• FRUIT AND ORNAMENT:AL 33. MINTZ, having made arrangements for re . calving from the best York State Nurseries all varieties of Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, is now ready to receive orders for the same, at the most reasonable rates. Persons sending to distant nurseries are frequently' disappointed, if not actually impased upon, which may be avoided by leaving' their orders with one who makes it his business to have them attended to. A majority ore also unacquainted with the relative val ues of the hundreds of varieties with which catalogues are filled, and if the selection is left to the Nursery men, in most eases, the most unsaleable are sent. Raspberry, Strawberry, Asparagus, and any other plants furnished at low rates, Allentown, 11In'tch I`2, Lochmat,n 7 s .a. Iva. 33 .1011110, Ria "Sr I= 6 ....M • AND DAGUERREOTYPE GALLERY, No. 9 West Hamilton street, Allentown; Pa. BLOCIIMAN respectfully informs the citizens of . Allentown and vicinity, that ho is now prepar ed to take AMBROTYP:ES in connection with Daguerreotypes. Him Ambrotypes are far superior to those of any other operator in town—however much may be talked of the " Patent" Ambrotype, to the con trary notwithstanding. The Ambrotype is a new and beautiful style of picture taken on glass, and unequall ed by any other style. They arc without the glare of the Daguerreotype, and therefore can be seen in any view. They can be seen on either side of the plate. are not reversed, and show everything in its trompo eition. Their cost is but a trifle snore than a daguer reotype, and they aro indentructable to the ection of the atmosphere, and cannot be injured by rubbing or washing. • Both Ambrotypos and Daguerreotype' taken in an unsurpassed style without regard to weather. By long experience, arduous toil, it desire to please, and heavy investments of capital, he feels assured that any ono who may favor bins with a call will receive in return a perfect picture, not to bo excelled, in point of artistic beauty, by any one In this section of country. Ho would also invite nt tontion to his new and splendid stock of cases, which range in price from 75 canto to 10 dollars. Please bear in mind, that pictures can be taken in clear es cloudy weather. Allentown, Fob. 7 SEE HERE I A NEW STORE IN ALLENTOWN ! DRY GOODS ADD READY MAN CLOTillig. LSTROUSE CO., hereby inform the citizens at . Allentown and vicinity that they lately open ed a now Store nt No. 0 West, llntuilton tract, (thr. manly occupied by Weidner Saeger) with uu entire now stook of DRY GOODS AND READY MADE-CLOTHING, which will disposed of at astoni%iting low prieue..— Their stock of Roady-mado Cis:thing is by for Cu largost in town, and is made up ,ttperior to any aro offered by any Clothing Dealer in the place. Thai, prices aro co low, that no ono can mho honsal living by 'telling tho same quality of gon is et lower rates. By calling you can ho Enitud in Over Csaste. of the lake style and fashion, and mode of all kinds of cloth. IIUSiIIOBB Coats, black and blue Cloth Dress. and Frock Coats. Vests of all kinds, from a Woflan Vast, to a black Satin and the fanciest of Silk Velvet. Punta from tho finest of Cloth blue and black. Clusi r, mor Doeskin and Satinott. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as Stocks, Cravats and Neck Tics, Pocket liandkorehiofs, Shirts, white Linen and fancy colored Rod, Blue and White woollen and flannel. they havo a Store at Nu. 52 Market street, Philadel phia, they are prepared to sell Clothing wholesale stt rates as low as they cnn ho purchased anywhere in the city. -1 5n. 1 / 4 They have on hand a very largo stack et fashionable ' DRY GOODS, and aro confident they are not saying too much when they any they have by for the boot assortment in town, as the entire stock is fresh from the city—beinc of the very latest styles. They pny particular Iltiun. Lion to Ladies Dross Goods. Coll and examine their unsurpassed stock of Shawls, Ladies".falmas, Mon. Wins, Silks, Mcrinoes, Cashmeres, Me., Laines. Clog hams, Prints, Ladies' Collars, Sleeves, Cloves, Hosiery. do.; Ac. ' and on hearing the extremely low priers you can not help buying. L. STROUSE A CO. Allentown, December 10. • —ly E. W. ECKERI"S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL T° lllCC° 9 SNIiff&SEGIR SW 71E 1 CID 9 NO. 13 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN; PA. Constantly on hand a largo Moak of Leaf Tobacco. Also a superior stock of Segtra, coinpris;ng the latest styles and brands, at the lowest • City prices. All Goods warranted. July 20. —ly BEcKED e • apiiEss, ;11 B ETWEEN Ant lleown, Bethlehem and Phi • ladelphin. Oillec in Allentown, at George L. Ruho'e, No. 30 West llntailton street. Office in Philadelphia, No. 101 Race St. Tim proprietor, 0. S. Becker respectfully announce:, to tho citizens and business men generally, that he has just started n daily Express, as nbovo, via. the North Pennsylvania Rail Road, for carrying Merchan dizo, packages .Im., of every hind, at rules fully as low if not lower, than any other Express, and all pack ages will be carried with the greatest care, and delft area with promptness. Having had four years' experience in the Exproso business, Mr. B. feels confident that he will be able to supply the wants of the public in a satisfactorily man ner.. All business for Allentown Mul vicinity will, be promptly transacted by George L. Rube, Agent. 011Hco No. 30 West Hamilton street. N. B.—Goods purchased, and all orders punctually attonded to. Allentown, Jan. 2 r. F. P. BARNES, X 0 111a 1 2110%) WILL performs all operations on Onag i a k- 7 the Teeth with unpreceeded suc cess. His modo of inserting Artificial Teeth cannot bo surpassed for comfort to the wearer and durability and beautifulness in appearance. The' general satisfaction he has given for years has been duly appreciated by the patronizing publics. Office N0 . :48 East Hamilton street, up stairs, o,l4lwdoom Nast of Protz, Guth & Co's. Store:l' . July 4. ' ..f.—ly STEINBERCER'S BLACISMITHING ESTABLISHMENT, IN ALLENTOWN. h iT alt il d o i Ef s Zit! i s t il l i o ec rilgitedinforms the citizens t° pUtt ' l l e n r ' s l hii i. t e i 'e n •lt t i v i L b . 1 4 1 3 1 1 0- nert, and continuos to carry on business at the former stand in all its various branches. As ho blinself is considered a superior workman, and us all Work Is done under his own suporvision, ho feels confident that he is able to turn out work surpassed by no establish: Mont in town. HORSE-SHOEING. Ile pays particular attention to Horse-Shooing, and feels satisfied that in this branch ho is excelled by none.llie,priecs nro moderate. His Workshop is in Turner street, between Seventh and Eighth, known formerly ns Fatzinger's butcher shop. Ho hopes that by. punctuality and cheap pri ces, and turning out good work, to be favored with n liberal share of public patronage, :for which ho will ever be thankful. HENRY W. STEINDERGER, •llontowu, Feb. 20. • —Ow New: Spring :and. Summer SO COLO 0 3 JUST RECEIVED AT Reck k elvlaav • No. 35 East Hamilton Street, THE largest assortihent of Spring and Summer Goods OQl' seen in Allentown. We purchased FOR CASH, which enables ps to sell lower than any other Clothing Establishment in town. We barn PC hinted our Goods with an eye to durability and fancy. and have none but the latest styles that could be found in the New York anti Philadelphia Markets.—:- We keep on hand at all times a large assortment of READY—MADE CLOTHING, such as Coats of every color and . doscript'on; Panta loons of nil styles and prices, all kind , of Yeats, Shirts and Undershirts, Collars, Cravats, Sispenders, .te., all of which are sold at extraordinary Low Prices, C. B. lIATNTZ and warrant them to ho not only durable, but made up with neatness and taste. CUSTOMER WORK will bo done up as usual. and for our work we aro will ing to held responsible. Wu incite all people who desire immense bargains, to give us a call and thereby save from FIFTY to SEVENTY-FIVE per cent. in the purcbas: of their Spring and Summer outfit. • ,:fltlf4Remember the !.p. ,l—No. 35 East Hamilton tdrert. nearly opposite the German Reformed Church. March 20. --If • Q~R f „ f • : G, -A• - 5 r 4 1 11V . ,&1 9 tC.1 d s l"7 • v .pin entirely vegetable preparation, pleasant to the taste, unexcelled in its action upon the Liver. Stomach and general sv:ttem. A 3 an Anti-bilietu anti Alterative Plrolo. ti;is 7,1014 inn lIAS NO EQUAL IN TI I li won Ln. I have used it censtalitly in illy prectiee for upwardo of ten years in all CO Sei where a good Plipie and Al terative vlt9 requited, en:l v..301d not now de without it. It is the MEI PIIYSICIAiVSAS'S IS 7'.11 .41 . 7', as well as the safe:4 family nieciicluc in noe. Child ren driuk. it with plasure. It will not aaa:Latu tic ;vcAtite:it toawc.h. It pruiluccE no cripiuc, hut °pir ates =Hy, told is rule to eradicate till impurities item the eyekla it it, is properly Aires Cly TI-lOITEANDS OF LlVllai are ready of testify to ite indopenil cut ufile i p,r g olive nud roold:cs. It has cured the werst cahes of Erysipelas in a few days.— It is a for Hand-ache, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Kidney Complaint, Bilious Fever. Pains in the Side, Back, Breast, and Limbs, Colds, Cramps, Lumbago, Worms, Blotches on the Shin, Pimples, Cut :unions Eruptions, .Obstructions in the System, Constipation of the Bowels, Dizziness, Mercurial Dieentes, Mouthy, re male Irre,sularitica, Bowel Complaint:, Ulcers . of all kinds, dr. It clomsca by kJ superior medical vir tues, the ulcerous humor from the brood and corrupt bile from the t-timuult, carrying it oil' thrutOt the natural charnels; IT INVIGORAICS THE 111.0011 and leaves the system healthy. I utk my friends to bat the above Medicine, and pronounce a verlict ns they shall be impressed by the evidence. Those uhe know lac professionally will lust doubt its WOI' Since its MA introduction, no medicine has attain ed ouch wonderfnl popularity, and its :ales have, in creased beyond tl,e meet sanguine hopes of its Itienao. Neiglilmr3 ref:amine:l4 II no a solo unit UNEQUA I. LBO PHYSIC! carry it with them.— CHILDREN will after one trial, and parents sheuld UFO no other in their familim People livim; in low and nuirAy countries, subleet to deadly miasmas, where Fevyrs. Ague and Fever, and 'Alien.; complaint! are niore apt to be, will find the -Liquid Cathartic" tho moat pe. lent remedy yet tried. Give it. a trial. Wholesale by A. P. &D. Sands, C. V. Clickner Co., and C. D. Ring. New York. Full directions accompany each bottle. Price 541 and 25 etc. of ten and twenty dmiW. Principal Depot, /00 Brondway, N. Y. Sold by Anton Wint. Allentown, end by all pzetectable Druz. giot throughout the country September 10, lIBEMIIITY BY TOSS 111111,. Franklin Fire insurance Company of Philad Iphin. OFFICE, No. 1631 Chestnut street, near Fifth. QTATEINIENT of Assets, $1,527.048 OS. ,Tantlar3 k, Ist, 1855, published ngreettbly to on Act of As embly, being , First Istortgitges, amply !scared. $1,180,284 48 Reid Estate (presenteulue $110,000) cost 82,130 S 7 Temporitry Loans, on ample Colaterol . . Severities. Stacks (present 'value $78,191) cost Casii, LC., Le, t.t 1,52,5,91 g Perpetual or Limited Insurances made ou erory deseriptiou of property, in TOWN AND COUNTRY, at rates as low as arc eoxxsistant !warily Since their incorporation, a period of tweuty-four years, they have paid over three million dollars LOSS UV thereby zdfording evidence of the advent:lp. of Imam:lnm as to their' ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. DIRECTORS Cl=le.l N. Banchor, Tobias Wagner. Samuel Grant, Jacob. li. Smith, Goo. W. Ricloirdn, IFaRe I.en, CHARLES N. RANCKER, President CHARLES O. BANCHER. Sceretm•y: MI ``...,..W.Th0 subscribers two the appointed Agents of the aboco mentioned Institution, and aro now pre pared to motto insurances on • uvcry description of property, at the lowest rates. A. L. RUBE, Allentow . n. C. F. BLECH, Bethlehem. Allentown, Oct. 1555. —ls aN Mill a S egav S toy e, H. 1), BOAS, Manufacturer and Wholesale and Be tail Dealer in Tobacco. snuff - and Segars, 0 North Seventh street, Allentown, Pa. Ile flatters himself to say that he has at all times the best and cheapest stork of TOBACCO AND SEGARS ever brought to this, place. Dealer Sin the above ttr tides will tied it to their advantage to give me a call, us I Fool at the lowest Philadelphia and New York whole. tale prices. A general assortment of American and Foreign Leaf Tobacco always on hand. IL D. TIOAS. Peter Laux, • VETERINARY SURGEON, ACommission 'torso Dealer, Catasauqua Ito respectfully informs his friends and the pub- . lie generally, that he has again located himself at Cat usauqua, where ho is prepared to treat all tIifiORSCS of the horse. lie has large and commodious stables, and personS giving diseased horses under his charge can depend upon that they will be attended to in the best limner. Ile also sells and buys Horses on commission. I.. Pricking and docking neatly executed. April 11. • —ly • W_Allh-14110731r1111E11116, 10 SHOEMAKERS, on rafen's and Women's Work are wanted at tho Boot and Shoo Storo of Mimi Alerts, None but good and steady workmen need aPPIY. Allentown, March 26. —tf • NEVER-FAILING CURE TAKE NO OTHER Mord. D. Lewis Atlolp. h. Bork, 1);.r . (1 S. Brown. :ltarris Pal ters, THE LEHIGH REGISTER, APRIL 16, 1856. A New Ma 3EI "K.II.3EVAD IN AL LEN To 2 11 7 N , Between Dresher's and Hoffman 4- Bro.s' Lumber Yards, in Ilamiltau i sireet. ,r. F. EiSenbr dun 61 2 e CO . 1 - Rk3PECTFIUMX . 4•, ;17APV : ,, .4; ? . , w,e, , 64 1 ,1,4" , ,... k ,,,, \ inform the eit ;11014 4 1.RAPM344:;itgli. tzens of AII en- MifflltViiii4:::-/Mlibi; town and the 1;liiAill PPOIA^....,P;M:iIA . public in gen t--vt,. 4,1n1,4iti '.i - 4 - %'1:1 . E!!.Yi.., oral, that they , 1 71 tkr:*-- --- 7 'lt have opened a ‘'.''.. , !: 7 :•' .. '—: 17 ' .. .-- .7 -§ ‘ : . ( . ' - 11; Ma n BLE YARD F:747, :;1 li.l ,::\ at the above , .':iliti , tt , !it;:''' '-!: r named. place, ti i ~.-. ....; , •x,.0;-,;; ; ; , ..7: -. 7 , 17 .---r.-_44 , t ..A and are carry t'-'l.-'I.--- ----) 1 . 7, .. ing on the bu ;.7,_•L.tA- . - ..5 - • --- . - . -- .:t i- - t. - -''''..e. - .L.-:.› . :,...r;- - V..q.stf , -,,i ...4,....."7 sinerts on an extensive scale. They have now in their Yard a very large and choice stock of Italian and American Marble which theyare manufacturing into Tombs, MonUments, Dead and Foot Stones, Mantle Pieces, Table and Bureau Tops, Win. dew and Door Sills, Steps, Posts, &c. Letter ing of the best style done in English and Ger man characters, and all kinds of Ornamental Work executed in the highest style of art and in the most substantial manner ; they will In: pleased to furnish engrayings and designs to suit the wishes of the public. They flatter themselves in doing as good work as is done in Pennsylvania, and certainly the best in this section, and to satisfy the public of the truth of this assertion, they invite them to call at their yard and examine their stock and style df work. They furnish all kinds of Sculptures and Ornamental Work, such as has never been made,in Allentown. They also keep on hand sonic beautiful sculptures made out of Italian marble, consisting of very neat and most chaste designs for Cemetery purposes, with Larnlirt carved to lay on the top. Flower Vases, Urns. Doves, and ninny other figures. to which they invite the attention of the Public. [„..17-treat inducements are offered to country manufacturers to furnish them with American and Dalian marble of the best quality, as they have made such arrangements as- to enable them to furnish it at city prices. They hope by strict and prompt attention to business, moderate prices. and furnishing the best work in town, to merit a liberal share of patronage. They also constantly keep on hand a lar,gt: stock of brown stone for building purposes, con sisting of platforms, door sills, steps, spout stones, &c... ; &c July 11 7;4 - ,f... c A., AYER'S 4 .. ci k a e- , -. 4,,.-~,,\ FOR ALL ME PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. Tirruc has ion;; existed a public , demand for an eifective purnstive pill witiolt could be relied on as sure and perfectly safe lit its operation. TIM; has been prepared to meet that demand, and an 4•: , len sive trial of its virtues hew conclusively ,l.own with what success it accomplishes the purpo , ; It is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy to make the best of all pills—one which sleuth' have nave , pf the ol:',ectious, but all the :I. l %atitages, of ec ery ether. 1 I,:s has been (,tempted hero, and with, what sueeess tee wool.l te , peetfully :n bolt to the pithily (bed •ion. It 11.. s le.. 11 nnforton.de for the patient hitherto ilia( almo , t e‘ery por;mii‘e rottlieitie is acrimonious and irritating to the bow-- cis. Thb; is not. :deny of them produce so notch griping pain and rot olsion in the sy•.; ent as to more than counterbalance the good to I e deritcd from them. 'll tcse tills produce tie irritation or . pain, unless it arise from a previously e:dsting ol,strue tion nr derangement in the bowels. Ilemg purely vegetable, harm can arise from their use in are quantity; but it is better that any mulieine shou'el be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use. in the several diseases to uhielt titer are ap. IlliVahle tire ill non the hit:;. A ,ttiu lie emu pistols which have been spe. , Mly. raved i,y them, ve maw mention Liver Complaint, in it; various forms" of datoulice. Indigestion, I,nognor and Loss of Ap petite, Listlessness, Irriteld'it v, Bilious Ileadiume,- liilirlll3 Forte, Fever and Apne, Yalu in the Side anti Loins; fur, in tenth, nll these are hot tile con sequence of dh;eased action in the liver. As an aperient they allord prompt and sure relief in Co, tiveoce.s, riles, Colic, J_)sentery, Humors. Scrof ula and Scurvy, Colds with sorente,s of the body, Uleers end impurity of the blood ; its short,' wry and evert ease whew a porzative is required. '1 hey have also produced Stillln hlllllllllEy cures it; Rheumatism. Gent, Dropsy, Gravel. Vrysipelas, Palpitation of the It earl, Palos in the Beek, 'stomach, and Side. They' should he freely taLen in the e•ning or the year, to purify the blood and pt epere Ilia system for the elmdge of }.l ens. An occasional dose tiontlate.; the stoma...lt and bowel:, into heehhy ache;(. and re,..res the spar. end ignr. ify and. by Useir :1111111,111t action 011 ille y reno vate the strel,gth of the len!t, a•..d restore the tve , ted diseased ei.er.2,ies of Me whole of;;nnism. II,:tco an occesional do , :e 1.. advaimmecus, even thom,h`no s.sions derangement exults; Lot on nvees...ay dosing; should net cr be tarried too flr, as every purgative medicine reduces the .streegtl‘, when taken to excess. The thousand eases in which physie is required cannot be enumerated hen', but they suggest themselves to the reason of every body ; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which lies hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues arc once known, the public still . no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. tieing sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to taker; and being purely vegetable, .4to harm eau arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions FCC wrapper on the hoc. I Dy JAMES C. AY ER, CBI 130.7712( 113,085 50 50.1 . 0,) 57 Practical and Analytical Chemist, Prico 25 Conts por Box. Film Bozos for $1 AYER' S CHERRY - PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. THIS remedy has won for itself such milor s icty front its cures of every variety of pulmonary niscase, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its Ilse fulum, and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounfis in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by, its use. When once tried its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appa rent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our.climate. And not only in formidable at tacks ffpon the lungs, but for the milder varieties of COLDS, COUGHS, HOARSENESS. &e. ; and for CHILDREN it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever has been, and that the genuine article is sold by— all the Druggists in Allentown, and by Druggists generally throughout the Country Allenten nyJanuary 1 lalill LOWELL, MASS CATASMIIHGABIST TN WOW THE LARGEST STOCK OF READY-I'itIADE CLOTHING A N D BCOTTS SITOES EVER, SEEN IN CATASAUQUA, Is at Gelz's Cheap Store. IA 7M. GETZ adopts this method to inTortn the ' citizens of Catasanqua and surrounding country that he now has on hand a very large and excellent assortment of Ready Wade gio thing, -A D 1: p.A4 1 1 Ayr!) ( 1 1 . f 1)1 1 '9 • and is confident his stock cannot be excelled in the County. Ile has lately received from Phil adelphia a very heavy stock of SP RIYG AND SUIIIIIER GOODS of the most fashionable styles. front all of which he will make to order and also keep on hand a supply of READY MADE CLIOTHEVG. o..ders to make up goods to measure will be accepted with plea sure, and punctually attended to, and as lie is a Practical Tailor, he will 'guarantee perfect tits, and none but the best workmanship, wil be sullered to pass his hands. Ills Ready-made consists in part of Dress Coats, of every ima ginable style. for Spring and Summer weal. Pantaloons, fancy and plain of all priceS. Sinn flier Pants in great variety : Vests, Satin, fancy . and - plain, drawers, shirts, collars, cravats suspenders. &c., &c.. all of which he is dete.i mined to sell at the lowest. prices. Ile also has on hand a very large assortmen o il.,( f e, ci t3 .(ri : nl i i. t et t T l , ,F e d r i n r.e. e sn n i, : ii s :,l%; s ili t ow. lii '."l "..„-,, Patent Leather ( t t .. . e. ° 2211.. ''" I '‘'''''''''. v ''' ii 3 0 9 r sr $ 4 , 9, f , ;.:. ''.7•St••:. besides a lart-e lot 1 F . , 4..W.,:,, 1 of coarse mat ' s and boy's boots. Ills stock of.Ladics shoes is very large, among which can be found every po.isi ble style. Children's shoes of every variety and style, plain and fancy colored. May 9. 4___ly Me.M q N7 CCM MT'S BOUT A 143 SIJOE TuE 51.1.,aitax iitforws i (n,t,nier: thot 1:c 1,, tl (.0-1 ...1:,40.*,,r0r if to E. - titnv bi, n for fluor: titun .:111.%”'s Pave; Etotr. VA: 9,: Lt.!. pon 1.„0n,t 01. ~4 : 43 nod G,ntl• . ; 7 1 1,. 'lke. :.e. 1, F.••• (11,), : 1 p for All 1%11,1, of nnnin t,- ~i•i,.n in 'Au t . 1:0 ill‘; ; employ,: the Ire:-1 of svorl - men. lip ff., i,..t nv.hl.l,ls in 11 , 1: 111:111:12:. lie k to smml imy ‘‘orlc Im•ne•I .111 by an.! v‘mMient, 11l the :tone e ill ' , roe.. t'stl:lscloey lit Li: , costoluces. sons Own:fore t,JI to,. to their itilvant,,t7, and cull on him luelore porclussio,t Ile will tell tit Pltilaul ulpluia pritue,u, \\ * bolos:lle soul IltututP, :tout to Country :tleveilatuts will otalie a 1 - cry liLrrul ulculoetion. 11, returns his ,ineere 11:0 ninny feenrs he lots receiroul return in loud puNie, soul luy to—forme prices. got worlt, ;Intl 11,:a tuttetution to tontine:us, hopes to ottrit a continuant , nt • the some. 1' 1, 20 FtnrITOVAL Alertz's Boot and Shoe Store 1 , .. 0.1,1 Iv ~,.,,w,. :4 4 ' .4.*.ttri3PAttril low !milt; N.,. 77 \Vest llumtlton street. bet where he will lie fireleire I Ulna rontmodute tuttlL , nitltly all his tthl r r i e n,t, u nd er.z, t liter with score? .of new fine,. nil elle1.1) ue the cliettrw, :Intl articles! r , ,•,1 fur lentowTh March 24 c.. , ) NV IN CN- St:li's Insurance, lanai!} and Trost Co S. E. corner of Third and Chestnut Sts., P1111..1111:1 ,Mll.l. CAPITAL F:,250,000. 130NEY is received en deposit daiiy. The amount deposited is entered in a Deposit Book and given to the Depositor, or, if prefer red, a certificate will be given. ' All sums, large and small, are received, and the amount paid back on demand, without notice. Interest is paid at the rate of five 7;cr rcq.. commencing from the day of deposit. and eras ing fourteen days In to the withdrawal of the money. Qn the first day of January-, in each year, the interest of each deposit is paid to the depositor, or added to the principal, as.he may prefer. The Company have now upwards of 3500 depositors in the City of Philadelphia alone. • Any additional information will be given by addressing the TREASUREIt. DIRECTORS Stephen R. Crawford, Pre'st.. Lawrence John son, Vice Pres't., Ambrose 'l'. Thompson, Ben jamin W. Tingley. Jacob L. Florance, William M. Godwin, Paul B. Goddard, George McHenry, James Devereux, Gustavus English. Secretary and Treasurer, PLINY FISK Teller and Interpreter, J. C. Oeldsehlaaer. September 5. • 11[—ly TRUSSES; TRUSSES, TRUSSES C. ffff..Vecclies, Truss and Brace Establishment, South West Cor. of Twelfth and Race Sts., PHILADELPRI.A. IMPORTER of fine FRENCH TRUSSES, cenibin ing extreme lighturss, case and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting amounts, as below:--Sending num ber of inches round the hips, and stating side affected. Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, $5.. Double —s s , $O, $8 and $lO. Instructions as to wear; and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Bunting's Improved patent Body Brace, For the ctire of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expenders and Erector Braces, adapted to all 'with Stoop Shoulders and Wealediungs ; Eng lish Elastic Abdominal Bolts, Suspensories Syringes—male and, female. ,('Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. August 1. . ¶—ly Job Printing, Of all kinds neatly executed at this Office MI JEREMIAH SCHMIDT ELIAS MEI:TZ - If lEEE 3.IO I S7ET.T_AI M3Et. "M" Clocks and Watches. John .I"ctrl 2 a ril l RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that lie has lately pur chased the entire stock and fixtures of Mr. Joseph Weiss, (with whom he has been engaged for the last seven years,) and has remova the same to No. 21: West• Hamilton street, (lately occupied by like & Co. He has also just re ceived from New York a A itift, large stock of r , ~r,. An r 5 Ina 41-1 ~, , --.:!,ii, J I . .......", j!..47 . ,t 1, i s . • 4_,1!4..,.;, , 4..,...,1-. ills stock well selected, - ..!!l;tatii;ltir:iinre,tl l :tillle and consists of a large as sortment of Brass Clocks, of every description, at the lowest prices. Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lapinc, Quartier (rad othcr Watches, Silver Table and Tea Slions, Gold. Silver and Plated Spectacles. to s iit all ages, and warrant• ed to be made of the best materials. Ilis stock of Jewelry is large and splendid, and comprises all the most fashionable articles, such as Gold. Silver and other Breast Pins. Ear and Finger liinos, Gold Watch Chains. Keys, &c., Gold and Silver Pencil Cases. Gold Pens of a superior quality, Silver Combs, and and a variety of articles too numerous to men tion. Be feels confident that the above goods are the best in market, and offers them to the public at the lowest prices. He would particularly call your attention to his stock of Ccons's AND Wxrcims, and urge you to call on him befbre purchasing elsewhere. as lie feels assured that he cannot fail to suit you, not only with the articles, but what is more important., with the prices. •and would also inform the public that all his goods ate warranted. Clorks iValrla's and Jovelru. repaired in the neatest and best manner and at the s'iortest notice—all his AVOrk is warranted. Allentown, INTay D7IM'UK.7* El 11 AfILE,F u. MB. 5 OE V, f11.0('1;. 'WATCH:11:11;4:11 AND I)EALEit IN V) ESVELT:II::!..N . o. E.,st linniiltnn Street, oT. (I,mA:ln Alkntown prifir.r=:,xne.l infoinu= and ilte Tl:'•lic i•I oc al. tent he has ,inq returned Crow Nev.. Yorl: and Phil: ioplo,; nhrrt , lie I,ns purchrucd nn.lnow .hare fur cv.li.: a full and nnej ilcd abbort ruent of CLOCK. WATCHPF I . JEWELEY, Silvw IVare and Fancy Article., all r , f a superior and iii , drviner 110. (iv:min:di-in .r tit,* ...Ito to iirueurc the best gesiil4 nt the 101Ve0 (11-h je . h , '^. 1t . 1 eel( ea 11111r . ...09 e 1 •,!1 ..=ldli.n and patterns, gold and Ira tidies, Silver and met Vat: ih Wati h Boys and Se:lls, gold and silver Peiwil Fincer lireied Pins, Piravekts.:tleibillions, Coll Pins, (1.1.1 and Steel Pew.. Silver 'radii. awl Tea Sperms, Spy Gliis:ws, Pa r ke( Compasses, (told, Silver, and ether Speetacles, 1 . .. r all loge:her with ea. h :mil every article he. hinging to his braneli .1' priees are as low and liberal an they will be found in our isealwarli t.llllB. tlad his goods will mitt ass prove to be whit( they aro rein.ezente.l. MELODEONS. lie keep.; on hand an r. , sortment or ~4 nllAzes an d potter", suitable for Cialrellea, Halls and private•familie::. at prices as low a, they can he bou g ht whol,nde of the manufaetnrers. His instrument,: con nowhere lie exrelled in point atone, Leanly and l o w priers. Ile al,-o has on hand rt 11 , 4;11 and good sloe): of Accordant:. Flutes. Fifes, lioxe,‘. Sc., .t-e.. at exceeding low m Watches. Jewelries, Areordeons, Mu •:i,:nl Boxer. ,1 e... will at all times be promptly repaired. and all work warranted for ono year. CIL% ((LES S. MASSEY. September 20. —I -Surgical- and Mechanical DENTIST. flll. 6. O. LI. GULDIN. from New York, in vites the attention of.those in Allentown and vicinity, who require operations on the natant Teeth, or who are in need of artificial ones, to his superior mode ofoperating in all the different departments of Dentistry. Ilaving had eight years' experience in his profession, and availing himself of every valu able improvement, he knows he can render the very best assistance to the patient of which the Art IS capable. RnmamscHs.—Rev. Thomas De Witt, D. D Rev. Charles M. Jameson, P. Clarkson, M. D., William Underhill, M. D., New York city. ° Office for the present nt the Ameriennlfotel. Patients also visited at their residence if de sired. Allenlown,Jan.l7,lBss. Veniti a,n The subscriber having purchased the entire establish ' ment of Mr. Muir, is prepared to manufacture all kinds of Window Blinds, of the beet quality; at Prices as low no any in the city—at 30 West Hamilton street. S. H. PRICE. Allentown, January 0. y I€ 3 2AI-160117 - MO • A large lot of shawls at 'reduced prices, each no AUL Long Brochn nt $l3 worth $l6, Long Drocha at sl.s' worth $lB, Bay State, Watervliet. Cashmere, &c., very cheap. • L. STROUSE &.• CO. No. 9 West Hamilton street. Allentown, Jan. 20. • A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! 2 1 ..jvtl ~ -1 4,."‘ f;Pi ~§ 14-7317,4> Z. 4 .(11 t ii, - .•::.:• . y ,. .-:',' ,- ...,' . t;,/ ~, 4; ~,, •• 4 ` , •. - IcZN, 1. r; 1 ...., .2 . 1 l i -. C. -. ( I Nt, e. , 1i ..2 : - A'f;:.--,..',‘;','',V.1.:;' :::., , ti.- t t -\ , vu ~,, - A t . , - -',,,;-,-,,-,-, ,' vi. v . -1-k, y kw'. - 1 . ,Z . k 4' ~---7' -51.'-' :e11 , t31 . ' 4 .*'441 7- A f , s t.;4:l p./:;:":::.? ~t--1.. .--,::::1,a -, l 4'\S" • „if:. .1 'i4l , • :- - ;,`, - , , ,i • if-t -------elikV'fic.49 ' - IC§ -I V : .} .». 4%." 1. `•,c , ,,1~if , = .. f:.-----. -Y-;,..--.:-.-3-;,•----:_--t;.--_;:.;1,.. -- - HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. The Grand Eternal Remedy. Ily the aid of a tnicreceope, we see millions of little openings on the surface of our bodies. Through them, this Ointment, when rubbed on tho skin, is earthed to any organ or inward part. Diseases of the Kidneys, dizorders of the Liver, affections of the Heart, intlamation of the Lungs, Asthma, Coughs and Colds, are by its means, cirectunlly cured. Ermy immovire knows that salt posses freely through berm or tuent of any thickness. This healing Ointment for more readily penetrates thra' any bone or fleshy part of the livius body, curing the moot dangerous inward complaints. that cannot be reached by other moans. Erysipolas, Solt-Rhoum and Soorksatio Humors.. No Denr.,ly has ever done so ninth for the euro of disease, or the Skin. whatever form they may AMMO/ tie this tliulmeut. N ens,.! of • Rheum, Scurvy, Sore I lends, Scrofula. or Erysipelas, can long withstand ita influence. The inventor iota travelled over many ports of the gibe, visiting the principal hospitals, dis pensing this Ointment. giving advic e as t o it s f irpli. catin. and Into lllmOven the moans of restoriugCMUlt, IC 9 114291111. Coro Lego, Coro Breasts, Wounds and IT:cors. Soule of the most scientific surgeons now rely solely on the 11,0 or this womierhil'Ointment, when having to cope with the worst case.; of sores, wounds., ulcerso glen inlay swollin rn . :Ina !moors. l'rofessor Iloilo way has, hy eetnnmmi of the Allied Governments, die ruched to the lo,pital.l of the East, large shipments of this (intin,w, io Lc used wider the direction of tho Medical rztidr, irj the wilt's) care's of wounds. It will o:ire nov nl.•cr, stiffness or con traction of the joints. even of 20 years' stranding. and 11:stuas. These nod other timilar di.tressing complaints ann be effectually cured it Ow Ointment he well rubb e d i n o v cr 11,c part, nirceted, oimi l y otherwise following t.ho printed directions around each pot. I= Both tine oi,ament tin,l Paid 8 / 1 0:1r1 le used in tle/vl - cco:ea: Bunions Piles Sores of alt kind." Burns l;1n Sprains Chapped llnnds S:dt Ilhettin Scolds Cl.ilb!..ins ' Skin Bison:CS Sallied Glands Fistulas Sore Legs slily Joints i;ont Fore BrenEts L'leers Linnb - ig 1 Sore I leals Venereal Forel .I.lcrotriol Ernr.tions Sore 'lliroats Irountisof ell kind/ t' , ,,, , C , old at the. Ilint:unr,to: ion of Professor IroLLO w ‘y. SO Maiden Lave, Now York. and 21! Strand, Lutist, and by all rc--peetaide Prit:reskts and Dual era elf M.. l ;.ilws tlit , n,!liont lie Unitc.l States, and the iolli4cd t.orldoin Puts, at 25 cents, 52! cents and $1 each. ^B'-There is a consijlerablu raring Ly taking the huger sizes. N. It. Directions for the guidance of patients In every disorder 111'0 affixed to each Pot. New York. ,Tau. la, IS3O, EREINIG, EREINIG, It O i 3 or F I:ENNSYLVANIA CLOTHING HALL, Utah Mod Craver of lininillen owl Ser • enth Street. respectfully inform their friends and t h e Publie that they have jut; returned from New York and Philadelphia with a large stunk of now and th,hionalile Fall and Winter Goods, which they purchased for CASII, and which onahlos them to ,yell lower then any other establishment of the kind in Allentown. They Imes solectod their ,tondo with an eye to durability and fancy, and have none but the laleA style, in the market. Their stook of CI 01111 s. among other erticl,. consists of Cloths of all colors and prices, Cassimets. of French, English and American manufnetnres Vestings, Silk Velvets, Satins, Silks, Worsted and other descril tions, figured and plain, Shirts and Shirt collars, Stocks. Cravats, Handkerchief,. P.o,e, Snypender! , . de., besides n great many other article ecoming in their line of business, and 1111 will be sold at the 'lowest prices. Their stock of READIMADE CLOTILING comprises every thing in the clothing line, mm en over coat down to an under-shirt. made tip titer the latest mill most thalami:Ade sty lee. There stork be ing so mitorudve that none will leave it, unless fitted from (ho "bottom to the top.' CUSTOMER 11012 K will he done up as uawl. mid for their work they are willing to he held responFilde, two of the firm being pramical tailors, mud ult the v, orb ie made up under their own mipery Hon. Thtuthful for pwrt V 01,, they trust that attention to husinePs. ••>umll profit,' and quick sales" will ho the menus of bringing new customers to their °stab liehment, Oot. 1 TIiL NOPLIS CABIET MIRE ROM! P. Xander's Cheap and Fashionable Cabinet Ware ilooraa. South East Corner of Ninth and Hamilton Streota, a few doors below Dresher's Lumber lord, • ALLENTOWN, I'A. THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that he earths on the Cabinet irIIShICSB in all its various brunches at the above named:4:lnd, where ho is prepared to sell g oetland handsome furniture as cheap as eau be sold anywhere. Their Store is on the si uth•cast corner of Ninth and Ilamilton streets, near DreAer's Lumber yard, whore they offer is flue assortment of *.ire" CABINET WARE, ft consisting in part of. Sofas, of various styles " 4 " and patterns. Side Boards, Wardrobes, Sec retaries, Bureaus, of various patterns ; Cup-boards of different hinds; (lard, Centre, Side, Breakfast and Dining Table,: Bedsteads of direrent styles and pat terns, Wash-stands. Twist, Small and Large Etagere, What Nobs, Mtigie-Stands, Sera Tables, Tea Tables, Oval and Serpentine Tables, Chinese What Note, Fancy Work Tables, Refreshmedt Etashas, Tete-a-Totes, French Divans. A general assortment of Kitchen Furniture on hand and mado to order. lie employs at all times none but the beet work men, attends personally to their business, and will warrant all Furnituro of their manufacture to ho mutts of the best materials. Orders for Ware will be faith fully and immediately attended to, and wizen sent cub of the Borough will be carefully peeked. Dece . mber 5 .1E "1i267" .1F 1 Mit. Geo. Lucas & Sons, •NATHOLESALE and Retail doe -1151 T bare in Boots, Shoes and' Trunks. After carrying on a sue cessful business for twenty years, the fanner proprie tor on the let of January entered into co-partnership under the firm of Gin. LUCAS & SONS, and intend to carry on the business on an increased seals. They will always keep on hand a very largo and cheap stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, all of their own manufac ture. They are all perfectly acquainted with the bit sinceseand employ none but tho best workmen, whieh enables them to warrant all work as represented.— They are confident that their stock Is not excelled by any other establishment in Allentown. They call particular attention to their stock of Ladies, Gentle men's, Misses and Children's Morocco, Calfskin, and India Rubber Overshoes. The senior partner is thankful for the patronage bestowed on him during/- the 20 years ho has been in business, and hopes that; by continued strict attention.te customers, and selling ntbow prices, they will likely() a full share orpatronage In future. .-Country Merchants will be supplied at abort notice and at the lowest Oily prices. Alle - nto'wn, January 9 MI MB FRANCIS XANDER ES GEO. LUCAS & SONS -tf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers