, kur tAltns heidb.Usi,•W'DA.V.All-3461/4. El CEO . ..; . r ; 4.1 18191/11•1111 VOLUME XX. Pgister . • In pnliishoid overiTuosday Morning. :—Nol'2o•Beet Haitilton Street, (Lion Hall.) E. moss -& a. WORK ST, Editors and Proprietors. • VERifEI '.O, SUBSCILIPtION Per Annum, • No . deviation made; from our pnbliehed a, and no paper •dietontinued until 'all arrear are paidoeiteept at the option of the puhlieltere. R4TA's Pr4pyzgaritiNa4, I ,a, lettriee. $ mtha. -6 mtha... 1 yr. Squart, :! $1,50 $B.OO $5.00 _38.00 et 8.00 5.00 , 8.00 12.00 • 4.50 2.450 10.00 15.00 Twelve Itneif(hfirdon) 'constitute . a equare. ger aditertliernenta lii proportion, reason— dednetion teitkohe adiertlaing by the year. essionallpfardl;per year - $3.00 nhtratore and Atiditorp notices 3.00 Displayed advertisements will Venharged for pace they occupy. '' . • . „ Reen Iribites of lleepeet, and Obit , notices will be.Oarged,f,s omits per square. Buena* noPeee in the .Local pepartment ante per line: - • au IR] PIIIIII2IIIIN . ' • OP.A.LL KINDS, •rited In the BEST STYLE, at the shortest ao tics, and at the ,LOWEEtT PILIONS. BUSINESS! CARDS. It. CLAY HAMERSLY, ttoriirey .aitt - Lawo TAsAii . piTA.,,gAratat COUpi!Y, PENNA. arch 13, 1 , - 4f6A. .:.,11 ; ' • JACOB - Si DI,LLINGER, .A..!,torney at Law, ner of Zast &nation St. and Law Alley, ALLENTOWN, PA. • 11 15, 1886. ly Pt WYCKOFF, Attorney at, Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. FFICE •on the south side of Hamilton street doors west of Milton J. Kramer's store, and op to the Eagle Hotel. [aul9-64] EDWIN ttorney a. Law EIGHT DC' ORR 11EUVR TUX COURT HOUSE, L ENT 01V.N, LEHIGH CO., PA ob. 1:3, 1865.-1 y ELISHA FORREST, • I ttorney and• Counsellor at Maw, ALLEN.TOWN, PA. eb. 20, 1866. • WILLIAM 11. BOWDEN, • ttorney and Counsellor at IN •w. Moe East Hamilton Street, 2 doors above Lan , y, ALLENTOWN, PA. ob. 20, 18013.—1 y EDWARD HARVEY, Attoi , ney at Law, ALLENTOWN,. PA. error with lion Samuel A. Bridges. [mayl-ly HN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. • men with it;:iroolevor, Esq., opposite the Court se. Can bo consulted In German. (mayl. ly DAM WOOLEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Trice opposite the Court House. Donyl-ly HONAS p. METZGER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, P.A. . Omen : No. 92 East Hamilton Street ny 46,1866. lIN. D. STILES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. OFFICE: Seoond door above the Court•lfoune. fay 29,, 1805. ' —Gm EORGE 13. SOIJALL ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Ori*WE : First door above Law Alley May 29,186 d. GIJIARN & GREASEMER, D /4 92_2 te a a oe : 48 Bast Ilotallto'n-Street, Allentown, Pa Ono door below n. Guth ik Co's. store. t? 8, 1888. 1 BEAUTIFUL LIFE LIKE: PICTURES. artes de Vidtes, $2 per Dozen. ALL NEGATIVES REGISTERED. W. BURG AW, No. 7 gast Hamilton St ALLENTOWN, PA. , Allentown, Sept. 13. —t EAGLE HOTEL 227. North Third Street, • Between Race and Vine, PHILADELPHIA. HLS is a first class I.otot, loos ted in the center of business, with ample and excellent accom odatious. , R. S. BIEHL, Proprietor. January 23,1863. —l y A. W. KINSEY, ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, ,Siatington Pa. UNDERTAKES the Analysis of Ores, Clays, Cotes, Limestone, Soils, or any 'kind of minerals whatever, at reasonable chnrgen. :Perseus wishing previouslir to ascertain the charge, may send a small nample by. mail,* &Bertha as nearly as they can, and will receive a prompt reply. ' E. G, Gerhard & Co., ircIBBERS OP • This io the time to subscribe for Viten, weeklies, Clot h s 1 Cassimeres, andotles,ffenJanur i I, 16G 8 . illoatwibeattonoa to by _ lightning _ rail vEsTlNfiS. ITAIIIINS, &C road ended. . • He has 11130 on bend a lot of Needles, Knitting NO. 333 CRESTNU r STREET, . &miles, Crotchets, e to. Up Stairs, Call and examine our stook before pm/cluing . r , ,:,• • PHILADELPHIA ' la "t e s l Ti ' ' . RD WIN B AUER, Sanuere'lli: . ll3llll ' ' , 4 ' - ', , - • ~ , _ga , zing - , BAR LOWSUIDIGO BLUE. vur UP AT WILTBERI,2)EIt'S , DRUG • STORE; is*:.,*:/f9g4, 02 190 1 ! .11111LADELPEI.A. • , tbfiti! root' oitiati quantity profrdour - Ida It to toairbittiitt . ttigioa sattofitotion, and Is totallld t the game 1)1'01 Its Oplmitations. ittforior 114% , .. _ ..... --.....' -.— . ..__ ,. , i' — •'' ,;, • ~.• " .'o.: . . ~ , ~1 ~, ~, ~ , .: :., ..,,: ....1, h . , f.... , . 1. ~ .• 1 f : ,,, f , ..1 .... ....,1 •,. . •:,i ' , 17;,.r.:1i'1i , . ' 1:,,.... r.!.., ; / 9 i ',/, 4 ?7) F. a r.t .; ~., 4 f..i ~::i, • ,:•:::.•, , 7 1 . - •••'''' r''' --- . 1.7. '•• i t v , • .. zi ... :... --• :. ' 7 %17 ; '.: ~..-• '. t r '[ w...tel—; •-, I•I!. 1 1 .f ~'. : ri I , . —. ... .. . . I', ./.."*".......4.,......../.., 1. . ' ' . "' ' ' ' '" •1 . ;... II ." X i : ' '' . /.....i., —l. I. !...... .....1.,i,,Y.....,.. !•:,, , , ,_,„ ~ ..,r ;CI ii r , • I if.) 1: , '..•:..,,; , '.••• 1 . . . ~ „5,. st '.' . '..!,1: 7 ''.ll( . .tt. '.. i' ;;/, . 7. .. ' ' ' ' 7. " ..f ' ' ''''; l‘ ..,'' ' , 7 , t). ' . c, " ,' , : , ....,', ' 1 ' . : :! ..... •.( ...--,.. 's ~!. 1 !If ( ' ! :71' : ' . 'T —.: It : ..' l 1 1 " 1- ' ;I P :7 1 • . ~, , if e. : ,.,,,,,• sc..„ _ ..‘, .. •• •:•••-•-.-:,,.:.•••• • ••••.,..., •:-..,„, ~i. - ...e...„ -,_ . ...., .. ~, ( -- N ~..„. ~.z......,, ....,..;,... ~,,...,..,.... t n.., ~ f 5,.,.. .; .. • D.:1: • . .. i, ~..... ,-.% "• ~ ...: • ... . , . . . ~ - -,-;:, .:- ' . i t .'• ;' ' .._... ~, . , ''• . 1 1 ,.... ',...... I:. .. .... . , ' _ • ~_ . . ... - • • , . . , .... • -•, ii. ~ .....-:,.: •... . , . ....._._ . ..• • • . , . , . • ... . ~ • . Wilful . D. X.ici)l P., • HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, • MILLERSTOWN, PA., • • ['ARTS this mode of informing t4o .piople of tho A. • surrounding noighborhoodOliaj he has located Near T. Kienly's Hotel ,;Milterelowd, where he is ready to sorvo the people oitbor thy or night. • [aprl 0-17 WATCEILS &JEWELRY WhiCHES! WARES! KELLER & BRb. JEWELRY STORE. kSPLENDID STOOK OF GOODS BITABLE for • *Bridal or Birthgay . Presetts. 'Now is tho time to make your.parchasos. Tho stook is entirely new, LADIES' & GENT'S GOLD WATDHES. We have the finest assortmeist, of Ladies' and Omits' Gold Watches ever brought . in this pity! OF SILVER WATCHES We Imo the larpst stook that has over been brought to Allentown. We have also the celebrated Ameri own Watch, and nil styles cf English and Swiss Watches imitable fur ladies and boys. We exceed in quantity and variety of tho latest eaglet. New and beautiful styles of Ladies' full sets Pins, Eardrops and Bracelets, Ladies' and Gent? - FINE GOLD Cll.Bll‘ll. Gents' Silver &tarns. . Genie Scarf Pins, Ladies' Gold Thimbles, and 4 very large variety of Silver Thimbles, Nook laces, Belt Buckler, Ghettos, Rings Qf rare. and beautiful designs, and also the Plain Ring suitable for engagements, end a large variety of other thiuga too aulnerous to mention. GOLD PEN We have a very largo assortment. Also Gold and Silver holders of all styles suitable for Ladies and Gents. ELEGANT SILVER WARE. In t hiti line our Stook exe• oda in quantity and variety of styles, anything over offered for Baba in this oily, and cannot fail to please the no fastidious. FULL SETS OF TEA SETS, • CAKE BASKETS, FRUIT BASE TS, CASTORS, SILVER CARD STANDS, SILVER PITCHEitS, " CREAM CUPS, SYRUP CANS, SALT CELLARS, GOLD AND RUBY LINED OYSTER LADLES, • PICKLE ,FORKS, BUYPER KNIVES, TEA, DESSERT AND TABLE SPOONS, Etc KB AND SILVER SPECTACLES, we havo e very largo assortment; persons cannot tall to suit themselves, and all of the most fashion• able stylos. CLOCKS! CLOCKS! We have the largest assortment o f Clocks that has over been offered bore for sale. Persons desir ing a good Clock, cannot help but suit themselves. All now and all of the latest styles. Wo have also a large assortment of FANCY GOODS too numerous to mention. IMPALRING. All kinds of Watches, Clocks at.d Jewelry care fully repaired and warranted KELLER & 13RO. Remcmbfr tbo Place, Newbarirs Old Stand, No, 37 West Hamilton street, Allentown, Pa. • E. KELLER. S. S. KELLER. decs-ly VATCHESI EMUS! Clocks! Clocks! HEM EERY 1I QOM woani. OF Clocks, Watches & Jewelry, TO BE SOLD at the LOWEST CASH PRICE 3. The largest and best selected assortment of Watches, Cloaks and Jewelry, in Lehigh county, is to be found at N 0.23 EAST RANILTON STREET, Allentown Pa. We have nu•dosiro to boast, and wo speak ad visedly when we say that our stock is larger and more complete than all the Jewelry establishments in the county put together. Just received a very choice and elegant assortment Jf -Gm Comprising Ladies' Gold HUNTING WATCHES. Imairau , Sr engli4 Lung, GOLD, SILVER & PLATED CHAINS, SILVER AND PLATED SPOONS, FORKS,_ NAPKIN RINGS, FRUIT KNIVES, etc.; With an endless variety of the !stoat style of Tewohry Also, a largo and complete ass. , rtment of CLII9, n Gold, Silver. Stool and P.atcd oases. Wo desire to call attontion to our stock of We bozo constantly on hand n full assortment of G. A. PRINCE'S 'Celebrated Melodeons, of sizes suitable f,,r churches or parlor's. N. B.—Particular attention paid tot a Repairing of Watches 'Clocks and Jewelry. All work war ranted Wet debit.° to inform parties Dying in the country, that any Clock repairing they wish done at their homes will ho premptly attended to. (BAB. S. MASSEY, No. 28 East Hamilton street, ALLKNTOWN, PA. tleh'6s.ly No. 71' East' Hamilton street, in the basement under the office of „Or. William Romig, • ALLENTOWN, PA. A lot of splendid Portfolios;at -inririsingly lose oleos. A lot of stationery. A lot of books suitable for 110LIDAY PRES ENTS. - —Tr-- — • 1500 P4lt 'o an ! We want agents every where to sell our in imovim $2O Sewing 6 Machines. Three now hinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted five years. Above salary or large com- Oistions paid. The ONLY machines sold in the Uni tettStates foible'. than $4O, which arefally licensed lidtoo, IVAssier die Wilson, Grover d, Baker, et te Co, ont'BOZAelder. All other elide? machines if tfriejehsents and the seller or use? are. flabie . to •Arrest,fine eisil isafititentrieut.. Oiroulere fru. oalltiforeehltw Mt‘ino, ur 0111aago, 111. • Uovirobir JEWELRY. evitAVlaltao4 *l,OOO CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE GENTS' GOLD 41, SILVER HUNTING M ELOD EONS. EDWIN SAGER, Agent, A lot of Onom, Cbessmon, Cliockerboarde, do A lot of Novols end Other Books. tublished Weekly by Moss & Forrest Terms: $2.00 per Annum. ALLENTOWN, PA., TUESDAY MORNING,IULY 31,1866. FURNITURE EYES THIS WAY. TO THE GREAT CABINET WARE ROOM John Maiburg, IN ALLENTOWN, LEHIGh COUNTY. TOIIN 111A.LBURG takes this method to inform t/ his fri tn de, customers, and the public in general, that he is aow ourying on the business on his own account, in hie building, NO 52 WI 11A5IILXON STREET, opposite Ilagentuch's Hotel, whore he is now pro pa o to sausfy tll why may give him a call: His praoat stook is net to be surpassed, and oonsists in part of Lae fellswing articles: Bureaus, Side Boards, Pier, Centre, Card, Dini9g, and Breakfast Tables, Book Cases, Cupboards, Whatnot and Sofa Tables, Par lor Tables, Stfas, Piano Stools, Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Bedsteads.of every variety, and in general every , artielo which is kept in a well regulated establishment. He manufactures also 'every variety of Furniture to order, after the latest style, sea every article sold by hits must be as,represented, and must be sans laotory. House-keepers and especially young persons in tending to engage in keepitig house, should not neg lect to call on him before purchasing elsewhere, as hr fools satisflod'tbat ho can offer bargains that can not be surpassed anywhere outside of .Philadelphia. For the liberal patronage already received he very thankful, and will still endeavor through lib eral prices and fair dealings to increase the same. Or-Don't forgot the place, No. 52 West Handl. ton Street, where you can cad and satisfy yourself of the truth which is herein stated. JOHN MALIATRO. Allentown, July 2,18145. 1) IMPORTANT NEWS: HEDIBSCH, HELFRICH & CO., CARTMAKERS No. 28 West Hamilton Street. ALLEN 7 0 IVN, THE undersigned take this method of informing Their friends, and the public generally, that they have constantly on hand a full supply of ,*4 rUItriIITUS.I2 adlEitift • SUCH As • ••: • Bureaus, Sideboards, • Dining and Breakfast Tables, Whatnot and Sofa Tables, Book Cases, Sofas, Bedsteads, 'Washstands, &c., &0., ,to., &o. and In general every article which is kept in their line of business. flouso-keepers and persons Intending to engage in keeping house, should give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. They manufacture also every kind of turnlAre to order at tho shortest notice. UNDZIRTAILING will be promptly attended to. They will furnish Mahogany and Walnut Coffins; also Coffins covered with cloth. B. F. HEIMBACII, SOL. HELFRICH. GEO.IIEIMBACII. Jan. 3, 1365 ly. BOOTS AND SHOES NEW Boot and Shoe Store. New Firm, New tore and New Goods. ODENIIEDIER & SEIP HAVING just taken the extensive • store room in Iteu's Building, next door to the Allen House, would respectfully invite the attention of the people of Al lentown and surrounding country, to thoir large, varied, and well made up stock of ROOTS AND SHOTS. They will sell you n bettor article in tto way of BOOTS AND SIIOES, for less money than you can buy them fin:elsewhere. Tho most sceptical can be satisfied by an exami nation of the stock they offer fur ante. heir M anufacturing Department being under the supervision of one of the firm, who has had much experience in the bueinese, they ate confident that PERFECT SATISFACTION can be given in ovory instance whore work of any description is ordered. There is nothing in the lino of wear for the fee' that oajanot bo found at this ROOT AND SHOE STORE ! AT PRICES RANGING AS FOLLOWS : Infant Shoes, all Styles, from 10 eta. to $2 per pair. Children's &nee, all Styles, from 25 eta. to $2 par pair. Misses' Shoes, all styles, frcm 75 eta to $2.60 per pair. Youths' Shona, all atyles, from 60 eta. to $3 per ,pair. Boys' Shoes, all styles, from 75 eta. to $4 per pair. Aeadies l Shoes, all kyles, front $1 to $5 per OW: Dente' Shoes, all styles, from $1.50 to $1.50 per pair. Youths' Boots, all styles, from $1.60 to $2.60 per pair. Boys' Boots, all styles. from $2 to $5 per pair. Mena' Bouts, all styles, from $3.50 to $l5 per pair. • Country 'Merchants and Dealers Einp plied'at City Jobbing Rates. . _ -The public ere invited to give a call before purehltees are made elowboro, J. G. ODENIII.IIIER, . WALTER H. SEIP. April 17, 1866 —ly Wm. H. S eip HAS OPENED 818 • • BOOT, ST-10E, HAT AND CAP STORE, AT NO. 85 EAST HAMILTON 4T., A DJOINING KERNAIIEN'S 001 1 1 1 na Store, where he offers to all 4 who will give him aeon, the very best aril most fashionable goods ever offered to the ell zees of Allentown, at the following low coal prices: Men's 'calf bootii, fine, ' $5 00 to E 9 00 kip, double sole, 3 '75 " 575 Boys childs' biota, • 175 " 475 Non's glove Kid; Congress, de. 250 " 575 " " Bal. oboes • 190 " SOO Mon's. women's, boy's and misses ' ....glovo kid, lasting gaiters, 175 " 575 Women's glove hid; very floe, • 326 " 575 " fine goat morose° bale., ' 250 " 400 a men's moree:o and calf shoes, • " common shoes, _ Misses' and child's 'Moo, women's, misses', boy's and ; slippers, :; 25 " 100 „Nortuotinnitoode la my store, but from the best 'rebnutitetories. , I also; peso pll kinds of ' ' , TUTS. C41".13 and Erniew GOODS of 'every kind, at the lowest clash prises. Call 'and leo for yourrolvve. U. SUP. Aprif Vt. • SO MEI OM .; REMOVAL!' J. F. Bohlinger's 800 1' and SHOE STORE a TAB been removed to Nast Damn /LA. ton.street, opposite the German Reformed Church, Allentown Pa., where ho keeps constantly on hand, of his own manufacture, and also of Philadelphia, New York and Eastern manufacture, a large stook of Boots and Shoes, which ho is disposed to offer to the publio at a small advance above cost. 110 also will make 'to order all kinds of floe work for Ladies and Children, having competent workmen especially in that branch. Feeling determined to make it an object for persons in want of A GOOD ARTICLE to call and eismine for themselves and learn his prices, which will be as low na any other house in town or country. Measured work and ropairing promptly attended to rapri 0-tf J. P. 1101EILINOER. Biery & Mertz HAVE JUST OPENED A Boot & Shoe • Store, At No, 85 West Hamilton St:, TWO DOORS BELOW NINTH, WwoIIHERE they will keep constantly on hand a assorted stook of all kinds of ile'4 3 U - Vaae itoots aro Bipoeo, of Eastern, City and home-manufacture, which they will sell CHEAPER than the • same can be bought elsewhere, because they soil Ez:cNsively for CAS They invite all to call and examine their stock be fore purchasing elsewhere,' as they feel confided that customers can suit themselves, both as to price and quality. Al. kinds of CUSTOM WORK and REPAIRING receive prompt attention. They employ none but the best workmen and are therefore prepared' to manufacture Boots and Shoes unsurpassed by any other o•tabi;tmont. Particular attention is given toltho manufacture of French Calf and Patent Loather Booth. "a-Shoemakers can be supplied with stock and findings, at reasonable prices. t•- J. S. Bienr, May 8, 1888 REMOVAL D ES HLE R'S HAT, CAP & NOTION ESTABLISH ‘1 E NT HAS boon removed to GODFREY PETER'S buildink, on East Hamilton Street, Opposite the Court House, Where can now bo found the latest, most elegant and fashionable styles of HATS AND CAPS. Also bee been added a Gents' Furnishing Goods DEPARTMENT ! ith a full lino of NEW GOODS, such as HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, UNDERSHIRTS, OVERS FLIRTS, UMBRELLAS, • • HOSIERY, DRAWERS, COLLARS, NECK TIES, CLOVES, etc., etc., etc. COME ONE! COME ALL !! and sae for yourselves, to beautiful assortment of goods, before purchasing elsewhere. I will take groat pleasure in showing my goods, and oan satis fy all that I can and will sell goods 25 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER, HOUSE OUTSIDE OF THE CITIES. Now goods received dully :rem the manufacturers and for sale at the lowest rates. ifeb2o-t. STAND FROM UNDER! GOLD 1441 And Prospe is of still Farther Decline ! X' AL ZT C, _AL IST C, RULES THE HOUR. Hats Caps & Straw Goods, SPRING STYJES. Christ & Sauer's, ANo. 15 West Hamilton street opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, have on hand the largest assortment of Ha's and Cap„ spring and summer styles, over seen in Allentown, comprising every style and quality. from five dollars down to fifty cents, and sum that will become old and young. Their stook of Caps is tho largest in Allentown, and at extremely low prices. To convince the pub. Ito of what is said, it may bo well to state that they have PORTY.ONE different styles. Surely enough to give a person a chance of suiting his taste. gar Messrs. Christ & Souses direst attention to the fact that tboy aro the only MAsorecrunens of Hats in Allentown. STRAW 0001)S.—A beautiful assortment of straw hats, for men and boys, will be kept constantly on hand during the season, to which wo invite public attention. 0 ive . us a call. ihs. Country Merchants would do well to give us a call, as we will wholesale them Hats and Caps cheaper then they can get them in the city. Allentown, August B—tf REMOVAL: MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT • MRS. MARY 0. ROGERS, No. 28 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, itHSPNCTPULLY informs her friends and the public in general that she has lately removed to No. 28 Balt Hamilton street, two doors . east of the Democrat printing office, and there opened a new m.llinery estubiltlment in all Its various branch so. She has just returned from New York and Phi!. adelphia with.the latent styles of SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETS 1 and is now prepared to make them up with the choicoat trimmings and flowers, in the moat fashionable manner. Tier atock of ribbons nod artificial dowers cannot be surf eased by any other establishment in Allen town for beauty, tivto and cheapness. Persona should give her a call before putchasing elsewhere. Terms strictly mob. As she has acquired a general knowledge of the business and cup! ye none but the best milliners, she is prepared to warrant all her work as rake seated. Ohe is also 'anxious•to satisfy all who may favor her with their patronage. Old bonnets bloaoL ed and repaired. By strict attention to business she truota to merit a share of public patronige for which sho will over Ma thankful. May 1, 1866-tf ESTEI'S COTTAGE ORGANS 1 75 " 250 1 50 " 250 25 " - 1 00 ARE not only unexcelled, but they ato absolutely .tinequatad, by any other Reed Instrument in the country, Deslgned'exprostly for Chhrches and Schools, they are tound to be equally well adapted to the parlor and drawing rdotrm • For sale only by E. Pd. BRUCE, ' .. No. ta North amino street,. port,eortrate: per Alto, PIANOt, isha Ali tuOrtment of the VaNN74. l4EpploN gilistatitT ;Pf aa/t —ll ":1%-- . ...i::;.7. S. E. MERTZ. -ly OF A ME ' O . . Miller, Schreiber & Ca, -AT THE NEW YORK STORE, No. 10 East Hamilton Street, ALLENTOTVIT, PA., Aro naw roooiving thoir NEW STOOK of ' Bflllo AR SOH 00008, whin they havo bought at 25 to 50 per cent. lass than they could be bought for, and aro now peeper. ed to give their customers the advantages of our LOW PURCHASES. We soll.Ooods cheaper than any houso in Allen town, sell better Goods and more of them. We don't when to boast of what we do, only come and ace for yourselves. mover befo'rO was presonted to the public such an attractive ant ologant assortment of DIMES,s , GOODS. Consisting in part of FINE FRENCH IMEBINOES, assorted and light cOlors. MUSLIN DE LAINES, UNION PLAIDS in.Oheced and Scotch Plaids All Wool De Lgnes AND Mourning' Goods, A great variety of la 'dies', Misses' and, Children!e WOOLEN• SHAWLS, BALMORALS; &o. In addition to tho abovo will be fotind the larg• cot stork of Brown and ' Bleached • Mtn)lins, Tiokings, Denims, Striped and Checked Shirting, • Canton Flannels, Prints, Gingham; Woolen • Flannels, Cassimeres, and Cloth Ever shown in Allentown Our Clothe, Cass'mores and Flannels aro cheaper and superior to anything offered at ar y other establishinen , In town. Corns where you can get Goods at prices that ensure a ready and satisfactory sale. Our stoek.i. complete and offers groat indueemonta. When you a:e ready to buy, tall in with the crowd and bring up at the Store No. 'l5 East Hamilton Street. MILLER, SCHREIBER & CO. January 2, 1866. —t fiIIi.STORZ IN ALLENTOWN! JUST OPENED Lawler & Steckel. t LION HALL , No, 90 East Hamilton tract HAVE opened a' tow DRY GOODS and GRO CERY store. All of their etook is new and fresh, and has been purchased for cash at the pres ent reduced prices, which will enable them to sell at weedy reduced rates. Among their Dress Goods will bo found some of tho latest and most fashiona. ble styles, comprising Silks, Mohair Leno, Lono Voyage, Grenadine, Leno Melange, All Wool Amures, Melange, Plain and Figured Poplins. Bradley's Improved Duplei'lloop Skirt. Also a full line of :Ita3EMINS Consisting in . part of Caseimeres,, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonades, (to Domestic Goods, uoh as Tiokings, Flannels, Shadings, Prints, Terms are CASH! t s ..COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for golds, IVis. R. LAWPER, April 17,1866 REMEMBER That now is the Time TO IMPROVIYOIIIIIIOIISES WITII LITTLE MONEY YOU CAN ALL DO so. Go to the "FRIEDENSBOTE" BOOK STORE r J parches° some of that splendid Wall Paper, which has just been received. We always have ou land one of the Largest, Finest, Cheapest and best selected stooks of NATAL. 3CaIa4I= I ".ALP.III.EIL in this section. Buying your paper at a place where there is a largo asssortment, Is worth three times the price you pay at other places where there are only a dozen patterns offered for sale. All we ask is for the people to come and see for themselves. Wo charge nothing for showing goods. Reap it before your neighbors, your friends and II people, that the place and the only plaoe in this section to boy the finest and cheapest assortment of WALL PAPER is at the "FRIEDENSBOTE" BOOK STORE OF r D. LEISENRINC & CO. MARTINS t RUPTURE t LATEST IMPROVED TRUSSES AND BRACES • .AT • Dr. C. A. Voorhi es &• Co DRUG STORE, No. 45 Northampton Street, Easton, Pa. N order to 'enjoy the advantages of wearing a I Truss, it should be accurately titled to the parts by one who understands the nature of rupture. ,A poor Trues, or a Truss badly fitted often does more harm than good, in consequence of which, particu lar attention is paid to the fitting of those who do s-re It. Female Abdominal Supporters and Elas tic Stockings on hand, Spinal and Clubfoot Appa ratus furnished on appliaatiim. A private office and regular attendance. July 10, 1800. —3m SAMUEL M. RITTER : WIIOLESALE MANUFACTUItEII OF LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Shoes and Uppers, SUITABLE FO,R COUNTRY. RETAIL TRADE. wartit tittARANTEED.'933I 127INORM TEIR D STREET, PRIV A.• Juncil2, ISC)I3. 2 • Erklave you IsTonrolgia or Ithouinatiom. Don't go groaning anti ufforing through lifd whop yap ' op +T ho og I.ll.4l4lLimmePt. ' q t MORE TRUTH. THAN POETRY. "I'll not live in this way!" exclaimed Mrs. Lyon, passionately. "Such disord6r, wrang ling, and irregularity, rob me of my peace, and make the house a bedlam instead of a quiet home. Tom !" she spoke sharply to a bright little fellow who was pounding away with a wooden hammer on a Chair, and making n most intolerable din, "stop that noise this in stant! And you, Em,.not a word from your lips. If you can't live in peace with your sis ter, I'll separate you. D'ye hero •? hush this instant?" "Then make Jule give me my pincushion. She's got it in her pocket.', "It's no such thing, I haven't," retorted Julia. "You have I say." "I tell you I haven't." • "Will you hush ?" The face of Mrs. Lyon was fiery red, and she stamped upon the floor as she spoke. • "I want my pincushion. Make Jule give the my pincushion." Irritated beyond control, Mrs. Lyon caught Julia by the arm, and thrusting her hand into her pocket drew out a knife, a piece °Mace, and a penknife. "I told you it wasn't time. Couldn't you believe me ?" This impertinence was more than the moth er could endure ; and, acting upon her indig nant impulses, she boxed the ears of Juba soundly, conscious at the same time that Emily •Was chiefly to blame for all this trouble, by a wrong accusation of her sister; she turned up on her, also, administering an equal punish ment. Frightened by all this,the younger children, whose incessant noise for the last half hour had contributed to the overthrow of their mother's temper, became suddenly quiet, and skulked away into the corners ; and the baby, that was seated on the floor between two pil lows, curved her quivering lips, and glanced fearfully up 'at the distorted face in which she had been used to see the love-light that made her heaven. A deep quiet followed this burst of passion, like the hush which succeeds the storm. Alas for the evil traces that were left behind I Alas for the repulsive image of that mother, daguer reotyped in an instant oir the memory of her children, and never to be effaced I How many, ,many times, in after years, mill not a sigh heave their bosoms, as that painful reflection looks out upon them from amid the dearer re memberances of childhood I A woman with good impulses, but with scarcely anv self-control, was Mrs. yon. She loved her children, and desired their good.— That they showed so little forbearance, one with the outer, manifested so little fraternal af fection, grieved her deeply. "My whol s z"liy' is made unhappy by it," she. would oftet ay "what is to be done? It is dreadful to think of a family growing up in discord and disunion. Sister at variance with sister, and brother lifting his hand against brother." As was usual after an ebullition of passion, Mrs. Lyon, deeply distressed in spirits, as well ris, discouraged, retired from her family to grieve and weep: Lifting the frightened lifiby from the floor,, she drew its head tenderly against her bosom, and leaving the nursery, sought the quiet of her room. -There in re pentance and humiliation, she recalled the stormy scene through which she just passed, and blamed herself for yielding blindly to pas sion, instead of meeting the trouble among her children with 'a quiet discriinination. To weeping, calmness succeeded. Still she was perplexed in mind, as well as grieved at her own want of self-control. What was to be done with her children How were they to be governed aright? Painfully did she feel her own unfitness for the task. By this lime the baby was asleep, and the mother felt same thing of that tranquil peace that every true mother knows when a young babe is shtmher ing on her bosom. A book lay on the shelf, near where she was sitting, and Mrs. Lyon, scarcely conscious of the act, reached outher hand for the volume. .She opened, without feeling interest in its contents, but she had read only a few sentences when this remark ar- , rested her attention : • "All right government of children begins with self government." The words seemed written for her, and the truth expressed was elevated' instantly . into perception. She saw it in the clearest light, and closed the book and bowed her head in sad acknowledgement of her own errors. Taus for some time she had been sitting, when the our mer of voices froM below grew more and mow distinct, and she, was soon aroused to the pain ful fact that, as usual when left' alone- the children were wrangling among themselves. Various noises, as of pounding on and tlitrow. ing about chairs and other pieces of furniture, were heard, and at length a loud scream, min gled with angry vociferations, smote upon her ears. Indignation swelled butontly in the heart of Mrs. Lyon, and hurriedly placing the sleeping baby in its crib, she started for the sceno..ef disorder,' moved by impulse to punish severely the young rebels 'against authority, and was half way down the stairs when' her feet-were checked by a remembeyance of the sentiment . right goi'ernment of children begins with self-government." "Will anger subdtie anger? When 'storm meets sawn', is the tempest .stilled?" These were questions asked of herself almost involun tarily. "This is no.spirit iii which to meet my children. It never'lias and never will enforce order and obedience," she added, as she stood upon the stairs, struggling with herself and striving for victory. From the nursery came -louder Sounda of disorder. How weak the mother felt! Yet, in this very weakneSs was strength.' ' "I must, not stand idly here," she said, ns a ' sharp cry of anguish smote her ears, ands° she moved on quickly, and opening the nursery door,. stood revealed to her Aildren... Julia had just raised her hand to strike Emily, whq stood confronting her with a fiery face.' Both were a little startled at their mother's sadden appearance, and both . .expecting the storm which usually came at such times ? began to as ! . same the. defiant, stubborn-. air, with which her intemperate reproofs were always' met. 'I A few4noments did Mrs. Lyon stand looking at her 0410011—grief mot- angor,• upon'her .pale 9OuntetiallCoo 2. How, atilt beeame.; look of 'yonder 'eaMe gradually into the obilaren's theeS,, as tlley Owned one at the citUer, laitAlettlirig of yairgoo Cheek, SA., &e Wu. U. &reclaim —ly EMIN -14 ,cretrg 41 Is there a man a whit the hotter For his riches and his gains? For his acres and his palace— If his inmost heart is callous, • Is a man a whit the better? • And if a man's no whit the belts For his coffers and his mines, For his purple and fine linen, For his vineyards and his vines, Why do, thousands bend the knee, And cringe in mean servility. If a man's no whit the better? Is a man a whit the worse For a !owly dress of rags Though ho owns notordly rental, If his heart is kind and gentle, I; a man a bit the worso? And if a man's no bit the worse For a poor and lowly stand, For an empty, even pocket, An , l a bra Any, working hand, Why do thousands pass him by With a cold and scornful eye, If a man's no whit the worse? cdi Home Scenes. By T. S. ARTHUR 1111 tl 1,411)T, ) ; .ssaarrsiavat. OT TTAILI kart' fiN.TaIORIE hen . mid 1r, 4 ..Veal ifd ,(1013 ru fr 1-311?0 I + 11510 (NUAIBEit 35. And nojv the mothcr was coneciond of anew power '- power over the young rebels of her tonsehOld. "Emily," said she, speaking mildly, and J4A, with a touch of sorrow , in her voice she could not subdue, wish you worildge up into my, room and sit With Mary while she sleeps." Without a sign of oppositionyor . even Mud, ! ance, Emily went quietly from the nursery, in t' - obedience to'her mother's desires "This'room is very much in disorder, . Many times had lir& Lyons said under like circumstance, "Why don't you put things to rights?" or, "I never saw such girls. If all the` room was topsey-turvev, and the floor an loch „‘ tnick with dirt, you'd never turn over a hand to put things in order," cr, "Go and get the broom this moment, arid sweep 'up -this. room,-- • YOu're the laziestgirl that ever lived.". ; - blenh. many times, as welave said, ; had such .lasi guage been addressed by Mrs. Lyen, under. like circumstances, lo Julia and her sisters, without producing anything better than gram; •. bling and partial execution of her ,wialres.m.-..,.! But now the - mild intimation that the roopt wart," in disorder, produced the effects desired. Jur in went quickly about the 'work of- restating"' '' things to their right places, and in. a.few "" Lacs order was apparent where,canfusioa,reiga-,..f.ii:zi-q ad before. Little Tammy, whose love of IteMlt 3 mering was en incessant annoyance , mother, ceased his din or. h er .. sudden ' • " .9 ante and for a few moments stood -in expectao tion of a boxed ear.; for a time-ho wart pinzleC tau:: to understand the new asPeet. ofaffairit,: Firuh-•,„ f „ ode ing he was hot under the ban; de ' commenced slapping a stick Over the *4lof old table, making a most ear : piercing ••-itoitki. Instantly Julia said in a low voice to him; , "Don't Tornmy, don't do that. You, knew made mother's head ache." * "Does it make your head -ache, mother : Vs'. , asked the child curiously, and with a pityinkr ••11: tone in his voice, as he came creeping,:up his mother's aide, and looking at her as rim . doubt whether he would be repulsed or uot. "Sometimes, it does, my son," replied • Myre.' . Lyon, kindly, "aod it is always uripleasant.÷.• - Won't you try to play without making so much.: • noise ?" ' "Yes, mother, I'll try," answered the little fellow cheerfully. "But I'llforget sometimes."' ' , lle looked earnestly at his mother, as if &MO.. thing more was in his thoughts. "Well, dear, what else?" said she encoarag ingly. "When Horget, yon. will tell me won'tyoul!"' - "Yes. love." •J: "And then stop. But don't scold, me,.. mother, for then I can't stop." , "Mrs. Lyons's heart was touched.' d She caught„ - Fier breath, and bent her face down;Io conceal its expression, until it rested on the-silken heir • - of the child. "Be a good boy, TomMy, and mother will never scold any more," she murmured gently:in his ear. His arms stole upwards, and they were twin ed closely about herneck, he pressed his.lips: tightly against her cheek, thus sealing his part or the contract with a kiss. How sweet to the mother's taste were these - first fruits of self-control! In the effort togov- • • ern herself, what a power had she acquired,- .' In stilling the tempest of passion in her.own bosom, she had poured the oil of peace over the storm-fretted healts of her children. Only first fruits these. In all her after days ..!i , .1 , 14• did that mother strive with herself, ere slie.ea T ...„ tered into a contest with the inherited 'evils of , her children, and just so flir she was able to' overcome evil in them. Often, very often, wad • self-resistance only a slight effort, but the hair once for good that flowed from her words or ae-. Lions whenever this was so, Warned her citer..„ ror, and prompted a more vigorous self-control.", Neet it be said, that she had att..abundant ze-* ward? • Geary at Look--Out Motu:date:" J. T. Headley's History of the Great. Rebel lion has recently been published. itt•liatiford, ,‘ • Connecticut. From its pages ,•tha. following graphic passages refer to Geary's participation -:•• in the celebrated battle "above 'the cleudslrz—...:;•.- [Vol. 2. Page 261.] "All this, time •hettiy .7 P ., and incessant volleys of pusketrx, arette. the spot where GEARY was struggling againet , overwhelming rumbas.' The fighting was'des. penite, and several times' he was nearly-wirer borne, but with that tenacity which laiscquiars •-• ".,; still clung to his positioe and nt length hurled back the enenty,..cemtell ing him to take refuge on Lookotit Mountain.— , 'rho valley was nit* ours. Geary gained-nor'' honors in this hard fought battle; but. thy'' were dearly won, for his son, a Captain. we zi% • Page 261. The fog suddenly lifted from sionary Ridge, General Geary's coluitiniflushed with victory, grappled with the foe•upon'the 7• rocky ledges and drove him back from : works. While the result was uncertain, the at-„•. tontion was breathless and painful . ; butiiketi victory perched upon our bannersoshoutlbTxki shout rent the air. The whole aimrwith•one accord broke out into joyous acclamation/3.-7 :.) Men were frantic with joy, and evenZeii. Thom-- as himself, who seldom exhibited his eniatiouiViwaT said involuntarily, did not thiek.-it possible for men to accomplish so much.!."l' • . •7 --.------------,-,..,. ~ _ 1 .._.• , . -i : . :,'t 2 1043 . Ma. LINCOLN JUST BEFOItE Illti IiLgeTION. - r- . 4 It gave Idel.Lincoln great pain that inanyi ii- ' l '" -w- "' '''''' ligtous men,. even in. his own city, werivOingsteot! C.1... i .w . vote against him. For hinnielf i heoeulll plaitic. , ..ll:l7,:tm ly see God's hand in tho conflict.. .: :... .. ..., :; ,.,: 3 6, One day, 'Speaking with teats lidlltili 'llbwii‘' - -„ his checks, he uttered these noble -woiatOtt ' 7l ' 4ML4 know there is a God, and that ho hates , injui; . '.3l -..i4f1l tice and slavery. I see thewtorm coming, eitd:: . ..:1.3! :1'. 3 l e I know that his hand is in it .. If he'llass.pl sit_ c , .1 y ,,, anda work for ineand I think he has,-,,-I - • ~" ',ley° I ant ready, lam nothing ;' but trut li 2' '''''. every thing.. I know I am - right, bieaselil zo aqi'-' ,.. 1. know that liberty is right ; for Christ latehea*c---, wile and Christ is God. I have told them-that. zir z ,„,i house divided . agdiest itself 'calt - not .0 . ..,-- pa;*fia. , 'Christ antrrdason say the same .`_ tiotmlinfdbil i t 131: Z E 64 t care whether slavery if: votedttpor i votell - doWnf'"'rz ,,4 rl but God cares, and.hainanity cares, MAI earar:: ,- 1 a; ,wit and with God's helplshall net . fail. , . Imartiol f: - a lu l l' At see the end: but it will, cemo , and I shall he , ~..' vindicated; and those men' will' find that thdy " I ''' .4 ''''''" have not read their Bibles aright." '' - ''' :' s''''.l..-1-- , C6)-The Memphis 'Argus, a violent tw.hq per, said of Andrew Johnson hi .1861 i "We should like to bee Andrew Johnson'elp v " big tongue torn from his foul mouth and his miserable carcass thrown out .to poison rasa._ dogs, or hung ou a gibbet as high af. u a moß to feed the carrion bUzzards." • Since Andrew Johnson has determitied'ndt to'' "make treason odious," the• Argus thinks better - of him, and now•saya: •!I , lqcuc." "The iron firmness . , the undismayed soulxifa., ,„i,„ & single man, (Andy Johnson,) is all thtit stands between us and the fateful • vortex of anarchy. '' " 4 ' lr and resultant despotism which has engulfed thew--= lives anti forturiek of, samany. millions ..beforeo 2+ rre us. Let us rally to the side of thatman , f'T7 mined to.save or perish. with 'din ltoputmcP_... Air-The Rev: lir . .11 11 i;; settled i iniEe — eftlh* -1 : 1- 7 - ` 5/ r:011 . in 1733, and 'Wes the firtit Presbyterien•lnirtist*- tlo over seen there. - Me leader, ofthe.::abitigintwie:%.leioqqe a certain Ject•Daviet, a noted genius fitike.4ey m o r mi . K .,, whose moral character was net wholly tine:. ceptional T tic applied to'Vtither..Ricefii•b4P 3 q 4l/ b." tise his infunt child, thinkinvfi.he:4voit ri chitt.l 7 %ii sleta later, there would bong objection to-it,:. ,Fatker:Atf: await? Rimrefusetton the-green& tlyite.l l 9i.. febi ad ban Christian!. Joe became quite indig 14i t i ..rr•t .rt A %, 3us.r.et, church-lime came on, he reftisedlo rani ' tune, awl spoke so the eoirgreettlBllWlllllllllr • him, that he iveuld"ribither QtYittlirrotigairfoturflialill ttinett who would refuse ii) magkitheiltalsnl* aillirg li cause th 6 sheeP.went.T#r*.P".....st. o!nEEbas7 n. wziod efoiT, itOrTlidinirstirietifitie 4 1 " 1 ise" l:.3 Titutivillle line fettled tha ' (pOstibit-zAggilltgez:J trolontn explode?"— • -- "r"'"rr r--44 .91; MIN) 113 tt le erni A. 41111 ,94.01ar fine arts cram says bl u m toPir littasest that 101 es do wear false oalvoarbdCillis a r o eo Toady to re•ocul Mewl EE!==l - • •-••••••-..': - :Ii (I,: l' ill. lota MEI IL. ' ' "r-e., MED MEM MEE EIEB =I VIRZI TIM . , .:.~ Erffi `t . ir: = Ea ...1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers