. Thu WATER POWER Is NEVEII F AIL ING. Also. • SAW' MILL With the some water power. The Mlll in not morelhan 2.4 mile tosom the Blue Riountain. dge, and the water power Is the nearestaid m A tract of al acres And ftl perches. more or log., of excel lent laud belongs to the above milLproperty. Al s o, p acres and 07 perches of Wood mud Minato on said mountain, In said township and county. Furtherinformation eau be had by applying to W. D. Lnekenbacit; at .Allentowe, Pa., or Samuel J. Matter, at Baegererille, Lehigh Co., Da. L . J. menam, W. D. LIICKENBACII, May Mt( Assignees of Wm.-111. Illstior, DankrupL $5,000 TO 1010,000 TO INVEST To luvoat Ina good paying bantam la Alloutown. Illauufacturlog preferred. Address July 7.31. •Ilos 301, Bethlehem. Pa. DR, W. E. BARNES & SON, Off ID R Ti Gr G- . I S T' s, NO. 14 EAST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, PA. Tho attention of the citizen. of Allentown and Lehigh county In reopeelfully Invited to thin emtublislunent. Every thing uaually kept In thal•clana Drug Store trill bo found (or gala hero, at the lowest prices. Our mimic in largo and pall oelocted, condoling of PURR DRUGS and MEDICINES CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, ALCOHOL, PURE WINES And LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL USE, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSHES, FA/V(11' anti TOILET ARTICLES. PATENT MEDICINES, HAIR RESTORATIVES LINIMENTS, 6.c., of all kinds. Constantly on timid a large stock of Soda ash, Boils, Baking Sods, Cream Tartar, Pure Pepper, Cinnantot and Lubricating Oils for machinery, and a thousand and o hart, the largest lino of Trusses, Supporters and Shoulder eared physielan. cousequeatly a perfect et is guaranteed. builders are invited to our store before looking their pun quality at prices as low as the lowest. Th. 11511 TEAS I —We hare the agency for the Great U choicest grades of Teas at about-half the price charged by o %flared. Physicians and Country Merchants supplledtat ti ticular attention to the Wholesale Brunch of the business. as win feel confidant we will be able to giro satisfaction bat to. Quotations for specified quantities furnished un applie s ant. 311eaterts. ESTAfIEIISIIED 1851. J. REYNOLDS & ON., THIRTEENTH & FILBERT STREETS PHILADELPHIA. PA Solo Manufacturers of the celebrated WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING HEATER, WITH PATENT DUST SCREEN, ORATE DAR RESTS, Amp WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR. TIIO.IO HBATNIU two tondo of Heavy Wrought-Iron, well riveted together, the only *ore prevention ermined tho ea. cape of Claw or Dual. They aro coolly managed, without any dampen.. The Patent Radiator avoids thu one and hunoyancem of drawn, and la rmanently attached to the ealer. Thla Is the roust dura ble, e miniple, ecouoloical and popular Heating pparottmt over offered fur sale. They aro all guaranteed. COORINU RANGES, for Iluloia and houllles. PORTABLE HEATERS LATROBE HEATERS. LOW DOWN ORATES, SLATE MANTELS, REOISTEIIS AND VENTILATORS. WolaealsonunoNduOngta NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING RANGE 441 - tioud fur our Illuxtruted Pamphlet RAND'S ,t n TiGuT GAS BURNING EATER, WARRANTED THE BEST SELF FEEDING EVAPORATOR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. RAND PERKINS An co Millilthinitiring Delllo. In I= EIESEIME! Albo agent. fur the Celobruted Magee Patent Heaters, flanges and Stoves. I=2 I=l=l ri= =ICE 3300 t ittalttr. R EMOVAL. YOUNG & LENTZ'S 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOT AN 1) SHOE STORE I= S. 11. Corner of HAMILTON mid STS NOS. Sri AND 40, whore they are uow prepared to receive their patron Tho WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT LARGEST STOCK OW (100118 IN THIS VICINITY A oast quantity of tho work being of their own wales nod the balance from (ho Lest manufacturers In tho country. THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT I=l VINE CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN. All the leading Ogled on baud or sonde to !Immure Prices fixed LOW 1 , 10 ORES on Illustrated Price Liat with lindructluum for self.tnuanurotnout sent on receipt of Po Milne whim.. WM. F. BARTLETT, 31nouth Sixth .creel, shove Chestnut Phllndolphla. japer anti Stationerg. CLOSING OUT . OUR STOCK OF WALL PAPERS At the Beek and Stationery Blur°. No. al West Hamilton Now 1 171t7trio h 14 ". • • dat a II soot. ; L i : 1 40 3 , 4 ; u: rooms velar° SIMI Lisa D-tf -m'o 8 S. In WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN BOOKS, STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS. •C. CIRCU LATINO LIBRARY, euetaleleg the Wed and beet plait callous. Agent for the celebrated BRADBURY PIANOS We have the beet, lacifeet and cheapest stock of good to this nue, to Lehigh Comte. No. tSl ,Wat Hamilton Street, below Eighth North side. an (1-If 101ENNRYLVANIA HOTEL, COD. 7th AND LINDEN ETB.. ALLENTOWN. PA. The andel...ld has taken this well.kuown stand. The Elln Bar. Table and Beds have all been newly furnished. Ile is also well supplied withstable room. Every attention will be be stowed upon the guests to make them feel at home Coop MORO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A FULL LINE OF ALL THE FOI'ULAU relaxla and Cancentnited Lye for neap 'making. RSA Ling , Cloven anal Spleen of all klnaln Coal Oil, tit wrin, Lard e other articles which cannot h a, enumerated hero. We races In the air Threo n'eods coo applied by an expert ralutn, Olin, Varnishes, (Hong and Putty. Painter,. and harm, Wo ' keep a full lino of palate, etc.. of the bent idled States Tea Company of New York, and are selling the her dealers, for an inferior quality. Try It nod lie can e lowest market prices. We Intend hereafter to pay par- DisaMra will find it to their interest to give us a trial order hln quality and price. Orders by mull promptly attended Oen. Respectfully, • W. R. BARNES & SON. • ranoieugern for Plilladelphliy. hike Lohlgh Valley It. It. tralmo panning .I.llentown gvs4 n. no., 11 430. in. and 5 fiJp. tn.,. and arrive lip Plipadelplila a l t n. in. 210 p. no. and 8 2.1 p. alma Lehigh 11.1111 'Railroad to at 207 p. tn. nail arrive In Plillndelphla at 445 Pannengeno for lloylentown take train!. leaving Iletli• lehem nt O 31n. tn. and 12 in p. m. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4On p. it. Doylestown 1 30 a. to. Abington H 011 Leave Philadelphia for Bethlehem at ti it. " • •' for Doylestown at 201 p. in. for Abington at ti 00p. to. Faro—Alleutown to Philadelphia, 41 ELLIS CLARE, Agent. ATASALUQUA DF CFOCIELSWILLE B. IL • - • - The morning trete weal leaves Cattmanqua on the arrival of the L. V. R. It. Local Passoniter train from Easton, Bethlehem, and Allentown and connects at AI-Bluth, with a train on the East Pennsylvania It. R. for Rending, Pottsville, Ilarrieturg and Philadelphia, and also with a train for Allentown Bethlehem, Easton and New York. Till) morning train East connects at Al-Burtis with train ou H. P. It. H. from Allentown and at Cutest., qua with trains on the Lehigh Valley Railroad for blench Chunk, Wilkes-Barre Scranton, Philadelphia Now Turk, and with the Lehigh & Sunqueltanua 11. It. fur Bethlehent, Easton, Philadelphia and Now York. The 2.00 P. M. train Went connects at Al-Burtin with a train ou the Bast Penn. Itellrued fur Reading, Pottsville, =EMI lion burg, train Both' =BM I=l I=CE AT COST, 3attitroatio. ORM PENNSYL-ZEZ-.-. YANIA RAILROAD. = =I (Four Through Truing Dully, SuudayK rvpted. seuger trains leave the depot North west corner Ilerks 11106C61111(redri. Phlladelphla, Allentown at 7 4.5 and 0 41 a. in, and 1 41 and 3p. Doylestawn at El 45 a. In., 2 45 and 4 15 p. in. Fort Wawhing ton at 14. i, 10 4.5 a. In., and II 30 p. m.. Abingtou at 11.5, 313, 3 :Band I p. na. Lansdale ut 6 :lip. in. Tralun for Philadelphia. ye Bethlehem at 6 :Dn. t, 12 225 and 6 p. ' Doylestown Id 030 a. in., 3 111 and 3 115 p. in. ' Lansdale at It 10 a. m ' Fart W.lllllOOll at 830, 915 a, in. and_ hl p. ' Abluglott at 2 03, 4 DI, 610 and OUp. I= And allot. JANUARY 18, 1801, Passenger trains on anima:tuna & rouslas Mr Railroad will run lu conner. the Lehigh Valley Railroad and if ahl Venn:Run . follows: ilitEdEM S2M CATARAUQUA •MICKLE\S. 8.10 O. :11 8.111 7.N 7. 08 7.1 a 7.18 7.23, MMM ..lORI/A2 7 ( BRIDGE. UUTII'H. iVALBERT . S. CIIAPMAN'ti. TREXLEILTOWN, RI{EINIO I. PARAIINOTON. •SPRINCI CREEK. AL-lIUILTIS. MEE = sburg and Pitliddeirlda. Evening traln East leaves Al-Iturlis on the arrive .I. f . w r it • a i c. •• • • • . •••. • • • at Heading with trains frun Philadelphia, Harris- Poltaville dle. and connects with local pasaeuger. on the 1... V. IL R. at Catamuuqua fur Allentown, anon and Easton, Peraoux wishing Wire to Allentown can take the tours. dl Weal to AI-Burtk, arrive nt Allentown t4:40 in, return by a train on the East Peunsylvnula It. It, airing Allentown at 1.211'. M. C. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. and Engineer. MEM Vittntbing aub GAS FIXTURI3S. ADDIS & ROBERTS, q=l"' PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS NO. 130 WEST HAMILTON STREET, I= OEOI,WE HAAS' NEW IWILDINOL ALIENTOWN All kin& of (Ins Flicturnoi of the 1.0,4 maw., Hydrants ydrnullc Rom. Lift stud Force Pump , . DEEP WELL PUMPS, Bath Titlie, Water (*hotel. Circulating llullrr., Ac., Special uttention given totitittlng kit Portable Bits Worlot In town or country. All work n arranted. apr 7-1 r PUMPS! PUMPS! Fur pure miter .0, neither bud tasting wood, runt• Irue, nor puhuu lend, but the Celebrate*Cucumber made of wild attiituber wood, ent (rely (adder"( 'hirable relOthle. Not a potion article, h o t the good old-fashioned wooden lump, made by marhinery, and, therefore perfect costin , tool accurate In all Its parts, rdsing an equal amount oT water, and costing less 111311 half. C 1,,. looney. Busily arranged so as to he -freezing, uud lu construction so simple (halms ir nos eau pat rep mod keep it in repair. After thorough trial it is acknowledged to N. (ha EMIT AN111•111:APHAT. 'twelve feet of tole fetMeittErtlMMXTM • Fre sopplicti at lowest taanufactitrern ralnA or circulars, price lints, ikc., call or ad dr'" ?.)HAS. G. lILATCIII,EY, No. ON Ft Lull, Sr. betweou Uth awl 7th awl Market tool Arch PhiludeWan, Po. tarAOEN TS WANTED. G AS FIXTURES AND KEROSENE LAMPS MERIDIAN BURNER, Bafeet utul Best lu the market. II glvex the Inrgest light o(nuy Limier made. COULTER, JONES & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WitOtESALE DEALERS, 702 ARCH BT.,PHILADA. 1= • COLTON • DENTAL ASSOCIATION Originated the autexthelle use of nitrous oxide gus, ad minister it In the most approved manner, do no thing but EXTRACT TEM!, and they certainly .4. . du that WITHOUT PAIN, MO 13.1100 patients testify, Hee their alguatures at the OFFICE, No. 7.17 WALNUT STREET. boluw Eighth. Philedelphia. ' . Juno t.Nbly Orbtuances ORDINANCEX DIM BOROU Gil OF COPLAY No. 1. An Ordinance to preserve the Public Buildings, Foot ways, and other property in the Burongh of Bo It ordained and enacted by the citizens of the Borough of Copley, In Town Column assembled, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. hacvlos 1- If nay person or persons shall In any inatinor Injure break, dig up, remove, poll down or destroy any lf theL obito buildings, or any oilier property, either pub ic or private, within the borough of Copley, or shell M inn% break, pull down, damage or destfoy nny buildings or other property belonging to the corporutiod, such per son or persons no offending shall for every suchoffenso for feit amt pay any stun not exceeding *IA in the Iscrol of the Burgess, before whom the same shall bo tried, to: nether with costs of suit, B or ou g hssd for and recovered before the Burgess of the luau action of debt by the treasurer of the borough, and applied to and for tom use of the said borough with collo of ault. Bac. 2. If any person after the publication of Mir twill- MM. SIMI lead, ride or drive any dares mare or undo upon or over nay of the paved footways within this bor ough, Ito or she so offending .1111111 forfeit nod pay for every horse, mare or mule No led, ridden or driven, dm MUM of throe dollars, to be recovered before the Burgess in an ac tion of debt, with costs of emit (by any person who will give Information for the use of tho borouh And If any pers ) on WWI, after the public g ation of this or dinance, load or drive any wagon, curt, sleigh or sled, or any other carriage either of burthen or pleasure, over, or upon any of the paved footways of this borough, ho or she so offending shall forfeit and pay for Query suck Wrens° the nuns of gondoliers, to be recovered by any person who will sue for the taboo In mutter as above; with costs of snit. use. dlf au person or WIMPS shall, after (ho publica tion of t his ordinance, throw or luny° an chips or dirt of any kind upon any of the paved foot Ist, of this bor ough he, she or they so offeuding , elm forfeit and pay for gooey the stun of mu, dollar to be recovered hd, fore the Burgess by action of debt, (by any Person who will give informattou thereof to the Burgess), for the use of dm borough with costs of suit; and if any person or per. •ons shall after the panstug of this ordivanco uuy way deface any of the houses or fences within this borough lie, she or they so offending. shall forfeit and pay for every 01- fence the sum of one dollar to ho recovered As shorn for the use of (ho borough with costs of suit. 13113 An ordinance fa regulate the Streets. Alloys, Clutters, Curbs and Parenfeats to the borough at g, no cordfng to a Surrey made by LEJIR & 101 tilt and adopted to eo ggAuuncil h 1 Raid Sec. 1 . Bo 11 ordeliwiend enedleir by the citizens of the borough of Copley, in uwn Comm I assembled, and it: is hereby enacted by, the authority of ea th That the plan of the survey muds by LEIIR & /311 g 4y for the regulation of the borough of Copley bo adopted , Sue. 5, Me plan of the cur./0y made by Richard Emory, above mentioned and adopted, alma ho held subject to such variations as the Council shall make trial thu old of the Engineer, fur the benefit of that purl of the borough whero toads, • , Her, It shall ho the duty of all owners of ground, ad joining such streets or parts of streets, att ore now man- • bled according to the shove plan, to set good curb.stuues and dig down or till up am payment. ov ma) ide.wolke. con formably to the plan or dryft of Om ro, made by Richard Emory, Rod filed in the Re order ` office. and peso the gotten according to the directions uftho Town (lout, cll. so far as their property may loin thb eobt streets or parts of streete, within slaty days from thelliso of notice given to them for that purpose by the Town (lonocil. SRC. 4. if sup ownor or owners of ground, along said street or streets. an aforesaid. shall refuse or neglect to comply with the provisions of the third eention of this or. Moaner, after due notice as aforesaid, for the space of one ©rbinnnct . month, It shall be the duty of the 'row. Connell, upon the I Information to them by the Illgh Constable, Supervisor or tiny person, or Utica their tileti knowledge of the feet, to cause goacurli-stones to heset, the inivesisents or side walks to be dug down or filled up, mot the gutters to he paved RS nforernltl, and to charge the Cott and expense of the same to Wild owner or •oWners—Wlllol CONN itlitl ex pense lf net forthwith paid, ou noticeond Presentation of tine bill by sold ...tenor or owners, shall he recovered before the Iturgess, by stetson for debt, with coo•toi of milt, tor the use of the persons Will, did the same, octet emit brought in the Millie or the Corporation for their See. to. Tito Town Council shall annually appoint sin En gineer for the borough, Who shall be Vested with tinthori• t, - mod whose duty It shall be, on notice given ily also 'row is Council, to level, lay out and Measure allsneh streetS, alleys nutters nod pavements, ns slot!! be thoodnostiost by the 'fo\vti Counted, the Nlll,l Engineer int till 111111' , to 0111- form to the plun tor druft of the borough nod regitlitllllll.4 aforesuld, and his decision to be voillol In all ease+, he re garding the temporary :thermion ism& by order of the Council lit Certain parts. And the sand Ellgllll.l.r shall re fs einispoimatuoti for his service, to he pant oator Ow nds of the Corporation, whit,! In the motoal o , er see f the 'fete Coolant. .lisol torte, ogling :tool setting Atone'. for curbs, goiter+ and pavement pnonle nadivnitial4, lie linty receive env dollar deny teen or any ,umber less than Illty lert, cod vs lieu the !tomb,. el Ivo shall ee.l lilt)', he shall 1,11,1, 1,,11 1,1,1'111111: 111, moos per r xce oot running ineasore 11,111 ,01.111111,111111117 , SI, 11. Ira.) . Perni JJJ itt•rMillSlllviosog a 11.,11., aml let 111111 living in the same or any person or persons living ill In where the lot adjoins a paved gutter, shall not nevi. them clear of dirt 111111 .KM other matter as may °hairnet the tree 0111r:10ot the teener, he or they shall rer every retire pay the sum of ally emits, to lie reevorml her llorgess, by Ill,{lllll dell, for the o', ~i the 1 , , ~sigh, upon the Written 1.1011113110 n 44 1110 ' , IWO 11!. ..... ditty it shall be to gate stiletts.,a to the Ititcgcss oo: the sittile. :co. :I. 0/Winnow,: Gower. ntiny Ntii.vrtiattlf Ile It ordained tend 'enacted by the chivena of the borough of Coeilay, 111 Town Council arseinltled, to It ln here by enacted by the xlll horny of the saute, SY.criog I. From and utter the date of this ordinance, no int:retina% gtorplem ite ror other pereton Itatsteever, 0.011 keep at any one trate mote than olio lot 11.1.41 potools of gutiyoo tier oii the firetame , . II•ed acefilh'd within the thickly long and inhabitettl part, ci dna Intr. o tt i t te t , nailer the penalty of fifty dollais, to lor• ono! tool ri•covered, with etmt, of atilt, before the leurg.• int a nd of nein for the lbw tho borongli. Sm.. 2 If any ppreeon or Permute, 011011 mmt, carry or draw out, or lay any dead hung or other eneram of Ace hog or dog, or any excrement or filth from wattle., wavier or imertemary-latimtm, mot ethall 11.1%a...twit rue ram o r filth teer any eate t oi the cone:mom ol On , 1...t00:eh, or on or near any Or the suet,. :Meer Inghwae Gwithin nuts, bonnet:li, et allot. lemming the ram, hta g e nu' reel below the •rtittaele of the atonal!, tho doylorod pol.!1‘. ; are merson or prtreeenor so ollenthate, :mil Itenta roily treed tlo imof before the bargee,' tot the boreitab, Math tureen and ;my her every emelt title the of nit livo dollar, to nli mid ro. covered with colt, of mot, bet a tho Burge,. OW or ough au action of debt, to and for the imp of the boreatali, rem., el, thstiller, soup boiler, tallow chandler. or other porno. n o dule ]Lin borough, their sigouts, joor totytoon or serYtts aliall any tool 0 ,;;;;;,,,... liquors front any ritillltottmt or Nvork,fiop, no that nuelt liquors Anti! pa,. Into or along nay ttf the es - tut!, 0/1, or alleys Lf said borough or, If anY ,'co hell., pi t ameter other ~ 11.;11 keep, 'collect or tow, or eguso to be kept, collected or tmt wltllln the built or the tr key gettled 'tart+ of the borough, any elate, patrol or Nting bit, grease, 0, olio, matt., or If any ',Welter or others, Alan keep at or near Ins remit:Nor 100 m..., ally garbage or filth erlintsto.,,, the same lomphy declared 11.1010 nuisance, tend la., tda. ter they so olfrodotg. tool beim; sha lt thereof, [where the litirgens thm bor ough, shall forieit anal pay her every Noel, totfent I...tltte•une of two dollar, 10111.00.1 a 0] -in, 10 1 / I MTOVVITti .14:111 tve., for elite 11/0./ of I/11' 1/0111101. boa. 4. II any person shall throw any dra,l cat, fowl ur plg, or any other :Anal! 111111101 i. 111 ZOO . ol the streets, lanes or alleys of this borongh, or on auy private tr their own included, or if any pelso a ny Yrs, shall troll ur drag any raw. hides or skit,. oy othorotfonsive article, along any 01 the 1111Ved I . oollSoyh within this bor ough. the nut is iterehy dcelarol ' , ohne nuisance, au,l ever Y Penian so ollentlitig. shall forteit anti pay tor every such d olt,otf the Sum of fifty cents, vo be tyroverell by ae- Sou of b, WWI 00010 0. 0111.. before the Burgess. 1 , 1 ,, 1 applied to and for the use of tise borough. Inc. 5, If 01. y Or 1101 . 0.104:611:10 erector stall, booths, hoses, wagons, Or Its any C 010,111011,, 11N 11 herby XllllOl, 01i 1110111, 010 'llllO fur opening geed Nen • log oysters, or to the parpow of huckstering or offering' for sale cokes and beer, or strong drink, cordial,. or oiler, un any public day ou any of the tool‘vays, or In nun tante public streets of the b.Prollgit Coplgy, or 11 any per son or person,' liVing bald borough, shall open hts, her ur their lincloster shop, oyster ollar, or heel, the sate,. un between the boo, of eleven o'clock oil Saturday night and one o ' clock on Monday morn the sato. , is hereby declared a public ; and every person so °trending, shall forfeit gad pity the num liVelloolll. every SOO 11.1 . 011e0, .0 hit recovered by 11Ciii111 0111010, WWI COnlil Of before the Burgess, for the use onlie borough. 13. 0.1 e011114:010 11111de 10 010 SIII/erVi.olrl4 that any Inhabitant 1101110. A any 1110,110100 to 1.0 111111 relllloll on bin or her lands or 1004s0/0110104, 011. said SoPerVl , •ors are hereby 1111010ri.eli and clapow'erell Ne a n the ald of the Ilia!, Constable, to ,star peaceably and view the matter or cause 01 and Ito trite report thereof in writing to the ge. hearing the Saha' shall order and direct the lligh Constable to give ut least ivreuty•futtr hotirs notice to 01010000 , 01 or al ter said lauds, to remove or abate the said nuisance. and If tin, said llosmeNSOr does not svithin thot time beg., to re turn, or 10/11.0 010.1‘11110r0111e0, 1111dt01101111e 011111011 010 dirlo to liolll., it J 4111.1 11111111111 y be 111,1'00 for the 'largess tse his precepts to the High Coustahle ihe borough, recting Into to take iv as Into one or More of Ili. oll. , OrVa Morel or (h., bo.nut., nod as ninny other o• too) . be necessary, with impiciabats, inol voter IMO 0/0 011.1 d 11001 peaceably to remove or abate tho , 701.110. GEII 0.20 6.13 0.11 0.01 0.0/ 3 3. 50 3 1 . . .cc. 7. 1 . 110 Iligh 0;11010110 r•lnkli keep Ulue account of the expeli-e,. reto..ving I,r &111.1101 g the .Itt uuismice, 1,110111,0, lo..bvidell they , 114.11 just 111111 reasonable, he Owll h.. v 111111.41 to 11 v.'s', Irom the ponme,hor ,f the r•llid 1111111, ill 111111015,11 or add In las 01011 'mine before do Butou,s, 101111 c 0.., ,4,.1111. , Sue. B. If any hernial or persons shall thisik themselves aggrieved by the report of the Supervisors and High Cousttble, he, she or they may appeal to the Council, a majority of ‘clititti are hereby aniltoriged to hear anti determine the same, provided malt, of the said a1.P.1 he given, eitherfn person., toy writing, to the eh:Orman of the Council, Wall I, Viol , hourn after tugire given to retilliVe or abate the said tailsauce ; and the Hiatt Imo; of ll... Cou ncil to Iterelty rectutrisi to :outline. the Council, for the par pose of hearing nod determining the said appeal. Sue. %Viten any 11111•111/, is IllneilVert - liIIIIV lot 1111. i 10,11 gleVasit.litsti by li.‘ieritig or digging down the ntreets, the Corporation shull pap the ex prase. of aDating it, ;ant net the a our. Moe, n, 110ie.., Cattle Swim , or ,;,prils t , le ',low , tt tmwe, erilloin the boron yl4 of Ile it ordain...l nod enact...l by the eitihan. of the 1...0.0g1. 111 (*.lnlay in and it hereby enacted by the authority or the ....t, Sri . . I. 'lllott II nay 0 suffer toy hone., horned cattle, hheep, ant hie or goat+ to mu lit large in any ..1 ii,' street, holes or alley ...I' t hi. liartigh, or to tre,lia...lll their in.ighb0t.....t..1, the Owner tiers or ~or. ootoodn /1% 111. , Ii.. groa “:11, if he, oho or they “to 1..• lotnal, shall forfeit and pay lot. each and every animal so Gnwd rouniug at beige or It . ..span...lug, the sunn al halt a dollar, to for anil Nvlien shall paid IMO thebrianotry of the hor. ouch, ror the 11, of tin. haute. Sta.. *I. It than he the ditty or the Sun, vb.erf theY .11,....0ve5. or Ire informed 4,1 city of the Animal , to. afore . . id Loraalt large In any of the htreet., bole. borough, on. in any lil the enelostirer, to call on the owner . or uivnerh of huch animals us arort.ctid, kiwi,. it, and inhabitants of this barotigh and banl, Vitt hint, her then., either personally or by heal co In writing, to, pay ilie above venally tool lo hake cia.arge of thriu; 11111 if the o tote "triter, neglect or retit,e paynn.nt of the said forteitore for I is otter saelt demand, it than be the .laty soporvoo,o , o'alior or theo., to givolororomthot to tho )10 why antinorigtql anti for owl penalty, °taloa .11 111.1,1 101 ith fa, the the tinc. 11. If Om .....1 - teC .4. on nelsof any of the animals :i ti aforesaid so foam! rouom at large in thtY , if thv lanes or alleys of tali. Imeough, Ire.-Pt -sitm innil 01 Ilse enclosures thereof, shall mot he inlothilants o o f this borough,not known, or knout Ad' no • “,ly Ito foond, or if or found shalt not homed ottely such mil mats as aforesaid, then it shall told may he la 10 fill b.r floe topers isers, or either of tlbun. and lie t liy hey are iwrc required to seize midi stoiloals tool secure them in a yard ...her enclosure, limit if the owner shall not demand theta and pay the afore:. ill for i 11.... 0,1 11 111 t moy -Mar !mars alter s..lwitre, then the .161 Sttsb•rc i•ors, e;ther of them shall ad Verttse .11111 aal , . for salt. in three of the not. public places NVI I / 1 11/ 1111, nim 1)0;00011, setting forth the C011:01 of their detention. and describing the natural mid artificial market of the said :11111.:11., 1111,1', and that they be sold 11l the egplration of live days from the date, if the owner snail not before that time pay the aforesaid t, ore and expetmes nod take them an . sty. line. 4. If the 0,V1101,4 nllllll 1101 11P11.1 . he fore the tration mentioned In the adVerlisentelit, 111111 pay the afore .l4l forfeiture, with the ...nellses of keeping sorb animals, mid taking theta up, nod take then! ninny, it shall he tam duty of the Supervisors, or either of then], to sell such animals by yt.adue or pithily inn-cry, to the highest and best_bidder ;l 44.l after deducting thin lorleitnre4 (01140141 'to lie . pald.4 • him or them to the Treamt rer tlf the borottgli, 11. 1 rho exPense of keening such attlntals, to be taxed by the Burgess, together with fifty 0011 1,1 for, each sale fur Ills or their trouble and attendance tot the sale, and collecting the m0n..)., he or they shall pay the remainder, if ttny there be, collie Treasurer of the borough, for the use of the borough ; a n d he or they shall at the .1110 tine render an of the sty lure, 11101 after the sale and deduction, to the 'Von,ll C.lerk, who shall the such account In his office. If if, always, that if thoon. tier or olviters of such swine, an shall alt y tittle Wilhll4 year after tutch sale, come forward and prove bis m•operty, Itt any such animals, to the satisfaction of the llorth , scthe It shall tu'rtify the same to the the of who shall draw alt order lord.. butane° of the sale of the so by them proved to be their property, after thin legal de ductions aforesaid are made, 00 the Treasurer of the bo rough ; which twit, 'being countersigned by the Ilttrtn•'• and chairman of the Council, shall be paid lit. the Treasu rer, out of the monies lu 1110 haatis belonging to the bor ough, Sr.c. G. It shall be the May of the Supervisors, or either aftbem, fortlityllit, aft, the receipt of every of the said forfolluins to pay tio• name to the Treasurer of th.• bor ought anti for end, oni everyof tin-said forfeit tires sin re- COYered and milli nfoiesalti, it,,, said SltPervisors, or either of theta, as dm ease may be, .:11/ 10,1111110 d 10 re enivo front the 'Fromm-or tint MIIII , !et , h• 11. .” 1 ' pelll4otloll furors. or their truant. In itgottton to mutt is mentioned tioriore to prohlhit the pritoliee sop-Voyf (toy lallll .1.101101 OM 1f• to fail of 14Iyht sired, !foots mot tillegor, of the tummy?. of Coploy. Do it ordalued anal enacted by the citizens of Ole borough of Dopler, In Town Council ansembled, Sinai it it: enacted by the untloarity of the enure. gage. 1. From mad eller the slug Of this orallitance, 00 row, bullock, ur heifer Atoll be permitted to r,anaita inn 1 ro r tt t gh tro ilier no 1 ~n•udsrs ;a , I: cloaattre, 1111144 9ny part of night time front that final tiny Ayaril nny unff every year, until elle first day De cember, unit if any perm; or persons admit knowingly and Intentionally sutler soy of Illehr own cattle, as shove de scribed. to remain on any of the above npertiled . perts oaf thin borough, every person or persons sto elhuatint shun forfeit and pay for ever head of cattle no lett lout, (Ire pima. ally of fifty reefs, for each and every match offellee, to he recovered lay action of debt, with coots of soil, fur the use of that borough, befon, that Burge. , tine. 2. If any person or yernotan shall final him, her tar theninel uggrieved or Injured lay obeli cattle, he nball give informatioo of the foes to the Durgens, Who Omit forthwith proceed amplest such offender or afffentlern, fair Increcovery of .01 penal y, which when recovered, Anil Mid into the treasury. game L 3. 'Villa urdlnuuco 1411111 leave the (0111111011 low fetneaiyOpenor goy damage which any cutic, of may hue doe ;toy pepsin, ur their aamutes, Se. NO. O. • • . . All Ora inutise fo pre veld t he oss , io l l , l if 0f D7x,n•d.r7p re•rst»lB, ut 011114 the vornrrs Or other 2;etrte If the lams or altryx hororegh of C . 01111174 mid for other porponts. Do it ordained nod minded by the C 1020114 of the borough of Copley itt Tow a Council 11..mbled, and It In hereby ett• acted by the authority of the same. Bite, I. From nod after the passing of this ordinance, If any person or persons shall at any tittle be found Stu 1111 y of the corners or other parts of the borough, behaving lit a disorderly summer, nod du out forthwith peaceably retire hn being ordered so to do, by the Illah Constable, the said igh C....table shall forthwith arrest the said offender or offender., uud take him or them, ur either of them before the Burgess. lice, If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Bur gess, on his view or uu coofession of the offender or of fenders, ur by the oath or affirmation of une or Inure law ful whims, or witnesses, that the said so n or persona 014 behave in a disorderly manner, by Moulting any per• sun or persons passing the streets, or did tuaku use at In, proper howling°, or profanely curse or .wear, or inter rupt thepaskage, every porson or persons thus lawfully convicted as aforesaid, shall gaffer' by line not exceeding tutu dollars, to be recovered In an sudden Of debt boron) {he litirgese, with rusts of suit, for the use or the borough, Sao. ii. If any purses or persons, clefleg the night time, bhall disturb the peaceable fularbllents of this borough, by uilding tires or throwing fire balls In the streets of the borough, or by making any great noise, such personor pormonf, beink thereof fully convicted, shall suffer by 000 not exceeding ten dollars, to be recovered with costs of tho of suit before borough the with co Burgess, in au action of debt, for the ace . sts. .1n Ordinance (oyrerent for a certain time and on car fain OCVIB/01. 1 . 1111// n (nil at hfrlft if un wearied or ....tog Agee. within the Ouronrih y/ OopluY. of ao i4gl4l'llVoai'll enacted iut l by a t' t tll c t l it, ' f l t t h' lm b re ' r U e enact d byy the avtitority of the name• See. I.tho lapsing f lids 111111110`, it shall for nay pa iron owning it dog or dogs, slut or sluts, to let such animal or 11111,11111 , ran lit large, for the term of ninety days after he, oho Or tershall have re• reived notice from the Town Council tO couguo Melo Tyr that term. • Hoc, 2. If nay owner or owners, after be, she or they shall barn received such notice from tho Town Council to canine much utimumzied or mussled dog or dogs, slut or sluts, for the sparo of olitoty days us aforemaid,shull refuse or neglect to comply With 1111, 11bOVO be tllOll tip ..outnit Ids liar or their dog r dot, slut or slats as aforesaid, n every drilo parsone uctro attending ttol i tT 1 , 1 1 „ f igr n i f t or ' e 'd y e P r7 six which id, clue or they may sager ally one of lino maid nut. hours wale to remain 04in:dined to ha recovered by action. of debt lwrore the liarge , “. with Mutt, (or the Met of the lion:mull. • Sew.. 3. It shall be tho duty of the SlikerVi+lsl, or either of them to woo that this ordinance, after Indies shall at any (Into bo given by the (lounell to that eiTect, shall boput in strict execution for tin, spare of :dart ' s - days enunitne from tho day .41,4.111 g the Ilutlro aforesaid, and the said Super visors shall have potter, by vittun of ibis orithl.lllto to t: lto tip 11101 C.llllllll. HI ht‘ eXpell.e situp owner any oil. , Aperlllolllllllllll‘l4 that 1113)• he ronolog at large witir• In tho 1,..111411try "r ltls h.proltch, toil the "%Viler • twit tnimal shall pay to the person Who take. ilp 01041 alihitttl he .1111 of tWelity•llVi• Celli. over milt 'above ttll ”ther roots, 1111e+ pellitttle4 rm. every dog on till:.',, No. S. .111 Oral urt to keep the she , 1 Pr.! , hte (tail .1 I - levet chi,. !row reh !etre foh,l ante; buelihshretio, wont, rot toy Braid be fp, 110 It ordained null enacted by the I.lllLi'll. , of the boron •b °f Copin, In 'Yowl, Council itouitableil, and It I. hertiby eliiirtial Icy the authority „f the Milli, Her. I. It iiliall be the linty °revery owner or inv tier., n.......i.,,i0r oi traii......., 411 bit of grolitul, ,rillilit the ha y...o,d Port. ol 11114 borouall to keep the :in Pet., alley:. acid iiiivenienti. or firetivallim lk I [al' tl.• ill , :1101111d OX 1...1111, I'll'ar of oli,iiirtlow4 of 1 . 51 . , /.11.1, I' ...itch mot In ..1101 nl.lllllll' .1.. 111 r• allotrod by tit, or,liiiiiiie... Scr. 2. li any person .i. , aroi....iiiil, i.lhill a ilfully pot, throw or lay any I.l....lrneiluact 113.. rtreelo, /tile)... :ion pavement. or loolivalk. am afore...aid, ..r upon nny or the Ilii, pa I. a thi... ba-a‘ 4 l. (..xrept a irogoli .ir other VP / 1111'111. lli hole I. lii ilitil) II ie, anti that to lii. 111:11,1,111. , urar the Myr it. conveniently ran be l t every perion qii offend.. , shall torten awl ruy ra.,... tlllll I, ery 'inch nein, ie stun 01 . 11/11,111111ars, if sac h olisti wiliol lin !mind tai lor,. 111. int ii lot or HIV let In lio. poow .•ion. Anil the Aim of ..ix dollar, far each and ..very /melt olfene.., If founil „u ti other public plat , . of this lioriiiinh, ,i Inch taut in iihall be rocoveleil before the Ilurni.oo, by nellint ,iir debt, for the 11.1. alibi. borough, ii itli rest, ~ Sire 1. liofore salll penalty sliali hr recoverable. it shill I Le the diily of tho Supervisor r e mould the offelitior, anti If the said obatructions are tiot mved twelvo hoot, if notified In the morning. or tlVentY•fettr 1,1,11 r. If notified in tin...veiling. thou 11 .boll be the duty or tho l ulll lll.l whioi they .1111111 liolgo inlorioatii lt osi wit h the Burgess, :tntl the pay the above e m oval. osts, :0111 111 ioltlitioit Ile for Co m. llr removal. The Saperci-or Tull recto. for every such information the Apo litty rents ovor and oh o their daily wages, 10 be paid out 0 tile 'l3e.isury of tho borouh. Slat. 4. Nothing - rontainial trio ortlinanre shall be so uoil Is to prevent ally person or 11 y .d WhOSO 1:y ma lip:lib/Ip. 'nay papule roin on any of the toddle 11.11, .ir ibis ber o pgli. lor hi. wo, if lie be 11 traIIeSDISLII, 01 . 11 . .10"11711,t114 . 1 . .4 IMO ithe ralllll . l . cartor, bit “Ity noce•nary c:Oliog oily line, to mit, free ii-e of said pnblic 1111 r•alil borough at any time, there by not obalrite hog the pitwoisto and also not to hreVent Per• 1.11 . 1. 11,1011 the pavoinonta for .1 reasonable one, to have It sat vial awl placed away, and also it shall lw conatrited, net 10 prevent 110.1(o:tiers ht niercitait • 4. • 0011, from placing bxes, barrels II thing in thou. hue 011 II:LS . 1'111 , M o , t, heir ltottses, so as to loave au open 1.... age of not le.s than live feet oil Ilia front or their paveinen, for 1111101, ae. Sm . .:. Any .1 . tills borough, or any other,er •olll, building, creel mg or rolootirlim 1111) . 1.01 ,, . Sll.llll l . Wlllllll,O hooto or -hood, om any of the tintolie utroo.lo, lamooo, tor alley•Avitlini the Inuits of tin+ loorengh, nliull hove the torivtl ~ goo of lining ono-ho If (or in rase where tt !matting 10 corned on "pp eolte, moo-third) of 1114. 51.11,110 ,vitfill of sold ntrooei, holm or alley building grottoolo Mod 11 , 1111,V, 1, 0 (old to put Ills riotino,loriel(,lline, smol,inor• tor, limbo,. 00 mi)' such materials n+ he limy wool In the pregleoe, of Ilk loinloling, front the Ile-t of .loonintry until the itgot of Noveinhor iu vouch ovnol every year. SI:C. 11. It .hull be the duty of thee. Snpervisor. to ...till 011 sooth n+ may have itvailtool thenioolVel .11 the mir item, aforesaid, ill the tiresome° of wltoimeolos, tea (lays Nihon. the expiration of 0011110 mo or lit any tit.. alter to remove 011 •111.11 from tutiol street+, lune+, or alloys a+ may rommlio 011 any of them, in 1,1 , 11.1.11111.1111.14 their restorcli . ve operations. And if smolt peroni or per .oott• shooll rein., or moglect, 10 clear said ostreet+ laneo or ally •+ within teen play+ after notice, than the o'llloo'v how ,11.1111 . 1.111.1V0 1110 ,1111 r, 1111t1 shall make out a correct bill of the1,p1.11 , e1111.1c0 , 1., troom the rl.lll , lVlng of 001.1,41.11t0n+, mid shoill lodge 111101111:1li011 with the lhorgoo-+, and the said :topers-loon. .41i:di recover the moonlit of the hill, lilt rout- io a suit brought lit the 1111 mt. of the 01 loofere the llorgooo, in On action ilebloond Ilketvost ilvo h e low the use. of the borough, for said "genre both too he re iu the salmi Ile It ordained :tint enacted by Ow fillrensaf the borough o roplay, to Text o Cottioul ey.ein ;fled, and It l• hyi elf). ea:feted by the authority of the sane, e. I. Thy C Ill.;, on.tatbly ; loves ial; i.vee all pr, and warrant,. to bine flifert;sl and delivered; Roil all mufti,. received by hint, the'sahl !filth Constable, (;; and for the few of the borough, bind; I, paid hurt; art; In ten days thorea fun to the 'freasarer of the borfaigh ; and the said High tioledable shall at least.ance ;t month, in tvarfn treating-, wall; through thy different parts fff the borough, In order, that the ordinalo e• for preventlng non inn s,„\ running at large laity he earritsl Into vf.. (wt. by givi.; the ...tire regional in the ditfereat oral muses to the Nn and others, and also to gl ve no tice "fall anis:oleos, olf•truetions or Impediments In the streets, Imes, 11110, 01.1:11111.1 , that (tiny :nay be rrinevett untl tho peruat or (1000011 A, theautlofrs the( eof, tatty be proeeetitfl; and he shall give 1111',1113t:011 I. the Ilargeen off committed anst the oldittattres of the borough, nun., ;;the offender, and the 5V11110,.... lu ord., (Intl the ollondere fitaY Le , ro , erttred. fun' o.lfedlYttre enrolee.; to the regula)lelif, far the good orflor 3110111 of the baron:ol, and generally to do and perform all ;molt (bingo as the Con tell Ilr ot ;finance, may order or di ne;. Si,. 2. High .Lail ho Vlllllll4l 111 11:1Vr anti an all sarltby 111111. 11111,11111!/1:/1:011 /1!, any other for like Sl.l, ice.: 111111 fur the of the particular 11111.•. Imrrill riatairest of 111111. 110 Nllllll 1111V0 31111 114,11‘ . 1. 11.11.111 its IlaW.itincil titian ilirvet 111. paid to him yearly by ita aril, Il ia chair. titaa th.• and by the Nora, which total klialt saint all, t i. 011,1111111111 W 1/11in, If C tiny of It,, ditties reiriiireil by bait, it 1111, or any orilinittice, hi• kball rot tilt and ilay liar vault 11111`1/I.l` the itin dol lar. to by reriiviireil by atabin 111111111, 1,, Ow Ikurgtinr, for iltiithii bariatah %yak vont., It be the ditty of libtb (...,(abb. to )1,...,1,1 nailall 0111,4 loan la...airing lb.,Sab bath. alai to tire.ierve iikSatalay In Ow borough, mai If lie flails any 1.•1,1111 11011111, by 11111g1 , a 1 , 1111;1111111 1 ty 1111 1111,11101 e nottgi,trati, of the liroarilt, that knelt Per tor ions praciaiilial according to the 001 01 Asiivitibly vice initaur.ility. EZE 110 It orilaimal and enarnal by the cillrims or the looroagli or t'oplay, In Town Council woo tolls, nail It la !larch) . um h•d hr dm authority of the a:, me. sre. 1. ' Whim any complaita I. allot , . to the Ilaracce the Cote-table, Sapervi , or, Clerk or tlio 1111111,1, or iiilicor of thi. 111;1111112h Wll , lllllll 1111 Y .vlllll ngaitt.t nay 01 1111 1 101 . 1111111111 . 1, of 11,1, t0r..,,n11, nail upon itrarll.4 lio•reof lr11f,11.• the the ilclontlaut Omit he affinilmal nut guilty, 110 ollgh hail 'my tho co+t., tho complaint appoar Hate 1/1 1 1 1 11111111/011111 of levity or malice:toil the. tho .11011 . pa( the co•t.; la aa„,, .111 1 .111V11,4111 to all •- ..... nl,llll /1•••• 1:11 ..“.1 , 4•11111V 11 , 1,1 1 1 Nl . ll 11) . the onlinalte. , alma hich Ito In nupd. Sre. 2. Whim thudain 1 , . nuoli• by any 111111 1 1 . peraint Ilia. an officer, ileriaolant /111111111 1 11 1111 .1,11 111,1611,1, 1.111/1111/11111111 . /111111.1' , 111 01,1- tll O 0111.1111'11W e. 11 , 1.1.,+• Anti mot Pr0..1 ..I - io a hr porcoll I. the Inform:oil, 1111- i..-+ -melt poraon ...Inn a trillion information, In form to NI. lows, to u 1.1 . 111.1111 0 1 • ,I . V. lii .11,111 or ( . 01 . 1. IV, 1 .1 14 .1, I. tif 1i14.11011.11g11 of ('Viii' In the coracy "r Lehigh, made this dog of in tfo' year ''l our Lord ono thousand eight hinnirtal and at the bor n:di of Copley 31 . .....111.1. herore 1/., !lac:toots of the hecough atore-stid, %rho my.. that yestortlaY,the day of A. I/. , I:. F. in his preqtaice (Or of the borough a opony.driv.. a loii,led ~ag o n over iii' peyote,. 01 11, hootital. id or near the house of A. 11. l'alton and dalt , erilo dla tore ne the day Or A. Li. IN; C. 1/., trhielt ltdortaallon feraa .IEIII varyaccording . tho I'll, 1•111 . 11 111/.1 •11i111 in 1/1. evi• deuce to compel the nifertioatt to pay the eo.t, trherentg,g hoarig, the nor.on ittalt•tal ...hall be ac.indted, and mu., the hearing and .11,1111tIill of 1111. /11 . 1 . 11+Cil 111 , Ilurar.x '4.111 will/oat any ether t•rot ..... ding- adjudge the ceniplaittant to pay the co-tB. Sc.o. 13. All ,nil. to he brought On the hirer/nation of the otlieen. of thi+ botottalt, or isl..lllllnll . llllllii.ll of 3,11 11 1Ve, 2 , 11:111 hi' 1.) . NllllllllOll, or /, arrant 1,511.41 In the follotving form, alive>, varylng according to the forma in ~1et,,., e, /v it . 11111711/, and 'l' „ tat 0).1.01 of (ho borough of , To It.: 11101 C 01141111,10 1.11111 I.ol'ollllll, (1 1:1:TINII: 11'111'1'1111 1 , 11/I.'llllM 1..11 11114 thin day 1.. a noosolio before C. I 1 , of the buyout:li of Coplav, (by A. 11. of . the coldboriingli, blacksmith, thin • I:. I'. drove Li loaded wagon over the!us . ..meta of this bo li roam, ill the lions„ of contrary to the orillounce in such ea wade and provided. These me therefor° hi tiounnoind yon that viol sot:onion the said I:. F., that lie lammar 11Oloore said Ilurgoss, II his °Mee in stroot, In said borough, ou the day of instaul, ot o'clock, to ato s aoor Nikki oborge, mod to be further dealt tv ith accord ion to Moo provi•Pous of said oroinumeo; havo yon thou Moro this sum limas. \\'l des 1 , 11111 e. D., 11 111 . gee., ut the s aid borough of (70play, tho doy to the year of our Lord one thousand tolght handled and C. D., Burgess. Wo, Moo po.rsdot to he stood is n freeholder, then Ito shall be sword by summons, but if 11..1 11 freoloololoor, he may be sued by summons as 111,0,, or by ‘viorr.ont in the following to wit: nod Town if the lA...trills of t!oillery, To It. ~ High_ Couslooldo "(said thorough, Gi t ootomao Whoroas, infortiottioon Into this day loam made 01.01..(befOre C. It., Burgess of the borough id Cophiy, t by A. IL of 11/0 said borough, blacksmith, dint drove loaded wagoin over iloo 'pavement of this borough, at the lulu, a contrary to the orolltiattee itt such caso mob, mod juror Wood. 'Hoist. aro therefore to COIIIIIIIIIIII 111 bring hint loofole thomid C. lb, to no s wor sooid charm., omit norther to too dealt with iteeortilug to .10 gaol Malmo. IVltmoss the sold C. D. at the said boroagh of Copluy the 41:1) . of in thin your of our load °no thous:tool eight hundred nod C. D., llorgess. Orbinnitccs EIE Ordbielotty 1 . 111,1 y dertirA of ill , Iliyh o,Jastetble. MED • 1,, (1,11,,,,e1eee elieeeliee7the , r reeepet owl hiy 1h .11tireeley hefort the. Iherge.eor. ee,e !him mid the are.- de , te•nl . • ... Si,. 4. NVlnfla any CoIIVICOIOII shall take plats, hooter any or the orallattausal of thin horongla. before tho Burgess. and the 111f/walnut nhall neglect or refuse to pay thu penally. will the costs, so :adjudged lagaittst hint, in any ordinance, the wawa nhall lac enforalfal lay aloe execil Con In the follow- Ing (ono, 0t,,,y. to vary according to each la:articular cae. amt the foals therein contained. • The Burge. nod 2 . 1110,1 Untiocil of the baryouph of 11. S. II lath Countable of natal borough, (inn:vivo hereas, E. s'. of Ow borough of Coplay, 111,0 s ga , t. s a ., ll l mt , t l al u o O f i‘ d , r ,r l ...vs- t sou of debt, In 0..111.1100f tho liorgcsd and Town Coon nil of thc borough of C,. day, for lilt, 11.11 of 11,0 borottal. before said !largess, and lajtattgwent obtained against Idol for together with the costs of naafi. And tho said E. s'. having hitherto neglected to eaaanalv with the jualat• meat, we CWIIIIIII.I you that ~f tilt' goods anal clwitels of tlw sand F. /dm levy the dela and costs aforesaid, and for w ant of niallicient distress, taint yon lark.. lire body of the natal E. I'. into custody and convey law to the eon, nom goal or 1110 sold county, there to 110 kepi Itilti/ the 111111 awl costs atforioaahl Lo folly paid. Wanesa till' said C. 1/. Ltiatiday aforesaid, the day of la the year Orlllll . ord one thousand 01111.1 hundred and C. It.. Iltargess. Si:.'. 5. The form of the action shall be endorsed on the Nod, of the stawanons, AVarl'llllt ~,, c lltit/n fu (wls rase. al together with ...cost, that Ow daffentlatat may have his choice to pay the t',11110 , 1 till , Malt,. Ito MT:1001011 way meet', 111.1 proper to him. which 1 . 01111 shall Le an fol io varying as occasion way • Thu ileari/cvn ow/ rdslV,ll Action of debt for driving Von arilthr boron ph nil all the pavement of that lows roplityfar the use .1 Vial °ugh Debt 5W beruevh, • I (lusts tn. J I Burgess high Constable Witnesses/ Sr,. C. When any complaint hereafter kball be made to the Borges+, concerning oily offence, not prov bb•d for by Wli f f el flre orflinauces of the borough, funl coining within Mt' lawful prdit,flon of the Town Council, it shall be the May of the forge., ns aa Ire renvcnientlY ran. to draw lip nu ordlna lice embracing t le mgi•uue and submit It to the 'I own Connell for their consider/aloof. It shall alto ho the f lnly 4,1 the Burgess to draw all forms, and Ito Is hereby empowered to dtaw find make use of all hut+ forma us may from time to time be required to carry the unit- Ilallert of this borough into effect, according to the Inten tion and ',leaning of said ordinance severally. MEM In °rain,. re rwaveriifug Nbe Tre.rirer. Ile it ordained and enacted by the citizens of tho borough of Cooky, Towli Ctllllll . ll assembled, and it is hereby courted Ii the authority 44 ' 11w Millie bra, 1. That the Treasurer. 1 / 1 000 1 he cuter.. 4111 lire 41114 Iles or la. , ..ffice, shall Sty. seetwitY to the Burgess sod Town Council er the borough of Cop lay and thole sucrose ore in Wilco for the faithful alinclotrae of tho ditties of taw ogle,. and for the safe delivery of all monies, books and dve s iittl e a/T.ololons thereto, into 1110 Immix 41( his sue et,llol. 111101111101110111101010 (Or that portant°. The savorily aforesaid nhull Ile by bythl with two sullicieut seeuritios. t jo obe alged of by thu Council, to tho sum of twenty-tiro hottalred dollars. der. 2. That it shall . boll. , duty of tho Treasurer to ro. rely° unit safely keep tlll 1 1 nth holder saidllol from time to limo come to bin hands, ,It to borough. to moo for awl recover...l 00 4 01V1 1 1111 soul, 110111,11,1117104 of taxes settled such than. aual forfeiture, and (rota of IlerolllliN, and unnettleal ;moonlit., as shall (rota llt limo appear to be dire to the saint borough, nod sot otherwise re coverable; 11101 to pay out such loonier; us may from Hine to limo be 111 his hands uv Treasurer, on orders to to, drawn on him for that purpose by the Town Clerk, and slimed fry tile clistrl/ 1 / 1 11 of tbe Carolled and not otherwise. Stm. 3. That his books and accounts an Treanor,shall at all that,. 111111 at reavottablo hoot. Inc Opel; anal free of ac ross to the Ilorgovv, Town Council, Town Clerk, Clerk of tiro market, High Countable awl such talkers of Mu bor. origin 11. noty hots,, MT/I.IOIIW 1 1 Y111111110 110 1 111,anal he shall tribal ti year make out a niatement and render Ills account to the e,,,,,,011 for ~ettlement, which being tolhoted and voided accordingly, shall Ito forthwith published by than, said Council, showlug ticularly thu 111110411{ of taxes and collected tool of the the oiepenalitures, doe. 4. Thal 1110 Trainor, skull receive at thereto of 111110 slid a half per coot. for receiving slid one and 11 half kw paying 0111 annually an 0 cammettsation for Ilk services. together with a reasoutiblo allowauco fur hooks and sta. tiou lly " iir . ,ler of tho Town Council, July 7 D. Ile SLIPS, Secretary. Clotbing. CO?. Sixth and fratailton Sta., Allentown, I HAVE JUST RECEIVED AT (ALLENTOWN, PA., ) • STORI: n Intge let of vet)* goy an I g ~, tonll ty twriect tin It ready ntado clothing front the Philndel plan A . O crrioN s which 1 will sill fifty rents ou tho hpllfir dumper than nay other store ill Allektvn. , coot) uum.a.v . Satioet Cals, al iafil •• •• o , ro Contr.. All Wool at 4.00 " Black Cloth Coats, " at A.lO " " Cassintero Vests, " al LAO • • '• Cass'mere Vests, " at 2. o 1 • • •• Pants, at • • •• Pants, at • ' '' C3,11111'0 Pont, It 3.1 P " Cassintere Mark ('out., at 3,50 •• Whole 01)110 froat h,"kall to i1t12.00 Tinob , st advice I ran :rive you Is to call i examine my stork hero, you buy elsewhere. The ragman wily I can 1101111 y A 411111.2 fifty tools on tho dollarcheaper than any other store - in Allentown In be cause I have two mores and I am rottetantly myself Its Philadelphia will, ready CASH to boy them at AUCTION FRANKLIN KNAUSS 152 North Third Skeet, Philadelphia A 8 I ant pot inn e,tobli,.be,n do , Wholeenle .Nolii , llltlLii Clothing at so. 1,2 Serth :Iril 4treet, Plilholelplint. lvoeld cell the ntiontion of country leer- Ci/11111 , ' to to . laree end extensl mock of gouda before purrlnt-Ing rb.on bere. ICNAUSEi, Mats attb Caps REMOVAL, ANEWALT & BROTHER'S NEW HAT AND CAP STORE (Nearly opposite Ilitgenbuch'i Hotel,) S. E. COR. EIGHTH AND HAMILTON STS,, =! We would hereby. announce to our numerous friends and patrons. ns uotl att the public lu general., that wo bate Just removed to our now latildlag, southeast corner of ,Eightli nod Hamilton iitreets, epecially erected to meet the tracts of our largo and increasing trade. where wo have now greatly replenished Oar stork In all that per tains to the ..pring and Su rumor Trade. to an Inspoctiou of which everybody Is turned. The latest and moot (ash louubfe etplos of SILK HATS, CASSIMERE HATS, SOFT HATS, STRAW HATS, CHILDREN'S FANCY HATS,SHAKER HOODS, LADIES' SUN DOWNS, In endleo inflety, which cannot fail to please all, at priers loweirtin at any time within the last right years. We propose to sustain the reputation we have heretofore enjoyed of selling a better class:of goods, more of them, and at lower pelves, than any other house In Allentoiru. Feeling thankful for the patronage heretofore extended to an. we will endeavor in the future, as hi the past, to ileave all—furnishlng choice goods at the very lowest prices, Our 10101ov:ill , depart went, to Whiell we Invite all rota. try merchants, la full and ~,,, plete, and styles suitable to .all Kedlllll, OW inducements offered will be equal to tiny exeluOvejolibing 11011se ht the clly. Please call and 1,1111000 our stork before purcliax lug, as wovitarge nothing foe showing goods. VNEWALT & BROTHER, New,llitiblitig. Corner of .Hll4llOl nut], .11umillou litreetA (NeXT 111;011 TO M. N. Torso 1 co. HAMM:AIM ATIIIIE3 P.. 1 aub srinetru. TN CONSFAMEN('E OF wilt: I/INAS. !rots ilre. which lu Jaututry lii ile,truyed their store situ 118 ..11tull{”. J. E. CALDWELL & JEWELERS, Hawn had Ihade e,peclally lti their order tt Enrupo tiud lu America. an culln•ly • NEW STOCK OF CHOICE GOODS Wldch nrn now oboned and ready for einnlluation. VERY FINE• PARIS MANTLE CLOCKS, (Every movement with the new Inrioyeingul.) =3 Lathe! new BRONZES, GROUPS AND FIGURES, =1 NNE ELECTRO WARES REST ATE42L7SO SII.PBR WARR. =I WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c., &c A full nkiortineu'l at rei,y MODERATE 'PRIITES For thn pretent at 819 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA lOnifooional Cart's. 1A1111.:14 Ph MERV, ATTORNEY AT l• LAW. Mee ' , with E. AlbMght, too. No. fa End Hamilton etreet, Allentown, IN. (Special attention giver, to collection...) • F L 1 G. tiCIIWARTZ. ATTORNEY AT LAW, finatpo , ' building, Sixth and Hamilton Streetr, oppootto the American Hotel, Allentown, ann . Enulndi and Hermon spoken. Collections to Lehigh, udjarent .411111(i0M pnutiptly attended to. may 1 CORGI: H. RUPP, ATTORNEY i" %Jr AT ',ANN.. nuke, with Ilou.. John D. Bilk., Allen town, l'n. AVI). Luc Si V,NR ACII, ATTOR• • NEI' A'f LAW, (formerly practiced In Carbon eminty). Miro, No. —l,a+lllamlltan alreel, !ennui floor. 'wadyniip..ito• Cho Cann Iloume, Allentown. l'a. May be consulted in the tierlll3lll.lllgUllg, A3l 11: E I A. 1117117.„trron NEY AT Ai LAW. 1)111,, with I'. Wyckoff, oppo ,, ltc the Basin 11.40, L ENTOWN, PA. .... .1.:11111(ad VALLEI: INSUR ANCE COMPANY, ALI,IiNTOWN. PA. 001 re ovor SeCitlitl NOOlllll 111111 k. insurer properly ngulnPl 11110. by Aro... the 24..6; mutual plan. S. Ilroti, Proet. .1. S. 1/11.1.1N111:11. y. B wirti. LIFE LIME P C• CAItTES 1)E V DOTES. kt PElt DOZEN ' AllitegutivttA reaktered. S. W. 'IONICAW, ALLEN TOWN, PA. ROPER, AI"PORNEY AT LAW. Ay• mu, wi, 11. Kuala titutingluo, Lehigh P comity, Po. Coron oun In Lehigh, Northampton aud Carbon moodier promptly attondod to. may y Tr 4 ISILIL FORREST. furroin NET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. Wool Hamil ton ~trect, Allentown, Po. Jan 14-If 'T OLIVER, Airro mv EV AT ti • L Alleutow .1, I. Oftlee, North Fif th areal, btAOW the Court M . oho. 14-'OB-If 11.1:VIL 417 ItALDIVIN, A'1"1'01171.14 P AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, APoutown I . 011 ice, No. 54 E. Hamilton ntroet. C. M. lON,. Linn 14 , 668-tf3 F. A. R. BALDWIN. J. MORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • ALLENTOWN, I'A. Mice, No, 50 East Hamilton 'street. kirrCan be eousulted to german. jaul4-'6:34( T..) CLAY Y[.l MERSLY, ATTORNEY .1-11• AT LAW, cATAsAutarn. THOMAS B. METZGER ATTOB. NET AT LAW, ALLENTOWN. I'A. Mice, No. 02 EaKt llolulllo,,Areet. ' rosy 8•' 00 E LIAS MERTz, ALDERMAN, . bUItVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, AOENT FOIL THE BALE OF REAL ESTATE, M=2Mlfll=l= EDWIN ALBRIGHT. ATTORNEY Al' LAW, vlght doom above the Court House, AL• LENTOWN,high cimuty, WILLIAM 11. SOWDEN, ATTOM NEY AN D COUNnEbLOR AT LAW. Ofilee, Cur ner of Ilasallton Oreri nod Low Alley, .milli side, ALLEN TOWN. l'A. fob. 2U-tf EDWARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offire, ,vith llou. Samuel A. Widow. ALLENTOWN, PA. .. may 1-IT, TOll3l It P „iTTORNEY AT LAW, e/ (En.. N. E. Coro, OM mud Hamilton Hinman •LLEH TOWN. PA. may 1.17 ADAM WOOLEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OCllee, uppoalle the .Court House. AL LENTOWN, PA. may Lly fIEOBGE B. WHAM. ATTORNEY \-4 Al' LAW. oEllcv. Find door above Law Alley, AL LENTOWN, PA. way 20411,1 ri r C. ICCNSBERGEn ATTORNEY Al. • AT LAW. Office, with John 11. 011ysr,Firth 81, rear of the Court Nouse, ALLENTOWN, I'A. Apr. 21.1 y, T EVI SMOVEII, ATTORNEY AT -1J LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA, Omer N. W. Corner nth anti Hamilton Strertg, Second floor. Particular paid to tile *ailment of Decedent estatax,Cellee made Sce 11.1 y TAR. C. C. 11. GULDIN, SURGEON -1-.1 DENTIST. Offiro. over Mro . D. A. 0. Ouldlo'• Trlsnillu4 Store, No. 34 East Ilarulllou 4trool, ALLEN TOWN PA. REMOVAL. THE MACUNGIE SAVINGS BANK Ilas been removed to their building teueutly becuruil Ly purchase, on HAMILTON STREET, (North side), ono - door above Siegfried k Co'w, Hardware Store, where the busines, of the Dank will he carried on as heretofore, AG" - INTEREST AI,LOWED ON DEPOSITS:IM DAVID SCIIALT.; President W. C. LIOIITENWALLNEU, CAAler. my 2(14m. KUTZTOWN SAVINGS BANK, lOrentultetl under Stale Charter In MI6 , •, MONET RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT, and ripercnut.ln ternst will bo allowed. For shorter periods special rates tn. itid. Also, money loaued out ou FAVORABLE TERMS. oh hank Is located In tho Keystone House, In tho borough of Kutztown. JOHN 11. FOOEL, Prooldoul 31. D.. Cushier. Turwrgun: Y. J. Slongl, M. D., J. 1). Wanner, Esq.. Ilan ld Flat,. 11. 11, Schwarll, E4q,, W. 11, Fogel, 114nial Chiller, Richard J. K Jo iterr Jonas Miller, • myl2-Yr hn h, Vogel, Esq, .. A LLENTOWN SAVINUS 'nos, (Organized maim . State Charter In ) ' Motley rereh•ed on Deposit, and 6 per cent. Interegt al lowed for one year. For shorter periods special cutu will be paid. MAO, MONET LOANED Oct ON FAVORABLE TERYN.,) , Bunt:lug House—IIAMILTON STREET, cold-wey be tween the Court Ilotu,e and Americo. Hotel, oppoelteekle, Alleutown, Charles S Dual. • John D Affloo , Chrlntlan I'retz, . Francis C thinmolc. SaninalSall, • ./ Georg.. I.lvlon, Beni Jllagenhach. Nathan rota, William 11 Amnon T HE GREAT PAEI FIE RAILROAD FIRST, MORTGAGE flOPII)13 UNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC) BOUGHT AND SOLD CETI DEHA VEN BRO., RJSKERS A.VD DEALERS IN GOVERNMENTS . 10 WTI! 9 ITT4O Hay 10.00 715 CHESTNUT. STREET. PIIILADELPIIIA. je2.Bm rvo LET.—A REASONABLE LEASE _a_ will be given au the Easton Slate Quarry, altuated la Plainfield townthip. Northampton county, lia., 0040 Stackertowo. It catmint. of number one Oat-veld. bille t never-fading %late, fully equal to tho well.knownThag. man Slate, with a good water power mad: ful dea UlfgLn_ll:l of so., es. anti apply to /Wuhan Koch. Ntackertowin . ityy mar 3, '11) 0. L. kIeIIItKINBIL rrondin ~ pirehl.'o3•lstu Jrinancial. WILLIAM 11. AINEY President JACOII 8. DILLINUEIL Cashier. Fr=l ME IS FINISIIED RAI LI WADS, PIIILADELPIPA
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