• • • DR. W. E. BARNES & SON! • • ' • . . • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL D ;P# T. 3". G G 1. S r r, 8 . _ NO. • 14. EAST HAMILTON ST., ALL.ENTOWN, PA. The attention of the citizens of tliontown and Lehigh county Is reapectfulited to this establishment. livery. thin` usually kept Ina first - class D rug Store wind:, found for sale here, at the lowest prices. Oar stock Is large and we selec ted, cenalstiag of • PR/MDR/MR and MEDICINES, CI7EMICALS, DYE STUFFS. ALCOHOL, PURE WINES,Ind LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL USE, PERFUMERY, 50.11P5, BRUSHES, FANUY and TOILET ARTICLES. ........_ A PULL LINE OP Ar.VVIE POPULAR. • - PATENT MEDICINES, HAIR RESTORATIVES LINIMENTS, {S.o., of all kinds. Constantly on hand a large stock of Soda ash, Plaid( itud d Concestroloa l LYe for sooti l y:eking. ° Washing Soda BakiniVe(l)adaCfreamTrar, Pu-- ry,_l(7loPoro;aTin and ono t! i ih r eT(;. l'i lra and at b argesi line of Trusses, cud Shoulder Braces la the city. Those goods ore applied by an expert: eared phyan, consequently a perfect at is guaranteed. Paints, (Me, Irarnishes, line of Pritty. Y'aleters lulu builders are Invited to our store before making their purchase.. Wo keen a Bill line of paints, etc.. of the best quatift)lTNl2-WWltOlit:rileoitigency for the Cheat United States Too fin e r Compay of Now York, and aro selling the choicest grades of Toga at about half the price charged by ether dealers, for ani fei Vi' g lial l e i g . hereafter re'dptyo b o son. vlnced. Physicians and Country Merchants supplied-at the lowcgt maroct pr i ces. e Beeler attention to the Wholesale Branch of the business. Dealers will find tto their interest to give us a Mai order as we feel confiden sp e cified be able to give sataction both In quality and Trice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Qnotations for quoutitiee furnished on application. Respectfully, apr 28•IY W. R. BARNES & SON. 3ileatero. ESTABLISHED 1S 1. J. REYNOLDS & :::ON., If. W. con. 1.31 . 1 f k FILIIIRS RIRRETA, PHILADELPHIA, PA.. Solo Manufacturers of the celebrated WROUGHT-IRON,' AIR-TIGITT, GAS-CONSUMING HEATER, WITH PATENT DUST SCREEN, ORATE DAR RESTS. no WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR. • These linkmen are made of Heavy Wrought-Iron, well riveted together the only afire prevention notarial the ex cape pe of One Ur bast. They are easily managed, without any dampers. The Patent Thulhoor avoids the use and annoyances of drums, and la pertnanently attached to the Heater. This is the most durable, simple, economical and popular Heating Apparatus ever o ff ered for sale. They are all guaranteed. COOKING RANGES, fur Rotolo and Families. PORTABLE BEATERS, LATROBE BEATERS, LOW DOWN ORATES, SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS We are oleo manufacturing a NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING RANGE Send ,for our Illustrated Pamphlet RAND'S AIRTIGHT GAS 'BURNING HEATER, WARRANTED THE,BEST 'SELF FEEDING EVAPORATOR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. RAND PERKINS AND CO., Manufacturing Dnalora In C CHINO RANGER, 12EZZEEM Also meats fur the Celebrated Magee Patent Heaters, Ranges and Stoves. NO. 131 NORTH SIXTH STREET, EM=l BEND FOR CIRCULAR CIEITIMEI Coat anb Lumber. R E 0V A SMITH & OSNI UN'S COAL AND WOOD'YARD ! Tho above Coal and Wood Yard ben been removed to the east end of the Jordan Bridge. BOUT!! d 1 LIE where will be constantly kept a ano and full supply of Egg, Stovo Nut and Chestnut Coal, selected from the beet mines In the Country OUR COAL Is under cover—and It Is to tho tutored of every one to Purchase DRY AND SCREENED COAL on od, n ood a t e o lit!olVio k a d :o ° 4. g ,° , l.7,2; d .,tl t :g.c ortmin-AlinA branch yard In kept at the Lehigh Valley Depot, known no the former yard of Lents and Hecker. IgiTTlllg !OTOS PEOPLE'S COAL YARD. - SIL Our Coal Is selected from the Melt mitten In (ho Lehigh region and knowing this to bathe fact and that it will give perfect satisfaction. there la no MIIO In offering to refund the money. All ere ask la a trial. Order* taken at Deal ler'• hot mom. FRANKLIN SMITH, July 10th COAL CONSUMERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! P. IL STELTZ HereLy Informs the citizens of Allentown. and the 'pub Ile In general, that he is prepared to furnish nil bled• of COA L , from Ida well stocked Yard, formerly 11. Guth & Co.'s, at the Lehigh Barth. In the City of Allentown, where Ito will constantly keep. hand n full oupply of all kinds of Coal, at the very lowest market prices. Ilia coal la n IC. clean, from the very best mines, and In quality superior to any offered In Allentown. Ho will sell Coal by the CAR LOAD, at very small pro fits, as Ito Intend, to do heatless. upon the principle of "(Wick Bales and Small Drat.," Clive him a call, and u Tre=reliTlnifa e r =TA " i i re r t r) u tt if ' :; City upon orders being loft at the Yard, or Weinshelmer'a store POWDER AGENCY. Also, Agent for Lehigh county for ISo .• Win Powder Company.'' Prepared at all limos to deliver superior Alining and Diast.na Powder, Sporting Ponder, Sportiva Powder lu Legs and canister. Fuse, dm, at any point and In any quantity. The same a t retail hit tho Hun and ent ry store of Welferts. No. 3d East Hamilton street. c yders by mall Promptly flied.. mar 31.1 f P. 11. STELTZ. REMOVAL TRERLER & BROTHERS, DIULIIIM IR ALL lIINDII OF L U M B E R, utro?: ►nth' they NEW YARD, • near the corner of Tenth and Ilsmllton streets, formerly occupied by Braun & 11111er, so a Lumber Yard, where they will constantly keep on hood a large and seasoned 'tacit of . LUMBER, such as all kinds of PINE, HEMLOCK, CTIRSTNIIT,_ POPLAR, 0111NOLBSI, PICRETO, LATHS, &c. In fact everything usually kept by the trade. let& t i lY ' e tru s t ou r Irrell well Ls the public In general, will give us a call at our New &gra, where we will use our best e ndeavons tweed or sat stactluu, both as regards quality &standees. tort 25.68-tf OREY--:A - GOOD INVESTMENT. $5OOO IN COUPONS POR BALE Thooo booth are of tho denomination of OCKI, Interest payable semi-Annually at tho rate of 7 Tor cent. par annum. The investment perfectly cafe and reliable. Inquire at the office of Tile 13AILY News. tf MACUNGIE SAVINGS BANK. The Macungie Bavlnge Dank (nearly opposite the Allen town National Bank] receive. money on Deposit In any sums, on interest of 0 per cent. per annum. Deposits may be withdrawn partly or wholly at nay time daring the year for which Interest will be allowed according to the lime the same may have remained. Government Bonds are taken, for which the hilliest pre mieres and accrued Interest will be allowed. Money loaned out at desirable eaten at all times. TRUSTERS: Benj. Vogel, Geo. B. Shall, John If. Gogel, David Schell. Wm. Herbal, M. D. John R. &hall. Daniel Clader, Wm. 11. Fogel. limb. Bastian, WM. C. LICIITENWALNBR, Cackler. BENJAMIN YODEL. Preeldent. A LLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITU TION. (Organized under State Charter In ISM.) Money received ott Deposlt, and 0 per coot. Interest al lowed fur one year. For shorter periods special rates will ho paid. ALSO, MONBT LOANSD OUT ON FAVONAOLB Tang. Banking IIonee—IIAMILTON STRUT. mid-way be tweon the Court Homo and American Hotel, opposite aide Allentown. Ps. Charles B Dash,,John D Stiles, Christian Prot:, Francis C Samuels, George Probst, Samuel Sell, Beni J Ilagenhach, Nathan Peter, William U linos, STATEMENT OF THE SECOND Nutloual Dank of Allentown. Saturday orenlag. April 17. DM Bills discountedlloB s .7 9s 45 U. B. Bonds deposited with U. B. Treasurer... 2.15.000 00 Overdrafts 1,841 29 Compound interest notes on hand 50 00 U. B. Legal Tender note. on hand 31.339 CO Bills of National Banks 24 00 Fractional Currency sod Nickels 1,817 02 Cush Items Including Revenue Stamps 3.148 87 Duo from Banks and Bankers 5.1,993 78 Furniture 1.3.11 79 Expenses, including Taxes 9,1%6 843 Capital Stock paid In Clrculettlou Drposlts Dlvldcnds unpaid Duo to Banks mud Bookers Surplus Fund Interest and Discounts.... MEM 0380" F. E. SAMUELS, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before in4:,.1t . p ( r i 1 ,, 241 ;,, 18 . 0: : N. P. FIRST MORTGAGE 7 PER CENT INDORSED BONDS ST: LOUIS, VANDALIA AND TERRA AT 00 AND ACCRUED INTEREST The. BONDS are for COOD each, necured by a first mon gee e of ONLY 412,000 per mile on the property and fran chiser; of the Company, redeemable on the bit day of beau ry, IFO7. Coupons attached, payable on the bit day of January and July in each Year. Tiro payment of principal and Interest Is FURTHER SECURED by the Indorsement of tho Bond. by THE TERRA H.4I7TE AND IND !ANA POL 18 RAILROAD CO. TDB COLUMBUS. CHICAGO AND INDIANA CRN TRAL RAILWAY CO. THE PITTSBURGH, WNW:CAT! AND ST. LOUIS RAIL WA r CO. The indoinement of (ho two Met named Companies be og panranteed by • THE PENNSYLVANIA R. It. CO The road on which these Bonds constitute nPIRST LIEN la lr,Stulles long, extending from the Terra Haute and In dinnapolls Railroad, near Terra Mute, to St. Lenin and forms the lust and only uncompleted link In the SHORT. EST LINE PROM Sr. LOUIS TO PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORE. Ito immediate construction nod 1,11 ulpneut are provided for n a contract between the PENNSI LVA NIA RAILROAD COMPANY, and the Companies above :lamed, which contract Insures that It shall always be op• crated in the joint interests of the direct lino between ht, Look and tho Elva. SEVENTY MILES of the rand are now completed and It In confidently expected that the ENTIRE LINE will bo OPENED FOR TRAFFIC EARLY In MO. The Iron rails for the entire length of road have been purchnsed, and sufficient for UM miles delivered. Tho Honda can be had on application to 111=12 =I DEHAVEN & BRO., And Dealers in Government Recurlike ; Gold, &e., I can folly recommend rho above Bonds as a doilrabla ,curlly. mar 1649 WINE CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SCIOES FOR ORNTLEMEN, All tho leading 'style. on hand or made ig - Iniair - tra —' Price. good LOW FIGURES on Illustrated Price Lila with natruellons for self•muunrement Bent on receipt of l'ost WM. E. BARTLETT, °Oleo 'Warm.' MEM NTORTII PENNSYL• VANIA RAILROAD. Passengers for Philadelphia take Lehigh Valle and Lehigh & Bunquehanna Rnil.on6. Train. Allentown make close connect:o I with the trims I. It. It. at Bethlehem, and arrive In Philadelphia at tn., 2 and 6 21 p. Passengers for Dogle3town take 6 26a. m., 12 CO ands p. to. from Bethlehem and snake connection at Lansdale, and Can return to Allentown the same evening. All rtmsenger trains connect at Berk• street, Philadel phia with 2.1 and 611, streets Cily Passenger.ltallway. Returning, leave the depot. Northwest corner Berke and American streets, Pnliadelphia, at 7 43 and D 4S a. tn., 1 41 and 6 0:1pon. WILLIAM 081111 N LOCAL SCHEDULE. (Four Through Train. Daily, Sunday. E - acepted.) Pal...eager trains leave the depot, Northwest corner Barka and Atnerlran etreeta, Philadelphia, Poe Bethlehem at 746 and D 43. to, and 1 45 and sp. m. :;. m.. 2 35 and 4 13 p. to. " . Fort W64111110°0 at 10 45 a. m., and 11 93 p. m. Trains for Philadelphia. Leave Bethlehem at G 733 a. tn., 12 05 and 3 00 p m. Loge d a . tr o vr:tr u tl i, ?o ,, a ; na., 3 10 and 606 p. ru. . . . . . Vort Washington at 10 CO a, tn. and 2 2.1 p. m. • • Bethlehem ;or Philadelphia at 4COa, m. Faro—Allentown to Philadelpola, 411 85 ; ELLIS CLARK, Agent. 'Flag Stations. CONNECTIONS. The morning train west leave. Cat...awng on the arrival. of the L. V. R. It. Local Paseenger tra i n from Easton. Bethlehem, and Allentown and connect, at Al-Hurtle with a train on the Emit Penneylvania R. It. for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisburg and Philadelphia, andalso with a train for Allentown Bethlehem, Emden and New. York. The morning train knot connect. at Maurits with train on E. P. It. R. from Allentown and at Catiman. nen with train. on the Lehigh Valley Railroad for lgauch Chunk, Wilkes• Barre. Scranton. Philadelphia and New York. and with the Lehigh & Susquehanna It. R. for Bethlehem, Ralston. Philadelphia and New York. The 2.00 P. M. train West connect. at ALBurtle with a train on the Enst Penn. Railroad for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisburg and Philadelphia. • The Evening train East leaves Al-Bartle on the arrival of a train from Allentown and of a train making connec tions at Reading with train. from Philadelphia. Mole. burg, Pothorlile, Ac„ and connect, with lotalpusenger train on the 2,1 V. 11. R. Catuauqua for Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton. Persona wishing to go to Allentown can take the morn ing train West to Al•Bartis. arrive at Allentown 8:40• and return by a train on the Rut Pennsylvania It. IL. leaving Allentown at 4.20 P, M. Dec 6-173 C. W. CHAPMAN, MIT* and liarrloter. ffinaticiaL WILLIAM IL AINEY, Proeidera JACOB S. DILLINOBIL Caabler. 1933:1 HAUTE RAILROAD CO BANKERS 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA J SDOAR THOMPSON. Boot Baiter. SS South Sixth street. above Chestnut Phlladelp 3attitrottbo. I= SAUQUA AND MLLE It. TA 'OOE WINTER ARRANGEMENT.' (ter JANUARY 18, ISM, Passenger untie & Fogelxville Railroad will run he Lehigh Valley Railroad and East Row.: MUEMI CATABA IRMA. *MICK LRYS. SEIPLF.S. •JORDAN BRIDGE. GUTH'S. WALBERT'S. ' CHAPMAN'S. TRRXLRIITOWN, RHEIN IGSVILLE. FARMINGTON. •BPRINO CREEK. AL•BURTIB. 045 6..50 0.65 7.00 7.01 7.10 7.18 7.D3 ,Fire Proof • Sato. HEBBING'S PATENT OEINISPION FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES (WITH DRY FILLING.) Awarded tha Prise Medals at World's Fair, London, World'. Fair, New York, Enverllion Universelle, Paris. FARREL, HERRING & CO FIARVRT GILLAII. CIIAS. MATIII3WO, OEO. W. MTRRR• 629 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA lIERRINO, FARREL & SHERMAN, NEW YORK HERRING & co., CHICAGO HERRING, FARREL & CO., NEW ORLEANS Pr 14 Lift lilsurance. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE C OY PIIILADELFIIIA ALEX. MULLEIN CM Praddont Income, ISM The American—ls now oue of the Oldest Com mute. lu the KG.= GO United States 11600,000 00 177,683 00 100,V 4 60 2.61 19 15,013 07 19,590 00 23,087 30 ThoAmerican—lssuon policies on ALL desirable plans The American—Makes ALL policies non-forfeltable The American—liao no niinccoxsary restrictions on Unite' and residence The Americau—Declares Divtdendo annually at the end of (he Bret year. Tim American—Pays all looser promptly WHERE CAN.YOU FIND GREATER ADVANTAGES? WM. J. ROMIG, M. D., Agent, =EI Spatacleo. SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES!! EYE °LASSES. &c. sp Ajno o : , nigwrlZ . a . slo o r . t . m a e t nt of all kinds off CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, I= Having devoted a great deal of care nod attention to the Spectacle business for ths I n c r e as edw years, I find that my business In that line has no much that I have de termined to make it a SPECIALITY. Thorp Is no article manufactured In which there is no much dedeption panto tired an ther be ets In Spectacle (Haws. Knowing that the public have frequently Iffunbngged by parties pre tending to have superior article of Masses, and charging exorbitant prices for thorn, thereby trofficing upon the me enmities and Infirmities of ago, I have taken pains to no lect a largo and complete assortment of the finest and beet (Raneea ever manufactured, thus affording all persons needing Spectacles an opportunity of purchnsing at rea sonahlo prices. Persons having any difficulty In being suited elsewhere will do well to give me a cull, an I feel confident that no one will fall to besotted. Remember the old amend,Ettet Hamilton street, opposite the Her man Reformed Church, Allentown. Pa. tun ZI-43filf UNFAILING EVE PRESERVERS! " • LAZARUS & MORRIS' PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES Tho largo and InCredolug aaloa album SUPERIOR GLASSES Is a sure proof of their usefulness. We were Whaled that they would be appreciated here as elsewhere, and that the reality of the advantages offered to wearers of our beauti ful lenses, via : the ease and comfort; the assured and readily ascertained improvement of the sight, and the brilliant assistance they give In all oases, wero In them soiree no apparent ou trial. that the result could nut be otherwise Dann it has, in the almost treneral adoption of our CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES by the residents of this locality. With a full knowledge of the value of tho assertion, wo claim that they are the most per:ect optical rids evert:ten ure:dared. To those needing Spectacles, we afford at all times an opportunity of procuring the host cad meet deal. table. KELLER & .BRO., •nn J6W6L6RiI. ey It. R. psxvleQ of N. P. 9 la a. NO. 87 WEST TIAMH.TON STREET, =I Have alwa7■ on hand a full anortment, suitable for every difficulty. We take occasion to notify tho public that we employ no peddler.. and to caution them against (hone pretending to hate our goods for sale. apr •21-ts 171 . 17M 1 . 11 Pt NABRID„ 10177 0 P, ti fro 3°CID GET THE BEST. WEBBTER'B UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. 3000 Engravings: MO Pages Quarto. Price 612. 10,010 Words and Meanings nut in other Dictionarfes, Viewed as a whole, we are confident that no other living language has • dictionary which so folly and faithfully sets forth its present condition an this last edition of Wob. o'er does that of our wrltten and spoken English tongue.— Harper's Magarine. 20 inc. , three books aro the suns total of great libraries 11. the Dade. Shakspears, and Wcbster's Royal Quarto.— It Chicago Doming Journal. al Tun Saw W Bissms Is glorlotm—lllit perfect—lt distance. az and denos comixtition—it leaves nothing to be desired.— J. IL Raymond, L. D.. Pref . ' Vassar College. 0 0 The most useful and remarkablecompendium of human 4 0 knowledge in our language.—W. ff. Clary, pmtd,,,e Mass. Agricultural College. 20 WEBSTER'S RATIONAL PICTORIAL DICTIONARY. 1010 Pages Octavo. OCO Engravings. Price "The work Is really" — a gem .of a Dictionary, Just the thing for the million. Amer. Educational Monthly. " In many respects, this Dictionary Is the moat cony.. Bleat ever published."—Rochester Democrat. "As • manual of reference, It is eminently Mud for use In families and school....—N. Y. Tribune. " It in altogether the best treasury of words of its size 'which the English language has ever possessed."—Hart ford Press. Published by G. & C. MERIAIL Springfield. Mass. trains In conn cun. It ZIIIM & 1 & . 0. • I 0. & 0. 6. I 6. b. 6. A NEW BOOK FOR AGENTS ! DT CATIIIIINS X. DItICIIIIR nua HAUILIZT MIMI= •rows. THE AMERICAN WOMAN'S HOME; Or, Principles of Domestic Science. Delnaa guide to Roo no to tea 1, Healtkful. Beatil(ful, and Christian Bomar. Well printed; proftwely illustrated; handeowely bound. A work that will had Ito way into arleab=hialungiLbtiglaeisnats. by subscription. Exclusiyo tal ITPZ:M i rt i b i tTo r k L AV3Va g n i =i . ertt. to yln a ery town tsitati t teL ri te r t u flr . 15 . 1teVytty . the L !rettlar May Mtn 413 Chestnut Bt., Philadelphia.r NO CURE, NO PAY S. • • DR.II.•D. LONGAKER, °Mande of the University of Pennsylvania, et Philadel phia, has IPOollin successful mastic° fur number of years tendrious parts of the United Motes; mill promptly at to ail brandies of his profession at his rooms, Spit Offs of Rath street, bet, framftton and Walnut • • • • - ALLENTOWN, - PA. No Patenelgedielnos are used or recominended; (harem ediett administered aro those which will not break down the constitution, but Nonacid° the system from all inhales It has sustained from mineral medicines, and kayo it In • "an ttgalriglVlK,ll7t i all i a, DYSPEPSIA., and nil diseases of the Lamm, Throat, Stomach, nna Liv er, xhielt:yearly carry thousands to untlmly graven, can undoubtedly ho cured. IIELANCHOLY ABERRATION, that state of alienation and weakness of the mind which renders persons thence& of enjoying :Ito pleasures o; per formlng the duties of life. - - _ RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, in any form or condition, chronic or acute, warranted cur able. Epilepsy. or failingnickne3s, and chronic or stub born easeful FEMALE, DISEASES speedily and radically removed; Salt Rheum, Skin Dineasen (of yearn' standing) every deecriptin of Ulcerations, Piles and Scrofulous die canes, warranted cured or no pay. KParticular attetion given to private diseases of every description of both sexes. Ladles nutfering from any complaint Incidental to their sex, ran consult the doctor with assurance of relief. Cancer cured, and Tumors of all kluds removed without the knife or drawls blood. Diseases of the EYE AND EAR, sucessfolly and'effectually removed or no charge made. 4 Dr. Lonsakor will make visits any distance If do. sired; can withdd by letter (confidentially) and med icine sent proper directions to any part of the county. Omen: East aide of Sixth street, between Hamilton and Walnut, Allentown, Pa. apr2S-IY D u. HUTCHINSON'S • • VEGETABLE • WORy DESTROYER is the beet Worm Medicine for removing the small seat worms from children, without making the child 'sick, as other worm medicines do. It will also remove the tape worm and the stomach worm. IT IS AS PLEASANT TO TAKE AS CANDY. • NO MEDICINE TO DE GIVEN AFTER IT. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. SOLD lIT ALL DIIVIOISTA AND COCNTIIT DR•LIRS, Be sure and see you get Dr. Hutchinson's Vegetable Worm Destroyer. Soo that each box in wrapped Ina yel. lOW lvrapper. If your druggist should not have It ask him to get it for you. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY Sr, COWDEN, AGENTS, • apr 21.1 y Philadelphia. BIM= FIL crelary /1.118,=.3). CO EAST HAMILTON ST I= I= ffilebitinaL N ATURE'S GUEA.T RESTORER. SIIEETZ'S CELEBRATED BITTER CORDIAL. This medical preparation In now offered to the public as reliable substitute for the many worthless compounds which now flood the market. ' It in purely vegetable com posed of various herbs, gathered from the great storehouse of nature and selected with the utmost care. It In not re commended no a cure all, hut by Its direct and salutary In. duenco upon the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, stomach and bowels ; acts both no a preventive and cure for many of the diseases to which those organs are .11P d. It Is a reliable family medicine and can be taboo by either Infant or adult with the same beneficial resells. It Is a certain, fi r g i s t co a l d 1 7 , 716 , re r mix f l o .o r v, D l l , tr:l o u t un s , 1 1 , 11:erit a e i r n y t „ . logs, Sick 3leitilache, liar Chills and Fenton of all kinds It In far better and safer than quinine without any of its pernicious effects. It creates an appetite. Proven a poWerful digester of food and will counteract the effects of liquor In a row whittles. Prepared by • JACOB SCIIEETZ, SOLE PROPRIETOR, N. W. Car. Fifth and Race, Philadelphia. enovl7 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. AVGIJIRE'S SPANISH lIAIIt. .i.v.I.DNESsEN, r i ng romig the growth, beautifying the hair end rendit soft and glossy. No other com pound pOPFeII/10e the pecullar_properties which so exactly nit the various conditions of the human hair. The use of thin oil SIR a hair dresser has beon universal in every sec• lion of the country in the Spanish Main for centuries. No preparation of art could give that elegant luxuriance and abutidancu of hair which have se aloe twee the admiration of travelers in Spain This ell is highly and delicately perfumed, forming an article unrivaled in excellence and neon which the Spanish people for many yours halm set - tho seal of enduring approval. IIfcOIIIRWEI MEXICAN WILD FLOWER SHAMPOO LOTION. Poe removing dandniffand scarf front flthead, whitening and perfuming the skim Thin article Is entirely different from anything of the kind ever offered In this country and In warranted free from all poisonous nubstances. Thin vlllllo.ll° lotion was used by the Emperor Maytaglllan and Emperor Charlotteof Mexico, and universally used by Mexicans for three hundred years. An a wash for tho head it in cm plentlnlng narl rofronblug. Whim thus used It at 01.100 relieves headache. McGUIRE'S WILD FLOWERS FOR THE TEETH. All those who are In favor of while teeth and a pleasant and perfumed breath should at once one McGuire's Wild Flowers for the Teeth. All those preparations are put up In the most elegant and ornamental manner. We make no exception In saying that they are an ornament to a lady's toilet table, and none'Can be complete without them. Warranted satisfactory or money refunded. Deakre will bear thin In mind, Sold by all respectable druggiste in the United States and Canadas. Addresa orders to RICHARD McOUIRIC DEPOT AND MANUPACTORT, No. 26 North Seeozu Bt., Philadet'phia, Pa o Kept 8 IF or tijc Labito. it;olt‘ itk) ~_ • - .... 7 (4 ) 41 ., 1 t_ . )47:7, : $: _i 110 WE SEWING NLtCIIINE Always on baud and for oalo by EDWARD DESHLER, AGENT, No. 61 EAST HAMILTON STREET, • lIIIVERSICCEB: Bon Loh, Jr., Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. John Farr, •i Seaton & Dankel, rinor, Schreiber & co., MerchanATa ll ors. hoads & Heim, . 11. Ainey, President Second National Bank, Dr. B. F. Jacoby, Dentist. J. 5. Dillinger, Attoriseytt-Law. • rhus. B. Metzger, It. Clay Ilaineraly, " May-Di ly. LADES' GOODS. The now atylea aro already received at MRS. M. A. G. GULDINT, • Ladles' Trimming Store. The fashions are pretty. Ladles. call and too them, Hoop Skirts are cheaper than in cheap times-30 SPrintei. well made, $1 spring. at $1 75. mar 24-tf R EMOVAL OF TOE • " TEMPLE OF FASHION." GRAND OPENING OF SPRING FASHIONS, MON DAY, MARCH Ist. BM. For tho better corivenienco of her tron. Mrs. M. A, Binder has removed her DRESS TRIMMINGS AND PAPER PATTERN STORE to the N. W. Corner of Eleventh and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. Dross and Cloak Making. BMWs made to St with ease end elegance, The finest assortment of Ladles' Dress and Cloak Trimmings In the city, at the lowest prices. Orders executed at short notice. Embroideries, Ildifs, Laces, Ribbons. Bridal Veils and Wreathe, Flue Jewelry and Fancy Goods. Pinking and Chdruring• Cull i ng¢ and thug. A perfect system of Dress Cutting tenant. Price fats), with chats. Patterns sent by Mall or Express to all parts of the Union. Do not forget our new location, N. W, Corner of ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT STREETS, Philudelphia. soar 3, 'lO-3m LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS PAPER PATTERNS J. a MAXWELL, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER, SOUTH EAST Conn BLHVENTH and CHESTNUT Sts FiILADELPHIA Offers the balance of Ills stock of the beet makes of Co?' nets at the following very low prices : Genuine Wetly Corers, $3; regular price, $5 and $O. • 'French 11.nbroldet• ad Corsets, $1 ; regular price, ant 45. Fine French Snapped Corsets, $1; regular price, Stand 41. Floe French Gray Bopped Corsets, 75c.; regular price, $l. Ho else calls attention to his stock of novcltles to LADIES' DRESS AND COAT TRIMMINGS. Comprising everything' ulna and &lambic) in that line In the PATTERN DEPARTMENT will be found a full assortment of elegantly trimmed PA• PER PATTERNS, every One of which is new, for Ladles, Misses, and Children's Garment., of every description t for sale, Trimmed or Plain, singly or In sets, Wholesale and Retail. Patterns sent by Mail or Express to any part of the United States. • Au eery eyetem of Dress Slitting taught, and Chart. for sale. Small fancy ordery mul Pinking and Goifering executed at n few boon' notice. Cuetouters gain one or two pronto over lltoe of any other eelabliihment, In better duality or lower genes, by dealing at tbe . . . SOUTH EAST Corner of ELEVENTH anti Cif ESTNIIT BV apr2l•Sm CClotbin GREAT ATTRACTION o n NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! CLOTHING! CLOTHING °HAND EIPRINO AND SUMMER OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. OSMUisT & CO., Successors to Mclver & Osmun B A 8..• G- A .1. N 8 GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM IN REIMER'S DUMDUM, NO: 43 EABT HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA We would Inform the citizens of Allentown and the ear rounding country that we aro prepared with a large stock of goods for SPRING AND•SUMMER WEAR, and offer them to the nubile at rearonuble price.. To those who buy their Clothing ready-made, they axe proparod to offer DARUAINS. WIIOLE EDITS MADE TO ORDER t COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cut and made In the latest ntylo, and by tbo bent workmen =I CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, le larger than It ban been before, and we Intend to cell very SMALL PROFITS, and giro our cuatontere the bane fit or our low perchance. Great quantities and ♦nrleties of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And ovorithing to tho line ott GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS BIEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS', and CHILDREN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING CONSTANTLY ON NAND Don't forget Iho place, No. 43 Emit liamilton.treet, third dour above Sixth etreol. T. Oniutt, JAcon 11. SCROLL, MARTIN LT2III mar 2.14( • earpcto nub oil. moth. J. STEWART REEVE, =SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE SPRUCE, PHILADELPHIA. sr Now offers an unnsnal assortment CARP 8, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADRS, ' MATTINGS, f tc .; , ,, di a cd c at very reduced prices, to htstfrlends and RICH AND ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL CLOTII, &C. S. C. FOULK Has resumed (ho CARPET BUSINESS At No. 19 SOUTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA , ' (Below Market,) With a sploodid assortment of CARPETS, which will be sold at a very small advance. Also, now style Carpets, Brussels patter.. at 50 and 023 COMA. The best good. for the price over offered. apr 14-3 m THE CARPET AND OIL CLOTH EIMPOIIIUII OP E. S. SHIMER & CO., NOS. 5 AND 7 WEST lIAMILVN ST, ALLENTOWN PA REPLEN [SHED la all Ila latent ♦arlaties. styles and patterns. PRICES REDUCED We keep for sale all the ftillowlag popular makes BODY BRUSSELS, FRANK ENGLISH, FRANK BIOELOR, 6 FRANK HARTFORD, ENGLISH TAPESTRY, CROSSLEY'S TAPESTRY,. STODDART TAPESTRY SMITH TAPESTRY, HARTFORD & LOWELL, extra 3 SI/. IMPERIAL, extra 3 PIT. MEDIUM SUPERFINE, 3 ply. SMITH TAPESTRY INGRAIN, PHILA. SUPERFINE do PHILADELPHIA FINE INGRAIN, PHILADELPHIA COMMON INGRAIN, PHILADELPHIA WOOL INGRAIN, do. WINDOW SHADES CURTAINS • OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, STYLE AND PRICE. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS • Atm WINDOW SHADES. P. notyoll, JR., asks empecial attention of Ifoneekeep. era and Merchants to Ills stock of CARPETS. This owing the styles of beauty and richness of design exceed any former season. Also, I invite espechn intention to my large stock of Oil Cloths, Window Slides,Cocoa,Cane and Canton Mailings; Rag nod Hemp CaTints, very cheap. Call and examine. PIIINEAB HOUGH, Jn., NO. 608 NORTH SECOND STREET, 4 doors shove Noble, 'oo—Re Philadelphia, JAS. 11. MINE, SON it CO., CHESTNUT ST. =LOW SEVENTH, PHILADELPHIA. • NEW CARPETINGS. c M i ll o t:l 4 liopen on (hold of April, our entire gyring lut. p • NEW CARPETINGS, FRENCH & ENGLISH AXMINSTER, CROSSLEY'S VELVETS AND TAPESTMEB, ENGLISH BIUJSSELS Of the latest alyies and different mats.. A few boles of English and Scotch Three-Plies and Ingrains. With a fine assortment of OIL CLOTHS AND DRUGGETS CANTON MATTINGS, WHITE AND RED CHECK AND. VANCE MATTINGS OF 'NEW VARIETIES. JAB. H. ORNE, SON & CO., CHESTNUT ST. BELOW 7TH. PHILADELPHIA. aprlS•Em Cataaauvis Plumbing anb Pumps. GAS FIXTURES. ADDIS & ROBERTS, PLUMBERS AX GAS FITTERS, 5 NO. 130 WEST HAMILTON STREET, (GEOILGE BAAS' NEW BUILDING), ALLENTOWN All kind. of Gas Fixture Forcee best makers. Hydrants, Hydraulic Hams, Litt and Primps. DEEP WELL PUMPS, • Bath Tubs, Water Closets Circulating Boilers, he., he. Special attent'on given to putting up Portable Gas World. In town or country. MI work warranted. &pc 7-1.1 DUMPS! PUMPS! n P :rr ae Tali i we,giit, nti=, Wg Celebrated Cucumber Pump, made . of will encumber wood. entirely taste roc durable and re/fable. Not a Patent article, butlhe good old-fashioned wooden Pump, made by machinery, and, there:ore perfect and sect:ask, In all its parts, parte, raising an equal amount of water, and crating less than half the money. Easily arranged so as to be non-freezing, and in constriction so simple that any one can put ft upend keep it repair. After thorough Want Is acknowledged to be the 73aST Apo CO p u mp ,R Twel ch a rge.f tub ing with each u, free of Deal. Foxulid at lowed manufacturer. rate.. circulars, yr:collets, call or . ad- B. G. 13LATOHLEY, dresb nA No, MI Pitt tar Br. between oth and 7th and Market and Arch PhiladelPhis. Pa airkOEATB WANTED. 4 1. .V.VrKeW' • 4 - i - 11:1;;C11•••111 .•,1111. Cor. Sixth and Hamilton Sta., . Allentown, Pa. HAVE JUST RECEIVED AT MY (ALLRSTOWN, PA..) CLOTHING STOREnlarno lot of my thionnil Rendqunit ty pc...font fitting really made clothing from Iho Phlindol OM • which I will moll tlfty conta on the dollar cheaper than any other atoro In Alletown. GOOD QUALITY Satinet Coats, at itsco •• Cassimere Coats ' W ool 4.60 All at '• " Block Cloth Conti, • at 4 (A • • • • ` Cassitnero Vents, ••• at 1(10 • . (ondman Vests. " at 2.a0 • ' •• Pante, •1 I.(A • • •• Trials, at 2.21 " •• Cnasiniere Pants, at 3.00 •• Catssitnere Black Pante, nt 3,50 Whole Bulbs from 40.00 to MO) The best advice I coo give you is to call and examine my stock before you buy elsewhere. The reason why I can sell toy clothing fifty cents on the dollar cheaper than any other atom in Allentuvrn In be mum) I have two stores and I am coustoutly myself in Philadelphia with ready o buy them at AUCTION. FRANKLIN KNAUSS mar 31-3 m IC to. North Third Street, Philadelphia An I am permanently established in the Wholesale Notion and Clothing business at No. 12 North Srd street, Philadelphia. I would call the attention of country mar chanht to my large and extensive stuck of goods before purchasing elsewhere. FRANKLIN KNAUSS. I=l CASH THILADELPHIA. Illr'Samples Bent by mail when written for. THE VERY BEST - TEE GREATEST,. TIEE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND MOST DURABLE CLOTHING, KEYSTONE HALL BALLIET & NAGLE hive the largent, bent mud cbenpeist Mock of CLOTHINZ ever got up lu this city, cud boll Goods In tho Ir Me. inch COII.TB, PANTS, and all other Goods pertaining to 1311•8 WEA It FOR LESS MONEY, than you can buy elsewhere in Eastern Pennnylvania. No Slop Shop made Goods told. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. We keep constnntly on hood a inrgo nod elegant assort ment of 0001)0,•from which customerseau make their aeloctious and have them made up on short notice. Their Cutting Department is under the supervision of FRANKLIN RHOADS, Z.i'l::hirosusAlloeigti:ialf:g4 n o o r'l 7 n o tilvutfr i "d sir All work warranted to La at the very beet. Cell and ilea our new SPRING STOCK, received at the KEYSTONE lIALL, No. 24 West Hamilton Street TO ne xWNt door to the German Reformed Church, ALLEN , PA. A MI assortment of Gents' Farntsblng Good. always on hand. AARON BALL! T may ma Grocerfos, Vrobioiono, &c. THE BIGIIT PLACE TO BUT. E. FENSTERMACIIER, CORNED. Or TENTII AND HAMILTON STREETS ALLENTOWN. PA., le the place to buy all kinds of PROVISIONS, &c., &c., At e'en. prices, inch as APPLES. PEACHES dcANGES AND LEMONS POTATOES, SALT, Also, ell kinds of IMPORTED DRIED FRUIT, MT, MRS. PRUNES, ItAIBINS;CHERIIIM to, Alwayabn baud • good aaaortmenbof the best quality of OROMIES of all description.. Do nut miss the place. corner of Tenth and Hamilton. to buy good things at rimonable prie•• cog Sat • 111. TAMES S. BEERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CM°, with E. Albright, Eiq., No, Nit But Hamilton ptreet, Allentown, Pa. (Special attention {lran to eollactiona, ) marl7-ly ELI G. SCHWARTZ. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Knsuss' building, Sixth and Hamilton Stmts. opposite the American Hotel. Allentown._ ono English and German spoken. Collections to Lehighai Intl scent counties promptly attended to. ' mop • GEORGE H. RUPP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. °Mee, with lion. John D. Stile,, Allen. town, Pa. VET D. ILUCKENBACII, xrron. T • NEY AT LAW. (formerly practiced In Carbon county/. •a c e . No. —Yana Hamilton atreet. second deer. nearly oppoelte the Court Ileum AllentoWn.ra. Zday be convened In the German language. SAMUEL A. BUTZ, A'I'TOUNEY AT LAW. (Mee with P. Wyckoff, oppuelto the Eagle Hotel, ALLENTO\VN, PA. L EINIGH VALLEY FIRE NAMUR ANCE COMPANY. ALLENTOWN. PA. Oflee over Second National Bank. Insures property against loss by Ere on the stork mutual plan. C. b. Ikea. Pres% J. li. DILLINOZR. Bect'y. BEAUTIFUL LIFE LIKE PI C. TURES. CARTES DE VISITE% $2 PER DOZEN An negatives registered. 8. W. DURCAW. ALLEN TOWN. PA. iL'==.~~ ROPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. D 001 co with H. Kuntz, HK., Slatingtun. Lehigh county. Pa. Collections. In Lehigh, Northampton and Carbon counties promptly attended to. may 23-1 y E - - LISIIA FORREST, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Nu. Wext I 1 mtl• tou Arcot. Allentown V. J 812144( JU. OLIVER, ATTORNEY AT • LAW, Allentown, Pa. 0111ce, North Fifth street, below the Court House. Jen 14,.68.4 RUNT{ dr BALDWIN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Allentown. Va. Mice, No. 55 E. Hamilton Mean. C. M. Rum Linn 14.T.5411 F. A. R. DALDWIS. J. 310111 E. ATTORNEY AT LAW, E Mr. "LLIM,Vor;Zted ilmcfgat'lllllVl?" RCLAY HA NIERSLY, ATTOUNEY • AT LAW, OATABAUQUA, PA.. Jan 14-'644f T'THOMAS B. METZGER ATTOR- A. 'NEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, No. 111 Ewa Ilamilton Wed. 29-'6B E LIAS MERTZ, ALDERBIAN, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, AGENT FOR TILE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, SS Weet llamlltou St., Allentown. Pa. EDWIN AILBRIGIIT. ATTORNEY AT LAW. eight door. above the Court House, AL• LENTOWN, Lehigh cahht7. le. . feb 19•'6 •17 WILLIAM 11. NOWDEN, ATTOR NEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office, Cor ner of Hamilton street and Law Alley, south side, ALLEN TOWN, PA. 20-lt MIRWARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY J 12.1 AT LAW. Office, with lion. Samuel A. Bridge% ALLENTOWN, PA. may 147 - TORN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tp °Nice. N. B. Comer Mb gnd Hamilton Street. ALLEN TOWN. PA. may 1.17 ADAM WOOLEVEIt, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oaco. opcials the:roar! Ilouso, AL LENTOWN. PA. may 1.11 GEORGE R. MICHAEL ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, First door oboe Law Alley, AL. LENTOWN, PA. way AP.Om 11Cr C. EIUNSHERGER ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oraco, with John 11. Olive Fifth St.. rear of tho Court llowse. 4LLENTOWIL PA. pr. 21-17 LEVI SMOTER, ATTORNE LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, N. W. 6th and Hamilton Streets, Second floor. Particular _., lion toad to tho stittlenteat of Decodent estates. ColL. lions made &c 41111G -1r WI. C. C. 11. GULDIN. SURGEON .11-./ DENTIST. Offlce. over Mn. AI. A. O. Goldln's TO Trlmmlug Store, No. 34 Sant Ilumlllon Wed, ALLEN WN PA. • Gift Enterprtoos. COLUMBIA'S GIFT DRAWING WILL POSITIVELY TAKE PLACE MONDAY, MAY 24. $12,000 IN USEFUL & VALUABLE GIFTS! A SPLENDID RESIDENCE, VALUED AT $1,500 IN THIS! PRIZES FOR ALL ! SECURE YOUR TICKETS IN VHS ONLY t The Columbia Steam Fire Company of Allentown being desirous of augmenting the Treasury , bays inuulurals 4 a OM Enterprise on a mammoth scale, and this being THEIR FIRST appeal of this character, they earnestly hope for liberal encouragement, proseitang that aro enterprise shall bis honestly and fairly conducted throughout. • THE PRIZE LIST le exceedingly liberal, and made up altogether of useful and valuable gifts, among which will be found 41,400 IN GREENBACKS, A SPLENDID PIANO, S FINE CARRIAGES, A SPENDID SLEIGH, S SEWING MACHINES, (DIFFERENT KINDS I) FARMING IMPLEMENTS, A SPLENDID REAPER AND MOWER, THRESHING MACHINE, TREADLE POWER, STOVES, 4 different kind,. 'FURNITURE. GREENBACKS, CROCKERY, &c., &0.. &C. This enterprise la gotten u on a "Mammo th " scale. The articles to be drawn are a ll useful and valuable, hay- In. boon purchased of merchants and businomsnen of this Vflita i lig a gi i ritargvkl h n e itrt74ZZltt:trh d eg ' t ,36 . fore. The drawing In the Coon House in thin city will be conducted In afair and impartial manner,by dialsttere o 9d persons, chomen by theticket.holders themselvea 1113.. AGENTS WANTED In every locality In Lehigh and adjacent counties, who will be allowed a liberal per °out age on all ,Ides. Application P. for LEAII6SEOONIOIINO,A to be gent, made to IL RI P. 0, Box 444. Allentown, Pa. i Mline. Office In Elaine.' New Butiding,_three doors east of the Post Office. • A. P. ETECKEL, President. WO. IL Manisa Tram:mar. max., 40 Vans ttnb Craps'. VESTS REMOVAL. ANEWALT & BROTHER'S NEW HAT AND CAP STORE (Neatly opposite )isgettbuch'sWO JOSEPH NAGLE IL E. COM MUM AND HAMILTON BM, We would hereby announce to our numerous Mends and patrons, as wall as the public In general, that we have net removed to our new buildingutheast corner of Ighth and Hamilton Streets, specially erected to meet the wants of our large and tocrettaing trade, where we have now greatly replenished our stock In all that per tains to the Spring and BommeyTrade, to andntion of reiigleeggiood? latest most tub- SILK HATS, CASHMERE HATS, SOFT HATS, STRAW HATS, CHILDREN'S FANCY HATS,IMAKER • HOODS, LADIES' SUN DOWNS, In endless variety, which cannot fell to please all , at prices lower tha sustain Urea within the last eight years. We prerwse to the reputation we have heretofore ehjoyed of selling abetter class of goods, more of them, and at lower price., than any other house to Allentown. Feeling thankful foe the patronage heretofore extended to us, we will endeavor In the future, as In the past, to please all—furnishing choice goods at the very lowest prices. Our wholesale department, to which we invlte all coon. tau ggfob.R.,°:;,.l . ,4:ut.ag. exretttezff%urgd! t ,zirt°g=2 1: as el cleave) obbing examine the cll y. • Please roll need examine Our stock baton. Dnxuu• let, as we charge nothing for ahowing geofilt ANEWALT . it BROTHER, Now Building, Corner of Eighth and thunilton Bisaata, (MILT DOOl TO X. N. 1001110 C0../111LiDWAIN (TOOT.) Imam ws, !faith rtb, AT orner ALLERromr. PA avr 14 Ss
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