! - Exciting News from Kansas. 'Sr. LotriS,.June 2..-We ha've the following from Leaveniorth City, Ander date Of Mity 28 : An extra of the Westport News, headed " War !" " War !". 'reached this city this fore noon, and threw the pro-slavery men hero into great excitement. They held a private meet-, ing and appointed a committee of vigilance to attack. Leavenworth, and let no free State men pass, and they aro determined to make arrests of all obnoxious parties. A company of men, armed with muskets and bayonets, (United States arms,) have been parading all the fore- . noon, making arrests.—They took prisoner ' a deed' the committee of Congress, named Con way, and two witnesses that had been subpoe naed, Messrs. Parrot and Miles Moore. Messrs. Moore and Parrot were arrested while conversing. with Mr. Sherman. ' Mr. Sherman asked if it was by legal process they had taken one of the clerks of the commission. Mr. Wilkes, one of the party, said it was not— that he • had no legal authority, but that he would arrest the men ho had down on his list. Many others have been • taken. The town is excited, and the coinniissien fear they. must leave. Alarming ex tras. are •sent from West port to the border towns. A fight is expected towards Pottowatomie. The last difficulty arose alAittowatomie Creek. Some pro-slave ry men tried to drive a free State man from his claim, but ho refusing to go, they took him and were about to hang him, when his neighbors came to the rescue and shot some of the pro slavery party. Leavenworth was surrounded by picket guards, and no one suffered to enter or leave the town. It was: stated that the whole territory would bo placed under military surveilanco. The Republican publishes an extra of the . Kansas Herald of the 28th ult., which confirms 1 the report previously telegraphed of the murder I fl --- _, - Texas is said to have increased in popu of eight pro-slavery men on the Pottowatomie Winn during the last ten years at the rate creek by a p Hy of free State men. The vie- of about four hundred per cent, a thing unpre cedentedtims were most horribly mutilated. In some ! at the South. There are to be nine hundred and thirty theirnstances, after their throts had been cut, 1 - --. four hotels, and two hundred and thirty-one ' legs and arms had been chopped off and' their eyes gouged out. All the pro-slavery ! eating houses in Philadelphia, under the new liquor law. families at Hickory Point were driven off at the 'Ff.outc.—The California Farmer says that [r_7 point of the bayonet, and their horses and pro-1 1 there arc fifty thousand barrels of flour to spare visions stolen by .the free State men. It is estimated that the loss sustained by the ! in California and Oregon fur outside trade before citizens of Lawrence by, the recent attack will 'll the crops come in. The report that Mr. Herbert had given a amount to $lOO,OOO. house and an annuity to Mrs. Keating, whose A letter to the Democrat, dated Topeka, 25th, says: "'The U. S. DiStrict Court has adjourn. l i husband he killed in Washington, is contradict ed till the second Monday in September. Judge i ed. Leen:nine refused to admit . .. Messrs. Robinson, l -: ... , A ' Smith, Dietzler, Brown and Jenkins to bail, .:c.a 3 ::; . of the l. N l: el::Z l' ‘ ' ‘ ;.l c l- 1 1 it il li l e ' r run i • in ' vt. ‘, r rit ir ' e — af ' : ‘ li t en t i i i i i i ; and they will be held prisoners by the Mar-1 ae.t viewst every one is certain to'iie a more or lfected 11.,.. , I,y coughs, colds, and :am:lions of the head, shat. . . islsh-li are peculiarly annoying to the healthy, General Pomeroy hes gone to :Washington. i nll , l 01101111111 0 s fatal 10 1.103 1111'1111d 111111 consumptive. Every thing around us wears such a pleasant and Ile is a delegate to the Republican Convention 1 elteerl . ia ttspeet, that wu are apt to neglect the proper which is to assemble at Philadelphia. 1 precautionary ineii,tirin+, anti flatter ourselves that wr, : yuRTHER.- Chicago, June 3.—Dates from i .- c i , , , , , i , u ic e., , , ; l l , ,, , n if cl e i t i liers' 4 . 10 ti i i .d. rrrently ,, there . oc- Lawrence to the 25111 tilt. have been received. sliver with cold . , I ti ' t l i g d e re li g i ret,.•nle ' l l i to .r o ; lt i t ‘ te . . l .tTi g n i t n w t e The correspondent of the Tribune sends a list i had not anticipated it in season. :Sow the hest pos. .3 ( l ,l i i l: k AeVZ..stOsitii,%;,,,iii.i.le,suttitrelyile_e(3,,is, to purchase it box of of the property destroyed at Lawrence, amount-1 cattle 1 ills without ac ing to $130,000. I lay : carry them in your pocket, and take I or 2 Pills The difficulty mentioned as occurring at Pot- i `', • ;,`,`,, 1 , 1 . ;, 10 , Y ,,, 1 ;•`;, t , i ,‘.., e , e „ • /hi meals. Feu and y o ur i"li 1 " :;e7:: t i l i i ti i ) l i s t. " ( l i towatomie Creek took place at Osawatomic. , to resist must sudden eh:loges. .7'2:y (I:.e ;e n rfer;- The quarrel arose from / depredation by the pro-I i t ‘. , /,...fi1 r: ‘ ,:t: , ,,. , h 0 i, , . , :i t f , f , t , 1 may lie t switllow;v i l with 11. i much Slavery men OR the cattle of the Free-State men • or airlepte.r frt the : ott a o ‘ :) g i:t t c r .ll l : and sin ll2 interfere p a in Slavery the 2fith ult.; the pro-Slavery men seized a tie l , d !roasnet l ion of , ordinary business. Fur coughs, free State man and hung him, when his wife I f0.,,,,:,.f.510:;11'-its,"l"d'ltL`,leiltiCi:."lllBlenNii:eacrtei°e7t.irle'lliNi•nl:eTottilctel rbievai:ll.- fied and aroused the neighbors to the rescue. • I.Y. Their effects, indeed, are so certain, that a cure is warranted, or the money returned. A fight ensued in which live pro-Slavery mea l The Pills sassy be had of storekeepers in every and two -pree-State 'men were killed. ! City, Town, Village or place ill the United States. A force of sixty men has been organized at 2f; - • SiltlNo , whieli causesill anti ° bli .1 Westport, Missouri, to proceed to Osawatomic.'Osawatomic.'ludic , also arouses the slum . tiering discuses whic h STILL LATER.—AnvicEs from. Kansas to ! fli megktifeelds ,x Winter have lain dormant in the +,:usutteii,ne ,r is I , the el t c i i. o t n i i: n in , , i f i rt l i oo ni n e i . ,d o A r s e i t i t i l l -e :: , o , i i i i i i ic , e yi o se f , i v i i r , e h .. the.2Bth ult., are received by way of St. Louis.. % Dragoons have been stationed at Topeka and.., to ward off the attacks of Summer, would do well to ::%iiiiax il tur tl e iet n n i s L ll. , e l .S . t ,s tll c e , N , ' , ll p i o ll , e v a er o ( l : v C cr ar t l h e iu r' B l,lo S o l: l llll l ll Lawrence. Buford's men had gone to the re- : gion of Osawattamie, and had committed a redly unapproached by any medical discovery l yet iii.liiirdoe.„,,,llLr.,t.ittiii,l,e.rilligittl,te,,ibiilo,oitil,,,rthie,tg,reat sent of life, number of outrages, when they were attacked 1 I g ' e n n o t; st ' in s i e u e ll . by the Free State men, who killed five : and lions, opening die l i ) 3 o . res of singular Skin . . drove the remainder of the party. away. The . ire; rice Liver, :Ind infusing life and vigor through icytt Missourians in that region had been ordered to 'ol,l 3 iu ! ec:it'l3a.lsitee:ll.l I t o , : s r, t .a • t o ii ii ), It .. i o r o i , t i s e e t l i f ee n t, t . 1 a 10 1 l I d v i h is i e c , l i i sc is s leave very quickly, and some had obeyed.— or the Mood, Scrofula, Itheumathum SyphitiA, the 1 ehl'ecls ,isi,iit t , imprudence ralurn. n i l e t ii life iv resulting at, ~, ed i i n_ • Shannon had ordered troops to that section. ' ,:r f el t e e ' ::; t i t s r tTt . a o tiolt The investigating Committee will leave for Is cured by Carter's Spanish Mixture. As 11. Xp e ring Washington on the 10th inst. The alleged' l c :L:B d t k r i: L . l ,l tvirtelvitf:,ol,,,,,inta'seiwmfifiet,sotiedielarii.),lzi tstelivBeirmy murderers of pro-Slavery men at Osawattamiel gular benefit from its use gladly testify to its remark are-able q ualities. Try it in lime. represented as gaining reinforcements, and i a force has been sent against them. ;i7V-DAI.I.EY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTIIICTOIR. —IN FLAMMATION and PAIN areas inseparable L .FIIII, fl Tun WILD WOMAN.—ThO Cincinnati ! andll I EAT. Inflammation produc'espain,n ' tt d 4 1 pain i p i r ti od h t , t a c a e t s ittititlraubnbuianation. W,hcrever i there is unman- j Commercial gives an account of a visit to the i a fa g , a o r2 r a T u n r e t, ss a , a t a t r o a, n i t i t , c o r a, w r te a t a h a e i r ! " Wild Woman of the Wachita Mountains," I it is "used by i t i i t , r, piles, ki solid, burn or sting, there is inlhnina - - now in that city, and kept a prisoner at the I icHilirae,:lgebot;),loise.ounrciiii,titusanTd sermons can- United States Hotel. She is a tall, gracefully ; not lieu. o l t; 7 1. restore nature, inthumnation • must b e e ie sal ' u n e h t i l , formed young white girl, and at the time was 1 0 , w l ,l,7 :a u l , i , s t l e i d this ,ih tl . : , e si efr\lrls of the physicians are standing with a stout rope about her waist, and I thousands the first a n al fin s ,st r sa r g h a 3 ,l I , c a t a an , fi a , rm a , nd ter attached to . a bed post. *Her appearance at hams need DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN I.I . X ) T n ItIC- ) first was quite maniacal, but the expression of , are convinced, and admit that its control over 1 inilamtnation is most wonderful nod immediate in her countenance subsequently softened. s ii t 1:1 1 12 i allaying the pain, nentralizing poison, extract- She ' doeS not talk. The only sign she makes ;nt :, t z u o re ba t r o , resume with her mouth is a mumbling, moaning, her k coarse , i sore, or ailment is too severe to yield to its soothing groaning, groaning, with which, when hungry or thirsty, Apply it immediately and the she makes known her wants. There is noth- I ~,,d oaring e h u i T i . 1 ., u , ! . ;• 0 i i: i i i it ia le i n e e e T . ing like timidity in her looks. Her brow and The Genuine is enveloped in a steel Plato Engrav ,‘,l:jittl,t,r,the nes of C..V. CLICKENER A CO., temples indicate superior mental capacity. ipurg„, ]Liceti, 1 t „ , 1 .5' cents D ,1 I: per r L manufacturer, Mr. Northcott, her custodian, tells a roman- upon ba0 1 : 1,1011' '. Ail-All orderrrshould be.addr i cssed to l C. V. Click tic story about the capture of the woman ener A Co., Si Barclay street, New York amOng the Wachita Mountains, about tin•ee ! hundred miles from the frontier of Texas, in the Camanche county, by a party of gold hun ters, of whotn ho was ono, in the spring of 1555. She lived in a cave, and subsisted on wild fruits and berries, and was captured with a las- So. Mr. N. says his object is to civilize her. O:7WIIAT CONSTITUTES A "RELATIVE."-- A great deal of nonsense has been talked about the relationship between BUTLER and BROOKS, as justifying the outrage committed by the lat ter. Perhaps some of our readers may be cu rious to know precisely. what his relationship is. A letter received from Mr. BROOKS by a gentleman of Boston ,last February, says : "My grandfather married Senator BUTLER'S father's aunt." The 'closeness of such a relationship can only be appreciated by one who is, ,like " • a act 0,,,,, [I:7TIIE GEASSIMPPERS-WIIERE THEY COME Famr.—The Franklin (Tenn.) Review has the following : Our young friend, R. II Uudgens, who re sides upon Big llarpeth, six or seven miles above Franklin, brought into our aloe on Mon day an apple (we don't know, what else to call it,) grown upon a hickory tree, in the- hollow of which were myriads of very small grasshoppers. lle was fishing on the river and found the balls or apples growing upon the tree, and on open ing one of them, he found it inhabited by thou ' sands upon thousands of these little trouble • some creatures. • 13:7PitusEs.—Prunes have been very suc cessfully cultivated in Pennsylvania. Among the Economists in Beaver county, they have been grafted on plums. Mr. Pfeiffee, of Indi ana, raised prune trees in large numbers. and sold them at exorbitant prices, some as high as $5 and $lO. lle had Some of the fruit at the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Fair, held at Pittsburg, which sold readily at 50 cents a quart. f Music 11V STEAM.-Mr. Stoddard of Wor cester, Mass., has invented a musical instru ment which is played by steam. This ends the dissonant screeching of the steam ,whistle, and our cars are to run melodiously henceforth. It is said a joint stock company has been formed for the manufacture of the instruments, and is called the Steam Music Company." I) . Quict: TnAvEL.--Of the instances of rap id traveling arrangements we have recently re corded, Pennsylvania seems to offer the most direct, pleasant and expeditious. Passengers are carried from Philadelphia to Chicago, via. Pittsburg, Mansfield and Toledo, in thirty one hours. MAR RIED On the 18th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Dubs. Mr. THOMAS FRANZ, to Miss MARY ROTH, both of North Whitehall. On the • Bth' of June, by the same, Mr. DA VID KRUM, to Miss SARAH A. SeIiNEIDER, both of Heidelberg At the same time, by the same, Mr. IIr•.NRY i C. Rum, of North Whitehall, to Miss ELIZA , BETII KERN, of South Whitehall. On the 16th of May. in North Whitehall, of consumption, DANIEL STERNER, aged 30. years. On the Ist of Juno, in North Whitehall. of yellow jaundice, ALPIIANSAS A., son of Ste phen and Elizabeth Barnet, aged 19 days. On the sth of June, in Allentown, of yellow jaundice, CUARLES GROSS, aged 52 years. On Friday last, in Upper Saucon, of Dropsy, • WILLIAM :MOREY, aged 76 years. E,LEHIGH REGI ' l 3O 333111 IVEALXI.I73. - MT ALLENTOWN MARKET. (Corrected weekly by Pretz, Guth & 'Co.) Flour, 7, barrel, . $7 00 Potatoes, . • Wheat, 190 Hem, . • , Corn, 50 Sides,• • Rye, . . • . 80 Shoulders, Oats, 35 Lard, . Ray, 15 00 Butter.. . Salt, 00 Egpta, de7 JIYLY 4, 1776. AHO CEVEMIAIIO4 I, OF Tux iIIinTIIDAY OF • DAMAN INDEPENDENCE ~• THE ever memorable anniversary e.N . 1 of the birthday of our Notional enfranchisement will be observed in I an imposing manner on 'the coining • • Fourth of July. Tho most extensive arrangements are being made for the grand occa sion. The spot chosen for the purpose is the woods near the Springs commonly known as Helfrich's Cave, where the most ample accommodations will await all who take part in the celebration. Sev eral bands of Music will be employed, and appropri ate addresses will be delivered. A variety of amuSe limits will be provided for, so that all cell participate. The celebration will close with a grand display of Fire Works. It is hoped therefore that the patriotic and Union loving citizens of the County of Lehigh will unite upon this occasion for the purpose of per-I petuating our all glorious institutions of freedom, by celebrating an event that has cost our revolutionary forefathers so much toil, hardship and blood. Let the old attend to witness in the young an earliest of faith. to the hallowed name of freedom; let the young at tend to behold in the old an example of devotion to American libertil i s ; lot all attend to attest their at tachment to Unit% and Liberty. By order of the COMMITTEE OF ARRANCEMENNS. June 11. —lt T.T33 "ADC . E3.11.7_ , 00.. Or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. WILL be soll,at public sale, on the premises, in New Texas, on Saturday the sth of July next, at. 2 o!eloelt in the afternoon, the following described valuable real estate, viz: NO. 1.-DIVELLINCr HOUSE AND TRACT ..... ' of Land, situate in said New Texas. /,t:"" i., Lower Macungy township, Lehigh *.' v.-, county, adjoi it in . g the property ofJolut 1 ...,..,.....P'"*. Wannemachcr and the School ILouse Lot, containimr 61 rods. Thereon is erected a two- 1 story stone Dwelling House, Stable and other out buildings, with n large number of choice fruit trees. NO. 2.—A FRAME HOUSE AND LOT OF (bound, situate in the same piece, with a front of sil i feet, and containing in the entire 51 square rods, the while under good fences. . .1 NO. 3.—A CORNER LOT, IN THE SAME ' place, containing in front 41 feet, and in the entire 30 square rods. The above property, as before stated, is all located ( in the thriving village of New Texas. and admirably situated for the carrying on of any kind of business. At, the sante time will be sold a heavy Four-llorse , Wagon, nearly new. . . 1 The above being the property Of William Lobach. The conditions will be made known on the day*.of sale and due attendance given by I WALTER I'. HUBER, Assignee. June 11. —1 t --- ---- 6 " - --- T N the Orphan's Court of Lehigh comity. SEAT. I In the matter of the account of David " --- 6' Mower and Benjamin Samuels. executors .of the lust will and testament of Philip Moaner, de ceased, late of Lowhill township, Lehigh county. And now April lith, 18.511, on motion of Mr. Gibons, the Court appoint Edward Kohler, Esq., an auditor to audit, and if nesscsary resettle the above account. DIED. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. From the Records : • Teste :--J. W. MICKLEY, Clerk. The auditor above named will attend to the ditties of his appointment, on 'Friday the 27th day or Jane, at 111 o'clock in the forenoon. at the house of 1). & I). K. Woodring, in North Whitehall township, Lehigh county, whore all persons interested may attend if they see proper. EDWARD KOHLER, Auditor. June 11 HOLLO, MR. FARMER, where have you hero that you have got such a heavy Waal. You will kill all your horses. Ah. I have hem to Stopp'a. Cheap Cash Store, at No. 35 West Hamilton St., Al lentown. I suppose you got ell that load fur about $lO. Yes indeed, anal 25 coots change at that. Ah yes, see I got Mackerel. Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Rai sins, Chocolate, Teas, Molasses, Chetaaae, .tc., ad fur haying and harvest. IMI aliter3lE" 31 - 1. CC . .12 -.4 m nffi----, .I\TOTICE is hereby. given that in pursu- SE AL Ist once of an Act of the lleocral Assem bly or Pennsylviinin. entitled ":\n Act reg ulating the sale of Intoxicating Liquors," passed March 31st, 1556, the following named persons will make application to Sin:idol Court, to be held on the 28th day of Juno next, for License to sell Vinous, Molt and Brewed Liquors, vie: Elias Steller, Motel, Weisenburg township. Lewis Larosh, Hotel, Lower Macungie township. Charles Nolf, Eating Mouse, Catasanqua Borough. Christian F. Bogh, Eating blouse, Catusauqua '" J. W. MICKLEV, Clerk. Allentown, June 11. —te JUNE FASHIONS. • THOSE ladies who have been waiting for the June Millinery fashions can now be accommodated by culling on the undersigned. They have just returned from the cities with the most handsome assortment of Summer Bonnets that has ever been exhibited in this pince, comprising Fancy Silk, Crape, Neopolitnn and Split Straw from 311 cents up to $lO. Also n line assortment of Ribbons. Flowers, Laces, Fancy Veils and Dress Caps. Mourning Bonnets always on hand. All wo ask is a call so that you may judge for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere, no we are sure we can please you, fur we bare reduced our pri ces to close out the stoek•solhat we may have room for the Fall stock. You will save at least 50 per cent. by getting your bonnets nt the chenpund fashionable Bonnet Store at 35 West Hamilton St. y:& - Country Milliners supplied at Wholesale pri ces. • MRS. STOPP S CO. tt Juno 11. rpm annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Philadelphia and Wilkesbarre Telegraph C 0.," will he held at the Office of the Company, in tho Bo rough of Easton, on Tuesday the Bth day of July next, at 2 o'clock, P.M., for the election of president, Secretary, Treasurer and,llircelors, and the transac tion of such business us May be brought before it. 111 . ). MAXW Secretary. Juno 11. CAIIPETS.--Wo 'um, in store a line lot of all kinds of Carpets. which will he sold • (milt & SCIILAUCII, 11 W..llninilton 51. • 41:70 . 1 1 1 4 01;. , OFFICE of the “Allentown . lron C 0.," 1 Philadelphia, May 27th, 1856. AN election for seven Directors oW the Allentown Iron Company," to serve for one year, will be, held ut the Mice of the .Con p, No. II Walnut St., Philadelphia, on Thursday tIA‘ nineteenth day of June,.lBso, between the hours of It) A. M., 1111 a 2 P. M. JOHN F. CABOT, Secretary. Juno 4 JUST received, a splendid lot of Qacensanro, sette, or by tho pioco, and a ioror ware, nt ..11.0UPT & STUCKERT'S. April 30 fIUSENSIVA.ItE.—Wo have the falh•st and beet se- W., 'acted ussortment of Queen and Glass Ware over seen in Allentown, and which we era enabled to sell cheaper than it can be bought elsewhere. • GUTH & SCHLAUCH, .1,1 W. Hamilton St. April 23 . CATASAIYQUA CHEAP CASH STORE! it AUG. CILVE ra IJ • AS latelypurohneed the Store and stock of gO4? - ( 1 aft William (hose, in Catamran, and having added thereto a heavy supply of merchandise, fresh from the cities, ho now invites the citizens of that place and neighborhood to give him a cull and examine his UllsllllllPMed SUMNER GOODS , • 'Which for variety of style and price cannot be out done by any Store in the County. Ills stock of fm - dies' Dress Ueods embraces all the various and latest styles of Silks, Brilliantes, Poplins, Ginghams, Chnllies, Lawns, Barege Delaines, Solid col'd. Detains, Bareges, Swiss Mulls, Cambrics, Jaconets, , Prints, &c., cheaper than they can be pur chased Onywhere else. D - s - FAC-3111E.AajliVilinif_aosa His Shawl stock for Summer consists of Crape,l Silk, Thibet, Cashmere, Stella and Barege, at very low prices. Also, a fine lot of Mantillas and Capes, cheap. - nen and Nil - 'ear. He has a choice stock of Cloths, Cassitneres, Tweeds,. Cottonades, Cashmeretts, Linens, and a host of other Goods, that cannot fail to give satisfaction. Fornierhing Gone-le.—MR stock of Molise Furnishing Good will always be found to vonsiA of a very general as s sortment, and at prices which will warrant satisfaction. Of Cloves, llosiery, Liters, Collars, Veils, Trim mings, .Ic., he has the most complete stock in town. OROCERIES.-11e_has a large stock of fresh fam- Z;if ily Groceries, prime, art!' Java and it Coffee, ,1 1.0 ;.:11. 101 M 44 Sugar, Tens, Mats- fFIN •--'' ses Cheese, Spices, - Crackers, Raisins, Butter, Eggs, Lard, Ilium+, Sides, Shoulders, Pota toes, Onions, and Soap, fur which the highest Market prices will be given in exchange fur Goods. Queenxirare.—Of Queeneware he has a line and stylish assortment, comprising every article that is manufactured. Muckerd, by the whole, half or quarter barrel, No. I, 2 and S. Catamran, Juno 4. . . 10 . 10 r . . 12 $lOO3OOO V Ted "st4 7 o l: nol : lbi°'t ooplSt Ip'Ceip C 1 Store, No. 35 'West Hamilton St., Allentown, for which he will pay no interest lad will give a great many of the following named articles, such as white Crape Showlr, from 5 to 25 dollars a piece, Black Silk Shawls, of many different prices, Stella and many other Mutts of Shawls. Mantillas, Parasols. Ladies Dress Hoods of all colours and prices, 'Dress Trimmings, ..to aroseith ,Needles, WIRE, Sill 11111 ER—CLOTH MEWS, c oA! . .E n yi tiedi : t yi n i iti n l l. n fine t in : nesh; large, middle- Metallic Clothe or Woven Wire. of the hest qualities, various sizes of mesh, from Nos. 1 to Sit inclusive, and from one to six feet in width. They are numbered so many spaces to alined inch, and eat to suit. ' The subscriber also keeps constantly on hand SCREENS for Coal, Sand, (Ire, 'Lime, (train, Ilravel, I Guano, Sumac, Sugar. Salt, Bone, Coffee, Spice, Drun.s, Dye-Stuffs, 3: e., together with an assortment of brightl and annealed Iron Wire. All of tho above FOld wholesale or retail by J. A. -NEEDLES, 54 N. 'Front St., Philadelphia. Philadelphia, JUDO 4th. —ly Rea. 4 Made ClotViug,l. ANOTHER ARRIVAL 01? IE-17 QL) 0 3 BEEINIG, NELIGII & BREINIG, NO. '2 FAA Hamilton street, have just returned from the cities with an another large and choice stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, of the most fashionable styles, from all of which they ! will make to order, and also keep on ba u d a large supply of READY MADE CLOTIMINC, at such astonishing law priced, that cannot he equalled by any establishment in this or any other town in East ern Pennsylvania. Our Stock is twice as large, and we sell double the amount of. the two best establish ments in town, consequently enabling us to sell it a very small profit, We have 011 blunt every style of Garments adapted to the season, to 0 Isich the atten i lion of the public is invited for a careful examination of quality, workmanship, style of trimmings and cut. which the proprietors will guarantee to be superior 'to any House in the trade. We constantly keep ! hand a well selected stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, consisting of Shirts, Collars, Stocks, Cravats, llandherehiefe, Hose, Suspenders, A.e.. besides many articles coming in our lino of business, all of which are sold at the lowet prices. CUSTOMER WORK. . Orders fur Customer Work will always be received with pleasure, and attended to with punctuality, and as two of the firm are practical tailors. none but the beA workmanship will be suffered to pass our hands. IBM I lay 21 MISS JENNY LIND where did your mother get that fine sutt Of dishes that she had on the table when you were married? At JO9. Stopp's ('limp Cash Store! Well .I declare, that before Stapp came to Allentown we could get nothing so hand some nor se cheap. CoUcctovs for IS5(i. T HE following persons were duly appointed Tax Collectors of the "revere' townships, wards and boroughs in the eounty Lehigh. for : Allentown, North Ward—Win. Keck. South Ward, do Lehigh Ward. Adam Hecker. Hanover, Henry W. F. Eberhard. Upper Salmon, Thomas Mohr. Lower Milford, Henry Ortt. North Whitehall, Abraham Neff. South Whitehall, Samuel Frankentleld. Upper Macungie, William Woodring. Lower Macungie , A. Kneedler. Catasauqua, ohn !kidders. Heidelberg, William Adams. Lynn, John Seiberling. Washington, Levi Walter. Lowhill, Reuben Sheirer. Weisenburg, Levi Worley. Salsburg. Michael Schaudt. Upper Milford, George Bachman. The above munedpersons are hereby notified to ap pear at the Commissioners' Otbee, on the 12.11 t day of June next, to give bonds for their trust and Cl rerk.eceiv , Ee their duplicates. 1112:C1C, June .1. stC IX.T. • pIIIS entirely new style, called the CEYLON lIAT, 1 imported from Canton, Chins, has just been re ceived and is now offered fur sale by the undersigned. In thin lint ere combined the many requisite qualities which have been so long wanted to make the Straw lint in every way suiteblu as a Summer Hat. The crown of this list is of it mediunt height, front 31 to 4 inches, which gives sufficient room fur the heal, and at the some time does away with the clumsy appear once so much disliked. Thu brim 1:4 of sufficient width to protect the face from the sun, inches long. It acts as a self ventilator, and is more durable than any 'straw but ever before introduced. It is the only straw hat which the rain or damp weather will not af fect; either in °the brim or crown, together with the largest assortment of Straw Hats ever exhibited in the place. YOUNG& LEH, 35 Eastilamilton street. -If lEB May 28 En MANUFACTURIOI. 01? BREINIG, NEUGII h BEEDUCt THE PEOPLE'S MINH BARE ROOMS ! I''. _Xa.nder's • Cheap and Fashionable Cabinet Ware Rooms, -South East Corner of Ninth and Ifmnilton &real, a • iclV doom below Dreeher's Lumber Yard, ALLENTOWN, PA. 9111 E undersigned respectfully inform their friends I nod the public generally, that he corrits on the Cabinet business in all its various branches at the above named stand, where he is prepared to sell g dud and handsmne furniture as cheap as can be sold anywhere. Their Store is on the south-east corner of Ninth'and Hamilton streets, near Dresher's Lumber yard, whore they offer a fine assort aunt of CABINET WARE. ,c4.%11 consisting in part of Sofas, of various styles ! and patterns, Side Boards, Wardrobes, Sec returies, Bureaus, of various patterns; Cup-hoards of different kinds; Card, Centre. Side, Breakfast and j Dining Tables ; Bedsteads of different styles and pat terns, Wash-stands, Twist, Small and Large Ringers, What Note. Music-Stands, Sofa Tables, Tea Tallies, Oval and Serpentine Tables, Chinese What Nots, Fancy Work Tables. Refreshment Tables, Dashes, Tete-a-Totes. French Divans. A general assortment of Kitchen Furniture on hand and made to ordor. He employs at all times none but the best work men, uncials personally to their business, and will warrant all Furniture of their manufacture to be made of the best materials, Orders for Ware will be faith fully and immediately attended to, when sent out of the Borough will be carefully packed. FRANCIS SANDRA. lfity 11 C. M. MUNK.] RUNK 8c SAECER, BAIN inns An IMOKETIS North Seventh Street, Allentoon, Pa. • s pROMMISSORY NOTES, Dinfht. Bills of Ex change, Uncurrent Money. Stocks and Real Es tate bought and sold, and collections made, at lowest rates. 7.i.':^Now for 9nl a number of desirable vacant lots at the corner of EiOith and Union streets. y pii - The Law business will be continued, as here tofore, by C. M. Itunk Allentown, May 21 --- TION'T read this' ladies and gentlemen, or else you 1.1 will find nut that on Wednesday and Thursday the lBth and 19th days of June the great Plural Ex hibition will be nt Allentown, and you will also hind out that the greatest Exhibition will lie held during these two days at Jos. Stopp's Cheap Cash Store. in Allentown, for there you will find the most beautiful and choice flowers, of all colors, that were ever ex hibited in Allentown, ou his Ilerege, lterege do Lames, Challis, Silks, Lawns, and un his Calicoes. It in already the talk shoat Allentown and through le high e ty that Stapp will draw all the Premiums for splendid thiwers ou Cheap Goods. ME 1 1 tilit_lniVICICTO „ . It SALE.—Any psrson wishing . to ~ '`o"..-0 4 F4 - "• I purchase 0 new Piano, can be fur ' 7 V wished with such n one as he may select from one of the largest Mmieal Stores in New York. at fifteen per cent. below manufacturers' prices. Call at TIES OFFICE. April 23. 112 `4‘. ):C rd.lo). MOSSER & WILLIAMS HAVE lately opened a Slate Yard near the Railroad Depot in East Allentown, where they constant ly keep for sale all kinds of the very best Roofing Slate. to which they invite the attention of Builders. The undersigned has been appointed their agent, and will always be happy . .to wait on customers, and give such further information as may be desired. Pers(ms de sirous of engaging Roofers, can he furnished with competent workmen. Allentown, May 11 LONG TONG UH where did you get t h at line 1 Dress, Shawl, Mantilla, Parasol, Mitts, and them Under Sleeves, Cellar, Are., that I eaw you wear lust Sunday et Church when that young gentleman preached such II good sermon? I got it hunt Saturday evening nt Cheap Cosh Store, No. 35 We,t Hamilton St., Allentown. - - CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE. THE GREAT PURIFIER OP TIIE 'moon! THE [:sT ALTERATIVE. KNOWN Nat a Partide af .Ikrotry in it ! An infallible remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, limo matlein, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pmtoles on the Face. Blotches, Dolls, Ague ana Fever, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm. or 'fetter, Signalman, Enlargement and pain of the Bones glad Joints, Salt Rheum. Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, and all diseases nris iurfromaninjudicioususeufMercury, • Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Moon. This great remedy, which has beemno so rapidly I and so jostle-celebrated) fur its extraordinary efficacy' in relieving and curing many of the most ohstinye and terrible forms of di,:ease with which mankind is afflicted, bi now uttered to the public, with the confl- : dent lmutranee that no Mginc.t I. InScorEnv ever made has been so eminently succaesful in curing SeitePuLA, and ALL InsE.l.stls or TUT. 131.00 n, as Car- I t ter's Spanish Mixture. The proprietors aro receiving by every mail met 1 1, flattering and astonishing a onishing details of cures made in 1 . parts of the tmuntry, and in most cases where t e skill of the best. Physicians hail been tried in vain. Its power over the BLoon is truly remarkable. midi all diseases arising from impurity of that great SnAr / or Lien, have been relieved and cured without a sin fee failure ont.ef the thousands who have used it.— • Carter's Spanish Mixture contains no Mnrcury, Opi um, Arsenic, or any dangerous drugs, but is compos ed of Routh and Herbs, combined with other ingredi ents of known virtue, and may be given to the yonng est infant or most debilitated invalid, without the leant possible besinttion. WM. S. BEERS .b CO., Proprietors, No. 304 Broadway, New York. :7 , M - Price til per bottle, or six bottles for $5. For sale by J. 11. Moser, Allentown, S.. Rau, Bethlehem, and druggihts and merchants generally Nev York, February 13, 1051 IEB AUDITOR'S NOTICE. C- -- ' ) , ---, TN the Orphans' Court of Lehigh County. SEAL I In the matter of the account of Philip ^.-/Clauss and Joshua. Ranch, administrators of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and •eredits. which were of Adam Clams, late of the town ship of Lynn; in the county it Lehigh, deceased. And 110 W, April Oth, 1850, the Court appoint. S. J. Kistler, 1:, , q., auditer to audit and resettle the above account. and make distribution according to law. From the Records. 1 Test J. 'lll. MICKT,EY, Clerk. i The auditor above named will attend to the duties 1 of Ids appointment on Saturday the 28th efJuno next, 1 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of Samuel Camp, in Lynn township, Lehigh county, where all pertous interested may attend if they see proper. S. J. K ISTLER . , Auditor. ' . 3ley 28. :--3t 1 ,- - ---- - - DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. ()TICE is hereby given, that the Co-partnership - 1.11 heretofore exi;ting under the 1111111 e of Berndt Troxell, Groin 'and Flour Dealers, hi Allentown, ' high comity, was disolyed by Mutual consent on the 26th of May, 1856. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to make payment within thirty days from date hereof, and all persona having any demands against said firm arc also requested to present their accounts within said time. • JESSE BERND. PETER TROXELL. May 28. • 11191 --- WALWI"3O I : 2I underAigned want three hundred cords of 11001) BARN, et their Tannery near the Little Lehigh. They - pay seven dollare per cord, refill. W. H. ZIMMER Si Co. Allentown, May 21. TUST received, afresh supply of Oro ri7'.."--. ~.. a . ceric% such RS Sugnr, Molasses, I.lt, -'I Tons Spices, /cc., to., for sato at the -.' '" ----2. lo ' t ma rket prices, at - . 4 : . rin HOUPT 3.-, STUCKERT'S. Orphan's Court Sale., 117 virtue in pursdannco of an order issued out -1/ the Orphan's Court of tho county of Lehigh, there will be exposed to public sale, ou Friday the 11th day of June next, at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon, at the Public House of John Schantz, jr. in North Whitehall township, the following described proper ty,' viz: A certain tract of land, contain ing iron Ore, with the appurtenances, situated In said towDship of North Whitehall, In the county of Le high aforesaid, bounded by lands of Leslie Jetor t Stephen Daniel, Philip Strome and other lands of Stridden Balliet, deceased, containing ten acres Mid eight perches strict measure, on which there Is a deposit of invaluable IRON ORE, step,. 'Millet's Mines. This is the best,. most extensive and lucrative Ore Mine in Lehigh county, and second to none in the state of Pennsyl vania. It has already been successfully worked for , upwards of thirty years, and ton depth of over seven , ty-fivo feet, with a Prospect of n continuous and abundant supply. Persons desirous of viewing the smile prior to the day of salo; will• call on Mr. John Camphel, who resides on the promisee , . ! The other improvements on said promises are & r.„.„. ono anti a half story frame ,trz,l LLING HOUSE, frame stable, D Black WE smith ehop, and other necessary out buildings. Also, at the Mlle time and place, will bo solittwcst I Lenses., securing the rights and privileges, to dig and raise Iron Ore, on the following properties, to I , wit The one a lease dated the 30th day of December,. A. D. 1:4211, between Peter Troxell, of North White hall township. iu bald County of Lehigh, and Stephen. Balliut and Samuel Helfrich, for one half of an acre of laud fur the purpo,e of digging and raising ken Ore, it beitg part of that tract on which the said peter! Troxell (lieu reeided. The other a Lease dated the !fah day of February,. A. D. 1839, between Nathan Benner, of North White hall township, Lehigh county, and Stephen Balliet,,* dectuoed, for all the iron Ore in and upon the buds and prenii;res, then iu the ,possession of the said Nathan Penner. Being the reel estate of Stephen Barnet, deceased, late or the township of Lust Penn in the county of Carbon. Terms on the day at the place of sale, audible at tend:ince given by AARON BALLIM." JOHN CA LLIET. Adtu'ors. J. W. MtcuLer, Clerk. :\ lay 7. —te pummns SAECIER EMI LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD.. MAUCH CHUNK TO EASTON., CHANGE OF HOURS, TO TAKE EFFECT ON MONDAY, MAY 5T II 1855. Train. (Sundnys, excepted,)• ONE Pat.seupw between Mauch Chunk nod Easton, and Two, Daily, between Whitehall and Easton, connecting with the BeDiaere Delaware nail Rand to Philadel phia, and the Central Rail Road of New Jersey to, New York MB • Leave Mauch Chunk at 9.00 A. M., Slatington 9.10 " Whitehall 10.06 " and 5.15 A. M.. lieekendattqua 10.11 " " 5.25 " Allentown 10.30 " • " 5.91 " • Bethlehem 10.18 " " 0.00 " Arrive Easton 11.23 " " • 6.40 " UP TR .1 INS. • Leave Easton 12.20 P. 51. and T. 50 P. M.. Bethlehem 1.01 " " 8.06 " Allentown, , 1.20 " " 8.24 " Roekendauqua 1.38 " " 8.42 " Whitehall I.la " Arr. 8.50 " Slatin,gton 2.13 " Arrive Mauch Chunk 2.50 " The afternoon Train connects with Weatherly and Whitehaven, and with Summit llill and Tamaqua,. thence by night express to Williamsport. Passen gers by night express from Williamsport to Tamaqua, can reach Mount Chunk in limo for the morning train, have abundance of time to transact business and take (limier at Easton, and reach Philadelphia or,Neiv York the same evening. "ROBERT 11. SAYRE, Sup' t. and . Eug'r. —ly IV3I. BECK, Agent. —Stn The long agony is over. Peace is once more re stored on the continent of Europe. Ware and rumor/ or wars will uo longer be the theme of convercatiou in the social circle, but the more natural inquiry I. as to where the cheapest goods can ho bought. Just received a lot of Prints, titet colors, and also a lot of bleached and unbleached Muslins, selling them off at at centri., Al la a lot of Spring and Summer Shawls or every style, for sale chOUPTeap. at R & STUCKERT'S. April 80. T (10K this way for plain and fancy Cassimeros, L Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Gatubroens &o. Call before purchasing elewhere, and you will find all the Aar*, goods .are offered at the. greatest bar gains. at No. 25 West. Hamilton . Street, at the Now Turk Store, kept by UOUPT & STUCKERT. April no. -tt A LARGE LOT of Mackerel, just. - Vailf rev vo and fur sale t Stepp's LIALINT :: Cheap Ca oi sh d Store. Also, a received VCVWgii: this day 'many thousand dollar* worth of Dry Goode, from N. York,. which will he sold cheaper than ever, at the cheap Cash Store bf JOSEPH STOPP, 35 West Hamilton street. ME ESEI ES By the Court 1)0 WV TR A ISS: \ruy 11 A/known, Apra 28th, 1856 DR. P. BARNES 311130 a3l- 7NStr35O !MN rDIC` PERFOMS all operations on this , Teeth, both operative and mama, cab fur superior to most of Dentists. Among the rest, he is now prepared to make whole upper sots of. Teeth on Outta Pendia, for froM 20 to 25 dollars... Persons in wont of Teeth should apply at his office, No. .18 East Hamilton street, up stairs, a few doors Bast of Pretz, that, Cu'e. Store, April 30-Jul.l • Venitian Blinds. The subscriber baying purchased the entire catnblieb mont of. Mr. Muir, is prepared to manufacture all' kinds of Window Blinds, of the best quality, at prlces• as low us any in the city—at 3G WesS l imlthen street. 11. PRICE. -ly Allentown, January 0 JUST received, a lot of Dross Goode, euch.as plain Black tin•l Valley Silks, latest styles of Berne Del:duce, Cludlice, Gingliants, &c. Also, a lot of Floor and Table Oil Cloths; Brussels., loran and :Bag CarpetA. Call and ace theta at 110UPT STUCKERT'S. April 30. —tl .7.: 0 , allocEitilis.—We kayo a largo rtioqilltsua %. : ) 1 supply of all kinds of Oroce ' IZ,Wpi*MR ries, such as Sugar, Coffee. Molas -.1-!!!!!' sea, Oreen and Black Tea, Bldeos of all kinds, ae. GUTH ..k SCIILAUCII, .11 W. 'fatallton St: —tr 0 DR. SCHIJLTZ, East 11111%111ton tedrcot, a few doors 0 17 11 ( 1 1 0 13 w 1 I' o r . 5 et l ;. Guth it Co's. Store. Dlenl times. at the Atnerietin Hotel. Allentown, April 30, NA. —Gm I,IURNISIIING GOODS.--We haw In Store 'Aeon libeetings, Dainuak Table Diapers, Table Bluth, Pillow Case - Linen, Marseilles Quilts, Bleached and' Unbleached Muslins, all widths, Furniture and Apron' Cheeks, Ticking, Flannels, Sce. UUTII.t. SCHLAUCII, 41. W. Hamilton SG April 23. NVNTE A D—by a tingle gentleman, for Leif time, an unfurniblittl room in the lower tart of town. Enquire of E. MOES, Ilutuilton tilreet: May 25.. IND
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers