IBEST - 411DEVAIING ''AT 35 EAST lIAM - ILTON STREET. TAR subscribets, desirous of again tetin•nil l'inu thanks to their timorous patron,, thein Polies of this °lips,' aunty to do .5,, //i d n i the bui l , time respectfully annodi cc to 111, Is and lilt public generally' thid . thou lu re kl net 1 Min 11/ oni New York and Philadelphia, where they inthi. ad 'err stock of FALL .AND IA GOODS, consisting of cntoely inn, and disir ibis 1y:... can not be found 11l any other rio t .1 IPstablishment in ,111.n1 own. I'll/5 good , s1!1. , •1, od with the greatest core, a.l will be 't op in 1' latest style and ta-loon 4111 1 \ 1 1,111 1 to ill, 1 L flit• - 11 il'''. 's ' same as represented at the tone oh o . - , 1, I that every al tielo of Clot'ung 01,11, 1 O w 10 , i lt 1 t u,:rll of this establishment I. o 1 'their on n 1^1.., add 11 11 11,, 0 ho rolled upon as being 111'5 ,\ 1 1„1 IL I \ TII., 11'0111.]). good timid la work. ; their exteustne a- tmult may he found, tine 11':5'1, rik Ili. 11 Crl 11 eo.o 11111 IN• 11 I`ll ill 0 1.1(.0 I.oupwar d: and Blue new htylo of 11 all N 4 ill- 111 cast ,, .ll 81111 11 t. 1...,11 1 , 1 , .1 In not 11 , /n 4.10 ~A llOl.ll DRESS 1N1) ITOC'li CO ITP;', t l• 11, • made in the latest 111.111.11 of french and English / ) //Y.S/f / Coats, now style Business ite 1:111/1. Illon 11. as well ti the c ,z l , ne 'lll,l Blue, Ohne and ("Icon Cloth. , and plain and fignied r, n drink it n pl,•:inn It will lint , i fp tilt Cassimors , Over Coals, of all quiditits, styles and ntnumoh, It i /oda, in, I..l•iti lent opLi prices, pantaloons, nests, and in t thing la theat th, ',meld. and to et i lilt all READY MADE CLO7'IILVG impurities from the ton if I, line, from an over-teal down to an undershirt 'lnc Alrttal three groat features of Keck st, Nt %%hard'. Steno are, I 11 lOC,INI‘ 3 Cil Ll\ 1, 11 -I 3 flu , c of ',sole to it lit 11 111C ,1 , indLpend that they buy for Cash, and conso.picialn, in s I ,i 1 01 its pure/Olio and nor I lion= cpi thins tho cheaper tlign any of 61,, Others; " e n nnl " . 111211 ' I the ..Ls (I / in a few d i).- up under their own stipon ision and last tbeilzh not least, they sell thorn for wk. t they 'Lally ore, t le a Mae, a larye stoil, ltundi.ci. hi. I, Fl ts /I' •7 IU. /..\(7 CURT: , I t \ Ines, r Wisit 1;r, Under": n ets 1 11 " 1 all hinds, and en thin _ fast that is 11 tt ,11‘ 1.•: I ' I ""' 1 I In hark. in , 1110 1, ( tlllllOl 1 r soil.H 'l.l ) Hit chase N 11111 n. 1111 11h I t, '" h " • ( 1 Lava, lan) . a ii, :d Oita all ' 1, at ° in I " P •1 1 11 PI PIN.III I close examination, 4 , 4ip t ie h % i h i i 4 ,l 44 , 11111.111 , 1111 If 111 1 111 4 1111 I Ilel 4 11 di 1 111 s'ls' ;81:,, 1 \ 11 1 rai lilt 1114,11 N 11- LOllllOll, nil•is. 13,1 511 55 fork in .1 1 id, .i.lll 1 ashion PLA it the st 1 , " I. ' /'''' ' 1111111 II" I ' ".l L'"" I h 5 A NI; /IA id , t o l, oni th t r11111:* it oil _ t , •1111111 iLi , llll ILI It'l\lll art It::{1,11:111 11017 101 11,,NL, the e riv:nll 111'1 1 Itt, i t I, t o t il.e 11 '1 It, ti t ( w 4 prnununcc it ,1 11, t SEE HERE ! 'ba y •11 Lelllll 1 by - 1 lt.11(e 1 who A NEW NTERE ALLEbiliiTill , .1 it it, n s n, oily gulls Ali] II jiff tit. nl „T „ „ t rl, and \ i 0 , 1 . 1 bil1.01,`••1; CO hereby 1111111 111 1110 111 it, 11 t. 1, ,F, , 1 ,, „,,i, „, _ Allent.o,ll rind mit( 01 it 110•\ 111 1 open , II IL, 1, 1 \ i ,l • 1 , 1 a nen • Store at No it ~1 11 n-1 1. I, (b . 111 ii ‘OO/7//2/? v eid 4 ,L'i t (' t t dd ( I new slosh Of 1 .1 1 111 i l t • in lute lllll 111 Litt ,VN,I) Ill; IDX -]i:l 1 . 1 ./ 1111 N ~ , t whir hln 111 ITo`e lof 10 hlng 1 .1) east 7 , , : , nil I more apt Tlito stuck of Meade-made Uutlii. 1. I lire 1•1 •nit t ...1 lit inn.,' largest II nett I, 1 I ill 5.111 in t , t,,,, d offLitcl by rill Llt 111111,4 1 / 1 .2 I, lin lii' t I , LI ' I I I 1 , , , (I t l n, r I ,I TLLs , 0 lute, 111 11 11 1 , ton in t. all n ( , 1 1, bytieing s, thug the t.l ; 11 !•,I , r , full 0 11^ , , Ills er.rh 1 111. e, Pri ce ratty , Lulling yin eau be 1111, 1 lii 0 1 1ir. at,4- 1, 4 a I 1 I, In, t of 1.111. 11 I.t. (SIN•I4 ad 111 hi 1 1 111 1 ,1 .1 1 ,1 1 1/ 1 .1W 1 N 1 1 01 ( . 1/1 11 41 , 111 e- (ti 1 It ri 1I 1 / • 1 . 1 • 1 / 1 X 11 XX 111 1, ilb • 11. 1 and oat. 1 , all I 111•1 ,11.1 1 1 $1 Ila 17 , 11 , J Veil, 1 11111 1 win al I IL t 1 I 1' - I,IIIIC lion the tof , I .11 ( IL 1 I Pl Intl, Dot kin I nd `t lin tt ' finiy By L i ps Allis 1 PIP )0, sip las sto,• 1 0, 1 net in I N.. k L P.l P. Ilindl.tii lin IL, •.111 t , '.it, au .l t , „ , Rea, or. and 1‘ hltt. ,11, 1 11,0 0 11111111,11 Illsliraire oilman) of Plii1.1(1 they have a slot, at :\ Oi2AI it 1,1 sliest,Ll 011 ' ( 3. 11 ('I t near 1 hill phis, Cut• ale impact to sLII 11,,t1101,- 011, .1.. tit sif ‘, inksus lon lif 11101 can 1aaiL1 , a , ...1001r,10.1. in 1.4 „ :„ CIt3,"1:1 alley ha\ uon lizitid •Intit 1 WA% 1 , • fashionable ; I ni, 01 DRYGOODS, kcal t it, (present Li,,t.311(1,1,()()) co s t and era confident they are not suyili to) inn 11 %II 11 1 111/0/111% Lo in.., on anijrl,3 Colatital they sal they h ave by far the heelu--ennead in :wild!, town, as the Plane...l ad. is 11l li 11 0 1111/0 1/ %-1 •in 5 ,, t .1 (pre -eat i:,l Ill) coot of the reel I tti.4t li 4 lit titill, n 1 11 111 0 1 • i o a.,Sr„ thin to Lulu, Dr, (broil',( ' lit z 0.1 • vit,, 10• (11, 1 , imam)) IR (ri 'l , ll of 'llll s, 1, “11, I'lllllo, 11 11 titles Mee 'noes, rt 4, 1)e lIIIt (.11,,7 hams, Prints Lad es' Collars,Sle . 5 , IT O 1 , 1 , , and on 1,, /1 • 111 ' the f 11 Int' , low k nutcan help tiny L 1 IttiL - 5 I, Anent 5 lin, LLinl _ l , , 1 31Shlrn its arel lit 1 1 11 1 1 aernri . Allontown, Mept.:l2 BECKER'S DAILY E'iPEESS. gr i. l)l2l'oV EEN .111.• i ,w r., 1/ Inc:trawl. in Al..rat.r.‘n, • L. 110110's, No. :30 1N,..•t tr, t. Odic° in Philadelphia. 101 pr , prietor,(l. S. r 13 al,• citizens and has just entrted a . , I'eoo,ylvanitt dize,. pttek,.itel &0., of rve:.• rn!, 19w if not li,v,er, Clan ail} ages will he rareied with l'ao ritltte,t erect with pro:n.i a w. llavin g had t',.ar Nr , rictio, in the I: +r busines2, Mr. 13. I . e.+ , c••rf I,lt I lvtt I, will etipply Ulu wa ' " ' All bu;iness 'for not ;nit% 1 , i 1 promptly I rnn - rem , l “0 J,. 1;:i! • , :1 rcr Office No. W, it .11,1milt,-,a N. It.—flood: ... Attended to. A1101110V:11, .JHn. D r, 'performs all opermions LI the Teeth with unprece.c.ded suc cess. His, mode of inserting, Artificial cannot be surpassed fir comfort to 1.1. e u 1:11 /1:1' ..:4^! , 10 '0 c rapidl and durability and beautifulness in appearance. ••. •: it.. The general satisfaction lie has girt for rears ic t.s.hy tic: , 1114,1 • 01,4100:e has been duly appreciated by the patronizing •ci public. Office No. East It :m i ll i on street. ur the • u i:h 11. e roc ti stairs, a few doors east of l'retz-, Guth c Co'. 11` Store. ! 4 hull, 4 t,y -,:it, ,n July 4. • I I 11IL 1.41.04 DP. VI., C. :::„.. L. A Di ES— (,' E ..1 . 77. L' AI EX. - ti , "i* . . • T . ADIES why do you go oat ill LllO cull Wil!IC/11: • ..1-1 getting a ~tft IA 1' 1:1; S; when yott can r,ct 11... m •'ll ': i !'•'" - " arl'il.•: f , " ,,, it'llu.ri•Y oethat g"a , . -I !.t'l so very elt..!•p at • •;I• 1. , 1 r, luny 1•0.•11 rob .red f•ml ~nr,A l with out ti si ll - WiP..DER-C.CBEFICER'S ~.., 1 . ., i.;,, ...t of tit,. Coat ..tiol,, 1;1, have used it.— , A', it i 4 11 , 1, 1 1 '"Y c',P , li , lit 'that IL'Y 10. , d;','!" , 1.11.,111d I/0 ta i l, under tile counsel o fllll 11(11111..111i . tatil...i '' '' '''i ' ll Nil' ti ' re " ' "U" '"" MMT"I.Y. °Pi- . I'll ''l d . • '1! citti'd ~01 ~ ..;.:, io,I, 00l •,, cheap 11AT, C.ll' AND FLIt STORE, whore t r •1 1 it eY "' l n . A ::' " i '.. " ' I '', l t' Y • d ' "4" 7':' d i r " ;:F• 11"5 " d " P "' - • Y'-''''i a t ‘ l- t ' l ' i ' t ' li; ls i!t ' l e tt„im‘•: its cLi i ,osiii,',o, I L.% e just, received the lac :; e.,t and hest as,orttu e n. 1... :..tottt. ~., or „.,.,, ~,,,, ~,•,..,, ~,,,,,,,,,, % ,. .o, , qi,e,. ill,rc.ii- r`"'`";! , ,', ' ' , . , ' , • , . ~ , ,p, , oCU LIR, Ill'elll'a IC el/1111111.0 by WhiCll 1,4.0 1 1, 1 v Vartin f - iii cr Martin Fitch, llm3 , 1•• and • t II! ow vi • t• ono tir•- by -.iron to tae voting. 4 ,01 o•her lame.: •! , -t mtant or most debtiltat,•l invalid. „idiom the l'ec'teral 81111 Plll4 are' 111111.11' Ili 11111 Will/le body of Practitiimers in the United States and Ilriti•da .Intor s.t ~ F-A hII'10NAI:I.E P 1: It Ff , !lila I 1•.,..`:i!i11..• hesitation. - itan Prothices.. ir, however, there should be ;my ever exhibited In Allootown, being fresh from the WM. S. DE I.!!::'! .': CO.. Prorrietor3, . one who has not received them, they will be .1 _,....t....._ C . ffy . s i,o cei vir,,, cities, a n d well w••rulty tin examination ben•re making 1!. a. :;‘)1 limolw:-.y. New York. ' promptly forwarded by mail to his addre,s , gee:a, a. pit reltit . ...• :my w h,.1. 0 . 1..... bill eel see thcm, t.... le, - •••••.f• Price :7;1 1... r bottle, ••r idx hottle s for :..::... roc ! Of all the Patent . ..11t•dicines that ate wrcre . (l. O 1.foa; T russ arid Brace Establishmnt, chop is made for showin—. but it is alwa V: , .10111 1. :.1 1 ' I'Y ../. 11. :40.1'1'. A ilelll/11111. i;.. ILIIII. Bethlehem. • few would be talzen if thoir compo&ition v.a., isitowit . • ' .- with pleasure. Their stock compri ..tts every Lin,i, awl . •Irn....gi-t . . , 11•1 mei . ..limits generall;!. , 'Limit. life consists in their mystery . 1 hate no South West err. of Twelfth and Race Sts., every price :ma quoin v---feolit :i'4.(10 to sl.r•iiol) per : , ••v.• 1 ..tlf, Fel,ruary If', 1,5. v., • __!l , ' nly - ,t cries... • PHILADELPHIA. set: — 7:..c;ENTLEArEN, if volt w i.h 16 purelta,.. ~.?__ i . • The composition of my preparationr• inlaid open • to all men, and all who are competent to itith4c on 1 MPORTER of fine FRENCH TltpSsEs, combin puperb thus or genteel Caps; ii , y give you 4 0 1.rdi:d • %%. •i altal- t a • s e rr ar st ` tl C • : the subject freely acknowledge their convi . etion, of 1 invitation to call and examine their Stook. They ' 'LI inn• c.if roile li , hl nrcq case and diirability 4ith r':orrect'anisrruction'. warrant every artieltrthat you may purt•lno , .. to p,ive -1111 I ). 1 , ,, , ,A 5, m ; ,,,,, n ,,,,,,,, ~ , , ,I wii,,1.,,,d, no lie- I their intrinsic Merits. 'The. Cherry. l'ecforal wai haute satisfaction. For sale Wholotalo or Retail.— • It., tail Dealer in Tol•aceo. ;'::roll' :11111 L'1•:2;111111. NO. pronounced by scientific nun to be it wonderful medicine Ilefore RS e ff ects were known. "Akny etn- , 11ernial or.ruptured patients can be suited by • d'hey have U .N ,Oll, '''', vemb , Ire , l. Ailvldwn• Pft. Ile .liatters inept Physicians have declared the same thin.; of '.leatitting amounts, as below :--Sending 11t1111- ber of inches round the hips, and stating side .11A 7'S FOP, Till; :11 11. I. 1 1 ).) . .;;. , ./. hint, 1 1 h. :.:ty that he 11.16 ILL 1111 thocs the boll and toy Pills, and even more confidently, and are will 'Vhey manufacture their 1.11111 119LL1 and a...,tire the i1.cap,...1 stock ~‘r ing - to eN•tir, that itid, antieipations were more airected. piddle that they are got upright. I'o/3A CC° A NT) 8E(;.1 BS than rettlif.ed by their elreets upon Uhl!. Cost ofSingle Truss, $2, $3, S-1, $5. Double . 'Deceit/Lex S. • • —lf •evt'r 1, :• - •11; , lit to this place. Dealers in the ab •ve ar- I i nt '2 • 'net crate 1 dull pout Hill in fl uence on the , 7 --- ... _., emit vwcern to purify the blood mid stintitlate it • —ss, $3l, $8 and $10; _... vie ill 1 . . - 11 ovnvi. , -7 1 - 7 iti;!.',:ii:;itl:!l,l;,l"llo,l‘i.,l,,''ttrk;‘ti(l.tt':llp'l;'ll:i'il‘f:;litlnNg:.‘e'l''uo°l.l: 'W'-ilitit.:l'.'.! i into healthy action listM the obstructions of Instructions as to wear. and how to effect a cute, n li .. %., • the stomach, owels, , and other organs of the :ale orier.;. A general ii.,..ortinent or American and bode, restoring their irregular action to health, anden possible, sent with the Truss. 111 - R5....t :,I. I. S'l'Orp, 1,,,,, inq 114'1111Ni from the r.,.:•,:i . g0 Leaf Tohaevo alwaya lit hand. ;by i•orreeting wherever ahoy wilt, such- derange- ' Also for sale, in great variety, .01. ethos t•l''' .?,'. - • --- --- ----- --,----- ; Being sugar Wrapped iltey tiro pleasant to take, Dr. Dmmiug's Improved Patent Body BITCP, 'I! ALL AND WINTER .110NNETs, kj,..4&-, • oar:, ribbons, flowers, frosted and plain velvet, t.val. ' Peter Laux, i and tieing purely vegetable, no harm can arise front ; For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Props ! .ther use in one quantity. striped plush satins, and figured fancy veil , . childten't- 1 and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest VETERINARY SURCEON, : For minute directions, see wrapper on the Dux. hoods, and in short , all that belongs to af d • 11. " " I " ' ' D C.•ttunission Ilitr. , c tneeler, Ca tasiturot a, Pp.— i ntErAliEll BY • Expanders and Erector Braces, adapted to all Millinery Store. Everything they have is nen' and ' \A- with Stoop Shoulders.and Weak Lungs ; Eng • Iv inibruo. Ilk friends end the nib. • j.l 111 E S . C. .A jr. ER, fresh from Now York ittol Philadelphia. and new elrer the above goods. wholesale Cu retail, al lea..t. 10 • neg . ett l e f t e it i. ll . .e l 2 . ;;; l a r t 'i l i te hits tigttin located himself at l eat- i . • HA Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories cont. loi them they can he pure lea .t P e r • astmoutt where ho is prepared to trent all diseases of! Practical and Analytical Clictinst, 11,e,c,1 el,eo here:— !.- I,' ' 'I . Syringes—male andlemalc. Country 'Milliners !Applied tit City prices, and it will !commodiou s stab es the orse. He has large and ._ t LOWELL, IsIASS. :EC Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. be to their advantage to giro us a call benire marches- , and persons giving diseased horses under his c harge I . Price 21i Cents per , Box.. Five Boxes for $l. August 1. 11--ly ing elze wherc.• .. .iloundtireitired necording to order , an depend upon that they will be attended to in the 1 best manner SOLD BY Don't forget thd Plnce, corner of Eighth and Liman-. Ho also sells and buys Horses on commission. ! ell the Druggists in Allentotin, and by Druggists ton Eltobts; in Allehtotrn. - ' ' ' ''' - .. h • ......I.•Priol.ing and deehin- , neatly eXeCULLYI. &V. li. , . • generally throughout the Country. • • 1 pril 11, Allentewn, January I. ,ear,, II Ivy Lo n' l i i.. ther!ii.• 00.1, !!..4• to their 111:.1 t 1,:(1; =. :tll liab;iiti r:. I•lit \ • • • • r :ior.h lltt 11 .•: • :!1:t I • 1:1,1.••;. ••• 11. • ; .1:,! 1. 0.. I ;. , • - UlinfiE'S fiPliD:lfiN. rivlzzurrt: I 1 1::1 /Lit I '110: 111.11rl.! I44I:' , ;;;VVN: P444.,4'4,'• '1 1.; •!! • 1)'• • 111.i:11- .-C -1 y , . . ; e , tt , il;-.l,iilg to.le in 1111 “t . the con.3try. 1:1.1 en , e: ivheee• the eLiil e.f the h e . _ t ;. ;an:, I rain. Perp, tphl or 7.;m1 , ,1 T:l , -11r111:Ci.3 ott cry iption of prop, TOWN AND Cci"NTl:v, I~tl;a.CT~':. 1.11:c t nu ~~~crc ~ ._,i~ ti~m u OE rntez. L. 111:171 pi. 1 : I:l..korF, % Al', Or the •Howl. _____. _________ • elr-IOW' .7..aMiXt.Y. A New • I SONETIIIN F0R,14 THE LADIES. 1 ItE.A.ML232caM "1e..11.M1-12D Tim ladies of Allentown and surrounding Clocks and - Watehes• LV .4 I. LE.V TO 11':]', ! , 2 country are respectfully invited to call at 1 our store, nod examine our new and extensive jar o h ig orewh ar d 1 . Between Bee,ber' s and lIIVIman .Ii- Bros' I.un:Ler stock of FI'RS,---all of the latest and most ap- • , * Yards, in //0h01.'.»/ ststst• proved styles, consisting of 0‘ , ESPECTFCLLY informs his friends and the s '; - s - r ‘-' d OLE. ROCK MA RTIN 1111 A 7C 'lt public in general, that he has lately pur „p. LEisepappaim e,f, Co es 1i .. !:„.', , 1 1) - L . ic A . L 1 . 11 , 71, . , 8 7 , 0A ,. 1, 1 AFAR , chased the entire stock and fixtures of Mr. Joseph Weiss., (with whmn he has been engaged Ts•ors:.,V - 1 , ,,0i,,.. < .It ESPECTPULLY :.'2'..'..i.:,,,1, Ti.V, BROWN CONE Y, for the last seven years,) and has removed the feF,J,1 ,14 .,.2•1; 0 .,N . Atate-,7,t'! l ' inficon the, it- pri•sys, :::/ - Nis, ,t ss cinldr , 0,4, -white &c., • &c., which we same to No. °1 'West Hamilton street, lately r ,,,,,.,;., 1 ; ,i1, : ,0,,.410 i1 c . ,.. ?PR, liens of A lien r, ~ 11 1 1, .7 , , ;,•!: , ;,1•;`,2_:9 , ‘ll,lll‘P . 111 W n and the sell at pi i!•03 ranging from *2,50 to C3l 25.011 oce:Tied by llko & Co. He has also just re ki.-.;:s:t."•;"tsi--111:4:•;. •. I'4 !",sl l, public in gut- p si . setts L ai n” in ,rant of, any article in th. ,, \ 7 •••15 - Cla . ...,-,. 1 .•C•ZN . ,„..„ ,. celc - cd sto .f e r i o c n o t f New York a °'' '''') (t l 'j 4 ''! , ' '. s• r i l l• - 'N eral• that 1 110 V line two- nly optn finding with us as lilt ndsome ' . .(11' IN " large , ,e, , , , ,:5e 2. ON ;-f.I: have opt n . ed - n •aud el;c:ati ail assortment •as they would either .ssc.sio st!..ns.-, jp, EpE E d 1: ril, ". --- '•1:', ------- " ~ i t , ha v e RI 'LE / Ar.o lic New York or Philailelphia. Having made . ;'...;' / ‘,/, 5 ,,,4 T HAS BEEN the lot of the human race to •., , , •• 1 •.•..• r : r it atthe ll An , arrange menk wit 11 Manufact users in the cities. i;.!:•!,p-%.1.g.1--q CLOCKS iIIgirATCRES !I b e weighed down by disease and suffering. 1101,-- i I • 5 : •:',':-' ,:':":fi *. t . .';., linmcd Plaee, we ar'e pi•vpnrc.l to furnish extra setts of Furs. ' l!!:!ii:f-,,7!..:;..4:i • "(WAY'S PILLS are specially tempted to the relief ~,N,±.:,.:.,„„ -- --- 77"!,_t i - : : . 1 ~ : ti,' and are earrY- ,at short notice. Also, old ruts neatly repaired P, : i•.....5 . ,:',i; - :,2.!!' , '! His stock is well selected, or the ir,nk, the Xerrous the Ddicrire, and the Im, %.Z - 457-'''' - ' , 7 E . - . , 7' ,-,- Ye i !:`:',..;\ ing on tlie bu- : and :clients - '..1",-- .Lst.USslrti...A7.-..:,:.:;- sinc•ss on an Our Assortment of Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, sortment of Brass CI 1 f description,. ,-, ritollowav personalty qunerintends the manufacture ••,.:,,'';....,:.;.,",...;.?ti5r:'::' and consists of a large as- , of all climes, ages, an and constitutions. Profes. oe is,. o every - . ... - •'. • e , - extensive s ale. They have now in their Yard Lamps. Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c., is at the lowest prices. !; of his medicines m the United ._tates, and offers them people,. ns the best remedy a very larg and choice stock of Italian and as usual, full mid complete. We have Hats ' o t a 1 G/ i c d Silver PatClll LeVer 'Vine the world peer saw for the ream al of disease. American Mat le which they are manufacturing l • and Caps to fit, every head, and Boots and : • , • . i to a free and enlightened ,These r Ins Purify the Blood. .Shoes to lit every foot in this community. BAs' Quaraer and other If - niches, into Tombs, Momiments, Ilead:m.:l Foot Stones, Tops. Win- . cold weather is now coming on, we would call Silver Table and Tea Spoons, Gold, Silver and! the stamach, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, Mantle Pieces, Table and Bureau stock, of Ladie plated Spectacles, to suit all ages, and warrants son T , l: l e i se fatuous Pills are expressly combined to otter dow and Door Silk, Steps, Posts, &c. Lcdter- particulai; attention to our jug of the best style done in English and Ger- Gentlemen's. hisses and Children's Carnet, •ed to Ice made of the best materials. ;in their functions, purifying the blood, the very fonn the t=ltin. and the bowels, collecting any derangement emu characters, and all kinds of Ornamental , Deerskin, Calfskin and India Rubber Over i His stock of Jewelry is large and splendid, ! Work executed in the highest style of art and : Shoes, all of which we are selling cheaper than and comprises all the most fashionable articles, " -- Nirirl li c 3 1 . 1f e iZe ja hi a nnan nai1 ... 1011;0,1M thus e i t i tAhl r g h tl e is r enj o i l t i l l al i l a iLe4' s o . rin s , race have ta i rcen these Pills. in rho most substantial manner ;rho y will be i ever. We are thankful for the liberal patronage 1 such as Gold, Silver and other Breast Pins, !It he ' s be e proved in all parts of the world, that cloth pleased to furnish engravings and designs to ' • which we have received, and hope by strict •• suit Hie wishes of the public. They flatter ; attention to 0111. customers and friends, and set- ~,Ks 3ss, & e . nerally. They Ear and Finger Rings, GoldlP•Watch Chains, ing has been found equal to them in cases of the liver, , Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Cold themselves in doing ns good work as is done in , ling lit low. prices to merit a continuation of , Pens of a superior quality, Silver Combs, "" g iv e . and', a healthy tone to these organs, however 1 dysropsin, and atom:telt complaints generally. t nll other means have failed Pennsylvania, and certainly the best in this' th e s a me i n fauns. YOUNG & LEIL and a variety of articles too numerous to men- I oeval Debility. 11l Health. • scit ion, nod to satisfy the public of the truth , No. 45 East Hamilton St. • , (con. lie feels confident that the above goods i . mufti deranged, nail when . 3 of the itiot despotic Goverments have opened of this assertion, they invite them to call at ! P. s.—Merchants in the country will be stip- I are the best in market, and offers them to the! thi :‘ !l i t i t u sisloin itna4s t...j.jip introduction of these Pills, their yard and examine t heir slack and sl3 le or; la ied with any of the above goods at the lowest ! public at the lowest prices. ' that they may beeoinclfift. lllVllieine of the masses.— , work. They furnish all kinds of Sculptures I city Jobbi ng p e k es , and Ornamental IVork• such as has never been ! Allentown, ! Nov. nB. remedy Over hit ttIV II for persons of delicate health, or He would particularly call your attention t t a ',calmed Colle g es admit that this medicine is the hest 'F, —I f his stock of CLOCKS AND W4TCITHS,, and urge made in Allentown. They also keep on hand : — _____ -- - ---- -- you to call on hint before purchasing elsewherea h a ,: been impaired, as its invigerat sonic beautiful sculptures made out of Italian ; • • ' ing properties never fall to afford r:lief. marble. consisting of very neat and most chaste ! Cirth'Aliallii. AGAIIIST 'RE WAREII I feels assured • that he cannot, fail to suit ' as he , i where rho F'St el . • Female Complaints. . you, not oil 3• with the'articles, but what is , Ns remale. voung or old, should be without this designs for Cemetery purposes, with Lembs ; carved to lay on the top. Flower Vases. .tins. 1 • THE LARGEST STOCK OF • more important, with the prices, and would ' celebrated medisine. It corrects and regulates the Doves, and ninny other figm•es, to which they ,pp 7 t - • AT C I inn 011 0 , 7 1 7 .1 p -rt t i like a Vlllll'lll. 11 1, 1 also the best and safest medicin e also inform the public that all his goods are :monthly courses at all periods, acting in many enao3 i t jild ri Lf , i - ~..1 LA ligl 4 IA j u i t 1 1 . 12 , , t i V% arran et . ildren of ell ages, and for any invite the attention of the public. Clocks liidehes and feiceirn, repaired in the at • een , •epientl‘ no finally should be without it, Great inducements are oll;.•red to country ! A N D neatest and best manner and tit the s'iortest ; "! n P ha ' - that can he given to Ch mnnufacturers to furnish them with American ; ( C r. 1 7,.. 0 Amp sgroEs ' notice—all his work is warranted. and Italian marble of the best (nullity, as they' .i... 7 Allentown. May 2. have made such arrangements as to enable I EVER SEEN IN CATASACQUA, 1 them to furnish it at city prices. T .c. rl 14r.Irt ethrson Vfnr n ''hey hope by strict nod prompt attention to 1. S ct I 1..:i..... 1.4 1...) liittii , - littli L. ' i' l horsiness, inoth•ra I e price:, and furnishing dud , , , i i, ,,;, , „1. (.1A Zll pt this method to inform the Lest work in Cown, to merit a liberal share of; + citizens of Catasautma and sm•rounding pa t ronnge. country . i oat na bow has on hand a Very large i • • • , . - Tllet- also constantly keen nn hand a large ' stock of I stone for building purposes. con- 1 and "cell ( llra"''crtnlent of slating of platforms, door sills, steps, spout I 'p, o a,+,-,. Wade ClothinP , stones, .tc ; &e. 1 --- " -- Ld ' Clothing 1 July It, -A X D- I -") ''. ! 3. ''• r% --..! il . t i I ....., :..; 4:J z.1,,i51. s• ..'i'L!si! 4 and is confide:it his stock cannot be excelled in I the Comity. IT has lately received from Phil inlet phis a Veiy 1:( avy stock of S PRI.VO' ANL , S/7,11111; R (:( ()DS of the most fashionable style:• front all of which he will make to order and also keep on hand a supply of RT: 'ID 1'- :WADE CIIOTHINO. Orders to make up goods to 1110:1SIIIT will be accepted with plea sure, and punctually attended to, and as he is a Practi&r/ Ta:/,,r, he will guarantee perfect I its, and none but the best workmanship wit he iillllerCd to pass his hands. His Readysmade i consists in part of Dress Coats, of every ima i ginable style, for Sprino! and Summer weer 1 Pantaloons• fancy and plain of all prices, Sum I titer Pants in great variety ; Vests, Satin, fancy and plain, drawers, shirts, collars, cravats suspenders, &e., &c., all of which be is deter. mined to sell at the lowest prices. Ile also has on hand a very large assort men i , jl , • of Gentlemen's St perdine. Fismeli Mo . rocco, Calf-skin and ~,:„. it.," • s! „ .5... N.,. -: Patent I esther i-;:.4. B 0 irP TS. ..r-c•4's-,,..., besides a large lot 'of coa men' !Jos . .: hoots. _.. Ilis stock of Ladies rse shoes is s v and ery large. among which can be found every possi• hie style. Children's shoes of every variety and style, plain and fancy colored. May 9. t.l ',;..11 the LiVcr ~ As uu • AYEIt'S PILLS, 44 NEW :111(1 sint_mlarl v sattcessfal remedy for the I curt, of all Itiitittis diseases—Costiveness, Indi gestion. Jaundice, Drop,,, Rheumatism, Fevers, CiOill, 11111110: , , l' S, irritability, inlititimito dons, II eadaehe. l'ains in tile Breast. Side, Bail:, cud Lii:ths,Ftln:.l.: Cor:pl:•ink, very few are which a l'argative Medi cine is not more or required. and with sick nisi,: an-1 sittlitrnol bit prevented, if a harm but v...•re mote firmly used. No person inn ft I well it idle .t costive batik of Imeiv pro.tti', • it soon • t-,trsles setion, mid ,'ten taiga have 11 , •:1 ainidra by tile tottl .jtalitdtats of a .:gaud "I his is niist: tn..? of Fevcrdth mid SI - ,M2sl 4F 82,139 S; 159,77121 . . . r.:',:tl.lt•e tie C.•. - . 1; ‘vhi.ll lon]. :d! I,ol' 11, 1,1,1. 111 :WO it lie'iie y sie is of the tinthop/111:0,e to Las. heini tih,t ,`,ll l• i•;" il•. :ti- I,e 1111111cili11. C• 111,.. 111 tt 11 1.11:.,11‘11” :I‘4,ll.trre they i,l) . j y if yieh rsnll, r the ~, e .Divien iii iiittroth. Lays teo;..e•l ;71 k ;Ile, Ia : . a, i;k• ( . 11CIlli s ,t, 1 , 1 lio , ton, :\ t‘:,111,0 1.11,11. 1:1 e1..11.1' IA by thri hator of the F. S. Run! ❑ t C.• 1 1 . 11N111.111,1', 1 . ..i.-S:,c..ther of the .I.lltt:e of D. L.. A . A.ll p. 1).11'01 S. 111,1111, ri • l'::1 t-n,n t -,., 1. , • ME '• •‘:., r ,'it. to 111 ,- 1.11,1. . of 11 , i!:c. J. E. Cr.; t oN, l'rat tlc,tl of (.'it t . , ehtl 111. 1 . 1.•,•r, tory W. - S1:1 1 .0. Ai lot:, C.', 111.111 S. la.!. l'rol •:',3 of the 0t1,0r,, I= 'r ~+~ %r ! p ; e a per2.:l!, veanv Gam parts trh. re the Pile have !au vs id: n- c oven UCUVC etinvinelug than ria. urca . .'euce ..r c.a'alcitt puLiic iitea iri fuand in th.:e t;:t. het-invc—aila'iati 6: tt) pihlhe .t v.hheit the ;.rei or•• ste te yr ..Fold eau Ttft ire ,:tptap,..ualc.l ty Irt 11, theintv :vos, -LA tit' t.ss, ot . Vss,clalsto \ tr.. 00 st ins in a s-t.stt , rtil . :! . % • ,tttsls a lila nnssr t. • to ;11nstrt• the iscstl•ro,sOt ts, '1 ; spo,ol nC e0m00.. , iti..11 for ;00,1 , A.i10, bi io the eltorry stud rill, p r ,,.t a ,•,. a non, rllicivat voinetly had Minot to st ots tafuott by any prims, . The rensou i p. rr. ciuus. 1l hi;l he the tsid voile of ciitip dine, o‘i i . y insAto use rt Luttloso.sl u.s.re or 1,, of n tuntsionat anti iniurissus cosalit:oss. by foist cool, ist.li ‘isln,l virtu, 01111 that is dc-irt,l for t!ss , tao,stv., effect ix pre , ent. All the inert niel elinexime, med. el' eiteli sulistiitive employed iire left the curative °illy brine: rot:tilted. 11,11, , it i • the Illd N 1.% hIS 111 ,6 % . pr cored moo , ;,11(1 the a I 1 Imtverfttl antittotv di,c,,e than utito• medicine lzumvn to tiro r: uriil. =I T, 1 -- _,.7 7 1; 1 - , 1 , s,•p, "'- (-- * ', I I ~4 ..* . 7. : . ea; 1 N t Ict , T. , ' k l aiti: - r..z.-7-± -4-, ';,144c,ft:3-1„ .. :i;:17 1 , -1": , i l, _,L ' Vi;: , I I • , • i-faz,..-.:rff,ll:ltc.k:A ...........a.,4• 4 ";::2-' - '7:•F'''' . 1 , ,7,-.7-- 4 ,,,t, , _ 2 ECM - - t _akm. S A 1 4 7. l'N G Y 131503 riffled Shlos Insurance, Annuity and Trust Co S. E. corner of Third and Chestnut Sts., Putt.Ari.rut.t. C.l PITA L I :5250,000. 9 (()NEI is received on deposit daily. The .11 amount deposited is entered io a Deposit Book and given to I he Depositor, or, if prefer red, a eert irmate will be.given. All sums. large and small, are received. and the amouht paid back on demand, without not Mo. 'lnterest is paid at the rale of lir , . per ( - rid.. , ffinien,•ing from the day or Ileposit. erns• lug fourt ci2n days previous to the withdrawal of the money. On the first day of.Tanuary. in each year, the interest of each deposit is paid to the depositor, j or added to the principal, as he may prefer. The Coinpany have now upwards of $,500 depositors in the City of Philadelphia alone. Any additional inflirmation will be given by addressing the Titust,REß. 1)1 It ECTORS. Stephen B. Crawford. Prest., Lawrence John son, Vied Pres't., Ambrose I'. Thompson, Ben- jamin W. Tingley, Jacob L. Flotince, William M. Godwin, Paul B. Goddard, George .Mellenry, James Devereux, Gustavus English. Syrreittry and 'l'rcasurer, Pi, /NV /VS i I'elic7• and Intriprcter, • J. C. Ocldsehlov.r.' September 5. ' TRUSSES, TRUSSES, TRUSSES „, joW : Printing, 1y Of all kinds neatly executed at tliis (Mice Ed of THE A maw - AE -- rAnciourvAur_afismo., large lot of shawls at reduced prices; such as , Long Mocha at $l3 worth $lO, Long Brochn at $l5 worth 318, Bay State, Watervliet. Cashmere, &c., very cheap. L. STROUSE & CO. Na. V West Munition street. Allentown. Jan. 20. _ . 19T 'AT M*3I7CPCI.I-K. 6 HAR.LE SS, DIASSEY, •1 AV.lTt'11:1111i ER AND DEA LER IN JEW ELIA ES. N... 2:: EnA E:smilten ho Ron:tined rhitreh, Ilenlown The Itipler•Lsui-1 repeetfilll s inform, hi, CriendA and h,• 1 ,11:,lie ge Heal he helee , j11:4 Nenv Vorl: ho 11:IN :17111101v, rtor ^dc It Nil turd 1.11112411110.1(2,1 IIn,OVI • ' ' , Wilt Or chni'l7.z. JEWEI:11)". s;ilvor Ware a 'el Palley .‘ [titles. all or it superior hn,7 ihnt,andonin wh., do-ire 1,, one o the 1.11,11 Priem , . Ilisslarkcomprise, cl oc k, I.t ba ,,r do. , and p01ar..., old and IVatches. (told, Silver loot • other chains. Watell Keys arid Seats, gold and ' •i!vor Eni• Iliac+. ringer Ring , . Wens! Pine, Pull Pins, 1;,1111 Steel Pete, silver Told,. mid 'lea Spoetts.Spy Cla,ses, Pocket row t , es,ce.tleld, Silver. and lother Site/lecke, suitalde fn. egcs. Ow:ether i cavil and every article be longing' to hi= branelt or 1111 , 4110,F. prices are ne loci' awl lilawa I as they will he, rowwl in our ttealuntrd ten tis, u I his goods will always prove to be what they are represented. .31ELOD BONS. lie keeps on hand an assortment or Melodeons, of I all size. and patterns. suitable for elmrches. I Inlls and private families , . Ilt prices Ils IMV us they can he bmight wholesale or the manufacturers. If is instrument:: ean ' 111111 here he excelled in point atone. beautY and L,w ' ;wives. Ile also lute on hand n large 211111 grail stock .leeorelef.ils. Flutes. Fifes, Mitsienl Boxy:4. at exeeedi.ig . l!.iv price,. Areordronr, Boxe-. Sr.. will Ili dl times he 111.11Inptly repaired Ind .Lll tt orlc I arranted for One year. CIE - AI:LES S. :111SSEY. Ho! Ter the New York store. - READY MADP. CLO77IING rj..2 ..., -,-;:l etimprise: , every thing in the elothing line, rum nn mer twill down to nu muter, flirt. tuntlkt up tiler flue 4 :7 1 1- i latet4 and must fashion:Ode Ayles. There stock Itu ..!..tug so extensive that none trill leave it, tiniest' Wed • ; t front l'rom the "bottom to the top." = E CUSTOMER WORK 6 , 4- 5 ;,,....... I will be done up to: IlAlltd, and for their work they are ..,,., ! willing to he told re,ponsittle. fun of the firm being c ra ~.at , prnetieni Inilto,, mill all the work in made up nutter t.'..t • their (Ivo ,upervit.ion. .4.....Thttnlif t il for past throre. they trttt.t. flint attention ~.... et i , , ~.. CI 1, 0 liWolie,s, "Huail profit: , and quick Fnles" will he ....... ~ . ....D ‹...:1, ..•—• c ; the means of bringing new euatomera to' their eittab ..,' I lisliment. •.. r .4 - . . --Ilf Oct. I li..\ VI, just received it large supply of Fall and 1.- . . Winter Co . orls which they have bought for ; ITlllp rfinTpli Eipirp p EIRE RE[in i i _ ca , :h and are willing to sell at a small advance IW I I Lift hr, a maul . Old ! on the sante terms.. PA n. 4 1.1 bi) . 0 . .... ''st E. -I . ..4 ... , ,,,,,v.- -- 7- ____. „/%11:,.......',P1'.i.. 4 ‘ 1 44.! t „. \,s Don't forL , et their mot to, " :33/:1 LI, PROF- . Xander's ITN ANli QI'ICE SALEB," with a large ch eap taste in the universe. including Allentown and ! :., end I. 4 ashicriable Cabinet Ware ROOMia assortmuot or goods to suit the most fastidious' , - ,outo 2.,:.,t corner ;,t• Ninth and Ilauditon ;SumoLa, a ~w•do.,rs below Dredier's Lund,er Yard, 'icillil3-. Their stock consists of r • - , ALLENTOWN. PA. • • , Plain Mich Silks, Plain Fancy do., French , rilllE undersigned res p ectfully inform tbeir 'friends Merino, Saxony Twill, Pirsion (AL,. 1 and the public generally. that he carries on the Musy-line De Laine, Persian do., • Cabinet busines in all its various branches at the • • .I.eoncse cloth, dw., 4-c.. Also, ' o!iovi, named itlillil, where ho is prepared to sell good and handsome furniture as cheap as eau lie sold anywhere. .. HOS it ry, BO II WI Ri blOllB, G 1 Or LS, 7rinunin4s • mash'. lil'ached and ' Their `tare is on the .oath-east earlier of Ninth and I Ilioniltou streets, near Dresher's Lumber yard, whore Brown, and in fact all such goods as the trade I ii„., ' fr .. f 1 , 4, 1 •,I ,r 1 .I,tIIL I IL a.. or MU I . . . arc‘ in need of constantly on hand. i Akiaty CABINET WARR. ......-.7_, GROCERIES as low if not lower , i ,onpisfjp. , in part of Sofas, of various styles ; li , - ',. 5 r; t than can be bad elsewhere. Conn- I ve .-- - ::.1 ;Ind I . tll,riis. Silie Boards, Wardrobes. &ea ril...d2l try produce of all - kinds wanted 1 --- ”--,----,•— in exchange for goods. t r i c . HOUPT & STUCKERT. returie: , , Bureaus. of Aoha]. jiatterns ; Cup-boards of I dilThrent kinds: Card, Centiv. Side, Breakfast and I Dining 'fables: lled,miols of different styles and pat terns, Wash-stands, Twist„Simill and Large Etngers, - ' 11—t f What Nuts. Musie-Stands, Sofa Tables, Tea Tables, Oval and Seriwntine Tables, Chinese What NUL., Fancy Work' Tables. Refreshment rabies, Mashes, i Tete-a-'Pete=, French Divans. • A general assortment of Kitchen Furniture on hard 81111 Millie to order. I ' lie eimilaya lit all times nano but the best work : men. attends personally to their business, and will wamou all Furniture of their monorneittre to ho made „r i Ite twat materials. Orders for IVare•will bo thith fully and immediately attended to, and when sent out of the Borough will be carefully packed. • FRANCIS XANDER. Sept. 5 Surgical and Mechanical DENTIST.. • fR. C. C. H. GULDIN, from New York, in vites the attention of those in Allentown and vicinity,, who require operations on the natural Teeth, or who aro in need of artificial ones, to his superior mode ofoperating in all the different departments of Dentistry.' Having had eight years' experience in his profession, and availing himself of every valu able improvement, he knows lie can render the very best assistance to the patient of which the Art is capable.. REPEICENCES.—Rev. Thomas De Witt, D. D Rev. Charles M. Jameson, F. Clarkson, M. D. William Underhill, M. D.,.New York city. Office for the present at the American Hotel Patients also visited at their residence if de. sired. . Allentown, Jan. 17, 1855 .Venitian rrhe subserit,er having purchased the entire establish -1 ment of Mr. Muir, is prepared to manufacture all kinds of Window Blinds. of the hest quality, at prices as low as any in the city—at 10 West Hamilton street. S. 11. PRICE. —ly Allentown, January 0 NEE , • .1%7" P° I Mt Geo. Lucas & Sons, . . T r i TVIIOLESALE and Retail dea . lams in Boots. Shoes and • nt I. Trunks. A fterearrying on a suc cessful business for twenty years, the former proprie tor on the Ist of January entered into co-partnership under the firm of tigo. faxen k Soxs. and intend to carry on tho Juiciness on nn increased mile. They will nlways keep on hand n very largo and cheap stock of Dom AND SHOES, all of their own manufac ture. They aro all perfectly acquainted with the bu siness, and employ none but the best workmen, which enables thorn to warrant all work et represented. They aro confident that their stook is not excelled by any other establishment in Allentown. They cell purticular attention to their stock of Ladies, Gentle men's, MisSes and Children's Morocco, Calfskin, and India Rubber Overshoes. Tho senior partner Is thankful for the patronage bestowed on him during the 20 years he has been in buninoss, and hopes that by continued strict attention to customers, and selling at low prices, they will receive a full sham of patronage in future. ECM .*.Country Ilforebanta will be Pluppliod at abort notice and at the lowed Oily prim.. r GEO. LUCAS .1 EONS Allentown, January O. • —lf LET US REASON tOGETEE.R. OLLOWAY'S PILLS. Why are We Sick. Mottuirall'a i'llb, nee the hrrl J•r• 111 , 11 y kilfllrll . ;II the irorbll . l.l. dtv 1:.11orrilly Disease: Asthma, Ile:141110ms, llowel Complaint?, ladigei , tiou p Clinglis, • Influenza. ColiN, Inhumation. . Clieel lii,:em.es, Inward ll'ealtneitg, rostivelim , , Liver Complaint,. ps:pote•in, Lowtiesi , or Spiritti, • Diarrhimi, Piles, Dromiy, Slone and Ilravel. Del.;lity, t 4 eminilitry Syintatimm, Fever tool .‘...tne. Venereal Alreetiona, Veinal. , complaim=. \Vona:, or all libel,. '.„,• t.....ii1.1 111 till, Aiiii.,,fiwtori, or Profes,or 1101.1.0.. w.tv. so :11iiiden Lane. New York. and 21-1 Strand. 1 j,m,ilon. 1.3• all ieli.etitl,le DrugtriAs and Dealers of Medicine thriiiigiiiiiii the United Stons. iind the civil : iziiii world, in toixe,. at 2:i emits, 62,1 cents, and $I melt. :17 4 `t - I•hitro is a considerable saving by taking tho lar s zer sire Y.l.Direetions- for the guitlance of patients in every ilisitriter are affixed to each box New York, Jan. lit, 1856. BREINIG, NEILIGH & BREINIG ) PENNST LVAN IA CLOTHING I ALT., South East Corner of Hamilton and Soy .. milli Sivel, respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have ;just returned fr New York and Philadelphia tilth a large stock of nett 111111 flt,llll.lmble lean and Winter Coeds,. uldeli they purchased for C. , IS IL and wide]] enables than to sell loiter then any other establishment of the Idiot in .111entown.• They linen selected their with an eye to durability and fancy. and Lava none hut the laiest styi, iini,itiarket. Their stock of ...outs. among other eonsists of Cloths Of all 0.1111, and prices. Can-imers. of French. English and American manufactures; Vesting. Silk Velvel•, Satins. Silks, Wor.ted and other descriptions. llgurod and plain. Subtle and Shirt collars. Stinks, Cravats. llainikerelticf., [lose. Smpenders..t.c., besides a great loony other mildl v....ming in their line of business, and till is ilt be sold at the lowest l rives., Their stock of December 5 COI 1251
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers