7C'ke gegiott,r, 11011T.IREDBLL. 31., MORGAN R. WILLS. Editors and Proprietors. ALLENTOWN, PA., MAY 12, 1800 0110 LAWS. Tho general laws passed at the last session of the Legislature have Just been distributed. The book makes 108 pages and contains seven ty-one acts. In addition to, these; however, Fifteen Hundred and Twenty-five private bills end resolutions were also acted on and of the whole number 1487 were approved by the Governor, 131 were vetoed, 70 still remain In the hands of the Executive, and 8 wore re called by the Legislature. The session com menced on the second Tuesday In January and closed on the 16th day of April. Each of the members received $lOOO and mileage. In addition to the componsatioareceived from the State many of the members received a bad character, which in some cases was no it ti b t deserved. Most of the loose o:,„b out bribery, corruption, etc., Is all .., 08 1 1 an d orig inates with those who 11° 7; c been disappointed in office or Win. There seems to be a desire on the part of many persons to cast odium uo 'lnt our Representatives by vague e l n u ;es, but in no case has any one had the courage to make good these assertions. The office of Senator and Representative in a com monwealth like Pennsylvania is one of pecu liar. responsibility and if the people choose to send weakaninded and soft-headed men there of course there will be some deficiencies. The members do not feel the importance of their trust and frequently, it is said, the House ap pears more like a play house for children than the Legislative, body it is in reality. Throw ing of paper balls, dipping lemons, In ink, and like disgraceful scenes, are entirely out of place, and yet must *be expected from the character of those guilty of the impropriety. We are glad to be able to state, however, that the last Legislature contained more than average ability and that many of the public acts are of the greatest importance. Of the bttWr class we may mention the Registry law —the net creating the board of public charities —the game law—act relating to dowers—the act allowing parties in interest to be witnesses —declaring Good Friday a legal holiday, &c. Hereafter no member or officer of either branch of the Legislature shall have the prlvil6ge of sending through the United States mails any letters or documents at the expense of the Slate. This will save the Commonwealth many dol lars, but will deprive the people of the docu- Ments they have heretofore received from their representative, unless such representative should be unusually liberal and pay the ex• pence out of his own pocket. HONOR THE BRAVE The 30th of May litts been designated as the time of strewing the graves •of the nation's dead with flowers. We trust the beautiful custom will long be continued, and that all who appreciate the sacrifice and devotion to duty of those who now lie dead in the cause of the Union will do all In their power to assist, at the, ceremonies. Four years have passed since pence was proclaimed, but as we look back it seems but as yesterday that the drum and fife was heard on our streets as our bine•coated heroes came marching home.. Alas I how many lett us never to return I As the roll is called, Dead on the field of honor" is answered to many familiar names. Scarcely a household but what has lost a relative or friend. Once a year, then, let• us decorate with flowers the graves of those who lie buried at home, and for the absent dead let the gentle tear drop anti the o,vres, Reeling us gsissussuu bear testimony that their memories are net forgotten. All over the country, in pursuance of the order of Gen. Logan, Grand Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, extensive preparations are being made for the occasion, so that at nearly the same time in all the States will those who aided "the Boys in Blue" during the war be again with them In thought and feeling. • JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT It seems to be generally conceded that the State Convention which meets in June will nominate Judge Williams for Judge of the Supreme Court. Since the appointment of Judge Willreis to the seat made vacant by the reaL;natkon of Judge Strong, he has given renewed evidence, if any such were wanting, as to his peculiar fitness for the liosltion. The means adopted to Insure his defeat in 1867 are no longer available in the hands of our oppo nents, and we trust that the vote of this Fall election may show conclusively that although Judge Sharawood was elected by a small ma jority, his election was only secured through fraud and corruption. Snowden's naturalize: lion mill failed to do the work in 1868, and the Registry Law will hereafter be an additional obstacle to Democratic success.' There will be a peculiar fitness now in nominating Judge Williams without opposition, and electing him by nu overwhelming majority. U. N. MARSHAL, Gen. E. M. Gregory, of Philadelphia, has been appointed U. B. Marshal for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, made vacant by the death of Gen. Ely, which occurred last week. We wonder whether our friend Biestand will be philosopher enough to give us another hu morous letter on the subject. The friends of Illestand, Leman, Frick and other applicants were early on the ground, but Gen, Grant, at the suggestion of Gen. Howard, appointed Gregory in consideration of his services duritt the rebellion and afterward as an officer of the Freedman's Bureau. The taking of the next census makes the office a very important one in many respects. , TOE Philadelphia Press, of May sth, gives us the following compliment:—" Since The Lehigh Register of Allentown has passed into the hands of the proprietors of the Norristown Herald and Free Press, it has shown a decided change for the better. Mr. Robert Iredell, Jr,, stays there personally to look after it, and it is but just to say that tinder hid able man agement it presents a neat and attractive appearance, Is ailed to repletion with interest ing news matter, while withal it is edited with marked ability." The proprietors can con scientiously say that no better local Advertis ing medium is published in the Lehigh Valley, and they solicit the patronage of the business men and others of tlio county, Aat received $B5O damages in the Berks county court last week against two persons who undertook to cure . a cancer or tumor on his leg. Plaintiff alleged that through the malpractice of defendants, amputation was made necessary, and that defendants were in competent to perform the duties issumed by them. There may be special cases in which suit and Judgment would be warranted, but we doubt the propriety of holding professional men responsible in damages where they act to Ate best of their ability, Tor. litstatorsn is the only paper which publishes the corrected 'offi.cial list of the num? hers drawing prizes in the Good Will Gift Enterprise. A PLEA FOE THE EIIieMILER. The golden Aye of the Johnsonites are passid away, for the mitey tailor is dethroned and the nlighty'soldier reignethin his stead. The enchanted Tom Tiddler's ground 113 for other men, and the delights and emolumentS of office render. radiant the faces and obese the pockets of the enemy, Can poor human nature bear this without. d groan? . When Matilda Jane preferred Snobson's carroty' whiskers to your chestnut curls, tell me, oh my friend,: did not poor harmless Snobson become a perfect fienll in thy sight ? When Christiana forgot she was engaged unto thee and went therconcert with Damon didst thou not then discover, oh Pythias, the conceit and Impu dence of thy friend? • Ono brother has fallen from his high estate and has bruised himself badly in the fall— elections. Let us bear vitt, hi m . Let us pity him. Let hint ;nimble. lle cannot forget how wisely 'and how well he bore him self.“l"ng tb.e rulers of the land, and there- I b ry Car:iot patiently behold the inferior per " Nuances of another—Ay ? inferior i he will cry unto thee, for did not I show unto the world my capacity ? Are there no evidences of it in the country's records, in the bright and glorious past? If with proud and defiant mien, he put this question to thee, Republican friend, we charge thee in the name of philan thropy—anger him not. The "stings and arrows of outrageous fortune" have been beat ing about him and he who dressed in authori ty (alas i too little and too brief) could make the very - angels weep—has indeed fallen if thou, a poor mortal, jeer at him and laugh. Even the Englishman claims the constitu- tional privilege of finding fault and deploring the degeneracy of the age. Shall we deny the glorious privilege to a free born American ? Never. Go on, thou grumblers. We cannot expect thee to 'see the blessings of a peace thou Last had no hand in making. We cannot look for thy approval of appointments which men tion not thy names. But we will try to sail on without thy help in managing the ship. It will carry us all safely If thou will only keep . forward and leave the helm alone. Wo dep recate any anger against thee—we say thou bast a right to grumble in the fore-castle, and to find fault with the steering. So that thou keepest thy watch, in minding thy business, and stirreth up no mutiny thy hot words will harm none. • We claim for thee thy right to growl and we say thou art to be pitied in thy fallen state. For thy King, Johnson, there remains a recourse that it is wonderful, considering his profession, ho has never thought of. "He can his (win quietus make with a bare bodkin." While we pity you, ye grumblers, and plead for you thus, we'cannot refrain from a word of admonition called from the pages of the im mortal fltakspeare. "Had ye hut served your God with one half the zeal ye have served your king," "He would not thus have left thee naked to thine enemies." THE Pacific Railroad is completed. The last spike in the rail connecting the Union and Central roads wast driven at 3.10 P.'3l. on Islonday. The event has been hailed as the greatest triumph of human energy and was celebrated in numbers of our cities by the fir ing of salutes, parades, etc. NEWS ITEMS. —The American Medical Association adjourned heir session at New Orleans on Friday last. —lt is stated that General Canby has decided for holding of the Virginia election on the first Tuesday in July. —An Omaha despatch reports a battle between Sioux and Snake and &unlock Indians, near South Pass City recently, nit says 29 of the Snakes were killed. I=l Saturday, and 45 horses and mules perished. A medical college adjoining' was damaged. The total 10138 Is about $25,000. —The Governor of Massachusetts has appointed Mr. George Walker, a Boston bank president, com missioner to negotiate a State loan in England. Ile will sail with Mr. Motley. —The Spanish Minister Laving informed the Secretary of State that the steamer Quaker City was about to leave New York with war material for the Cubans, ordershave been issued to prevent any violation of the neutrality law. —A despatch to the New York Herald says, that fifteen steam gunboats are to ho constructed at Mystic, Conn., within three fiionths, "ostensibly for the Spanish Government," but it is rumored they arc really Intended for the Cubans. —Gen.. John Ely, the newly appointed United States Marshal for the Etuiteru District of Penn sylvania, died at Philadelphia, on Tuesday night, of suffocation caused by bleeding of tile lunge. The deceased was a married man, about 55 years of age. —Admiral non; in a dispatch to the State De partment, dated May 1, says Rafael Estrada, 'an American citizen had' been released from prison at hls request. Dr. Simmons was confined for aiding the rebels. The Penobscot had been stationed off Clllhariell and Bonedlons to protect American property. • MUNDANITY. In the neighborhood of Goldshorough, N. C .nro ore 1170 acres of land devoted to the cultivation =I In Loudon, 15 diamonds, weighing ono carat earl, aro womb about 6010; ono diamond, weighing 15 brltiga from j 12.000 to•*l3,C X. A ppeelal mission hag In charge the work of planting a Voting Mm's Christian Association at every Important station ou We P.M° Railroad. Algeria being menaced by locusts, the Govern ment lutA offered COO for every 230 pounds of their eggs. These eggs will be crushed anti burled with quicklime. The "Southern Opinion," of Richmond, Va., the elr out-and-out rebel paper left mouth of the Potomac. Las been compelled to .uspend Its publication for W, =1:11 Tl o City Coanell of Daltlmore has passed no ordinance 'raking It itidawful for tho prOprlator of any bllllard saloon to allow minors to play therein, under a penally of $llO for tho Oral, and for ovary mubsequent offentio. I.nmartino had the tame hairdresser for 18 years. This wise barber preeerved the superfluous hair clipped froth the bond of the poet, and ho bi now enabled to atrpply all his Mende and admirer++ with u luck thereof—for a con sideration. The Loma of the Elector of Hesse,' confiscated with tho rest of his property by the King of Pruneln. were recently veld nt auction. A Ilemilau officer bought two of the guest, and Immediately shot them dead, to prevent their foiling into other bonds. A Bau 'Francisco paper says that the fare from that city, 717, mile., to the end of the Central route la greater thou froth thO end of the Central, via. Omaha and Chia, go, to Now York, 42.1n111e5. alio Central charges la per tulle to gold, or *77.50 to 411 Lake! A mu who lately sued a lady for broach of promise, was offered 1r.7:1 to settle, "Ikhat!" he cried, "two hundred dollars for rained hopes, a shattered mind, a blasted life, and coda bleeding heart! Two hundred dollar* for all thin! Never, never! Make it three, and It's a bar. • The caaltler ofOne pf the largest Insurance Com pastes In Paris Itatiembortlea a sum of 1,04030 francs., Ito has boon 30 years in the Oorupsuy 'a employ. The' chairman proposed to lamb the matter up, nod offered to pat down nearly Gf0,01:0 fresco toward making up the de. falconer, but the other Directors refused. . • Potato speculators in some sections of the ea tait ry have boos badly bitten, and sea disposing of their smelts ate great sacrifice. A Midas.o ono.r says that farmers In 'portions of that State aro obliged to sell potatoes at 16 cent* per bushel, far which they refused $1.60 last Fall. They hasp a yery large slosh' en hand. • Tito Ilighlandom costumes fprc4l l dran are going out of fashion in London, Of Into there Iran been a run upon naval costumes, st 4 Ills not an nutmeat thirty to meet a five-yea)-old boatswain ha the park, whistle and all complete. accompanied by his name. who draWs a par. elnbulptor. Into which the hardy sailor le put when ho • wools to clasp, • Tho city authorittee Or Boston, have purchased aeeecal Reams of teen hlnra.neete, to be ettschod to the trees to the parks. They aro an liagllsh loysellop, osed exclusively for speuTows In Great DOWD,' The now Pre to a variety of forms, and aro so constructed that rho bird. catiltatolt their Toner, be protected from 'the weather, and data iioss 114 Intruders. They *reattached to Cho limb of a tree by a wrote, and era militated from the bottom. , Tile Mtuienetinsotta Legislaturp'priimm toproi. Whit card•plainly on railway tralni, and give the con ductors power to hied all players. nits Is to prevent gatabllng andeonidence CITY NOTI The Cartoon Democrat imps, " We hear that there has been, a tremendous excitement ln Gin Dry Goods trade in Allentown dining the past week. yoster's Now York City Store, just opened,. has been fairly packed with people. They aro selling goods. at chord half the prices other merchants charge for them. 'One of two things 'sum), either our merchants in this locality bare been charging us outrugeoris profits, or else Foster, at Allentown, is selling less than cost. As be says ho is making money oven at his low prices, we are-forcCd to ac cept the flret conclusion, and we think it tint right to advise all our people to go to AllentoWn to trade with Foster, at least till other merchants con form to the now order of things which this New York City Store has established there." One thousand Pianos of Haines dz: Brother, New York, were sold In one year.' Not only arc they the cheapest piano in the market, ranging from $375 to $5OO, but have given universal satisfaction throughout the country. Only for sale at O. F. llerrman's Music store, 7th and Walnut. Allentown has an extensive china and glassware establishment where as great a variety and as lqw prices can be found as In the larger cities. We refer to the new store,of Richard Walker, No. 40 West Hamilton street. ' J. W. Ckwell, corner of Seventh and Lin denstreet,s, Allentown, manufacttirer of Flom•, and Dealer in OttOn, Feed, Coal, Wood, etc., sells coal nt Lehigh prices. All articles delivered free of cost. FlO-3m Linderman & Sons' Gold Medal Cycloyd and Square Pianos are considered by the most promi nent musicians In the country a first-class instru ment In regard to durability, fullness and bril liancy of tone. They sell One Hundred Dollars lower than either Chiekering's or Steinway's ; aro In every respect as good, If not superior to those, and are warranted for 5 years. Number of refer ences in affirmation of the above' can ho given from citizens of Allentown, Lehigh or adjoining Counties. Come and examine them at C.F. Herr mann's Music store, 7th and Walnut. " Idon't rare anything about Life Insurance,' said a gentleman to us the other day. " Ilow much do you know about it 1" we mike " WOW" be replied, “I don't know anything about it, and don't care to." Such a man don't desem the benefits of Life In surance, and, unless his eyes arc opened hi some way, ho isn't likely to receive them. But It Is curious to note the fact, that all men who are not Interested in this matter are those who do not know anything about it ; and that as soon as an Intelligent man comes to be at all familiar with the workings of the system, he acknowledges It to be a good thing, and a thing ho would like to be Interested in, whether he goes Into It or not. You know "The American," of Philadelphia, Is the beet Company. The Agent is Dr. William J. Romig. Meet Mimic': Books, Music Port Folios, Strings, or anything belonging to"a regular 'Music Store, can be had cheaper than anywhere else, at C. F. Ilerrmanu's Music store, cor. 4th and Walnut streets, Allentown. BUSINESS NOTICES Spit, Spit; Mu*, Ilasek.—Why don't you use Wolcott'. AMIIIIILATOH—pint bottles sl—and get rld of Catarrh 1 'Tie .old by all droggirto. .tt your Druggist don't have it, sand $5 to Dr Wolcott, 170 Chatham square, H. Y., and you trill got pint or PAIN PAINT, Or sir pints of ANTIIIIILArou, free o express charges. Mors Economical, Remarkable Certainly of prompt sell., in fact: every good quality is guaranteed for Mrs. B. A. ALLEN'S Improved (new style) Hair Re storer or Dressing. (In one bunk.) Every Druggist sells R. Price Ouo Dollar. JUT. OCOGL(Z BUM MIMI Isle Lva nrr.rse s from you andand them to beall they are recommended to he I found otw bottlho afford me considerable relief, I fee an though I cannot do very well without them under m) present Into of health. D. Masion, No. 14-18outh Sixth St., Philadelphia. Pastor Baptist Paasytink Church. O VI• O :4I , e c n o I u r . HEETZ'S erfnudfng adrertleentent ir Art Invaluable Preparation.—The attention of oar readers to directed to the advertisement of Dr. L. (I. O. Wishart's Pi. Treo Tar Cordial, for the .ro of Consump tion of the Lungs. eta. Thin invaluable preparation has met with such an increased demand durluithe past yore. tho proprietor has found It necessary to increase the faell ties for manufacturing, and has now ono of the largest Laboratories in Philadelphia, nod Ins recently removed Ids salesroom to the large and commodious store, No. 2.%1 North Second Street. Philadelphia. Some of the largest Patent Medicine dealers in the United States say the do mond for Mahan' a Pine Tree Tar Cordial is greater at the present time than any other Patent Medicine is this coun try. Scrofula, Sall /Mauna, Sktn and Female Mame, Varrauled red.—Seo teatimonlal libthinienv Towsoure, Lehigh Co., Oat. 31, 1815:3. It Ix with n grateful feeling that I fool able to make tl I lowing etateinent for the I;enellt of those who are Ruff% trig from Scrofula and other. Chronic Dleneen, My wife had been suffering for nevem' yearn from tumors or swellings on her neck which niter a time would gather and discharge matter, leaving n running more. She bad been treated for more than a year by must eminent phyeb clans without receiving any permanent benefit, hordinease becondug.worne, until she bad Son of theme running gores au her neck, when I employed Dr. 11. D. Lougaker; under where treatment she commenced to Improve very fart, the Boron on her neck to heal, and all her unpleanut and did. agreeable symptoms gradually to disappear, mall her health was restored, which was In about fear mouths. I feel perfectly justified, after having tried the treatment of oilier physicians in recommending all those who aro suffer ing from Scrofula or Chronic Diseases to Dr. Lougakor for medical treatment, with a firm belief that they will be sat isfied, benefited sad cured thereby, ho my wit. has been. [Signed,] JAMES HAMNER. Dr. 11. D. Lonitaker'a office lo on the Etmt nide or S reel, between Hamilton aud 'Walnut, Allentown. The More, the Merrier..—Peoplo wed to talk high prices.. something inseparable from big ntoren. Oak 11011 has done much to do away with that Coolish prejudice by giving a live example of the Largest Milting Ilouso in the State selling good, netho lowest prices. And men aro coming to nuderntand that the truth in Jmit the reverse and that the hennas doing the ;nowt bunions and no requiring tho Inmost aCcommodatloun ere the ones who eau and do sell Die cheapen;. In this an In everything else, except In courtship and marriage, the more, the merrier." The merriest place lu town is Wauamaker & Drown' ., S. D - corner Sixth and Market Streets. AT ENN YOUTH'S, BOYS" 4t: CHM, nnear . x BVnixn AND BUMMER CLOTIIINU. OCH A.OUTIANNT (a now full and complete, we hails every desirable, kind and size. EVENT ONE CAN BB noirEnlifrom the stock—we hare all the different style of cut, adapted to all tastes. In cluding the medium and subdued, preferred by many, an well as the latest and most fashionable style, • OCR LARRY euables us to lieeriat Uwe q assortment. so that all can be fitted qt once With out delay.. OUR PURellAsed ALW•Ts IIFINiI FADE FOR CARE, and haring purchased target!, of' late, since the de cline in Woolens, our customers share in the ad vantages we have them secured. OrE NALRB RHINO FOR eitall EXcuiaIVELF, we have on bad debts to procidefor, and are not obitged to ta.r . the paying customer to make up losses through those who do not pay up. Ova RHADT.MADI: 0 Aftlir.NTA are anyerf or to any other flock of Ready-Made goods in Aftadelphla, any one oan be as torn fitted from them as by garments made to order anywhere, they fine as well loade, • and equal In every respect. and touch oheayer. ➢e[ny manufactured ' • • B. tan lIICNDREDe AND THOURANDN, they can be sold cheaper than when made tip •tngly; but for (h. accommodation of those who weer: toe have also A CUSTOM DETAIITMENT To NUMB UP TO OROTS. with a shape se ;cote ft stook elf piece goads, compricrnp all styles and ounUties, Foreign and Poorest lc, which will be mode up to measure by oonipetent and ea - perienced Cutters and Workmen in a style equal to the beef. Brerim, Notice.—Style, fit, and make elf our garmenti eurpaseed by none, equalled by Jew, All price, • guaranteed tower than the bowel eiretchere, and Jull eatteactlon guaranteed every purchneer, or the sale canceled and money rt./loafed. • A FAIR TIIIT ea +LL WIN ARE. Unit 4 belwoca BENNETT a, CO., TOVIRUILftL, • tilF9l street, his M•RISICT RT., £m neeS • • • 4 1 CD 000 )L 0 AL • BIBLE MEETING: The Lehigh Count Olhlo thickly Will hold its annual County Meeting on Whit Monday, May 17th. lichoiner'• Church, Hanover pwnehip. In the forenoon a sermon on the ITO Caeca will be n reached., In the afternoon All those Vito! ' ag:trlnnlaloTpaitlit!'iNiwir l ho tnogi'9ll.la la attend. The differeg uogirregalione Qf Lehigh County. are Invited who received eontrihnt one tower Ai the close, eau aced the saute with their delegates and band (Lehi to the Trots, titer. mny 80.14 H. r, TREKLER, The language of nature and areporleiteb demon-', strates that whoever wonld enjoy the pleasures of food, the bcautios,,of randacapq, Major, qj sorry:Can ionahlp, the rielierfof literatnre,.,or thb hononrof station and renown must preserve (Mir health. The effect of foul, Injurious food entering the sto mach, Is to derange the digeelivo organs and pro duce headache, loss of appetite, unrefreshing sleep, low spirits, foverlatt tannings, „etc. which arc the symptouis of that. horrld'dlseastS, Dijspepsia, which mumbles ri`..thonsand• shaped, and pointtfto ward a miserable life arid premature decay. PLANTATION BITTERS will prevent, overcome and counteract all of these effects. They net with un erring power, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage. .r", , . I$llOllOL IA WATIIII.--gopOrtOr to (hobos( lingotlini aer man Cologne. and sold at hal(tha price. . Sprciat Notices. To, H.EMOVE•MOTH PATCHES, FRECRLES aud•Tne [ruin the faiio, min PRAWN MOND AND I:771&gl I"9""i"nirbYDo.l 2 : rY . Bold by ;IM ._ BLACK WORMS AND PWPLEB , ON taco, URO COMEDONR AND PIIIPLII mud- HOT, prepared only by Do. B. C. PERRY. 4B Uand ntroet, Now York. Sold everywhere. The trnde nupplle.l by Wholenale Nedlelnellen.lern. . nuul.-3m*: FOR ERRORS OP YOUTII.—A gentleman who ant feted for years ,from Neryous Debility Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscreden, the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the remit.: end direction for making the simple remedy by which lie wan. Sufferers wishing bi profit by the advertiser experience can do so by addressing, In perfect confidence, • ed JOHN r S B. °UDEN, No. 42 Cai., New York. TO CONSUMrTIVES.—The udvertinor, having been restored to health In a few weeks, by n very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, stud that dread silhease, Consump - tion, is anxious to make known to his fellow nufferers the means of cure.. To all who d4 , :ts it, ho will a copy tf the prescription used (Deo hem% with the direc ion's fur preparing and mann to saute, which they will find . a sure cure for Columniation, Asthma, Bronchitis, &o. The only object of the advertiser In sending the Prescrip tion Is to beuellt the afflicted, and spread information which ho COUCOIVOS lo be invaluable; oud be hopes every mutterer will try his remedy, an it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Ir, _ kEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH _xtreated with the utmost SUCCOMP, by J. INAACPI N. D. Ad Professor of Ilifeases of the Rue and Ear; (Ate ape lolly) fa the Medical College of Penneyleanto, 12 Beare experience. (forounlY 0( Lord... Reiland,) No. ea 3 Arch street, , Plilladelphia. Testinionlals can be seen at his 011 " The Inethrui faruitY are invited to accompany their patients, an tin has no secrets lu hle practice. Artifi cial eyes inserted without polo. No charge (or examina tion. inn 27-IY's* rtor. HAMILTON'S MIMIC/MD STOP COUGH. CANDY! Slade from extracts prepared In Va.° —a certain and. effective remedy for Coughs. Colds, Ilearsoneas, Sore COUGH I Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis and Con . , sumption. Those who try—always use it—cure their Colds and avoid con• snmption.d nu early grave. Prim, yl2 rents. One million sold annually, and sold every ter° aral by all druggists in Allentown. lfebl7-(110.• • A GREAT REMEDY eon VIII Mtn OP THROAT AND LUNG DISEASES DR. WISILARI"S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL In (ho vital principle of the Pine Tree, obtained by Ilnr process in the distillation of the tar, by which et s medical properties ore retained, is the only safe-guard and reliable remedy which I, been prepared from the juice of the Pine free. Invigorates the digestive organs and restores WO nick, I istretigtheus the debilitated systole. It purities and ostriches the blond, and expels from the system the corruption which scrofula breeds on the lungs. It (Baselyes the mucus or phlegm w i hich stops the air- P.OOKCH of the thugs. Its healing principle acts upon the Irritated surface of the limas and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and subduing inflummUitm. It Is the result of yearn of study and experiment, and It In offered to rho afflicted, with the positive assurance of Its power to cure the following diseases, df the patient has not too lung delayed a resort to the plenum of cure : Consumption of the Lungs, Cough, Soto Thread and Breast. Bronchitis. Liver Complaint. Blind and Bleedisig Piles, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, ha, he. Wenre often asked why are not other remedies In tho market for Consumption Coughs, Colds, and other Pul motiory affections equal In Dr. L. Q. Wishart'a Pine 'rreo 'far Cordial. We answer -Ist. It cures, not by stopping cough, but by looseuing and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, causing Irritation and cough. Must Throat nod Lung Remedies aro composed of anodynes which allay the cough for awhile, but .by their constringing effects, the fibres become hardened, and the unhealthy fluid, coagnlate and aro retained in the system. causing disease beyond the. control of our moat eminent phyalciatia. hid. The flue Tree Tar Cordial, with Its assistants, aro preferable, beeause they remove the cause of Irritation of the moult membrane and bronchial tub. a, eaglet the lungs to act and throw off the unhealthy secretions, and purify the blood. thus sciontilically making the euro perfect Dr.. Winhart has GO file at his office hundreds and thousands of Certtficoles, front Men and Women al tinquestionab/e character mho were once hopetess/g giv en up to die, but through the Providence of Gott were completely restored to health by the Pine Tree Tar Cor dial. it Physician in attendantoe who can be consulted lu person or by mail, free of •charge, Price of Pine Tree Tar Cordial *1.60 per Bottle , gal per dos. Soot by lixpross os receipt of price. Address L. Q. C. Wlshart Al. D. No. 232 North Second St, Philad'a, Pa. ape 21-S mses Q.CUENK'S PDLMONIC SYRUP, SEAWEED TONIC and Mandrake Ville will cure Consumption. Liver Complaint, . and Dyspepsia, If taken. aeoordinx to directions. They are all,threo to be taken at thematic, time. Thsy slettasehe stomach, relax the thee, and Sint it to and mt.* , good Clinniii . ii:a7Fitrai Genius (0 grow In ttisiii the diaensed matter ripens In the lungs,.and the patient out grow. the disease and gets well. This la the only way to cure consumption. To those three nuvlicinea Dr. I. ii. golienk, of Philadel phia, owes his unrivalled SUM,. 11.1 the IrentlilOnt il pul monary consumption, Tre Pulmonic Syrup drone the morbid matter In the lungs, untureihrows it off by no easy expectoration, for Winn, the phlegm Or metier Is ripe, a thecough will throw it MI, and the patient him rest and the lungs begin to heal. To do this, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills must be freely used to cleanse the atomach .d liver, no that the Pulmonic Syrup and the fond will make good blood, Schenk ./t Alendroko Dills net open the liver. removing all obstruction% relax the ducts of the gall.hlonbler. tho bile Marts freely, mid the liver in anon relieved; the iclool. , will show what Ono Pine can do; nothing has ever been Invented except calomel (a deadly poison which la very dangerous to me unions with great care). that will milock the gull-bladder and start the serrottous of tho liver like Schenk's Mandrake Pills, laver Complaint is one of the moat prominent carmen of Consumptio. , Schenk's Seaweed Tonic Is a gentle stituniant aunt alter ative, and Ono alkii II in the Seaweed, which thin prepara tion is mode of, assists Ono Kb:1111,401 to throw out Ono gastric hues to dinned. the fond with the Pulmonto Syrup, and it is made into good blood without fermentation or Komi. In the stomach.. The great reason why physicians do not cure comm.- lion in; they try to do too much; they give medialnn to atop the cough. to stop chills, to stop night sweats, hectic fever, nod by . 'doing they derange tie wlinio digestive powers. locking up the secretion'', .d eventually the patient Multi and dies. • Dr. Schenk, in his treatment, does not try toatop• cough, night sweato, chills, or fever. Reineve (Inscribe°, and they will all stop uy their own accord. No ono can be mired of Consumptlon.,Liver Complaint, Dyspepaln, Catarrh, Con ker, Ulcerated Throat, unless the liver and stained; two made healthy. If a persn has Conaureptlen, of contr. the Menge In some way eta ellseased, either tuberclea, abscesses. mondani Irritation. please adliesiOn, or ON AD AIR are a mass of In linitniailill and fast decaying, In mich Ms. Whitt must be done? it in not only thalituttit that are wanting, but it Is the - whole body. TIM stomuch and liver have lost their ?newer to make blood alit of food.. flaw the onlYelnance in to inks Schenk's three medichien , which will bring app a tone to the atomach,. the patient will begin to want food, It will digest easily and matte good blood: then the patient begins to gain in clash, and 'as soon as the , body bnifill. to 5 , ,, •, ,, , i, ,, , , , b. 1,... c0,...0 to heal up„ and the patient gets and well. .Thie is the only way to core Conatimp lien. Wiintl'tilero inns lung Macßae, and only Liver Coin Plaint and Dyspepsia; Schenk's Seaweed Tunic mud, M.dralto Pine inlv, inefficient without the Polmoule Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freely in all billouscomplaluts, ns they Iwo P Y4?. ' ll i cte h u ' l7, ' •!t i.. l% .. lots enjoyei,uninterrupted health for many years past, and now weightilltiPottuds. Woe Waged away II 11.111er0 abOirtiln, In nlnn very last Ma of Pulmo nary Consumption, Ida physicians having pronounced bin case hopeless and abandonallit in to kis fate, Ile was cared by the uforesaid medicines and sin. bin, recovery many thonsanda elmilerly nallata lieve.andal Dr. Fu l l prep. mations with McKanic retuarkaW /AIM.. Full direction. accompany fall, .Inalt u It net • oletely necesaary to per eonal it. sole Dr. ellenir, Malin tlO plitielltS wish the lona Ti Uni l n e ? . OllV inintilVdotTr° he h!rihl2°,l•7" boal 1 la r tte " ;e l ' t i er inni;ice ' must ee ' ti ' d'il . r:inal. "ill Ind =4- n atonally at No. 3 . 2. Boud Street, New York, every other Tuesday, and at No. it Hanover Street..Doeton, every other NS ednesdiny, to gives advice free, but for a thor ongh ogniptuntion with Ms Reapirometer the price In 61 M. °Lilco hours at each city from U A. Al. to 3 P. DI, Il Dn. J. 11, SCHENK, Id N, at„ Philada., Pa nar 1.0-Iy*** COMMISSION & SHIPPING MERCHANT No. 216 South Water St.', Chicago, 111. ggirratticular atteutiou givott to Bantam ahipman. REFERENCES) . 0. W. Butts & Bra., Chicago Einegl4 Pn. CAP. Erdman, Centro nIIC '. Canhier Euntou WA). )Ronk; Nounei ti llinbut . a.C i o i4 l 4 o! West-nt., New x ork ; Bushookr & ro F an johulloor. Mend ton; Pa, Ut i n fig .i i.r . l ei T;' , wrij.y Lynda. liarrintmiw, VA. John rft inn nc , coare. ow.. county, Pa. Jinw.pl) I nog V).l3+ STREWING OF FLOWERS. To the Friends ft, Deeensed Soldiers • . • Tho O. A, IL, Post No. 13, of this . city, have appointed the undersigned ,Commlitoo of Arraugotuoutn for thin city, In procure it complete and true list of Soldiers, Sailors awl Mariners burled lu Cemeteries la and near Allentown. The nine and record of each will be eugrossed ou a NOLL OF HONOR, MI kept for future referouco In the cerement°. of Strewing of Flowers on (hair graven. ' For (ho above, purposn wit call on their heirs an ti. Kende to toad the Name, Rank, Company, liegluteut, and Date, Flom and Can. of Death of all such Sentient. dtc., to either of the Committee without delay. The Decoratiou will take Oar° May Mtn. . Cuntruffirs—W, NV, Ilanteraly, T. 11, flood, A:WAWA pir, V. Moth, JS. linnabergq. : r • arm 144 d . .. . . N reiC Eof . h o. changedthe s r resdeCe l wAill_l ap le bi ao l E n n f teP. rtlhne wom n. h i a t y of their where.beuts. The Drawing will ponitivety talc place May 21th. By order of the , • • ~ • • apr :,•if ' COMMITTF , S , FOUR HUNDRED FAR M ft FOR lar;tgl to f r g °`°w lt r t `. l FT:to Improvement., flood leiaA! and nentmarkets. • Them farms ore situated In Virginia .and Maryland, some In the Immediate vnity' of Wash• iniSou and other's fnim !Alto 31.) miles distant from the CAP- Its . Address or cation J.l). 0 A NOWERN, 4A.9 Mansachu- Avenue. nou Sixth street, Washington, D.. 0.• TOP TIM E cOMIVIA T DON'T MISS '4IIS CHANCf ! ! " FrIBTHAR ro,9TPONNMENT •• • Tll4 Ala NXOBREI of MO Clolambla's Gift Buterprixe are l inteWtgnAbriftrtgraedd_nlrfigr'Cilltr"vlir take sou. ffy woo hale no pureuasedmketa.bould el h m (m to bo idi. t IS ki!, ttt Pr".111?_1 1 4111 [IIIIKO their return. of moony, eupheate. aud r welsh. uu. aold a few day. before the driving la °Met tomato prep. • &ratione for the same if/Waffles having elstml. atalunt the Baterpri.e are re• y t uret r ZAVa l u b t,thesu to at thobaeloess ofacatainintl . Y. 7 ° . apr 11 IfgriktOlural. 134494114 RAW BONE ii/r SUPER PHOSPHATE OF STANDARD WARRANTED. We offer to Barmere aid Dealers In manures the premut *canoe our RIM Bono du per Bho•Phaio of Limo ae being • highlyl etproved. It Is not necomary at this day, to argue the claim, of this manure, as a uaeful 110 d economical application for CORN, OATH; and all aiming crop, The article has a reputation of over fifteen yearn ,lading, and Is still manufactured by the original proprietors. Pawners will please mind thelzardars lathe Dealer 'early as tide only will Insuro a eupply. BAUGH & SONS, SOLE • MANUPAOTURERS, 001 en. No. 03 South Delaware Ave., =I WE HAVE NO . TRAVELING AGENTS.. Farmers and Dealers who send their orders direct to as can avail themselves or the LOWEST .PRIDES Awl save the Commission. Early orders will lso adyao tar:soon to buyers. • ALLEN & NEEDLES, WANITYAOTVRISItIi or IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, 1=171113 AMMONIATED FERTILIZER PERUVIAN GUANO. We sell only. No. )—recelved direct from the Government FISH. GUANO, A apleadla Manure packed In barrel• We also offer for sale Puns LANDPLAITIIR, HYDRAULIC D CIiMENT a N nd a •foll,a sEALEßS .sertmont of otra and Candles. A ISCOUT TO D ALLEN & NEEDLES, 42 SOUTEI DELAWARE AVENUE, I= 611TADLIBIIIID I 1848. [fob 2313 IMPORTANT TO FARMERS! CALIFORNIA AND OREGON SEED WHEAT AGENCY We ftuminh Farmers glib the BEST SEED \MEAT IN TIM WORLD Perfectly free from tneeettform or other Impurities; grown from AUSTRALIAN nod CHILI deed, yielding, on good SIXTY BUSHELS TO TILE ACRE E=l 65 POUNDS TO THE MEASURED BUSHEL. The Ears of Wheat, when mature, are usually eleven twelve Melia' long: lifir'Put up and meurely nod and ended In linen Dap and emit by mall tree , to all part■ of t h e eollatrY, on re eelpt of prier. COMM F)AMPLES 10 CTS. EACH I DSOS We. and $1 BACH Or In larger qu►utltlos atrarsou►blo rates, I= CALIFORNIA AND OREOON SEED WHEAT AGENCY, SAN FRACIBCO, ob 10-Wit B sbww.n , si COMPLETE MANURE, EM2I=IIEO HENRY. BOWER, Chemist, PHILADHLTIIIA Made from Super-Phoaphate of Lime, Amon ia and Potash WARRANTED FREE FROM ADDiiERkTION. • Thla Manure coutaln&ll the elements to prodtme larg crone of all kind.. and la highly recommended by all who need It, aim by diennaulshed chemlete who have,by n Lays's, tested Its pnalltlea. Packed is Bags of 20011 m. each. DIXON, SILIRPLEt3S 44 CO., AGENTS, 89 South Water and 40 South Delaware Av =I For sali, by WILLIAU REYNOLDS, 29 South Street, Ilaltimore,.Rd. rot Information, address Usury Bower, Failadolphia. • fob 10-'OY4y earptto anb Oil gioth. pEBSONS WISHING CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS. WILL "FIND - IT S ADVISABLE TO CALL ON E. H. GODSHALK & CO., 723 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELf.HIA, And 'view their Stock and Ammo Slue goods at Low Prises. • spepl-2m CARPETING& . . .• • .s. 1 .1 •• ,• • We awl now reontalng a lam* Mock for BPRIiO SALIM LOW CASH. • LEEDOM & SHAW,. NO.' 910 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPIIIA. . . . anarlOakt antrb. WANTED TO BENT.O-41. . MOUSE TY • roltablo for • family of throe pemorm. App MB. ly at .25.tf 11118 °F WANTED. -..A LOAN OF 010;000, L 7 the Alloolowe School District: For Distenhirs spy. y to the undersiSced. seyeLlt• • 3: Y.lll,l`tkPat.-AT:M. T wvrieninbtlit, • A. Prpeeler of WATERMAN'S COCKTAIL AND TON. IC B IT TERS,S Wholesale mid EMAIL No. 1100 Markel St,, P At a tarflOtroporiles of lhesel3Blerg i lse lea e amlllted to bi some ?four plod erolanentirlelt I iti4N`Peti: prliitg,llll 4 ol:i Ade. oa — toed en orwhiskY ESTAIILINIFED IN 1810. • FANCY DYEING. turrita !asuman% W. AWE% • - Nn. 419 NordA Frant otrd44. aboa Cattore►tU; ME:=! . . . . . Dye Bilks. Woolen 'and Pane* Genie or every' 'rtericrip.. lion. Their mike*. ity of Dye l y Lollies mod geritl: Garment. lo widei3r 'mown. rape and In STUIO libnri dyed the mai brilliant and p n colors. Coln@ and KS vino Shawls cleansed to lor e k i. ign o e r w r i . llto ukir d te olo :4 ittneekFm a girriot:Ok like new. oirErifi and look at nor wor kbaron going elsewhere. .. . ,usiirllrlirti ILtgal Noticro 1211=11 _ VOICATE OF , WILLIAM IVESCO; late of Lower Mid:angle township, Lehigh eountT. :deceased.—Notteelaheroby aiven that letters tostantentary 'moot, said. estate have boon cranted to tho undersigned. Jlll persons . Indebted to said estate ore requested to make hosing vOOllllll4 weeks•from the date hereof, and those hosing ChtiMX mkt present them Only authenticated for settlement within Mut above sheathed time. BBNJAMIK K. KECK, Executor. • OFFICE OF TIME LEIII.GII ZINC • COMPANY, No. 311 'Walnut Street, • PIIILADIMPHIA, April vs, 18m. Tim ininual meetlon of 'llto Stockholders of The Lehigh Zioc Company arm be held et tho Company . ..Mice, lo Philadelphia, ou WodnosdaY, the sth day of May next, at 12 o'clock M. fon tho purpose of electing Soren Directors tuserve for tlienanaalcut year,• awl to trammel any other basil:less that may colno 'before t eeting. OORDO I A MONMitl, Treaeurer. A EDITOR' Fir TIIE ..ca.tmArrea OF THE ACCOIINT• OF AMANDA J. BCIIAADT, EXECUTRIX OF TIIE LAST WILL, Ac. OF MARINSCIIAADT, DEC'D', IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF LEHIGH COUNTY. The undersigned Auditor hereby gives notice Iliot ho will city all parties Interested In maid palate ot Manlike, In the city of Allentirru. on THURS DAY, 11M1311, day of MAI, ISM, at 10 o clock, n. nt., to audit and re•netllo said account, and make disttibution of the balance remaining lu the hands of said Executrix. apr 48.91 E. J. MORE, Auditor • MEM NOTlCE.—Application baying been made to Judges of the Court of fliterterttessions, held in and for the County of Lehigh on (ho 10th day of April, A. D. HAP, by the taxable inhabitants of the township of White hall, In said county • of Lehigh, to have the territory In which they reside formed Into a generate and independent Selma District, and not forth the boundaries of said dis trict, no follows, to witi--llegluning at n point where Lehigh street, If pniduced 11111141111 VA line, would Inter sect the River Lehigh near the Dokendanona Dote! (lain in (ho occupancy of S. It. Price), thence westwardly ulong maid Lehigh street and In the middle of the, same to the corner of llokendunqua Helmet District, thence by a line at right angles to the 111 , 1 t mentioned line south-westerly to (ho middle of a public rood leading from Cotasanit no to W 1116.1.111 Church, thence eastward ly along the middle of raid public road by a contitinntlun of the came straight line to the River Lehigh, then tiorthwerilly up the said river to the piece of beginning, nail prayed the Court to appoint Commissioners to view the premises and report their proceeding to the next term uf said Court. Where upon•the Judges of said Court appointed JOAIIIIII Stapler, David tieheirer nail Jonathan Reichard for said purpose. E viewern will meet on the 1411 n DAY OF. MAY NEXT, o'clock a. 01., at the public house of WILLIAM G. MICKLEY, . said township of Whitehall, for (ho purpose herein-Im mo mentioned. SIIIIA STADLER, D VID SCHEIRER JO THAN IIEICILtRI). apr 29-td AUDITOIt'S NOTICE.---1 NTII E mailer of the 'hooey paid loth Court in the Es tate of John George, dereoxell, due the heir," titemmel, itecease,l.—ln the Orphans' (Mimi of Lehigh Courtly. The undereigned auditor heroin , given notice. that he will meet all portion Interested In said estate at hie office, In the city of Allentown, on WEDNESDAY„ the. 56th day of May, lAD, at 10 o'clock a.m., to audit and distributo the following num of money, paid Into the Orphans' Court aforesaid, arising from the sale of purpartn of the real es tan of John Oeorgo, decwasod, duo to Mary Hemtnel, daughter of Peter &sumo!, who wa tontenuariod with sister of sold John George, deceased, w it:— Poles and Rod Orosn (Odeon Ilunsicker. • •• • • BenJunlo donmel John Croll IMZI3 AUDITOR'S NOTICE.---I N THE matter of the account of Caroline Trine, Admin. istratrix of Me Estate of Alison Trine, tote of Lynn township Lehigh county, deceased.—ln the Orphans' Court of L ehigh County. Tho uudorelgued auditor hereby given notice that ho will meet all Toughie Interested In /laid notate at hie omco iu the city of Allentown, on TUESDAY, the rith day of May, ISM, at 10 a. m., to audit and ro.aettlo old ne• haunt, and make dixtribution of the balance remaining lu and. of the Adminlitratrix. may 6.31 W. D. LUCKENBACII, Auditor. 'Etta. Paper anb Stationerp. CLOSING OUT OUR STOCK OF WAW.L PAPERS At tbrißookand Stationery Store. No. 31 Weal Hamilton Street. below Eighth. Now to the time to get your rooms papered at a email coat. 13.1dOtiS Own 9.11 E . moss : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL P.(2.2IV6SLWRIIIIVRL..T:I;I4IjO3 I 4SiACc..7I , UI cations, Agent for the celebrate!' BRADBURY PIANOS We have tko best, largest and cheapest stock of good o title line, la Lehigh County. No. 81 West Hamilton Street, below Eighth North side. Jan (14f ANEW PLANING MILL. The undersigned hereby inform the public that they^ have erected a NEW PLANING MILL on NINTH ST. •BETIVERN LINDEN ANA TURNER, Where they are prepared to make all kinds of wood work for houses, such as Doors, Shutters Saab, Window and Door Erato., Mouldings of• all sizes, as well as Diann Floor Boardeof aliperiptions t also, Turning of ill.'l e I ee are I.‘ will o n ho a l h 'o e f "Tr ilil d" o lr f °. ; d o r i t7t t h a t : h e neW machinery of the latest style and pattern. We are also doing all kinds of Scroll Sawing. • By strict attention to business and moderate charges we hort, tra m ceive d share of the Ornate. ELL & LIES. ELM= CONSHOHOCKEN BOILER AND COIL WORKS. ,JOHN WOOD, JR., MANUFACTCRER OF TITS, FLUE AND. CYLINDER BOILERS, BATH AND STEAM CIROULATING . BOILERS, All kinds of Wrought Iron Colin, Tuyern for Bloat Var. naoe, Onnoineters, Smoke Shteitn, Utast Pipes, Iron Wheel barrows, and everything In the Boller and Sheet Iron Ilea. Also, all kinds of Iron and. Steel Forginge and Blacksmith work - , Miners` Toole of all kinds, such as Whom Buckets, Picks, Drills, Mallets, 81.110% &c. Having a Steam Hammer and set of tools of all kinds, nod skilled workmen, I Satter myself thnt I can turn out work with promptness and dispatch, all of which will be warranted to be first-class. to lx . f i ltgg Boners. and repotting generally, strictly QTRATTON'S PORTABLE AIR GAS SJ I MACHINE. SAVE MONEY Br MAKING YOUR OIVX OAS. THE CHEAPEST LIGHT IN USE Onslfachine fur Illuminating Hotels, Private Residences, Stores. Mills, etc., Is simple in construction, consumes all thernaterial used In the manufacture of gas, an d i s so cheap.. W hrlug It within the'reach of all. It It free front explosions, can be managed by any person, and produces a superior light to all others at eau-bait the cost of ordinary burning gas. NO FIRE IS APPLIED 7'o THE APPARATUS. It can be attached to ordinary Min pipes and fixtures, the only variation bei In ap para tus nlargement of the hurnerJets. All parte of the are made lu the most thprongh and workmanlike 14112111er. BUPOriOrilY over all Machines Is claimed in the following particulars : First, Cost of Construction. Second Illuminating Capac ity, Third. Compactor , . and Simpl i city and consequent 'lmpossibility of Ito lettingen( of order. Fourth. Economy Iss use of material. A machine capable of supplying toss burners costs OM. win e of A git t sgrsnrati b„a lw iltirsgu:s7P'odnatWell7;inq'g Lehigh county. C. W. STUBER, • WALNUT STREET, CORNER OF PENN, (ADOVE IMILILNIIIIRO coma:010 ALLENTOWN, PA ♦ptl4Lf Jar St& ttnb XI), Let PTO LET.—A REASONABLE LEASE 1 will be given on tho Easton Slate Quarry, !situated In Plainfield township, Northampton county, Pa., near Stackertown. It consists of number one gat-vein, Lino, never-fading elate.'frilly equal to the well-known Chap man Slate, with a good water power and a full rigging of pumping and hoisting machines, Persona desirous of an opportunity of this kind will pletuto examine for them aelvee, and apply to Reuben Koch, Slackortown P. 0. mar 9, 'll3 0. L. SCHREIBER, President A RARE CIIANCE:—Tbe right to mann jOlL facture and apply a patent cement roogng the counties of Carbon, Lehigh and Northampton Is for sale. Thle roofing to the next aubstEnte for tick being cheaper and (Aylmer° filtrable, is not 'acted noon by inin or heat. and has been prouoanced by the Examiner of Patents at Washington the most complete roofing. yet invented. fie w i teit t bo gold together or separate..trpgliat FOR . MALE. ••. . • A VALUAULB CITY PROPERTY ', A lot on Lawrence etreet, In the oily of Allentown, 113 by HO feet, on which Is erected a dwelling house; 10 by ' 3 feet; Ale°, a two•atory frame factory, containing turning !elites, holing 111.11111 CM, circular and upright o, i ii maws. ltr.e.; ono engine boost, 10, 114 31 feet I a good 12 borne power engine p a °lntern, 10 by 12 knit a wet o never-failing ureter; ',tabling, end a variety of choice fruit trees, Will be sold tile reaeonelde price and on reasonable terms bY r . - • ' $ , % • • 000 D & RUBE:Agent, STOCK OF DRY GOODS FOR BALE.-The largo and well selected stock of DRY (1001)8 of Asa M. Hart, decesead, is °Mann Yon BALE Parties wishing to purchase can obtain a lease CT tho store and galore., The No.BlBPcon street, Is one N M the best to s city,J. Reacting. having been occupied as • DRY 0000.1 STORE Tor the last FORTY Y RAllB,•and , the stock is universally acknowledged to be • one of thr CLEANEST AND la the conntcy, For f".""l " rtic'!a" brd§ D. HART Executrix, spell 24-ft Readings in ASSIGNEE'S SALE. • Will he sold at public salo, at Wm. M. Kistler's all In Lynn township, Lehigh countY. 'ON SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1809 At 10 oolong, "A. Y., tho following Penman' Property W. M. KISTLER, BANKRUPT.: body. Xtrg Bob Ear Z i at t ej horse Farm %moo, will nose, Whikill..Plowe,.llarroiiergagehttor:o4lll." , . LOT OF LUMBER, BOANTLISG, Plank. Saw MW Saws, Grindstone, Millwright Tools. Carpenter Tools and Benches, lot of Load Pipe. Beans Sado Platform; Se ythes and &wads, ands Dumber of other arti er used about the saw mill grist mill sod fann,, too mint.. so to mention. Conditions made known on day of sale by , . . SAMUEL 7. KISTLER,. W,_ li. LtICKENDAC 11, Asaigne• of Witt, MKletlsr, bankrupt. . 4164 6447 . 4.1 ri IitIEMEffEMOIII DEE AT COST, DEALER IN jaectanico PATENTRD MARCH 3113 T, 1968 Clotljinfl OUR STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING D lho CHEAPEST. and the • .11E8T, DEVLIN* CO • BROADWAY, CORNER OF GRAND ST., BROADWAY, CORNER Or WARREN ST., NEW-YORK. • OUR DOYN 9 AND •YOUTDN' :NUM for DRESS or SCHOOL PtITPO.ell aro din most taste ful itt tho market, DEVLIN . & CO. BROADWAY. CORNER OP GRAND ET., BROADWAY, CORNER 02 , WARREN NEW•YORK. OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT IS filled with tho tuna and tho hr.t EUROPEAN and AMERICAN FABRICH, DIN LINK CO. BROADWAY, CORNER OF BRAND ET., • BROADWAY, CORNER OF W RE W-YORKARN ET., NE: OUR CUSTOM CUTTERS ARE MEN of TASYB and ABILITY, and unsurpassed In lholr Profession, DEVLIN A CO. BROADWAY, CORNER OF BRAND ST. BROADWAY, CORNER OF WARREN , , NEW-YORK. • OUR AMERICAN YORE SHIRT t•vels all °them In EASE, ELEGANCE and DURABILITY. DEVLIN /k CO., lIROADWAV, CORNER OF GRAND ST., BROADWAY, CORNER OF WARREN ST, NEW-YORK. LUll W LI (ll CENT. below other HOUSES producing the Immo Ilia agouti., DEVLIN & CO. BROADWAY, CORNER OF GRAND ST., BROADWAY, CORNER OP EW- WAR YORENRK. ST., N WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS et CO., =EI WHOLESALE AND• RETAIL CLOTH ROUSE, NO. 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET, (111MVIIIIN MARKS? A 111) COMP= WM.) PHILADELPHIA Constaatly oa baud a large sad well assorted stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS9, VESTINOS, &c., ADAPTIID ?O MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, AT LOW PR10E..4 gir Storekeepers and Tailors aro especially invited to examine our extensive stock of Cloths, Coatings, and Tailors' Trimmings. apt 14 zaatcips, 3033eirp, &c. 'HENRY HARPER, • 520. ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Ilan a large stock, at tow prices, of floe 11'.I TCHES, JEWELRY. NOLID RILERRA PLATED SPOONS, CASTORS, MOMS, Ac apr 7-3 m TN , CONSEQUENCE OF THE IMAM hich in J,nuary last destroyed their store J. E; CALDWELL & CO., JEWELERS, hv e : i ltd:r e d n o ti e r szcially to their order In Europe and in • NEW STOCK OF CHOICE GOODS Which are now °Paned and ready for examination. - VERY:PINE PARIS MANTLE OLOOILS, (Every movement with Ito new Improvement, ) NEW SIDE ORNAMENTS TO MATCH , Entirely new • BRONZES, GROUPS AND FIGURES, OORIIAM MANUF'O co.'s FINE ELECTRO WARES. BEST STERLING SILVER WARE. New designs WATCHES, JEWELRY, Sze., Ake. A full assortment at very MODERATE PRICES. For the present at 819 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. • " march IWO/ ,lyro KELLER A: BROTHER,. NO. 27 WEST Eltal t ILTON ST ALLENTOWN, PA. TIME KEEPERS, A LARGE LOT FOR SPRING.TRADE ALSO. CLOCKS, well regulated and warranted. All alma ;tad prima from o•Words. • larger amortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, than eau be found In any other store In the city. LADIES' AND GENTS' WATCHES. . JEWELRY OF' ALL KINDS, I=3 EAR RINGS, BREAST PINS. aud• ' FINOENEINOS SILVER WARE, _ of every description. such TEA SETH WATER PITCHERS, WAITERS, WIIVIT DISHES, OYSTER DIMES tAKE BASKETS. • • Largo and small CASTORS, SILVER SPOONS LVER FORKS, end everything in the SILVER WARE L\ ME. LADIES' AND GENTS' GOLD PENS. sl r d r e ad ex aubecke. amine our stook, All of which will be o d fo air-Watches royalred on Short Notice. uley 19-tf . KELLER A BROTHER. WATCIIFAI, JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES. S. MASSEY'S, No. .23 East lismilton street, oppoeite the Geremu formed Church.. Just reeelved from Now York aud l adelphte, all the latost styles • -GOLD WATCHES. auditas the largest atol bait wortmenk of Gold Watches, lower prkea Una can be found elsewhere. SILVER WATCHES. He has a larger and better assortment of Silver Watibea than can be purchased anywhere also. GOLD JEWELRY. • Ile lite the largest and best assortment of all kinds of Odd Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELEY. andb.. a Jewel ry d boUer assortmeno e l sewhere.ds of 011 t. aud Plated titan ca n be found SILVER AND PLATED WARE., Ile him a. splendid assortment of gllver and Plated Ware. tiarxrson dew i desiring goods in his Ii us eon not tail to ba CLOCKS A larger auortment than at tiny. other establishment. MELODEONS: • ' A splendid usortment of Prince's Malodorous, the best la the world. ACCORDEONB A sPlcildid awortmeni of all hinds oi l imordeons. nix establishment has lately been fit u and is now second to none'. )(ow York and rhila sluts ! j end ahead of anythin ontaide the largo cities. He has a r r stock of fashionable goods in Ids lins than all others lir Lehigh county combined, To convince yourselves of the above. call and sr*, apr 21-2..
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