RIM G 1c) " odf Ind; al: 0!11:1 , , t ~t I , ml k It 4: 13 E , 170•1( Irikln fU'tl 111:1 ;Ii IBM i f l 1 , f 7lkr a. Ci : Yt. ' OM I - Volumt xiv.) FOR SPRING .A .An summEß •i "' 'A" gt uati . Sit 'BRPRIWIS U (:LONE El. CLOT • . . (Sign of the Dig Lion,) No. 20 East Hamilton Street, (Opposito Mosor's Drug Store.) ALLENTOWN, PA. NELIGH & BREINIG, feeling it nn IniPern fire duty to accommodate the public, found it necessary to procure a more commodious p , lare of hu sinessi and accordingly erected a PALATIAL CLOTHIgG HOUSE, on the corner of Hamilton street, and Church Alley : (Sign of the Big Lion,) of which they have just token posseesOon, being the largest, most Commodious, end beet arranged building for the business in Allen town. The proprietors of this New and Magnificent cloth ing Establishment, take pleasure in further announe- ' ing that they have also increased their tremendous Spring and Summer • READY MADE CLOTHING, and aro daily adding thereto all kitids of articles tip pertaining to Men and Boy's wear which will be bold at extraordinary low rates, as they g..) upon the principle that a "nimble sixpence is hotter than a slow shilling." Their stock of goods Is the largest in the place, selected with a special view to meet the wants of the community, made up in the latest E tylos 'and most durable manner. Of all the Clothing Houses in Allentown, they offer thu Cheapeit Coats, Cheapest Vests, Cheapest Pants, Cheapest Overalls, Cheapest Cloths, Cheapest Cessi mores, • Cheapest Shirts, Cheapest Collars, Cheapest Bosoms, Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs, Cheapest Handkerchiefs, Cheapest Hosiery, Cheapest Gloves, Cheapest Umbrellas, &c., &c. Remember that at this store the lowest pri.'o Is marked in plain figures on each garment. I'lain denting is a jewel nt the Sign of the Big Linn. Cusrest Won n.—A large assortment of piece goods on hand. Custom work unite With tlStl3 and Irate, at prices eheap.tte tho, cheapest.- MVO Its k sail be. fore you purchase elsewhere. Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, they arc not compelled to • provide against tosses by ineressed Prices. - HilYtio. who pay milt ore net required to make up finite:n:6o, of push no will not pay. They are also Agents for O.C. States-and Thymus P. Williams', Repot t of Fashion March 7, 1864 NOW IS YOUR Tlll►l}3. • Tilghman Stalller RESPECTFU mLLY A W and informs hi: - . friends, custoere, and the CHI 1.5.-- A large and splendid line (; - flilaclt, public in general, that he still' 0 Colored Stella, Brochn Single null 'Double, also 111 .44. continues the COACIIMA E LNG it roll line of Illaelc Thibet, Mous Delain and Blanket - - F 3 - , ...-...irwrir*.:, ,,,, ,.. II L; S 1 N lii S, in its viii ions I Shawl,. of all quantities null prices which will be branches, at his old stand on the corner of Sixth :Ind - , old. chewer than cheep by Linden streets, in the borough d' Allimtown, ‘‘ nett. , It E . N IND Elt ..t. SHINIER. he will always keep on band or manufacture I. ur- i ---------- --- der it the shortest notice. all kimi, of carriages, suet, 1 ( . ItOCERIES. A bill iisserttnent 'of (Iroceri;)s ais BUG 0 I ES, CA 11 111" A 11.1. 4 ., :'. 111. K EY S, Ac. ‘...A such as —Colfee of nil descriptions, Molasso., Ills. materiel , being of the bent that Call i.e pro- Honey. Ton, Spires, Sugars, Chocolate mid Raisins, pared, and the w o rkmen being second to tun i c' iii wh i ch will be bola at very low priceßs bySHIMER. the Union, lie feels conlident that he can manor ,c- lt EN !NU EA: titre Carring'es, in point of workmanship, in beauty , --'--- - - - -- ' - , and in style, equal to :my tiller in the Stale. , VlSlT—Stich us Mackerel, No.'s I and 2, whole, His work•is done under his own eye, and ,•.iii I,e . L lIIIIVCS ana quarter barrels, Dried Senlellsh, warranted if requested. , • • Codfish, Herrings, which they offer at the lowest All kinds of rep:tiling dune in the neatest. ci.enp- Prices. 'RES INUER .t SIIIMER. cot and most expeditious Mllllllol'. I :7 --- ----- - -- Persons can call and examine fir theinselveg, ns I QAlath .—oinia Liverpool Stilt in ensue and per no charges will be made. ' 1...) bushel. Fine Ashton in bulk and sacks. Sundt . , Thunkttil for pant Eivors, he' hope , by MI i. t it- . Dairy ieeks which will be sold at the lowest prices tention to his Intsi ge ne,s, to merit it still b‘rg ler , Lure I'3' RI:N(I4OEn di. SHIDIER. ti of mild le patrnini • Allentown; Septemher 1.1, 18511. ' . March 7, Mu E. D. LAWALL, Apothecary and Druggist. . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Nu. 21 11 7 i , st limn Mon St., ..111,:ntown, P« ' CONSTANTLY ON HAND kl Drugs, Chemicals, Dyest i. 70.. Acids, Perfumery, Patent l'omplienc, Ntediehtet , . Alcohol, Turpent ion, Soda A: li, Cattle Ponder, Potash, Saponifier, Sweet Oil, Castile Soap,• Lard Oil, e , JuSt received a fresh supply of Congress Water front Saratoga Springs. • ' For medicinal purposes, several fine brands of Brandy, Old Port Wino and Gin. Physicians ran have confidence the purity of all Medicines furnished by mo. yjaY-Country Dealers purchasing articles of me will find prices agreeable, allowing them as fair profits as by buying goods either in Philadelphia or Now York. E. D. LAWALL. Allentown, July 20. • --t f , Singer ) bServing Machines. • , -q , , yi:i TII E into rednetion in O'N f • 77"., .i. price of there nu - r ags.' . .-.1;;‘k• chines brings them in ,:.. . , J. reach of everybody.— f- 4 ' ; '''' ''''N' -'" These muchines have an • I 1 55) ,') s' - • - • i i . 5...,, g -„• :• established reputation all * ' . over the civilized world ,i— • 7 •" • for its durability and the. ir,,,.... work it performs. 'lliere ,s , ' , ~,----- ' .1 , is no getting.out of order. •-• t \ e. 1 1, te , It makes lock stite.t 1 / 4 4-..... ,1, al which will neither rip, ravel nor pull out.' Per sons having.these machines in use would not part 1 with them, as $lOOO a year can be made with one of them. For sale at the Boot and Shoe Store of GEORGE LUCAS & SON, (Agents fur H. Rantlall,) NO. 5 East Hamilton St., Allentown Ps. P. B.—All Orders promptly Mutinied to. Allentown, January 17,•1500. . —tf TO THE PUBLIC. 1E Tin and Copper Smith busineso,4 l so successfully carried on for the ,IW: last twenty-ono year at No. and 42 West Ilamilton•Elyeet, in the Borough of Allentown by Amos Ettinger, will frolunnd after the first ofAti, gust he conducted under the firm of Ettinger .. 1 1. eon. The attention of the public is called to the fart, that the business hereafter will beconduet:d on the Cath System. By so dealing we expect to reduce our prices, sell cheaper than over, and thereby benefit tho public as well as ourselves. •Thankful for past favors, the new. firm. solicit no continuance of the! patronage, with which the old business stand has been favored. A polite invitation is extended to all such, as are indebted on the 'old books. to make settlement In cash or acceptable papers. Thom who may not 10/1010, when an account is due, may be reminded soon by legal process. ArtIOS .ETTINGER, WM. J. ETTINGEIt. July 27, 1 11541 - ..... ....,......... . —.... —... .....- —...— . --- ..:Z' GU • e IG • ... ' ' r ' .w...11-..9fri luoliootinot) adT I • ef) 1' -- il•ncr .1 or t 1.. •irt , ral•reT . .q. IrrJiliql.r. Nit .. IP ' L ' ‘. W L _____ 11 ' • 4 . , i t .. •... . ..-. .-.7 c.: Hid ..-.‘ r• A • • * .r lOf 411 XCit hOZOIttSd II f , i.DII . ' o . . Ifi d Cf Pfe . ....; %%% '' --:•1'1 w- ' 3 414 "'".''''''' n 1 40 . '''''''''' ) ri ''''' ; '''' r '' ll ' I • .71..)).44.))j..5, ii). ilt. n•urn 4:11 1.,,it ',Ar Lii!frij7martqg , 1 , . .ii:.'rr.yr..l[ u 1 ;, 'lc• 1' . .. ;t" ... .i 9 ' i .r. ° II e . N.asse i l ( 1 A . r. : -, :_l,f_ I'M XI 0 . ,.., , . • 1 I , l!ifortil.f..i fa . 1' ' , „ lo r , 'iv! mit .. - 1 , 44, - !... , ,i1if.....,:.... 1. , ,1iti , ) --,1 (.114,1 , 1 v; .Ii NI 131 , 11- ~..: ....) 0 ~. 1 .„ di , },:, ), n‘li ~, ~,,,,,,,,,. : i , , ;, , :„ In i ili,i . 0I . 7 , f I ~, ()It Pi;7! fif 7r ',. , ,i,/ ~ ~,,,,1.„,z 1 ,V,, :A v rvt . bilti.n. ~ ; . 3 rj, r i, , ~,. Ar . ,.„• 12 s- ,, ,1rT N., -- tr i „1,'..101,1, • .1. `E. J;•,7 !Dal - - t:lrrr . c 9; ,) It An ::ii , il - - - I ), rt - ..i .-: :1 ~CP !IL qI . ) - • 07 7,lit: nr ~c., i 7t 1p,,, , r••n d t :, , (a; • a ---- .4 ~ , i N o .....is -! J vtri O. /11.1 it ', . ..,.f ~,t ~ ";r: .......... r 1,.„ ..,,,,,., k ill, ~11.1.ftii .... (41 ! t .: er\.„ 41..... ~, ~ -, i I • T • !r 7: : ,., s j lf l ui l e i l if: 7 4ll7,' ‘ c;..1 . I 1 0..1;1,f 1.,', i ..1... , ' •.:, ; ' .;;P.[ % li ).1i /At . .. .. .%ir 1 i i..i:.:l' ( 4'.! '• :i ..,: ' - ' 1 : 1 ) ' :.,. ' r, ',F ,2 - 0 '''.ll3( 4: ~ :,•I( . .• , i , il :i If MR iH' I 1 . •: . W1 1 " 7"' '' '' " I '_' : 4 ' hr.? " • ):::: 1, .. :'f.::if. l: 11: ' 1 " 1 ' •.:1.1 r .1 1:1::' -:1 '• ' 1:'11;1:.i.:::;:'.':'; r! ' i fl:i v. : • l;' , - 1 : i i i : r11 : 911 ,(,. 1 .6 1 :::: ; 1 1 °.1: . ‘.1,1 : : 1 n • 1•. : 11 ;1 3 77 .: '1: ''.....j , 71 ;1 ri d:: l i t f nl ) i r i °l . 7 r:) , : 1 l' ; ''; ; 11 - '--- 1 r: 1 Le . 1 1 “ : 1 :1 .1 'C H , I : :‘, 1 : ! 1 ! . f . ;:R • • I: : II ; ; ')' l .' ( 1 , 1! . 1: . : 11 r 1 ,..T .: 1 ..z•.. . . .•- .; . -!: , .-l qi -tri . i , i.'1 ,. . ; I ~ ., .: :„ 1 , , , ,,. , 1 . . I ,, i 4 l ii i::: . :1:1 ' ' .. i . .:1:: ( 1 . '' , 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 . :.. i. , i 1 1' . .. ! :',; ' " --/....7* .: ~. ~. J „ Lo g ' , ~...,,1 . ,! ; ; :i i ,,,, .',. '' . l . T .,7, ~: : -r ~ ~, ri,:.,i.1.,rrit...74x. .' ,.. i11 . . 11 ? I ' l - 11 , 0, 1 11 ' 1 e• r: ~ 01 rr, Emig 1:..161 • , 111 tkr.. it! n.r. ;.. Pi 1 raint .1.. :, , 1 '. -. l' . 'ls . ~: .. t. a.: , ~,.:-:1 1 : 4. .'.,.1 , ..1 , ..,.' i. , .., ~; , ..,; 1:2 , ; ;„,,I , i.., , ~i,,q i ~i.;11:, .1.“, v. (..- .a.•,:. '.r •,.. : J... ~ :i;,-, , r ..1) ~ . .::,.i., , ti: f 1....... 1(_ ..,/...; .....7 . :11 , 1, , i r.trit 1 ..mr.LJ. - i:. . l ) I , rnir: , -.., l' .'i . •• • . '. ' .. 111,-'. !...`'''' ' •. i •' ,i '' '" I ' '.' ':'•' ' . ME friT,f tur - i 10 A"-ie % .I.' puuLtsnED w - NEW STCMULL-1011Vi Old Priende;:Nevr FklendspCuatemers and the community! n general! WED : lqt .t LEILCII would respectfully anno u nc e that they have justsoceived u large and choice Mint 'of WINTER GOODS, etribreeing all , the latel!t styles of Dry Goode. ELEGANT DRESS GOODS, Such as Sitio, Merinos, printed Cashmeres, Ontin, Paced Merinos, llfohAtrp, Poll de Cheieree,Valenetatt lloneyeentb Pleide; Detainee new 'styles, just: out! Mourning and •htilf Mourning Goods Bouilnzinee, Alpacas, Ginghams, new and beautiful etylee quer Calicoes, 40., all of which will be said vory lair far easlt. • d i;is • Blavle • Cloth • C10a1,•, , . • • Si' AW S ll A\V LS •!' SHAWLS T. , Mink& Shhirls, long and square, &damn, Rich Stol 4n, Thjbet long and lintikrti Shawls, Miami Shtrle., Best Idiot of Kid Ulorop. • • Oath. Cassitriores, Vesting', Sutinetts, Tweedit, Jeans, don., Cravats, Collars, Handkarehieft, Slitrio, Drawers, &C.. • i. - - - :\ew rtylo Dinner and Tom Soto, filusownro iu all varieties. Limn and Woollen Table and Plano Covere, Mars:lllles Quilts, Oil'Cloth, Carpet Chain, Crnsh and Toweling, .Innketa and Fnnneln, Ticking Cheeks, .tc. all of which are offered at a swill nilvance on coat by RUDER do LERCII. a La (0 - W Ul al a Evil 0,0 BROWN and White Sugar, beet Pulverized do.,beat Granula r/lima, ted do.; Rio Coffee, Mari (o.4. °oho and extra Java Coffee xtra • • heavy golden Syrup Molasses, beet linking Molasses. Ground and Fine Salt, Mackerel, Sce. And in. fact every article belonging to the gro cery line, at prices to suit the times. By striat attention to business and fair dealing we hope to merit a shore of the public patronage. No' goods misreprestwited to effect sales. t‘,.lx.We do an exclusive CASH business. One' price and no abatement. N. D.—All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods, and the highest market price paid: •"ati.,Planse give us a cull before purchasing else where. No charge for showing goods. ROEDER Sc LERCII. C. 11. Roetncn.] [D. F. Li 74161. Allentown, December 14, 1859. -a EnEAP 1111.111 APER TRH HEM RENNINCER & SHIMER, NO. 5 WEST HAMILTON STREET, have just returned from New York and Philadelphia, and received the largest stock of goods ever before shown in Allentown and in cheapness noVer equalled and all they ask is to come end examine before making purchase elsewhere. They feel confident that they con satisfy anybody that they say nothing else but what can they substantiate. Their goods consist of - - - - - - - - - LADIES DRESS GOODS, A •Pplendid assortment of Dress Silks, Black, Fancy, Bayader, Plaid and Plain of all qualities and prices, Delainos, Ducats, Polio Chirours, Figured and Plain Merinos, Vollanelos, Lavelle Cloth, Para mottos, Bombazine!, Gingham!, Extension Skirts, together with a full variety of other goods in the way of Indica ware which will be sold at the cheap• est prices by RENINGER & SUMER. MEN'S \V BAIL—NH' assortment of Steel Mixed and Oxford Mixed Sattinotis, Cossimeres, Ken thelcy Jonas, and a full line of Black, Brown nod Blue Bluth, Vesl logs, Crarats,.end n full line of all kinds of Uentlemen's Weer which will he sold cheap BENIN(' d„ . SIMMER. I= AIPPEIS AND OIL ('LOTH.--A splendid am %) yortinent of Figured' Floor and Stair Carpets in Wool and Cotton. Al=o n Hi line of Floor Oil Cloth xvhich will he sold at the Anapest price• h\• RENINOER Mil r i l olt the better accommodation of our enstomers, L' and the public. generally, we will about the first "r .M a i h, Ismi. inor,, ti, No. 30 East Ilamißun St., ' nes: t door to the post Office. \V here t ho largest stock of Qtteonswnre ever offered in Lehigh county, will be opened for sale at the lowest possible prices. Wholesale and retail, in nets or by the piece. Stores taking an assortment. will he supplied ut Philadel• phis prices. All in want- of any thing in our line ,tre cordially invited to call and •examme Mir goods awl prices and sating themselves of the truth of the Itl,ove statements. Our stock consists in part of every pattern, style, quality and color Of China, Class and Queensware, Stone, Rockingham, Yellow . and Brittania Wore, Lamps of all kinds. • ~,PLtinips altered and repaired to burn Coal Oil. QUEENSWARE. • GLASSWARE. In nets All kinds, 1 and by • For hotel . the piece, And Family use. Ten Sets, Tumblers, Dinuer.Sets, 'Lager Mugs, Chamber Seto, . Dishes, Bird Founts, ' Mugs, Cups, . Bowls, Bowls, Dishes, Cake Stange, Pitchers, Plates, ' Jars, Pitehem Ae.. Ac.. .te.. Bottles, Flasks, STONEWA It E.' Decanters, Butter Pots, Lamps and Globes, blillt Puts, - Shades, Jars, Jugs, Sticking Bottles, Spittoons, Breast Cups. • Pitchers, ,te. LAMPS. BRITTANANIA. All kinds, ' . Ten Pots, . Fluid Lamps,. • Coffee Pots, Coal Oil Lamps, Tea rrns, Parlor Lanips,• . Alu Pitchers, Table Lamps, Cantor Spoons, . Eight Lamps, Mugs, Cups, - Suspension Lamps, Ladles, • . Hand Lamps, Lamps, Ac. • Church Lampe, Ii all Lamps, Ac. Don't forget %be placo, next . door to the Pot' Office. T. C. KEItNAHEN. Allentown, January 25, 1 sap: —ly' is : .1. I Gentlemen's Wear. WOUSE PURArISHING GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODS. HO EXCITEMENT! ALLEN HOUSE, ALLENTOWN, PENNA . _ THIS well known House will hereafter be Ion .). ducted • under the personal supervision of ' Yoho & Newhard, who will spare no pains to maintain the high reputation, the Mouse has heretofore borne. It is the largest and most cob trel 110100 in the place, being situated at the corner of Om Public Square and Hamilton street. Its cen tral location renders it the more convenient for bitsiness men as well. as fur dhose travelling for pleaSurc. The 111011 S) is provided with •Baths, Airy Chambers, Parlors, Reading 'Room, &c., Tho bill of furs and table accommodations are the best the Market affords. Every attention is given to insure the comfort.of guests. Agreeable society may always he fauna at this establishment. An omnibus is tamp in readiness to convey Tamen rgers to and from the depot at the arrival and depar ture of every trail,. • JOSEPH P. NEWHAM), p EPHRAIM Yolln, c"Pr etors• Allentown, October 26th, 18M1. . tf :t:t . Er u BAR N f rAl I I.IIT ;7 .IIIIIJBEIL 116 . ,011 4 Vs mD. , P . 1, AN EKLY BY AIL tN:ci.'o'W:N . l. P:A.!, Shoe. gmd. Hat StOre, ELlAB.aasaisz al, BO*. • - TILE subscribers have this diivoni ist iiimow - i stored in coWartnership,under the above Firm, and haso.taken Au stand lately. occupied . d by ;Jones George, :next dobr to the Hard ware Store of Ilagelibabh, Borah A CO., whop they aro now opening a very large stock of -Boots Shoes. Hate, • Cops &c. And, 'haVing adoptca the Cub System, they would-invite one and all to give them an early call as bash buyers .will; ilndit greatly to their advantage; to examine our stock before purchaBJ ing elrewhero: We have a Shoe ,and Boot -Manu factory, by which we ore • conitintly adding to our already heavy stock, good' and substantial work which will give ample satisfaction to She warner and which we aro selling Wholssale and Retail et, the verylontest figure. • -. • '' ' N. B. Just received a large supply of Gam Shoes of ovary description. Also Trunks, Carpet Devi lee garbleasured work will be done at thi3 shortest notice. ELIAS MERTZ. - LEWIS 11. MERTZ. 'Allentown, Nov. 9, 1,559. , Ly Attention' - -Conipany! • Heads Erect, and. Eyes ;Light, On HHARRIS' TRlO—thero yoM can have your bcards• removed with ease; and your hair cut, ram punned, curled, frizzed or shampooned in a style Wad eannot be surpassed. And keeps fur silk his Layaro Iteditnin, TOr preserving and beautifying the Also beards colored to suit the complexion, nt the FOUNTAIN HEAD, No; 52 East Hamilton Street, south side, • TEMPLE OF TASTE, . No. 29 East Hamilton St., north side, and UNITY CABIN; North west corner of Seventh and 'Auden Sts. The subscriber renders manyethanks to his old pa trons and Invites thoso to call who have not tested tho el:Murky of his tonsorial operations. The corps is under the supervision of PROF. C..E. HARRIS, Allentown, Pn. —ly December 7.—July 13 raper . Hangings Depol, NO. 10 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK, Directly opposite the Western Hotel, TEE CROTON 'MANUFACTNRING CO., ' (Organized in. 1846, under thoGenoral Manufacturing Law of the State of Now York), Offers nt•wholennlo, in quantities to suit purchasers, at Manufacturer's Lowest Prices, for cash or approved credit Paper Hangings, of every variety of styla and price, herders to match, Fire-Board Prints, Transparent Winnow Shodes„ Oil Painted Window Shades, Wide Window Carlain Papers, and Window Shade Fixtures, Store Shades made to order, and Lettered, Of the latest styles and superior finish, nll of their own manufacture and importation. As their stock is largo and entirely new they invite Merchants, Booksellers, and Dealer's in these articles, to call and examine their styles and prices, •whenever they visit the city. February 16,1860 KEROSENE & COAL OIL. LAMPS ! Head Quarters and Manufactory, No. 114 South SECOND Street, below;Chosnut A No. 1 'CARTER Street, Philadelphia. ' BC Be XIYOTT'S i • Excelsior Kerosene and Coal Oil Burner. MERRILL it JONES' Spring Burner, and all other goad burners for• Coal Oil, together with the largest end handsomest variety of LAMPS, of every description. CHANDELIERS, horn two to! fifty burners—Glussee, Wickm, Shntlea, and ell other I articles pertaining to the business, together with the ._ . • . bast KEROSENE OIL in the Country--11'holcsolel & Retail—at the Manufacturers' lowest prives. I ' Ca . MaAillactory phMerchants anti others will save money, by j . „ NI . r . , exeminining our Stock and Prices. I .... i1t.; ,..,,,..., IHE undersigned hereby informs M. B. DYOTT'S 1 kir -- "" --- ::••• ' the public that he keeps eon- LAMP and OAS FIXTURE STORE and FAC- '''` stantly on band at his Carriage Man i ufaetory at Schneeksville, Lehigh County, Carrie- TORY, No. 114 South Second and No 1 Carter . gee of all descriptions, which he is prepared to Cure- Stmet, I clew Chesnut, Philatra. . ...... 3 1 .. 9. 1 ish nt the lowest rates. This carriage manufactory Feliritury 29, IMO. has been long established and is well known in this 66 A 'III.IU'I . 11199 entire section of the county. None but the best inn . tennis are timid, and the best workin'en employed.— T T is nothing to gain popularity, but it is rarely : Persons calling can nt all tlinen have a large variety, 1 that men retain it. Like money, come easy, go ! from which to select. Orders fur new carriages easy, popularity is a tender affair, and requires care-' promptly filled. Repairs made at the shortest no. ful nursing to keep it alive. • rice. By prompt attention to bushies' the sub- Especially in this oliservable in mercantile affairs. I scriber expects to Inerenne that liberal patronage, If the reputation, which is but another IMMO for , with which he has already beonlavored by the pub popularity, be won by actual merit, it is lasting. Be• JONATHAN HESS. C. 11. Schertnerborii, the well known • Schneckeville, February 29, 1850 —tf Grocer, Rah and Piv , vision Dealer, boob. itis straight.forwatil course, the fairness of his , TRUSSES! ,BRACES! SUPPORTERS ! t wice. and the excellence cf hie stock secured a rep utation which will be lasting. C. 11. NEEDLES 9 Having taken the business himself' at the corner I S. W. Corner Twelfth and Race' Streets, of Ninth and Hamilton Streets—he can defy corn 1 PHILADELPHIA. petition and afford to sell at prices to suit everybody.. VIRACTICAL ADJUSTER of Rupture Trustee (live him a cull and be satisfied with the Truth of ! r and Mechanical Remedios. Has constantly on his assertions. hand a lnrge.Stock of (leonine French truim', also a complete assortment of the beat American, includ , ing the celebrated Whites Patent Lever Truss, be lieved by the beat authorities to be superior to any yet invented. English and American Supporters, and Delta, Shoulder Braces, Suspensory Bendagee, Self Injecting Syringes, adopted to both sexes,•in ;teat portable cases, French Pessaries, Urinal Bags Sec: Orders and letters of enquiry, will meet prompt attention. Anglia 24, 1859, C. H. SCIIERMERITORN, Corner of Ninth and Hamilton Streets. Allentown, December 14, 1959. —tf Moser & Grim, N. 30 East Hamilton St., ALLENTO IV N , PA. WHOLESALE and Retail dealers in Red and Oak Solo, Harness, Upper end Cellar Leath er; Kipps, Calf Skins, Morocco, Kid, Linings, Bind ngs, Shoo threads and Shoo Findings at low prices or cash. Also beat Tanners Oil. The highest price paid for llldes. BARK! BARK! I BARK! ! ! .They wish to buy three hundred cord° of good Chcanut Oak Bark, at their tannery near the Little Lehigh. They pay Seven Dollars and Fifty cents per curd. Those who will cut down wood this spring will do well to peal it; ua the Dark alone is worth as mach , as Bark and wood together. MOSSER & GRIM. Allentown, Jan. 1S CRAIN, FLOUR AND COAL. rIMIE undersigned respectfully beg leave to inform 1 the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that they nro prepared to do all sorts of grist-work and to fur nish Flour, Feed add Grain of all kinds at Butz's Mill on the Jordan creek ono mile from tho borough. Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats, bought at the highest market price either at the mill or at their store-house at the corner of Ninth and Linden Streets, (commonly known as the Free Hall.) Orders for Flour, Feed and Grain received either at their store house or at the of office at their coal-yard, in First Ward, (T. J. Klep ph:ger's Into stand.) The undersigned will carry on as heretofore the coal and grain business at their old stands. Business hereafter carried on exclu sively on the cash principle. . • • ROTH, MICKLEY & CO. Allentown, Nov., 2, 1859. —tf 1860. 1860. SPRING STOCK NOW OPEN. Full Stock of SILKS, Eull Stock of - RAWLS, • Full Stock of DRESS GOODS, Full Stock of LINEN GOODS, Full Stock of COTTON GOODS, • • Full Stock of lILACK GOODS,. 'Full Stock of WHITE-GOODS, Full Stock of LACE GOODS, Now Materials for DUSTERS, Novelties in FRENCH GOODS, Ac. d. BYRE d, LANDELL, • • Fourth and Arch Streets, Phil's . _ N. B.—Storekeepers' may at all times find Good Bargains, Daily from Now York and Philadelphia Auctions. . P. S.—Black Silks, at Net Prices, decidedly cheap. February 29, 1860. :---3mos.. GLENN'S ONE PRICE HAT AND CAP STORE, (CORNER OF VIP PIPE STORY BLOCK;) N. Weet corner of Eighth and Race Btreeflp PHILADELPHIA. The Public are respoctfully invited to bear in mind that at this Store may be found an assortment of Fashionable and Handsome Moleskin Press flats, Soft Hats, High, Low and Medium Depth Crown, Cloth and Glazed Cape. Plash and Plinth Trimmed Cape for Men and Boys Fancy Mate and Cape for Children, at Fair Pricee' . :01 -NO TWO PRICES FOR REGULAR GOODS. January 18, 19d0. --ly !7e,:t11 . N . ,E5.,:D.,..A,.:Y:. A 10,4 • Freela Mary citl(TlLL opon,lis Spring f.crm on .Voi y Apri l VV 1800. * • ' !!: it :*To! iv.full and thorougli•ACedemlo Course of In-. struction ' besides, the, Ancient nod Moderri“Dilit gunge!, Is' added a g l ie.diitt .Wpartniene designed to afford to young mon.Superior facilities for quali fying theinsolvestoriTeachere... Surveying istaugbt theoreticallY and practically• ;. • If meahatilcii plefediloriol 'then, even ;afte, genre of diligent and porfevoring toil in preparing themselves for Abelr rtneetive callings, are but Warily empleyod, ought-lid eepirents for Lilo high And feirfully responsible (Am of moulding and training . young minds, ozveot,to be even more cau tiouslyemployed. ' ' For Catalogues containing;full..information ad • dress ! . : .11. A.,.I.I.IANSIOKER, Principal, . .Perltiouien,' Montgomery Co., Pa. .yar-Sindente Min: ceirbSby tho East • Penusylva nia Railroad by way of Reading .to the Royereforcl I station, only,sovoral miles from the School. February 22, 18110. • . . • Notices to Crontrattovs. • QBALED 'proposals will ite received until the .10th L., day of /ITO best . fer the Graduation nnellia:; sonrY of the following afmtions of theALLEI TOIVI9 RAILROAD, to wit : StietiOns 25, 26, 28; 29, 30, 32, 35;30, 37, 33 E 89 find:the exoavatiolref a Tunnel 1200 foot long on Section 80. • . Tho abovo sections comprise all' the heavy work on the line of the road.' dt, is. believed to ho the best olase of work that htut,haen offered to contractora for some time ; being the work that is immunity for 'the construction of a flratifiluni road With very light grades in a broken County, 'Specifications Maps and , Profiles mg be aeon at the Engineers Office. in Allentown. Terms of paytnentTaila:, Proposals Lobe marked Propnaa la and ltddres sad top° Choir Eng Moor , Allen town, LehighCl:may; Pa. r'sygy order of Ifonid. BUTTRRWORTII, President, OEO. B. ROBERTS, Chief Engineer. February' 15, 1860. , • ' —St A SPLENDID CIIANCE FOR A BARGAIN A. whole Stook of Store Goods, to be • • sold at private, Sale. . TILE underaignod, Ar iniscrotor •of Christopher Lichtenwalner, dAeasel; hereby 'gives notice, that lie offere at private dale the aplundid Stook of tinily-rondo clothing, boloitinig to decoaeod, and to no found at the Store Stand On the Borough of Allen town, at the corner of llamilton Rica find Hall. Alley. Tho•stock contains n variety of all stioh articles, ns aro - generally met. with in a well regula ted esta blishment of the kind. An opportunity is - oleo etibrod to parches° the lease of the premises containing the stock, for A, term of four years. For ?quilt:Ware inquire of '• FRANKLIN STBTLER, Administratitr. February Ifq 18110. . • —tf Store IPoodig; Al the old Stand, No. 9 East Hamilton ,Stree 3 doors below Yuhe & :V:ewhard's Hotel, A MB •lentown. • THE undersigned would respeetfuliy announce that 1 ho has just returned front : Philadelphia with a lot of now Goods in addition to his already large stook ofall kinds of Dry Geode, Groceries, &c.. Ito will be glad to see all his friends and forther cuftemers of the old firm at the Store, bopinx by 'etriet attention to business and fair dealing to merit a continuance of patronage. People from the couptry art invited to give him a call. All kind of country produCo taken in ex change fur goods nod. the highest market price paid. J. T. BUII.DGE. —tf March Send for Sir Waltar De Ruse's. GREAT BOOK.—Every married and single woman should' havo this valuable and instructive work. It will save them ninny sleepless nights and days of sorrow. Every young man and woman contemplat ing holy wedlock, should have this highly Instruc, tire book. It will save to those who road it; thous ands of dollars, and many after chagrins and re grets. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers send for it and road 'its instructive pages. You will never regret it. Sent free to any address, by enclosing four stamps to W..DeRUSE, 11r. D. 'Box 84 Philadelphia, Pa. Post Off:co. February 22, 1888. —ly H. H. B. LICHTCAP & CO., i l l : COMMISSION EMITS griEs - r - No. 106 Warren Street. Corner of Washington, H B. LIOLITCAP, t NEW YORK. Osonon WENNrR CONSIGNMENTS of Flour, Grain, Seeds, and all kinds of Produce generally solicited. New. York, February . 15, 1860. —ly Allen Insurance' Co., ALLENTOWN, LENIN! COUNTY, PA. THIS Company is•organised under the general In surance Laws of this Stater, and insures upon the mutual principle exclusively, against loss by are, on Buildings, Merchandise and other property. Ap plication for hindrance may be made at the office of the company, or to the Surveyors whose names hairs heretofo rote= announced. 0. W. COOPER, President. C. M. RUNK, Secretary.. Allentown, Dec, 17 1859. —ly --- A. . AL . AL N" 3111, • ' . . WITH Lathrop. Ludington & ,Co., TMPORTERS and Jobbers of Poroign and Do l. media • DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, &C., • Noe. 23 and 25 Park Moe, Now York. Aslli" Also always on band an extensive stook of Yankee Notions. New York, November 30, 1859. . —ly *5O to $l5O Per month. HONORABLE BUSINESS. —Agents local or tray oiling wanted in every town and county in the Union to , engage in the ealo of it now Article patent, of utility, beauty and. novelty demanded in ovory family, office, store and manufactory, affording large profile and quick sale:. No humbug or medicine, and no bonus for patent right. Circular of &scrip ion, terms, &c., mailed on application with three cent stamp, to EMANUELL CO., ' Box 74, Allentown, Pa. Fehrdary 8,1880. • • —tf ~m A - 2. 8, 18 '6'0.; '112.4" RUsi sql:*? rl I: .1.11 I • ,1, • • •-• • Allentown Academy • . . :fpit TOrta' of Atli Ithilliisiioia`nie • oponod on • "Thursday tho let of September... Pupils aro ro , ,colved tnto,tha §ohool at anytime and charged only from die :data 'of intranco. Prhxiaryi for quarter, •!, . $4,00; Common English branohe'• •.:A 4,60® $ hligher.•!' with Latin,ando " I " ' anchl Made, Use of Piano for practice, Drawing, Fuel for winter, A. few pupils aro received into the family, of the Principal at the rate of $4.0 per quarter for board, washing and tuition in all branches except Mug° end Drawing,. . : ~ • ' •. - N.. GREGORY , . Deceinhot.: it —March 16. ' --ly • ''OP 3:) s. liintnifacituror and Denler In STR.A.W GOODS, • Nos. 103, 105 mid 107 North. Sedond -Street., PHILADELPHIA. •NAT 4 are.noV ieColving our Spring Stock, %tido% will cOmpriterd 'urge and dedrable assortment of.all kinds of STRAW AND LACE GOODS. Our stook .of, Flowers and. Ruches Will unusually. large this seasatt,.and we would invite your special atten tion to thht. department . please cell and oxalate° them befommakingyouri purchases. Yourgr i Atespootfaliy; " WARD, 'Net. 403/ 105 and - 107 North Second St, .FebruttryA9:l4oo. • —im Steckel's; Ambrotype PlOrkttitt OrIe.LLERIT. PP 00MS In the Third Story of Neligh Sc Breivig's Lt now building, (Lion Hall,) over the " Regis tor" printing office, where ho continues to take the different styles of Ambrotypo Pictures by sky-light. lie can warrant his Pictures to be perfect as life.— ITa returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage he has received, and hopes by producing satisfactory likenesses, to merit a continuance of patronage from nn intelligent public. N. B.—Pioturoa taken at 25 cants. • 1. A. E.TECICEL. —3m Pocember 7 JOHN F. HALBACH JUSTICE Of THE PEACE. Oflies on the west side of 2d. street between Hamil tott.und Linden Streets, has been appointed as Agent of 'ALL. Holler's European Express and Expe dition, Commission, and Forwarding' House, No. 3 Chamber Street, Now York. He writes or draws all. Powers of Attorneys in the , erinan and English Languages and forwards to all ermany anti England. Also Passage certificates onn be had at his office to Brenton, Hamburg, Havre, Antwerp, Rotterdam and London Allentown, August 31, 1859, EAGLE HOTEL• CORNER of Hamilton and Seventh Streets, (Mar hat Square) Allentown,'Pa. THE ' Eagle' is well situated for the aorornodation of travelers. It is furnished in the host manner. Tho Table is provided with the best fare the mar ket affords, and the bar supplied with the purest and best liquors. Farmers and perms from the country, will find the stabling and yard, us well as the Hotel, conve nient. OilrOmnibuses run regularly from this house to the Rail-rued depots. MOSES SCHNECK, Proprietor. Allentown, January 4,1800. ly . - Etitabliihed in. 1810. : Taney Dyeing Establishment. J& W. JONEB;.*No. 432 N. Front St. above . lowhill, Philadelphia, dyes Silks. 'Woolen and Fnnoy Goods of every description. Their superior style of Dyeing Ladies and Gentlemen's Garments is widely known. Crape and Merino Shawls dyed the most brilliant or plain colors. Crape and Morino Shawls olenned to look like new—also, Gen tlemen'. apparel. Curtains,..ko. cleaned , or re-dyed. ..Call and look at our work beforo going also whore. February 20,1500. AMERICAN Life Insurance and Trust Company. Capital Stock, $600,000. COMPANY'S Buildings, Walnut Street, S. E. Cor ner of Fourth, Philadelphia. LIFE INSURANCE at the usual mutual fate's.— Joint stock rates at 0 per cent. lase total Abstinence rates the lowest in the world. Full InforMation, Book and Application may be had by calling on DR. WM. J. ROMIG. Alliintown,:May 5, 1859. JOSEPH S: KUDEB,. • D,, AGRADUATE of Jeffeffion Medical College, and resident of Heidelberg township, Le high•tounty, immediately in the vicinity of the public house of Mr. Daniel Delbert, offers hie pro thesional services to the citizens of that vicinity. He ll•ghully answer to calls at all hours of the day or night: . [November 16, 1859.—tf MEI Adam Woolever, ATTORNEY . AT LAW, SHERIFF'S OFFICE, ALLENTOWN, PA. WILL atici.d to the, collection of claims in Le high and adjoining counties. Allontown, July 27, 1859. —ly A. B. Schwartz, nIFFICIE, East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. five doors east of the Sheriff's Office. Or -Can be consulted in the English and German languages:lM November 23, 1859 Bemoved. C . .M. RUNK has removed his Low Office to N 0.48 East Hamilton street, oppusite Bechtel's Amor (can Hotel. The Office of RUNK do SAttonn, and of the ALUM INnonANCit Commistv. have been removed to the same.place. ..Dec. 17 1850. WITBLX.A.DIE REIIPMER, GENERAL HEWS AGENT, • ALLENTOWN, PA. • • All dally.pnpars (rem Now York and Philadelphia served to Subscribers regularly after the arrival of the cars. • Dn. A. 19. HEATH of New York City, will give a Free Lecture on the hest method of preserving health, and of attaining a Ripe ail Age, in Allen- - own, March 28th, at the Odd Fellow's flail, at 8 P. M. • The Dr. will give 'Advice Free on the 20th at the American Motel, up to the leaving of the last train for Easton. Allentown Feb. 22, NATIONAL HOTEL, • neon STREET, A MOW =Mtn PHILADE.LPHIA. • . CYRUS OARItiAlstY, Proprietor.' November 2.,1859. ' PURE OHIO • CATAWBA BRANDY, D. LAWALL, solo ngent for Um county.— .1124. Prleepor bottle 81.25, by the case 810. Allentown, Jan. 11. , .—tf DR. S. P. BLISS - , 31:1113E111W . '71C 1 311.11971Vis OFFICE 0 ER PRETZ, WITH I CO'l3 STORE ALLENTOW N, PA 8,00 2,00 2,00 WM . . stream whio4,flowa from a neigll.lpFing , itthen win4a *Jong the margin of the•golieary ES -3 tllOB MEI =I - 3m -et , A, IFTICHECIAANp, 1149714E1Tt. Highland w . idop left helffaxo on{ly one mcaTil9g,/43 order to reach hefore erittig• the regdoileace of, a, .kinailan ,who had proixt se& to assiather *paylpg her reat,. eatlIVA dti lion back:Jur a,,hoy, tyto, ! yeaiii "old: The jeArP-9.7, 1 Yee Ives.fol"i4 . . the aotan,wild . aud ionely Rath, I ; ! , ,hT .first ,heard story I an l gPing,t9'..Wl you _The' mountain track, ,after, leaving the amau village by , the seashore, where the widow liv,oy,lpaast3is through a gem/ valley, watered . by a, Ogieeflil lake, until its :further and it enthienly turns .„ • . . , into. an :oxtensie copeoToorA, of: ,ofilr . and' birch. • ( I " From. this it enlarges way up a mountain .840, • and entering a dark 'tick through , ,whioh; a torrent; rushes amid of granite, it at last condUois the travellei:,' by a zigzag ascent to a narrow gorge is homtned 'in, upon •every side by giant pr'der picas. Overhead is• a strip of blne sky; and below.is dark and gloomy.., • • From dill mountain pass tho,vridow's - dwellL If log was ten mines off , and no , human; habite tion was, nearer than her • own. $6. ad'un dortaken a long journey indeed. . But ,holisint was due some weeks before, and the sub-faetbr had threatened to (*possess her, as the village in which she lived, and in which her family had lived for two generations, was about to be swept away, in order to enlarge a sheep tkirm. Indeed along the margin of the quiet stream which water the green valley, and'along the shore of the lake, might even• then ho traced the ruins of many a hamlet, where hippy and contented people once lived, but where tic, sound is heard eiaept the bleat of a solitary sheep, or the scream of tho eagle as he wheels • his flight among.the dizzy precipices. The morning gave promise of a lovely 'day. But before noon a sudden change took , place in the weather. Northward the sky I became black and lowering. Masses of: clouds rested upon the hills. Sudden gusts of wind began to whistle among the rocks, and to mine with black squalls the surface of the lotih. 'The wind sills succeeded by rain, and the t rain by sleet, and the sleet by a heavy fall of snow.— It, was the month of May ; for that storm is still remembered as the "great Mayi storm." The wildest day of winter never beheld flakes of snow falling heavier and faster, or Whirling with more fury through the mountain pass, filling every hollow and whitening every rock. Wcar3', and wet, and cold, the widow reach ed that pass with her child. She kn . t.vr that a mile beyond it there was a mouuta;n ing which could givoshlter ; but the moment she attempted to face the storm of snow which was rushing through the gorge, all hope failed of proceetting ita•that direetion. Tito'return home•was equally impossible.' She tnutt find shelter. The wild cat's or fox'S den Would be welcome. After wandering for some time among the huge fragments of rock which skirted the over hanging precipices, she at fast found a more sheltered nook. Crouching beneath a projecting rock, she pressed her child to her trembling bosom. The storm continued to rage. The snow was accumulating overhead. Hour after hour passed. It became bitterly cold. The .even ing approached. The widow's'heart was Sick with fear and anxiety: Her child her only child, was all she thought of. Shot *rapped him in her shawl. But the poor thing had been scantily clad, and the shawl was thin and worn. The widow was poor ? and ter clothing could hardly defend herself from the pierciag cold of such a night as this. But whatever was to become of herself„ her child must be preserved. , The snow in whirling ed dies, entered tlip recess, which afforded at,' the best but a miserable shelter. The night Came on. The wretched mother:stripped off almost all her •• own clothing, and wrapped it round' her child, Whom, at last, in despair i she put into a deep . crevice of the reek, among twine dried heather and fern. • . ' • And now she resolves at all hazard% to brave the storm, and return home in order to get as sistance for her babe or perish inlthe attempt. Clasping her infant to her heart, and co'vering its face with tears and kisses, she laid him. softly 'down to sleep, and rushed into 'the' snowy drift. ' ' The night of storm was succeeded •by a peacofhl morning. The aun. .shone from the clear blue sky, and wreaths of mist bung along the . mountain top, while a; thousand water falls poured down their 'sides. Dark figures,, made visible at a distance on the white ground, might be seen with long poles examining ovary hollow near the mountain path. They are people from the village, who are searching for 'the widow aniii her son. They have reached the pass. A cry id heard by one'of the shep horde, al he sees a bit of a tartin cloak among the snow. They 'have found the widow—. dead; her arms stretchedforth as if imploring for assistance Ilefbre noon they; discovered the child by his cries. He was safe in the arevice•of the ro l ck. • The storyof that woman's' affection -for her child was , soon read in lan guage which all understood. Her earnest naked body revealed her love: gany a, tear was shed, many an excian:ia don expressive of admiration and affection uttered from enthusiastic, sorrowing Highland hearts, when on that evening , the aged pastor gathered the villagers. in the defiertedhomie • ef mourning, and by prayer and fatherly exhor tationsought to.improve, for their sOula'' good, an.event so sorrowful. .More than half a century palmed -- aWay.. That aged ppd faithful pester' was long dead, though 'his memory still lingers in Many a re. tired glee among the children 'of children' whose parents. he baptised. , His eon whose looks were white with age, was preaching to a congregation, of higlanders is one of our greet cities, it was a communion Sabbath. The sub ject of hie discourse was the love of Christ.— In illustrating the self sacrificing nature of, "that love which seeketh not her own," ; he .21 4 44 - Niir 1 4) TVIaLT. ! Lt.: 11!.1111.111 .1 Acra to t MILE Ito 2( 6 narrated the above story of . thellighland wid ow;;Wbin lio gad litnkeltitliown In boyhood. And be (*tidied,'" Ittll4 l 6filldltilloW 6live, what ;wOiddleif 'lMitirt, 'lie 'did not `oherlidimi ( liii r 946tlieh ! niemory, tmd if. the' :Sight hi' Hitt: OW' iiitoiied cloak, Whioh - Shihke".wi‘fipptidquiuntiliiiii'lli order io thi'life' tine thiit sof" hiirekiii; did not till tan ktiititide toki j ileep for wordel 'Yet WhiktlietlitsshiVe l ytki; Mthearers if over thebe- M'enioril' tif t/iioSaylmit's sacri fie'of hiiiMelf,'ybiido'nbt'fielthaigliow with deeper'love'nd kibiv dayi-ifterAisli sent 'by a dying; iiii'mr-fetiiidstingl2) inlifihld clergy- The with? itiiied"thti l &blister by the band',' andlgtistitg 'fifl r lis face, oa f& : •:, L')",,PO " YO . ll dO gnise id's. Bat litiovi 7- psic)did i .t , li f ithW - iiinr father bafbre yoff. PhilVo been' aylji iidirean many f I haito visited *iiir l y of the ' tindl'ongh bled'ai -c inFiing and ediliitol ''deine id tide toieit'ilhW weeks ago, In entered You'rehtifoN the - chili& or / My, 'cOnlitrymen, where . I icbuld' otide nitire % T ear,' In s itillanguage 'of m y youth.. .and'. of in'y heirt, l dui Gospel 1.-.lteard yon tell' the laity of the Widow and 64. so' ' " If ere tlio voibe 'of the' old" Soldiek r faltered, his eMottoh clieked his idteihnhti bht recov ering hinuielf for a thionxent.`iiebthidi "I am that eon '!'."arid buret' tears.— ' " Yes he `it mitiimed:' "I aai thht tidal Nev er; 'fieVer dm I forge' ther.iiiiithies love.— Well might4oU ask Whitt a heart eliohld mine have been if she had biuin•forgotten'by me.— Though I haver SSW her, licit; 'hie is her memory ; and my only Aesiii3 nerwis( i to lay my bones beside 'hoes in the old bhirolttikd among the hills. But . sir• What lireak6 geart, and covers me 'witlisittuneis now I nev er saw, with . the eyes oflray•sonlVitierlbve of my Saviour in giving himielltfoilMb,liit:foor, lost, hell deserving 'sinner. -IlltOifesillt l l I eon. fese it 1" he cried; lookipg ittOteivlitiaven his eyes • streaming with tears ;. - atallpiessing th ministers:hand:close to hie Irretterhe added : " It was God who made you tell ihat story.— Praise be to his holy name that:tny :dear moth er, has not died in vain; !that 'the prayers which I wee told. she used"toloilbr for me have been et . last answered ;. for At) ' , love of my mother his been moh.ea by tl b ItolY Spirit in making me see as I:never:air/ before, the love •of the Savid%r. see-ii; lyilitive , it, I have found• deliverance in old , iigthewletre . l found it in my ;Jhildhood ;:irtth I cleft Jor ihelrock, but it is the Rook'oflAgetilPli 7-d l'n 110 (1 And elasping' • hie Itande;htiiiptifitod with in tense fervori 14Can ninotheigforkether suck ling child; that; ohe shoiild: :not 'MVO% compas sion cit; ttie abli•ofibeegitbbatir A 11411 they may . 'fbrgetT yet' fortetmtlieel" , .—Rev. Normaix Loath` Ai: 1.7:4 ;t . . . „Loot. OUT FOR WOMM-7r,YOUng man keep your eyes open • when yoa .are after the women. If you• bite at the naked book you are grden:". Its Iv pretty dress or form so attractive; or .4 pretty We; even? Floun ces, twig are no sort of 'ootwequenoes. A pretty face will grew dd. • ,Pwintiwill wash off. The sweet smiles. of the.'llire) will give way to the scowl of termagant: Another 'and a far different r.beingroiwlUr take the place of the lovely -goddess , vilmimiles and este ryoni caddy. (-Their , coquette will shine in 'the 'kitchen dorner;l. and with the once sparkling eye and limning bbunten ance •will look .daggers' at you..i , aieveare 1 Keep your eyed Open, - boyV•whitnr rvaiare after the women if the.dear iscrods, andweblds at her mother in the , . beet roans; may. be sure you will get particular tubs allover the house. If she blushoslatrdettiestie dutish, be sure she is of• the' dishrag svhdocriejuZilittle breed ing and a great: deg It you marry a girl Who khOws Inathink ibtitiOloommit wo man shiaghlinconi the piano, eytutehave got the poorest pleco.of musio . everiorninz Fi n d on e whose mind is rigliti,•isuid • therwilitch. Boy don't be bangingrround• . liki 4414'0p-thief, as though you wero.aShanted‘ to , bei'eeen in the day time;: butwalk upiike klioken to the dough-pile,' and ask fori the' 'allele like a • HoLn'ou, i )3ors.-- , ..llol , otv;to.:Your tongue when, you' tire just• ready -tudsvretcr, or speak harshly, or any.imprtper:werd.., Hold op to your hand ; when you are about ,ready to strike, pinch, soratch,:etcal or do any improper act. • .• • - Hold on to your _feet , when you ; are on the point of•running away from !Andy, or pursu ing the.path - of error, shame or. prhne. Hold on•to- your temper, -when ,you are an. gry,,exoited,or, imposed upon,oiothers are an gry. about You. • ' • • ": '.• • Hold on to your heart. when , ev4l associates seek your „company, aed invite•you to join in theirgarnes, mirth and. rer*Y- ' • Bold on. to your good name at All times for 'it is more •valuable to ~ you than, gold, high places or fashionable attire, •!•• • Hold on to-the truth, for it will•serve and do you good through9Ot oterAltdr. , Hold' on tu your virtue--Pitt ie above all price o you; in Ali times , and, place*, „ Hold onto your goodepharmter,for it is, and -and ever•will. b%YeAr beet wst4th. ..A..4ciwn east ediMr:iiitye . he has seen t 44 contrivance our . .lawym when th e y • warm, pp with ,th e iiptiject.l "ice says it was glati: concern, 'prpkiield . about a pint. • • , A borrosporidant sage eat ft *Oman is twice 'as gobd us 'a eh& proves it•thus by the stiiy ortoguiiiiiy—M4m-ivn--double you 0 A noval contest came off in Montgome ry, Ala., a few days . since--A plowing match between-a camel and a mule, the camel bear ing off the palm. - - , serif you want ,to Imre, ftman for you friend, never get the ill:wili'of NI wife. • ji , .(1?.; , 1 tif 71 COMM U. ,71A '7AII; - 4'109 :1:1'1'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers