Ei E IMiEI gtrf 11111*JI•ttihi off 1 1 II MIEE2-2.'''l,o l .4"tem • pil UTO4tiUgr4a.mgge* mom.. 4.M. Ecx .w loggvNmgz.,uxvl..tc.... ra SIIC It 0* 0. 10 00 0.4 emS mS aw 00. Cteast l =MEUMg:a XMV= .40 wwOP. 0 W otocicio wilroc4o 4 1 .1.0. 2 ggITVieg --- o2l.o.aftiZmoow4 goo=Crarigrag 1 *StAIfeMNDOMM terOM W U.4O , 4WINIW.Witnf , W*.. 4 ! 4 C.WM COMW&WWOWOOOO,C7.O62W v..kb u... ragagraM3Cga'46fMtgMr , 7: batam o.l,.comwwo4wwwo .4.lp...mwm.ow.moc.NDemv..o). In' zr-b-Eigsg2EFEuVEME NOMwb.otank, emql.o*.to 00th.410.4wcorgom0ihoo , ocpcJlMW. , oolbet.ar4G.tam ..... IML°l2sm"r4Twg"*" obenp..wC.4toCNc.X4ClggUEEsH eu taw. t.. 2 be te 4e Ni •-• Oa 14 Of 14 b. ocobo b. 0 CO ob. 10 C. 01 4. 0 .0 0 .0. 10 CO 000 Co 0 O. SO 0.0 1/. .00 . 1 lot WO Ittl t-t to 0, 0. tO 11.0 ni On to 00 •••• OZ in CO .1.• CO .4 1p 1:0 CO IND O. 10 .4 On c. co to tn Ot 0 an 10 0 nn ni 0 110 0 ni ita CO Co ttir sT I k•O Co 114 WI pNi W 01. its co co PP t• pp to Pr eip e, .10 CO CO CO Poo o •-• 00 03 an 00 w rt. In. 60 CO oo co ni 110 P. fwd.. ON tyj CA 0 0 OGO 0 OlO .1.1. 01.• .4 00 01 000 0 .4 0 0 GO 0 0 0 Hi 0 00 lii 4k UMMMMMaUMMEI3 I y gikol CD OD , O 1 Y DO CD im 0 op 0 0 OD 0 Om CO tO 0 OD P.. 0 CO OD C. 0 0 0 0 0 DO DO Ca 0 0 0 CD On I NN CO y of IdUN tO CO 0 Ca Go 0 0 at CO CD CO 0 0 y 0 CA 0 $0....1 ND CO CO 0 y ,o. co, to .0 tD to Nro NJ 10 CO 40 op ON cn .+ CO D. 040 yo co co OD ON tat. 4 CO 4D 40 00 .4 4 4 00 04 CO C. C. 0 t• bN t 0.2 eco to., ...a CO C 4 14 1 I. to.. sr COV 4. tik. t 4 CO. c 0 fa. Cr. C 4 C.... 11 ND of•Cto**-011-0 00.0.0-.4-00-.144-004.) Coa CO IP OD WI CD DO DO O. D.. CO OD IO co On CO OD 00 DO CO CO -4 CD OD OD CA Di nor CO CO OD 00 Oa Wm OD •N IA !A tA CA CA go • co o 3 CI. CS AO 15 Cr , Cr 00. C. 4 I* CA •N Cht 415 110 IN CO i/s !lb b•D e. 4 C , NZ IN . lIND DO OD DO DO OD •-• DO CD , DO Ca -4 DO CT . CO DOD,: DO DO Of 0 DO Ca DO O rh CD CO CO CD DO 02.4 CD DO OD 4= 11D. DO CO z I 'al '2 it, c 6 t' V Zs' V. . r3tl " t t 0 0 V, .S. C 0 0 Co •-• 0 00,C • . ) •-• 04.0.0 00 of.. ne 7- .. -,, 4... 0. -4 -4 4. Ce. . . Ca 03 .0 CO NZ .0 .2 . ..i r.s. In. .0 ... 0., .. .0 CO 0 RO 0.. l Gp 40 CO CO CA oenOao .2 .0 Pn , N.... 11 0 0 00 CU .0 VD le o. , 1.0 0 0 IC Li IC IC c 0 0 0 Cs 0 CO --I Cr , 0 0 0 0 '4 eCoOOOCTCo 0 CC t. 0 , = fins PIKB'S Pit At. GOP MINES. —Notwieh staniing the unfavorable reports which have 'beer made of the Pike's Peak , gold mines, it is stoutly .:.ontended that a large amount of gold 4s being discovered in that region. A ape. , vial Commissioner recently appointpi by Gover ner Black, of Nebraska, to examine the resour• Tea of the western portion of that Territory. has made a very filtering statement of itit •erel riches. We have also before us the Rocky Mountain Gold Reporter (printed at Mountain City. in the new milting regions) of the 17th •ult It copies a communication, giving an un. favorable report of the mines, from the Minot' ri Republican, and pronounces its easements -statements untrue. It says : ••Mefsrs. Gridley & Henderson,' of Cass •county. lowa, bought two claims of one bun. 'ared feet each, of J 11. Gregory, lode, for the sum of $21.000, to be paid a certain part, as taken out. Messrs. G. and H. have kindly 'furnished us with the following account of four day's work : June 18.993 dwt ; June 20. 1 641 dwt; June 21, /,139 dwt; June 22, 785. ; be- Sides they retorted from what they washed. out of the blankets, during that four days 'work. over 4CO dwts. Messrs. G. & 11. have paid Mr. Gregory on that claim $14,502, and, so far from its being given up. if • Mre Anon' were to get 25 cents for every word in his long letters, he would wear out a great many, pens •before he could make enough to 641, If o 'Aare Anon' will consult No. 3, of tips, after, lie will fi nd that on the 17th day OfAugust Messrs. G. & H; washed 508 dwt. (mu /40 bushels of dirt. '• Mr. J. E. Leeper, of Farmington. 111., I•ought on claim on the Gregory lode of Defreea, Jr. Co. for $7 200. Mr. L. - has permitted tiCto: .copy from his books on account of one weetee work ; 'June 5, 66 dwt. ; June 7. 280 dwt. ; .June 8. 490 dwt. ; June 9, 410 dwt. ; June 18.476 dwt. ; June 11. dwt.; Mr. L. has paid Defrees & CO. $6.000, other parties $2.000—. 'He has paid out for mining and other expenses .$5,000, and has on hand about 500 tons of ,quarts, estimated to average about $2O per 4on. • " The mines are being energetically worked, .and more gold is being taken out weekly than .at any time this season. Messrs. Cotton & Co., on the Cotton Lode, top Prospect bill are making about 12 dollars a Iday to the band. They have to wash iti small gulch that only affords to wash half the tday t Messrs. Kyle & Co. informs oft that_ they 'have made 10 dollars per diy to the had Witte June, Messrs. Baker & Co. washed twa. pans of dirt on Saturday last; from one they got and from the other 16.60. Their Alabok r # about 4100 feet west of the Bates hide.' „''' Mr. Thomas B. Price informs as that On /kto nrday lest three men on his claim, in dming- Atm., hear Chicago creek, took out 167 penny- Weights. Messrs. Burger. Meyers, & Co.,' whom we ''Updrted last 'Week as malting three dollars to 'the 'hand, are now making limn eight to'ten. 'They took out a handsome nugget on Monday, weighing 23 pennyweights." SHOOTING BT • DZSPOILATIILoviutt. , —A shoat fug affray took place hug week, at.Lynettlff.' Massachusetts. which created some excitement, It appears that Mr. Moses Murray. of Dorches ter, formerly paid his attentions to a lady who was recently married to a Mr. Benjamin Lind say. of Lynfleld, and Murray, feeling consider ably injured at the siocess of his rival, has been heard to say that he would shoot Lind say. To make his threats good, Murray went to Lynfleld and found Mr, Lindsay standing in front of Ma house. Stepping up to him, Mur ray inquired if his name was Lindsay, Ind on being answered in the affirmatitre, immediate ly drew a pistol, and exclaiming, " Theo you are a dead man !" fired. At the same moment Lindsay struck at the pisfol; and the ball took effect on one of his thumbs—shattering the end of it. The report of the pistol attracted' several neighbors, who secured the assassin and had him locked up. , • Err Many a man has ruined his eyes by looking through the bottom of a tumbler. • • • tnugooo la I • ' ' ••vsmAt t 7 1 1 0 X sosog 431. • • • aorma MOOIiaIqUIAS t Q • • I.IDV49IIIZZ Btio7 lowa numuS otm • • ....soullazr • • • • aollogs ,k 8 • • wowaplui!. P • • • • tomia . g • SDPMS 1 4 1 : • • • Noiii9 MIT 1 MfgliZE • • • • Sow • • //DV 2' StZ • • • Jeviox • • • • 2a60,4_ • • truomun • • • • .05.0,1 "ayouumuttoAr il A.T.VENTOWN, MAMMIES. ECORRECTEb WEEKLY 11111 - PRETX, OUTII k CO.] WISDNISDAY, October 19, 1859. Wheat Flour, per bbl . . . $5.76 Rye Chop, per 100 lbs. . . . . 1 75 Corn Meal, per bbl. . , ". 4.00 Wheat, per bushel, 1.15 Rye, it • • . . 90 Corn, 25 Oats, " • ' 85 Potatoes, " . . . . 80 Deana ' • • • • • 125 Dried Apples, " Peaches, " . . . . r4t.- Salt, Clovereeed„o 5111 Timothy seed, 2.00 Eggs, per dozen, . . . Butter, per pound, . . . Lard, HMS, • • • Bacon Beeswax, 4, . . . Snit, Liverpool, in sacks, . . Hay, per ton, Straw, " ,MARRIED... On theitib of October 14,Agti. Jahn Beck. Mr. JACOB T. DETIVILLEB •Ofirey City to Miss CECILIA, Daughter . of De: ey Detwiler. of Easton. pirlesteitipanying the above notice we acknowl edge the reoelpt ef a . moetAidtclotts piece of pound ocklikitkicktO us poor printers Is an unwonted on. Our "devil" who acknowledged, that he had freuttentty non and heard of inch vsluxury as pe44o,:but never had the good fortune in par :4l their destruction, was no little elated, c*isiwitttch demeetratlon of joy and good , , r, t e really opined that hie teohnial apywiptoy. wai unjust. We wish the happy couple al4e*ght with sunshine And happiness. . . On the 2d of October. by the Rev. O. B. M. Sell. Mr. BENJAMIN H. DOSIMILASER, of Fogels• ville, to Miss &toss Damon, of Lowhill. At lloliendauqua, at the residence of the bride's father: on the 12th hut.. by the Rev. Oorneliati . Earle. Mr. TIIIPODOEN GRIMM to Miss Assfattly P.- KINSEY, daughter of Seutoo.llo: l 44 1,444 7,4- .. t; ' • . : On Tuesday morning last. in Philadelphia THAHUAN Run', formerly of this place, aged 47 years. •On the Bth inst., in Allentown. Oaattisit E. Sonavrtm, son of William and Maria &hailer, aged 19 years and 28 days. On the same day, in Allentown. Eva OATH• zum, widow of the late Daniel Oliek,deceatied, aged 77 years,ll months sna 14 dayS. • On the 3rd inst., in'iNorth Whitehall, urns, wife of Jae°lo Jung, aged 28 year/, montha. and 16 days. On the sth inst., in North Whitehall, MARTA MAGADALIIINA, wife Daniel Kohler, in her 67th year. On the 28th ult., Ostasatiqua, Frarrs, wife of Josiah Kuntz, aged 32 years, 6 months and 22 days. -- _On -the 19th of September Clinton County Indiana, Cattourts. daughter of Chutes and Viand Kuhns, aged ten years one months 4nd 23 days. . THEDry Goods and Clothing business ro success fully carried on at No. 19 Weat Hamilton Street Allentown, by German A liehtenwaloar, will from and after the Ist of October be oonditoted under the firm of German, Son & Co. The attention of the public is called to the feet, that the business hereaf ter will be conducted on the CASH SYSTEM. By so dealing we expect to reduce our prices, sell ohesp .i or than ever, and thereby benefit the public as well as ourselves. Thinkful for past favors. the new firm ask a. continuance of the patronage, with which the old buisinthis stand has been favored. A polite invi tation is extended to all such, es are indebted on the old books, to make settlement in cash or acceptable papers, within 4 weeks. • GERMAN, SON & CO, J ostatt-GERmArr.] [NATHAN GERMAN Jn Cu RIUITOPRIR LicriTarlictuesti. . October 19, 1959,' .-, 0 a• 071 ap um% • 111 mmis e• e CD ....., a mo - _CD em 4, 91 Jollama Noe); `ia iti;J »Jr D ED. To the Public. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, OCTOBER 19,185,9. Card of Thank& The undersigned avails himself of this Method of returning his sincere thanks to the Firemen and Olt liens of Allentown for the promptness and intrepid ity with which they labored to stay the progress of the firs whist' nearly.destroyed my shop and con tents at Saturday the Bth inst. JOHN Q. OOLIC. t il l:0 ! i b ell* Moo Allentown Bank. THE annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House on Tuesday the let of November 1869, at 10 o'clock A. M., and an eloo. lion for Thirteen Directors will be held at the Bank ing Hauge on Monday the 2lat of November, 1859, between the home of 0 o'clock A. M. and 8 o'clock P. M. CHARLES W. COOPER, Cashier; October, 19, O Mg Wg Administrator's Notice. ETTERB of Administration having been granted to the undersigned in the estate of Thomas Lictenwalner, late of the borough of Allentown, Le high county, deceased, all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to.make payment within six weeks from this date; and all persons having claims against said estate, will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement within the above mentioned time. PETER WEIDA, Administrator. AllentownActober 19, 1859. —Bt The Drawing. THE undersigned does hereby inform the pub- Ho, that it was impossible for him to 11011 all his prices till thi appointed - date,— Ifor-severel reasons he could not make it conveniat to go about. He has therefbri appointed Monday, the 21st day of November for the drawing thereof, on which day it will sorely take place. Those therefore, who have no tickets yet, should immediately provide thorn. selves_with_such. _They_ are to - be obtained in the - Tobacco manufactory of JOHN RAHMAN. October 19. , -5t AUDITOR'S NOTICE. N the Orphan'e Court of Lehigh County. In the matter of the account of John PS L. Hoffman and Jobb H. Oliver, adminis trators of the Estate of James B. Reece Eeq., late of the borough of Allentown, Lehigh County, do ceased. And now August 6, 1869, the Court appoint Ed. round J. Moore, Esq., ns auditor to audit and reset. tle the said account and report distribution according to law. • Notice. is hereby given, that the auditor above named will attend to the duties of his appointment on Friday the 21st day of October next, at his office in-the-borough-of Allentown,-at-10-o!clook-A-M.. when and where all parties' interested can attend if they think proper. [September 28.--3 t Assigiree's Sale. vATILL be - sold at bllo mile on the premises on VV Saturd•ty, November thla_fith, ut 1- o'clock P. M., the following detterlbed property, to wit: A two-story brick dwelling . house with a fine lot, garden tte., situated on Middle street, In Brat - ward of the borough of Allentown, near the depot on the east side of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. It is a good store-stand for carrying on a small business. iml *lOl elm*. No. 2. A one and . a half-story frame dwelling house with lot and the usual out buildings. situated on .said Middle street, on the West side of the Railroad, and likewise near the depot: - Doing . the Real Estate of Absalom Sterner and will be sold by W. H. BLIIMER, Agent for WILLIAM BIERY, Assignee Allentown, October 19, THE FIRST GREAT TROTTIIiILOJIS D E FAIR, A•t Allentown, Pa., TURSDA.Ir, November lit, 1859. (Or if stormy the next fair day.) $7OO IN PREMIUMS. 15 FAST HORSES ENT3ULEIL . . 1.50 . . 18.00 . . 8.00 THREE PRIZES FOR BEST LADIES' RIDING. First prise, a DIAMOND RING A SILVER CUP for the beet trotting horse A SILVER PLATED GOBLET, second prize The subscribers having engaged the Allentown Fair Grounds for - O . l_ Tl 7 n 231 will undertake to give the best day's amusement of the kind ever offered to the citizens of Lehigh coun ty or its vicinity. PROGRA.IESTIII. 9 o'clock, A. M., Precisely, 810 PREMIUM FOR PACERS. - Won g lo g. to Lehigh or Northampton county, and owned one month previous to Novombcr. ile heats, beet two in three. $5 Premium for second beet. AO o'clock, A. M., 5200 SPECIAL PREMIUM Mile heate, beet two in three to wagons. G. Cary, names . blk. h., DARK Lerrrnne . .W. , F4oyd, names •bay h., Sy. CHARLES SILVER OUP AND GOBLET PREMIUM; open lox. all horses, (Blank Ilsehaw and St. Charles ex eepteo,) prize—SILVER CUP. " ' Bedond prIzo—SILVER PLATED GOBLET. 2 o'clock, P. M. $2OO SPECIAL PREMIUM A..W,olloyd names oag names LADIES' RIDING. • First prize for boat, rider. a DIAMOND Rum. Second prize a LAI RIDING HAT. Third prize a Lamas' Ramo Won'. • Each lady will be accompanied by a gentlemuu, and will be ready at the Judges' eland 6 minutes be fore the time named, where they will receive the directions of the Judges. Judges on Ladies' Riding.—Dr. Slough, of Eas ton 1 Dr. Cooper, of Coopersburg; Dr. Hand, of Allentown. • • I o'clock, P. M. $2OO SPECIAL PREMIUM. Mile heats beet throe in Are to wagons. G. Cary, name, Pacer, • Town: Coon A. W. Floyd, name, Trotting Mare, BELLE OF ALLENTOWN. ' The following gentlemen have been agreed upon &sludges on the S2OB special premium : J. T. Hill, Ent; of Poughltrapgie, named by Mr. Cary: John L. noffmarvatAllentown ' named by A. W. Floyd; Hiram Woodruff of Long Island, Umpire. As considerable expense has hoen incurred and the fair grounds haying been hired of the society for the occasion there will ho NO FREE ADMISETONS. tfil..No betting 'Mowed upon the gromyle. U.ta Horses being entered for piominnis 'meet he ready at the judges stand 5 nsinriter holore the time specified. Admission - - Ladies and ohildren October lib From the Itenord. Teats :—BOAS HAUSMAN, Clerk 11 o'clock, A. Al BLACK BASRA► ULSTER PET 3 ,o'olook, P. If. 10 emil.t A. VV. FLOY P. V. /LUSTED. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! THE undersigned has just re-opened' a eland for the sale of Oysters, Vegetables and Fruit, for busily use, in the basement under. Smith's Shoe store, formerly occupied by E. W. Rokert. Oysters freth daily frdm the pity, and sold at city prices.— The patronage of families is respectfally solicited. V.. Country dealers supplied In any quantity de sired, at reasonable rates, E. D. ALBRIGHT, Ootober 19,1859. —lm Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given thnt tho partnership heretofore existing between the undgrsigned under the firm of S. IL & I,‘ t Ludwig in the Tun ing business, in Salisbury township, Lehigh county, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 15th lost All such, therefore, indebted to 'mid firm; ate hereby requested to make settlement within three month from date, and all such having any claims are also requested to present them without delay. ' S. IL LUDWIG, C. W. LUDWIG. The business will be continued by the undertlen ad; at the old business stand, where he will be glad to 800 the friends and customers of the old firm, give their custom to the new firm. By fair dealing he expects a continuance of the same. SOLOMON 11. LUDWIG. Allentown, October 19, 1859. , %REAM BALM or Valuable Btilding Lots, • At Public Sale. ON Saturday the 20th of October, nt 12 o'clock A. M., at the public house of ter Buchtnnu in the -boyough-bf—Alleatown,—Lehigh-couuty, there will be mold SIX LOTS OF GROUND, situate It Linden Street. above Twelfth, in South Whitehall township. adjoining the Borough line.— These lota are 20 feet front and 150 in depth. The mufti ire bin - ended on the north In frent, by Linden - Street and on the mouth by n public .alley. It is a valuable property and those wishing to bay should without fail be present. Terms on the day of sale and dine attendance given by B, J. lIAGENI3UOIL Assignee of Slyer Ruchocker. October 10. —2t Public Sale. WILL be sold on Wednesday the 3rd day of No vember next at the public house of Charles Hagenbuoh, in Hamilton Street, Allentown, the ful lowing deseribed-property r to-wit • All that tract or piece of woodland sift-- ate In Salisbury toWnst ip, Lehigh county, contain. log 8 acres and 124 perches, stria! ,measure, begin ning at a post on the banks of the Lehigh River thence extending by lands of Peter Newhard, thence by lands of Beltzer Scholl, lands of Jacob Newhard. - Sr4 - deoeaselL lhe Lehigh Valley Railroad running along the bank of the Lehigh and through said land The land is well supplied with young Chestnut tim ber which cannot be surpassed by any tract along the Lehigh Hill. Is advantageous for a Saw or Roll. ing Mill, or any other manufneutring business, hav ing:a perfect right to the water power on the river Lehigh, that is the Turn-hole NIS Any person or persons wishing to view the Inn,' and its situation can apply to the undersigned oh re ti e title paper,. and description of the land will lin given by them. The terms of sale will be made known on rho dny of sale. . ADAM DITHER, .1. P. RUHE. Attorn y for Henry and Jacob Duerine. Allentown, October 19. 1859. —3t 3E1813111 ' Tv TAII An WOOD JAPER PRIOIII,, Is TIIIL Deer MEDICINE' IN THN WOULD, For the Cure of Cot The and Cobb, Croup, Bronch . tis, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart, and for the relief of patients in the advanced etagott of Consump tion, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which predisposed to Consumption. It atiackN the root of disease, and makes the full destroyer suc cumb to its influence. It also produces free expec toration, and Induces healthy action in the dimuuted Mucous Membranes and Tissues. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. Ono (luso of this invaluable Syrup often gives ease, and conse quently sleep, which the peculiar nature of this die. ease denies him. It is very pleasant to the taste nod prompt in its effects. Try it, and be convinced, that it is invaluable in the cure of Bronchial affections. - azia...PRICE 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Prepared only by A. EISENWEIN. Druggist • N. W. Cop. NINTH .1. POPLAu Ste. Pratt enat.rnte. N. 13.—For Sale by Lewis Schmidt t Co, and John Is. Moser, Allentown ; Ruigel & Son, Haller. town ; C. E. Hecht, Easton ; A. W. Wober, Kutz town ; tieo. IL Smith d, Co., Philadelphia, and by Druggists at.d Storekeepers generally. September 19.—May . 2d, 1850. y COURT PROCLAMATILN. Wrl I RDAS the .lion. JOHN E. FINDLAY, Presi d.dit J udge of the Third Judicial District of Ivs id, composed of the counties of North ampton and Lehigh, and Joshua Stabler and 1V il• lodghhy Fogel Esquires, Associate Judges of tie Court of Common Pleas of the etunty of Lehigh, and by virtue of their offices, Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Toil delivery, and Court of Gensral Quarter Sessions in and for the said county of Lehigh, have by their precept to me directed, ordered that a Can't of Quarter Se: &MIS the Pence and Common Pleas and General Jell de ivory and Orphan's Court for the sail county of Ile high, to be holden at Allentown, on MONDAY the 7th day of November next, to continue two weeks: NOTICE •is therefore hereby given to the Justi ces of the Peace and Constables of the county of Le high, that they are by the said precepts eummanded to be there at ten o'clock in the forenoon of sold day with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices are appertaining, and also thnt those who are bound by recognisance's to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall ho hi the jail of the said comity of Lehigh; are to be then. and there to prosecute them an shall he Just. Given under my hand in Allentown, the 12th day of October, in the year of out Lord ono thousand eight hundred and flegirtilne • • 11 ENRY SMITH. Sheriff . E .Bb lira Office, Alla t o i t , ct•l ?. iS5g 4" 0 - 1..q101 , PAVR Co3III..MIINWFALT OClolrar 19 18.55. I Trial • lot for Nowibot. Term, 1859. I. Auna.Wieelai, v, • isr':orgi, 2. David Zeigler Exe..iitor of 'Milli, Zeigler, du ceased, et. al., vs. Jo>epo Miller. 3. bloorge Brainlg vs. Edward Dewslt, his foot fe and terra tenants. 4. Preston Brook and wife, vs. T. B. Weidner. 5. 0. SJ. Saeger vs. Satrityd-Ilvtmon sod John MeLean: 6. Thdmaa Yeager and wife vs. Jacob Expolion. 7. Solomon Bogert vs. Nathan Ritter. „ 8. Joseph Sohnurman vs.. Charles Alerts; , 9. The Commonwealth' of?Penusylvonia of the Aise of 0. Gilbertlibona vs. John Kern. 10. Same vs. same and terra tenants. 11. Thomu Yeager vs. David Sehmover. 12. Moses Dimmer vs. Pater S. Leinanring. 13. Christian Prets, cndorme of Thomas C. Kra. mar vs. IF 0. Wilson.... 14. James L. Soh4ll. for thittseof John D. Scholl VP. Daniel ScMori). ' • 15. Henry and Elias Wieand, mlmlitistrator of Lewis Mickley vs. Charles Folk. 16. William Mullen and Johanna Mullen. vs. John Anewalt, et. al. 17. John Jarrett ve.. Christian Schantz: 18. Adam. Ilellick vs: Jahtithan Reit. 10. Jel.ti Boyer VP. Mi .haul Wootiring. 20. Christopher Mohr vs. Charles Meth, Elias Me tr !u m Willloln Thorr,o 1:n0 I r vo. Re'then Hensinger. 22 .1, sat, Brown rs S.lmmlll.oll. 23: Peter Miller vs The tlatattinqua and Fogies villa Bail Read Company. JAME LACKEY, Ptothonotury. Allentown, t;*ber, 12, 1850. • .-at Ern CONSOLIDATED Lotteries of Delaware FOR OCTOBER, 1859. rata" itroadbents & Co., Managers. The Legislature of Delettuce, at its lost session having granted to rnANctc, lIROADBEN2S CO., (to the exclusion of all other applictants,) a Lottery Charter for the Vneouragement of Internal Itnprovements in the State, to continue for a period of twenty years, are now drawing 'in Wilmington, Delaware. a series of the moat splendid schemes ev er Mitred to the public. Londe for one million of dollars have been given to tho State, to secure the paymet of all prises. The drawings take place in public, and are under the superintendence of Com missioners appointed by the State, to insure their (airtime. The Mohngets call the attehtioh of the public to the following Splepdid Schemes to be drawn florin. the present month. Magnificent Schein GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE $70,000! Grand Consolidated Lottery of Del. CLASS 9, To be drawn In Wilmington, Del., Set., Oct 29,1859 SCHEME. 78 Numbors-12 Drawn Ballots. Plum $70,001) is $70,000 1 25,000 ' 25,000 1 12,550 25,100 1 12,550 1 10,000 MOO _B,OOO 6,000 2,600 02,000 1,260 1,000 1100 500 132 200 132 ' 100 3,980 40 25,740 20 30,316 prises, amounting to $1,202.000 Tickets $2O, Halves $lO, Quars., $5, Eighths $2,5U. A Certificate of Package of 26 Wholes ) costs $316 00 Do. do. 26 Halves, 158 00 Do. do. 26 Quarters ) 79 00 Do. do. 20 Eighths, 39 50 Grand Consolidated Lotteiy of Del. ON THE n - A - Nr A • . Extra Class SEVEN, To be drown in Wilmington, Del. Mon. Oet. 31,1859, __:very other Ticket a raze! Prizes puyuble in full, without deduction `n - these Lotteries,. every Prize is drawn. , SPLENDID SCHEME 1 prize of 2 prizes of 2 prizes of 2 prizes of 2 prices of •2 prizes of 2 prizes of 10 prizes of 10 prizes of - 20 prized of 100 prizes of • 28,000 prizes of And 212 Approxim' tinny prizes ranging from $2O =EC 25,365 prizon, amounting to 11331,500 Whole Tickets 110 halves $5; Quarters $2,60 Persons who desire need only remit the risk on a Package, for which we trill Bond a Certificate us fol. :owe : A Certificate of Package of 16 Wholes, cost $O6 Do. do. 16 " 48 Do• do, 16 Quarters " 27 Do do. 16 Eighths, " 12 'at - Prizes paid immediately after the drawing. orders addressed to FRANCE, BROAD BENTS at Co., Wilmington. Delaware, will meet with prompt attention, and the printed official drawing sent as soon'as over. FRANCE, BROADBENTS & CO., Managers. October, 10, 1850 Orphan's Court .Sale. BY'IRTUE and In purtiuntice of an alias order issued•out otthe Orphan's Court of the County of Lehigh, there will be exposed to public sale, on Tuenday•the 25 dny of October twit, nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon, upon the promises, the following 'de. scribed propprty, via t A certain messuage, tenement and lot of' ground with the tippurtenances, situated in the no rough of Allentown, in the county of Lehigh afore said, bounded on the north by Hamilton Street, on the west by a 20 foot Alley, on the south by a 10 feet t'ley and on the east by a lot of James Fry. containing in front on said nonillion street 30 feet and in depth of the samewidth 230 foot. The improve. imenti thereon consist of a large com e modious three story astnt 111/11 . DWELLING D . 01.1i3E, 'e's • well supplied with gas, water, bath room and all other conveniences and luxuries that era re qui red for a comfortable and pleasant residence ; there is a large stable. wagon house, and all necessary out. buildings on the premises. 'the lot is well tilled with choice fruit trees, grape vines and shrubbery. All the buildings, fences, he., are in good repair.. Theprop arty is located in the most agreeable portion of the said borough and is well worth the attention of pur chasers who desire to secure a convenient and pleas. ant home. Being the renl entnte of Margeret Saeger, &cone ed, late of the borough and county nforeanid., Terms on the day at the place of sale and due at. tendons given by CIIRISVAN PRETZ. By the Court: BOAS Ileusisszt, Clurk. September 21, 1859. —at Whiskeys in general use. BOOTH, GARRETT & CAMAC" Annlytimil Chemists 'CFI ARLES WHARTON Jit., SOLE AGENT, Philudelphin CERVIVICATI: Of' OR. JAMER R. CRILTON. New YORK. Sopt. :id, _lB5B, I have analysed a enmplo of CIIESNUT OROVE WIII- KEY received from Mr. Cherles Wharton Jr., of Philidelphia, and having carefully tested it, I nm plelll+o , l to state the his entirely FRE E FROM I'OT. SONOUS OR DELETERIOUS substances. It is an unusually pure and fine flavored quality of whiskey. J BIM R. CIIILTON, M, D.; Analytical Cheadet. Allentown, Beptemben2B, 1859. —ly Executor's Notice. LETTERS testnmentary having been granted to theysn &reigned, executors of thedast will-and testament of Henry Bergenotook. late of Upper Ball oon bmnshiph Lehigh county, deceased, all persons indebted to maid estute are requested to make pay moot within six weeks from date ; and all tho4e har ing claims will present them, duly authenticated for buttlomon t, to • JACOB J. UEBEEOTH, ELIZABETH BBRGENSTOCK. I :Executor& Batton Valloy, October 10,1850, —6l SERB COUNTY AURICULTURAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. On the 28th, 27th and 28th of October $6OO PREMIUMS TROTTINC AND PACING FIRST DAY. Bost Pacer, State er County 11 o'clobk, A. M. $5O Best Trotting Horse do. do. 2 o'clock, P. M. $75 Second Premium Paine day, Beat Trotting Horeb, $25 To harness, bast 2 in 3 Wile hedtl4 SECOND DAY, Best Pacer, State or County, 11 031044 A. M. $25 Best Trotting Horae, County, 2 o'cloolt;P. M. $lOO Second Premium came day. :I_Cry , otting Horse, County $55 To Harness, mile bents, bait 2 lh 3. • THIRD DAY. Beet Trotting, open to oompotitorin To harness ) beet S In if mile beats, Second Premium same day. Bost Trotting Horse that has never trotted before for money, 29$ To harness, mile beats, best 2 In St MULE RACE. Running, Mules to be vidden bareback, mile' beats, beet 2 In 3 $26 All entries must be made before one o'clock, P. M., Wednesday, the 20th of October. nurses - entered - for - the - County Premiums - must- have been owned al leant four weeks, 112 the COUnti previous to October 26th, 1869. All persons entering Premiums Must sitticlt%l what Premiums they wish to compete. acid us ran compete for more than one Premluin. In - all cases two or more - toria to compete for a Oftentlttm. J. St Stairalay. Itesdlog, October 12; 1858. 20,000 32,_!_100 20,000 10,000 20,000 12,500 182,000 00,600 211,000 20,400 13,200 158;100 514,800 THE (lAEA f HEOLISH M. Silt JAMES - CM/LUKE'S Cetebrated Female 1 1 11111: 04. 1.2 4 '41as Br aims mark ; • k•rl'W.; , T,17:••')). Preparasifroas a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, .1) . , Physician Botraordiisary to the Owen. Ulu Invaluable medicine-le unrolling b the eon of Chose painful and dangerous diseases to which the ?male .olnatltation is subject It moderates all Gems and moves all abatructl• TO MARRIED LADIES It peculiarly nutted. It wiU,'ln e short time bring eas. the monthly period with regularity. Mach bottle, price One Dollar, - bears' the - Govemmeni - Stomp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeit', .These Pills should cot Si takes by /make bring tea FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as flay aril ears to Snag ca Miscarriage, but at any other Haul al are safe. $50,000 12,500 5,000 2,500 2,000 1,530 1,000 400 300 200 100 In all eases of Nervous and Spinal Arections, Pain the Hack and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertkm, Lon of the Heart, Hyateries, and Whites, thews Pile Ai affect a cure when all other moahs have still although,* powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, OthAnia antimony, or soy thing hurtful to the oonstiturioll. Fall directions.- amompany each peckagei Agent ibr the United States and Cansdni tc, a,-.lo,otrand 6.postere stamps enclosed to an Nl thetited Agent. rill ileum a bottle qt the PUll hp htetii dl. Vor Rah. hi 'C. D. Lawnll and Lewis Schmidt A. Co., iohitt D. Molnar, Allentown, and Druggists evetyWhere.. YORE 1111 WATER PROOF THE subscriber in coming before the public *int thin rooting feels confident not only that fie Oita give satisfaction to those who may etntiloy kits tither to put on new roofs or repair old ones, but he is satisfied that he can convince any practical man that his roof is not only Fire' and Water Proof s but that It is a roof that will stand the changes of heat and cold, and be durable for a great number of yearn. It con be used upon either fiat or stet!, rob% or Upon old end worn out shingle roofs *tithed the trouble of removing the shingles. It is alab.oob Of the best articles that can be applied titibh Tih Of Iron roofs, coining almost as cheap as paint, and will preserve the tin twelve times as long; Those having tin roofs that they wish to preserve, br leaky ones that they want made tight and have them itiy , so, will be putting money in their pockets by tieing this material, PAWL'S. For neW Roof, 5 Ma. per Square foot. " Tio or Iron. do. one coat, 2 eta. per Squats !bold it du t*o coats, 3 eta. per thilare foot. Two coats on Tnm or Tin gnaronteiid to Make It perfectly water tight., ~ Samples, of this reo£ may be seen at the Ailed Home, Altentoten ii. ' All orders add seed to ioaeph Cool, at the Afle Hoes°, Allentow - 11 l be piomptly, attended to. CONRAD ItCP,DIMR, Agent. Allentown, June 8, 1850: • • -• • . • B R • N'S ;! I-4 IN Ptibito o N../14*- d; A FE TA. rovet oertito ail ire* y rawer ever idueesfvs& IN illi , MOH *IX: .as Las" Owe" Oside; Itee reastieirs e , • h4IN ZW r iforel) • , • „,„i.. Tpe nF". " the. .4 - .6 6 is ti.:“.. .I With digli to directlorZaives AR to OW a rapid mull heft enare. Vbcoutude have bona restrier Ila poiftl health lib, hoes tried other snow la nix.. Ta all deem sod all eormillttl lions they sre squally a Mouth/ rani a eat.—apar alai despair, no matter bow lenettosessom may have up or honorer revere it moy be, provided the missile ture of the vital organs is net hopelessly _decayed. 'MI one afflicted should Aire them SD impartial trial. JOB swags, Eloie Proprietor, Rochester.); V.? Pries 25 cods par box. Roe side by • , E. D. Lawall Lovell' Sclituidt & Co., and Soto B. Armor, Alloutotm.and Druggists averiwbate: Whiskey. PCB SALE' BY • C. 17 1Y HARTON. Jr.. Agout. •No 116 'ALNlTT•itretit. For ovidenros nr Itr .rtoeter. ceo CLR• MLA , Sept. 9th. We hare carefully -rod the sample of 15SINVT GROVE r lIISKEY whiOh you 113 none of the poiso n!. OIL, which Is to ingredturit of the Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the nudersigbedi under the firm of Reek do Newhard, in the fielidY 4 Mode Clothing and Merchant- Tailoring business in Allentown, was dissolved by lutanist Con vent on 12th of September, 1850. All such. therefore, indetred to said firm, are hereby rixittett.i ed to snake settlement within six 'Weeks trot' data. The hooks 10111Ilin at the old stand for the present. and all such having any claims ate also requested to present them without delay. JOSHPII F, NEWIIAItb. • CHARLES Mitt The business will be continued by the npdethigti-' ad, who will be glad to see the friends ball custom are of the old firm give him a ealL By fair dealing ho expecte b continuance of the same. GIiARLES KECK. —4t September 21 31:1110 - 110,71r WARN °M . `:. OrP/OE OVER PRETZ, °PTV% MO STORE A LLENTOWN; PA EXHIBITION OF THE FOR xx Cr Xi. r% Eis `JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin k OJ Roeheeter, C. R MILK'S PATEN'I' DR. S. P. RUSS, =I Mg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers