Er! -7 :1 . ' . ~... • ... ' _ LE. ~::,.... _ _.,...5 .. ...,... i _:,... L ... -11-_.. .... ...... ~....... ...L.:. v • ... .. ...; , .., ..„,., D :.,. ..i , ~ .c., '' -:',';: i:•," " 41;01 , ... , • s. ... ...,_ • ..- c. -..;":. :..., , ,‘,.— .„.. t,.."7- ..—.. .. :-.. r i!!1. , , . '.: . ..r . '`.:.... ._ . in • -..... . .. . • . .. . . , . ... .•;'.' t „ . .. ..,....t... .':.' .. . -e t!i ;It , :,.., :'.}. ?•', ik - • . . . .." - '," .. .;1"..., , g 7 -1 7 4 , i,?,',.:,a' .. .. _,- .. .. ...,. -.•:,:-::.: :. ,;:,,...0.:. ~....,.... ~:•, .".:, 1:, - vic.7.444.: :,,, , L AG -•::.;..1.: , , 2 . 1: .1' 1 . 4 : --. .! 1(. - : : 3 . ''.''..N . '' ''.. '.- ' • 'c'' , ''.'::^;.7'-..: - Cirei..r• - •'..;:" 4- •. , .. AVii.'s 4 , '''. .. !. ...., v . x 4.., ....; 4 p- . . 4 . i . . r.t. ! c , . g .., . ... : /br 5 - - VOLUME X. , . . . rarm Lands for saie.lrApmrac LOOS Tuic wAy THE E i SQUIMAUX. The Illinois Central Railroad Company ' InML I III I LUun IH111) roil 11 • i The following interesting extract we make • IS NOWT'REPATtED TO SELL 1 • ~..„,„ - •N \ 1 1 (0 1 .. • aa - tilffd, - ' I from the article in the May number of Put . OVER TTI T O MILLION OF ACRES Ol'i 11‘ it, .7‘,.'• , - 14 fr 4 ?t•o r Nl.' 1 tiam's ,M ont hl y, on the Kane Relief Expedition. ~.. „,4; 4•..; z ••••', ----•-":- . . ..., , . 1; ip• . • rARMINC LANDS, I 1 The Esquitnaux here sketched inhabit the re i., a , . ..,, .. ....,. ..oca, q, oo nerca and isinetrodir, on luny Cr•cllta; . ...,,•;,,,, , ~,..--;--, - ' . , ..-.,,,,,' .• •. . '114: •'!.../Nk r 2 I 1. -: •• •'' -',..- ' 1 glen between Capes Alexander and Ilatherton• me/ et /ow mien r!/ . Interturt. I ,:-........-:-.1.-,;:r.:k. The writer is at the village of E tali, making in- ! TIIESE lands were granted by the Government, to I quiries fur Dr. Kane and his party, and he thus aid in the constroution of this Railroad, and in- , TTIE opposition say that in a short time the ground . pictures 1 . 1 Will be ready to sine Oats, nrks, .t.... How : , , . elude some of the richest , a nd mint fertile Prairies in able to env lint this much i Tha , Dirty Habits of the Esquunaux. they know this we are not, , , , Slide, interspersed here and there with miignill- 1 rho tale' ~ i•' we will soy, that whenever it gets ready, you had • These unsophisticated children of the frost- i Lout groves of oak and other l i m b er. Ihe Rom ex- i . .. . N WI rii.t In Cairo at j tends from Chit.ago, on the .o- , . , better give ite ti call for one of the best Grain Drills, land never wash off dirt-fur' the simple reason ! • . a nd Duoleith, , nod warranted at dint, (no hirge talk illionf reloading that, of dirt, as such, they have no conception, , the south, and from thence to tialLitit n inouty,) but if the article, is nut nit repreiented, it en , i i i 1 in the North-wt•st extreme of the shoo. nod ,o. all the ; or idea. If their faces get so foul as to clog ! la Is nu „ Him) , an e „„ 1 ,,i1„, „„ e „,,1, „hi e „r 0,,, 11,i , ;he returned niiill an mateds sati.. , s , fi i i l e l bit „ aly o n . in , l , n: . ..,ti or thin nostrils. they open the iiii• passages, .just • ready and tffieap means are taunted hy it for trans- ! Likewise : in d uo tine t h e grass I .i r . .. 1 . as they clear away the offal from die door of , the I r Wets or the lands te any of those porting iin . hay 111:11illig, and then Me are prepare. to in iite Iy . oil . . ._.._ . . . . .. • 1 . .. with Allen's MoWer, it splendid maeliine fir rolling thew tent , it lien it Impedes I ' t led ingtess and points and from thence to 'Eastern and ;mut oil • orcover. the rapid growth of tieurishing genes of anY kind. And in 11,1,11 11011. w .. c, • • 111.11 de•ireil 'o• •es • Oi ❑ 01 •e - ilainher to a woman that we 1 i .s. 1 11 xi . ~ . . i t Tt i v r i li t ' s e 1. 1i 4 n d ' i l • l illages along the link. , anil the great in- we have also the eiiMhiliell :dower DWI I:ei:por, o f wished her to stash het' face, she at first refit- }J (11111 P,itent, 11111011 is inanufkieforod , iition ,. ,i , ilif- se d ; but, being bribed with a paper or in•edie, crease in population lic immigration. et..., taint a . • I.:10)66'116ot and growing i i ,,,,,,,l einaki d f o r farill pro- . lermit l prineiple from th o se s . e . tiaiitie,,lrio::‘,lt.:t..,. i,,,,,,n.iiitv1,0:i.1,1-r she cnught a bird, skinned it, and, spitting on ' ratite. to cut grass and t.rati i . .. . 1 . (Mee. , it • fresh bleeding skin, polished her face with draw it and turther , we ,iive the I re- s • The roil is a dark , rlidi inoill.l , from one to tiro feet ' horees 1 . 1111 . I lii: :r 101 ' •' till • and a cog:, IL My friend .Slaytink had dirt on his face in depth, is gently rolling and peeitliarly fitted for 1 !iii , nii i i ,. eeri! o i; i ie n. , •! o • r, ,in Ii eo l i .. 3 . . . 1 ~ . : inch ii ..i.. whets I .. 3large num .LI ill a s lin t ton, • one-quarterof an lll,s, ills;[ saw grazing (little and cheep, or the ..iillik ation or wheat. ha s Len . that have rendered universal eatisfact ion. We or.• c..n- him. Th e ilex t ti me E unit him, I did not s h.. . Indian enrii, clan 'OOII.IIIV ill l'llitiralintr and great prodoeliveness Ihiont in "Ying , 111111 it 11110 1 / 11 sopori"r I"'": °I . '. , yi1117.1 hie, and actually requested Alnymi , : u here. We Iffiewnie have a mill for chopping 1,2 , 1 : nru L the uell kninvii characteristies of Illitiois lands. himself to send a lapin]: to me. 'lwo of our Trees are not re.luired to lie old down, siniiiiiS grill.- whii•li has boon tested I horniiihly in Ilill•ro ., lll l s ., %, ii l r i. , ni t - ,, , Silitol 8 had caught lung, and iii spite of his bed. or stone Melted off. „, i s emler,ily ter ~,,,, in , and all who tunes writnes,,editsii)iid)er.a,t..l;:i.,,,,,,,,l it f.l t,, . struggles, insisted on washing his Nee. lie did The fi rst . the good ire. mei! o the milt, . . it l 1 i i,,,,.. . grain eilltivilling new hind in the older Slates. Out stem to a . mocha() the improvement it had 'lti I' in •iirii plante.l oil the newly broken sod, , fanners 11,4 on itrtiele to sate tum.. ali. 1 . ,v-L.. . I I crop id .11 I , ' in the amount whiclii yearly given to millers in the mink ill his appearance ; on the confiary, lie , tisnittly revive th e cost of plowing and tearing. the Iie%VIV -Willed sad in mire le slope or- toll." :In short we have:detest ;my artiele ! was qu i te mortified, far' l ie h a d b ecome the , I , V , l "'" i s ,""' su t „ , ' ••i i •'•.• A • • ii .• • ••••C` ill II ow 'mi.- , such s toc k • . ... , yield very ',true. pevrol. , man %viol ii plow linil ,ivii ,11 linJi „nin o n re q uire fur o ,, ki ~, ,1 1 1 . ... lauglong of his fellous. is Ploughs or almost ,a n y pattern, Corn Cultivator, I toke or oXell Will loroilit one and a hotr to Iwo 10r...., , . Resolving , .. n, mcws. _,L,, Forks, cm.. pinn...h, . I won 1(1 like to speak plainly of the personal lice d a y. Contracts elm be nettle for breaking, ready I , 11 . 1 . 11. ! i q , 1.. Threshing )l 111i11 , habits of these people, if it were only fur the tor corn or wheal, at from $2 to 2,51/ per acre. Ily i Corn Planters, 41111. . prilli Lr.,. :, lit, the hind li mo lie hdoived and nod It oree pow e rs of diftermit kinle, and all Ik:wield- benefit of a class of pli osop lei snniong us who ' i n i • l i ' l l t i .li 'i d il i l f s i e n I t l i l ; ',' t li e eel ne under a Gig, attar o.f ettltirotion i ell to give satisfaction. Repairing done in all bhe delight in chanting the vices of civilization, and I different lir:niches, on reasonable terms and at short dreaming of what Joan might be if he could the second year. . • trill be fomented at yea- i indie!. Any person residing at a ili.faime , in want , t , gut le 1 - to a state of natnin. But there Corn, grain, eat tit., etc., 1 „. ini. , , on 3, ae t so ti rates to Chicago, for the Eastern market. :lin d id . any of the above artieles,cai s i ) ti l l.tai i n 1 i l i o e . i i i n . . :1 are pictures and life-like ones, that we cover to Cairo for the Southern. The hirgei• yield on the 1 dressing the suliecribet•s it . t 4 , 1... ,, ~,,, . .. ~ .1 ip , . „ .. t. , 1. , SII MI 1E1.4 s.l LI, LI . ,WIII a cm am. I tdicap lands ot' min.'s over the high-priced lands in ; Allentown, Pa. .. (MAIN DIITLL REFERENCEs. ' Their Improvitloneo. the Eastern and Aliddle States. is known to he much I ' • Charles Hen mere than sufficient to pay the difference or trail:Tor- ' Iletilien Helfrich, North Whitellllll . . . M. . Improvidence is another trait of these " fresh 1 winger, do; Dayid Henry. do; 1111111 line ns. . ti•iii, . taliiill to the 1!:1101.1•11 1111Irliet. children of impulse." • We were at their village the !toad, and is a renal mid des itimminotis roil is mined at s everal tout. It eau everal points along gy ; George Helsel, Allentown. , ~, CORN SHELLER HEFERENCI.,:s. as late as the 1 9th of August. Yet, although ! • . . . . , . . Cedar • the auks it de 11) mg 1 ound them in such 1 c itari- Lc delivered at ,evi , ral paints aleng the Itinohat $1,50 David Hortz. Wesimesville ; .lobo barre n .w: to 4 ', 1,00 per ton ,1; nod can b e at the some rates (rents Jacob Wenner. Lower 31toitingy : t', ,t . . ! lilies that, one man could have been able to • • I Dieinein, Allentewn 1 Reuben II:101:011Inicli, N " r111 1 catch a thousand an hour, they had not enough , per c ord . Those wile Mild; of settllng in Towa or Alinnesida, 1 Whitehall. , prepared fur winter to last two days. They FEED M ILL REFEIIENcE. should hour in mind that lands there or any value, , were all disgustingly fat, and always eating dime the water coni•ses mill for many miles inl a nd.' ChltrlON Sua„greaves, Allentown. - ly ' perhaps an overage ration of 19 lbs. per them I' • I f th•it for those lill!linni ill the Allolltillrn, April 2. have been c.isiiii,e, u,- . Interior, there lire 110 onlireidolices fur irilin-littrling to -- - - - -yet they had lost seven by starvation [luting market the produce, ltitilreade nut having been intro-; W A It It E N ' S the host winter, though relieved, ns far as we 1) nA7.I could make it out, by the Dohto Kayeno. laced there. 'flint to'seitil the produce of teens lauds' Timm A m•••,,, •ni , ion; el. two hundred miles hy Wagon til market, weuld iivIrROVED FIRE AND WJOILLJJLI, a - nr , -..._ -...-........ ; mine Merekkoot , i; eterk and the Plowbo; lot hence, Govi•romeiit tonne time wriiiiii 7 .4; "at t- ' " H BIN They suffer tb•cadfully from cold, too, vet i The young, man who leaves the farin•fi .....;"'1'...121.1: , nut nere, are not 111 good investments /l. tile ' iurvirosilluil H uunt , I there is an abundance of excellent peat which for the merchant's desk or tile doctor's Ofi a halt a ihis emiipany at Me pilves fixed. they might dig during the summer. They thinking to dignify or ennoble his toil, male _ . TI10,11,11.! 111111:11.1•S !ail good iti relation to the hind, , Joseph Clowoll, Allentown, Agont far Lehigh Co, know its value as tact and. are simply too lazy , sad mistake. Ile prises, by that step, f in Eansite 011,1 Nebraska. liir ulthinigh i 00,1111 Minn. ~ ~ • --- to stack it. ' independence to vassalage. De barters a no, may be 101111.1 nearer the WIll,•1! Coll 1.,,1,1, the iiistatice ill attention is respectfully ~ , dii!iteil to 1111. ; The little auk, which firms their principal ' cal for an artificial oursilit, and he must be I la market is far greater, and every likatulre.l Miles the above method or Rooting, nolv need, 11,d in filo Ima• be said also to be their earn fuel.l of II ecaprice f • • , .3 , .. . 1 n- 'slavel . o customers and , prmbiee er the,.. hoots are carried either in waeens, ' , Philadelphia mid v i cin i ty, and uhich lin, 1.,,11 exh. ii- ! or interroptcd muter onniniuniviiiinilii. intl.:use, Ino . ; , .(hood it quite fills the place which the seal holds . chicane of trade, either to support himself oi . , siv,v in use in mans iir the eities er me wi,l. derieg expenses et' transportation, which meet be borne h \ among the more southern Esiminiatix. Their i acquire fortune. The more artificial a man's _ reason why its days may not be prolog; noire than eleven years rant, 4111 ring whirl Illlle it fin! aeillera, ill the redlived price 01 their producte, , , , clothes are lined with its skins, they burn the pursuit, the more debasing . is it morally and ell to the natural term of man's life.-/1/..;410 mis ;wen le ,tea Wilier every variety Or eh .,. • . , b , , loot to tied extent fireCiSely are the incomes 11,in , anti We confidently offer it tli the loOln, as a mod e 01 fat, and, setting aside the livers and liettrts, to ' physically. TO test it, contrfist the mercbant's , " -n g• 1 31 " r ''''' thidr eand or,' iill their lure, i . ~ ~ fir m s, , ,' , , ...ling 11111iliieeti111111111e in every intim/1111111 inn !kith,. be dried and consumed as lion Gulls (luring the clerk with the plowboy. The former maw have ._ _ . _________......___ ____________ a.,y lino every year reimee o . , idol, it eollll,inee. in n greater degree than any other , winter, they eat the meat and intestines cook- the most exterior polish, but the latter under • The Pon . er or Death.' The great fertility of the lands now of for sate i „ win ..,_, ~ ~ , use toe vine:nue re.kuisili•s of elinss, mi- ed and raw, both cold and at blood .cut. I re . his rough outside, possesst.s the truer stamin a , Oh, 11eath ! thou never sleepest ; and lien by this company, mill their consequent yield over , rebilth , , end „ mite ~..iii,,,,t, bulk nee eii,i ~ , , ,h, ...__ thos e of th e Eiietern and Aliil.lle States, is much mere . Thi , i', rapidly „ 1 „,.'„, 1 7„ g , k „, „„ „ f • all ~,i,,,,. k i,,, 1 , member One night a child woke up crying with • Ire is the freer, franker, happier, and nobler • least expected, thy fleshless fingei . s ar upon than sullieient to pay the differeticy in the coat of or rout, wherever it has been intriolueed. gik ing gee- cold feet. Ills mother reached out to one side , Mall. • Would that young men might judge of us. non art like the wnds. visiting . a • things „ triiiimplirliition, espet•ially in vide of the fiteilitiee ! „ el seo , feeth,e, end i, highly rceeeim, ,,, ,h,,l hy all of the tent, took up a pair of birds, killed them, ' the dignity of labor by its usefulness and m an . , and culling thy victims h it the touch or thou furnished by thie Howl, and others willi which it con : who have tested its utility. - lilt roofs require an skinned them, tiu•ned the skins inside out, and hoes, rather than by the superfi •ial• I art blind. Etse thou * 1 ' ' ' f • glosses it the . won dst spare he air, !tech, the "permit/11s Or which :ire not interrupteu by iodination of net More than one ineli to the fled, drew them, while still warm, tin to his feet, to : arena's Therefore- ''' 1,110 law water or :outliner. or the l'roet or winter, : which is or ,i• ~, . • • • . ./ •trr I; llnterge in erore ry 111 . 1 . . 111111 f..r I„ _ .__„ , tee never see a man s no- ' gentle, and the gond, and confine thy rtivr PRICE AN it 'rEitAls OF as stockings, pulling his little boots on !bility in his kid •gloves and toilet adornments. 1 atu , s to those who burden the earth u•ith their , drying pnrpiwes. They are offered at a price eimet.l- ! The price will vary fri (111 5 to $25, nevor.ling to . ,• 1 „ , ~ „ , ~ . , . „ , „ {chile ,, , over Li I crai .13 ices man any utter root in u. I , n. • • • ' , r 1 • I , , sunned te sheaf , w lIC I •-• • beattien, totality, car. Contraete for Deeds may , be , iiiiinunt of :tutorial saved, which would otherwise be 1 Their Hospitality. 1 ell by the sun. betokens a hardy, honest toilet, Mit its day, which sholllll I),#, 4tllli cares not to angle dialing the Your tsar, 'tiPilinting the I '" l '' e i used ill extending up the walls and fanning fora i - They are very hospitable : the minute we or- ; under whose farmer's or mechanic's vest the • • say to thee nay. Ito,s inou art no respecter o inimey to be 011iil in live annual installments. The „ eel , roof, often makes a still farther important re- ' • d 11l 1 7 began b ir d s , ' lam s to catch and pre- I kingliest heart iny be a t. - hunt ' s '• hr . - persons than strikest down age and'youth a I ig(i • 1 ne. I . . . • ill'Bl I" 1,1,1.1.111 C 1111t1 ill two years nom the ditto or eon-' diii•tion ill the mist of building. Gutters maw lie , "Ile ' a alike, even the flower, which as yet but for it tract, and the others 111111 111 Illy thereafter. Thulast ;, formed of the same material as the roof. at much less pare them for use. Tearing elf the skins with ! day has been fanned by the perfumed air of life. paynleni willAleiiiiine doe lit the end of the sixth year : expense than any other. In ease or defect or injury, their teeth, they stripped the breasts to be 1 occupation or AIIICriCII lIN. frolll Ole (11110 or the contract. • ' from any cause, there is no roof so ill 11 rep a i re d, . cooked, and presented us with the juicy entrails , The census returns of the o • t..enpat ions of the .. Thine iinfl hand is on the world. Thou march- Itibef,ft will he charged of 011ig three per vent. Prr , t with they scythe in advance of the con- The unitet•bils tieing mostly non-conductors of heat, and remaining portion's to cat raw, and stay our i people of the United S • • • cs .. ,_ tales are instructive.. nnorli W. oneror, and when thou wiliest filmiest ilimn no rout' is SO cool ill Summer, or sii warm in winter. appetites. The viands did not look inviting to 1 The number of barbels and heel - el.:1 is al t • 'Th o u s . As a security to the nerformaili.e i . rho contraet ..,. itiii hun.• peakest to kings Orel they ti•em •.. • , .iiiie , e neighing tll use Our roof, should give the rafter: Who liad witnessed their preparation •; but I the same, and between th • • s . ' the ffret Iwo years' intereet mu ull st be 1" 1 h 1 i" "' lvau eel a nilt.ll Of about Olie inch to tho foot. For I'l3llller hi- 110 l. tw mpeople •get well hie, Thou breathent on nations and they die. ,and it must be understeial flint at lenst one tenth oft temetiee ", ; j lel , . 11 t kii , . Iso hurt at ourto 1 . • • 'p • they uppearet . refusing eat, shot tal. hei e are about eighty professed doc- ;end •'t Ikon •t the d A lofd l • . 3t. ion ni goo 4 lige c iverand the 1111111 purchased shall yearly be brought under; PP 3 " "'e i" " VC , a - ' Ill " It ' " I " Mu tt we had to explain, that it was not cooked, , tor to one wofe•si IunI• .t It Only • 0 i-ll' I .1 'Ol I Carboncounties, l ' • • 1 ...,. ona t ti a - er. ~ eight}- I i I,olllir .L 11, 1 ,and itY - and hope, -Camp 1 0 yrs. cultivation. • pared to extleute all taller:, at short notice , but raw buds we wanted. This we. • •f• • • • s satis at, i two persons informed the cens is takers that 'Twenty per cent. from the credit price will be de- . 11. 31. WARREN A CO., ! tory. They set out at once to catch some for 1 they were " authors,'' wldle no less than two - ---- duetedfor cash. The Company's conetruction bonds . ! N0..1 Farquhar Buildings, Walnut St., Philadelphia us ; and in a few moments three of them were thousand individualsb eartists." assumed to " will be received as cash, REFERENCE:3. On their way down to our boat, loaded with There are one la I 1111 l'cli thousand blacksmiths, Itoe i g.frow././ I "'m 6 "i";"Il". "'A" n "" 1 "' " " t " P i The followino• named gentlemen in Allen:owl ! 1.., .• h• . birds. , and the same number or Merchants. The law '" " -('''• ' / ".' 1 ". "" 1 " - ' " bl " i "" 1 l' - ""' r "I"'"" Ve e" - ' their houses roofed with the above.' named ~..1111....i . 11111111. They Will he I 2 feet by 20 feet, divided. into . • - Their Way of catching them is peculiar. , tees outnumbe • . bake s b Ica . . i • dm . r. y n thousand, , tem, and are able to test icy to its etiperiorily 0 1 er any ;MU living and three beibroonie, Mid will cost complete , „1i„,,. kind of ~.„1 1, , They have small scoop -nets, attached to lung i there being twenty-four thousandof the dormer , '" 1 "I' "" 1 41• """ 4 '' I "'!"'" 3-wl""-" along tam h an d, i B. F. Tunxtdin, Union et., between Ninth and Tenth.. poles, not unlike those used for catching ento• and fourteen thousand of the lotto.. The hat s 1511 in cash, exclusive of transpoi•tation. Larger , D , . oTETTI.EII. WOIIIIII nil, holleeeli Eiidithillid Ninth lnOlOgien i specimens: A man will take one of ters and the tobacconists are about equal in buildings fluty be contrai•ted for at proportimiate ernes. ' F. 800 LEX, Seven th et., between IlitiFiilton ,t, Lindi•ii . .. these,and havingstrippedoil 1 . • • d ' - his juniper, an number. llie carpenters number two hundred The Cinnpany will forward all the materials over j !torn ,i; Eno C, Linden et., lietivt•cn Fourth & Fifth. tied its sleeves so that he may use it as a sack, , thousand ; the mason • ' ' r t h ous and their road pomptly. , .1. lt. Womin.Sixtli st„between Hamilton& Linden.. .•il ! N it•ilty- our ; Special arrangements with clealerm can he made to W i lay himself down on the hill-side and net , the sailors fifty thousand: the temelwrights Sid e d; Rsa rss, Ninth st., between Linden 4 . , Turner. supply these purchasing the Company's lanils Wi th A. Klotz, corium of Union and Seventh street. , the birds, three or four at a time; as they Ily ; thirty thousand : the saddlers twenty-three fencing materials, agrictiltural tools, and an outfit of , ~,, ... E . iv RIGHT, FOUTIII:A.,IM.WCOII Linden& Turner. ;over, craminitt them into his juniper as fast as I thousand. There are more confectioners than I.rovisions in any quantity, at the /wrest whoiceitie Feb. 13, 1 8.511. -iy ; caught. When he has got enough, he proceeds ,' watchmakers ; more weavers than teachers ; ...,---.• .11 - 7 --- ,, T ,,,,.. „..,.... ___ T______ Itricei, - ; deliberately to kill them, taking them out one ! more vinegar makers than showmen : and the _..........rn• to be full of promise. Tt is believed that the Ilia believed that the price. long credit, and lam ents • A NEW STOCK OF iby one. and biting their heads ; or, if lie does i same number. of wagon makers is editors. :oil, . . for wheat will yield a larger aggregate than _last 4 Interest, charged fur theeu hinds, Will 011111/10 It 1111ln WWI a few hundred dollars in cash and ordinary ill- 41 11 D AlEall NED 1111 C 311E4WL Cirstz - i not wish to take their lives at . once, merely , Strange to relate that, among the re t urns . nave dropped into the va- ' 3•ear. , dustry, to make himself independent before 2111 the ... Q4 l -!....- ! WATCHES AND JEWELRY, I . hooking their wings. . We saw piles of auks ly- , trades, not a pc:itician is enup .rat ; and the I cant sea t swith .nn , apparently offended air, as , , .---- t./ This is n world of compensati • ons. Kieli purchase money becomes due. In the mean lim the . !:".,...--,_ . has Just been received by, mg about the village_ this condition.. _.. . !..taltles of the pr9fessi . eufs' iiinot include a sirvde I much as to say, • you impudent puppy ! , • sing !° !toy for 1 lk • • cla in.' lour Nice; and he will bal. rapid settlement of the country will probably hare ii , • -,, i ,,, , , e , t - -. 1 ,i, the undersigned, St Na. 21 - West ' their Brutishness. I pall kit. , Now ladies the next time a gentleman offers • ' • anee the account by throwing a brickbat at the' Increased their value four or live fold. When reituir- 1 !Moulton street, whieli for beauty and durability is j Thel• I 1 f 1 1 Y tar eno regu ar lours or meas, or - ~__________ • i you a seat, it' you will only pit on one of your , fir •t, friend l ess dog he runs agtrinst. od e an experienced person will accompany applicants, unequalled in town find to which he invites the at- i , ! prettiest smiles, and say, - I thank you sir !" s to give inffirmatiou and aiil in selecting lands. 1 tontion of those desirous of getting ilia best giiiiii9 lit i 'eel), but each sleeps, wakes, and eats, as i il'ontan in Affliction. . depend upon it It man can stand all night, rind fr - Respect for woman, says a Frenchman, Circulars, containing numerous instances of sac- I the very liuvesrpriCOP. 116 stock comprises Brass 1 best pleases him. I don't know anything ; I have very often hail occasion to remark the never know he / l e gs. •'''• kits any I requit•es us never to doubt a word of what she' cessful farming, signed by . respectable mud well-known . Clindis . 2f description, Gold and Silver Patent Lever, • which impresses one more forcibly with the dis- I fortitude with which women sustain the nowt' utters ;self respect requires ua never to believe farmers living iu.the neighlawhood of the lttkiltoad ' i Lapine7Qual•tier and other IVatelies, Silver Tuble • gust i ng nearness of man to the brutes, than to ; overwhelming reverses of fortune. Those dis- ! - c.a.- _______ . a wol . d of what she says. hinds, throughout tho State-also the cost or fencing, and Tel Spoons, Gold, Silver and Plated SPeetailes, ' see a human being thus wake from sleep, stretch ast , ers which break down the spirit of man, and ! Pintos Progress. price of oath', expense !of harvesting. etc., by eon- to suit all ages, and Illumined to bcf its represented. h i ' • , ay. Shannon of Kansas, was remoVeff out his hand, seize a bird, and, after.devouring it ,prostrate him in the dust, seem to call forth nll Alas !it is not till time with reckless hand tract-or any other intbriantion-witi he cheerfully 1 His stock of Jewelry is largo and splendid, and . without ltisconsent-it is said for drunkenness' given, on application, either personally or by letter, in . compriecs all rho most flitffiiiinable articles, siteli Ike , ` raw like a wolf, turn over and go to sleep aotin ; the energies of the softer sex ~. . • . , and give such tn- , . • , has torn out theleaves from the book orbit:nun .and inefficiency. English, French, or German, addressed to Gold, Silver and other Breast Pins, Ear and Finger And yet they are not wanting in courtesy of , trepidity and elevation to their character, that ' lab , to light the fires of passion with from day . . JOHN WILSON, , Hinge, Gold Wateh Chains, Keys, .te., Child and Sil- quite an devoted character. Mrs. Mitek, the iat times it ap p roaches to sublimity. Nothing, Ito day, that man begins to see that, the leaVes (t --- PDO not go into a sick room, wlnle per- Lod Commilminner of the Illinnirr Ceritrltl Thal R. Co. j ver Pelleii Glans, G 611.1 Pons of a superior qulity, :. wife of a chief, apologized to Inc for her seeming ' can be more touching than to behold a soft and . which remain are few in number, and to re- s P idu g freeY' The pores being open; the Office up to the lot or Alliy-52 Michigan Avenue, , Silver Combs, and a variety of other articles too nu- ; want of hospitality on one occasion ; and ex- I tender female, who has been all weakness and • member, faintly at first, and then more clearly, ' . will absorb infection. Chicago, Ills., after that date in taw new Stone i inerous tomuntion. He feels confident that the allure 'l ' d to • by • • • and d d ' p Mlle me most expressive signs, no epen once, and a l ive to every trivial annoyance I that upon the early pages of that book was I 3... - 7 A man recently tried soft soap to smootho Passenger Depot, lout of South Water'Street. ' hi are the best in ii . gem . nil ct, and offers them to the ' April 111. -Gm public at the lowest prices , inconsiderable exposure of her person, that she 1 while treading the prosperous paths of life, sad- 1 written a story of happy influence which he ' the harshness of his wife's tongue. It took otr' _ hoped she was about to present the house of ! denly rising in mental force to be the comforter would fain read over again. Tiled comes list- I a little of the roughness, but made it run'fastor: Ile would particularly call your attention to his 1 h° ,less irresolution H OLLID, MR. FARMER, I,llllno have you been I stock of CLOCKS AND WArelics, null urge you ,„ Mitek with an heir. She was us fortunate us ; and support of her husband under misfortune, • on and the inevitablo inaction of • ft7'The imickest way to get •up a,‘ jfa t r r i s h that you have got such a heavy load. Sou' call on Lim before purchasing elsewhere, as lie feels I she hoped ; for I saw her, not quite an hour of-lan d abiding with unshrinking firmness the bit- I despair :or else the firm resolve to neon! upon of horns," is to tease a.• bob tailed bull during will kill all your horses. All, I have been to Stopp's assured that he cannot fail to suit you, not only with terwards, walking about with a " line boy," , terest blast of adversity. As the vine, which I the leaves that still reinaina more noble histo- fly-time. Cheap Cash Store, at No. :13 West litimilton • tit. Al- the articles, but what is more important, with tho both parties looking as unconcerned as if noth- I has long twined its gracful foliage around the I l'Y than the child's atory with which the book • luntown. I suppose yoit got all that load for a but j prices, and would also inform the public that all his , ing unusual had happened to either. The small I oak, and has been lifted by ' •• I ' it in the suns line, began.- Calm f --. 'A man who dislikes mop - handles, should $lO. Yes ided and 25 cents change at tlint. All 1 goods are wariatite. •• . , . lie .careful how to spit tobacco juice on a red anunal was the imago of his fattier and dressed I will, when the hardy tree is rifted by the thun- ------,----....„,:_.- -------- yes, see I get Biaeloirel,•Salt, Sugar, Coffee;Riee Rai- : Chmks, Watches and ,lewelry, repaired in the tent_' l . , headed Woman's carpet. sins, Chocolate, Tons, Molasses, Cheesy, dm, all feel eat and best manner, and at the shortest notiee-all ,in a costume similar in gut and color to that I derbolt, cling round it with im by en- 11:7'Snarti, AD' Thomas, of what . haying and harvest. • i his work is warranted. JOHN NEWIIAItp. iof the great chief-boots , breeches and juin- drils, and bind up its shattered boughs, so it cider made?" Ila"' Mary, •' 1 111 • '.. 11 - I snit ajar Jones 1.0 is ova,. 1 April 23. ' -dr; per, all complete-the only difference being, lis beautifully ordained by Providence that wo- " Don't know, sir." . .. , " I wish i WAS a fi sh and you was a • bait, Lordeoi that the skin of the white fox was substituted mail, who is the mere dependent and ornament " Why, what a stupid boy ! What did you I how I'd bite." . reeek•ed, a lot of Dress Goods, such as plain e , • I tor tnat of the bear. lof man in his happier hours, should be his stay get when you robbed Farmer Jones's orchard ?" El'.A.. good daughter is the morning sunlight J UST Black and Fancy Since, 'latest styles of Burege i ,! Delaines, Challies, ("bighorns, Ace. Also;• a lot of , They always take off their clothes on going in I and solace when smitten with sudden calamity, " I got a licking, sir !" and the eveuing star of her parents' house. Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Brussels, Ingrain and to sleep; and men, women, and children all lie I winding herself into • the rugged recesses of his (11:7'" Go to thiancleV!" is now rendered thus I 1 rr:/-Trention N.J ; .;centains 17 churches • -or ~ Rug Carpets. Call anirsee them at . cuddled up together to keep themselves warm. • nature, tenderly supporting ‘ the drooping head, "Tak e your departure to the abode of the le' one to about each 350inhabi inhabitants. • .i • tt • HOINT & STUCKERT'S. •If you come on them, suddenly, in this plight, 'and bindine• up the broken heart.--- - 1 V. /rvine. ' verberatin echoes • / '• • . . 17 1.; of leaven a.artillery !" I ri - A sere' e drought prevails in Virginia. • - 1 4 - iintrasiaNa GOODS.Wo have in Store Linen I Shootings, Damask Table Diapers, Table Cloth, Pillow Case Linen, Marsailles Quilts, Bleached and Unbleached Mus Has, all widths, Furniture and Apron Chocks, Ticking, Flannels,&c. GUTH k SC II I.AtCII, 11 W. Hamilton St. April 23. Ai . . _IP , A. Maas Ittio l o24,U4 , o44maMViteMailt . MO WerralbTinaas PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY HAINES &r., DIEFENDERFER AT ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER ANNUAL Allnitown, Pa., Aligust 13, 1856. they are not the least abashed, but will rolitely ( A Mother's Crave. P Lehigh llegister.i er die offer to make loom fOr you to join the group.l Earth has some sacred spots, where we feel • 1?. [ NIGMA. It is well, howtver, to accept these hospitalities: like losing the shoes from our feet, and heading, lam eoloPosed of 1 8 letters. with some reserve. Burns hail not slept in nn; w i t h h o l ) .. reverence ;—where common words My M. 4, 14, 5, was a Revolutionary Ilero. Etch hut, or he would never have sung of that of social converse .seem rude, and the smile ofl " 1. 11, 11, was a Revolutionary General. sehtdry " beastie" on the lady's bonnet. - . pleasure unfitting : places where friendship's! " 10. 7.15, 1, 19, 10, was a fatnous Indian hands have lingered in each others, where vows Chief. have been plighted, prayers offered, and tears of " 10, 8,10, 17, 5, 16, was a Revolutionary parting shed. Oh, how the thoughts hover: • Efts.° around such places, and travel hack through 1 " 17.2. is a river in Virginia: unmeasured space to visit them. But of all the , " 1,5. 2, 11. sa me ttle. spots on this green earth none is so sacred as "0, 4, 1.14, 13. is used by ladieS. that where rest, waiting the resurrection, those' " 12. 9,9, 16. belongs to every houSe. Iwe once cherished and loved—our brothers, our "2, 17, 1,2, 18, is a useful book. apparel. My whole is a fashionable article of ladies' sisters or our children. hence in all ages the better part of mankind have chosen and loved " ALPHA," Allentown. spots for the burial of their dead : and on thise - --- ----.......---- spots they have loved to wander at eventide to (1 - -_, " Quill)" tol.l a good story of a man on 11, meditate and weep. But of all places even Mississippi steamer, who was questioned by a among the charnel houses of the dead, none is Yankee. The gentleman to humor the fellow. ' so sacred as a Mother's Grave. answered rill his questions straight forwardly, There sleeps the nurse of oar infancy—the until the Down easter was fairly puzzled for an guide of our youth—the counsellor of out riper interrogatory. At last he inquired years —our friend when others deserted us: she. .• Look here, squire, where was yeou horn?" whose heart was a swinger to every other feel- .• I was born, said the viAtin, "in Boston, .. _ - but love, and - Tremont street, No. 44, on the Ist day of Au gust, 1825, at live o'clock in the afternoon." Yankee was answered completely. For an instant he was struck. Ram however his face brightened, and lie quickly said— " Yaas : wal I calclate yeou don't recollect whether it was a frame house or a brick house, hew yeou ?" Dl - How (le do, mister printer : I want ti; funday School banner printed ; we are a gobs' :o have a tarin' Fourth of July celebration, and nu' school wants a banner." So they ought, sir. What do you want on STRAY THOUGHTS Pin sillkg inn cornet or iny rosy little room I'm thinking of the Nees That mark my trmtatit. home A (laid hrly Irhispet• Steals o'er the. .sacral I smile • uhilst Tht , re on shall T tell? :s 111110:1y 6rrtinq A try.., rolionsiVe strain Ti Timmons 1', , 1111 a And murmur:: not in vain: ron , di tliotigI t t is fondly tittered Each breathe: , forth a thrill Thal to w.rt 811 echo VELita lieart, mit with we Ail! Ih. pot 11 A flny-.lrvalll of the liviirt T. cli n g to hy-gone plc lror. Whero friendship pinytal ii p:u•I T 111.1111011.1 'hilt daily littielzens Etnetion's hidden stream, Ts from its depth relleeting An evor iv:iconic treniel— A ealta, n soul lit ilairning— A rare nail steaillitst4llt, gully, softly :lire:tiling Its halo pure!}• Iwie:lit : All , l fl . lllll thr 111,1:111t 1111/1111thill C.min sic:ding uv lu the ghwin .1 ray that (i•ii I:111.11,4 A lure. a thought o f huwr A Ivor Tony longer glisten— A unknown, linty ri,e— Tlm heart in ,dlenee strn;rgle. !inch thought luny yield the prim I;ut :dill they ever iniugle . A .rodhing draft vvith care, Prom aL>cul hearts I i i The 111%e st i lt centered there, POLITE!: Gough, the great temperanco orator, in one of his recent speeches, made-the following re marks: "It was told we in England that i was necessary fir a lady who wished to trave, through Europe, to be accompanied by a gentle man to prevent her from rudeness and actual insult. I told them that here, in the Unite( States, a lady could travel from Maine to I,onis iana, and be treated with the greatest polite ness. Now, ladi.s, I have frequently r -4 that when—especially in public asset, some of you have been offered seats, w a matter of courtesy, you should. stead of politely saying, ' your •••. • _ .ou NUMBER 46 `• Wal, T (1011% know, we ort to have a tekt. Scriptur on it, T reckon." •• That is a good idea, what shall it be ?" Why I thought this Would be as gond as ny7 " Be sure your right, then go ahead." . 1177 — A. Yankee boy had a whole Dutch cheese rt before him by waggish friends, who hoar 'er gave him no• knife. This is a funny cheese, Uncle Joe, but here shall T cut it ?" t " said the grinning friend, "cut it here you like." '• Very well," said the Yankee, coolly put ig it under his arm, " I'll cut it at home." ir7Qi - inr.-11"hy do our randier' ir elks tOhd ii plecos of amusement remind us of an old• ”gers rhyme ? Because they. Come with a ho,,p. conic 't ,• • Collio with a good will, or el out at nll. • — A man was accidentally precipitated nn .• the height of filly" yesterday. fie was ing his moustache when the accident 'oc cred. The NI proved foal to a massive eye glass, a box of bear's grease, a bottle of hair dye, and the seat of a pair of big pantaloons. n -- Sitocsisu —Ladies who wear hoops are kindly advised by the Bello vs Fa ll s Argus "to look to their rigging.'' A few days ago the ed itor " observed is lady sweeping along with the air of a queen, with about //Tuft,/ q r whalebone sticking. Out behind." la —A bank note detector gives the number of banks in the United States whose notes have
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers