- 4 • I • ..0 Yon want, fillet& get a good allied . . get rota , 911 , 0*NeaiNt+4 zur " Ltl "4" .1 0 This 1i natural and right The quesiiint` ' ' hi whereto buy It in to yourridt- 4 SONAL interest to I , 94 8. aPzirfoloyri splitf 'There% o ga A IV daft PhD *dolphin •an immense es tablishment to Malta Oast CLASS CLOT.IIINOY rind' to make it titieaper. than, OUSTOMAD.Y. The ma terials are ''bought DI BECT from the best Amer ican and European Man ufacturers, and thus con siderable it 'eisied:'..l%ll. prices aro paid to wyrk men, so as to ensure sub stantial ' and aittadtiams garments • the salesmen and fi *if .gaochUkat CllB ain e v erfpp, upon t cal, and eery ef fort is nilid4 to"plesee Bud suit patroneott se to scam. as well as make custom. The result of combinedatk. dustry, .tystorn and - closa appridatiort of nil the eni ployets;late • secured ' a model establishment, a 8 UPER4OEItiIp ot plotb.., ing, anil ERl' MODER ATEtrieelti..:, i .',/.',; This Ilouse is located at the CORNER of SIXTY bT , and sa lly:aids from aisnazt .49;•Miston STREETS, -and,is now the moat extensive concern 'of the i ind in Philadel phis. o i l, Yosae asked to p *lse and eh r!tsc "ifs this en.. 1 1 4"' We hada; ~--:!\ lot— title Rend y.nindo ,;CL01111146. • id— pepillepartmont nirdnfhl'' and - : .I,llbys' Clothing. Id Cullom *prim eat tolninke to 01414. 4th— Gent's. Furnishing. Varge iarielP, WAN ]Ol4o' OAK gA t Lfa, S. E. Cor. Market, 24/LADEPI:II4: ffir-It will be well worth a visit, whether yon , went to buy or not. Ott" Sanlfileksint by , mail or express when de sired. (oet2-3m CONI3IIM'T/ON , 01:MAHLK BY DB. SCHENCK'SIrm.,t ) XO*` , TEEL titi* TO CURE COlFrlON;theeliatem must be prepatcd so that tholungs •heal..To accinnplisit this, the liver and stomach meet fled be cleansed and an appetite created for good wboloome food, which, the!ci modieinet digetted properly, and goR blooti i tua r io; lbw building, tuz the Cehithfulldnil SCIICNCICW MANDRAKPI rtrlt3 cleanse the etomach ot all bilious or mucous accutnu• tallow; and, by wing the Bett"Weeti Tonle 'ln con neofff.thluregiotlte isrestoectl. •- seIItReVICMI.I4ONIC strum to initietous • s 0011 - a ratalftnal, ond, by using the three remod'et, itll'•inipurftiat aro bxpol:ed from the eistem; and good, wholesome blood made, which will repel all dlrease. 1•1 patients will Miro there medicine:. accord i",,,ll4 thaw, 'Robstintidleii frenticutlY In to 11 1, It*YieldstintditArether,nctloe. Take the ; piths tropically, to eleanre the liver and stomach. It deis not follow that bornase the bowels aro not cos- Owl thole are not' required, for rometitues in Warrtura they ore nececiers. The etomcch meet be kept' healthy, and an appetite created to allow the Put- Astnio kelt to "doe titer oloiratory organs properly: . and allay uny Irritation. Then all that is inmired to - perform a permanent cure is, to prevent taking „it 4g • NiPreitte about the rooms 114 ranch BA possible; eat all the richest cood--tat meat, game, and, in tact, anything the appetite craves; but be particular and zwualbille will. • . MIL woes. me. 2yr. T HE SATURDAY EVENING POST IBBAUTIFUL PREMIUM ENGRAVING. ABDUPEI;O•RRICES TO CLUBS. The Saturday Evening Posy gives a beautiful eu gravitlglriamed "ONE OF tare's hAPPY wonne" l ---26 inches long by 20 inches wide—to every sing 0(52.50) subscriber, and to every one sending on a Club. It will commOnee, in the:first number ofJanuary, anew story, called "The OUTLAW'S DAITGIITER: A TALMO,/ THE SouvuwEsr," by Emerson Bennett, author of "The Phantoni of -the :Barest," "Prairie Flowers," &c. This will be followed by other Serial Stories from the Beetr-tAtkors. Shorter Stories Essayst Shot:A ce, piktorii,lA g ricultiiral Artiola r ie,;:aretelso kegn larly sent. The Posr is Isientral in Politiabbbing 'exclusive ly devoted to Literature and does not disoess Politi eel `or''` 4 4ebtirlan qaastions—leaVlng these to the po litical ancVreligions press. It offers among its Premiums, Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines, silver Plated Tea Settit, Spoons, and Pitchers, Gold:and SilVet Watches, Doubleßar rel Gone, Allen's Rifles; Melodeons, Clothes' Wring ers, Appleton's Cyclopedia!, &o. New subscribers who subscribe now for./1987 will have their names entered on the list of TrOr.r WIT at _once-and receive the whole year 1807 besides! • wz• Et mi. mg 1 copy (and the Premium Engraving) $2 50 4 copies 5 1 (and ono gratis) (and ono gratis) 12 00 (and one gratis) 28 00 8 it 20 " pne copy eaoh of Post and Lady'; Friend, i 00 Thu getter up of a Club will always receive acopy of thei:Premium Engraving. Members of a Club wishing the Premium Engraving must remit ONE DOLLAR extra. - tzt..ThOse'desirous of getting up Clubs or Pre mium Lists, should inclose ilvo cents for sample pa per, containing the particulars. Address IF PETER SON & CO, 31,9 Walnut St., Philadelphia. SPECIAL NOTICE ! Reduction ! Reduction ! A_T - '.SITIAIT,B7S MAMMOTH STORE.,: Two doors above the Eagle,sotel. V EY offer for ealo their entire ne4 etceitnf DRESS GOODS st.greatly reduced prices, such as, Dress Goods in great variety. Shawls, Drool's, Thibets and Blanket 'Shawls Balmorals and Hoop Skirts. Prints, Shootings, Cheek and Tickings. • • Flannels of every quality, color and Style, very low. • • Men's and Boys ' wear. Such as Cloth, Cassimere.lL,Jcan, Debtor's Drown Linsey, ,te. Drawers; Undershirts and Knit Jackets. Carpets and Oil Cloth. . A full assortment of Groceries!, Country produce taken in exchange. Greenbacks never refused. Remember the. place, follow the crowd, delay not and call early, we guarantee it to your advantage. SIIIMER BROS. EAGLE . HOTEL 227.110rth Third Street, . •.Beitneen Race and Vine, • PHLLA.DELPHIA:v T"J4LbScripare respectfuly, :inform the public gehniany that they haire 'been keepitt the elvers well-known Hotel for the last two years, and it is their latention•to make its'home, superior to any in the city, .of the same class, which they.ts , Dove will render general satil festion to all who may patronitlO them. • The house is located in the centre of business,and contains One Hundred and Twenty Rooms, is mean fated to accommodate over Two Hundred Guests. 'Charges, s2.oo.per thy. nola-6m] RIERL & DOUGHERTY, Proprietors. AbliliN - TSTRATORS' NOTlCE.—•Notice is hereby given that the under, gned having taxon out letters of Administration with the Will annexed, upon the estate of , Leonora Wolf, lute of. the borough of Allentown, deceased,' therefore all persons who art,tildchted to said estate, araroquast.' ed to make payinent . wititin six weeks from the date hereof. and such who have any legal claims •agisinst ,aid estate, will present them, well authenticated, fodiottlomont within the above am-allied - •- • FREDERICK WOLF ,) • • : 'WILLIAM WOLF, 4 # 0 .", " 6 _ ". - , MEMIIMEMI fteciaL,Noticem. 4; Out stock of 31on's, Youth's and Boys' Clothing is the fullest and most complete in Philadelphia. Prices are lower and. nearer those of old times than for several years. , 1 Half way between ' BENNETT t CO., . FIFTH and TOWRII HALL, SIXTH Ste. MR Diarket Street,, = lIIM MEM GENTLEMAN who suffered for years, from Norv- Li. one Debility, 'retuaturo Decay, and all the ef fects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sako of suf fering humanity, send free to all who need it, the rd- Gip° and directions for making the simple remedy by atniek he was oured.,Pufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's oxperionoe,.can do so by addressing JOIN B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chamber street, N. Y. (.IIA nut-Iy] LIVERY young lady and gentleman in the United . States can bear something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge.) by address ing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, N. Y. ME The advertiser, having been restored to health In a few weeks by a simple remedy, after having eutrered for several years with a severe lung after lion, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anx ions to make known to his fullow-aufferes the moan of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription need (free oicharge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which tboy will' find a aunn cults for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis; Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affectioris. The only object of the advertiser in sending, the proscription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread Information which he conceives to be in vainable,.and he hopes every sulZpror will try his -emedy, ae ii will cost them nothing, and may prove a ,lessing. • Parties wishing the proscription, veal, by re ,pre mail, pill please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings go., N. Y. U ant-1y) The Great English Remedy. CELEBRATEDIEMALE PILLS. Preparedfire a preeerfption of Sir/. Otarke,if../) ' Phyetoian Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable niediolue is unfailing in the aura of all those painful and dangerous 'diseases to which the connitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, from whatever cause, and a speedy cure may ne relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES the p artioularly staid: ilt will, in a short tine, bring on the mcnthly period withVegularity. In all cases olNeriCus and . Spinal Affections, Pains in the BaCk and Limbs, Fatigue on slight ex ertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other Means havefailed; and although a powerful reme dy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing,hurtful to the constitution. /Pull directions in the pamphlet around each pack age, which should be carefully preserved. SOLD BY ALL, 1 - IFIBOCIDITB. PBICR $1 PER BOTTLE It is the fate of every oalwibie Medicine to be COUNTERFEITED, Be caution', therefore, and see that the lettere "T. A: H." are blown in the Bottle and that,each wrapper bears the Fao Similes' of the natures of I. a BALD WIN IL" CO., and JOB MO SES. '443...Without which, none are Genuine. N. B.—One dollar, with Eighteen cents for age, enclosed to any authoriasd Agent, or to the Sole Agent for the United Stares and British Do minions, JOB MOSES, 27 Ooitlandt Street, New York, will insure a bottle containing 60 pills, by return mall, securely sealed from all observation. april3-yr] 0 00 8 00 The Wcnderful Magnet• A magnet so extremely strong To a Down Easter does belong, That (as he says) a litt c lad, Who in his hand this magnet had, Made some huge bars of railroad iron HIM after him, us.if somexiren; Witord, oefairy, had bewitched 'cut, And, thus, on the freight oars ho pitched 'eta, But more than a magnetic power Draws customers to Bennett's Tower, ERRORS OF YOUTH STRANGE, BUT TRUE, TO CONSIWPTIVES PROTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT SIR JAMES CLARKE'S SPECIAL NOTIOE Dr. MARSHALL'S Catarrh Snuff. Tins Snuff has thoroughly; proved itself to be the best article known for curing the Catarrh, Cold in the Bead and headache. It has been found an excellent remedy in many oases of Sore Eye's— Deafness has been removed by it, and Hearing has often been greatly improved by its use. 'lt le fragrant and.agreeable, and GliveS liiiinediatcs Relief to the dull heavy pains caused by diseases of the head. The sensations after acing it are delightfu. and invigorating. It opens and purges out all uh.. struotions, strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy actiOn,to the parts effected. more then Thirty Wears' of sale and use ofDi. Marshall's Catarrh and Mead ache Snuff, has proved its great valea'for all the common diseases of the beak and- •at this-moment stands higher than evertbefora. • . It Is reoommended bY manj Wf the best physicians, arid is used with great succitint . ittpd satisfaction everywhere. • - • " . ' READ THE CERTIPICAtEEI or Wnouramtai Dituaanis IN' 1854. ' The undersigned, having for many years been acquainted with Dr. Margail'a Oataerah and Head ache Sine, and sold it in our wholesale trade, cheer fully [tate, that we believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendations given of it for the cure of Catarrhal baootione, and that it is decided ly the best article we have over known for all com mon climates of the freed. Barr A Perry, Boston Barnes & Park, N. York Reed, Aneton A Co., " A. B. AD. Sands, " Brown, Lamson & C 0.," Stephen Paul A Co., " Reed, Butler A Co., " Israel Minor A Co., 44 Seth W. Fowl., 44 M'Kesson A Robbins " Wilson,Fairbank & Co:" lA. L. Soovill A Co., 44 Ilenshaw,Bdmand a Co "M.Ward, Close A Co. " R. 11. Hay, Portland, Me. l Bush A (lola, 14 lit4P•Por sale by all Druggids. Try it. April 13. 1888. ly— 1.4E-HALTESTREIffTIL LIFErIEII--STREINTIi, LIFIFIRALTII-STBEETIL Hundreds and thousands annually die premature ly, when, if they would give the Great French Rem , edy. DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILLS Prepared by Farunciore & Dupont, No. 214 Rue Lombard, Pal* from the prescription of Dr. Juan Delainarre, Chief - Physician of the Hospital du Nord on Laribolsiere s fair trial, they would find immedi ate relief, and, in a short time, be fully restored to Health and Strength. It is used in the practice of• many eminent French phydeiansi with uniform success, and highly recommended as the only posi tive'and Specitio Remedy for all persons suffering from General or Sexual uebility, all derangements of the Nervou 'Forces; Melancholy, Spermatorrboia or Seminal Emissions, all Weaknesses arising from Sexual Excesses, or youthful indiscretions. Loss of Muscular Energy, Physical Prostration. Nervous ness, Weak Spine, Lowness of Spirits,Dimness of Vision, hysterics, Pains in the D and Limbs, Impoteney,..to. No language can eonvey an adequate Idea of the immeliate and almost miraculous ohange it ma -81003 to the debilitated, and shattered ardent. In fact it Mende unrivalled as on unfailing cure of the maladies above mentiOned. • Buffer no more, but use The Great French Retie dy ; it will effect a cure wl.ore all others fail, and although a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurt fill to the most dolloato constitution, Pamphlets, containing full'partioulars flnd direcs dons for using, in English, arenob, Epanish and German, accompany each box, anti also sent free to any address.wben requested. Price one dollar per box; eix boxee for five dol- Bold by ull Druggists thr3ughout the world; or will be sent by mall, securely sealed from all obser vation, by enclosing specified price, to siny author- Lied agents. Beware of Uounterfeits and Imitations. Proprietors' exclusive Agoras for America, OS CAR G. MOSES di CO.. 27 Courtlandt Bt., N. Y. Authorized Agents for Allentown, BARNES & SON; Bethlehem, EDW. T. MEYERS. [apr2-3y 1 . 1 ., 1!je ,L.A_; r:11. 3141 Corrected iVeekly by. Weinaheiosor, - .Netohord & Co Wheat Flour,V bb1.15.00 RyeOhop, yI 10016 e. 2.30 Corn Meal,* bhll 6.26 Wheat, 1111 bushel; ' 3.00 Rye, " , 1.50 00131. ' Oats, . " 821 Cl d, " 7.00 Tlmotbyeeed," ' ' 450 " 3.00 I Dried Applea," 8.60 " Peaches." 6.00 8;OTION :ore lo altli and vhzor. stop the endmiona, and effect it permanent care after all other medlclnea have felled. Thirty•tWo to pa go pamphlet seat lu a aaalod envelops, free any address. i'riao h2per , bottlo . or three bottles ibr $6. Sold by all druggists; or will be sent by croon to any portion the world, on receipt of price, by the of solo proprietor, Dr. W. R. NCEWIN, 37 Welker 134,71. Y. Cherokee Remedy.. .. /118 Cocos al Urlit 4i , Com. plaint/Nell: Orneeid:riftam motion of . the Bladder and .;, -.. ~ Kleinert, Retention of - •" ...,:ee ) 1 ,, ' Urine, Birieilifee of the .: ~ 4 -1 , 4 I L , A. i rethra, Dro_peicat Swell .•, V: . ~..._, ' .nOsairich .'SlietDe4peeite;: -i• and ell &semi that require a climatic, end when media • --- eonjunotlon with the - . CHEB,OKEE INJECTION, • does not fell to on Gonorrhea, Glett and all Afti cous Discharges Iti Male oV - Female; miring recent cases in from one to alive days, and Is especially recommended in 'those eases of .Fluor dibus or Wham in Females. The two medicines used in conlenetion will not fail to remove this disagreeable complaint, 'end In those cases whore other wiedicipes have been used without success. Price, Remedy, Otte Bottle, s9,Three Bottles, $5. " Injection, " " 59, "" ja The Cherokee "Cure," "Remedy," end " Also lion" ore to be found in all well regulated drug stores, an d . are recommended by physicians and druggists all over the world, for their - Intrinsic worth and merit. Some unprincipled dealers, however, try to deceive their customers, by selling cheap and *athletes compounds,—fn order to nuke money— in place of these. Be not deceived. If the drug. eke will not buy them for you, writs to us, and we will send them to you by 'express, securely peeked and free from otservation.• WO treat all diseases t• which the human eystem issgbject, and will be pleased to receive fell and eiglielt statements from those who have felled to receive relief hereon:ire. Ladies or gentlemen can address us in perfect oon ,lldenoe. We desire to send our thirty-two page pamphlet tree to every lady and gentleman in - the land. Address all letters for pamphlets, neselicineg, tar advice, to the sole proprietor, ODr. W. B. 31:811Witi. 87 WalketBt. N. Ti Lion Hall Clothing Store. Great Inducements n Ready-made CLOTHING. 500 Overcoats, 500 Dress & Business Coes, • 1.000 Pants, 1000 Vests, WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN AT Breinig & Leh's Lion Hall .fit''ilys Orphans' Court of Laugh. County, 'ln the matter of the account of Jonathan linexr, Omen lE6i:rt. 'Lind 'Mti'ses Ilcilman, Adin'rs of Andrew Knorr, Into of the township of Lowhilf, dee'd. Now, Oct., 1, 1866, on motion ol'Air. Rolben, the Court appointed Elisli.Eorrest, Esq., as auditor to audit, mid if necessary re,settle the said account and report distribution, • . ` From the records, Teste..—Ono. W. HARTZELL, Clerk. The auditor above named will attend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday, the 29th day of November ' at 1 o'clock, in the afternoon, at his otliee, in the borough of Allentown, whore all parties interested are required to attend. FORREST. Auditor. Penna. Collegiate Institute and military THE Looks for enbneription to the Stook of thisln JL etitotion aro now open and in the hands of W H. Blower, Bey., for inspection, and the citizens of the Borough and all others who feel an interest in this school, are earnestly requested to call and ,tib scribe liberally during this week, so that the of ject may be attained as spccdily.as possible. 'By order of the Committee, " " Atteet: E. J. KOONS, Sue y DIVIDEND. ALLENTOWN NATIONAL BANK, t Allentown, Nov. 0; 1866. ) A semi-annual dividend of b pet. sent., clear of all taxes,'out of the profits of the past six.months, is due and payable to the stockholders, or their legal representatives, on and alter the lfith Inst. By order of the Beard, • CHAS. W. COOPER, Cashier. tiov6-3w] ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-=Notice is hereby given that the undersigned having taken out letters of• Administration in the elpte of JESSEIII:. YOUNG, deceased, late of Allentown Borough; Lehigh County, therefor° all persons who are indebted to said estate, are requested to make payment within six weeks from the date hereof, and such Who have any legal claims against said estate, will present them well authenticated for settlement within the above specified time. Al Maims to be presented to Mary Ann Young, at Allentown. Oct. 10 PRIVATE SALE —OF— Store Goods. T•IIE undersigned offers at private sale his entire 1 cook of merchandise, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queenswaro, Hardware, Notions, .10. The stock is well selected, and will be eold on easy terms. The \stand can bo rented, and is the best in that section of the county. For further particulars inquire of • P. G. SHELLY, 00t30.3t Vera Crus, Lehigh co , Pa. 1 Mllton.Roader . In the 'l3 . oert.of Com Pleat s ~ , VB., of Lehigl? . Co . , of Sept.. Term Henry. Williams. No, Domeslci , Attnahmotit. • NOTICE is hereby givetr.that the Undersigned have boon appointed Trustees by the Court un der the above writ of Domestic attachment. All persons, therefore, who are indebted to, or Wire in their possession any property belonging to said de fendant, arc notified to make payment, and deliver the said property to the undersigned, and all credi tors of said defendant will present their respective accounts or domande to the same. lgge,gQ dozen, 80 Butter, V 4 lb. 40 Lard, , 20 Rams, 4, - 20 Bacon " 16 Beeswax; It 40 Potatooe.V . bushol 80 Beans, 44 2.00 Balt, " 1.28 Salt,ln sacks, 3,20 Ilay, per ton, no Straw, " 104 11IrARRIAGE AND PELIBACY, an Essay' ILL Warning and Instruction ter Young. Nan! . AT Diseases and Abuses' which prostrate the VIGO powers ' sure moans of relief. Fent free' of charge in sealed letter envelopes:, Address DR. J. SIILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard A ssoclation, sdelphiii, Pa. . ' April 24, 1.806.1 y =M :ul~l4bl:.:xi Gmanaii M": M4DiCititi dlgeims 't.taisid. by viz:— Sarmator Beinituil - trdatnui .1142thefinw; - t wo t Univilhe IProat,kast a irtA Dit»: .Itreizatisci •Treak Isterreo, Ith try. 14•1 d •1, • 'll+4o i! G'un rill diseases that. fql''' OFFERED CLOTHING STORE. Audittom' Notice. Academy. W.ll. RATII, Prat, qnovn-2R SOLOMON M. YOUNG, dantinistrafore MARY ANN YOUNG. Public Notioe. BEERY B. PERSON, CHARLES B. WEBER, Truaf gem HENRY YEAGER, Nvv. 6th CAS ALWAYS _.:„...,,,=,,,,„ 0 ...*•....*,,........„......,...,.., .. .. r i . k .p v ...'i .. . . • • .. . r . . " . . . ' t W liantlited S 13 at W. . y L. , Nux.i. DOOR T ,ii DLACIL ' 'DEI N iDOTNI.-.4. :I t . i t.r '..A...11 (11l .t, ow n, P a .. . H '.'r.I:IOI'ENED A NEW g. • . RIO r - JLI 11211111EilLE AND now o ff er to all in want of anything in their lino, .a good and well selected stock, and of the best manufactories. They have a large, new and superior stook of everything usually, kept in a Hard ware Stoic, Which they are determined to sell as cheap as can be bought anywhere else. Tvga (nay IZeserEptbana For Mechanics of all Kinds. IRON, STEEL, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, NAILS, Saddlery, Coach, Trimmings, SCREWS, BOLTS 11. NOES, SCOOP SHOVELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, Farming Impliments, They would call tho attention of Fanners to their now and well selected Block of everything pertain ing to their lido. Cutlery of all. Kinds, Strell AS Kuiv . es, Forks, A •FINE ASSORTMENT OF Pocket Knives, Give them a call and see if they have what you want. If they have not ,they will get it for you without delay. They charge nothing for showing goods, and .hope by attention to the wants of those needing goods in their lino of business, to secure a fair share of public patronage. FRANKLIN HERSH, AARON MOSSER. Late of the firm of 'Lena, Seigfried & Co.] —Sept. 4. ly PUBLIC SALE -OP A-- 'VALUABLE FABM. wILL be sold at Publio Sale, on Friday, the 111th of November nest, at I o'clock in the after noon, on the premises, the following described valu able real estate, to wit:— A VALUABLE FARM, situated in Upper. Milford township, Lehigh county, near EmAus, ad joining lands of Elias Weandt.jortas Trexler, Elias Knauss, Fralicis Schwartz, Charles Kemmerer, and the East Penn Railroad Company, containing . 135 Acres and 27 Perches. About five acres thereof is Woodland, six acres mon de*, and the balance of the very best limestone farm lend. The improvements thereon consist of a don ' • ble two-story BRICK DWELLING MOUSE, 99 •. 36 feet 26 feet, with a dining room and kitohen, .16 by, all feet attached, with a double porch along said dining room and kitchen, Swiss barn 851tY*42 feet, as good as new, wagon shed, carriage house, horse power shed, wash house, baL o oven, sheep stable, pig-sty, chicken house, corn crib and other necessary out-buildings. The buildings are nearly all now and in an excel lent condition; a well at the house and near the barn, with newr failing water. A stream of wider runs through the land, and one stream passes near the.building, and with a little outlay eon be ta ken into the building, or barn. A valuable orchard with grafted apple and very ohoico fruit trees aro on the premises, being a young orchard,-planted four years ago, and in a flourishing condition. • Around the house are also choice fruit trees, such as pegl, plums, peaches, and a largo variety of grapes, now bearing. . The East Penn Railroad passes near the above property, and is on y ono mile from the Emu's De pot, and the land, abounds in Iron Ore and Lime stone Tho above property is one of the most desir able in Lehigh county, near Post Office, Churehes,, cohool 'louses and Stores. Persons wishing to see the property can call on the subscriber in A lentown who will take them out. Part of purchase looney may remain. The condition* will bo made known on the day of gale and duo attendance given by E. W. TREXLER, AilltArtAlt ZIEGEMPII99, Auctioneer, :October 31 EMBALMING THE DEAD! This disobvery is a priceless store-- Sacrod to tho living and tho 'dead. DR. F. A. HUTTON'S PROCESS FOR EMBALMING THE DEAD, Which was used during the past two years, with such extraordinary success in Washington City and in the Army of the Potomac, Is now offered to the public by the undersigned, who has purchased tho patent for Lehigh and North ampton counties. This patent was granted by thelL S. Patent Of fice A. D., 1863, as the greatest novelty and discov ery of the age. Arrangements have now boot made to patent:the Same In England and..Franee. The same results have never :been accomplished by any other process. Tho fluid crystalises in the ..rtories and hardens the body, and does not discolor the skin. It produces a white marble color, free from blotches, whilst the countenance of the corpse assumes a calm and natural appearance, self asleep. A body can be embalmed in FIFTEEN MINUTES WITHOUT ANY Mutilation or Extractioni At a trifling expense, and way be preserved for many years. PAUL BOALIZIT, Undertaker, Sev'enth St , batmen Walnut and Union; Nor•. I,th N 3E3 W 0A.1.4 YARD I TILE undersigned have opened a New Deal Yard in the FIRST WARD, on North side of Hamil ton Street, between Third and Jordan 13rIja. They will keep constantly on hand a full assort ment of All kinds of Coal for family use and manufacturing purposes. The coal will be kept DRY under a shod, and thorough ly CLEANED for family use, and delivered to any party(' the town. Our coal is of the BEST Q UAL ITYMnd 100 sold as cheap as can be bought anywhere also in,town Give us a call. Zu.. Orders can be left at llagenbuch's Hotel. oet23-3m] S. A L BUTZ. -Ow The Allentown Shovel Factory REMOVED TO CALTASAUQUA! TEE 'underiigned would respectfully inform the public that ho has purchased the Allentown Shovel Factory from B. F. Boyer, and has removed it to Catasauqua, where he intends to keep on hand all kinds of SHOVELS HOES &C. All those in want of anything in this lino would do well to call at thls'factory, whore they can a'ways find a good assortment on hand, at the very lowest prices. All orders promptly attended too. oetll3-3m) G. W. BOUGH, • /FREES I TREES!! TREES!!! Lay your trees of P. Laux at Catasauqua, where you can get every variety of choice fruit and orna mental trees. 2000 No. 1 ono year old Clinton Grape vines, grown in the opon air, cheap. Also, Garnet 'Chill, Cuzco, Jackson 'Whites, and Buckeye Potatoes. Remember that the place to buy is at tho Catasau qua Nurseries. P. LAUX. Oot. 9th. ..-6w WFenatermachor & Son, at the,corner of 10th and Hamilton eta, wish to 17Urobe:so 1000 hushols or Cloiorsood; for whioh the - highest market price will be paid. -They also wishtolnform thepublio that they have for sale several superior varieties of potatoes, such as Michigan White Eprouta, Buokoye, Monitor, and other goo 4 kinds. [ootBl-6t BE PURCHASED New York Price Current, 1 , 0. I hosliil 1 Fottlevtru' or 10 , Corrected weekly .1 13 y, • LtRiCH. • pRODUCU COMMISSION MENCIIANT, pl a. 9,2., Itvolay Street , A* :. :11 IJ t:, 44 iVel.s ., li^tlUrll!, At! (•• Nomlns. Puerta ?goo to C 11.1,...!, " 33 to 42 N. Y. State Welch Tube, " 4• to 30 N.Y. State PirkinsPritne for Shipping, " 90 to 42 Penne., its Pails and Tubs Store Packed 28 to 34 Penna.. Pails ad !Tube, peeked, common, lid to 24 do Rolls god to choice, 32 to 19 Western fair to good, 23 to 28 N. Y. State dairies good to oboico, 35 to 42 Factory choice and fancy. now, . " 1E to I 6 good ", IV) to M. N. Y. Stale, diary, " 14 to 16 Skim milk, or poor, • ' " 7to 13 EndS.' Jersey & Ponno.peolted in chaff, por dos. 40 to 41 Jimmy& Penna. pocked in oats, " 40 to 41 N. Y. Stato, packed, in good ardor, " to 49 Ohio, packed—by exproso, to count," 88 to 39 BRANS. Marrow,aboloo,fnileised, per bush 62 lbs 2.73 to 3.00 Kidney, chiiico,full Bind, " " 3.00 to 3.30 Machines, choice, , 2.30 to 2 75 Mixed lots and common, " 50 to 1.00 LOCKS, DRIED FRUIT. Apples—Jers.ey and Ponnsylvania, " 10. to Ti / Apples—Sliced ". 14 to 15 Apples—Now Southern " 10 to 11/ Blackberries New, " 28 to 28 italiberrios 'do " 42 to 45 Cherries pitted New, " 50 to 55 do pits in do " 6to 8 Peaches uopoeled old " 17 to 21 do peelnd, do " 80 to 35 Apples—Prime State, 11/ to 121 Dried plums, 35 to 40 GREEN FRUIT:3. Apples. Wostorn do common Spoons, &e. Pure Flsaeeol..—<•~ Clover, n good Barrels, per lb. I 1 to 12 POULTRY. Decks alive, per pair 1 00 to 1.26 Alive Geese, per pair 2.00 to 3 00 Fowls, per lb. 13 to 14 Turkeys, young " 14 to 10 Turkeys old ." 15 to 16 Spring Woken,, 14 to 16 POULTRY,DRESSED—Ohiekens & fowls 18 to , 20 6 ' cora. 18 to 10 " common " ' 10 to 18 GAME—Raibite per pair 45 to 50 Quail, per pair 40 to 45 Partridges per pair. 1.00 to 1.25 CHESTNUTS r'' per bush. 7.60 to 8.00 HICKORY' NUTS per bush. 3.50 to 4.00 H',./NET CLOVER in glass boxes choice 38 to 42 do BLCKWREAT per bush; 28 to 35 CALVES; dtessed choice, per lb. 19 to 20 do fair to good, " 16 to 18 Buckwheat flour, cwt. 3.50 to 4.50 CIIEESE.—The demand for prime has been fair; common or ordinary are selling very low. BUTTER.—There hem not boon much change in the prices during the past week. Choice is selling quick at outside prices, whi!o ordinary or common aro dull sale and must go much less befalls buyers will take ho' d—the city is full of itiond unless soma demand springs up, (which we have reason to hope,) there will be 4 torritge crash EGOS —Receipts 414—price's firm. POULTRY.—Both jive and dressed have been very p!trty for tho loot three days; the mild weath er has caused the most of it to arrive soft, and with the prospect of u storm yesterday, buyers he'd ea; consequent y prices had to be seriously 'put down, with a prospectofa general g'ut. Should the weath er turn cool prices will go up, again next week. „tett-Shippers wi,l please mark PLAIN the weight and contents on each package. Normal School, Kutztown, Berks Co., Pu. Tais Tristan ion having been officially recognized by the authorities of the State of Pennsylvania, as the "Normal School fur the counties .til Berke, Schuylkill and Lehigh," is now open for the recep tion of Students. The Normal School building is beautittly located upon high ground, in Maxatawny township, Burks county, Pa , surrounded with land to the extent of 10 acres, but a quarter of a milo from the thriving village of Kutztown, and distant midway between Al-entown and Reading, about two miles from Lyons Station, on the East Penn. R. It. There are three principal courses of instruction Tho Normal Elementary, tho'Normal Scientific, and the Normal Classical. A Preparatory course has also been instituted, which is dosigkod for the ben efit of those who wish to pursuo the study of the or dinary English branches, while in the model school, teachers are afforded 'ivory opportunity for acquiring .a practical knowledge of tho art of Teaching Spe cial attention is given to the study of Went and In strumental Music, Drawing and Painting. students from a distance must atop at Lyons Sta tion, E P. R. It., at which point three trains arrive from New Yore, throe from Philadelphia, and three from Pittsburg. From this Station students will be convoyed to the school in omnibuses which connect with the principal trains. Tho Winter Session will begin on MONDAY, OCTOBER 22d, 1860. Students aro received at any time. =I For tuition, boarding, fuel, lighkand washing, the expenses will not extleed 00 per quarter. For further particulars address "KEYSTONE STATE NOEMAL SC110010" Kutztown, Berke county, Pa., LOUIS K. HOTTENSTEIN, Pros't. of tho Board of Trustees. Davin R. HOTTENSTEIN, Sec. (00t23-3111 Au.. REPORT on account of the eupervisors of Hanover township, for bounty emu pereapita tax for the year 1805: Wholo amount of duplicate, - : $9,628 08 Amt. collected by H. W. P. Eber hard, $7,044 77 . By Dieter, - 981 62 Outstanding by Dieter to Eber hard, 631 69 Outstanding by Eberhard, - 1,070 00 --. $9,628 08 Account of 0. Ritter, Tronourer Cash reo'd per Ass'ird. No. 1 500.00 Eberhartrand Dieter, 9,597 24 D. Dieter, 052 20 H. W. F. Eberhard, . 3,000 00 Pereapita tax, 2,707 00 $10,749 44 . . . CR. Balance as per Aud'rs' report 1,585 07 Interest on above for 1 year, 95 10 21 recruits at $475, 9,975 90 Discount and stamps at Allen town Bank, 354 57 -13 m The same at Catasauqua Bank, 140 20 &hall and Stiles, 35 00 Albright,ls 00 , Raters' expenses, 20 21 Paid for printing, 28 75 ------$12,263 0 Amount brought down, 12,263 03 It. Mellon, serving notices, 5 00 4 per cent dis'out on 2,193 52 106 67 T. B Metzger, 10 00 G. B. Schell, 1 50 Auditors' Fees, 90 00 Clerks' Fees,s 00 , Bal., in favor of Treusnror, 51,675 fill We the undorsigned , Auditor's of Hanover towh ship, having bein duly sworn according to law, and having mot the Treasurer of said township, on the 24th day of October, 1860, and having examined his vouchers, do report the above statement of amount as true and correct, in tostiinony whereof, wo have hereunto set our hands and seals, the day and date above written, JOIN J. TRALEtt, SAMUEL KEIPER, }cleaners oct3o4t] J. WM. REICIIART. Clothing: Clothing : WEISS' Cheap Clothing Store, Is removed to No. 26 West Hamilton street, near llagenbuolis Hotel, where ho will sell at the fol lowing low prices:— Overcoats, All-wool Deaver, from $2O to 25 " Double twisted from 18 to 20 " Union Cloth, from 12 to 18 Sack Coats, All-wool Beaver, from 14 to 10 " Fine Cloth, from ', 15 t o 18 All-wool Cassimerc, from 10 to 16 " " Union Cloth. 6to 9 Punts, All-wool Cassimerc, line, " 6to 0 " Union ' Bto 5 Vests, Fino Cassimero, 4 to 6 " Union " 2to 4 BOYS' CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, Shirts and Drawers, good, for . 1.00 11 fine , 1 .25 " " very best, front 2.00 to 100 And all kinds of gentlemen,s furnishing goods, at the lowest prices. Call and judge for yourselves;be fore you-buy elsewhere. s• 1111 lINIM in 00108 E per bbl. 5.00 to 560 " • 3.00 to 4.60 DEEBWAX. per lb. 89 to 41 'SEEDS. per bush. 56 lbs. 2.00 to 3.20 per lb 18} to 15 TALLOW. Turkeys, per lb. KEYSTONE STATE 1111111..21. B.—Custom work made up to ordei and good lita given. Mr. Klinker le just tho mart that Can do it... 40 [novet.3w AT THE "FRIEDENSBOTH" EIS •,, 4 , 1 , L. L.,' •;,1 rfa lrnrhi l without rubbing, ex .•lO in will rt quire ft A - cry h !.•h 0 r :ttionp rOher.nl for , 7 . / 0 0. , r sr. r 1, , ) 1;, , , but !eh.,im;n l' ~ir.nr.a iliou o witio;to thr tray. L r mov,, gi,are siq- . ii' magic and soft- CIIS tlm in so that the rin:ring will in in ordinary easel entirely remove it. This powder is prepared inaccordalicc with chem ical science, and upon a process peculiar to itself, which is secured by Letters Patent. It has been in use for inure than a year, and improved itself a uni versal favorite wherever it has been used. Among the advantages Waimed arc the following, viz: It saves all tilt: expense of soap usually used on euttop and linen goods. It saves, most of the labor of rubbing, and wear and tear. Alto, for cleaning whitlows it is unsurpassed.— With ono quarter the time and labor usually requir ed it imparts a beautiful gloss end lustre, much su perior to any other mode. No Water required except to moisten the powder. Directions with each paoltage.' And can be readily appreciated by a single trial. The cost of washing for a family of live or six per sons will not exceed TIMM: The manufacturers of thin powder are aware that many useless compounds have been introduced to the public which have rotted the cloth, or tailed in removing the dirt, but knon t ng the intrinsic excell ence of this article, they confidently proclaim it as being adapted to meet a demand which has long ex isted, and which has heretofore remained unsupplied. 3lanufaetured by 'WIVE & STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston. Al9O, nianufactumra of Family Dyo Colors. For sale by Grocers and Donlon.. lout 16-3 m Great Millinery: Establishment I No 904 'Walnut St., Phila. Having rebuilt and greatly enlarged her place of latmines, has now on hand an entire new assort ment of the very best styles of . Through her numerous agents in Paris, Fho iy en, Oiled to present in advance of other establishments the very latest European styles in BONNETS, HEAD DRESSES, FEATHERS, CAn.i, RIBBONS, FRAMES, etc., etc. THE SALES ROOMS Are constantly stocked with the choicest goods, and thoe sending orders can be accommodated at the shortest notice. THE MOURNINO DEPARTMENT 19 to 21 thcroughly organized, and 11118, been made a speciality in the EstabliAnnent: Offers great inducuments to Milliners, who can at any thin.: be furnished with pattern bonnets of the, very latest styles, prior to their being exposed at retail. N. 8.--,French, English and (lermen spoken November 6, 1866 HENRY HARPER, . 4 ".;:5:L NO. 520 ARCII STREET, Has a large Stuck of flue WATCHES, JEWELRY, SI L V ERAV ARE, —AND— SILVER PLATED WARE, &citable for Holiday and. Bridal PRESENTS! Nut•. title. —2m gIEETII EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN at No. 7:t7 WALNUT Si'.. PIIII.ADZLPHIA, by the Co/ton Dental Allem:jailor', the °rip:union of Ni trots,. Oride Cras•for that purpose. More then thirty-at:yen hunde,rl persons have sign ed our certificate scroll to that effect during the past year. The list can be semi at our office Conic t head (marten]. It is our speciality, as we do no other dental work, and we never fail. ' At our office in Cooper Institute, New York•,` we have extracted teeth for over 11,000 persons, during the past year. We aro the only parties who make a speciality of the use of the t/as, and we adminiEte , it to the must delicate and feeble and nemr have had an accident with it. Office : 737 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. muovs-3m AGENTS WANTEII For Frank Moore's New Work, "WOMEN OF THE WAR." Agents will find this a book of real merit and in trinsic value—subject new—intensely interesting and exciting—no work over attracted and engaged the public mind tike this. Eve i rybotly wants it, and thousands wid purchase it as soo7l as an opportunity is afforded them. Read what Agents say of it One experienced Agent writes: It is the easiest and pleasantest Book to sell he ever canvassed for: and says people aro delighted with it, the Ladies es pecially. Another says : "Women of tho War" is the book of the season Another, 137 orders in four days. Ono reports 17 orders the first day of canvassing. active males or fon:cos will tind the sale of this work a pleasant and lucrative employ ment. This book hue no competitor—it comes fresh and now to the people. The- territory is clean and clear. Agents understand the advantages in this particular. Fur full particulars send for circular. Address ci S. S. SCRANTON & CO, oet23-441 12e/ Asylum St., Hart ford, Conn. Or Worns Lozengee. Much sickness, undoubtotLy with children and adults, attributed to other causes is occasioned by worms. The" Vernsifuge Comfits," although effectual in destroying worms, can do no poisible injury to the most delicate child. This val uable combination has been successfully used by phy sicians, and found to be safe and sure in eradicating worms, so hurtful to children. Children having Worms require immediate atten tion, as neglect of the trouble often causes prolonged sjekness. Symptoms of Worms in Children are often over looked. 'Worms in the stomach and bowels cause ir ritation, which can be removed only by the use of a sure remedy. The combination of ingredients used in making Briwn's "Vertnifuge Comfits" is such as to give the best possible elfeet with safety. CURTIS St B tQWN, Proprietors, New York.— Sold by all dealers in medicines, at 25 eta. a box. May 22 181111. —1 year SPRINGTON FORGE AND' FARM at pri emu Sulc.—A valuable WATMit rows, with tare, attached, on the Brandywine, seven miles north of Downingtown. The Brandywine and Waynes burg Railroad passes through the prtiperty, and within a few yards of the works, which connects with the Pennsylvania and Chester Valley R. It. at Down ingtown. Frr mannfacturing purposes the Power cannot be excelled ; twenty-one feet, head and fall, with a large dam, now used for driving a forge with four large wheels. A good location for a Rolling Mill, Cotton Mill, Paper Mill, or Anthracite Furnace. One hundred and - fifty-three acres of land, I . mrt in Wood and tho rein:tinder in Perm Land. he im provements are a. large Stone Mansion and seven Tenements, one of them large, tint! need as a Board ing House. Thu buildings are supplied with a foun tain of Spring Water. The Power can he sold with a portion bf the land. A large deposit of Magnetic Ore on the Property. Title is a most deviredio property, and will be sold on moderate terms, as the parties are anxious to close their business. A part of the purchase money can lay in the property. For particulars inquire o: the promises, or address oet3o-1(1 $12,422 10 10,740 44 To Millers, Manufacturers, Merchants, Mechanics and Others. SPENCIL PLATES cut on Brass and Copper,for marking names on barrel., boxes, bags, ma chines, paper, cloth lie., of all sizes and shapes, also THE ALPHABET AND FIGURES, they arc very convenient; any person eau mark by merely rubbing the brush over the plate. All or ders promptly tilled by addressing, J. T. O'BRIEN, nova-2t) 235 Penn St., Reading. .A.C3-3ZINTS • 13A.1.1.T.T.a1l (1) 0 BE I G MAC ES. to O naly I.loen Zsc • territory &en. 01 P = " olt s flli t t a rr 4. t 1L '! 'th4 1j1 '1 4 1 7.% 1111 . 1 : 3r O 01 ° in "' PA I BOTHERS, t '1 Agents, 0 • ! Chestnut Bt. rbita., • . • 1191 Bewail 81... 1 . 1 • 4 •• 0 . A.C3-3333)TTS W.Aarr23133.. September 11. —2m CIDER MILLS, • FRUIT PRESSES, AP PLE PASSERS se., for salo by D. LANDRETH SON, 21 &23 S. Oth St., augl4-Im] between Marketand Chestnut, Phila. ATOTIO ; E:-::-gOtice is hereby given that bar Broth'ers have sold their stook of merphan diso to Edward Rohe, and therefore request aillhose who ate indebted to the firm of Huber, Dillinger & Co.. or - Huber Bros., to make settlement within four weeks from date. [oot3o-4w ENOS WEISS Patented May 29, MU MADAMOISELLE NEOGII, MILLINER DE PARIS, FRENCH MILLINER\ THE WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT =I AN EFFECTUAL WORM MEDICINE BROWN'S VaRMIFUOM COMFITS, CORNOG MoILVAIN, Wallace P. 0., Clicker county, 1 Take Notice .!.STOUR OF LADIES' FANCY FURS .TrityltyAltartoi'S Old Estill)Belied - F - IJB Manntaotory, No. 718 Arch Street, Above Seventh, Tfr• Herono In store of ./ i - OV Manufacture oho of the largest andul meet bean,- . titul selections of 4' FANCY FURS, for Ladies' and Child ren's Wear in the Cify. Aloe, a fine assortment of Gent's Fur Moves and Collars. • I am enabled io dispose or my stock at V2ry roe-, amiable prices, and I would then fore el Het a call from my friends of Lehigh cLulty and vicinity Remember the name, number and itreet! • • • ; 1 7, • '44 t f a tlird ' 4 - ' l l .k• . = • - • • .‘ • . '4 ' JOHN FAREIRA, .Vo. 718 dregs Street, above =EI Ir--I nitro no Partnor, nor conncotion with pny other Store in l'lnladelphitt Nov. Ctli aawmAt* & kEIZNAIIIN MANUFACTURERS, VHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN PRWIIO9II-d - INTE HEIL SILV.ER PLATED GOODS, 704 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. .A. ,- I'HOSE in want of SIL, • , 1 "t...404.W • VER ,Jr SEX ER PLATED k 17 , o p 4 f , , • WARE will find it much to Pr-- '. their advantage by visiting 1111 i. 011111 V • our r tore before making their 1 1 ?, , purchn.es. Our long exile- 4 Z, ''.ainser rienee in the manulaeture of ) tw% e kind of goodr enables UR t.; defy cempeti- We keep no goods but those which are of tho first class, all of our own make, and will be Bold nt reduc ed prices. Ouly3-ly CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 037 Chestnut Street, Corner of Seventh, PHILADELPHIA. EDUC.II'IO.I* FOR lEUSIMESS LIFE. . Practical Instruction in Iloolt-keeping, inedl i,ts hranehes, Penmnship, plain and ornamentali:Mer 7 cantile calculations, Business Papers and Cu tome, muncreial law, Telegraphing:, &0., 71 ti sTuDENTs IN ATTENDANCE LAST YEAR. Catalogues mailed gratis on application. Addre.s S. 11. tRITTENDEN & CO. Sept. 26. —3m G. WHITE _HALL DRY GOODS STORE, No. .111 North SECOND Street, PIIILAD'A. st opened, with a splendid New Stock of ' FOREWN and DOMESTIC DRY (100DS., EMI Consisting or LADIES' W Shawls, I)ress Goods, 'hit o.floods, Notions, Velvets, etc.,etc. GENTLEMENS'' WEAR,— Clots, Cassimere, Vestiugs, Muslins, Flannels, Blankets, r., ete. 13.--died opened a tine lot of European CURTAIN MUSLINS AND LACES. J. MILTON HAGY & BRO., (Successors to Joseph Hagy,) 440 N. 2nd., Mimi* \ )01 31n) ESTABLISIIED IN 1810 .4a. IN . cc, -s- DYi N C ESTABLISHMENT. T ,b W. JONES, No. 132 North FroutSt., above . Callowhill, Philadelphia, dyo Silks, Woolen and fancy Goods of every description. Their auperior style of dyeing Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garments is widely known. Crape and Merino Shawls cleaned to look like new, also Gentlethen's apparel, Curling, &e., cleaned and re-dyed. Kid Gloves cleaned or re-dyed to look like new. Call and look at our work before going elsewhere. J. & W. JONES. —2rn September 18, 1 611 IMENCKE tt BRO., .vo. 801 arch SZrect, Philadelphia, WIIOIESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Berlin Zephyrs, Embroideries, Fine Knit Goods, etc., personally 80. leeted in Europe. omestie Zephyrs, Germantown WOOLS, Cassitnero YARNS, ed. Latest Styles in Ladies' Dress and Cloak TRIMMINGS. Buttons,`Drop Fringee, Laces ) Shawl Borders eta. 11 hitt. Embroidered I.IANI . S, eto The goods being all carefully selected, our Whole- Me Department offers great iadueemen a to the 'RADE. [eopll-3m ISGG. PHILADELPHIA. 1866 WALL PAPERS NEW FALL STYLES t HOW ELL & BOURKE ) • ' • MANUFACTURERS OF RtatiEß RAIWONIGS AND . . WINDOW SHADES, CORNER of FOURTH and MARKET Streets PHILADELPHIA. N. B.—Always on hand a Large Stock of LINEN and OIL SHAW'S. August 28, 1808. • --3 m ARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS Just received at low prices, and will continue to rmeive, during the Fall, from Europe, a• full assott. inent of the New styles of English Tapestry, Brum. eeD, Three-ply, Ingrain, Entry and Stair Carpets.— Also, all widths of oil cloths, WONCION SEOMES. In new colors. Coco and Caution 5.1 IHO 9 RAO CARPETS, &c., N. B.—A dkcount in;ide In EURNISHINO CHURCHES. PIIINEAS BOUGH Jr., CO. No. 508 N. See. st., below Buttonwood, Philadelphia. Sup. 250 NOVELTIES IN Wedding, and'Visiting Cards, THE LATEST LONDON AND PARIS STYLES. NIT lALS F tamped on paper and envelopes in II colors FREE OF CHARGE. FINE STATIONERY -AT- Et. EisaSKINS & CA" Importing Stationers and Card Engravers. 1113 Arch St., Philadelphia. Zi'r.Ordors by mail will receive prompt attention. i:zept. 25th. —3m SAMUEL M. RITTER. =I LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Shoes and Uppers, SUITABLE FOR COUNTRY RETAIL TRADE. FALL WORK GUARANTEED.'I6Ia 127 KORTH THIIID.STREET, Juno 12, 1860 EAFNESS.BLINDNESSEz CATARRH, ' Treated with the utmost success, by J. realm, L D ., Occulist end :lutist, (formerly of Leyden, Hol land,)) No. 516 l'ine Street, Philadelphia. Testimo nials, from the most reliable sources in the city and. country can be seen at his office. The medical facul ty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES insert ed without pain. No charge for eXamination, Bop. 18, 1806 OVONV • PATENT HAIR CRIMPERS, FOR ORIMPING AND WAVING LADIZSP" HAIR. No Heat Required in Using 1h0ni,;,..;-' t ASK your storekeeper for them—if he dots 101 7 keep them, write to the Manafauttwer, Enolts i , Sixth street and Columbia Avenue,Philadelphla. September 25th. *flat E., D. LEISENRING 1001 --4na 446. -6m CM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers