Lochman's IVI. 33 JEL "1""jr AND .DAGUERREOTYPE GALLERY, No. 0 West Hamilton street, Allentown, Pa. B,LOCIIMAN rcFpoctfully informs the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that he is now prepar ed to take AMBHOTYPFA in connection with Daguerreotypes. His Ambrotypes nro far superior to those of any other operator In town—however much may be talked of the " Patent" Ambrotype. to the con trary notwithstanding. The Ambrotype is n new and beautiful style of picture taken on glass, and uncounll ed by any other style. They are without the glare of the Daguerreotype, and therefore can be seen in nay vie*. They can be seen on either side of the plate, are not reversed, and show everything in its true po sition. Their cost is but a trifle more than a daguer reotype, and they nro indestructible to the action of the atmosphere,. and canna be injured by rubbing or washing. Both Ambriitypes 'and Daguerreotypes taken in an unsurpassed style without regard to weather.. By long experience, arduous toil, a desire to please, and heavy investments of capital, lie feels assuredihat any one who may favor him with a call I will receive in return a perfect picture, not to be excelled, in point of artistic beauty, by any one in this section of country. He would also invite at tention to his new and splendid stock of cases, which range in price from 75 cents to 10 dollars. Please bear in mind, that pictures can be taken in clear or cloudy weather. Allentown, Feb. 7, New Boot and Shoe Store IN ALLENTOWN. ' PINK & BROTHER , LATELY opened a new 'Boot and Stine Store, at No. 12 East Hamilton street, formerly occupied by Jeremiah Selinside;in the same business, but the public may confidently rely upon it that they will nt nll times keep on hand, a better, larger, and nt the same time cheaper Meek, than was ever kept in the build ing before. They will nlwnys have on hand Gentlemen's linots. Shoes and Slippers, • , Ladies' and Misses Gaiters, Shoes 1 31 10.. and Slippers. Children's Room and Shoos. Also, Coarse Bunts sod Hhoes for Men and Boys, Gums, &c. All kinds of Gentlemen's and Ladies' Ivork made to order in the most approved styles, at short woke, and of the best of materials, and as they have better work men than ever worked in the building before, they are willing to warrant all work. Doing new beginners, They hope by punctual at tendance to business and low prices, to receive n share of public patronage. March 20, COURTLANDT STREET IIBEDICIIArIiD+ Rds Comtlautit, Street, NEW YORK. J. S. STEBBINS, PROPRIETOR, New York, March 2ti. Denslow & Commission\\lei chants, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN A TANCFACTURED Tobacco, and Foreign and Do mestte Segnrs, 21 :milli Front Street, Pinto dolphin. Importers of Fine Havana Segars of the choicest growths of the Vim n large nssort ment of •which are kept constantly on band, nod for sale nt a small advance oncost of importation. ,r,lPConsigninents respectfully solicited, on which liberal advances will be made when desired. N. IL—Special attention given to orders for pur chase on commission. of Ton.tero, no also every de scription of Merchandise, for account of parties living at n distance from this mnrket. Agent for F. A. tittles reMbrateil• ger mum Smoking Tobacc, comprising thirty ilitTercn Tariotim RIME E. W. ECKERT'S•_ • WIIOI.I.>:ALE AND EEMIL ITOBACCO SNUFF & SEGH ":11.7 41110 1 -Iff. NO. 13 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. Conqautly on hand a largo stock of Leaf Tolateco. Also a FllperiOr stock of Segars, comprising thu latest styles and hrands.rerthe City prices. All Goods warranted. I 3'4 20. wluvv - a.wco•b3E:r.. CHARLES S. MASSEY C LOCK,y WATCH K MAER AND DEALER IN JEIVELRIES, No. 23 East Hamilton Street. op. posite the Herman Reformed Church, Allentown Pu. The undersigned ropeetfully informs his friends and the piddle in general, that he has just returned from New York and Philadelphia, where he has purchased and now offers fur sale a full and unequalled assort ment of CLOCKS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, Silver Ware and 'Fancy Articles, all of a superior quality, and deserving the examination of those who desire to procure the best goods at the lowest cash His stock comprises Clocks of all styles and patterns. Gold and Silver Watches, Gobi, Silver and other Watch Chains, Watch Rep and Scale, gold and silver Pencils, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pius, Cull Pins, Gold and Steel Pens, Silver Table- and Tea Spoons, Spy Glasses, Pocket Compasses, Gold, Silver, and other Spectacles. suitable for all ages, together with each and every article be longing to his branch of business. His prices arc as low and liberal as they will be found in our seaboard towns, and his goods will always prove to be what they are represented. MELODEONS. _ - - - keeps on hand an assortment or Melodeons, of allsiziwand palterers, suitable for Churches, Ilalls and private families, at pricer, as tow as they can be bought wholesale of the manufacturers. It is instruments can nowhere be excelled in point td' tone, Leanly and low prices. Ile also has on hand a Meg° and good stock of Accordeons, Flutes, Files, Musical lioxes..te., &c.; ! at exceeding low prices. gapelecki, Watches, Jewelries, AecOrdeo»s, Mu sical BUXOF, .tc., will at ill dines he promptly repaired, and all Ivtok warranted for ono year. CUAItLES S. MASSEY September 26 620 Vt CI la a . AU , ITAS removed his office to No. 79 Virtn4 Hamilton XL street, between Eighth and Ninth' 0h.., over G. Reber's Clothing Store, next door to George's hotel. where he can be found at all trines by those who need his professional services. Artificial teeth mounted on gold, silver and Online, in the highest perfection of art, and on the most scientific principles. All opera tions belonging to the Dental profession performed iu the moot skillful and satisfactory manner, Allantowu, April 9 IPIAUVMOU4 Is at an end, and the limits of our farmers are filled to overflowing with bountiful and well riposted crops. So also is the Union Shoe 1/110 Um Store, No. 77 West Hamilton street, .filled with Boots. Shoes, lists, Vali se's, Trunks, Carpet lags. he„ which are sold at as tonishing low prices. We sell very' pretty Ladies' Shoes at 3i 3 per pair, coarse Men's Shoes at 75 cents per itair, and Boots at $1.25 per pair. Children's Shoes at 25 cents per pair. In short, we will spare no pains to satisfy our customers in every respect, Don't forget the place. No. 77 West Hamilton street, the first new buildings above Hagenhuch's Hotel. July It . . OF PUBLIC DEBTS. Sr.crfox 1. The state may contract debts, to supply casual deficits of failures hi revenues, or to meet ex penses not otherwise provided for; but the aggregate amount of such debts direct and contingent, whether contracted by virtue of one or more nets of theegcner al assembly, or at different periods of time, shall never exceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. and the money arising from the creation of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose tbr which it was ob tained, or to repay the'debts so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever. SECTION 2. In addition to the above limited power the state may contract debts to repel invasion, sup press insurrection, defend the state in war. or to re deem the present outstanding indebtedness of the state; but the money arising from the contracting of such debts, shalljm applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. CM SECTION 3. Except the debts nbovo specified, in Sections ono and two of this article. no debt whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of the state. SECTION 4. To provide for the payment of the pres ent debt, nnd any additional debt contracted as afore said, the legislature shall, at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall ho sufficient to pay he accruing interest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal tb-reef by a sum not less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; which sinking fund shall consist of the net annual income of the public works, from time to time owned by the state, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part thereof, and of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the state, to gether with other funds, or resources, that may be designated by law. The said sinking fund any be increased, from time to time, by assigning to it tiny port of the taxes, or other revenues of the state, not I required for the ordinary and current expenses of government, and unless in case of war, invasion or insurrection. no part of the raid sinking fund shall be used or applied otherwise than in extinguishment of the public debt, until the amonnt of such debt is re duced-below the sum of five millions of dollars. SECTION 5. The credit of the commonwealth shall not in any manner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, any individnnl, eompnny. corporation, or association: nor shall the commonwealth hereafter become n joint owner, or stockholder, in any company, association.' or corporation. MB SErrtox 6. The commonwealth shall not PRSIIIIIV the debt, or any pert thereof, of nny county, city. bo rough, or township; or of nny corporation, or associa tion; unless such debt shall have been contracted to enable the stifle to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection. defend itself in time of war, or to assist duo state im tho discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness. ISE Stmnot , t 7. The legislature shall not authorize any eounty,.city,.horough, township, or incorporated dis trict, by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any company, association, or corporation; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, any corporation, association, institution, or party. There Phan be nn additional nrtirle to sniil eonsti. teflon, to be designated as article XII, 11:1 M17111'1.11 XII. OF NEW COUNTIES. No county shall be divided by a line rolling off over one-tenth of its population. (either to form a new county or otherwise.) without the express as'sent of such connln by a vote of the electors thereof; nor shall any new county be established, containing les, than four hundred square miles. T/11110 AMENDMENT. Frans Feet;OD two of the first article of the enlist itu tint), strike out the words, "of the city of Philadel phia. and of each comity revirelirrly from section Mlle ortiele. strike out the words. "of Philo ; delphio and of Mr 6trri,ri countif•N ;•' front seetion seven. same art isle, strike out the words, "neither the city of Philodelphia nor tow." and insert in lien thereof the words, " and, " and stea m nut • Mut., same article,. and. in lieu thereof insert the fob lowing: SECTION .1. Tit the year one thousand eight ban tired and sixty-four, and in every seventh year there after. representatives to the number Of one hundred.' shall be ppori bitted and distributed equally: through- • out the state. by districts, in proportion to the man her of taxable inhabitants in the several parts there of; except that any county containing al least three thousend five hundred taxables, may be allowed a separate representation; but no more than three counties shall be joined, and no county shall be divi ded, in the formation of a district . . Any city contain ing a sufficient number of taxables to entitle it to at least two representatives. shall have a separate repre sentation assigned it. and shall be divided into con venient districts of contiguous territory. of equal tax able population as near as may be, mull of which die (rids shall elect one eepreseutatire." At the end of section seven, same article, insert c these words. "M elf!' Phila;lelphi'a shall be divi ded into nin f ile senatorial dindrielo, enntigooox Irv - I niters ax nearly 'Vail iu la.rath , paplaart . o,l ON lova ble ; bud no word shall be divided in the formation thereof." The . legislature, at its first FOSSIOII, after tho adop tion of.this amendment, shall divide the city of Phil adelphia into senntoriaLand representative districts, in the manner above provided; such districts to re main unchanged until the apportionment in the year ouc thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. • rounTu AMENDMENT. To lc section xxvi, Article 1. Tho legislature shall have the power to alter, re voke, or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general law, whenever in their opinion it may be injurious to the citizens of the commonwealth ; in ouch manner, how ever, that no injustice shall be done to the incorpo rators. IN SENATE, April 21, 1858. • lll' Boteeti, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 24, nays 5. On the second amend ment, yeas HI. nays G. On the third atnendment, yeas 2s, nays 1. On the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 1. Extract from the Journal. • THOMAS A. MAOUIRE, C7rrd•. • IN MESE OP REPRESENTATIVES, I April 21, 1856. Resob,,/, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 72, nays 24. On the second amend ment, yeas 63, nays 25. On the third amendment, yens 04, .nays 23; and on fourth amendment, yeas 09. nays 16. Extract from the Jouroni. WILLIAM JACK, Clerk 6 FFICE.A.Cr.CURTIN. Filed April 21, .185G.} Cr Sve'y. of the Commonwealth el, m,l I do certify that, the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original "Resolution rela tive to an amondment of the Constitution" as the same remains on tile in this office. n, ...----.... In' testimony whereof I have hereunto SEAL set my bawl and caused to be allixed the ffi seal of the Secretary's Mice, the day and year above written. S. W. SINE. --ly IN SENArs,..yipci/ 21, 185 g. Resolution proposing antetulmentx to the Constitu tion of the Counuonwoulth; being under considera tion, On the question. Will the Senate agree to the first amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreably to tho pro visions.of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz: YE:is—Mos:NA. Browne,.Buekalew, Cresswell, Per gnson, Evans, Flenniken Hoge, Ingrain, Jamison, K ',animal, 'nimal, Letvis, Flenniken, Pries, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Taggart, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Pratt, Spcn NAYS—Messrs. Crabb, 'Gregg, Jordan, Mellinger and Pratt—,s ELI AS MERTZ i^othegnation Rap determined iu the liffirmative RESOLUTION Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. Itesotred by the Senate and House of,Representatirre of the Commonwealth of Penneylcania in• General Ad trembly met, That the following umentlintints are pro posed to the constitution of the commonwealth. in uccord.nnce with. the provisions of the tenth article thereof. rlnsT A MIENI,3II:NT There shall be on additional article to Enid consti tution to be designated us article cloven, us fullows:— AIITICLih srroNt) Amr:NnltExt SECTIETARYS OFFICE. Ilarrixburg, June 27, 1856. 1 - - A. G. CURTIN. Secrettirll o f the Conintosivrealth On the question, • • Will the Senate agree to the second amendment? The yeas nod nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution and were as follow, viz: YEAS—Messrs. Browne, Bucknlew . ' Evans, Hoge, Cresswell, Ingram, Jamison, Knox, Laubach, , Lewis, MClintork, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Wal ton, Welsh, Wl,orry and Wilking-19. NA vs—Messrs. Crabb, Ferguson, Gregg, Wulf, Price anti Platt, Spcoker-6. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate ngst.:e to the third amendment ? The yens and nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and were as follow, viz: YEAs—Messrs. Browne, Itnekalew, rrabli. Cress_ well. Evanit, Ferguson, Flenniken, Mtge, Ingrain, Jamison, Jordan, Knox, Limbach, Lewis, M'Clintock, Mellinger. Pratt, Price, Sellers, Shuman, Soiallier, Taggart, Wnlton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins unit Platt, Spctiker-2.8. NAYS—Mr. Gregg-1. So the question was determined iu the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the fourth :amendment ? The yeas and nnys were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and were as follow. viz : Tens—Messrs. Browne, 11nekulew, Cresswell:Flen niken, Evans, Hoge, Ingram, Jamison, Jordan, Knox, Lmilmeli, Lewis. M'Clinton Price, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Mitt, Speokcr.-23. NAvs—Messrs. Crabh, Gregg, Mellinger and Pratt —4. So the question was determined in the lama - Journal of the House of Representatives, April "_1,1851'. The yens end nays were taken ngreenbly to the provision of the Constitution and on the firet.propos ed amendment, were as follow, viz: • YEAS—Messrs. Anderson, Backus, linblwin, Beek, (Lycoming,) Beek, (York.) Bernhard, Boyd, Boyer, Brown, Brush, Bnehannn, Campbell, Carty, Craig. Caldwell, Crawford, Dowdall, Edinger. Fau st-dd, Foster, Getz, Ithines, Unmet, Harper, Heins, Hibbs, Hill, Hilligns, Hippie Holcomb, Hunseeker, Imbrie, Ingham, Irwin, Johns, Johnson, Import, Le bo, Longnker, Lovett, ACCahnont, M'Carthy M'Comb. Mangle, Menenr, Miller, Montgomery,• Moorhead, Nunnemachor, Orr, Pearson, Phelps, Purcell, Rensey, Reed, Reinhold, It WM, Roberts, Shenk, Smith, (AI-' leglieny,) Smith, (Cambria.) Smith, (WYmning.) Strolls°, Thompson, Vail. Whallon, Wright. (Dan phin,) Wright, (Litzerne,) Zimmerman nud Wright Speaker—V2.' NAvs--Messrs. Augustine. Barry, Clover, Coburn, Dock, Fr • y, ninon, Gaylord, itibliony, Hamilton, Ilaneoelt, Ifousekeeper. Muncher, Leismtring, Magee. Manley, Morris, Mumma. PnCerson, Salisbury. Smith. (Philadelphia,) Walter, Wintrode and Yenrs ley--.2d. So the question was determined in the affirmative. (In the question. Will the House agree to the second amendment ? The yeas and nays ware taken, and were as follow, viz: Yr.ts--Messrs. Anderson. Ilaekus, Baldwin, Ball, Bad:, (Lyeoming,) Beek, (York.) Bernhnrd. Boyd, Brown, Brush, Bitch:matt, Caldwell, Campbell, Carty, Craig. Fausold, Foster, Getz, Haines, Hibbs, 11111, Hillega , , Hemel, Harper, Heins, Hippie, Holcomb, Itunseeker, Imbrib, Ingham, Innis, Irwin, Johns, Johnson,Laporte. Lebo, nngalter, Lovett, Ml7olll°lo, M'Carthy, IWComb, Mangle; Menem., Miller, Mont gomery, Moorhead. Nunnentneher, Orr. Pearson, Pur cell. Ramsey, Reed, Reinhold, it iddle, Roberts. Shenk, Smith, (Allegheny.) Strouse, Vail, Whallon, Wright, (Luzerne) Zimmerman nod Wright, Speaker-63. ICArs—Messrs.Augustine, Barry, Clover, Edinger, Fry, Fulton, Gaylord, Giblioney, Hamilton. Ilan- I cock, Unneker, Leisenring, Magee, Manley, Morris, Mumma, Patterson, Phelps. Salisbury. Smith, (Cam_ brie,) Thompson, Walter, Wright, (Dauphin,) and Yearttley-25. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the third amendment ? The yeas and nnys were taken, and were as Ibllow, viz: YE.ts—Messrs. Anderson. Backus, Baldwin, Ball Beek. (Lyroming.) Beek, (York.) Bernlmrd, Boyd Boyer. Brown, llueloman. Caldwell. Campbell, Carty, Craig. Crawford, Ediuger.Fausold. Foster, Fry, Getz, Haines, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hibbs, Hill, Hippie. Holcomb, Ilonsekeeper, Imbrie. Ingham, Innis, Irwin, Johns, Johnson, Laporte, Lebo( Long_ alter, Lovett, :WCaltuont, 31'Comb, Mangle, Me ear, Moutgnmery, Nunnetuneher, Orr, Penrson, Phelps, Pureell.llatnsv. cterd rtmdto negneny.) (Lam nun, ) Smith. (V) yonung,) Thompson, Mullion, Wright (Dauphin,) Wright, (Luzern(.) awl Zimmerman—n.l, NAYS—Messrs. Barry. Clover, Colturn, Pork, Dewlap. F 111101). Onylor,l, dibboney, Ilatnikon. Boucot+. lf uneker, Leisenring. M'Carthy. Magee. Manley, Moorhead, Morris, Patterson, Iteinhold. Itoberts, Salisbury, Walter, Wintrode, Yearsley. and Wright, Speaker-2.i. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Iluuao agree to the fourth amendment? The yeas and nays were taken, and were as follow, viz EAS— . .qessrs. Anderson. Bockus, Rail, Ileelc.(Ly coming,) Berk, (York.) Bernhard. Boyd, Boyer, Brown, Brush, Btulnman. Caldwell, Craig, Campbell. Carty. Crawford. Domini!, Edinger. Faust,ld, Foster, Fry. Getz, Hamer, Harper, Heins, Hibbs, Ilill Hille gas;Hipple, Holcomb, Housekeeper, Huns& Im brie. Innis, Irwin. Johnson. Laporte. Lebo, Longa ker, Lovett.:WCalmont, IWCarthy, M'Comb, 3laugle, Menear, Illontg otcry. Moorhead, Nunnenutelt er, Orr. Pearson, Phelps, Purcell. Ramsey. Reed. Reinhold,, Riddle, Roberts, Shenk, Smith, (Cambria.) Smith, (Wyoming,) Thompson. Vail. Walter, Whal lon, IVright, (Luzerne,) Yearsley, Zimmerman, and Wright, Sp..ak er _.4,o, ' INAIS--Messm Barry. Closer. Coburn 'Fulton, Gibboney. Heins, Hancoek, Ilunoker, Ingham, Lei settling, Magee, Manley, Morris, Patterson, Salisbu ry and Wintrudel SECIIETARY'S OFFICE. ) • Ileirrieburg, JoHe 27, 1556. Pron:9lran ao: I do certify flint the above and foregoing is n truo and correct copy of the " Yeas" and "Nays" taken on the Resolution proposing amendments'to the Con itution of tho Commonwoalth. no the same appears on the Journals of the two Houses of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth fur the session of Md. C - -.. WitneFs my hand and the seal of said SEAL °Mee. this twenty-seventh day of June, ffi one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. A. G. CURTIN. Secretary Mr • Conintonwcalth New Spring and Summer SOODO JUST RECEIVED AT C d ' No. 35 East Hamilton Street, THE largest assortment of Spring and Summer 1. Goods ever seen in Allentown. Wo purchased FOR CASII, which enables us to sell lower than any other Clothing Establishment in town. Wo have se lected our Goods with an eye to durability and fancy, and have none but Alto latest styles that could be found in the New York and Philadelphia Markets.— We keep on hind at all times a large assortment of READ Y-.IIIADE CLOTHING, such no Coats of every color and description; Panta loons of all styles and prices, ell kinds of Vests, Shirts and Undershirts, Collars, Cravats, Suspenders, •A:c., all of which aro sold at extraordinary Low Prices, and warrant theta to be not only &treble, but made Of with neatness and taste. CUSTOMEII WORK will be done up as usual, and for our work we are will-• lug to be held responsible. We invite all people who desire immense bargains, to give us a cell and thereby save from FIFTY to SEVENTY-FIVE per cent. in the purchase of their Spring and Summer outfit. 74'.1, - Remember the spot—No. 3.1 East, • Hamilton street, nearly opposite the German Reformed Church. March 25. —tf DR. SC H 13.1, T Z 9 OFFICE; No. N'Pore“ts7B Men!afel doors at the Amerlean Ilntel , - LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD D UNNING in connection with tho Central Rail Road or New :ferny to Now York and the Rol rider° Delaware Rail Road to Philadelphia. Also with the Beaver Meadow Rail Rood to Weatherly and Hoaxer Meadows and the Summit Rill Rail Road' to Summit Dill. • SUMMER Annamitur.NTs. Commen,ing Monday, July 7, 1856. Two daily passenger Trains (Sundays excepted,) will be run betweon Mauch Chunk and Easton as follows: • POWX TRAINS. Lcnve Mauch Chunk at 4.00 A. M., and 12.110 P. M Shit ilagton 4.44 " " 1.25 " entasannita 5.29 " " 2.01 " Allentown ,5.41 " " 2.10 " Bethlehem 0.00 " " 2.34 " Arrive Easton 11.40 " " " UP TRAINS Leave Easton 7.00 A. M., and 12.15 P. M. Bethlehetn 7.38 " " 12.56 " Allentown 7.54 " " 1.12 " 8.06 " " 1.24 " Stalin:4ton 8.47 " 2.05 " ArriVlntteh Chunk 11.25 " " 2.40 '' TI • minting train Up will connect nt Allentown (by . age to Hamburg) with the Dauphin and Susque hanna trains to Harrisburg. ALSO—with the Sum mit hill Rail Road at Mauch Chunk, which will enn- We travelers to visit the celebrated Coal Mines, in clined planes, &e., ,te., of that region. The 'afternoon train 14,1611 connect nt Allentown with stage. 35 miles to Reading, and at. Mauch Chunk with the Beaver Meadow Rail Road to Weatherly thenee by stage, 11 miles to White Haven, Also with the Summit Hill Ilail Road to Summit Hill thence by stage. .5 miles to Tamaqua in titan to take the Day Express going South or the sight Express going North. Passengers leaving Now York or Phtladelphia for any point on the Lehigh Valley or Beaver Meadow Rail !loads will take the morning train up. ROISEitT 11. SAYRE, Sup't. and Eng'r. .Titly 17 Lehigh County iidalErn 172111111(DIZIL iLai Vir • . . is • ' 1 1,11!r? .. 1191 • . A , „ ; • 1 4 . 4 • lrest linnalton street, oppneite the Lehigh Patriot" Printing Office., Q H. PRICE would respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown and the public generally. I that he always has on hand a first-rate assortment of CABINET WARE, of all descriptions, consisting of Bureaus, Side-hont9s, l'ier, Centre. Curd, Dining and Breakfast Tables, also What -Not and Sofa Tables, Parlor Chairs. Spring-seat Rocking Chairs, Sofas, Piano-stools, Bed steads of every description, together with a general assortment of KITrIIEN F171.17.74'RE, all of which he will sell at prices which defy competition in either town or country.' Re also manufactures to order every description of Furniture, and every arti cle sold by him is warranted to give entire satisfac tion, or no sale. So please give him a call and see for yourselves, at No. 36 West Ilantillon Street, or at the sign of Yell !_ iw .. Cu o rtt i t n ip n , of Looking Glasses,• always on band, and tor tale chimp. Allentown..lnly 1. 1556. S. 11. PRICE. Veniti an Blinds. suloicrilier ha vingpurehased the entire establish. 1 inept of Mr. Muir. is prepared to manufacture al kinds of Window• Blinds. of (the hest quality, at price: as low as any in the city—at West Hamilton street S. 11. PRICE. y Allentown, January 9 BEcK[Ers DAILY Expß[ss a - B ETWEEN Allentown, Bethleheni and Phi ladelphia. Olive in Allentown, at George L. Rube's, No. :NI West Hamilton street. Office in Philadelphia. \o. 1114 Race St. The proprietor, (1. S. Becker respectfully announces to the citizens and business men generally, that he has just started a daily Express, as above, via. the North Pennsylvania Rail Road, for carrying Morchnn parkages .I;e., of every kind, at rates fully as low if not lower, than any other Express, and all pack ages will be carried with the greatest care, and &lir ered.with promptness. Raving had Ilmr years' experience in the Express business. Mr. 13. feels confident that ho will be able to supply the wants of the public in a satisfactorily man ner. All bllNilleBß for Allentown and vicinity will be promptly transecteil by Ucorgo L.. Itube, Agent. Mice No. West Hamilton street. N. 11.—Goods purchased, and all orders punctually attended to. Alleritown, Jan. 2 alatlardMa 9 o PREMIUM INSTANTANEOUS LIQUID lIAIR DYE, just received and for sale, wholesale and retail, at Itchner's Shaving Saloon, No. 10 East'.lanai ton Street. 5-11 air colored nt all times, and satisfaction warranted. Allentown, March 5. ly ..A LARGE LOT of Mackerel, just ret eived and for Wont Stopp's ;fiv - Eirt 1, 2 Pot Cheap Cash Store. Also received ' ll3 410 " this day, many thousand ' dollars ----:•••;•;---- worth of Dry Goode, from N. York, which will be bold cheaper than ever, at tho cheap Cash Storo of JOSEPH STOPP, :i3 West Hamilton street Surgical and Mechanical DENTIST... C. C. 11. GULDIN, from New York, in " vices the attention of those in Allentown and vicinity, who require operation's on the . natural Teeth, or who are in need of artificial ones, to his superior mode ofoperating in all the different departments of Dentistry. Having had eight years' experience in his profession, and availing himself of every valu able improvement, lie knows he can reader the very best assistance.to the patient of which the Art is capable. REFEILENOES.—Rev. Thomas De Witt, D. D Rev. Charles M. Jameson, F. Clarkson, M. D., William - Underhill, M. D.. New York city. Office for the present at the American . Hotel. Patients also visited at their residence if de sired. Atientown, Jan. 17,18.55 C. GILBERT CIBONS, TTORNEY AT LAW, NO. Gi EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, I'A. il - Cun he consulted in English end Gerum.'llK . Allentown, Mnv 11. —lv CATASAUQU'A. HEAP CASH STORE! AUG, 14; GILBERT H AS lately purchased the Store and stock of goods of William Gross, in Catasauqua, and having added thereto a heavy supply of merchandise, fresh from the cities, ho now invites the citizens of that place and neighborhood to give him a call and examine his unsurpassed SUMMER GOODS ,. which for variety of style and prico,cnionot be ont done by any Store in the County. His stock of La dies' Dress Good's embraces all the various and hates styles of Silks, Brilliantes, Poplins, Ginghams, Challies, Lawns, Barege Delaines, Solid col'd. Delains, Bnreges, Swiss Mulls; Catnbrics, Jaconets, Prints, &c., cheaper than they can be pur chased anywhere else. iMW eat His Shawl stock for Summer consists of Crape, Silk, Thibet, Cashmere, Stella and Barege, at very low prices. Also, a tine lot of Mantillas and Capes, cheap. - Rea and toy' s 14 ulr ear. lie has a choice stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cashmerctts, Linens, and a host of other Goods,lhat cannot fail to give satisfaction'. Bowie Farninhirig Googn.—llia .stoelt of House Furnitthing Goods will alivays be found to consist of a very general assortment, and at prices which will warrant satisfaction. Of Gloves, Hosiery, Laces. Collars, Veils, Trim mings, ,te.. lie has the most complete stock in town. catoel:lt4Es.—no hus a large stock of fresh fam ily Groceries, prime, .:„..,• ,- .77REFA".. ,IriAtiq a l l e Java and Rio Coffee, • ' T rt,litoty , Sugar. Tens, M , toi k oho- see Cheese, Spices, Crackers, Raisins, fir.. fie. Butter, Eggs, Lard, Hams, Sides, Shoulders, Pota toes, Onions, and Soap, for which Om highest Market prices will be given in exchange for Goods. Queensware he has n fine and stylish assortment. comprising every article that is mannfitettned. QS .Ibreken./. Ly Iho whole, half or quarter barrel, No. 1, 2 and 3. Calatomion. Juno 4, Itead-y Maae, Clothing! ANOTHER ARRIVAL OP UMW Cab 10U)O8 BREINIG, NELIGH & BREINIG, N O. 2 East Hamilton street, have just returned from the cities with an another large and choice stock of. . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, of the most fashionable styles, from all of which they will make to order, and also keep on band a large supply of • READY MADE CLOTHING, ' at such astonishing low prices, tint cannot be equalled by any establishment in this or any other town in East ern Pennsylvania. Our stock is twice as large, and we sell double the amount of the two best establish ments in town, consequently enabling us to cell at a Very small profit. We have on hand every style (.1' Garments adapted to the season, to which the atten tion of the public is invited for n careful examination of quality, workimmehip, style of trimmings and cut, which the proprietors will guarantee to be superior to any Home in the trade. We constantly keep on hand a well selected stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing . Goods, consisting of Shirts, Collars, Stocks. Cravats. Handkerchiefs, Hose, Suspenders, &v., besides many articles coming in our line of lousiness, all of which are sold at the low& prices. CUSTOMER WORK. Orders for Customer {York will always be received with pleasure,.nnd attentlexl to with punetualityotml as Ire of the firm are practical tailors, none but the best workmanship will bo suffered to pass our Mtn- 21 THE PEOPLE'S CABINET ME HOOKS! Xarider's • Cheap and Fashionable Cabinet Ware Rooms, South East Corner of Ninth and Hamilton Streets, a few doors below Dresher's Lumber Yard, ALLENTOWN, PA. • THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that he earths on the Cabinet business in all its various branches at the above named stand, where he is prepared to sell g mdand handsome furniture as cheap as can be sold anywhere. Their Store is on the south-east corner of Ninth and Hamilton streets, near Dresher's Lumber yard, where they offer a line assortment of CABINET WARE, consisting in part of Sofas, of various styles - -" 4 ‘ mid patterns. Side B.mrds, Wardrobes, Sec retaries, Bureaus, of varims patterns; Cup-bonrdsuf different kinds; Cord, Centre, Side, Breakfast and Dining Tables; Bedsteads of different styles and pat terns, Wash-stands. Twist, Small and Large Etagere, What Note ' Musio-Stands, Sofa Tables, Tun Tables, Oval and Serpentine Tables, Chinese Whnt Note, Fancy Work Tables. Refreshment Tables, Etaehas, TetO-a-Tetes. French Divans. A general assortment of Kitchen Furniture on hand anti made id order. lie employs nt all times none but the best led:A men, attends personally to their. .business, anti will warrant all Furniture of their manufacture to be made of the best materials. Orders for Ware will be faith fully and immediately attended to, and when sent out of the Borough will be carefully packed. EMI ERIE replace it. This is a groat advantage when it is remembered that with the old style of Blinds, a mechanic was always necessary to take them down or put them up. In utter pariiculnas, too, they exceed for beauty, and convenience all others. j,zin-This improvement will bo nttnchod^to Um old fashioned Blinds on reasonable tarns. Orders are respectfully solicited. Persons wishing to- secure Patent Rights of the above in any part of the Union, can do so by addressing the undersigned at Allentown, Lehigh cu., Pa. Allentown, May 14 Allentown, April 28tlf, 1856. The long agony is over. Peace in once more re stored on the continent of Europe. Wars and rumors of wars will no longer be the theme of conv:reation in the social circle, but the more natural inquiry is 'as to where the cheapest goods can be bought. Just received a lot of Prints, fast colors, and' also a lot of bleached and unbleached Muslin++, selling them off nt 6.1 cents. Also a lot of Spring and Summer Shawls of every.style, for sale cheap, at TIOUPT & STUOKERT'S. April 30. • . —tf IMM ES 000 TS AND SHOES, a t th e above mimed old stand, one. door east of the German nothrnitml Church, where they manafoctura and sell at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, all kinds of fine and coarse gentlemen's Boots and Shoos. Also, all kinds of the latest styles of Ladies' and Children's Shoos, comprising all styles, qualities and prices. Ladies' Gaiters, with or without heels, made up of French, Italian English and American Lasting, of all colors and styles. Dress Shoes of Patent Leather, Morocco, Kid, French Morocco mid Seal, different colors, for Woolen,. AUSACP, Children and Infants. A❑ we ask is an examination of oust goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. MEASURE OR CUSTOMER WORK will always be .attended to with punctuality, in Ow latest styles, of good materials by superior workmen.. Country Merchants - will find that we are prepared to sell to them at the very lowest city Jobbing prices. Orders respectfidly solicited. WITTY & KNAUSS April la, FRANCIS XANDER IE2 .NDOW. BLINDS. IE subscribers invite the attention of the Air to their now patent ;NETIAN WINDOW INDS, which they are • manufacturing, and ing wholesale and re , at their Factory, No. West Hamilton St, Intown, Penn. Those ids pre far superior to other ever manufac od, and aro secured by term Patent, known as me 's Patent." They greatly superior to, others in the fact that I aro constructed with ;or and lower heads, such a manner that 3n tho upper head is the lower part mny be ;e. A little child can AL M "1i717 ..15" X XIL • Z Geo. Lucas & Sons, .11.6 1 - 40, ) , WHOLESALE and Retail dee %tie% \ lers in Boots, Shoes and Trunks. After carrying on a suc cessful business for twenty years, the former proprie tor on the lot of January entered into co-partnership under the firm of Geo. Lucas & SONS, and intend to carry on the business on an increased scale. They will always keep o 9 hand a very largo and cheap stock of Boors ANT) bIIOE9, all of theii• own manollic tore. They are all perfectly acquainted with the bu siness, and employ none but the beat workman, which enables them to warrant all work na represented.— They are confident that their stock is not excelled by any other establishment in Allentown. They call particular attention to their stock of Ladies,.Hentle men's, Misses and Children's Morocco Calfskin, an& India Rubber Overshoes. The senior partner is thankful for the patronage bestowed on him during the 20 yttars he has been fir business, and hopes dint by continued strict attention to customers, and selling ntlow prices, they will receive a fulfellare of patronage in future. ROSE ,t; -Country Merchants will be supplibd at short notico'and at tile lowest City prices. GEO. Lucia & SONS. Allentown, .Tanuary 9 avo3 l i ti 4vo t atl. No. 11 West Munilton street, Allentown. THE undersigned herewith announces to the elti'‘ cane of Allentown and vicinity, that ho stiff has his Music Store at the old stand above munbil, and that he has lately made large additions to hie hereto- Tore well selected 'stock of Musical Instriabnts.— Among Ids stock lie always has PIANO FORTES from the beet manufactories in Now York, of powerful yet pleasant tone. nud warrants them to give satisniid , tion. Also itnported Pianos, of the best manufacture in Germany. of the best manufacture in the United States, of dif;- ferent sizes end prices. VIOLINS of all qualities and prices. VIOLONCE. LOS, of excellent quality, VIOLAS, or Contra., Bass, ACCORDEONS, of different aim and. prices, FLUTES and FIFES. Violin' Strings, hest quality. Bows, and in short all trint• wings a:longing to the Violin. BRASS INSTRUMENTS will lie furnishetrat short notice and on the most renennalde terms, to whicti fact be particularly calls the attention of now Banda about forming, and those already established. Sheet Music and' Hooks for beginners for all musi cal instruments, always on hnd. As the undersigned makes this his sole business, he will pay partiettlar and prompt attention to it in all US various branches. Ile is thankful for past plitimn age. HMI trusts that by keeping g ood articles ut low prices.. to merit a coutinauaeu oh' the Ile respectfully invites people to mill nod °mini : no his instruments, particularly his pianos, and give them a trial, to ratisfy themselves or their superior mechanism. JOSEPH WEISS. April In. —6m New Texas Hotel, NEW. TEXAS, LEHIGH COUNTY. 'pm undersigned having lately disposed of liis Store, 1 ham taken the above named Hotel. formerly kept by Simon Schumachch The house has been tyh...„......ittr renovated and improved In a Man ' 11 :,), nor which will en:lmpure favorably /` • ::-`" 4 . with the best Hotels in the comi t mm _ ty, and marmot tail to.give satiate tion to those who may patronize him. ]lfs 7'.11111:: will always be supplied with tho choicest and most wholesome provisions the mnrket affords, end his DAN with the purest end WA liquors. The stumbling belonging to his In use is good and extensive, and will be asp l'ed with the best provender, and attended by coital' hostlers Nothing in short, shall be left undone to make his Guests comfortable, and he flatters himself that by strict attention to business lie may merit and receive a liberal share or public encouragement. z.i"t'ltrovers can always be accommodated on rea sonable terms. Pasture furnished if desired. July Ir, New Clothing Stove C. H. REBER, MO. 79 IVestlton street, next floor In• .1. 1 1 K & .T. George's Hotel, has just retained fl•om Philadelphia with a large and elegant. stock of goods. such as, French, English and Ger man Cloths, Cassinteres, Vestings, Cassinets, nodal Tweeds, which ho will be pleased to make up to order,. in the most approved style, which he is satisfied ho can de, from the fact that he lots employed that popu lar cutter, All Newhard, who is always up with , the times in fashions, 111111 NON 1111 d Its to snit tke tastes ~1, f ALIVAITi):/•: Of readynottle Clothing he has a complete assort ment, comprising all styles, qualities 111111 prices. and in this department claims preeedenee from the fact that the Clothing is all manufactured at home. of good . materials. and the superior style in which it in 11111110.. will alWays secure fur them 11 ready and ratiefa•tory saje. FURNISHING GOODS, 4.r Embracing a large assortment of Shirts, Collars - , Stocks, Ties, Hoek and En ney Silk Crn rats, Mosier•,. Suspenders, black and Silk Gloves, blind{ Kid Gloves, Gent's white and limey Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, and, lots of other nrtieles too ntimerons to mention. Gentlemen furnishing their Cloth can have their garments made in good style and warranted to give, satisfaction. Cutting done at short notice. GEORGE B. REBER: March 19 Cheap Boots & Shoes, AT THE STORE OF Witty & Knauss, No. 21 East Hamilton street, Allentown. A . L. RUIIE having sold Lis interest in the Mob il. lishment, the undersigned formed a co-partner ship, and now invite, the attention of the citizens of the town and vicinity, as well as country ruesehunts, to their largeand superior stock of Job Printing, Of all kinds neatly executed at this Office. JACOB MICHAEL MB CM NI
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