Bi ;3~t~~t ; 11111 aOOD instruction D as noeeattary as fond, and such was the instraition:Denitunim Priinklic, gore when he earlA'llva Und'apply tity• self with toduatry,,and with procilaing rebut, Ofecon only ynn *ill be stme . to stMcied fn youi andertak , Dig+. foutoanotnv la ofilsolf ttgrent revenue end by depositing'tinahlefidtierni'the !dere Gerninn & Son, which t dia,eiiieJust Opedlid.rtt the earner of eighth and ginliton:Sts., opposite the well, known •Ilagen buchl Dotet - serd atom roohni' formed; occupied by &i,lauoh k Dannohouer, hare just received from Philadelphia and New Itt:rk, with ft.lerge and apien did variety,of illerobiindisti,, which cannot be beat outside of stlui Vides for'bealty and cheatiness. TholilibiAnotislats breiret.y variety of SPRING AND. SUMMER GOODS, Groceries.; Queensware, , Earthenware, • Glass Ware, Carpets,'Oil Cloth, Oil Shades, e., which.they are selling for cash, at a very small ad. Vance on whofesale:city prima. Their . r'esg - 'Goods are nil of the nano ibeldanabio seleetions, eoinposing Rich Fancyiii neyr styles, Roliedlitneli State, imported,. Plain Poll de.Sois, in.every shade and color. ,7 . ..;;Makialpue;ljnyadere Silks, • Poniard, 'Marceline and Plorince Bilks, Shawls, Mantillas, Einstpru, r . , . Satin Challies„ gleppyytdeng'lo, Cherie Itoistonnegßaragee, • .. - „Cfranadines, 81116! 1 , tntses, ac. Rost - Fronting and' amily Lineal. Clothe nndi,Gessinsercs...•. , . • „. Pannels..Tioliiiiira, Plano and Tablet; Covert, Table, Cloth, Marseilles Quilts, 7r, ,",, 411,1andele Quilts, &c., &o. Together with a itssortmenr of Rentlemon's Furnishing Geode. alve• as a mill, examine the goods and learn the priest!, and you 11l be convinced that our goods nio; what they, should be, and s peo should have them' ,good 'nod Cheap. The highest market inform paid for all kinds of produce . : . . , . ... • .• - •.B.43ltrott, bfittrn, Salesman. JOSTAtfOERiaIf.I : '[NATHAN GERMAN, lii. Allointocin; Maich 28', 1860. - ' —ly : • . F04419,4ktpr accemmodatiort of our customers, Atiul the publio generally, we will about the first of March, 1860, move to No. 36 East Hamilton St., nett dOtltto ttitiPoiost:, Office: Where the largest stock ofigniainiviere ill+er offeriallit 'Lehigh liOunty,' will: behopened for sale at the lowest .possible prices. Whelesithiand. retail, in sets. or by.the , piece.. Stores taking an aathrtarent. will he supplied at .2hUadel phlit priees.a All•in.srant of any Ailing in our line are , oordiallpinvited and examine our goods and prices and satisfy themselves of the truth of the above. statements. , Our stock , consists in part of every, pattern; stile,_ quality and colcir of China, Glass , and Queenavrare, Stone, Rockingham, Yellow andlliittania Ware, Lamps of all kinds. Jler•Lamps alteredand repaired to burn Coal Oil. QUEEnWARE. GLASSWARE.. In 'ate . All kinds, and by For Hotel the piece, And Family use. Tea Sete; Tumblers, , • . Dinner , Sets, - Lager Mugs, Chamber Sets, Dishes, Bird Founts, Mug., Cops,. Bowls, Beide, Dishes, Cake Stands, Pitchers, Plates, Jars, Pitchers, to.; to., to., Bottles, Flasks, • - STONEWARE. Decanters. Butter Pots, .. .Lamps and Globes, Milk Pots, Shades, Jars,.Jugs, Sucking Bottles, Spittoons,, , : Breast Cups. Aitohers, t0,,'.. LAMPS. .., BRITTANNIA. All kinds, Tea Pots, • I Fluid Lamps, , Coffee Pots, Coal Oil Lamps, Tea Urns; :.• ' Parlor Lamps, Ale,Pitehers, Table Lamps, Castor Spoons, Night Lamps, ..lit, Cups, Suspension Lamps, .e., • • Hand Lamps, . -Lamps, ao. , Chnich Lamps, ... .;:.,: ..: Hall Lamps, &o. ~ Don't.•'lngot the plies, next door, to the Post Moe: e.. ~; • , ~..., — , T. C. KERNAHEN. Allentown, January 25, 1880. . —ly ALLEN .HOUSE: • - ALLENTOWN, PENNA. T HIS well,lmennx- Bones ( wilt- hereafter be con. &meek' under 'the 7tthotint supervision o Yo ha, A „Newhard,. who. TO wore no pains. to mnibleelntiltliii 'bigli rerintatiod, ,a House ; has hereto ilb tiblirria, It be Wei, large,' and most Can it. tilt], 116 n in &Lei, being situa ted at the corner of the . Tublie Scpiare•and•HaMilton street. Its cen tral:location, renders it the mare convenient for hilliness , men as well .as for those travelling for plekuutre,• The .House .Is provided with Baths, Airy Chambers, Parlors Reading Room, Ac., &e. Therbill , of •fire and tal us accommodations are the beet the market affords. Every attention is given to insure thercomfurt of guests. Agreeable 'octet, may billiraje 'be found of this establlehment. An (=titbits• readiness to convey pitmen. pie td sad from the depot at the arrival and depar turtkof witty train. . .: , ; i JOSEPH P. NEWHARD,' P ro ... n • i ,i BpußAlm yonE , . pntos. ~ ~A lltiniown,.Octaber 16th, 1869., . , , TO CBE PUBLIC.' istririlia ti-and Copper Smith .bnalness,.4 l : so successfully carried , on for 'the „knit twent y- one 'year at 'No. 48 'and 42 West R aidltori Street, in the BOrough of Allentown by Amos Ettinger, will fromand after the first ofAu-, plo,lpt cOnduated,under tha,llrm of Ettinger .it Son. 1114rig i s a e il h 9 lrf t )!I%C ) r 4 w bI l i lI l b s e:t i b i clu d e t t P i d b e e n f il f. O . jas h a ll System.' - 83 4 - sp. dealing we .oxpeet to radilea our f prlEco goll„oheaper Ginn, ever, and thereby benefit i tlip i ppl)llo.tiii well as ourselves. Thankful for 'past 4 avers,, the bow 'firm solicit as continuance of the "patronage," with the old business stand has been favored: . ; A polite invitation is extended to all such, as are Indebted on the old books. to make settlement in eashtiptcceiktable papers. .Thostwhom.ay not knbio, aded soon by ' legalrecesti.' ''. AMOS ETTINGER, WM. J. 'ETTINGER. ' ' . .ittly`Tf' isso. • • • —tt • CRAIN , FLOUR : AND COAL. .11 1 HB undersigned respectfully beg loare to• inform the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that they are prepared to do all sorts of grist-work and to fur . nish Flour, Feed .and Grain of all kinds at Butz's ,Mill on the Jordan creek one mile from the borough. Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats,-bought at the _highest market 009 gather at the mill or Ut,tholr „ at the corner of Vintli And Linden Btreets, (clnumonly ~.ltnuittn as the Freo Hall.) Orders for Flour, Feoti and Graip s iticilie4 either at their_ store hnnee or at the of ottice ,nt their conLyard, in First Ward, .(T.'7, Hipp. ,„•Agetls into *stand.) The undersigned will carry on , „ns heretoforn•the coal and grain business at their Old 'attinds. i Builneis herenfter,. carried on exalt'- ;.strAly.ort,Hie cash principle. • , ROTH, kiOiILEY & CO. ,ofalentewrs, Nov. 2, HMO. — 7 tr 6 W. H. Vitt teLincg. EZRA P. LEIV/11, '4 H. V4N migEcK & LEWIS, I MAoksaie Grocers, =I --AND . , ''',.',V.9llloo4Bl9At.lyalnfinitprOs," i2O: . WAlt SE N STREET , Bo . twg'ori WFghlugton 'and Wpit, Ste, 'r".147:017 April 11, 1860. . PI08; • net untiltou Street, Allentoeni Pa. five doors east of the Sherltre Office.. ,Can be consulted in the English iffidGerman languages.l November 98,1869. x . ~BLI . • „r d 4( . 4 1•;, : • - , - 1110 X • . ',1(101' UNIO N - • ,WHOITSALE AND RETAIL - 't . CABINIT VANE ; r ,. ~~ ~: S. SELL at SON, FORNITHRE DEALERS, No. 32 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa.— Now is tho time to buy your furniture.. Having adopted tho Cash system, we can assare the public ronerally, that wo can sell twenty per cent cheaper than goods in our lino of liko quality can be pur chased at any other Cabinet Ware Rooms in Allentown. Como one and all, both great and small, old and young, rielt , and poor, and see our large stock of CABINET WARE, consiating of Secretaries, Book- Cases, Side-boards Bureaus and. Dressers, Sofas, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, and in fact s evory article neede di by a family, that have just commenced house keeping. '4. -.4N * either by day or night, by S. Sell A Son, who also attends to the making of shroud', &c. Those Undertakers who reside in the country, we rill at all times supply with the bare coffins and all kinds of Abe latest styles of trimmings at very low prices for cash. P. S.—Now all we want is a call from one and all before purchases are made elsewhere. OP AU goods packed free of charge and sent any distance either by railroad or by public road. Q SELL Ss SON, have now added to their largest stock of Cabinet Ware, the largest and finest assort ment of Window 'elmdes and Fixtures that ever was offered to the publlo in Al sentown, which they will sell 20 per cent cheaper for cash then another house in Town. tigt..All kinds of Wood and Lumber taken in exchange for Ftynicure by . S. SELL do SON. Thankful for past and present customers, and we hope by strict attention to business to welcome many new ones, at the low prices we now sell at for cash.. Don't forget the place, No. 82 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, a few doors below the German Reformed Church. SAMUEL SELL.] Allentown, January 11, 1900 Continental Itestanrant nr.LitianD sAzoom CORNER OF HAMILTON AND Allentown, May 9, 1860.—tf. The Cheapest and Best • G ALLENTOW N ! CAN BE BOUGHT AT ER.ZINIg e CoLvial - 4" • i MUIR CLOTHING EMPORIUM." No. 11 East Hamilton Street, a few doors below the Allen House. • Those .in want of Clothing Come. and take a , Look REMEMBER THE PLACE,, No. 11 BELOW THE ALLEN HOUSE. FRANCIS H. BREINIG.] • [SAMUEL CULVER. tit-Agents. Tor Baker and Grover's Sewing Maehiries. [March 14, ISBo.—ly Chesnut •Grove Whiskey. pos. SALE BY C. WHARTON,Jr., Sole Anent, No. 116 WALNUT Street. For evidences of its •hnrncter, see CER. CIFICATES. PIIILA., Sept. 11th, 'B5O. Wo have carefully totted the temple of CIIESNUT GROVE ins none of the poise pit ;IS,IL OIL, which is the characteristic and injurious ingredient of the Whiskeys In general use. •BOOTH, GARRETT ,t•CA\MAO Analytical Chemists. CHARLES WHARTON Jg., SOLE AGENT, Philadelphia, CETITIF/CATH OF OR. JAMF.9 It. CITILTOII. NEW 'Yong, Scpt.'3(l, 1858. - I have analyzed a simple of CHESNUT GROVE WHISKEY received from Mr. Charles Wberton ' Jr., 'of Philadelphia, and baying carefully tested it,L rim pleased to state the, it is entirely -, FREE FROM POI SONOUS OR DELETERIOUS substances, It is tin unusually pure and fine flavored quality of whiskey. 'JAMES It: MILTON, M. r).. Analytical Chemist. Allentown, September 28, 1850. y AND NERVOUS SUKTERERS4 THE subscriber, for several years a resident of Asia discovered while there a simple vegetable remedy— a safe cure for Consumption. Aethnsa, ilroochi , is, Cough*, Colds aad Nervous Debility. For the bene fit of Consumptives and Nsrveas Serrers, ho is wil to mak tho same public. • To those who desires it, ho will send ,the Proserip- Hon. With ,full directions (free of charge); also ,a sdniple of the medicine, which they will Undo beau tiful combination of Nature's Pimple herbs. Those desiring the Remedy, can obtain it by return mall, by addressing J. B, CUTHBERT, Bothnia Physician. , No. 429 Broadway, Now . York. April 1L —3m CO Clleiheeti on in P r ices . ~ ,4 ...,„ •. 4 • • - ,•• • Igier Our Windsor and Cano-scat Chairs, and Looking Glasses ,surpass everything of their kind to be found in town in price and beauty, and excel them of New York and Philadelphia In point of endurance and cheapness. Como and judge for yourselves.— Every article is warranted to be as represented or no sale. None but the best workmen aro employed in our establishment. pfraucker's, Putnam's, Gross' and Howo's patent Spring Beds, for sale cheap for cash.- Mattresses of every description at a very low price for cash. The largest stock 9f Gilt and Carved Moulding in town, and can ho bought cheaper for cash of S. Sell & Son, than at any other Cabinet Ware Booms in town. N. B.—All those under the sad want of an Undertaker will be promptly accommodated WITH FIRST CLASS PRELAN TABLES, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, a lira ILI Da te Z. 1 ) a LP ac, W. W. HAMERSLY, Proprietor. VII ISKEY which you TO CONSUMPTIVES MN 1111b7 JECID IMPORTANT TO FEMALES Dll.rx Enet sravrik. N . 's PILLS, Proparodby Camillus L. Cheeseman, M. D. NEW YORK CITY. The conibinntion of ingredients in those Pills nro the result of n long and extensive practice. They nro mild in their opt mien, and certnin in correcting all ArnigitlittitleFe, Painful Nlenstmations, removing till obstructions, whether from sold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpation of the heart, white+, sit nervous affections, hysteric+, fatigue, pain in the back and limbo, .tc., dbiturbed sleep, Nrhich rriee ,rom interruptioa nature. TO .11ARI?IED LADIES. Dr. Chreseman's Pills nro invaluable, as they sell bring on the monthly period with regularity. La dies u•ho illiVa been disappuinted iti the nse of oilier Pills can plan tho utmost confidence in Dr. Chocse mnn'a Pills doing all the, they represent to do. . . There is 'one condition at the fentate system in which the Pine eau not be taken mithont producing a PECULIAR 11 ES UL T. The condition rt./erred to ix PREGNANCY. Such is the irrseistoldc tendenry of the Medicine to recloie thr nexual fintefione to a normitl condition, the reproductive power of nature cannot retie it. Warranted purely vegetable, and freo from any thing injurious. Explicit diicetions, which should ho rood accompany boy. Pi leo $l. Sent by runil on eneloidng $1 to Dn. Convemun• L. CIICERE ILIN, Box 4351, Pobt Obice, Now York City. Fold by one Druggist In every Town in the U, S. R. B. HUTCHINGS, or:Nen/a, AGENT FOIL THE IND En SLATES.• 14 Broadway St., New York. To tchoni all Wholeeare prdcre slacoolrl be addressed. Sold in Allentown by Juhn B. Maser,. and E. D Dawnll. December 7, 1850 . ' • —ly NATIONAL HOTEL, RACE STABET, ABOVE THIRD PHILADELPHIA. CYRUS CAR:MANY, Proprietor. • November 2, 1859.' ROOMS. S. SELZ & SON. [C. B. M. SELL -tf STREETS, FIFTH NOT! fj .-, , HmwArsrEß's STOMkCH . The "propriefore znd . manUfacturera of HOS. TETTER'S 'CELEBRATED .STOMACH BIT 'ERS can appeal with perfect confidence to p clans and citizens generally of the United States, cause the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point Will" speak moro powerfully than volumes of bare assertiottor blazoning puffeiy., The consumption of Hostettor's Stoinaclisßit , tens for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from' its manifest steady_ increase in limp past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near ono million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians is those Sections of the country where the article is beet known, who not only recommend the ]Jitters to their patients, but ate rendy at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all eases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting (bereft cm. This is not a temporary roptilarity, obtained by extraordinary cit'Art,i the way of tram pacing that'll:tildes of the Nit erii, but Et solid estimation of an invaluable tactlicine, which 14 di:Will:24 to be as enduring no time liestetter's Stomach hitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various !other bilious cemplainte have counted their victims IT, hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Baspepia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy inaispeusable for the restoration of honitit. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores than to aeondition essential to the healthy discharge of 14s functions of nature. Erderlypersons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as fftenie, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have exptri.‘rtlqd the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of' physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sax. There are certain periods when their cares arc so harassing that ninny of them sink uniler the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, On the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the peridd of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Ilene, thou, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nttrsing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All these persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Iles tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the ninny imitations or counter feits, but , ask for HOSTETTEIt'S CELEBRATED STOMACH Bryn:us, and see that each bottle has the words " Dr.J. Hostetter'e Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. Ofd- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United statcs, South Ame rica, and Germany. AGEIv Ib.—Lewis Schmidt & Co. E. D. Lawell, John 13. Moser, Allentown; Jacob E:. Lawull, Cate eatiquo; D. 0. Sc 3 lor, Shoonereville. November .23. 1560.. -77 IF. WISTAR'S BALSAM WISTAII'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, WiSTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, The Unfailing Remedy, The Seasonable Remedy, The Certain Remedy, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, AND rOAIISENESS, COLDS, )10AIISENESS, AND COUGHS, HOARSENESS, COUGHS, AND COLDS, CROUP AND ASTHMA, ASTHMA AND CROUP, CROUP AND ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS A SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS SOR V, THROAT, BRONCH ITIS .4 SORE THROAT, W . HOOFING COUGH, HOOFING COUGH, HOOFING COUGH, INFLUENZA, PHTHISIC, QUINSY, PHTHISIC, QUINSY. INFLUENZA, QUINSY, INFLUENZA, PHTHISIC, Inflammation of the Lungs, Inflammation of the Chest, Inflammation -9f the Throat, Ttc REMEDY OF THE AGE, REMEDY OF THE AGE, ron f,eans.turzittLan, (; ) atzaufniztiair, ansutinftlian., CONSUMPTION, CONSUMPTION. cAtrziON! CAUTION! CAUTION! CAUTION! CAUTION! CAUTION! The only Ocnains, —the only Pore,—the only Xedici. nal Da. WISTIR'S . BiILS./2.11 OF IPILD CHERRY is *prepared by St: TH Fotrtn I; Co., 18 Tremont Streit, Dayton, and has INTL' D name, as well as the Iriztrrnx signature if L DUTTS, on the outside wrapper. &I other is worthless, and to purchase it is wintry thrown away. Let the sic , : and the inra/id, as they dr.,.ec and hope to lie cared, take no other, and arojilall ethcr, as Cay are impositions. VALUADLE TESTIMONY roam nee. Jacob &eddied. well known and highly re spected throughout ;he dtate of Yontollvania. • lIANovCR. PA., Feb. 16, I MS. Moesra. S. W. POWI.E taC 0., BOOTON..— D ear SirB, 1 13Villg realized ill toy family important LlCllClitif from the ii • , e of your valitabio preparation,— 11 , 7410'8 Balkan' of Wild Cod Cry,—lt attord a we pleasure to recommend it to the public. 54.1110 eight years ago ono of 111 y daughters seemed to bo to a decline, and little hope, of her recovery were entertained. I then procured a bottle of your ex cellent Nakao', and before 010 lind taken the whole of the contents ot the bottle there was a greet Inipnivetnelit in her health. I have, in toy individual case, made frequent u.n of your valuable medicine, and have always • on beiNfiteil by it. Would, ladarorr, caution tea public a, ' ruwrtlau, brcaude tl-re it a good deal *Tumuli Iristur'a Bum if Wilel Cherry ofirat' !hood/demi Mr Couritrrl. JACOB SIMI I.IM. ' fey... Beware '.e a 'wades: , country:Pito ! The only Genuine, Pure, alit Alrdicinal Bulaudot lood the veer( "1. BUTTS" written with a pen. end the printed ti of the proprietors, " \V. POWLE A: Cu.," cu tho Outer wrapper, Sold by Deniers Everywhere, EVerywhere., AGENTS.—E. 1). I,awall and Jolin B. Mower Allentown; Jacob Lawall, Catamuqua; W. 'fool Son, Emus. Jamos Weiler. Macungie; Simon Rau and M. M. goirtidgo,Bothlohcm. Allontown, Fob. 2S. —ly Allen Insurance Co., ALLENTVIN, LEMUR COUNTY, PA. Tilis c0mp...., is organized under the gencralin surance Laws of this Stet°, and Insures upon tho mutual principle exclusivoly, against lees by tire, on Buildings, Merohandiso and other property. Ap plication for insurance may bo made at the aloe of the cotnpany, or to the Surveyors whose !taints have heretofore boon announced. • C. IV. COOPER, President. C. M. RUNK, Secretary. Allentown, Due, 17 1859. --ly ~, „. , aosta , 1 OR ' ry,l3 cs _._ ( c , FOR V twiktim mA%\w\vm,xiizziwxsa\s, w\\Nl\N,vz.\\s,m. , )%,7) Tins remedy to OffCred as alrordit2g a means of !Teeny cure for the large number that die atlnually In our laud of that,fell scourge, Consumption, to which, unfortu nately, so many predisposing causes exist. Youth and age are allho subject to Its ravages. can name one or more of his acquaintances who Is nub , Jett to mune siht in of lung or throat coal' taint, which, If net attended to in scr.oo inavitably consigns the I,llf. Corer to a premature ;rave. o tutu, 11011 is at tonol if they will but avail them-mitre of it, nod hope,--tho Lax Wager of brighter dayr —htsy tw :Lemke:Pot without fear of chilling disapiwAntelent. 11. 1.111:1.11,1 111,AM:et% ACAL•IAN 15,11..1.131 Joel .1.4; what iv C1:1,101111 for it, Intll may Lid reVed upon by tins sic, os l..eiro;tho most ruczess• fat In caring lung not throat dt.ordtos, of any remedy ItUOWII nt the pro-cut day. The plmace.assumed by Consumption 311 , tici..)..‘ ap; of 111010 who have reason to fear Its approaeh, either 1“,131 couetl:u• Ilonnl or hot whiter tendency. While the dkonverer of tails reined). dogra Lot believe that people ehould iro comdaully th,ing themselves ui.ll medicines t,ltere are many eaves whole ,I;.eat.e ' to remain unchecliod tho ..yotcut ; mot u . ,t,ngt,, regarded nt first an 14utuly an anon: mace. cvnArr, o nly with the life of thelAtiant. An impure mate of the ttloa.l, through debilltatint, of the Itutga, - fill the vyrtvm with morbid hump, and pulnat'-n hocotwen feeble or accolcr• n feverinh iutel3dit ..-- t ho ;Agit t. liter, mid Itid• nest, separately performing oati-ms of ',its! Imo.. .My to our well•being, are im;..0.,et1 in theft tooatr actlon— the digestive otgann (altar In their tank, a n d relose to perform the procono of Kuntrating the nu•rit lons elomento front food, and the Wllllll3 Inectal bong Is woll•ttigh randy to mink. titular the burden of Ile. The patient no account.; ilk cane a compliention of disordertt, mind often refluten to rennet to medication, from his thureugL ]who( in any prospect of cure. To neat q. ~An'''- i t........ • ........"--.......- 41,— ":" . ", .."-.- o ' lo c \\\ \ 1 N.\... 1 : ........"' 0n..."- ..---...t_3,,...Y of the ACACI/1:Y nm.sAm, RS 411 , W/1 1 E1 1 1y Worthy the coo Il• Mtnee of oil. Every itrinptem of Conoemptlen in merely and p,,,,,, a nently erocatc.l by its; non. Its elfecto ere none other but strengthening and rettOrit t tog to the en tire oyetem. ltronchill., Asthma, Conghs, Colds. and flonerel Debility. nro effectunlly cured by Its use. Night. Sweatt.. 1.0,6 of nosh, and w,,,,tiug. cony of the Munclta, Los. of Appetite. foreneso of tho Throat, (Ilya,. oral Lung,. liver Cetnplaint, Palpitnt ion of the Hprirt, filM. rutty of tkentbio,-1111 them) ”ffeeti,.. di•eppear In tut Incredibly short time after uoiug Dr. O. Phelps Brea WA Acacian balsam. It nouriollee end strengtheno the patient who to too much reduced to portat.e of nrilitlill V 1 , 04. It heal, nil Internal sore.. tubercles. eel in ilarynntlnn. it strength. ens. braces, nod racititlite. the bruin, and i. without n rivet OR ll t.OlllO, olipply lug clocitle.ty or IllngtietiC ioreo to every part of the enfevithnl furl I.thstrate batty. It need. no lengthy trial to convince any t lint the AttArmY rt.thinlt I. truly the greatest la rcyly or lice der, rd iln hetlefiChtl quelltlmt ere folly opiarent in cif Itta.Ml•fcry bourn after trial. Let the Invalid, then. no I ,, neor delay'; Icli make the trial. and the ratult will surely he 4 ,l of tile mont gratifying chantetar. The AGAellit , ' Ihthn.tll in prep roil with the 11. grentoot care, end the beet material.. No f.y; ri. e t cY i i. t. , )t „ t i il o t v e o li f t.l l l . i e , it_ witli 1 , 1 may be tation.hy either acs. of all i t itt ' t.t 4 ,'lttcl . :I, l ' at, nil tie:lMM%, with perfect ve;:cry ; aml it ii .. (t. nond the less powerful la conquer:Till.° tli.. tt) case. which nap the teen lotion anti tiestveyl . the li re. of so many in our tubtot. Every famlly It.. !j olteultl hare it, and roger.: It an a ~ ,-1 treasure. '''.l Descriptive pamphlets Oren to ail who apply J. to tuy agents. i f ` PRICE $2 PER BOTTLE ~/,./ \",, i.: ' 2 ~,, By f l , , , ----. 0.; .0"10.1, t,l, " pnrnAEl - 05 )U 0 1 3 V ''' i'' 1%6 i - ......-- VI , ) - '. i)n e l t, i [ u 7) , 1 t iy3 1 0t, P,1, a , , , 2 21») . " , -1,, I L) ra 0 J___L.!--•-•( (CORAND 5T44 . - V. -- Yi2.%? , 'N, VAVI 5 'A A. g , ,V - l i i :- 7; 6 ,K,. 1 :-........-7v;=. •-.--- ,-42-..-m.azi ,,, --, '::.L LEWIS sc;timua 1 c .., +,a«+ f,,r Le high counts Extoll'sCelebraftd Crackers; For the Sick as well those iu Health Thcro is no Cracker in the market flint can rurines Exton's Trenton Wino flrnolrora. On HIS WATER CRACKERS, For which he received the First Premiums nt the State Fait s of New Jersey, held et Trenton. he it. 1853, mud Eliz3beth City, Sept. 185'). AvlNf3 iutrodtcod them into nearly all the prin. cipal stoma in A llentown and Detidehoto, he merely asks those who have not tried them to do and judge for themselves. Read -the Certtnea to 61 Dr. James B. Col, man, of Trenton, l\T. J. where the Crackers are manufactured. E=l3 The Wino Crackers manufactured by A. Exton, of Trenton, \. J. are composed of whtha flour, sugar, butter, lard, lemon and common salt. The delicacy of taste. lightness and crispness depend nltogethet upon the purity of material, mixing and baking.— They are easy of digestion, nutritive, and palatable, ore excellent fond for the 'licit ns well ns those inyer fact health. The Water Crackers are equally pure. Their euperior quality iy owing to the skill vita which they are manufactured. TAMES B. COLEMAN. Allentown, Mnrch 14,1660. —Cm LIVERY STABLE, WILLIAM F. YEAGER, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally, that be still continues to carry on the Livery business in Lose Allen (in the rear of Dr. Rornig'. , residuneo,) where he is prepared to necommodate.nll who with horses nod vehicles, at the shortest notice and on reasonable toxins. Ills clock of Horses has been selected with great esro, and trained with an especial view to safety, which A , n places him i apoeition of keeping the very medoh,fe, zanneair STABLII. ta:::-.:•1%.t.:: : •,1Te does not npprove of hiring out broken-down, balk‘ " ring -boned, spavined, or dis eased horses, but of ' keeping the right kind cf stork. such no can travel well and do credit to his stable. His carriages and veil ieldes: of every description "'rill always he kept clean and in good order. lie trit:to that hy strict attention to business and keeping the best of stock, he will be favored with a liberal share of-patronage. orders left at the Allen Hour° will be promptly attended to. _ _ _ WILLIAM F, YEAGER. Allentown, Anatnt 10, 1559. —tf "ITIE UDON," ARCH STRMIIT 41.330V121 TELIELD .P ?111, A DEL P• 11 A . • untler:igned having purchnqed the interest of hie former partner, EV.ITI EVIIII9, in the above lintel, vntild call attenfion of the t publie to its con venience for those visiting the City, either for busi- IlVs or pleasure. :Its situation being but n few steps from the prin• ciplo avenues of trade, otters Inducetnonts to those on business; while to them in search of pleasure, passt•oror rail roods which now pots in elwo prox imity (Ilford a cheap and pleasaut ride to all places of intetest in or about the city. Tito proprietor gives assurance thnt t!Tho T 711102 1" P11:111 be hops with such.churne er as will morit approhatirn mid would ITF pl•Ct fill y sullen pution ago from Lehigh rind nekinininir counties._ _ _ UPTON S. NEWCOMER. Philngelphig, August 3, 1859. —ly Briggs & Helfrich CO,LIIISSIUN DEALERS IN ALL I:INDS ur COUNTRY PRODUCE t t i n u ndte ( il .l ll ,c l ,o o ;o ts, i i tuu ou r Grain, Fruit, .tie. AL$O Lv LIVE STOCK, • 194 and 155 Wcst Wasliingtnn 51arlz , it; (First now North ui Fulton l-ltlQot, New York.) alttughtercd at short notice. o!dors for roettrie.t, Fish, rruim, dq., promptly' filled. All letters of inquiry will receive immediate attention. ...747•Bminese strictly Commis:ion. Sales strictly ratondutl, to nt the Monts uutl Itoiltund Depots, and returns promptly tuade. Joseeit Manus.' [JONATHAN R. Mtn - twit. New Y.trlt, August 24, 18511. —ly ; 111 A aRADuNTE ofJoffe r son Medical College, fi and resident llcidllborg township. L ilghcounty.i t mo g atoiyitiv i ntyre % public buns° of Mr. Daniel Dalbort, offers his pro fessionol services to the citizens of that vicinity. Do will gladly answer to calls at all hours of the day or night. (Noreuti.or 16, 18h11.—tf .116 .;. ' P A '. 1 ' ii i' 3 l, ' (- 1. • • . ° pai nt ~ A 0 . ... t.'; __,, e ,,. A , , • PECIF I Y . .41 4 : .'- 8 ... . ~!. : z -,--la,- ------ • dbr a',".......R5:4170,..14..w . : ,.. . - _q!, - ` 4—'-..... ..,....TAls,:V•t. • The undersigned having used Professor HUM. PITRETEP SPECIFIC lIOMOtOPATIIIO REMEDIES In our families with the most satisfactory results, and having full confidence In their genuineness, purity, • and efilen4 cheerfully recommend them to all per. eons who 'lt to have. safe, reliable, and efficacious remedies hand for private or domestic use. • The Rev. Win. 'framer, editor of " The Northern Independent," Auburn, N. Y. •, the Rev. E. 11. Oros. soy, D.D., Rector of St. Peter's Church, Auburn, N..Y. ; the ,Itev. D. I. Ices, Chaplain of the Auburn State Prison ; the Rey.9pencer M. Rice, Rector, Nerr-Iled. ford, Mess. ; the ' Rev. Allen Steele,Netr.York Con. Terence; the Rev. Samuel Nichols, Enst4lenesee Con. Terence, N. Y. ; the 11ev. P. S. Pratt, Dorset, Vt. ; the Rev. John E. RJIII,, ; C. !fart, Esq., Utica, N. Y. ,• the Hon. D Portland, Me.; the Hon. Schuyler Collie, South-lientl, Ind.; the Hon. George Humphreys, N. Y. ; D. C,tok, Pug., Editor of the qi,t,, Stile Joni oat," C tluntlnts, Ohlo ; the lion. It. It. ilettlettn, 51 , tline. III: ; the Mu: Thoines J. Clno4e, Monticello, Fill.; the lion. Joseph Ilenettlct, Utica, N. V. ; Wm. ihixt 0, Vet , rtica, N. Y. ; A. S. Bent, Esq., Utica, N.Y.; .levies Plunkett, Esq., Nash. ville, Tenn. No. I —For Fever, Connection, and Infinunatlon. No. 2.—Vor Worm Fever, Worni.Colio, IN'etting the Bed, No. 3.—For Colic, Crying, Teething, and IVaketul ness of Infants. No. 4.—For Dinrrltmn, Cholera 'Manton', and Sum. mar Comp' Moto. No. I.—For Colic, Griping's, Dysentery, or Bloody Flux. No. o.—For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. No. 7.—For Coughs, Cohla, Induenco, and Sore Throat. No. S.—For Tooth-ache, Face.ache, and Neuralgia. No. ti.—For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness nesa of heal. No. 10.—Drsperat Pats—For Weak and Deranged Stomach, Constipation, and Liver Complaint. No. 11.—Foes tviAt.s 7 itll4o nun, Szanty, Palo ful, nr 13oppresor I Pm No. 12 —4'or LeuC , ll7i,CA. Profuse Menses, and Benrtng Down of Yeamles. No. 'W.—For Camp, Hoarse Cowl), DO Breathing. No. 13.—fiat e anent Ibta..s—FoY Erysipelas, Yaw dons, Pimples ou Cho ram No. 18.—Ilanc:4.titc Pius—For Palo, tamenws, or Soreness In the Chest, Back; Loins, or I.ltobs. A.—For Toyer and Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Old Mismanaged Mute , P.—Yor Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or Ex ternal. o.—Far Sore, Weak, or Inflamed ties and Eyelids; Falling, Weak, or Blurred Skirt, C.—For Cat orrh, of long Standing or recent, either with obstruction or Koren flint:aro. W. C.—For Whooping Ckmgh, abating Its violence and tOt^rttnt!no Its course. • In MI acute Illsthgeß, such nil Fevers, Inflammations, Dlnrrlitien, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, end such eruptive discuses n• Eenrlet Fever, Measles, and Er) , elpelits, the utlyntatigo of etylng the prover relocates promptly Is chylous. and in nil such cute, the spc cities act Ike a charm. The entlru (Uprose Is often arrested nt once, and In nll eaten the violence of the attack Is moderated, the dim= shortened, and rem. dertyl lees dangerous. • Coughs and Colds, rhlch arc of such frequent oc currence, Anti which so often lay the foundation of diseased lungs, bronchitis, nod consarrmtlon, may all be at once cut ml by the Fever and Com:li Pills. In all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia Weak Stomach Constipation, Liver Complaints, Plies, Fe. maleand Irregularities, old Headaches, Bore or Weak Eyes, Catarrh, blift Rheum, and other old eruptions, the cane hoe Fpeellis Whone proper ap• Olicatinn hill afford n cure in altoost every Instance. ften the cure of a tingle chronic diniculty, such as 14spepslit, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female Meekness, has more than paid for thu case ten times over. • Case of 20 Tints complete, In morocco, anti Book, 25 epee of 20 vials, and Hook, plain, 4 Cape or 15 numbered bones, anti Bonk,. 2 Case of 6 bones, numbered, mul Book, 1 Single numbered boxes, with d1recti0n5,.......25 cts. Single lettered boxes, with directions, - 20 cts. Large case with 2 oz. vials. for planters and phy sicians, $l5 nit MUMMA OR PRTUISIC.— Oppressed, Difficult, Labored Brentldng, !Mended with Cough and Expeo torstion. Price, 50 cents per box. Fun EAR DISCUA HOES AND DllARO'SS...—Discharges from the Ear, the result of Scarlet Fever, Measles, or Mercurial& For Noises In the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Ringing In the Ears, mad Ear-ache. Price, 50 cents per box. Dolt Sotortms.—Enerrged Mantle, Enlarged and In. thirsted Tonsils. Swellitorn and Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Cachexy of Children. Price, 50 cents per box. FOR 0 1/1:1111.1TY. POSSICRI or Nervous Weakness. • Either the result of Sickness, Excessive Medication, or Exhausting Discharges. Price, 50 cents per box. • FOR DROoSV.—Flula Accumulations, Tumid Swell. Ines, with Scanty Secretions. Price, 50 cents per box. Foe SkA•Stcotss.—Denthly Sickness, Vertigo, Nato sea, Vomiting. Sickness from riding or motion. Price, 50 cents per box. . Fon URINARY Insessrs.—For (travel, Henn) CO. cull, Difficult, Painful Urination, Diseases of the Rid. neys. Price, 50 cents per box. Fun SEMINAL. FMlSSlONS.—lnvoluntary Discharges and Consequent Prostration and Drblliry, told Its of Evil Haffits. The moot successful sod elli. tneot .elltr•gy .....1 4 , / , .•^ " 0 •• cure. Price, with full directions, $1 per box. Persons who wlsh to place themselves tooter the prat:stile:tat care, to to seek advice of Prof. Mx- PIIREVO, can do so; at his office, 562 Broadway, daily front & A.M. to S P.M., or by letter. [July 4, IS30:- 1 y Look over the Hat ; make up a case of who kind you choose, and Inclose the minutia In a current onto ' or stamps by mull to our address, at fO.: Broadway, New.Vurk, and the medicine will be duly returned by wall or espress, flee of charge. AGENTS WANTED.--We deer° on artive, efficient Agent for the talc of our Remedios In every town or community It the United States. Address Dr. liun rllliera a co., NO. 111,0ADWAY, N):r•Yunit. E. D. •itgent in Allentown; Jacob S. La wall, r.qcnt in Cattaauritia March . 2B, 1800. . •"!lystproia liemody. ~ ii. . DR. DARxus HAM'S ARUM ATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. 2h is Medicine has been user/ 44/4,lseb/fefor sin years, with incre«einu facor. It is iLir„p/717nenderl to Core Dyspepsia, Nersotteneati,'Weitrt. Bunt, Colic Poing, Wind in the Stomach, or Paint it, the Bowels, Heaclacht.Mrowsiviceir,74. ' Kidney Clomp /can fs, Loa , spirits".• Delirium Tremens, IntemperanCe. IT STI3ICLATte, EXIIILAItATES. INVIOOOA7rB. HOT WILL NOT INTOXICATI: on n•TUPICY. A S A MEDICINE, it in quicksand effectual,cur. ing,the.tiast• nggravatiul cases of ,:D3' , Patia. Ifidney Complaints, rod nil other dortnitas of dm Stomach end 11. wide, in a npeody It will ini.tantly rot/LA.4Am meat melancholy and drooping spirits,:ancl restore the. weak, nervous nod sickly to hcaltb..ini•ongth Sad vigor. Persons who; from the injudicious We of liquors, have become dejoctod„, nnd their nervous systeins shattered, constitutions broken drown, add subject to that horrible (torso to humanity, 60,DE1 IRIUU Tng- HENS, will :tiniest immediately, feel the happy, nnd healthy invigorvting efficacy of Dr. Ilaun's Invigo. rating';Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. Dosc..-One wine glass full no often no necessary. Ono dose will remove nll Bad Spirits. • Ono dose cure Heart•burn. Three doses *ill inure Indigestion. One dose nein give you a Good Appetite. Ono dose will stop the distressing pains of Dys. pepsin. One dose will remove tho distressing mil disagreo, able eTects of Wind or Flatulence, mud in noon an the stour;ch receiver the Invigorating Spit it, the dis. (reining load nod nil painful feelings will be re- ; moved. Ono dose will remove the most distressing pains of Colic, either in the st, mach or bowels. A few doses will removo obstructions in the Kid. tiny, Lladder or ijrinary Organs. Persona who nro seriously afflicted with any ncy Compinints nro 11.. sured speedy relief by a done or two, and a radienl curo by the use of one or two bottles._ .. ' Persons who. from dirsipating too, mach over night, and feel the evil rffects of polsononaliglior3. in violent headaches, sickness at, etoinneh, weak ness, giddiness. &c., lilt] find ono done will t rcwuvc all had feeliw a. Ladies of wealc and Richly constitutions, should tsho the Invigorating Spirit three times' n any: it will mite them strong, healthy mid happy, remoro all obatractionsnad irregularities front the menstruul organs . , and restore the blecin of health and beauty to the careworn fin'. During proenn7lcy it will lie round nn invelneld.t medicine to remove ditogrectible eenentions nt the atom!) ell. • AB the proprietor ashs, is n trial, nod to intlero this, he los put up the rttrioort.l TING SPIRIT ill pint Betties, at 110 cte.,cianri4 General Depot. 43 Wafer Street N.l. Sold by F. D. Lnwell, J. D. Motor nml Lewis Schmidt Co.. Allentottm ; J.tenb S. Lowell, Cnta: unique ; I T. Moyers mid ilLSelf.idge, Bethlehem. rebrutiry 1, 13e0. , —ly ONF PRICE HAT. AND CAP STORE, (rnr:Nete or TIIR viva sTuor nr.octc.) N. West corner of Eightli and Eno Streets, Tho Public aro respectfully invited to hoar in mind that at this Store may found an assortment of rashienalde end liandsomo . Sere !Into. nigh, Low und Medium Depth Crown, Cloth mat Cluzed Caps. • Plush and Plush Trimmed Caps fur Mne and Boys Fancy Hats and Cnps for Children. at Fair Prices ~WI•NO TWO PRICES FOR REGULAR GOODS. January 18, 1800: —ly FIVE DOLLAIIS PER DAY can certainly be mado--No risk to run: No capital required.— Agents wanted everywhero. ^ • Addrens Box 77 Allentuyin i Penn'a. =Aft MILT TEM PEOPLE SAY. I.IBT 01' SPECIFIC IMEI ALSO SPECIFICS. on: 1113IEDIES BY MAIL .NrGIITLY DISSIPATION GLENN'S MM)=l 18611: •• SPNG• - `lB6O l a ' RI • SCRIM 11 . GOODS'' ENIi , ToDit OVest 1 . 1 0 ton Street, havo Willy returned frotii NeW York 'and Philadelphia and received the largest Mad most desirable stock of Goods over before shoWn in Allentown, and are now roady to accommodate the public in all prices and quollties•of Goode, We' do not like to overate our stock like some of our neigh bors do. but the old saying is an empty .barrel makes the most noise; we are ready to sustain what' wo say. Our Atnric consi:ts. of LADIES DRESS GOODS; A splendid nesortment of Spring and Sulam a- Ladies Dress Goods, such as plain, black, and fi gured silks for (Wasson colored, striped, cheneulder, and bayadere dress silk?, from 50 cents to gam), per yord, forages, falsities, Ducal,. linisarines, Pool do chiver, Challos. Valencia, Lavolla Cloth. Mndeno Cloth, Gingham, Prints, Chinzos, plain and figured Brillnnts, Lawns, forages, Extension Skirts, Alan flirts, Dusters, together with a full variety of goods, they fool satisfied to please every body. if they give them a trial before purchasing elsowhere,,by ItEN 4 DIGER & ~IfEN'S WE &R.--A full assortment of Mon's wear Push no Blaelt,...and Colored Cloths, Panay end I•latn Cessimero, Tweedy, Merino Cassimere, Union Cassitneres, Jeans, Dennums, Cottenades, and all kincla of other goods too numerous to mention while they oiler for-nalo by Q lIAWLS.—A splendid' nssortmont of Shuwiv, such na Blnek and Colored Stella ; Minnie, Ellnok and Moda thanred Shawls, Squrre and Long Braeba Shawls, While and Cokred Crape Shawls, Blnek Silk Shawls, and Mons:Delnin Shawls, for sale by • ' .RENINGER & SIIIMER. MIDRELLAS AND I'ARASOL:i.—, A, full as. ) ortinont of unthrollos, and 01l prices and qunlitice oY Sllk and Cotton Bin UvLrcllna, n full lino of Pomo'? which they offer very I , qr for Mnle. RENINGEIt SHINER. CR PETS AND car., CLOTH.-r•A fall assortment of ingrain, throoply and forestry carpets, nod c( than nod wool stnir Carpets. Floor, Sta!tuna 'ra bic Oil Cloth of till ryonlitles . null Width, vory low fur solo by BENNINGER & SHINIER. i2.I2OOERIES. A full assortment of Orocorles LT such as—Rio . and Java Coffee, all kinds or Now Orleans, Porto Rico, Cardinus, Musrovnde, and all kind of Syrup Moinsses •nll kinds of Sum, Tens, Honey, Raisins, Oils, Chocolate, Cheeses Rico, Sal. Soda. Soda Ash, bup.•Cnr., of Sods,•all kinds of Spiocs which they offer very low by FISIL—AII kinds of Fish, such an No. I.nnd 2. Qunrter. halves, nod whole bnirel 31nelcorel, Scala i?ish, Uorrings and Coil Fish, for solo by • RESIN'OER SIMMER. SALT.—Ground Liverpool Salt in sacks and par bushol. Ashton fino Salt, and Dairy Sacko.fur sale by ItENINUER 611131 ER. Allentown, April 14, 1800. --tt The Et ed LiOn. What's tho matter? what's Um fuss? what's loose? ST11:1I' Up? snits° of this mighty commotion Is the Jordan on fi o? is the Lehigh dried up? Have the Im:owning been sot all In motion? Whet does Jack yell nbout? whet is got into Brown P Why is nil the world racing end running?— It is tho Red Lion, 1.0 buys hitusol down With an nit full of comfort and cunning; 110 shakes his thick man° as if in groat anger But not with Intent to devour, For Ito merely roars out: whore is friend Qange• were? And asks him tho very Immo hour: Who says that you had boon chased out of the &Nara, 'Cause fifty more rocks had been kicking? ' It cannot be true, for it would not be flair, • Unless through some partisan tricking. This pleases oil Gangwere, and puts him in cheer. And ho sings out: we'll make It all right, air. Had 1 . but continued to take some one'a beer, I could stay where I lime, without doubt, sir. They think that die . :silunto is a magnet of tnight, Surpassing Am North Plo's attraction, thus ts its focus, by day and by night 'rho friends of a puro Malt-Decoction. v My " Pretzels" have nlyvnys been eplondid, they any,. An w 11.5 my " Swietzer"--by Jingo! And gogarl that rvo frequently' given away, , Are soiling nth conta in Mingo. And had I not served up so "bully," indeed, Et would 00 uy golly" no wonder, That no one would Callow mo over the street, When others do Serve oror yonder. Now, finally, Month and negunlntances, come An 1 meet nt the Red Lion nightly. Your old daddy Gengewer has plenty of room You'll find nono so clever and sprightly. Aud. should Lis new cellar take fire, the flame Could be quianchod with deliciouslnger And the fire in the sromach his lunches will taunt, Thou mind and look out fur A!lontown, March 28; 1860 E. D. LAWALL , Apothecary and Druggist. WEtOLEISALEI AND RETAIL. No. 21 West Ha ntilton, St., Allentown,. Pa CIONSTANTLY ON lIAND " V Drugs, Chemicals, Dyestuffs, Acids, Perfumery, Patent reg.' Fluid, Campliono, Medicines, 4. - 5c4 0 !• Alcohol, Turpentine, Soda Ash, Cattle Powdcr,Votaoh, Saponifier, Sweet Oil, Cattilo Sohp, Lord Oil - ; &a. Just coheived a fresh supply of Congress Water from Saratoga Springs. Vor medicinal purposes, several fine brands-of Brandy, Old Port Wino anti Gin. PbTsicinns can have confidence In the:purity:of nil Medicines furniOhod by me. 711• Country • Dealers purchasing articles of me will find prices ngreenble, allowing them no fair profits ns by buying goods either in Philadelphia or New York. '•" E. D. LAWALL. Al'ontown, July 20. —tf CM TRUSSES! EPACES! IIIIFORTERS C. H. NEEDLES, 8. W. C.rner Twelfth and Pace B.tieete, PHILADELPHIA. PRACTICAL ADJUSTER of Rupture Trusses and ncebnnical Remedies. 1i43 constantly on band n large Zttneic of Ccnuine French trusses, also a complete as<ertmont of the best American, fueled ing the celebrated Whites Potent Lever Truss, be lieved be tbo lie4t nnthoritles to be ee p e rier t o an y yet invented. English and American Supporters, tint] Belts, Shinilder Braces, Suspensory R.ndngos, Self Injecting Syringes, ndapted to, both sexes, in sent portable cases, 'French Passuries, Urinal Bogs Lc. Orders and letters of enquiry, will meet prompt trontion. • AugnPt 24, MP f:r, OLD DR. DEATH'S BOOK OP ' , :.;1; Travel! and event ditonvoritn of thoJntinn..ll.l.4 otu nod lino( India Medicines, with full tliromions for tho cormin corn of Covoitmotion, Bronchitis, Cougbe, Cold?. Catarrh, Asthma, Fevoro, Donn Die ono.. Scrofula. Colleen Dys; ep.ot, Liver Comtlnint, (travel and Urinary Dept,3iit, rerunlo enmplaints, Qc Ilittottrited with Londrods of certifientoo of core. anti engraving.. For tho purpoon of rescuing no tunny moleting fellow.beings no ponoiblo from promatute dchtli, it will ho soot to any putt of the continent, by sending 25 cents to DES. BEATIT, 847 Drontlway, New York City. Said by 17. D. Lnwall. Allentown; Dr. Simnel Sandt, Boston; J. A. Pulk. Mon& Chunk; John Beitenman, lintohnt ; Dr. S. S. Stemo, Bonding. Oet.her 28, 1859. @i. H. B. LICI-iTCAP & 'JA 11 r , to, MMU .1113CilliNTS No. 106 W a rren Street. Cantor of Wnsbingtoii, NEW YORK. Cm. , tEtiGN3,ENTs of Flour, Grn , n, &mils, and nll biu,l4 of Prorinoo inmcrally roliait tl, The Partner Alp L.:ret e.,roesistinjhetwren TI. B. Lighteap and l4corgo Wenner under the nettle et 11. 11. B . Lighteap k Co.. its this day disFolved by mutual cement. 'rho butlnens will be carried on by 11. TT. D. Ligbh.:ll), under the Name name. Mr. nenr g o Wen ner will hereafter net, tie agent for the I.luuse, New York, February 15, 1500, 1: 1 ' X:" I-. DEI , wtru Lathrop, Ludington & IMPORTERS and . Jobbers of I?oroign and ruunia DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, dC., ' Nos. 23 and 25 Perk Pin w, Now York. jai' Also tilwoys on band on extensive stook of Yonlteo Notions. New York, November 30,1350. AND MEC RENINGER 4; SHINIER RENIZiGER k SIIIMEIt. AB. GANGIVERE co MI CM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers