Ch,t It'tl2igij Ittgi,sttr. Editor and Proprietor 41011 T. IREDELL. .Te ALLENTOWN, PA., JULY ,14 1809 REPUBLICAN STATE NOMINATIONS. FOR GOVERNOR, GENERAL JOHN W. GEARY FOR JUDGE OF THE RUPREME COURT, HON. HENRY W. WILLIAMS, Or ALLEGHENY COUNTY Pr Is true there Is a kind of liberty this Registry Law will destroy. It Is that licentiousness, that ro adulteus freedom which surrenders the polls to hirelings and vagabonds, outcasts from home and honest Industry ; men without citizenship or stake In the government; men who will commit perjury, violence, and murder Itself. To prevent this Is the purpose of this law, and it should have the aid of fair men of all parties to give it a fair trial, and secure Its true end.—Jtolge Agnein's Decision on (he Registry Lam And that is just the reason why the Demo crats are so anxious to have the law set aside. The success of their ticket depends upon the " hirelings and' vagabonds" whom they can employ to vote early and often. To them the "men without citizenship or stake in the goy- eminent" are valuable assistants who, by the aid of Snowden's papers, were heretofore readily, made voters. "Men who will commit perjury, violence and murder itself" by them .-..always find ready employment, ns witness the developments in the Robinson vs. Shugart contested election casein 1867. "To prevent this is the purpose of the law, and it should have the aid of fair men of all parties to give it a fair trial, and secure its true cud." If our opponents are honest they will unite with us in an effort to secure fair elections, but as we said before, that Is just what they do not want, and therefore the Republican party will be simply doing its duty by making an honest effort to show that by enforcing the law none but those designated by Judge Ag new will be injured. When the highest tribunal of the State has thus announced the above to be objects of the law, the Republican party may with pleasure boast that owing to its efforts the law has been passed and will be enforced. It may reduce the Dentocratic vote, but that is only because it has heretofore been made up of tho6e whom the law does ,not recognize as legal voters. Judge Agnew's decision has made plain the . good to be derived from, and the evils to be corrected by the Registry Act. TILE following extracts from Judge Agnew's opinion in the Registry Law arc respectfully ly recommended to our Democratic friends as choice Summer rending: "The friends and equality of the ballot-box must be protected, from Ilse local causes which mar and destroy a free and equal election." "Then, that election is free and equal where all of the qualified electors of the precinct are care fully distinguished from the unqualified, and are protected lu the right to deposit their ballots hi safety, and unprejudiced by fraud. That election Is not free and equal where the true electors are not separated front the false; where the ballot Is not deposited in safety, or where It is supplanted by fraud. It Is, therefore, the duty of the Legis lature to secure freedom and equality by such reg, Illations as will exclude.titc unqualified and allow the qualified only to vote." "Is the Constitution of Pennsylvania so deforhi ed foul sterile that her laws cannot protect the ballot-box of a this front falsehood and fraud be cause they admit of but one unbroken system for the State I Such an interpretation of the Consti tution is wanting in merit, and can only operate as an incentive to fraud. How, then, can the freedom anti equality of elections be secured in a great city If from the force of local circumstances the places of the real electors are usurped, if the ballot-box call he stuffed with Impunity, or If suf frage can be exercised only at the risk of violence or life ?" A. FEW years ago the Democrats of Ohio re garded General Itosecraps ns "a Lincoln hireling" and no words were too harsh to be used against him. Cause—he led a Union Army and whipped the rebels, which the Dein ocracY did pot like. Their only reason for dislike was that he wore the Union blue And was a good Union soldier. Now lie is their candidate for Governor and all delight to do him honor. Cause—they want a soldier on the ticket to deceive the masses. The fate of McClellan, Blair and others ought to satisfy them that that dodge is played .out. Gen. llosecrans had the honor of furnishing •an escort to conduct Vallandigham into the rebel lines in 1803. .IVe wonder whether Val. will reciprocate now ? Gen. Rosecrans is a pro found scholar, an accomplished gentleman and Was until the fatal day at Chickamagua a suc cessful General. He is in bad company, how ever, and will be defeated. THE election in Virginia has resulted in a victory for the Walker party by a very large majority. The negroes in many counties voted the Walker ticket and one of their num ber was elected to Congress. If the Demo crats can claim this as a triumph, let tliem, do so, but what then becomes of their cry of "Negro equality," &c. In many districts colored men were placed upon the conserva tive or Walker ticket for the very purpose of securing the colored vote and this accounts for the result. It is unfortunate that the. Republ icans could not argree anion,ist themselves but as the result will give Virginia a representa tion in Congress, the country my feel satisfied that the struggle is over. We trust Texas and Mississippi may soon have a chance to show that they accept the issue and aro willing to be admitted under the terms proposed by Congress. THE State of Virginia has ratified her Free Constitution by the largest majority over giv en for any State Constitution, past or present. We estimate it at'2oo,ooo Tho Disfranchising and Proscriptive provis ions aro voted down by at least 30,000. Wo Judge that Gov. Walker and his asso ciates on the State Ticket have at least 30,000 majority. . The new senate probably consists of :D . Walker to 13 .Wells men ; the House of Dele gates of 100 Walker men, to 44 Wells men, very nearly. The Wells men have elected 4 Colored men to the Senate and 11 to the House.. The Walker men have chosen 8 Colored men to the House. We trust the panic apprehension of Nigger supremacy will be 'calmed by this exhibit. —N.Y. Tribune. Smut of the Democratic papers are assailing Judge Williams for occupying his seat on the Supreme Bench during the 'argument of the Registry act. His Honor was there to, repre sent the people of the State, and his being a candidate next fall could not affect his posi tion, Besides, there are other officers to be elected whose interests demanded his pres ence, especially when so important a question was to be decided. • Ills absence could not bai , e affected, the result, as then the Court would have stood two to two, which would have sustained the law. Disappointment, however, has made our opponents very bitter, and we must expect to hear harsh words from them before the election. THE Supreme Court has decided tlm act of Assembly of March 10, 1869, which abolished the 29114 Judicial District, to be unconstitu tional and Judge Gamble therefore retains his position as Judge of that Court. Thin dispatch of Daniels, chairman, &c., to President Grant, announcing the result of the Virginia elections, did not give much 'satisfac tion. Who is Daniels? Is ho related to McCracken? SECRETARY BOUTWELL executed a flank movement on the Wall street jobbers by rank ing public Sunday evening his order for the purchase of three millions bonds weekly dur ing the present month. lie says he feels sure there can now be no charge of a leak among Treasury officials. Mn. G. It. Fox, of Norristown, at present Clerk of the U. S. District Court of Philadel phia, and Hon. E. Cowan, late U. S. Senator, are mentioned for nomination as Judge of the Supreme Court on the Democratic ticket. Cowan is weak, and cannot be trusted. Ho betrayed the party and there is no good in him. Mr. Fox ranks high as a lawyer and a gentleman. Tnr. Treasury Department is still In receipt of bad news from New-Orleans. Special agent Kinsella is there preparing his re port on the frauds committed under Perry Fuller's management. Last week came the reports of heavy frauds In sugar, discovered by Mr. Casey, the present Collector, and now come reports of fraud on the Internal Reven ue in liquor and alcohol. Secretary Boutwell seems satisfied with the energy shown by the Revenue officers in New Orleans, and will immediately send several special Treasury agents to assist them in thoroughly breaking up the cheating that has apparently been go ing on for so long a time. _ POLITICAL. —The Boston Herald nominates the Hon. Chas. Francis Adams as the Democratic candidate for Governor, and Nays John Quincy had better stand ono side, and " give the old man a chance." —The lager-beer dealers of Boston have formed a permanent organization, for vigorous political action, to repeal the Liquor Law, and the Get , mans throughout Massachusetts aro invited to form local societies for the same object. —The more considerate and hotter portion of the temperance men of Maine, says the Bangor Whig, evidently do not favor the independent 'action. Many of those who have been claimed as its supporters deny the position, while even, we believe, the larger portion of those who were honored in the Portland Convention by official places have declined to act with them, or will do so. Mr. Chas. E. Parker of Wilton, who was placed upon the State Temperance CoMmittee, writes a letter to The Lewiston Journal with drawing therefrom. Other leading men in dif ferent parts of the State, who were placed upon the Cononltte by the Temperance Convention, decline to serve. —The Democratic Association of Rending will attend the Nominating Convention at Harris burg, in a body, accompanied by Winter's Milita ry Hand. About one hundred members expect to go.—Eagle. If the Democrats of Becks had rushed to the support of Hancock with the same alacrity and flourish of Crum ',etas! x years ago, as they propose to do now, there might be some consistency in their admiration for the "gallant General.' Then he was one of "Lincoln's hirellngs"—one of those evil spirits who "were laying waste the fair South," and who, according to Democratic ideas, d eserved banging on the nearest tree. Verily, " Time works wonders."—Times. —The " Irish Natliuml Republican" .Conven tion which met In Chicago on Monday and Tues day, was attended by _2l delegates. The Conven - thin adopted a series of resolutions, declaring it the duty of the Irish people in this country to support liberty for all without regard' to race, color, creed or sex; that the downtrodden people of Ireland, Cuba, and other lands are entitled to the sympathy and support of the people and Cioverninent of the United States ; pledging sup port to the removal of European despotisms from this continent; thanking Senators Sumner and Chandler for their positions In regard to the Ala bama claims, and asserting the readiness of the Irish to support the government in demanding an 'ample apology from England; denouncing free trade and approving of protection. Resolu tions were also adopted recommending the for mation of emigration societies; opposing dis tinctions of race or color in trade societies, and asking Congress to enable foreigners to become citizens after' one year's residence. The N. Y. Tribune says with it good deal of truth, that the Convention utters the true voice of Irishmen In America—a voice that would be oftener heard if our citizens of t hat race voted more in accordance with their history and their instinctive love of reeilom, rather than with tile prejudices of the degenerated ',arty which has so long controlled them. LITEPARY. Peter's Mistral 3fordhey for July contains a splendid collection of choice new music, and the literary articles In this number aro quite readable. Published by J. 8. Peters 198 Broadway, New, York, at three dollars per year. NEWS ITEMS. —Master Fred Grant saved a young cousin from drowning on Thursday. —The Army of the Gulf held their first reunion at Long Branch last Thursday, Frank Blair ap pearing In character. —A fire occurred at Titusville, Pennsylvania, on Thursday, which destroyed 4,000 barrels of petroleum —The Governor elect of Virginia was enthusi astically received at Richmond, and his-speech, published in another column, foreshadows the policy of his party. —The city of Albany Is to be sued for damages by parties whose property on the pier was destroyed by last winter's freshet. The claims aggregate nearly 4200,000. —The match ou Thursday last, for two thous and dollars, at the Mystic Park, Boston, between the b. m. Lucy and b. m. Goldsmith Maid, was womby the latter In three straight heats. Vie, 2.20% 2.203,4', 2.223‘. —W. H. Sanford, Cashier of the Central Na tional Bank of New York, Is reported to be a de faulter. The amount Is stated nt $lOO,OOO, eon slating of bonds given him for safe keeping by private parties. —The Pennsylvania Industrial League have re quested all persons or corporations represented in their body to forward to them suggestions con cerning tariff modifications, for the use of the Con gressional Committee of Ways and Means. —How many an unsuccessful politician of the poorer sort has regretted that be did not hold on to the majority! The Emperor Napoleon makes such a confession aS this in his Last letter. "On the 19th ofJanuary„" says Ills Majesty, j" I com mitted a great fault, by Acting without precious concert with the majority." Such is the common fault of kings In periods of decadence, from Ciesar's day to Napoleon's. But the Emperor will never do so Again : my efforts will be di rected to regain the confidence" of that majori ty. We understand that he yields to the middle party in his parliament, and will concede with a fresh Ministry somewhat of Ministerial responsi hility.—N. Y. Tribune. —A correspondent of a Boston weekly paper says : "Fearful of the ef f ort now being made to divert from their city a portion of the grain trade of the West, the Chicagoans are contemplating the construction of an immense ship canal, 00 feet deep and about 1,000 wide, leading from Lake Michigan, at or near Chicago, to some point on the Mississippi River. The effect of this canal will be to turn theimmense volume of water which now flows from the lakes, through the Bt. Law rence River, Into its channel and the Mississippi. The latter, river will then never be subject to low water, and It is said that the greatest ehlps can nail from Chicago to the Gulf in four days, pro pelled by the extraordinarily powerful tug-boats which are to be used by the owners of the canal. If this scheme is carried out (it will cost only about $84,000,000), it will have some startling of It will kill the Erie canal and " very much damage the commerce of New York, and will make Chicago the greatest commercial city on the continent, although, perhaps, that fact will startle nobody. But it will greatly interfere with the pleasure of artiste, tourists, and the lovers of nat ural grandeur all over the world, for It will reduce Niagara Falls to about one-tent{ of their present volume I Think of that, lovers, and newly-married pairs I What sentiment must be abandoned at the Inexorable demand of trade and commerce." —The most exciting trotting contest of the sea son came off Monday afternoon at the Fashion Course, L. L, in the presence of the largest con-' course of people _that has been seen on that truck since the great trot betWted Ethan Allen and his muming mate and the immortal "King of the Trotting Torf,'!Dexter. The contestants Monday were Mr. Lovell's young and promising bay mare American Girl, and Mr. McMinn's famous one eyed mare, Lady Thorn—the prize a puree of R 2 500, given by the proprietor of the course, Mr. John Chambers, and the race mile heats, best three In live, in harness. American Girl won the Ist, 2d and 4th beats. The time was 2:283/, 31135, 2:27%, 2:243,1. —ln Boston, a steam pumping apparatus for discharging a cargo of molasses conveyed in bulk, was pot In operation. The hose by which the DR/- lasses was forced from the tanks of the vessel to the reservoir on shore, was about six inches In diameter, and was kept full, but a steamer pass ing gave the water a stirring up, the water stirred the brig up, the brig stirred the hose out of place, and sent a shower of sweetness before it like the bursting of a small water spout, and annoluted with molasses all in the foreground. Before the engine could be stopped and the hose secured, about two hundred gallons of molasses were spread over the neighborhood. —A number of ladies in Cambridge have estab lished a Co-operative Housekeeping Association, with a number of gentlemen (Including a College Professor) to help them along. First, they arc to have a Co-operative Store-Holm, from which food will be supplied at cost. Then they propose a Co operative Kitchen, in which food will be cooked at cost. Finally, they Intend to set up a Co-opera tive Laundry, in which clothes will be washed and Ironed at cost. Without pretending to dictate, we think that the Cambridge women should have the last named Institution first. The waste and drudgery of washing at home, without the pod of steam and the steam engine, the patent wringer, the hot room for drying, and the mangle for iron ing, are among the worst of our modern house keeping disadvantages. —ln 1823 a man unwed Daniel Bumgardner ar rived lu Fremont, Ohio, from Pennsylvania. Ile lived with J. G. Hideout, of Ballville Township, for nine years. He was not at all communicative[ and little or nothing could be learned of his previ ous history. In 1832, Ito bunt himself n but on the banks of the Sandusky river, near the residence of James Moore, in which he lived alone until a few days ago, when, being quite sick, he desired to be taken to Mr: Moore's house, where he died on Sunday, June 27, aged 88 years. A, few days ago, Mr. Hideout being In the part of Pennsylva nia from which Bumgarduer came, he made In quiries for his friends, and found that he was n man of family, and that his wife and children re sided on a tine farm, and were In good circum stances. It seems that Bumg,ardner took it Into his head to leave them, without giving them a day's notice, or taking any personal effects, and that they did not know where he was. A few years ago a son of the old man came to see him, but he would not hold any conversation with him. He was universally known all over Fremont no the Hermit near Moore's. —The boldest burglary yet committed In -Phila delphia took place at au early hour on Friday morning. The premises robbed were occupied by gentlemen whose families were out of the city. The burglars after forcing an entrance Into the premises through n back window, set to work to bundle up everything moveable. The bureaus and stand drawers were emptied of their contents, t ranks were rummaged, beds were ripped open and thrown about in confusion; bed-quilts, comforta hies, sheets and pillow-cases were used to pack silverware, cutlery and other plunder In. Valua bles were taken from every part attic house, front the cellar to the garret, and carted to the front parlor, thence carried Into the street, loaded Into Into furniture wagons and hauled away to some thieves' den. How many loads were thus carried oil is not known. At least three or four front ap pearance. The daring thieves actually took small articles of furniture and carpets, and bad daylight kept off an hour or two longer, it Is doubtful whether they should have left anything. The neighbors who live adjoining the robbed premises heard a noise about one o'clock but paid no special attention to It. A boy, who was passing toward five o'clock, noticed men engaged in loading a farniture wagon with goods, and supposing that some one was making an early start to move, paid no attention to the'Matter, and walked MT. A VARIETY. —A man In Adair County, lowa, Ilea Invented a CAIIIIOII which he claim!' will throw a projectile fourteen miler., and law gone to Waxhington to get a patent. Ile propmicii to offer It to the Cow ernment for $1,000,000. —The opinion is slowly gaining grotmd among many leading Mormons that the mines of Utah will have to he opened to supply the Terri tory with money. They arc of the opinion that the mineral wealth of Utah is the only thing available for that purpose, and that they will have to look to that source of supply alone for many years to come. It is thought that the pros pect of speedy developments of mines by the Gentiles has hurried the Mormons tothe conclu sion that they hid hotter claim and work the nines themselves, to keep out as many Gentiles us possible. —A terrible accident occurred at New Provi dence on Tuesday evening, which resulted in the killing of two, and the serious injury of is third , person, former residents of this city. Mr. Smitli his two daughters, and a lady friend named Ma: honey, walking along the railroad track of the Morris and Essex lhailroad towards the depot nt that place, stepped from the track, In order to avoid a train which they observed approaching, to the tither track, placing themselves immedi ately before another train, of the approach of winch they were. ignorant. !Nit.. Smith and one of ills davghters were run over and immediately killed, end Mrs. Mahanoy seriously, if not fatal ly, injured by this second train. The second daughter of Mr. Smith escaped uninjured. The mangled remains of the deceased were brought up to this city.—N. Y. Tribune. TILE VIRGINIA ELECTION. Hon. Gilbert C. Walker, the newly elected Gov ernor of Virginia, arrived at Richmond on Thursday morning, front Norfolk. The day was made a holiday for his reception, and when the arrived about five thousand people hail con gregated at the depot. A conimittee, composed about equally of the most prominent white and colored entrains, was ut the cars to receive him, but the populace rushed in, anti seizing Walker, carried hint on their shoulders to ab coach orna mented with the national find State Mugs The procession, which was nearly a mile long, marched through the principal streets. Many of the coaches, of which there were hundreds in line, were covered with national flags, and on the band wagon was a transparency representing a white and colored titan shaking hands. The streets were blocked with people following the procession, and at least 20,000 were out. Olt reach ing the 1101180 of Col. Jas. It. Branch, the Conser vative candidate killed by the caltunity Friday last, the procession moved in silence and with uncovered heads. Upon reaching the hotel, Gov. Walker appeared between the national end State flags, hold by representatives of the two races, and after a . few minutes of deafening cheers made a brief speech. After congratulating the audience on their complete victory, lie went on to say that In this moment of triumph they must not forget charity for the defeated; they must remember that the votes east against their ticket were given by de luded and ignorant mett of a race that had not yet time to be educated Sufficiently to know the wrong of disfranchising others. We must member that we have succeeded on the platform of universal suffrage and equal rights; and we must sec that those who opposed us, as well as those who supported us, 'invent' their rights, and are protected fully by the law, and with (lie law, and under the law. [Loud cheers.) They must be educated and taught the value of the greet boon of franchise that has been conferred upon them and the true value of being a citizen. We must not forget that the opportunity of winning this victory was given us through the liberality of President Grant—{land cheers) and we must see that Its fruits are for the benefit of all. After a.fccular allusion to the grief or the present State Mike-holders of the Wells persuasion, the speaker concluded by a cheerful picture of the future prosperity of the State.wThree cheers Were given for (Mat at the close. . Governor Walker was followed by Isaac Hun ter,. colored, and several white speakers. The election returns to-day continue to be more and morn favorable to Walker.. The returns tills morning show that the Walker men will have a majority of 01 on joint ballot In the Legislature. RICIIMOND,JuIy B.—Add Illonal return received to-night show that Walker's majority will prob ably be 50,00). In many of the white counties west of tile mountains, where Walker gets 300 or 400, Wells gets only 3 or 4 votes. General Canby, in conversation to-day with a Republican member elect of tile Legislature, said be was much pleased . at the good — tirder of the election, and thought from thereportsisf his of ficers that it had been, as far as beard from, as fair an election as could be held in any Plato of the Union. AND LO did many wonderful works, Insomuch that hie name was pronouneed In many tongues. And there came unto him, Judith, from the sea port of New Bedford, who had been slyly for ninny years, and after some days her pains were gone. Sho slept soundly, and did rejoice in eating her food. And Asa, from those which are called Qua kers, In the great city of Philadelphia, wrote an epistle saying: 0, Doctor! accept thou this' money, which Is called greenbaelts, and bath the I picture of Abraham thy friend, on one end. Pt* verily I was weak, exhausted and despondent ; ate but little, anti suffered many pains, and thy PrAvrivrfox BITTERS gave me health, likened only unto the vigor of youth. And upon such as are afflicted with liver complaint, with Font stomach, with general debility anti dyspeptic pains, In all parts of the land dill these Bitters produce aston- I lolling cures. nAI/R1.1.1A WATHll.—Silperl!.l . to OW 1.4 , 4 Imported (Jre Hum Cologne, 0101 Nold at hall Um price. MEN'S YOUTII', BOYS' at Cif Ili, S 1111EN'M SPItINII•NO SUN)11:11 CLOTIIINII. OCR ASSORTMENT is nOte Pad rind complar, ire hare llnsirnllle. h aul and aft, 0051 CAN III:MITI:0 from lit a:loch—tee hot, it iheatire,)+l et! rod, "cloud rat In nil tartrx, el .1,1(31y Um nittttoiii ruin Noihrlorrd, pr,fe rrvil by titerily, its frill as flail Mfrs( nnel Intim? folsh '' ~,,, gbh. style. Oro STOCK, e,i•Pties USN drip rot nil l(m,x 11 , full assortment. en thot till min be filtttl tit ones oaf delay. orn rrariusrA ALWAYS BM,. MA laC run CAAII, and = 1! ,e ill Woolens, °or coalmen rs shore to the rot refailrs fr. e loon 1111 1 8 senor, d. On, FOR V.. 11 I:SCI,IV rI.V, ho re hod its to worlds for, and ore 11101 obliged to 1 o.r the polling custom, rto Tooke op hoes, theologh Homo :rho do not poll 1111. i)1 . 11110:A11V.31A10: 11411111,N, 101010.1 . 1111 . 10; 011101 00 1100 1 . Stork ,of Ile ad y• Mods l'h 'bob IPb in, one obe for ere It fittod frolli 111 , our os bo ;m1,1.-11111 111,111(1111 mob r Ileso our or ors!! made and 'gaol o sr , rp re .spurt, mot ,:.„, , h rho aver. Briny limn tVact Br THE AND TIIO,IANDS, (bre/ rtn hr sole! rh,aprr than 'rhea mode ap xi , rgly hat fear lh orroottorolat ton of those who ;weirs it, hart s too A (TATO)! DEPARTMENT TO MAKE UP TO '0E111:II. with 0 Hoare srl ‘ th,l stork of Piers /11048.C0M prixll4,9 01l st Ors m W and qua/eft, Fre o 10:1 Doltitflje, whirls trill he verole up to view., by cootp• trot anette.rierrieenneet Vattern' and Irtirkiarn In aht equal to the heal. SPrelAr. NOTIET.—SIgir, fit, 1111.! Make e utn .nrranueel hl/ none, equalled lqt fret. .111 pique, guaranteed loiter than the hottest elueerhcree, and full satteartion !pee wee/11 , ddci ty "r the see le'reeneetrel It 13 (1 twenty re/needed. A rain roar In ALI. WI, A.N. nal! way between I lion a crr aw P.ltk.. S l • Tow,. 1)1,1,111A AND AXI V, NEw OILI! SpfCiat NOti CCO MIRRORS OF youTIL—A gentleman who mic -12.1 fered for year. , from Nervou. m•bilky. Premature Decay aud all the elfert4 of youtlifnl Intllecrtnlon, will, for the make of entferloa honianity, /Wild free to all who need the recipe, and direction ` for making the ' , imply remedy by whICII be wan cured. tiff, ere 0 i.k ink to prellf the advertleerle exprrienco eau do lei 1 , 3,11111.e.ef1ng, iu perfect confidence, .1, MN 11. I ifflt EN, ' No. 42 Cedar St. New York. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS ANI) CATAIIRII treated with the Minted success, hy .1. irt,ll,, nud Professor of in8(11:1PN of Ilit Rye rim, Egli.. Oils of to the Medici', Vlley,: of 'poor f.1.11f +ler, (formerly of Leyden. 11,1111..10 No. Sal Arch street, Philadelphia. Testimonials call be Neen at his race. The medical faculty Itrit V lied 61 accompany their patlehts, as he has no secrets In his praelice. Artill dal eyes Inserted without pain. Ziti charge for examina tion. tan 27-Iy•s• pROF. IILi:1011:1'41EV'S .111:111.,TI:11 1 - S T 01 ) (1)1T(1)1 ('ANI))'! ?dada front ex t raft 4 preint reel In VIICIIO 'MAT , —at e wmalt and elfeetive rennaly for Co ngllo., C1,!,0N lloar.. t , att , Sore COUGH! j , Throat, Amilltua, 144.100 tit , an'd Cow twaintalon. 'flo.r who try—nlwaya ‘..___ , ,,.. 7 ,......; t.e It--ettre their Colik and aval4l eon toltapllon mid an early grave. Prlee, only 12. cent, One million ...1.1 ntinelly, and —la every where and by all tlytntal+ts In Allentown. 0.4.17-tine: TO CONSUMPTIVES.—The adverth , er, having been restored to health lux few weeks, Lyn very simple remedy, after hay lug sfflfered several years Willi a 110,11 , lung affection, nffll that dreffll Constimp flan, Is anxious to 'nuke known to Ids fellow an the means of cure. To all who desire It, he wilt s e nd a ropy of the prescription nsell (free of Charge), 100/ the dlrer• thins fur preparing and using thy same, whleh they tVIII 111.1 a sure core for Col...option, Asthma, Bronchlds, The only "Wert ,tf the advertiser In sendloc the Prewrip. that Is to henollt the afflicted, and spread In (urination which he conceives to he invaluable; and he hopes every solferer w 11l try his remedy, as It will cost theni nothing and may prove n turtles wishing the prescription Will please address, Rev. EDWARD A. WI I.ffl/N, \Vilna tin-bore, Kings Co., N. V. A GREAT REMEDY roe Tall 1•1•Itl: ur THROAT AND LUNG DISEASES DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Itct b u esie at h ep evdoicceaot p p l r a o n p h e el r p t d le es ito a if reah t r ei e o t M a ionfee th. re ea r O , bba i w . h ' i c b h 1 1 top ltlt th m only'ale-guard awl reliabl d rioineily wi,l , gut/ ever been prepared front the Juice of the Tree, tiro, It litylgoratet the ilble+tive organ, and restore!. the appe- It strengthens the debilitated system. It purities and eoriches the blood and expels from the aystein the corruption sr Melt syrotola breeds on the longs. It dissolve , . the mucus or pliktint triad , , the passnues of the llu:s. Its hooting principle nets upon the irrltatod nmlitre of th e !pugs and, ponstrotlng to ench disoasod Port. roller lug pain and 0u1..11111111 it is the result of years of study and exPeritnent, nod it 11, offered to the afflicted, with the positive assurunre of its power to cure the,rollowing .liseanes, it the lialleut h,nn not too lung delayed n resort to thin means of cure:— Consumption or tin.. Cough, Sone Throat and lireast. Bronchitis. IA vor Complaint, 111111.1 and Itleeding Asthma, Whooping Cough, Pipthoria, kr. , Wo Jiro often asked tilt,. tire llOt Other I,llollll° , 11/ the market for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, nod other monary affretlons equal to lir. 1.. Q. NV 'rree 'l'l.r Cordial. We answer— . . int. It cure+, not by stopplnc coach, latt I t tosynlng and ashlstlng 11111111 . 1` to throw 111 tio. twiltoalthy matter collected about the throat 111111 1,1,111Vili:li tube., combing Irritation and cough. 21. Most Throttt tool Lost; Remeillen arecoin pitseil of aumlyhes, widelt ollay dm cough for awhile, lout by their constrlithlng effect.. the fibres Immune liiirihmed, and the unhealthy fluids cougulato nod are retained itt the sy•tetn i causing disease beyond tho control of our coot eminent physicians. Ild. The Plno Troia Tar Cordial, with It. assistants, lire prnforablo, because they remove the rouse of irritation of L mucus membrane and minis, no, lot the lungs to net and throw ill tlm hithealthy orellons, hod purity le the blood, thus scutihrally making the cure perfect Dr. Irieliort hux n file al I, to glee 1101141,1 n told fhnuxnndx of 0,1(11,111ex, /row .Ifroa Unwired tomildo , cliiirouttr who Were un et: hope tenni!, gl en up bid thruitgli 11, Prlli`iiitlart CAI (it'd Ire re bonspltlely rrotorell 1n 'Aron!, by Ihc ('line Vice Tar Ow, dint: Alhyslrinti lu attendant, Wilt. VIM be rion•ltlted In perxon or by moll, Ire e'lif rd., of Pine Tree!ear Cordial 0.00 per 11..1ti0, Per dor. Sent by Express on receipt of ',tier. A.1.1t0,s 1.. li. C. Wlshurt 31. D., No. 2r2 See.llltl SI. I . lllltlll Ca. apr 21-3 tit's. SCIIENK'S•PUI.:%IONIC SYRUP, SEAWEED TONIC 111111 illttitilrako Pills, trill emit Conottinitt Liter Complaint, told Pyspopont. If taken ave.:Alm: to dlrovtlons. Thity tire till three to he token at tiles:woo Onto. They cleanse tint stomach, relax' the liver, and put It to work armou the appetito becomes good; tho food digest.. and 'nkes good blood; tho patient ando grow in flesh; the diseased matter Hiatus In tho lungs, tho patient out curgrows the dlgen.o nod gets well. This Is the only tray to consumption. To these three nutolleinom Dr. J. IL Schenk, of phla, owes his unrivalled success In the troattnittit 4 pul monary consumption. 'l'ro 1 ullllolllo Syrup ripen, [l t o morbid matter In the lungs nature throwt. It .11t by at t expectoration, for when (Ito phlegm or matter is rip, in slight cough tolll throw It td, laid Ili° patiutit has rust tool (Ito lungs Might to heal. To do this, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills mast be freely used to cleanoe the stomach and liver, m, that the Pulmonlc Syrup and the food trill make geed blood. Scheuk's Mandrake Pills art 01:011 the liver, re:MktWu all übstructioun. relax the ducts of the gall-bholder,lbet bile starts freely, and the liver In moon relieved; the stools will show What the Piliss can dot nothing has ever liven Invented except calomel In deadly poinon which ixy dangerous to use nide. With great care), that will unloc ver k the gallbladder nod otart thu seers:tieus of the liver like Scheak's Mond raki, Pills. Liver Complaint in tam of the most prominent eat.. of Coosa minims. Schenk's Seaweed Tonic lo a gentle stimulant and alter ative, and the alkali In the Seaweed, which this prepara tion Ix made of, sessions the olosnach to throw out thegansric Vice t o dissolve the food with the Ph anenic Syrup, and It de lute good blood withunt fermentation or souring sa the stomach, - Ths, great reason why physicians do not OW conotunp lbw Is, they try to do too much: they give medicine to stop tilt , cough, to stop chills, to stop night sweats, heath: fever, and by doing they derange Um whole iligl,ealive powers, locking up the sectotlons, and eventually U.:patient sinks and dies. Dr.:3011011k, In Ids treatment, deem not try to stop a cough, slight sweats, chill., or fever. Remove the cause, and they will all clop of their own accord. No one con be cured of I Consumption, Liver Complaint, Uyopepsia, Catarrh, Can ker, e Ulcerated Thrbut, unless rho liver mud stomach urn If mad h. a peroou Imo Consumption, of course the I 0111 p: 11l some way aro diseased, either tubercles, abscesses, bronchial. Irritation. Views, the lungs are a team, of in 116111M1011Ulla fast decaying. In Minh what lOWA NI don° It Is not only the lungs that aro wasting, bat It la the whole body. Th, and liver have loot their power to make blood out of food. NOW 1110 only domes, Is taku Schenk'o three medicines, which will bring up tone to the s tomach, the patient Legit, to want food, It will digest easily and make good blood: then the patient begin: , to gala In 111 , , , h, and as soon an the body begins to grow. the lunis cons s. useace to heal up. and the Path'' Seto deshy mud ivelL This Is the only way to curo Consump tions. When there le uo lung disease, and only Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, tichenk's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient withont the Pul motile Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freely In all bilious complaints, as they are perfectly harmless,. Dr. ticheuk, who has enjoyed uninterrupted health for Manyyenyel post. and now weighs 34 Wan wasted away to a mere skelrton, In the very lust stag° of Palm°. nary Consumption, his physicians haviint prouuunced Lila case hopeless and abandotted lam to Ills fate. Ile was cured by tho aforesaid medicines, and slum his recovery many thousands similarly allilated have used Dr. Schenk's prep arations with the/mine remarkublo success. Full directions accompany each, mak° it not absolutely necessary to per sonally seo Dr. Schenk, uoless Outpatient.. wish their lungs examined, and for this purport." ho Is professionally at his Principal Office, Philadelphia, every tiatarday. whore all letters for ad vloe must be addressed. Ito Is also profes sionally at No. 32 Duna Nireet, New York, ovary other Tuesday, and at No. 33 Hanover Street, Boston, every other Wednesday. 110 Rives advice tree. Lut for a 11101 . - ongh examluatiou with ldn liespirometer the yiyico Is .1,1 03. Wilco hours at each city froutil A. Al. to 3 P.. 31. tht: J. II: SCIIENK, 15 N. 6t5 St., Phtlada., Pa. mar 10-Iy*** NORNY'S TASTELESS FRUIT PRESERVING POWDER. I. Nye rranted I, keep all kinds of Frail Preparation. of Fruit and Tomatoes, without being air-tight, for a penny quart. It len pa.ented article to prepare food, and uti le.s healthy, no patent would be granted. Price 41 Cents a Package. For Halo by all the principal Grocer., and glanufactived only by ZANE, NORM' di CO. Juno 30-3/n ISO N. Second St.. Philadelphia. Legal, NOtirts MUM lit the Court cof Common I'leas rf Lrlo(y4 You. : • Agreeable to nu order of Court of Lehigh county, nutleg. In hereby given that till application ban been made to cold Colic( by James Singonastor y Franklin S. Shinier, J. F. 11. ShWert, 11. T. Ilertgog, C. It. Ileninger, fleM. J. FissTrer, Harrison Miller, Anthony Itlechling, Charles S. Shinier; John Holfert, William Solnoly, 11.1'. },goer, Inane Kriebel, for a charter of incorporation malt, the name, style real title of the Millersionvit Loan cud Building Association, and that an inntroinuout of writing n+..cirrlau the conditions, name, ntylo and title under whlell said itiosowl at lon loan applied lo an been tiled in the ofliceof the Prothon otary of snid Yount, nod If no noilllcient ream°. be nl . tt •to the contrary,the said Court at the nest term thereof to be 101 l at Allentown all Monthly, the Sixth day of September nest, will doer'.' and declare that the persons non...mi nted or meaning to tt4stociate. clonal according to the aril dos and conditions of cold Instrument net forth and con tained, Locum,, nod Ino n corporation or body politic to law 11101 lu fort. real have coutinnatice by [llollllllle. Idyl° arid tit!, ta ia+trualent provided a W and declared. Itioons tny lomat and seal of mobil:mat this .111 t day of July A. D. HOP. jut): 7gt ESA IA S 11E1 llt 10, Froth' y. NOTHCEs • 'rho I:octitoorie SavJans linnit will make application at the nest session of the Leklature of 1.1•1110tyll(011Ill for the repeal of no motel, of the 1.1 section or the act inroorPorating said bank ion prOVltli, "'chill nothing la thin act contained shall be so ronstrutod an to confer on the maid corporation bunking privileges, or so as to exempt the .1111,. from the operation of tho laws of this Conottionu eolith prohibiting: the home of batik notes or tongoostennonts Ctrilil In 010 il t ejet.ll. 0.1 will styli fur ti tle, !milking Privi logo+ tinder Ole . jore,ill sty lo and title, "The Mnemonic. S.l vings WWI 010 present eats a .0, with privilege re f Menne the come tooknOo,ool. and do n enue ior the City o Allentown. DAVID SCIIALL, Pren't. Wm. IdetergnovALLskit,Canitler. jegU-cm N OTICE. The Anent.... 0 Snvingo Institution will ottakenmolication tt Homiest session of Moo heginiattoorto of Pennnylvania for he repeal of no much of the Ist section of the act Incortoo rating the said institution on provide+ "That nothing In till, act coot ni tied shall be 'lO elitist Melt as to confer upon the Raid corporntion banking privileges, or no...oboe...mitt the +atom from lbe operation of the lawn Or 11110 COllll/0111- I vett Mt M 01 0 .1,1111111 the looming of bank notes or other en eJavinentoo o f credit hi the nature thereof t' • omit . mai will omit . Loo general lontoking privileges under the present style nod title—the "Allentown Savings Institiolloon - -with the pro -unit capital of 0,12.tV11. 0101 right of farther increase to . 1 ;.100.00, :111t1 to be heated In Allenion it, Lehigh county. Signed: • WILLIAM 11. .(INIIO. ellAnl.llB heat, .I.IIN it. STILes, C/1111r , r1AN F. E. SAII 11.1.1111NnYCII, 11111.1.11: I'llollol' SAMUEL 0/11.1 0 je:lo.lnil iS.IOIIOO /hITEII. Trustees. 0 THE iIIDIVNEItS OF UNI'AT .I ENTED I.AZI DS. • Sr Cornell °Petra, Haunt:tura°, PA., June' 2, la obedience to an Art of Assembly, approved - the eighth day tor April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty- n ine, you aye hereby wattled that the County Laud Lien Docket," containing the list or onpatented lauds for Le. high county, prepared under the Actor Assembly of the tweatleth 3lay, one thousand eight hundred Hint sixty four, and the supplement thereto, hag tide day been for warded to the Prothonotary tor the county, at whose °nine It may be examined. The HMIs ran only be liquidated by riot payment or the purchase pioney, Interest and Des, and by patents through this Department. Proceedings loy the Attorney lliateral have boon stayed for o ur year from this into, lu order that parties may obtain their pat ents without additional cost. JAcoll M. CAMPBELL, eiurvey, Geuvral /MEI MMANEI Piddle notice inloircitY given, to all win. It inny con. rerll that 11 Writ of partition hits lately been Ixxned ma of the Ontirt of Co:lotion Pleas of 1,111011 C" 1111 l y, ut tho 111 • 111 John \Voods against l'oter Woods, (leorge Woods, Daniel Sheen told Anna 1.10 wlftt, tale Anna Fl I and 31ary his trite, Into 31ary Woods, 3liclutel 11,111 Itridgm his 101re01110 ' , ridge( WOOllO, ./01111 TllllOlll. and JOllll 1110 W 1 11`. lilt,' 110 NV .1.,1111+1 Mr Milli 11 1111,1 1:311111r1110 Ins wife, late Catharine W Is; tool IV Hilton Baileyand Margaret his tv 1r.., late Margaret W Is; the nail Pliti•r WOOll9, (leorge Wends, Aunt, Nary, Bridget, 3:1110 Catharine and .Ilargaret king'r, hairs and legal reoreseutaaves of Ceorge WIOOIA. r., Into of the City of Allentown, lit the County of Lehigh, and titate of l'enn-ylvanta, deceased, to make II:trillion a two certain lots or pieces of ground satiated in the late First • Sixth Ward, lit the late Borough 111110 Clty of .111111, 101111. to tho raid County of Lehigh, the toot botoultal on the north by lands of liatunel Itlitigoo, Nathan titirtnatt told James 31. Wilson, oil ilson, o the rust by II public alley', 00 the enullt bY Allen street, and ton the 110 st by a twenty fee( 'fide. treet, containing In ft•ont sald street one hundred nd eight Ire/, and ill depth eighty-seven feet, unto ur less, with tho nrltortut , :tngre• The other istutolod 1110 north by 1 1 on the oast by it sixteen fret. %vide 11 ley, 011 (1111 /11/11d/ by other grounds of the sald nanntel .1. Bridges, :Callum Commit and m i ni ng Wilson, and nu the 11 went by Ithlgo containing in front int Sycamore Alley elglityielght feet, and In depth one hundred and right feet, tnoro or less, so Itil the appiirtenances. That the stud writ Is ulnae returnable to the said Court oil the Sixth day of September next, when 111111 where all parties Interested may Ittleitil If they think proneC• June 23.00 IIt , AIAS 11 Ell 11 IG, Proth•y. s.llETtilcifs. sporEtcLEss sPorrAcLcs!! EYE GLASSES, Ste. A large and etssplete wotortment of MI kiwis of Spectacl+, Eye, Sze., at ( '1 [AS. S. :MASSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, I= Having devoted a great deal of cure and attention to the Spectacle Int sigma for these last fess yearn, I final that my business In that line loin Increased no laugh that I have de termined to make It a SPECIALITY. Thera in no article tottuttfactured lu Which there Is SO mach deceptiou ()Ira n i's.' as there In in SPectarlo Glasses, Engsviug that tho public have been frequently humbugged by portion pro tending to have at superior article of Masson, and charging exorbitant prices for them, hereby thinking uPon nut no ressith, and nitirmltles of age,l bare taken mann to tte lert a large and complete assaltnent of the fluent uud best (Cass., ever autuntactured, thus affordingall porno. needing Spectarlem an impel - malty of purchasing at rea sonable prices. Persons having any tilinenity In being ci ul :1131!;:ra:r;r:; /431111, NO. al East Ilantlitott wheel, opposite the her nial, Reformed Church, AH1 . 111011'0, Pn. Jun 2.1-{R,tf Egantrti lATANTEI).—AGENTS FOR PROF. V Pursuant Laws of llnsluess. With full Directions and F (viii l Tral.l,llAlolll{ In every State, by rococo- Pensus,t, L. 1,. D., Professor of Lameln Harvard University. A :Inv lions Fort PSI:Ia. - 1011T• every kind of contract oud legal obligati., and showing how to draw and execute then, The highest and best an. tintrity Inche laud. Send for our liberal terms; also for our Patßible Prospectus. Sent free. PARMELEE Sc CO., Philadelphia, Pa. DAY 7.31 n NETAN'FED.--.11. LOAN OF $lO,OOO V by t h e Allentown School Markt. For particular apply to the unilerAgned. C. M. MINK, Pr At. Board Con. sepS-tr J. S. I/ILIA:16E11, Secretary. ir" - n TED.TIIREE TousAND DOLLARS on Iln.t.clivol security. InteroO 7 per cont. hoot', ta THIS OFFICE. u 110 9•t Dru Gootts Wl HITE f MI I V I TL 7 I7 L A RA TES. PLAIN, PLAID AND STRIPED NAINSOOKS. PLAIN, PLAID AND STRIPED OROAN DI ES. vicrocti A AND DISIICP LAWNS. PEKIN PoRTEs, ril`W Style, and Cholro fur Dresne7 PIQUES. In all grade, SOFT AND HARD FINISHED CAMBRICS. SHIRRED MUSLINS. A Chuico tituck. • EMBROIDER IRS. FINKNEEDLE WORK ELA: I NOS /old INSERTINOB R-11 A 1.1 , VALUE. . II In SWISS and CAMBRIC. A Full Slunk ItCF'F'LI MIS of II EMPRESS, 80. LACES. 11t1AL and 13IITATION Olt I. 1 Cl'. , TIIEADI.I‘I VALENCIA. ROBIN ETS and \VAST! BLONDS. • O REN ADIN E 3 FOR VEILS, Tho New Color., LADIES', 311SSE:C, and BOYS' MIFFS aud COLLARS. LEXLAISTRE & ROSS, 212 . 2 , .:ORTR EIGHTH STREET, PIHLADA. July 7.'ID Girocerics, Vrobi,siono, , 1111 k, RIGHT PLACE TO REY. E. FENSTERMACHEI2, CORNER OF TkNTII AND LIA3IILTON STREETS, ALLENTDWN, PA., Is the plueo to boy till kinds of PROVISIONS, &0., &0., At ellen, prleen, much an APPLES, PEACHES ORANOLS AND LEMONS POTATOES, SALT, Also, all kind, of I P 0 It TED DDIED FRUIT, Such . nn PEARS, PRUNES, RAISINS, CHERRIES, Alaay n Land a good aeonrhnnat of(tin lent qq nail(! of not minx (ho Nano, corner of Tenth and 'Moult .. t t to' boy 11.4.1 at reasonably prices.. Rug 2.141 FENSTERMACHER. CHEAPER THAN EVER. THE REGISTER FOR TILE CAMPAIGN OF 1869. In order to further tho dissemination of Repub- Ilcun Ideas and to aid In Btreugthenlng the Repub.- Henn party In Lehigh county, IC° will sond TEE LEHIGH REGISTER till after the OCTOBER ELECTION, Including the Issue of October 20th, to any address, Free of Postage,for FIFTY CENTS. 100 copies to different post offices T N. WATERMAN, 1_ • Proprietor of WATERMAN'S COCKTAIL AND TON IC BITTERS, Wholesale nod Retail, No. 110 U Market Bt., Philadelphia. Tito tunic properties allies° Bitters have Leen certified to by corns of stir must ernineuVpractising physicians, as the twit tonic now in use, null tho Cocktail Bitters is the universal favorite atuougjudges of a good Eta or Whisky cocktail. • 1 , INSURA.NCV:POIPANY I 1 •i) F 'lr II G. .w•i)it L . • A_ • _r___._.._. NATIONAL LIFE INSURA'NC'E UO , , • irNagn STAVES :!()F *AM ICA CHARTERED By SPECIAL ACT OF CORD RE9S CASH CAPITAL, BRANCH OFFICE PHILADELPHIA OIi'FICERS CLARENCE IL CLARK, Philitdo ProAldooL JAY CoOKE, Philadelphia, Chairman Fill:111C0 nod E eclair° Com. II ENRY O. COOKE, Wnedilngtou, Ylec.PreAldent., EMERSON W. PEET, Philadelphia, Secretary and Acta FRANCIS a. NNITII , M. D., Medical D rector. Ti t o company iiittoctl, lit tho ilnit TEN 11IONTII8 of I 5,395 POLICIES, INSURING 815,142,00. Tb I. Company otrern to It, Polley•Ifoldero PERFECT SECU 11-I TY by Itt. Ca+lt 'told up Capital of Ouo 311111ou Dutton., aud guarouteot to the boomed, by Hi I,ow Rates- of Premiu »t I.AIt( I DIVIDENDS IN A DVANCE, or a Ilever.hatary 1)1111Iva.] of 100 per r . oni. I.y log RETURN PREMIUM PLAN. GENERAL AGENTS: E. W. CLARE' Sr Co., Bank el,. No. South Third Stree Philadelphia, (Enteral Ageuiu for routtAylvatuitt Soother:. Jorutty;. - B. N. ItruitutA,'lllnntiger..• Charles W. Cooper Allentown Nutlounl Bonk, Nelson Weiser, llottoltllrtotor Hook Store, Agent. for Lehigh and toljolltlng ComaloA. Jacob A. Monier eperlal agent. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, South East Cur. Fourth and Walnut Streets =ES! THE AM ERR.IAN offers low rates ef premium. It oifersli/r0 Ce for the sumo motto thou other company. It In II Yuma Company. Its Pl,llcles are all non-forfeitable. - It payx life.polleles at death. or at the age of parsear. On the roll acinn.preminin plan. the Insured Lis lar gest premlion tho first year—whirls tho same nr paid on .11"1 XXVll: .' XSTraria ' 111..ii l eViTteVetsi a eilli m iiig7 . (1" 21.= paid up anti thereafter a permanent claim on too ,oitipittly. on the return premium phtn. the Insured in emitted an. nuttily with all he bun paid to the Cornpany, so that his Insurance costs only the Interest on the amounts paid In. on the Income-producing plan, the Insured cony receive 10 per real, on the amount of his policy. INSUREIY TIIE AMERICAN LIFE. =9 MEE WM. J. ROMIG, M. D., Agent, EMS rHILADELPHIA. sent by mall when written for. fßioceltaiteono ESTRAY COW. Caine to the premises •of the sublerlher, at Lanbac Northampton county, I In the Hilt of June, a light brown now. The owner must promo property nod take her awltT, otherwise alto will be cold according to law July 7.3 t• A. b. MILLER, • WORDS OF WIBDOM FOR YOUNG MEN On the l h Pannion in Youth anti Early Mna hood with SELF HELP for tho erring stud unfortunate, Rout Iu " it h A i ntirt lln it e TTSY, P II " A r r ' I . lVo r tit IVr . /Joy 19-1) • ... . , A GOOD THING. Important to Ilnurtlitepiiit. Hotel*: Ranks, Offires, THE • PATENT.WIRE ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREEN, - ... • WILL PIT ANY WIWIIMV, Give TAW Butler. and light, Screen from view and .eFtillet FLIES, • ISIIISQUITOI3 AND OTflEtt INSECTS Tlll6 in/ ITS TADLS Vrf.V.DP IV 00/4571.+7 623 MARKET BT., PIIILAD'A. Fer stile by Dotilers IS " t:1 . t :..I.4"lW•litta ALLENTOWN CITY lIiIIWCTOItY FOR 1869 AND '7O The siubscrlbers respectfully Inform the citizens urAllea tows. that they are now cauvasslug ter this valuable 11l tie Work, Which will contain the rums and address ore. cry adult resident of the city. ALSO A COMPLETE BUSINESS DIRECTORY of the city, classified by Tmdes,' and • Ilst of the Faraets of Lehigh couuty. The Importauco and usefulnoss of such a troth lo to tau U 1410114 to nerd comment, whilo as an ladox or the growth, euMrprise null bold:loss intetalli of the City of Allentown, It itt eutilled to tho support au patronago of the entire community. An exiterierme of fourteen years with this peculiar class of publicatioue Is a guautoe that tho compliers will perform their duties faithfull ra y aunt ac curately. Thu typography, blunting. ate. , willboexece ted lu rho best manner. klubscriptiou price of Hook, il1.60; non-subscribers, 1Y2,00. HOWMAN is CO June 28-3 w • Cotupuorc ok' TUIS ' - $1,000,0(0 CZLIZI 1:=1 =1 Socrulary I= Allentown, PA knotbing Coe anti /Lumber. . . k j I.LP4 P. NIOORE 6: CO., LUMBER MEROiIANTS, No. 620 BEACH BT., I= CM= I= CAR BUILDERS . , CAIII NET MAKERS' k lINDERTAKERN! LUNIBEIL =I MEM GEM CHERRY, CIIESTNUT, sad 0000 PINE Al wayA on hand Prallculnr ottoullon paid tonlaipplug R lillo V A LI SMITH &MSMUN'S COAL AND WOOD YARD ! The above Coal and Wood Yard hog been removed to the PIINt end of the Jordan Bridge, SOUTH SIDE, When, NV 111 ho courtantly kept a Ilse and full "apply of Egg, Stove Nut and Chestnut Coal, solectod (rout tho boot Milled In Out country. 0 U It COAL le under cover—and It Is to the Intereet of every one to Purchase DRY AND SCREENED COAL /131 , A large Klock of all kin& of good Wood conatautly on hand, and delivered to all porta of the city at tho lowovt market p ri" BI "Cl I'AII—A branch Yard to kept at tho Loblgh lialltell)ep( II ot known no Ike former yard of Lentz and Hecker. - Xir - TlllB 18 THEPEOPLE'S COAL YARD.-01, Our Coal le nelected from the bent mine. to the Lehigh region. and knowing thin to be the fact and that It will give perfect natinfaction, there Is uo use In offering to refund the money. All we mac Ina trial. Orders taken at Dealt ler's hat mere. ' • FRANKLIN NMITIL July 10th COAL CONSUMERS. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! P. IL STELTZ Hereby Worme the elder. of Allentown, and (be pub Ile to general, that be IN prepared to faruhtlt all Mode of •C 0 A L , from Ids Wit stocked Yard, formerly 11. Oath & Co.'s, at the Lehigh Iltmln, In the City of Allentown, where be Will constantly keep on hand a full supply of all kinds of Coal at the very lowest market prices. lIM coal Is nice and dean, from the very best mines, and In quality superior to any offered In Allentown. Ile will sell Coal by the CAR LOAD, at very small pro fits, no he Intends to do business upon the prinelploof • (Mick Cameo and Small Profits." Give him► call, and noon comparing prices you eta i judge for yourselves. Ito will deliver Coal upon ea I to any part of the City upon orders being left at the Yard, or Welnsheltner's store POWDER AGENCY Aloo, Agent Nr Lehigh county for the "Wile Powder Company." Prepared at ail times to deliver euperlor Mining and Blasting Powder, Sporting Powder, Sporting Powder in kegs and euniatere. Pose, ste., at nay point and any quantity. The name at retail at the (Inn and Cut— er nines of B. F. Welferts, No. SO East Hamilton street. Were by mail promptly tilled. mar P. H. /MELTE. REMOVAL. TREXLER 4 BROTHERS, LUMBER, . !lead'''. tantalum' to their [floods and patrons that thy !inset wit removed from their old stand to tholr NEW YARD, ucar Um corner of Tenth and Hamilton streets, formerly occupied by Brans, & Miller, as a Lumber Yard, where they will mlt:wily keop on baud a largo and seasoned stock of L U 31 B E R,. • such nil all klude or PINE, HEMLOCK, CHESTNUT, POPLAR, SHINOLES, PICKETS, LATHS, &e. In fact everything usually kept by the trade. iqr-An kind. of lumber cut to order at short notice Thankful for past (aeon., we trout our friends, as .well as the public In general, will give us a call at our New Yard whore wo will use our best endeavors toreador sat. erection, both as regards quality and prices. Cott MPOLIf ifor fly Lobito. y 4 HOWE SEWING MACHINE Always on band and for sale by EDWARD DESHLER, AGENT, NO. 31 EAST lIAMILTON STREIT, nermoDscas: Henry . Lob, Jr., Boot and Shoo Manufacturer. John Farr Seaton & Dankel, " Miller, Schreiber & Co.. Merchant Talton. • • Rhoads & Kohn, Wm. H. Moen President Second National Dank, Dr. D. P. Jacoby. Donna'. .1. B. Dlllinger, Attorney.lit-Law. • rhos. D. Metstrer, R. Clay Hameraly, May-DJ ly, LADIES" GOODS. The clew styled are already received at MRS. M. A. G. GULDIN'S Ladles' Trimming Store. Tho faehlone are preltY. Led, loe. cull and Imo them. Hoop tlkitin are cheaper than IU cuoaP tlmee-30 loprture, well made, $1 In; W uminge at $1 Ti. mar 24-tf rpIIE CHEAPEST AND MOST RE. • MAKE TRUSS STORE to tha city. W. J. EVERETT, iso NORTH SEVENTH STREET, Bohm Arch, Philadelphia; Onto Mrs. Arcelouachan's) Trunk.., Female Supporters, Braces, Mantle Dells, Stock - Inn. Lowa4 prices. Yet :eat adjuatmenta. Lady al teudaut. juao2d-ly LADIES• DRESS TRIMMINGS • AND PAPER PATTERNS. J. a MAXWELL IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER, EME=I PIIILADEtPIIIA °Nora tits balatmo of Ma .toot of llto beat wakes of Coo. seta al (bp followtur very low priced : Cieuulutt Wony Colvota, Vl; regular Arlie, *loud VI, Floe Vreuch titutppod Frouob Cray Ile else sells attention to LW stock of novelties 1■ LADIES' DIMS AND COAT TRIIIIIIINOS. • • • - Compri,.lug overythltm noir atur deAlrablo IN that line thu E=l will be found a full assortment of elegantly trimmed PA PER PATTERNS, every one of which Is new, for Ladles, Musses, and Children's Clartuctits, of every description ; for solo, Trimmed or Plain, singly or,in sots, Wholosalo nud Retail. Puller. scut 41131111 or Express to any part of tho United 8414 • • ! Au eamy •yelom of Dregs Culling (aught. slid Chart+ for lituxllluncy orders Rod p4llclng ink Oofferlug executed to,f4u:lloure' , Customers gals ono or two profits over these of any other establishment. In bettor quality or lower prlcoa, by dealing at the • SOUTH EAST Corner - ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Ste. aprlllan IMPORTANT TO SHIPPERS AND MANUFACTURERS DENNISON'S AND LOCKWOOD'B TAGS AND SHIPPING CARDS, AT mAiurAcTunsuir pump, =MEM REGIBTER OFFICE UR HUNDRED FARMS FOR to taught prioo from 68 to ggifl per sere , accord to mprovemenu, location 60, Good moil, genial climate. and near marketa. These farms are altuatod in VI lass and Maryland. twine In the Immediate vicinity of Waal,. ion sod orrfaim 23 to6)nl e io theCap. aorcl,t;alltnafon.w°. sotto ATO2IO. near Egh itreet. Vaahl AS. • Je3l3 6m I= Ctill.PUQUa
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