Mati-TIVI IV :71 - ff . ' ABM Ni1.1172"2.7'afr 27.`lIK•at. PRETZ, BALLIET, GAUSSLER CO., "HAVING eAnblished themelvo3 at the eprncr ! Third and Union stroct, , , (adjoining The net; bridge over the Jordan,) Allentown, Pa., arc now pre pared to furnish all hinds of White Pine, Yellow Pine, Hon:luck, Fprnee. Walnut,' Cherry, AElt and other I.nin!,er. Al,o Paling, ! Lath: Ceiling Lath, Shinglc! , . Pence P, , :tg. RitiVand in fact overythingapp.ii!tainiugtolioildin!rin their line. In connection with which they v;:il (in three o r four Iveeks) have em, , ,tantly of han.l, and can manufae turo to order every kind o rzeort Car. Doors, Window Framo:,:, Sash ('with or is ithout Shutters, They i•ho Posts, Wagon KaMICI^, which they aro prepared to sell nt Lowest price. By strict attention to bui•ioese,and 1 v char inn • the lowest market price on tl, :os I meat, they hope to gain a i!t! pa!ronage.! They invite all to come and in.: ! !..e: clod:, and will warrant eatiiifaction, Dec. 17. LADI ES -cI.:NT Z.M.SS 2 1P1ZT..117121 2 HATS AND CAPS, "Ulric der & 4. " nr . er el No. 25 LLDIES, col.l Ivey is n:-,r0r...1:111 , .. , , w.r the tints to parohr. e fr.Aa oar hrge and splendl.l stock, ;.n.l I. assornnent of Sto..e Iltissia;_and other P alii t^ J 3 17:1 7161 ? ro: y d 4+l 'Ter exhil , ited ir. Al:ent..v 11. cities, and well N. 01 . 11:y 1111 CX:1'. , 11:,1: , !I lag purelinscq t.. 1; ' • charge is made for '11.2 pleasure. Oar price an.' t., .1 i•, • Ilata or gente.:l thin to call at.•l ,01a every article that ) ni•ny satisfiteth,n. For have tnn..r.L 1 T.S' role TH.': :11 . 1.1.10 `. 7 •.„, lie Influacac,are stn' nova !Hats andt:lo lie that they are L;.l. r.i. o.3toliCr Sell'titer's Liv;.l . ylit ° t. ILA milli andersi 1111Vil'r 1 the Aoelt or w • .k tinue the 1,11.,i11,4, al the t:: 1 : .k there:l:ref Dr. Item! le 1, I.t . epart to a:me:din:plate all tt : : 1 vise', ;e:., filo trtti,c ant; •u. ;:tu t. t t•:-. of llott:oz ;1 .: 1 .; traine , l with an I Lint iu IL kl . k`lohl , r Vl'iy I 4 .1 • • ii., doo3 not ay. r.,vo t• 1 balky, ructa - Atav', itt but a ns can travel Well tt.l . d.. carriages :111,1 c, .rs• •,, ways 1.R3 I:opL 11 11 tl in' IL h -I that by rtli,t 11e nko c , lo'll,to , I.• tau 11,1 from the hieph.i, on thc of the traine. %%11 : : part of the i• is r iv, hsr I •;• . 'Nor. 2i. L,er,h37l . .416. 2"..q.: a 3 a.:"-Z. 77? AND DAGUL":2,I 7 -LO 'IP': No. 9 We t. 11,w. ", , B. Albvtoo v n ea to toko A:51311101"a Daguerreotypes. 11 iv All to tili,SC other 0 1 , , , may be n;11., 1 Itr the tra • ry .k beautiful .5 t•na n ' • ea by any ether -.• view. They eau • r are not rt....!r=e.l, sl c% :!,i f . 11- . Ir.; 1•• Tho'n• cost i- 'oo.t n t d reotyins, l thqs i ; '.l • t • •i; , o , • the rittaospher •. nn t ;r. 1 I . ;., .`; 1..n:7: • ,t 11, tnlien in nn In.s.try•— •.I Ity n t to pIo e, and het xy .•,:;nol.. fissured that any one. 0 .1•, luny r..v..r v.:::1 n will reoeive in vony.i n 1.• n;•t 1,, ho exeello.l. in point 111 .1 •• • 4 , ..• in this SeVii.lll of 01111111ry. I N , 1 la, .- tantiott to his n‘.,w - awl .1.1...T.•t -..,•,•*; 0'; rlnge in r,ri,:e front . 1.5 to In d,:lars. l'l, e.ear in mina, clod pictures can .11 botuly Allentown, 7. Chel . tp it 43,0tfj . t. '1;,:/0.:°S, AT THE tri.)t;l: (..) 0032E1M1=21 \o.^_l liataiti••n All. 1.•.•••.•••. A 1,. it [ - ILE havt. : . ; t. , t. 0,2 Lta•!.r•' • I .1 •••• • •i•-t it'. •• chip, nuii n•w itt i' • t:a• , • at, a• t •• • •a• 1110 OWII mid Vititt to their Itir;,;eand ot. - at tho nbuco nam,• , l 01.1 (hrinan liefvntled Chur,:t. vnil tell ut 11'110LES:ILE 1;E71 . _111„ nil kinds of fil, u nd Alen. of tt,,, 11j . and Children' , :• , :ofpridoosutuditiv. - and prices. Ladle , Ir . v!lovt 1,:o1-. tretan up of French. Itolion ln , ting, yr nil ;PI •. P r rhtr^ of Patent Leather, Frenol: fien4 different eolovS, r, r Vionult. Chit iocit nod riirani:4. All 330 an of our goods iind.prieen b e f..y e MEASURE OR CU:3TO.IIEI? a d ws y:.„ ; 1,tt0r,d..,1 t, u1:11 pun t:l.ttily, 'Coe atest styles, of goodtaa ~, . Osiu.ntry . :•)2learcfcia,rats Hill find thnt we nro 'A to nt the very lowebt, city Jul Ling reiwstiully IVITTY April 111, A sIGTroLi Wtm.ot . ,:ittsr It. AIZT , IAN, of fin , town?l,tp of Upper Milford, Lehigh emmly. on tho 11.,th day or De-Nnher, made a voltoar2.. itl . itottrient to thu undvrsi,no-4, of all Ilk property, for the benefit of Lai notieo k hereby givei) to all suet indebted to t' . 11'illon:.;111 , ,- it;,krt. num, to make payment vit . ii f.'011.1 date hereof, and nil such wld may have h gal against sold Arttnan, aro tlso rct, - 47,rjd to pze.sent thorn well authenticated to HARRIS X .MILLI:11, Dec. 17 A EMIR'S PATENT AIR SELF-SEAL XL LNG CAN'S AND JABS, for preserving Fro,h Pruit4, Tomatoes, fie., for Sole et the New York Store, No. 2U West Hamilton street, Allentown. Pa. 110UPT STUCKERT, Solo Agents. ..,%P.Briof directions with each Con. PEA NUTS,-,-In Laze and by retail. at two dollars per Luella C.\ A. ItUllE k SON. =MEM EM - •t r-- I 1\ N.. I .. :•:su t ive ;.; 9 oi• ME MEI =I Mr MN ~ ...:ac n,:r:h:uil ME A QREAT TIME! MR. BRECKINRIDGr. the Democratic Candidate rot. the Vice Presideney i; :it precut etumping the State, and it is expect rd Lc will also visit Alhintow 11, in which event, a cc mteit. tee will be in readiness to escort him on his arrival to ReticNewbard's Clothing Store, No. i West Hamilton sheet, nh . ere he is to he fitted with a suit of clothes. Th.' have just returned from .New Yorl, mot lliklelphia, %t here they purchased a large alma • F.ILL AND . WINTER GOODS, of entirsly new and de.irahle styles, Flu+ Hz , (•,In nt any other Merchant Tailoring i n :111ontowto. The roods were select. eti v. i:h the greatest rare. and rill be made up in the ,tyle to,a i, stel warraLttnl to prove the saint asitrepre•ten ted at that of pur,:ll:l,,e. ol t ,eitv g , that uttery ac i, lo of ckiLin , : sold by tit:: proprittors or c. tnl,li.dareut kt of their own ni.:he, and nup be relied upon as it,:ing gal duraldo. work. 4% won!: their ttxter,ive as:tortutent tray La found, tlno Blue! and Bins 11 , 17 Ftyl, DRESS _IND FROCK COATS, mai.• in th._, r, , lliott or French and Engll21 . 1 Nlr .1.;•.1,1 , . 1. , ., s Coats, or Black, Oli :0 ::1141 C14)(11. IFI , IIII 81:41 rigllrt. t'ots ur all qualifier, t-tyleg :111,1 ~ v c.rylltillg in the ILL:11) Y :11,1 CLOTHING line, fret!: an area-c u r.; ti.l%\ll t nn tneler!hirt. The three gr,at fet.;t:rea of I;eeh . Newharti's ;:t o re nee . that 111. y hay fer ~ '' ef , ca i nently tan sell eheaner than et . the. °lncr.:: their ;;e104;.4 tiro 'Utak up' ~,,pe e et-len. and last then,4h not tt!.`:• ,211 ror v. - hat they realty nre. :tit-,n lane he r 11.nelltereht , l-ttirh., lace, r t,ry. Dra , vt•r.4 of all ... , ..11“1 i vvrxrdirg in fott that is uruatly hold ill the and :ee 14::Core you pureloo , e t::ov :dIoNV t711::t they have. :hot 411 their goods bear a Llobe EECK NEWHARD =I ~,•, FAIIP. PAM! FAIR! nth. cutiTi lerr.l,lu C :0)4 tthv:ly, • I ' :Wort. n ! I ,ro, and of =Er =MEW . . 4 I,pl fav•/1./prd,', NV, I • 1 , :• • .t rel•i•iV ,••`.!:11 . 1)vs I :1 llfft•l•ti to ...Ai 1•11011) I r,,r the a :11l par, I 1:11 OI • I ' •1 :` 173 d 1,0v,111 . ;- v !nu 1 , • !,,r(e I,v • • :,re 1:o1 1': , 1110 :::' , le tuts' o ceno. oi•1: , • , ••1 ,. . nu our :holy, inilnu.' , l 0:i is if. -h. m.-,• I%l' e I 11.,:r . iy try(' h I,v; to 1;11 is t 1!“.! (11.1 o i v 11. Ire c•• , ! . : ,. 11 11::ir. 11 =II MEIN ~t. I - •rt , tt.i fr,on 5 , 12!. Of rll.llt %le lone 0 largo 011,1 tt- Ifro,•101,--,'Ato.112 ,i.,u). , ... 11.iy :'. , ..1(:. CI :h, l'a , l.tuere. 41..a.t5. Sit.ll;l d,... ~,i• „II 1 ,...:„.,.. IION!.:.'1 . 11: C. t )t). , ., i. 4 full ului t-nr",tl, aini.m th, • . _ . Coq. I . ., , ,• 11,1;. , ,.1 u:1 1 ,:t•....,•'.....1:\1.. , ... 1:1 , , 01'11 ‘. i 111. F. pri, ,•.: u.. ; •1yu.Uti,•,1.1e...e11t.,1:tru.1 thille:u•ltt 'l',.'•:. Iti;•i 2t. , , ull v. i :C.,. , , tv. 11.1mu1 , .1111 troul. .'I u •:,:N, us lutt. :.... '..'. - 4 ct . a y:1.,'.. Lk:id:v.l :n.l tu !.1.:; •:. tl l':olt , ,n , I 1:u,'.. , , !!lah' , , t;',ltslutni ~.•'. :. Tit.l:in ~ J. .., J t.., c.1,•: ,1“.:,p. t;I:Vi'Ll . I .l::'N'S 11 . E.111.—i, ti.i.: I,raucli Nye 1,.! . v )Irlicul. ':...: - o.:un. Cc 1, Vl' it Ito Ulla 110:1Vy . ",It I:E.\ Dy :\:ADI: c1.0TIIIN(:. i.r all de.,1ii,0,,, wi,i ~ %we ..:h.r I ,F,li ,Itvapor thmt it van It I.uu::.' ••,i...q.,, ti-. , in 1., u. Ato.-tu . , :he slut.% tve lii MEE • 14,-1•I••!:, S;01,1, flush and conniwri, 11,j With 811 kiwi, elt511! - , 111141 F:111 Shirt-. (. UrvwerF. it l'f., ak, It hi h we ‘,..1 t.L.nt the eht.;:pc euuij,t ftw L. 5T11.k1":,..3 EIN E. .ANr. ECKE T' S wr.Rd.E.:Am.: AND RETA If, w. , 7 Orirkri ;) „Iir:1, try, p 1 1 670 n 7 (LT . /.17t.,- - 47.2c., NO. 13 EAST HAMILTON STREET, AI.LENTOWN, L'11:11:11 11 'I .•'lll .1 . 1.., 1 . 4 prie 1 . .I,lv 2.1 i;arrrottetl, 57f A ENII.I7A DENTIST. C. C. 11. 1 - 1,1)1N, from New York, in vites the attention of those in Allentown and vicinity, who re q uire operations qn the natural TLeth, or who arc in need of artificial one.:, to his superior mo,lp of m .eratin g in all the dili:•rent departments of Dentistry. IL:ving vents.' eNpm knee in his profle, sign, and himself of every vain- Ithle improvement, lie knows he can r ende r the very best a , ,istance to the patient of which the Art h; canable. 11EvElti:NcEs.—Rev. The itv De Witt, D. D Charks P. Clarkson, \I. 1)., .1)1. D., New York city. • Orrice fur the at the.AlllCYican'ffotel. Patients also visited at their residence if de- EMI T E Tf. ons E. A -r‘37 • 1 . Qf I - 9 4 • %Ili 9 ilt of the Anteilean Veterinary il_ A leave to offer his t•erviees to tho or Lehi:it county. lie 1611 give engage ?, 'lt r“I• • eel, or ES4,EII4TAISEASES, OR ENLARGEMENTS AvurtiouT Gc 11;1S :tp ft , r I 0r,04 ilequiring pnrlictiln titioll. :;t1 r•ottagiotts disea. , i admitted. Ills are pripartal iveoriling to the itraatiee of the I,..ptHit l'etarinary Collage. 'Perms—ti to to Ma ii,itto and 'lreatmant, mat.adiag t,, eit . dierre.l. Examinatitm as to t•tttitlttess, 011iae and Infirmary lietivean NValinit. and Union streets, All • NOV. 2t3. —3m 41 I HJ 111 9 4. DIZEM II 31 INSTANTANEOUS LIQUID HAM 1 1.11 . 11, just received and Am sale, nhole,ale and ttt Reinter's Shaving Saloun,Ne. 10 East Hamil -1 tun Street. colorod At all times, and satisfaction 161.61111va. Allentown, March 5. ly • DR. SCHULTZ, O FFTCI \o. u$ Bast liaamoiol,tao.n,;sttorie.eet, . Iliad tlmobe rs helms Pretr .. Guth ~ at the Amorienullotel. REAM AND PEAS.—Sfunll while Soup and Green Peas, by the bushel or smell queue tity. , C. A. EUKE .L• SON. THE LF,ITIGH REGISTER, FEBRUARY 4, 1857. E. W. TREXLER & CO., Tsubscribers having some time sineo purchased the Block end good will or DRESMEIt'S well !mown 1,1:3111Elt lAI I), now i t.t rite the attention of the public to the fact dolt they hove lately replenish ,4l the Yard, and that it now contains the most ex tensive and bc. , ,t selected i.tock of all kinds of 33C-1 . 1713 - MEE - FMIIB - IBIL. ever seen in Allentown, which we. intend to sell at the lowest possilde prices. We deem it unnecessary to give is detailed list of our entire stuck, as it com prises all kinds of Boards, Plonks, Jo:sts, Rafters, Laths, Fence Boards, Scant?bur, Shingles,. Clapboards, Posts, Palio'g, mid e , very other article that belongs to the business. We resp;cl fully invite the public to Coll and exam ine our cto , lc and prices before they purchase else where. co that they mqy fully convince themselves of ....lilt we say above. We return our sincere thanks ror the liberal patronage extended to us thus far, and hurt our stock and prices - will secure us n. continu ance. E. W. TREXLER ~t; CO. Nov. 5. —3m “.“ • .P4'itYp,. oatt „ti jr, . OA, ••1. P . M .0A , • - C U11'444 alail 3 " • y - ‘--5 2.62 NO.:TH. Ali. WILLOW, Iv; r.r, !:. • I'IIILADELI'II[A. -ly T-7 ZE r,..11'-:17 :1 7 .:1 7 ' 7. tr?-! •-1 . 1 .1 •-• I" t`J :3. LI. •A , . a LI .e. r a 1, • riisw \`:.\'iEn Al:i lifi.‘l,liß IN I LS, No. I!.oL,r. , rl;it• 1 ( . 1 , , ult, 11 fotisul'a. •; , :4 id,' friends and • ill geni•rai, i;tml lie t r(darned from v. 1,10 he I o purchased fur talc a full ant:quailed assort melt of Nev. Wt. Ira' r I:. L)1;]: W.. 1 ia. 101:' • 1 G. IVore y all of a superior rittl ticoerving L:te.exottlinittion of those Ivlto &sir:. to prega . ..c the Li, t. go.o! t the lowest cash lit, st., lc comprises Clocks V les stud patterns, Gold and • (told, Silver and other \Vrtoit Chats 11gti h and Seals, psi rind silver Pen-ii Eur Rin.• r Rings, Ilreaq Pins, ltraeri.•t Cud Pies, (told nod Steel Pens, Silver t• 10 Spy Glasses, Pocket Comte...,other Spcetaeles, suitable for ail thee .0 : . It ea. h ;net every article be lnging. to hi, L.:anvil of -mess. his prices are as I.tec nod liberal a: they e ill he found in our seaboard tovvits, and his gicA , ways prove to bo what they tire repeescolod. MELODEONS. keeps nn ham; an .n..mrtittent of 3Toloilenop, of putto,lis. fqs• Churches, Halls and pricam pr . :is low ns they can be bought 111101.. ,I!.` the immuntettarer , . Ills instruments can now I owe t, point or tone, lnauty and low lle lois on Mind a lorge and good stock l'ires, Mu l lett! Boxes. &e., &c., at e..;cemlitig inn' prirc~. 1V:0,1)es. Jewel' les% AccorticonF, Mu sical & •., will at :ill timed lie promptly repaired, end all Ivo. k warralited for one y per. - CllAll LES S. ..11ASSEY. I—c -A.:7,..-A1 v a , ,,,, , :,...\ =„1 r:- - 1 3 1e:F. , ;, - . - : . r . .. .... ~ „ -.• ;., „ ,- , ; ; 5,!,.0 ., 1 s-.,:•1:..;r7::,.;-‘,_'-''i-,'",..=,,,:;,;-::-....."'.) r.ic l' ~/(ii,) , , (..)-• ': - 1:- • _. ) i ...,... PLEI62ZO V 0 :11.7:11 Vile'l' 0 23.2", 1 w.kizi: 'ROOM NO. 11''2 WEST 11AMILTO.N ST., A.llentown, P a. 1 :I-, I, ^ T.4 -if TuL9P,•o. ,~~ q ~_J osEwooD PIA\O 1 . 0 lIT ES a :mperior lone nod warranted we/Ile:In:Alin et tLe uhove piece. 11,11 and rev. I Lice. 24- 2ml NoTtc).: is herchy 14.i . ett that the partnership here telorc exjaing Intwuen Urialt Guth and Daniel J. Sehlettelt, trading under the firm of Guth A: ~.',.h/ete.h, in the ::_ , tare husitte,. in Allentown, was mutual con::nt en the Itlth day of De couher, lFdli. All such hi:lel:Lel to said first tune re .itteAed to ninhe hat:wait:le settlement nt the eld :Cued. and such who lany !Wee any chines, can also present thou. 1:1; IA II (;1.1711, DANIEL J. SCIILOVC.II. .1!i".9"-The busincs:z will be continued at tho old st:ind, corner of Eh:llth and Jliitnilton streets, by the undersigned, where itwill be a matter of pleasure to hint to see Inanydtew and all 'old customers, Wall of wheat he is confident his :loch and prices will prove :kti, , factory. Deet•inher 2-1 IOSIIII A NEEDLES, MANUFACTURER IN'ire, Silk and Hair Cloth Sieves, coarse, medi and fine in mesh; large, middle-size and small in di amvter. Metallic Cloths or Woven Wire, of the best qualities. various ;in., of I nerli, from Nus. 1 to SO inclusive, and from one to :ix fvet in ' They nre numberca ..14) ninny ..!pnces to n lineal inch, and cut 0, suit.• The subseriter also keeps constnntly on hand SCREENS for Coal. Sand, Ore, Lime, Grain. Gravel, uano, Suote,Sttgar. Salt, Bone, Coffee. Spire. Drugs. Dye-Stuf ~ to ether with on to4,4orttnent of bright 1110 annealed Iron Wire. All at' the above hold wholesale or retail by „ .1. A. NEEDLES, • 51 N. Front St., Philadelphia. Philatlelphia, June •Ith. —ly OFFICE •AT THE anI.G4-1.a3 MiCc:) .- Jr NO: 3 WEST ;11AMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. Allentown, Feb. G. —ls Venitian Blinds. The subscriber havingpurchased the entire establish men t of Mr. Altai, is preparedto manufacture all kinds of Window Blinds, of the hest quality, at prices as low as any In the city—at 36 West Hamilton street. S. 11. PRICE. Allentown, January 0. , TO BUILDERS. Ll 3 13 E Y-3 EA LE n 9 ALLI.NTOIN N, PA. Trimble & Landis, m-3E-a.mitait.TwE C I T :1! .71:1V ET.RY, Pept-tninT 2G F 3. S ViEET`2IE3 :Dissolution of Partnership DANIEL J. SCHLOUCIL 'Job Printing, Of all kinds neatly executed at this Office. POOR SOUSE ACCOUNT. The Account of CHARLES S. BUSH, Esq., Trea surer of the Directors of the House for the Employ ment and support qt the Poor gf Lehigh County, from January 1, 1556, to January 1, 1857. 1856. Jan. 1. Bal. of last year's account, $265 08 Mar. 6. Received of L. C. &Nay" Co. exponses for a Pauper, 13 68 Aug. 3. Received of Thus. Faust, bal. of lnst year's account, 47 86 " Racoivod of Thos. Faust, for Horses sold, 310 00 Sop. 3. Reed of do. for Oats sold to C. Sengroares, 132 40 Oct. 18. Roo'd of Same'. J. Kistler, rsry., fine for Gambling, 36 00 Nov. 10. Reed of Thou. Faust, for Wheat sold, 67 68 " Received of do., for Stoned' and Labor done at Now Cedar Creek Bridge, 110 00 Dcc. 25. Rccoivod of d0.,.f0r Cattle sold, 05 00 " Reed of do., for support o f James Knauss, 104 00 - $llB2 27 Orders drawn on the Coun ty Treasurer at different. times, 0500 00 UR. By Cnsh pnid out in orders as follows: HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES. Dry Goods and Groceries, $1057 46 Freight, 4 56 r . 0 11 •"e4 • C rI W F o - SS c - 7 7 .0 t H Stone Cool, Piro Wood, Cider and Apples, Fresh Shad, Slaughtering, Bats atul„caps, Wool Carting, Tobacco ' 7s 53 Shoemaking, 97 53 Hardware—for 1655 and 1800, 62 99 Laqing, \ ,lie.,, pair new Shoes, 3 87 Tinware and Stoves, 41 62 Costs at Court in cases vs. Allender, Muthart k Kleckner, 47 SO Insurance on house furniture renewed, 30 50 Ft:mule Service, 52 DO Medicine, 108 40 Funeral Sermons, 3 00 - $2161 50 FARMING EXPENSES. Male Service, 115 00 Urain, Clover and Timothy Seed, Hails and Posts; Alaking, post fence, 6 37 Lumber for repairs and alterations in Hospital, _ --Ligl 7 l. Carpenter Work, --- -•— 34 68 Ain;;;;;‘-' W-er::, 4 33 'T LIMO, 150 ___ __ R Veterinnry Services, =1 PM=l=l Blacksmith Work, 83 60 Road Tax for 1850, $35 89; State Tax, $24 SO, 25 head of Steers, Issuing and Executing orders of relief and sup porting of out door paupers. 801101,1011 OF ALLENTOWN Convoying 34 paupers to Poor House, $3O 85 child of Lueina.Crawfurd to Poor Hout , e, Convoying Mary Kleckner and two chilareii, 1 00 Conveying John Kuhn to P. House, 100 " Daniel Weiss " " 80' Josephona Etler to Poor House, 80 Convoying corpse of Chas. Weikel to Poor lioueo, Out door Mi' to 11rs. Hoplor's 28 00 Out door relief to J. W. Eckert, 1 37 Ono quarter rent to Peter Prong, 7 12 Funeral expense of Simon Honig, 6 61 Serving a warrant, 25 - $7B 00 HANOVER TOWNSHIP. Conveying E. Wambolt to P. House, $1 40 James MeCourt, " 1 40 " Sarah Rader and 2 chil dren to Poor House, 2 00 Conveying Charles and Sylvester EB Hower to Poor House, 1 80 ConVeying Thos. Forbin to P. Homo 200 " David Muroth, " " 200 " John Engler, _ " " 200 " 2 paupers, if " 310 Coffin for James Morgan, h 00 Conveying corpse of said Morgan to Poor House, 1 80 Out doOr relief rondorod to McMul- leles family, 12 00 Out door relief rendered to Mrs. Heeler's child, 28 00 Out door relief rendered to John rulstichts family, 8 25 - $OO 75 SALISBURY TOWNSHIP. Removing Sanfl.andLoeettaMapes from Bushkin township, North ampton county, 3 50 Convoying J. Wambolt to P. Homo, 120 .John Kratzur and family to Poor House, 2 00 - $6 70 UPPER SAUCON TOWNSHIP. Corweyins Chas. Rinker to I'. House, $2 60 $2 60 LOW ER MILFORD TOWNSIIIP Boarding and attending Henry Kroft during sickness,sB 00 Medical attendance mned to said Kroft, 5 25 - $l3 25 • UPPER. MILFORD TOWNSHIP. Conveying Allen Sims (colored) .to Poor House, .$1.20 Medical attendance to Jelin Miller, 862 Expense of Fred. Fry, deceased, 4 00 - $l3 82 LOWER MACUNCUE TOWNSHIP. Conveying Jacob Folk to P. lions°, $1 37 Phil. Flaschentragor; " 1 00 Issuing 2 'orders of relief and ono declaration, 1 15 $3 52 UPPER MACUNGIE TOWNSHIP. Conveying Anthony Eadony s to Poor House, $1 00 Convoying tho corpse of John Wie land to Poor llouso, 1 00 Removing Einolia Koch from West Beaver township, Snyder County, 25 20 Executing en order of relief, 37 ' $2317 LOWIIILL TOWNSIIIP. Issuing 2 orders of relief, WtISEICTURG TOWNSHIP Boarding and attending Minailluth art, $3 00 $3 00 LYNN TOWNSHIP. Issuing 2 orders of relief, 40 Out door relief rendered to Charles Harris, 20 50 Medical attondancorendorodto same, 750 $37 40 WASHINGTON T0vm5.1747. Conveying John Sauerwino to Poor House, 2 40 Conveying Loah Iroitz to P. House, 3;40 $5 80 NORTH WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP. Conveying tho corpso Gran unknown child to Poor Hones, 2 00 Conveying Felix Rick to P. Homo ) 160 " Benedict Trout, " 1 40 a Christian Ilarkey,.." 1 40 " John Williams, " - 240 corpse of Anthony Car lin to Poor Elmo, . 180 Convoying Adolph Biohm to Poor House, Serving order of relief of said pau per, 1 00 Out door relief rendered to said pauper, 9 00 Issuing 13 orders of • . - $25 20 • st- - BOROUGH OF CATASAUQUA. Convoying FretlAtleyers to P. Howse, 1 40 " Cath. Schram and child to Poor House, 1 60 Convoying Isaac Sellers to P. House, 140 " Thos. Trinner .‘ 1 40 Funeral expense of Wm. Borgor's child, 7 00 $l2 80 . SOUTH WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP. Conveying Henry Greht to P. House, 90 " Amandes Bradley, " 160 " -Emcline Reach, " 80 " 4 paupers " 4 25 $7 55 • PRINTING, STATIONERY AND POSTAGE. Haines lk Diefenderfer for publish ing statement of 1854 and '55, 24 00 • Bright & Muncher for publishing statement of 1855, 12 00 Bright d; Muncher for publishing one notice, 1 00 Dittmar, Bush dc Co., for publishing yearly statement of 1855, 12 00 Blutner, Bush .1; Co., for publishing one notice, 1 25 Blumer, Bush 4; Co., for Stationery and Post Stamps 8 59 Keck, Guth Helfrich for publish ing yearly statement of 1852,12 00 Reck, Guth A; Helfrich for pubsh ing one notice, 1 25 Postage of 1352, '53 '54 and '55, 5 30 $77 30 $7682 27 EOM 161 50 40 47 8 00 SALARIES. Peter Romich, Esq., for ouo year's 4.00 6 12 7 01 salary RS Director, 20 00 Peter Itomich, Esq., extra services, 13 37 Sol. Kline,Esq., oneyear as Director, 20 00 " " extra services, 10 02 Samuel Bernhard, Esq., ou year as Director, 20 00 Smug. Bernhard, Esq., extraservices, 10 12 Chas. S. Bush, Esq., Treasurer, Jnia year, 40 00 J. I). Stiles, Esq., Solicitor, one year, 20 00 C. 11. Martin, M. D., attending idly- 5 95 2 25 sieian, one year, 63 00 C. 11. Martin, M. D., extra visits, . 000 T. 11. Martin, M. D., attending phy sician, one year, 05 00 T. H. Martin, M. D., extra visits, 0 00 Thos. Faust, for one year's salary as steward, , 400 00 Thomas B. Faust, for ono year's sal ary as assistant steward, 100 00 754 04 30 00 51 00 Totnl, Balance in hands of said Treasurer, 1525 81 We the undersigned Auditors of the County of Le high and Stats of Pennsylvania, do certify that we have met and did audit the foregoing account of Charles S. Bush, Esq.,•Treasurer of the Directors of the Poor and House of Employment of said County, from Janintry let, A. D. 1856, to January . let, '1857, that said account as stated is correct and that we find a balance in the hands of the said Treasurer, of one thousand five hundred and twenty-five dollars and eighty-ono cents. Witness our hands this thir teenth day of January, 1857. _ :13.., 00 4 00 70 31 90 00 GO 78 1076.50 $2BlO 41 STEWARD'S ACCOUNT. THOMAS FAUST, Steward, in account - with the Di rectors of the Poor and ,f the Houle of Employ ment for the County of Lehiyh. DR. To Cash received on sundry accounts as follows To balance of 111,4 year'e account, 347 . 80 Of John Hahn for expense of his 1 00 with and child, 2 75 01John Furst for keeping his wifo n Hospital, 8 00 0 Frank Roth fur himself in Hos- pital, • . 16 38 Of Anthony Badony himself in Hospital, 7 00 i Of Adam 6 rinsly forkeeping his child, 4 50 " Jacob 'Kramer, " family, 300 " Elias Hoffman, keeping his fath- er John llofftnan, 7 50 Of Nathan Doll for keeping irifo and child, on acconut, 5 00 Of Geo. Knauss for keeping James Knauss ' lol 00 Of Edward Diehl for cattle sold, 113 00 "' Samuel Bernhard for a cow, 20 00 " William Mehrbach for 2 horses, 310 00 " 3 different persons for pigs, 15 62 " Solomon Burney for differenceon changing hogs, 1 50 Of 3 different persons for medicine, 66 " Widow Burney for 1 pock corn, 12 " bntnuel Bernhard for 1 peck corn, 12 " Sul. Barney for plaster of Paris, 49 " Jonas Fenstermacher furl lb soap, 10 " Lorentz Reek for work done on the road, 51 12 Of Commissioners of Lehigh county fordeliveringstone and work done • at new bridge, 110 00 Of Peter Romieh fora bughols and 10 lbs. Wheat, 67 05 Of Chas. Seagroaves fur 331 bushels Oats, 132 40 Of Jonas llortzel for 4 bushels Lime, 40 " Levi Rex fur Stone Coal, 11 43 " " " 17 lbs. Beef, 136 '• " " " 100 Bricks, 100 4; " " " Weaving 11 yards . Carpet, 1 12 Of Isaac Lutz for clothing, 2 12 " David Mertz for 21a lbs. tallow, 212 II 41 If 12 bundles straw, 150 " it 1 bushel limo, 10 i; le If 4 Pennell Post fence, 2 28 Of 3 different persons for weaving, 663 " Grim Sc Renninger for 210 lbs. tallow,o 11, 23 10 Of Do. for 456 lbs. tallow, © 111, 51 :10 Of Do. for 281 lbs. Lard, CO 14, 311 34 Df Do. f0r404 lbs. White Rags ®5, 202 Of Do. for 105 lbs. Mixed (4, 2, 210 Of Do. for 4 bushs. Flaxseed, €) $1 75, 7 00 Of Benjamin Old for returning Call. Sheffer, a girl to him bound, 5 0(1 Of T. B. Faust for mending shoes, 702 \ Of 12 difforent persons for Lard, 12 "V' Of 13 . " " " Tallow, ' 970 Of 8 " " " Ilorsufood, 295 Of Administrators of Sol. Donley, deed, for 2 bushels turnips, 50 Of Administrators of Sol. Dornoy, • deed., for Weaving, - . 07 Of William Schnorr, ono trunk, 1 00 Of Jos. Good for hidos and skins, 38 70 Of 0. W. Faust, " " " 48 18 Of S. &C. Ludwig, " dt It ' ' 58 21 - $1358 81 40 40 CR. By Cash paid out on sundry accounts as follows Balanco of last year's account, $47 86 Chas. S. Bush, Bag., Treasurer, for 2 . horses sold, 310 00 Do. for Wheat sold, 07 65 Do. for delivering Stono &c., to new Bridge, • 110 00 ,Do. Oats sold, 132 40 Do. Cattle sold, ' 95 00 Do. keeping James Knauss, 104 00 Grim Benninger for a bill of Store Goode, 124 80 David Mertz for 4 bushels Ashes ) 80 Do. 1 Plough, 7 00 Do. 200 lbs. Beef, • 1 / 4 , 16 72 vb. I Bull, 8 00 Smith .4 Kramer, for bonne, 41 Daniel Mohr, Bead onions, 62 2 diffdent persons for shoes, 8 24 Solomon Reinhold, castrating pigs, '2 39 William Blank, e( " 1 20 James Johnson, for Oil Cloth, . 87 Lucas Haines, for hats, 1 00 Peter Wagger, for lime, 16 2 00 1 SAMUEL J. KISTLER, JOHN R. SCIIALL, Auditors DANIEL 11. CREITZ, Solomon Dornoy, for two Blocks, he., Two different persons, for aw „ :_espja,g----. chimneys John Itoth„,_l-Tmes, obltenninger for repairink Cradles, - Edward Stirrer, for repairing Hone power, A stranger, for sweat potatoes, John Dorney, for 30 bricks, John Newhard, 7 pair specs, Reuben Bitting, for tin ware, Fred. Toonoy, for 2 brushes, Jonas Rauch, repairing pump, Joseph Good, for leather, " elate for lining limo kiln, 0. W. Foust. for leather, S. C. Ludwig, for leather, Young k Lob, for shoes, Traveling expense for team, 8 87 Traveling expense for steward, 12 66 Traveling paupers, 13 16 Balance in builds of steward, 71 45 - $1358 81 STOCK ON FARM 8 Horses, 16 Cows,l Bull, 7 Heifers, 17 Stoers,.2 Call's, 31 Sheep, 66 Bogs, 4 Wagons, 2 Dearborn Wagons, 1 Sleigh, 2 Sleds, 3 Harrows, 2 Corn Har rows) 4 Ploughs, 4 Wheelbarrows, 1 Grain Drill, 1 Reaping Machine, 1 Threshing Machine, 2 Fanning Mills. PRODUCE ON FARM 591 bushels Wheat. 075 bush. Rye, 320 bush. Oats, 7 bush. Flax Seed, 1375 bush. Corn in ears 55 bush. Turnips. 1080 bush. Potatoes, 25 bush. ears, 40 bush. Rod Beets ' bush. Soup Beans, 1 barrel Cu cumbers 4500 Lends Cabbage, 4 hogsheads Sour Kraut, 10 lbs. liatehled Flax, 31 loads Corn Fodder, 193 loads Manure put on the Land, 1500 bush. Limo put on the Land, 2133 lbs. Beef Hides, 101 lbs. Calf Skins, 926 lbs. Lard, 1530 lbs. Tallow, 1810 lbs. Butter. ARTICLES MADE IN THE HOUSE 105 pair Men's Pontnloons, 163 Mon's Shirts, 18 pair Boy's Pantaloons, 75 Roundabouts, 32 Vests, 72 Chemises, 104 Women's Frocks, 92 Petticoats, 95 Short Gowns, 166 Aprons, 10 Women's Caps, 38 Sun Bonnets, 77 Children's Frocks, 93 Children's Shirty 31 Children's Petticoats, 32 pair Drawers, 10 Shroud. 4, 90 pair Stockings knitted, 101 pair Stockings footed, 41 Towels, 10 Quilts, 160 cuts Stocking Yarn, 70 outs Thread, 16 Bolsters, 73 Pillow Cases, 50 Bed Cases, 7 Pillow Ticks, 51 Sheets, 8 Chaff Bags, 521. yards Flax Linen, 563 yls. Flax Linen Check, 64 yds. Tow Linen Cheek, 126/ yds. Linsey Woolsoy, 291 yards Carpet, (all woven in the llouso,) 768 lbs. Irani Soap, 28/ barrels Soft Soap, 10 Coffins. BEEF SLAtiGHTERED. 15021 lbe. Beef, 7871 lbs. Pork, Cal lb& Vogl l , Z BALDER 01, EIT ig n tho House, Jan. 1,1556, 151 Received during the year, 615 Burn, 3 LEEN $6150.16 Discharged during the, year, Indentur_d, Died, Corpse when brought, Absconded, $7652 27 Remaining In the House, Jan. 1, 1658, 158 This number consists of CO white male adults, 1 colored male adult, 48 white female adults, 2 colored female adults, 29 white male children, under 12 years of age ' 1 colored male child under the ago of 12, 17 white female children under 12 years of ago, of which number 21 are lunatics. . INDENTURED. Catharine Scoffer to A. F. Cleaver, Landlord, Bo rough of Allentown. Anna Maria Boyer to David Helmbach, Lower Milford township, Lehigh Co., (Farmer.) Leucite Slopes to Joe. Hoffert, Salisbury, Lehigh Co., (Farmer.) 1 - ' Catharine Sheffer to Benjamin Old, Greenwich township, Burks .Co., Pa.,.(Fttrmer.) Isabella Barker, (colored,) to Andrew Brunner, Upper Simeon, Lehigh Co., (Farmer.) SOLOMON KLlNE,Directors of the ER SAMUEL BNHARD, Poor of Lehigh 1 JOIIN MATTEItN. County, Pa. Directors' °thee, Jan. 2, 1857. --86 A NEW STOCK OF 4111 C AL. CUD 1111 C 114 k. NW Tk412...v. 'WATCHES AND JEWELRY, V has just been received by undersigned, at No. 21 West Hamilton street, which for beauty and durability is unequalled in town. and to which he invites the at tention of those desirous of getting the best goods at the very lowest prices. His .stock comprises Brass Clocks of description, Gold and Silver Patent Lover, Lupine, Quartier and other Watches, Silver Table and Tea Spoons, Gold, Silver and Plated Spectacles, to suit all ages, and warranted to ho as represented: His stock of Jewelry is large and splendid, and comprises all the most fashionable articles, such as Gold, Silver and other Breast l'ins, Ear and Finger Rings, Gold Watch Chains, Keys, &c., Gold and Sil ver Pencil Cases, Gold Pens of n superior quality, Silver. Combs, and a variety of other articles too nu merous to mention. Ile feels confident that the above goods are the best in market, and offers Ahem to the public at the lowest prices. Ho would particularly call your attention to his stock of CLodas AND WATCHES, and urge you to call on him before purchasing elsewhere, as ho feels assured that he cannot fail to suit you, not only with the articles, but what is more important, with the prices, and would also inform the public that all his goods are warranted. CloeAC, Walehee and Jewelry, repaired in the neat est/and best manner, and at the shortest notice—all his work is warranted. JOAN NEWHARD. LI Leaf Leaf lobacco and Cigars. DN SLOW St Cm 21 SOUTH FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, C ommission Merchants, And Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of LEAF C:0321.49.C1C10, Munufnclured Tobacco and Cigars, HAVE constantly on hand and for sale low, all kinds of AMERICAN and SPANISH LEAF TOBACCOS, selected with special reference to Man. ufaCtarers' use. All articles ooldmorranted to be no represented, and every opportunity afforded for examination. Pfirchnsers at n distance can send their orders, and rely upon being as-faithfully served as if the goods were selected in person. Ap.o-00.22—1y 'UNDUE CRYER. riIHE undersigned, a eon of the well known and popular Vendue Cryer, John Stith, deceased,. respectfully informs the public Abet he has adopted' the business, and offers his serricds in that capacity to nll who may require diem.' He considers himself able to render satisfaction, as hundreds of references can be given.. Ito can ho engaged to go any distance that may be required. His residence is the first door above the German Reformed Church, directly oppo. site Moser's Drug Store, in Hamilton street, Allen. town. FRANKLIN SMITH. Aug. a. —ly Beeker's Express. Ilgttit ECICER'S Daily 'Express betwslunAllentown LP and Philn'delphin, via North Pennsylvania Railroad, leaves Allentown Daily at 7 o'clock, A'. M. Merchandise, Packages ' &0., forwarded through in one day, at 'the lowest rates. Mee Philadelphia, 115 Race street. GEO. L. RUBE, Agent, Allentown. Nov. 19. : SEGAR MANUFACTORY WE still have our Scgar Manufactory in fall op eration and have now on hand a tine and good assortment of Operas, Itegalins, Londres, Prin cipe, La Norman, Sixers, Half Spanish and all kinds , of Tobaccos for salo by C. A. RULE to SON. Oct. 15. CURRANTS, RAISINS AND PRUNES. —lbw Layer Raisins of superior quality at retail; Bak ing Raisins at 10 cents, Superior Prunes in Jars re. retail, also baking Prunes. C. A. RUB & SON. 1 00 1 50 BM 57 08 1 50 81 84 59 83 II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers