o_oolEinetractton is as necessary ns food, and such •-was the- instruction Benjamin Franklin, gave when he said rise early,live soberly, and apply thy self with industry, and with-prootising rules of econ omy you will be sure to succeed in your undortak• infra, for economy is of Itself a - great revenue and by depositing - such revenue in the Store of German .&, Son, which they have just opened at the corner of Eighth and Hamilton Sts., opposite the well known-Jingon buch's Hotel, said store rooms formerly rteeupled by Sehlaucti d Dinnehaner, have just received from Philadelphia and New York, with it large and splen• did variety of Merchandise, which cannot be bent dittbidt or the Cities 'for beauty end . cheapness. • • Their stock consists' of every variety of SPRING; AND SUMMERGOODS, .Groceries, .Queensware, Earthenware, Glass Ware, Carpets; Oil Cloth, Oil Shades, &c., which they are selling for cash, at a very small ad vance on wholesale city prices. Their D r es o d s email of the most.fashionable selections, composing !Hob Fanny silks, new styles, • Boiled Black Silks, imported, Plain. Poll de Sole . , in every shade and color. ' Bitiyadere Foulard, Marceline and !Florence Silks, She** Mantillas, Dusters, Satin (Manias, Glossy Valencias, -Cherie Reistonai, Bereges, ' Grenadines, India Silks, Chintzes, Ac." Best Fronting and Family Linens. 'Cloths and Caisinaeres. Mullins, Flannels, Tickling, Piano and Tables Covers, . Table Cloth, Marseilles Quilts, Allendale Quilts, &0., &a. Together with a full assottmenr of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goads. Give us a call, examine the goods and learn. the prices, and you will be convinced that our goods are what they should be, and as peo slisiald hare them—good and cheap. The highest market prices paid for all kinds of produce. SARUM MILLER, &iceman. JOSIAH GERMAN.) [NATHAN GERMAN, JR Alleatown, March 28, 1880. EICITfMENTI FOR the , better accommodation of our customers, and the public generally, we will about the first of March, 1860, move to No. 86 East Hamilton St., next door to the Post Office. Where the largest stook of Queonsware ever offered in Lehigh county, will be opened for sale at the lowest possible prices. Wholesale and. retail, in sets or by the piece. Stores taking an assortment will be supplied at Philadel phia prictii. '.All'in :want of any. thing in our line are cordially invited to call and examine our goods nand prices and-eatisfy themselves of the truth of the . alto .e Statements. ' Our, stock consists in part of leVets pattern,, style, quality and color of China, 'Glass and Queensware, Stone, Rockingham, Yellow and Britten's, Ware, Lamps of all kinds. `Lamps alteredand repaired to burn Coal Oil. QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE. 'in sets .. All kinds, and by, For Hotel the piece, And Family use. Tea Sets, Tumblers, Dinner Sets, Lager Mugs Chamber Sets, Disho, Bird Founts, Mugs, Cups, Bowls, Bowls, Dishes,Cake Stands, Pitchers, Plats, Jnrs, Pitchers, do., Am., -dm., Bottles, Flasks, STONEWARE. Decanters, Butter Pots, Lamps and Globes, Milk Pots, Shades, Jars,Jugs, Sucking Bottles, - Spitoons , . 'Breast Cups. .I'iteliere,&e. LAMPS. BRITTANNIA. All kinds, •'" Tea Pots, . Fluid Lamps, ' • Coffee Pots, • Coal Oil Lamps, Tea Urns, Parlor Lamps, Ale TiteherS; Table Lamps, ,Caster Spoons, Night Lamps, ' 'Mega, Cups, ' 'Suspension Lamps, Ladles, . Hand Lamps, - Lamps, Ac. Church Lamps, . Hall Lamps, dm. ' Don't forget the place, next door to the Post Office. T. C. KERNAHEN. Allentown, January 26, 1860. —ly MANHOOD , ' • . HOW LOST HOW RESTORED. • itiBC.N6lished,in a Sealed Envelope. '0149 11 R NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADI ICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Naaknoss, Sexual Debility, Nervousness ' and Involuntary Emissions, Inducing Impotency and Mental and Physical Incapacity. ;Br ROB. J. CULVERWELL, M. D., Author of " The green Book, &c." ••Thil 719r1d-renowned author, ,in this admirable Lecture, clitirly proies from his own experience that the awful consequences of self-abuse may be effec tually removed without Medicine and without dan gerous. Surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure - at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure him •self cheaply, privately and radically. Thin Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands.l Bent under seal to any address, po)it paid, on the .receipt of two postage stamps by addressing• Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, M. D., 480 first Avenue, New York, Post Box 4586. January 17.—Dee. 14, ALLEN HOUSE, ALLENTOWN, PENNA. THIS well-known House will herea ft er he con dusted under the personal supervision o Yoh° .t Newhard, who will spare no pains to maintain the high reputation, the _House has heretofore borne. It is the 'largest and most cen tral House in the place, being situated at the corner of the Publie Square and Hamilton street. Its cen tral location renders it the more convenient for :business men as well as for those travelling for pleasure. The House is provided with Baths, Airy Chambers, Parlors, Reading Room, to., As. The bill of fare and table accommodations are the best the market affords. Every attention is given to insure the comfort of guests. Agreeable society may always be found at this establishment. An omnibus is always in readiness to convey passen gers to and from the depot at the arrival and depar ture of every train. JOSEPH P. NEWHARD, EPHRAIM YOIIE; Proprietors Allentown, October 26tb, 1860.. TO THE PUBLIC. TIEo sos i u n oc a : a d s Copper y S carriedm ith o n b u f s o i r n e t p h a f , 3 lastAwenty-one year at No. 38 and 42 West Hamilton Street, in the Borough of Allentown by Amos Ettinger, will fromand after the first ofAu., gust be conciliated under the firm of Ettinger & Eon. The attentionetthe public is oalled to the fact, that the business hereafter will becondueted on the Cash System. By so dealing we expect to reduce our' prices, sell cheaper than ever, and thereby benefit public as well as ourselves. Thankful for pant favors, the new firm solicit as continuance of the patronage, with which the old business stand has been favored. A polite invitation Is extended to all such, as are indebted on the old books. to make settlement in cash or acceptable paper.. Those who may not know, when an account is due, may be reminded soon by legal process. AMOS ETTINOER, WM. J. ETTINGER: —tf July 37,1859 CRAIN, FLOUR AND COAL. THE undersigned respectfully beg leave to inform the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that they are prepared to do all sorts of gristwork and to fur nish Flour, Feed and Grain of all kinds at Butz's Mill on the Jordan creek one mile from the borough. Wheat,, Rye, Corn and Oats, bought at the highest inarketprieeeither at the mill or at their store-house at the oorner of Ninth and Linden Streets, (commonly IMown•as the Free Hall.) Orders for Flour, Feed and Grain received either at their store house or at the of °Moe at their coal-yard, in First Ward, (T. J. Rlep pinger'slate stand.) The undersigned will carry on as heretofore the coal and grain business at their old stands. Business hereafter carried on exclu sively' on the cash principle. • ROTH, MICKLEY d 00. Allentown, Nov. 2, 1869. I,:i jai" , „ , . I •' • . itrls isoniskr. - The undersign ed bevtngg used Professor HUM MUMS' SPECIFIC' lIOMOMPATHIC REMEDIES In our families, with the mostreetisfactory results, and . having_ full confidence lo their genuineness, purity, and eMesioy, cheerfully recommend them to all per sons who wish to hove safe, reliable, and efficacious remedies at band for private or domestic use. Theltet; liftn..Hoemer;editor of ",The. Northern Independent," Auburn, N. Y.'; tile Rev. E. 11. fres ley, D.D., Rector of St. Peter's Church, Auburn, N. Y. ; the Rev. B. I. Ives, Chaplain , of the Auburn State Prison' the Rev. Spencer M. Rice, Rector, New-lied ford, Mass.; the Rev. Allen Steele, New-York Con ference • the Rev. SainutlNichols, East-Genesee Con ference, Y. ; the Rev. P. S. Pratt, Dorset, Vt. ; the Rev . John N. Itoble;.Butfolo ; A. C. hart, Egg., Utica, N. Y.- the lion. Neal Dow, Portland, Me. ; the lion. Sohuyler Colfax, Soutlelleml, Ind.; the Hon. George Humphreys, N. Y..; Henry D. F.m., Editor of the "Ohio State Journal," Columba., Oho ; the lion. R. H. Graham, Moline, 111. ; the lion. Thomas J. Chase, Monticello, Ha.; the lion.. Joseph Benedict, Mlles, N. Y.- Wtn. IttlAtot, , L'tiwt, N. Y. ;A. S. Pond, Esq., Utica, N. Y. ; /smells Plunkett, IGq., Nash. vine; Tem. LIST OF SPF.CIFIO RENIEDIF.S. No. I.—For Fever, Congestion, and Inflammation. No. 2.—For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Wetting the Bed. No. 3.—For Colic, Crying, Teething, end Wakeful ness of Infants. • 'Na. 4.—For Diarrlicen, Clmlera Infantom, and Sum mer Complaint,. No. 6.—For Colic, Oripings, Dysentery, or Binctly Flux. ' No. 6.—For Cholera, Cholera llorbus, Vomiting. No. 7.--Fcr • Coughs, Cold!, Influenza, and Sore Thmti. 'No. B.—For Toothmche,'Facenclie, and Nearrtigla. No. 9,-For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness ness Of Head.. No. 10.-4.rfuegrata Pitt t , -4 , 0r Weak nod Deranged Stortmelt, Constipation, and Liver Complaint. No. 11.--.Fon lotate Irtasom.ontruw, Scanty, Pain. ful, or Suppressed Periods. No. 12 —For • Leucorrhea. Profuse Menses, and Beating Down of Femaies.' No. 18.—For Croup, Hoarse Cough, Bad Breathing. No. 14.—SALT Rases Pius—For Erysipelas, Erup tions, Pimples on the Face. No. 15.—RO6UnATICI PILLS—For Pain, Lameness, or Soreness In the Chest, Back, Loins, or Limbs. A.-. For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Old Mismanaged Agues. P.—Por Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or Ex ternal. o,—For Sore, Weak, or Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids ; Falling, Weak, or Blurred Sight, o.—For Catarrh, of long !tainting or recent, either with obstrnction or profutte discharge. W. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating its violence and shortening. Its course. ' In all untedieeeses, such es Fevers, Inflemniatlons, Diartheea,Dyeentery, Croup, Rheumatlem, and such eruptive diseases as Scarlet Fearer, Measles, and Ery elpelas, the - advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly is obvious, and In all such cases the spe cifics act like a charm. The entire disease Is often arrested at once, and In all cases the violence of tho attack Is moderated, the disease shortened, and ren dered less dangerous. Clough. and Colds, which are of ouch frequent oc currence, and which so often lay the foundation of diseased lungs, bronchitis, and consumption, may all be at once cured by the Dever and Cough Pills. . In all chronlo diseases, such 'as Dyspepela, Weate Stomach, Constipation, Liver Complaints Piles, Fe male Debility and Irregularities, old headaches, Sore or Weak Eyes , Catarrh, Salt Rheum, and other old eruptions, the case has specifics whose proper Hp. plication will afford a cure in almost every instance. Often the cure of a single chronic difficulty, such as Dyspegala, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weakness, has more than paid for the cue ten times over. Cue of 20 vials complete, In morocco, and Book, $5 Cue of 20 wials, and Book, plain ' 4 Cu, of 15 numbered boxes , and Book, ' 2 Cue of 6 boxes, numbered, and Book, 1 Sklllieftombered boxes, with direct10n5,.......25 cts. Single lettered boxee, with directions, 50 de. Large case with 2 oz. vial,. for planters and phy sicians, $l5 ALSO SPECIFICS Fon /taunts on Parma.— Oppressed, pifficult, Labored Breathing, attended with Cough and Expec toratlon. 'Price, 50 cents per box. FOR EAR DIACRARORS AND DRAFTlESS.—Discharges from the Ear, the result of Scarlet Fever, Measles, or Mercurial'. For Noises In the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Ringing In the Ears, and Ear-ache. Price, 50 cents per box. Fort Snaososs.—Enlarged Glands, Enlarged and In durated Tonsils, Swellings and Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Cachexy of Children. Price, 50 cents per box.' Fon Genutit. Demurs. —Physical or Nervous Weakness. Either the result of Sickness, Excessive Medication, or Exhausting Discharges. Price, 50 cents per box. Fon Daorerr.—Fluid Accumulations, Tumid Swell ings, with Scanty Secretions. Price, /50 cents per box. FOR Su-Sicsanss.—Deathly Sickness, Vertigo, Nau sea, Vomiting. Sickness from riding or motion, Price, 110 cents per box. Fon URINARY Diseases.—For Gravel, Renal Cal. cull, Difficult, Painful Urination, Diseues of the Kid neys. Price, 150 cents per box. Fon SAMINAL Emissions.—lnvoluntary Discharges and Con" emient Prostration and Debility, Bad Re sults of Evil Habits. The most successful and effi cient remedy known, and may be relied upon as a cure. Price, with full directions, $1 per box. Persons who wish to place themselves under the professional care, or to seek advice of Prof. Hum mug, can do so at his office, ma Broadway, daily from 8 A.M. to 8 1 1 . M., or by letter. OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over the list ; make.op a case of what kind you choose, and inclose the amount hi a current note or stamps by mall to our address, at 562 Broadway, New-York, and the medicine will be duly returned by mall or express, free of charge. AGENTS WANTED.—We desire an active, efficient Agent for the sale of our Remedies In every town or community in the United States. Address Dr. flaw TIMMS k 00.. No. 562 BROADWAY, NewNoar. E. D. Lawall, agent in Allentown; Jaeoli S. L wall, agent in Catasauqua, March 28, 1860. Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS RAM 13 AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This Medicine has been used by the publicfor 'is year*, with increasing faror. /t as recommended to cure Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Heart-Burn Colic Paine, Wind in the Stomach, or Ain* in the Bowels, Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaints, Low Spirit*, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance. IT STIMULATES, EXHILARATES, DIVIGORATiII. BUT WILL NOT INTOXICATE OR SITIPIFT AS A MEDICINE, it is quick and effectual, cur ing the most aggravated cases of Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaints, and all other derangements of the Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive.the most melancholy and drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous and sickly to health, strength and vigor. Persona who, from the Injudicious nee of liquors, have become dejected, and their 'nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the DELintum Tna- YENS, will almost immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigorating efficacy of Dr. ham's Invigo rating Spirit. ,WHAT IT WILL DO. CM Dosz.—One wine glass full as often as necessary. One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. • One dose will cure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dose will atop the distressing pains of Dys pepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and disagree able effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the dis tressing load and all painful feelings will be re moved. One dose will remove the most distressing pains of Collo, either In the stomach or bowels. A few doses will remove obstructions in the Kid ney, Bladder or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Kid ney-COmplaints are assured speedy relief by a dose or two and aradlcal iure by the use of one or two .. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION Portions who, from dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, in-violent headaches, sickness at stomach, weak ness, giddiness, Ste., will find one dose will remove all-bad feelings. ladles of weak and sickly constitutions, should take the Invigorating Spirit, three times a day: it will make thorn strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions and irregularities from tho menstrual organs, and.rentore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn face. During pregnancy it will be found an invaluable medicine to remove disagreeable sensations at the ■tomaob. All the proprietor mks, is it trial, and to induce this. he has put up the INVIGORATING SPIRIT in pint bottles, at tia etc., quarts $1• General Depot, 48 Water Street N.Y. Sold by E. D. Leman, J. B. Moser' and Lowie Sobaddt a Co., Allentown ; Jacob S. Lawall, Cata eauqua ; E. T. Meyers and M. Selfridge,.Bethlohom. February 1, 1860. . —ly GLENN'S ONE PRICE HAT AND CAP STORE, (CORNER OF THE FIVE STORY I:MOCK.) N. West corner of Eighth and Race Streets, PIIILAffELPIIIA. The Public are respectfully invited to bear in min( that at this Store may be found an assortment o Fashionable and liandsomo Moleekin Breen Hoe, NO hate, nigh, ILOw and Medium Depth Crown, Cloth and Glazed Cane. Plush and Plush Trimmed Caps for 11Inn and Boys Fancy lints and Caps for Children, at Fair Prices ENO TWO PRICES FOR REGULAR GOODS. January 18, 1860. —ly 'PIPE DOLLARS PER DAY can oortalnly be X made—No risk to run. No capital rooked.— Agents wanted everywhere. Address Box 77 Allentown, Penn's.' WI MO CEO ANL — PP:::IIEIIEis Mill 45... MC. MD Mil • i.. 1 -. iir;l :., AT THE UNION WHOLESALE' AND RETAIL CAIWIT ..7. - Eal . 1104-M, S. SELL & SON, FURNITURE DEALERS, No. 32 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa.-- Now is the time to buy your furniture. Having adopted the Cash system, we can assure the public generally, that we Nth men twenty per cent cheaper than goods in our line of like quality can be pur ebareti at any other Cabinet Ware Rooms in Allentown. Come one and all, both great and small, old and young, rich and poor, anti see our large stock of CABINET WARE, consisting of Secretaries, Book- L'aSes, Side-boards Bureaus and Dressers, Sofas, Lounges,Rocking Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, and in fact, every article needed by a family, that have just commencd house keeping. ',Or-Our Windsor and Cano-seat Chairs, and Lookink Glasses surpass everything of /err kind to be found in town in price and beauty, and excel them of New York and 'hiladelphia in point of endurance and cheapness. Come and judge for yourselves.— ;very article is warranted to be as represented or no sale. None but the best workmen ire employed in our establishment. 27g3-Tucker's, Putnam's, Gross' and Howe's Patent Spring Beds, for sale cheap for !ash. Mattresses of every description nt a very low price for cash. The largest stock ,f Gilt and Carved MOulding in town, and can be bought cheaper for cash of S. Sell & ton, than at any other Cabinet Ware Booms in town. N. B. All those under the sad went of an Undertaker will be promptly accommodated idler by day or night, by S. Sell & Son, who also attends to the making of shrouds, &c. :ho reside in the country, we will at all times supply with the bare coffins and all kinds tes of trimmings at very low prices for cash. P. S.—Now all we want is a call from ono and all before purchases are made elsewhere. goods packed free of charge and sent any distance either by railroad or by public road. SSELL & SON, have now added to their largest stook of Cabinet Ware, the largest and finest assort. went of Window Shades and Fixtures that ever woe offered to the public in Allentown, which they will sell 20 per cent cheaper for cash than anyother house in Town. • kinds of Wood and Lumber taken in exchange for Furniture by S. SELL & SON. Thankful for past and present customers, and we hope by strict attention to business to welcome many new ones, at the low prices we now sell at for cash. Don't forget the place, No. 32 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, a few doors below the German Reformed Church, SAMUEL SELL.] Allentown, January 11, WO Continental estaurant isiLidirammo SALOO.4I ti - FIRST CLASS PHELAN TABLES, CO R OF HAMILTON AND FIFTH - STREETS OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, Lta Th te. vt . al 4 W. W. HAMERSLY, Proprietor Allentown, May 9, I:B6o.—tf. The Cheapest and Best • IN ALLENTOWN ! • CAN BE BOUGHT AT . COLVIRI . "PALATIAL CHINN EMPORIUM."' .• No. 11 East Hamilton Street, a few • doors below the Allen House, Those in want of Clothing Come and take a .Look ! REMEMBER THE PLACE, No. 11 BELOW THE ALLEN HOUSE. FRANCIS H.' BREINIG.] [SAMUEL COINER. "nilit,.Agents for Baker and drover's Sowing Machines. [March 14, 1800.—ly Chesnut Grove Whiskey. FOR SALE BT C.l WHARTON,Jr.,I 3ole Agent, No. 116 WALNUT Street. For evidences of its liar:tear, see CER -IFICATES. PIMA., Sept. Uth, [B5B. We have carefully tested the sample of `RESNUT GROVE V 11 ISK El' which you ns none of the poise ,SlL OIL, which Is tho ehurtieteristic end injurious ingredient of the Whiskeys in general use. BOOTH, use.. k CAMAC Annlylical Cheinibts. CHARLES WHARTON Ju., SOLI AGENT, Philadelphin. I= Mr=M9== I have analyzed a enmplo of CHESNUT GROVE WHISKEY received. from Mr. Charles Wharton, Jr., of Philadelphia, and having carefully tested it, I am pleased to state that it is entirely FREE FROM POI SONOUS OR DELETERIOUS substances. It is an unusually pure and fine flavored quality of whiskey. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D., Annlytienl.Chemist. Allentown, September 28, 1859., —ly TO CONSUMPTIVES • • AND NERVOUS SUFFERERS. THE subscriber, for auroral yours a resident of Asia discovered while thorn a simple vegetable remedy— a sure cure fur Consumption, le'/ n, Brooch iic, Coughs, Colds nod Nervous Debility. For the-bene fit of Consumptivos and Nervous Sergkrere, ho is wil ing to mak the mune public.. To those who desire it, ho will send tho Prescrip tion, with full directions (free of charge); also a sample of the medicine, which they will find a beau tiful combination of Nature's simple herbs. Thoso desiring, the Remedy can obtain it by return mail, by addreSsing k' J. E, CUTHBERT, Botanic Physician. No. 429 Broadway, New York. April 1I 111/1 Alk_ 1W 3CIII LIMORTANT TO FEMALES. an. 011113EISMIKAN'S PILLS, Prepare by Cornelius L. Choesemau, M. D. NEW YORK CITY. The combination of ingredients in these pills are the result of n long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain iu correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruations, removing nil obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the palpation of the heart, whited, all nervous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the hark and limbs,•&e., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. TO MARRIED LADLE,'. Dr. Chcescman's Pills aro invaluable, no they wil bring on the monthly period with regularity. La dles who bare been disappointed In the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheese man's Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE. • There t . 3 one condition of the ,fetnale system in which the Pine mono, be taken without producing pEouirme RESULT. The 'condition referred to is PREGNANCY Snell is the irresistahle tendeney o f the Medicine to restore the sexual 'Horan:or to a normal condition, the reproductive power of nature cannot resist it. . . Warranted purely vegetable, and &co from any thing injnrione. Explicit directions, which should bo road .accompany rook box. Price $l, Rent by mail on enclosing $1 to Dn. Conmimus L. CIIZESE RAN, Box 4351, Post Office, Now York City. Fold by one Druggist in every Town in the U. S. R. B. HUTCHINGS, GENERAL AoNNT Pan THE UNITED STATES. .14 Brondwny St., Now York. To whom all Wholesale orders should he addressed Sold in Allentown by John D. Moseer, and E. D. Lowell. December 7, 1859 NATIONAL HOTEL, RACE STREET, ABOVE =IRE PHILADELPHIA. CYRUS CARMANY, Proprietor. November 2, 1859. NEB S. SELL ik. SON. [C. 13. M. SELL OM CM =ZOE STOMACH BIT The proprietors and manufacturers otHOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady incrLase in times past, it is evident that during the coining year the consumption will reach near ono million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where• the article is best known, who. not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases , of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. . This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinarY efforts in the way of (ruin'. petit% the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to ho as miming as time itself. llostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" are n certain cure for the Ilysperin and like disetues, is to the proprietor a •:ource of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all ' nrifter from the stomach, purifies the and imparts renewed vitality tothe nervods system, giving it that tone and wuergy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and.soon restores them t'o aCOLIIIILIVia ~s ential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experinneed the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable-the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, becaude it is agreeable to the taste, as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhtea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or.dernngements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hoe tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution• the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for HOSTETTER'S CELEURATED STOMACII BITTERS, and see that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autographs signature is on the label. t Rai- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., ,and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers , generally throughout the United States, South Ame rica, and Oermsmy.. AGENTS.—Lovis Schmidt 3; Co., F. Dr Law,,ll, John B. Moser ' Allentown; Jacob S. Lowell, Cats: sauqua; D. 0. Saylor, Shoonersvillo. November 23, 1859. —1 y Dyspepsia, Debility of the System, Dyspepsiu, Dyspepsia, Debility of the System, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Acidity, . Liver Complaint, Acidity, Bilious Complaints, Sick Headache, Bilious Complaints, Sick Headache, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, and the 7111mberless other diseases arising from In digestion and functional disorders if the stomach, find, when the disease is not beyond the power of med. icine, ready relief in that established and sterling remedy, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, CONTAINING NO ALCOHOL. Reliable Testimony. We call the attention of the reader to the following ktter from President Smith, of Wesleyan University: MIDDLETOWN, Conn., Feb: 1859. SETH W: keWLE & Co.—Gentlemen :—I first made use of Dig Oxygenated Bitters some seven or eight years since. Having suffered for twenty years from a form of dyspepsia, which was attended with a nervous headache, on an average. of not less than ono day in a week, I was induced, by the unpretending rec ommendation of Dr. Green, " to try one bottle, and if . no benefit was received to discontinue the use." The um of one bottle warranted a further trial, to the extent of some three or four, with a carefOl observance of the accompanying directions. The result wee, an almostentire relief from the usual dyspeptic symptoms and their depressing, painful consequences. I believe these Bitters produced nn entire change in the habits of my system, and upon the active energies of the digestive organs. I now deem myself as exempt from Dyspepsia as most persons. Those Bitters have also boots of e s• vice to other members of my family. Very respectfully yours, . AUGUSTUS W. SMITH. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. STODDARD, N. 11.; Sept. 30, 1e59. Messrs. Eir.Tll N. FOWLS & CO., Cents : —1 was, for many years, a groat sufferer from Dyspepsia or Waterbriuth, and tried almost everything within my reach, but to no benefit, until I was induced by the recommendation of my physician, Dr. Moulton, to Make use of the Oxygenated Dittos. Tim time Lando produced but a alight alteration In the disease., and had It not been for the urgent requital of my physician, I should then have discontinued their use, thinking them to be of no avail ; but his confidence Inspired me toyer severu, and after using to the extent of half a dozen bet ties, I had entirely regained my 'health. I hope all Dyspeptic persona will be induced to give them a fair trial, being confident that the remedy la the most 'potent, for the various forme of Dyspepsia, that has been pro. tinted. Wine, "OXYOCNATXT 111111:RS. To such of our readers as are troubled with the debility incident to 1110 appCOllCll of warm weather, wo cordially recommend the itse.ot the Oxygenated Bitters as no invigorating con taining no alcohol In its composition, and pose lging more real merit than tiny preparation of the kind wo have ever known. Ogdenaburg Repuldicon. TINE OXYGENATED BITTENIS, TINE OXYGENATED BITTENES, PILEPARP.I) BY S. W. FOWLE & CO., 18. Tremont Street, Boston. Sold by'Dialagis!g, Deah're, and .1/er'Mutb✓in eery town (Ind city id .Veot add Llstal.cre. •AfIE\TS.—E. D. Lawnll and John B. Mower Allentown; Jacob Lawall, Catasatuma; W. Tool Son, Etnaus; James Weller, Macungie; Simon Ran and M. M. Selfridge, Bethlehem. Allentown, Feb. 20. • A. B. Schwartz, ATTORNEY AT LAw. IR , fpricE, East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. %.1 five doors east of the Sheriff's Offiee. ..XIII - Can be consulted In the English and German , • languages. November 23119511. —l, • L . • •• a. • , PN IA BR®} 07.. 41 P S ( (t 61114 t ) ) Ci FOR THE PERMANENTI9) tai l / 4 VM U\AIM\CANCaVAM, (7 . I%\\NUN,CMCMS,CO' '7(v.„‘xvtuu,NßAN‘x,isi., MEM ERS. Tura remedy to offerad as affording a means Of enemy cure for the latge.nitinber that die annually In our land of that fell scourge, ConNumption, to which. • unfortu nately, eo`inany prinllspoelng entree exist. Youth and age aro alike subject to its ravages. can name one or more of his acquaintances who to .ob. jeot to some form of lung or throat complaint, which, If not attended to In season, Inevitnbly comAgno the suf. rarer to a ptemature grave. To ouch, help lo at hand if they will but avail thenhielres of It, and hope,—the hat binger of brighter days,—may he awakened without fear of chilling dl-.appointment. hr. U. Ithetitto 1111.9.WN'a ACACIAN ISALISAM does just what S 9 claimed for it, and may be relied upon by the vie r no being the moot succeso. ful in curing lung and throat disorderm, of any remedy knonn at the present tiny. The ninny phanes,asoumed by Consumption juoliflei the a ppreltenalon of those who bone realm to fear Ito Amp:telt, either froth consult a• lineal or hereditary tendency. While the dlncnverer of this remedy does not believe that people shouP he constantly do, ;lag theentelve with roeilleineo there are many eases where disease is too long allowed to remain unchecked in the System ; and a alight cough, regarded at first no simply an annoyance, ceases only with the life of the patient. An impure state of the blood, through debilitation of the lungs, fills the optima with morbid bunions. and pulnatfun becones feeble or Reeder ated to a feverish intensity—the l,eart, liver, and kid neys, 'separately performing functions of vital necessity to our well-being, are Impeded in their regular action— the digestive organs falter in their took, and refuse to perform the protess'of separating the nutritious elements from Ned, and the whole mental being is well-nigh ready to sink under the burden of life. The patient so afflicted, accounts his case a complication of disorders, and often refuses to resort to medication, from his. thorough dis belief In any prospect of cure. To shah 1 ~sx~~~~ of the ACACIAN BALSAM, ne thoroughly worthy the coati. dente of all. Every eymptom of Consumption is surely end permanently eradicated by its use. Its effects aro none,other but strengthening and renovating to the en tire system. Drenchitis, Asthma, Coughs, Colds, end General Debility, are effectually cured by its use. Night- Sweats, Lose dr Flesh, and Wasting away of the Mueeles, Loss of Appetite, Soreness of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs, Liver Complaint, Palpitntion of the Heart, Diffi culty of Dreathing—all these affections disappear in nn incredibly short time after using Dr. 0. Phelps Brown's Acacien Balsam. It nourishes and strengthens the patient who in ton ninth reduced to partake of ordinary fend. It heals ell internal sores, tubercles, and inflammation. It strength ens, braces, and revitalises the brain, and is without a rival as a tonic, supplying electricity or magnetic force to every part of the enfeebled and prostrate body. It needs no lengthy trial to convince any that file ACACIAN BABALSAMu is truly the greatest remedy of the day, as its benedial qualities are fully apparent in eight-sad-truly hours after trial. Let the Invalid, then, no longer delay. but make the trial, sod the result will surely be of the most gratifying ohmmeter. The ACACIAN BAIMAM in prepared with the greatest care, and the most mattrials. No c pains or elpentle are spared to snake it whet it is—the best known remedy of the age. It may be taken by either se[, ~f all ages, and ', I at ell seasons, with perfect safety ; end it is i t none the lons powerful in e.onquering those dis eases which sap rho foundation and destroy the lives of so many in our midst. Every tinnily should have it, and regard it as n . household treasure. Da.:eriptire pamphlets given to all ,lio apply to my agent, 1 1 , PRICE $2 PER BOTTLE PREPAH-Br‘P iv 7 t M y 4 wf)) ) `1 .1 . uo ((GIANDST! H. LEWES SCHMIDT A. CO., Sole Agents for Le: high eounty. [July 4,1880.--1 y Exton's Celebrated Crackers, fhero is nn Crasher in tho market that can sari ass Exton's Trenton Wine Crackers, OR nis ‘V T ERORAOKE it , For which he received the FirFt Premiums at the State Fairs of New Jer ' Trenton, Sept. ISOS, and at Elizi lept. 15:49; IJ AVING introduced eipol Flores in A merely asks those who and judge for thensFelv Dr. James B. Coltman, Crackers aro munufactu The Wine Craqttre manufactured by A. Exton, of Trenton, N. J. are compost,' of .wheat flour, sugar, butter, lard, lemon nod coMmon salt. The delicacy of taste, lightness aryl crispness depend altogether upon the purity of material, mixing and baking.— They are easy of digestion, nutritive, and palatable, are excellent food for the sick as well as those in per feet health. The Water Crackers are equally pure. Their superior quality is owing to the skill with which they are manufactured. LIVERY STABLE. WILLIAM F. YEACER ip - . - ', ,• RESPECTFULLY informs his friends''aidd' the public generally, that be still continues to carry on the Livery business in Law Alloy, On the rear of Dr. Romig's residence,) whore he is prepared to necolumeclate all who wish horses and vehicles, at the shortest notice and on reasonable clock of Hems • has been .scdeefett'with great care, and trained It'd.. an "especial, A . * to safety, which • plactiit.hittan ipolition of keeping the . f rx verl tittodelnfp . : , • 'l lll 11 .ralriurst - s i x i msrai. . _ He does not 'approve-of hiring out broken-down, balk 3, ring -boned, spavined, or dis eased horses, but of keeping the ,rig,ghtkind of stock, tteli as can travel well.and do credit to his stable. his carriages and vehichles of every description will always be Itept clean and in good order. Ile trusts that by strict attention to business and keeping the best of stock, ho will ho favored with a liberal share of patronage. —All orders left at the Allen House will be promptly attended to. . . ARCS STREET ABOVE TUMID PHIL ADEL P 111.4. rfillE' undersigned having purchased the interest of his former partner, Evan Evans, in the above Hotel, would call attention of the public to its con venience for those visiting the City, either for buSi noss or pleasure. Its situation being hut u fow stops from the prin ciple avenues of trade, oilers inducements to those on business; while to them in search of pleasure, passencer railroads whirl' now peas In close prox imity afford a cheep and pleasant ride to all- places of interest in or about the city. .. The Proprietor gives assurance dila N The Eiden" shall be kept with such character no will merit pub: lie approbation and would respectfully solicit patron: age from Lehigh and adjoining aountietr. — UPTON S. NEWCOMER. Philadelphia, August 3, 1859. —lly STEARNS FOSTER COUNTRY PRODUCE S " tr ' , a i s i,, P ljn o o rk,T g e b e ,, f, it li ft u i t t t l e o r n, j 7 , l l it ir olted 'i e f e e s it e ts,; lo o u n i: Grain, Fruit, ALSO IN LIVE STOCK; _ 184 and 185 West Washington Market, (First Row North of Fulton Street, New York.) ,73r1logs slaughtered nt short notice. Orders for Grocerieq ' Fish, Fruits, ac., promptly tilled. All letters ofinquiry will receive immediato attention. :.f.fr•linsiness strictly Commission. Sales strictly attended to nt the Bunts and Railroad Dopets, and returns promptly made. Jossen Ilitinos.] [JONATHAN R. Iftmyriten. New Yolk, August 24, IR:W. —ly - a a p I l i ti RA DUATE of .roferaon Medical College, high .. a .o n u d n r tri t tn ia i n n t el f ia l i T e e l yn 3 t i l b t e .i r wl vt v in n ity hlP o t f i ti o i e public house of Mr. Daniel. Delbert, efface hie pro fesaional servicea to the citizens of that vicinity. Ho will gladly answer to cells at all hours of the day or night. [Novemler le, 1859.—tt -.--- Fur the Sick as well a; those in Health = JAMES B. COLEMAN. Allentown, Mare 11,1860. WILLIAM F, YEAGER. Allontown;August 10, 1859. , -t( "THE UNION," Briggs & Helfrich CO/MISSION DEAr.nrts IN ALL KINDS or .1 OP, .! SU11111116111;: 'GOODS: DENINGER srintErt; No; 5' Welt limit .l.at ton Street,. hare lately"retbinecl front New York and Philadelphia and:receivedihe largest and most desirable stock of Goods everlefore shown in Allentown, and are 'now ready, to accommodate the 'wattle in all prices and qualities of Goods. ,We do not like to overate our stook like seine of our neigh bors do, but the old saying is an empty barrel makes the most noise; we are ready to sustain what we' say. Our stock consists of LADIES DRESS GOODS, A splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Ladies Dress Goods, snob es plain, blabk, and fi gured silks for dresses, colored, striped, elfenettlder, and bityndere dress silks, from 50 cents to $2,00. par yard, Beragos, Delaines, Ditcals,l3 Rival:lnes, Pool de'oltiver, Chafes. Valencia, Lavelle Cloth, Modena Cloth, Gingham, Prints, Chinzes, plain and figured 'Brillents, Lawns, forages, Extension Skirts, N an . titles, Dusters, together with a full Variety of goods, they feel satisfied In please every body, if they give them a trial before purchasing elsewhere, by RENINGER4 SHIMER. URN'S WEAR.—A full assortment of Men's Wear I sneb no Black, and Colored Cloths - , Pitney , and Plain Cassitnere, Tweeds, Merino. Cassimere. ° Uninn Cassitneres, Jeans, Dennorns, Cottenndes, and ell hirolq of other goods too nnmerous to 'newton which they offer for sale by RENINGER, SITEMBR. IIAWLS.--A splendid assortment of Shawl,. 1.1 such aP Biro* and Colored Stella Shawls, Black and Mode Colored Shawle, Square and Long Brocha Showlg, While arid Colored Drape , Shawlg. Black Silk Shawls, and Mons • Dalain Shingle, for sale by RENII , IGER k SIIIMER. UAIDREfiLAS AND PARASOLS:—A. full as sortment of umbrellas, find all, prices and qualities' of gillt and Cotton Sun Umbrellas, .a fall line of Parasols which they offer. very low Tor sale. RENINGER & SHINIER. , . CARPETS AND OIL OLOTII.—A full assortment of ingrain, threoply and tapestry cnrpets, and cotton and wool stair . Carpets. Floor, Stair s and Ta ble, Oil Cloth of all qualities and width, very low for solo by RENNINGER SIIIMER. GROCERIES.— A full assortment of Groceries such as—Rio and Java Coffee. all' kinds of Now Orleans, Porto Rico, Oardintm, Alutmovade. and all kind of Syrup Molasses,.all kind of Sniar, Tens, Honey, Raisins, Oils, Chocolate/ Cheese, Rice, Sal.. Soda. Soda Ash, Sup. Car., of Soda, all kinds of Spices which they offer very low by RENINGER & SIIIMER. FISH.—AII of Fish, sash as No. 1 and 2. 1: Qnarler, halves, and whole barrel _blacken!, Seale Fish, Herrings and Cod Fish, for sale by. RENINGER & SHINIER. SALT.—(around Liverpool. Salt in seeks and pert bushel. Ashton fine Salt, and Dairy Backs fun rale by RENINGIiIt do SHIMER. Allentown, April 14, 1860. • --tr The Red Lion. What's the matter? what's the fuss? what's loose 't• whnt'i3 up ? What's the cause Odd, mighty commotion ! • Is the Jordan on fire? is the Lehigh dried up? Have the mountains Leon set all in motion? What dons Jack yell about 7 what is got into Brown ?: Why is all the world racing' and running?— It is the Bed Lion, he lays himself down With an air full of comfort.and cunning; He shakes his thick mono as if in, great anger But not with intent to devour, For hg merely roars out: where Is friend' Gange were ? And risks him the very same hour: Who says that you bad been chased out of the Square, 'Cause ilfty more rocks had been kicking? It cannot be true, for it would not be fair, Unless through some partisan tricking. This pleases old Gangwere, nod puts him In cheer. And he sings out: we'll make it all right, sir. lied I but continued to take some one's beer, I could stay where I MU, without doubt, sir.. They think that the square i 6 a magnet of might,. Surpassing thNorth Pole's attraction; And draws to its hens; by. ilny'and by night The friends of a pure Malt-Decoction. My " Pretzels" have always been splinditl. they say,. And so was my "Swietzer"---by Jingo!' • And Segars that I've frequently given away. Are selling at 3 cents in Mingo. And had I not served up so " bully;" Indeed, It would be " by golly" no wonder, That no one would follow me over the street, Who. ochrre do rem, over yonder. Now, finally, Monde and nequaintances, come And meet at the Red Lion nightly. Your old daddy Gangowor halt plenty of room You'll find none eo clever and sprightly. orly 01l the prin Bethlehem, he 1 them to h Fn e Certificate of N. J. where the And should his nowtteellar take fire, tho flame Could be quenchoil with delicious lager And the fire in the stomach his lunches will tame, Then mind and look out for Allentown, March 28, 1860 E. D. LAWALL, Apothecary and Druggist. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 21 West Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa !'CONSTANTLY ON HAND id Drugs, Chemicals, Dyestuffs, Acids, Perfumery, Patent , Fluid, Campbene, Medicines, L : Alcohol, Turpentine, Soda Ash, Cattle Powder, Potash, Saponifier, Sweet Oil, Castile Soap, Lard Oil, ,ko., do. ' he. . ,fratirreceired a fresh supply of Congress Water from Saratoga Springy. For medicinal purposes, several fine brands of Broady,. Old Port Wino and Gin. Pli:isiehns can have confidence in the:purity:of all Medicines furnished by me. !/10r-Country Dealers purchasing articles of me will.find prices agreeable, allowing them an fair profits as by buying goods either in Philadelphia or Now York. E. D. LAWALL. Allentown, July 20. —tf TRUSSES! HUES! SUPPORTERS C. H. NEEDLES, S. W. Ccrner Twelfth and Race Streets, PHILADELPHIA. DRACTICAL • ADJUSTER of Rupture Trusses and• Mechanical Remedios. Has constantly on hand a large Stock or Genuine French trusses, also a complete assortment, of the host American, includ ing the celebrated Whites Patent Lever Truce, be lieved by the best authorities to be superior to any yet invented. English and American Supporters, and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensory Bondage'', Self Injecting Syringes, ndapted. to both sexes, in neat portable cases, French Pessaries, Urinal Bags &e. Orders and Idlers of . enquiry, will meet prompt ltentlon. == ea . \ OLD DR. HEATH'S BOOK OF Travels and great discoveries of the Japan ese and Dant India Medicines, with full directions for the certain cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Favors, Ilenrt ense,'Scrofula, Cancer, Dyspeptun, Liver Comrlaint, Gravel and Urinary Deposits, Female Complaints, die Illustrated with hundreds of certificates of cures and engravings. Fnr the purpose of rescuing ns ninny suffering follow-beings as possible from premature death, it will be sent to any part of the continent, by Feuding 25 cents to • • DRS. "MATTI, 017 Brondwny, Now York City. Sold by B. D. Wynn, Allentown; Dr. Samuel Sandt, Huston: J. A. Polk, Mauch Chunk; John Henchman. Ilamburg; Dr: S. S. Stevens, Reading. October 21i, 1259. H. H. B. LICHTCAP & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, La 2 No. 106 Warren Street. Corner of IVashington, IiEW YORK. CoNsioNmENTs of Flour, Grain, Seeds, and all kinds of Produee generally solicited. The Partnership heretofore existing between B. Lighteap and George Wenner under the name of 11. H. S. Lightenp & Co.. 14 this-day dlssolred by mutual cmisent. The business will be carried on by H. If. ,D. Lighteap, under the same name. Mr. George Wen ner will hereafter net lIR agent for the house, New York, Februnfy 15, MO .A.. aa. X' P, ..T-s .IEI . WITH Lathrop, LuOington & Co., IMPORTERS and Jobbers of Foreign and Do mestic DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, tf,C.,. Noe. 23 and 35 Pork Pla,•o, Now York. • Also always on band an extensive stock of Yankee Notions. New York, November 30, 1859 .11 Ll AD. OANGWERE MI 1:011 IE9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers